#personal headcanon that both Canada and America have adhd
Canada’s Search History #77
How to stay still for more than 2 seconds
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bitchapalooza · 4 years
Some ADHD headcanons I guess (coming from someone with ADHD btw)
He takes medication to help manage his ADHD however he does often forget.
More often than not, it's either a simple call or text from Canada asking if he's taken it yet or its his cool little alien roommate that shoves his meds catty into his face like "take the fucking capsule take the fucking capsule take the fuc" until he finally takes it.
America's stims are: rocking or swaying back and forth or side to side, waving his arms when excited or uncomfortable/frustrated, when incredibly anxious he uses a small beanbag he carries around to feel the beads inside as it helps him ground himself from getting overestimated.
One of his biggest, long lasting, hyperfixations is airplanes! He loves watching them take off and fly, taking them apart and studying them then putting it all back together by hand, making model planes to display, flying them himself— go ahead and ask him about airplanes, he'll get the biggest smile you've ever seen!
America didn't know, for the longest time, that what he has been experiencing is overstimulation. He simply thought he was being a brat about certain situations, what is lashing out and such. Although he understands now that doesn't mean there's any less panic, or at certain times aggression. He tries his best to push through it to get work done as he believes it'll somehow pass faster if he does so. He doesn't get it often thanks to learning how manage it better.
Hypersensitivity issues: tags in clothes, long sleeves that grasp too tightly(tight used loosely as to him tight is something like a bracelet) to his wrist, slimey or sticky things.
People who help him best: Canada, England(to his best abilities), Lithuania, Romano, and Japan.
North Italy
Vene does not take medication. He simply forgets too often and is too self conscious about telling people he takes medication, even to his own brother. He'd just like that to stay private is all. If he forgets so much to the point of the meds expiring with barely any use, he'd rather not take them all.
Instead, Vene had learned how to keep his own focus. He hangs up sticky note reminders or has a digital to-do list synced on his phone and laptop as he's always on them for work anyway. He's learned association words to go with dates and whatevers scheduled for those dates. It's not the greatest but at least he's not wasting anything that could very well go to someone else who needs it.
Vene's stims are: waving his arms or flapping his hands around, jiggling his leg up and down, humming— sometimes he'll put his hand just below his Adam's apple to feel the vibrations. He chews pencils and pens, jiggles pens and pencils between his fingers too. He'll also pass pens, pencils, straws—basically anything possible— between his fingers back and forth.
Cooking and painting/drawing are the two things he considers his biggest hyperfixations. Cooking he prefers to do on his own mostly as being crowded in one place while having so much to do makes his nerves go nuts. But he doesn't mind company when he's drawing or painting. He actually feels better with company at that point. He tends to get extremely quiet as he concentrates on his art so it gets pretty silent around by default. He likes it when people are around to fill in that space. When asked about cooking and art, he'll ramble and ramble nonstop about his favorite artists or chefs or what have you until he's tired.
Vene gets overstimulated a lot and this is due to his habit of just staying put and doing nothing about what's bothering him or not recognizing the annoyances at all. He gets very squirming, moving around a lot, when overstimulated. But still does nothing which leads to breakdowns that he still tries to ignore is happening. When asked, he'll just say he didn't get enough sleep and leave it at that. He simply doesn't want to broadcast this side of himself in case anyone thinks even lesser of him more than they may or may not do now.
Hypersensitivity issues: certains foods touching(rolls or toast CANNOT be on the same plate as his eggs or anything with sauceon it, absolutely no thank you, they'll get too soggy and v*mit inducing when even looking at it), his socks cannot have seams in them as they run the risk of touching his toes nor can the band be touching his ankles(so he normally wears knee high socks inside out as seamless seem to be hard to find). Most foods he can handle but honestly mashed potatoes give him a lot of anxiety. To him, the texture looks like it'll feel like sandpaper on his tongue. So he avoids it despite never even trying it in the first place.
People who help him best: Romano, Germany(he tries but he only understands the basic textbook definition, not Vene's personal experience; and that's really enough for Vene honestly), Seborga, Japan, and Hungary.
He fights Sweden, Finland and England about it but he does take medication. When at Sweden's, he tends to fall on bribing him to take it while Finland has already given up 30 minutes prior. At England's, he manages to get him to take it easily by threatening to take his games away(works every time).
Sealand doesn't really like the medicine as it makes him feel..... run down. He much rather prefers to feel very active all day than to feel like a zombie. But everyone has told him its for his own good so he at least attempts to listen. Key word: ATTEMPTS.
Sealand mostly rocks on his heels, sucks his teeth repeatedly for the sound, or fiddles with the joystick of the stim toy Finland bought him when he stims. He still moves around a lot regardless but he is a kid afterall.
Sealand mostly hyperfixates on his country status, that is true. However, he's also taken a liking to puzzles and legos. He's got about 14 puzzles finished and framed, a tiger puzzle is even hanging in the kitchen(Sweden's) for everyone to see! As for legos, Sealand just really likes to build little cities out of them and pretends their a part of his country. He never uses the people pieces, instead he just collects them and occasionally swaps their hair pieces out between the figures.
He doesn't exactly get overstimulated often. In fact its pretty rare. But when it does happen it's mostly when he's in the big cities surrounded by noisy cars and too many people. He clings as close as possible to whoever he's with, which is most often England. When he's alone, which is a lot as he kind of runs off on his own despite everyone telling him not to, he simply breaks down. Thankfully he has all his contacts in order and no phone lock so its easily accessible for anyone in case of emergency.
Hypersensitivity issues: None of his food can touch so he still uses dividing plates. The textures of broccoli and rice makes him incredibly uncomfortable. He won't eat beans unless he serves his own portion just to make sure it's not TOO goopy. And lastly he refuses to let anyone pick him up— he doesn't like anyone, not even those he considers family, to touch the sides of his stomach and much less under his arms. He says there's just something about it that makes him want to curl up and get away, its incredibly uncomfortable.
People who help him best: Sweden, Finland, England*, Latvia, and Seborga.
*England has better understanding with ADHD in children than he does with adults. As childrens' ADHD tend to be more presentable than adults', England can better recognize it and feels better in helping. ADHD was not a diagnosis prior to the 1900s so England did not know that what America had when he was child was ADHD, he simply believed he was a trouble maker. After taking care of Sealand and getting his diagnosis he later realized the similarities between them both and apologized to America for the harsh berating he gave him as a child. And when America later got his own diagnosis in the early 2000s, England further apologized and offered him as much help as possible while he adjusts with his new diagnosis. He had trouble with America but he at least tries which is all that counts in the end.
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1p2p-heta-imagines · 4 years
Hey! I hope you are well, I loved your portrayal of Luciano and i was wondering if you have headcanons of other 2p characters that have mental illness, I like the idea of 2p England having bipolar disorder because it helps me cope with it myself and relate. Sorry if this is too much info
(I've got quite a few so I'll try to put it as many as possible while keeping this short. If I use a disorder anyone suffers with and you think I'm portraying something wrong, please tell me! I suffer with quite a few and my experiences may not be universal, I'd love to hear anything that makes my portrayals better! 🖤)
Starting off, I headcanons most of them to have ptsd or cptsd. Living as long as they have, going through so many things throughout so many centuries, must be a traumatizing thing. So, anyone not mentioned most likely just has PTSD and nothing else.
2p North Italy: I mostly just headcanon him to have schizophrenia and insomnia 
2p South Italy: Cyclothymia. He's not currently medicated or taking therapy to help as he thinks he handles it well himself.
2p Seborga: Clinical depression. He goes to therapy but finds medication hard to take so he doesn't.
2p Germany: Adhd isn't a mental illness, it's a neurological condition, but I'll add it in anyway. Along with dermatillomania. He have medication for his ADHD and occasionally goes to therapy for the other.
2p America: Although angers issues isn't classed as a mental illness, he does have those. I am still thinking about headcanoning him with adhd as well but it's still in the works.
2p England: Bipolar I Disorder and Alice in Wonderland Syndrome (AIWS) due to migraines. He takes medication for his bipolar disorder but he is getting no help with AIWS.
2p Canada: I haven't really thought about it but it's mostly just PTSD and some form of sleep disorder, most likely nightmare disorder.
2p France: Dysthymia and insomnia. Dysthymia is also called persistent depressive disorder. He takes medication for neither and instead opts to self medicate.
2p Prussia: Generalized anxiety disorder and clinical depression. He has medication and no therapy as he doesn't like it.
2p Spain: Bipolar II Disorder. He doesn’t take medication or go to therapy, mostly elects to pretend nothing is wrong as he’s worried people will see him as weak.
2p Rome: Intermittent Explosive Disorder. He doesn't think he needs help, he will not go to therapy nor take any medication or do anything to try and help himself.
2p Denmark: Insomnia and dysthymia. He doesn’t really acknowledge his issues and chooses to ignore both of them.
2p Norway: Pyromania and adjustment disorder. He goes to therapy for both.
2p Iceland: Dependant Personality Disorder, he refuses to go to therapy for it as he’s scared to confront the issue.
(I'll leave it here as I've written quite a few characters now)
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hetaliatxtpostz · 5 years
ur version of England is one of my favorite characterizations so kudos to you!! Are you up for doing America too? thanks in advance ;)
IT IS TIME!!!!!!!!!!
So, yes, I've been seeing all of your requests for America (so many requests), and I've been holding off bc America is my #1, all time, favorite character. But! It is a holiday today (an American holiday), and I am feeling the love. So, without further ado,,,,,,,,, America!!
Personality: America is bright and cheery; he's extremly friendly and always ready to talk. Everything about him tends to be over the top: the way he moves, the way he speaks, the way he throws in a hundred "wow, nice, awesome" type words like punctuation. This can be extremly annoying, but he does tend to charm people by his sheer force of life. He's optimistic and hopeful, someone who's pretty relentlessly positive. Unfortunately, this can make people forget that he's still fairly self-centered. He has a tendency to ask people to do things for him, and he expects people want to. He thinks of himself as a hero, as someone who's doing the right thing, and that kind of thinking can make him feel entitled to other people's gratitude. It also means he can tend to forgive himself easily for clearly manipulative behaviors. A fantastic actor, America can be very good at twisting arms and wills. It's hard to tell when he's lying, just exaggerating, or being genuine. He is very smart, but it's an intelligence with narrow focus, and he can tend to lose realistic goals in the face of huge ideas. (Read: he lacks common sense). He struggles between his love of power and his love of helping people.
Headcanons: Okay, an interesting side note. I think America should be a mixed race character representative of how we're a mixed race nation. However, I do have a version of America I call "50s America" who is like, peak evil America, who represents all the worst of America, and in my head he's like this perfect, tan, blue-eyed, tall, almost fake looking person. Other than that version, I always headcanon Alfred as mixed race. I think America has a weakness for all things pop culture and all things space. (Reflected in his bedroom). He gets super emotionally invested in any narrative: comics, sports, movies, books; he just wants to be in the moment. (I'm gonna put this in my whisper tone: he has a biting kink, and a thing for size [though I have him deflect that accusation in AUs by having him always have Japan as an ex]). He's always late. A daydreamer, someone who fidgets constantly, a doodler. Easily distracted. Carries at least one gun at all times.
Ships: My otp is still Rusame. From America's perspective Russia is tall and powerful and he is drawn to that. There are few people in the world capable of making America feel safe, Russia is one of them. (Too bad about how much time they spend doing the opposite, but as a result they know one another very intimately). I ship America with Prussia (they would be SO annoying), and Japan (two nerds, also a good balance of personalities), Germany (they're both fairly innovative), and Canada (when they're not brothers, I think this dynamic works out very peacefully). I do not personally ship USUK, but I don't have any notps in Hetalia. (I only have one notp in any fandom, and it's DeathNote.)
Favorite AUs: Wow. Okay I use America constantly. Mostly I like to make him a student of astrophysics. (He's always playing at least two sports which vary from swimming to baseball to football). I also like to make him a veteran, usually working through some issues, or with a disability of some sort. (Disabled America is a favorite of mine because I think it's good for him to work through his biases about who is powerful and how he manipulates people). On the opposite end, I also like to grant him power just so that he has that kind of easy use of it I think he would have in canon. (He's an asshole, basically). America has ADHD, probably. I also like to make America the proverbial hero of stories set in fantasy worlds. Generally, I make him the youngest person around, full of potential. I like to make him an assassin.
Other Relationships: England as a father figure or mentor: America cares about him. He really does. It's important to him that England is proud of him, and that he says it. (Which he doesn't really, England isn't very good at that). America tends to pester him, to show affection. France is also a sort of father figure/mentor to him, but he finds it easier with France, who is very open to the emotional. (And England is way more central to him). CANADA. My brotp. Listen. I do not characterize America without Canada. To me, Canada and America's bond is litterally unbreakable; I think this would be the last relationship they gave up on. Canada, to America, is an anchor. (Very occasionally, I make them not brothers bc I've been role-playing Hetalia for 10 years and I want to spice it up, but I prefer them as brothers). Canada and America relate on a very human level to each other. Canada is the only person who can tell consistatly when he's lying, and America wouldn't go to anyone else for comfort were he truely hurt. They fight quite a bit, and tease one another, but in the way siblings do. Outside of family, I think America is good friends with Germany and Japan. He likes a lot of people, most people, and also gets along well with Prussia, Spain, and Italy.
How well do I know actaul America?: THIS IS IT!!! THIS IS THE ONE I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR!!! The answer is YES!!! I live in this bitch of a country, baaaaaabeeeeyyyyy! I studied political science here-- I know all about the government, and the "culture", and the going to breakfast restraunts at 3 am which IcouldntfindatallinParisexceptforthisAmericanthemedone! Yes!! 💯! I KNOW what is going DOWN in America.
**Sorry for the length. You see why I held off? Happy Thanksgiving.
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