#peter parker x male oc
rainforestakiie · 2 years
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hi everyone!
for everyone who has read my spider-man x male oc story! i have just posted the last two chapters! please read when you have the time and leave me a comment!
thank you for the support!
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toomanyopinionss · 1 year
Three Weeks - Part 2
Pairing: Spiderman/Original Male Character
Summary: High School AU - After Manuel Juarez (MJ) met Spiderman for the first time, it took him 3 weeks to uncover that he was Peter Parker. To be honest, Manny doesn't know how he didn't figure it out sooner...
Warnings: light profanity ig? basically fluff
Author's Note: So I did a thing. I've never posted a fic here before. This honestly spurred from a tweet I saw after seeing NWH about how Andrew Garfield's Spiderman is yet to meet his MJ and it could be a dude. After seeing that a character instantly formed in my head and I needed an outlet. i made my peter parker a very vague cutout, so one can imagine whichever one floats their boat, whether that’s Maguire, Holland, the lego version 🤷🏾‍♀️
also this will be in like 4 parts i think. enjoy!
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October 15
Good Evening, everyone, and welcome to Nightly News In New York.
I’m Shannon Johnson.
And I’m Charles Bailey. First things first, Cold and Flu season has come to ravage the nation once again. Clinics are overrun and low on supplies. Schools throughout the city have reported up to 10% of their students are sick. Multiple school faculties have been hit hard as well, making the shortage of substitute teachers all the more obvious.
That’s right, Charles. The office of the mayor of NYC released a statement this morning saying:
“Here we go again, New York. You know the drill. Stay warm. Stay safe. And if you’re sick? Please, for the love of God, stay home.”
*•.•*•.•*•.•*•.•* *•.•*•.•*•.•*•.•* *•.•*•.•*•.•*•.•*
Since the first night, Spiderman had swung Manny home 5 times. It didn’t happen every night. Sometimes Spiderman was off fighting crime and saving lives. But when the city was quiet (well, as quiet as Queens could possibly be), Spiderman would drop in and offer him a lift. And Manny would accept. After the second time, he no longer felt the need to release his lunch into his mother’s petunias.
This particular October night, Manny was glad for the lack of customers. Cold and flu season had amplified the small drugstore’s business, and the people of Queens tore through the medicine aisle with gusto. When traffic finally slowed down 15 minutes to closing, Manny used the time to re-restock the shelves, because his co-worker Alex couldn’t organize for shit. At 9:25, someone burst through the doors, because of course someone would. Manny leaned out of the aisle to see who had come in, and he was treated to a view of a windblown, out-of-breath May Parker.
“Hey Auntie May,” he said, standing up from his kneeling position so she could see him. “To what do I owe this marvelous pleasure, 5 minutes before closing?”
“Ha ha, funny guy has jokes tonight, huh?” May said sarcastically. “You know a circus opened up about 30 minutes from here?”
Manny flashed her a sweet smile. “I’ll be sure to put in my application.” She returned his smile with one of her own, winking.
Manny headed towards the counter, while May shuffled towards the Health and Beauty section. “So Manuel, I met one of your co-workers when I came in to grab a last-minute birthday card for my boss a couple of days ago. Alex, I think? She seemed real…distraught.”
Manny sighed. “She’s a mess. She broke up with her boyfriend last week and the dude’s already moved on. The boss man gave her a couple of personal days to “collect herself” so she would stop scaring customers.”
“Oh poor girl,” said May, shaking her head. “Young love is a rough terrain to navigate.”
Manny shrugged because he wouldn’t know. The longest relationship he’d been in was more of a friendship-with-benefits situation with his chem lab partner, Julia. They ended things amicably after 3 months once she got a boyfriend, no hard feelings between them. There was also that boy, Carlos. Although the relationship was sweet, it was short-lived. The boy moved away before any deeper connection could form between them.
May Parker approached the checkout counter with both hands full of stuff. Manny realized he probably should have gotten her a basket to carry them. “Hey, by the way”, May starts, dropping her stuff down, “I thought you worked every weeknight? Not that Alex wasn’t lovely. But I was planning on giving you this banana bread recipe for your grandmother the other day, cause I haven’t had the chance to stop by myself.”
“Oh yeah, I do,” Manny said while scanning her things. “The twins were sick, Carmen and Ricky had midterms, and mom had to work a double, so I offered to stay home with them.”
“Ugh…” May put a hand on her chest. “You are just the sweetest boy.”
Manny blushed and waved a hand dismissively. “Just doing my part, May.”
She shook her head, then. “This bug going around is just awful. You know Peter’s sick, too?”
“Yeah? Well, that explains why I didn’t see him in school today.” Manny wouldn’t say that he and Peter Parker were ‘best friends’ now, but they’d been getting closer over the last week or so. Ever since the moment they shared when Peter fixed his bandage, they’ve greeted each other in the hallways, walked each other to classes, and even spent their free period together in the library. The thought gave Manny a warm feeling.
May rolled her eyes. “Oh yeah. I made him stay home because that boy just does not know how to take care of himself. So much like Benjamin, it irks me.” Manny laughed as he finished scanning the last item.
“Tell Peter I hope he feels better,” Manny said as May collected her things.
“Send the twins my love. I’ll have fresh-baked cookies at your house by tomorrow.”
Manny called out, “Chocolate chip please!”May just laughed and blew him a kiss, before leaving the drugstore.
*•.•*•.•*•.•*•.•* *•.•*•.•*•.•*•.•* *•.•*•.•*•.•*•.•*
Spider-man wasn’t at their usual spot today, which left Manny feeling a little disappointed. After waiting a couple more minutes (just in case), Manny sighed and walked on, pulling his headphones over his ears to block out any sound.
After a few minutes of listening to one of his playlists, his favorite song came on. He slowed down a bit and closed his eyes, letting the music wash over him. He felt his lips curve into a smile. It was a marvelous feeling, and Manny felt like every single worry in the world simply vanished for a couple of minutes. He loved music. It’s like every one of his five senses comes alive. When the song ended, he opened his eyes to see his late-night walking buddy standing there, looking at him.
“AYE!” Manny yelped, his heart racing. “What, you can’t say nothing?!”
Spiderman scratched the back of his head in what seemed to be a sheepish gesture. “Oh shit! Sorry, Manny. You just seemed so…”
“What, high?” Manny asked, chuckling, shoving his headphones back into his bag, so he didn’t have to meet his eye. He felt his face heat up ever so slightly.
“No! No, like relaxed. Peaceful. It’s a nice look on you… I didn’t wanna mess it up.”
Manny’s heart skipped at least two beats. He would be glad for the darkness outside, but he wasn’t sure whether or not Spiderman had night vision. “Damn, you know how to woo a person. It’s a shame the only person you’re able to see these days is Doc Ock and his vengeful ass.”
Spiderman laughed, which quickly dissolved into a coughing fit. “Sorry,” he said, clearing his throat.
Manny raised an eyebrow. “You good?” The hero started to nod but then dissolved into another fit of coughing.
“Damn. Don’t tell me the germs of New York got you too?” Manny asked incredulously.
“Yep, this city does not do anything halfway,” Spiderman said, punctuating the sentence with a sneeze. Which launched him into another coughing fit.
Manny inspected the superhero. “Hey, maybe you shouldn’t swing me home tonight.”
Spider-man’s shoulders slumped a bit. “Yeah, yeah of course. Completely understandable. I’m kind of gross right now, anyways.” He made it like he was about to shoot out a web toward a nearby building, but Manny stopped him with a hand on his arm.
“Woah woah. Despacio, amigo. I just don’t want you overworking yourself.” Spiderman slowly lowered his arms, but Manny maintained contact. “I’m sure this cold doesn’t prevent you from walking me home, right? Cause if you leave and I get kidnapped, possibly murdered?! That’s on you, man. And I can’t promise that I won’t send a whole ghost army to fight you.”
Spiderman shoved Manny away, chuckling. “You’re an idiot.” He starts walking away, and Manny jogs to catch up. They walked alongside each other and talked about random things. If their arms accidentally brushed, no one said anything.
*•.•*•.•*•.•*•.•* *•.•*•.•*•.•*•.•* *•.•*•.•*•.•*•.•*
“What do you mean you’re JUST now reading the Harry Potter books?” Manny stared at Spiderman like he grew an extra head. “What are you, 12? I know that the mask kinda hides your age, but if that’s the case, put a lil space between us right now. I must be breaking some type of law.”
Spiderman looked at him. Although the mask hid his expression, Manny could somehow tell that he was rolling his eyes. “You are so overdramatic, I swear. I never read them growing up, and everyone who’s read them seems to be in on some type of inside joke, so I decided to see what all the fuss was about.”
“What do you mean ‘what all the fuss was about’,” Manny mocked. Then he walked ahead and turned, facing Spiderman and stopping them both in their tracks. “Picture this, okay? You’re a sad, orphan kid with a sucky life, and all of a sudden, BAM! You’ve got powers and your entire life changes. How cool would that be?” Spiderman stayed silent a couple of beats longer than necessary and Manuel raised an eyebrow at him in question.
“I don’t know,” he said, shrugging uncomfortably. “I don’t think it’s that black and white, Manny.”
Spiderman looked off to the side, facing the city outline. “The being an orphan and getting powers thing. Yeah, sure, it’s cool and all, but it’s not that simple. You’re basically being thrust into a world you don’t understand and change, good or bad, is a lot to handle. You don’t know who you can trust. You make a ton of enemies. Not to mention the fact that you… you’d lose a lot along the way.”
The two were silent for a minute. Frankly, Manny didn’t know how to respond. It was obvious Spiderman was talking about himself. Manny didn’t know the dude’s history, but he had enough common sense to know that all superheroes had emotional baggage. Should he hug him? Does one simply hug a superhero? Would that be inappropriate? There wasn’t exactly a guide to this, Manny thought. So he simply asked.
“Can I hug you?”
Spiderman turned his head sharply to look at Manny, surprised. They both stared awkwardly at each other for a minute. But Spiderman had yet to recoil in horror at the idea, so Manny didn’t rescind his offer.
After a long beat of silence, Spiderman nodded his head slowly. Manny pulled him into a loose embrace, wrapping his arms around his neck, while the superhero’s hands rested limply on his hips. Manny whispered into his ear, “I don’t know your story, and frankly it’s none of my business. But I do know this. Despite all you’ve lost, you work overtime to make sure everyone in this goddamn city can sleep safely at night. You out here patrolling in the streets while you’re sick, for crying out loud, and I’m gonna take a wild guess and say you’re not much older than me.” Spiderman stiffened, but Manny plowed on. “The point is, you’re awesome. And also much cooler than Harry Potter. I admire you.”
“I… I, um—“ Spiderman broke off, clearing his throat. He inhaled shakily before whispering, “Thanks.”
“No biggie,” Manny quipped nonchalantly. He was about to say something else, but all of a sudden Spiderman launched out of his arms and turned his head before sneezing twice.
“Bless you,” Manny said, chuckling. “Come on, my house is a couple blocks away.” Spiderman nodded, and the two started walking once more. Manny knew that he really should send the guy on his way. He clearly wasn’t getting better. But he just… couldn’t bring himself to. He selfishly enjoyed their brief moments together.
As they went, Manny noticed Spiderman restlessly moving his fingers, and he had the urge to grab his hand. He should have squashed this thought the minute he thought it, but he’s always been a touch impulsive. Before second-guessing himself, Manny reached out slowly to grab his hand. He awkwardly managed to only grab two of the five fingers, but when Spiderman looked up surprised, he played it off like it was his intention.
“I do this with my little sisters a lot. It helps calm them down a bit,” he lied in what he hoped was a confident voice. His heart was beating wildly.
“You have sisters?” Spiderman asked. He didn’t remove his fingers from Manny’s, so the boy felt his heartbeat return to normal.
“Um, yeah. I have two younger sisters and two older sisters. The younger ones are twins. I also have three stepbrothers that live down the street.”
“Wow. You have a big family.”
“Yep. You have siblings?”
Spiderman hesitated, then shook his head. “Nah. Just me.”
“Dude, you can have one of mine. In fact, take your pick of the litter, I’ve got no favorites. They all get on my nerves.”
Spiderman barked a laugh, which made Manny laugh. Their laughter died as they approached his front porch. Manny released the superhero’s fingers from their captivity and turned to smile at him.
“Thanks for walking me home, Spidey. And they say chivalry is dead.” Manny wiggled his eyebrows playfully, and Spiderman snorted. Then he started coughing again. Manny patted his back a few times before remembering something. “Wait here for a sec,” he said hurriedly, entering his house.
A minute later, he came out with a container in his hand. “My ma made soup yesterday, and they say there’s nothing more magical than a Mexican mother’s cooking.” He winked and handed the container to Spiderman. The superhero looks down at the food in his hands, before looking back up at Manny.
“Why are you so nice to me?”
Manny looked at the superhero incredulously. “Dude, you're the fucking Spiderman.” His companion nodded slowly, clearly not impressed with the answer. Manny breathed out heavily through his nose. He took the hair tie out of his hair and ran a hand through it. Usually, he was pretty ok with the emotional stuff, but he didn’t want to seem lame.
“Look, you take time off your schedule every night to take me home. You choose to be here, and that means something to me. Plus,” he shrugged nonchalantly, “I consider you a friend.” Manny can’t tell if the other guy is smiling behind the mask, but he seems more relaxed than before.
“Manny, I—“
“MJ!” A yell from inside the house makes both of them jump. “Get your butt in here! It’s Friday, which means it’s YOUR turn to do the dishes!”
“¡Relájate! Carmen, give me a minute!” Manny yelled in response before turning back to Spiderman. “Sorry about that.”
The hero in question raised an eyebrow. “MJ?”
Manny groaned. “Manuel Juarez. My siblings have been calling me that for years.”
“Well,” Spiderman starts, shooting a web out to the nearest light fixture. “Thanks for the soup, MJ. I’ll see you on the flip side.” Then he disappeared into the night.
Manny sighed and turned back towards his house. He thought, Why was that hot?
*•.•*•.•*•.•*•.•* *•.•*•.•*•.•*•.•* *•.•*•.•*•.•*•.•*
Manny knew he was gonna catch whatever cold/flu hellscape his sisters had, and the stuffed-up nose and sore throat he woke up with on Monday morning confirmed that theory. He groaned internally (and externally) but ultimately got out of bed to get ready for school. The rational thing to do would be to stay home and rest, but Manny had a test in 6th period, and his math teacher was fidgety and mean about retakes. So he took an Advil and some cold syrup, jugged half the carton of orange juice, and hauled his aching body out the door.
By the third period, he was falling apart. His head felt heavy, and the medicine he took was making it hard to think clearly. But Manny was determined to get this test out of the way if it killed him. So he brushed off the concerns of his friends, Gwen and Miles, and powered through. After Physics, he had lunch and then a free period before the 5th. So he grabbed an apple from the cafeteria, just to eat something, and went to the library. He needed to close his eyes.
When he reached the far edge of the library, his phone vibrated in his pocket alerting him to a text.
gwennie: mannyyy
gwennie: where r u? we were gonna study at lunch.
Manny groaned, falling back into the large bean bag chair.
manny: sry gwen. i completely forgot.
manny: didn’t sleep much last night, so i’m in the library catching extra z’s before class
manny: forgive me… ily
Manny didn’t wait for a response. He just shut down his phone and closed his eyes, drifting off mere seconds later into a dreamless sleep.
Manny woke up feeling worse than he did before. He sat up a little and shook off the grogginess that settled on him like a dense fog. It took him several moments to realize he was being watched.
“I hope you haven’t been watching me this whole time,” Manny quipped without opening his eyes. “That is stalker behavior, amigo.”
“You’re sick.”
Manny opened one of his eyes lazily to look at Peter. He was sitting across from him in the other giant bean. He seemed pretty settled in, with his open laptop in his lap and bag of pretzels settled next to him. Peter was looking at him all concerned, which made him squirm a bit. “May mentioned you weren’t feeling great on Friday,” Manny said. “You okay now?”
Peter looked at him incredulously. “I’m fine, Manny. You, however, are not.”
“Calm down, Parker. I’m well aware I look like shit. I have a math test during sixth, so here I am.” He extended his arms out in a dramatic fashion. And then he sneezed and fell back onto the beanbag groaning.
“Bless you. First of all, I never said you looked like shit,” Peter said. Manny looked at him with an eyebrow raised. “Second of all, can’t you do a makeup test?”
“With Mrs. Anders?”
Peter winced. “Ouch. So not an option.”
“Nope.” Manny could tell that his meds had finally worn off because a wave of general awfulness fell over him just then.
Peter looked at him for a minute. Then he put down his laptop, got up from his chair, and walked over to him. He placed the back of his hand on his forehead. “Fuck, you’re so hot. You have a fever, MJ, you have to… no, you need to go to the nurse.”
“Nooo,” Manny said, pushing Peter’s hand away. “I don’t wanna go to the nurse. She’s old, mean, and racist. Plus she smells like the cafeteria’s lasagna. You know what will make me feel better?”
“You calling me hot again,” Manny said, wiggling his eyebrows.
Peter gave him an exasperated look. “Look, all we need is an official note from the nurse. Then Anders will have to let you retake it. I’ll go with you.“
“Ok, ok.” Manny stood. His balance wavered slightly, which prompted Peter to grab his arm.
“You okay?”
“Nope.” Manny rests his forehead on Peter’s shoulder in defeat. ”I feel like lukewarm garbage, I’m awful at taking care of myself, and I should not have come today.”
Peter chuckled. “If it makes you feel better, I’m bad at taking care of myself too. That’s why we have to let the people who care about us help out.” Manny felt one of the boy’s hands reach down to hold his…fingers? Yep, he was not imagining it, Peter Parker grabbed two of his fingers. Manny thought back to his similar actions a few days ago, with Spider-man. Although he had made the mistake to grab the superhero’s fingers instead of his hand, Peter had acted intentionally. Huh.
“Let’s get to the nurse. You can lean on me if you need to.” Manny nodded, not trusting his big mouth to respond appropriately . They both grabbed all their stuff and headed towards the nurse’s office.
A few moments later, Nurse Maddocks, a stern looking older woman with a stiff posture, looked both of the boys over. “I’m not writing you out of another gym class, Parker.”
Manny turned to Peter, smiling playfully while the other boys ears turned pink. “No, I’m not here for me, miss, I’m here for my friend.”
The nurse, who was sitting at her desk, put on her glasses and turned to her computer. “Full name?”
“Manuel Juarez.”
“Is that short for Emmanuel?”
“Hmm.” She typed on her computer a bit more. Manny was starting to feel a bit nauseous, which was weird given that he barely ate anything today. “What seems to be the problem?” She finally asked, looking up at the boy.
“I have the flu, I think.”
“Is that a self diagnosis, or have you actually been to the doctor’s office?”
“Young man, I’ve had about 15 kids come in today trying to get a free ticket home. I’m not interested in games right now.”
“Miss Maddocks, he’s clearly not feeling well. You haven’t even taken his temperature yet,” Peter spoke up suddenly, sounding annoyed.
“Fix the tone, Parker,” the nurse said. But she got up and headed towards a cabinet in the back. Once her back was turned, Peter met Manny’s gaze and crossed his eyes while mouthing “Fix your tone, Parker.”
Manny grinned at him. Why hadn’t he and Peter been close prior to the last couple weeks? Manny’s mom and Peter’s aunt had been friends since nursing school years back, and the woman changed his diapers, as embarrassing as that was. But when May and Ben adopted Peter, Manny barely crossed paths with the small boy. He was quiet, and tended to stay back with Ben whenever May came over.
Then, halfway through their freshman year, Peter came to a pride meeting at their school. This sparked Manny’s curiosity, because the boys had never had anything in common, to Manny’s knowledge. Peter was always hanging out with Ned or Harry Osborn while Manny went on being a social butterfly. Manny approached Peter, who was in the corner eating an apple and reading one of the pamphlets set out on the table.
Peter looked up from the pamphlet. “Hey Manny.”
“I’ve never seen you at one of these meetings before.”
“Yea…” The boy played with his sleeve in what looked to be a slightly awkward gesture before looking back up. “My uncle’s forcing me to join an extracurricular, and sports are out of the picture. I actually tripped on air twice before getting here. So I thought I’d just start simple.”
Many grinned at him. “I’m glad you’re here. It’s usually very low-key, but you might have to introduce yourself.”
Peter groaned. “It had to be something.” Manny chuckled, and they both found seats on the kindergarten circle rug used for meetings. As expected, when Peter was called to introduce himself a couple minutes later, he stood up (it took him two tries to do so, he wasn’t joking about the clumsiness).
“Hi. I’m Peter Parker, he/him. And… I don’t know what I identify as. All I know is, I’m not one of the heteros.” He finished off his last statement with a shrug and a smirk, before plunking right back down next to Manny. The room dissolved in snickers before the meeting started.
Manny leaned over and whispered, “That wasn’t so bad, now was it.”
Peter nudged him with his shoulder playfully. The rest of the meeting was a blast. They made jokes and laughed and just had a good time. May picked them both up afterwards, and Peter told Manny that he would be there for the next meeting.
But he never came.
Something changed in Peter after Ben passed away. They never spoke at the funeral, but Manny tried to find him after the high school called an assembly to discuss gun violence, but he disappeared. He started disappearing a lot too, afterwards. Their sophomore year, he was named Most Tardy to Class. At first, Manny had assumed the worst: that he fell in with the wrong people. But that didn’t appear to be the case: he still hung out with his friends, he still got the highest grade in his AP STEM classes (not that Manny was stalking, cause that would be inappropriate). He just didn’t go outside of that bubble much anymore. He and Manny exchanged smiles when they pass each other in the hall, with the occasional greeting. He even came over to his house a couple of times when his mom invited May over for dinner. But whenever they talked, he had this… heavy look in his eye. Like he was there, but also somewhere else.
And now, looking at Peter, Manny could tell that he was more… well adjusted. Not different, his personality had never really changed. But he seemed more comfortable in his own skin. It made Manny feel emotions that he refused to investigate now seeing as he most definitely had a fever, if the nurse’s worried look at the thermometer she just pulled out of his mouth was any indication.
“101.3,” she said. “I’m going to go give your mother a call, so she can pick you…”
“No wait!” Manny interrupted, shaking his head. “My mom is at work right now, I don’t want to bother her.”
“Well, young man, we have to contact someone. We can’t have you getting other kids sick.”
Manny was starting to feel dizzy now. “Can you call Rico instead? My older brother, he’s on my emergency contact list, I think.”
The nurse rolled her eyes, but headed towards her desk to make the call. Peter came to sit next to Manny.
“You okay? Do you need anything?” The boy asked softly, leaning towards him.
“I’ll be fine,” Manny replied back. He leaned his head back onto the wall and closed his eyes, the dizziness intensifying. He felt Peter grab his fingers once more as they sat and waited.
“Hey,” Manny whispered.
“I’m pretty sure that this boldness is coming from the fact that I’m basically dying right now.” Peter snorted. “You wanna go out sometime?”
The other boy froze, his hand tightening slightly around his fingers. “Do you mean… like a regular bro hang out or like a…”
“Peter Parker, what kinda dumbass question is that?! I thought you were an AP student. Where are those critical thinking skills? I’m asking you on a date.”
Then Peter smiled. And it was dazzling. The smile made Manny's heart soar. It cleared his skin. Whitened his teeth.
“Then yes. I’d love to go out with you.”
They looked at each other and smiled.
“I’m glad,” Manny said, before getting up and rushing across the room to hurl in large trash can. Peter hurriedly walked across the room to meet him. He held Manny’s hair back with one hand and rubbed his back with the other.
“Oh dear.” The nurses looked on worriedly. “Your brother will be here in about 5 minutes. Please try and avoid the petunias. It took me all summer to grow them.” In response, both Peter and Manny threw her a withering look. She cleared her throat and looked away busying herself with her actual job.
Peter crouched down and whispered “She can keep her ugly ass flowers.” Manny laughed. And they stayed in that position till his brother came.
That night, Manny texted Peter:
manny: i can’t believe you saw me at my lowest, and i don’t even know ur favorite color is yet.
manny: and don’t say some shit like ‘gReEn LiKe YoUr EyEs’.
manny: i know how you white boys operate
peter: red
peter: like your soul <3
manny: dayum
peter: i like to keep things funky and fresh
peter: how’re you feeling
manny: I’ve transcended beyond feeling like garbage. i AM the garbage now
peter: i’m sorry about that mj
manny: it’s alright. I have it on good authority that there is a hot piece of ass under all this sick
peter: i’m well aware
manny: so you DO think I’m hot
peter: *rolling my eyes* yes
peter: now hurry up and get better. i expect to be wooed.
manny: yes sir
manny: hey real quick. why call me mj? no one at school even knows abt that nickname
peter: oh?
manny: yeah. it’s just this stupid little nickname my sisters have for me.
peter: i don’t have to if your not comfortable with it?
manny: nah it’s ok. i like it when you call me that
manny: when they use it, it’s usually followed by something unpleasant
peter: lolll. gn mj
manny: gn pp
peter: NO.
link to fic on ao3
part 1
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lookalike-vol6 · 2 years
"but what if I am in love with you?"
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a scene from my fanfic :)
pairing: peter parker x male!oc (isaac)
warnings: lots and lots of angst, implied friends with benefits, petnames (darling, my love, etc.)
I might post more of them in the future bc I love them <3
also this is my first fic on here I'm very scared lol
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"darling, kiss me like that again and I’m going to think you’re in love with me.”
Peter looked up and narrowed his eyes.
Isaac must know what he was doing. Every time the boy spoke, Peter felt his heartbeat quicken to a terrifying rate and his cheeks would heat up within seconds. And the petnames, oh, the petnames. It had been like this since they'd first met, Isaac calling Peter sweet names and Peter becoming a blushing mess with words caught in his throat.
Yes, Peter thought to himself. Isaac knows exactly what he's doing.
Swallowing the lump in his throat and covering up his nerves with a laugh, before ruining it by blurting out a sentence he'd never expected to say.
“…But what if I am in love with you?”
Isaac laughed, shaking his head softly, masking the look of panic that had darted across his face. "You're funny, Peter."
The other boy said nothing, only looked Isaac directly in the eyes, not breaking eye contact for even a second.
Panic flashed across Isaac's face for the second time, and this time he failed to hide it fast enough. He laughed again, nervous. His eyes flickered from side to side and he seemed to be planning an escape route.
“I’m going to need to stop you right there."
Peter didn't say a thing.
"Peter, I swear to God cut the bullshit. This isn't some funny joke.” 
"It's not a joke." Peter's voice was quiet, Isaac didn't even hear him speak at first.
Isaac sighed and rested his head back against the wall.
"Peter." He tilted his head to the side and looked at him. "Seriously, stop joking around."
Peter groaned in exasperation and reached for Isaac's hand. "Isaac I'm not–"
Isaac swiftly moved his hand away from Peter's, growling quietly. "No. This has gone on too long, Peter. We can't keep doing this."
Peter's heart dropped down to his feet and he felt it crack, but he managed to keep a neutral face as he spoke, not letting Isaac see how badly his words had really affected him.
"And why is that?"
Isaac snapped. He spun around to face Peter and found his face terrifyingly close to the other boy's; they were so close you could almost say that he was pressing him against the bookshelf. When he spoke, his voice was cold, his gaze not faltering as he stared directly at Peter.
"Because you can't be in love with me, Peter!"
oh, Isaac. I don't think you get to decide that.
Peter looked at him, tilting his head to the side.
"Is that really it? Or are you just scared, Isaac?"
Isaac clenched his fist and swallowed, saying nothing.
"Are you just scared of opening up?"
Isaac froze.
"Peter–" He whispered, but Peter was so caught up in his emotions that he didn't notice Isaac whimper softly at his words.
"Scared of not being able to run when–"
Peter froze and watched Isaac slump to the ground, leaning against the wall and pulling his legs up to his chest. He wrapped his arms around them, rocking back and forth as muffled sobs left his lips.
Another choked sob fell from his lips and Peter's heart shattered as he ran to Isaac's side.
"Darling... my love, it's okay, I'm here, you don't have to be scared of opening up or running away. Open up in your own time, however long it takes you, I'll still be here. If you need to run, then run as far away as you need and come back when you're ready."
Isaac sniffled again and looked up.
Peter smiled and tentatively wrapped his arms around Isaac, who was still sitting with his knees pressed up to his chest. Slowly, the dark haired boy loosened the his grip and leaned into Peter, head resting on his chest.
Peter gently pressed his lips against his forehead and Isaac's breath seemed to get caught in his chest for a second before he relaxed, cuddling further into Peter's arms.
Whatever they had was going to take a while, but Peter didn't mind.
They could get though this.
They had to.
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mittos · 6 months
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I’ve been reminded of male MJ and now I’m so normal about him
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demonlattee · 4 months
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Peter was nervous | MalcNoir, SpiderNoir x Malcolm Jarvis 'MJ' Watson ❤️🖤
Scene from the first Spider-Man movie (2002)
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⊹₊⋆⁺₊⋆ Masterlist⋆₊⁺⋆₊⊹
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This account may contain certain topics not fully accepted by everyone in the communities. Be aware that it was created with the propuse of expressing ideas and stories in a different way than others.
I write:
- male reader
- legal age (mostly for +18 content)
- action (once I’ve gotten the hand of this lenguaje)
- MxM or MxF pairs.
- age gap (still legal)
- blood (always with warning in the beginning)
I don’t write:
- pedofilia
- incest
- yandere
-Demons Slayer
One shot ☁︎
An idea in lust | Summary: Uzui had an idea in a heated momento with his partners, but it kind of back fired. (+18)
Pairings: Uzui + wives x male oc
Serie ☀︎
Finding purpose | Summary: In a world that is dying and there is no way of saving it, the humanity takes mater into their own hands. They flee from their home planet with hope of conquering another in order to survive. Among them, a couple of brothers with no idea what they’re doing.
Pairings: Jake sully x Oc (friendship), Tsu’tey x Oc (friendship), Neytiri x Oc (friendship). [No current love interest]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chap 5 coming soon…
One shot ☁︎
Small big problem | Summary: Some times is easy to to forget that even the strongest can be vulnerable.
Pairings: Peter B. Parker × giant spiderman reader (platonic), Mayday × giant spiderman reader (platonic).
- Stranger things
Serie ☀︎
Summary | Everything in life seemed limited to walls of whites and rainbows. Caged within the confines of the lab. But an accident that involved a group of teenagers and the upside down world finally let him free. In a funny turn of events he found himself hiding in a step sibling's shed. A redhead that loves video games and a blond that spends his time making sure to keep his good looks.
Character: Male child reader (or preteen)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 coming soon…
- Jujutsu Kaisen
Serie ☀︎
Summary | This is the story of the sun and moon's child. A, not at all, normal kid that found himself participating in the world of sorcery and under the guidance of the strongest sorcerer. Sort of.
Character: Male OC (Akimura Akio)
Chapter 1
Chap 2…
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littlemochix17 · 8 months
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Tony stark
Steve Rogers
Bruce Banner
Thor Odinson
Clint Barton
Pietro Maximoff
Male Wanda Maximoff
Male Natasha Romanoff
Male Pepper Potts
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Bucky Barnes
Loki Laufeyson
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Tom Holland
Tobey Maguire
Andrew Garfield
Miles Morales
Miguel O'hara
Peter B Parker
Hobie Brown
Pavitr Prabhakar
Miles Morales (Earth 42)
Male Gwen Stacy (Ghost-Spider)
Male Mary jane Watson
Male Michelle Jones Watson
Male Gwen Stacy
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powereddonut · 1 year
"Love's Web Unwoven" I
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Peter Parker is adorable, a puppy, really. He’s loyal and unwavering in his high morals. He treats everyone equally, doesn't discriminate no matter who they or you are. He believes anyone can change, but that could just be a flaw of his too. He wants to comfort those around him even when he needs it. And most of all, he loves doing the right thing, not because he may get a “thank you” in return, but because it's the right thing. 
“He’s perfect! Everything that any female would like.”
“Yeah, but you're not a female.”
“Well, uh, okay, I know that.”
“And you're like two years younger than him.”
“I-I know that too.”
“And! You are totally not his type! He's so into smaller dudes–”
“Shut up!” Cody finally shouts, an embarrassed blush crawling past his collarbone. He quickly looks around Friar’s Coffee, suddenly aware of the time and place. Turning around, he awkwardly waves to a couple in the booth behind him.
His “best friend,” Sam, snickers while sipping from his blue mug. Cody whips his head to the ginger who meets his gaze unwaveringly. Scoffing, he bites into his chocolate croissant.
It's quiet, his mind racing with thoughts about his crush– whether they're fit to be together or not. It's a dilemma he’s had for years, ever since he got out of high school, left his parent’s house, and met Peter at Empire State University. They worked on projects together when Cody had no one who wanted to partner with him, they studied (and cried) together when finals loomed over their heads, and they searched for internships together just before graduation. Peter means everything to him because they’ve been through it all, struggled through it all. Cody was even there when MJ broke up with him! That's the first time he saw Peter truly hurt, then angry, and then sad. So many emotions in a matter of a few days – he is truly something. Maybe that's when he figured he doesn't know much about Peter Parker, or that Peter Parker doesn't know much about him.
At that, he wipes the crumbs from the corner of his mouth and slouches in his seat. With a pout, he stirs the ice in his sweet tea, watching as it melts, diluting his drink.
Sam starts gathering his belongings, their time limit finally up. Cody lurches forward, gulping the rest of his raspberry tea before slipping on his jacket and joining his friend. He says a departing word to the barista, who smiles, then leaves the warm, conditioned cafe. 
Cody shivers as the autumn’s crisp air tickles his ears and reddens his nose. He buries his face in the fur of his hood, scowling at the sky. He curses the atmosphere, screwing whatever God created the seasons.
“See, that is someone more obtainable,” Sam comments, gesturing to Friar’s.
Cody quirks a brow and briefly looks behind him. Sam guides them across the busy street as he thinks about who he’s talking about. His mouth forms a small ‘o’ and then he’s grimacing.
“Heck no! He’s like, my English professor’s son or something. That is so weird,” Cody sticks his tongue out at the thought of them together. Truthfully, if he were to break the guy’s heart, he doesn't want to face the wrath of his teacher. He can't handle any more readings or stacks of paper.
Sam shrugs, immediately abandoning the topic. They chat about several other things as they make the trek back to their university. What they want for dinner, who's the hottest celebrity, how many hotdogs can they fit in their mouths– all types of stuff. Then, as if on cue, New York’s vigilante appears.
Cody giddily slaps Sam’s shoulder as he tells his story, “So that's why I was thinking of getting back into bass because Peter was astonished when I played a Led Zeppelin song! I think I actually malfunc–”
“Oh my gosh, there he is!”
“Look out, here comes Spider-man!”
“Mom! He’s real!”
Sam gasps and latches onto Cody’s shoulders, “Dude! Be cool, be cool!” he aggressively urges while swinging his friend every which way. Cody’s world spins in circles so he’s unable to witness Spider-man twirl between two trucks and do a summersault through the air.
“What the fuck? Stop! I can't see, you dick!” he pushes Sam’s face out of the way and gapes as the red and blue superhero had disappeared. The crowd of citizens disperse, some talking about Spider-man’s magnificence and others insulting his street cred. For most, it's normal to see Spider-man, but not Cody. All he can do is listen to the stories from passersbys and his campus mates. In fact, he’s never even seen the arachnid, only on social media and the pictures Sam sends him every. Single. Day.
A big smile breaks out on Sam’s face. It's cute and boyish– to an outsider. Cody is feeling spiteful, so he wants to wipe it clean off. Rounding a fire hydrant, he hums and gets in front of the university student, “See, and that is a great example of someone who’s unobtainable. You should aim a lot a bit lower, Sammy,” he says in a matter-of-fact tone.
Sam immediately scowls at him. He jogs to catch up with Cody, who's staring him down.
“Touché, you little shit.”
“My shit’s are quite big, actually.”
Sam recoils in disgust. Cody laughs and adjusts his beanie before it’s smacked off, “You are such a fanboy. What do you expect me to think?”
“I don't have a crush on Spider-man,” is an excuse often used to change the subject, but he's been a tormenting ass for the past week. A little mockery won't hurt him.
Cody ‘pshaws,’ “What a lie. You're always on about Spider-man-this and Spider-man-that,” he changes his stance to mimic Sam’s slim figure and long strides. “‘Oh, did you see Spider-man today? His spandex was hugging his ass juuuuust right. I think I could see his gigantic balls.’”
Sam tugs on Cody’s scarf, urging him to shut his mouth as they are still in public, but the other absolutely refuses.
“You even changed your major to become an entomologist! And you call me crazy for liking a man who is dead-set on changing the world,” Cody grumbles that last part to himself, suddenly annoyed by Sam’s numerous jabs at Peter’s work. Doctor Octavius and Peter have done fine work, even if the mayor doesn’t think so. Getting rid of the bad thoughts, he grins, coming up with more nonsense to spout. “Have you told your girlfriend of your little crush? Oh! There she is now!”
Veronica Page is a lovely young woman with a heart of gold. She’s majoring in molecular biology, is damn good at her job, and has a line of internship employees, just waiting to get their hands on her. She is a born and raised scientist. Why is he going so in-depth about her? Well, maybe because she is his cousin. Wa– no! Not Sam’s cousin– Cody’s cousin. Sheesh…
Anyway, Veronica is someone easily admired, and since they’ve grown together, of course, Cody is one of her fans. They act like siblings (she’s only a year and a half older), competing over tenacity about their aspiring subjects, complaining over matching clothes but overall sticking with the color scheme, and weeping into one another’s shoulders when the world doesn’t play the cards in their hands. Although she can’t know he yearns to be in her shoes – satisfied with a positive future.
Veronica waves to them, a fresh cup of steaming hot chocolate nestled in her right hand. Her afro is colorful today, decorated with meticulously woven braids looped through yellow and pink beads. Any curly strands that would fall onto her lively face are tamed by a stretchy headband with a stylish, boho print pattern. She looks like herself, unlike Cody, who tries to blend in. Veronica is tall and slim, her skin a sepia, reddish-brown, much like the cuttlefish. Her posture is straight, her aura oozing assurances aided further by her radiant smile that exudes warmth and happiness. He would go into her style or the beauty mark directly above her left eyebrow, but he’d ruin his mood.
“Hey, you two! Thought you’d be late again!” her laugh sweeps through their ears, cheerful and vibrant. It instantly has her lover grinning and her cousin straightening his black parka.
Cody loudly sighs, “We would be here sooner if Sammy hadn’t been ogling Spider-man.”
Sam splutters while switching making eye contact with his girlfriend and best friend. Veronica holds back another laugh, completely aware of Sam’s obsession with the vigilante but wanting to play along, pretends to be hurt. 
She wipes fake tears from the corner of her eyes, and making the moment more authentic, they become glassy, so it appears as though she’s going to burst, “How could you, babe?! No– Samuel!”
Sam gawks, astonished by her betrayal, and for a second, convinced by her act, “Wha– No! I-I would never do that, V! I mean, Spider-man is amazing, but he’s got nothing on you!”
That’s another thing. Her eyes hold the rich, earthy tones of roasted coffee beans, drawing you in with a magnetic allure. Veronica is captivating, which is why Cody never introduced Peter to her because, like many others, he would be attracted by her field. A bit much (he knows), but since it’s Veronica, that’s mild.
She pouts, poking out her bottom lip, and makes grabby hands toward Sam. Cody quickly directs his attention elsewhere. He watches a pigeon perch on a lamppost, cumulus clouds calmly drift by, and a plane fly across the sky. Letting the couple be lovey-dovey, Cody retrieves his phone from his coat pocket and goes to a familiar contact. He tentatively checks the message he sent at 10:05 AM, hoping he got a reply from his favorite scientist. He’s less concerned because he wasn’t left on ‘read,’ but that doesn’t mean his mind isn’t racing.
“Cody,” Veronica calls, probably for the third time. The 21-year-old hums, listening but not staring. She rolls her eyes, albeit used to this mode of communication. “Did you finish your presentation for Professor Avery?” she asks unassumingly.
He purses his lips. Veronica always gets onto him about everything, even though he’s been on top of things his entire life. He’s never late to an arranged meeting, doesn’t miss any assignments, completes all tasks ahead of schedule, AND does extra on all projects. Cody doesn’t do it because he wants to be a good student – he is exceptional because that is what gets him what he desires. Veronica acts like he’s a slacker when he tries his best on all endeavors even when no one notices. No one but Peter.
Cody sucks in air between his teeth and stows away his device. He ignores the itchy sensation of his irritation settling on his tongue to address his cousin.
“Yeah, of course. And I’ll have you know–” he smugly reaches inside his beige fanny pack – that he expertly swings over his shoulder – to grab a flash drive. The plastic stick is presented to the duo who are in awe, “I did everything online.”
“Cody Sangster–”
“That’s me!”
“--used the internet for something that isn’t to send emails or text his family?”
“Ohoho, you know it, baby boy.”
Veronica calmly steps before him and places both her hands on his cheeks. She gives him the most serious expression he has ever seen on her, and it kind of unnerves him in a way, “We have to tell Phillip,” she states before dragging him through the courtyard with Sam in toe.
There is an upside to having her around. Veronica is good at making him feel proud.
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marvels-bitch-boy · 1 year
The Scarlet Spiders:
Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: I was gonna wait until I had the 10th chapter finished but I couldn't wait to give you guys more
Masterlist , Chapter 4: Something Amiss
Chapter 3: Cracks In A Web
Just to end everyone's overwhelming concern...-just pretend to be- I made it back to the city unscathed. I refuse to go back to Feast. I did however find some access to a laptop... hack some stuff and was able to confirm a transfer spot into the Queens High School for the Sciences, had to at least get my spot back.
- - -
Walking into a school office he once knew made Degan feel empty. He didn't have any connections he once had, he was alone in a place that he felt was his second home. Sitting in a chair outside a principal's office he'd never met before. Staring at kids who wore uniforms he'd never even seen before. His knee bounced up and down as though it was a perpetual motion machine. One of the shortest questions Degan has heard in his life snapped him out of his head. "Mr King?" his head spun towards the voice and he scanned the man's face as fast as he could and produced a smile. "Sir, it's nice to meet you Mr Morita" he held out his hand for the man. This took the man aback for a moment before he produced a smile of his own and took the hand, opening the door even wider for the boy to enter. "Mr King, your record so far looks impeccable." he closes the file in front of him and looks at the boy curiously "I do have to ask why you suddenly decided to transfer?"
Taking in a large breath he racked his mind, thinking over the following days "I realized I wasn't being challenged enough at my last school, science is my passion and I want to make sure I'm at the best place for it" giving a nonchalant smile he turns his head towards the window that looks out at the hallway with students walking around. "It already feels like I belong here" Principal Morita gives him a warm smile before getting up and making his way to the door. "Well, I'm glad." the door opens and a smiling face greets Degan from the doorway "Hopefully you'll feel even better once you get a tour," gesturing to the girl smiling "this is Chrissy, one of our welcome members on the student council".
"Hi! You must be Degan!" she waves and he feels his eyes widen and brows raise. This was not something he expected. "You don't have a uniform yet, but that's the first stop." Degan opens his mouth to object but is quickly shut down by the bright girl shining her smile at him "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll look great" getting up he hesitantly followed the girl.
- - -
Shit Shit Shit. Not only do I now need a uniform but I also have to get a tour and talk to someone... something I hate. She kept smiling and waving to people. So much friendliness.
- - -
Stepping out of the changing room he begrudgingly put on the navy blue blazer. Catching his reflection he felt like he was seeing a stranger, his wavy hair had begun to straighten itself, and his eyes felt sunken in more than they usually did. He tugged on the collar and forced a smile once his tour guide turned to him. She squealed and his face went from uncomfortable to eyes wide in fear. "You look perfect. Like actually perfect" She stood up and opened the door out into the hallway and beckoned him to join. "C'mon, You have Wells for your first class." walking to the door in the most uncomfortable shoes possible, in a tie that feels more constricting than any time he's been choked by Scorpion. Stepping into a hallway he's walked a million times felt like amnesia, the colour of the lockers was the same, and the student's faces passed by unlike any he's seen before. As he walked he felt a spidey sense go off in the smallest of proportions he thought it was simply a phone vibration. Taking one step forward he then collided with a flurry of dirty blonde hair that almost fell backwards. Catching her by her arm he just stared at her and helped get her back up to her feet. Not saying a word and just avoiding her gaze he continued on with his tour. Scurrying away he could only hear a small "thanks" as her voice left his ears.
"Here's your locker, you can put your clothes in for after school" focusing back on the face of the girl in front of him, he noticed more of her appearance. She had fluffy brown hair that matched that of cocoa, and dimples that flashed every time she spoke and smiled... so they seemed to appear often.
"Thanks" shoving the pile he had tucked into his side now into the large metal locker. Turning around he found the girl with dirty blonde hair eyeing him up like a prize at a county fair. She had a smile on her that was skewed to one side, her eyes were green and they held a certain glint to them. Degans eyes followed up and down as she surveyed him too, seemingly understanding what was happening as they kept the focus on each other. "Okay, well I'll save you a seat...in room 9" his attention was now on the brown eyes that followed the smile and dimples as they turned and walked away. Looking back at the blonde, he found her to be making her way towards him. The smile on her lips didn't change at all and the glint in her eyes only seemed to get brighter.
"Where did you drop in from?" her voice was one that screamed mischief from a rooftop. Degan only cocked a brow and turned back to his locker. she leaned against the lockers next to him and stared intently into his eyes. "C'mon, let me thank my hero somehow"
"I'm okay, I'd rather you pretend I don't exist" closing his locker and walking away he could feel her eyes tied to him as he walked.
Keeping his head down he didn't even need to ask for directions on the way to his first class, he'd already memorized the layout on his first day... his other first day.
His head perked up for only a moment when a voice pierced his ears. He knew who it belonged to from before he even saw the back of her head. Before he saw her giant curls of chestnut hair. Before he saw her turn around and face him with a smile that he had missed for ages. It was the smile that he was greeted with after almost every patrol, the smile that he found himself wanting to be near every day after resenting it for over a year. A small smile perched at the corner of his lips before this reality came crashing down on his brain as it seemed to always do. "Pete!" she called out. Fuck. His head fell and his lips almost crumbled off his face onto the linoleum floor beneath his feet that propelled him forward. He continued until he almost bumped into the blonde from earlier. She caught his hand as she manoeuvred around him. How is she doing this? They landed in a position that interlocked their hands and ended with him leaning against a set of lockers that decked out the hallway. "Look who it is...," her voice purred in his ears, she looked down at his hand with that mischievous glint and gave it a small squeeze "you sure you want me to pretend you don't exist?" pairing her eyes with a smirk it was almost difficult for him to break away from her. Almost.
Tearing his hand from hers he had a thought 'What if MJ saw?'. That was before he forced himself to remember the situation, she would never see. She would never see him here. She no longer thought of him. No longer searched a crowd for his face, never searched the police scanners to hear if he was alright, never texted him about a new recipe for date nights, and never was a part of her world. He found his eyes drifting away from the blonde in front of him back to the sandy brown and matching curly hair girl who he just so happened to also catch her eye. "No, no lover boy, that's Parker's girl... more like Parker's her boy actually. Either way, she's off limits..." Using one of her fingers from her perfectly manicured set to shift his gaze back on her with the smile she gave him when they first locked eyes. "Me on the other hand...I'm Felicia," taking his hand once again she practically dragged him off and through the door, he was just heading towards. "You'll be next to me" she took a seat that wasn't too far away from the front to not appear like she wasn't paying attention, but not too close as to draw too much attention to herself. She motioned for the seat next to her but instead, he rolled his eyes and moved to the seat directly in front of her. If he was going to last here without MJ he would need someone assertive but he also wasn't going to let her boss him around like he was her toy.
A few seconds later Chrissy walked in with a binder that had papers sticking out of it like a mad scientist had been the previous owner. Taking notice of Degan she huffed and picked up all the items that had been organized on the desk 3 rows over and sheepishly moved them to be next to him. "I told you I'd save you a seat..." she seemed rather embarrassed and blue. The sound of a small laugh coming from behind him caused Degan to shoot a rather testy look at Felicia. He turned back to the bright-eyed girl who seemed to be trying her best to make him comfortable and welcomed -in her mind, he'd never faced the horrors of a new york magnet school...- he softened his eyes and gave her an apologetic smile "I'm sorry, this bobcat seemed to be gunning for me and pulled me here," he snuck a glance at the blonde and then back at dimples that now seemed to appear with a grateful smile "Don't worry, she only looks like a bobcat... inside she's a little tabby" Felicia didn't have to say anything but the roll of her eyes themselves was enough.
During this interaction, other students had been slowly trickling into the room. Degan kept his head only slightly up as he waited for class to start and his eyes caught the same hair from the hallway, the same smile and eyes that used to be so familiar. She took a seat near the back, and the boy who she was smiling at in the hallway took the seat in front of her. She'd never let him do that, he'd always sit next to her or behind her.
- - -
What the fuck, who is this Felicia girl? Why the hell is she so interested in me and forcing me to be her friend? Also, my teacher already gave me a giant packet of work to do... not that I can't do it but it's not science, it's god damn AP World History. I'm great at it but I hate doing the work... Anyway now though I have a second class of the day and that is mathematics -specifically calculus. I can sit in the back and figure out the whole reason I'm here, or even how I got here. Finally peace.
- - -
The fluffy brown hair appeared in his peripheral vision and placed itself right next to our spider. Keeping to himself Degan had chosen a seat all the way in the back, he knew it would put him at risk of losing any class participation but he could ace this class in his sleep. He wasn't worried. As the sound of his music beats on in his head, he began to think about the words that Bruce had said
"I'm sorry to say this but we currently have no way of getting you home. The only theory right now is to wait for another one of those multiversal sinkholes... to well open up again. I'm sorry"
"No way of getting you home."
The greatest mind he's ever known doesn't even think he can get home. The man who taught him pretty much everything he knew was left with no answers. This whole experience was starting to feel like some kind of cosmic joke on him. He was finally happy with MJ, they were talking about colleges, possibly even a full-time Avengers spot. But that was all gone now. The chances of them coming back were almost slim to none. The music in his head began to fade as he thought for longer. It seemed to mould into his thoughts.
"You have lunch?" Degan felt his consciousness fling back into his body like a slingshot. Looking at the brown-haired girl with confusion he shook his head no. "you can have some of mine, we can sit together" he seemed to be deliberating this option in his head and as Chrissy waited for a response she brought out her packed lunch and set it on the table. "Doesn't have to be in public, just here if you want?" This made a small smile appear on degans face for the first time since getting here, the other smiles were all for appearance, this one was as real as a soldier trapped in time. The two of them sat there for a moment and she began to open the bag and spill the contents across the small desk. There was a sandwich cut in half, a bag of chips, Oreos, and two granola bars. She handed Degan one-half of the paper bag and placed exactly half of the meal on it. Neither one of them had more or less than the other.
"So, tell me about yourself. What do you do for fun?" she took a bite of her sandwich and stared at him with interest. He felt like he was being interviewed for one of the lamest talk shows. "I like to watch movies, see art, and sometimes I like to cook," he hesitantly took a bite of his own food "Not really a lot to talk about". He could tell by the look on her face that it was indeed a lot to talk about. "Excuse me! You can cook and you like art?" he nodded at her question "Would you cook for me someday?" he let out a small chuckle at her request.
"No -sorry I don't cook for other people..." he thought of the nights he'd spend hours perfecting the recipes that MJ would send him, sometimes they tasted awful but that was part of the fun of it. "What about you? What do you do for fun?" shifting the conversation away from himself he decided to get to know his new friend. Her eyes lit up when he asked her and she had to straighten her posture before speaking "I love to just lay on the floor sometimes, staring at the ceiling," it was obvious by how she was answering that she doesn't get asked this a lot "it helps me think... -especially when I get stuck on homework".
Degan didn't mind listening to her, he didn't mind if she was the only one who talked. He hated talking. Except when he was patrolling, that's when he was his happiest. Swinging around the city his mind was free, and he gets to think. It's his variation of laying on the floor. He understood what it meant for her, especially finally having someone to talk to about it. So he let her. She ended up talking for the rest of lunch. When the bell rang she quickly finished her food and said her byes. Degan stood and gathered his bag, leaving the room he walked down the hall and felt a pair of eyes stuck on him. Looking around he couldn't find the eyes until he made a complete one-eighty and his eyes landed on a pair of brown eyes that he once recognized but still carry a warmth that will forever hold a place in his heart. Seeing her, he found himself stuck in place unable to move his heart began to speed up, and the pace that his mind reached felt inhuman. She wasn't his and she had never been his here, she averted her eyes from him and went back to talking to the shorter boy in front of her. Degans eyes focused now on the boy, taking in his stature and the way he comfortably talked to the girl in front of him. He seemed like a friend.
- - -
Maybe if I had been born in this universe he would be my friend... Maybe I'd actually have friends. To be honest, MJ was one of my only friends. I had one other though... his name was -well I think you know his name, currently, he goes by "Nova". Sometimes he's a prick and can't tell when someone hasn't spoken in hours because he's too busy talking about food or some kind of sport. Now that I think about it... he's a lot like Chrissy but less sweet and she can't blow up a whole RV by accident on the annual road trip... I AM STILL NOT OVER THAT!!
-sorry. Too emotional but I can't help it. I don't exist in this universe... honestly what if I don't exist in any other one but my own. I hope I do... I hope I'm different in them. I hope that she's with me, I hope that I'm not alone.
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mlm-writer · 1 year
One of a Kind Booty (Peter Parker x M!Reader)
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Pairing: Power bottom Peter Parker (TASM) x Top Cis Male Reader Rating: Explicit   Words: 2225 POV: Second Summary: You’ve been staring at Peter Parker’s ass a lot. One night you catch sight of Spiderman’s ass and suddenly you know something about Peter Parker that most people do not. Aka reader finds out Peter Parker is Spiderman based on his ass. Note: Don’t forget to reblog and/or leave a comment in the tags/replies to help me stay motivated to write, thank you Tags: pervert!reader, teaching assistant Peter, wee bit of comedy, mentioned OC Chaz the jock, blowjob, handjob, ass-eating/anilingus, reverse cowgirl, creampie and mild ass worship
There was something about being a teacher that made one bend over a table, ass out, while explaining something. This trait apparently extended to teaching assistants and you knew exactly who was the biggest idiot in your class. You always sat behind Chaz, the nicest jock you knew, but who also retained a negative amount of information from lectures. How he got this far was one of Earth’s greatest mysteries.
Some days you felt bad for him, but during the study sessions, you loved his big dumb brain. The second it started, his hand was up in the air and the cute teaching assistant surely trudged over. Just one year older than you and yet Peter Parker looked younger with his boyish looks and nerdy tees. He bent over in front of you and you tried to not make it too obvious you were staring. The things you’d like to do to that booty were not fit for a classroom, unless this was a tacky fanfic where the mechanics of the real world did not matter.
Exams were coming up, so you found yourself staring less at Peter’s ass and more being the one asking the questions. One late night, you found yourself lounged on the rooftop of your apartment building. Your phone with your notes app lit up your face as you sipped on a drink. Whenever you needed to think, your eyes drifted up over the screen to look at the breathtaking city night view. Studying sucked, but this view always made it better.
Your peace and quiet got disturbed by a red figure landing on the other side of the rooftop. You hid behind the staircase building as soon as you could. You were no rookie to the dangers of the night, but as you peeked around the corner, you let go of the breath you’ve been holding. It was just Spiderman.
He didn’t seem to notice you as you stared at him from behind him, watching how he crouched down and used your apartment building as a little perch. There was something familiar about him. Your heart lurched when he got off the ledge. For a second you thought he spotted you, but then he started stretching. Arms up to the sky, you could see his shoulder muscles through his suit. Arms to the front, to the back. Then he bent forward, hugging his legs with straight knees and you knew exactly why he looked so familiar. You have been staring at that ass all semester.
Your mouth fell open as you tried to process this new revelation and contemplated what you were going to do with it. Right now, there was little you could do with this information. Before you could even emerge from your hiding spot, Spiderman already leaped from your rooftop to fight crime or whatever Spiderman did on a quiet night.
It was the last study session before the final exam and you should be focusing on straightening out the purpose of each equation, but you were staring holes in Peter’s everything. You knew with 99.99% certainty that he had a crime-fighting alter ego, but it was that 0.01% that was keeping you from confronting him about it directly.
Before you realised it, class was over and you were bound to either spend a couple of all-nighters or fail the exam. You packed your bag with utmost leisure, attempting to be the last one left with Peter, who was saying his goodbyes to the professor. The old woman left and it was just you and Spiderman.
“You do know that I know what you’ve been up to, right?” Your head shot up and you frowned at the teaching assistant. That was your line. Peter gave you a lopsided smile as he sauntered over to you. “Don’t look so innocent, I know you’re not.” Peter sat down on the table in front of you.
You slowly zipped your backpack up with a frown on your face, eyes never leaving those of the other man. “Are you seriously making a move on me the second you’re no longer a teaching assistant of a course I am taking?” You scoffed. Peter got a little rosey in the cheeks, but he did shrug like he had no regrets. Your teeth showed with how wide your smile got. “Such a morally good man,” you said as you slowly got closer to Peter, “not only does he have a no-fucking-the-students policy,” you leaned on the table he sat on so your faces were real close, “he also runs around in a tight red suit stopping crime.”
Your last words wiped the smile off Peter’s face. He tried to stammer out he had no idea what you were talking about, but he either was bad at lying or just too distracted by you. You ran a hand up his arm, trying to gauge if he was into it or not. “How did you know?” He eventually whispered.
You snickered as you grabbed his shoulder and pulled him closer so you could whisper in his ear. “Spiderman was on my rooftop a few nights ago and bent over. We both know I’ve had my eyes on the prize all semester.”
Peter bursted out in laughter. “Are you serious right now? You figured it out by staring at my ass?” You gave him an innocent shrug, clearly very unapologetic about the situation. “Wow… Just wow… You are really shameless, you know that?” You held up your hands, palms to the sky beside your shoulders.
“What can I say, Mr Parker? Your ass is phenomenal.” “Would you like to see what I can do with it?”
And it was not even ten minutes later that you found yourself in Peter’s tiny dorm room, pressed against the wall as he kissed the life out of you. His leg was between yours and you felt almost pathetic with how needily you grinded against him. “Never thought you’d be this… assertive,” you gasped when Peter finally let you breathe, his lips occupied with your neck.
“Don’t like it?” The other man asked as he guided your hands to his ass, humming when you squeezed his exquisite cushions. You were drunk on him. A semester of pining had you tangled in a web of desire and Peter was about to thoroughly unravel you.
When you did not answer right away, Peter pulled away to check on you, his eyes questioning and hands politely stilling. “I just did not expect you to be like this, but by all means, go ahead.” You flashed him a smile, which he returned in kind. Without breaking eye contact, he got to his knees and started undoing your pants. You watched him with bated breath.
You were not surprised that you were already supporting a semi nor that Peter started lapping at your cock like it was a treat. By now you already knew that behind those innocent eyes hid a true minx. Wet pleasure glided over your cock. You could not tear your eyes away from him. Once he had you fully hard, he started trying to take your whole length into his mouth. There was no warning, no lead up to the immense pleasure that was Peter eagerly slobbering all over your dick. A moan escaped you, before you could even think of biting your lips to hold it back. “In a hurry?” You questioned between moans.
Peter did not answer. Instead he grabbed two handfuls of your thighs and pushed you forward, forcing your whole cock down his throat. His tongue was out and teasing your balls. You threw your head back, finally diverting your eyes off him, but as soon as you did that glorious mouth was off you. You gasped, catching your breath. The world seemed to morph around you and all points gravitated towards the centre of it all: Peter Parker, on his knees with spit covering his chin and a sly smile on him as he stroked your cock.
He was on his knees and yet he had you wrapped around his finger. Peter tapped the tip of your cock against his tongue. He gave you teasing licks, the touch barely anything compared to earlier. Out of nowhere, he got up, kissed you deeply with his spit-covered lips and then stepped away. “Get on the bed and edge. I’ll be right back.” He waved in the direction of his bed, before disappearing into the bathroom.
You were stunned for a moment, until you heard the shower run. You shook your head and made your way over to the bed. You made yourself comfortable and followed the command that was given to you. You could only imagine what else was going to happen and the fantasies helped you stay on edge until Peter’s return.
When the bathroom door opened, Peter emerged, damp and naked. Your hand stilled as you ate him up with your eyes. Under all those nerdy shirts he apparently had been hiding a set of abs you wanted to lick all over. He was smooth, build out of perfect lines and arches. “Keep going,” Peter commanded as he approached like a predator. You swallowed the lump in your throat and continued stroking your sensitive cock.
Peter climbed over you and you opened your mouth, ready to receive his cock in your mouth, but it never happened. Instead, Peter shoved his ass in your face, hands parting his cheeks so you had access to his hole. Shortly after, you had both hands on his cheeks, while tonguing his hole. You were mesmerised by his scent, heady with the pleasure you got from him enjoying your ministrations. You could trace the outer muscles with the tip of your tongue, then press your tongue flat against his opening. He was relaxed enough that you could even slide inside and get a taste of where your cock was soon going to be.
You did not know how long you were eating his ass, but the end of it only neared when Peter started lubing up your cock. It started with the slow drag of his hand just to spread the liquid around, but soon enough he was edging you, while firmly planting his ass in your face, effectively preventing you from begging.
Your cock was twitching constantly by the time Peter raised his ass up. You saw him scoot forward until he could rub your cock between his cheeks. A string of pleas flowed out of your mouth like beer when you pour it for the first time in your life. You tried to touch his hips and move him onto your cock, but Peter slapped your hands away at the faintest touch. “Patience,” he reprimanded you. You groaned, but Peter was merciful or perhaps just as desperate as you. He slid down on you, reverse cowgirl style, ever so slowly. You did not know what was more maddening, the snail pace or the incredible tightness that swallowed up more and more of your cock. Peter didn’t dilly dally. As soon as he could go faster, he would be riding you faster, giving you the breathtaking sight of his ass bouncing on you. Each time it hit your skin, you could see the impact ripple through. When you reached out again, Peter allowed you to touch him and help him ride you. It was embarrassing how soon you felt your orgasm approaching. You tried to lift Peter off you to catch a break, but Peter held your hands down now, riding you like his life depended on it. “What? So soon? I knew you liked my ass, but aren’t you embarrassed?” He taunted you.
You couldn’t form the words, your mouth wide open in a silent scream as he drove you mad. Your silence was broken by a moan just as your seed started spilling out. Peter basically sat down, letting you cum deep inside him as he grinded his ass against you. It was almost too much. Your breath was ragged and hurried while Peter lifted himself off you to sit at the edge of the bed. “Holy shit,” you exclaimed after a few deep breaths, before crawling over to the other man to kiss him. It was less desperate now, but still full of tongue and desire.
“You better have at least another round in you,” Peter murmured against your lips. You smiled and ran a hand down his body to his cock, lips never leaving his. Peter gasped into your mouth as you kissed him deep, while jerking him off. You had barely gotten to speed up your movements, before Peter pushed you away with incredible strength that you would not have expected from him, before you knew about his big secret.
“Get up,” he instructed you, before dragging you in front of the foot of the bed. He scooted back and in an incredible display of flexibility, Peter pulled his legs behind his head. “Now I don’t care if you cum or not, but that cock is not gonna stop fucking me until I got my own cum in my mouth, got it?” You let out a light chuckle, bending down to kiss him again. With your lips still dancing together, you pushed the head of your cock back into Peter’s ass.
“Got it, boss.”
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 11 months
Can we take a moment and talk about
Miguel, Hobie, and the Black!Reader
a.k.a Black Men aren't the only one who date black women so why are there only Black!Readers for black characters????
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Don't think anyone has said it but I would like to see Miguel with some Black readers/Black OCs.
Like, I wanna see Miguel with a Boujee black woman, a loud one, a meek one, a stallion, a petite one-
I just wanna see Miguel x Black!Readers and Miguel x Black!OCs.
Black people are everywhere, in every fandom.
So black readers should be giving rep everywhere - not just with radical black characters like Hobie
Black women and black people in general IRL have our features demonized or looked down upon. In media, in the beauty industry, the fashion industry, hair industry, you name it. Our skin tones are 'too dark' to match well with makeup, our bodies too curvy or different, or hair too thick and hard to manage.
I think having characters openly express interest in them is radical - whether the character themselves are black or not.
The reason the Black Representation within Hobie romance fics stands out so much because every other character LACKS that.
In almost every other x reader fandom, black people and our features are ignored and erased for 'sweeter' things like blushing or 'running their fingers through your hair'
Like... Why can't there be a fic where Miguel compliments his Black partners hair. Or tries soul food?
You don't have to be a radical leftist like Hobie to find black people attractive.
So there's no reason for black!Reader to be confined to Hobie - or black characters at all.
You can write Dean Winchester with a Black!Reader. Or Sherlock Holmes, or Hobie Brown, or Miguel O'Hara.
Attraction to black people is so often seen as a fetish - that most white people and white characters never openly exhibit admiration or love towards black features and culture. They'd rather push us and our differences aside because acknowledging them and their beauty makes people uncomfortable. But those same characters will always 100% be implied to find white women attractive.
And in the Superhero Movie Sphere it's even worse.
ie. It's VERY VERY rare you will find Tony Stark with a Black woman.
The large majority of the women you see with Tony Stark early in the movies are WHITE. The ones he's taking to at galas and playing roulette in front of and kicking out after one night stands - White and blonde. If he sleeps with them - white and blonde.
And that's fine in the general population - a nonblack man who 'loves women' and loves sex just... not being seen with black women at all.
But if Tony Stark went two movies sleeping with only women that aren't white - uh-oh!! That draws attention!!
It's completely okay and not a fetish to be super attracted to white features in isolation, but if you take interest in non-white features without validating white women in the same breath then you're nasty and a fetishist and a racist.
Another example - Batman.
Zoe Kravitz was the first time we've seen Batman openly go after a black woman since maybe Eartha Kitt in 1967 - OVER 50 years apart
In the Christian Bale movies - he never flirts with black women. This classy, smooth Bruce Wayne isn't seen interacting with them. I mean... Why? Does he not like them? Or are the all the black people in Gotham just too poor to be around him to begin with?
????????? That don't add up. But that's how most characters are.
If a nonblack male character is shown in a relationship with a woman - the chances of that woman being cast as a black woman hits the FLOOR.
Their first choice is almost always white.
And the saddest thing is
Spider-Man is the biggest example of black erasure in romance and the effects it causes.
That's why when Zendaya got cast as MJ - it was a problem.
Because before then, during the 70 semi years of Peter Parker's existence - he was never shown on screen being attracted to black women in any capacity.
Betty, Gwen, Felicia, MJ - all white. In the cartoons, white. In the remake, white. Silk is probably one of - if not the - first POC we see Peter with. And they don't date, they've never been shown on screen, and over the past years Cindy has had a better written relationship with Felicia than she ever had with Peter.
For half a century we were conditioned to believe that Peter Parker dated white women with no representation or deviation.
Back in 2016 when TASM series was coming out, if you were a black reader who wanted to see yourself represented in any way or capacity on screen or in Fandom - good luck.
We're use to seeing these very romantically forward guys never flirting or fucking or dating black women. We're conditioned to accept this as normal.
It takes a genuine toll.
That's why when I was younger, I use to feel so insecure. Wondering if my favorite characters or celebrities would even find me slightly attractive. The idea that my favorite character wouldn't find me attractive because they've never been seen with a Black partner or interest ever not even once in passing hurts.
As a teen I just accepted that these characters 'Don't like black people' and can't find them attractive in that capacity. Because I mean, I have no reason to think they do - when most nonblack characters won't even look at a black female character for longer than 5 seconds.
Growing up I just accepted that these characters and the fandom as a whole did not see anything beautiful about me because of my race.
That's why Black readers should be more widespread.
We should be telling people that non-black men finding black women attractive is NORMAL.
I read SO many fics of black characters and go 'okay but they wrote reader as white.'
I have NEVER read a fic of a non-black character and gone 'okay they wrote the reader as Black'
Y'all.... You can write interracial relationships with characters that aren't black.
Interracial Relationships are not a special magic tool you can use to pair black characters up with non-black readers. Interracial Relationships go both ways.
If you're down for writing Hobie x NonBlack!Reader and writing an interracial relationship there - why are y'all not down for Miguel x Black!Reader?
Why are interracial relationships good when the black man experiences attraction outside his race towards nonblack people - but bad/unlikely when the nonblack man experiences attraction outside his race towards black people?
'Hobie loves everyone' Okay, Miguel would too. But I don't see the 'Hobie Loves' people rushing and pushing for inclusion in the Miguel tag. They don't care if fanwriters show Miguel 'loving everyone'.
They don't go -
'Miguel loves latinas, Miguel loves black women' in Miguel's tag.
Even though nonblack men experience attraction towards black people and black women everyday across the world.
Some are even married to us - can you believe it??
In conclusion - More Miguel x Black!Reader. More Miguel x Black!OC.
Give Miguel AfroLatino Babies!!!!
Give Miguel O'Hara a Nigerian Wife so help me God
Anyway - Big up @hrhmimieucliffe and their AMAZING Black OC Giselle, who has a ~thing~ ;) with Miguel (they are v cute!!)
More Miguel x Black!Reader. More Miguel with Black! OCs. I want a Miguel that likes his women like he likes his milkshakes - tall, sweet, thicc as fuck, and FULL OF CHOCOLATE
And once again, that's on WHAT!!!!
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toomanyopinionss · 2 years
Three Weeks - Part 1
Pairing: Spiderman/Original Male Character
Summary: Takes place in high school
After Manuel Juarez (MJ) met Spiderman for the first time, it took him 3 weeks to uncover that he was Peter Parker. To be honest, Manny doesn’t know how he didn’t figure it out sooner…
Warnings: some bad words, ig? basically fluff
Author’s Note: So I did a thing. I’ve never posted a fic here before. This honestly spurred from a tweet I saw after seeing NWH about how Andrew Garfield’s Spiderman is yet to meet his MJ and it could be a dude. After seeing that a character instantly formed in my head and I needed an outlet. i made my peter parker a very vague cutout, so one can imagine whatever one floats their boat whether that’s Maguire, Holland, the lego version 🤷🏾‍♀️
also this will be in like 4 parts i think. enjoy!
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October 4
Back to you, Shannon.
Thank you, Charles. Breaking news here tonight in Queens. Our friendly neighborhood Spiderman faces off with the notorious villain known as Doc-Ock on 73rd. Local authorities blocked access to the street as the two fought. Video footage shows Doc-Ock slamming Spiderman through a new apartment building being constructed, causing the entire structure to collapse on the hero.
That’s awful, Shannon.
Tell me about it, Charles. Eyewitnesses saw Spiderman limping out of the building after Doc-Ock escaped apprehension once again. Here’s wishing for a swift recovery for our hero…
Manny was bored out of his mind. There were still another 45 minutes till closing time, and he was the only person on the clock at the small drugstore . If he was more like his older sister Ricky, he would have just closed the store early (which is against store policy). He’d have gone home and worked on the essay he was yet to start. But unfortunately, Manny just did not have it in him. And his boss was a little scary. So he just sighed, pulled his shoulder-length hair into a bun, sat on the stool behind the counter, and pulled out his math homework.
About 10 minutes later, the bell on the door jangled as someone came through, a gust of cold air hitting Manny straight in the face. After adjusting to the harsh change in temperature, a smile broke out on his face, seeing who was at the door.
“Auntie May May!” He yelled from the counter, hands cupped around his mouth.
The woman laughed in response. “Manuel, darling, how are you?”
“I’m chill,” he said leaning forward to rest his elbows on the counter. “I’ve got too much homework though.”
“And I know you’ll pull through, cause you’re smart,” she stated, smiling at him. “Last I heard from your mom, you were on the honor roll?”
Manny looked down, his face flushing. “It’s no big deal.”
“Baloney. You’re one of the smartest kids I know.” They continued chatting as May picked up what she needed and headed toward him. As Manny started scanning the items, he looks up at her curiously.
“You planning on starting an emergency clinic in that house of yours?” He asked, after scanning the fifth box of jumbo bandages.
“You would think, huh? My nephew Peter, you know Peter, right? Anyway, he came home today limping with bruises and cuts all over after yet another skateboarding accident.” She shook her head in exasperation. “I have half a mind to take that thing and make him ride the bus.”
Manny knew Peter, but they weren’t exactly friends. They ran in different circles at school and didn’t share any classes. “Oh May, don’t do that. The bus is an even worse punishment.” Manny said, scanning the last item.
She raised an eyebrow as she handed over the cash. “Like I said.” He laughed and handed back her change. She shook her head and pushed it towards him like she always does. “Might even teach him a thing or two about personal safety and responsibility.”
As she grabbed her bags off the table, Manny remembered something. He leaned over the counter and extended his hand to the candy display in front. He grabbed two boxes of Raisinets and passed them to May. “For your troubles.”
May grinned and reached into her purse before Manny said, “Uh uh. Nope. We’ve had this conversation before. No one else buys Raisinets. The only 3 people I know who like these nasty things are my tío Ernesto, Peter, and Be-.” He cut off instantly, not knowing whether he pushed a button or not.
But May just smiled nostalgically. “Yeah, you’re right. Ben used to eat these things by the handful while he worked. Always made my skin crawl.” Manny and May shared a secret smile before May slipped the chocolate into her bag. “Keep up the good work, Manuel.”
“I’ll try, Aunt May.”
After locking up the store at 9:30, Manny started on the long, cold walk back home. Usually, he has his bike on him, but picking up his younger sister from the doctor today messed with his schedule, so the bike was at his house. Now he had to endure this 25-minute walk. He slipped his earbuds in and started playing Frank Ocean as he walked through the streets of Queens; not quite asleep, not quite awake, existing somewhere in between.
About halfway through his journey, Manny felt a weird vibe. The vibe could mean a few things: he was being followed, watched, or stupid. He cut off the volume of his music, but kept his earbuds in, and slid his house key between his fingers so the sharp edge juts out.
Out of the corner of his eye, he detected movement. He slowed his walk to more of a stroll and his senses heightened. Then, he whirled around, prepared to take this dude head-on. Only to find nothing. Nobody was following him. Even the homeless people under the train tracks were minding their own business.
He sighed and turned back around, only to be face to face with Spiderman. Manny let out a yell and jumped back a few steps.
“Man, what?!” Manny gripped his knees to catch his breath, and strands of his hair fell out of the bun and into his face. “¿Que te pasa?”
“I’m sorry. Oh gosh. I’m so, so sorry.” Spiderman scrambled toward him. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Manny said. But then he felt a slight stinging sensation on his right hand. When he turned his hand palm up, he saw blood trickling down his fingers. He must have cut his hand with his key when Spiderman startled him.
“Fuck,” Spiderman said, taking his hand and inspecting it. Manny didn’t realize superheroes cussed.
“I’m fine, dude,” Manny repeated, removing his hand from Spiderman’s grasp. He then proceeded to pour the rest of his water bottle on it to wash away the blood and then shoved one of his gloves on. “I’ll deal with it when I get home.” Then he looked Spiderman up and down wearily. “Were you following me?”
“Yes,” Spiderman said before he seemed to realize that it was a creepy fucking thing to say, and then backtracked. “Well, um, I was doing my final sweep of the neighborhood, and I saw you were walking alone. It’s a slow night, plus there’s been an uptick in crime in this area, so I thought I’d keep an eye on you until you got to your destination.”
“Oh.” Manny tilted his head slightly, confused. “Well, why didn’t you walk next to me then? Maybe alert me to your presence?”
“Umm, I kind of…” Spiderman trailed off uncomfortably. “I kind of banged my leg up today. It’s still healing.”
Manny suddenly remembered the news he watched earlier today. Doc-Ock slamming Spiderman through a new apartment building… Spiderman limping out... “How did you get here, then?”
“Oh!” Spiderman exclaims excitedly. “Yeah, I just swung here. You know with my…webs.”
Silence. And then Manny said, “Couldn’t you, I don’t know, swing me home?”
Spiderman seemed to hesitate at this. Manny flashed him a lopsided grin. “What? Is there a weight limit? I thought super strength came with the entire,” Manny gestured at the hero, “package.”
“No no no, it’s not that. It’s just… it’s a lot to handle, the first time around.”
“Hey, I’m a big boy,” Manny said defensively. “I can handle it.”
This was the dumbest decision Manny had made in quite some time. The minute Spiderman dropped him off in front of his house, he launched himself towards the nearest bush and unleashed his entire lunch onto his mother’s poor flowers.
“Mierda, that was awful. Jesus Christ.”
“Hey now. Did I not warn you, Manny?” Spiderman asked arms outstretched dramatically. “Traveling this way is not for the faint of heart.”
“¿Perdóneme? You made it sound like it was just gonna be a little bumpy. That was “Tower of Terror” on steroids, my friend. No me gusta.” Then he vomited again.
Spiderman rolled his eyes before approaching Manuel. He paused briefly before rubbing his back. “Are you ok?”
Manny stood upright a few moments later, wiped his mouth off, and turned to his companion with an eyebrow raised. “Take a wild guess, Sherlock. Then he took note of the fact that Spiderman seemed to be leaning heavily on his left leg. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Spiderman said. “The healing is taking a little longer than I expected, but I should be good in a few hours. The city’s safe in my hands.”
Manny looked at Spiderman for a long moment before opening his bag and digging through it. Eventually, he pulled out the bag of Raisinets he stashed in there for his uncle. The cranky man could stand to lose a couple, anyways. “My Abuelita always says that the fastest way to heal is through love and sweets. Ironically, she has heart disease and 3 divorces under her belt, but beggars can’t be choosers.” Manny extended the bag. “All I have are these crappy mini turd candies, but-“
“I love Raisinets,” Spiderman said enthusiastically, taking the bag of candy gratefully.
“You don’t say.” Now Manny knew 4 people in this entire world who liked Raisinets.
Spiderman lifted the candy in gratitude. “Thanks for this, Manny.” He was about to shoot a web at the nearest building before he paused. “Make sure you disinfect that cut and wrap it so it doesn’t get infected.”
“Make sure you rest that leg, so it doesn’t fall off,” Manny shot back. And Spiderman swung away, laughing.
It wasn’t until much later that night Manny wondered how the superhero knew his name.
At school the next day, Manny walked up and down the empty hallway, trying to write passable conclusion for his essay. He had about 4 minutes left in his free period before his History class. He found that movement helped his brain work faster, so he paced back and forth. An unsafe choice, seeing as he crashed into someone about 10 seconds later.
“I’m so sorry,” he said quickly, reaching down to pick up his notebook at the same time the other person did. Manny looked up to see Peter Parker. They stood at the same time, and Peter passed him his pen.
“It’s all good,” he said. Manny notices two bandaids on his cheek and a small one on his forehead.
“Looks like May played a game of operator on you.”
Peter laughed shyly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah. And the thing about it is, the cuts have completely healed!” He lifted one of the bandages on his cheek to reveal nothing but clear skin. “Not even a scar! But Aunt May worries, so…” He lowers his gaze for a moment. “Your hand doin’ okay?”
Manny looked down at the shoddy bandage wrapping he did before passing out on his bed the night before. “Yeah, it’s fine. I scratched it going home last night.” Manny left out the part about the superhero involved. “As you can see, I’m no medical professional.”
“Can I…” Peter inclined his head towards the injured hand in a question. Manny nodded, and Peter reached out and took his hand. The tip of his tongue stuck out slightly in concentration as he scrutinized the attempt. Then, he gently unwrapped the bandage, before wrapping it more securely. When Peter was done, he didn’t immediately let go. He caressed the hand slightly and looked up at Manny.
“Is it okay? Too tight?” He asked. And because the ability to put words together seemed to fail Manny at that moment, he opted for a thumbs up with his other hand. “Good.” Peter dropped his hand and looked down at the watch. “That leaves you maybe a minute and a half to finish your essay.”
“Fuck,” Manny groaned, quickly finding the place where he stopped in his conclusion and picking up where he left off. He heard Peter snort at his scrambling, which made him stop and look up, eyes narrowed. “You enjoy that bus ride this morning, Peter?”
The smile on Peter’s face dropped instantly and reappeared on Manny’s face. The smiling boy swiveled and walked away. But not before he saw the corners of Peters lips quirk upward.
link to fic on ao3
part 2
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smige · 26 days
Hey, would anyone be interested in an X-Men Rp? I’m not interested in Roleplaying with OC’s. I enjoy Platonic and romantic ships. I am a sucker for rare pairings/unpopular ships. I do BxB, BxG, and GxG. I play female and male characters. This list is not in any specific order.
I’m up for suggestions, but these are just the ships I’m currently interested in at the moment.
-Erik Lehnsherr
-Charles Xavier
-Peter Maximoff
-Kurt Wagner
-Ororo Munroe
-Wade Wilson
-Logan Howlett
-Kitty Pryde
-Peter Parker
-Jean Grey
-Bobby Drake
I’m up for playing other characters as well.
-Charles Xavier x Erik Lehnsherr
-Erik Lehnsherr x Mystique
-Charles Xavier & Mystique
-Erik Lehnsherr & Peter Maximoff
-Wade Wilson x Logan Howlett
-Scott Summers x Ororo Munroe
-Scott Summers x Logan Howlett
-Logan Howlett x Ororo Munroe
-Warren Worthington lll x Kurt Wagner
-Hank McCoy x Mystique
-Peter Maximoff x Alex Summers
-Peter Parker x Kitty Pryde
-Jean Grey x Ororo Munroe
-Bobby Drake x John Allerdyce
-Scott Summers x Jean Grey
-Ororo Munroe x Kurt Wagner
Pm me if you’re interested.
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mittos · 5 months
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Some doodles of the boys!!!
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demonlattee · 6 months
MalcNoir 🕷️
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With each encounter with MJ, Noir became more and more bold, leaving Malcolm flustered. He's supposed to be the bold one!
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railingsofsorrow · 1 year
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2nd part of the recommendation list from my fav fics! (i had to split in two because tumblr was being a nightmare) have it in mind that they can either be on tumblr or ao3.
the (+) means it has a smut masterlists: [0.1] [0.2]
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━━ OBX 
↬ little village by @thegreatestofheck (jj x routhledge!oc) 
best thing that's ever happened to me.
↬ whipped by @ptersparkers (jj x reader) 
↬ wake by @obxsummer (jj x reader) 
↬ aftermath by @maybaenk (jj x reader) 
↬ once a cheater... by @sl-ut (s.cameron x fem!kook!reader; t.thornton x platonic!reader) 
↬ lucky by @↑ (k.carrera x f!reader) 
↬ two of the same by @jjmaybud (k.carrera x f!reader) 
i, too, want to get married with kiara carrera.
↬ skin by @↑ (p.heyward x reader) 
↬ kie loves you... but you're not hers by @infictionalwonderland (k.carrera x f!reader; jj x f!reader)  
↬ angels like you by @cryonme (p.heyward x reader) 
↬ the 7 times he realises he loves you by @fandomtravels (I can't tag this acc :/ it's glitching) (r.cameron x reader) 
━━ MCU 
↬ one heart by @ichorai (tasm!single parent!p.parker x single parent! x reader) (major angst!) 
ok so I stumbled upon this while I was in class and I was bored so I thought let's give it a go until I get to go home. terrible idea because I was holding my cries, can you believe it? this fic stole my heart and it's so well-written, I don't think there's anything like it, it talks about loss and grieving in the most realistic way possible, I almost felt inserted into the story. plz go read it it will be so worth it.
↬ on thin ice by @leahsficemporium (peter parker x reader)
learning how to skate with peter &lt;3
↬ like slow-slipping redemption by artist_artists (ao3) (tasm!p.parker × male mj) 
I don't understand how this one doesn't have more recognition. I was craving for a bi!peter fic and I found it's the best piece of work I've read, it played with my emotions and left me of the edge of my seat. it's set on a post-no way home universe and it features tasm!peter x male mj. it's a happy ending!!! plus it's not long, only 3 chapters.
↬ getting old by @kiss-inthekitchen (husband!tasm!p.parker x reader)  
↬ peter parker can't flirt by @curseofaphrodite (tasm!p.parker x marauder!reader)
it's a crossover btw marauders era + the amazing spiderman universe.
━━ TVD/T.O 
↬ apotheosis by atriums (klaus mikaelson x reader) 
it's finished and it has a sequel called alkaline.
↬ familia supra omnia by IAMiniquity (poly!mikaelsons x oc) (currently being updated) 
the best thing I've read in the originals universe, spent less than month reading it and I keep craving for more.
↬ treading on thin ice by @fitzs-trained-monkey (kol mikaelson x reader)
they write the best kol fics istg.  
↬ wasteland, baby! by trustsalvatore (kol mikaelson x oc) 
incomplete since 2020 :(((
↬ coming home by @acourtofwhatthefuck (azriel x reader) (series)
━━ MISC 
↬ troublemaker by @itsapeterthing (druig x avenger!reader)  
I will tell you one thing: I wasn't into a court of thorns and roses until I stumbled upon this one. yk when the writing grips you and chains you in a way that you can't leave? that's what happened to me. I was so addicted I read this whole series in three days at most. then I proceeded to read all of their work, you should do the same, you won't regret it it's so good. 
↬ resident healer by @15-dogs (newt scamander x reader)  
↬ no one knows by @pillow-titties (billy russo x reader) +
↬ no one knows p.2 by @↑ + 
↬ by your side by @alaynes-writings (paul atreides x reader)  
↬ stormy nights by @marvelmusing (aleksander mozorova x reader)  
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