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elfelt-valentine · 1 year
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inprimalinie · 2 months
Catedrala Sfinții Apostoli Petru și Pavel, nucleul ideologic și compozițional al ansamblului Fortăreței Petru și Pavel
Clopotele răsună în ansamblul Fortăreței Petropavlovsk din Sankt Petersburg. Este o muzică a clopotelor, pe care oamenii aflați în vizită o pot asculta stând afară, pe una din băncile special așezate în fața Catedralei Sfinții Apostoli Petru și Pavel. Georgiana Arsene E liniște și o senzație plăcută, de pace și de întoarcere în timp mă cuprinde. Tocmai ce parcursesem Panorama Nevskaia, un…
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freeoftheground · 6 months
Final Report - Interstate Aviation Committee (MAK)
The cause of the An-26B-100 RA-26085 aircraft crash was the crew's violation of the established instrument approach procedure to Palana aerodrome, which was manifested in flying with significant deviation from the set route and descent well below the established minimum descent height (MDH) under weather conditions that excluded stable visual contact with ground landmarks, leading to the collision of the aircraft with a coastal cliff in controlled flight, its destruction, and the death of the crew and passengers.
Contributing factors to the accident may have included:
- The crew's failure to execute a missed approach with the acquisition of the established minimum safety altitude (MSA) when information about the bearing indicated a significant deviation of the aircraft from the established approach procedure;
- The absence in the Palana aerodrome dispatcher's work technology of actions in the presence of information about the bearing indicating a significant deviation of the aircraft from the established approach scheme, as well as the dispatcher's passivity when such information was available;
- The lack of warning signals from the early ground proximity warning system under conditions that should have triggered it. It is not possible to determine the reason for the absence of the warning signals;
- The overestimation of the barometric altimeter readings in the final phase of the flight due to the specific airflow around the steep coastline creating a low-pressure zone and the overestimation of the variometer readings, the cause of which cannot be determined.
NOTE: This investigation report does not meet international language standards stipulated in ICAO Annex 13 - Accident and Incident Investigation. The report was published in Russian only, which required translation by 3rd parties. Due to the translation issue, the accuracy of specific details in this report cannot be guaranteed.
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fipindustries · 10 months
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i cant believe that james sommerton has a friend in minsk who has a friend in Pinsk, Whose friend in Omsk Has friend in Tomsk With friend in Akmolinsk. His friend in Alexandrovsk Has friend in Petropavlovsk, Whose friend somehow Is solving now The problem in Dnepropetrovsk
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cristaq · 2 months
People really liked the Soap version of this so let's explore Price's perspective as well.
In the unforgiving wilderness of the Kamchatka Peninsula, 40 miles east of Petropavlovsk to be exact, prisoner 627 is silently escorted to his cell, pushed around by a nameless guard. He doesn’t resist any of it, feeling too exhausted after having to fight the other inmates for his own supper. There is never enough food for everyone.
The metal gates crank and back into his solitary cell he goes. A shitty bed, toilet next to it, and a sink that doesn’t have any running water. And the cold… the fucking cold. It keeps his muscles constantly tense, making it impossible to rest properly and there is no break from it. There is no place to hide from it during winter.
He lies down in bed, which squeaks in protest, and he brings his knees to his chest to conserve what’s left of his body heat. He clutches the small silver cross hanging around his neck, the only token he has from his lover, which he wears like a badge of honour. A poor inmate tried to yank it off his neck once and 627 broke his windpipe in response. As a matter of fact, that’s how 627 started making a name for himself in the gulag.
“I swear I am getting you out! I will make everything right for us again, I swear…” That’s probably what Soap would say if he blasted through his cell wall right now, gun in hand, ready to rescue him.
He always prays before bed for this fantasy reunion to become reality. He kisses the cross and lets his lips rest on it for a bit, as his body starts shaking from both the cold and the sobs.
“I miss you… I don’t know if I can do any of this without you…”
He hopes that his pleas can somehow act as a magical beacon that will help Soap locate him. He is out there searching for him, right? Right? Or maybe he has forgotten about him? Does he even know he is still alive?
Nevertheless, tomorrow is a new day to think about a way to escape this prison. And Price will keep on trying until he can wrap his arms around Soap once again. He is ready to kill every last grunt in this building if he has to. No one in the gulag knows what he is truly capable of to get back to him. He will burn this place to the fucking ground. Maybe then he will no longer feel the cold.
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eighteaseven · 3 months
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Tom "Iceman" Kazansky/Pete "Maverick" Mitchell
Tags: Social Media, POV Outsider, Tom "Iceman" Kazansky Lives, Post-Movie: Top Gun Maverick
Reuters @ reuters Breaking: Explosions reported outside Yelizovo, smoke sighted over Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Airport reut.rs/9yi87j2
The Associated Press @ ap Breaking: Missiles launched in Russian airspace over Kamchatka Peninsula apne.ws/1ew9SEQ
The rest of the world finds out about an American military incursion into Russian territory.
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vizreef · 2 years
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Petropavlovsk Radio Works TPS-54 // Broadcast Network Receiver (Soviet Union, 1954)
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sovietpostcards · 2 years
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Night in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Photo by Vsevolod Tarasevich (1979).
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usafphantom2 · 9 months
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We sometimes flew up the eastern coast of Russia. 🇷🇺 We went into the Sea of Okhotsk, down the west coast of the Kamchatka peninsula around its southern tip and up the east coast to photograph the important naval base at Petropavlovsk. Here MiGs often tried to intercept us, but it was otherwise barren space. Russian fighters were not much of a threat, because they probably didn’t get above 60,000ft. One time we were flying along the east Russian coast and Rich said: ‘Look out the window on the left,’ where he saw a circle of contrails. ‘They’re waiting for us.’ I watched through my viewsight and saw them peel off and climb, one by one, trying to intercept us. I saw them through my viewsight, climb towards us, then fall out of the sky. We weren’t too concerned about missile threats; our electronic jamming equipment was very effective. Air-launched missiles had to be fired at us from the front, not behind. If we turned just 10°, that screwed up the missile’s aim. Lights came on in my cockpit that showed if an aircraft was locked on to us and if it was on the right or left side of the airplane and that our jammers were working. When a SAM [Surface Air Missile] came up I had two lights, ‘M’ and ‘L.’ The M told me that their ground radar was tracking us and the L light that they had launched at us.
The 9th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing initially operated from the UK on a semi-formal basis, but Mildenhall hosted a permanent detachment (Det. 4) from 1984
SR 71 RSO, Don Emmons from KEY AERO
Linda Sheffield
@Habubrats71 via X
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Depiction by Japanese teenage artist Yamada Hampō of the sinking of the Petropavlovsk during the Russo-Japanese War. The original caption reads “Picture of the Eighth Attack on Port Arthur. The Flagship of Russia Was Destroyed by the Torpedo of Our Navy and Admiral Makaroff Drowned".
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hannydaforcena · 3 months
Chapter 27: Contingency
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Anya and Price go ahead with their plan in Petropavlovsk.
Afterwards, Anya and Soap have a proper reunion.
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cursedalthoughts · 7 months
Priority Research 7 Predictions - Northern Parliament
Hoo boy, let's get this one over with. This one is going to be a long, long post.
As established in the Dragon Empery post, I will attempt to predict their possible skills as well based on their World of Warships gimmicks. The thing is, the Soviet navy has a lot of made-up warships in World of Warships.
Let's begin with cruisers, since they're gonna take the longest to get through. There is a chance some of these ships end up being gacha units in the future, though; although with different names.
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Pyotr Bagration
Pyotr Bagration is a Tier 8... cruiser. With 180mm guns, she classifies as a light cruiser; however, her 180mm guns have insane ballistics that make them hit harder than a lot of other heavy cruisers, even Tallinn.
Bagration is based off of Project 65, specifically one of the largest draft for Project 65, which is equipped with 3 triple 180mm gun turrets and a 15k ton displacement.
Unlike basically every Soviet cruiser from Tier 8 and above, she does not have access to radar. Her speed is high, but her general maneuverability isn't that good. I genuinely can't figure out a skill for her, but she's an option for a PR.
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I like comparing Ochakov to Mainz in terms of performance. Ochakov is a light cruiser equipped with fast-firing 152mm guns in dual turrets. Compared to Mainz, she has worse armor, worse alpha damage, and worse DPM; but has an overall better AA and access to radar. Also, in WoWs, I think Ochakov is prettier. Not applicable in Azur Lane of course.
Her skills could involve something related to her fire rate, allowing her to fire faster; or a skill that allows her to detect all enemies and make them more susceptible to damage. Or something.
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Dmitri Donskoi
Alright, I don't have much to say about Donskoi. She's literally a bigger Pyotr Bagration; she gets access to radar and a fourth triple 180mm turret with slightly worse reload (12.5s for Donskoi and 11s for Bagration). As a Tier 9 ship, she naturally has more health than her predecessors.
Both Donskoi and Bagration are equally as likely, and both are PR material.
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Not only does she have a cool name (Riga seems like a very pretty city), she's also an interesting ship. Her alpha damage ('alpha damage' being the damage she can dish out in one salvo) is brutal with nine 220mm guns, although her turret traverse time resembles more a battleship than a cruiser (32.7 seconds to turn 180º. Soyuz's gigantic 406mm turrets are faster at 30s for 180º).
Riga is not very stealthy, nor very maneuvrable. However, she is a bit of a grandmother to the Stalingrad, which we'll see below in a second. Riga's gimmick in AL could make her do vastly improved damage with AP guns, or make her outright ignore stuff like medium armor. If that's too broken for AL or not is above me. Both Riga and Donskoi could be PRs, tho.
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Alexander Nevsky
Now onto the three possible DR cruisers.
Nevsky is a unique HE spammer. HE spamming is, as the name implies, spamming High Explosive; a tactic many kinds of ship can perform very effectively (Harbin, for example, is a dedicated HE spammer in WoWs). However, Nevsky trades damage per minute for alpha damage. Her reload of 6 seconds is not bad at all, however, much better ships exist for the task - Jinan's reload is 3.5 seconds, and she has 4 more guns. However, Jinan has weak, pathetic, American 127mm guns; while Nevsky has glorious, patriotic Soviet 180mm guns. These eight 180mm guns are considerably better than those found on Tallinn, Bagration or Donskoi.
To top it all off, she has access to the usual convo of radar + hydroacoustic search, meaning she can find you no matter what. Her skills could involve a much improved damage output or fire chance for HE guns, and a skill that allows her to instantly detect submarines the moment they appear, or similar. DR material.
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There was some controversy the moment Petropavlovsk was introduced as a replacement for the previous Tier 10 heavy cruiser (Moskva), as both ships share the same gun calliber of 220mm, but Petropavlovsk's shells do almost as much damage and have almost the same penetration values as Bismarck. Bismarck is not the best Tier 8 battleship, of course. But Bismarck is a battleship, Petropavlovsk is a cruiser. And her reload of 14 seconds means this cruiser that has 1 more gun than Bismarck and almost the same values as Bismarck could have almost twice the damage per minute of poor old Bismarck (Bismarck's reload is 26 seconds). That should tell you a lot already.
Petropavlovsk is a "heavy cruiser", the same way Ägir or Alaska are "heavy cruisers". Her guns are insane, and the ship has a very good armor scheme as well. Since she sits so low above the water, it's harder to hit her from a distance - your shells will hit the waves before they touch her hull, losing momentum. She's fast too, although her concealment is... well, she can be seen from 16.3km away (base values). Kremlin (remember that name) can be seen from 16.5km, and she's considerably bigger than Petropavlovsk.
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Known as 'Battlecruiser Stalingrad' by the WoWs community, Stalingrad is a Tier 10 Soviet heavy cruiser armed with nine 305mm guns. They're legitimately one of the best 305mm guns in the whole game. Mecklenburg, a German Tier 10 battleship with sixteen 305mm guns, deals considerably less damage per gun than Stalingrad.
Typical of Soviet heavy cruisers, Stalingrad's high explosive is pathetic while her armor piercing is beyond excellent. Stalin himself guides each projectile with an unnatural accuracy, his hand reaching from beyond the grave to ensure Stalingrad's shells land on the target.
Stalingrad could be a large cruiser meant to spam AP, dealing raw damage to anyone that crosses her path. All her skills could be self-buffs, as the ship is very egocentric in WoWs.
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Now onto the battleships. There's only 3 so this should be quick.
Borodino is a weird design. Vodka was involved. She takes the Richelieu approach of only having front-facing turrets. Borodino is equipped with two triple 406mm gun turrets, the same one found on the Sovetsky-Soyuz class. They are above average in terms of accuracy, earning her the nickname of "tier 8 Stalingrad". In my own personal experience, they're very (literally) hit or miss.
Borodino has a radar, though. That's unique among battleships, with only 2 other ones having radar to the best of my knowledge (Missouri and Constellation).
Borodino is a tank. She is best played around islands, bow-in. Her small superstructure and large, well protected bow, as well as front-facing turrets; means Borodino is perfect for bow tanking at Tier 8.
She's PR material for sure, but she could be an interesting PR.
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I'm torn about Navarin. On the one hand, Navarin could easily be DR material. She's unique among all Soviet warships in WoWs, no other ship in the entire nation sharing her gimmick even remotely. There are two Italian battleships and two Italian cruisers that excell at secondary gun warfare; France has at least 2 ships, the US Navy has West Virginia '44, Massachussetts, Georgia and Ohio. Japan has Iwami, Shikishima and Kii. But the Soviet Union? Their only ship that's good at secondary guns is Navarin.
Besides, look at her design. She's old! Her design began in 1914; the Soviet Union wasn't even a thing back then. This monstrosity has three quadruple 406mm guns with rifles that aren't bad at all, as well as a wall of 130mm secondary guns on each side. She even has casemate guns, at Tier 9! She fights against modern warships such as Iowa, Swedish post-war destroyers, and aircraft carriers with jet planes. Granny needs DR status.
But yes, her gimmick in WoWs is that - just like Friedrich der Grosse, Prinz Rupprecht or Odin; she's a secondary gun brawler. She's meant to get close to the enemy and blast her 17 130mm guns per side, and 12 406mm guns, at 10km or less. And yes, this girl is covered in guns.
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I don't lose anything by mentioning her.
With the introduction of gacha UR Sovetsky Soyuz, DR Kremlin is unlikely. Well, so was Hindenburg.
Kremlin is the epitome of Soviet battleships. Extremely tanky when bow-in, vulnerable when broadside, big guns that do big damage but have unreliable accuracy. I love her. Kremlin is a big, slow, slumbering warship that still somehow manages to have a 29 second reload on her monstrous 457mm guns.
Her skills would represent this sheer damage potential, maybe allowing a skill that redirects the damage the vanguard takes into a shield she generates - like a much, much better Illustrious.
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Admiral Nakhimov
Finally, we have another aircraft carrier.
Nakhimov is different enough from Chkalov, as well as being a Tier 10 while Chkalov is Tier 8.
Nakhimov shares the same gameplay as the other Soviet CVs - big number of planes in a single squadron. Her torpedo bombers consist of a flight of 7 planes, each one dropping a torpedo, all at the same time. She fires a total of 32 rockets from her 8 attack aircraft, all at the same time. She drops 7 powerful bombs with her skip bombers. That's right, Nakhimov doesn't have dive bombers. She is equipped with skip bombers, which are bombers that drop their payload in such a way that it bounces on the water like a rock until it hits the enemy. Yes, those things existed in real life.
Nakhimov could be an extremely versatile and hyper-aggressive DR CV, capable of taking on all sorts of enemies.
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ivanseledkin · 1 year
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Post -Soviet visual. Fish sellers in the market of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia, March 1993
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
The death of Captain Cook- 14th Febuary 1779
When Captain James Cook came to the Hawaiian Islands in 1779 during his third voyage around the world, he had no idea what nasty consequences this would have for him.
At first, everything went as planned. The Hawaiians got on well with the Europeans and presumably (this circumstance has long been disputed and should therefore be regarded with caution) even thought Cook was the return of a seasonally revered deity, Lono, because his arrival coincided with the corresponding time at which this supernatural being was supposed to arrive.
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As Cook left two days later, on 4 February 1779, all was initially quiet. However, when he returned on 11 February to replace a Resolution mast that had been damaged in the storm, relations were testy, for the Hawaiians were puzzled by the totally unexpected return of their god, whose season had now expired. They became suspicious and quarrels between the natives and the whites became more frequent. To put it politely, they behaved like elephants in a china shop. They disregarded the customs and habits of their hosts and even buried a Sailor in a place only allowed for chiefs.  
When islanders stole the Resolution's large boat to punish their invaders by taking something valuable from them. Cook captured the local king Kalaniʻōpuʻu as a hostage for its return - something he had, by the way, successfully done many times before on his voyages to get what he wanted. However, considerable unrest ensued because the king refused to comply with his transfer to the ship.
When Cook and a few companions came ashore in a small boat, the confrontation escalated. This included the firing of rifle shots and his men trying to get back into the boat and thus to safety. Whether Cook was then killed from behind or stabbed to death because he turned towards the boat and shouted to his men not to shoot is not clear. In any case, he is said to have fallen forward into the shallow water, while the rest of the small crew remaining in the dinghy tried to escape from the danger zone together with their boat without giving their captain any help.
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The Death of Cook, John Cleveley the Younger, 1784 (x)
Thus James Cook, as well as four marines and some Hawaiians, died on 14 February 1779.
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Account of Cook’s death written by midshipman Trevenen who was present in Resolution‘s cutter literally only metres away from Cook when he was killed in Carricacoolah Bay, Hawaii, on 14th February 1779. Likely written on board Resolution (x)
After the incident, Captain Charles Clerke took command of the expedition and the Resolution, handing the Discovery over to Lieutenant John Gore. Clerke was wise enough to refrain from reprisals and, through the mediation of the priest and a son of the king, was at least handed over some of Cook's body parts and those of the maritime soldiers, which lasted until 20 February, as his body was dismembered and distributed to several higher-ranking natives, which was not uncommon among the inhabitants of Polynesian space at the time. As a rule, the fragments of respected enemies and chiefs were even given a certain veneration. Cook was identified by a burn on his right hand that had occurred years earlier in New Zealand. A burial at sea was held for him in the bay on 21 February.
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Captain James Cook mourning ring, owned by Elizabeth Cook, ca. 1780 (x)
The next day, the ships departed for home. News of Cook's death reached England by land six months before the ships returned home. His successor tried to continue the mission, but failed at 70° 33' N due to the pack ice, which seemed even stronger than the previous year. On the return voyage to Petropavlovsk, Captain Clerke died at the age of 38. Virginia-born Lieutenant Gore, who had already taken part in Cook's first Pacific voyage, led the expedition back to England, where it arrived on 6 October 1780.
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