#percico fic list
pjohoo-reclists · 4 months
hi! do you have any percico fic recommendations? i’m sure you do but i couldn’t find them, lol
Actually I dont have any posted yet!! Here you go. Thanks for the request. Enjoy!!
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo Fic Recs
A list of fics featuring the romantic relationship between Percy Jackson and Nico di Angelo.
Dog Sled Racing by robindrake93
T | 600 words | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Puppies, Fluff, Short One Shot
Percy and Nico try to train Mrs. O'Leary's puppies.
To Give Yourself To Someone by cabin13 (friendlypeach) 
T | 1.0k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo, Nico di Angelo & Grover Underwood, Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood
Wedding Fluff, Speeches, Married Couple
Percy laughs, watching one of his closest friends stand up, almost bringing the tablecloth with him. “You’re being ridiculous!” Nico yells as Grover runs to the centre of the room. Eyes alight, slightly shadowed by black curls, a smile pushing insistently at his lips even as he tries to tamp it down – Nico is glowing with happiness. They’ve come a long way. And there's longer to go, still. Percy grabs his husband’s hand, warmth blooming in his chest.
a well-known fact about feelings by nlieco (madin456)
G | 1.3k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Angst with a Happy Ending, Internalized Homophobia
The thing about being a boy and liking another boy is: it’s not supposed to happen.
A Happy Ending by HK44
G | 1.5k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Fluff, Happy Ending, Domesticity
People make jokes that Percy would never handle domesticity. That he attracts danger like Hazel attracts cursed metals. He laughs along because they’re not wrong.
Something Bitter by sulucandles
G | 1.9k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Canon Compliant, One sided, Coming Out
Percy's not as oblivious as everyone thinks he is. Or an examination into Nico and Percy's relationship through PJO and HoO
It's a Seal! by Takara_Phoenix
G | 1.9k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
AU - No gods, Merman Percy, Selkie Percy
Nico loves the aquarium, especially the turles and one marine biologist in particular.
My College Boyfriend by Takara_Phoenix
T | 3.0k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Good boyfriend Percy Jackson, Fluff, Age Difference
Nico is seventeen and the best damn thing that has ever happened to him is his five years older boyfriend, Percy Jackson. Now if only Nico's friends would believe him that gloomy, anti-social Nico could land a gorgeous college student... Something always came up when Nico wanted to introduce them and at this point, Percy is known as Nico's imaginary boyfriend. Good thing Percy is awesome and knows how to change that though.
Pass the Eggs by DancingInTheSliverGlow
G | 3.1k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Nico di Angelo, Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Canon Compliant, Protective Percy Jackson, Gay disaster Nico di Angelo
“Yes.” Percy says. “You don’t have to befriend everyone in Camp Half Blood. I just want you to have somewhere you feel safe and welcome. Okay?” A lump forms in his throat, and Nico looks away. It’s been a long time since anyone has looked out for him, the way Percy is doing now. He nods. “Great!” Percy grins, ear to ear, and Nico thinks that it’s a bit like looking in the sun. Beautiful in small quantities, but overwhelming and blinding in too much. Percy speeds off to his room to get changed and to get his skateboards, and Nico leans back against the wall in the hallway, head in his hands. He’s so, so far in over his head. Aka. Post BotL Nico visits Percy. They talk about how Nico's powers are perceived, and about how camp half blood treats children of the big three.
Perspective by chiiyo86
T | 6.0k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo, Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson
AU - Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Outsider POV
Sally knows her son, knows that something isn't right. She just isn't sure what he could be hiding from her.
A Bat in the Hand by Takara_Phoenix 
G | 8.9k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Fluff, AU - Supernatural Elements, Vet Percy
Percy is a hard-working student, on his way to become a vet, because he loves animals. And then a cute, little bat crash-lands on his balcony. Of course he has to take the little guy in and nurse him back to health. Nico is a dangerous and powerful vampire lord. And then he has a run-in with vampire hunters and, in his bat-form, loses conscience and crashes on a balcony.
Some of Them by betsib
M | 11k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Abuse
Percy haven't seen Nico di Angelo in five years, then he suddenly turns up in Percy's living room in the middle of the night, injured and asking for help. At first Percy thinks it's a fight gone wrong, but he soon realizes the truth is far worse than that.
you're never lost at sea by kat777
M | 20k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Angst with a Happy Ending, Self-Acceptance, Suicidal Thoughts
The second time he tries to kill himself, Percy doesn’t talk his ear off, just gives him an ultimatum—he can either come live with Percy and Annabeth in their apartment in New Rome, or Percy will tell Hazel what he’s done. Nico pictures the devastated look on her face, the tears welling up in her eyes, her lips trembling and pressed in a thin line. Percy says he has a choice, and it makes Nico laugh for the first time since the battle at the House of Hades, because it’s no choice at all. OR, Nico attempts suicide, Percy saves him, and years pass before either of them are even remotely all right.
Kiss a Boy in Tokyo Town by antistar_e (kaikamahine)
T | 57k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo, Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Novella, Infidelity
You know what they say, Percy Jackson. If you can't stand the heat, get out of hell.
Enriched By Envy by HK44
M | 63k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Magic, Protectiveness, Dark Percy Jackson
Waking up at the bottom of the ocean was not on Nico's bucket list. Trying to figure out why Percy was suddenly so clingy and possessive of him wasn't on there either.
The Case of the Dying Flower by chiiyo86
E | 72k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Murder Mystery, Slow burn, Soul Bond
It's not that Nico has been avoiding Percy for the past two years, of course not. It's just that he doesn't like to be reminded of the stupid crush he had on him when he was younger. So when Percy seeks him out with the message that the goddess Aphrodite wants to see both of them, Nico is less than enthusiastic. Before he knows it, he finds himself forcibly bonded to Percy and they're sent on a strange quest: solving a murder that happened thousands of years ago and whose primary suspects are gods.
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wild-flowerhoney · 3 months
if you see me watching football mind your business im taking notes for a percico au
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demigodpolls · 1 day
calling all PJO fanfic readers!
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In the interest of supporting fandom writers, demigodpolls is going to share a big year-end collection of 2024 percy jackson fanfic recommendations! In the comment section below, leave recommendations of the best PJO fanfics you've read - but there is one major rule: they MUST have been published or last updated in 2024! No exceptions! Reblogs are turned on, but PLEASE leave your recommendations in the comment section, not in the reblogs/tags! They will not be considered otherwise! Before commenting, make sure that you read the additional specifications below the cut first. If you have nothing to recommend, please do reblog to help support fandom writers and spread the word! Thank you!!!
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What we want:
strong grammar
strong writing skills
accurate/interesting depictions of PJO characters
angst/romance/drama/adventure/friendship/character studies/etc
accurately tagged stories (i.e. stories that don't surprise you with untagged triggering content)
stories written with love for the percy jackson universe and its characters
What we DON'T want:
stories that were published/last updated before 2024
stories about ships that would be age-inappropriate in canon, unless the characters are CLEARLY aged up in the story (e.g. no gods x teenage characters, unless the character is explicitly an ADULT when they first meet in the fanfic)
stories that contain non-c*n and p*dophilia
stories under 1000 words
stories that fall under "character x everyone"
stories about original characters (stories that contain some OCs in non-protagonist roles are fine, character x reader/self-inserts are fine)
stories that bash other ships/characters (i.e., don't recommend percabeth fics that bash rachel/perachel)
stories that contain non-PJO crossovers (except for RRverse crossovers, i.e. pjo + tkc is fine, toa alone is fine, tkc alone is not, pjo + harry potter is not)
stories that contain gore/extreme violence/extreme bodily harm
stories that contain cheating/infidelity
dialogue-only fanfics/texting only fanfics
stories that contain W*TTG sp0ilers
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can I recommend multiple things?
yes! just make sure to categorize them correctly under the relevant prompts.
can I recommend my own story?
yes, but you are highly encouraged to simultaneously recommend at least one other fanfic that you yourself did not write - let's spread the love! (not required)
is smut okay?
yes! but you must specify clearly that the story contains smut in your comment, and please don't use explicit/overly sexual language in your recommendation (i.e. don't gush about how hot it was when X character did something to Y character in the story, we don't need to know all that). I also reserve the right to refuse to consider stories that contain k*nks I don't want to engage with. (ab0, parental name k*nk to name a few)
are non-english fanfics okay?
you are absolutely welcome to recommend non-english fanfics to others in the comments! but I will not be able to put them on the final recommendation list, because I only speak english and I cannot personally vet their contents/cannot observe their grammar/could be terribly misled by a translator.
is percico okay?
percico is a controversial pairing due to the debated inappropriateness of the canon age gap (3 years). I personally consider 3 years between minors to be juuust beyond my comfort zone (2 years), but you can recommend percico fics where the age gap is explicitly made smaller, or fics where nico and percy are both explicitly adults! this same rule applies to any other ship in a similar circumstance - check the wiki for canon ages if you're unsure! (and also, this is solely about ages, not about the individual merit of the pairing itself)
I have nothing to recommend, but can I request specific recommendations from others? (i.e. asking others for good solangelo high school au fics)
yes! but please don't leave multiple comments when doing so, make any and all requests in one comment.
If someone already recommended a story that I like, should I vouch for it?
if you would like to, then absolutely!! you can respond to the appropriate prompt from this account in the comments, or you can reply to the person making the recommendation. just make sure to explicitly state which story you're advocating for.
Comments that do not follow these guidelines may be deleted!
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How to engage in the comments:
Please leave the story name, author username, story rating, main ship, and main characters in your comments - and if you'd like, definitely add some words about why you like it! Direct links are not necessary, but super appreciated! In the comments below, you'll see comments that you can reply to, sorted by ships/lack thereof. Please sort your recommendations accordingly (i.e. if you want to recommend 2 solangelo fics and 1 valgrace fic, leave the 2 solangelo recs under the solangelo prompt, then do the same in the valgrace prompt). You MUST explicitly state somewhere if the fanfic contains smut. If you're not sure where to put your recommendations, make your best guess - but absolutely do NOT intentionally mis-categorize your recommendations (i.e, if the pair is not canon, do not put it in the canon pairing section. Seriously. This makes things much more difficult for me while organizing fics, and I'll probably delete your comment anyway.) Lastly, please be mature about shipping. Nothing irritates me more than fighting about percy jackson ships in 2024. If you see fanfics recommended about pairings (or characters!) that you hate, do the mature thing and just scroll past it/do not engage. Character hate and ship hate is not tolerated on this blog. I am very serious about this - if you are starting a fuss about ships/characters, your comments will be deleted and your account will be permanently blocked. Respect your fellow fandom-mates! I will do my best to moderate this comment section, but before looking through them, please understand that I am not responsible for your individual well-being, and there may be fanfic recommendations that are not appropriate for minors/might contain triggering content/etc. there is always a risk that you might encounter things that you don't want to see, and you have to be okay with that risk before engaging!
Here's a little form for those of you who find this easier to use, but you don't have to use it!! However, PLEASE do include the following information in your comment regardless:
story name: author: rating: ship: main characters: additional comments (what's it about? why do you like it? etc):
Don't forget, fanfics published/last updated in 2024 only!
Thank you so, so much for participating! It'll take a long time for me to personally read all of them, so we'll see the collection posted to tumblr in December!!!
- demigodpolls
(art by @viria)
(dividers by @cafekitsune)
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The ao3 collection for this event is [Percico and Nicercy Fest Week 2024]. There are 2 ways to add your works to this event. The first is the standard way of adding it to the collection using the name/tag: Percico_Nicercy_Fest_Week_2024. The second way is by claiming the prompt for that day on the link shared above, and then selecting that prompt when you go to post your work. This method is less known, so I'll be making another post with a screenshots and directions on how to do it.
This event is open for anyone to participate by making fics, fanart, moodboards and any type of fanwork you can think of!
When you post your work don't forget to tag us so we can share your work on our blog!
I think that's all the info needed for the event? But just in case I forget something, feel free to comment or send an ask with any questions or concerns. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!
Plain text below for accessibility:
Percico/Nicercy Fest Week 2024, August 18th - 24th, 2024.
Day 1: Percy Pining After Nico Day 2: Powerful Percy and/or Powerful Nico Day 3: Co-parenting Mrs. O’Leary Day 4: In Tartarus Together Day 5: Undersea Prince Percy and/or Underworld Prince Nico Day 6: Getting Together Years After HoO Day 7: Free Day
Alternate Prompts:
Alternate 1: AU – Canon Divergence Alternate 2: Hurt/Comfort Alternate 3: Angst with a Happy Ending Bonus: A short post about: 1. Why do you ship Percico/Nicercy today? 2. Why did you initially start shipping Percico/Nicercy? 3. Any other Percico/Nicercy headcanons or ideas you want to share!
January 20th, 2023: Prompts are posted on Tumblr and AO3. The AO3 collection opens. January 20th, 2023 – August 17th, 2024: Creation Period. August 18th, 2024: AO3 Collection works are revealed. August 18th – 24th, 2024: Posting Period. August 24th – 31st, 2024: Submit Event Feedback & Join the Hall of Fame. August 31st, 2024: AO3 Collection Closes. September 1st, 2024: Hall of Fame is posted.
Tag list, as requested in the survey:
@starphanton @wild-flowerhoney @awanderingmuse @avaetin @haiseiscute333 @ogjacksonsimp @doevademe @iridisentry @blueskyportrait @niquitonerdola @incompleteth0ts @percicosoftcore @x-bloodrain-x @memenems @rosabell14 @moa-broke-me @yippee-e @hermesmyplatonicbeloved
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frostyblustar · 1 month
In Tartarus Together
(Percico Day 4 - week prompts from @percico-nicercy-events )
“I want to find a place to rest.” Percy had stopped a bit of a ways behind him. Turning to look at his boyfriend, Nico took a breath of the heavy air in Tartarus.
“Just a little further,” he spoke hoarsely. “Monsters regenerate faster here.”
He was tired, thirsty, and feeling pretty weak himself. However, Nico felt he couldn’t be given an opportunity to let his guard down here. This wasn’t a place where you could find many places to hide either. Monsters lurked everywhere, enemies that would tear demigods like them limb from limb. He could bet Percy was on many monster’s hit lists as well.
Percy grabbed Nico’s wrist before he could continue on, turning him around. “Nico, I’m saying you need rest. You’ve nearly been falling asleep on your feet.”
“No. We need to get to the Phlegethon. We can drink from it, and it will lead us to the Doors of Death.” Shaking off Percy’s grip, he was going to attempt walking forward once more before he stumbled, almost falling onto the ground. He wouldn’t want to do that. The ground felt like flesh, it felt alive. So it was disgusting, in his opinion.
Before his upper half touched the fleshy floor, he felt arms wrap around him, holding him close. He couldn’t help but close his eyes and let it happen.
“Yep, you need a nap. I think I see something over there. I’ll keep watch while you rest, okay?” Nico opened his eyes a bit to see what Percy was guiding him towards. He recognized it almost immediately as Nemesis's shrine. On his first trip to Tartarus, it was a temporary safe haven for him. It was a viable option, so he stayed quiet and let Percy help him inside.
When they entered, Nico instantly laid down on the hardwood floor, not caring for how unforgiving it was on his back. He wanted to cry, but he knew he was too dehydrated for that. Also, there wasn’t much reason to cry, and he didn’t want to hurt his pride. At the same time, he knew finding comfort in another’s presence was beneficial to survival in Tartarus.
“Percy?” Nico asked hesitantly, opening his eyes to see Percy standing with his back against the door. Percy gave a hum of acknowledgement in response.
Swallowing his pride, Nico sat up slowly. A little painfully even, he felt too heavy to pick himself up. “I know you want to guard the door but… Can you hold me? Please?” Gods, did he feel pathetic. But he needed this, he needed his boyfriend.
Percy sat down beside him, “Of course.” Arms hugged around him once more, moving him so he was laying down again, this time on his side. His back pressed against Percy’s front as dry lips pressed a single kiss onto his neck. The ground was somehow more comfortable with Percy by his side. He let himself turn a little so he could see the other, turning his head as far as it could so he could watch Percy’s eyes slowly slip shut.
When Percy’s breathing leveled out, he couldn’t help but watch his boyfriend peacefully sleep. He may have been exhausted, but it took some time before he was able to let himself rest too.
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Find longer Percico fics on my AO3 :)
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neo-kid-funk · 2 months
just discovered u and i love ur art sm!!!
just a quick question, other than pernico and valgrace, who else do u ship?
stay awesome!!
Well I guess it depends on if you just mean w/in the PJO fandom or like other stuff I like too,,, tbh I'm pretty cool w the other ships in the fandom but none of them really grab my attention like Percico or Valgrace does. I like Jasico and Jercy and have read a few fics of those. Solangelo and Percabeth are cute and of course I gotta respect them since they're canon haha. Although tbh I do like Pipabeth a lot ummm off the top of my head those are it for the PJO ships,, I'm sure there's more but can't really think of them rn,,
AS FOR OTHER FANDOMS THO HHEHEHEHEHH,, buckle up cuz do I have a list for you!!
• Bokuaka (Haikyuu)
• Kagehina (Haikyuu)
• Wangxian (MDZS)
• Victuuri (Yuri on Ice)
• Rinharu (Free! Iwatobi swim club)
• ThanZag (Hades)
• Ereri (AoT)
• AruAni (AoT)
• WhiteRose (RWBY)
• Chainshipping (SAW)
• Mikayuu (Owari no Seraph)
Just to name a few,,,
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Give me a list of all your Nico ships,I don't care how long it is or even who you ship him with,I want to know (Favourite Nico Ship?)
Yeah I want to know too.
No seriously. At this point I can't even keep track of my pairing list. It also doesn't help that I can practically eat everything that has Nico in it - regardless of... everything else. Jesus Christ.
But since you asked, I gotta try my best. I guess it's also a good chance for me to wrap up my own messy thoughts too---
Welp. Let's see. A list of Nico ships I actively contribute in because I have no idea what I know of at this point:
Solangelo, Jasico, Percico: have written about/ have plans to write about
Nico/Alabaster: tons of ideas and headcanons but have yet to decide on a writing plan. I could kill for them tho.
Thanatos/Nico: written one fanfic. Would love to write more but I run out of ideas
Eros (Cupid)/Nico: once unhealthily enjoyed making Love-you-like-an-enemy headcanons. Still do.
Erebus & Nico: I wouldn't say this as a ship... unless the term 'platonic ship' exist. I prefer to think of them as... soulmates? What do you call two lonely souls seeking each other's company?
Now to the pairings which I leech from others' content, meaning: consume but yet to contribute
Magnus/Nico: It exists and it's true and it's AWESOME
Pollux/Nico: There're at least two fics out there that had me in a chokehold
Child of Persephone x Nico ahsdjkahdkjahdka it was just one fic C'MON
Cecil Markowizt/Nico: Again. ONE fanfic. And it was Portuegeues.
Or just platonic in general because there's potential and no one's seeing it so I'm taking it.
primordial god! chronos x ananke! nico courtesy of @avaetin. I fell so hard for it and I'm not even ashamed
Poseidon/Nico: all's Happy's fault. Like. Really.
Nipollo ajdhsajkda Brig shares the blame ok fine I'm crazy about it too and just bc Apollo's a hoe----
Anubis/Nico: thank you @/LapisLazuli13 on AO3
Dionysus/Nico but only if it's by @/robindrake93 on AO3. They have a distinguished figure for Dionysus and I'm neck deep in it
Minos/Nico: shout out to @/silenttoad on AO3 because it's the softest thing ever omfg 😭😭😭 Just for the record, their Minos is worlds different from the canon one. He's actually really nice.
Tons of crossover ships: Arthur/Nico (legitimately my RELIGION), Ciel Phantomhive/Nico,... That time I say Nezha and Nico could be friends. Like I don't... quite ship them but akdsaksaj this proves that you should never hope anything from me
I'm sure this is not all of them... I mean. I have read more. And probably forget a bunch...
I wouldn't say I have a favourite ship... well there're times that I would invest more in a specific pairing, but that doesn't mean I like other ships any less. I have 5 drafts for Jasico and then I have a Nicobaster week and then a Percico-marathon. Generally speaking though, I would say I usually... prioritize (?) the rarepairs. Since you know, the canon one and the more popular ones alr have people building the empire for them. I might be the only one invested in a Son of Persephone with Nico, for example, so I tend to gravitate towards it, in hopes of contributing a small brick for this little tent compared to their nation; or sometimes it's just because there's someone else more invested in me and their dedication fuels me (yes you @drksanctuary).
Anw I hope this gives you an insight into how wild of a being I am LMAO. I'm a proshipper. I have no qualms when it comes to enjoying fiction - as long as I enjoy it. Be free. Trust me.
As I've said, I forgo everything when it comes to Nico. He's my exception. He's always right. If he's wrong I have a few words to Rick------ jk lol or maybe not---
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doevademe · 2 years
Do you have any classic percico fic recs or any that to you are a must read ?
Ooh, the Classics™ Okay, so most of these were first posted on FFnet, I will provide AO3 links when possible, but it's not always the case.
Kiss a Boy in Tokyo Town: The gods move to Japan, Percy moves with them as a teacher for new demigods. Years down the line, Nico comes along. For a long time, this fic was the fic for Percico shippers. We had nothing but this one if we wanted long fic. Nowadays it's... a little hard to read, due to the world and politics making this hit a bit close to home, but it's still worth it.
Skinny Love: The High School AU to end all High School AUs. Percy wants his girlfriend's best friend to like him. This turns into an obssession and infatuation over the boy.
Anything by MidnightinJapan: These stories were all written during the golden era of Percico (i.e. after House of Hades and before Blood of Olympus), and most of them are fantastic. Most people will recommend What Happened in Venice? as the one to read, but my personal favorite is Tribulations
The Blackness Series (1 2 3): A series about Percy and Nico stumbling into a relationship, and the problems that come with their own flaws on top of living in the mythological world. The author wrote a lot of good Percico fics, heavy on the angst and the fluff, and all are worth reading.
The Last Cry in Hades (Not Guilty): One of the oldest Percico fics, predating Heroes of Olympus. It deals with Nico's thoughts on Percy, his hero complex and their guilt. How, as they grow up, the relationship turns physical, and how it turns into more.
Zombies, Angsty Teenagers and New York City: A zombie AU fic. Percy is a survivor, of the Zombie Apocalypse, Nico can communicate with Zombies. They survive together and fall in love. A long fic with twists, turns, and a two endings, both of which are great.
Obviously, this is an incomplete list, as my choice for Classic Percico fics is not universal, but this is a good starting point for everyone interested in the ship and their dynamic.
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punchable-panda · 2 years
Hey just wondering do u have any more percico recommendations? Read all the ones u posted and they were all very good. Thanks
Hello! I’m glad you liked the list, unfortunately that was such a long time ago I don’t remembered what I recommend so I apologize if there are any repeats ^^;
"Syncretism" by Avaetin
pornosophical writes a lot of good fics
anything from likegallows
doevademe Also has some amazing fics! I love how they write the characters
if any other percico fans wanna share their fav fic writers please go ahead
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Not me chanting at myself that I currently have 8 ACTIVE long (will be 10k plus) WIP and I DO NOT need to start another just because I'm currently obsessed with Outerwilds and the plot bunnies are multiplying like, well...
So, to keep on track, send me one of my fic titles, and I'll post the last six sentences I've written. Including current word count cause why not.
Current WIP List
Off The Marshmallow Stick and Into the Campfire (Outerwilds; Gen; 51,000 words)
First Kiss, 100 Drabble Challenge (Avatar the Last Airbender; multiple ships; 5,217 words) -I'll only post like six words for this one...
White Lotus Buds: Intertwined Destinies (Avatar the Last Airbender; Zutara; 46,396 words)
Assassinations, Building Nations and International Relations (Avatar the Last Airbender; Zutara; 43,935 words)
Hybrid Theory (Percy Jackson; Percico; 92,304 words)
World Travelers Series: A World Around (Percy Jackson; Percico; 7,256 words)
Ways of Love Series: Part 3 (Percy Jackson; Percico; 681 words)
When The Dark Comes Rising: The Gathering (The Dark Is Rising Sequence; Will/Bran/Jane; 44,405 words)v
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voidboymads · 4 months
Current WIP List!
Wounded Ch 11
Gunshots (longer fleshed-out fic based on one-off of same name)
Stuck Between a Door and a (Hard) Wolf one-off
Together, Well Fall (future fic/tangent timeline)
Wolves in Maze Runner Clothing (retelling of MR - now with wolves!)
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lavender-lotion · 6 months
Saw you were doing fandom questions. Maybe 1 and 6 for them? (1. What was the first fandom you got involved in? & 6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.)
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
this is suuuuuch a good question. I have to reach way far back in my memory for this one and it's hazy as hell there, but I want to say it was probably Percy Jackson & The Olympians. I was shipping percico WAY before it was cool. however the first few fics I wrote were PJO, Young Justice & X-Men Evolution, and I'm not entirelyyy sure which one came first (but it was probably percico).
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
I am such a horrifically indecisive multi shipper that this doesn't have a very clear answer, but I'll write my current favourite pairing for some of my top fandoms!
teen wolf: stilinskicest
x-men: lonk
mcu: winterspider
glee: kurtofsky
young justice: superbird
criminal minds: hotchreid
kingsman: merwin
the house in the cerulean sea: salucy
ask me things from this ask post!
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celestialepiphany · 11 months
*rattles you* tell me EVERYTHING abt the simp!apollo crackfic. i love simp!apollo crackfic.
also YASSSSSS my percico agenda is slowly spreading :hellmo emote:
LMAO i don't have a snippet to show u but it's literally after the trials of apollo in apollos POV and apollo has this moment of realization of "damn percy's hella fine and i want him" but he tries to take in what he learned during his time as lester and is like "no ive interferred with percys life enough he deserves rest he doesn't want a god" etc etc, even going as far to write a list of reasons not to go after him, with the last and scariest reason being "Annabeth" cuz homegirl gonna come after him if she feels the need to protect percys honor and that lowkey just cements his resolve to just let percy live
come to find out all his hesitance and worries were for naught cuz percy had a whole plan of seducing him with annabeth and piper as his wingwomen and his plan succeeded in like. two days LMAO
just an excuse for me to write percy pursuing apollo rather than the other way around and apollo stumbling into the relationship while percy is confident in what he wants heheh
and yes percico has absolutely started to rot on me and i fully blame you one day ill dedicate a fic of them for u
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avaetin · 6 months
Out of curiosity, which fic is it- I always need more percico in my life.
Unfortunately, I think it's best I don't share. While I hate the bookmark (and I hate it with a passion) I don't really want to start a drama.
I can suggest a list of Percico fics here though. Hope that works!
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cold-r-ain-in-june · 2 years
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I posted 5,121 times in 2022
That's 1,674 more posts than 2021!
20 posts created (0%)
5,101 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 138 of my posts in 2022
#ciara things - 31 posts
#mine - 29 posts
#kit - 29 posts
#i dont know how to feel about this - 4 posts
#reagan??? - 3 posts
#picrew - 3 posts
#161cm - 3 posts
#cassandra is creussa - 2 posts
#uquiz - 2 posts
#unashamedly self reblog - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#im trying to figure out if this is just a coincidence or if you did actually found about my obsession with throat imagery in arts
My Top Posts in 2022:
do I smell a ground-shattering, heart-ripping siblings web weave brewing Kit?👀👀👀
it was actually a mutual of mine most likely having a sibling issues crisis all over my dash but that doesnt sound like a bad idea 👀👀
possible inpiration: my older brother issues <3
7 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
Kit my beloved, have you watched (or read) jujutsu kaisen?
no but honestly from what ive seen on here the characters seem really interesting (and angsty), and i would watch the anime for the only reason that i cant buy the manga and im horrible at reading manga on screens, and like i dont know how good the anime is compared to the manga?? so if you watched please tell me if its good!!
thank you for the ask ciara <3
7 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
I saw your wip list and after passing out several times I am here to beg on my knees for more information about these two:
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(also hi and I love you and I hope you’re okay <3)
you really saw jason narration and jason getting love and you ran with it /lovingly
both of those are so over complicating for no reason (especially in my head since the amount that i wrote compared to the amount of plot in my head is embarrassing) and they almost were the same fic (they intersect a lot time-line wise) but they have a different focus and themes and narration style and i just split it into two different works to make it simpler
i do love complicating things as you can see
anyway (useless) sneak peeks because i barely have anything:
death of percabeth aka the long awaited percabeth break up thats always brought up jn my other fics:
See the full post
14 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
i have an exam tomorrow and im over here writing percico smut
18 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
in the honor of me having a bunch of pjo wips i cant seem to finish heres a list of them
canon divergence series (either love is a shrine (or else a scar):
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mortal au i always meant to expand but its just one fic for two years by now:
See the full post
62 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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evanbuckwad · 6 months
B U C K :)
HA love this!
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Valgrace in the Riordanverse! I read a fic (and jumped on the bisexual Jason Grace train) and I see it now
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
ooo, okay lots of thoughts. i'll try to keep this concise (and maybe use the three fandoms i listed in the previous ask)…tldr i love characters i see myself in/i feel i learn from
RWRB: Henry my beloved (see above), Alex i feel is like the other half of Henry so of course i love him, June and Bea might be tied but i just love them and want to be friends
911: Evan Buckley, Maddie Buckley (both see above), ugh choosing one other favorite?? Chim and Bobby came to mind first so again last one a cop out tie
Riordanverse: Nico my boy, Will as well (like Henry and Alex but i see myself in both of them whereas I don’t really see myself in Alex so much), and of course Percy will always be so special to me
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
(riordanverse) percico it's been years and my stance hasn't changed
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
honestly buck comes to mind! i think that's part of why i love him so much, i feel like s1 buck to now has grown and flown <3
ask me about fandoms!
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