#personally im not a fan of the bi flag
warlock-wizard-mage · 7 months
The Fetishization Of MLM relationships
1.) this post is not trying to be transphobic or mysoginistic in any way. That would be disgusting and if you are either one of those it will not be tolerated and i will flag and block you.
2.)This is not an attack onany artist specifficaly or ppl who headcanon Sirius as transfem.
Now, onto the actuall discussion...
So this started with my post about 99% of wolfstar fanart making Sirius look like a woman and how it is a gross fetishization of a queer relationship.
As a masc person who ships a lot of MLM myself, i have noticed that sometimes when i see a fanart of my fave mlm ship, one of the more femme one out of the couple gets portraied in a very femmine way, sometimes to a point of no recognition where it straight up almost feels like a gender swap fanart (and its not).
I usually kept it no mind as it wasnt that usuall and didnt really interest me (for example, i used to be a huge Loki fan a few years back and every time id see a hyperfeminized loki it would be a Thorki fanart, so i just ignored it cuz i dont ship thorki )
recently i got into marauders and when i searched up wolfstar fanart for the first time ever, MAJORITY of it was portraying Sirius as a baby girl (hyper femme, to the point where it looked like a hetero fan art)
That is why i got fed up, bc before it was scarce but this fandom has a problem.( Like how is it a majority of fanart?? you ppl okay??)
SO, how is this a gross fetishization and queerphobic you ask?
Ive actually seen a lot of people talk about it back in 2020/21 and since then had a few conversations about it with my friends, bc im not the only one who noticed this.
There is this phenomenon of CIS and HETERO girls/women that obsess over gay relationships. They ship mlm characters, maybe desire a "gay bestie" (but not a lesbian one), or even would like to have a bi bf (with a perfrence for women ofc).
I noticed this but didnt know what it was. It wasnt until i heard other people talk about it and talk about some research and studies and so on, that i found out what it all was about.
It is because girls/women in this society and era strive to be seen as equal by their partner, want to be seen as an equal by their partner- emotionaly and physically and so on. And subconciously or conciously they know that they cannot get that from a cishet male partner, so they obsess over the fictive desirable world of a gay male love. (Male bc theyre not queer themselves and fantasizing about a sapphic relationship would be very fruity.)
And while all of that is understandable and valid and actually quite sad, it does not change anything about the fact that these people then go on and invade queer spaces, take away representation, selfproject onto one of the men in the ship to the point where they hyperfeminize him bc they dont actually want to see two men in love, they just crave what the gay couple has.
ps: if you do this and you do not identify as a woman/girl, i am very sorry if this made you feel invalidated and i need to say that this doesnt apply to you, queer ppl obsessing over queer ships is no problem at all and you are valid
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brookeginko · 4 months
feeling hateful here are some p3 fan red flags
-disliking yukari because she’s ‘mean.’ you don’t have to be her #1 fan or anything but she acts like a normal teenage girl and i guarantee if she was a male character instead no one would have this issue with her
-making jokes abt akihiko not understanding social cues every four seconds
-alternatively bringing up his autistic-coding every four seconds. yes he is autistic-coded. no, a screenshot of him saying the word ‘yes’ does not need to be captioned with ‘OMG HE’S SO AUTISTIC I NEED TO SHOOT AND KILL HIM’
-liking ryoham but not ryomina/liking aikoto but not hamugis
-or alternatively agreeing with the whole ‘ryomina is weird because Makoto’s his surrogate mother’ tweet that got memed a while back
-frequently call makoto or shinjiro ‘emo’
-or saying that p3 is the ‘emo’ or ‘edgy’ persona game
-door-kun toaster aigis
-genuinely hcing that yukari is homophobic bc of that one meme (YES I’VE SEEN THIS.)
-seeing chidori only as an extension of junpei
-sexualizing any of SEES including the third years
-mitsuru fans that use the word mommy to describe her
-thinking akihiko is a cool chad gym bro. this one i don’t mind as much since it’s not super apparent if you haven’t played portable im just very particular about my hiko characterization
-BUT if you mention protein whenever he’s brought up… ☹️
-thinking makoto has no personality behind ‘I don’t care’ ESPECIALLY if they’re referring to p3m
-thinking ken was responsible for shinjiro’s death
-bringing up the ken romance every time someone mentions kotone
-policing anyone for using a different name for the protagonists
-shitting on reload because it’s new. I’m not talking about actual criticism because I have some too but just. wahhhhh reload bad it has no soul wahhhhhhhh provides no evidence
-going along w above ive seen people bitching that reload is ‘woke’ because of bi ryoji. cry me a river he’s been bi since portable
-also going along with above. coming up with excuses for any of the canon bi p3 characters (kotone aigis ryoji) not actually being bi
-you think akishinji is a proship because of Castor and Polydueces
-akimina shippers who woobify makoto. i guess this goes for any makoto ship but i’ve seen it the worst with akimina
-shitting on any non problematic ships
-you try to correct people’s ship names because its ’not the canon name.’ You can take akimina from my cold dead hands I’m not calling it akimako
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wandasaura · 2 months
i wanna do gay or mcu themed friendship bracelets but i don't really have ideas of words i could put on them. soo i was wondering if you had any. as you are both a swiftie and a mcu fan (and ig you're gay), you sound like the kind of person i could ask that. (you or anyone who might read this).
— 🌿
i think i am perfectly qualified for this lol, however most of my bracelets are taylor themed. i’ve made a few for paramore/noah kahan/fletcher but again, im pulling from material that already provides gayness. the biggest thing is honestly just finding beads that match gay colors. the most recent round of taylor bracelets i made were inspired by flags! i made a trans flag, bi flag, lesbian flag, and gay flag bracelet that just said lover, i’ve pulled from wtny and used lines like ‘boys and boys’ and ‘girls and girls’ and ofc just the title line bc a swifties fonna get the gist if i hand them a rainbow bracelet that says wtny. i also think using rainbow letter beads is a big help in kind of… promoting the gay factor, even if the letters on the beads aren’t necessarily telling.
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my qualifications 🫡 these are from the second round of taylor events i attended, so they’re not my best designs and styles however im too sleepy to get up and take pictures of my newer bracelets
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kindlespark · 2 years
Too shy .. but I do agree with you on the Cerebrocast not getting QQ 😔.
OMG HI TWITTER PERSON ok context for everyone else i’ve been listening to cerebrocast (who do not like quentin) but i personally have so many thoughts about quentin quire and i DO hate it because he’s the stupidest whitest bitch in existence.
the thing is that i need his story to have been about white trans/queer rage because he literally looks like he has pink hair and pronouns and something something he looks like a walking trans flag with the pink hair and blue psionics and he’s a fucking PHOENIX HOST. YOU KNOW, THE X-MEN’S MANIFESTATION OF FEMALE RAGE??? ANYWAY. its just nonsensical to me that in new x-men morrison chooses their incel school shooter allegory to be…. a punk counterculture radical anarchist mutant who is driven to action when he sees a (implied gay) mutant fashion designer/activist killed in a hate crime. like i just dont think morrison understands politics. it’s a story that demonises leftist radical protesting/riots, and implies the youth doing it are just fucked up/co-opting it for a trend, and are also just super addicted to drugs all the time lmfao. and it is even bizarrer in retrospect because everyone in comics and making comics now pretty much agrees now that magneto IS right. that is just how minority politics irl have developed!! charles’ assimilationist bullshit is long past!!
HOWEVER. i do think there is a way to redeem/fix that and that’s if we think of it as a story that demonises WHITE counterculture. if we take it as a story that’s like yeah, white leftism and white queer/trans rage without intersectionality is just white supremacy. that tbh is what it should’ve been and i’m never giving grant morrison that credit but that’s what i wanted bc my god white gays are annoying and quentin is like such a perfect encapsulation of that entitlement. tbh. i like him so much as a character but if i knew him irl i’d block him on all platforms and throw him off a cliff etc etc
like i think it’s fine to take quentin’s writing in riot at xavier’s at face value bc morrison WAS seemingly aiming for a criticism on how people co-opt politics to be trendy and as an outlet for more personal issues which does happen! i just think the optics are bizarre for that and it falls into wild horseshoe theory shit and i dont think it WORKS you know i think there’s more interesting ways to take that character that aren’t like “the youth’s anger and protesting and counterculture is stupid” especially because we don’t really HAVE any radical characters that arent consistently villainised. and i think people have tried to do that since wolverine and the x-men with a more defanged pathetic quentin who is i think bi now? idk last i remembered christina strain made him lie that benji was his boyfriend in gen x 2017 but does that count? have they said it more explicitly since then? who knows i dont remember either way i think he’s better having been kicked down a few rungs and given growth. i like that his biggest fear is losing his friends/community at school. im glad that ppl have made him more fun as a character now… but they’ve also done that while wiping the political beliefs/allegory out of his character and making him just that superior annoying dude instead of trying to tackle what it does mean for quentin to have a genuine rage and hatred for how the system oppresses and kills people like him. the story implies that rage was never really genuine and he was just acting out but that SUCKS and is BORING because fuck if im not also angry all the damn time about the state of the world! let us be angry about injustice without demonising that anger! like that is why i do think quentin does have a niche following of queer fans bc like for a moment we connected with that rage from a guy who looks like *waves hand in the air* that
also my hottest take that i got redpilled into via one article i read years ago is that i think idie/quentin/evan could’ve been the next insane phoenix jean/scott/logan love triangle. a LOT of work and writing would need to be done to actually make me care about quentin in any relationship but the potential was there and could’ve been great tbh. we’re long past that era now but sometimes i think about how i would reboot that whoooole schtick into something cohesive like it could’ve been a subversive little queer story of colour if watxm volume 2 wasnt just the quentin quire show and idie/evan got more spotlight and if it wasnt completely incomprehensible or had unfortunate art. BUT ANYWAY.
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wegonbealright-09 · 1 year
i’m here to wax poetic about jimin bc im tired of only hearing about non-jimins and today’s discourse is enough to last me a whole year
i love this thing jimin does when he plays around with feminine sultriness. the video above reminded me of that so i wanted to talk more about it. i wish we could get that more often but i think he really likes switching back and forth and likes keeping people on their toes.
i think a great example of this is the dynamic between SMF pt2 and LC. while the lyrics of SMF pt2 are super queer coded (my personal favorite is “i wont hide anymore even if it hurts”), the delivery is actually more on the masculine side (e.g., baggy clothes (with cunty skin-tight tops underneath lol) and an intense hip-hop sound). on the other hand, the delivery of LC is super queer while the lyrics seem to specifically refer to a woman who is distracting him from his emotions and his chaotic life.
there’s obviously many theories about how LC may be queer coded. for me, the queer coding lies more in the performance and not the actual lyrics. when the mv came out and queer fans began to theorize how the woman that he appears to look for is a reflection of him there was immediate pushback only for the choreography to show exactly that. also, the fact that the korean male dancers were also meant to touch him in the beginning (as we can see on the dance rehearsal bangtan bomb). the fact that that specific detail was “toned down” in the korean performances but not the american one is really interesting to me. (i will die on the hill that the Fallon performance is unmatched, the dancers not only matched his dancing style perfectly but also perfectly captured the sultryness and intimacy of the song).
additionally, throughout the choreography it almost looks like the female and male dancers are in tug of war with him, pushing him in different directions. there’s two instances where he is literally tugged or pulled by a female dancer and then a male dancer. then the resolution is that the dancers are all paired up and he’s quite literally “alone again” and then we transition into Alone where we get answers to what the real underlying problem is which is his loneliness and what keeps him in that vicious coping cycle until he sets himself free from that.
there’s so much to unpack about FACE. i will always be so proud for what he was able to achieve on such a brief record. he really did THAT.
i think that doing that back and forth between masc and fem is really gratifying for him bc he clearly doesn’t like putting himself in a box. that duality is also sort of liberating bc it puts him in a sweet spot where he doesn’t come off as a queerbaiter but also gets to express himself authentically. personally, i think the photofolio, the self-drawn “tattoo” of the male and female symbols, and that time he painted a bi flag out of nowhere are signs that i find it really hard to believe he’s not throwing hints put here lol.
hints about what? his sexuality?
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thenarryparable · 2 years
Narrys Bullet Train Headcanons <3
This gonna be long and just identity headcanons for now.
First like identity stuff (I already fucking said that)
Ladybug is Bi and a trans guy because yeah! I feel like he is.
Tangerine is MLM and Cis because just makes sense to me.
Lemon is Pan and Non-binary but still uses he/him so...he/they. Their also autistic because if you watched the movie...YEAH WE ALL CAUGHT ON JUST LOOK AT THE POSTS ABOUT LEMON WE ALL KNOW.
Yuichi Kimaru. My baby boy. Is questioning and cis.
OH AND THE LAST ONE IS JUST FOR PRINCE SINCE IM GOING OFF MY NOTEBOOK. She's a lesbian because look at her outfit. It's the colors of the sunset flag. Also she/they for her but she's cis. I actually kind of like her now. Seems like a Poppy fan.
I have more headcanons just...let me get this out as a bonus! You guys don't understand.
(why only them two? Because I don't remember how September or Stanley acts. Or...anyone else....)
Thursday is Lemon but Ladybugs personality because he is dumb and sweet /pos and instead of Thomas The Tank Engine metaphors it's My Little Pony. So. Yeah. Diesel would be Queen Chrysalis. I also feel like Lemon would love My Little Pony so IT JUST MAKES SENSE TO ME. Also spoilers but uh when Tangerine dies you know when uh...he puts the Thomas sticker in Tangerines hand? Yeah thats Twilight instead. Put a Twilight Sparkle sticker in a dead man's hand.
Cyrus is Tangerine because he's...look at him. LOOK AT HIM. How can I not. He would be more quiet like Lemon though. Not as angry and not as loud. Probably still call me a fucking bastard though. But still THE TWINS ARE COMPLETE. THEY BANTER LIKE THEM IN MY DUMB LITTLE BRAIN HE MOVES LIKE A BOWL SITTING IN THE MICROWAVE. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM SPIN SPIN. Did I mostly just say he's tangerine so I can see him so disheveled that I start dying on the inside? Yes. Is it worth him dying? YES.
Rosie is Yuichi or Ladybug I can't decide. Like...would he shoot Cyrus by accident? Yes. But would Cyrus try and strange him twice and kill him?...maybe but I feel like Rosie would do that to him instead. But eh. Motives. "Why not just make him Yuichi then?" because that means Thursday would shoot him without hesitation and she would not do that.
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crusader-kings · 2 years
breaking down tha door here 2 giv my own two cents abt tha fury thing:
it's. NOT lesbian erasure . liek fury in canon is not a lesbian . her having a mlm flag is not "lesbian erasure" women can b gay it's Not weird . or hell , fury can b a she/her gay man . either way it's not lesbian erasure this is liek calling it gay erasure when sombody headcanons tallstar as bi
secondly fury actually doesn't hav a canon description 4 her pelt or eyes so she COULD look liek anything. howeva i will say that making it ur oc is uhhhhhhh how do i say this Kind Of Fucking Stupid ?
but anyways thos r my thoughts . they changed tha sprite back anyways so it's whateva
hope u dont mind me publicly posting this
but yeah i do agree w u on the first point, but i will say that even i as a he/him lesbian myself can tell that hc's like that can leave alot of sour taste in people's mouth and it can be also weird as hell, i personally dont rlly like the idea of flag collars in the wiki but that is just personal to me but take this w a grain of salt as i am very very disconnected from the lgbt community myself even being lgbt and also.. the flag is........controversial.................
i wasnt rlly upset abt the flag erasure or the redraw i was more pissed off at the fact that it was an oc, i genuinely doubt it was a 'i headcanon fury as a she/her gay man' and more like 'my oc is a mlm' if u know what i mean? i wouldnt have a problem if the artist just made a fury design with darker colors but it was the fact their inserted their OC in it was that bothered me. u can see that fan art of fury before that was brown tabby and im gonna assume most ppl went off from her wiki sprite bc yknow, the wiki has a massive influence over this fandom and it just makes things 10000% worse
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Okaay, never did this before so im pretty nervous but let's goo
Thanks so mch @orbitingplutoinmysocksleepingbag for the tag 💜
Top 5 favorite books: Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern, the Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater, Missing in Clairdelune by Christelle Dabos, Radio Silence by Alice Oseman, there's more but this'll do
Top 5 favorite shows/movies: Steven Universe, used to be big fan of Once Upon a Time, 2005 Pride and Prejudice, oh Young Royals, Heartstopper, Shadow and Bone
Fav movie genre: fantasy mostly with a bit of (queer 🤧💕) romance and mystery
Top fandoms: raven cycle, grishaverse, osemanverse, studio ghibli, star wars and just realized i read 10 pjo books but don't talk it
Top fandoms you'd like to be more involved in: osemanverse (only read 3 books), the owl house (s2), oh oh our flag means death (im in ep 1)
Top artists you listen to: (mine always changes) Luiza Brina, Dodie, Alabama Shakes, Akira Rae, mxmtoon
Top songs currently: this whole playlist actually!
Song(s) that describes you perfectly: exausta by luiza brina, 'a bad dream' by keane, and 'if im being honest' by dodie
Top music genres currently: its the last playlist, so mpb, indie and pop
Fav music genres/vibes: hmmm indie pop rock alternative, all mixed up in a great queer soup with not-understandable but beautiful lyrics
Love language you're most comfortable giving: uuuhgg idk, guess quality time?
Love language you like receiving: when i receive hugs and touches from people i admire and love, it is the most wonderful thing in the world and makes me cry, but also quality time and affirmation words
Fav aesthetics: uuh i don't really know... i loved powerful women with magic ruling the world stuff!!!!! but now it's intimate queer friendships, skies in the afternoon, music to mess my mind, and cloudy villages with soo many trees
Characters you kin: the worst in Frances and Aled combined, noah czerny, matthew pynch, a bit of zachary ezra rawlings, steven and stevonnie (su)
Fav color and why: purple, cause meeting simon (yr) saved me, it's beautiful in the bi flag and it's also blue and pink together (also fav colors)
Interests you love to talk about: vegan and affective recipes, books I'm currently reading (osemanverse!!), the queer experience™, praise trans and nb people, goddesses in different cultures, magic and yeh
16 personality types: INFJ-T
MTG color quiz: Planeswalker of The Bant Shard! (Blue, white and green, no idea what this means)
Silly fear: don't talk about human body interiors next to me, i might faint ✌️
Guess I'll leave the tag open! Feel free to answer <3
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foulserpent · 5 years
i do wish we didnt mostly go with a ‘its a few stripes’ design for lgbt flags like honestly love designs that incorporate other symbolism
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squibll · 6 years
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i drew trish una with the colors from the magical lesbian pride flag!! and also put the flag in the bg,, flag source 
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severusish · 2 years
short story. my cousin max (who we’d never met before because our branches of the family got split in wwi due to a family feud, long story) was coming to visit my family (my brother and dad and i) some years ago. like this was the first reunion between relatives on my dad’s mother’s side. since wwi. and we hadn’t met him in person yet. but my dad saw him posting lgbt flags and ally/supportive posts on insta and fb. and instead of assuming that my cousin was just an ally, my dad assumed that my cousin was a gay (lgbt+) boy of unspecified orientation/identification. so like the whole month before max came to visit us my dad was planning a guided tour of all the lgbt places in our city, the bars, the cultural spaces, the theatres, etc, and he also made a playlist of lgbt artist songs to play and a list of lgbt films to watch. it was honestly so cute and i couldn’t say anything because i didn’t ask my cousin if he was gay before he came. and like when my cousin max showed up and we did all this stuff for the first three days of his visit and then on the third day my cousin was like “yo this is great and all but you do realize im not gay right” and my dad was just like 👁👄👁. but my cousin laughed and said “hey it’s great im a big fan of what we’ve been seeing and watching and stuff but just thought you should know” and my dad was lowkey embarrassed that he’d gotten it wrong but my cousin was super pleased and said “im so glad i have such a supportive uncle, that’s reassuring to know” — imagine how i feel max, he’s my dad! :) anyway i came out to my dad as bi two days after and he was genuinely super happy that i felt safe around him and he’s been super supportive since then. max is still straight though as far as i can tell. but an awesome ally and he went to pride with me a few years later!! anyway that’s the story byeeee
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do you have any advice for how to uninternalize shame about kink and being into kinky sex? i know on an intellectual level that my preferences arent evil or harmful and im not hurting anyone and there is nothing wrong with consensual safe kink but its so hard not to feel like an evil failed person when the societal view of kink is so negative
hi anon,
I've found that a great first step to unlearning most kinds of shame, whether it's about sex or your body or anything else, is to not expect yourself to be able to do all of that heavy lifting alone. you didn't learn that shame by yourself - it's the the work of many generations and countless people reinforcing harmful ideas. undoing that harm is going to take more than one person, too.
what I'm saying that you need to surround yourself with a positive community where the focus of your shame is talked about as something that's normal, or even great. I speak from experience here - it was hanging out on this very hellsite as a lonely teen that made me realize that I could just be openly bisexual instead of choking back my gayer impulses and passing as straight for my entire life.
"but Makenzie, how do I find community? that sounds hard."
it's not necessarily easy! but listen - I just said tumblr counts, right? most of the people who had the biggest influence on me accepting my own bisexuality aren't people that I had any kind of personal one-on-one relationship with. they were people with bi pride flag icons who talked about their own sexuality and their bi headcanons for fictional characters like it was the most natural thing in the world.
that's also how I unlearned so much of the shamey bullshit that often surrounds conversations about sexuality. do you think I was BORN this cringe and unapologetically enthusiastic about discussing bodily fluids? god, no. but I found tumblr users who were happily dispensing advice based on their own sexual experiences, delightfully enthusiastic sex toy reviewers, and informative youtubers like Lindsey Doe and yikes alert incoming] Laci Green before she became a nazi. reading about sex like it was any other topic helped too - one early gem was Rachel Hills' The Sex Myth, which I still have sitting on my bookshelf.
basically, what I'm getting at is that there's no surefire, satisfaction guaranteed way to shake the shame. it would be wildly irresponsible to act like there was. but just seeing other people like you being normal, chill people can be very healing. something something looking at these nice folks and realizing they don't deserve to live in shame can help you realize you don't either. so go find other kinky people living their best kinky lives! might I recommend Evie Lupine's youtube channel as a starting point? I've been really enjoying some of her recent videos, and she has a HUGE backlog to explore.
lastly, and this is important: getting help from other people in unlearning your shame includes help with mental health. I'm a huge fan of therapy in general, and if you're really struggling with feeling gross and bad because of your sexual proclivities then unpacking that with a therapist couldn't hurt. depending on where you live, you could even search for a good match using the Kink Aware Professionals directory.
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Grunge-Metal Geralt
Hi, im fucking trash for the idea of Geralt being the front man for a Five Finger Death Punch type band and my brain wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it. This music genre is my bread and butter and I think Geralt’s repressed but highly emotional ass would fit right in. Yes im using another Hozier song, no i dont wanna hear anything about it. I’m a basic bitch and ive made my peace with it
Warnings: i honestly have no idea, its a little horny, little emotional, but theres no actual character interaction?, its at a concert venue? idk yall.
Jaskier was… out of his comfort zone.
It’s not that he didn’t like the grunge-metal music, he just hadn’t listened to much and he was not used to the energy. People were yelling and screaming and the opener hadn’t even come on yet. He didn’t feel unsafe, far from it. Several people had checked to see if he was okay, seeing as he was the only person in the entire arena wearing a sweater that wasn't ripped or faded to hell. It was just a far cry from the shows he was used to. 
He played folky-blues. This was nothing like his shows. 
When the lights went down the crowd was deafening, all moving as one to rush the front of the floor, not giving a single fuck about tickets. 
The openers were exciting, and Jaskier was surprised by some of the concepts and messages behind the music. It wasn’t what he’d expected at all and he found himself searching them up on Spotify to listen later. 
Then came The Witchers. 
Eskel and Lambert made their energetic entrance, followed by Aiden calmly walking to his drums and sitting as if he were walking into a college class. But Geralt was nowhere in sight. The one person Jaskier had actually come to see. 
He’d seen a video clip from a previous concert where they covered one of his songs, and he was praying they’d do it again. It was lovely in a haunting-almost-threatening way, and the expression in Geralt’s posture alone was enthralling. He had to see it live. 
But Geralt was still absent as the band started to build a song. First Aiden with the beat, then Eskel’s bass, then Lambert with a melody on his electric guitar. It built and built and built to a fever pitch, taking the crowd with it. People were already jumping and screeching. Jaskier had to stand on his seat to see the stage clearly. 
Geralt’s voice echoed through the venue, low and closer to a growl than singing, but he was still nowhere to be seen.
Jaskier thought he’d been prepared, but his whole body was covered in goosebumps. He briefly wondered if this was what his friends were feeling when they listened to ASMR.
Geralt remained hidden for the whole first verse, getting the crowd even more excited than Jaskier thought possible, only for the band to go completely silent for a whole measure. When the crowd's screams reached their absolute loudest, Geralt dropped from on top of one of the jumbotrons, landing on one of the horse-sized speakers before launching into the chorus. 
Oh fuck, he was even more beautiful in person. 
He was… well he was a beast of a man. Jaskier really didn’t have another word for the way his muscles bulged and how lithe and powerful he looked springing from the speaker to join his bandmates on the main stage. His thighs filled out his black, tattered jeans and there were clear faded spots where his muscles strained the fabric too often. The thin black tank he wore did nothing but pretend the man was semi-modest. It was so tight, the only thing left up to the imagination was tan lines and the color of his nipple piercings. 
Jaskier was most entranced by his long, white, wavy hair falling past his shoulders. As the show continued and he started to sweat, a lot, it got curlier and curlier at the root. Jaskier wanted to give him a mask and some curl cream, but only after a, uhm, rough night of getting to know each other. He’d heard rumors about Geralt from hitting arenas not long after they’d left. He was quite sure they’d have a great time.
As he focused on the lyrics more and more, he was more inclined to want to wrap Geralt up in a hug and worship every part of him until he felt whole again. 
Either he’d been shown the shitty side of the genre, or The Witchers were exceptions to the rule of content. Jaskier was almost moved to tears a few different times.
Finally, about an hour into Jaskier mindlessly feasting his eyes on the front man, Geralt leapt onto another speaker and sat down, breathing hard and grinning from ear to ear. 
“You still with us?”
The unholy screech from the crowd left no doubt they were just as excited, if not more so, than when they’d arrived. 
“Good! Good..” he trailed off, chuckling as he lowered the mic to take a breath, “We’re gonna slow it down for a minute,” he leaned forward and held the mic away as Eskel shouted something up at him to which he laughed and flipped him off. 
“As I was saying, we’re gonna yearn for a minute or two and do a cover. Song by Jaskier called ‘Talk’.”
The crowd lost their shit again, various pride flags popping up throughout the stands. 
Geralt chuckled and raised his combat boot, showing off the bi flag colored treads, earning another round of screams. If this is what the grunge-metal scene was like, Jaskier had been missing out his entire life. Sure his fans were sweet and supportive and loving when he’d come out. But this was electric and feral and completely addictive.
Lambert struck the opening chord to Jaskier’s song and the crowd settled to a gentle hum, setting the tone immediately, as if they all knew exactly what was coming. 
Geralt closed his eyes as he tapped his thigh with one finger, keeping time before his rumbling baritone hit Jaskier like a freight train. 
“I’d be the voice that urged Orpheus when her body was found…”
Jaskier could have collapsed right there. He knew he was staring like a lovesick idiot, but hell, everyone around him was too. When the chorus hit and Eskel came in with a heavy bass line he nearly fell off his chair. Geralt’s intensity raised with the addition of the backup but he didn’t move. He stayed seated, swaying slightly, with his eyes closed as he crooned out the words Jaskier had sobbed as he wrote, broken hearted and miserable. 
It was surreal. 
Sure he’d seen other covers. Sure they’d been lovely. But he wanted to listen to this and only this as he fell asleep for the rest of his life. He’d never play it again if he could only hear it one more time. 
After the last verse Lambert launched into a guitar solo while Geralt jumped off the speaker and meandered to the center of the stage to slot his mic back in it’s stand. He gripped it like a lifeline when Lambert held one last note for as long as his instrument would allow and only started singing the last chorus when it was almost silent. 
“I won't deny I've got in my mind now all the things I would do
So I'll try to talk refined for fear that you find out how I'm imaginin' you
I won't deny I've got in my mind now all the things we could do
So I'll try to talk refined for fear that you find out how I'm imaginin' you”
His expression looked hopeless and utterly desperate as he crooned out the last two lines. He let his hair fall to cover his face and Jaskier could just barely hear his panting breath over the sound system as the crowd exploded. Geralt tipped his head back and took two deep breaths before straightening up and getting on with the show but Jaskier was stuck. 
He was vaguely aware of someone taking a picture of him, but he really couldn’t care less. The fact that Geralt moved right on to a song called ‘Burn Motherfucker Burn’ didn’t matter either. 
Jaskier jumped down from his arena seat, whipping out his phone and sending the band a tweet, because apparently that’s what musicians did now?
“Record it. Please. It’s either that or sing me to sleep every night. You choose.”
He stayed for the rest of the show and walked to his car in a haze. Before he backed out of his spot he checked his phone like always and his heart nearly stopped at the two top notifications. 
One public reply: “Both? -G”
And one direct message: “If you’re still here and want to grab a drink, I’m just backstage.” 
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iconpridez · 2 years
please read below for rules, info, dni & whitelist/blacklist before requesting! ^u^
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
pride icon requests only, please!
please only request 1-2 things per ask as to not overwhelm me too much!
i won’t do requests with the green/blue gay flag, sunset aroace or pink/blue/yellow pan flag!
i do take requests for unlisted sources, but please note i will be selective with what i will and won’t do!!
i reserve full right to delete/deny any request, whether it be due to lack of resources or just being generally unmotivated
any hate i receive will be deleted! literally just block me if you don’t like me it’s not that hard
please give credit, it makes me happy and goes a long way!
do NOT rush me to finish your request: remember that i am a REAL PERSON with a job, im attending college and do extracurricular activities afterward. i will try to finish requests asap, but i get busy sometimes so requests may not always be open when i get overwhelmed!
more rules likely to be added later!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
hii!! this blog is ran by mod futaba! my real name is ardenne, 20 y/o, im nb/stellarian/moonlightgender/dreamgender, i use they/he pronouns & i identify as bi ace!!
i made this blog as I enjoy doing stuff for others and have recently been going through a rough patch so I thought this would help cheer me up! :D
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
general dni criteria
if you are an exclusionist (bi / pan / aro-ace spec, etc) or lgbtphobic in general
anti-anti or pro-ship
racist, support nazi/white supremacist ideals, islamophobic, etc
pro-mspec lesbian/gay
fujoshi (+ anything under that umbrella) / sexualize lgbt+ people and ships
yandere / enjoy irl gore
pro endo-non traumagenic systems
nsfw blog
inc*st supporter
pro ed/thinspo/irl gore/proana/traumacore
active fan of problematic media
supporters of anything listed above
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
love live, bandori/bang dream, project sekai, umineko/higurashi, persona series, madoka magica/magia record, sailor moon, zombieland saga, idolmaster, revue starlight, pink bitch club, the umbrella academy, danganronpa, bnha/mha, witch hat atelier, tokyo mew mew, fire emblem, stranger things, mlp, touhou, pokemon, precure, the owl house, enstars, basically any magical girl anime, etc!
genshin impact, okegom, homestuck (+ hiveswap & vast error), bsd, harry potter + more
the arcana
boyfriend to death
boyfriends (webcomic)
camp camp
killing stalking
miss kobayashi/dragon maid
obey me
real people
south park
vivziepop medias
yandere simulator/yansim
+ more, i will likely add more to the blacklist as more requests appear!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
with that out of the way, can i get some promotion? @gothamspride @pridolcons @paintingofdawn @fakexcute @m1dn1ghtcat !! (feel free to deny!)
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therantingfangirl · 2 years
🔥 - How has the way you think about yourself changed since you realized you were queer?
It really depends on my mood. I’m still not out of the closet IRL, except with like 8 people—and only 2 of those people are in my family. There’s times when all I can think about is how my identity would make my parents and 2 of my siblings not want to be around me anymore, BUT when I did come out to my sister last July, I felt like I had been holding my breath for 22 years and I was finally able to release it.
There’s such a big difference in how I feel when im around people who know that im bi than those who don’t. I feel so free when im around those people and feel like I don’t have to hide myself.
I spent a really long time just pretending that the reason why I got so excited when Anko appeared on the screen or when I saw Emma Stone in a movie was appreciation for a badass woman. When I finally just sat and thought “oh, no. I’m just into women,” I felt like I had unlocked this big secret about myself to myself. I knew myself so much better in that moment, and have ever since.
🦚 - Are there any queer books/shows/etc. that you would suggest?
Okay I never read romance novels, BUT One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston is absolutely beautiful. The main character, August is bisexual and has just moved to New York. She’s not 100% sure what she actually wants to do in life and she has a weird relationship with her family. August was so relatable and h watching her fall in love with a woman from a different time, stuck in a time loop, enraptured me. I finished the book in two days!
For queer tv, I HIGHLY recommend Schitt’s Creek. When writing the show, Dan Levy and Eugene Levy decided that they wanted to come up with a show that made coming out unnecessary. They wanted a show free from homophobia. And it was so refreshing! There’s one scene where David tells his friend that he’s pansexual and he says “I do drink red wine. But I also drink white wine. And I’ve been known to sample the occasional rosé. And a couple summers back, I tried a Merlot that used to be a Chardonnay, which got a bit complicated… I like the wine and not the label.” And that last sentence has always stuck with me.
🏳️‍🌈 - Do you enjoy the colors of your preferred flag? Do you incorporate it into your outfits, decor, etc.?
Well, I’ve never been a big fan of pink. But I think the bi flag colors together are gorgeous. My hair even had all three colors in it earlier this year when it was fading and I felt so proud of myself for looking like it. I usually only wear black, maroon, or olive green, so I don’t wear it and I don’t use it as decor, BUT I’ve definitely done multiple eyeshadow looks with the three colors.
Since you’re the person has always made me feel comfortable in who I am and was the person who pushed me so hard to admit what we both knew, thank you so much for the asks, @mortyvongola2-0. I wouldn’t be where I’m at in this understanding of who I am without you ❤️
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trashcanfills · 3 years
*scuttles up to your window* ur the first person im requesting any overwatch stuff from bc the hanzo headcanons you made me *melt*...ANYWAYS!! IF YOU DO POLYS...I HOPE THIS ISNT TOO DIFFICULT, BUT LÚCIO IN A POLY RELATIONSHIP WITH A BOY AND A GIRL?? froggie man deserves every ounce of love...
Omg anon Im glad to hear you really enjoyed my answer to that hanzo ask. I really appreciate the asks you have given me and to hear that Im the first blog you have requested ow stuff from makes me wijdkkekenkdkdkdaook why are you so precious anon
Thats what Im calling you now. Precious anon. Cus you are precious af.
I def do poly no worries my dude. And yes I agree frog boi needs the lovin there aint enough lucio x readers shit out here.
Lucio is def bi. You will only pry this headcanon out of my cold dead hands.
Twice the lovers mean twice the lovin. Lucio is one of those more attentive partners among the overwatch cast, so no worries abt anyone getting left out! He will make sure to pay equal attention to both partners and always bring the three of them together for hangouts and group dates.
Group cuddle sessions are a thing. What can I say, Lucio is one physically affectionate person. I can imagine Lucio and bf would often lie down on gf much to her exasperation. It’s cus she’s got those great assets to rest on if you know what I mean :^)
Lucio: Hi this is my boyfriend (b/n).
(B/n): hey
Lucio: and that’s his girlfriend, (g/n).
(G/n): waves
Lucio: Yea, we’re all dating each other.
(Btw, b/n and g/n is boyfriens name and girlfriens name respectively cus Im too lazy to type it fully)
Lucio is a DJ so him writing music for his two s/os will definitely happen. He has an album dedicated to the two muses that has captured his heart. All the fans love it.
Speaking of which, the two of you would have to figure out on how you would want to handle fans/paparazzi in general cus Lucio is a well-known music artist. He absolutely doesn’t mind if you two would like to keep it lowkey, since he would understand that not everyone is really comfortable under the spotlight.
BUT if you both don’t mind that oh HOOOOO the froggy boi will be fucking ecstatic.
Honestly there are many ways that Lucio can announce his relationship status, like whether it’s revealed via interview, or online or release of that same album he wrote for you two.
Regardless of the method, everyone goes fucking nuts anyways cus Lucio has outed himself as bi and is dating TWO people in a healthy polyamorous relationship. Hooray for the LGBTQ+ fans.
The three of you have attended pride parades together to show support. Soon after pictures of you three at a pride parade spread, icons of Lucio with the Bi flags/colour scheme trended online, much to Lucio’s delight.
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