#pietro maximov fic
imtryingbuck · 11 months
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x fem!Reader
Summary: you and Wanda were best friends until she left you in the Hydra base.
Word count: 963
Warnings: abuse. death (starvation). no happy ending.
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Today is the anniversary of escaping Hydra for Wanda, it should have been a happier time since it meant that she was no longer in the clutches of those that used and abused her, but everyday she was plagued by the constant memory of what she had done that day, and just like everyday the last words you ever spoke to her play on her mind, day in and day out.
"You were my family.”
The way your voice cracked broke her heart, she remembers the way you stuttered as you willed yourself to look at her through the thick glass window, the way you turned around and dropped your head along with your shoulders in defeat as you moved further into the room, into the darkness.
Leaving you in the Hydra base wasn’t something she wanted to do, she wanted the life you both had planned and dreamed about with each other. However, Wanda was selfish as she walked past your cell door, you clocking her straight away and begging for her to let you out, but all she said was she needed to find her brother. You told her you would help her, she told you just to wait and she’ll come back to you.
You knew, you knew she wasn’t coming back for you and you accepted it. She didn’t have any obligation to do anything for you but you still begged anyway, thinking-hoping that everything you two had planned together would become a reality.
But she left, left you alone scared and confused for what what’s happening and what was to come. 
It wasn’t until Wanda was safe up high in the sky that it dawned on her that she had left you behind.
Every night since being at the tower she sits on the soft fluffy carpet in her room and talks softly to herself through the a hole she had made in the wall. 
Every night she’s cries when you don’t reply. The realisation that you’re not there, safe just the same as she is hits her hard. Every time.
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As the years passed she thought of you daily, hoping that you were safe, hoping that you was with Pietro and causing mischief wherever you two were.
She tried to justify what she had done not like it made any difference. She tried to live her life like she thought you hoped she would, but it didn’t make it any easier as you weren’t by her side.
The only people that knew what she had done was her, you and Pietro and since you and her brother were no longer here, it made it easier for Wanda to suffer in silence.
Though Wanda did smile and laugh more there was always times where the Avengers - her found family - would notice her smile or laughter fading away quickly. Never knowing that she would torment herself for wondering if you would have smiled or laughed at the thing that was being said or done.
She didn’t have many regrets in her life but leaving you behind was number one.
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Wanda couldn’t breathe or take her eyes off the screen.
Her chest tightened painfully, her vision blurred with thick burning tears.
“-Wand? Wanda? Are you alright?” Steve asks when he noticed the change in his friends demeanour.
“I-I know h-her” she rasps.
The teams eyes bounce from Wanda to the woman in the photo. The woman was found by SHIELD chained to a wall at the Hydra base they overtook, the bruises and deep lacerations that covered her very slim frame made Steve gulp and Tony’s eyes drop down to his hands.
“She was with me when I was with Hydra, her cell was next to mine” She stutters out.
“Was she not there when we found you?” Steve asks again.
“I-I told her I’d come back for her but-but I didn’t  I didn’t go back” Wanda cries.
“I know alright I left her all alone”.
“I’m sorry”. Steve sighs, a beat or two go by before he speaks again “Wand did she have any abilities?”
“She can heal faster than normal”
“What was the main reason for her being there? Do you know?” Tony now asks.
“Because…so we-the experiments could train on her, they would make us do awful things to her but she always survived it.”
“Was-was it quick?”
“Yes or no Steve was it quick?”
Finding his eyes filling with tears, he looks at his friend with remorse. “No. Sh-she died of starvation, Wanda I’m so sorry”
“Do they know when she died?”
“Don’t do this to yourself, it’s not going to cha-“
“Steve please!” She begs him to tell her the truth no matter how much it was going to pain her.
“Th-they estimate that s-she died seven hours before they found her”
All this time and you was still alive, because she left she assumed you had died. You were alive and being tortured by god knows who. You were all alone, probably thinking no one even cared about you and it was all her fault, if she had gone back or even got you out first then you would have known the love and warmth of a family. 
You had given up, lost the fight seven hours before you were found. And it was all her fault.
The team watches as she stands up and walks away, she doesn’t get far as the heart breaking, gut wrenching scream tore through the barrier of her lips causes her to drop to her knees.
She didn’t have many regrets in her life but leaving you behind was number one and the second biggest regret she had was never being able to tell you how much she loved you.
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~ banner credit goes to @sweetpeapod ~
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olsenmyolsen · 3 months
The Synopsis and Cast of Characters - The Farmer's Daughter - A WandaNat Story
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✨ "You intoxicate me, Natasha," ✨
After being honorably discharged and with nowhere to go, Natasha Romanoff (Age 26) finds herself working and living on a farm, where she ends up meeting Wanda Maximoff (Age 20)...
The Farmer's Daughter:
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Wanda Maximoff
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Natasha Romanoff
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Yelena Belova
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Kate Bishop
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Darcy Lewis
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Clint Barton
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Pietro Maximoff
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Maya Lopez
And an additional cast of characters
The Barton Family Carol Danvers Bucky Barnes Sam Wilson Monica Rambeau Logan Jarvis Stark Nick Fury Magda Lehnsherr with Erik Lehnsherr
And many more.
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dan-the-womans-blog · 30 days
Title:Running Back to You
Pietro maximoff x fem!reader
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Got this amazing idea from @faithiegirl01
You had been by their side for as long as you could remember. The tiny apartment in Sokovia, with its peeling wallpaper and cramped spaces, was more of a home to you than the one you were born into. Wanda and Pietro Maximoff were your family in every sense of the word. Together, the three of you had faced the hardships of a war-torn world, clinging to each other when everything else seemed to fall apart.
Wanda was your sister, not by blood, but by heart. The two of you were inseparable, spending hours giggling over shared secrets and dreams for a better future. You marveled at her growing abilities, feeling a deep bond that went beyond sisterhood. But then there was Pietro—your protector, your constant. With him, there was something different. He was always sweet to you, always looking out for you in ways that made your heart flutter, but you had never really considered what that meant. He was just Pietro, your best friend.
Or so you thought.
Everyone else seemed to see what you couldn’t. Wanda rolled her eyes whenever Pietro would dash ahead to pull you out of the way of some nonexistent danger or when he would bring you flowers he picked at superspeed. She could see the way his eyes lingered on you, the way his smile softened whenever you were around. It was all so obvious to everyone but the two of you.
The day everything changed was when HYDRA came into your lives. They promised power and a way to fix everything wrong with the world. You, Wanda, and Pietro accepted their offer, driven by desperation and a desire to make things better. The experiments were brutal, and the pain was unimaginable, but you endured it together. Your powers manifested—abilities that allowed you to manipulate energy in ways that were both destructive and beautiful.
But with that power came a price. HYDRA saw you as assets, tools to be used, and you were separated from your friends. They sold you to the highest bidder, and that bidder was none other than Tony Stark. It wasn’t until later that you realized Stark had bought you to save you, to keep you out of HYDRA’s clutches. You fought against him at first, but he and Steve Rogers showed you that your powers could be used for good. They trained you, molded you into something stronger, something better.
But nothing could erase the pain of being torn away from Wanda and Pietro. You missed them every day, wondering if they were still together, if they were safe, if they even thought of you.
Years passed, and you became a valuable member of the Avengers, though your heart was never fully in it. The memories of your time with Wanda and Pietro haunted you, and even in moments of victory, you felt the sting of their absence.
Then, everything changed when the Avengers faced a new threat. You were tasked with infiltrating a HYDRA facility—one that had recently fallen into the hands of new operators who were continuing the terrible work done there. It was a straightforward mission until you saw him.
He was faster than ever, moving through the facility like a blur. Your heart stopped. He was alive. But he was also your enemy now—or so you were supposed to believe. The thought of fighting him was unbearable, yet there was no choice. When you saw him dart towards Clint, your instincts took over, and you intercepted him, using your powers to bring him down.
Pietro hit the ground with a grunt, looking up at you in confusion. His eyes widened as recognition dawned on him. “Y/N?” he whispered, disbelief and hope intertwined in his voice.
“Pietro,” you breathed, your voice trembling. Tears welled in your eyes as you fell to your knees beside him, forgetting the battle raging around you. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to hurt you—I thought you were dead. I thought I’d lost you forever.”
Pietro’s expression softened, and he reached out to brush a tear from your cheek. “I never stopped thinking about you,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “I looked for you everywhere, but they told me you were gone. I should have known you’d find a way back.”
You pulled him into a tight embrace, both of you shaking with the intensity of the moment. It felt like a lifetime since you had been in each other’s arms, and now, with him holding you, everything else seemed to fade away. “We’ll find Wanda,” he promised, his voice strong and sure. “We’ll be together again. I won’t let them take you from me this time.”
When you finally pulled apart, the battle had slowed, and the Avengers were staring at you in confusion. Tony approached cautiously, raising an eyebrow at the two of you. “So, are you going to introduce us to your, uh, old friend?”
You let out a soft laugh, wiping your eyes as you stood. “Tony, this is Pietro Maximoff. He’s... he’s the reason I survived HYDRA. Wanda too. You tried to save them along with me all those years ago, but... we got separated.”
Tony’s eyes widened in realization, the pieces finally clicking into place. “Well, damn,” he muttered, shaking his head. “Guess we’ve got some catching up to do.”
You looked back at Pietro, your heart swelling with a mixture of joy and sadness. There was still so much to say, so much to do, but for the first time in years, you felt like you were home.
Wanda found you soon after, her face lighting up with pure joy when she saw you. The reunion was emotional, filled with laughter, tears, and promises never to be separated again. Wanda gave you a knowing smile, and you couldn’t help but blush. She always knew, even before you did.
As the dust settled and the Avengers regrouped, you realized that the long journey was finally over. You were back where you belonged—by Pietro’s side. And as he squeezed your hand, you knew that no matter what came next, you would face it together.
A few days after the battle, you and Pietro stood together on the balcony of the Avengers Tower, watching the sun set over New York City. The air was warm, and the city buzzed with life below, but here, it was just the two of you, wrapped in the quiet of the moment.
Pietro turned to you, his eyes soft as they met yours. “You know,” he began, his voice low and full of something you couldn’t quite place, “I’ve been running my whole life. But when I’m with you... I finally feel like I can slow down.”
Your breath caught in your throat as his words sank in. Suddenly, all those moments from your childhood, all the times he had been there for you, flashed through your mind. The way he had always been just a little too protective, a little too sweet. And then, finally, you understood.
You loved him. You had always loved him.
Pietro smiled, as if he could see the realization dawning on your face. He took a step closer, closing the distance between you. “I’ve loved you for so long,” he admitted, his voice barely more than a whisper. “I was just too scared to say it.”
Tears welled in your eyes, but they were tears of happiness this time. “Me too,” you confessed, reaching up to cup his face in your hands. “I was so scared of losing you that I didn’t even realize what was right in front of me.”
Pietro leaned down, and your heart raced as his lips met yours in a gentle, tender kiss. It was like coming home, like everything you had been searching for had finally found you. When you pulled apart, you rested your forehead against his, savoring the warmth of his embrace.
Wanda’s voice rang out from behind you, her tone full of amusement. “Took you two long enough.”
You both turned to find her leaning against the doorway, arms crossed and a smirk playing on her lips. Pietro rolled his eyes, but you just laughed, feeling lighter than you had in years.
“Yeah,” Pietro said, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close. “But at least we got there in the end.”
And as the three of you stood there together, watching the sun dip below the horizon, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would face them as you always had—together, as a family.
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mcu-fan-fics-blog · 2 years
Routine iii
Mini Series
Wanda Maximoff x Fem! Reader
Summary: Routines can get tiring quickly, especially when you’re the only one working towards keeping them.
Word Count: 1535
A/n: There will be one final update on this one. Let me know whether you want this to be a happy or sad ending. Happy reading I can’t wait to hear your thoughts. <3
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“Be worried when there’s no fight left…” The words had Wanda reeling. She was listening in on a conversion between Tony and Sam. She watched as both of them nodded in agreement. As if this was something known universally, something that everyone, but her knew. She shouldn’t have butted in but she couldn’t help it. “Why do you both agree, what makes you both say that?” She asks again. They look at each other again like they knew something she didn’t. “It means there’s still something worth fighting over.” Sam explained. Tony continued, “When there are obvious issues, no fighting is not a good sign. Lack of fighting means they’ve given up.” Sam nods. “Sometimes it’s bound to happen though.” He finished off.
Your home was awfully quiet lately. Nothing was brought up after your last fight, if you could even call it that. “Y/n, you’ve been distant lately.” Natasha had stopped by on your lunch break. “I’m sorry it’s just I took my boss up on the promotion after all. I’ve been a little more busy than normal.” She looked surprised for a moment before she smiled and nodded. “It’s okay, it’s just Wanda hasn’t mentioned anything.” You tensed and she didn’t miss it, she didn’t mention it she just sat in the seat across from you. You sighed. “That would be because she doesn't know.” Natasha wasn’t surprised she’d seen this coming long ago. It wasn’t hard to see, you couldn’t hide your discontent. “What’s going on?” Was all Natasha asked. 
“I don’t even know, I’m tired, exhausted, and confused.” You answer honestly. “Have you talked to Wanda?” You shake your head denying it. “I-i, I think that our marriage, if we could even call it that, is done for. I’ve been watching it die for years.” You let out in one breath, everything that had been weighing on you. “Why haven’t you said anything?” The question was simple, sadly so was the answer. “I’ve been waiting for her to notice, she’s killing me.” Your eyes teared up and your breaths were uneven and shaky. “You wouldn’t feel like this if you didn’t love her.” Natasha was Wanda's friend as much as she was your’s. She was trying. “Not enough… Not anymore. Not like I did three years ago.” She was not wrong, you loved her, but love can be ugly too. Love can make you feel amazing, but there are two sides to the same coin. “Not enough to go through another year like this…”
You were silent trying to come to terms with what you’d just confessed, Natasha was trying to see how she could smooth things over. If ever slightly, she could tell Wanda to do better, and give her a fighting chance. “I’m tired…” Natasha nodded and walked around the desk and moved to hug you. She wasn’t the most affectionate person around, but you needed it. She stayed for a little while longer and left with a reassuring smile telling you that everything will workout. Whatever that looked like she told you it would. Getting home you realized Wanda was waiting for you. You didn’t say anything and dropped and placed your belongings where they went. You sat on the couch next to her leaving you on one end and her on the other. 
“What is happening to us?” She didn’t look at you, she couldn’t not if she wanted to get through this without breaking out into tears. “It’s been happening for years…” You said looking down at your hands. “You did this to us.” You said, and Wanda’s eyes flew to your side of the couch. She didn’t say anything, she just waited for you. Natasha had talked to her, she was listening to her advice seeing as she wasn’t doing herself any favors with you lately. “This was supposed to be a joint effort Wanda I tried, and you just… didn’t.” It was hard to listen. “You let me give and give everything I had in me and you just took and took. I’m tired of this, I’ve given you time to get it all together. I just have to come to terms with the truth. I'm not your priority, and I never will be.” 
“I’m tired of pretending that your lack of effort is justifiable. I'm not a girlfriend you met two weeks ago. You can’t just pick and choose when you want to be my Wife when you want to be in my life.” Wanda had gotten the gist of it a while ago, but you just kept going and going. She swore she’d only zoned out for a moment. “I think it’s best if we just separate, you can keep this place. I’ll just keep some furniture…” Then suddenly it all came crashing down.You weren’t fighting, you were not yelling, or even angry. You just seemed resigned. “You can’t give up!” Wanda exclaimed. “You gave me up a long time ago Wanda… I won't fight for someone that clearly wont fight for me.” Wanda was fighting; she was still trying at least in her head she was. “You don’t want this anymore?” She asked, trying to steady her voice. You didn’t want to nod, but you did. “Love isn’t supposed to feel like this…” 
“You don’t have to leave, take your time, I have a mission…” You held back a scoff. This wasn’t your problem anymore. You nodded again not trusting your voice. “I’ll be out of your hair…” She left again, It shouldn’t hurt but it did. Wanda didn’t have a mission, she just couldn’t be there anymore not without having a breakdown. She went to the tower where Natasha was waiting for her. “So you just left?!” Natasha asked incredulously. “What did you want me to do? She's done with me, did you not hear any of the words that just came out of my mouth?” Natasha was beyond livid. “No, it seems like you didn’t hear a word that came out of Y/n’s mouth. That was your chance to fight for her… and instead you left!” Wanda felt like a child, lost and scolded. “All you did was prove her right.” Natasha pointed out again more softly this time. “Do you think that I want to hurt the one person in this world that I love more than anything?.. Well, I don’t, but that’s all I seem to do. I don’t want to hurt her more than I already have.” 
You didn’t want to be there anymore, this apartment, this home, this city was worthless without her. Work was your only escape the next day.  Natasha had texted you earlier in the day, but you didn’t want to hear it. You know she would have a case prepared for Wanda. It was funny, Natasha fought more for your relationship with Wanda than Wanda ever did. “We are expanding our offices as many of you are aware, they need experienced workers to help them set said offices up. Anyone interested should sign up.” Your boss had called for an early morning meeting. You were starting to think that this was a sign. You took your chance and signed up.
It had been two weeks since you’d last seen Wanda, she hadn’t reached out and you weren’t going to. It was driving you crazy being alone in what used to be your shared home. Natasha would not stop texting or calling probably due to the fact that you’d been avoiding her for the past two weeks as well. Kate was the only person you had contact with. “You know it’s not good to run away from your problems right?” Kate pointed out again when she walked into your apartment and made herself comfortable. “I have no idea what you're talking about.” She sits next to you on the couch. “It’s okay to be sad, maybe a little angry, I don’t know anything but this.” She was worried and probably for good reason. “I’m disappointed… and all the things you said earlier. That however is something I don’t want to talk about right now. I have other more pressing things to tell you.” 
You’d gotten the green light earlier today you will be moving to the European branch of your company. You realized you didn’t really think this decision through very much when they asked you to move there the following week, they’d informed you that all the accommodations had been set up and would be ready for you by the time you got there. “I knew this was coming, what did you do?” Kate knew you exceptionally well, your tendencies when you were stressed. “I’m moving next week.” She didn’t let you finish. “Oh good god, that's not too bad. Do you need help moving?” You met her expectant gaze with a sheepish smile. “What did you do Y/n.” You nodded. “If you would’ve let me finish… I got transferred to the European branch at the company.” Kate was flabbergasted. “My mom told me you’d been promoted, not that you were transferred. I can talk to her, I can tell her that you can’t…” You cut her off. “I want to go…I just please don’t tell anyone”
Tag List: @fxckmiup​ @username23345​ @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​
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imaginesandsmut · 1 year
What Marvel characters do you write about?
i’m rlly open to write for any . bucky, steve, kate bishop, yelena, pietro, wanda, peter parker, bruce banner . basically all of them
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tommiruewrites · 2 years
⌜↳ lumea mea ˖⁺⌟
✩ pairing: pietro x reader ✩ requested: yes | no ✩ prompts: none ✩ cw: shitty google translate romanian sokovian, no pronouns or gender descriptors for reader (please correct me if i missed anything), not proofread 
✩ word count: 0.45k ✩ a/n: just in a pietro kinda mood since i just finished my mcu script for him. this idea popped into my head so i figured i'd write it down. hope you like it as much as i did :))
summary: pietro always makes you feel like the luckiest person alive, even if he won't tell you exactly what he's saying
you can also read this on ao3
₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚· You lay on the couch, head against his chest and knees curled up against your own. You can hear his heartbeat in one ear, and the screams from the movie you're watching in the other, although you aren't paying much attention to the film anymore. His hand absent mindedly caresses your arm to comfort you, pulling you in tighter when you flinch at the screen. You hide your face in his shirt at one particularly scary part. Pietro laughs a little, holding you close to him. "It's just a movie, remember? I'm right here, iubirea mea. Right here" He emphasizes, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "Nothing to be afraid of." You pull your head away to look up at him, face still flushed from the jump scare, "What does that mean?" "Nothing to be afraid-" "No not that," you roll your eyes and try to hold back a smile, seeing a smirk already on your boyfriend's face. "What you said before that. What does it mean?" His smirk widens, "What? Iubirea mea?" his hand moving to the small of your back to support you as you shift your position closer to him, "Where's the fun in it if I tell you, dragă?" Your eyebrows furrow in confusion and feigned frustration, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you feel heat rush to your cheeks "That one too! I want to know what it means." "So many questions!" he teases with a shit-eating grin, leaning forward to press his forehead against yours. He thinks his heart might burst when you place your hands on his chest to balance your weight. His cocky grin slowly softens into a loving smile, which you gladly reciprocate.  You feel his lips slightly brush against yours as he leans closer to nudge your nose with his, softly rubbing your back with his thumb, "Vrei să spui lumea pentru mine, dragă. Tu ești totul pentru mine. My everything."  You can't help but smile and feel your stomach swarm with butterflies, cheeks warming at his softness. You lean in that little bit more to softly press your lips against his, both of you hazily smiling into it as the late hour finally catches up to you. You've decided you don't need a direct translation of what it means; he always shows you all that you need to know. You pull away, burying your face in his shoulder and wrapping your arms around his torso. You mumble out a quiet, "I love you." "I love you more, dragă." "Not possible." Neither of you have the energy to continue your banter as the both of you give in and let sleep consume you. ₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚· TRANSLATIONS: (again, im so sorry if these translations are horrible, but this is the intended meaning lmao) "Iubirea mea" - my love "Dragă" - dear; darling "Vrei să spui lumea pentru mine, dragă. Tu ești totul pentru mine." - You mean the world to me, darling. You are everything to me.
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mendesxruel · 3 years
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒚𝒔 | 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐟𝐟
summary; movie date with Pietro Maximoff!
warnings; fluff!, mentions of food, happy crying
author's notes: i got some prompts from @creativepromptsforwriting // I didn't specify the reader's gender since I always like to make everyone comfortable when reading so, no gender specification! <3
words; 380.
<dušo = soul // "babe" sort of (croatian/serbian)>
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"Hey! I'm home!" Pietro said after arriving and heading to the kitchen. He placed the bags he had in his hands on the counter.
Heading to the living room, he saw you sitting on the couch, beaming at him.
"I bought your favorite food for our movie night," he grinned. Bending down to reach you, he softly kissed your lips and went back to the kitchen to organize the food.
"Thanks, Pietro," you smiled to yourself, realising how much he cared about you.
"You're welcome!" he said as he grabbed forks and knives and brought you your favourite meal from the local restaurant.
"So, what movie do you wanna watch, dušo?", Pietro asked, tilting his head to look at you with a slight smirk on his face.
Grabbing the meal, you took a bite out of it, and it tasted delicious. "You can choose," you told him.
"If you say so..." he said and picked a cliche romantic comedy.
Halfway through the movie, you two finished eating. Pietro ran to the kitchen to leave the leftovers there and came back as fast as he could, so he wouldn't miss any second of the film.
Now empty-handed, he grabbed your hand and brushed his lips on your knuckles.
Despite not wanting to miss scenes from the movie, he was more concerned about not missing any detail from your face. He proceeded to look at you and analyse every inch of your features and all the beautiful things that make you, you.
He couldn't help but smile while staring at the love of his life.
When you noticed, you looked back at him, but of course, he was quick to look away and pretend that wasn't happening.
You chuckled lightly.
By the end of the film, your boyfriend noticed that you were crying tears of joy since it had ended in such an adorable and inspiring way.
He giggled and embraced you with a warm hug. "Did you like the movie, love?" he asked.
Smiling at him, with teary eyes, you nodded, and hugged him tightly, digging your face onto his chest.
Everything felt so comfortable when you were with him. He made you feel safe and happy. And you loved him for it. And the feeling was very much mutual.
reblogs and feedback are deeply appreciated!
pietro maximoff taglist; @msfandomfreak @wisteria-and-nightshade @ughgclden @fyudorx @pinkcloxds
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quietlyimplode · 2 years
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grief is a thing with fangs.
AN: I don’t know why tumblr won’t let me post this whole thing, but its all over on ao3. This is the first half. I could do two posts but I’m lazy.
I've never written Wanda before, but this came out of a conversation over what it might be like to love someone you're scared of, which turned into what it might be like to hurt someone you admire and love and be the cause of their pain and not know what to do about it given your own grief.
(Basically something written in a day to get lots of thoughts out, so very much not reread, all mistakes are my own).
(Wanda & Nat - heavy discussion of grief and loss; gif not mine)
There’s a reoccurring nightmare.
Being in the same space as a grieving witch, an android who is more human than some men she knows, a billionaire, and a fossil is jarring.
Natasha can’t do it for more than a night at a time, and she only comes back to make sure Wanda is ok.
The others have been through this rodeo before; well perhaps not Vision, but he seems to know enough of the world, that grief is something that doesn’t just leaves you.
She’s not sure how much they talk, but she’s glad that someone has the courage to talk to Wanda; someone that’s not her, or Clint.
With Nathaniel’s birth, she’s taken to being the one that checks in more, between missions and debriefings.
It’s a responsibility she didn’t ask for, and at times, resents it.
She copes by not being there, or being where she needs to be, for the amount of time she needs to be there for.
Natasha doesn’t think Wanda notices; or, will remember in the long run.
Grief, she knows, has a way of stealing time, and people remember who sits with them in the moments they can’t sit with themselves.
Wanda’s space is on the same level as Natasha’s in the compound; they’re really small apartments, more luxurious than most, but there’s enough shared spaces and open plan living that they’re both encouraged to move outside their own spaces.
Natasha’s learning to cook. She tells Wanda as such, and asks her to help.
Wanda never says no.
It’s perhaps a testament to her loneliness, and need for connection that when Natasha is in the kitchen, she doesn’t have to wait long until Wanda pads in, with a shallow smile or with bags under her eyes or with a blank look that slowly dissipates as Natasha carefully pries out the thoughts and feelings of the day.
Steve complains that they don’t always cook for everyone, and Natasha calls him misogynistic in jest, Wanda staring at the confrontation as though she’s trying to figure out who to side with.
She thinks Natasha loses because they mostly cook enough for the others, but when they cook something from the old country, it’s always just for them.
She learns of Natasha’s Slavic roots like it’s a long drawn secret, small stories she tells, words she pronounces in private.
Wanda offers some of her own in return for the offerings she’s gives, and Natasha nods carefully, her presence reassuring and safe.
It’s new feelings as she can’t remember being safe in any iterations of the word, not perhaps since watching old videos with her parents.
After that; nothing, just… turmoil.
Wanda understands why, after the events in New York they all came together, stayed together.
Strucker had always said that the avengers greatest weakness was their loyalty to each other; Wanda thinks it’s perhaps also their greatest strength.
Natasha calls Clint and Laura and lets them chat to Wanda, healing her need for family as only they seem to be able.
Clint asks about Pietro, the only one brave enough to do so. He asks about his favourite colour (blue), his favourite foods (hot dogs) and when she’s sobbing on the phone drowned in memories, he quietly reassures her that Pietro won’t be forgotten.
His name lives in in those that loved him. And then, as if on cue, Nathaniel Pietro cries.
Red curls around Wanda, and for Natasha it feels jarring.
The Red Room played with minds just as Wanda is able, and there’s no defence against it.
It’s a fear that she pushes down, tries to see Wanda for who she really is, a scared little orphan girl, and tries not to draw parallels.
It’s just… when Wanda is feeling big emotions, Natasha feels the red deep into her body, pushing to find bonding in her own hurts that she buried long ago.
She learns to clear her mind when she’s with her, knows to be more gentle with herself. She takes Wanda’s pain because she knows someone needs to.
It works, sometimes, Natasha can see life growing around Wanda’s grief as it changes and morphs into something that isn’t as visceral.
The red doesn’t delve so deep inside, the unconsciousness of it frightening.
It’s those nights that Natasha stays away.
There are times that Wanda plays with her magic in ways she knows she shouldn’t.
She practices throwing it away from her, making images, projecting it across the floor to see Pietro again.
It hurts.
It always hurts.
The physical exertion that comes with the projections help her to sleep, scenes from their childhood, images of their parents; all the things she’s lost become a living memory inside her room.
Wanda sobs at the injustice.
Initially the pain is big; drowning her thoughts making her magic cocoon her in a protective shell.
She imagines it surrounding her, pushing away unwanted, hard emotions, until Vision breaks through and asks her how long she’s been staring at the wall, or sitting on the floor, stuck in a memory.
She never has an answer but he seems to understand.
His presence strangely comforting as he grounds her; drawing her into a conversation on the world, or asking her questions about living.
Wanda reminds him that she’s not the best person to ask about that.
She conjures Pietro, makes the image tell her he’s ok, the he loves her and that things are going to work themselves out.
She doesn’t always believe it, but it’s comforting.
Her magic is comforting, always with her, always a part of her.
The red surrounds her, dries her tears, and helps her understand that she’s destined for more in the world.
Wanda admires Natasha.
The way she talks, the way she moves, the way she can say so much with so little.
She wants Natasha to stay with her, protect her, help her and in her darker moments, hold her as she falls apart.
When they cook together, it brings a peace that Wanda craves.
When they’re following the steps, the motions, Wanda finds herself enjoying the sensory components, pushing her hands in dough, smelling sweet and sour and tasting the salt.
Natasha calls it grounding, and encourages her to do it when she’s not around.
Wanda wonders where she goes, when she’s not in the compound.
Curiosity, as they say, killed the cat. But Wanda reasons, red tendrils dancing as she dresses herself, satisfaction brought it back.
They’ve been talking about spy craft.
Practicing certain things like how to spot a tail, how to follow someone, things that might keep her safe, or the things that Natasha thinks will keep Wanda safe.
Wanda knows she can tear apart the world.
There’s a day where Pietro isn’t the first thing on her mind. It sends her spiralling and it’s the only thing she thinks of all day.
She gets lost in her mind and conjures him to apologise.
Clint's words come back at her, that Pietro will always live on as long as he isn’t forgotten.
She forgot him, only for a moment, but the implication weighs heavily on her.
If she could forget him for a moment, what’s stopping her forgetting him at all?
Her magic glows deep red and it’s a warning.
Wanda doesn’t want to be buried in emotions again.
She wants Natasha.
She’s the only one that seems to know how to make things better.
Natasha knows what to say, her mind always seems calm, peaceful - an oasis amongst Wanda’s own chaos.
Vision is the same, but this feeling, the perpetual grief is not something she thinks he will understand.
She releases the magic that holds around her heart allowing it to surround herself in its entirety.
Protective, she sniffs, and gets dressed to go looking for her friend.
Natasha will know what to do.
Natasha will know how to help the pain that makes her feel like she’s suffocating.
It’s a mistake.
Read More (Aka the read the rest)
All my fic
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yellowdaisy2023 · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pietro Maximoff/Reader Characters: Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rogers, Thor (Marvel), Ultron (Marvel), Friday (Marvel), Clint Barton, Reader Additional Tags: Reader-Insert, Gender-Neutral Pronouns For Reader, Fluff and Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Reunions, Breaking Up & Making Up, Post-Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie), and during, for a bit, Post-Betrayal, kind of, Hydra (Marvel), Avenger Reader (Marvel), They/Them Pronouns for Y/N, POV Second Person, Pietro Maximoff Lives, Pietro Maximoff Feels, Hurt Pietro Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff Needs a Hug Summary:
Pietro, Wanda, and Y/N all trained together in Sokovia until Y/N suddenly disappeared. Here they are, months later, the twins they were trained with on one side of the fight with Ultron and Y/N on the other.
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pixviee · 3 years
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by: @jabbagabba
↳ summary
↳ Heavy angst, the loss of a parent, Tony Stark died ya’ll, alcoholism mentioned briefly, also disassociation is talked about and happens to reader so be warned, if you are struggling with mental illness and feel like this may trigger you then please do not read. Grief is a hard thing and this is going to be very heavy, I’ll try to make sure to include all warnings and triggers but please let me know if I forgot anything.
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Do not read if you haven’t watched WandaVison, while this isn’t fully canon story-based, it still has potential spoilers and just general references. Read at your own risk!
↳ prologue
↳ pools of despair
↳ oh, kiddo
↳ leave a light on
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icalledhimpietro · 3 years
6 years
2 months
13 days
And I'm still angry Pietro Maximoff is dead in the MCU
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I HAVE A FF IDEA!!! And I REALLY need a FF with this. So SOMEONE dies in our world and had watched all the Marvel movies. And they wake up in the marvel universe and build a life for themselves. And we say Mary Parker had no siblings. So after the Parker’s death, Peter has to live in an orphanage. So the whole day, he sits in the City Library, where we find him. Long short story, WE ADOPT HIM. And then our life in the marvel universe really starts.
ps: I won’t be disappointed or sad if we adopt the Maximoffs too….
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Someone please help.
I was reading this fic about Pietro Maximoff and it was basically him and the reader broke up and y/n goes to their room at night and it's all angsty and at one point, one of them says "i don't know why I have to miss you instead of just having you" and it was just gorgeous ✨✨
So if you know this one, please help
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Sleep deprived thought/ideas?
Wandavision × Xmen crossover
Peter could feel something. It was like a whisper in his ear. Low, continous.
So very sad.
The voice was familiar and yet not.
It tugged at his heart.
Left him restless as he wandered the mansion in the twilight hours just to do something. Anything.
"Peter, are you alright?" Charles wheels into the room that Peter has currently decided to pace in. He briefly toys with his headphones before shrugging.
"Yeah..." though he knows the telepath already knows he's lying.
"This is the third night that you've been wandering around." He looks concerned. Imagine that.
Someone concerned over him.
His heart twinges suddenly, he begins to pace again. Thoughts going faster than his feet as he hears the siren call settling in his bones.
It feels like home.
Like long brown hair brushing his cheek as he leans into the arms of his-
"Peter?" He stops, he briefly prods at the feeling of home.
Flashes of red light suspended over pale hands.
"I have a sister, you know." Peter pauses, hands coming up to fiddle with the connection to his headphones as he briefly ponders where he is going when he hears that voice brushing against him and feels sorrow, longing, despair in an all consuming tide that does not ebb but flows, flows, flows, as if grief were a field with no end in sight.
He jolts back into himself, headphones ruined, hole worn into the wooden floor and Charles closer than before.
"They took her away. She's like me but not..." he remember how cruel the kids at school were, and how much it hurt to see Wendy so angry at the world.
So sad.
Did they see how much pain she was in?
Had they seen her suffering?
Or had they sinply seen a girl with power and anger and locked her away before throwing away the key so that she would never see the light of day again.
"She didn't deserve that Peter." He can feel a brief sensation, foreign from the one he was used to sharing headspace with and figures that Charles had sifted through his memories while he was in a downward spiral.
"I haven't been able to feel her in years." And then all of a sudden he could.
And yet.
"Peter." Charles sounds serious. As serious as when he asked if he would ever let Eric know the truth.
But he deflects.
Like always.
Running away.
It was his super power after all.
"She's calling me." He can see red creeping into the edges of his vision, Charles shouts but he is slow.
Too slow.
Everyone is.
No one was ever able to get him to slow down. Not like she could.
He's running.
Always running.
But this time he's running home.
Home in a place that feels foreign.
Home to a sister that is not his own and yet still his as he feels the world shatter and come to a halt as he dies.
He meets the eyes of his twin and even though they are not twins of the same half, they are still missing pieces that fit together.
His arms fit around her as they embrace, her arms slot into place around him as if they had never left.
This isn't home.
But he's willing to step up to the plate and fill in the roll that was stolen from him.
All thoughts of their father that would never know them flee his mind.
Charles misplaced concern slips away like water.
He is home in a world not his own, with a sister that is grieving and raging and hurting because of the world.
With wounds pulsing and aching in his body that mirror the end of a world.
But these wounds make him feel alive.
So he will take this place.
He will follow the script.
And become Pietro Maximov instead of Peter Maximoff.
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"You didn't see that coming?"
I just saw Avengers : Age Of Ultron, and im in that Pietro phase again
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sword-of-summer · 4 years
okay so i did a breakdown and prediction for WandaVision before the show started and It's Turning Out To Be True, Guys, so I'm posting it below and just tell me if it's okayish or not-
Now, WandaVision marks the beginning of Phase 4 of the MCU, and it is in itself a pathmaking event because it shows normal life without the original Avengers. Now, the show explores Wanda's mental state after Vision's death in Infinity War, and how she uses her Chaos magic to create a 'pocket reality' where things are just what she wants them to be.
The entire series is set over 6 decades, and has a running theme of couples living in sit-coms throughout the years, the late 50s, the 60s, the 70s, the 80s, the 90s, the 2000s and present. Now, my theory is that WandaVision is the beginning of a Multiverse Act that continues in Spiderman - 3 and culminates in Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of Madness.
Now, as for the shots within the trailer, it seems that Wanda and Vision are changing their localities as time passes, and that is through the decades I mentioned above. Now, all the posters have this unique red-blue television static rip in the upper left corner, which is also the transition effect used by the editors whenever Wanda warps reality and tries to adapt to the passing, and this actually represents Wanda's warped reality fading away and opening up a multiverse. In the late 50s poster, there isn't much that suggests anything, just we know that this involves the b/w part of the show where Wanda and Vision are a newly married couple and Vision as a human, which is strange, because in all trailers/posters after that time, Vision is shown as the Android he is, from the 60s black and white where Wanda acts as Vision's assistant in the magic show, and now, the next transition is the most interesting for me because they shift into the era of coloured television and during this warp, Wanda becomes pregnant and slips into the stripes of the 70s - another fact is that the upper left rip is not normal, not it is a wood panel torn apart, like by a demon, which leads me to the obvious villainous entity for the show, Mephisto.
This marks Wanda's descent into confusion as to who is in control of this warped reality, because it may not be Wanda, it may be some evil entity who is using Wanda to get into MCU's Earth-199999 and is proved later when Jimmy Woo's voice is heard out of the radio saying "who is doing this to you?". Now, the 80s poster has a ton of references in the 2 paintings it has, one being a hybrid phoenix chicken, aka representing Vision, who here is both a hybrid between human and metal, and like a Phoenix brought to life by Wanda's magic from the ash he was left in by Thanos, and the second bird is a wren from Australia with varying plumage which is like Wanda, because her magic clashes with life in the same way. The next 90s poster is the most indicative too as this is the time where they have the twins, Wiccan and Speed, but interestingly, there's a picture on their wall with three, yes, three not two eggs, which is another reference to the fact that snarky Mephisto has snuck up into this reality using Wanda's magic, also the TV still here is of them in their original Avengers' goofy hallowe'en costumes, and the last shot is a trailer and poster mix where Wanda races out into their frontyard but there are 2 small bikes parked, meaning that is the 2000s where they live as a family of four, but what Wanda doesn't realise that Mephisto's using this fake family to claw his way into this reality and wreak havoc.
Some other shots that stood out to me were of Monica Rambeau constantly transitioning from friendly neighbour to outright "I don't know who (I am)", then the character of Agnes who I suspect is none other than Agatha Harkness from the West Coast Avengers comics where Mephisto, yet again, played with Wanda's chaotic magic and in a way it also merges with the House of X comic series where Wanda yet again creates a pocket reality (I mean, what is up with all the reality stuff) - another interesting thing is the beekeeper seen in the second trailer, which I propose is a reference to the way in which we make honey commercially, wherein the queen bee is kept incharge of a beehive with her subordinates, and she thinks that she is in charge, but the actual person benefiting from this is the beekeeper looking from above the hive, collecting the honey, just like it is here where Wanda thinks she is the queen but in reality it is Mephisto the Beekeeper looking from above the pocket reality using Wanda's brand of Chaos magic to enter into this reality.Â
I believe that the base of this entire series by which it will continue into the wider MCUÂ is The Mind Stone, because it was The Stone that gave Wanda her powers and also to the two men she loved the most - Vision and her brother Pietro. Now, there is an amazing amount of screen time given to shots of the Mind Stone in the trailer, the most intriguing of which is a tired Wanda with greyish hair looking up at the Stone with slivers of blue around it - this is the incident where Wanda received her Enhanced powers from Stucker is Sokovia and this indicates that there will be some flashbacks to earlier memories which may involve Quicksilver returning. Now, the Mind Stone is the smart one, so it has a certain intelligence which it imparts to those affected by it, as is evident in Wanda's Chaos magic and tele-abilities, Tony Stark's vision of the Earth ravaged and the Avengers dead, and maybe even Thanos's curse of Titan's fate. Now, for sure, the mind stone has been destroyed but this does not mean it hasn't already affected given the Universe changes.
Now, back in 2015, Marvel wasn't allowed to use the term "mutants" but now with the Disney-Fox merger, yes they can introduce the idea of mutants with Wanda and Quicksilver as the first in Sokovia, and then Wanda's Chaos-Mephisto born mutant kids Wiccan and Speed which of course may tie to the New Mutants storyline. Also, my theory is that mutants are made by a combination of both their mutant gene and exposure to cosmic radiation, just like Wanda was exposed to the Mind Stone. Also, the mutant gene may exist in specific closeted spaces of the earth like Sokovia, or just for the sake of an example, in Chernobyl cause well the incident. Now these mutant genes become activated on exposure to radiation, and well we have had Four Omega Level Cosmic Infinity Snaps by Thanos, Thanos, Hulk and IronMan, and there is plenty of reason to suggest that this may have triggered the mutant abilities. That is my first theory.
The second one involves Wanda unleashing her chaos magic in an exponential wave at the end just like she did in Age Of Ultron, maybe because she realises that in reality, Vision is dead and manipulation won't help, and in grief she lets out her power that rips upon the Marvel Earth 199999 to the Multiverse which will continue later for Doctor Strange and SpiderMan to put back to normal. This mega event was teased in the trailers where the S.W.O.R.D. helicopter escapes from a wall of red television like static energy, and yes, I expect S.W.O.R.D. to be fully involved in the last part of the show headed by Jimmy Woo and Darcy cause Darcy has had encounters with otherworldly beings and thus may be consulted here. The last act will culminate in Wanda and Vision rising back up to their original title of the Avengers and fighting Mephisto to stop him, but something turns and thus Wanda/Mephisto releases that wall of Magic to wreak havoc.
Also a side note - Vision will also play the act of a realist in the show where he makes Wanda realise that this is not the real earth and he realises that the Eastside/Westside area they live in as well as the people there are unusual, not real, but at the end comes to his usual humane proposition that they save them and the reality from the demon trying to wreak havoc.
TL;DR Wanda creates a pocket reality where she lives with Vision, maybe reincarnating him using her brand of magic in the grey android left after Infinity War, and as the decades pass by, their reality deteriorates due to the Satanic entity that is Mephisto, making his curses seem like blessings, but at the end Wanda and Vision try and stop this reality shredding with S.W.O.R.D and that leaves us with an indecisive future of the mutants, Vision's reincarnation(like said by Banner in Infinity War)/Vision's death and the coming of the Multiverse into focus.
That's it, I guess.
Sorry a bit long ik but i do this.
Thanks for reading...
tagging @aredhel-of-gondolin cause it was in that chat i realized i have a blog ugggh why am i so stupid
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