lucentclan · 1 year
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I imagine Newtstar tells Sparkfire that Rippleclaw has been giving her too many poppyseeds and is crazy to want to start conflict.
Violetpaw is grateful to be alive but is impatient to get back to training.
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lucentclan · 1 year
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well! i wasnt expecting this-
I wrote a little snippit for this that I'll put it under the cut, I'm so upset over them you have no idea
despite the war between Lucentclan and Fernclan being over, Newtstar decides that he, Pepperflare, and Violethope will go patrol the borders one last time before the sun goes down. They don't realize the scent of rain or the clouds forming in the distance, as they're crossing the beach, rain begins falling heavily and weighing down their pelts.
"Newtstar!" Pepperflare calls over the now howling wind, anxiety pricking in her paws as the rain brings back unwanted memories of Sablepaw being washed away in a flood four moons ago. "We should really go back to camp! I don't have a good feeling about this."
Newtstars ears flick in acknowledgement, "we need to be sure that Fernclan isn't up to anything. I won't lose anymore cats to those fox-hearts!" He argues back, claws digging into the sand as he thinks of their previous medicine cat, Rippleclaw.
"No sane cat will be out in this weather!" Pepperflare insists, "Especially Fernclan cats! They hate water!"
"I agree with Pepp-" Violethope begins, her meow quickly cut off by a deafening crash and flash of lightning. In the distance, the sound of trees cracking and breaking echo down the mountains.
All three clancats freeze, heads snapping to the horizon where they see a massive wave of water quickly making its way down the hill, rocks, trees, and other natural debris coming along with it. The clancats barely have time to process what was happening before the water reaches them and sweeps them off their paws and into the unforgiving ocean. Their lungs fill with freezing saltwater as they cry out for starclan to save them to no avail.
Newtstar is the first to open his eyes, the yellow a sharp contrast to the darkness around him. Stars now shine in his pelt, and reflect in his eyes as he takes in the vaguely familiar area. He had been here when he lost his first life protecting his clan from a dog the same moon Rippleclaw had been found dead on Fernclans border. It had been nice to see the tom again to be assured that he wouldn't be alone, their starclan guide, and Newtstars own kin, Shardfoam being there to keep him company.
He sits and sighs, watching the water drip from is glimmering pelt and dissappear into the stars beneath his paws. He couldn't help but feel as if he had let his clan down.
Pepperflare and Violethope join him soon, appearing with splashes of salt water and gasping breaths that didn't take any oxygen. The she-cats meet eyes for a moment, confused as they look towards their leader.
They realize the stars at the same time, dismay filling them. Quietly, they step forward to sit beside their leader in quiet mourning.
"I'm sorry it had to be this way," A familiar voice says, a cream tabby tom stepping into sight. Sympathy reflecting in his grey eyes as he looks at the warriors. Beside the medicine cat is a younger spotted gray apprentice, Sablepaw, who is looking at them with the same sympathetic look.
"Rippleclaw! Sablepaw!" Newstar cries, standing. "Whats going on? We can't actually be dead, right? What about my other seven lives?" The words tumble out of his mouth before he can stop them, needing answers. Beside him, Pepperflare tries to speak but just hacks up a mouthful of water. Violethope remains quiet.
Rippleclaw sighs, "Unfortunately there was no way for starclan to bring your body back, it was washed too far out to sea for it to be possible." He steps to the side, the area behind him now streching out into a vast area, stars littering ground. This was starclans hunting grounds. The medicine cat dips his head, tears in his eyes as his friends try to process their deaths, "Welcome to starclan, my friends. Here you can watch over and guide Lucentclan."
Down below the sky, Quailcall sits outside the medicine den, blue eyes watching the entrance of the camp. It's been far too long since the patrol had left, and the elder was starting to get a bad feeling. He looks up at the dark clouds as it stormed and shakes out his pelt before standing and turning to enter the den.
Sparkfire lays in a nest against the far wall, curled up tightly as she sleeps through the infection in her wounds. The she-cat twitches and whimpers in her sleep, shifting slightly. The tom silently makes his way to sit beside the nest, watching the slow rise and fall of Sparkfires back, half expecting it to stop at any moment.
Quailcall looks towards the entrance of the den once more, dread filling his belly. "Starclan help us." He says quietly before curling up close to the deputy and shuts his eyes in an attempt to sleep until the patrol returns.
sorry for the short fic but i wanted to write for this moon soo bad and got carried away.
What will Sparkfire and Quailcall do now?
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lucentclan · 1 year
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Someone in the previous post asked if I thought Sparkfire killed Rippleclaw to cause a war on purpose, and I think she kind of did. She sent Rippleclaw to gather something on the border where an angry patrol was waiting to accuse him of hunting on their territory.
Pepperflare and Sablepaw go on patrol, a storm is coming in and Pepperflare considers returning back to camp but Sablepaw insists that it will be fine, and that he wants to go on patrol. Pepperflare feels sympathetic, Sablepaw hasn't been able to leave camp yet due to their now healed claw wound so they go out.
It quickly begins to storm, rain picking up and flooding their path. Pepperflare is able to leap onto some higher rocks but Sablepaw is swept away before she can help, leaving her return to camp alone and shivering.
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lucentclan · 1 year
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another notable event this moon was that Newtstar went on patrol alone to the mark the border with a neighboring clan, but the scent lines were too muddled, so he gave up and went home. this causes the relation between them to worsened.
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lucentclan · 1 year
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Pepperflare is popular rn during moon 8 Sparkfire also wished she could get her pelt to shine like Pepperflares
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lucentclan · 11 months
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Moon 11!
Sparkstars leader ceremony under the cut! much longer than I intended, but I'm so emotional over these cats man
Sparkfire never intended to become leader.
and yet. here she was. staring down into the long abandoned burrow that led to an underground pool surrounded by glistening rocks that somehow still managed to reflect the starlight. She couldn't see the rocks from here, the darkness seemingly endless.
Newtstar was supposed to long outlive her. Sparkfire wasn't terribly older than him, but old enough. His nine lives weren't supposed to be gone that quickly.
Thinking of the previous leader makes her stomach churn with a mix of guilt and grief. *Why* had she encouraged the war against Fernclan? If she hadn't, the clan she and Newtstar worked so hard to bring together would still be thriving.
She was stupid and arrogant, but she can't change anything now.
With a deep breath, she ducks into the hole and makes her way down to the starpool. The dirt walls of the tunnel close around her, dirt and roots getting caught in her ginger fur and threatening to suffocate her.
After what feels like an eternity, the tunnel opens up to a small cave. In the center a glistening pool surrounded by similarly glowing rocks. The sight takes her breath away and she stands there for a moment, imagining the future generations of medicine cats and leaders of Lucentclan coming to this pool and etching their paw prints into the ground. Solidifying the clans legacy.
She shakes off her pelt as if shaking the thoughts away and steps up to the pool, her pawsteps echoing gently around her. Once to the waters edge, she lays down with her toes and chin barely brushing the cold water. The cold water sends a jolt through her but she quickly finds herself drifting off.
When she opens her eyes again, the cave has been replaced with inky blackness. Stars sparkle around her and the ground ripples underpaw as if she were standing on water.
From the darkness emerges all the cats she had grown to care for over the last few moons, The only one she didn't recognize was a black tabby that looked similar to Newtstar. She assumed it was Newtstars sister, Shardfoam. The she-cat had died far before Newtstar had left his old clan and met Sparkfire but Shardfoam had become their starclan guide after Newtstar had formed Lucentclan.
The first cat to step forward is Pepperflare, the black and white she-cats eyes showing warmth but also hesitance. Pepperflare stands infront of Sparkfire, "To start, I give you a life for friendship. Use it to treat others with the kindness you showed us in life." With that, she leans forward, only able to hope that Sparkfire uses her honeyed words and silver tongue well as they touch their nose to the leaders head. She steps back, bowing her head respectfully before drawing back into the line of starry furred cats.
The second to step infront of Sparkfire is Violethope, who's can't help but wonder if her head strong mentor will use her charm and popularity to make Lucentclan a better clan or for her own selfish gain. Her blue eyes glint with distrust, making Sparkfires heart lurch. The leader goes to speak, but is quickly cut off causing her to close her mouth with a click of teeth.
"I give you this life for farsightedness, to see any enemies before they strike and to recognize prosperous opportunities that come your way." She mews, voice more mature than it ever had been in life. Sparkfires legs almost buckle when Violethope presses her nose into ginger fur, sending the life flooding through her being. Violethope nods and turns to stand beside Pepperflare once more.
The next cat startles Sparkfire, stars reflecting in his youthful gaze as he trots up to Sparkfire. Sablepaw appears much friendlier than the previous two. "This life is for trust, to trust your clanmates and keep them close to your heart. I think you'll be a great leader!" He says cheerfully, stretching up to touch Sparkfires nose with his before backing up again to let Sparkfire regain her balance before rejoining the crowd also.
A cream tabby and white tom steps out next, it was their old medicine cat Rippleclaw. Rippleclaw was the start of the tragedies that hit their clan, having been killed by Fernclan which led to the war.
Sparkfire half expected hostility from the medicine cat, but was met with a warm smile instead. The tom leans forward until their noses are touching gently, this time the life feels like it flows through Sparkfire like the tide pools in their camp.
"With this life I give you wisdom. Take care of the clan the best you can. I believe in you." He purrs, voice hardly above a whisper. Sparkfire nods, thankful.
Shardfoam is next, the she-cat not giving away her true emotions. "I know you do not know me,  but I'm grateful for you taking over the clan and for helping Newtstar get as far as he did. I know you blame yourself, but do not.  This was the will of starclan." She leans forward, "I give you a life for duty. You are now responsible for the future of Lucentclan, be sure to make the right decisions." Shardfoam steps back into the line of cats.
and finally, Newtstar steps forward. His golden eyes stare into Sparkfires own olive ones, brimming with pride as he looks upon his old friend.
Sparkfire once again tries to speak,
"Newtstar, I-"
The black and white tom smiles and hushes her with a brush of his tail under her chin.
"Hush now, Sparkfire. I know what you're going to say, but as Shardfoam has told you, this is how it was meant to be." He leans forward and presses their noses together, sending warmth washing over Sparkfire. "With this life I grant you endurance in the face of hardship. It will only get harder from here, my friend. but you will always have friends and loved ones here in starclan. Live as Sparkstar, and lead our clan out of darkness and into the light we're named after."
Sparkstars shoulders shake with heavy sobs, overcome with emotion in front of the cat she had grown to care for so deeply. Sure, they disagreed on certain aspects and Sparkfire had violent thoughts but she would have never acted on them.
Before she can say anything, dozens of wispy, starry spirits emerge, quickly surrounding Sparkfire. "we grant you your remaining 3 lives." Individually, each voice is distant, but together, the force of their words shakes Sparkstar to her core. "Use them well, with our blessing." And in a heartbeat, they were gone and Sparkstar awakens with a jolt. The starpools cave now feeling more barren and lonely than when she arrived.
Sparkfire looks into her reflection on the water, determination now flooding through her. "I vow to protect Lucentclan, even at the cost of all my lives. The clan *will* live on."
And with that, she turns tail and heads home where Quailcall is waiting.
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lucentclan · 11 months
the backgrounds of all the Lucentclan founders! I wanted to post this before I did Sparkstars' leader ceremony, so some of what I wrote makes more sense. I put it under the cut because it got pretty long
Also, our starclan guides sprite since I haven't drawn her yet!
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Shardfoam, the starclan guide, was a mediator of Newtstars old clan before she died during a particularly cold leaf-bare, getting lost in a snow storm. This was many moons before Newtstar was lost, but when he was, she managed to leave their starclans hunting grounds to follow him. She sent him messages about starting anew and encouraged him in the directions that he'd need to go to meet his future clanmates.
Newtstar, previously Newtwhisker, was in another clan before he had formed Lucentclan.
He was a fairly experienced warrior, but while on patrol he was chased off the territory by dogs and was captured by two-legs. Newtwhisker traveled a long way with the two-legs as a kittypet inside of a strange, traveling den. He was mostly kept indoors so he wasn't able to escape until one day the two-legs were bringing in items and he was able to dart out the front door.
He quickly realized that there was no hope of finding his old home. He found a place to sleep for the night and was sent a message from a familiar but distant cat that he needed to form his own clan. Newtwhisker awakens with a new determination.
The first cat he had met was Spark, a rogue who was living between the forest, two-leg place, and nearby beach. He was half starved and barely scraping by when they met, not being used to taking care of himself. Spark was originally just giving him her scraps and overall being cold. on a cold leaf-fall night, they huddled together for warmth (Spark less willing than Newt). Somehow they ended up on the topic of Newtwhiskers clan and he proposes Spark join him and they form a group together. At first Spark was adamantly against it but after spending almost 3 moons with Newt and helping him learn, she grew fond of the tom and agreed.
The next cats they meet are Violet and Pepper, both kittypets to the same two-leg. Spark is the one who invites them to their makeshift camp, Newt was hesitant to take on kittypets, but knew they didnt really have a choice and agreed once he saw how determined the two were.
Quail was a loner, old and unable to hunt for himself anymore that Newtstar met while looking for a permanent place to call home. He invites the elder to come join their clan, in exchange for the older cats wisdom.
Rippleclaw was a medicine cat from a nearby clan. He was given a vision of Lucentclan and wanted to become their medicine cat, the clan he was from was prospering and had a new apprentice and experienced medcat that could take over his place. He left on good terms, his clan knew that this is what Rippleclaw needed. He was the one to find the starpool, lead by Shardfoam.
and finally, Sablekit was an abandoned stray wandering around a two-leg campground. He was found by Newtstar and Pepperflare who took him in and named him.
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lucentclan · 1 year
I play clangen a lot and always want to draw my clans but never do, but this time I will! Maybe if I have a blog, it'll motivate me more. Anyway, here is Lucentclan!
A clan of cats that reside in a tide pool cave bordering the ocean. They're very connected to starclan and take the warrior code very seriously, not often talking to other clans outside of gatherings and try to avoid conflict.
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Newtstar - 110m - A speckled dark grey tom with vitiligo - loyal, talented swimmer and formidable fighter
Sparkfire - 117m - An unusually dappled dark ginger and white she-cat - bloodthirsty, fast as the wind and natural intuition
Apprentice: Violetpaw
Rippleclaw - 104m - A long-furred cream tabby and white tom - adventurous, great mediator and steady paws
Pepperflare - 30m - A long-furred black and white she-cat - troublesome, good storyteller and good kitsitter
Violetpaw - 9m - A light brown tabby she-cat - confident and splashes in puddles
Sablekit - 5m - an unusually spotted gray tom - know-it-all and interested in clan history
Quailcall - 133m - a senior pale gray and white tom - gloomy, good kitsitter and helpful insight
inspired by @antlerclan and @fallenclan !!
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