#phoenix of jade
pillowxtalk · 10 months
Looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll - For the cinnamon roll meme (to Jihyun, from @phoenix-of-jade)
Put which one from the Cinnamon Roll meme my muse is
I'm sure there are moments during which I don't look like a cinnamon roll. And you know I'm right, Xuan.
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Like here for example!
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lostxtosunlight · 4 months
[TEXT] - wanna bang?
[TEXT] - hang*
[TEXT] - whichever you like
(from Xuan)
𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐒 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 | accepting
[ text: Baby 💕 ] Yes to both
[ text: Baby 💕 ] I’ve been thinking about you all day 💜
[ text: Baby 💕 ] I’ll be home soon. Like 5 minutes
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What did you think about Jade's role in the latest book 7 chapter? I found it hilarious how between the tweel's dreams his was more chaotic. It was also funny how they brought up Jade's motion sickness since I think the only moments it's been shown was in flight class and I think in Vil's playful land vignette after a rollercoaster ride. I'm really curious about your own highlights ^~^
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Honestly, I felt pretty meh about Jade’s involvement in the Octavinelle update 😅
***Book 7 part 10 spoilers below the cut!!***
His own dream segment was alright, it got a few chuckles out of me (though as expected, we didn’t really learn anything significantly new about Jade because of the shallow nature of the dream). Jade’s crybaby dream!Azul was about what I expected, but his dream!Floyd certainly wasn’t. The goofy face on his twin… It made me wonder how Jade truly sees Floyd. Does that weird face mean Jade sees his brother—who comes off as imposing to many others—as cute and harmless? Or does that mean Jade actually looks down on Floyd and thinks of him as a simpleton who likes to eat…? It’s hard to tell (personally I like the former interpretation), but it’s been fun looking at the different perspectives of the same information.
Something I find interesting is that the twins’ moments of waking mirror each other’s usual approaches to a task. Floyd usually foregoes a plan and prefers to use his fists to get the job done. However, he is slowly roused by reminiscing about his memories at NRC and the promise of being presented with a challenge. The final blow that shocks him awake is the presentation of a dream!Azul and dream!Jade who attempt to lure him deeper into the dream. Floyd doesn’t fall for it; in fact, he gets mad instead, and that fury, so biting and clear, snaps him awake. The opposite is true for Jade. He is someone who meticulously plans before acting, and would rather control the circumstances and use other roundabout methods before resorting to violence. But ironically, the master manipulator Jade is the one who falls for his own dream’s manipulations—all because he trusts himself above all else. He only wakes up because of a very strong physical force (ie Sebek’s UM) striking him. Prior to this, Jade was putting up a very good fight and the blows be was taking were not sufficient to wake fully him. So… Floyd, the brother who prefers brawns, woke up after reflecting and experiencing strong cognitive dissonance between his fake reality and bis true reality. Jade, the brother who prefers brains, woke up after being smacked the right amount. They woke up after experiencing an intense shock related to what is essentially the opposite of their preferred problem solving strategies.
I liked seeing Jade and Floyd fight! Book 7 is showing us a lot of things that were brief off-handed mentions elsewhere (like how Rook used to be in Savanaclaw, how Lilia is a war vet, etc.). The twins having violent brawls was previously brought up in Floyd’s Beach Wear vignettes, and it’s nice to be able to view the full extent of it ourselves. Floyd was NOT joking when he said they got into serious fights…
I have mixed feelings about Jade’s behavior within Azul’s dream. I’m NOT saying any of this is out of character or that all of his moments were bad. There were lots of little standouts (like Jade’s motion sickness, the passive aggressive “Azul-san”, smashing up the restaurant, and, of course, him and Floyd grabbing onto Azul and then trusting him to make it out on his own before choosing to let him go). Unfortunately, there were just as many examples of Jade wasting time and meandering, which I was a little annoyed about. The world might be done for if y’all don’t hurry it up 😭 You do NOT have the time to casually smash plant pots or to sit idly by and go “…………” while you watch Azul act like an idiot. I know you have a bigger brain than THAT, Jade. If you already knew what Azul’s weak point was, then you should be acting on it much sooner, not wasting my time like this.
I can see the reasoning for some of this to an extent. Jade is the type of person to drag things out; he wants to enjoy the show as others struggle to attain what they desire. The problem is that this segment still feels… forced or artificially drawn out simply because of the already established pattern of “well we gotta dedicate more time to the OB boy, we have so many other novel assets and scenarios to show off!!” There continues to be so little urgency while prioritizing showing off new assets or even things that seem cool in concept but may be lacking in execution because of how fast new stuff is being thrown at us. It’s just so frustrating because it creates this domino effect where the implication is that Jade doesn’t seem to be taking the situation seriously even though he, as an individual who is skilled in reading others + pinpointing their weaknesses AND as one of Azul’s close aide, should automatically clock what would reasonably wake him. But nooooo, Jade doesn’t do it right away because HEY, we need to create contrived scenarios where he, Floyd, and Azul have to use their UMs once each. Why? Because we have to follow the patterns we’ve already established in the updates before theirs! No other reason, we’re not allowed to stray from the formula! This is even worse when you think about how Jade was somehow unable to deduce that Azul would have moved the contracts to his own room… Like shouldn’t that be the FIRST place you think of, Jade????? No??? Is this an excuse so you can waste time using your Mouse mandated UM on dream!Jade to get the location??? 🤡 Okay, I guess…
The one last thing I have to note is that I’m so glad his and Floyd’s Groovies don’t show them crying. I feel like a lot of people were anticipating that because we previously had Kalim and Rook breaking down… However, it would be remiss to equate all the characters as being as emotional as those latter two are. (Lilia, Sebek, and Ortho were also limited story cards and none of them featured crying.) That’s not to say that I think the twins are incapable of expressing intense sadness, it’s that I don’t think they’d shed tears while attacking each other or Azul. Not crying doesn’t make Jade and Floyd “worse” or “less emotionally available”. It, in fact, alludes to the strength of the trio’s bond. It means they trust the others to be strong enough to take the hits, to fight back and to survive. The same thing is demonstrated when Jade and Floyd willingly let go of Azul and allow him to sink into the darkness, even wishing him well before they do. And to that, Azul just says the same to them (in a smug tone). These three trust each other, and that is why the twins don’t shed tears; how can they cry when they fully believe the ones they’ve chosen to spend their time with are strong enough to make it out on their own?
Overall, I just 💦 do not like the rigid skeleton of these dreams… (which I’ve already expressed before here!) I’m so tired of the same thing back to back, and no matter how many details they try to change to make it cool or feel unique, it always comes at the cost of pacing or, in this case, some character integrity being removed. xbjsvskwjekw Maybe I’m just more sensitive about this since I hate it when a smart character has to actively be dumbed down in order to progress the plot in a certain way. This is a much more subtler of a dumbing down than what book 2 did with Leona, but… It still doesn’t leave me feeling very good 😔 If anyone has played the first Ace Attorney game, this feels a LOT like that part in case 2 where Phoenix is too dumb to check the back of a receipt until Mia literally tells him to. The character has to actively be made stupider because the scenario calls for it, and that really rubs me the wrong way.
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beezkeez · 10 months
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x-mensirens · 5 months
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"How sweet, girlfriend to the rescue."
"You got that right, lady!"
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seratlantisite · 6 months
AA4 has apollo justice with magic tell-spotting powers, and phoenix wright with seven years of poker practice on top of his existing legendary bluffing skills
And yet we were denied a bluffing showdown where apollo has to pry secrets out of his senior in a direct contest of skill?? (remember phoenix vs mia in 2-2? Wasn't that neat? Now what if it was cranked up to 11 and without the trust and comraderie)
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leafy-m · 3 months
So I finally started playing the Great Ace Attorney game and I love it so far. Ryunosuke's adorable, KAZUMA is something else. (Those gazes!! Hot damn) I'm genuinely upset I haven't seen more fanart of him on my dash, because holy shit. I've seen so much fanart for the Sherlock Holmes guy-- sorry, Herlock Sholmes (?? I haven't run into him in-game yet. Still dueling Swan Lady Ms Brett), but I can't remember ever seeing any Kazuma art. Outrageous.
Anyway this is my one-minute warning before I attack and reblog everything in the tags.
Update: fineeeeee, I will attack the tags and reblog all the fanart after I finish the games 😭 darn you spoilers. 😔
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kos-mos · 16 days
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I like my pups from my last random buff run, so I drew them
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Photos by me.
I think this is the first post I want to make to tumblr because these photos are special to me.
I was on a gorgeous roadtrip through Arizona a few years ago appreciating the Sonoran desert, but I stopped in downtown Phoenix for a coffee, and ended up finding the most beautiful potted plant display I think I’ve ever seen, in a little quiet courtyard by some restaurants. This set really only shows half of the display, even, there was another setup right beside it equally as remarkable. I also enjoy painting, and the level of subtle detail here caught my eye. I took some of these photos as references to paint later.
I’m just captivated by the number of different textures and colors fit into these two planters. How so many unique plants could blend together into such an aesthetically pleasing display. I was out in the desert to marvel at the natural beauty, but I was struck just as hard by the human ingenuity of whoever put those pots together, and the people tending the plants and keeping them healthy. It made me happy for humanity.
I had the book “Walkable City” by Jeff Speck stuck in my brain, as I often do, and I wonder at what humans might achieve if we were more in touch with nature and less in touch with blind capitalism. I want to elaborate more on what that trip taught me, but I wanted to show these flowers first and foremost, because to me they represent hope and creativity and inspiration.
Part 1/2
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cal-1maf · 4 months
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This might have been the most difficult mini I've painted so far. It's a metal sculpt, and as you can see most of its weight is up top. It's heavy, too... heavy enough it fell off my painting handle and broke apart.
I was so disappointed, I almost didn't come back to fix it. But the new BT novel, Without Question, dropped this week; I knew I had to do something to commemorate the reborn Jade Falcons. Like the Phoenix it's named after, what better gesture than a reborn 'Mech? From the ashes we rise!
Anyways, its mass aside, this is a beautiful sculpt. I actually squealed when I saw the detailing inside the PPC barrels. This may end up being one of my favorite minis!
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pillowxtalk · 8 months
⚠ - Do not touch, mine! (For Jihyun from Xuan)
Send “⚠️” plus a warning label for my muse.
Jihyun glanced at the warning label and just one moment later his lips curled up into a mischievous grin. "I think something is missing on this label. You should put your name under it or else people will wonder who 'mine' is." He said in a playfully teasing tone, the grin staying on his lips.
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lostxtosunlight · 7 months
[close] (again from Xuan, he's horny it seems. XD)
[ CLOSE ]  sender wrapping their arms around receiver who is on top after they’ve finished,  holding them close against their chest with their face hidden in their neck while they recover. 
They’d talked about it beforehand. The way Xuan controlled him despite Yuki being on top, with a hand around his neck and a firm voice. The way he’d denied Yuki over and over again, bringing him so close to the edge before being told to stop, Xuan’s voice cracking like a whip. Not yet.
Each time it happened, he was told to keep moving, keep riding Xuan. By the third or fourth time, Yuki was a mess. Trembling and panting, painfully hard.
He must’ve looked pathetic enough, because suddenly Xuan was slamming up into him, his free hand stroking Yuki. It didn’t take long for him to finally, finally come, his cries loud enough to wake the whole neighborhood up.
Then, gently, Xuan sat up and took Yuki into his arms. Yuki, still a trembling mess, held onto his fiancé and pressed his face into the crook of his neck.
“That was…intense,” he breathed against Xuan’s skin. He kissed his neck in reassurance. “I’m okay, just…give me a minute.”
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jacksothereye · 1 year
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This woman is my wife, the game said so, no take backsies.
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joasis-rp · 5 months
Sick puppy *CLOSED RP*
Reply for @phoenix-of-jade - Xuan x Rio
"I know my limits...don't worry" She didn't talk a lot about her parents these days. It was just a topic that never came up. Though if he ever asked about them she wouldn't hesitate to answer since she wasn't exactly shy about the topic. She smiled and looked out the nearby window. "I want to thank you again for taking me in...it's been nice. As soon as I'm able to work again...I want to get a new apartment...but for now...I will do my best to make myself useful around here" she pet the cats as they walked by then she left the room "We hould work on the garden today....it's beautiful out today"
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golden-geeks-art · 20 days
Chat am I cooking?
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cielphantomhive321 · 9 months
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Original artist: https://twitter.com/elu_010105?lang=en
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