mikeconkey · 6 years
How to Write Attention-Getting and Results-Oriented Emails
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Writing Attention-Getting and Results-Oriented Emails
According to the Direct Marketing Association, over 66% of purchasers claim they made a purchase based on an email marketing message. That tells you that email marketing is still very important. In fact, according to McKinsey & Company, email marketing is almost 40 times better at new customer acquisition than Facebook and Twitter combined. The Direct Marketing Association reports that marketing managers, on average, earn an ROI of 38 dollars per every 1 dollar spent on email marketing. Marketers will tell you that “the money is in the list” and they’re not joking. It’s true. When you have a healthy, targeted email list where you promote relevant products and services, your income will continue to grow. However, you need to learn to write attention-grabbing, result-oriented emails that are opened, read and acted upon. Starting with this post, here's what we will include in this and future posts: Get Your Audience to Open Your Emails Write Effective Email Copy That Your Audience Wants to Read Create Results-Oriented Calls to Actions That Your Audience Clicks Craft Copy for Email Marketing That Doesn’t Feel Like A Sales Pitch The good thing about succeeding with email marketing is that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. You can follow the steps that have already been proven to work and write attention-getting and results-oriented emails. Let’s start with getting your emails opened. How to Get Your Emails Opened Before you can get any results from email marketing, your list needs to full of targeted and interested audience members. The next important aspect is getting your emails opened. Let’s explore the different ways in which you can entice your audience to open your emails so that they can receive the value of your messages. Build Trust and Relationships From the moment they provide their email address and join your list, it’s time to use every opportunity to establish trust, promote your expertise, and build a relationship with each member of your email list. You can accomplish this by understanding the process your prospect goes through once they provide their information. Then use each step of that process to reinforce what your promises are. Thank You Page – Depending on how you have set up your system your audience may be taken directly to the thank you/ download page to download the opt-in. This is where you can explain what they can expect from your email messages, along with the download instructions. This page not only provides info but shows respect and appreciation to your subscriber, which is important in building a trusting relationship. Double Opt-in Message – If you’re using an email system that requires a double opt-in message, readers may be taken to instructions about opting in for your list so that they can receive download instructions. You begin to build trust by explaining that you use the double opt-in for their safety and security as well as to verify that they want to receive the info requested. First Email – Once someone opts-in and/or verifies the opt-in, you will need to send the first email, also called the “welcome” email. Although you may have given the reader all of the information needed, it’s important to remind them of the info and links in an “official” message. Be sure to thank them and let them know when to expect the next email. These first messages are often part of an autoresponder series. Remember, when you make these promises to your prospects you need to stick to them. So, don’t blow smoke. Tell them exactly what to expect, when to expect it, how it will work, and follow through. Let them know how often you’ll send emails, the type of information they will contain, and other pertinent information. The next thing that helps get emails opened is the subject line. Create Actionable, Personalized Subject Lines If your subject line doesn’t resonate with the person receiving it, they’re not going to open it. If it looks like it’s from a stranger, or someone they don’t know, like, or trust they’re not going to open it. These tips will help you create subject lines that really make sense to your recipients, ensure more emails are opened, which means your audience is more likely to answer your calls to action. Be Clear, Not Clever – When you create an effective subject line, ensure it considers your audience and your goals while conveying a sense of urgency. The more you can personalize the subject line the better. Avoid the use of puns, unless it really works with your audience, because you want them to know what’s in the email. Ensure Your Subject Line Matches Your Email Copy – Don’t try to trick your email recipients into opening an email with a subject line that doesn’t match the copy of the email. What is the email about, who is it to, and what is the benefit for them to opening it? Try to express that in the subject line. Use a Friendly Reply Email -- Don’t use a “no reply” or look too corporate with your reply email address. When possible, use your name. People are more likely to open your email message if they feel it came from someone that they know. You want your audience to be able to hit reply to send you a message if something in the email resonates with them. It builds trust. Email subject lines that are actionable, personalized, and relevant are more likely to be opened than emails that use trickery to get people to open them. Sure, we’ve all been fooled by an interesting subject line that tricked us to open it, only to find information that was not relevant. This is not a good practice for a business owner who wants to earn money through email marketing. Keep Your Audiences’ Interest How would you feel if you joined an interest group and the leader talked about interests that were not relevant? You’d likely feel frustrated, disappointed, and/or mad if you signed up for information about coloring and heard more about knitting. To ensure that you stick to your niche follow these rules. Know Your Audience – When you get to know your audience you’ll be able to match your skills and products to their needs. While it’s true that your audience may have other interests, those other interests aren’t why they signed up. They signed up because they want information and solutions regarding the niche you marketed to them. They signed up because they thought you’d provide a solution to them and information to them about specific pain points. Know Your Products – Whether they’re products you’ve created, or you promote via an affiliate program doesn’t matter. You need to know and understand how they fit in with your business model and niche. It’s imperative to know what the products do for your audience and how they solve the pain points that your ideal customers have. Use the Right Vocabulary – When you really know your niche and your own expertise you’ll be able to use the right vocabulary in your email messages to truly communicate with and engage with your audience on a whole new level. If a topic comes to mind that has nothing to do with your audience, your products, or the products you promote then it’s not the right email to send. Remember why people signed up for your list and stick to that topic. Keep it narrow and on point for the best response to your email messages. If you get off topic, your audience may stop opening your emails and will likely unsubscribe to your list because they’ll believe they’re on the wrong list. Send Emails on a Regular Basis Knowing the right number of emails to send to your list is critical to your success. Too many emails and your subscribers will get irritated and unsubscribe. Too few and they may forget about you and unsubscribe when you finally do send something. It seems like it’s hard to do this right but it’s not. Train Your Audience – Whether you plan to email them daily or weekly it’s important that they know this in advance and that you stick to that schedule. You may need to test your audience to find out how often they’ll accept emails. You can be sure that most of the time more than daily is going to be too much. Have a Reason – Don’t just email for no reason. The reason you email should be focused on the audience’s needs, not yours. Sure, you send email because you want to make money and sell something to them. However, from their point of view, they want emails that benefit them and don’t really care if it benefits you or not. Include Occasional Valuable Benefits – Make at least one of every three emails a non-promotional or resource-based email. The reader is more likely to open every single email when they feel your emails aren’t all about getting their money. A few resources to consider are checklists, cheat sheets, sneak peaks, and exclusive opportunities. If you’re not sure what to send to your list, study your audience more. Send worksheets, checklists, cheat sheets, short videos or offer your list members a behind-the-scenes look at what you do every day. The more exclusive your email list feels the more likely they are to open and act on the emails you send.
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