#picky doll au
littlelolaapple · 6 months
Woah woah woah!
What do you think you're doing?
Spit that out!
Lola looks up before crying, " an anon forced me to eat it.. "
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mayababes19 · 8 months
♡ PART 2
♡ Characters: Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Toji, Choso, Sukuna
♡ AFAB!Reader!
Gojo - Gojo would be your fun and dorky butler in front of your parents, but when your parents walk through the front door for work, he’s constantly teasing and annoying you.
“Gojo, will you leave me alone?!” You snapped, rolling your eyes in annoyance. The white haired man grinned. “We’re getting to the best part!”
Nanami - As strict as Nanami can be, he has a soft spot for you even when he doesn’t want to admit it directly to your face. He studied cook books and learned all your favorite dishes since you’re such a picky eater. If he’s nice enough, he’ll let you help him cook dinner. If not, you’re sitting on the counter watching your butler whip up some amazing dishes.
“Nanami, can I help today?” You asked. Without saying a word, Nanami threw a spare apron at you.  “Chop the onions, please.”
Geto - Geto never fails to make fun of your height. He goes as far as putting bowls on the top shelf just to see you struggle and your boobs bounce. After a few minutes of watching, he’ll walk over to you giving a smug yet satisfied grin.
“Need help?”
Toji - Being the man he is, Toji acts more of a bodyguard than a butler. In his eyes, it’s a way to get more money on his paycheck. Don’t think you're safe though. When your parents aren’t around this man is the biggest tease there is. He’ll flex his muscles and wear a white wife beater to show off. And when he knows you’re not looking he’s staring at all your curves, especially your ass.
“C’mon doll~ your parents are asleep. I won’t take long…” Toji’s lying and you know it but you just can’t help yourself. Let’s just say…you’ll need him to carry you around the next day. He didn’t want to let you go. 
“f - fuck…I can’t get enough of your sweet pussy, doll.”
Choso - Choso would do anything to keep you happy. Tea parties to shopping sprees. Whatever you like to do, he’ll be right there with you making you smile and keeping you safe.
“Choso, look!” The pigtailed man looked down at you as you held out matching bracelets. “Is this…for me?” With a huge grin on your face, you smiled and nodded. “Now we can finally match!”
Sukuna - Sukuna is your grumpy butler. He always says he doesn’t need help from you which is a big lie. From laundry, to cooking, something always goes wrong. You wonder how your parents never fired him yet.
“Sukuna, do you smell that?” You questioned. “Shit!” You watched as he ran into the kitchen and returned a few minutes later with burnt toast and bacon. 
“I made breakfast.”
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florallylly · 8 months
i've seen model steve harrington aus. i've seen child steve harrington aus. i present: child model steve harrington
note: this came from my own desperate need to see this conceptualized and i SWEAR i've searched, i just can't find any content with child model steve so. :(
bc little steve harrington was remarkably cherub-like. his large brown eyes and soft pout ensured endless cooing and fussing from his mom's friends. and when he blushed and ducked his head in shyness, they only complimented him more. when he got home that day, his mom smiled at him.
so steve decided that he would put up with the cheek pinching and the squealing. he sat upright in his chair, sitting on his hands so he wouldn't fidget and ruin the image. because he'd do anything to keep his mom smiling at him. if he was being particularly good that day, she'd let him lay his head on her lap on the drive back home.
but everything changed at his father's birthday gala. a nearly eight year old steve harrington sat prim and proper in his seat, but a smile lit up his face--his cheeks round and his dimples showing up. he raised his hand up to cover his giggle, but he couldn't help but laugh at some silly old man with a loose toupee. then he sees his mom approaching, and his face quickly smooths over, going back to the more polite smile he usually adopted when it came to these events.
he'd ruined it. he hadn't continued being the sweet boy his mom wanted. but then, she smiles at him. and introduces him to the man behind her, who says he's a designer. the man holds out his hand, but when steve puts his hand into his palm, he doesn't shake it. the man simply holds his hand, his eyes scanning steve's face. steve tries not to squirm under the attention. but the man nods and smiles at his mom, and he gives two brief cheek kisses to steve, whispering in his ear "you're going to be a star, darling." steve looks at his mom, confused, but she waves him off to continue talking to the man.
a few months later, steve's mom whisks him off on a trip to france. and steve is so excited to go, nearly vibrating in his seat as the airplane prepares to take off. but instead of the eiffel tower and the seine, steve is taken to a studio. he's posed and changed. once again, he's being fussed over, but instead of wealthy socialites, gossiping make-up artists squeal over him. he's "perfect for the shoot" and "the most darling little boy." steve doesn't understand, but his mom is still smiling, so he lets the nice ladies brush powder over his face.
and he looks in the mirror. his hair is a little more tousled and his lips have a slight tint to them and his eyes seem to take up much of his face. he's put into new clothes, and he feels like a doll in their hands. and when he's put in front of the camera, he simply follows the photographer's directions. afterwards, he's bundled into the car and his mom can't stop gushing about how good he was.
apparently, he's a natural. and then she goes back to fussing over him, focusing more on appearance than his behavior now. but she takes him out shopping and they eat at an upscale restaurant along the champs-elysses. and steve is happy.
and then they go back home, and his mom is so much stricter than before. she has him try out all kinds of different hair products, determined to find the best combination to keep it looking shiny and soft. she controls his food intake and what he wears and makes him use weird creams and serums on his face. but this is what makes his mom happy, so he's happy to let her.
his mom is also on the phone a lot more lately, whispering harshly about the quality of brands and steve just assumes she's being picky about the clothes she buys. later, his mom picks him up and holds him, and asks if he'd like to move to italy. she looks at him intently and it's obvious what answer she wants, so steve nods. she smiles and holds him close, and it's the most loved steve has felt in a while.
so they move to italy, and suddenly steve is a lot more busy. he's put in front of more cameras for more people he doesn't know. but he's smiling and pouting and doing whatever they want him to do. his compliant attitude and polite nature have photographers and designers alike singing his praises, and steve always looks to his mom for approval. but she's been arguing with his dad a lot lately, so she's upset more often than not. but that's okay, the make-up artists are always kind to him.
but then one day, his mom takes a phone call in the middle of the shoot. and when it finishes, she's gone. steve goes back in, close to tears, but the make-up artists still hanging around look after him until a car is sent to pick him up. this becomes a trend. and eventually, steve goes alone to his shoots. he's always taken care of by the crew and someone is always there to pick him up, but it's not fun without his mom there.
but he knows that she's always enjoyed him taking pictures, so he continues to do so, hoping that she'll come watch him again sometime soon. and he busies himself with befriending the chatty make-up artists and the bossy photographers and the eccentric designers. and he's such a cute little thing that they can't help but dote on him.
steve is never catapulted into child stardom, as his mom is picky with his jobs, only choosing luxury brands and well known designers for him. but within the industry, they call him the "little prince."
and then steve is catapulted into puberty, but his intense skin regimen prevents him from getting acne, save for the occasional zit. and his diet and religious exercise schedule help maintain his look. and he's still doing remarkably well, especially now that he's fully aware that he is a Model.
and steve has truly grown into his looks. with time, he's grown more comfortable in front of the camera and made numerous friends. nearly all of them are older than him, but they're fun and loud and it fills up the space that normally surrounds him. and they're the ones who get him hooked on american movies. steve remembers living in america, but he's been in milan so long that everything he recalls is vague.
but he watches them and falls in love with the american high school experience. so when he finally catches his mom off the phone and actually in the house, steve asks if he can go to school in america. and his mom laughs. but steve keeps asking, which devolves into begging. and his mother snaps, slapping him across the face and calling him ungrateful. she cries and begs for forgiveness, cowed into shame by steve's desperate attempt to hold back tears.
and so she lets him go to school in hawkins, indiana. an odd choice, but his parents just so happened to own a property there. (in truth, both of his parents expected him to change his mind within the year). but steve finds his place at hawkins high, because even though nobody in hawkins has ever heard of versace, steve is pretty. he's pretty and charming and he knows the right thing to say. after all, he's spent his whole life perfecting his mask.
and even if his mom ended up moving back home with his dad, leaving steve all alone in that big empty house, steve is happy. he's finally hanging out with people his age and high school is so far removed from the glitz and glam of the fashion industry. and he's settled and content with tommy and carol by his side. while he misses his friends back in milan, steve finds himself longing for the clothes more often. hawkins was certainly the opposite of milan, what with the nearest mall being two hours away and only equipped with a macy's and jcpenny.
through it all, steve is determined to be normal. he laughs along with jokes he doesn't quite get and rolls his eyes at carol's cue, and he joins the swim team. and he joins the basketball team. and he goes to parties and kisses girls and wears dumb little polos with his letterman jacket and does everything that he saw in the movies.
but nancy wheeler is different. steve can't forget his time in italy and who he is and was, and he's reminded of his old life in everyone and everything in hawkins. but not nancy wheeler. she's all hawkins and all his. and then the upside down happens.
and then nancy wheeler breaks his heart.
even after three years, his parents continue to ask when he'll go back to modeling, but he's different now. the upside down and billy hargrove beat that starry eyed little kid who thrived in the spotlight. and nancy wheeler proved that adoration and love is fleeting, so what would even be the point of trying anymore? his dad was a little more approving of steve's retirement/hiatus, saying that steve must want to go to college so he can take over the family business.
but when steve doesn't get into college, he's once again badgered by his mom to go back. but he's grown and changed and he's not sure that he can pretend anymore, so he says no. and they cut him off. enter: scoops era.
the measly scoops salary is not nearly enough to cover all of the new bills and expenses steve has, but he's not willing to leave hawkins. so he reaches out to his friends back in italy, and they refer him to their american connections. steve doesn't model at the same level as before, but he poses for a couple of zines and one artist who got a little too handsy at his exhibition. but he's able to make it through until the mall blows up.
this routine continues and he starts working at family video with robin at his side, but he keeps his side job a secret from the kids, using the excuse of visiting his parents to leave town for his shoots. he's not ashamed, but he knows he wouldn't "be normal" anymore if they found out.
but how does he explain his near mental breakdown at the sight of his healing demobat scars. they're raised and ugly, ruining what should have been a perfect body. and even though he uses scar cream everyday, they refuse to fade away completely. and how could anyone stand to be near such an ugly thing when all his life, steve was meant to be pretty? after all, love and adoration is fleeting.
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whizzinpast · 4 months
Alien Swap (ALNST Role Swap AU)
Sua (swapped with Mizi)
Nigeh has a very specific taste in pet-humans and is known to raise them with proper manners and dress them in most exquisite outfits. Tired of the doting, Sua decided to break out and participate in a singing competition. Nigeh was happy to provide her with all the resources she needed to sing on Alien Stage and loves to brag about their ‘daughter’s’ accomplishments.
Sua meets Mizi in the same way as canon. Unlike canon though, Sua is more open with the children in Anakt Garden. Many admired her and saw her as an older sister, but she paid particular attention to very few. She was very picky about her company (which mostly consisted of Mizi tbh, and Till when he’s not being a territorial jerk)
Loves singing from the bottom of her heart and has a magnetic stage presence.
At first, her dream was to sing in Alien Stage under the stars because it was a great honor (even if she knew what death was really like). Then it was to sing with Mizi under the stars.
She firmly believed that Mizi would win— she never expected her to lose on purpose.
After Mizi’s death, Sua became a living doll. She couldn’t bother expressing herself. It was only until Round 5, when Hyuna mimics Mizi’s singing style, that she snaps. She uses stage props to knock Hyuna over and beat her with her microphone.
She is saved from execution by Luka, and during his version of ‘All-in’ she gets a side cut.
Mizi (swapped with Sua)
Guardian Shine is a segyein too old to bother with bonds. They’ve been very emotionally distant to Mizi, who they adopted because they felt sorry for her. They had, quite literally, left her in the dark for so long Mizi’s eyesight suffered. In spite of Mizi’s constant attempts to reach out and impress her Guardian, with one of those attempts being her application for Alien Stage, she was ultimately sent off to die.
Despite her cheerfulness, Mizi’s self-confidence was very low. She believed she was worth nothing up until she met Sua, and decided to get stronger for her sake. She made her laugh and helped her with physically demanding tasks.
Although she seemed happier with Sua, Mizi easily got skittish around others. Most kids thought she was weird, albeit cute to some extent.
Mizi decided to lose to Sua on purpose. Till found out and harshly criticized her for it. He claimed she should at least give it her all, to which Mizi responded by punching someone for the first time in her life— and frantically apologized for it.
Mizi didn’t know how brutal death could be until she got shot.
Ivan (swapped with Till)
Ivan had always loved the stars. Even when he was violently abused by Guardian Unsha’s lackeys, he loved the stars.
In spite of his circumstances (dragged out of the slums by the galactic mafia, tortured and then forced to entertain terrible segyein) Ivan used his intellect and appearance to his advantage. He became self-sufficient very quickly and crafted a persona to appeal to his segyein overlord.
Due to his experiences, Ivan appeared very cold and stoic as a kid. He dismissed anybody that approached him because he didn’t how to react. It was easier to scare people away than risk backlash. But, otherwise, he could be a polite and chatty kid if you know what topics to approach him with.
One of his most prized possessions is a lighter that he stole from Unsha. He keeps flicking it when he’s nervous.
Sua was his idol, his inspiration, and his rare comfort was listening to her sing. He thought she was the human equivalent of a star. Unfortunately, he never got to properly talk to her because she always misunderstood what he said.
Both him and Mizi were too awkward to talk to each other.
At some point, Ivan tried to escape on his own, but was quickly found by Till, who bullied his way into joining him. They almost escaped until Ivan realized they wouldn’t survive out in the wilderness on their own.
Till remained in his periphery because Ivan automatically blanked out when he was mistreated. The only way for Till to get his attention was to pinch him or punch him. Ivan was too resistant to verbal provokations.
Ivan stole enough materials off of rich segyein to design and sew his own outfit for Round 2. He won because his stage presence was so intense it terrified his opponent into silence halfway through the song.
Till (swapped with Ivan)
Urak bought a problematic pet-human on discount and struck a deal with him: in return for success, the child will get whatever he wants. They started with food. Then sweets. Then heavy equipment. Then guitars. Till continued to provide Urak with his musical prowess and earned everything he could dream of.
Spoiled rotten thanks to his wild success as a musical protege, Till became a force to be reckoned with at Anakt Garden. He was openly arrogant and didn’t bother with kids or tasks that he deemed unnecessary. Though, somehow, he still managed to attract admirers who thought his confidence and talent was impressive.
Out of all the kids, Ivan had the misfortune (or fortune, in Till’s eyes) to be graced with his attention. This is because Till thought of Ivan as his rival, which is, honestly, just a synonym for him getting a massive crush on him. He is stupidly into him. He thinks his ‘raw intellect’ makes him a diamond in the rough. But because he doesn’t know how to get Ivan to look at him in any other way, he gets his attention by treating him like a punching bag. (Worse than Canon!Ivan, who verbally provokes Till into fights.)
He was intensely jealous of Sua because she got so much of Ivan’s focus. However, it didn’t stop him from respecting her. She was one of the rare people that had enough talent and skill to get him. The same could not be said for Mizi.
As a celebrity, he has asshole charisma and he knows it.
In Round 6, Till does something similar to what Sua did in Round 5: he uses the microphone as a weapon and hits Ivan in the legs until he drops to the ground. He simultaneously punched Ivan three times and kissed him until he was shot and bled out.
Hyuna (swapped with Luka)
Phan, Hyuna’s Guardian, was abusive for no specific reason. They cut off her leg when she was a kid simply because they were curious. But seeing that she wouldn’t be of use to them with one leg, they provided her with a prosthetic.
Imagine a movie star persona — big smiles, big personality, black, bedazzled suits and cool shades. That’s Hyuna, except she’s dressed to impress. Looks very cool and effortless, but shows off a more cold and ruthless side to her during matches.
Hyuna had an unhealthy fixation with Luka and considered herself his ‘protector’ or ‘knight.’ Her and Hyunwoo had a more…dicey sibling relationship. They fought a lot (more like Hyuna was picking fights under the guise of being ‘the good guy’) and eventually she would beat Hyunwoo to death so there would be no one between them. Think like…the black knight in shining armor.
Luka (swapped with Hyuna)
If there is a tale of a princess escaping her tower, it would pretty much sum up Luka’s life. As a kid, Luka was extremely shy and rarely played with other kids due to his health issues (his slightly aloof attitude didn’t help either though). This changed when Hyuna and Hyunwoo invite him to play, and he became attached to Hyuna, who always protected him from bullies (and Hyunwoo, allegedly).
Despite his know-it-all attitude, Luka was genuinely ambitious and eagerly awaited auditions for Alien Stage. He was very confident in his talent and, despite the abuse at the hands of his Guardian and his declining health, strongly believed that he would win.
It all came crashing down when Hyuna reveals her true colors. She was a warden more than a guardian— keeping Luka isolated by intimidating anyone who comes near, with Hyunwoo being a slight exception. However, she kills Hyunwoo the following day with her bare hands while Luka was experiencing cardiac arrest. (Her excuse was that Hyunwoo caused it by messing with Luka.)
Luka escapes his enclosure and survives with a group of human rebels.
As a leader of the human resistance, Luka is a tactical mastermind that moves troops around like chess pieces. However, he can only do it from the safety of his home base. The few times he goes out, he’s heavily guarded by Isaac and Dewey.
A/N: The brainrot is hard at work. This is just me laying the groundwork. May or may not doodle designs if I have the time.
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eves4pple · 4 months
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A/N: heyyy! I got a lot of really good feedback from my post about the mukami brothers! And everyone seemed really interested! So here’s so more! Regarding the mention of my AU I will be doing a small guide to what I’ve been working on so you all can enjoy it to the fullest extent!
Mentions of SH, ED, and religious imagery
- Grew up strictly Catholic. So even now she does the cross across her chest when she sees a statue or a painting of Christ, God, and The Virgin Mary. As well as before she prays.
- Favorite historical figure is Joan of Arc cause she related to her so heavily as she also thought she could hear the word of god as a child. Turns out it was something else
- Has a very dull appearance. Dirty blonde hair and brown eyes rather than the vibrant pink eyes and blonde hair
- Had doubted her faith a lot, even more since living with the Sakamaki’s
- has pretty prevalent SH habits, these doubled when she started living with the Sakamaki’s as well
- Her and Cordelia share a brain and body, rather than an awakening in my AU Yui has had contact with Cordelia since puberty
- Cordelia can switch places with Yui easily due to their connection
- Her relationship with her “father” is rocky. Since a young girl she denied a lot of what the church taught her and her father would punish her. The nuns really cared for her more
- was exorcised due to her telling an older nun that she was hearing voices, this has happened twice within this universe
- favorite animals are little rodents. Mice are really her favorite out of them all, she thinks they’re sweet and thinks their big ears are funny
- definitely a Cinderella lover, she relates a lot
- lowkey a picky eater? But mostly because she’s constantly stressed out and eating makes her feel sick.
- hates hates HATES dolls. Her and Kanato don’t really get along well due to this fear of her’s
- she actually tries really hard to be nice to every person she meets, but after some time at the manor she really stopped caring as much and her personality also dulled
- Horrible Social anxiety, she literally only has herself or Cordelia for a good majority of time
- smoked weed once with a guy she met when she was living with her father still and actually really liked it. Has partook time to time in the current events of the au, but it’s limited cause Reiji threatened to cut her soiled lungs out of her body if she continued. When in the Mukami manor she partakes more often but its anxiety inducing now.
- In my au Yui is a mixed blood, solely due to Cordelia sharing her body for years. Yui is technically a vampire, when she hit puberty and got her period that’s when Cordelia started talking and engaging with her more often. So when Yui arrives to the manor the awakening was already in process
- Wanted to be a writer as a kid and would sneak out to read books from the nearby library
- has a fear of dogs as well
- ED habits, this started when she first arrived at the manor due to the way the brothers would prod at her skin plus influence from Cordelia
- hates Coffee
- Demi romantic and Demi sexual- meaning she needs a genuine connection with a person before dating/having sex
- claims she doesn’t have favorites but is seen more with Subaru and Reiji more than the other brothers. Does indeed have favorites at the Mukami manor, and it’s Azusa and Yuma
- hates apples a lot
- has had horrible insomnia since a kid
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Fashion choices for the Playtime toys in the Save Everyone AU:
Catnap: GOTH. 100÷ goth no questions asked.
Craftycorn: She's a scene queen from the moment Angel lets her have her own MySpace account, never stops dressing like that.
Dogday: I don't think he's too big on wearing clothes like some of the other toys, but he likes flannels and jackets! Angel helps him sew patches on his clothes, he loves having his family's symbols all over them.
Bubba Bubbaphant: I think he dresses up in a very preppy way, kind of dark academia esque. Wears lots of boots because he likes taking long walks.
Picky is almost always dressed to work in the family's garden, but she likes flower patterns and wearing big oversized jeans.
Bobby loves lolita fashion SO MUCH. She feels like it was made just for her!
Kickin goes through fashion phases. He tried being emo for three days and didnt like it. I do however believe once he discovers what punk is he starts making battle jackets for him and the other toys, and from then on he never changes styles.
Hoppy is gym/sports gear. Angel buys her brazilian soccer teams shirts and girl is walking around with a flamengo uniform from then on.
Miss Delight is similar to Bubba, but she takes a liking to vintage fashion and learns how to sew her own clothes. Her favorite decades fashion-wise are the 20s and 60s!
Mommy Long Legs tries 60s fashion and hates it. She likes more gothic clothes but never goes as far as Catnap in terms of fashion. She also really likes jackets! Has a hard time wearing anything feminine due to being forced to be a maternal figure at 7 years old, but with enough time she feels comfortable looking like a gothic bussiness lady even tho she doesnt know how bussiness works.
Poppy MADE cottagecore and lolita fashion, okay? She loves her puffy dresses and she is NEVER letting go of them.
Kissy takes inspiration from Barbie dolls and loves wearing skirts.
Huggy never enjoys wearing clothes but he loves colorful accessories.
Bunzo dresses like a little clown, but soon enough he's trying to copy Bubba and Miss Delight. And then Kickin. Only to turn around and dress EXACTLY like Angel did when they were his age – Bunzo does NOT know that.
PJ doesn't like fashion but he has a collection of hair accessories for Bobby, Poppy and Kissy to style him. He loves it!
Angel is stuck at oversized clothes, jackers and one token soccer team shirt.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 11 months
Unexpectedly Yours: Part 7
Fandom: Ted Lasso (Regency AU)
Pairing: Roy Kent x F!Reader
Summary: Lord Roy Kent still has yet to marry. He hates the notion that marriage is a way to ensure your status in society. You have delayed your debut to society for years because of the same idea. So what happens when two people who hate the idea of marriage are constantly drawn to each other?
Series Masterlist
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It had been a week since Roy had seen you with Goodman and he couldn't stop thinking about you; how you smiled at him, laughed with him...it caused a deep pain in Roy. One that didn't seem to ease.
The following week, Roy, Clara, and Phoebe were having breakfast. Clara's ladies maid brought in the letters as well as a new paper that's been circling around the city, specifically among many women's circles. The latest gossip about Richmond's own people was being publicized, causing a stir among the city's residents.
Clara, usually not into gossip, suddenly found it to be her guilty pleasure every morning. Setting the letters for Roy aside, she immediately opens up The Richmond Rag. Her eyes skim the page and she immediately gasps, tossing the paper at Roy, "Read this."
"Fucking hell," he mumbles, wiping his mouth and picking up the paper, "I don't care about gossip."
"You'll care about it today. Read it," Clara presses her brother, pointing at the paper.
Roy sighs and he reads the paper. Clara watches her brother in anticipation.
Dear Readers,
It seems we may be hearing wedding bells by the end of the season. My sources tell me that our recently arrived Mister Jeffrey Goodman is looking to court newly debuted Miss Y/N L/N. However, other sources have told me that another is interested in our young debutant. Who, you may ask? None other than our resident viscount, Lord Roy Kent. Now, in my honest opinion, I am not sure how much of a match Lord Kent and Miss L/N is compared to herself and Mister Goodman, but we shall sit in anticipation if Miss L/N will accept Mister Goodman's courtship.
Roy's jaw clenches and he sets the paper aside. Phoebe asks, "What does it say, Uncle Roy?"
"Shut up and eat your food," Roy grumbles.
Clara rolls her eyes, "Roy."
"I don't want to talk about it," he murmurs, going back to his food.
"Maybe you should talk to Y/N and see-"
Roy abruptly stands from his seat, "Fuck this," he says before walking out of the dining room.
Your mother was squealing in delight to see that you and Jeffrey were mentioned in The Richmond Rag, especially the fact that Jeffrey was thinking about officially courting you. You're not sure how you felt about it, honestly. Sure, he's funny and makes great company, but you don't know if you could see yourself falling in love with him, let alone if he'd be a good husband or not. But then again, you don't have many options. You're already much older than many debutants. Many men wanting a younger wife than yourself. You don't have much room to be picky now.
"Mama, isn't that just all gossip? I'm not even sure if Jeffrey is still interested in me. I saw him dancing with other women at the ball last night. He seemed to enjoy their company."
She waves off your skepticism, "It's best to be hopeful. Anyway, we need to pick up your new dress for the next ball." She stands with a sense of urgency, gesturing you to quickly follow her. She then calls for your father who emerges from the kitchen with Cece in tow.
"Yes, my love?"
"Y/N and I will be picking up her dress," your mother answers then she looks at Cece, "Would you like to come along darling?"
"Can I go to Phoebe's?"
"I'm not sure if they're busy today, but we can see," your mother replies and Cece excuses herself to grab one of her dolls.
You smile at your excited cousin, "She acts like she didn't see her two days ago."
"You know how hard it's been since your aunt and uncle's passing," your mother whispers and you nod.
"I'm ready!" Cece rushes back the stairs to you and your mother. Your father escorts the three of you out and to the carriage.
When you arrive to Lord Kent's estate you take a deep breath. You follow your mother and cousin to the door. One of the servants bows to you three and goes to announce your arrival.
A moment later, you hear squealing and Phoebe is rushing towards Cece. She takes Cece's hand and they're immediately off somewhere else in the house.
Clara emerges with a chuckle, "Mrs. L/N, Y/N, wonderful to see you again."
You curtsey, "Good afternoon, Clara. I hope we weren't disturbing any plans you had for the day. We're off to town and Cece asked to pass by."
"Nonsense, Cece is welcome here whenever. You should know that by now." Clara then asks your mother about the plans for the day and as they talk, you feel eyes on you. You look up to see Lord Kent staring down at you. There doesn't seem to be any emotion behind his eyes.
You give a small curtsey and he replies with a curt nod. You two continue to stare at each other until he turns and walks away. You let out deep breath.
"Well, we best be off. We will be back in two hours to pick up Cece."
"Would you like to have lunch with us when you do?"
"That would be delightful. Thank you so much, Clara." your mother says with a beaming smile.
Once back into the carriage you groan, "Why did you accept lunch with them?!"
Your mother scoffs, "Just because you have some animosity towards Lord Kent, doesn't mean we still can't socialize with them. Besides, you'll have to accept that Lord Kent will be in your life seeing how Cece and Phoebe may be attached to the hip forever."
"Lovely," you grumble, slumping against the bench in the carriage.
At the modiste, you're trying on your dress one last time to make sure it's to your liking. You give a little spin on the raised platform then look at yourself in the mirror, "I think this is my new favorite dress, Charlotte!"
The older woman clapped her hands together, "Thank you, miss! I'm honored that you love it as much as I do!"
Your mother nods, "Yes, I think this color suits-"
The bell above the door rings and you all turn to see Lord Kent standing there with a surprised expression on his face.
He cleared his throat and gives a nod, "Ladies, pardon me. I didn't mean to intrude."
Charlotte moves to stand before him, "Hello, Lord Kent! How may I help you?"
He doesn't answer because his eyes are on you. You know this, you can feel him looking at you, but you try not to give him any mind. Rather, you look at yourself in the mirror making sure the dress is flattering in all angles.
Your mother smirks and speaks up, "Lord Kent! Wonderful, I think a man's perspective would be helpful," she loops her arm around his and tugs him closer to you, "Tell me, do you think this dress is flattering for my daughter? I've heard that it's Mister Goodman's favorite color."
You're mentally cursing your mother at this moment.
"Yes, it suits her well, but not as well as pink, ma'am."
"Pink, my Lord?"
"It brings out the color of her eyes," he says this and it causes you to look at him through the reflection of the mirror. He's doing it again, staring at you, but this time, emotion in his eyes. Unlike before. There's something there you can't quite read.
"Hmm...I suppose that will be the color of the next dress we'll request. Anyway, dear, did you need Charlotte's help?"
He breaks his gaze away from you and turns to the dressmaker, "Yes, sorry. My sister would like the same style dress as she previously ordered, but in navy blue."
Charlotte is writing down Clara's request, "Yes, I have a few fabrics of that color. If you could please tell your sister to come by to pick out which fabric she prefers, that would be most helpful, my Lord."
"Of course," he nods to you three, "Enjoy the rest of your day, ladies."
With that, he exits the shop and you frown at your mother, "Stop it."
"I didn't do anything."
"You and I both know that's a lie. If he was interested, he would've done something by now. He hasn't. There's no chance of us being together, so, please, mother, let it go." you step down from the platform and move to the back of the room to change out of your dress.
Two days later, you're at a ball hosted by the Bartletts. Their own daughter, Eliza, had debuted as well and she's gotten many men interested for her hand already.
So far, you have two names on your dance card, Jamie and Jeffrey. Jamie's name once, and Jeffrey's twice. You're not too bothered by it. All of the attention is and should be on Eliza tonight.
"Jeff and I could always fill up your dance card," Jamie says as he sees you glance at your dance card.
You shake your head with a snort, "No, it's okay. It's best I stay in the shadows. If the author of The Richmond Rag sees me dancing with you two too much, I'm sure I'll end up being mentioned in their next publication."
Jeffrey smirks, "So you've read what they've said about us?"
"Not necessarily. I don't care for the gossip too much, but my mother does. She tells me about it."
"So what are your thoughts on our potential co-"
"Miss Y/N," Jeffrey is interrupted by Lord Kent.
"Lord Kent, good evening," you curtsey and Keeley follows. Jamie just nods, but Jeffrey bows.
"May I add my name to your card?" he gestures to the slip of paper on your wrist.
"O-Oh, um, if you'd like," you hand him the card and pencil. He scribbles his name and hands it back to you. He walks away without another word.
Before you can even look at the card, Keeley snatches it from your hand.
"Keeley!" you try to grab it from her but Jamie stands between you and her, "What is it, love?" Jamie asks.
Keeley smirks and hands him the card, "Lord Kent wrote his name down on the rest of the spots."
"What?!" you push Jamie to the side and grab the card, looking down at it, "Oh that bas-"
"So much for staying in the shadows. That'll guarantee your name in the Rag for sure," Jamie says with a snicker.
Jeffrey looks displeased and annoyed, "Are you really going to dance with him the entire time?"
"I-wouldn't it be rude if I didn't?"
Jeffrey frowns, "I thought you didn't like him."
"We're not very...amicable, but I'd say I...tolerate him?"
"Hm," Jeffrey doesn't seem to like your answer and excuses himself for a drink.
Jamie whistles, "He don't look too happy, darling."
For the first dance, Jeffrey doesn't appear to dance with you, so you just don't dance. The next dance, Jamie does his best to keep you cheerful. The next dance, Jeffrey still doesn't make his presence known to you. When it's time for the waltz, Lord Kent appears, his palm stretched out to you.
You take it as he leads you to the middle of the room. In your peripherals, you see Jeffrey bringing another woman to the floor. Your jaw clenches and you look away. Lord Kent, seeing this, scoffs and murmurs, "Prick."
You shake your head and look at Lord Kent, "It's your fault you know, putting yourself down on the remainder of my dance card."
"It didn't seem like anyone else was going to put their name down."
You scoff, "So what, you did it out of pity? I don't need your pity or sympathy from you, my Lord." You don't care that you were in the middle of a dance, you promptly turn your back and walk straight out of that ballroom, cursing Lord Kent's name.
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featherwurm · 5 months
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Playing paper dolls with Karlach and Tav for Modern AU stuff - again I'm not strictly plotting anything here, just puttering around with outfits and vibes. They live in a modern version of Faerûn (rather than in any real-world place.) I have no idea how the game-events tie together or adapt but they're... somewhere.
Karlach: Is coming out of a bad situation (jail or forced military service or both or however you want to look at it) and owns very little (she has her bike and whatever fits in the saddlebags and a backpack*.) I don't know if she has a job or what it is (she could be a cook or in firefighter training as I drew before, or something else, or she could be unemployed and picking up odd jobs, or she could perhaps even be on medical disability.) She likes leather, denim, and ass-kicking boots.
Tav: Works enough to buy herself quality stuff, but lives a sparse lifestyle, travels a lot for competitions and work, and most of what she owns is geared towards work (as a physical trainer/martial arts competitor.) She's very picky about texture and wears things until they completely fall apart. She likes cotton and linen and other light fabrics, but tolerates things that are smooth and form fitted.
They're both kindof gym rats and butch about most things (which maybe doesn't come across here in a lot of lighter/working outfits, I don't know.) These outfits with a little variation (some other shirts and such) are pretty much what both of them own.
*She's couch surfing until she moves in to Tav's apartment, most recently at Wyll's place. He doesn't mind her but is glad to have her out from underfoot. Yes they're u-hauling it, unfortunately circumstances are what they are, but for them it works out.
Side by side nude croquis below the cut for height comparison (I mean I know Tav is tits out already but that's just how she is).
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
Creepypasta Masterlist Vol. 4
It's that time again! The previous masterlist is full, if not nearly full! But I have some news to share! Now that I'm writing romantic for a few characters, they will now be given their own sections in the masterlist! Hooray! There will still be an other section for characters, whether me not writing romantic for them or them not being very popular! As per usual you can find the other creepypasta volumes in my pinned under the masterlist section! you can also find the rules there so if youre interested, give them a read! do note that as of the day im writing this (5/24/24), i work on a queue system so be aware it may take a while for your request to become public! you can always ask what day to expect it! with all that being said! p.s. if you're ever unsure for what creepypastas i will write for, just ask! putting it out there though that i do not write for offender, julius, or clockwork (clockwork is just personal stuff for me, as far as im aware there isnt much problematic with her or the creator) (dont quote me on that though, because i dont keep up with the creators all that much AS OF AUGUST 29TH THIS LIST IS COMPLETE
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Various crps x sculptor reader
Various x reader who does horror pod costs
Pocky w/ various crps
Various x streamer reader
Various crushing on the reader 1/2
Various crushing on the reader 2/2
Ej, masky,hoodie x picky eater reader
Sleepover at slender mansion
various crps x reader with moles and freckles
various x reader who has leg pains
various x reader who struggles with self care
slenderman and lj x reader who sleeps a lot
various x reader who has anxiety
ej and nina x reader who has psoriasis
petnames remake
various x slasher fan!reader
ticci toby, masky, and tim getting comfort from the reader
masky and hoodie when their child gets hurt protecting them
ej and ticci toby x ballerina!reader
calling various crps pretty boy
various crps w/ reader who struggles with self care 2
masky and hoodie x pregnant reader
various x caseoh!reader
leaving lipstick marks on them 1/2
Making a pillow fort w/ various
leaving lipstick marks on them 2/2
drawing each other 1/2
drawing each other 2/2
ej and brian x oblivious reader
giving lj masky and splendor kisses before going out
carrying/being carried when injured (jeff, masky, toby, lj)
giving various crps flowers
getting them treats (slender, nina, lj, bloody painter)
kissing ninas, bloody painters, and maskys scars
various x reader who cant cook
putting your hands in the pockets when youre cold
various crps x reader who can take their head off
various x picky eater!reader
kissing jane and nina
various x injured reader who doesnt realize theyre injured
laughing jack eyeless jack and puppeteer celebrating the readers birthday after its forgotten
masky hoodie and ticci toby x lactose intolerant reader
LJ, masky, hoodie x reader who has a sweet tooth
jeff nina and hoodie x bimbo!reader
dancing w/ slender splendor and bloody painter
x angel reader
x male immortal reader
i n p (angst alphabet)
y t ♥ (fluff alphabet)
n s x fluff alphabet
Laughing Jack
body swap prompt
X scene reader
X mime reader
X reader who dyes their hair a lot
X reader with curly hair
x reader who is clingy and has abandonment issues
accidentally making sensitive reader cry
x ball jointed doll reader
x bubbly trad goth reader
Eyeless Jack
X cute reader who likes sweets
X vampire reader
X reader who dresses in menhera/yami kawaii
x popular!fem!reader (human/collage au/pre monster jack)
x demon reader who eats raw animals
saving him from the cult and life after
w y s (fluff alphabet)
x reader who has father issues
x reader who is a professional figure skater
x sick reader
x ftm reader w/ dysphoria
boo, haunted house, and snacks (fall prompts)
Jeff the Killer
Platonic jeff x teen reader
X slasher fan reader
z d r (fluff alphabet)
w e y (fluff alphabet)
k j z (fluff alphabet)
Ticci Toby
X mom friend reader
reuniting with him
r y l (fluff alphabet)
v x i (fluff alphabet)
toby x fem!reader except youre both oblivious
scary movie, haunted house, and wrapped up prompts
c s w (fluff alphabet)
X fem lead singer reader
Pup x reader who has abandonment issues
j p x (fluff alphabet)
Nina x reader who reads fanfics
ben drowned x reader playing animal crossing together (platonic)
ben drowned x reader who hates him
platonic ben x older sibling figure reader
bloody painter x pregnant reader
c f h w/ bloody painter (fluff alphabet)
bloody painter x reader who has a small eye
s u v w/ ben (platonic alphabet)
kissing bloody painter after the first date
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Should I make an intro post? Too bad, I’m going to
Special interests, in order of importance/how often I might post about them:
Doctor Who, with special emphasis on the Gallifrey audio dramas but really all of it, classic and new
Batman, but I’m really picky and prefer (1) the Batfam as a whole (especially Cass, Barbara, Dick, and Jason); (2) Bruce being a good dad, or at least flawed but loving; and (3) Batman as detective who solves mysteries and cares about the wellbeing of Gothamites
Xena. No comments here, just Xena
Idk if Steven Universe is really a special interest but he IS in my url and I get excited to share posts about it so I’m including it
The occasional pretty notebook or other writing paraphernalia
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, though I don’t post it much because I don’t feel like talking about politics on tumblr
About me
I’m an adult, well past college, with a career. That’s all you need to know about my age. I do post about a lot of all ages media though and I don’t care if teenagers follow me, just know I’m older
I use they/them pronouns
I’m audhd and THAT is also an old special interest so I may occasionally get excited and do an infodump
My irl hobbies include reading, writing, knitting, archery, urban sketching, doll collecting (formerly American Girl, currently mostly cheap end BJDs), and the Society for Creative Anachronism. If you share any feel free to chat about them!
I follow and like from @acertainmoshke, which is my writing blog
Since I just told you that, you may as well call me Moshke here too
Important Links
One: The Time Meddler, The Ark, The War Machines
Two: The Curse of the Cybermen, The Enemy of the World
Three (and Liz): The Ambassadors.........of DEATH
Three (and Jo): The Daemons, Day of the Daleks, The Sea Devils, The Mutants, The Green Death
Three (and Sarah Jane): The Time Warrior, Invasion of the Dinosaurs
Four (and Sarah Jane): The Sontaran Experiment, Genesis of the Daleks, Pyramids of Mars, The Deadly Assassin
Four (and Leela): The Invisible Enemy, Image of the Fendahl, The Underworld, The Invasion of Time
My Fanfic
I am President of Gallifrey - Romana's experiences on Etra Prime
Recovery, Expedited - Romana dealing with the aftermath of Pandora
Sleep That Never Comes - Romana and Leela sharing their trauma
The Worst Timeline - Romana is traumatized (on the axis)
It's Midnight Somewhere - Romana is disabled (on the axis)
Easy Way Out - Romana dies (on the axis)
What's Left of Me - Leela is lonely (on alt!Gallifrey)
Brittle - Romana and Narvin are both disabled (on alt!Gallifrey)
A Time Lord Vacation - AU where Romana and Leela run away post-Mindbomb
Halfway to Anywhere - AU where the Doctor rescues Romana from Etra Prime
Doctor Who
The Doctor of Time - crossover with X-Files (featuring Three)
500-Year Diary - A series that is just various Doctors' diary entries
The Long and Winding Journey - sort of a fix-it that lets them have a family, and sort of just playing with the timeline because I'm autistic like that
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littlelolaapple · 6 months
Lola make sure to try to break hoppys leg
Lola smiled, " I will. "
( don't give her ideas, @picky-and-corrupted-picky will kill me✨)
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rarepears · 2 years
I can totally see Shenyuan copying some of the other famous paintings as well, like the mona lisa, girl with a pearl earring, maybe a few of Shen Jiu as Hera with her peacocks etc.
Regal paintings of him walking in the garden with light shining upon his features, paintings of him resting after a good meal, him smiling, him greeting guests with grace, him holding a cup, petting their cat-(originally, Shenyuan wanted a dog, but Shen Jiu did NOT. One (1!) Puppy in human form was enough.) Whose name is King Yama since he's a literal hellraising conqueror who WILL chase away any whom dare touch what is HIS. (And what Shen Jiu commands, he's a DIVA, not a PICKY-EATER! Gosh, time to go bite another would be seducer.) And of him playing music, him writing, him painting and so many more things.
As a Modern Man who's analytical and kind of an incel aka he's Not Great about understanding other people's viewpoints and assumes his own POV is representative of everyone else's, Shenyuan doesn't Get That Chinese Calligraphy Painting style.
Aka he thinks that renaissance oil and hyperrealism are the best style and those are the painting/drawing styles that he's trying to emulate here in Ancient China. He might also be stubbornly sticking to it since his understanding of ink painting is shit and he's still struggling to get it.
(Good thing he's a prince - he's kickstarting a whole new art trend by all the bootlicking nobles who want to curry favor and thus push their kids to also "appreciate" the new style of art.)
Meanwhile there's just Shen Jiu who's like, "yeah I know you think I'm pretty. That's why you picked me to be your concubine - what's new?" Beauty, to Shen Jiu, is not a blessing; it's dangerous if you aren't rich or powerful and Shen Jiu is neither. Beauty fades and the ways to profit off of beauty is dangerous - prostitution and concubinage often led to abuse for the beautiful person is usually never the one who comes out on top.
So that's why Shen Jiu is most struck by the paintings that Shenyuan does that shows Shen Jiu doing ordinary things - a painting of Shen Jiu with his brows scrunched up while he's reading, a painting of Shen Jiu holding a cup of tea in mid laugh (cough the Leo DiCaprio memes), and more. It's not focused on Shen Jiu's beauty but rather him as a person and the emotions of the event. Shen Jiu is embarrassed by the not particularly beautiful depiction of himself in some of them - what would people think seeing how foolish he looks playing with his cat like that! - but he also can see his husband's appreciation of him as a person and not him as a beautiful doll.
[More in the #Shen Jiu time travels and decides to hide from cang qiong by becoming a concubine AU]
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glitch-pep · 2 months
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A somewhat comprehensible essay about how the Chaotic Crossover AU was created
Word count: Around 3000 words.
Approximated reading time: 25 minutes.
Summary: Me explaning my weird thought process and the string of ideas that lead to the Chaotic Crossover AU. I wrote the essay for fun, don't take it too seriously. I'm totally not saying that because I went off topic a few times.
It's seperated into 10 sections so that it'll be easier to read. This is my first attempt at posting a longer piece of my writing as well as an essay, I tried to make it interesting and entertaining.
I hope you'll enjoy! 💚💛💜💙
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It was around some point at the beginning of the year 2023 that my mom and I randomly decided to watch the movie Ocean's 8 together. I'm usually really picky about movies because my attention span is terrible and if I get bored I don't wanna watch anymore, but when she told me it was about a heist I was hooked. I love heist movies, I always did, and I loved this movie too, it's fun and actually funny and charismatic, with a decent twist to it that I won't spoil, but I definitely do recommend that you give it a watch.
Anyways, that day changed everything. The moment the movie was over, the moment that I went upstairs to my room, I had no real idea what I was getting myself into. I put on my headphones, put on "Mission Impossible Theme - Electric Guitar Cover by Kfir Ochaion - ALP Guitars" on loop, I took my purple hula hoop and I started to pace around my room trying to come up with ideas while spinning it around like a weird stim toy. Ideas for what, you may ask?
For my oc's to be in a heist together, of course.
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You see, my mind is very easily influenced. That's definitely not a good thing to be honest, but I don't know how to phrase it differently. Basically, whenever I watch something I immediately start thinking of oc ideas that have something to do with it. If I watch a movie about cowboys I'll be trying to make a cowboy au in my head, If I watch a movie about a royal ball I'll be imagining them all dolled up at a fancy event.
You can bet your ass, that I, heist movie fanatic, wanted my oc's to be in a heist together real bad. Thing is... at the time, I had a teeny tiny little problem that made this idea a little difficult...
I literally only had two oc's to work with.
Those two being Charlie and Mina.
The girlies. The legends. The og's.
...but yeah, still. Two oc's isn't a lot to work with. I did have Charlie as a plot starter, she's literally a thief, of course she'd want to go on a badass heist to steal a bunch of valuables. But how on earth would Charlie convince Mina of all people to go on a heist with her?
Besides... these two are a fun duo, but they're not entertaining enough on their own, seeing only the two of them interact constantly will get bored real quick...
But did you think that stopped me, dear reader? Oh no, no no no no no. I didn't let go of this concept. I felt a mighty need. I NEEDED to see a group of my own special little guys on a wacky heist together.
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In an act of desperation, I literally thought about bringing back my old Ducktales oc's and the Club Penguin oc's I had recently scraped. The Club Penguin oc's were a no go, I firmly decided to turn those into humans and to work on them at some point in the future. As for the Ducktales ones, I'd have to rewatch an entire show to be able to properly rewrite and redesign them and I didn't feel like doing that...
...but then, I remembered two oc ideas that were lingering in my mind, waiting to be thought of. A Making Fiends oc, which I did try to create but ultimately scraped the idea of cuz I couldn't make the design look right, and a Welcome Home oc concept, of a sleep themed character with a moon head.
While I was going to start to work on the Welcome Home one, I still didn't wanna tackle the Making Fiends one. So, in my mind, I firstly created a weird meta version of the au we know today.
I started to design and slowly form a personality for moon girl. While I was doing that, I added her to the heist even though she was nowhere near done yet.
As for the Making Fiends guy... well, he was going to be a self aware scraped character who was supposed to be able to exist only in this au, and nowhere else. It was supposed to be an universe where everyone is self aware that they're characters, and that I, their creator, exist.
The guy was supposed to be very mad at me specifically at all times, because the girls got their own lores and stories in their og universes, meanwhile his only role is to fill up space in a heist scenario.
I remember getting the idea that, before I even post about these two, that I should create a series of fake screenshots where I'd showcase these two without explaining who they are, as a sorta little thing that only I would really understand the context of.
...and this is where things changed.
For fake screenshots you need fake scenarios, for fake scenarios you have to imagine the characters interract. 
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The very first idea I had for this was Charlie, excitedly breaking into the guys house and then trying to convince him to join her crazy heist plan, and him of course not wanting to.
It was this bickering that I really liked. It was this bickering that I found insanely entertaining.
It was this bickering that ultimately saved both Charlie and Milo as characters.
These two are at their BEST, when they have someone to go against, a rival. Someone to argue and fight with. These two basically shaped each other as characters.
Most of Milo's personality was created while I imagined him arguing with Charlie like they're in a Danganronpa trial. And while Charlie's personality didn't change, it definitely expanded. The Charlie from a year ago isn't the Charlie we have now.
Also, I gotta add this, Charlie and Milo are basically Ash and Five but in a different font, I have realized that only later on, and I really love this dynamic. I won't explain who those two are in detail, if you know you know.
So, we have established that these two helped and pushed each other to become the best versions of themselves.
But let's be real, there ain't no way in hell Charlie's gonna convince Milo, even the Milo we have today, to participate in a heist that easily.
So, what does Charlie do?
Drag moon girl into it, of course.
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I thought to myself... huh, what if Mr. Serious had a soft spot for moon girl? And then Milo proceeded to shape Molly's character into place, with one of the most beloved dynamics I've made so far. Molly changed Milo a lot too, of course.
Molly is the thing that made me realize that Milo is at his second best when he has someone to care for, someone to love. Eventually this love did spread to Charlie and Mina as well, but he doesn't show it towards them the same way.
Charlie and Molly changed each other in a way that made me realize that Molly is at her best when she has someone to lead her. A lot of Charlie's personality came to be from me imagining her explaining something to Molly in a cool leader type of way.
And then there's Mina. Now you're gonna say, Mina's the odd one out. Mina's the only one who hasn't changed at all since I first introduced her.
Mina has changed, she just changed the least. All three of them shaped her character to be more caring and less cold, which isn't very obvious... given that it's Mina we're talking about.
Heh... I guess ya could say, that she was too lazy to change any more than that. Mina's the most simple character out of all of them, I don't wanna change that too much. Her simple character is fine, and it's at it's best when it's put together with complicated characters. And welp, we got three complicated mfs right here.
All of these dynamics were born while I was imagining them in the heist scenario. You forgot about the heist already, didn't you? I can't blame you, I did too... for a long time.
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I just started to imagine them in different scenarios and those kinda made me forget about the heist one, but, within this au the heist thing did happen... well, it was supposed to.
Basically the au began with them all just being thrown into this white room with four doors lined up before them. Each of them had a missing item from their inventories that they wanted to get back. They got to know each other a little while they were going through each other's universes, they found the items and that was it for a while.
Until Charlie found that a new door showed up in the room. The door lead to the front of a giant building, which turned out to be some rich guy's massive mansion. And of course the mansion was full of valuables that Charlie wanted to get her hands on, but failed attempt after failed attempt... she just couldn't get in.
That's when she realized that it would be far easier if she had someone with her... y'know, preferably three people. And boom she's at it with the convincing. Mina agrees cuz she wants to avoid another one of her aunts weedings, Molly agrees cuz Charlie told her that it's a good thing that they're doing this, Milo agrees cuz Molly is a part of it, and because he's baffled that she managed to drag Mina into it.
And because they were like in a heist together I almost called the au the "Charlie's Angels AU". Because y'know... there's Charlie who's conveniently named that, and the other three who's names all start with an M. I honestly still think it'll be a clever name for some sorta au, but I went for the name Chaotic Crossover AU because it's more simple and it explains what the au is about better. Besides, I feel like if I actually went for the title that's a movie reference I'd have to constantly stick to the whole heist thing or otherwise it wouldn't make much sense.
The only other type of name I considered before I went for the one we have today, is something along the lines of MMCM AU. Maybe the letters were arranged differently, I honestly don't exactly remember. Yeah, I didn't get too creative with this one, it honestly sounds like a band name to me... and yes, I did consider making a band au but nah, I'm going to use the band concept for something else. Also there's lore reasons as to why these 4 wouldn't really be capable of being in a band together.
So they meet up to create a plan, they have fun chatting and messing around for the whole day, only to find that the door which Charlie talked about dissapeared. She wasn't lying about it, she even took pictures as proof.
But, oh well, does is matter that much anyways? Maybe the real treasure... the real heist, was the friends we made along the way.
And, it was.
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Besides this beginning, there is no other plot to this au.
The rest of it is just them mindlessly having fun with each other as I put them into random scenarios and funky outfits.
I said this somewhere before, but, the au has no actual ending or middle, just a beginning.
Time doesn't flow the same, they're just meant to stay the same age, time has been stopped, basically.
There was supposed to be a plot at some point, but I realized that I would spoil a lot of stuff from their actual canon stories, and I am always overly cautious with not spoiling people.
Also, the characters here don't line up 100% with their canon counterparts, even if they do for the most part, because I erased their canon problems for the sake of having them be actually happy unlike their canon selves.
Thing is, to what extent did I erase these problems?
Because, for some of them, if I erase the problem then they're not the same character anymore...
So it's basically a weird situation where they are and aren't themselves...
...I'm losing you, aren't I? Yeah, I'm losing it too.
What am I trying to say?
I'm trying to explain in a comprehensive way that the Chaotic Crossover AU makes no logical sense.
...unless, you hear me out about the explanation I came up with because I feel the need for everything to magically make sense.
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I present to you,
The Dollhouse Explanation
Which says, that the oc's in this au, are doll versions of the actual characters.
1. The white room with the doors is actually a dollhouse. Every universe they go to is me adding another playset to it.
2. Molly, Mina, Milo and Charlie are dolls. I play with them, making up roleplays and scenarios. I dress them up in different outfits very often, like one does with dolls.
3. They don't age because they're dolls and dolls don't age, so it seems as if time has stopped.
Could some of this apply to the act of making oc's and stories in general?
Does this change anything about the au?
No. Not really.
Why did I add this to the essay?
I showed it to my friend and she said that I should keep this part so I'm taking her word for it.
(She doesn't have Tumblr or other socials but shout-out to her!)
Have I watched too many theory videos on YouTube?
Should I stop?
Yeah, but we both know that I won't. :)
Also, the au was inspired and influenced by cartoons in danganronpa, which is basically a giant crossover in itself.
I'm saying this because, like in cidr, the characters and designs clearly aren't from the same universes, they still kept the each individual art styles from the shows, and I really liked the look of it. But, you could still tell that the sprites are from the same project because of the lineart and shading. It's the same situation in this au.
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...this is a cursed addition to this essay that I, on one hand, don't wanna cover cuz Part A of it is the cringiest and worst development fact about the au and I've kinda wanted to just pretend it never happened, but it influenced Part B in a way as to where I can't not mention it, and also I find Part B incredibly interesting.
Ok, so, Milo was always pansexual, but Charlie used to be bisexual before I settled on her being a lesbian.
...I'm just gonna rip the bandage off, Milo x Charlie was supposed to be a thing.
I know, I know, eugh. Look, I will think of many romantic character combinations just in case I might hit the jackpot, I like to explore romantic dynamics as much as platonic ones.
And, for like... a month, I was genuienly planning to make these two slowly get crushes on each other, I was gonna hint towards it with some sorta ship art.
But then, I was reconsidering things.
I started to contemplate the meaning of life, as well as all of my life choices and how they affected my life, me and my oc's. I looked into the distance, and then I took one, good, longggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg, look at Charlie. And then, finally, like a light at the end of the tunnel, my critical thinking skills tapped me on the shoulder.
I turned around.
"Her ass would never date a man." it said. I nodded, and shed a tear. It may have taken me too long to realize it, but at least I did.
And that's the story of how Charlie became a lesbian instead! :D
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And no, before you ask, Charlie wouldn't like Milo in that way even if he was female, or when he's presenting himself as more feminine like in the one purple design I made for him. She doesn't find him appealing in a romantic way at all. Same goes for Milo with Charlie.
Besides, both have standards... and different types.
Their relationship is far more interesting and genuine if it's presented from a purely platonic perspective, which it is, and which it always will be.
Basically, they're besties, your honor. Case closed.
The same thing goes for another ship I considered while I was still figuring out everyone's sexualities, Charlie x Mina.
I admit, I hate this one less, but still, it's the same situation.
They're besties, your honor. Case closed yet again.
Ever since I decided to keep it all platonic, thank heavens I did, I've always had this underlying fear in the back of my head that, somehow, people are still going to see it as romantic. I remember when I made the drawing of Milo and Charlie standing next to each other in greaser inspired outfits, I was like, oh crap, are ppl gonna see them as a couple?
But no one did. A decent amount of people saw it, and no one said a thing.
And I think that's nice. Beautiful, even.
I've seen plenty of characters which were, if you ask me, forcefully pushed together in a romantic way, despite the fact that they were clearly meant to just be friends. Having this sense of control over things, being able to determine the right path for these oc's, it gives me a sense of peace and satisfaction.
Everything is in its place.
Balanced, as it should be. 
Anyways let's talk about how this decision made everyone in this au absolutely unshippable with each other in every conceivable way.
1. Molly is an adult the other three are kids if you don't think this is a no go get the fuck away from my blog.
2. Mina is aroace and would never be in a romantic relationship, so that's a no go too.
3. The only two left are Milo and Charlie. Charlie is a lesbian and since Milo is a guy that's a no go.
This happened completely on accident and I realized it on accident too, but I'm not complaining.
Hooray to friendship! Hooray to platonic love! Hooray to platonic relationships!
They're just as valuable and beautiful and powerful as romantic ones!
Go tell your friends or family or partner or pet you love them!
You'd be surprised how happy they'd be to hear it.
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And that's how the Chaotic Crossover AU was created.
If you've actually made it to the end, thank you for sticking around, you beloved madlad.
I hope you have a lovely day! 💚💛💜💙
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sans-guy · 1 year
For Bitty Advice anon:
The care and keeping of bitties is a bit more like rabbits than like hamsters or gerbils: They're social creatures, like us, and they like company. They do better when they're included in part of your family instead of relegated to a specific section of the living area. That being said, they do like having their own dedicated space for privacy to retreat to if they get overwhelmed!
It's like having a tiny roommate who's sort of also your dependent.
Personally I lean towards the larger AUs so I feel more confident handling them because the tiny ones make me so nervous when people talk about a 2 inch skeleton sharing their bed (my guy tops out at 14 inches, and a lot of 1:3 scale doll furniture/novelty seasonal decor furniture fits him just fine), but they do have a range so you want to take into account what kind of space you have for them and how much time you're willing to dedicate to carrying them around and whether or not you're the kind of person who's going to get one of those chest wraps everyone's putting their cat in on tiktok to tote a small skeleton around while you're doing chores. If you're rescuing it can be a gamble who your personality is going to click with, so you may want to start with an all-purpose beanbag/repurposed squishmallow until you know what scale you're working with.
And you can't skimp on the entertainment! Don't just give them your phone and turn them into ipad monsters! They like puzzles, and crafts, and books, and if they MUST be home alone for long periods or they're just not feeling the other options, you can even get little desktop video game arcade consoles like pac man or even a DDR machine that works just like the big version for not too much. ~20-30 bucks for hours of entertainment.
“Basic” Sansies are great for first time keepers, since they’re mostly content to cuddle and snooze and are okay with being left alone for long periods like work hours. Papyrus-types will tell you they’re also okay being left alone but they get anxious and lonely more easily and just won’t cop to it out of fear of losing your approval. Papyrus-types (LilBros and other swap variants not included) tend to be high energy and high stimulation, and can be picky eaters from what I hear. They can be a bit fussy about their surroundings and like their spaces to be clean, but they’re lovely companions if you have the time and energy to dedicate to them. I have never witnessed less-conditional love than a Papyrus-type for their caretaker, regardless of skill level or number of mistakes made. That being said, I don’t personally recommend them solo for beginners on account of the fact that they may not speak up if they’re unhappy for fear of losing your approval and begin to deteriorate without notice. If you're a beginner caretaker and absolutely MUST have a Papyrus-type, please also include a Sansy-type with him. Sansies can act as mediator and translator when it comes to anxious Papyrus-types getting what they need.
Sorry this got long! I only meant to drop a note or two and I got off on a tangent. Regardless! Good luck with the adoption and I hope you find someone that suits your current situation!
excellent, fantastic advice anon. but what bitty type do you have that is 14 inches tall
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shadecrux · 1 year
On The Wing - Chapter 1
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Next Chapter ┃
˚ * •̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙* ˚*------💜 💚 💜------** •̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙ *
°•★Pairing: Bucky Barnes x femaleartist!reader
°•★Rating: NSFW (this chapter is SFW future ones won’t be)
°•★Tags: strangers to lovers, fluff, angst, first meetings, romantic tension, flirting, pet names (doll, sweetheart), brief homophobia mentions, bisexual reader
°•★ Words: 1755
°•★ Notes: It’s me, ya girl back with some more x y/n fanfic!! This is gonna be 6 chapters altogether, already written, all based on a song I haven’t been able to get out of my head for weeks now.  I hope you enjoy!! I had a lot of fun with this AU.   No beta, literally just finished writing it, all mistakes are mine. 
//CW FOR THIS CHAPTER// There is a brief mention of y/n being disowned by her family for being bisexual. 
~All writing unless otherwise noted is my own. Please do not post or reupload my work to other websites without my express consent. I do not consent for my fics to be used in AI creations. I do not own any of the characters featured in my works unless they are stated to be OCs.~
All of my fanworks are intended for adults aged 18 and up only! Minors please DNI. ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48744160
˚ * •̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙* ˚*------💜 💚 💜------** •̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙ *
 Breathe and ill carry you away
Into the velvet sky 
And we’ll stir the stars around
And watch them fall away 
Into the Hudson Bay 
And plummet out of sight and sound 
The open summer breeze 
Will sweep you through the hills 
Where I live in the alpine heights 
Below the northern lights 
I spend my coldest nights 
Alone awake and thinking of 
The weekend we were in love
Unpacking. You always hated unpacking, hated everything to do with moving into a place, for that matter. You never intended on staying for long, and it felt like such a chore. Often, you would choose to simply live out of suitcases, but you had always had somewhere else to go, some next destination in mind. But not this time.  Things had been going well when you arrived in Calgary. Your paintings were selling, your busking was lucrative enough to afford you a nice little studio apartment in the city. You didn’t need much after all. A place to stay, food in your belly, and your art supplies - you would rather save your money for experiences, and for getting you to that next destination.  For years, you were living your dream, traveling the world, making art. You got by mostly via selling your wares at fairs and on streetcorners - paintings, jewelry, pottery when you could access a studio to use.  Sometimes you did custom work on commission. It was amazing how many people wanted portraits of their cats and dogs, you always thought. Then the recession hit. Unemployment spiked, wages stagnated, and layoffs were sweeping their way through the Americas, leaving many struggling just to make ends meet. People weren’t buying luxury goods the way they used to, and before you knew it, you were struggling too.  There was nothing else for it, so you found whatever jobs you could - which, as a person who had spent the last seven years of their life as a transient artist, traveling the world with no real work history or credentials, relegated you mostly to minimum wage work, or labor jobs that weren’t as picky about the people they hired. 
You had to move out of the city and found a small town up in the mountains and an even smaller one-bedroom house that was being rented out at a ridiculously low price due to it being relatively isolated - a 20-minute drive from the town proper, surrounded by deep forests.  Dirt road, no cell service, satellite TV, and internet - for most it would be undesirable at best. For you, it was a respite from a world that no longer seemed to have a place for you.  
It never really felt like it did - you grew up as a military brat, constantly moving from place to place, never setting down roots, never making lasting friendships. You were the black sheep - of your family as well as every school you had ever gone to. The weird girl, the one nobody really understood.  But you had your art, and you had your dreams - you wanted to see the world, to drink in life and put it on a canvas. You were counting the days until you turned 18 and could leave, but you didn’t get that far. 
Your family had kicked you out, disowned you at the age of 17, after catching you and your at-the-time girlfriend, holding hands and smooching on the back porch when you thought no one was home. Her family would have done the same to her if they had found out - so with nowhere else to go, you struck out on your own. And it had gone well - until the financial crash sent the world into a tailspin, that is.
There wasn’t much to unpack, all told. Three suitcases and an oversized canvas bag into which you stuffed your entire life - clothes, art supplies, rolled-up canvases pulled from their frames to make it easy to travel. Some sparse camping supplies for those nights you couldn’t find a better place to sleep. You had been doing this long enough that you had it down to a science, and you were very efficient.  
Clothes were stuffed into drawers, toiletries into the bathroom, and the metal cups and plates and cutlery you traveled with barely taking up any space in the kitchen. You had little in the ways of personal effects, save for the photographs you took and the small handful of trinkets you had collected in your journeys. Stones, little sculptures, silly magnets and keychains, and shot glasses documenting all the cities and countries you had been to. 
You laid them out on top of the dresser in the bedroom and, with a wistful sigh, flopped down onto the bed with your back against the headboard, stacks of little plastic envelopes, and started flipping through the pictures you had taken, reminiscing on those better, brighter days.  It was a pleasant enough way to pass the time, and it brought a small smile to your face, gave you a way to forget your current circumstances - for a while at least. Until you landed on the album that you usually avoided looking at - New York City. The place where you had met, and lost, the only man you had ever loved. 
You were at Coney Island one bright and beautiful day - it had been a lucrative few days so you decided to reward yourself.  It was early, and Luna Park was just beginning to fill up with guests, shouts and laughter, and excitement buzzing in the air around you. As you walked along the midway, only some of the game stands were up and running, while others had workers bustling around them, still setting up.  As you passed nearby one of those, a group of children rushed past, knocking into you, the nearest employee, and one of the legs of the awning that the employee had been about to secure.  It buckled at one of the joints as he fell, and the entire metal sheet came crashing down. You screamed and tried to scramble away when a strong set of arms wrapped around your waist and yanked you, forcefully out of the path of the falling awning just in time.  Whoever it was had grabbed you from behind, setting you down gently on your feet and taking hold of your forearms as he did so to make sure you were steady before letting you go.  “That was a close one… you alright there, doll?” Something about the gentleness of that voice and the soft, gravelly undertone struck you, and your stomach did a little jump as you turned around to face your rescuer only to be left momentarily speechless at the sight of him. He was tall, handsome, with bright blue eyes that seemed to pierce right through yours. “... I- I think so.” You stammered, your mouth suddenly feeling very dry. You saw over his shoulder the employees now battling with the awning, which had bent badly in its impact against the side of the building, and the building itself now bearing deep dents in the surface where the edges had collided with it.  “God, if you hadn’t been here…” You looked up at him in shock, a shudder running through your body. Adrenaline still flooded your system as you realized just how much danger you had been in moments before. “That thing might have killed me…” “Right place, right time I guess.” He grinned, the smile slipping from his face as he noticed the way you were shivering as shock set in. “Oh hey…sweetheart, you’re shaking. Here… let’s find a place to sit down.” You mutely nodded and took his offered arm, letting the man lead you over to a nearby outdoor dining area and guide you to one of the unoccupied tables.  “Here - can I get you anything? Maybe some water?” he asked gently. Chewing on your lip for a moment of indecision, you eventually nodded sheepishly. “Yes, please…” “Say no more.” 
Before you could formulate any words of protest he was off, leaving you with a few moments to catch your breath and reorient yourself while he waited in line. By the time he returned your heart rate had calmed at least slightly, and he slid the little plastic cup across the table to you to drink. Your hands were still shaking as you raised the cup to your lips - the water certainly helped with your dry throat, though you still weren’t sure if that was the fault of the scare or the absolutely gorgeous man sitting across from you at the small metal table. “I don’t think I got a chance to properly introduce myself back there.” The man said with a crooked grin, extending a hand across the table to shake yours. Calloused fingertips slid over your knuckles as you clasped his hand, sending a spark of electricity up your arm. “James Buchanan Barnes, at your service. You can call me Bucky, though. All my friends do.”  Giving him your name in turn you raised a brow at him, managing to not sound like a babbling idiot. “Are we friends now, then? We have only just met…”  “Well, I saved your life back there.” He flashed you a charming smile in return. “I think that makes us something. Dunno what quite yet.” 
That smile. You thought your knees might actually buckle, the way he smiled at you, the way his hand lingered a bit too long on yours before he dropped it back onto the table. Here you were, in the most glamorous city in the United States, surrounded by beautiful, successful people… and the most gorgeous man you had ever met was making eyes at you. Was this real life? 
“So, are you here with anyone?” you hedged. “I don’t want to be holding you hostage here. I think I’ll be alright.” “Nah, my buddy was supposed to join me but he couldn’t make it. So it’s just me. I’m all yours, for as long as you want to tolerate me.” He grinned. A shy smile split your lips then, and you replied, “I think I’d like to tolerate you for a while longer… if you want to stick around, that is.” The way his eyes lit up made you feel slightly faint, a fluttering in your chest that heated your cheeks and warmed you from the inside.  
Soon the two of you were walking together, side by side through the park. And if you kept straying a little too close to him, brushing your arm against his, it was only to make sure you stayed close to your personal guardian angel.
And if he took your hand a bit too often, helping you up and down some stairs, maneuvering you out of the way of crowds, well… he was looking out for you, after all. The carnival structures had already proven themselves to be dangerous, and he took his duty guarding you very seriously. 
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gabbylovetime · 4 months
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so I decided to make another AU called "Horror Dream AU" the main character is Celeste a possessed creature that was possessed by a young teen named "Kiara" this AU will be released in after July
Real name: none
Age: 12-13 (forever)
Species: Possessed creature (doll)
Personality: peaceful calm quiet
Created: 2000s
Caused of death: was shot by Matthew but survived at the end
Gender: gender fluid
Sexuality: single (not attracted to anybody)
Pronouns: he/they/she/it
Voice claim: Circus Baby (SL:FNAF)
- eating discords
- father issues
- mother issues
- nightmares
- 13+ 19+
- sexualizing
- disrespecting
- emotional abuse
- family issues
- possessed dolls
- talking back
- bloody themes
- creepy drawing images
- throwing up
- abuse
- 14+ 16+ 18+ 15+
- flashbacks
- creepy masks
- scamming
- car accidents
- deaths
- dying wish
- death wish
- glitching
- angst
- fake friends
- ex - friends
- depression
- mild depression
- dark themes
- dark humor
- deaths
- 19+ 20+
- crying
- tears
- dark Childhood
- Humiliation
- embarrassment
- Drugs
- Drinking
- Car Crashing
- menaces
- Spoilers
"horror dream AU is about a 15-16 year old teenager named Kiara who is always talking back to their parents because they never want them to make their own decisions when they were 18-19 or 19-20 Kiara never listened to them they usually talk back to them and gets disciplined of that in 2004 Kiara was found dead by a doll creater named Matthew a 73-74 year old man who created and makes dolls Matthew created Celeste in the 2000s and then Kiara now possesses Celeste and now things have to go back to normal"
Kiara Stephanie Williams
Kiara is a nonbinary teen who lives in • Vill Pill • Kiara is a somber attentional and is pretty unpopular they used to be kind and sweet as a kid but ended dealing with drugs and beer when they were 13-14 Kiara is quietly rude and hot - headed but acts gentle and pretty petty and kinda picky
Tiffany Gabby Williams
Tiffany is the mother of Kiara she is a transfeminine and straight woman who was never accepted by her parents when she 18-19 Tiffany could have probably moved on but still feel the same about something Tiffany never care about Arthur and wants to protect Kiara but after the death of Kiara she decided to be a abusive woman and became a disgusting cheater
Arthur Sammy Williams
Arthur is a caring father but after the death of Kiara Arthur was devastated that Tiffany kept cheating on him Arthur hates Tiffany and now wants her to be gone for good and only wants to be with his daughter at heaven Arthur never cares about Tiffany but cares about Kiara for sure
Matthew Timmy Turner's
Matthew is a 73-74 year old man who creates dolls in the 90s Matthew doesn't like children when he was a child he wants to be doll creater since he's a adult he hates kids/minors/children Matthew always wants to have attention in the teenage years he used to date a teenage girl but he always treated him like crap and kept sexualizing her and he never understand her
Celeste possessed the teenage girl Kiara in the 2000s Celeste was the 1st doll that was created by Matthew Celeste was never evil they was a peaceful and gentle doll but seem to always have 2 sides of it Celeste doesn't have a middle name or last name but their middle and last name is "Sydney" "Jones"
Sydney is his middle name and Jones is her last name Celeste never understand about humanity due to their species but now understanding it it never shown themselves to anybody in the VHS tapes Celeste went to a small house alone seeing their fake friends (except Thomas) all dead he sit all the couch looking at the screen all emotionless showing no emotion but then got up saw a piece of dry cake on the ground she pick it up opening it up and started crying remembering all the normal memories it have Celeste and the other dolls and experiments now Celeste stuffer the most and now staring to have C - PTSD
Rosa is the 2nd doll who was created by Matthew Turners she was the most loved doll back in 2003 while Celeste was created in the 2000s Rosa possessed a little girl named Laura a 5-6 year old little girl who was missing in day 6 Rosa was the sweetest dolls of them all however Rosa was unfortunately navie and completed Rosa thinks Celeste was the one who killed the others but it wasn't Rosa hates Celeste in the presence Rosa never liked Celeste in the past to begin with Rosa betrayed Celeste and acts vengeful to her because she thinks Celeste was the real villain while the real villain was Matthew
coffee is the 3rd doll that wasn't created by Matthew she (gender: bisexual she/her/he/him) was created by Matthews EX - wife Sofia coffee is the oldest of the "Charming Dolls" coffee was possessed by a young college student named Timmy a 21-22 year old college student who graduated college from the early - 2000s after Matthew created Celeste coffee never hated Celeste coffee doesn't like him at the end coffee used to be a kind generous and child - like doll but now become a insecure horrid and mature doll who acts grown even tho he is the oldest coffee suffer from PTSD while Celeste suffer from C - PTSD
Moon is 4th doll that was created by Matthew moon is agender that means no gender moon is the youngest of The "Charming Dolls" moon isn't possessed by someone moon is control by a puppet moon is barely unstable and easily manipulated someone moon is a sweetheart but has the ability to make people feel bad for moon moon was the only one who became a psycho after thinking Matthew was the one who took The Charming Dolls except moon moon goes crazy and start to become innocent when others doesn't mind that the fact moon became a crazy doll
Thomas is the 5th doll to be created by Matthew Thomas was the only one who closely trust Celeste Thomas is Celeste close friend he suddenly treats Celeste like a younger sister Thomas is possessed by a toddler named Kyle Thomas nearly shown respect to Celeste and the others unlike the others Thomas sacrifice himself and wants to move on instead but Thomas is always there for Celeste Thomas was completely alone forever and begin to be sad after everybody left him Matthew betrayed Celeste Thomas knows Matthew was the real traitor and after all these things Thomas is gotta get revenge on Matthew
chip is the last doll to be created by Matthew chip was the most youngest of the Charming Dolls chip was possessed by a young baby named sal a young baby who died in a car crash by his drunk mother chip was a happy and positive doll baby chip was not killed but was hurt the most he was left by moon and ended getting abused by Matthew chip never ever want to be with Matthew chip was everyone most least hated because how annoying he is chip started became emotional and started crying every day chip had to take care of himself of protect from danger but now since Celeste found him perfectly he have to protect chip no matter what it takes
If your sensitive to this kind of stuff then don't like it you been warned ok?
"I'm so sorry"
Release date: August 1st 2023
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