kiara-carrera · 3 years
that thing where you hide your face in the crook of the other person’s neck after being caught making out or something for the affection ask? (I sorry if this description makes absolutely zero sense sksj)
giving a little bit of heather and steve vibes!
like heather just gets bashful easily early on in their relationship
OR peter and jo!! but it's peter who buries his face in her neck, because soft baby
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madakipuranews · 3 years
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SATGAS PPKM PRAJURIT YON ZENI 1 MAR LAKSANAKAN SOSIALISASI Meski saat ini Pemerintah memutuskan untuk menurunkan status Pembatasan Pemberlakuan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PPKM) ke level 3 diseluruh Jawa-Bali khususnya di DKI Jakarta, serta membuka kembali sebagian besar fasilitas umum. Untuk itu dalam rangka menciptakan masyarakat yang tetap patuh protokol kesehatan, prajurit Batalyon Zeni 1 Marinir (Yon Zeni 1 Mar) ikut serta dalam pengamanan PPKM dan menghimbau warga agar selalu mematuhi protokol kesehatan. Giat tersebut berlokasi di Pasar Serdang dan Pasar Petejo, Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat, Rabu, (22/09/2021). PPKM di wilayah perdagangan seperti pasar merupakan sarana yang tepat dan efisien untuk memutus penyebaran Covid-19 di tingkat bawah. Prajurit yang terlibat dalam kegiatan agar selalu konsisten melakukan edukasi kepada pedagang dan warga dalam penerapan protokol kesehatan. Kegiatan yang digelar tersebut, tampak para petugas dari parjurit Yonzeni 1 Mar mengedukasi pedagang agar tetap patuh dalam penerapan prokes seperti penggunakan masker yang benar, mencuci tangan, menjaga jarak, menjauhi kerumunan serta membatasi mobilitas. Dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan tersebut mengacu pada instruksi Komando Atas dalam hal ini Pemerintah untuk pemberlakuan PPKM dengan implementasi di lapangan berupa pembentukan Posko di wilayah Pasar. Komandan Batalyon Zeni 1 Marinir (Danyonzeni 1 Mar) Letkol Marinir Rudi Sutisna, M.Tr.Opsla, menyampaikan kepada prajurit yang sedang melaksanakan penugasan agar selalu waspada dengan penyebaran Covid 19, dan melaksanakan tugas dengan penuh tanggung jawab, serta bersosialisasi dengan santun, sehingga masyarakat tetap memiliki kesadaran yang tinggi dalam melaksanakan protokol kesehatan. https://www.instagram.com/p/CUINgWuv0N6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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heridwipurnomo · 7 years
SB1M PETEJO JAKARTA BARAT, Cara BErmain Affialite Marketing IDAFF
SB1M PETEJO JAKARTA BARAT, Cara BErmain Affialite Marketing IDAFF
SB1M PETEJO JAKARTA BARAT, Cara BErmain Affialite Marketing IDAFF Live di ZOOM MEETING. Hubungi HERI DWI PURNOMO, lewat telpon/wa: 081 553 392 774. Hai Sobat Semua, Bagi Kamu Yang Tinggal di PETEJO JAKARTA PUSAT dan sekitarnya, Yang suka dengan dunia online dan ingin Belajar Bisnis Online! Yuk Belajar Di SB1M JAKARTA. Apa sih SB1M itu? Untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut tentang apa SB1M bisa klik di…
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kiara-carrera · 4 years
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oc halloween challenge: october 17th, couples costume
joelle sommers + peter parker as ariel + eric
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kiara-carrera · 5 years
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oc halloween challenge: october 8th, squad costumes ↳ the super losers and the sidekicks + mystery inc.
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kiara-carrera · 5 years
soulmate au and awful first meeting for pete and jo :))
okay this just made me really happy tbfh (also this is lowkey how spidey and reappear interact for the first time but with a soulmate twist)
so everyone’s born with the first thing their soulmate says to them
some people got cute things like you’re really pretty or even just basic things like “hi i’m so and so”
peter parker, for the life of him, could not figure out why his said “you almost got me killed!”
before the bite, he’d never been involved in any dangerous events
okay, maybe that one time he almost burned his toast and started a fire but that’s irrelevant
when he took up the spidey mantle, it became a little more clear but also not really?? like he was one of the good guys???
meanwhile, joelle sommers was stumped with her soulmark
which simply read “i didn’t mean to”
like, what the heck was that supposed to mean?
a month later, spidey and reappear run into each other for the very first time
and unlike what most of ny had envisioned for their two favorite heroes, the outcome wasn’t a super cool, badass team up
instead, it involved spidey messing reappear up mid teleportation, getting her stranded in the street right as a semi was coming
he swung in just in the nick of time to grab her, but dear god was she pissed
his spidey suit eyes go wide when she berates him for almost getting her killed, a) because that’s his soulmark and b) because damn reappear is kinda scary when she’s mad
when peter softly replies that he didn’t mean to? jo’s like you’ve got to be kidding me
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send me a ship and an au!
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kiara-carrera · 5 years
“Did they hurt you?” for whoever you want!!
Prompt #94: “Did they hurt you?” — Petejo
author’s note: have i been working on this for like eighty years since you sent in this ask? yes. why did it take this long? honestly, who knows.
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If there was one aspect of being a superhero that Joelle Sommers didn’t care for — besides her hero name, she was going to go to the grave hating what the Daily Bugle had branded her all those months ago — it was the asshole, petty criminals that she was forced to take down. Sure, Reappear had gotten into the swing of being one of the two reigning heroes in Queens alongside her partner slash boyfriend Spider-Man, but that didn’t mean some of the guys they deal with weren’t total assholes.
Being Queens’s resident friendly neighborhood crime fighting super-losers meant that most of the time, they weren’t dealing with the big leagues. They weren’t going to class during the day to battle the Vultures of the world at night. Usually, it was just neighborhood based bank robbers and drug smugglers and the occasional annoying crime lord who had a few too many connections to weird laboratories that were bordering along the lines mad scientist. It made Jo roll her eyes. Peter got a little too ecstatic with it sometimes, but to be fair, he’d always been a little bit more cut out for the hero thing than she was. But that was beside point.
Tonight had been all about busting a group of petty thieves who may or may not have been totally trying to ship weapons to some of the bigger threats in the area. It had been going relatively well, Peter and Jo relying on Karen and Milo respectively to do some preliminary scouting and recon before they threw themselves in the field. It was supposed to be simple. Drop in, Reappear keeps them on their toes, maybe knock a few of them out, and then Spidey webs them up for the police. Cops show up, they say a few words about the endeavor, maybe the bad guy says something about meddling kids because when is their life not a reenactment of a Scooby Doo episode, and then they leave. Stop for a slice of pizza and then spend the rest of the night hanging out on the fire escape.
It was standard procedure between them.
You know, until they realized that they greatly underestimated the number of bad guys that were creeping in the warehouse. Like, we thought there were four but there were fifteen altogether sort of underestimated.
It wasn’t like Peter and Joelle weren’t capable of taking on fifteen bad guys, but like…maybe not all at once would have been nice? It’s just that when you have two high school sophomores — super powered or not — taking on fifteen grown men with weapons, nothing really went smoothly. The element of surprise had originally been on Spider-Man and Reappear’s sides, but that all quickly went to shit when they did a quick head count.
God, Jo would bet her whole life that Daredevil didn’t have to deal with this bullshit over in the Kitchen.
Anyways, despite that minor roadblock, things had been going swimmingly for the most part. Peter had dropped in quickly, delivering some really cheesy and corny line before webbing up a few guns and guys. Jo had appeared only seconds later, giving a sarcastic remark, teleporting to the bad guys other side when they made a reach for her, before harshly hitting them in the head. Bodies were quickly dropping to the floor unconscious or entirely stuck together with whatever Peter’s web fluid was made of, the group of men quickly dwindling.
When they were down to a very small, very manageable group, they managed to get the jump on Joelle. Apparently, her normally impeccable timing with teleporting out of the way before getting hit was wearing down just a tad what with the whole fifteen bad guys instead of four ordeal.
That being said, when she went to fake out the first bad guy, she ended up screwing herself over. His elbow had made contact with her arm, causing her to stumble into the path of his friend. The second one’s fist had managed to clip her head at the last possible second and while she still managed to teleport away from him, she landed in a completely different spot then she had intended to, crumpling to the ground in a pathetic heap as a searing pain radiated over her skull.
“Fucking hell,” she moaned, her voice thick with pain. She could make out the sound of Peter yelling, either to her or at the idiots who managed to take her down a peg, but she blocked that out. Rolling over onto her side slowly, letting out a pained hiss as she bit out, “Milo? On a scale of one to ten, how fucked am I?”
In only a few seconds, her Tony Stark approved (and occasionally Dax Gonzalez hacked) AI replied. “Initial scans don’t detect any permanent any damage. Presence of a concussion is unlikely, although you may experience headache like symptoms for quite a bit. Perhaps an ibuprofen would be sufficient at masking the pain?”
“I don’t suppose this suit has a super secret med dispenser?”
“That’s a negative.”
“Perfect,” she muttered out through gritted teeth.
A couple of yells, groans, and thwip sounds later, she felt someone looming over her. Wincing when she forced her eyes open, Jo could see the blurry image of her boyfriend crouched over her, face more than likely contorted in concern under the mask of his suit. Blinking a few times, Jo craned her neck to see both guys that had hit her webbed up agains the back wall.
“Nice job, Spider-Loser,” she croaked out, causing the eyes on the suit to constrict as Peter peered down at her.
“I thought we said we weren’t going to call me that anymore,” Peter whined, effectively sounding like an upset three year old.
Jo tried to shake her head, but only groaned, her hand darting to hold the side of her head as if that was going to make any difference. Lowly, she replied, “We discussed no such thing.”
Peter sighed, but moved on nonetheless. “Did they hurt you?”
“Dumb and Dumber over there?” Peter nodded. “Oh yeah, definitely. Asshole clipped my forehead before I could jump out of there.”
Another sigh. “C’mon, we should go. Karen said the cops are on their way anyways, so we should be fine leaving them here.”
“You know Jameson’s gonna be on our asses in the Bugle if we hero and dash again,” Jo replied, managing a small chuckle through her lips.
Peter shrugged. She was certain if the mask wasn’t covering his face, his usual boyish smile would be tugging at his lips. “He’s just gonna call us menaces to the city either way,” he told her, helping her to her feet. He managed to maneuver her to sling her arms around his shoulders and once he’s certain she won’t let go of him, he nodded at her. “And besides, you probably need an ice pack or something.”
“And pizza?”
Raising his free arm up towards the skylight he’d burst in through earlier, web shooter aimed at the ready, he laughs. “Definitely pizza.”
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kiara-carrera · 6 years
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PeteJo + OTP Tags
“Well, I mean … we’re sorta good together. Working together, I mean. Maybe that’s where Reappear and Spider-Man have been messing up. Working alone, instead of together … y’know, as crime fighting super losers.” — Peter Parker
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kiara-carrera · 6 years
can i get some maximova and petejo hcs?? i love these ships already
you really came out here and asked for one of my most developed ships and one of my least developed ships okay rachel i see you
❃ once jo lives with her sister (in the apartment above peter) they hang out a lot more❃ hanging out on the fire escapes, going to del mars together after school, taking the subway to school together❃ he’s there for her when her dad dies❃ in return, she’s there for him when uncle ben dies❃ so pre-cw, reappear and spidey run into each other a lot while patrolling queens❃ they’re dumb and refuse to work together because stubborn children and literally each time one of them nearly gets maimed i swear❃ so when they find out the secret identities its like wAiT❃ “so you’re reappear?” “and you’re the reason a fucking CAR almost took me out!”❃ “so, uh, last week was fun huh?” “i literally webbed up the wrong person because you distracted me!!”❃ but after civil war they realize how well they work together once tony forces them too❃ honestly in the time between cw and hoco, jo’s basically as over elbows for peter but liz is still a thing so ANGST
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maximova (aka the story i barely have ideas for yikes!)
❃ they meet at one of the protest rallys in sokovia❃ nik’s instant heart eyes like her little lesbian heart can’t take how cute wanda is❃ they really bond throughout becoming experiments for strucker and being the only survivors besides pietro❃ pietro teasing the fuck out of them because they’re blushy messes around each other❃ one of nik’s powers is flight so you know she’s constantly picking wanda up and like flying her around to be cute❃ both helping the other grieve the loss of their brother❃ in cw when ross pulls up the video of the battle of sokovia lagos (yknow the ones that visibly disturb wanda), nik is basically prepared to slam him into the ground bc no one fucks with wanda❃ nik not getting why vision is up wanda’s ass❃ “if this fucking toaster doesn’t stay away from my girlfriend, he’s getting unplugged”❃ cute pet names for each other in sokovian
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send me an ask!
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kiara-carrera · 4 years
if your oc's/partners in marvel could be characters/princesses/partners in disney, what would they be?
i didn’t do all of them because i couldn’t find good matches for all of them!
gabriela/steve: megara and hercules. steve sometimes thinks he needs to go overboard protecting her, but as meg said, gabi is a damsel who’s in distress and she can handle this.
lydia/bucky: they give me huge belle and the beast vibes in the sense of the whole “who could ever learn to love a beast?” thing
joelle/peter: anna and kristoff because when they both debut as heroes in the city (pre finding out it’s each other), it really gives me the same vibes as the begginning of frozen when anna and kristoff were begrudingly working together but they end up having such a beautiful albeit sometimes awkward relationship.
send an ask about my ocs?
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