Entry #6
A New day, New studies, same old ME!!!!
Hey guys, it’s me, I’m just writing on about my same ol’ days around, however, there’s still not much more interest or spark that makes this day significantly surprising, yeah, still bored and all, still studying multilanguage, don’t aks me why...XDXD
So far, so good, still a blessed day
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ememchan8 · 10 years
the-school-of-night replied to your post:Super Typhoon Ruby is coming soon
I’ve been following this and wondering if you’d get hit. But I thought it was called Typhoon Hagupit — Typhoon Smash! — and it made me disappointed that the US gives hurricanes such boring names :)
actually, in here, typhoons are named alphabetically, probably that's why it was named here Ruby. I can't remember the name of the typhoon before it though. But I'm sure its name starts with "Q". I'm surprised that it's international name is very Filipino/Tagalog "Hagupit" which I think is really cool! It sounds so strong and bad-ass. But then I shouldn't be admiring typhoons because of their names, lol! Typhoons are scary, annoying and dangerous (I wish we could just tell them off to go away like what Al did to Ondoy in my original manga. But then he didn't go away either and stayed in my town instead---okay, nevermind that, I started to sound weird, lol!)
Its route will be the same one that Typhoon Haiyan a.k.a Typhoon Yolanda took. (Poor Visayan Islands :( . My province is in South East of Luzon, Rizal province. We won't be heavily affected by typhoon Ruby but we will expect heavy rains and dark clouds as usual. And I hope there won't be too much constant black outs or brown outs. I wanna be able to get back on working for your story as soon as this trip is over. XP
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Hello guys, it’s MEEE again XDXDXD, it was a tiring day, going out and going home, I got little to say, it was a tiring day, so sleepy...I even cancel some of my original plans today
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ememchan8 · 10 years
Super Typhoon Ruby is coming soon
I think I have to write this. A super typhoon is currently hitting a part of my country. If I heard correctly, my area will feel its effect, if not this weekend, then perhaps on Monday. I’m a bit nervous since I have trips with my Mother this weekend and I’m thinking if we should stay home tomorrow and on Sunday instead.
But one of the things I should expect soon is the possibility of having a long black out or brown out. Somehow, it happened during the surge of Typhoon Haiyan even though the typhoon was actually at the south, barely at the edge of our province, but still we were affected by constant black out and brown out because the electric company needs to repair power lines destroyed by the typhoon. And because of this I’d have a hard time doing my work—-you know… No computers and no internet, no electric lights to lighten my drawing table.during dark, rainy weather. Although I can still access internet with my phone but that’s all. I can’t really do rather important stuff with just my phone not to mention that its battery dies so easily. So this means, this is what happened just in case my online friends and acquiantances barely hears anything from me next week.
Yeah, I can’t helped but think how it sucks to live in a country that experiences minimum of ten typhoons every year.
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