#personally i preferred stuff like the mario 64 iceberg
Y'know I didn't know how we'd get a 2010s creepypasta resurgence but I wasn't expecting it to be in the form of Friday Night Funkin' mods
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earthbounddreamers · 7 years
Ask meme - Scarlet
Here’s all 100 questions from that ask meme for @atrue-whovian cause he’s insane This one is for Scarlet James is next Have fun I’m on mobile so I can’t put it under a cut rip
1. What do they smell like? She usually smells of masculine deodorant (that feminine stuff is bullshit and expensive) and/or sweat.
2. What is their voice like? Her voice is somewhat feminine but mostly deep, very intimidating and loud.
3. What is their biggest motivator? She wants to make sure all her friends - who are now family - are safe and happy.
4. What is their most embarrassing memory? When she thought she was flirting with a gay girl but she was actually straight and was suuuper embarrassed when she tried to ask her on a date.
5. How do they deal with/react to pain? Usually she just swears loudly, takes a deep breath, applies pressure for a moment, then controls it with harsh breathing to channel her pain. If it needs treatment she applies first aid while swearing the entire time. If adrenaline is high and she’s in danger she doesn’t consciously react, and though her body might flinch she doesn’t even feel it.
6. What do they like to wear? Baggy masculine clothes most of the time, band merch and sweat pants, sometimes jeans but they’re always torn. Other times she wears tight fitting workout clothes or just a tank top and shorts to show off the guns.
7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively? Sam was the first person to make her start exploring herself, give a second thought to the things running through her head. Sam helped start her healing process, even if it was a little slow. While all her relationships have helped in different ways, Sam really started it all.
8. What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten? Once when she was high someone caught a grasshopper and cooked it over the fire - cooked being a generous word - and she ate it without hesitation. Don’t do drugs kids.
9. Describe the way that they sleep. Sprawled out, snoring loudly, usually with an arm wrapped around Sam.
10. What is their favorite food/kind of food? She loves hamburgers with all the toppings you can fit on it. Five Guys, Burger Factory, that kinda thing is her shit. She loves going to fast food joints and ordering the craziest combinations.
11. What do they feel most insecure about? Her abilities in anything really. She hates herself the moment she can’t do something. Even if it’s something small like playing a stupid Mario Party minigame she needs to be able to do it.
12. How do they like to dress? Masculine and functional, looking good and ready to kick ass.
13. How do they react to feelings of guilt? Beats herself up infinitely, hates herself and never really talks about it until someone convinces her to and then they can hopefully comfort her.
14. How do they react to/deal with betrayal? Initially wants to kill them. Then wants to beat the shit out of them. Eventually like, four years later, gets over it.
15. What is their greatest achievement? Breaking out if the institution and making it home safe, that was badass and awesome.
16. What are they like when they’ve gotten too little sleep? Irritable and cranky. Throws back coffee and energy drinks to help stay awake until she eventually crashes and passes out.
17. What are they like when they’re drunk? Depressed, nostalgic for better times. She cries a lot and apologizes for everything ever. A sad sight to see, really.
18. What kind of music do they enjoy? Hard rock and heavy metal. She wants to feel the bass in her bones and rock the fuck out. Has a soft spot for a few softer bands but usually refuses to admit it.
19. Are they right or left handed? She was born like technically left handed, but due to the missing finger she quickly took to using her right hand.
20. Fears? Scared of losing people. Scared of disappointing her friends. Scared of becoming like her parents. Scared of hurting those she loves.
21. Favorite kind of weather? Windy and somewhat sunny, but not too bright. She loves the rain too.
22. Favorite color? Red, which was probably obvious.
23. Do they collect anything? She tends to keep bottle caps around, accumulating a pile in her room until Sam inevitably recycles them all and she has to start anew.
24. Do they prefer either hot or cold weather more? Cool but not cold weather.
25. What is their eye color? Pale blue like iceberg water.
26. What is their race/ethnicity? White, specifically white trash by birth.
27. Hair color? Dark brown, likes to dye it red.
28. Are they happy where they are currently? Living with Sam and Max in a decent apartment with a decent job, she’s happy.
29. Are they a morning person? Not in the least. She’s basically a zombie before 11am.
30. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset, she likes knowing darkness is right around the corner.
31. Are they more messy or more organized? Messy, everything has it’s place - wherever it happens to be dropped.
32. Pet peeves? When people follow rules like it’s the law - even when it’s literally the law. See: Refusing to jaywalk Taking off hats in restaurants Never walking on the road even when it’s 2am and nobody else is awake jesus christ live a little dude
33. Do they own any objects of significant personal importance? She still has this little bracelet Sam gave her when they were like 12. It’s made of silver and has a little S engraved in it. She refuses to admit she still has it.
34. Least favorite food? She can’t stand salad. Why would you eat leaves?
35. Least favorite color? Orange. Never did care much for it.
36. Least favorite smell? Like 99% of perfumes, they just smell like chemicals to her.
37. When was the last time they cried? Last week she had a nightmare and some traumatic memories came back and she couldn’t help but cry.
38. Were they with anybody the last time they cried? She woke Sam up without meaning to and they comforted her.
39. Tell us about one of the times they got injured? She and Max were playing chicken, running straight at each other until someone bailed out. Nobody bailed out. She got her forehead cut open and Max got a huge bruise on his cheek.
40. Do they have any scars? Jesus does she ever. Scar across her left cheek, left ear reconstructed from skin grafts, scars up and down her arms and thighs from self harm, leg amputated above right knee, scars on her stomach from when her mother attacked her, burn marks across her back, and she’s missing her left index finger from a birth defect. We call her Scar for a reason.
41. Do they struggle with any mental health issues? Major depression and anger issues, as well as other shit left over from emotional and physical abuse. She’s pretty broken. On antidepressants but they aren’t quite enough, she’s doing her best.
42. Do they have any bad habits? Drinks too much (working on it though), used to smoke weed too much, leaves in the middle of the night without warning and worries everyone to death.
43. Why might someone dislike them? Lots of reasons. Resting bitch face, defensive and rude, she’s very loud and refuses to apologize for who she is
44. Why might someone love them? She has a lot to talk about. She’s intensely loyal and will protect you with her life. Once you realize what she’s working to fight through, she’s trying her hardest to be a good person. She’s a fight worth fighting for.
45. Do they believe in ghosts? She believes that if someone dies in a bullshit way they’ll stick around until they’re satisfied.
46. Is there anyone they would trust with their lives? Any four of her best friends. Sam, Max, James, and Simon alike she’d trust with her life.
47. Are they romantically interested in anyone? She loves Sam.
48. Are they dating/married to anyone? Sam is her gorgeous partner and she loves her very much.
49. Do they like surprises? She would if she could be awake enough to enjoy them. When she stays up for an all nighter she loves watching the sunrise.
50. When is their birthday? August 18th, summer child.
51. How do they usually celebrate their birthday? Used to drink the night away, now gets friends together to eat cake and junk food and watch good-bad movies
52. Do they have any family? Parents are long gone. This gang of misfits is her new family. A bunch of brothers and a beautiful partner.
53. Are they close to their family? Biological family no, she wants nothing to do with them. Her new family definitely.
54. What is their MBTI type? I’d say ISTP, the Virtuoso. I think it suits her well.
55. What is their zodiac sign? She’s a Leo but can literally never remember her sign.
56. What Hogwarts House would they be in? Gryffindor, like the cliche kicking down the door Gryffindor.
57. What D&D alignment are they? Chaotic neutral-good. She wants to be good, but only when it concerns her or her friends.
58. Do they ever have nightmares? If so, what about? The infinite amount of hit that has happened to her still haunts her every week or two, usually waking her up in the middle of the night.
59. What are their views on death? Pretends not to care, actually scared of what might be waiting.
60. What is something that they’re sure to laugh at? Any stupid joke for pun. Like what’s a fish without an eye? Her favourite joke.
61. When bored, how do they pass time? She works out, drinks, gets high, or just sleeps. She’ll also cuddle with Sam then fall asleep.
62. Do they enjoy being outside? Yeah, she loves the outdoors. She’ll get cranky if it’s too hot though.
63. Do they have an accent? She’s got the typical American/Canadian accent that doesn’t sound like an accent when you’re in north america. She has a few words out of the stereotypical Canadian accent but you’re dead if you point it out.
64. Upon seeing a slice of chocolate cake, what is their first reaction? Step one: acquire cake Step two: ingest
65. If they knew they were going to die, what would they do/say? She’d be terrified, crying as she spends every moment she can with all her friends. Telling and hearig stories, terrified that she’ll be forgotten.
66. How do they feel about sex? She enjoys it but doesn’t need it. Really depends on her partner.
67. What is their sexuality? She’s bisexual, leaning towards female and nonbinary people.
68. Do they become squeamish at the sight of blood? No way, blood can’t phase her at this point. She’s stitched and bandaged too many wounds to care about blood anymore.
69. Is there anything that they find really gross? Rotten food, just the sight of it makes her want to puke, and the smell will definitely make her puke.
70. Which TV Trope(s) best describes them? The cold-hearted bully who actually has a Tragic Backstory and can’t cope with it. Just needs someone to understand her.
71. Do they enjoy helping people? Her friends, yes. Sometimes strangers, but usually busy taking care of herself.
72. Are they allergic to anything? Nope, her immune system is chill.
73. Do they have a pet? James has Pequeño and she’s basically his aunt. She also has a rose haired tarantula named Princess she keeps in her room. Sam pretends they aren’t terrified of Princess.
74. Are they quick to anger? What are they like when they lose their temper? She’ll get angry in a heartbeat. She has two possibilities when angry: brooding and internalizing it all, or yelling and screaming until she ends up breaking down crying (usually someone is bleeding at this point).
75. How patient are they? She isn’t.
76. Are they good at cooking? Good enough. Nothing special but it’s pretty good.
77. Favorite insult? Do they insult people often? All the time. Big fan of “go die in a barn fire” and “who’s this clown?”
78. How do they act when they’re particularly happy? She’s grinning, laughing at everything and loud as can be.
79. What do they do when they learn about other people’s fears? She’s super careful to protect them from it and try not to mention that stuff.
80. Are they trustworthy? If you’re established as friends, she will die before she betrays you.
81. Do they try to hide their emotions? Are they good at it? She hides them on instinct, and is good at first but everything quickly overwhelms her and shows through.
82. Do they exercise regularly? All the time.
83. Are they comfortable with the way they look? She’s not terribly confident, but comfortable with her looks. She doesn’t plan on changing.
84. What are some physical features that they find attractive on people? She loves their arms, like muscular or small and dainty she loves the shoulders, biceps, forearms, hands. Can’t get enough.
85. What kind of personalities do they find attractive? Calm, helpful personalities, but still enough energy to go out and have fun. She wants someone to balance her out, but have fun when they can
86. Do they like sweet foods? In small amounts, she usually prefers salty or savory stuff.
87. What is their age? She’s 18.
88. Are they tall or short or somewhere in between? Damn tall, she’s 6’3”.
89. Do they wear glasses or contacts? Nope, her eyes are fine.
90. Do they consider themselves attractive? Somewhat, but not much.
91. What is their sense of humor like? Usually based on stupid puns and morbid jokes.
92. What mood are they most often in? Used to be depressed like 24/7, now is actually happy or at least content for the most part.
93. What kinds of things anger them? Basically anything, but especially people being rude, at least as she perceives.
94. Outlook on life? Kinda shitty but she’s stuck here so she might as well make the best of it.
95. What kind of things make them sad/depressed? Life. Basically anything. Anything had the potential to be sucked into the depressive vortex and made to be depressing.
96. What is their greatest weakness? Being insecure in herself. Also girls.
97. What is the greatest strength? Fighting for what she believes in.
98. Something that they regret? The years spent drunk and high that she could have been enjoying.
99. Biggest accomplishment? Getting out of the institution with James and Simon, alive and well.
100. Create your own! Ask anything you’d like!
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