#pistacia vera
barcelonavegana · 7 months
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Feliz Día Mundial del Pistacho
Imagen de Racool_studio en Freepik
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xiangqiankua · 7 months
Word of the day:
開心果 / pistachio nut
Why is it called that? Wikipedia says:
開心果(學名:Pistacia vera,英語:pistachio)是一種常見乾果,正式名稱為阿月渾子,是漆樹科黃連木屬的植物。開心果營養豐富,味道可口,是很受歡迎的零食。最早的漢語商品名是開口笑,形容其硬殼裂開如笑容之狀,但迅速被更口語化的開心果取代。富含維生素A、維生素E。
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hey kady! im sending this message on anon so i don’t dox myself lmaoo but ive just followed you for a while here on tumblr and saw that you’re coming to columbus for your concert, which is near where i grew up! if you’re looking for good food/treats/coffee, i highly recommend the lox bagel shop and a place called pistacia vera that does french pastry and coffee. also sextons pizza is near OSU’s campus (which is right by the venue thursday is playing) and it’s the best pizza in the city!! mwah! have fun!
AH THANK U !! i booked a cheap hotel so im sure ill be in need of some food at some point during my short stay i would LOVE a coffee and french pastry moment ❤️❤️❤️
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stopandlook · 10 months
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Scientific Name: Pistacia chinensis Common Name(s): Chinese pistache Family: Anacardiaceae (cashew) Life Cycle: Perennial Leaf Retention: Deciduous Habit: Tree USDA L48 Native Status: Introduced Location: Plano, Texas Season(s): Fall
Inedible. A related species, Pistacia vera, is what produces the edible pistachio.
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thebeautycove · 1 year
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D.S. & DURGA - PISTACHIO - Eau de Parfum - Novità 2023 -
Summertime girls go like this… Add a pistachio fun fantasy to boost the mirth! A not-just-a-gourmand pistachio scent that will give you the keys to free the most joyful greedy summer ever…
Non lascia nulla all'immaginazione questa fragranza nata per soddisfare il piacere di narrare in parfum il piccolo seme oleoso contenuto nella drupa (il frutto dell'albero pistacia vera).
Pistachio di D.S. & Durga è un piacevole gioco al rimbalzo sulla nota nature vegetale del pistacchio.
Ben calibrato e sfaccettato, si lega in prima battuta alla sapidità speziata piccante del cardamomo. In men che non si dica cambia umore e si trasforma in un elegante mousse dessert variegata all'aroma crunchy della mandorla tostata.
Infine ecco il protagonista spiccare il volo verso un orizzonte dolcissimo, dove lo attende una soffice cremosa nuvola di patchouli e vaniglia.
Non un gourmand tout court, direi più un'indagine odorosa da naso gourmet sul pistacchio, un po' da simpatico monello, ma poi convinto dalla tradizione di bontà e benessere del seme, ne mantiene intatte le caratteristiche, in un assolo olfagustativo esemplare.
Dapprima concepita come fragranza sperimentale, grazie al successo di pubblico ottenuto, si è insediata stabilmente in collezione.
Creata da David Seth Moltz.
Eau de Parfum 50, 100 ml. In profumerie selezionate.
©thebeautycove    @igbeautycove
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viewer-of-many · 2 years
A Guinness world record book
Book about plants
Book about space
Book about animals
A swiss roll, a cherub like the strawberry shortcake cupcake, but their job is to keep everyone from dying
Electric fan, acts like captain cuttlefish
A fishing rod, likes to talk about fishes
Golf club, acts like Batsby
A golf ball, acts like Dinger
A sock puppet, acts like Fantoccio
A pistachio ice cream, nobody likes him
A violin, always making a sad tone for everyone, but hates it when somebody ruins his music
A Nutcracker, loves to join in on anything for a bite
Onion rings, like 24k-bit
Chocolate coin
Chocolate heart
Deep fried pizza (it exist somehow...)
Cotton candy ice cream burrito! He's always the life of the party!
A damaged soccer ball, with stich marks, the exact opposite of Kikmee, he hates competition, he hates burpees and he definitely hates sports! ...Ironically...
Glorydaze(having lots of great achievements within her pages has given her an inferiority complex. What can she do that can compare to them?)
Botanbot(botany botbot. not much else to say here)
Stellastic(scholastic style book. As much as they know about space, they don't want to go there since they get homesick easily.)
Beastale(wants to capture the animals shown on its' pages so it can see what they're like firsthand)
Bernarollò(heart of a St. Bernard, body of a rollò[Italian version of a Swiss roll])
Argen Atratu(a silver swan fan)
Ichthilure(lures in Ichthyes. Loves fish...hates all the other animals that fish share their home with)
Viron(five iron club) and Dimmetri(dimples on a golf ball must be symmetrical)
Kalxino(calzino, Italian for sock, spelled like a possible way to mispronounce said word)
Palovera(paloodeh, a type of ice cream and Pistacia Vera, the scientific name for pistachios)
Minoradi(minor keys make music sound sad, and although this bot is just a regular violin, he has enough pride and skill in his music that he could be mistaken for a Stradivarius)
Caschew(he chews those cashews, and other tree nuts too!)
Oxifide(the process of making onion rings turns propanethial oxide into bispropenyl disulfide. Don't get them confused with their bestie Ceboyun[Funyuns, known as cebolitos in Brazil])
Olmecoin and Azterium(Olmecs and Aztecs both had chocolate. Azterium's name also comes from atrium, a part of the heart)
Frittetta(fried pizza is called pizza fritte, and small pizza is called pizzetta)
Medlestre(medley of postres, Spainish for desserts)
Reddkard(getting a red card takes an individual out of the game. Can't wait to see what the rest of the Shattered Glass botbots are like!)
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Health Benefits of Pistachios: A MiniReview
Pistachios, celebrated as the “green gold of the Middle East,” transcend their conventional role as a delightful snack, emerging as a nutritionally rich nut with profound health benefits. This mini review explores the diverse facets of pistachios, unraveling their nutritional richness and examining their impact on cardiovascular health, weight management, antioxidant properties, blood sugar levels, glycemic control and gut microbiota. Noteworthy varieties within the Anacardiaceous family, including Pistacia vera and Atlantica, contribute to the global market. The mini review consolidates evidence demonstrating pistachios’ potential to reduce cholesterol, improve lipid profiles, promote satiety and support healthy body weight. Additionally, pistachios exhibit prebiotic effects, influencing gut microbiota positively. Understanding these multifaceted aspects positions pistachios as more than a flavorful snack-they are a valuable component of a holistic approach to well-being and nutrition.
Read more about this article: https://crimsonpublishers.com/ntnf/fulltext/NTNF.000671.php
Read more articles: https://crimsonpublishers.com/ntnf/index.php
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drleokahn · 3 months
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harvestsavvy · 3 months
Unlocking the Garden Potential of Pistachio Shells: A Guide to Composting and Other Uses
The pistachio tree, or Pistacia vera, thrives in the arid landscapes of the Middle East. This hardy tree produces clusters of small, reddish drupes or fruits. These drupes require extensive hot, dry summers to ripen fully. When perfectly ripe, they burst open, revealing the sought-after pistachio nut encased in a tough shell. While you may be tempted to discard the tough shells after enjoying the…
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almondkingseo · 8 months
A Brief History of Pistachios | From Origins to Nutritional Marvels
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In this blog, we delve into the history of pistachios, uncovering their origin, history throughout time, intriguing facts and more.  
Pistachios, commonly known as "pista" in India, have carved a unique place in the hearts of snack enthusiasts worldwide. Beyond their crunchy and flavourful nature, the rich pista history spans centuries. In this exploration, we delve into the intriguing journey from the origin of pistachios to their emergence as nutritional powerhouses.
Pistachios History
Pistachio's history unfolds in the cradle of civilisation, the Middle East. Originating in arid regions like Iran, Iraq, and Syria, the pistachio nut tree, scientifically labelled Pistacia vera, found a haven in the harsh climates of these areas. Its cultivation gradually extended across the Mediterranean and eventually reached the Indian subcontinent.
The unique climate of India, especially in states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Rajasthan, has proven conducive to pistachios harvesting. Indian farmers have embraced the pistachio nut tree, recognising its resilience and economic viability in areas with hot summers and dry conditions throughout nut ripening.
Origin of Pistachios
The journey of pistachios goes back to historic Persia, where these nuts were not only a dietary staple but also a symbol of luxury. The Sasanian Empire, renowned for its opulent delicacies, valued pistachios as a culinary treat. As trade routes expanded, pistachios made their way to the Mediterranean, where they became a coveted treat for some of the elite in ancient Rome and Greece. Learn more
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romios-gr · 8 months
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Ένα από τα ιδιαίτερα ΠΟΠ προϊόντα της χώρας μας, το φΙστίκι από την Αίγινα, όχι μόνο ξεχωρίζει για την ποιότητα και τη γεύση του κερδίζοντας δίκαια την διεθνή πρωτιά αλλά παράλληλα, αποτελεί εξαιρετική υπερτροφή για τον οργανισμό μας. Η φιστικιά (επιστ. Πιστακία η γνησία, Pistacia vera) κατάγεται από το Ιράν, ήταν γνωστή στους Έλληνες ήδη από τον Θεόφραστο και τα πρώτα ίχνη της εντ... Περισσότερα εδώ: https://romios.gr/fistiki-aiginis-i-psimeni-ypertrofi-poy-richnei-ti-cholisteroli/
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thoughtfullyblogger · 9 months
Φιστίκι Αιγίνης, η ψημένη υπερτροφή που ρίχνει τη χοληστερόλη
Ένα από τα ιδιαίτερα ΠΟΠ προϊόντα της χώρας μας, το φΙστίκι από την Αίγινα, όχι μόνο ξεχωρίζει για την ποιότητα και τη γεύση του κερδίζοντας δίκαια την διεθνή πρωτιά αλλά παράλληλα, αποτελεί εξαιρετική υπερτροφή για τον οργανισμό μας. Η φιστικιά (επιστ. Πιστακία η γνησία, Pistacia vera) κατάγεται από το Ιράν, ήταν γνωστή στους Έλληνες ήδη […] Φιστίκι Αιγίνης, η ψημένη υπερτροφή που ρίχνει τη…
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Φιστίκι Αιγίνης, η ψημένη υπερτροφή που ρίχνει τη χοληστερόλη
Ένα από τα ιδιαίτερα ΠΟΠ προϊόντα της χώρας μας, το φΙστίκι από την Αίγινα, όχι μόνο ξεχωρίζει για την ποιότητα και τη γεύση του κερδίζοντας δίκαια την διεθνή πρωτιά αλλά παράλληλα, αποτελεί εξαιρετική υπερτροφή για τον οργανισμό μας. Η φιστικιά (επιστ. Πιστακία η γνησία, Pistacia vera) κατάγεται από το Ιράν, ήταν γνωστή στους Έλληνες ήδη […] Φιστίκι Αιγίνης, η ψημένη υπερτροφή που ρίχνει τη…
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greekblogs · 9 months
Φιστίκι Αιγίνης, η ψημένη υπερτροφή που ρίχνει τη χοληστερόλη
Ένα από τα ιδιαίτερα ΠΟΠ προϊόντα της χώρας μας, το φΙστίκι από την Αίγινα, όχι μόνο ξεχωρίζει για την ποιότητα και τη γεύση του κερδίζοντας δίκαια την διεθνή πρωτιά αλλά παράλληλα, αποτελεί εξαιρετική υπερτροφή για τον οργανισμό μας. Η φιστικιά (επιστ. Πιστακία η γνησία, Pistacia vera) κατάγεται από το Ιράν, ήταν γνωστή στους Έλληνες ήδη […] Φιστίκι Αιγίνης, η ψημένη υπερτροφή που ρίχνει τη…
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Φιστίκι Αιγίνης, η ψημένη υπερτροφή που ρίχνει τη χοληστερόλη
Ένα από τα ιδιαίτερα ΠΟΠ προϊόντα της χώρας μας, το φΙστίκι από την Αίγινα, όχι μόνο ξεχωρίζει για την ποιότητα και τη γεύση του κερδίζοντας δίκαια την διεθνή πρωτιά αλλά παράλληλα, αποτελεί εξαιρετική υπερτροφή για τον οργανισμό μας. Η φιστικιά (επιστ. Πιστακία η γνησία, Pistacia vera) κατάγεται από το Ιράν, ήταν γνωστή στους Έλληνες ήδη […] Φιστίκι Αιγίνης, η ψημένη υπερτροφή που ρίχνει τη…
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gran-canaria-forestal · 11 months
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