#peter's time under severus' care/charge/idk is too unexplored
enbysiriusblack · 5 months
"Y'know we both had complicated relationships with our parents. James and Remus had such a great bond with theirs, always so close and telling them everything. But Sirius and me couldn't. I mean his parents wouldn't understand and mine just wouldn't listen. But we had each other. And you know, James started growing up, leaving all our silly childhood antics behind. But Sirius was like me, we didn't want to grow up. I mean, you remember, we were always messing about. Merlin, I miss that. I mean, Sirius just got it. He got that being an adult would suck, that we could do what we want whilst we had the freedom to do it, that nothing mattered more than us, than our friendgroup, than just being alive. Merlin, he fucking changed. He's grown up. I mean I have as well, no matter how much I didn't to. But Sirius, he just- he understood me more than anyone... and I hated him for it. I hate him now."
Severus blinked at him, "Can you please be quiet for once?"
Peter threw his hands up in the air and sat up from the sofa he had been laying on, "Geez, still grumpy."
"I'm in charge of you, Wormtail. You're nothing now."
Peter huffed, "Way to state the obvious. Y'know you're a shit therapist."
"Perhaps, because I am not a therapist", Severus spoke slowly, agitated.
Peter shrugged,"You're the one who said I needed therapy."
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