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tomokoigo · 3 years
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Freddie’s Hat Party👒🌸🌷
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queenforeverblog · 5 years
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Il rapporto di #FreddieMercury con la propria #religione ha sempre rappresentato un bel mistero. Vi assicuro che prima della sua morte erano tanti gli aspetti che facevano definire Freddie come un vero e proprio enigma e il tema della religione era forse il più oscuro. Perché la fede #Zoroastriana è qualcosa di antico, addirittura ancestrale e se ne sa talmente poco che spiegarne davvero l’essenza non è una cosa semplice. In più, la proverbiale ritrosia si Freddie a parlarne apertamente ha contribuito a rendere il tutto ancora più complesso ma, allo stesso tempo, anche affascinante. Sul rapporto che Freddie aveva con la religione ha parlato #PeterFreestone sul suo diario online (www.freddiemercury.com). Ecco cosa ha scritto: “Freddie e la religione. Non c'erano simboli religiosi palesi da nessuna parte a #GardenLodge. Freddie credeva che tutti avessero il diritto di osservare qualsiasi religione ritenessero giusta per loro. Molto raramente ha parlato dell'argomento in quanto non pensava che fosse qualcosa di adatto per una conversazione. Diceva che non gli piaceva l'idea della religione organizzata in cui una persona può dire a milioni di altre persone cosa è giusto o sbagliato. Per Freddie, ognuno dovrebbe avere le proprie convinzioni.” https://www.instagram.com/p/B2WgvD1BIZ8/?igshid=1bi8cnykob2y4
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terezhope · 5 years
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Good night Freddie. We love you! . . . . . . #freddiemercury #freddie #queen #queenmusic #queentheband #rogertaylor #johndeacon #brianmay #peterfreestone https://www.instagram.com/p/B5QLBXThCoP/?igshid=1hsr3ko75axsz
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ask-johndeacon · 6 years
Thank you.
  I'm not gonna lie, this year was one of the biggest challanges I've ever came across. So many bad things happened and I'm trying to get better. I've been trying for a while.
  Well, I'm getting rid of the sad things now, let's move on to the happy ones! This year brought me my new found family. Let's be honest, sometimes biological families suck and we end up finding friends we can trust. I don't think I say this enough, but I love you. Every single one of you.
  To my Sunlight, I love you. Truly. So much. You were the first one to come to me in the server and you made sure I felt safe and happy at all times. You are so loved. You are amazing. Thank you for being you, Ams. I love you with all my heart.
  To my Starlight, thank you for putting up with my bullshit. Make "sleep" one of your resolutions, please. Also, you're a disaster and I'm glad you can hear my voice whenever you do some dumb shit. I love you with all my FUCKING heart
  To my Comet, words can't describe how proud you make me. You're so strong and you've been trough so much, yet you're the first person people turn to whenever they're feeling down. God, you never fail to put a smile on my face. I love you so much, Peter.
  To my Supernova, I'm so glad I have you in my life. You're so kind (and sometimes dramatic, I'm not gonna lie) and you make my day just by being there, y'know? I love you so much and I have to tell you that if I die before I meet you I'll be drowning in disappointment. Make meeting you one of my New Year's resolutions.
  To my Celestia, God I really love you, okay? We've been growing closer and closer and I'm so glad it is happening. Stop denying you're pretty or I'll fight you. Your memes are the best and I really wish I wasn't so goddamn intimidated of you??
  To my Orion, you really have to stop hurting Mary and to use all that angst on Paul. I love you. Your voice is so pretty (and so are you) and you look really soft and I wish I could hug the hell out of you. Thank you for incentivating me to be angsty even though we never finish it and then have to call someone else to sort all our bullshit out.
  To my Réalta, I've only known you for like 2 weeks but it feels like it's been so much longer. I feel like I can trust you and I know I can, if that makes any sense? I love your voice. And your laugh. You're also adorable? Thank you for being an amazing friend.
  To my Stardust, I'm gonna start by saying that I was really intimidated by you. Like, a lot. A whole bunch. But you're incredibly sweet. I'm so proud of you for being who you are and I just want you to know that I really look after you. You're such a huge inspiration to me. I love you.
  To my Moonlight, I could spend hours talking to (and about) you. You make me so happy and I can't thank you enough for that. You deserve the whole world. I'm so glad I found you. I love you.
  To everyone reading this mess of a post, thank you for putting up with our bullshit and usually-bad-storytelling. Happy New Years!
//@ask-johanna-deacon @askmary-austin @ask-queen-mercury @ask-tony-maytaylordeaconmercury @ask-peterfreestone @ask-rogertaylor @ask-jamiehutton @ask-melina-frederica-mercury
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ask-rogertaylor · 6 years
// Hey! So it’s New Years, and it gives me a chance to be sappy. And I want to take time to appreciate those who mean a lot to me; because time on earth is so fucking finite and I want everyone to know I love them. Because god knows how much I need to them to know.
Fuck, man, 2018 was so fucking hard. The universe really tested me. I thought about bailing on it a lot of times, and I thought it had given up on me, and that it hated me, and that I was lost forever. I went back to so many bad habits, and I dealt with a lot of guilt, doubt, I feel so alone because of my sexuality and race, and something really fucking scary happened to me and I’m still trying to process it, and it still shakes me up. Fuck, it wasn’t my year.
Until November. And fuck did the universe give me something so fucking special, of course, it swooped in like a comet and gave me something so special and so important, and in these last months of the year, the universe gave me something so fucking important that it saved the year, and me, in a sense. The universe gave me another family.
The universe gave me my supernova, Chance. A friend so talented and oh so lovely, so full of light and someone I look forward to talking to every day. The universe gave me Sydni, a true friend I connect to, and love dearly, who introduced me to this family, who I owe the world to. The universe gave me my réalta, Patrick. A friend full of laughs and jokes, who brightens my day every day. The universe gave me our stardust, Kaz. The older sibling I never thought I needed, or ever had, but desperately needed. Somebody who makes me feel so much less alone. The universe gave me Pink. Who is a little sibling to me whom I care so deeply about. And Shy. Who is so amazing and so lovely and so amazing. And Asha. The universe gave me Peter. A little brother who I never had and now I do and I am so grateful for the universe for giving me this boy who is now family. The universe gave me Emmett. Somebody who makes me so happy and I care for so deeply, he is like family to me, and he is so important to me. The universe gave me Ams. They are the reason for this family, and I am so grateful for them, and they brighten my life like no other. And the universe gave me Marta. She is what I’ve needed someone who makes me feel whole, someone I wish was right next to me now. Someone I wish I could watch these beautiful fireworks with right now. Someone I want to share all the wonderful things in life with. Because she’s wonderful, and she deserves nothing less.
The universe gave me all these people this year and I am so happy. I am so grateful. Because now I think that maybe the universe does have something good in store for me. Because god this has to mean something. This is so fucking good and I am so grateful. This year has been good to me.
Thank you, and I hope this new year treats everyone well.
// @ask-rogerina @ask-queen-mercury @ask-johndeacon @ask-brian-may @ask-tony-maytaylordeaconmercury @ask-johanna-deacon @ask-jamiehutton @askmary-austin @ask-melina-frederica-mercury @ask-peterfreestone @ask-aaronmccusker @ask-rogerina
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iosonoleggendo · 5 years
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FREDDIE MERCURY - UNA BIOGRAFIA INTIMA⠀ ⠀ Autore: Peter Freestone⠀ Anno: 1998⠀ Genere: Biografico⠀ Editore: Arcana Universale⠀ Formato: Cartaceo⠀ ●⠀ Trama: Non applicabile⠀ Personaggi: Non applicabile⠀ Stile di Scrittura: ★★★★☆⠀ Facilità di Lettura: ★★★★☆⠀ Coinvolgimento: ★★★☆☆⠀ Originalità: ★★★★☆⠀ Edizione: ★★★☆☆⠀ VOTO FINALE: ★★★☆☆⠀ ●⠀ L'autore è stato l'assistente personale del grande Freddie Mercury per anni, accompagnandolo in tutti i suoi tour ed esaudendo ogni suo desiderio possibile. Freestone racconta così l'uomo dietro il mito, con l'affetto e l'attenzione che può avere solo chi ha imparato a conoscere (e in qualche modo giustificare) il proprio "capo" in modo totale: pregi e difetti. Lettura scorrevole, anche se a tratti un po' pesante: è evidente infatti che Freestone lavorasse come assistente e il loro legame fosse quasi esclusivamente lavorativo, nel libro sono presenti dettagli tecnici su come si struttura un concerto o le marche del make up di Mercury, e sono invece appena citate persone che furono fondamentali per la star.⠀ ●⠀ Citazione: «Freddie aveva bisogno di riposarsi, e senza fare storie rinunciò ad uscire per spassarsela: sapeva che il giorno dopo non sarebbe stato meno impegnativo.»⠀ ●⠀ Recensione di @ChiarettaKiki⠀ ●⠀ #FreddieMercuryUnaBiografiaIntima #PeterFreestone #bookstagram #booklover #instabook #bookstagrammer #libro #libridaleggere #librichepassione #consiglidilettura #leggerefabene #bookstagramitalia #librodelgiorno #recensionelibro #ioleggo #bookslover #book #books #reading #bookworm #bookish #bookaholic #bookphotography #reader #bookshelf #instabooks
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Anyone who doesn’t appreciate the Awesome and unbelievable voice of Freddie Mercury is just a damn liar.
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Random Queen from my phone.
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I have screenshots over 1000 of them of everything I liked when I saw it. I learned the hard way, if you don’t screenshot it when you see it. You’ll be looking for a needle in a hay stack. That takes a very long time.
Picture 1: That is the full quote by Peter Freestone where he says Freddie used to hold onto Jim.
Picture 2: Freddie at the studio during the One Vision sessions. I loved seeing the wheels just turning in his insanely creative brain when he worked. We barely got to ever see him in hard work only business mode. It’s fascinating
Picture 3: story from the late Mick Rock about how kind Freddie was.
Picture 4: Freddie and Jim and how the old ball and chain (Jim) was considered by the bandmates he had for over 2 decades to be his husband in every way possible.
Picture 5: Freddie and Deaky ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Picture 6: my biggest pet peeve. Spell his name right!
Picture 7: Deaky about Live Aid. We always hear from everyone else it’s nice to hear his perspective!
Picture 8: They may have fought and screamed but in the end they were brothers and family. You didn’t mess with the family or else!
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More random shit from my phone.
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Picture 1: screenshot of story in Mercury and Me.
Picture 2:
John Deacon’s feelings about Freddie
Pic 3: someone asked Phoebe if he ever waxed his body.
Pic 4: little hard to read but damn hilarious. Freddie kins.
Pic 5: Jim Hutton while watching Live Aid.
Pic 6: fun fact about how Freddie signed autos vs irl docs. By Phoebe.
Pic 7: yeah to hear Rami try to sing like Freddie would be ridiculous. Elton can be imitated, Elvis can. But not Freddie
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Random screenshots from my phone.
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Random screenshots from my phone. Enjoy!
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More random Freddie/Queen stuff from my phone.
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Seriously if Freddie came back as a ghost just to say he loved Jim Hutton and he considered him his husband.
People would still fight over it and say oh yeah he said it but like. He really meant Winnie. Or Mary. Even though Winnie wouldn’t learn English for him among other things and Mary was the wrong gender. NO AMOUNT OF EVIDENCE CAN CONVINCE AN IDIOT. Mark Twin knew his shit!
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Freddie was such a nice guy he even signed autographs for obnoxious fans!
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