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Ramonda x Namora
Pirate x Mermaid AU
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bestmothertournament · 7 months
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leviathanspain · 2 years
mi amor
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namor x avenger!reader
synopsis: after a long time running away from the one man who had promised you the world, you realize your fears have come to fruition
disclaimer: i have NOT seen the movie yet lmaooo i work all the time + i’m a cheap ass waiting for the pirated websites to upload the HD versions for the movie so bear with me if none of this is remotely accurate— based off of fics and clips i’ve seen
mi amor - my love
you could hear the clamor of the fight. you had stayed back, the look of disappointment on shuri’s face when she tried to tug on you to help was like salt in your deep wound. you knew exactly who it was, having caught glimpses of their blue skin and their clothing, you felt the bile rise in your throat as panic surged your body.
had he truly found you again? after all this time?
you had spent the months after leaving, destroying every piece of your identity, faking your death, selling your belongings and erasing yourself from existence. for a time, it was easy. half the world had been snapped so half the people who once knew you, were gone.
but it didn’t make the struggle of it all any less. the avengers had dissolved, especially considering that half of your teammates were gone, you were left with one option, one that you weren’t really sure was reliable anymore.
wakanda had once let you call it home, and you hoped it would once again.
nakia’s voice was like music to your ears as the call had finally been picked up on the third ring.
your head fell into your hand with a sigh of relief, “nakia!” you nearly cried, “nakia, thank the gods..”
you heard a faint whisper of a man in the background before nakia responded with your name, “y/n? what’s wrong?”
your unloading of the situation took a mere five minutes, but nakia was already on her way with a jet to retrieve you in less than.
being back on wakanda was jarring. you had been here before, happy and accompanying bucky as he healed from hydra’s touch. and it was here, that you saw him for the very first time.
legends that your mother had told you never measured to his. he was pure magic, a mystical being that had you bowing on your knees.
he rose from the water as you felt the tears prick from your eyes. the darkness casted a shadow over his face, and it wasn’t until he was breathing your air, that you finally saw the beauty of him.
you felt the gasp of air leave your lungs, and instead, filled with the pounding water from down below.
you wanted to scream, feeling the burning of your lungs, you clawed at your throat, and even more at him, for his beauty was a facade for the evil that sat within him.
as he set a hand on your shoulder, intent on watching you die within his wrath, you gripped his hand, and let the fire of your pain burn through onto his skin.
he pulled back, hissing as he looked down at his injury. you collapsed at the same time, the water that made your lungs burn now emptied out on the ground, gasping for air you heaved.
“what..” you coughed, still gulping at the left over sea water, “the fuck?!” you yelled.
“i have the same question to ask you..” his voice was accented, a twinge of spanish just at the brink of his tongue you could almost hear it.
he looked down at his burn and smirked softly, “you are the fire they’ve warned about..”
you sent yourself back to reality.
“enough dwelling in the past..” you muttered. you mustered up your strength and stepped out onto the scene. it was less horrifying as you imagined, considering his style.
all the words fell immediately as you revealed yourself. shuri and ramonda both turned and the reveal of your betrayal played in their eyes.
“y/n.” his voice was like forbidden music to your ears. you turned your gaze away from them and faced him.
you regretted your decision to show, but you understood that this was partly your fault.
“k'uk'ulkan.” his name was like honey on your tongue, a sound to him that left him buzzing. you looked at him and wanted to beg the question, wanted to ask why he would go to such lengths to find you.
“don’t think that i didn’t know. i can feel you move amongst them, your heart is aligned with mine..” namor moved closer to you, “i felt them, their heartbeat, their energy..” namor whispered now, his words ever so enchanting.
you mustered up the courage and pushed him back roughly, the sound of sizzling flesh was heard just as his soldiers, stepped in front of him with weapons pointed at your neck.
you scoffed, “i was once considered your queen, your ruler and you my subjects, and you dare forget me so soon..” you stepped back, and ignored their faces as you stared at namor, “there is not a corner on this earth that you will leave unsearched, but there is the fact that you will never find him.” your words were like knives to his heart, and he seethed.
as you prepared to step back, run away as you have always done, the emotion that tugged at your heartstrings made you stop, and gaze him in the eye once more.
“how could you have done this to me, mi amor?” he was murmuring the words, and you looked back to see the wakandians glaring at you with betrayal, “i promised to give you the world,” he opened his arms and turned with a grimace, “even if the world is undeserving of your beauty, your power can change it, change them.” he glowered at the wakandians.
you shook your head, “how could i have stayed knowing your were walking the narrow line between justice and tyranny?” you echoed, “i made my decision, and i live with it everyday that he asks who his father is.” you sniffled, “it is now your turn to live with the consequences of your actions, mi amor.” the last words felt antagonizing, like salt to another deep wound.
the pain of walking away, knowing you had just given up another place you could’ve called home eventually, was tough. your son was with nakia, the only one entrusted with the information regarding his parentage, you had him blended into society, a child who lived in ignorance filled bliss.
you would give up your life, if it meant namor would never see him.
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hannahhook7744 · 7 months
'The Marvelous Misadventures of Hannah Hook' Moodboards (Revamped)(Part 3);
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Thomasina 'Tommy' Mystique Wonderful.
Age 9 years old.
Daughter of Misty the Wonderful Witch and an unknown man (likely another pirate or magic user).
The Crew Witch of the Stormbringer.
Family: Misty the Wonderful Witch (Mother).
Pet(s): A guinea pig named 'Thunder'.
Hobbies: Potion making, fencing, spell casting, hex casting, dancing, drawing, writing, making smoothies, playing games, reading, sword fighting, toy making, and figurine/toy collecting.
Weapons of Choice: Fencing Saber.
She has magic like her mother's.
Theme song: "Thunder."
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Diamond Zoë 'Zee' Snoops.
Age 13 years old.
Daughter of Madam Medusa and Mr. Snoops.
Mascot of the Stormbringer crew.
Family: Madam Medusa (Mother),
Melvin Snoops (Father),
Ramonda Snoops (Sister).
Pet(s): Sobek (Crocodile/Alligator).
Hobbies: Stealing, shiny things, collecting random objects, reading, adventuring, climbing, jogging, writing, treasure hunting, parkour, playing cards, reading gossip magazines, posting on social media, advocating for crocidles and alligators, etc.
Weapon of Choice: Handgun.
She has no magic. Based on @igetthedisneybox .
Theme Song: "Ghosting".
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Rodrick Nathaniel 'Nate'  von Stiltskin.
Age 12-15 years old.
Son of Rumpelstiltskin (theorized to be adopted) and an unknown (possibly non-existent) woman.
Spy of the Stormbringer crew.
Family: Rumpelstiltskin (Father),
Rabielais von Stiltskin and Raphael  von Stiltskin (Half-Brothers).
Pet(s): Spotter (Pidgeon).
Hobbies: Disappearing, fake magic tricks, studying, pulling pranks, setting up boobytraps, reading, writing, gaming, spying, etc.
Weapon of Choice: Dagger.
He has magic (or is at least very good at faking it).
Theme Song: "Ghost".
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Olivia Céline LeGume.
Age 15 years old.
Daughter of Gaston LeGume and The Enchantress (Agatha)(she was an affair baby).
Random crewmate of the Stormbringer crew.
Family: The LeGumes (No one is really sure how many kids Gaston has).
Pet(s): Sweetie (Horse),
Lovely (Cat).
Hobbies: Cooking, painting, reading, napping, looking for candy, watching tv, hanging out with friends, and listening to music.
Weapon of Choice: Bow and Arrow.
She has magic.
Theme Song: "Shutter island".
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Herlando Sherwin Dancer.
Age 12 years old.
Son of Dragos the Dancer and Despoina the Mistress of Evil.
Vampire and Back Up Medic of the Storm Bringer.
Family: Dragos the Dancer (Father),
Despoina the Mistress of Evil (Mother).
Pet(s): None.
Hobbies: Collecting fireflies, playing with yo-yos, playing ball, sailing, playing cards, tye dying clothes, reading comic books, stop motion, sparring, Tapestry, collecting things, listening to music, dancing, making smoothies, playing baseball, photography, hairstyling, learning about magic, playing memorizing games, playing games, staring gazing, learning about history, watching theory videos, etc.
Weapon of Choice: Fire poker.
He doesn't have magic but he has the powers of a vampire.
Theme Song: "Sick Boy."
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Hope Faith Sid.
Age 17 years old.
Daughter of Molly Cromm-Cruach the Banshee and Yen Sid.
The Entertainment and H.R. Representive of the Storm Bringer.
Family: Lord Oberon (Maternal Grandfather),
Molly Cromm-Cruach the Banshee (Mother),
Yen Sid (Father).
Pet(s): None.
Hobbies: Completing puzzles, reading, singing, playing board games, listening to music, playing chess, making jewelry, embroidery, jewelry collection, boxing, theorizing, causually baking/cooking, etc.
Weapon of Choice: Rolling Pin and her scream.
She doesn't have magic but she does have banshee powers.
Theme Song: "Freak The Freak Out."
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Gunner Constantine Harp.
Age 12 years old.
Son of the Golden Harp and Corwin Athanasiou (A descendant of Cupid).
Back Up, Back Up Medic and Child Minder of the Storm Bringer aesthetic.
Family: Cupid Athanasiou (Paternal Grandfather),
Psyche Athanasiou (Paternal Grandmother),
Hedone Imp (Paternal Aunt),
Pain Imp (Paternal Uncle via Marriage),
Paro Imp (Paternal Cousin),
Corwin Athanasiou (Father),
Goldie/The Golden Harp (Mother),
Pet(s): None.
Hobbies: Bird watching, woodcarving, treasure hunting, stargazing, baking, golfing, singing, making friendship bracelets, making flower crowns, graffiti, swimming, flying, cooking, dancing, listening to music, etc.
Weapon of Choice: Winged Switchblade.
He has a long list of powers (cause demigod, ya know).
Theme Song: "Monsters."
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Moxford 'Moxie' William Frankenstein-Van Helsing.
Age 15 years old.
Son of Victor Frankenstein and Elsa Van Helsing.
Fleshgait/Zombie-like Experiment and Back Up Night Guard of The Storm Bringer.
Family: Victor Frankenstein (Father),
Elsa Van Helsing (Mother),
Ryan Frankenstein-Van Helsing (Brother).
Pet(s): Sparky (Family Dog),
Persephone (Family Dog).
Hobbies: Boxing, Wrestling, weight lighting, sparring, competitive eating contests, playing board games/cards, playing the harmonica, going on tv parties, playing sports, parkour/climbing, building minatures, dancing, swimming, just sports in general, etc.
Weapon of Choice: Mace.
He doesn't have magic but does have a few powers like inhumane strength, sharp and strong teeth, durability, retractable claws, he's able to mimic people well, etc.
Theme Song: "Monster."
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Rian Theseus Frankenstein-Van Helsing.
Age 14 years old.
Son of Victor Frankstein and Elsa Van Helsing.
Zombie and Trainer of The Storm Bringer.
Family: Victor Frankenstein (Father),
Elsa Van Helsing (Mother),
Moxie Frankenstein-Van Helsing (Brother).
Pet(s): Sparky (Family Dog),
Persephone (Family Dog).
Hobbies: Swimming, petting sharks, working out, weight lifting, jogging, running, playing games, playing cards, listening to music, studying marine biology, sparring, building miniatures, readying, grilling, etc.
Weapon of Choice: Shovel.
He doesn't have magic but does have inhumane strength and inhumanly strong teeth.
Theme Song: "Secrets."
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kicksnscribs · 2 years
Lol I found my VA list for my Lost Light stuff:
(Listed with the characters I use to inspire their mannerisms as well!)
Leigh Warren (OC obvs): Heather Headley (Nala - Lion King Broadway musical
Swerve: Don Delouise (Tiger-Fievel Goes West)
Minimus Ambus/Ultra Magnus: Sir Ben Kingsley (Bagheera - Jungle Book)
Brainstorm: Charlie Day (Newton Gieszler-Pacific Rim)
Prowl: Darin De Paul (Samuel Hayden - Doom)
Sunstreaker: Ron Pearlman (Hellboy)
Megatron: Christopher Judge (Kratos - God of War)
Rung: Christopher Robin Miller (Professor Layton)
Repugnus: Danny Devito (Always Sunny)
Grotusque: Dave Bautista (Drax the Destroyer - Guardians of the Galaxy)
Whirl: Mackenzie Crook (Ragetti - Pirates of the Caribbean)
Getaway: Jason Isaacs (Ra’s Al Ghul - Batman: Under the Red Hood)
Hound: Carl Lumbly (Martian Manhunter - Justice League)
Ravage: Keith David (The Cat - Coraline)
Cyclonus: Jeremy Irons (Alfred Pennyorth - Justice League)
Thunderclash: Christopher Sabat (Mj. Alex Louis Armstrong - FMA Brotherhood)
Skids: Mike McFarland (Lt. Jean Havoc FMA Brotherhood)
Rodimus: Steven Blum (Spike Spiegel - Cowboy Bebop)
Pharma: Mark Hamill (Joker - Batman Arkham Asylum)
Velocity: Angela Basset (Queen Ramonda - Black Panther)
Nightbeat: Idris Elba (Luther)
Ratchet: Igal Naor (Manberg - Wendell and Wild)
Nautica: Keke Palmer (Emerald - Nope)
Drift: Aleks Le (Sonon - FF VII Remake INTERGRADE)
Characters in Bold are new additions (like literally thought up as I was copying the others from my notes lol)
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tchallasbabymama · 2 years
I don't want to take Wakanda Forever as canon... BP is a fandom that I turned to for Black positivity and while we should accept Chadwick's death, I personally don't want any more emotional baggage rn... especially with Ramonda's death, which is fictional, but still kept me awake because reasons.
The best canon universe I can think of is StarLord T'Challa's universe where Shuri is the Black Panther, but T'Challa's also alive and the snap didn't happen and T'Challa as a pirate would be way more radical and less diplomatic, but still the good person that we love.
Also as if I don't have enough WIPs, I'm going to write an alternate script of WF to cope 😭
I can understand that.
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lazywolfwiccan · 2 years
Waaaaaaaaait, are they still open? Cause I just had a thought and legit gasped: Ramonda x Namora, Pirate x Siren au. 🤯
Will do when I get back from lunch!!
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chipcheesesandwich · 2 years
Eating Your Own Tail: The Falling of Marvel Studios (or, A Letter From A Concerned Film Fan)
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever was a great film that tackled the harsh subject of the loss of a loved one and how we move on from it. The visuals were also beautiful, with the amazing VFX that definitely supported tremendously for the production that was done in the midst of COVID (including a antivaxer lead actor in the cast).
But, to be quite honest, this film gave me the same, or even more disappointment I experienced with Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Sure, the tomato scores of the two films show a different story with BP2 having better reviews than DS2, and the cultural representation of BP2 is absolutely gorgeous throughout. But these two most recent films from Marvel truly showed the importance of editing.
I feel like BP2's editing was just, off. I can tell from the awkward jump cuts and pacing that this was a film that was meant to be a 5hr, or a two part, that they shaved to 2hr45m.
The most significant jumps and off beat I felt was during Ramonda's death. She died in the midst of a war, an attack from another country, in her own throne room by drowning to save another's life. And without letting us sit in the reality of a beloved, powerful character, just completely lifeless on the floor, with Okoye trying to deny the reality she is facing, we smash cut into a funeral. And it's a very similar setting of a funeral we see in the beginning of the film, showing the death of T'Challa.
Now, I understand that their aim was to have this, repetition of death happening in Shuri's life. But, because of the off beat, smash cut, no leeway for air to let us breath and suck in the moment, the death of Ramonda almost feels, cheated. Almost feels cheap. And these cheap, jump cuts kept repeating throughout the film.
These cheap edits felt like someone just grabbed a piece of cake and smashed it into your face to let you taste the glaze on top. But the cake is just all over your face, but not where it should be. What you need to do to actually taste the glaze, is to take a fork, scoop a bite of cake with the fork, carry it in your mouth, and eat it. And just, taste the cake. But the film didn't even let you taste it, and instead gave you a bottle of coke to wash it down your throat so you can get ready for the next cake.
What I'm trying to say is that the film never had a break. A break to actually feel the weight of a loss. The weight of Ramonda, dying before us. The weight of an end of an era and entering the new chapter. In order to feel the weight, you have to have time to hold it. And the smash cuts just, never let us hold it.
This issue of the two Marvel films of their lack of great editing deeply concerns me. Both directors of the films are extraordinary, and extremely talented. The actors in both films are extraordinary, and extremely talented. Then how did they fail so miserably? Well, have you seen the schedule of Phase 5?
Marvel Studios as a whole is having an issue with scheduling and seeing the reality that they are in. In Phase 5, Marvel is planning for 12 projects, combining both film and TV, in a span of less than 2 years. 2 years. Just a couple of years ago, having 2 movies and maybe 1 TV show in 1 year was an achievement.
This intense and unrealistic schedule is what pushes these directors off their rails. The studio asks them to crank out a film, that is decent in length (so they can keep playing it in theaters multiple times a day), in a short span of time to make way for the next.
This is the same with VFX companies and their crippling qualities in work. Compare the two films I've talked with Pirates of Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) and the answer is clear. They are simply not given enough time nor the amount of crew. Why no crew? Because the other crew are working on the 3 next projects for Marvel at the same time.
We tend to forget that the films we watch are actually simply made by humans like us. And also live in the same amount of time span like us. So if Marvel starts robbing away all people and their time, when they didn't have it in the first place because Marvel already took them in another project, collapse is truly one step away, literally. And Marvel, whether they know it or not, do exactly that.
I suspect, in the next 5 years, the film industry as we know it will truly be gone, including the people who built it. And the rapid pacing media output encouraged by Marvel is, as from what I see, the main cause.
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ironstrangeao3 · 2 years
Sea of Dreams
by stececilia
In the seedy depths of Madripoor, a pack of omegas currently work in the local tavern selling themselves to the local patrons under the watchful eye of their Mistress, Pepper Potts. After stumbling across a map that leads to a great treasure, the omegas finally decide it's time to take back their lives and take charge of their future. They decide it's time to take their dreams to the sea and find them.
Words: 1918, Chapters: 1/37, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Black Panther (2018)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Pepper Potts, Grand Master - Character, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Topaz (Marvel), Nick Fury, Thor (Marvel), Vision (Marvel), Clint Barton, Maria Hill, Steve Rogers, Okoye (Marvel), Ayo (Marvel), Ulysses Klaue, Thanos (Marvel), Erik Killmonger, Proxima Midnight, Ebony Maw, Corvus Glaive, Cull Obsidian, Ramonda (Marvel), T'Chaka (Marvel), Nebula (Marvel), Mantis (Marvel), Groot (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Drax the Destroyer, Peter Quill, Thaddeus Ross, Original Male Charaters, Sharon Carter (Marvel)
Relationships: Everett Ross/T'Challa, Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Bruce Banner/Thor, Scott Lang/Sam Wilson, Maria Hill/Natasha Romanov, James "Bucky" Barnes/M'Baku, Mantis/Nebula (Marvel)
Additional Tags: Omegaverse, ABO dynamics, Pirate universe, no powers, Alternate Universe - Historical, Attempt at Historical Accuracy, Brothels, Ship Battles, Smut, Traumatic Backstories, Omegas not treated well in this universe, Harsh Language, Degrading Language, Finding Love, adventures on the high seas, Violence, mistreatment of omegas, Feminization, Cross dressing...sort of...omegas don't really have a dress code, Past Child Abuse, Past Rape/Non-con, Past Abortion, Abuse, Human Trafficking, Selling of omegas for sex, Mating, Knotting, Mating Bites, Angst with a Happy Ending, feeling realization, Birth Control methods, mentions of torture, fated mates, Scenting, sailing and piracy, Angst and Drama
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41039334
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“Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same.” 
Our destiny is here, Y'all and I did not ask for this! 
How dare they start with Tony recording his death scene? Seriously let's talk about that dialogue for a minute. 
“Hey, Miss Potts.” This part doesn’t sound like it’s part of the same sentence as the rest of the message. Still, my heart breaks at how he calls her “Miss Potts” when it could’ve been Mrs. 
“If you find this recording... don’t feel bad about this. Part of the journey is the end.” God, we know Tony is always ready to die, but him accepting it and saying it to Pepper when he doesn’t even know if she’s alive... this is cruel. On top of that, he still wants her to not feel bad about any of this. Yeah, I’m not okay. 
“Just for the record, being adrift in space with zero promise of rescue is more fun than it sounds.” Typical Tony, trying to deal with his pain the only way he knows how by telling jokes. Also, hint hint rescue + Pepper. What if Pepper gets this message and suits up as Rescue.
“Food and water ran out four days ago. Oxygen will run out tomorrow morning... that’d be it.” Again, he’s come to terms with his death. I can’t deal with this. 
“When I drift off, I will dream about you. It’s always you.” This calls back to every single time he’s been on the brink of death and his last thoughts are always with Pepper. Also, “I have to protect the one thing that matters. That’s you.” I’m not okay. I am not okay. This cruel, MARVEL. 
The Marvel Studios logo dusting off was uncalled for. How dare you?!
Thano really out here living his best life, not caring that he just f*cked over everyone in the galaxy and basically left everyone depressed af. I hate this grape. 
So, glad everyone’s back in the Avengers HQ. Hopefully, Pepper and Rhodey are there with them. I really want them to be. 
“Thanos did exactly what he said he was going to do. He wiped out fifty percent of all living creatures.” Natasha looks so distraught when says this, it breaks my heart. 
Steve CRYING!!!! Look, I know I said wanted to see Steve vulnerable but god damn that shit hurt. Like, stop hurting my babies, Marvel, STOP. 
Bruce looks so sad and stressed out. He’s obviously been in the lab a lot, probably going over who can help them and how to unf*ck this mess. Let’s talk about the details here for a sec:
Scott Lang: missing. This probably means that Scott was in the quantum realm for some time. 
Peter Parker: missing. So, I have no idea if reports say that Spider-man was also beamed up when Tony was. But, if that’s not the case then Aunt May probably showed up at the Avengers Tower asking about Peter :(. Or if it is the case then they assume that Peter and Tony are just both gone. 
Shuri: missing. WHAT?! EXCUSE ME?! Marvel is going to take away our Princess?! How are they going to drop that bombshell in the trailer??? HOW DISRESPECTFUL. I’M SORRY BUT WHAT??? Now I have to be further emotionally scarred thinking about Okoye and Ramonda finding Shuri. Marvel just doesn’t care about our feelings anymore. 
Okay, Steve’s next dialogue KILLS me.
“We lost. All of us.” Pans to a shot of Thor. My poor pirate angel baby is all upset. Probably suffering a ton of survivors guilt and blaming himself. I WON’T HAVE THIS. 
“We lost friends.” Pans to Nebula on the Milano looking super distraught. Cuts to her gently stroking someone’s shoulder, most likely Tony’s. This is where Marvel needs to cut it. They cannot have Tony die in space. They cannot have this man suffer through his worst f*cking nightmare. How goddamn disrespectful are they? I won’t stand for this cruelty. 
“We lost family.” Cuts to Clint with swords over a bunch of dead bodies. An implication that Clint lost all of his family and that is not OK.  
“We lost a part of ourselves.” Clint removes his Ronin mask and turns to face Nat. Obviously, Clint lost a part of himself and became Ronin. He’s like Sorry Hawkeye can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Because he’s dead. 
“This is the fight of our lives.” Steve and Nat in the Quinjet(?). Steve looking down at his Peggy picture. Now, I think they’re trying to draw a parallel to The First Avenger. Before Steve takes the plunge and ‘ends’ his life, he looks at a picture of Peggy. It could be the same sacrificial tone. OR it could mean that Steve is traveling back in time and is going to see Peggy one more time and he’s preparing himself mentally. 
Now, the next part is the final nail on my coffin 
Nat: “this is going to work, Steve.” 
Steve: “I know it is. Cause I don’t know what I’m going to do if it doesn’t” 
Can I just say that I LOVE this Steve Rogers and this attitude? But, at the same time, this makes me super nervous. The background has a heartbeat pumping rhythm to it. Now, this is potentially done to dramatize the scene and make it seem as if Steve and Nat are about to risk it all. This is the high stakes game and this is the last hope. Which SCARES the shit out of me. 
Next, we see the Avengers logo being assembled from dust and rocks. Which could be a hopeful sign! Could be foreshadowing the snap reversal! But, of course, at what cost? 
And then we see it, the title... ENDGAME! The one that both Tony Stark and Stephen Strange predicted. My heart cannot take it! I’M SCARED. 
BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE. OUR SMOL BEAN, OUR HERO, SCOTT LANG IS HERE. I almost cried of mixed happiness and sadness when I saw him. Few points here. 
Scott is dressed normally... he’s not wearing the Ant-man suit that we last saw him in. Which means that he probably had some time to go home and maybe figure out what happened? OR this is Scott from the future? I’m very confused on how Scott shows up there and how he got out of the Quantum realm, but I’m glad the world’s greatest grandma is back. 
He came in the van! The same van that has the miniaturized Quantum portal thingy. So, this could be the key to time travel if that’s what they’re going to do. Remember at the end of Ant-Man and the Wasp, Janet warns Scott about “time-vortexes.” Scott could be the key! 
Natasha is wearing the same clothes we see her in earlier when she's done the whole “Thano did exactly what he said he was going to do” speech. Which means that this could be very early on in the film. Which means Scott comes in very early on and plays a bigger role! 
I think Steve might be wearing the same clothes as when we see him crying? It’s hard to tell because he was wearing a leather jacket when he cries and now he’s only in a black long sleeve (that looks so good), but yeah. Just again confirming that Scott comes early on. 
I know Scott sounds a little cheery, but he also appears kind of in distress and a little nervous. At the end when he says “can you buzz me in?” He looks kinda jittery and anxious. SO, it makes me wonder what might have happened the rest of his family.
Anyway, this trailer was disrespectful and made me depressed again. Marvel needs to stop hurting all of my babies. They better fix this mess. 
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Marvel’s What If…? Episode 2 Review: T’Challa Becomes a Phenomenal Star-Lord
This article contains spoilers for What If…? episode 2.
The second episode of Marvel’s latest Disney+ series, ‘What If…T’Challa Became a Star-Lord?’, explores the possibility of T’Challa becoming the iconic galactic outlaw in a twist that also involves him being portrayed as very different from the Peter Quill version of the character. It’s safe to say Star-Lord never needed to perform a dance-off to save the universe in this timeline!
As you may know if you visited the site last week, our What If…? reviews are adopting a different format. More of a “breakdown” that we hope will still satisfy regular readers but also help younger viewers and those less familiar with the MCU keep up.
With that in mind, let’s dig deeper into ‘What If…T’Challa Became a Star-Lord?’…
Required viewing
For episode 2’s branch timeline, it helps to have seen Black Panther, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 and Vol 2, and Avengers: Infinity War.
What’s different?
Not only do we get to see an alternate life for T’Challa, we also get to find out what Peter Quill’s fate might have been if he hadn’t been picked up by Yondu as a child, and what Thanos would have done if he’d just chilled tf out.
The ‘What If?’ moment in this episode addresses what would have happened if Yondu had outsourced the assignment of retrieving Peter from Earth (see Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1) to the Ravagers, and they ended up lifting T’Challa instead, nixing the events of Black Panther. In their defense, they say, the cosmic readings in Wakanda were off the charts. Since it was built on an ancient vibranium meteorite, T’Challa concurs.
It is T’Challa we see lifting the Power Stone from Morag and not Peter at the beginning of the episode, changing the events of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1. Korath has heard of Star-Lord in this alternate timeline and is a huge fan because T’Challa is basically a galactic Robin Hood here.
Korath is so enamoured with T’Challa, in fact, that he begs to join the Ravagers. The gang, along with Yondu, have reformed. They are no longer simply grimy thieves smugglers, criminals, bandits, mercenaries, bounty hunters and pirates, and they plan to use the recently-acquired Infinity Stone to jump-start a dying star and save a planet in peril.
We see that T’Challa has managed to change a lot of the cosmic MCU’s major fates as Star-Lord. He’s even broken through Thanos’ mindset in this branch timeline, convincing him that there’s more than one way to achieve his goals, and he’s changed Drax’s life by saving his home world from a Kree invasion, too.
As Star-Lord, T’Challa runs into a friendly and now-minimally cybernetic Nebula, who initially comes across as a kind of blue Jessica Rabbit. She manages to pique his interest by describing a MacGuffin called the Embers of Genesis – cosmic dust that can terraform ecosystems. T’Challa understands he could use them to eradicate hunger across the galaxy, but they’ll have to steal them from The Collector, who has filled Thanos’ power vacuum.
T’Challa and Nebula plan a heist on Knowhere, which involves evading the Black Order. They’re working for The Collector in this timeline, in an alteration from Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame.
Who are the voices?
Jeffrey Wright returns as What If…?’s narrator, Uatu The Watcher. Chadwick Boseman is T’Challa/Star-Lord, Michael Rooker is Yondu, Djimon Hounsou is Korath the Pursuer, Chris Sullivan is Taserface, Karen Gillen is Nebula, Josh Brolin is Thanos, Seth Green is Howard the Duck, Danai Gurira as Okoye, John Kani is T’Chaka, Angela Bassett is Ramonda, Benicio Del Toro is The Collector, Carrie Coon is Proxima Midnight, Kurt Russell is Ego, Sean Gunn is Kraglin, Tom Vaughan-Lawlor is Ebony Maw,
Drax is the real omission here, as Dave Bautista did not return to reprise his role in the series. He claims he was never asked, but executive producer Brad Winderbaum chalked it up to a “miscommunication.”
Standout moments
This was a wonderful episode, and it was great to see how much of a positive influence T’Challa had been on the universe after getting the opportunity to leave Earth and satisfy his natural curiosity. It was also consistently funny to note how much better T’Challa was at being Star-Lord than Peter.
Of course, it was all bittersweet knowing that What If…? marks the late Chadwick Boseman’s last performance, and it was hard not to get choked up during the episode’s final scene in Wakanda. I can’t wait to see the other versions of T’Challa that pepper this season of the show.
The reformed Thanos in ‘What If…T’Challa Became a Star-Lord?’ was also a treat, and I loved how he always seemed to be just on the cusp of falling back on his old plan, but his Ravager family, their banter and their friendship had drawn him in too deep to take it too seriously. Murdering half the universe has become a running joke in this timeline, which was some dark comedy I couldn’t help but warm to.
It wouldn’t be a Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1-adjacent episode without a brilliant Howard the Duck appearance, and this one was glorious, but hearing Seth Green’s voice coming out of Howard’s beak made me yearn for the recent Howard the Duck animated series that never was.
T’Challa’s fight with The Collector was a schmorgasboard of Easter eggs for Marvel fans, too. We saw that in this timeline he’s managed to get hold of Hela’s Thor: Ragnarok headpiece, Thor’s hammer Mjolnir and Captain America’s shield! I’d love to hear the stories behind those objects of desire falling into his hands. Maybe we’ll get to revisit it in a later episode of What If…?, but if we don’t, that’s fine. I’ll let my brain fill in those gaps with some wild stuff instead.
How does it work out?
T’Challa finds a Wakandan ship in The Collector’s stash and realizes that Yondu has lied to him about the country’s destruction, but the two objectively have more of a father-son relationship than Yondu ever did with Peter, and they have a nice heart-to-heart that ends with T’Challa returning to Wakanda to reunite with his father, T’Chaka, and the rest of his Wakandan family.
Meanwhile, Ego eventually finds an older Peter mopping the floor at a Dairy Queen, but this altered meeting might mean the end of the world, we’re told, as in this timeline there’s no one to guide Peter away from Ego’s nefarious Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 plans!
More to come
This won’t be the last time we see T’Challa pop up on What If…?. Winterbaum told IGN that Boseman appears in four episodes of the series playing different versions of the character. “Each time, he was just so enthusiastic about finding a new spin on the character.”
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