rosetintedgunman · 1 year
@pinkxtrauma wanted a Liam!
The Manor had been set aflame, and Liam had made tracks long before the neighbours realised something was happening nearby.
It had felt like years since he had been alive, yet from what he understood, barely a few months had passed. How was he supposed to handle that? He thought he would be able to hide in a world where everyone had forgotten him. Instead, he might be recognised by those who knew the 'deceased' actor.
He needed a plan, somewhere to stop and recuperate while trying to figure out where Mark slunk off to. He might not even be in the area anymore. For that matter, it would be smarter for the former soldier to leave the city. At the very least, he had walked across it through the alleys and backstreets to an area he never would have gone to, where some of the well to-do fluttered around.
But he couldn't go out there. Not yet. A pinched nerve in his neck, the last one connected to his left arm that still worked, decided this was the perfect time to tighten itself. Liam hissed in pain, right hand squeezing his left shoulder as his right shoulder hit against the brick wall. He couldn't keep going like this. Not even his powers could quell the pain when they didn't affect the internal workings of his arm.
Time passed, he wasn't sure how long, before the pain began to ease just enough to let him think. He lifted his head, intending to decide which way to go once he was ready to move and cross the street... Only to see a young woman standing at the entrance to the alley.
He didn't say anything. Not yet. He couldn't risk what might happen if he was recognised. Then again, he hardly looked like a soldier with his ripped jacket and worn out trousers and boots.
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briingmayflowers · 1 year
@pinkxtrauma found May!
With her forearms leaning on the stone bridge looking down on the river below, May bunched her lips together in thought.
"Ki," she began, turning to her friend. "This is probably a weird question, but do you sometimes wonder if there are alternate versions of yourself that exist simultaneously? Like, I could be standing here with you right now in a completely different universe and I'd never know, you know?"
She blinked, laughing under her breath. "Sorry, that was such a random thing to say."
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🐱 for moderately intimidating
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fcllederage · 1 year
@pinkxtrauma sent: 🌟 🎀 ✨💫 <3
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🌟 ― i love how you portray your muse(s) 🎀 ― i love your aesthetic / graphics ✨ ― i love the way you write 💫 ― i enjoy writing with you
Thank you so much! Right back at you boo!
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dreamswideawake · 1 year
"Should I expect a fashion consultation from you?" (Back at cha 👉🏻👉🏻)
Teasing Starters || accepting || @pinkxtrauma
Aatos raised an eyebrow, then his wrist and cast a small glance around the reception area. "Darling, you're quite literally standing in a Fashion Corporation," he commented with half a wry smile forming against his painted lips. "It's rather like asking if you should expect a lap dance at a strip club."
He leaned back in his chair, clearly proud of himself for that one. "We usually charge for such services, but seeing as it's you, I'll give some advice for free, if you like?"
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tardisinhumanflesh · 1 year
❝ Age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying you. ❞
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Aethena stood in stunned silence at the sentiment her best friend offered her. No words could utter how touched she felt by them, but the pricking of tears attacking the corners of her eyes said differently. Years in the Siren's care had chipped away her bubbly attitude and began to sour it. Maybe the world was not as perfect as she thought. Maybe she was the problem. Her head was always stuck in the clouds, but perhaps that was a good thing.
"Oh, oh, Ki that is beautiful." Her voice cracked as happy tears spilled down her cheeks. Her bottom lip trembled as she quickly enveloped Ki in a tight hug. "And I am glad to be spending those years with you, bestie."
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venusexstillhaven · 1 year
“Is there a way that we can all erase mistakes and start anew?” - Mortis/Adam. currently blogless </3
Epica: Quantum Enigma Sentence Starters Meme
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"Start anew?" The repeat of the last two words filled her with a new form of rage she never experienced before. Her eyes glared at him in a predatory gaze, suggesting she was waiting for the perfect time to strike. How dare he?! He can waltz around as if nothing happened while she carried the burden?! She remembered those long days in nothing but the pitch dark and he could act like it was nothing?!
"No, Mortis! I'm not going to forget what happened between us. What you did to me. How you reacted?! The real question is why I didn't kill you the second you strolled in here! So why don't you answer that one first?!"
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THANK YOU!!! I really appreciate it 🥰🥰🥰
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codenom · 1 year
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" as tempting as you are , it's still a no. " eyes fixated for a moment before lowering back to the laptop in her grasp. she was concentrating, finding answers to a question of which remains on her mind. @pinkxtrauma
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pinkxtrauma · 1 year
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“At the end of each day, he used to ask me, “what have you done today to deserve your eyes?”
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#pinkxtrauma- a horror oc based in original lore. kidnapped and loved by trixie (she/they). heavy triggers will be on this blog. an exploration in: gender identity, trauma, mental illness, family based trauma hyper femininity, learning to love again, humans in supernatural settings, dealing with darkness and learning to accept one's self.
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promo credit.
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briingmayflowers · 1 year
And Who Are You? 👀
Send “And Who Are You?” and I will respond with either an under-used, unfamiliar, or otherwise brand new Muse. || accepting! || @pinkxtrauma
The gentleman with the white blond hair stirred, a wry smile catching the corner of his painted red lips. In a flourish of a purple and white harlequin suit, he turned on his heel to grin at the stranger who had called upon him.
A pair of mismatched eyes - one vibrant blue while the other was milky white - peeked out from a pair of butterfly wing glasses to match with the rest of his attire. A jagged scar cut across the left side of his face, creating trenches in his skin.
He grinned like a jester, leaning his hands on a candy-striped silver headed cane. There was a mischievous, excitable glee in his expression that almost seemed to light up the room like a spotlight on a stage.
"My, my!" he cried jubilantly. "I'm surprised you haven't heard of me, darling! I'm the Poet-" He pressed his fingers into the centre of his chest. "- and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
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voidxfound · 1 year
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#cultfound - a mutuals only, semi-exclusive cult leader oc based in original lore. kidnapped and hated by trixie (she/they). heavy triggers will be on this blog. an exploration of: breaking from expectations, obsessive love, catholicism, delusions, brothers, heaven and dark places that only exist in your nightmares.
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verses for various horror franchises, dbd and others coming. affiliated with @pinkxtrauma so would highly recommend following both.
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fcllederage · 1 year
@pinkxtrauma sent: [ hair ] sender brushes receiver's hair.
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"Thank you so much for helping with this," Hyacinthe hummed, looking at Kiran over the brush that she was energetically dabbing over her features, blending the foundation and concealer together. She gave the blonde a smile while watching her work the large black comb through the blonde locks of her longest wig.
It was not unusual for Hyacinthe to be late getting ready but this time, it was a particularly long delay and, without Kiran's help, she would never be able to keep it to a minimum. "Oh wait, I have a..." I have no idea what you call this shit. She pulled out a detangling spray from her bag and placed it next to the young woman. "A pshit."
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dreamswideawake · 1 year
🌻 🌟 👋
Meet the People in my Muse's Life || accepting || @pinkxtrauma
🌻 - Their Father
"Put simply, I...never knew him. Both he and my mother died in a car accident when I was five months old. I was in the back of the car, though somehow miraculously survived without a scratch on me." He hesitated. "I'm told he was Finnish, whereas my mother was English and that he was a decent sort of man. My Mummo - grandma - showed me a photograph of my parents once..." He filtered off.
🌟 - A different family member
"I suppose this would be the opportunity to talk about my isovanhemmat - my grandparents. After my parents died, they raised me. My Ukki - grandpa - was very serious and you'd be surprised when you saw him laugh at something, but when he did he wouldn't stop." He smiled softly, almost sadly. "My Mummo was very strict, but loving in her own way. She encouraged my imagination and that...was probably one of her greatest gifts to me."
👋 - A Friend
"If I don't mention Lizzy here, she'll likely never let me hear the end of it!" He laughed softly. "Lizzy was my penpal for the exchange program to England I was part of in High School. Her letters made her seem very innocent and sweet, but that shouldn't have fooled me - she is a live wire! Lizzy lived in this enormous house with her parents and, being an only child, they let her get away with practically anything. She'd sneak me out to illegal raves in abandoned buildings and huge parties in cramped flats, bake me questionable brownies, jump on public transport without paying a fair and somehow sweet talk her way out of a fine, I once even caught her dancing barefoot in the rain at three o'clock in the morning, just for the Hell of it...she was my first, well, everything...but she didn't like me in that way. Nevertheless, she was always my biggest supporter in everything I did. If she couldn't make one of my gigs, she'd call me afterwards and ask how it went...and she tried to encourage me on my love life quite often, although perhaps she wasn't as persistent on that as she should have been. Last I heard from her, she was backpacking across the States...I haven't spoken to her since before the accident. I don't think she even knows I'm-..." He trailed off.
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tardisinhumanflesh · 1 year
❛ you look really pretty right now. ❜ Aethena my love 🥺
&. 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬.
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"Really?" The uncertainty in her voice wavered as she looked at one of her best friends. Already her hands had begun to fumble with a piece of fabric on her dress. The idea of trying different clothes on felt difficult. After years and years of wearing pink, she needed to find something "normal". After all, her human form was getting older by the years. How many people would stare at her if she kept wearing different shades together? It would be a fashion faux pas from what she recalled Ki or Siren stating.
"Are you sure yellow is my color? It feels... weird? And really dark! Do people often wear dark things?" She gasped. "Oh! Has that been my mistake this entire time?!"
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rosetintedgunman · 1 year
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LEGAL NAME: Colonel William Jackson Barnum
NICKNAME[S]: Colonel, Will, Young Barnum, Private, Balai (‘Broom’ in French)
DATE OF BIRTH: June 14th, 1897 (implied to be 28 by time of W.KM)
PLACE OF BIRTH: Unspecified. Implied to be in the state of California.
CURRENTLY LIVING: A small cottage near the edge of the city, but in walking distance (by William's standards) to both the Manor and the barracks.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English (also REALLY bad French. Do not believe him if he says he's fluent)
EDUCATION: Academically, he dropped out of high school at 16 and apprenticed as a handyman under his father. He is a fully trained soldier.
HAIR COLOR: Dark brown/black
HEIGHT: 6 foot 3 inches
WEIGHT: I have no idea. I've never looked this up, and I'm not going to look into it now. I'm going to guess somewhere between 190 - 200 lbs.
Reminder: This is not taking into account the scenario of Mark and William being genetically related that blogs may have for their own lore. This will all be disregarded in those cases and I will adjust if needed.
SIBLING[S]: He was the youngest of six. He has three older brothers - Johnny, Ernest, and Harvey - and two older sisters - Lizzie and Annie.
PARENT[S]: Frank and Minnie Barnum
RELATIVE[S]: Due to the large age gap between him (twelve years between him and the second youngest), all his older siblings had married by the time he was in high school. Because of this, he was in the strange position of having at least nine nieces or nephews older than him, and three younger than him. And that's not mentioning his aunts and uncles. There's too many to list, but I should remind you that he was named after his uncle due to the miracle of surviving the odds at birth. Also, if one of his parents took a shine to you, you became an honorary Barnum.
CHILDREN: None. While he did have a reputation, back in the day, he was always careful. He could barely look after himself, let alone a whole other person.
PET[S]: None, for the same reason as above.
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual, though depending on the setting it's not something he actively explores.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single in pretty much every setting. My boy continues my notorious bad luck with ships. But he's also a homewrecker so he doesn't deserve happiness :D
tagged by: @pinkxtrauma
tagging: I'll be honest, I'm not in the headspace to start trying to think of tagging people. So go for it, if you want.
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