bearberrythief · 3 months
Sisa Picari in the Badlands Rumble credits?????
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444names · 1 year
list of creators of writing systems from wikipedia
Achich Adareū Adayj Addam Adeve Adientna Aditifor Aditirsī Adžiā Afriberk Aharle Ahilacied Alaree Alcaran Aledied Aliedines Aloyadaya Alphemi Alphy Alsumer Aluvit Amalphem Anaxiü Arean Asrësmic Assigin Astory Atics Atoreats Auduwalü Aulys Aumelved Bazan Bersar Bexpa Bhoman Bhopmë Bianegyꞛ Bibet Bicirou Bilin Binrone Binvḥ Bliank Blichöć Blitiong Boditions Bouard Boyan Boyeurigh Bripiato Byrision Caduzeni Cally Caniallin Caradang Carund Certaksch Chabradi Chary Chatt Cheify Chemiss Chemor Chesibild Chilkin Chorsiany Chropta Cianam Cistor Clehi Clehü Cleowarma Cleritman Coddeing Colicist Comanith Commas Commul Compoeng Conal Conash Conits Coyoé Creach Creecre Crijž Cunyah Cyrius Deone Deray Derse Dition Doneve Dopee Dopol Dopted Duropi Dutcj Dynazatic Eated Egareal Ellerst Eltian Eneitiong Enotan Entichi Epank Erong Ersto Eunath Expan Faddapüi Faharnḥ Fayeus Fieventta Folowal Foritartꞛ Forsal Fracer Framer Fraphy Frateserḥ Freechong Freer Freteal Fricia Frisiroor Froboó Frétese Fusejon Futhiefd Gaban Gagent Galga Ganchu Garian Gbarrës Gelorn Georie Glians Gomaha Gomdaent Gotop Gouani Graha Gramhao Grean Grics Guabash Guags Guese Guguang Gutchur Handet Hared Hebam Hebrity Henelor Hentina Hesius Hmesedć Hsianch Hsiben Ibeims Ibelibrat Ibinchim Ibliparc Ibweset Icall Icantt Idonjiö Igeli Igemann Ignon Ignwribe Inelphan Ineser Ingurch Insformed Ipiat Irics Irsmans Isanž Iterk Itifinver Itiro Iverm Jamen Japhabe Jayaks Jeusedia Johatodin Jonevarch Jonity Kaiophet Kambhre Karach Karahman Karat Karle Kentot Kexafú Khacan Khaëlá Khishen Kingjè Kinve Kived Krijon Kurims Kurong Labic Lachilhan Lachutá Lagard Leowan Lepctord Lesecz Lexpž Limic Listes Listy Logreed Lones Lorcd Lordin Lorna Loydian Malcher Malóng Manaó Mandia Manging Mansimbhu Mantter Marley Matrang Meinepa Mesrḥ Messymbš Mians Minato Mitirok Momas Monfè Monpan Morians Mormeng Mossopg Moted Mothor Moyorated Muker Nache Namaga Nesron Nitile Njohanz Nocitust Nuruá Nuurus Odeikhwāo Odrealpj Oduzü Oglian Ogris Oinott Ojied Olasal Ongbibic Oregë Orger Oriblyst Orsalably Osmissd Paniran Panitugtž Parian Peang Pedoā Pedwić Penmed Perme Perseth Phard Phebriget Phersabar Phertham Phopn Phory Phynaman Picary Porgi Posere Pritistai Psaptottp Psylon Pubaya Ranya Raphary Raphash Reana Reaxié Reogmë Rhana Rhoro Roker Romaniang Rumisal Runalsg Runević Salakai Samanya Samulfing Sarchish Sating Sation Scalban Schailor Scian Scield Scien Scienmen Scona Screatt Scree Scrity Scriyan Sedrial Sejonashn Seork Shelay Shemc Shetted Shorksā Sibran Sibwediá Signeing Signwí Simpú Siondeity Sitifó Socang Softwx Sompubam Sompubj Somūḥ Sonalis Sonalon Soper Soyouš Speldes Spersmiss Squkh Staatt Stepitma Sterkan Sters Stersoyév Stishon Stola Straonta Sucteva Sumelsufī Sumers Surchade Suript Surmueā Sutchatt Sweik Sychant Sylcć Sylle Sylonean Symbaž Symbhury Tancer Tandid Teers Terken Testy Thagpan Thavam Theropoet Thigic Thiking Thinvb Thorgian Threifory Tionald Tionana Tiong Tioubó Togradḥ Tonverk Toppf Totaackfꞟ Trabilou Trabin Trandi Trania Trapt Tratic Triann Tricist Trissan Tritifies Tuguiande Tulys Turippa Ultione Ulueswedx Vailis Valichaël Vochb Vocia Vukhaoá Walles Warmeí Wascré Woius Woling Wollepan Worgeor Wormež Wormume Woyoō Wribetan Yakar Yeliussam Yeonest Yoryü Younean Yuention Yuguart Yuster Zhace Zhorilphy Zouban Zoubly Émille Émistrtin Öndura
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supermarket-goblin · 3 months
I'm watching anime and I see a character get a picari sweat from the vending machine and, in my dad's voice, I hear "why would anyone choose to drink that?" (He said after buying his third bottle)
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ireceived-p8250000 · 3 months
June 30 - July 6, 2013
Sunday, June 30
Despite the heavy rains, I went to work and powered through despite feeling like I might be getting sick. I made sure to drink tea with ginger and bought honey for relief.
Monday, July 1
I lined up to pay my tuition fee and unexpectedly bumped into my high school bully. Although she recognized me, I chose not to acknowledge her and even reprimanded her to fall in line properly. After handling that, I took my Filipino and Chemistry exams. I went straight home afterward, missing Mansoor. Marvin and Julie were at home, and after eating, I focused on studying.
Tuesday, July 2
No morning exams, but I had tests in Dev Psych and English 8 later in the day. English 8, being an international block, was quite interesting. After classes, I headed home.
Wednesday, July 3
I had my Personality exams scheduled for the day. Before that, Mansoor and I briefly chatted, and I walked him to the SAO before heading home to eat and take a nap. After waking up at 4 pm, I rushed back to work to make it on time for my shift. Despite the rain, I had to take a cab home, which cost me two hours of my salary. I also received my salary of ₱3,450 and deposited it the next day after my Bio Psych exam.
Thursday, July 4
Took the Bio Psych exam with Mansoor beside me, and we grabbed a snack together downstairs. We managed an ID booth earlier and discussed shirt and hoodie designs and pricing. Aga and I agreed to go clubbing on Saturday, so I asked Beth to switch my Saturday shift to Tuesday, which she agreed to. Pol Sci exams followed, and then there was another meeting regarding print shops, where I found a suitable one. We finalized the log sheet and made progress on our shirts.
Friday, July 5
Received my grades:
Psych 105: 91
Psych 106: 93
Psych 107: 93
Chem 101: 89
Pol Sci 1: 95
Fil 3: 94
Engl 8: 96
PE 4: 87
After Saturday classes, I napped briefly and changed clothes before heading out, ensuring not to wear anything revealing. I informed Mansoor about my plans, and he advised me to be cautious. Aga and others asked about Mansoor, which I found insulting.
Saturday, July 6
We arrived at the club around 10 pm without any pregame and went to Ampersand, where we met Alyssa, Lou, and others. I didn't pay much attention to other girls and focused on drinking. Eventually, guys started approaching me, but I turned them down. Later, I connected with a guy on the dance floor, and things escalated to a kiss. I declined his request to go somewhere else but exchanged numbers. We had downtime at Volante, where Alyssa inquired about the guy I kissed, and I downplayed it, claiming it caught me off guard. I got home around 2 am, where my mother was understandably worried and angry. I apologized and laughed it off, then managed to wake up at 8 am despite everything, feeling drowsy. I bought Picari, Gatorade, and mefenamic acid to manage my headache.
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aki1975 · 6 months
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Giuseppe Bertini - Varese - Villa Ponti - Galileo mostra l’uso del cannocchiale al Doge di Venezia - 1858
Galileo, che insegnava a Padova, nel 1609 mostra il telescopio al Doge Leonardo Donato realizzato grazie all’esperienza delle vetrerie di Murano e valorizzato per scopi militari. È il simbolo di un periodo che cambia il mondo con fenomeni tra loro collegati:
- il diffondersi degli archibugi che determinano la fine della cavalleria medievale;
- sospinte dagli alisei (“trade winds”) e da uno spirito tardo-crociato, favorite dalle innovazioni navali, le scoperte geografiche (Cristoforo Colombo scopre l’America nel 1492, Vasco de Gama doppia il Capo di Buona Speranza nel 1497, Magellano nel 1519 parte per circumnavigare il mondo);
- le iniziative coloniali che, dopo la Spagna (Cortes in Messico e Pizarro in Perù) e il Portogallo, sono condotte dqll’Olanda, dall’Inghilterra e dalla Francia;
- la crisi climatica, agraria (eccessiva cerealizzazione), demografica e sociale (i picari) del Seicento;
- il declino della centralità del Mediterraneo a vantaggio dell’Atlantico e, più in generale, dell’”economia mondo” con la nascita del capitalismo (es. Lombard Street a Londra) e il successo di città quali Bruges, Anversa e la Lega Anseatica;
- l’invenzione della stampa (1455);
- la Riforma e la Controriforma con i conflitti creati in Francia e nell’Europa dell’Est;
- la rivoluzione tecnico - scientifica che distanzia l’Europa dall’Impero ottomano;
- l’imporsi degli Stati nazionali sulle città stato e sul Sacro Romano Impero di Carlo V dopo il declino della Spagna per via della politica della “limpieza de sangre” che allontana i ceti produttivi (o li combatte, come in Olanda) e impedisce all’economia di svilupparsi con la conseguente inflazione per via dell’afflusso dell’oro e dell’argento americani.
Qualche evento in particolare:
1494 - Trattato di Tordesillas: Portogallo e Brasile si spartiscono le Indie orientali e occidentali
1500 - i Portoghesi scoprono il Brasile
1516 - dopo il fenomeno dei “marrani” spagnoli, viene fondato il primo ghetto italiano, quello di Venezia
1517 - Lutero affigge le sue tesi a Wittenberg
1522 - Battaglia della Bicocca (presso il villino degli Arcimboldi) in cui Carlo V sconfigge il re di Francia Francesco I e consolida il proprio dominio sul Ducato di Milano: “c’est un bicoque” significa “è un gioco da ragazzi”
1525 - Assedio di Pavia. Francesco I viene condotto prigioniero a Madrid
1527 - Sacco di Roma: per comporre il conflitto fra Clemente VII Medici e Carlo V, la figlia di quest’ultimo Margherita d’Austria (la “Madama”) sposa prima (1536) Alessandro Medici - ed i Medici tornano a Firenze - e poi (1538) Ottavio Farnese, nipote di Paolo III
1542 - Concilio di Trento
1555 - Pace di Augusta: Carlo V costretto ad accettare il luteranesimo dei principi tedeschi;
1558 - Alla morte di Carlo V, gli Asburgo si separano: Filippo II in Spagna, Margherita d’Austria in Olanda, Ferdinando I in Austria
1570 - Pio V scomunica Elisabetta I
1571 - Battaglia di Lepanto
1572 - Notte di San Bartolomeo
1574 - i Gonzaga, vassalli spagnoli, estendono il proprio potere sul Monferrato
1588 - L’Invencible Armada sconfitta dagli Inglesi
1598 - Enrico IV, convertendosi al cattolicesimo, termina le guerre di religione
1608 - I francesi fondano Quebec, poi conquistata nel 1775 dagli Inglesi
1609 - Le provincie olandesi si costituiscono in repubblica indipendente dalla Spagna: inizia il secolo d’oro dei Paesi Bassi
1621 - Fondazione della Compagnia olandese delle Indie Occidentali
1624 - Fondazione di New Amsterdam
1640 - Indipendenza portoghese
1652 - Gli olandesi fondano Cape Town
1664 - New Amsterdam ribattezzata New York
Al termine di questo lungo periodo di cambiamento e di instabilità (es. inflazione, epidemie), ne emergerà la società dell’Assolutismo e poi dell’Illuminismo del XVIII secolo, il “secolo delle rivoluzioni”.
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myuzucompendium · 11 months
"Takamaki, hold that pose and...excellent!" The photographer said with a satisfied voice as she was wrapping up a shoot for picari water. It was to promote proper hydration all times of the year, even winter, because people tended to drink hot beverages during then, and forget to drink water, which lead to bad health. Ann just let off a sigh, glad to be done with shoots for the day. Her whole body was aching as she got off set.
She had also drank more water than she expected, since there was some issues with takes and what not, so she was definitely water logged a bit. "Can't wait to get home and just relax. I need some pain killers. Maybe I'll watch some magical girl anime and fawn over the villain."
As she was heading through the streets of Shibuya from the shoot location building, the temptation to grab some autumn desserts was strong. It didn't help she was starving as well...she shook her head and pushed that aside for now until she bumped into somebody and realized she hadn't been paying attention. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I really should pay more attention."
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Zinnia Cottage - Excerpt (323 words)
The gentle sounds of nature filled the air as the sunset on Picari. The birds played their final chords before the cicadas would start their section of Gaia's melody. The wind rustled the leaves and the brook babbled away as their accompaniment.
Rowan leaned against the open doorframe, caught up in the splendour. The view of the blend of oranges, pinks and purples from the hilltop was always astounding. It took your breath away no matter how many times you saw it. A flock of sparrows flew past, probably heading to the trees to rest. They were symbols of perseverance, community, and hard work here and reminded Rowan of the occupants of Zinnia Cottage.
Glancing inside showed Ainsley sprawled on the recliner, book fallen shut in his lap. Adair & Sinclair sat facing each other on the couch, signing away rapidly. They were having another pun competition if the giggling Monroe was anything to go by. Cheyenne was puttering about in the kitchen, a light hum heard under the pots and pans. The overturned board and scattered pieces by the entry were the only signs of Cedar and Cassidy. Rowan decided not to wonder if they were fighting or causing mischief; it was 50/50 either way.
Turning back to outside, Rowan felt a little teary and a bit breathless. This time not because of the view but from fondness and the awe of the domesticity. The eight of them had overcome adversity, loss and betrayal and survived. They'd made a new home, made a new family, chosen each other over and over and over again. If someone said 3 years ago that they'd end up in this town, with these people, none of them would have believed it. Now, with everything that has happened in that time, all Rowan can do is bask in it. The view, the peace and the promise of dinner, laughter and joy to come.
It felt warm.
Ace of All Trades, Pro at None😆
Buy me a coffee
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Versace and CFDA Partner for LGBTQ+ Initiative Now introducing — Professor Donatella Versace!In a new press release, the Council of Fashion Designers America announced that the famed Versace heiress has partnered with the CFDA for a “new program focusing on LGBTQ+ youth and education.” The presser said the “initiative” will launch with a Master Class event helmed by Versace at the historic Los Angeles LGBT Center.The Master Class event will see Versace sit fireside with former Out editor-in-chief Phillip Picari, who now works as the center’s Chief Marketing and Communications Officer. The CFDA will also roll out a scholarship, sponsored by Versace, for students at some point in 2023 and arrange fashion hopefuls to meet with CFDA members in Los Angeles to talk about their careers via the new initiative. In the press release, Versace said: “I have always believed in the power of young creatives. At Versace we have had some of the most amazing young talent join us and we have learned so much from them. I am thrilled that we can support a scholarship with the CFDA for an LGBTQ student and cannot wait to see their creative energy come to fruition with our encouragement.”Steven Kolb, the reigning CFDA CEO, added that “Fashion is an international industry and CFDA is extremely proud to partner with Versace and to work with Donatella Versace, whom we have a longstanding relationship with.” He continued, “CFDA and Versace have long supported the LGBTQ+ community, and we look forward to joining forces in this effort.”The timing works, as Versace will host their latest FW 2023 collections for both men and women in Los Angeles on March 10. Through the program, and in partnership with the Otis College of Art and Design, the CFDA will organize a field trip for 10 students to attend the shows.In June 2022, Versace parent company Capri Holdings established The Versace Foundation with a $10 million pledge to sustain the newly minted organization. Like the partnership with CFDA, The Versace Foundation is aimed at work within the LGBTQ+ community. At the time, Versace herself commented that the brand was known for its “inclusivity” and that she looked forward to “the support and assistance the Versace Foundation will bring to the LGBTQIA+ community.” In 2021, Versace also launched a capsule collection in partnership with Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation, co-founded and led by Gaga and her mother, Cynthia Germanotta, to support “the mental health of young people” and work “with them to build a kinder and braver world.”Photo via Jeff Kravitz/Getty https://www.papermag.com/versace-lgbtq-2659479280.html
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giornalepop · 4 years
Dopo le storie drammatiche e iperviolente de Lo Sconosciuto, dal 1977 al 1979 Magnus compie una svolta grafica e narrativa in una serie umoristica e fantasy: La Compagnia della Forca. 19 albi tascabili pubblicati dall’editore Renzo Barbieri, il quale forse ambirebbe a una serie in stile Alan Ford, ma Magnus, con Giovanni Romanini cone assistente, ha in mente ben altro.
“Protagonista della serie è…
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 3 years
Winner’s Curse Ch. 26
Two days before
Ben’s eyes grazed the royal document detailing the tuition plans for the 101 dalmatians but didn’t truly comprehend the words. He had too many other things to think about.
Truthfully that was his usual state of mind for when he had to focus on writing a moving commencement speech for the Camelot School for Junior Wizards, his mind was occupied by the pollution problems plauging Atlantica. Or when trying to encourage more farmers to send their children to high schools, his mind would be going over the new list of complaints by the Auradonians for Safety Committee that were against Ben’s current plans for more Vks to come to Auradon. A plan that they’d been stalling for months.
Now his mind was on the lost communication with his friends on the Isle. One moment Uma had been settling her agreement that she would help in exchange for freedom for Vks, the next moment his communicator fizzled out. A trouble of wifi or magic, he didn’t know but Carlos and Jane were working on it so he could focus on his thirty other duties.
However, his mind could not focus knowing that Jay, Uma and the others were in the heart of the Coven’s nest, where last he heard, they were making their final preparations to attack.
Which made Ben even more nervous as Uma could be trying to send him vital information like where the Coven would attack first- Arendalle? Kuzcotopia?- or if they would hit various places at once. He didn’t know so he had ordered the royal guards of each kingdom to be doubled, stationed and prepared at each entrance. But what if that was a waste of resources and they were all needed in one place? There were so many factors and questions, but he could do nothing.
Just like he was helpless in the face of the Auradonian Royal Committee. They were his people, and he had to put their wants and needs into account, as they continually reminded him every time he brought up his VK plans, but he thought he should use his power to help those less fortunate. Not the loudest majority.
He felt helpless which made him frustrated, he was king and yet he couldn’t utilize his powers to the full extent, not without angering a swarth of his citizens and being accused of a tyrant. And he couldn’t delegate his tasks. Mal was still in the midst of her lessons with Cogsworth and he didn’t want to stress her out like before.
He was trying his best… he was trying and he was still helpless.
Then a tap on the window startled Ben out of his reverie, he whipped his head around to see an absolutely drenched blonde girl, dressed in a brown leather corset and a raggedy skirt, clinging picariously to the window frame and tapping to be let in.
Ben was so startled at the sight he fell out of his chair, before recovering his manners and letting the stranger. Trying his best to remain calm and not give into the fear pounding at his chest and urging him to yell at this intruder, he managed a whispered, “Who are you? How did you get to my window? This is the top floor of the palace!” “I climbed.” The blonde blithly answered, flexing her buff muscles before gathering her up her wet hair and squeezed the water onto the cream white rug. Ben cringed at how Fifi would complain of the mess but there were bigger matters at hand.
“I’m Cosette,” The blonde introduced herself, “Gaston’s daughter. Uma sent me to tell you that the Coven has insiders in Auradon. The insiders have been helping the Coven widen the hole in the barrier and set up weak points for them to get through.” Ben staggered and almost sat down on the damp floor but steadied himself as a king shou;d. He was king, he needed to be strong even though the news made him lightheaded.
There were Auradonians willing to work with the kingdom’s greatest villains? Why? It just didn’t make sense. Did they hate his rule so much, they wanted him as well as everyone else dead?
Then a new fear gripped his mind. The communication had been down for a week. Had been Uma trying to send him the message all this time? Was it too late now to catch these insiders? What if-
No, Ben told himself. If he let his mind think too much on the questions, he’d only become muddled and panic. He needed to be clear headed. Besides he had Cosette right here, she would give him the information he needed.
He breathed deeply five times to get himself into the present. He shrugged off his jacket and handed it to Cosette even though it was a poor replacement for a towel. Had she really swam across the ocean? Cosette was truly the strongest and toughest person he knew if she did so by herself.
“Do you know who the insiders are?” He asked
Cosette pulled the jacket tighter around herself, the cold air seeming to get to her, “Yes,” She closed her eyes and thought hard as if trying her best to focus on a long list or listing something in chronological order, she counted on her hand, “It’s a mini Coven with- with Alexandria of Atlantis… Kyro? Morgaine Le Fey and… and Victoria Potter?”
Ben froze as he tried to comprehend the names. Alexandria? Victoria Porter as he guessed Cosette got the name incorrectly but was close enough he knew who she was talking about. His very own classmates, people he had known since he was a child? They were helping the Coven?
Kyro, he had limited contact with. He knew he was the son of the mean dragon Kyto and the nasty Never fairy, Vidia, who escaped an Isle sentence thanks to Mother Dove pardon. That was about it. Why he was in contact with the other three when he didn’t even go to Auradon prep, Ben could only guess he flew back and forth. Directly against the Magic Ban, but hey he was working with a Coven, such a thing as the Magic Ban was just another rule to break.
And though he didn’t know Morgaine Le Fey, he knew of her mother’s devious ways. That’s why she had been sent to the Isle, and Merlin had warned that she’d seek revenge for it. Neither of them had considered that her daughter might help. That would explain how the mini Coven kept in contact with the Isle.
But still, why Alexandria and Victoria? They were so rule-abiding. So good. Alexandria was often the first to sign up for Ben’s charity drives and marine-related non profits. Victoria helped with her parents’ gorilla sanctuary. In fact, Victoria was one of those against Vks, why would she team up with them?
Unless they were being used by Morgaine and Kyro. Fey were tricky beings, and Victoria and Alexandria, usually being good Auradonians must have fallen for their ways. They needed to be rescued!
“St-stay here, Cosette, I’ll be right back with warm clothes and coffee au lait,” Ben stammered and ran off, heart pounded as he raced down the stairs, nearly tripping over his own feet in his desperation to get to the female dorm rooms.
He thanked his lucky stars that he followed Cogsworth advice in memorizing the student room numbers. It made it feel like Ben really cared, which he did though memorizing had been boring. Now it was coming to good use as he practically ran into Alexandria’s dorm, not bothering to knock.
It wasn’t locked, and if Ben had been in a less frazzled state he would have been surprised at that. Then again if he had been in a normal state, he would have knocked and asked to be let in, which in this case had been a great boon that he hadn’t.
For there stood Morgaine Le Fey, leaning over a pale Alexandria as if to give her a pep talk.
“Step away from her,” Ben stated calmly yet an undercurrent of anger was strong in his tone, surprising himself as well as the two other girls.
Alexandria yelped and Morgaine raised one green glowing hand before setting it down at realizing it was Ben who had come.
“Hello there, my liege,” Morgaine curtsied, placing a hand over her heart as if pleading fidelity to him.
Ben didn’t lose his defensive stance though he spoke in a more polite tone. He didn’t understand why Morgaine was not on the defense but even if she was controlling Alexandria and Victoria, maybe he would be able to talk her out of it. What if, like Uma, she just wanted to be heard.
He was willing to do that.
“Hello, Morgaine. You’re quite far from your home in Camelot Heights,” Ben began testing the waters.
“I came to visit my friend,” Morgaine gestured to Alexandria. The mermaid princess cringed as if Morgaine had physically pinched her, confirming Ben’s suspicions that she wasn’t allied with Morgaine willingly.
“Wonderful. That’s great.” Ben nodded, though he wasn’t able to fake a smile as he wished. He was too tense for that and lying never came easy to him, “I’m sorry for barging in so rudely .” “Yeah, why was that?” Morgaine asked, far too calmly, her smile too saccherine while her eyes were guarded.
Ben pursed his lips, choosing his words carefully as it would determine the sorceress’ next move.
“I- I have some intelligence from my-” He paused, not wanting to reveal his friend’s presence on the Isle while Morgana was still there and could expose them, “My royal guard that you’re still in contact with your mother.” Ben said slowly.
“Is that wrong?” Morgaine’s smile grew wider, “She is my mother. We’re very close even though the distance you’ve put between us has made that hard.”
Ben gulped, not from guilt in tearing Morgana and Morgaine apart but knowing that he had done the same to less treacherous villains and their children. A letter he had received from the despondent son of Medusa echoed poignantly in his mind.
“My mother is not how people view her. They don’t know her at all. And even if she did stone a few people, she wouldn’t do that now. She was a sculptress and my best friend. I miss her so much. Please bring her back.”
“I’m sorry for that. I do not fault you for wanting to remain in contact with her, but I have had my sources from the Magic Council that she has helped form an alliance- a Coven to be more exact- with twelve other prominent villains on the Isle. Did you discuss that with her?” Morgaine’s sickly sweet smile remained in place, “No, she didn’t. We’re close, but she didn’t tell me that. I guess she wanted me to have deniability.”
Ben twitched, his instinct and brain fighting an internal battle. Knowing that Morgaine was lying but unable to prove it. Knowing that he could get Alexandria, and later Victoria, away from her clutches if only Morgaine would leave.
But he couldn’t. He couldn’t accuse her outright without proof or Morgaine’s own confession. He couldn’t do that now when he was weaponless and her previously glowing green hand proved that she would spell him if he got in her way.
And it was clear Morgaine knew that from the way her forced smile turned into a triumphant one. Mocking his helplessness.
“Well,” Ben bowed, going for the diplomatic approch he had intially planned, “I can’t get your mom off the Isle without more support. But if you have any complaints that I could help with, please come to me. I want to help.”
Morgaine walked toward the door, forcing him back to the doorway. Bringing the door close, Morgaine’s demenour was too gleeful even though her words dripped with faux gratefulness, “Thank you so much, my King, and I will come to you if I ever need anything from you.”
“You too, Alexandria,” Ben called as the door began to shut, “Whatever you need, I want to help.”
But Alexandria didn’t answer, she only glanced helplessly at him, nauseous-looking as the mahogany slammed.
Ben sighed, leaning his head against the door in defeat and walked back to his office where he had some new battle plans to draw up and an urge to call up Auradon’s most magical. They needed all their defenses.
“Morgaine, he knows!” Alexandria gasped once they heard the king’s retreating footsteps. She jumped from her bed, a mistake as it only increased the lightheadedness that hadn’t faded from her previous panic attack, “He knows. Oh gods, we have to call this off. We have to tell him everything!”
“No, we’re not.” Morgaine said firmly, reminding Alexandria of her mother. The way she got when things were final.
Which only made Alexandria’s stomach sink even more. Down to the depths of the sea if that were possible.
“Who cares if he knows. We’re attacking in a day’s time. He can’t do anything about us. It’s too late.”
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gargantua · 6 years
I Picari (1987 - Sigla iniziale by Lucio Dalla)
Siamo diversi dai nostri simili,
siamo maestri dei sogni impossibili
Noi siamo Picari
E come cani parliamo alla Luna (ascoltaci)
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xhemilbeharaj · 3 years
VOA: Si po shuhet lufta kundër pastrimit të parave
VOA: Si po shuhet lufta kundër pastrimit të parave
Nga Mimoza Picari/ Shqipëria ka mangësi në luftën kundër pastrimit të parave dhe ndodhet në listën gri të Maneyval një strukturë e Këshillit të Europës për vlerësimin e masave kundër pastrimit të parave. Ky organizëm i kërkon qeverisë shqiptare, përmirësime në disa fusha që lidhen me uljen e informalitetit dhe monitorimin e parasë kesh në ekonomi. Ekspertët, bazuar në disa të dhëna indirekte,…
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I picari (1987)
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deuchess · 4 years
Your user pic I see when you blog and the one I see when I click it, are different, is it tumblr being tumblr or did you somehow make it that way? (both are like the same avatar but in different picaris (I can't remember how it's called that page where you make people))
it’s probably just a glitch, i don’t know tumblr that well really but i’ll just assume it is.
maybe close the app and go back in will work?? idk it will probably fix itself
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shellsan · 7 years
Writing Prompts: 4/?
Lyrical Prompt: “I’ll stop the whole world.”
“Bicarius. Nedair. Pendalur. Oxendis. Flondars. Andori.”
It’s like a prayer. Not many understand things beyond their minds capabilities. Words they can’t read, let alone pronounce, are not something they will be able to comprehend regardless of how hard they try. So when you hear someone mutter something like that, your mind automatically assumes it’s just a language that they’ve never heard before. They aren’t necessarily wrong.
Xiendire is an ancient language that became a code millennia ago. Although few people can speak it, there are a group or rather a clan, who specialises in the language. The Picari are an ancient group of genius’s who were born on the same year, one into each of the five great nations. It’s nothing more then a legend to most these days, but like all legends, there are still those who believe.
Not long ago, this would have been more than enough. unlike the days when the Picari were necessary for war, they are now able to live normal lives and hide the secrets they know. But when the wrong people begin to believe, a legend can come back o life as a nightmare. And it had. The five great houses were falling and with it, so was the world. More and more people turn on us as the days go by. I don’t want to but i’ll stop the whole world if I have to.
Rosendali was first to fall. The newest of the great nations. Their Picari was presumed to be hiding. Sonaree had been next along with Tanto. Both their Picari were also in hiding. Findere has yet to be attacked however there were rumours. Then there was me. My name is Catyn and I am the Picari of Jundari. The oldest nation.
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enricaleone91 · 3 years
Venerdì 18 giugno. Stasera in Tv
Venerdì 18 giugno. Stasera in Tv
Programmazione delle principali emittenti televisive per la sera: Rai Uno: Inghilterra-ScoziaRai Due: Tra due madri Rai Tre: Atlantic crossingRete 4: Le storie di quarto grado Canale 5: Mamma mia! Ci risiamo Italia 1: La mummia – la tomba dell’imperatore dragone La7: I picari Tv8: Italia’s got Talent best ofNove: I migliori fratelli di CrozzaRai 4: The VillainessIris: Dredd – La legge sono ioRai…
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