bean-damnaithe · 4 years
It was just suppose to be a flying visit. She wasn’t suppose to stay longer than a day, she hadn’t even booked to stay anywhere. Briana really had assumed the rumour was fake. It couldn’t have been real. Mack was the Alpha, he was the strongest. Even staring at the headstone didn’t feel real. Lorcan had shown it to her but her brain was struggling to deal with the information. Literal centuries of unspoken words were dying inside of her as she realised it was all too late. Hearing someone approach she quickly wiped her eyes. As far as anyone knew she’d gotten over Mack centuries ago. Clearing her throat she looked up as she saw Pippa. 
She braced herself, never quite sure how to approach the O’Phelan’s. “I’m already leaving. I was just... paying my respects.” @pippaxophelan​
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bvttlebcrn · 4 years
aisling was so tired of hunting, because it felt like taking care of herself, and she didn’t want to take care of herself right now. but it was consistent and took all of her focus and tired her out at the end of the day, so she kept up with it. it reminded her of the times before she’d built her pack, when she was still so angry at and scared of others. not one to let a hunt go to waste, she’d prepped the meat and skewered it over her fire next to the tent. aisling was crouched next to it, watching the food slowly roast, occasionally feeding the fire. when she heard the tell-tale sounds of a four-legged beast in her vicinity, aisling shot up and looked around the area. she stilled when she found the source, a massive stark white wolf that stuck out in the fall colors of wildemount. “pippa,” she acknowledged, before sitting back down in her crouched position. ( @pippaxophelan​ )
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detectivegoldstein · 4 years
He liked coming down to the hotel kitchen during the off-peak times.  It was quiet, peaceful, and James could burn the shit out of his food without anyone to judge his pisspoor cooking abilities.  Deciding to try something fancy, the wolf attempted to flip the stir fry with the pan.  But as the kitchen door opened he lost his focus and half the vegetables fell onto the floor. 
 “Fuck me,” he groaned, glancing to see who was here.  “Hey Pippa,” the younger wolf huffs out.
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fanish-modi · 4 years
“I am terribly sorry” Fanish said, quickly pulling out napkins from the dispenser, to hand to her, “here let me buy you another one.” He turned to the barista he had just placed his own order with before the collision. Asking her to add on whatever it was that Pippa had ordered along, “why don’t I buy you a muffin or something too?” he offered as well.
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elenaxrusso · 4 years
Elena didn’t remember Pippa feeding from her when she was a vampire. She did remember that Pippa had gotten engaged, though. As soon as things settled down in the castle, she made her way over to Pippa’s room, knocking on the door with one hand, as the other hand held a small white cake.
“Pippa? Are you there? I made you a pumpkin spice latte cake,” she called through the door.
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(( @pippaxophelan​ ))
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adrianacallahan · 4 years
It was a rough morning for Adriana after dropping her daughter off at daycare. Exhausted from another sleepless night filled with nightmares, she had made a stop at the cafe for a bit of a pick-me-up. She was in line when she noticed a familiar face enter the establishment; it was a woman she had seen on the farm once or twice. Someone like her, but much, much stronger, she could tell that much. The brunette had told the barista that she wanted to pay for the woman’s order in full and to hold her card until it was done. She then took a step off to the side and waited, watching to see what she would do or say. / @pippaxophelan​
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ziggythefamiliar · 4 years
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Ziggy hadn’t really been expecting a customer this late at night. They were just about to close up in the next hour, giving the familiar ample time to have a little candy break. But just as he popped the sucker in his mouth, he noticed someone coming in. Shit, okay, act professional... “Hi! Welcome to Cake My Day! If you were hoping to get some baked goods right now, I do apologize... We’re about to close soon. However, you can have anything that’s in the display case!” He hummed out, letting his tongue shift the candy in his mouth to his cheek so he was able to speak a little better.
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bean-damnaithe · 4 years
🌧 + pippa
🌧 : our muses to get caught in the rain | @pippaxophelan
Most would have run for cover when the rain started but Briana barely showed that she noticed. She felt numb these days. It had been centuries since she had felt so low. It was like the beginning all over again. She felt alone. The icy cold drops of rain against her skin did barely anything to wash away the fog that seemed to have settled over her brain. What was she even doing still being in Wildemount? She was miserable. At least back in Russia she could just hide in the dark for months and no one questioned her. 
Looking up she stopped as she saw Pippa walking towards her. Unlike her the other woman was sheltered under an umbrella making the two look quite a pair when she stopped in front of Briana.
“I hope we’ve run into each other by coincidence and this isn’t another attempt to get me to stay in that ridiculous manor. I can’t Pippa. All I’ll think about is him.”
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bvttlebcrn · 4 years
the o’phelans. her family, supposedly. family was a loose term, she supposed. she had been following pippa’s scent for a long while now, but was surprised to see the edge of a cliff at the end of it. of course, auntie pippa was there too. “thinking of going for a swim?” she asked curiously, toeing the edge herself as she glanced over. “sorry––that’s rude of me. i’m aisling.” ( @pippaxophelan​ )
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nctural · 4 years
lily & pippa
“aunty p?” the brunette came crashing into the lounge room. lily had checked the other rooms of the house before making her way to the lounge room. throwing herself on the couch next to her aunt she let out a soft sigh. “i missed you, where have you been?” the girl pouted, folding her arms over her chest in a stubborn manner. “can we hang out today? i know you’ve been pretty busy lately, but how could you refuse a face like this.” she blinked innocently up at her aunt. “i need your help, i want to go shopping.” lily paused, pressing her lips into a smirk. “you always seem to catch peoples attention, show me how?” she pleaded with the other. “i think this calls for a new wardrobe, if you ask me.” she wiggled her eyebrows at the other playfully.
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firewithxn · 4 years
“I’ve been thinking.” Ryan said with a grin “I think we should go on a little vacation.” He kissed her cheek. “We don’t have to be gone for too long, but you deserve some relaxation.” He smiled as he wrapped her arms around her.
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remiblackwood · 4 years
📖 + pippa
📖  :    my  muse  discovers  your  muse  reading  a  diary  entry  that  my  muse  wrote  about  yours
Diary seemed like the wrong connotation as it was more an outlet for a teenager gushing about their crush. But of course, Remi had been keeping notes on some of those around town for her safety. She never had been exposed to this many supernatural species before and she felt it was needed to process all that she saw. The target still loomed heavy on her back, but she was starting to think maybe she could settle down here. While in the bar Pippa had cornered her again for a friendly chat and Remi was starting to wonder if the woman had tracked her down again. She kept Pippa at arm’s length again, still not sharing much about her but wondering why the other seemed interested in her settling into town so much. Having left the bar she realized she left the notebook inside. Turning back around, she was horrified to see Pippa flipping through the pages casually. “Hey!” Remi approached her. “That’s mine.”
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elenaxrusso · 4 years
Elena knocked softly on Pippa’s door, the dress the other had given her for the party draped over one arm. “Pippa? Um, are you in there? I brought back your dress . . . thanks for letting me wear it.”
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(( @pippaxophelan ))
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avaxfinch · 4 years
Ava’s head was splitting. It didn’t help that there was someone, some young woman, being loud, practically shrill, just two tables down. She tried to ignore it, to just drink her coffee and study, but finally she couldn’t anymore.
“Can you please be quiet? Some of us are trying to actually get stuff done in this hell hole.”
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(( @pippaxophelan​ ))
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neverlcckback · 4 years
Sera wasn’t usually one for shopping. Although she’d been wealthy all her life, no matter the century, she’d never been one for spending hours surrounded by clothes to try. But occasionally she would find a day to shop for new clothes and go wild. She didn’t know what store she was in now, but she winced when she reached for something at the same time another hand did. Yanking her hand back, she glanced over with a blush. “I’m sorry, you take it.” She smiled. “It’s definitely more your color, anyway. I’m not very good at this.”
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detectivegoldstein · 4 years
{Pip} I know youve been crazy busy lately with the pack and all {Pip} If you ever want me to make you dinner again let me know {Pip} Dont wear yourself thin kid
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