#peter dinklage winks
jayfellows · 1 year
“ Wouldn’t you be weirder out if your partner was watching Charles Manson’s doc just for relaxation?” Alexa laughed. “ I just got lucky with him, he’s the best person ever. Right now I’m on Netflix watching ‘ How to be a cult leader’ narrated by Peter Dinklage.” 
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"No, because I will most likely be watching it with them," Jeremy winks playfully at Alexa. "Nah, I'd only be worried if they were watching something strange like Barney or the Teletubbies," he laughs. "Ah! I have yet to watch that. I try not to watch that stuff if Cassie is awake and can walk in at any time. It’s already tough, trying to explain Game of Thrones to her.”
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fanartyfan · 6 years
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A wink from Peter Dinklage.
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lol-jackles · 4 years
The Boys is a bigger deal than I thought! & it's almost doubled in viewers from season 1 to 2. I understand your argument about better to be a lead in a CW show than part of an ensemble but if it's part of a BIG show I disagree. People who don't watch Game of Thrones know who the actors are because the show is so popular but I wouldn't be able to say who the leads are on half the CW shows. Both got what they want so it doesn't matter who got the "better deal" main thing is they're happy :)
I keep telling AA anons if Jensen’s new job makes them happy, then be happy for him and yourseves.  I fail to see why they need permission from moi.   But since you brought it up, I’m not surprised by the rating numbers because they’re actually the same as the first season’s.  The Boys season 1 ratings was 4 million on its premiere date and after 10 days had collected 8 million viewers, or as Nielsen put it, “8 million viewers watched at least a few minutes of the series” (source). The Boys season 2 is being released weekly instead of dropped at once inorder to “keep the conversation going” (which had irate fans hilariously leaving 1-star review ratings) and it’s premiere date kept it’s 8 millions viewers.  See what they did there?  Technically the first day season 1 premiere date for eight episodes was 4 million and technically the first day season 2 premiere date for one episode was 8 million.  It’s all how you say the facts in order to get your truths *wink*.
Games of Thrones at its height had 11 to 19 million people watching.  By it’s final season Peter Dinklage and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau were first and second on the credit order respectively.  Can you tell me what are their current projects?  Hint, out of the breakout cast, Peter is the only one with a schedule full of projects.  Some say it’s because he’s American.  Perhaps.  What do you think?
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lizbid33 · 6 years
Infinity War: Cool things
i hope these shit movie reviews are what im known for on tumblr. also after i left the employee screening i drove the hour it takes to get back to my house in silence because of this movie. had to break this bullshit into two posts so here is just some cool scenes n stuff from the movie
LOKI. my sweet boy, my precious baby boy. what have you done
Ebony Maw is such a slimy fuck
when Loki says “Odinson” and looks right at Thor im dying
yeah i really didn’t need Thor crying over his brothers corpse but thanks anyway
Dr. Strange and Wong are adorable
Tony literally dreaming about having a child
im not even lying when i say the cloak is my favorite character i love it so much 
when it smacks Tony for leaning on the cauldron
Tony falls into the role of leader so easily im
you can see Tom’s best friend in real life Harrison behind him during the bus scene
when Peter is tapping Ned and he pats his face
when Dr. Strange winked at Tony
Tony taking off his glasses as his suit forms (a look)
ok i love the way Dr. Strange fights like his little hand movements and stuff its so cool bye
i don think i can love Tony and Peter Parker's relationship any more
he calls him Pete
the fact that the guardians sing together
pirate angel
when wanda throws proxima midnight backwards over her head
when little gamora was like “where’s my mother” and then it immediately cut to Thanos i couldn’t stop imaging him going “im ur mother now”
um gamora and freaking Obi-Wan Kenobi have similar fighting stances
Quill was so heartbroken when he was like “I told you to go right”
my man Peter Quill was actually gonna shoot Gamora and that breaks my heart
Sam’s beard (!! !!!! ! !)
why is Chris Evans such a snack in this movie
Bucky was so tired when they showed him the arm and he was like “where’s the fight”
Tony’s face when he first sees Peter inside the flying donut
Thor can talk to Groot because he took the language as a fucking elective im
when Tony calls Quill “Mr. Lord”
um?? Marvel? either you have a romance between bruce and nat or you dont bc that stupid “hey bruce” “oh hey nat” was dumb
ok i love him and all but Peter Dinklage took me so far out of this movie like i know he had lore or whatever but the whole time i was just like “oh that’s peter dinklage just chilin, doin his thing”
Eitri: We need to restart this star!   Thor: hold my beer         
Rocket: howr we gonna do this wait what are you doing to my ship  Thor: yeet
ok so like i said i saw this early bc i work at a threate so it was just employees and some managers in the theatre and i swear to yall i actually literally shouted “UHH WHOS FUCKIN MANS?” when Red Skull showed up
Gamora’s death scene was super cool i really liked it
her speech before she died was really good, i thought it was written really well and i thought Zoe Saldana delivered it well
the music for that scene was fucking TOP boys
i mEan im not happy shes dead but i just liked the scene ok
Peter Quill going “Boom!”, flipping off Thanos, then jumping backwards into a portal is a mood
I'm glad someone acknowledged the fact that Thanos' chin looks like a ballsack
when Dr. Strange turned into Zenyatta
Thanos: i thought you might be hungry   Gamora: yeet
Groot was so sad seeing Thor hurt
Tony’s face when Thanos grabs a whole ass moon
when Dr. Strange grabbed the time stone and IT WAS A STAR
Thor looked really dope with that eye
vision kept whispering “it’s all right” to Wanda while she’s killing him
That scene where Steve keeps asking Thor where Thanos went and all Thor can do is just look at him because he knows. He knows exactly what Thanos did
you could literally hear a pin drop in the theatre after he snapped his fingers
Sebastian Stan had no right to say “Steve” like he did right before he disappeared 
T’challa’s last words were “this is no place to die”
When Drax dies and Drax goes "Quill?" really scared and soft
right before Quill died his eyes turned red (????)
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lawonderlandwriter · 6 years
My thoughts on/reactions to Avengers Infinity Wars:
(Spoilers below the cut)
(Somewhat in chronological order, my memory is fuzzy though)
Killing Loki in the Cold Open: not cool
Killing Heimdal in the Cold Open: sad but expected
Where is Valkyrie???
(Side note, after Ragnarok I totally ship Valkyrie and Bruce. Come on! “I feel like I know you too!” Fucking adorable. WAYYY better than Bruce x Natasha)
Tony and Pepper talking about babies. Gahhh just adopt Peter already Tony!
Bruce hugging Tony like his life depends on it during their reunion. OMG. Science brotp.
Also, “you’re embarrassing me in front of the wizards!” Great.
Tony and Dr. Strange’s he’s witty batnter: adorable. Just kiss already. Also, didn’t Strange wink at Tony? SEXY
Tony: “Wong, you’re invited to my wedding!” Also adorable.
Ned “we’re all gonna die!” - SUBTLE MARVEL SUBTLE.
“Yeah but the kid’s seen more movies.” I love this little detail about Peter’s character. This is such a kid thing making plans off what he’s seen in movies and the fact that they work is hilarious.
Thor calling Rocket ‘rabbit’. Omg LOVE. I need more of them together. This was the mashup I didn’t know I needed.
“You speak Groot?” “It was an elective.” It’s the little details like this that make me remember how fucking great a movie this was even though it nearly killed me.
Bonus. Rocket giving Thor his butt smuggled eye. 
Peter Quill actually pulling the trigger even though only bubbles came out. Such an understated scene. It’s for this reason I am not that mad at him for fucking up when Tony and other Peter are trying to take off the Infinity Gauntlet. Like, you just have to admit it was an amazing character moment.
Gamora/Thanos flashbacks I could have done without. Actually Thanos in general could have done without. Anyone else?
“Squidward.” Oh Tony and your nicknames for literally everyone.
Peter asking Mantis not to lay eggs in him is the most precious thing ever. They’re both just so pure.
“What master do you serve?” What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say, Jesus?” Why was this so perfect?
Tony’s “why me?” face at Mantis’ “kick names and take ass.” More proof that RDJ just actually IS Tony Stark.
Peter Dinklage. Was not disappointed with the cameo. Although the voice was a little odd. Too deep.
A little confused as to why Thor needed the axe. Not a comic reader, maybe it’s explained better there. But I thought the whole point of Ragnarok was to show that Thor has all the power within him and didn’t need a weapon. Though...
...Thor’s epic entrance in Wakanda was epic. Epically.
Shuri basically pointing out how much smarter she is than Tony and Bruce was fucking great.
“She’s not alone.” Didn’t know I needed the team-up of Okoye, Natasha, and Wanda but that line gave me chills. 
Bucky picking up Rocket randomly and swinging him around as they kill the space dog things was great. Made even better by the “Oh I’ll get that arm.” I mean, from the first Guardians movie, I think everyone wanted to see this and we saw it and it was amazing.
“It shouldn’t be you. But it is.” Not gonna lie, normally I’m not a fan of the ships in Marvel (canon ones anyway), but in this film it felt almost natural. And Wanda’s face as she had to kill Vision then watch him die again was painful to see.
“I hope they remember you.” WHAT THE FUCK? Okay, so was I the only one who felt like the scene between Tony and Thanos was really really important. The fact that Tony was on Thanos’ radar seemed so significant somehow. Tony even asks him, “you know me?” And he’s genuinely surprised. I’m hoping this means something epic down the line. I keep hearing Tony may wield the Infinity Gauntlet at one point so after this scene, I wouldn’t be surprised.
“There was no other way.” OKAY. Along with the above point, I feel like Strange handed over the Time Stone because he KNEW Tony was going to play a role in reversing everything and getting everyone back and defeating Thanos. Tony needs to be alive for a reason.
Peter dying in Tony’s arms legit made me tear up. I normally wouldn’t cry at movies like this but that scene really got me. 
Thanos in his paradise world or whatever. FUCK YOU THANOS. 
End credits with Maria and Nick was great too. We got to see some of the aftermath of Thanos’ finger snap that didn’t involve our core heroes. And of course, Muthafu-- damn. We almost got our classic Samuel L. Jackson muthafucka.
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An incomprehensible list of my infinity war thoughts:
Before I start and before you read this I want to state that I really enjoyed the movie. I had lower expectations so I ended up pleasantly surprised.
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I thought marvel was a pussy and would never kill anyone so oh boi am I satisfied
This was very thanos quest-ish inspired
@marvel we all know avengers four is going to be infinity guantlet
I couldn't believe how fast they killed Loki
Heimdall deserved better
Is Valkyrie?? Dead??????
Like ... Ironstrange... Sailed? And I'm ok with it??
Strange literally winked at Tony avsgdhd
There are plot lines I'd have liked to see:
Like the Xendar destruction
And The Collector's death
Where were the rest of the wizards/dr strange's frens
Actually we saw very little of what happened on Earth
Make Lady Death a thing u cowards
Red Skull's return was a *loud gasp* moment for me
I was deprived of the Good stevetony reunion
Edit to add: EXTREMIS! SUIT!!!! IN! !!! DA!! HOUSE!!!
Steve was barely in the movie and I sad :(
Bucky was barely in the movie and I sad :(
Everyone losing their shit bc he died is hilarious bc no one really cared besides tumblr fangirls and stu ckies
Like, he's my fave but lmao
Seriously @ everyone bitching about the deaths in INFINITY WAR.. what? were you?? expecting???
Plus we all know no one really stays dead.
But I do think we'll only have back those that died bc of the guantlet and the ones with confirmed sequels
I don't care what anyone says Tony gave Steve A HOME
Sam?? My boy? Barely spoke?
Rhodey was badass tho
Bruxe/mar k ru fallo are just cringy as fuck im sad he's not dead :(((
Same with vision
We were deprived of ant man and hawkeye because marvel forgets their own characters
I'd like to have scarlet witch someday in the mcu :/
The black order was lame imo and I had such high hopes
I only like spi d erma n within the avengers' context (weird? Maybe)
You can't say stormbreaker and not expect me to think of Beta Ray Bill
Gamora :((((((
Peter Dinklage :)))))
Okoye avsdgdgdjshfj queen
They tried to redeem natyelena but I'm still like.. meh.
When will my boy T'Challa return from war ;__;
Thor, Groot and Rocket kinda saving the day!
But failing!
Strange knows stuff 👀👀👀
I almost had a heart attack when Tony was abt to die
All the Guardians? My tears are bc of them
"I am Groot" "I'm Steve Rogers! :D!!" afsgdvdhshs
Bucky & Rocket are my new favorite thing
Thanos accomplished his mission so yeeey, I guess...
Th e guantlet seemed destroyed at the end hmmmm
On another note: where was Carol during all of this?
Where are the kree? 
Will alpha flight be a thing or nah? if so, where were they??
That's it, folks. Bye. If you read all of this I love you. I'll probably add more when I remember/rewatch
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I saw Peter Dinklage at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
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brochunews · 7 years
Evelyne Brochu Tips Her Hat To Cophine Shippers
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Mysteries will be revealed! Enemies will be vanquished! Epic ships will finally come into port! Watching the fifth and final season of Orphan Black is going to be bittersweet, but we have a lot to look forward to according to Evelyne Brochu, who plays Delphine. She spoke exclusively with The TV Junkies about what it was like coming back to life, where the good ship Cophine might be heading, and what she’ll miss most about the show and her character once it’s all over.
The TV Junkies: What are you most excited for viewers to see this season?
Evelyne Brochu: What I was most excited about was getting some answers, and I think the viewers will be super happy because there will be answers. But in terms of my character, I obviously wanted to know how Cosima and Delphine would end up and there’s going to be answers regarding that as well.
TTVJ: We’ve never really gotten a lot of back story on Delphine — how she joined Neolution, her relationship with Leekie. Are we going to get that now?
EB: I think we’re going to know finally where she stands. I think we got a glimpse in Season 3. You know when she says “Give your sisters all my love”? There was something there for me that was pivotal and meaningful for her. We’ll see how that unfolds in Season 5, if she keeps her promise or not. She promised to protect Cosima and all of her sisters, and I think we’re going to see if she does.
TTVJ: I’m curious to know what it was like for you dying in Season 3 and then coming back to life?
EB: The great thing about playing a mysterious character is actually playing a mysterious character on a science fiction show, because the co-creators kind of keep you in the dark, thinking that it’s better for the show that you don’t know anything. [laughs] So for myself I didn’t where it was going so I didn’t have to lie too much, until I figured out she was alive and I had a couple months of just pretending I didn’t know anything although I knew she was back. [laughs]
TTVJ: Had you made peace with the fact that Delphine was dead?
EB: I finished my last scene at 5 a.m. and I was, as you can imagine, kind of… a lot of emotions were rising, and [showrunner] Graeme [Manson] kind of came up to me and, as Graeme does, mysteriously said “This isn’t the end,” and then winked. So I had that wink in the back of my mind. I wasn’t sure it would happen but I was hoping it would.
TTVJ: So you had a hint as far back as Season 3 then!
EB: A little hint, yeah. [laughs]
TTVJ: Now that we know Delphine is alive, we want to know what she’s been up to! The Neolutionists she’s been hanging out with on the island seem very cultish. Has she drunk the Kool-Aid?
EB: I think she’s definitely always been really close to the eye of the storm, but that’s her asset in terms of helping the clones, that’s how she’s useful. In my opinion, I don’t think she drank the Kool-Aid. Is she playing the Kool-Aid game? Maybe a little bit, but I think she’s smart enough to make the sacrifices that are going to get her to her goal. She’s a very goal-oriented person, even if it means that her lover is going to think that she’s doing something bad, she’s going to do it if it means that she’s going to save Cosima. I think [Delphine] has always been an endgame type of personality, like, what do I need to do to achieve this? And do everything even if it means stepping on your values or dancing the devil’s dance a bit.
TTVJ: Delphine and Cosima have only just been reunited and it seems like the Neolutionists want to split them up again? What did they mean when they told Delphine “You know you won’t be allowed to stay with her”?
EB: I think it’s the nature of their relationship. It’s not like [Delphine and Cosima] live together in an apartment and do the groceries and hang out. They have a difficult context in which they have to evolve. Delphine has a plan and she won’t have enough time to explain her plan, I think.
TTVJ: We still have the rest of the season to look forward to, but you’ve already finished filming and everything, except for the press tours.
EB: The press tours was pretty much, for me, this last one in New York, and it was quite emotional, I have to say. Especially the first panel after [they showed] the first episode. We got such amazing testimonies from the fans that were there and we were all crying in each others’ arms. I think that’s when it sort of hit us even more. I think it will hit us again when the show is over over, when all ten episodes have aired, because it still hasn’t been seen and we’re going to get all the reactions from each episode, we’re going to watch them. So I think it’s a multiphase grieving period. [laughs]
TTVJ: What are you going to miss most about being on Orphan Black and playing Delphine?
EB: As an actor, you don’t a chance to play a character that is that meaningful in people’s life. I’m going to cherish that forever, I’m going to miss that character. I’m going to miss the fans and how engaged they were with our show, even with stuff that wasn’t our show — you know, fans would go and watch other shows we were on, other movies — that kind of commitment to that world and who we are is so amazing and I’m so grateful for that. But on a personal level, [I’m going to miss] just the fun. The fun of making something that you believe in, that you think is smart, that you think matters, the fun of being with my amazing colleagues that basically are like, I know it’s a cliche, but they’re like family. The learning experience too — so many kind, talented humans — I’m going to miss them and how much they elevated me and how much joy I got from being able to play with them.
TTVJ: Looking to the future, what is next for you? Where will we next see you on our screens after Orphan Black is over?
EB: Oh boy! I have two movies coming out here in Quebec — I hope they come out in the rest of Canada and maybe hopefully in the U.S. — one called Miséricorde  and one called Le passé devant nous. One is a Swiss-Canadian co-production and the other one is a Belgian movie. I shot a movie in Vancouver called Rememory by Mark Palansky, opposite Peter Dinklage, so that was an amazing experience that I shot last January. It went to Sundance and hopeful it will get screen time across Canada. I’m doing a second season of Trop, my Quebec comedy and I’m doing some theatre in Montreal next year, and maybe more international projects, but I can’t really say because it hasn’t been absolutely confirmed yet. But lot’s of exciting stuff!
TTVJ: Any special plans for watching the last season of Orphan Black?
EB: Oh, I don’t know! I definitely would love to go to Toronto to watch the finale with everyone, that would be a way to make it less hard. But I watch the first episode I think in the best context. I was in New York sitting in that room with the fans, so I got all of their reactions. I got to see the episode for the first time with them, so that was the best way to take it in.
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arya-jon-tyrion · 7 years
Tyrion , Dany and the possiblity of Tyrion being king
So I was just watching this inside the game of thrones  video for  season 7 ep 1 featuring Peter Dinklage and Emilia <3.
Around minute 1:16 Peter mentions how Dany is different from the people he has served in that she is not a family member, but a woman. He warns that it will create complications in their relationship.
We do not know what these complications will be , but i am making some guesses of their future plot direction.
 Cersei has got the iron throne. I think the showrunners were winking at the audience when she and jaime discussed the prospect of creating a lannister dynasty on the iron throne. Mostly , I think cersei will die without another child and jaime would be out there fighting white walkers /dying in brienne’s arms rather than be interested in kingship. So who could continue the lannister dynasty?
Tyrion is certainly a candidate. It would be weird if a character of his political accumen and overall plot importance does not make it to the iron throne.
And these complications in dany and tyrion’s  relationship that Dinklage is mentioning could be the cause. 
Tyrion may not know now, but he is extremely close to the iron throne by right of succesion in lannister line. And I find it surprising that the showrunners are not driving it home to him every now  and then the prospect that he himself could be king . Unless they are planning a surprise in season 8 where a dwarf would  climb the iron throne and fulfill kit harrington’s desire.
 Kit in a recent interview when asked who should sit on the  the iron throne mentioned Tyrion’s name. His reasoning was that Tyion as king would surprise the audience, more than Jon or Dany.Further he found the idea of a dwarf climbing the iron throne comical .
So I expect Tyrion to have a brief rule before the Starks and esecially Jon end up as the final rulers
If this does remind you of the plot of the oringnal outline published around 1991 , I dont blame you ;).
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quentinfiletmignon · 6 years
Hear me and rejoice!
(too soon?)
Since it’s been over a month since Avengers: Infinity War hit the cinemas, I’m gonna share with you my favorite (and not so favorite) things from the movie.
Most of the quotes are not exactly accurate, so please excuse my bad memory.
But I’m still gonna put a warning here...
Things that I liked
Loki exchanging the Tesseract for Thor’s life.
THE CLOAK OF LEVITATION. It’s seriously one of my most favorite characters of the whole MCU.
“Say, doc, you wouldn’t happen to be moving your hair, would you?”
“Not at the moment, no.”
Spider-Man’s entrance to the battlefield.
RED SKULL. Damn! That was one hell of a surprise from the Russos. I mean... We knew he didn’t really die in CA:TFA, but I still wasn’t expecting him to show up like that.
The Wakanda theme from Black Panther’s Ludwig Görannson being used.
WANDA’S POWERS. We finally got to see more of what she can really do.
STRANGE’S POWERS. Those scenes on Titan were magnificent. Especially the one where he was fighting alone against Thanos.
Thor calling Rocket & Groot “Rabbit” & “Tree”.
Strange protecting Tony and Peter with his powers whey the flying donut was crashing towards Titan.
Bruce in the Hulkbuster tripping over a rock & Okoye giving him the look.
Bucky & Rocket interaction. Bucky gripping Rocket by his collar and spinning him around when they were shooting the aliens. And then Rocket asking how much is for his gun & arm.
Stan Lee’s cameo. “You’ve never seen a spaceship?”
“You know what we need? No more surprises.”
*Strange opens up a portal right next to Tony and Pepper*
“Tony Strak? We need your help.”
Ned’s little scene on the bus. “We’re all gonna die!”
Rocket giving Thor the eye he once stole from a guy on Contraxia.
“Where’s Gamora?”
“I’ll do you one better. WHO’S Gamora?”
“I’ll do YOU one better. Why is Gamora?”
“You’ve seen that old movie Aliens?”
Bucky’s “I love this place” when one of the enemy ships got destroyed by the shield over Wakanda.
Peter Parker’s reaction to being accepted as an Avenger by Tony himself.
*Tony telling Bruce the Avengers broke up*
Cap, Natasha & Sam entering the Edinburgh scene.
Tony calling Ebony Maw “Squidward”.
Groot giving away his arm to be the handle of the Stormbreaker.
Those scene transitions. So good.
Okoye x Wanda x Natasha interaction.
*Groot agressively fighting aliens*
*Steve turning to him and politely introducing himself*
Captain Marvel being called in in the post credits scene.
“Why was she up there all this time?”
NIDAVELLIER. And giant dwarf Peter Dinklage.
“When you said we are going to open Wakanda to the rest of the world, this is not what I imagined.”
“What did you imagine?”
“The olympics. Maybe even a Starbucks.”
*Bruce bows to T’challa*
*Bruce death glares at Rhodey*
“Is Footloose still the greatest movie ever?”
“It never was.”
THOR. I love him more than any words can express.
“How long have ou been standing there?”
“An hour.”
“Wong, you are invited to the wedding!”
Things that really hurt me
“Did you seriously just say ‘hither to undreamt of’?”
“Are you seriously leaning on the Cauldron of Cosmos?”
Death of the Asgardians. Well... Half of the Asgardians. They survived Hela and the destruction of Asgard only to be met by Thanos... But it makes me wonder where is the other half? I guess Valkyrie is with them, because if she was killed on the refugee ship when Thanos came, they would definitely show us her dead body, right?
HEIMDALL’S DEATH. Comes on... He was my fave.
Loki’s death. This time it’s for good I’m afraid.
Thor crawling over to Loki’s dead body.
GAMORA’S DEATH. That was really painful for me to watch. The music that accompanied the scene didn’t really help me to feel better.
TONY GETTING STABBED BY HIS OWN WEAPON BY THANOS. Hell... I seriously thought this was the end for him. My heart stopped for a while, my eyes welled up with tears and I heard myself get out a stiffled 'Tony, no...’.
The MARVEL intro without its usual haroic theme.
The Avengers: Infinity War title at the end disintegrating just like the characters acoompanied by a very sad and quiet piano rendition of the Avengers theme.
- Bucky’s last word being “Steve...?”
- Sam dying alone
- T’Challa turning into ashes right in front of Okoye and her being absolutely terrified and desperately scremaing for him
- Groot disappearing in frotn of Rocket (and apparently calling him dad)
- Peter Parker falling into Tony’s arms saying that he doesn’t want to go and that he’s sorry and then disintegrating in his arms
- Strange telling Tony “There was no no other way” and disappearign too
- Wanda turning into ashes with a relieved sigh while holding Vision’s dead body
- Peter Quill having to watch Mantis and Drax disappear (shortly after he found out his Gamora was dead) only to turn into ashes as well
- Tony being the only one (with Nebula) left on a deserted planet far away from Earth
VISION’S DEATH. Damn... I love Vision so much. I was expecting this, of course. He had an infinity stone on his forehead so it was only logical to expect him to die. But the way he died? Oh my god... NOT ACCEPTABLE. First he died by the hands of the woman he loved (and that loved him) while reassuring her she could never hurt him and that he loved her. Shortly after that he was brought back to life by Thanos using the time stone only to die again as Thanos violently ripped the mind stone out of Vision’s forehead.
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