#pidge dance au
bluemantics · 2 months
here’s a list of all my fics! i won’t be able to post and reblog much since I’m traveling the next week and a half, so I’ll compile all my works here in the meantime :-)
will also update this list as i write more!
midnight snacks don't exist in space
G | 1.7K | RP/BP dynamics
There are no rules about eating at 3:00 AM if you're in the far reaches of the universe.
In a bright kitchen while the team is asleep, Lance and Keith find each other, as they always do.
Why We Fight
T | 5.7K | truth-telling au
With the Rebels in need of resources, the team ventures to a planet known for its raw materials in hope that they'll join the coalition. Here's the thing: they need to prove that they can be trusted by telling the truth about why they fight.
Lance finds this more difficult to voice than the others. Unfortunately (thankfully), Keith has returned from the Blade and is more than willing to listen.
"This is bigger than any of us alone."
A Keith By Any Other Name
T | 8.2K | coffee shop rom-com AU
Lance McClain was dared to hit on Keith. Keith thought that’d be the first and last time they’d meet. However, Lance keeps coming back, charming Keith with his jokes and charisma.
Here’s the catch: Keith refuses to tell Lance his real name.
“I’m not telling you my name unless you order and move on.” Keith pointed to the register screen.
“Alright, I’ll do a cappuccino.” Lance pulled out his wallet from his jacket pocket and slid his card over to Keith. “Now will you tell me your name?”
“My name is Yorak.” Keith passed the card back to Lance, who looked shocked at that answer, his eyebrows raised to his hairline. Keith was beginning to realize how dramatic Lance could be.
“Really?!” Lance demanded. He looked pityingly at Keith, and irritation welled up in his gut.
“No!” Keith rolled his eyes.
“You’re the worst,” Lance huffed.
a billion light years from here
T | 8.5K | post-canon fix-it
Keith and Lance reconnect over letters. Through their writing, Keith learns to open up, and Lance learns what a home is.
"For all the game I talked on the castleship about missing home, now that I’m back on my family farm, I kind of feel like there’s something missing. Like, even surrounded by all of the juniberry flowers Allura gave us, and even with my parents, I still feel lonely. Or restless."
Or: A post s-8 fix-it AU told entirely through letters between Lance and Keith, both sent and unsent.
out of my head
G | 1.2K | high school au
Keith didn’t even want to watch the spring musical auditions. Forced by Pidge to accompany them, he finds himself surprised at the talent of a particular actor. He also finds himself surprised by his own response. 
Lance is ridiculously good at singing and Keith is a lovable, impulsive jock.
baptism by fire
T | 1.5K | canon-compliant angst
Prompt: write a private scene between two characters with no dialogue, of just them two alone.
Lance just witnessed the unthinkable. Keith offers his company in wake of the tragedy.
unstoppably, immovably, unbreakably you
G | 651 | canon-compliant
A character study.
An unstoppable force meets an immovable object.
Katsuki Bakugou’s hand implodes against Eijirou Kirishima’s arm; a flurry of sparks surround them with a sound that rings between his skull.
This is something he knows how to do well. With every blow that Katsuki unleashes, he feels Kirishima retaliate with more, responding like a dance to his every movement. Katsuki is a fine-tuned instrument of destruction, every muscle on his body worked with the intention of winning.
as always please let me know what u think thru asks & comments on ao3!! ill answer asks between travel, but im going to frequently be in spotty service.
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pidgotto · 3 months
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Hello, my friends. Welcome to part 5 of TBB but in the Sims because Pidge still hasn't gotten over the fact that the show ended over a month ago and so has decided to play out a silly modern AU where they're in control of the going-ons and shenanigans which ensue!
I hope you enjoy the nonsense and gooey cuteness that I captured during gameplay!
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He's telling Crosshair about the fact that ketchup and tomato soup are two variants of tomato smoothies.
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Batcher is the best-est girl in the entire galaxy, your honor. I will hear nothing else of it.
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I know in fanon Wrecker is either an outstanding chef or the type of person to burn a bowl of cereal. Wrecker is the former in my save file. He makes the most bomb meals for this household, it's actually kind of wild.
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"Goodnight, kid." ❤️
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Batcher side eyeing Echo and Omega is the funniest thing to me.
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Omega's started her own club for her friends! They're favorite activities are swinging on the swing set and busting it down to the stereo in Tech and Phee's living room.
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Bro is glaring HARD and it cracks me up.
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The boogie-woogie-bugle-boys. It's actually insane how obsessed everyone is with dancing in my game. Like literally, this is all they do for the majority of days if they're not at work. Everyone single one of them has developed "likes dancing" for their likes and dislikes from dancing like 24/7.
Until next time!
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ethereance · 3 days
Aʅϝυʂισɳ  αυ
Where shapeshifting isn’t the only trick up alteans’ sleeves.
Basically, this is an au where, among their other abilities, alteans can fuse SU style. They’re a diplomatic species, and so as well as being able to fuse amongst themselves, they can do so with those from other planets. It’s just easier to both initiate and hold when they’re both altean. 
-The first people Allura sees fuse are her parents. The dance is magnetising, effortlessly elegant, so different from the stiff dances from Altea she’s used to, such a departure from tradition. It comes straight from the heart, from their very being, their quintessence aligning perfectly to form a person so wholly new, yet familiar, those eyes loving and kind in the way she had known her parents to be. 
-She decides, right then and there, she will find herself a bond like that, someone who will dance with her and make sparks fly across the dance floor. She wants what her parents have, a fusion like Melfor, born of love and trust. 
-Then she sees Coran fuse with Alfor, a dance somewhat more traditional, but no less loving, that unconditional trust in those eyes there as Alran forms. As Allura will later learn, any fusion Coran’s part of will include a moustache. Always. No exception. Even when Allura eventually fuses with him, a boundless rush of energy in her veins, popping and crackling, their fusion is not exempt from this rule.
-Coran has fused with both Melenor and Alfor at the same time. They are the ultimate parent to Allura.
-Coran and Allura fuse into Cora after cryosleep, when the paladins have retrieved the lions and they are alone and bound by their grief. It doesn’t last long, and the unfuse when they realise what is happening. It’s doubly crushing, but with it, what sticks with them is the small sense of comfort, knowing that they have each other.
-Coran has so many tales to tell about his past fusions (they’re all gone now. Will never exist again). 
-Coran doesn’t really fuse anymore. But if he did, you just know a fusion between him Pidge and Hunk would be an engineering wizard. 
-Fusions speak a medley of whatever languages are in their brains. You don’t notice it with the universal translators on though.
-They also gain their own accent.
-They can also wield their normal paladin weapons + their own special fusion one.
-The first paladin Allura fuses with is Shiro. (Lance has a sexuality crisis when he first looks at Shallura but that’s neither here nor there). She’s known the paladins for a while at this point and is steadily warming up to them, steadily gaining hope and trust in them. They’re not much yet, but one day they will be. Hopefully. At least Shiro seems dependable. 
-Their fusion feels strong, a true leader, the only responsible one in the room ™. 
-Still only one flesh arm.
-Shallura also has a bottomless well of material for their gallows humour. Please don’t let them participate in standup comedy.
-So much PTSD from the galra.
-Most likely of the fusions to give a lecture.
-They’re the first fusion the team meet, and for a second Keith goes through all the stages of grief thinking they’ve lost Shiro again. “What have you done with Shiro?!”
“Keith, I’m right here. Kind of.”
-Hunk, Pidge and Lance absolutely want a turn afterwards. Pidge is interested because science ™ and Lance for reasons his two friends will tease him about.
-Pidge is very younger sibling in Shallura’s eyes. Shiro’s protectiveness over Matt’s sister and Allura’s want to become closer to the only other girl on the team meshes. Pidge gets free piggybacks (she acts like a disgruntled cat about this).
-Keith has no idea how to act around them. Sometimes he starts treating them like Shiro, then catches himself. It makes Shallura feel a little put out, having known Keith for so long, so much trust built up there (well, with Shiro anyway). They just want him to be comfortable around them. 
-Knowing Keith the way Shiro has helps soften the revelation of Keith being part galra (also by fusing with Keith herself later on).
-When fusing with Kuron, something feels so unimaginably off, though Allura can’t quite place it. It leaves her with a slight headache in her head afterwards, almost like someone was whispering to her. Kura (Kuron and Allura) fusion doesn’t happen many times, and those fusions don’t last. Kuron is hesitant to fuse, but doesn’t know why.
-Bayard form is a rapier. Because why not (the reason I’ll use for all bayard forms I give). Or maybe just another form of sword. 
-Hunk, ever friendly Hunk, is Allura’s next fusion. He’s determined to create a dish that reminds her of home, only with their limited ingredients at the time he’s struggling to even make food that tastes like his own home. He’s unfamiliar with what is out here, so far out in space. But, eventually, he gains an eye for picking out ones that are edible and won’t give you a nasty space rash. And, with the help of coran, makes a flan that somewhat tastes like altea as it once was. It’s not exact, but the dish is filled with so much heart, so much flavour, that she’s thankful nonetheless. 
-They fuse as she hugs him in thanks.
-Ank or Hura??? Is somehow more disney princess than Allura. They will give those little guys as many baths as their heart desires. They are also the first fusion out of the paladins that gets photographed because they love taking silly selfies with the mice.
-Has made the mice blanket burritos because they’re cute.
-Will kill you with kindness.
-Ultimate diplomat. Not only will they win you over with words, but also food. 
-(After Allura becomes a paladin) They’re two legs!!! Team leg!
-The mix of Allura’s tastebuds and Hunk’s gives them a strange palette. Yes, they know logically that space chocolate should never be mixed with space mustard and argleberries and yellolian pie. But wouldn’t it be interesting to try?
-Ank won’t let anyone try those dishes though. They know that would be considered a disgrace to cooking.
-They get on well with Pidge and end up helping her through the altean language simulator once they realise she has an interest in learning. 
-When unfusing with Allura, Hunk eventually realises that a few altean words do stay in his brain even without the universal translators.
-As comforting as the fusion is, being Ank does heighten insecurities about winning this war. It’s best to fuse when neither of them are in a downwards spiral.
-Has a very, very large fear of loneliness.
-As Allura’s relationship with Lance ends up improving, it reflects in his friendship with Ank. “It’s like having two best friends in one!”
-Bayard form is some sort of grenade launcher. 
-Pidge has had less walls up for a fair while now that the secret of her identity is out, so, though a little hesitant, she really wants to try this fusion thing. She knows she’s not the best at people, which is another reason why she’s interested in this. It’s like a shortcut, a hack into the system. Instant bonding. Only they don’t fuse right away, that ridiculous dance seeming like it was all for nothing. 
-But you can’t force a fusion. Like bonding with a lion, it requires trust.
-Eventually Allura and Pidge bond over talking about family. Allura becomes even more determined to help find Pidge’s brother and dad. If Allura can’t have her family anymore, at least she can help Pidge find hers.
-Pallura is incredibly smart, and whilst Pidge’s understanding of altean tech is way above average, fusing with Allura gives Pallura that extra edge.
-Sometimes the need to see her family is debilitating. 
-She’s pretty insane about Monsters & Mana.
-Bayard form is a chakram. Or perhaps a flail?
-Give her a crossword or space puzzle cube any day.
-Matt is so confused when he first meets her. 
-Palunk/Hillura/Hida (think I like Hillura more?) is Allura’s first three person fusion and they don’t stay fused for long because of it. 
-Kallura first fuse when they both try and run away to stop Zarkon tracking the team. 
-The team finds out when on that call.
-“You fused with Allura before me?!!!”  - Lance
-Lance is upset about Kallura having a mullet. “You’re better than this!” He’s very conflicted on how to interact with them. On one hand, they’re Keith. On the other, they’re Allura. But they are also both and neither.
-Their bayard is a rope dart.
-Kallura has a lot of suppressed anger from grief. Bottling up and compartmentalising works for them until it doesn’t. They feel things so intensely.  
-they feel like a ticking time bomb at times but do not want others to see that. -They just end up unfusing if that happens.
-Nevertheless, Keith appreciates the fusion, finding it difficult to connect with people, so it’s meaningful when he does. 
-Keith and Allura end up with a stronger bond because of this. 
-Stick them in bubblewrap and save them from themselves. They are prone to self sacrifice. Please stop.
-Later, upon that revelation ™ , Allura doesn’t know how to feel about fusing with someone who is part galra.
-But Keith is Keith.
-Their fusion’s thoughts were genuine. So maybe, just maybe, Keith’s are too. 
-Lotor and her can never quite fuse. They almost get it, both driven by an aligning desire to connect with the lost culture of Altea, and Lotor wants to fuse, he does, it’s something he’d learned of during his research, though he himself couldn’t on his own, but even together it never quite works. Lotor has too many secrets, too many things he keeps hidden to open up enough for a fusion to work.
-Then, as Allura hurls him across the room, she’s ultimately glad they never did (but she has to wonder, what would she have seen, have felt? Would there have been love there, or endless lies?). 
(Heads up for romantic allurance)
-Lallura eventually fuses sometime during s3. 
-Lance grew on Allura after he shielded Coran, but they never really click until they make an effort to do so around the time of the lion swap.
-Lallura is hot and they know it.
-Also very good with people. Lance’s natural peopleing charisma shines through into Lallura. Allura wonders, if she had fused into Lallura earlier on, it would have helped with that outsider feeling when trying to connect to the other paladins. 
-Great at parties. You want Lallura at your social gathering. This skill comes in handy when the paladins need to dress up fancy and interact with diplomats.
-Has a strong sense of homesickness. Both for homes they have never been to (and yet they have).
-Vast majority of the time they’re pretty confident. Mutual belief in each others’ abilities makes for a fusion that knows how to believe in themselves to a healthy degree.
-Though they have caught themselves a few times going into a downwards spiral of imposter syndrome and worry about their capabilities as a leader/paladin. But it doesn’t last long.
-Gives good pep talks. 
-They’re a magpie. Love shinies.
-Don’t talk to them about Lotor. Just. Don’t.
-Through Lallura Lance gets the chance to fly in blue again. 
-Their joint bayard form would either be a grappling hook (Pidge would claim her bayard does it better) or bayonet or maybe bow and arrow like Valayun had??? A crossbow??? I do not know
-They’re Coran’s favourite of the fusions.
-They love tying their hair up the way they used to for their sisters (not sisters. But also are?). 
-Spa day is a very serious matter. Don’t interrupt it.
-Will sleep in if given the opportunity.
-Rachel (Lance’s sister) manages to get a matching jacket with them. They have no idea how when this jacket exists because of fusion.
-Nadia and Sylvio (Lance’s brother’s kids), upon meeting the fusion, request that Allura princessifies them too.
-Allura doesn’t comment on it, but she does start to feel some of the affection Lance feels for her when they fuse, especially as the seasons progress. It takes her aback, its intensity, but it also comforts her. But she’s also conflicted because of her growing crush on Lotor. She also has no idea if what she’s starting to feel for Lance is because of that fusion (it’s not).
-Lance is still very much in denial about Allura liking him back. If they do fuse over the time period of Allura starting to realise her feelings, he will still interpret it as Allura just being her usual caring self. It’s not like he has fused with anyone else to tell the difference.
-The first allurance kiss under that tree ends in them turning into Lallura again. The euphoria of that is short lived, however, once they find out what happened to Luca.
-After Allura sacrifices herself, Honerva tells her she shouldn’t pay for her mistakes with her life. So after aiding Honerva with her alchemy, Honerva immediately sends Allura back to her own universe, right after the sacrifice. 
-Lallura fuse in space, with Lance immediately jumping out of red after her (+ the rest of the team in their respective lions). After almost losing each other like that, it’ll be a very long time until either of them want to unfuse again. As a long term fusion for the meantime, they start going by the name Lure.
-Lance’s family are a little thrown at first, but they adore Lure. They’re basically a bonus family member. 
-Romellura fusion first happens during s7. Rora???? Rura????
-Romelle is the first altean (other than Coran) Allura has seen in a long, long time. Of course these two are bonding quickly.
-And as is this au’s way, they fuse.
-And are overwhelmed with a wave of emotions, happy, sad. The colony, all those alteans, their people still alive. Bandor, the other colony.
-It’s a lot. They lean on each other to process this grief.
-Without the translators, this fusion is a mess of old and new altean colloquialisms.
-She has a rich person accent. Lance loves it.
-A double altean fusion like this bolsters Allura’s alchemical abilities.
-She’s usually seen wearing a hair bun mixed with a plait
-If you thought bringing up Lotor around Lure was bad, well. Definitely, definitely don’t bring him up around her.
-Kallurance would have been pretty unstable had they first fused earlier on. Kurance? Lalith? Laeira? (I think I like the last one).
-But as it is, they make a really good team.
-Pray you never meet an entire team fusion. They won’t last long, too unstable for that (but more stable than you think. Used to working in unison for Voltron), but they don’t need long.
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seypia · 4 months
i am interested in your figure skating au 👀 👀 👀 👀 feel free to tell me Literally Everything About It but also which disciplines do u think everyone would be in, i dont like make fanart or fic anything but in my skating au that is entirely in my head lmao i imagine her in pairs with hunk bc she really has badass pair girl energy
i think the only things i really have down currently are the disciplines (i have a rough idea of the plot too but like that will probably change in an hour)
- allura and romelle are retired singles skaters (used to be coached by honerva until she dropped allura and romelle left)
- pidge used to skate singles when she was younger but then becomes a pair skater with hunk
- lance used to skate singles but when keith arrives he becomes a pair with him
- shiro isn't a figure skater, he's a hockey skater instead
- coran is kind of just A Guy who takes romelle and allura on board as coaches when they leave their ex coach (honerva)
- shay is involved in this au as well and she does ice dance
- nyma is also here in this au, she skates singles and took alluras top spot after her fall
i really wanna involve matt and acxa but like wtf would they do
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corvus--rex · 2 years
Before I start/post anything else, I've decided to make a master list of all my ao3 fics in chronological order from the very first fic I posted. I am Klance trash, so that's all you'll find here. Note that some of them are a/b/o, those will be marked. None of these have been beta'd, so be warned
This got long, so as much as I don't want to...
Our Life in Pictures
60k, rated mature, ongoing, modern au, omegaverse, alpha Keith, omega Lance
A collection of scenes following the relationship between Keith, a tattoo artist, and Lance, the dancer who caught his attention from the dance school across the street.
All I Need
25k, rated mature, modern with magic au, this one's been discontinued, but I do still like the setting so...
Five years after a traumatic event that resulted in Keith losing everything and everyone and the self-destructive spiral that followed, he accepts a job transfer to the big city. He’s in recovery and more stable than he’s been in years, but his past still haunts him. When he accidentally rescues an odd man and his cat one night, Keith finds out that not only is the guy a witch, but that so is he. Keith knows nothing of his origins, having been in the foster care system all his life. Together, they begin to unravel his true past, but at what cost?
Trigger Warning: First chapter deals heavily in trauma, self-harm, and substance abuse, off-screen character death, and fire.
3k, rated teen, modern au, inspired by Mediaeval Baebes, this has been placed in a medically-induced hiatus
Keith and Lance had a major falling out just before graduating college over their career directions. Keith wanted to leave home to teach in another state, Lance wanted him to stay with Incanto, the six-member choir they'd started in high school. A year after graduation, and Keith is back home. He's rejoining Incanto and his friends. And maybe he might be able to finally admit how he really feels about his best friend.
Dormiveglia, that precious space
18.8k, rated teen, ongoing, canonverse, not canon compliant, omegaverse, alpha Keith, omega Lance, set just after s2e8 The Blade of Marmora
Dormiveglia - the space between sleeping and waking
Lance hated being an omega.  He'd always hated his secondary sex status.  It followed him everywhere, up to and including the Garrison.  Now he was in space, and it had followed him there as well.  It seemed that Alteans, Galra, and most other races also had the alpha-omega traits and that it wasn't limited to humans.  And so, Lance's omega status had followed him into space, and there was nothing he could do about it.  It also didn't help that he'd fallen hard for a certain alpha.
He didn't know that that certain alpha was falling for him too.
Or that he may never live to see those feelings realized.
Here Come the Vultures
7.9k, rated teen, ongoing, band au, omegaverse, alpha Lance, omega Keith
Castle of Lions was a hugely successful European-styled metal band. The only problem was the part where Keith Kogane, the band's vocalist, was an omega. It was a necessary secret, given how society viewed male omegas, and one that the band and their label swore to keep. But just how long can it stay a secret?
The Sound of Color
4.5k, rated teen, ongoing, soulmate au, omegaverse, alpha Lance, omega Keith
Lance is a 21-year-old college student and Alpha, working hard on a music degree. He has a circle of friends he loves and who love him, the only problem is that they've all found their soulmates and he hasn't. Most people have found theirs by then, and he's worried he never will. But an end-of-semester party may change that.
Play Date
280 words, rated general, post-canon, one of only 2 that aren't explicitly klance, this one's actually zezor, but the klance can always be assumed
Based off this Tumblr prompt: Zethrid attempts to surprise Ezor with something special
Someone to Talk to
596 words, rated general, canonverse, not canon compliant, just Pidge and Shiro
Based on this Tumblr prompt: One of the paladins has a queer crisis. Shiro to the rescue.
Or, Pidge has something to say and turns to Shiro for support.
The Summer of the Moving Vans
651 words, rated general, modern au, childhood friends-to-lovers
Based on this Tumblr prompt: Childhood!AU Keith and Lance are next door neighbors - until a moving van shows up one day.
Lance and Keith were best friends. The summer after second grade proved eventful with a stream of moving vans all vacation. Looking back on it ten years later, they talk about just how life changing it was.
Paladins on Ice
708 words, rated general, canonverse, not canon compliant, team shenanigans
Based on this Tumblr prompt: When Allura finally gets the door to the training deck unlocked, she’s surprised to find that it’s been temporarily repurposed into an ice rink, and that someone is a talented ice skater…
The Paladins are up to something, Allura wants to know what it is, and when she finds out, she learns that one of them has an unexpected talent.
Why is it Always you?
2.5k, rated general, college au, coming out, title's bc something something every universe, something something every reality
Based on this Tumblr prompt: When Lance has some internal questions about his orientation, Keith surprises him by being there to offer support.
A snowstorm shuts down Lance’s college, and he finds his thoughts drifting to one of his oldest friends and feelings he can’t make sense of.
Julance Prompts 2021
33k, rated teen-explicit, various aus, some are omegaverse, alpha Keith, omega Lance, and also alpha Lance, omega Keith
Most of the prompts will be from my own AUs, with the title after the prompt in the list. Rating and tags will be in the top notes of each chapter/one shot, please remember to check them as they will change. Also note, most are abo/omegaverse. The ones that aren't will be tagged as such.
02 - Musician au - Here Come the Vultures 03 - Blue Paladin - Dormiveglia 04 - Allura & Lance - Crystal Venom rewrite 06 - Catboy - mafia/assassin au 07 - AU of choice - Cyberpunk 12 - Fashion - model au 15 - Paranormal/Magic - modern magic au
This is Why I Said Yes
131 words, rated general, post canon, just pure fluff
Post-war married domestic fluff starring Klance!
Klancetober 2021
7.7k, rated teen-mature, various aus, some are omegaverse, alpha Lance, omega Keith
01 - college/coffee/party - How You Like That
02 - supernatural/magic/nighttime - Core Burn
03 - cold/autumn leaves/rain - Autumn
04. festival/pumpkins/haunted house – This is Halloween
Yule Magic
914 words, rated general, magic au
Lance hasn't been back in his home town for very long and promised his best friend Hunk that he'd come by the Golden Lion Bakery soon. He was expecting to see what they'd done after renovating, he wasn't expecting a new member of staff. Yule was a time for magic, and this was no exception.
If I Didn't Know Better
715 words, rated teen, canonverse, not canon compliant
"If I didn't know better, I'd think you were about to kiss me."
Keith's frustration with the war spills over into his sparring session with Lance, whose attempt at breaking the tension does not go the way he planned.
Bonfires and Flower Crowns
1.6k, rated general, magic au, sequel to Yule Magic
Two months after first meeting, Lance and Keith are pretty seriously dating, but haven't taken the next step of making their relationship official. Imbolc marks the traditional start of spring. Maybe a change of seasons is nudge they need to make that shift
Player 3 is Waiting to Join
1.6k, rated general, modern au, omegaverse, alpha Lance, omega Keith
Omega Keith is a streamer/youtuber, and he and Lance are getting ready for their first child. This is just a few minutes of fluff during their day, plus a surprise present.
Food & Family
1.2k, rated general, post canon, not canon compliant
"Keith attempts to cook. The results are surprising."
After the war, Keith thinks back to when, at age 12, he found himself alone for the afternoon and decided to take care of his lack of after-school snacks on his own and what happened as a result.
The Bonding Moment™: Part 2
526 words, rated general, canonverse, Keith is a dumbass but we knew that
We all know The Bonding Moment™. We know what happened and how Lance then denied its very existence. But there's the part we didn't get to see. Keith's disaster gay meltdown later on…
The Marmoran's New Clothes
385 words, rated general, canonverse, not canon compliant
"With much hesitation, Kolivan agrees to try dressing in Earth clothes."
Kolivan had resisted the idea of even trying to wear human clothing, but a trip to the mall later, and Lance, Keith, and Krolia are beginning to regret suggesting it.
Unlike the Emperor, this outfit isn’t made of air and wishful thinking. But to the three witnesses to this catastrophe, it might actually have been an improvement.
Listen and You Can Hear the Ocean
2.2k, rated teen, college au sort of, mermaid au
After years of dreaming of the ocean, Keith heads off to university to pursue marine biology. A chance encounter with a familiar stranger shows him a past he'd long forgotten and the future they can forge together.
Red Blood & Blue Violets
8.1k, canonverse, not canon compliant at all, this was an exercise in pain, two endings, one good, one not so much, there's Keith/oc in chapter 3, be advised that I am now attached to this oc and he will be coming back
Based off this Tumblr prompt: "Please don't go"
Keith and Lance had become feared by Galra soldiers across the known universe for their flawless fighting style, the seasoned pair regularly taking down many times their small number alone. Until now. He’d failed. They always had each other’s backs, and he’d failed.
A Different Kind of Sunset Scene
990 words, rated teen, post canon, not canon compliant, it's got they/them trans enby Lance
Based on this Tumblr prompt: “Lance talks Keith into taking a break from work to go for a sunset stroll.”
Keith was supposed to be taking a break. As in, not working 12-18 hours a day. But even away from the field, leading the Blades was a lot of work. He’d sworn – promised, even – that the diplomatic bureaucracy for the day shouldn’t have taken any more than a few hours. But that was what he’d said at breakfast at 8 in the morning. It was nearing sunset, and he’d barely taken a minute away for lunch. Ok, if he wouldn’t do it himself, his loving husband would have to do it for him.
One Last Hunt
4.4k, rated mature, ongoing, college au, with witch Lance and [REDACTED] Keith, and ghosties and other critters
Lance practiced magic. The real stuff, not this new age shit. It's why he got into ghost hunting with Hunk and Pidge. Everything he knew came from books; hopefully meeting ghosts and spirits would teach him something new.
Pidge has a surprise for them for Halloween. Two surprises actually. One is going to the most haunted property in the area on the night in question. The other is that she invited campus cryptid Keith Kogane. Everyone knows who he is, but no one actually knows him. Everything about him is just slightly off in a way that no one can quite put their finger on, and it seems that he knows something about the haunted estate.
Getting closer to Keith on Halloween will definitely be an interesting experience. What does he know that he's not telling? Is he even human? Lance knows it's possible, but not even he's prepared for the truth.
Keith Kogane, Snake Whisperer
1.5k, rated teen, canonverse, not canon compliant, danger noodles are friend-shaped
While on a mission to secure an alliance for the Coalition, Team Voltron find themselves deep inside the cave system below the surface of the planet Vuria. They're there to retrieve an artifact sacred to the Vurians' ancestors. They weren't expecting an encounter with the planet's wildlife. But it's fine, Keith's got it covered.
A Candidate for a Soulmate Bled
1.9k, rated mature, ongoing, soulmate au, musician Keith, bartender Lance, first words soulmarks (sorry Lance)
Lance tried not to look at the words on the inside of his left wrist. Ever since they first showed up on his thirteenth birthday he tried to look at them as little as possible. The first words he would hear from his soulmate, sitting there in their own handwriting in neat, sharp script: slittin’ my throat it’s all I ever Lance has worried about those words for ten years, especially now that his soulmark is beginning to bloom red...
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piedoesnotequalpi · 9 months
12, 17, 18, 29 for the ask game! - @pigeonwit
Hi Pidge :)
12. How many WIPs do you have in your docs for next year?
I've had to be very careful about WIPs due to working on How It Will Be! So in terms of WIPs that actually have things written, there's HIWB (of course) and a Sprace meet cute one-shot inspired by this swing dance video I've seen floating around tumblr. I have documents with some planning notes, but I haven't actually started writing those, and some of them are Bachelorette AU tie-ins that I can't really write until HIWB is done. I still need to write my exchange and mini bang fics, but those don't have documents yet (😬)
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
Race! I've given him a lot of roles--a depressed, somewhat emotionally constipated professor (in a fic I ultimately hid on AO3 (I can dig up the tutorial on how to do that for anyone who wants it)); Jack's scheming best friend/roommate (Take the elephant by the hand); an offputting not-quite-human (Still Through the Leaves); and of course the over-the-top Bachelorette host. It's been cool to figure out how his personality traits manifest in each AU, and I am very excited to make him go through some stuff in the next couple chapters of HIWB.
Honorable mention to Crutchie, because while he cares a lot about his friends he is also a menace, which is always entertaining. In the Much Ado-niverse, he has a very specific way of talking (gratuitous fancy words, mostly) that I really enjoy writing, but given his different background/career choices/interests in HIWB I didn't think it made sense to carry that over.
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
I don't know if it's trouble necessarily, but out of all the non-POV characters in HIWB, Albert has consistently had the most going on behind the scenes, as it were. But because he isn't a POV character, everything we know about him comes exclusively from dialogue and how the POV characters interpret his actions. Figuring out what he was thinking/feeling in the more emotionally charged scenes while also figuring out how much of that he'd want to reveal (and what characters figure out) was definitely an interesting process. I rewrote the scene in the Reykjavik chapter where he and Charlie first kissed at least 3-4 times because I was so worried about getting it right.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
There are a lot of one-liners that I really like, and there's a scene early-ish in HIWB where Jack is being a bi disaster about Davey and Katherine that I think is fun, but my favorite has to be the opening of chapter 8 in the now-hidden fic I've referenced. Race is a trans guy in that AU, and he spends some time before he realizes that he's trans questioning his sexuality, and this scene is the aftermath of some of that pre-transition questioning going slightly sideways. Anyway, the scene is under the cut (Race is referred to with she/her due to the scene taking place pre-realization):
After Race broke up with her girlfriend, she went back to the half of a duplex that she shared with a couple perpetually absent medical students and shut herself in her room.
Dating Amelia had been–Not an experiment, Race reminded herself. You really thought you liked her. Amelia was also a PhD student, luckily in the robotics engineering department and therefore far enough removed from Race’s statistics program for them to have space post-breakup. They were friends, and Race had enjoyed spending time with her–except for the small problem that she’d eventually realized she wasn’t actually attracted to her.
Jack and David coming out senior year had turned out to be a catalyst for the rest of their friend group. Sarah had announced she was a lesbian part way through college, and Albert and Finch had both come out as gay and ended up in an on-and-off friends with benefits situation that Race tried to avoid knowing the details of. Charlie had said a couple years ago that he was still figuring things out, but between his friends, job, and disability rights activism, he thought he was probably too busy to date anyway. Even Spot and Katherine, who’d spent most of their lives struggling to fit the pictures their parents had of them, had come out to the general public via Facebook post on the same day in the fall. Which left Race, theoretically the token straight of the group, who was read as a lesbian even more now that she’d cut her hair short, donated the last dress and underwire bra in her closet, and wore as much L.L. Bean clothing as she could get her hands on.
She had thought that maybe she’d missed something along the way, that she really was secretly bisexual and had been in denial the whole time. She was sure she was interested in men–she’d had a few boyfriends in undergrad, and then there was the yearslong, semi-latent crush on–
Race swallowed, staring vacantly at the collage of pictures she’d hung on her wall. There was her with Jack and Medda at her college graduation, her and Albert and David at a surprisingly quiet beach on the Cape, a picture of her undergrad dance troupe performing, and right in the middle, a picture of her sitting on a couch–she didn’t even remember where it was taken at this point–next to–
There was a chance that she just hadn’t found the right person in Amelia. But Race didn’t want to date another girl, knowing that she probably would just end up discovering she wasn’t attracted to them in the first place.
She and this theoretical girl deserved better.
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kidge-planet · 1 year
Day 5 : water fight.
Characters: Pidge/Katie holt, Keith Kogane
Pairing: pidge and keith : kidge,
post season 8/ canon AU. married kidge
On a warm summer day, the sun high in the sky, Keith and Pidge found themselves near a picturesque lake. The sparkling blue waters beckoned to them, tempting them with its refreshing embrace.
Pidge looked mischievously at Keith and grinned. "You know what would make this day even better?"
Keith raised an eyebrow, already sensing her playful intentions. "What's that?"
"A water fight!" Pidge exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with excitement.
Keith's lips curled into a smirk. "You're on!"
Without wasting another second, Pidge scooped a handful of water from the lake and splashed it playfully in Keith's direction. The water droplets shimmered in the sunlight as they danced through the air. Keith retaliated with a swift splash of his own, aiming for Pidge's legs.
Giggles filled the air as the couple darted around, chasing each other and unleashing playful water attacks. Pidge used her agility to her advantage, ducking and dodging Keith's attempts to drench her. Keith, fueled by determination, made every effort to catch her off guard.
Water flew in every direction, soaking their clothes and hair. Laughter echoed across the lakeshore as their playful battle intensified. They were no longer husband and wife in that moment but carefree spirits enjoying the simple joy of being together.
As the night was falling, they were both laying beside the lake, breathless after that long fight.
Keith turned to Pidge.
"Well... That was fun." He smirked.
"It was." She answered as she got closer to him to nestle her face under his neck.
He held her closer.
That's how they finished the day: Cuddling in front of a beautiful lake that was reflecting the sunset.
A/N: Hi! just telling ya that I wrote that real quick, sorry if it is bad...
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drowninginblox · 1 year
Rewatching Voltron
Season 1
Season 2
— ~~~ —- _ — ~ }=>
Wanted to say this at the top: All of this is for fun. I haven’t seen voltron in a hot minute so I’d thought I’d go through and see if it was just as bad as we remembered. Below is my highlights and grevences, along with a few Head Canons! So stay if you want. If you don’t, I don’t care! This is just a me thing ^-^
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Transition between season 1 and 2
So satisfying on rewatch but must’ve been a bitch on release (OGs I will never know your pain lol)
Honestly wouldn't do anything to change the start of the second season.
The evolution of the paladins language
Idk if I said it already- but I love how the paladins are using Altean vocabulary. V good detail. Hope this stays consistent
Ships: Yes we’re doing this again but Klance won’t be the biggest issue
There’s a lot of Aullura and Shiro moments in the beginning that would’ve been a great foundation for something more if it wasn’t for the fact that (spoilers) Shiro is gay. The vibes they have are very knight or mercenary x princess and I’m a sucker for that shit.
Allureith is born in this season. And all I can read from this is good intentions but no thought. Both in execution and in the actual relationship. At least right now, I may change my mind the further I go.
Allurance. To me. Is the most infuriating thing this show has to offer. Every time I see Lance take a shot on Allura, and I see her discomfort I always say something along the lines of “Can you shut the fuck up-!” Or “Can you actually stOP!” While pausing for a good moment to regain myself. Just- god. Why? She is nO T into you dude. If anything this would be wonderful character development for both characters. I can see a full ep dedicated to this issue of Lance not knowing when someone isn't interested unless they actually say it to their face while Allura is in this denial that one day lance would get the hint. And from this experience, lance either fucks off for the next few episodes or starts from scratch with Allura with the understanding that friendship should always come first. If she is comfortable with that ofc.
Klance as a whole is screaming enemies far more than rivals right now. If klance is gonna work regardless of being a bromance or romance, there should be an understanding shining through. However, with both parties actually fighting in the middle of battles, and little to no willingness to talk, Iis becoming harder and harder to see why this was the biggest ship the fandom had to offer (then again 2016 was a fandom fever dream to begin with soooo)
Platonic relationships
Give me more Coran. He needs friends. I’m volunteering literally any of the palidins. And ofc we need more of the daughter Allura dynamic since we DONT HAVE ANYY. This man is such a theater kid and we are blessed with his existence.
Keith needs more time with Hunk and Pidge! For the love of god I CANNOT see them as more then trauma bonding buddies. I already have a list of things the B team (thats what I call Hunk and Pidge together because they are the Best Team) can bond over with Keith
Tech- (for both) this is built on the fact that Keith litterally had that cork board set up in the first eps to find Shiro. (Sorry Sheith shippers. I read these two as brothers only.) I like to think that Pidge and Hunk would ask Keith for help with techy stuff almost in the same vein as Lance. The only difference being Keith knows slightly more than Lance dose.
Sports- This one is mainly for Hunk but this can bleed into Lance too. Even though he's a big nerd I like to think his family is big on Foot and Fútball. I think Keith is the same but he loves baseball far more (same with Lance). Almost like I'm projecting my I Dont Dance Au onto these two hahahahaha-
Family/ lack there of - this can go for everyone. The best way to start this convo would be at dinner in the castle. Everyone is having a very quiet time until Hunk asks "Guys, what were your family's like?" This would result in a beat of quiet as for the first time in a bit, everyone really thinks about earth. Not for a passing moment or anything. Like- seriously. Allura or Coran would encurage this, saying that they dont really now alot about the palidin's home planet. From there it would a hodge podge of stories and background. I have a few HCs bout this including Shiro not really having a family and going into the airforce for financial and emotional support only to end up on the Curburos mission to.. escape life *cough cough* Adam *cough*, Pidge would talk about their mom's cooking and how their brother helped them with homework to the point where it got annoying. Hunk would say his mom's cooking is far superrior and then talk about his dad and siblings. I want to make his dad a retired wrestler, now mechanic. Lance would take offense to Hunk's claim this his mom could cout cook his mom. But he would talk alot about how his siblings were always there for him after their dad left (YES I WANT DADDY ISSUES LEAVE ME ALONE) Allura would remark throughout these stories with questions of her own. We'd eventually end with Keith, who almost leave the table at the pressure to remark on his own upbringing. This. This would be interesting.
But ima leave it there lol
The tracking plot point and rant about season 2 ep 6
Before this ep we got sprinkles of shiro/black lion tracking- wich is great. Love that shit. I have a problem with how we figure that out tho
“Zarkon must’ve imprinted one me durring our last fight.”- Keith. My man. Explain to me wtf you mean.
Fr tho. Just because you’re half Galra dosent mean that’s how it works bro. Ik we’re not fully sure at this point but- cmon.
“It’s me.” Allura. Hunny. H o w? Why even?
Why would two people who think they’re being tracked- GO TOGETHER??? Why would you even leave in the first place?! Shirio is right. Splitting up makes y’all vulnerable! Voltron can’t be formed without Keith! Why would y’all do that?? If anything why not leave in separate pods and just so happen to crash onto the same planet the paladins are on! I’m sorry I just hate the beginning of “The Arc of Taujeer” while Keith and Allura are away there is an actual humanitarian crisis. I know it’s important but damn to the tracking idea but G O D
Allura and Keith should be shunned and punished for the stunt they pulled in this ep fr. Info learned be damned
Mall episode
God bless the mall episode. An icon. Truly. All hail. All hail!!
The Blade of Malora/ Keith’s heritage + the racism
Let’s get the great out of the way: The Blade themselves- Their introduction is great. That goes without saying.
Keiths trials- M W A H the character assessment I could make is TOO LONG ON G O D
but the actual workings of the BoM is so calculated and cold. It’s honestly so refreshing in a way I don’t know how to explain
I just love untrusting rebels because that’s the reality of rebellion. You don’t know who is for the cause and who is a gov plant
I personally want Keith’s Galra heritage more known physically. Both on him and in his upbringing. I want splotches of purple across his body that no doctor can explain (all of wich can be hidden with a change of clothes) and barely noticeable physical abnormalities (ie: longer and sharper nails, maybe purple tinted hai “I dye it…”, strange “scars” that are actually birth marks that stand out. But he passes as human. Through these excuses.
I also want flashbacks to his dad trying to pass on everything he knows about his mother’s culture. (The knife and stories)
Now- I wanna talk about the bad. Y’all know it, y’all seen it- the racism
Now- Allura, sure. She has a reason to hate the Gullra. They killed her people. That is valid and I think that the truama combined with the truth that she’s working with “the enemy” is a great conflict and is honestly wonderful character growth.
HUNK ON THE OTHER HAND- w t f. This is so out of character. Hunk is literally the heart of the group and almost as smart as Pidge. I think he would know better than anyone else that litterally nothing has changed about Keith. Hell- maybe Shiro would know that struggle of people seeing him differently better than anyone else because IDK HES GAY (unless I change that. Personally I saw Shiro straight but… audience interaction? Lol I’ll put a poll on the final season if I remember) TLDR- As Keith said: “I didn’t just turn Gullra!”
Finale (season 2, episode 12 + 13)
Aullara getting over her biases and apologizing to Keith is perfect
Shirio and Keith’s chemistry is amazing as well both in and out of combat
The spy. An icon.
The amount of tension around this plan not failing is delicious. Yummy yummy- give me more!
Emperor whomever the fuck’s obsession w/ voltron carrying over to battle
Hagar being the voice of reason aGAIN. Queen shit fr.
When I first watched this I thought the paladins died ngl. Then when I rewatched I thought Allura died. Voltron out here with the drama fr
Zarkon meka action figures. When?
ALLURA DOING SHIT- F I N A L Y (Tangent will be later I promise)
HELL YEA WINGS!!! The fursona is complete
“Shit she got tats too!” Only to be met with Deisex Machina because Allura is the main character apparently
Hands to the side of voltrons face. That scene. Fucking slapped.
oh also lotor revel lol
Smaller things
The spies for the rebelion
I’m such a fake fan I don’t remember their names, but both of them left a big impact on me with their sacrifices
The guy who died in the cluster field, was a real one. Making the big bad of the episode implode on itself with him at the center- dude
Also, the guy closer to the finale who was almost caught multiple times. What a fucking trooper.
Underwent torture and still didn’t reveal the plans
Both of these dudes need art made for them! Like- I swear to God they did so much for these fuckers and we don’t hear about them, their back stories, or their families ever. When I rewrite this, I want to include pieces of what these people are sacrificing, and who they are fighting for either before, during or after they sacrifice themselves for the revolution.
TLDR; 🫡 Real ones
Zarkon’s black lion obsession bleeding into his character
I like how hyper-focused the big bad is about controlling the black lion.
He’s kind of right in his thinking that by controlling the lion, he’s won. He’s right. But from this thought process he’s reckless and too assured in himself.
It’s a self fulfilling prophecy given layers with the later seasons
Let lance be the sharp shooter
I want more sniper man!!
I want more chuckles instead of groans
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Overall- The show is still good!
This was a fun watch! Was there things I’d change? Ofc! But this season holds up just as, if not better than, the last! From what I remember everyone agrees that seasons 1-3 or 4 is the good shit and then everything goes downhill. Hopefully I’m proven wrong but I highly doubt that.
Scroll bat to the top if y’all wanna see my thoughts on Voltron season 1, thank you for reading my rambles, and, most importantly, FOLD YOUR FUCKING LAUNDRY! You’ve put it off all day-! DO IT!
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moonchief21 · 4 years
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Lance and Pidge can both get down.
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mimi-croissant · 3 years
So I have an AU that I’m going to say here for the sake of it. Art Kidz AU!!
So all of team Voltron goes to a School of the Arts for uni.
Lance—Theatre/Drama Major
Keith—Painting, Sketching, and Drawing Major
Allura—Dance Major
Hunk—Sculptures and Crafts Major
Pidge—Technician/Lighting and Graphic Design Major
Shiro—Creative Writing Major
Coran—The Dean
That’s what their majors are, if you have any questions or something, maybe more HC’s? Message or something! :D
I also am going to post a drawing of Lance for Julance day 7, so look out ;)
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oneflydude · 4 years
knew lance was a farm boy as soon as he knew how to milk a cow.
(in which i somehow go from farm boy lance to voltron dance au)
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internet-trash · 4 years
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fate221 · 5 years
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Belated Birthday present for @owenna6 and illustration for her Sport Dance AU 💚
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seypia · 4 months
so true i think romelle would really thrive in the supportive environment of synchro and would have so much fun at competitions (synchro audiences go HARD)
i think earlier you said keith and lance are team in ur au? any more info on that 👀 it works well with their rivalry in canon since they could be rivals in singles before teaming up
also i wasnt sure where to put shay but ice dance actually works so well, i imagine her more as a solo ice dancer but do you have her partnered in this au?
how the keith and lance team works is kind of like this (timeline bc this is how it works best in my head)
coran opens the altea arena, romelle and allura join as coaches, lance is the first member of team paladins to begin skating there, hunk and pidge follow quickly after
and then keith shows up
and this guy. this guy has a record for most gold medals at the isu grand prix. this guy used to be friends with allura during the honerva days. he is so good at what he does and lance HATES IT
because he doesn't have to work for it. all the figure skating stuff comes easy to him. so when nationals come around, lance is determined to beat him in singles. but, coran being coran, decides that they need to learn to support each other as paladins. and so signs them up as a pair
all hell breaks loose etc etc they smooch at the end
with shay, i don't really have her partnered. i imagine her working well with hunk, but hunk is with pidge. it could be apart of his arc where instead of trying to stay out of the spotlight, he instead pairs with shay and steps into it willingly?? and pidge learns to embrace her childish creativity (i'll elaborate on what exactly i mean here later) and branches out into singles skating again
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zenithpng · 4 years
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I finally got around to posting this...
Heh, it's not that great but it's the best i could do...
{Click for better quality}
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joidessin · 6 years
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Forest fire🌳🔥
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