#pirates smp headcanons
stellocchia · 1 year
I have been thinking about Pirates SMP way too much lately, so get a bunch of my mishmashed headcanons. Warning that I'm never able to catch the streams, so I'm basing my whole view of the series from BlueberryTV's, Scott's, Owen's, Ros', and Sausage's episodes. And whatever I pick up from Tumblr of course. So there are undoubtedly things I don't know about yet.
- Scott visits Sausage often for bubble bath night. He may be a Heron but he's considered one of the boys (on Sausage's insistence) so he gets a pass from the rest of the Kestrels too.
- Owen despises Scott's parents on principle because of the obvious pressure they put on Scott. She also kinda thinks lesser of Scott for never properly rebelling against them.
- Ros and Reddoons befriended each other and hang out regularly for some chill time and gossip. They try not to let their own factions know because of the tensions between them (yes, this is entirely based on, like, one very cute interaction they had. And I stand by it)
- Apo routinely pics fights with the Kites to try and prove himself to them. He fails every time, but the Kites still let him mostly out of pity. Poor guy clearly took the rejection hard.
- Oli is indeed actually married to the crab, he just doesn't want to admit it because, genuinely, who would?
- Cleo didn't mean to join the herons back in the days, they just drunkenly misclicked
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pow-smps-headcanons · 3 months
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@minecraftrelatedrandomness 'm taking this as my excuse to elaborate /silly
p!kuervo headcanon(s) under the cut 💜
(tws;; death / murder, gun violence, implied attempted assault)
okay. so!!. my headcanon lore:tm: for kuervo's backstory goes as follows:
before becoming a pirate, kuervo used to be a performer/dancer at a bar back at his home. it started dating the bartender, and all was well for a couple years (they were planning to get married).
until. :)
one day a group of navy soldiers come in on shore leave while kuervo's performing, and get Very drunk and rowdy.
one of the soldiers takes a fancy to it, and starts flirting + tries to kiss it.
this is when its partner comes in, punching the guy, and it starts an entire huge barfight. tl;dr, it ends with its partner getting shot (fatally) (and also kuervo losing an eye from Extreme Blunt Trauma).
kuervo runs off after the funeral and after their house is cleared out, and ends up becoming a pirate. it decides to join the kites, learning to fight (and also as an excuse to fuck up some navy soldiers :)).
so yeah !. purple hyacinths are commonly used in funeral arrangements, symbolizing both rememberance of the deceased and a deep sorrow or regret, as well as asking forgiveness in some cases. :D
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This man.
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mcytblingsbracket · 1 month
Welcome to MCYTblings!
Hello everyone! I have decided I really enjoy running brackets, so I am here to run a mcyt siblings bracket! I'm personally familiar with the empires/traffic life/hermitcraft side of mcyt, but any mcyt fandom is allowed here for this bracket :D
Obviously, this is characters not creators and this is for fun/entertainment, so please keep this lighthearted! You can submit siblings from canon, fanon, or personal headcanons, even ones commonly shipped together, just don't do shipping content in the context of them being related.
Current Blog Activity: Finals are currently running! Vote for your favorite sibling(s) and create propaganda!
#mcytblings polls
#mcytblings info
#mcytblings propaganda
#mcytblings update
Polls are set to one week and I'll post the next wave of polls soon after it ends.
If you tag this account with propaganda, I will reblog it. If you reblog a post with the text box, I will reblog it. If you put propaganda in the ask box, I will reblog it. Basically I'll reblog literally anything, I'm not picky.
Submitted siblings can be literally anyone. They can have age gaps, it can be found family vibes, it can be adopted, it can be biological, it can be any amount, etcetc! For example, you can submit Grian&Pearl as siblings, but you can also submit Grian&Pearl&Jimmy&Lizzie as siblings or whatever else :D
Once we get to the end, if all runs well and people enjoy this, there is a chance to run another bracket with a new set of submissions. New siblings can be added and old siblings who lost can make a comeback. Depends, honestly :p
Profile picture is drawn by @joifee https://joifee.tumblr.com/post/740267745344651264/roseblings-my-beloved-late-night-drawing-they
This account is run by @deityoftherain who uses they/fae/star pronouns. As one may expect, be as wonky and fun with your headcanons and such when doing propaganda :D
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Jimmy & Lizzie aka Seablings
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greyjade00117 · 1 year
You all remember Scar's faction choosing? Yeah, it's been stuck in my head and my coursework and deadline ridden brain can't stop thinking of angst so, here we go.
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So I can't stop thinking how p!Scar keeps saying that he let his crew sink, and also said he let his family sink during the Faction day. That's basically saying that he considered his crew as his family right???? Right?????
And he say he 'let them sink'. Like he didn't stop it. Or couldn't stop it. My brain wants to say that he is feeling guilty for being the only survivor while his crew, his family, died with the ship. And he couldn't bare the thought of making another family, only to loose them too because he couldn't stop it.
And sure, he is a great conma.... I mean, salesman, but that also means he is good with lies, so who's to say he isn't lieing about his feelings???
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oleander-neruim · 2 months
Welcoming in a few of our more prominent members of the Isles.
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• Joel Beans, the still so-called temporary head of the Isles for the past 20 years. He's grown cold and distant to most outside of his love for his son. A well hidden paranoia has set in, those around him and trying to dethrone him effective in having him have his guard on high at all times.
• Hermes Mythos-Beans, the loosely-titled prince of the Isles, he's become something of a symbol for the creation of the new-era of the Isles. He's seen more with his artwork or instruments rather than with any sort of political or fighting scenes. He tries hard to uphold padre's name and even harder to keep his father safe as much as he can.
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• Eddie Mythos, a loved and respected man of the Isles. He was once a cherished father figure to many of the Kestrals & still so for some pirates outside of the Faction. Since his passing, he still remains a quite positive memory among any pirates who knew him in life.
• Scott Denholm, the last survivor of the grand-standing family name. He's more away from home than not nowadays, tending to be one to keep others at arms length. Since his abrupt return and prolonged stay on the Isles, he's made a face for himself of being a major supporter of the left-behind Mythos family.
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• Owen Orange, a charismatic and eerily persuasive character on the Isles. She's not shy to voice her thoughts, clear on how he views Joel as some undeserving intruder on their Isles. Many find it hard to say no to him and she's become rather savvy at rallying people to her side, however he may have that play out.
• Martyn Woods, a snappy and stubborn member. Many have noticed an odd shift in his personality since the first Fall of the Isles. Most attribute it a reaction to such an event or to the rumored rejection & built rivalry of sorts between him & a certain ex-Heron captain.
Important faces seen during the journey through the sirens.
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• Siren Joel: an imposter's face plastered on a monster. An uncanny resemblance to the partner of our story's Captain.
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• The true face of the lead siren, it's disguise falling off after finding the danger they're in.
• Another captured siren, baring a striking resemblance to their captor's long-passed partner.
Pt. 1 || Pt. 2 || Pt. 3 || Pt.4 [Here] || Pt. 5
As it now stands, I am done with the character sketch line up. Up next is the pennings which are going great and then I can start exploding with my nonsense <3.
I did rush the out-of-disguise designs of the sirens but I will clean them up in the pennings.
As always, questions and comments are always appreciated and my askbox is wide open for them.
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ladyevol · 9 months
Cat Shapeshifter Scar, my beloved. Eldritch horror Jellie, my beloved. People thinking it is cute that Scar talks to Jellie, thinking it is just a cat-owner thing when in reality she talks back in his mind, my beloved
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scarletfeisty · 1 year
Me has a headcanon :]
Headcanon where as time passes by, p!scott's coat gets all worned out from all of the adventures he has gotten himself into- its evidence of him slowly getting rid of the shackles of his family name in him- which is why he tries so hard to involve himself with everything so he could make a name for HIMSELF, not under the Denholm name.
For p!acho, star's from the beginning of the smp has already been worn out since it was a hand me down from his brother afterall- and also due to the fact star has already broken the shackles on his end- which is why once the family’s arc starts, it’ll all come full circle :>
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sweetsmalldog · 1 year
Memory repression is when the brain sort of “walls off” traumatic memories as a self defense mechanism. It’s unconscious on the person’s part. What I’m saying is if you experienced a childhood entirely built around training you to be the best possible pirate by parents who championed “no emotions only discoveries” and have described them as “good parents for the most part” there’s a chance some of those memories are to traumatic to remember.
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okay so apparently the post i made at 4am last night about the denholm family legacy and corresponding mental health implications blew up and now i'm receiving all sorts of screaming (/pos) in the tags. on a Related note, i've been brainrotting about p!scott's character intro sequence so much and now i Need to yell about all this somewhere or i'm gonna cry.
"Okay (×7), what do I need? Big day. BIG day. Okay. Okay, um, let's get the spyglass Dad got me and… Mum got me the new journal [to] write down all my discoveries."
the fact that the journal p!scott was using as a diary was meant for THIS. THIS was what it was meant to be used for. i would just like to point this out to y'all.
the EXPECTATIONS from the very start. good god it's so offhand of a comment but i am Stuck here. the Expectation of following in your family's footsteps. it's not just "do what We did" but also "do what you are Supposed to do".
"What else do I need? Ehm… outfit, check… oh, food! Um, Mum said… there we go, she'd made me five mutton wraps, okay, this will- I'm a little bit hungry… no, I shouldn't, I gotta save this; this has got to do me for a while until I can, like, find my own things. Ehm, what else do I need to take? It's Initiation Day, so everything starts here."
i don't have much of a comment on this. i really don't. only thing i can probably say is my headcanon of p!scott learning to cook from his mother.
"Um… the sword. Right. This is a family heirloom; it's served all the other Herons well, it'll serve me well, I'll definitely- I'm gonna discover so many things, I'm gonna make everyone proud, just like I was… born to do. Just like I was meant to do, 'cause I'm a Heron and that's- it's all I've ever been, and it's all I'm… was ever gonna be."
god the RESIGNATION. just. the resignation of having so much pressure put on you that it can crush rocks without using a machine. there's no way out of Being in the heron faction and doing what herons are Supposed to do. we see in the vods it's not that you Don't enjoy exploring and discovering things, but Man, would you prefer to do it on your own terms?
(what was going through your head when your brother turned up on the isles again, after you thought star dead and mourned star for a year? when star decided to join a Different faction from you and go against all you both have been taught?)
(you called the nightingales stars "new family" during the dipper quest. it's undeniable that you still love your brother and we all know that, but do you feel abandoned in that star has left you to join a new faction and have stars own life? do you feel that being in different factions means you Shouldn't have a place in stars life anymore, though you refuse to let your actions show it? do you envy star for having escaped the toxic environment where you both grew up in? that while you were born and saddled with all the expectations, star shouldn't have had to worry as much because your parents put all their eggs in a single basket, i.e. you?)
and the sword. the sword being a physical Reminder of all the baggage that comes with being raised by Internationally Famous parents who Expect you to do the same or risk their disappointment… something you either can't imagine or would rather not imagine?
"Ehm, hm… well, I'm- I guess this is everything. (sigh) Here we go. It's the life I always wanted, or at least, the life that I was given."
ohhhhh god the implication of being told this is the life you are Supposed to aspire to. and going along with it because you were raised to believe this is the life you Should have and internalizing it because you can barely even Imagine an alternative.
even when you ask yourself, "do you Really want to live like this?", do you hesitate to answer? it is just a yes/no question but does your answer Always have a "but" after it? because going against what you've been taught growing up is Not An Option For You, at least in your mind?
oh to think when someone asks, "how do you Live like this?", the response in your heart is "you don't." because in a toxic household, there is only survival and you Build Your Bed on surviving based on what you have been taught. because you can barely fathom a life where this Isn't the case.
"Alright, I'm gonna be late. Look out, world, Scott Denholm, #1 Heron, ready for action!"
this sounds like an assurance of confidence, yeah, but who Are you trying to convince? are you telling the world, or are you telling yourself? with all that you have already said, one might wonder which is truly the case.
(also, when cc!scott said that his character had "anxiety" from trying to live up to the expectations, was this supposed to mean "anxiety (emotion)" or "anxiety (disorder)"? because while the first one is very obvious, i would not be surprised if the second one happens to be the case as well.)
in summary: p!acho is a walking embodiment of trauma and drops it in Moments across many livestreams so you don't forget. p!scott is Also a walking embodiment of trauma but drops it in the first three minutes of the series and Never speaks of it again.
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hi-its-chaos · 1 year
Pirates SMP Headcanons
(about Scott, Acho, and Owen coz they're the characters I know best)
-Scott and Acho used to catch fireflies together and watch the stars on rooftops
-Owen got incredibly drunk and flirted with a cardboard cut out
-Acho and Scott used to play dress up as kids until their parents would come home and scold them
-Owen calls himself a lone seadog but most definitely prefers company
-Acho dreads facing his parents and doubts if he'd stay if they did return or if he'd force himself to leave Scott again
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this is already canon-supported to a partial extent but i had to say it somewhere: p!acho questions p!scott's taste in everything: pets (re: the kangacrew), entertainment (re: the tentacle gun), men…
~ @minecraftrelatedrandomness
Acho had spent pretty much the entire meal questioning what must’ve been every decision Scott has ever made in his life before Scott could finally manage to get a word in.
“Ok, first off, you do NOT get to judge me about Martyn or Sausage. Let’s mention the people you are interested before we get to that,” Scott placed his mug down with a smug expression, enjoying the startled look on his younger siblings face.
Acho adverted star’s eyes downward, taking a bite of a dumpling in a bad attempt to put off the conversation and not speak.
“First off, it seems like you have a type. Not really a good one either.”
Scott pointed out, not hesitating at all.
“Because first off, god, I love Owen, don’t get me wrong, but really, Acho?”
They immediately shot up, cherry red coating his face in rapid succession. “Hey!”
Scott cackled, throwing his head back and stomping his feet in delight at the action. “Someone’s defensive! Why, you want her to shoot you or something?”
Acho sank back down into star’s chair, crossing his arms on the table and placing their chin on top. “He’s really pretty..ok? I wanna play with his hair and stuff.”
Scott snorts, taking a swig of his drink. “Good luck with that..also, Enchantress?”
The coughing fit that sends Acho into is enough to make him fall off of his chair, wheezing as the the entire bar stares at them.
Worth it.
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pearcethinks · 1 year
lily of the valley's are pirate!acho's flower. NOBODY CAN TELL ME OTHERWISE.
you know how they hang low? that represents how the denholm family didnt pay as much attention to acho before he ran away. when star was living there, scott got all the fame and they were just a side character. i would imagine he had a lot of sadness built up, causing him to hang low.
NOW I KNOW. LILY OF THE VALLEYS MEAN PURITY, JOY, HAPPINESS BUT THAT COMES INTO PLAY!!!! when acho ran away, he felt the happiness and joy of getting out of that household. being able to branch off beING ABLE TO DO THEIR OWN THING!!
i have been talking nonstop to some of my friends about this thought for days
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qsmp-slime · 11 months
okay so can we agree owens building a speakeasy
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millylikestoh33 · 11 months
ok so, we've all noticed how p!kuervo is kinda the more emotionally intelligent kite right?
so i present to you...
like imagine one day one of the pirates (probably a heron like water) is walking down the street and they see a small group of kids just sitting and looking up at krow as he tells them a story about, say one of his heists or something from when he was on the run
and then the pirate is like 'huh, maybe the kites arent too bad after all'
and then he immediately steals something after but you know they remember that moment for a while until he breaks down or whatever and they reassure him he's not a bad person because who else is going to make those kids feel safe? sure as hell not the kestrels and they feel happy and ok around him than he cant be all bad
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year
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you heard of the kites and nightingales, kestrels and herons... but little do you know, another faction hides in the caves and unseen crevices of the faction isles...
I've been brainrotting about a Krimson Krakens (+ mianite pirates and Tom because I do what I want) cameo in Pirates SMP, so have some worldbuilding and lore ideas! Of course, all for fun, moreso an AU/Headcanon than anything, not meant to be taken seriously at all :] If it turns into anything more, cool beans, but for now! I'm just vibing
(Made in collaboration with @kaye-memer-kurrentvertz who helped with the Dave, Krinios and Krakens dynamic stuffs :D)
Little prologue and ficlet below the cut; Enjoy!
Meet the Krimson Krakens.
Comprised of mystical and mysterious individuals- some of more human in appearance than others- no one is sure when this faction formed. Unlike the others, it holds no precedence over the many generations of pirates in these Isles, nor is their presence heard of other then in whispers between pirates across the land.
Carrying with them an infamous reputation of a crew like a Kraken; in search of breaking curses, solving the mysteries of the Isles. Who would find their target and take it over like tentacles wrapping around a ship reaching into its deepest corners until they've found what they're looking for, no stone left unturned in their wake.
The crew is headed by the elusive Captain Kara Corvus, adorned by many snakes upon her shoulders, and Captain Jordan Sparklez of draconic origins; the latter said to have begun life in the End, given humanity by a deity and brought into the Overworld as a curse. While they bicker a lot sometimes, they are a powerhouse of a duo who know each other very well, being a force to reckoned with especially while wielding their respective weapons- Kara's ruby-adorned Leviathan Blade and Jordan's unbreakable enchanted prismarine trident with a name in Enderian spoken only once ever by the deity that crafted it
But they by no means hold any sort of superiority over the others, for like Nightingales, they value friendship and comradery over power over one another. By their side is the former Kestrel cyclops Krinios- a man with a keen eye for treasure and an ability to loot a ship in the heat of battle which has been considered unmatched, only having been caught a few times. - and Dave Krtzy, a fighter from a bloodline stretching generations in the Kites who broke it to join the Krakens. A master with any melee weapon he can get his hands on, he's usually the first to jump into battle, and if someone's in danger, his waterman abilities come into play.
However, while these four make up the core of the Krakens they are not alone in their adventures, and have picked up other friends along the way
Joining them are the Dulahann siblings, Katherine "Capsize" and Redbeard (his birth name has been all but forgotten by the others) and family friend Rupert, a skeleton reborn from an island of purple goo who gained sentience thanks to Capsize's mother. The Dine-at-Night is their family's tavern-BnB that was expanded into a base of operations after the trio met Jordan, who one day washed up on the beach with little memory of where he came from- and sort of became his family. While not a Captain in this universe, she still takes up a leadership role of her own right in being rather good with a sword, solving mysteries, collecting evidence and giving the realest advice to both friends and passing bar patrons. Red's a little more loose headed but alongside Rupert is a skilled ship engineer, and the guy to go to if the boat's got a leak or a steering system has gone awry. Not much is known about Rupert besides him being known to be a jack of all trades, a powerful asset to have onboard. He has said to have had said he has a claim to fame in his past life before dying on the taint-covered island, but has yet to share it with anyone..
The most recent member to join them is the undead Tom Syndicate, a blue-haired zombie with an explosive personality and fighting style, who had been known to frequent taverns across the Isle. Having once belonged to a rival independent crew of the Krakens, rumor has it that he betrayed them after years of mistreatment, turning instead to choose to join Cpt. Sparklez out of admiration and perhaps a kind of affection that turned romantic over the years (to the point of claiming to be married to the captain, no one knows for sure how true this is). Despite coming from a very different background than the others, including a lost memory of who he was before he had been zombified he fits in quite well, his willingness to jump into battle like a cannonball flying through the air and explode on enemies without second thought brings a certain chaos to the Krakens that they have accepted wholeheartedly.
While their ship is stored away in a sea cliff hidden behind a waterfall somewhere on the island, the tunnel system leading there from beneath the Dine-at-Night, the Krakens enjoy a relaxing life on land, chilling at their tavern base of operations, or being a living legend amongst the other inhabitants, familiar but unfamiliar faces in the crowd. Some have started to believe that their swashbuckling days are few far between in the lack of comings and goings since the new recruits have arrived, but contrary to that they still have been traversing under cover of night to seek out what darkness could be brewing just around the corner. From the growing amount of purple in Rupert's hair to a sudden glow of the rusted coin around Dave's neck the Krakens have had their suspicions for a while....
"Oi! Ye heard what happened?"
Jordan jolts awake off the bar when the bottom of a mug hits against his shoulder. He glares at the Scottish accented, freckled face that passes him, an eyebrow raised.
"No... Heard what Kat?" He grovels, and sits up a little straighter, turning to check the time. 1am. He rests his hand under his chin, hoping that propping it up would keep him awake for the time being. "It better be important, I was having a nice dream for once in my life."
Capsize rolls her eyes. "I don't think that's all gonna matter all that much one ye hear about what I heard today."
He eyes her cautiously as sets the mug she was drying down on the bar. There were a number of things that she could be alluding to, from their own personal affairs, to Tom causing trouble at the Heron's base to something as drastic as their ship had been stolen, or worse burnt to the ground. He hoped it wasn't the last one, but even if it was, he and Kara had a contingency plan.
He murmurs. "I mean maybe... what'd you hear?"
She sits down on a stool across from him, folding her hands together. "The Factioning was a few days ago, right?" She waits for him to nod in response, ensuring that she had the dragon's full attention. "Turns out, that's not the only thing that happened that day. Something calls them out to the Isle to the north, spoken through the recruitment officer."
"The fox man? He told them to go?"
"From the looks of it, yeah." She fiddled with her bracelet, the clacking of the beads breaking through the ambient sound of distant ocean waves and the crackle of torchlight. "I mean, I wasn't there so what would I know. for sure, but they listened."
Jordan shrugs. "I mean PK's a trustworthy guy, I'd probably go if he told me to."
"Yeah, well you'd trust Tom if he told you to walk the plank, I'm not surprised." Despite her little quip, Capsize's face becomes more serious solemn in expression and her voice lowers. "I don't think they were meant to because turns out, twenty-four of them went over there, two of them didn't come back. Kestrels and Kites apparently both lost a member of their faction."
"... Like they stayed? Why would anyone wanna hang out at the wasteland, there's nothing there but-"
"Jordan. They died."
A gust of wind howls outside through the barely cracked windows, the flame within the lantern beside her flickering briefly twice.
The wings on the captain's back droop slowly downward as he lowers his hand onto the bar crouching over ever so slightly. "Died? From what, the island?"
"I don't know, but from what it sounds like. Yeah." She gulps. "One get taken away on a boat.. of sorts? The other follows and lands onto the island probably to chase after their friend, and never comes back."
Jordan feels his heart drop further down into his chest. He finds himself fidgeting with the rings on his fingers, already a million possibilities running through his head "Did they get a look at who took the first one away, at least? So there's somewhere to start?"
"All that I was told is that they were dressed in robes. Could've been a cult, bandits in disguise, ghosts for all I know- Not much to go off of." She solemnly runs her hand through her hair, reaching to untie her bandana allowing her bangs to fall into her face. "It's a feckin' shame really... after all these years. I didn't think anything of that damn accursed land would ever come back. Because here I thought they'd be able to recover properly this time, not let whatever still lingers take back over."
A glaze falls over Jordan's expression. Memories of dried violet entrails wrapping around buildings, skeletons not unlike in appearance to Rupert buried in the masses of warped wood and sunken docks. Wind howled over the tops of the valleys and mountains carved out, through temples that had been thought to be abandoned for centuries. The time he, Kara, Red and Dave travelled there in search of another medallion there was a certain eerie silence, the sign of a land that no longer had any visible, breathing life to it, but remained haunted by all that came before, and all that was yet to come.
Jordan furrowed his eyebrows together. "That means… the island's alive again?"
Capsize nodded. "Aye. The island is alive again."
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