#pippa task
coqxettee · 2 years
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Why I love being a girl ♡
- January 8th 2023 -
Written by Kellen-Pippa Beckett (@coqxette)
I adore being a girl. 💋
Since the beginning of the year, I’ve been literally living my mornings, afternoons and evenings on Pinterest, and as I’ve been scrolling, I’ve come across so many pretty pictures, of simple girly things that just make me so happy. Bottles of perfume, lipgloss, other pretty girls, pink clothes, bags, shoes, outfit combinations, pretty bedrooms, skincare, makeup. All kind of things I didn’t ever used to particularly romanticise and see the true beauty of up until this year. Since January I’ve not taken anything for granted, in terms of enjoying my life on this planet as a girl. There’s so many things I love to do, that I just don’t often think about. But since the beginning of 2023, I’ve been doing so many little girly tasks and activities, and I thought I’d share them with you 🎀
Girly habits to have: (@coqxette)
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🎀 Take a shower every morning, using the sweetest, sugary, and most divine shower products you can
🎀 Invest in cotton candy scented soaps, scrubs, shower gel, body lotion, hand cream
🎀 Have pretty makeup products. This will motivate you to want to do your makeup on days your not feeling it
🎀 Lipgloss & Mascara are essentials. Keep them in your purse for quick top up’s throughout the day
🎀 In your purse keep genuine essentials. A tiny mirror, hairbrush, lipgloss & mascara, headphones, emergency money and tissues/hand sanitiser
🎀 Save up your money. You know that one thing you’ve wanted for ages? (Dior bag for me ) Put some money aside each month to eventually pay out for it
🎀 Devote every Sunday to a pamper day. (Or one day a week) Wash your hair, manicure, pedicure, exfoliate, moisturiser, do a face mask, hair mask The lot ✨
🎀 Get an early night for an early morning, and do one girly thing before bed. Read a beautiful story, listen to soft music or your favourite song, watch a comfort episode of your favourite show. But try not to go on a screen 45 minutes before you actually sleep
🎀 Take time out of your day to do things YOU enjoy, playing a video game, reading a book, whatever you enjoy doing. Self care is important too
🎀 If the weather is appropriate, go on daily walks. I live in the countryside in the UK, so the weather isn’t always on my side but for people that live in hot climates, don’t take your beautiful weather for granted!
🎀 Even on windy days, a compact brush goes a long way. Keep your hair healthy, maintained. Have a hair care routine, and go to the hairdressers every 1-2 months (if you can) if you want that extra pampering feeling
🎀 Thrift to find the best stuff! Designer clothes are heavenly, but nearly ALL of my clothes are thrifted! (Some thrifted things are cuter than designer) and you can find so many vintage sales! Check TK/J MAX for Juicy Couture)
🎀 Maintain a healthy diet, but never fear to compensate when it’s that time of the month 🤒 One of my favourite, (but healthy in moderation) sweet treats are dark chocolates and it can help with cramps, so it’s a win win!
🎀 Paint your nails pink. Baby pink, hot pink, dusty pink. Just… pink
🎀 Invest in some new girly stationary. Pink notepads, pink pens. Girly stationary = girly notes & girly planning
🎀 If it’s pink and girly, buy it :)
🎀 Collect pretty jewellery! Silver or gold, or pink :))
🎀 If exercise is your thing, invest in some pink gym wear
🎀 Always keep a pair of earphones/headphones/AirPods with you to listen to girly music wherever you go. The world can seem so boring without pink, bubblegum music
🎀 Bored? Go shopping. Day off? Go shopping. No friends? Go shopping. Loads of friends? Go shopping
🎀 Have a signature scent, so people always know it’s you.
🎀 Have a box in your room dedicated to hair accessories.
🎀 Make your room girly! Pink floral bedsheets, a vanity, and fairy lights are all staples
🎀 Boys are cute but don’t obsess over them. Obsess over pink instead <3
🎀 Watch girly cartoons! It’s not childish and if it makes you happy, then it’s worth it. I love ANYTHING Barbie, I watch all of her content religiously :)
🎀 Start watching Barbie life in the dream house. This sounds niche but it’s SO cute and watching Barbie being effortlessly girly will imprint in your brain, trust meeeee
🎀 Lastly, and the most important of them all. Don’t force any of this. If your a girly girl, your a girly girl and there is nothing you can do about it! But these are just habits I tend to keep up, because I enjoy doing all of them. Don’t take being girly for granted, even when your just putting your perfume or body spray on before you go out, that’s such a lovely girly act, and remember that. Orrrrr maybe I’m just queen of over romanticising everything. Either way just implant these habits day by day and you will start to see girly changes <3
All my love… your homework is to try and do ONE of these girly things today, love you always. Stay girly, stay beautiful. - Kellen 🎀🛼
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mistwalkers-menagerie · 3 months
Sneak Peek from Chapter 11 of SIAA, titled "Lupercalia"
“Caesar's spirit never left the apes, then?”
“A part of him is in me.”
You turn to Proximus, as does everyone. He appears to be dead serious, with his back straight, his head slightly bowed as his elbows lay on the armrests. He looks very kingly to you now.
“I have always felt him with me,” he explains. “Like a hand on my shoulder. A whisper in my ear. I am not as pious as some of those present, but Caesar has a task for me. I will see it done, for the betterment of all apes.”
“Apes together strong,” Lightning says solemnly, and everyone repeats it except you and Trevathan.
You don't believe a word of the spirit nonsense, but you can't decide if Proximus is delusional or is riding the religion train until he reaches “mythical god-king” status. You keep it to yourself.
“And I will help you with that task, Caesar,” you say solemnly.
“I know. That's why you're here. Humans are necessary at court.”
With that subtle verbal middle finger from him towards said court, he turns to Sylva and starts chatting about the new furniture. The apes start talking amongst themselves, while Pippa asks you to show her Hannibal's teeth. She and Lightning are a perfect match, together they make a whole brain cell. She is very nice, though, if not particularly threatening to, say, four Gorillas.
“You're doing great,” Trevathan whispers to you.
He looks completely at ease and isn't bothered by the lack of attention directed towards him. He must be used to it.
“Wanna try the stew?” You inquire, extending a spoonful.
“Nnno, thank you.”
You huff out a dark chuckle. That draws Proximus’ attention, who joins in. It makes you feel odd. Warm. It's like a pat on the back. You detest it.
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sleepingjayy · 1 month
"Here we go again" Information Post
(Read the fic here)
Calling all creepypasta fans!
Do you like Eyeless Jack? Do you like gore, violence, and thrilling horror? Do you like homey vibes too?
I have just the thing for you! This fic (somehow) has all of this! From tags like hurt/comfort, to found family.
This fic is about Jack, who has hit his one year mark of working for The Tall One. Provided with a cabin, electricity, and protection, he is tasked with fixing up anyone who comes along. It's not in the job description to become familiar with them, but Jack can't help but hear their stories.
With reoccurring characters such as:
Toby Rodgers, Helen (The Bloody Painter) Otis, Tim Wright ("Masky"), Brian Thomas ("Hoodie"), Kate Hayes-Milens ("Kate the Chaser"), Cody (X-Virus) Unknown, and many more iconic characters.
And with lesser known characters (/OCs) like:
Pippa Darling, Leo ("Cross-X") Fincher, Reed Carter, "Something", "Smokey", and more!
(For those of you who have read it already, hi welcome to under the cut, the ad is over lol. I wanted to explain some stuff since Act 1 has ended.)
Act 1
Starting with Toby Rodgers, and ending with Kate Hayes-Milens, Act 1 is a calm, homey handful of chapters with intertwined hurt/comfort along with sting of horror.
Although Jack has only been in his cabin for a year now, he definitely has a handle on things.
Along with the end of Act 1, comes the start of a secondary fic called "I want to die with all my scars (and if they don't like the way we are then fuck them)" I know I do a lot of songs as titles, but they do actually have significance, I swear.
This fic, will have a lot of additional material from outside of Jacks cabin. At the end of Act 1 (spoiler for those who haven't made it there yet.) Kate visits and gives Jack a walkie talkie to communicate with the others outside of his small circle. This secondary fic is for things mentioned in the first one but not fully touched on.
For example, it's mentioned by Liu that Ben said the Hornets boys (Tim, Brian, and Toby) were on a road trip. That is one such things that will be talked about in this fic.
Silly little adventures with other characters that may change the dynamic between each other that wouldn't otherwise be I the central plot of the first fic.
This includes OCs! Pippa Darling, a character from a fic on ao3, will be popping up occasionally, and my own character Reed Carter.
You can even submit your own character to be in the two series. Just leave a comment with a link leading to their story, or a social media so I can contact you!
(If they're heavily leaning on or shipped with a popular ("canon" in heavy quotation) character, then I probably won't use it due to not wanting any shipping or big relationships in the story. Unless you happen to have a set of OCs.)
1. "Can I make fanart/fanfiction of HWGA?"
Yes! I encourage it! Just tag me so I can see it!
2. "Will [insert character] be in it?"
Most likely. If there's any requests, then I'll probably write for them too!
3. "What does Jack look like?"
Jack in this fic is more of a metaphor than a person. I'll let you choose what that means to you, but this also means that Jack can look like whatever you wish him to. Any "official art" I make for the series won't even have a consistent design for Jack because that's not the point. See Jack however you'd like, because he's supposed to be a source of comfort in anyway you, and his patients, see fit. You'll notice that that's why I've never outright described what he looks like. Be creative. :)
4. "Where/when does this take place?"
That's sort of a spoiler as of now. It's connected to "The Path of Black Leaves" which was made/coined by the slenderblogs here on tumblr, which is a a mode of transportation. But for a simple answer, kind of in New England.
As for when, it's taming place sometime in the mid 2000's
That's all for now! This post will update as things get posted and the plot moves along. If you have any questions, OC submissions, or just want to say hi, do so in the comments! :) I love to see it!!!
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d34drapunzel · 10 months
"What is wrong with me?... I might seem like the ideal student: homework always in early, every extra credit and extra curricular I can get my hands on, the good girl and the high achiever. But I realised something just now: it's not ambition, not entirely. It's fear. Because I don't know who I am when I'm not working, when I'm not focused on or totally consumed by a task. Who am I between the projects and the assignments, when there's nothing to do? I haven't found her yet and it scares me"
Pippa Fitz-Amobi, A good girl's guide to murder (American Version)
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caitlynskitten · 2 months
Some PipCara for my favorite mutual 🥺🥺🥺
Pippa frantically knocked on the Wards’ front door, tears building up in the corners of her eyes as she felt her breathing grow shallow. It was only a few minutes before the door finally opened, but it felt like a century to Pippa. Behind it was Cara, who immediately became worried as she saw the state of her best friend. Pip didn’t waste a second throwing herself through the door and into Cara’s arms, the taller girl holding her tightly, rubbing her back soothingly. “Woah, darling. It’s okay, you’re okay. Jesus, what happened? What’s got you like this?” Cara did her best to calm Pip down as she closed the door behind them.
She took a minute, but soon the young detective pulled back just enough to look at her friend and choke out past the lump in her throat, “I- I don’t… I don’t want to talk about it… please…”
Cara nodded and moved so Pip was at her side, her arms still wrapped tight around her as she began guiding her to the living room, speaking gently, “Okay, okay. That’s perfectly okay. C’mon! Let’s sit down and I’ll get you some water, okay?”
Cara moves to head towards the kitchen, but is stopped by Pip’s hand grabbing her own. She looks back in worry and Pip anxiously asks, “C- can… I watch you… p- pour it? Please?”
A flash of hurt passes through Cara, not in offense, but pure sadness that her friend has been through so much, she can’t even trust a glass of water anymore. But Cara hides any signs of hurt and nods, allowing Pip to follow her to the kitchen. She carries out the task with slightly exaggerated movements to allow Pip to see everything she does. Soon, Pippa is drinking her water and Cara is holding her close on the couch. Cara offers, “Would you fancy a nap, darling? I’ll stick with you and cuddle you to sleep?”
Pippa nods as she suddenly feels exhaustion overtake her. Cara takes her hand and guides her to her room. She helps the shorter girl into some comfier clothes that are baggy on Pip due to their height difference, then they get comfortable in Cara’s bed and the darker-haired girl pulls Pippa into a tight snuggle. Cara does just as she promised, holding Pip the whole time that she sleeps and watching over her, keeping her safe.
End <3
This is so heartbreaking 😭 Cara comforting Pippa is such a heartbreaking sight. Just seeing Pippa lay in the wall woman’s arms and crying her whole heart. And Cara softly crying with her. Pippa doesn’t deserve that.
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negative-speedforce · 8 months
writing prompt from the song stuck in my head atm: "the future haunts with memories that I could never have"
Oooooh we're getting some Pippa/Onnie angst here-
cw: hallucination-adjacent?
also featuring a cameo from @vexic929's Berrie and my OC Siv
"Fuck!" Onnie cursed as they crashed into a wall, their reality shifting to a barren nuclear wasteland, a looming monstrous figure towering over them. "Damn it, cooperate for once!" They closed their eyes a few times, and when they blinked again, she was back in her apartment overlooking the harbor.
Onnie was not having a good time today. All day, their powers had been glitching up, her connection with the Negative Speed Force sending her consciousness bouncing throughout the multiverse, giving them glimpses through the memories of every negative speedster all through space and time. Unfortunately for Onnie, they needed to be present in order to complete the tasks that their father had assigned them to be completed by sunset- wait.
"Cisco Ramon, I told you not to come around here." Onnie said to the man who stood behind her, barely noticing as her apartment shifted to the basement of STAR Labs, a thousand Earths away.
"You're him. The Reverse-Flash." Cisco said, horror in his eyes. Onnie scrunched up her face.
"No. No I'm not. You know who I am." Onnie was bewildered by the absurdity of it all. "Onnie Thawne, idiot."
"Thawne. Like Eddie." Cisco replied.
"Yeah, exactly." Onnie said.
"The night we trapped the Reverse-Flash... you almost died."
Onnie nodded. "I mean, yeah, I wouldn't say I almost died, but I definitely got the shit kicked out of me. I'm not sure how an event that happened almost five years ago is relevant, though."
"There were two of you."
"Joe was right." Cisco said. "You were there that night, fifteen years ago, in Barry's house. You killed Nora Allen."
Realization dawned on Onnie. Damn it. This isn't real, is it?
"But why?" Cisco asked, taking a step back. "You're his friend-"
"Hey! Wake up!" Onnie felt a pair of hands grab her on the shoulders, pulling her back into the waking world.
"Pippa?" Onnie blinked. "Are you real?"
"Yeah, I'm real. As real as that door you crashed through." Pippa pointed at her front door, which looked like it had been through a woodchipper. "Looks like you were sleepwalking for a minute there."
"Temporal displacement." Onnie corrected.
"What?" Pippa looked confused.
"Never mind." Onnie shook their head. "I'm just not having a good time right now- shit!"
"Onnie?" Pippa's voice seemed to fade away, as Onnie took in their new surroundings. She stood in a hospital room, a bouquet of blue roses clasped in their hands. She looked down, examining the blue-and-white suit that she wore.
"Man, this is sexy."
"Oh my god." Onnie looked up, gazing straight into the face of the Flash's wife. "Eddie?"
Shit. Onnie thought to themself, as the scene from across the multiverse played out.
"You take one step closer to her-" Onnie suddenly was brought back to reality by a harsh, stinging slap across her face.
"I'm sorry!" Pippa apologized. "You were levitating, and making the lights flicker! I didn't know what else to do."
"It's fine." Onnie said. "I'm just not having a good day right now."
"Why'd you come here?" Pippa asked. "If you're comfortable asking, that is."
"I don't know." Onnie replied. "I just kinda... sleepwalked."
"Maybe your body knew that this place was safe." Pippa shrugged. "Because I'm not gonna hurt you. Can I ask what was happening?"
"It's nothing. It's just... sometimes I get lost in my head, literally. I'm used to it, though. It used to be a lot worse, back when I first got my powers. Today's just a bad day."
Pippa frowned. "How long?"
"Five years." Onnie replied. "You know I was normal once, right?"
"Yeah. I tracked down your old socials, from back before you were named as the heir to your father's fortune."
"You cyberstalked me?!" Onnie said in disbelief.
"I was curious!" Pippa shrugged. "You were a cute kid. Personally, I was a big fan of your mint-green side shave era."
"That one's not coming back." Onnie replied. "Ever. Also, don't stalk me online. It won't end well for you."
"What, and miss those photos of you with braces?" Pippa laughed. "Seriously, though. You were such a cute kid. What happened to turn you into Mrs. Grumpypants?"
"I ascended."
Pippa deadpanned. "Shut up, you know that fake-ass god complex shit doesn't work on me."
"It's not just a god complex, Pippa, I am an actual god." Onnie shook their head, blinking a few times as their reality shifted once again. She looked down, a human heart dripping still-warm blood onto their hand. A sense of rage and panic flooded her body, despite having been in this same situation hundreds of times. Did I hurt Pippa?
A man she didn't recognize, but whoever these memories belonged to did, collapsed to the ground. Despite having been either responsible for or complicit in hundreds of deaths just like this, panic rose in Onnie's chest, her heart pounding faster than the rapid flutter they always felt in their core. Oh god. Oh god, I killed him, didn't I?
They took a step back, the heart dropping from their hand, before taking off running. They only made it a few steps before a pair of strong, capable arms wrapped around their back, holding her back.
"What the-" Onnie struggled, squirming out of her jacket to escape the person holding her, ducking under their arms as her vision blurred, before turning back to the interior of Pippa's apartment.
"Hey, you almost ran into a wall. You okay?" Pippa asked. Onnie took a deep breath.
"For now? No. But I'll be fine. This has happened before, it'll pass." Onnie replied.
"Where'd you get those scars?" Pippa rubbed her hands down the Lichtenberg figures that ran up from Onnie's hands and onto her back. "You told me you weren't struck by lightning."
"Not in the same way you were." Onnie replied. "I got my powers artificially. That's all I'm at liberty to tell you."
"He did this to you, didn't he?" Pippa took Onnie's hands into hers, tracing her fingers over the thin, silvery scars on her hands. "Your father."
"No. He didn't." Onnie lied, but Pippa seemed to see right through that.
"I can help get you out." Pippa offered.
"What if I don't want to leave?" Onnie shook their head. "It's better if I don't. There's no other way."
"Onnie, I know he's not good for you. There's something in there, something good and kind that you've hidden from the world to survive. I've seen it. Otherwise, you wouldn't have saved my life."
"I saved your life because you saved mine. I owed you a debt." Onnie objected. "I didn't want to owe you anything."
"A truly evil person wouldn't care about debts." Pippa said.
"Even evil has standards."
"Look, Onnie, you don't have to pretend with me." Pippa pleaded. "Please, just come with me. We can get out of Central City, and we can go somewhere where we can actually have- well, this, but for real."
"This? Whatever we have? It can't continue." Onnie turned her back to Pippa. "It's just going to get one of us killed."
"I don't care."
"Well, I do." Onnie replied, snatching their jacket away from Pippa. The cold leather in her hand pulled her into a memory, one that wasn't hers but had invaded her mind nonetheless.
They had their body looped around a glittering metal pole, clothed in nothing but a gold strapless crop top, a pair of matching shorts, and a knee-high pair of platform boots. Heavy bass pounded through her ears as she began to spin, a crowd of intoxicated, leering men and women throwing money up onto the stage where she danced.
They began gyrating against the pole, enticing a round of cheers from the crowd. Although Onnie, when in their right mind, would never lower herself to this level, they surprisingly were enjoying themself. She blew a kiss to a tall, uncomfortable-looking woman with long black hair, and dropped to her knees, rising back to her feet by arching her back enticingly.
"So you tell me we can't talk anymore, and then you give me a striptease?" Pippa's voice pulled Onnie out of the memory. "Talk about mixed signals."
"My powers glitched out again." Onnie replied. "I would never."
"Maybe you should stay here, since your powers keep tossing you around spacetime." Pippa offered. "That way you don't accidentally sleepwalk and embarrass yourself."
"Fine. Just stay out of my way."
Pippa grinned. "I make no promises."
"For what it's worth, thanks." Onnie shrugged. "I guess I owe you one."
"Take me out for dinner. You said you would once." Pippa offered. "I've never been to one of those fancy restaurants with a dress code."
"As long as It's not a date." Onnie replied. "I don't date."
"Well, you're in luck, because I'm kind of romantically occupied at the moment." Pippa smirked. "She's short, she's got long black hair, deep eyes like the ocean, and a tendency to turn into an eldritch god when she's pissed off."
"We're not a thing." Onnie narrowed their eyes. "Maybe in another universe, where circumstances were different, but not here. Not now."
"I can wait." Pippa said. "As long as you need me to."
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intimacydeniedlove · 1 year
A new and more interesting chastity lock.
As most of you know, my beta boy has been locked in chastity for over 373 days. Although many of my friends have very kindly voted to increase his lock time, and as a result, he's locked for life, he has lost some incentive to behave and obey his superiors. With this in mind, and using ideas and suggestions from my friends on here, I am considering creating a new chaster lock, maybe for 182 days with the option to add 15 days and remove 7. Also, I will add tasks with penalties if they are not completed to our high standards. I'm hoping that this lock will give him hope and make him work hard for a possible release. Thank you for your continued help and support. Miss Pippa x
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philliparossi · 7 months
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— oh, i thought the world of you. i thought nothing could go wrong. but i was wrong. 
Full Name: Phillipa May Rossi
Nickname(s): Pippa, Pip (if you’re really close to her)
Age: 30
Pronouns: She/Her
Neighborhood: Rogers Park
Occupation: Nurse at Providence Alaska Medical Center
Time in Anchorage: 3 months
Personality Traits: Modest, hardworking, sweet, patient, helpful, insecure, unconfident
Pippa is defined by her long-standing relationship with her high school sweetheart and ex-fiancé, Matt, who formed the core of her identity.
She’s dedicated herself to their relationship since the young age of 15, neglecting to develop her own interests and personality outside of it.
After nearly 15 years together, with five of those years engaged, Pippa’s world shattered when she discovered Matt’s infidelity over the past two years.
With the dissolution of their partnership, she decided to move to a new state to confront the daunting task of rediscovering herself.
Pippa moved to Anchorage because her cousin lives there and it is incredibly far from Annapolis, Maryland — where she used to live and her ex-fiancé still resides.
She’s incredibly nervous about starting over at the age of 30 but she’s being really brave about it. She’s gotten a job at Providence Alaska Medical Center, doing what she loves.
When she’s not working, she’s trying out every hobby under the sun and filling her time with activities she hopes will fulfill her.
She’s adopted a cat. An orange tabby named Pappardelle. They’ve only known each other for a couple of months but he’s the light of life.
New Friend — A new friend she becomes very close with. Someone very different from her, who becomes a source of inspiration and encouragement as Pippa navigates the complexities of her own identity and desires.
Her Cousin — They were very close in childhood but drifted over the years with their lives going in different directions. I’m hoping to explore them getting to know each other again, beyond short catch-ups over holiday greetings or birthday texts.
“Bad” Influence — Someone who encourages Pippa to explore experiences that are completely outside her comfort zone. She’s been a Good Girl™ her whole life and has never really experienced being reckless, going out and having a wild night, and more.
First Date — While Pippa initially avoids romantic entanglements, I imagine she’ll try a dating app at one point. Not to have anything serious, but just to experience what the dating world is like after 15 years of being in a relationship. Coffee date anyone?
I’m always down to brainstorm! Feel free to message me or  send a DM on Discord so we can figure something out. :)
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gothimp · 1 year
8, 18, 21 for Pippa pls? 👀🤲
8 + 18 have been answered so I will just pick 2 extra spells hehe
21: What is your Tav's favorite spell?
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Thaumaturgy is as natural as breathing to Pip. She uses it in daily tasks as well as for distractions or persuasions. Making all the candles in a dark ruin suddenly spring to life or change colors, making her voice sound like thunder to intimidate, etc.
In combat, spiritual weapon and spirit guardians are her go-tos. Her spiritual weapon looks like the greatsword of Kelemvor, whilst her spirit guardians look like lammasu, winged lion creatures featured on the Gildensol coat of arms.
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icypippa · 2 years
STATUS . closed for @n8-shaw LOCATION . chalet c TIME . after (most) everyone leaves to do their tasks
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          Pippa didn’t hate Nate like she knew that some people did, but she also didn’t like him either. The list of people she liked was slim. This wasn’t the worst task ever either, sitting in the Chalet while everyone else had to go other things. Her room was here and she really didn’t think anything was going to happen. She found herself hugging the blanket from her room around her, fancy clothing from the gala traded for something warmer. Unfortunate to anyone who wasn’t staying here and couldn’t change their clothing. With most everyone clearing out, she spotted Nate across the room. “At least we don’t have to leave, but we’re either in some horror movie now or disaster movie. Think Greer’s gonna walk through that door with a machete?” She crossed her arms over her chest and looked around the room, not sure what the hell they were supposed to be doing other than literally just sitting here waiting for people to return. Why did Penny give them such a boring task? 
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apaise · 2 years
ever since she was sixteen, managing the red orchid had been dani’s dream. she couldn’t imagine anything more fulfilling than being a part of this legendary hotel, this little sliver of rome that so perfectly encapsulates the italian dream for so many tourists. watching mothers and grandfathers and children alike light up as they step into the opulent lobby is her favorite part of the day, and she wouldn’t trade her job for the world.
. . . this is what dani repeats to herself over and over as she leaves emily’s office, now balking in the face of her worst assignment so far. with the red orchid welcoming many wealthy guests with exceedingly high expectations each week, dani’s experienced her fair share of grief in her time as assistant manager. but running around town to locate hypoallergenic pillows for mrs. van den berg’s prize poodle is hardly as harrowing as this new errand, which has dani doing anything she can to stall the first step.
( how does one even go about banishing someone from the property? )
while emily’s unfortunate accident has given dani the opportunity to take on some new and admittedly exciting responsibilities in her place . . . she had forgotten the uglier side of running the red orchid. emily’s always run a tight ship after all -- a striking contrast to their actual captain, pippa. dani wishes she could reach out to their director for advice on how to tackle the whole luisa situation, but . . . pippa already seems pretty busy taking care of emily ( no easy task, either ). 
with any other assignment, dani would pass with flying colors. but she’s never had to deal with people in this kind of situation. she could mollify any angry hotel guest with a gift basket or set of theater tickets, but a traveler simply enjoying her time in the city . . . dani can’t help but feel heartless to evict her. she tries to soften the blow by making a detour to the hotel café first, ordering two of their most popular cappuccinos. and purposely avoiding the front desk. although dani’s certain lily would have some kind and comforting words for her . . .  she would prefer if her crush wouldn’t see her as some cold-hearted monster.
the homey scent of coffee wafting from the cups is little comfort as she continues what feels like an executioner’s walk out to the pool. luisa comfortably resides on one of the lounge chairs out by the water ( unfortunately, six floors right beneath the office, where emily had first angrily spotted the busker ), and dani feels awful to disturb her. it goes against every hospitality bone in her body to impede, but emily’s voice repeatedly rings in her head, reminding dani that luisa isn’t a real guest.
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❝ hello, ❞ she starts with a polite smile, hoping the dread in her eyes isn’t glaringly obvious. dani takes a careful seat at the chair beside luisa, balancing the coffee cups all the while. ❝ -- lovely day out, isn’t it? ❞ she continues, glancing aside to the skies for a moment. it really is a sunny, beautiful day -- all the more criminal for her current job. 
clearing her throat, dani offers one of the cups as a pitiful olive branch, envious of the kids splashing around in the deep end having no such responsibility.  ❝ coffee? ❞ ( @feveredblurs​ )
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notoriouseliterp · 18 days
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Welcome to NOTORIOUS ELITE, Rose! You've been accepted as Caterina Scorsone. We're beyond thrilled to have you on board! Before diving in and sending us your account, please ensure you've completed the tasks listed below.
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She/her, 30, GMT +12
Caterina Scorsone
has three kids - Eliza, Pippa and Lucky. Engaged to Bradley Cooper w/ a child - Willow
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hillsfms · 9 months
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Welcome to the Hollywood Hills, ROSE! You have been accepted as CATERINA SCORSONE. Please make sure you complete all your onboarding tasks before you board your flight to the city of angels!
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Rose - She/her
GMT +13
Caterina Scorsone 
She has 3 kids - Eliza, Pippa and Lucky. I will be switching from Hailee to her 
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negative-speedforce · 7 months
How would your OCs and their partners react to the orange peel test? (I.e asking their partner to do a small task for them that they could in theory do themself, like peeling their orange or tying their shoes for them)
Siv + Hailey: Siv does the stuff for Hailey all while mercilessly teasing her and calling her a massive sap. Hailey tells Siv to go do it themself because she knows that Siv's fully capable of doing it herself.
Jay + Cassandra: Jay would honestly do anything for Cassandra because he's her #1 simp, Cassandra assumes it's a chronic pain thing for Jay, so she just does it and then repeatedly tries to offer him pain meds and rest and stuff.
Gina + Siv: Gina and Siv both mercilessly tease each other over it, and make fun of each other for being overly romantic, a la "What's next? You're going to ask me if I'd love you if you were a worm?".
Max + Kyle: Kyle does it unquestioningly because he loves his boyfriend. Max teases Kyle while doing it, because he's fully aware that Kyle is just doing it to see how he'd react.
Eric + Jacob: Eric and Jacob are constantly doing little mundane things for each other (that's what being married for 30-something years does to you), so it's not that much different from their usual routine. Neither of them noticed.
Onnie + Pippa: Pippa peels Onnie's orange, just assuming that it's another weird rich people thing that they're used to. Onnie refuses to do so for Pippa, and gives Pippa a long talk about how she knows how strong and capable Pippa is, she doesn't need to be babied.
Jessi + Hyun-Ki: Jessi flat out refuses, and berates Hyun-Ki, calling him immature and stupid. While hypnotized, Hyun-Ki would do whatever Jessi asked, but after being freed from her control, he would throw the orange back at her and tell her to go do it herself.
Marie + Qiara + Liah: Marie tells both her partners to go do it themselves, they're all adults and she's seen them do it before. Liah does it unquestioningly from the kindness in her heart. Qiara does it, but not without teasing.
Laila + Athena: Laila tells Athena to go do it herself, but in a playful rather than rude manner. Athena does it for Laila, but teases her mercilessly afterward.
Samira + Aldrich: Aldrich immediately catches it as some kind of test, but he doesn't say anything about it. Samira also catches him, but she decides to lightly tease him for it.
Vanessa + Victorie: Victorie doesn't really get the point of internet challenges yet, being about 300 years old, so she assumes that Vanessa is acting in earnest. When Victorie tries it on her, Vanessa thinks it's sweet, but she can't help but lightly tease her for it.
Kayla + Yelena: Yelena and Kayla both tell each other to go do it themselves, since they both know that the other is completely capable of doing it.
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intimacydeniedlove · 2 years
It occurs to me that you could take a leaf out of the book of justice systems such as Indonesia's.
They periodically lower jail sentences on days of public importance - special holidays and the like.
Imagine what a mindfuck that would be. On your birthday, you tell him that to celebrate, you're going to take 15 years off his sentence.
Such a large amount of time. That's so generous! He should be so grateful that you're so compassionate. What a wonderful thing to have you as a keyholder.
Of course, the reduction doesn't *really* offset the increase he's seen that year. It's still increasing at a fast clip.
But hey, you can't help that. I suppose that's just his lot in life. Ah well.
Seasons Greetings doubleblackscotch. Thank you for sharing your idea with me. After thinking about what you've said, I find that I like the psychology behind it. I was thinking of using this method to 'encourage' my slave to do the things he absolutely hates doing, like fluffing some guy, or dressing in a maid's outfit to do his chores.
I was thinking about maybe reducing his lock time by 5 years for each task he successfully completes, but I would have to ask my followers for their opinion before applying any reduction in lock time. I would also have to rely on those followers to ensure that enough time is added to offset any reduction.
A very good idea worth considering though.
Thank you. Merry Christmas!
Mistress Pippa. xx
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mediamixs · 10 months
The Piper Review: a deadly opportunity
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The 2023 horror movie The Piper received mixed reviews. According to a review on IMDb, the movie was criticized for its poor storyline, lack of scariness, and poorly executed effects. However, the soundtrack and some scenes were praised for their unsettling yet beautiful nature. The review also mentioned that the actors did their best, but the overall movie was considered mediocre. The Rotten Tomatoes page for the movie does not feature any reviews, and the same goes for the Rotten Tomatoes page for The Piper 2023. Another source, Starburst Magazine, provides a brief overview of the movie, mentioning a supernatural horror film involving a history teacher. Overall, the movie seems to have received mixed feedback, with some praising certain aspects like the soundtrack and visuals, while others criticized the storyline and execution.
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The plot of The Piper (2023) revolves around a dark secret in the protagonist's past that is uncovered by the restless spirit of the Pied Piper. The spirit seeks out those who have gotten away with a crime and punishes them by taking away their children. The movie involves uncovering the disturbing origins of the Pied Piper and the deadly consequences of playing the music associated with it.
The deadly consequences in The Piper (2023) occur when the protagonist, a young composer, is tasked with finishing her late mentor's concerto. She soon discovers that playing the music summons these deadly consequences, leading her to uncover the disturbing origins of the melody and an evil force that has awakened, represented by the Pied Piper.
The main cast of The Piper (2023) includes:
Julian Sands as Gustafson
Charlotte Hope as Mel
Kate Nichols as Nancy
Alexis Rodney
Philipp Christopher
Pippa Winslow
These actors play key roles in the movie, contributing to the unfolding of the storyline and the development of the characters.
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