#pier 86
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Pier 86 Pedestrian Bridge - Hell's Kitchen, New York City by Andreas Komodromos©
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thebridalstylist · 2 years
What a bride SHOULD wear
Today, I had a really lovely woman come in. She was a plus size widow who was getting remarried at about age 50, and was a complete ball of nerves about what she SHOULD be wearing given all that. She came in asking if it was okay that she wear certain silhouettes or details or colors, like "But am I allowed to wear sequins at my age/size/2nd wedding?" There was so much "am I allowed?", and it broke my heart.
I used to be a wedding and event planner as well, and I think it's important that everyone hear what I told that bride. I'm a professional at this, so if you want to take one thing as law, make it this one.
I want you to take every idea you have about what a bride should be allowed to wear at your age/size/situation... And then I want you to set all those ideas on fire and dropkick 'em a mile away.
There are only two rules to what you're "allowed" to wear as a bride: one, that you feel comfortable, and two, that you feel beautiful. That's it. If you're an 86 year old bride who wants a purple see-through mini dress with a V down to your bellybutton with 15 layers of poof under the skirt and crystal pasties where your nipples are, girl... Go for it. I will bust my ass to make it happen.
Anyone who says anything different can take a long walk off a short pier. It's about you, and only you. All that matters is that YOU'RE happy.
(And by the way. that bride found a dress she loved so much she happy-cried.)
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random-brushstrokes · 5 months
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Elihu Vedder - Off Pier Head, Viareggio, Italy (1881-86)
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hildeeveraert · 1 year
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Alvin Baltrop, The Piers (Open Window), 1975-86
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winters8child · 14 days
It´s been a long, long time
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Chapter 86
Sam had driven into town to grab some necessities—groceries and cleaning supplies—leaving Steve and me alone at the cabin. After watching the sunset from the pier, we headed back inside. We both sat on the couch, unsure how to pass the time.
The evening chill had set in, and I rubbed my arms to stay warm. Noticing me shivering, Steve spoke up. “I can try to get the fireplace going if you’re cold.”
“I’m fine,” I replied, though my voice was far from convincing.
“It’s no big deal. Let me take a look,” he said with a small smile, getting up to crouch in front of the fireplace. The whole exchange felt awkward—like two strangers making forced small talk.
“It should warm up any minute,” Steve said, turning to me after coaxing a small flame to life in the fireplace.
“Thanks,” I replied with a smile, pulling my leg up onto the couch. Steve stood there, hands on his hips, returning the smile.
“Sam should be back any minute,” he added, and I hoped he was right.
As the room gradually grew warmer, I tried to get comfortable, but the couch was stiff and uncomfortable, even just sitting on it. The thought crossed my mind to ask Steve if he wanted to share the room with me, but even a simple conversation felt awkward right now—never mind sharing a bed.
Finally, the front door creaked open, and Sam walked in, carrying two large bags of supplies. Steve quickly stepped forward, taking one of the bags and carrying it into the kitchen, placing it on the table. I followed behind them.
“Any issues in town?” I asked as Sam took off his cap and sunglasses.
“No, everything went smoothly,” he replied, starting to unpack the groceries. I nodded and quietly stepped in to help.
Sam had brought an assortment of fruits and vegetables, a bunch of ramen packets, pasta, various cheeses, and plenty of chicken and beef. “We can freeze the meat, but leave some out for dinner,” Sam instructed. I nodded and started dividing the cuts, sealing most in freezer bags while setting aside some chicken breasts for tonight.
This all felt strangely domestic, almost enough to forget that we were hiding out from the government. Once everything was put away, Steve began cleaning up the dust-covered cabin while Sam and I started cooking.
I was chopping potatoes when Sam broke the silence, slicing the meat as he spoke. “How are you two getting along?”
“It’s a little awkward, but... it’s okay, I guess,” I replied, placing the potatoes into a casserole dish.
“Well, you're stronger than me,” he said with a laugh. “No way I could live in a secluded cabin with my ex-girlfriend.”
I paused, confused, mid-chop. “I mean, technically we’re on a break. Does that make him my ex? Did he tell you we’re broken up?”
Sam turned around, wiping his hands on a dishtowel. “No, no, he did say you were on a break. But does that really make a difference? What would you call him if not your ex-boyfriend?” he asked.
I froze, my eyebrows knitting together in frustration. “I don’t know...” It was all too confusing. With a shrug, I resumed chopping the vegetables. “I don’t know, Sam. I really don’t,” I repeated, feeling exasperated.
I added the chopped vegetables to the casserole dish, and Sam followed with the meat before we placed it in the oven. Steve emerged from the bathroom, his hair disheveled, sleeves rolled up, and looking surprisingly good for someone who had just cleaned a toilet.
He wiped the sweat from his forehead with a grin. “Everything’s squeaky clean, so if nature calls, I suggest heading into the woods—I’d like to keep it that way,” he quipped.
“Very funny,” Sam replied, shaking his head. “Dinner will be ready in 40 minutes.” With that, he plopped down on the couch.
Steve approached me with an awkward smile as I removed my apron and hung it up. “Did you tell Sam we broke up?” I asked, my voice tense. His smile faltered, replaced by confusion as he shook his head.
“What? No, I didn’t,” he replied, clearly caught off guard.
From the living room, Sam’s voice rang out over the sound of the TV. “I can hear you guys!”
Frustrated, I huffed and grabbed Steve’s arm, pulling him into my room and shutting the door behind us. “What are we, Steve? We haven’t even been here a full day, and I already hate how things are.” I crossed my arms. “The politeness, the forced smiles—I hate it.”
He raised his eyebrows. “So, you don’t want me to be polite? Or smile?”
“Not like that,” I replied, my shoulders tense. “Not when it feels fake.”
“I wouldn’t call it fake,” Steve said softly. “Things are just complicated. I’m just trying to make things feel normal.”
I nodded, still uncertain about what we were, but I didn’t want to press the issue further. If he didn’t want to answer, then so be it.
“Your room looks nice,” Steve said, glancing around as he sat down on my freshly made bed. I had unpacked the few clothes I brought a couple of books, the Alpine plushie, and the ladybug pin on the dresser.
“You can sleep here if you want,” I said, sitting down next to him. “The couch is way too small and uncomfortable.”
Steve raised a hand in a defensive gesture. “Oh no, that’s not why I said that—”
But I cut him off. “If you want things to feel normal, then you sleeping on the couch isn’t normal. So, sleep here. I don’t mind,” I said with a smile.
“If you’re sure?” he asked softly.
I nodded. “Yeah, I’m sure. It’s fine. The bed is big enough, and there’s plenty of space between us.”
He perked up at that like a kid permitted to eat sweets before dinner, though there was still a hint of disappointment in his expression that I couldn’t quite place.
We headed back out and settled in to watch TV in silence until dinner was ready. We ate at the kitchen table, with Sam doing most of the talking. I was grateful for his chatter; it filled the space and spared us from awkward silences.
After we were full, Sam opened a small dresser in the living room, revealing a collection of old board games. I had never really played board games before, but I was up for giving it a try. We decided on Monopoly, where the goal was to become the richest player.
After Sam explained the rules, we spent hours on the living room floor, laughing and playing. The cabin was filled with the lingering aroma of our delicious dinner, and the fireplace crackled warmly. For a moment, it almost felt like I could get used to this.
The moment of ease faded as bedtime approached. Sam had already retreated to his room, and Steve was in the bathroom. I paced around my bedroom, already dressed in sleep shorts and a shirt, feeling inexplicably nervous. We were just supposed to sleep, after all.
When Steve returned, he had a shy smile on his face, dressed in grey sweatpants and a white tank top. He still looked effortlessly handsome. “What side do you want to sleep on?” he asked.
I shrugged. “I don’t mind either way.”
When he didn’t move, I walked over to the side closer to me. “The left side is fine,” I said, sitting down.
He sat down on the other side and slipped under the blanket, turning to face me. I followed, pulling the blanket over myself and breathing in the scent of freshly washed sheets.
Steve's gaze flickered to the Alpine plushie on my dresser, but he quickly looked away. “You still have it,” he said, his voice neutral.
“Of course I do. Did you expect me to throw it away?” I asked, frowning. I’d put it aside when he once shared his insecurities, but I would never get rid of it.
“No, no, of course not,” he replied, sounding sincere.
I got up, tossed the blanket off, and walked to the dresser. I picked up a small box next to Alpine and returned to the bed, handing it to him.
“I kept this too,” I said, urging him to open it. His expression softened as he recognized the box—it held the ladybug pin he’d given me on my 16th birthday. Slowly, he opened it, his smile growing at the sight.
“I remember that day like it was yesterday,” he said, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. “I was so nervous when I gave it to you.”
Back then, I had thought it was just a friendly gesture, but in hindsight, I realized it meant so much more.
“It’s lost a bit of its shine, but it’s still beautiful,” I said, smiling to myself. “It was the first gift a boy ever gave me.”
“Really?” he asked, perking up in surprise. His reaction tugged at my heart, making me a little sad. So many of my firsts had been with Bucky—maybe this was one he was glad to have for himself.
The moment felt so tender and sweet that, for a second, I forgot everything else. “You’re special to me, Steve. Never forget that,” I said with a sad smile. No matter what had happened between us, he would always have a place in my heart.
I leaned over and kissed his cheek softly before he handed the box back to me with a gentle smile.
“Good night, Steve,” I said, placing the box on my nightstand and turning away to sleep. He switched off the light, his voice soft in the darkness. “Good night.”
Next Chapter
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creativespark · 10 months
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Alvin Baltrop, The Piers (three men on dock), 1975-86
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scout-sms · 9 months
From the Fourth Chapter of
the Book of Genesis
part one
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// ptolemaea - ethel cain // entry #66
// cain slaying abel - pier francesco mola
// entry #80 // entry #83
// genesis 4:10 kjv
// entry #86 // entry #83
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A good nazi is a dead nazi.
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May 12, 1937 the caskets of the dead from the Hindenberg explosion lie at Pier 86. One lone Yank amid a sea of swastikas.
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scottsbifh · 2 months
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From FB The Marine Buff
This striking aerial photograph captures New York City’s famous Luxury Liner Row on June 26, 1952, showcasing some of the era's most illustrious ocean liners.
At the top of the lineup is the then-new UNITED STATES, which had arrived in New York City from her builders on June 23, 1952. Docked at Pier 86, she was being prepared for her maiden voyage set for July 3, 1952. Remarkably, five days earlier, the UNITED STATES was opened to the public, attracting an impressive crowd of approximately 70,000 people, significantly more than a sellout crowd at Yankee Stadium. The queue to board the ship stretched for fourteen blocks.
Next in line at Pier 88 is the flagship of the French Line, the magnificent LIBERTÉ, which had just docked after arriving from Europe that morning. At Pier 90, the stately QUEEN MARY of the Cunard Line was ready for her departure to Europe scheduled for 11:30 a.m. on the same day.
On this day in June 1952, the QUEEN MARY held the title of the fastest liner afloat. However, she would soon lose this title to the UNITED STATES, which would claim the speed record in a little over a week. This photograph marks the first meeting of these two rival liners.
Also visible in this photograph are two other Cunard ships. Tucked on the south side of Pier 90 between the QUEEN MARY and LIBERTÉ is the GEORGIC, and at the bottom of the photo at Pier 92 is a partial view of the MEDIA.
This photo not only highlights the grandeur of these liners but also serves as a testament to the bustling maritime activity that characterized New York Harbor in the mid-20th century.
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thebrandywine · 10 months
for the drabble meme, 86 and nivannedy?
Take My Breath Away by Berlin!
The only thing running through his mind is how cheesy this is. Piers is standing at the alter next to their officiant, everyone turning as Chris wheels Leon down the aisle. The man had tried to weasel his way into walking on his own, but after snapping his leg in three places with his fall into the well, there'd been absolutely no chance of that.
Their wedding was always going to be somewhat casual, neither of them seeing any point in being traditional or by the book. There's no music that precedes him. Some people are clapping, others are whistling, and Leon is rolling his eyes at all of them and biting down on a smile. Piers, though, is trying not to cry. He'd told himself that he wouldn't do this, and before the mission where Leon had gotten hurt, the one where he'd almost drowned, he might have managed to hold it all in; in the after, though, he just stares at Leon approaching with tears in his eyes thinking how fucking grateful he is.
Chris positions the wheelchair across from Piers and ducks into his seat. Leon squints up at him and, before the officiant can speak, murmurs, "You alright?"
"Yeah," he manages. A tear breaks free and streaks down his face, wobbly lips rising up into a smile. He grabs Leon's jaw and tilts the man's head up so that he can press a hard kiss to his forehead, Leon's hand wrapping around his wrist and squeezing lightly. "Sorry. I'm good."
"You don't have to apologize," Leon says, and then they're parting so that they can get on with it.
The vows pass quickly, in a haze. They hadn't done anything special, so they're mostly composed of for better and for worse. They say 'I do.' Piers sets his knee on the seat of the wheelchair between Leon's thighs, curls around him, and gives him everything he's got. People are wolf whistling and throwing rice and cheering, Leon and Piers smiling into it, clicking teeth in the most useless kiss they've ever shared. It's perfect.
"I fucking love you so much," Piers says when they allow an inch between them.
Leon, his own eyes a little bright with unshed tears, pulls him back in.
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whumpookies · 9 months
So question how do you think jason will return? Last time he was drugged and in Russia so how do you think he will this time?
I kinda gotta point out here I'm British (most everyone knows that here 🤣) so knowing American shows and their history on "comebacks" can be patchy...
With that said, let's dig in!
Okay, back in 2017 the return of Jason was..complicated we worked out that in 2013 he was shot in the back and pushed off the pier by Cesar fasion here (anyone stop me if I'm wrong in any part!)
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What was worked out was that divers in the water of Pier 55 grabbed Jason to the entrance of the catacombs (2019 Jason found a way out after being falling and trapped and Sam rescued him suffering from hyperthermia and almost drowning here)
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He was then transported to Russia where his memories was swapped to his twin brother (who was kidnapped 6 months prior) drew Cain who thought he was Jason Morgan.
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Only to fight to get back and go through whump hell..😈🤣
So saying that...
I think he'll be found back in 2021/2 in a caved tunnel system that fell on top of him.. with say.. amnesia or something like that...saying that, he could even get his memories of when he was Jason Quartermain before the car crash 🤔
Or he could be working as an international group 🤷‍♀️
Yes, I've thought this over I may have written a drabble or two of what ifs 🙈
Either way there better be a whump or 20! We need another 86 whumps from the guy list here...how he survived this far I've no idea and I love it 🤣🤣
Let's see what they come up with I anticipate big things 🤔
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USS Intrepid (museum) - Pier 86, New York City by Andreas Komodromos
USS Intrepid (CV/CVA/CVS-11), also known as The Fighting "I", is one of 24 Essex-class aircraft carriers built during World War II for the United States Navy. She is the fourth US Navy ship to bear the name.
Commissioned in August 1943, Intrepid participated in several campaigns in the Pacific Theater of Operations, including the Battle of Leyte Gulf.
In August 1982, the ship opened at Pier 86 on the Hudson River in New York City as the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum. Four years later, Intrepid was officially designated as a National Historic Landmark.
From Wikipedia
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mxtxfanatic · 2 years
Wei WuXian finished his pancake in just a few bites. Bunching up the oil paper into a ball, he played with it in his hands. Eyes darting about, he said, “There aren’t a lot of other vendors left. Back in the days, these docks were always filled with street vendors no matter how late it was, selling all kinds of food. A lot of people from Lotus Pier used to have very late suppers. There’d be quite a few boats around too, not any less than the Textile Town near your sect.”
He continued, “There’s a lot less now. Lan Zhan, you’re here too late. You didn’t get to see when this place was at its best and most interesting.”
–Chapt. 86: “Core” Part 8, boat-full-of-lotus-pods
Huh, there are less people around the new Lotus Pier? What could possibly have caused that decrease in popularity amongst the civilians? 😒
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thetudorslovers · 2 years
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Silvia Ruffini was a 16th-century Italian noble woman and mistress of Cardinal Alessandro Farnese before he becomes pope and mother of his four children. At some time around 1496 she married a Roman merchant Giovanni Battista Crispo, yet she may already have been romantically involved with Farnese by then. With him she had three sons: Sallustio, Virgilio and Cardinal Tiberio Crispo. Her husband Crispo died in 1501.
Ruffini was introduced to Alessandro Farnese by his sister Giulia, and the Cardinal offered to be her escort through Rome. The first daughter of Ruffini and Alessandro Farnese, Costanza, was probably born already in 1500. Ruffini also had three other children with the Cardinal;  some of them may have been born while Ruffini's husband was still alive.(Pier Luigi, Paolo and Ranuccio)
When Alessandro became Bishop of Parma, the church's vicar-general, Bartolomeo Guidiccioni required him to end the relationship with Ruffini. As pope, Paul III kept her identity a secret, fearing the negative publicity that had plagued his sister Giulia. Baldassarre Molosso, poet and guardian of the couple's children, hints that Paul III kept her in the town of Bolsena, a village owned by her son and where tbe Pope had a villa, close to Silvia's sister Camilla.
Silvia Ruffini died on Tuesday 5 December 1561 in Rome, aged about 86 years old, and was buried in a family crypt.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Canada Place, Vancouver
Canada Place is a building situated on the Burrard Inlet in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It is home to the Vancouver Convention Centre, the Pan Pacific Vancouver Hotel, the Vancouver World Trade Centre, and the virtual flight ride FlyOver Canada. The building's exterior is covered by fabric roofs resembling sails. It is also the main cruise ship passenger terminal for the region, where cruises to Alaska originate. The building was designed by architects Zeidler Roberts Partnership in joint venture with Musson Cattell Mackey Partnership and DA Architects + Planners.
Canada Place is accessed via West Cordova Street and near Waterfront Station, a major transit hub with SkyTrain, SeaBus, and West Coast Express connections.
The structure was expanded in 2001 to accommodate another cruise ship berth. During the 2010 Winter Olympics, Canada Place served as the Main Press Centre.
Canada Place was built on the land which was originally the Canadian Pacific Railway's Pier B–C. Built in 1927, its primary purpose was to serve CPR and other shipping lines trading across the Pacific Ocean.
In 1978 Federal, Provincial and Municipal governments commenced planning for development of convention, cruise ship and hotel facilities. Four years later, the Government of Canada created a crown corporation, the Canada Harbour Place Corporation (known as Canada Place Corporation until 2012), to develop the Canada Place project on the Pier B–C site. Construction began when Queen Elizabeth II arrived on the Royal Yacht Britannia with Pierre Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada and William R. Bennett, Premier of BC to initiate the first concrete pour.
During Expo 86, the Canada Pavilion at Canada Place was opened by Prince Charles and Brian Mulroney, Prime Minister of Canada. Among the largest and most elaborate pavilions presented by any nation at any World's Fair, the Canada Pavilion hosted more than 5 million visitors prior to the October 13, 1986 closing date.
Canada Place Corporation (CPC), a Crown agent, continues to act as the coordinating landlord for Canada Place facilities.
Source: Wikipedia
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Silvio Berlusconi 🖤🖤🖤 nous a quitté le 12 juin 2023 à l'âge de 86 ans
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à l'époque jeune loup socialiste, avec un 357 Magnum sur le bureau, en cas de kidnapping
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Dès ses années d'études, il a démontré sa capacité à gagner de l'argent. Alors qu'il étudie le droit à l'université, il joue de la contrebasse dans un groupe d'étudiants et se fait une réputation de chanteur, travaillant dans des boîtes de nuit et sur des bateaux de croisière
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Il a commencé à utiliser son charme naturel dans les affaires en tant que vendeur d'aspirateurs et en vendant des essais rédigés pour ses camarades d'études. Après avoir obtenu son diplôme, il se lance dans la construction avec sa propre société, Edilnord, et construit un énorme complexe d'appartements à la périphérie de Milan - bien que la source de financement du projet reste un mystère. En 1973, l'entrepreneur lance une société locale de télévision par câble, Telemilano, pour fournir la télévision à ses propriétés. 4 ans plus tard, il possède deux autres stations et un studio central à Milan. À la fin de la décennie, il a créé une société holding, Fininvest, pour gérer l'expansion rapide de ses entreprises. Il finira par posséder Mediaset - le plus grand empire médiatique d'Italie et propriétaire des plus grandes stations privées du pays - et la plus grande maison d'édition d'Italie, Mondadori. Il était l'un des hommes les plus riches d'Italie, avec une fortune familiale de plusieurs milliards de dollars. Ses enfants Marina, Barbara, Pier Silvio, Eleonora et Luigi ont tous participé à la gestion de son empire commercial. Une partie de cette fortune a été utilisée pour satisfaire ses intérêts personnels, notamment pour sauver de la faillite le club de football de sa ville natale, l'AC Milan, en 1986.
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