#philosophical quote
"Not my point. The point is that we believe we have to make sacrifices in order to fulfill a higher purpose. Abraham was chosen because he would have made that sacrifice. A sacrifice is a transfer of violence to a select victim, to prevent further violence. And so, a different sacrifice was made."
Kaworu casts his eyes to another flower, a tulip.
"But we must sympathize with the sacrifice eventually." Kaworu says, coldly.
"You don’t like these flowers, do you?"
"I like them. They are beautiful. I just would rather have seen them at a better time."
"Well, I can see that. But the beauty is not the only thing. They are a reminder of our mortality, in a way. The impermanence of things."
Dancing on the Head of a Pin - kaworubythesea
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i think that gay sex cats is the new duchamp's fountain
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hunxi-after-hours · 3 months
"If rest becomes a form of recovery from work, as is the case today, it loses its specific ontological value. It no longer represents an independent, higher form of existence and degenerates into a derivative of work. Today's compulsion of production perpetuates work and thus eliminates that sacred silence. Life becomes entirely profane, desecrated."
—Han Byung-Chul, The Disappearance of Rituals (trans. Daniel Steuer)
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thedeadpoets-blog · 2 months
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“honestly, don’t you two read?”
— hermione granger, harry potter and the philosopher’s stone
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shripscapi · 25 days
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The queen wore a high-collared black silk gown, with a hundred dark red rubies sewn into her bodice, covering her from neck to bosom. They were cut in the shape of teardrops, as if the queen were weeping blood.
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occudo · 9 months
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Safehouse sketches
I wanted to make this post more clean, and I thought, didn't I make a similar spread already? Lo and behold, I did. In May. And now, without looking, I drew almost the same stuff. What is it like to have long-term memory? Anyway, I hope you like more cake
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philosophors · 2 months
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“Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.”
— Ernest Hemingway
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hpseeker99 · 4 months
McGonagall: Ok so you hate Potter, now you hate Weasley. How many enemies do you have exactly? Snape, without hesitation: 37 Snape: It was 36, but then my bitch neighbor had a baby
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galaxymagitech · 9 months
Bruce: I will turn my pain into strength. You will regret what you did when I bring the full force of justice upon those who hurt me and others.
Dick: I was hurt, and I am a hero. These can’t be completely separate, but they aren’t the same. Pain inspired me to become Robin, but is no longer the reason I fight.
Jason: If I can hurt bad people like how I was hurt, I’ll be strong enough not to be hurt anymore and no good people will be hurt ever again.
Tim: I’m not hurt. I’m fine. What are you talking about? No, of course I’m not in denial. Please, I need to believe this.
Steph: Anyone who hurts me’s gonna regret it. The past sucked, but it made me strong. I’m too awesome not to keep fighting.
Cass: No more hurting. I will protect.
Damian: I was incompetent enough to allow myself to be hurt. I will not make that mistake again. If you get in my way and are hurt it is—what does Drake say?—a skill issue.
Barbara: Doing good things sometimes causes pain, but I will do them anyway. I will stop threats to prevent my allies and friends from getting hurt.
Duke: No one else will be hurt like I was. We need to work together to protect ourselves and our communities from being hurt.
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junewild · 3 months
Watching Sam & Brennan talk about the beauty of frivolity, of adults playing silly games just as seriously as they fight to survive, and... yeah. There are some things that keep us alive, and there are some things that make life worth living, and I think games are one of those things that fall into both categories. Games make our lives better and they make us better at being alive. I think that's pretty cool.
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academic-vampire · 2 months
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“You must be ready to burn yourself in your own flame; how could you rise anew if you have not first become ashes?”
-Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
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funeral · 7 months
This is the great lesson the depressive learns: Nothing in the world is inherently compelling. Whatever may be really “out there” cannot project itself as an affective experience. It is all a vacuous affair with only a chemical prestige. Nothing is either good or bad, desirable or undesirable, or anything else except that it is made so by laboratories inside us producing the emotions on which we live. And to live on our emotions is to live arbitrarily, inaccurately—imparting meaning to what has none of its own. Yet what other way is there to live? Without the ever-clanking machinery of emotion, everything would come to a standstill. There would be nothing to do, nowhere to go, nothing to be, and no one to know. The alternatives are clear: to live falsely as pawns of affect, or to live factually as depressives, or as individuals who know what is known to the depressive. How advantageous that we are not coerced into choosing one or the other, neither choice being excellent. One look at human existence is proof enough that our species will not be released from the stranglehold of emotionalism that anchors it to hallucinations. That may be no way to live, but to opt for depression would be to opt out of existence as we consciously know it.
Thomas Ligotti, Conspiracy Against the Human Race
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urmomswifesworld · 10 months
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jmscornerlibrary · 2 months
McGonagall: That's... your fourth coffee today. Are you sure that's wise?
Snape: (produces a can of red bull and pours half of it into goblet) It's not coffee.
Snape: (emptying a bottle of Ogden's into his goblet) It's home-made sedative.
McGonagall: (watching him chug it) You're going to die.
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philosophybits · 4 months
Every interpretation hangs in the air together with what it interprets, and cannot give it any support. Interpretations by themselves do not determine meaning.
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations
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alluralater · 2 months
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“alas!” cried the lion. “now i know that those in love truly cannot help but take leave of their senses!”
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