#pet: felyne
midnightsun-if · 11 months
Someone asked me to give a bit more details on the potential pets (mainly what they look like), but I deleted the ask because I apparently can’t use tumblr to save my life… Whoever did send that ask in I apologize for that.
From left to right: Hellhound // Izarra // Felyne:
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Hellhounds: As pictured above when they’re in the mortal realm they take on a more dog-like appearance (pretty much meaning they don’t have fire intertwined with their fur and glowing eyes). They typically appear in three main colors: Black, Steel Blue, or Gray. (With eyes ranging from red, to orange, to gold— in the human world they tend to revert to a a brownish color.)
Izarra: An owl species that’s typically found as companion animals to Sorcerers… Beautiful creatures that seem to emulate various constellations within their feathers (either real or one that’s completely unique to them).
Felyne: Look like your typical wildcats within the mortal realm, with one catch! They’re tiny. Pretty much imagine a tiger, a lion, or a jaguar, and just make it into the size of a medium sized house cat… You got a Felyne!
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jura-san · 4 days
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1-hour sketch: Banbaro being a felyne playground Have you petted a moofah in Prowler mode? I liked that
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journey-to-the-attic · 11 months
First of all, IK with a Great Sword that's just as big as her body, if not bigger
I absolutely love the idea of monsters having existed in the Devildom so far back in the past that the knowledge Diavalo had on them whilw growing up was from stories and legends and stuff. The brothers probably wouldn't even know that they existed, except maybe Satan depending on if there are any books or whatnot.
Like, imagine the demons reactions to not only the fect that this tiny human easily carries a weapon that's just as big as them, if not bigger than their entire body, but the fact that it's (most likely) made out of parts from creatures that existed in the Devildom so long ago that were so dangerous they had be banished via magic, and the tiny child got the materials for the weapon themself by beating up and killing/capturing multiple of said dangerous creatures.
Also, something I think would be really funny, is if IK did have a Palico that came with them, Lucifer would probably try to enforce his "No pets allowed" rule and say that IK can't have their "pet" with them, only for the Felyne to speak and tell him off for calling them a pet.
i can imagine diavolo, satan and levi in particular would be super interest in ik's exploits, but i can equally imagine diavolo being kind of like "wtf" knowing that royals before him have lost loyal servants (or their own lives) to these creatures, only for ik (half his size) to be like "yeah i made these daggers from that guy's horns. how'd i kill it? oh i just punched it really hard until it died"
(i feel like (canon) mephistopheles would be low-key terrified of her if they met. he gets this weird emotional whiplash between "ah small child!! i must adopt" and "ohh shit that kid could kill me if i made the wrong move")
also it'd be so funny if ik's palico was essentially just lucifer again in terms of personality, it's like unstoppable force meets immovable object when you put them in a room together. the palico usually wins in direct confrontation but lucifer is better at passive-aggressive backhanded quips
satan has conflicted feelings about this, but his love for cats outweighs his distaste for lucifer's personality
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yureipunk · 11 months
hihi can we request (masc/fem/neu) catperson streamer/gamer themed names and pronouns ? no worries if not ^w^
Catperson Streamer Names - Leo, Milo, Max, Jack, Ollie, Astro, Lucky, Saint, Rocky, Rebel, Solar, Spade, Petro, Smokey, Raven, Angel, Inky, Misty, Luna, Bandit, Kit, Puma, Tiger, Parker, Boots, Baby, Peaches, Kitty, Mia, Kiki, Milly, Bunny, Ankha, Felyne, Kat(t), Merry, Lolly, Mitzi, Moe, Pierre, Pearl/Purrl, Raymond, Rosie, Rudy, Rosie, Tom/Toms/Tommy, Blanca, Katie, Rover, Code, Stray
Catperson Streamer Pronouns - mew/mews, purr/purrs, paw/paws, cat/boy, cat/girl, cat/person, whisker/whiskers, pet/pets, stream/streamer, trill/trills, tap/taps, claw/claws, code/codes, virtual/virtuals, stray/strays, 🎮/🎮s, 🎧/🎧s, 👾/👾s,🐱/🐱s, 🐾/🐾s, 🐆/🐆s, 🐈‍⬛/🐈‍⬛s, 🧶/🧶s
sorry if this isn't very good, I didn't really know how I could combine the terms well!
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wyverian-lady525 · 1 year
More ask box blowup, the waifus reaction to a peaceful Ruiner Nergigante monstie? Like, the Nerg is an absolute unit in battle but anywhere else it really likes nature and hanging out with the local monsters or felynes
Sure! Hope you enjoy! 💖
The Waifus (Kyle, Reverto, Cheval, Alwin, Lilia, Ena, Kayna, and Avinia) React to a Peaceful Ruiner Nergigante Monstie
-He has never experienced fighting a nergigante, much less a ruiner nergigante. However, Kyle has heard stories of the dreaded beast, the one that the Guild took forever to identify as a variant. It was an elder dragon that could grow metallic spikes, and it's fighting style goes from zero to hundred in ways that Kyle didn't think he would be prepared for. Honestly, the creature terrifies him, and he never ever wants to encounter one in his life. But of course, you had to hatch one and of course, you had to bring it with you on all your quests.
-Kyle was extremely fearful of your ruiner nergigante monstie, but he showed that through his arrogant and snarky behavior. He doesn't trust your monstie at all, seeing it in the battlefield as an absolute killing machine. However, his feelings begin to change after he notices your ruiner nergigante enjoying some treats from a band of local felynes. Kyle was jaw-dropped to see that thing so peaceful, and so gentle as it accepted the gifts the felynes gave it. It doesn't make him feel any more comfortable, but perhaps with time he will grow to like your monstie. With a lot of time.
-Like Kyle, Reverto has yet to fight a ruiner nergigante. He's joined hunts for a regular nergigante, but he's never had to fight the variant. Of course, he's heard stories from veteran hunters about the beast. Reverto is not as scared as Kyle when it comes to the elder dragon, but he has a healthy fear when it comes to it. A healthy respect actually. Reverto has no desire to ever hunt or see the elder dragon variant, and he's making sure Lilia never signs him up for a quest. But when you hatch one, he is a bit curious to see what the monster can do.
-He's distant of your nergigante variant. Not exactly fearful, but hesitant at the fact that your ruiner nergigante might lose control and lash out at all around it. It is a thing that as a hunter he can't help but worry about. That said, this brutal killing beast likes to hang amongst the local monsters, and it's rather peaceful about it. Reverto has never seen an elder dragon walk so calmly with other wild monsters. And he's never seen wild monsters react so calmly in return. Needless to say, it has made Reverto feel better about your monstie. Even giving it a few pats now and then.
-Cheval has never seen a ruiner nergigante, but he's heard so many stories. After his encounter with the nergigante, he's grown to respect the elder dragons or at least acknowledge their power. Lilia has told him a lot about ruiner nergigantes and he's learned a lot too when it came to research for his quest. He knows they are a dangerous and rare monster, but he has no desire to ever hunt one down or find one. That said, Cheval also didn't think it was possible to make one your monstie. But you always love proving people wrong.
-As a rider, Cheval trusts the bond you have with your monstie. Even if it's a brutal ruiner nergigante, he believes that you can keep the monster in check. He's seen the monster in battle, and its power is something that he respects. That said, it's also something that he doesn't want to get on the bad side for. But he witnesses how peaceful your monstie is with Rathi and comes to realize that your nergigante variant isn't as brutal as he's witnessed. Rathi doesn't seem bothered by it, so Cheval likes your monstie, even going as far as giving it pets here and there. He treats it like any other monstie deserving of love.
-Most people think wyverians are knowledgeable about many kids of monsters, which they are, but even they don't know everything. The nergigante has a bad place in Alwin's mind ever since the death of Red, so he can't imagine the ruiner nergigante is any better. As the name suggests, "ruiner" sounds terrible and many hunters would agree. The wyverian doesn't have much knowledge on this elder dragon, but he has an innate fear of a variant of a monster that killed his best friend. But he also knows that he should respect a monster of such power. He's torn in his feelings of fear and respect, especially when you hatch your monstie.
-To be honest, he's afraid of your monstie, but he doesn't outright tell you, being soft spoken. However, you can read his body language enough to know that he's uncomfortable. Every time that your monstie fights, he flinches and looks fearful. He just can't help but remember the trauma of that day. Luckily, the ferocity of your ruiner nergigante isn't its whole personality. He once witnessed the monstie interacting with the local Rutoh children, peacefully he might add. If anything, it makes him realize that the beast isn't some scary monster. You know Alwin feels a bit better too. He smiles more now around your monstie.
-Lilia always loves learning about rare and dangerous monsters, especially elder dragons, which always have such unique lore in the world. She loves how nergigante is a natural "elder dragon control". Instead of sending out hunters to deal with an elder dragon, nergigante does. However, sometimes in its pursuit of its prey, nergigante goes into a feeding frenzy. She knows that a ruiner nergigante is worse, both in behavior and feeding. The beast is thankfully rarely seen, but that doesn't stop it from appearing now and again, which the scriveners take advantage of. Even more so now that you hatched one.
-She would be all over you and your monstie. Lilia doesn't have much fear when it comes to new things, especially monsters. And now she has a perfect specimen to examine without the risk of human lives. One would expect the ruiner nergigante to be brutal, which yours is in battle, but Lilia expected the monstie to be gruff all the time. But it's so peaceful when it's alone, enjoying some soft grass beneath its toe beans as it smells the flowers. To be honest, she would be kind of disappointed to see that her intuition towards your monstie's behavior was wrong.
-Like Alwin, Ena would hold negative feelings towards the nergigante, variant or otherwise. She just doesn't think that this monster could ever have compassion or peace flowing through its veins. She gets shaky just thinking about her encounter with that beast, twice for that matter. A ruiner nergigante sounds like a massive pain and a massive brute. She's heard things about it, very small things, but it was enough to make her blood run cold. Ena finds herself lucky enough that in her long life, she's never seen one. Well, that's all about to change with you when you hatch one.
-Ena was already fearful when you hatched a normal nergigante. Now you have a variant that is supposedly ten times more vicious than a normal elder dragon, and she is scared. She wasn't going to hide that or deny that. You understand her feelings and try to avoid fights when possible because you know that Ena hates seeing your monstie fight due to its savageness. However, when she sees your monstie hanging out with the local felynes, she sees it in another light. It's so peaceful and so gentle when it comes to nuzzling the felynes. Ena couldn't help herself from falling in love with your monstie due to her gentle heart after witnessing that moment.
-A ruiner nergigante sounds so scary that it's badass. At least, that's what Kayna thinks so she isn't so afraid of the monster. From where she lives, nergigante (ruiner or otherwise) isn't really a problem. She can like the monster without living in fear of it. In fact, Kayna likes learning about all the dangerous types of monsters. She just finds it interesting and cool to learn about. Variants of elder dragons are just so cool as well because they are generally rarer. She gets all too excited when she learns about the ruiner nergigante you hatched.
-Kayna learns of its viciousness through a mock battle that she wanted to have with you. Of course, nature could've told you that a velocidrome held no candle to an elder dragon. But it was there that she learned that the rumors of the ruiner nergigante were true. However, obviously not that true because she witnessed your monstie playing in the waves. It was so peaceful and innocent that she could hardly believe that it was the same monster. Like Lilia, Kayna kind of wished that your monstie was always brutal. It was because she liked that about it. But she was never afraid.
-Avinia is always wary of large and dangerous elder dragons, especially when they have the viciousness of a nergigante. That elder dragon is always in a feeding frenzy that causes it to go across the sea in search of a prey. A ruiner nergigante is much worse in that aspect, and the elder variant is just more aggressive in general. She always hopes that no such elder dragon would come to Loloska. Protecting the village is her main priority, and she's stone cold about accepting anything in that could cause harm. That's why she's so skeptical about allowing you to bring a ruiner nergigante into her village of Kuan.
-She wants to see how your monstie is in battle, which doesn't make her feel better because of how aggressive it is. The way it demolished those baggi only makes Avinia imagine it doing the same thing to the people that she lives with. You want Avinia to trust your ruiner nergigante, but you know it takes time for her to trust people. But when Frostfang starts to warm up to it, she sees how peaceful your monstie can be. Avinia has actually found them snoozing together, which shocked her. But the Kuan rider has one simple rule. If Frostfang trusts you, then so does she. So, she now has a higher tolerance for your nergigante variant.
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blood-darkened-moon · 2 years
Monster Hunter
Lynian Felyne | Shakalaka
Herbivore Popo | Moofah | Larinoth | Rhenoplos | Mosswine | Gowngoat | Anteka | Kestodon | Kelbi | Ceratonoth
Temnoceran Rakna-Kadaki | Nerscylla | Lala Barina
Neopteron Konchu | Seltas | Seltas Queen | Ahtal-Ka | Vespoid Queen | Hornetaur
Theropod Bird Wyvern Velociprey | Velocidrome | Genprey | Gendrome | Ioprey | Iodrome | Jaggi | Great Jaggi | Baggi | Great Baggi | Wroggi | Great Wroggi | Maccao | Great Maccao | Izuchi | Great Izuchi | Boggi | Kulu-Ya-Ku | Tzitzi-Ya-Ku
Flying Bird Wyvern Yian Kut-Ku | Blue Yian Kut-Ku | Yian Garuga | Scarred Yian Garuga | Malfestio | Pukei-Pukei | Aknosom | Gypceros | Qurupeco | Toridcless | Gargwa
True Wyvern Rathalos | Azure Rathalos | Silver Rathalos | Rathian | Pink Rathian | Gold Rathian | Dreadqueen Rathian | Monoblos | White Monoblos | Diablos | Black Diablos | Basarios | Ruby Basarios | Gravios | Seregios | Bazelgeuse | Seething Bazelgeuse | Khezu | Red Khezu | Astalos | Boltreaver Astalos | Espinas | Flaming Espinas | Legiana | Akantor | Paolumu | Gurenzeburu | Gigginox | Rey Dau
Pseudo Wyvern Tigrex | Brute Tigrex | Nargacuga | Lucent Nargacuga | Silverwind Nargacuga | Barioth | Sand Barioth | Frostfang Barioth | Ukanlos
Piscine Wyvern Cephadrome | Plesioth | Beotodus | Delex | Flatfish Piscine Wyvern
Carapaceon Shogun Ceanataur | Hermitaur | Daimyo Hermitaur | Plum Daimyo Hermitaur | Taikun Zamuza | Shen Gaoren | Akura Vashimu
Amphibian Zamtrios | Tigerstripe Zamtrios | Tetsucabra | Tetranadon | Chatacabra
Pelagus Rajang | Furious Rajang | Garangolm | Bulldrome | Gammoth | Bishaten | Blangonga | Kecha Wacha
Fanged Beast Arzuros | Goss Harag | Lagombi | Volvidon | Doshaguma
Leviathan Agnaktor | Mizutsune | Violet Mizutsune | Soulseer Mizutsune | Ludroth | Royal Ludroth | Purple Ludroth | Lagiacrus | Abyssal Lagiacrus | Lavasioth | Almudron | Gobul | Baruragaru | Somnacanth | Nibelsnarf | Balahara
Snake Wyvern Najarala | Remobra
Brute Wyvern Uragaan | Crystalbeard Uragaan | Pumpkin Uragaan | Radobaan | Deviljho | Savage Deviljho | Aberrant Deviljho | Barroth | Anjanath | Fulgur Anjanath | Banbaro | Brachydios | Raging Brachydios | Glavenus | Hellblade Glavenus | Duramboros
Fanged Wyvern Zinogre | Stygian Zinogre | Thunderlord Zinogre | Dodogama | Magnamalo | Scorned Magnamalo | Odogaron | Ebony Odogaron | Tobi-Kadachi | Viper Tobi-Kadachi | Lunagaron | Palamute | Great Jagras | Great Girros 
Elder Dragon Fatalis | Crimson Fatalis | White Fatalis | Xeno'jiiva | Safi'jiiva | Teostra | Lunastra | Chameleos | Risen Chameleos | Kushala Daora | Rukodiora | Kirin | Oroshi Kirin | Shagaru Magala | Namielle | Alatreon | Ceadeus | Nergigante | Valstrax | Crimson Glow Valstrax | Thunder Serpent Narwa | Narwa the Allmother | Wind Serpent Ibushi | Malzeno/Qurio | Primordial Malzeno | Velkhana | Vaal Hazak | Blackveil Vaal Hazak | Kulve Taroth | Amatsu | Gogmazios | Gaismagorm | Shara Ishvalda | Dalamadur | Shah Dalamadur | Lao-Shan Lung | Ashen Lao-Shan Lung | Jhen Mohran | Nakarkos | Behemoth | Yama Tsukami | Nef-Garmat | Dire Miralis | Zorah Magdaros | Makili Pietru | Oltura
Unknown Gore Magala | Chaotic Gore Magala
Endemic Life Paratoad | Thornytoad | Cohoot | Forest Pteryx | Duffel Penguin | Thunderbeetle | Vigorwesp | Spiribird
Pets Poogie
MH Fusion
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sonorous-eisfyl · 3 months
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Frosting never really got a palico companion, so he's mostly grown up hunting alone or with another hunter. He definitely would've loved to have one but probably never got one since he already struggles a bit in the self care end even as he grew older (the housekeepers he appreciates a lot, since they make it so he has a few things less when it came to living. he also just really likes to pet the felynes)
Arguably it'd help him with everything, and probably wouldn't mind, but he never really gets around to it. Maybe by Wilds he does? but otherwise his only other companion beside his kinsects (and wirebugs) is a Palamute during Risebreak to help alleviate strain for long distance. Granted he doesn't actively hunt as much, but he still gets out there
He also doesn't own a cohoots- he likes them a lot though. Big sucker for the multiple cohoots that Lawrie owns and Will pet them
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nomadriver · 1 year
rathalascendant replied
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He can pet the Felyne! All is well with the world!
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cinniharpy · 3 years
Another custom Littlest Pet Shop for another friend's birthday! This time of a Felyne from Monster Hunter! Last one is the before pic.
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midnightsun-if · 2 months
You’ll get the option later on! I’m saying they’re going to have a substantial role, but you’ll get to have on from an event in Avalon.
Hellhound: Pretty much self explanatory.
Izarra: An owl that seems to have shimmering constellations etched across its wings. Typically seen in the presence of wizards/witches.
Felyne: A cat species that look pretty much like big cats — lions, tigers, jaguars, etc — but are the size of a house cat.
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cat-cosplay · 6 years
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"What does Adventure smell like nya?"
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journey-to-the-attic · 11 months
Palicos, and Felynes in general, do have names, although I don't fully understand the naming convention for the Felynes. Some of the automatically generated names in Monster Hunter Rise for when you hire a Palico are Erin, Icarus, Soichi, and Summer, however some of the Felynes around the village are named Chino, Kotori, Ikari, Maido, and then there's two in the gathering hub (for high rank + multiplayer) who play a drum named Badum and Tish. So I think any of the names you suggested could be valid names for her Palico.
(The only Monster Hunter games I've played are Generations Ultimate, Rise (and Sunbreak), plus both of the Monster Hunter Stories games. Out of all of them, Rise is the only one that gives names to all characters, while Stories only gives names to characters who are plot relevant and GU only gives names to your character and any Palicos they hire, plus any pets(?) you get)
IK being immune to Solomon's cooking is probably simultaneously a great and horrible thing, mainly to the brothers. Like, they're absolutely horrified when they catch her eating some of it, but when they realize that she isn't suffering any negative effects, they'd wonder how she isn't effected (the poison immunity she built up) and then some part of them would be relieved, not just that she's okay, but probably because if Solomon tries to get them to eat his cooking, they could probably make an excuse of saving it to give it to IK.
On a bit of a separate note, are there any aspects of Monster Hunter logic (some of them that immediately pop into my mind are no fall damage, extreme cold/hest resistance, Hunters being able to run up/across verticle surfaces {as of Rise} and Felynes being able to dig through the ground to get to different areas, including things that, by all things considered, should be solid rock) that IK and her Palico follow while in the Devildom?
Also, sorry for sending so many asks about Monster Hunter IK, I can not get this idea out of my head.
ahh gotcha... in that case i think i'll go for noctifer for ik's palico, i think it just fits better (also it's a lot more recognisable as being related to lucifer, so as soon as everyone else hears it they're like "hey wait")
also yess i always love having au iks following the logic of the universe she comes from, no fall damage and the running up vertical surfaces thing sound like PRIME material for comedic cartoon shenanigans - imagine, on her first day of school, satan volunteering to walk her and noctifer home, and then going "oh i left my phone in the classroom"
and ik's like "oh which one?" so he points out one of the windows on the third floor and she just goes "ok brb!" and just. walks up it like spiderman. then once she's grabbed it she just falls out the window and by all accounts should've broken both legs but doesn't????? satan does not know whether to be intimidated or not (would conspire to use ik's odd talents to prank his brothers (mammon) before they figure out she can just do that)
beel's like "we're not allowed into the underground tomb" and ik just goes "bet" and has noctifer dig a tunnel straight into it
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Hello lads, I'm a third fleet wyverian hunter and researcher working for about a decade in the rotten vale while studying the local vaal, I witnessed a mother odogaron defending her whelp but sadly she didn't come through the fight with the elder alive her whelp was sheltering near by me at the time and in order to not be discovered by the recently enraged Vaal I Covered us both in my ghillie mantel until the threat had moved on. He has sense occasionally been following me I never thought much about it as it was his mothers territory but I've since moved into the elders recess to try to document more on the local elder population and the young whelp has apparently accompanied me. To be honest I should have noticed his unnatural behavior sooner as he had approached me while I camped and settled just outside the camp and other such incidents.
So I since I cant remove myself from this area as I need to conclude my research nor do I think simply relocating the odogoran to the vale would do much good as he has found a way here before. I remember Many years ago hearing about a village in a far off land who use something similar to fanged wyverns as buddies like our felyne's as well as the rumors of riders from before I left the old world, have you ever heard of any researchers attempting to tame / domesticate these more mammalian fanged wyverns? While I'm content to have this young whelp keep to himself and he seems smart enough to avoid the more dangerous denizens of the recess and never tries to directly interacted with me. his interest in me has sparked my interest in his kind but its outside of my wheel house.
It is not unheard of that people have used fanged wyverns and bird wyverns natural instincts to their advantages - such as the Slicemargl and its uncanny herding ability being useful to those who farm livestock.
That said, I'm not sure an Odogaron would be in the same vein of ethically viable as a guard dog.
It seems the little fellow has imprinted on you after that incident, hardly surprising as it's rather traumatic. I think the relationship you have with him currently where he's not your pet and you keep a healthy distance is a good one for a whelp so small. I'll be happy to assist you in animal husbandry and rehabiliation so that when the Odogaron comes of age you can be sure he'll be fine by himself.
That said, if you're worried about the threat the Rotten Veil looms over the wee pup, perhaps you could coax him to relocate with you to the Coral Highlands? Whilst it's not the primary habitat of an Odogaron, you'll find that they do infact live there (as perhaps slightly too much of an invasive species) and seem to thrive.
- Leo Briarworth
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wyverian-lady525 · 3 years
The rider's hated the swarm since they first met them. And even before they were dating whenever the rider saw the swarm near Kyle they've walked over, grabbed Kyle and just dragged him off
One day the rider's searching Lulucion for Kyle when they see the swarm once again surrounding him so the rider starts to approach when one of the swarm shouts about how Kyle's "knight in shining armor" is coming and that was the final straw so now officially pissed the rider stomps over and just goes OFF. Shouting how it's ridiculous that because of his BROTHERS Kyle doesn't feel safe going home because he knows he'd just get ridiculed about something so he has to avoid his own HOME. And how the swarm is lucky the rider is as patient as they are because they're very close to convincing Kyle to just move in with them to Mahana so he'd finally have a safe place to call a home, because then the rider would ensure Kyle would never see the swarm again. Then the rider grabbed Kyle's wrist and dragged him to the stables
Why the stables? Because the best way to let off aggression is to pet your monstie to death (Ratha agrees on this). So after a few minutes of petting Kyle asks if the rider meant what they said and sternly they explain how Mahana sees Kyle as one of their own, so he'd be more than welcomed to live there. Kyle was shocked at this since he still doesn't think he's done anything to earn forgiveness for everything he did which made the rider laugh as they wrapped their arms around Kyle and explained how everyone, even Ratha, has forgiven him. So really, if he wants to they're more than happy to help him move his stuff to their house. And how Ratha especially would love to have his "second favorite human" around more
(another long one but we need some wholesome Kyle to balance out all the stories of him suffering because of the swarm!)
Cute! Yes! Kyle shall be saved!
Family Means Mahana
The swarm’s teasing has gotten to you, so you make a suggestion to Kyle.
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You’ve had a bad taste for Kyle’s brothers ever since you met them. They were vulgar, cruel, and paid no mind to their own brother’s feelings. They were self-centered, only caring about themselves.
They knew it too.
Before you and Kyle were dating, you would always take the blonde away from his older brothers. Without explanation too. You just didn’t like the way they spoke to him, made him feel like less of himself.
So, you were nearing your breaking point.
One day, you were in Lulucion looking for Kyle. Normally, you’d just ask Tsukino, but for some reason you were unable to find the felyne. So, now you decided to check the spots where your man normally hung around. However, before you could reach the market, the familiar sound of laughter caught your ears.
“C’mon bro! Just give us a hint!”
“I’m sure you two get up to a lot of things.” 
Quickly turning on your heels, you sped walked your way over to where the swarm was harassing Kyle, once again. The worst ones were Levi and Isaac, who didn’t care what they said in public. Aeon and Robin were still bad, but at least they held back a bit. Of course, they caught of your pissed off look immediately.
“Oh Kyle! Look who’s here!” Isaac started while standing to his full height.
“Your little knight in shining armor!” Levi finished while ruffling his little brother’s hair. Kyle’s face turned red from their teasing. Although, he was glad to see you. Robin and Aeon laughed a bit as well, but they were wary of the look in your eyes.
As they should be. You were done with them.
“You all should be ashamed!” Was what you shouted. This caused them all to shut up and stare at you. No matter how much they pissed you off, you never shouted.
“Some brothers you are! Do you understand how uncomfortable Kyle feels in his own home? So much so, that he even avoids it?” You asked and they all sheepishly looked away.
“You’re lucky I’m a patient person. Otherwise, I would just take Kyle with me back to Mahana where he never has to deal with you guys again.” As you finished your rant, you shoved past the boys, and grabbed Kyle’s hand before dragging him to the stables. Kyle looked between you and his brothers, who were obviously contemplating your words, before looking back at you.
He had no control.
The two of you were silent as you started to pet Ratha. You knew that if one thing could make anyone feel better, it was petting something. Ratha didn’t mind this one bit, and actually quite enjoyed bringing comfort to his humans. 
“Were you really serious about earlier? About me...living in Mahana?” The hunter asked while scratching under Ratha’s chin. He purred affectionately. You hummed a bit while petting your monstie’s head.
“Yeah, I am serious. The people of Mahana really see you as one of your own after everything that you did to help me, so you’d be welcomed to live there.” You said with a slight smile, and Kyle was stunned. After everything he did to you and Ratha? Really? He didn’t think the whole Oltura thing would overshadow that.
“But still...after everything I did to you...they would still let me stay? They forgave me?” Kyle was still shocked to hear this, and you nodded without hesitation. This warmed his heart a bit, but he was still a little worried about how he would be perceived.
“Yes. Everyone forgave you, even Ratha, so there’s no need to worry. Plus, it might be nice to have a hunter around.” You said while inching closer to him and wrapping your arms around his neck in a hug. He blushed at the gesture, and nodded, showing that he understood.
“So, if you want, we can move all your stuff to my place. I think Ratha would like to have you around as well.” When you said this, the rathalos began to lick Kyle’s face. The hunter grimaced and wiped the slobber off him as you giggled.
“What about my dad?” He asked, worried that his father might try to put a stop to him leaving Lulucion. You just smiled and kissed his cheek.
“Don’t worry. I think your dad would be grateful that your free from your brothers.” You said with a slight giggle. 
Kyle couldn’t agree more.
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blossomajesty · 3 years
A gift box is left on the sand, wrapped up messily in blue and black paper, with an envelope attached to the top. The envelope reads as follows. “Heya there Surah! Heard about you, and thought it’d be nice to give you a Peacecoming gift as a way to introduce myself! So I got you a pet rock! Well, it’s sorta a rock. I know a dalamadur so it’s actually a lump of crystalized fire-oil mixed with metal slag, and it looks pretty. Now I realize that you might not be able to read. From, Ethan H. Gaia."
Before destroying the mystery box to get at the contents inside, she carefully picks at the envelope, unfolding the paper within (a pretty delicate task for huge dragon claws). Unfortunately Ethan was right about her lack of ability to read; Surah examined the page briefly before setting it aside.
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The gift within was just what she wanted, another rock! Except... she could tell it wasn’t quite a rock, at least not like any other she’s seen or touched: It was surprisingly heavy and swirled with a myriad of colors. Surah, certainly intrigued, took the mysterious not-a-rock (and the equally mysterious paper) to her lair for safekeeping.
[I know Peacecoming was 5 months ago; Surah lives hidden in the middle of nowhere so let’s say the wingdrake/ felyne delivering it got lost ^^;]
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ognimdo2002 · 3 years
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Narwa - Source of Rampage
“ Divine beasts, with grace replete. Finally, the twain shall meet. My queen, my queen, smite the earth with your thunder. My king, my king, let storm tear the clouds asunder. With lightning and hurricane, we sear and slice. For we are the architects of true paradise. Let us form our final bond. To rule the world and all beyond. ”
— Hinoa and Minoto
Domain: Eukaryota Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Reptilia Order: Squamata Family: Protodraconidae Genus: Deusinodraco Species: Deusinodraco kamurica (Wind Serpent Ibushi and Thunder Serpent Narwa species) Generation: Fifth (Monster Hunter Rise) Known by Village: Kamura, possibly Yukumo or Astera Type: Elder Dragon Diet: Carnivorous Elements: Electric Inflicts: Stunned, shocked (thunder-blight), paralysis Weakness: Ice, dragon Home: Coral Palace, Coral Highlands and Rotten Vale regions, New World Allies: Wind Serpent Ibushi Enemies: all monsters; humans; wyvernians; felynes; dogs (palamutes) Inspired by: Hecate Narwa was a variant of Thunder Serpent Narwa introduced in Monster Hunter Rise serves as the final story boss of the Hub Quests alongside Wind Serpent Ibushi. This dragon along with Ibushi are only second known animals in Monster Hunter series performs sexual cannibalism illegally worldwide and collaboration due to bring and considered Dangerous First-class Monsters. This is the Snakes on a Pregnant (parody name for Snakes on a Plane.) 😂 Abilities Thunder Serpent Narwa achieves the Allmother state by consuming Wind Serpent Ibushi's lifeforce. This allows Narwa to harness the power to control the wind, and also enhances her power over electricity and magnetism.  Narwa retains several key attacks from her standard form, such as summoning balls and rings of electricity; however, they are now stronger, faster, and have a wider range. She now also uses attacks similar to that of her mate, such as creating balls of wind and summoning strong gales to suck in hunters or blow them away. She can summon Dragonators, Cannonballs to Projectiles, Debris, Steel Bars and Vehicles from the ground and make them spin in circles, while using her power over wind to draw hunters, survivors, pets, and creatures towards the center of the arena. Once enough damage has been dealt to her she will gain several new attacks, such as reorienting her body so that she is right-side up and dashing across the arena while clawing at the ground. Narwa the Allmother's ultimate attack appears to be a combination of the ultimate attacks of Amatsu, Ahtal-Ka, Safi'jiiva, and Thunder Serpent Narwa could be a tribute to Yasunori Ichinose, since Amatsu, Ahtal-Ka, Safi'jiiva and Thunder Serpent Narwa are the final bosses of the four games he personally directed (Monster Hunter Portable 3rd, Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, Monster Hunter World: Iceborne and Monster Hunter Rise itself).
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