#pitbulls ecw
Angle ~ Your favorite storyline(s)? Why?
Card ~ If you could pick the matches for a wrestling event who would be in it and for what event?
*Catchphrase ~ List your favorite catchphrases? -OR- Post a gif of your favorite catchphrases?
*Gear ~ Your favorite and/or least favorite wrestling attires?
*Generation ~ The best time period/era of wrestling? Why?
Luchador ~ Your favorite Luchador -OR- Favorite masked wrestler?
Run-In ~ Your favorite match interference(s)?
Save ~ Your favorite occasion(s) in which one wrestler saved another wrestler? Why?
*Shows ~ Have you ever attended any wrestling event(s)? If yes, share your experience(s). If not, what event(s) would you like to attend?
Thank you so much for asking! I'm sorry this took so long, I wanted to be able to add as many visuals as I could ^^;
Angle: Sandman's entire development, especially the plot of winning Tyler back from Raven. It went on exactly as long as I wanted it to, and it really pushed me over the edge from liking him a lot to unabashedly loving him. Seeing him come out with Tyler on his shoulders is easily in the top three most gratifying moments in the entirety of ECW for me thus far. Sandman in general added something to the whole Raven-Dreamer feud that kept it fresh as I was just starting to get sick of seeing those two. I've been going back and rewatching early '94 to get clips and whatnot and man, he's come such a long way from yelling at Tommy Cairo to PAY HIS BILLS! And I haven't even seen his surfer gimmick yet (I'll be watching the years I inadvertently skipped once I get to the end).
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Card: This was definitely the hardest one to answer. I have no clue how many matches are "supposed" to be at an event/on a card, so bear with me lol.
Al Snow v. Rob van Dam. I also want Jerry Lynn in the mix somehow but idk who I'd replace.
Giant v. Tiny - Mr. Hughes or Bam Bam Bigelow for the giant and Mikey Whipwreck or Spike Dudley for the tiny
Rey Mysterio Jr. v. Psicosis or Juventud Guerrera, I'd be happy with either
Cactus Jack v. Sabu
Finale: Three-Way Dance between the Gangstas, the Eliminators, and the Chair-Swinging Freaks
Maybe not the most creative matchups, but I consistently love these guys. For the structure, I like majority bloody/destructive matches with one or two skill matches to satisfy both parts of my brain.
Catchphrase: BANG BANG!
Also, not technically catch"phrases" in the literal sense, but Kronus's laugh, Sabu's point, and Cactus's/Mankind's pigsqueals delight me to no end.
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Wait, what was that?
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Must be nothing.
Gear: The Pitbulls are my favorite, hands down
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Also Rhea Ripley. This outfit especially is honestly just something I'd wear.
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Least favorite would have to be the Dudleys. It works very well for their characters, I just can't stand tie dye for unknown reasons.
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Generation: Well, aside from one-off things from current WWE/AEW, I've only seen 94-97 ECW thus far (and segments from 96-97 WWF), so that's the only answer I can really give ^^;
Luchador: Rey Mysterio Jr.! I don't really have a solid explanation as to why, or at least no explanation that couldn't apply to other luchadors. I love his speed and agility, and his matches with Psicosis were some of the ones that would make me go silent because I was so enraptured by the skills on display. I also just love the attitude he gives off, both when he is and isn't speaking.
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Run-In: Does the Gangstas debut count?
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If not, 911's entire existence. Especially him chokeslamming Bill Alfonso!
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Save: Rey Mysterio saving 911 from the Eliminators. Despite how much I love Kronus, watching 911 get his ass kicked really fucked me up, so this gave me relief like no other save did. Plus, the four of them setting up for Chicken just for Rey to jump off 911 and take Saturn down off of Kronus's shoulders was nuts!
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Shows: I've been to one! There was an indy wrestling event (AXW) at the Legends Fanfest I went to on September 16th this year. I genuinely loved it! I was worried that I'm too used to ECW and I'd be lowkey bored, but they put on an excellent show! I consistently picked the loser lol, but so be it. The show culminated in a Royal Rumble that was a total blast!
Someone I met there said he's taking me to Wrestlemania next year, so I'm obviously looking forward to that. I also really want to start looking into local indies, especially since I live less than an hour from the ECW Arena, which seems to have semi-regular wrestling events (one of which is actually coming up next weekend, so I might be going to that 👀)
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every joke about wrestling being gay bdsm is true
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dilf-in-peril · 11 months
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wrestling will really have two dudes come out in latex leotards and overknee boots with dog collars around their necks and one of them gets on all fours and arches his back for you menacingly and everyone acts like that's badass
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likeit-or-whumpit · 2 years
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After being startled by the Pitbulls - Stevie Richards rushes for protection behind Raven.
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poorlymadesockpuppet · 7 months
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ECW Hardcore Heaven 1995 Luna Vachon celebrates with the Pitbulls
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jasvvy · 1 year
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hostilecityshowdown · 2 years
see some folks are confused about how a double dog collar match works. allow me to introduce you to this masterpiece
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June 1, 1996 - At ECW ‘Fight The Power’ from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, ECW World Television Champion Shane Douglas was forced to defend his title FIVE times.
Start each day off right with a trip in The Spanish Announce Time Machine as Tim and Tom discuss something that happened ON THIS DAY in Pro Wrestling history.
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angelamoroso · 2 years
As promised, I made sure to beat the DOG SHIT out of Angel Orsini our last encounter 🤣🤣
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skeletonrodeoqueen · 9 months
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Stevie Richards vs. Pitbull 2, ECW Hardcore TV 7/5/95
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xsunfoxx · 1 year
mikey whipwreck, ecw tv champion.
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Mikey Whipwreck vs Pitbull #2, ECW Hardcore TV: S2 Ep26, 07/05/94
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blowflyfag · 1 year
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Ringside Roundup
All the News from Coast-to-Coast
We would like to welcome everyone to our Ringside Roundup. Since our last issue quite a bit has happened on the wrestling scene. For starters the nWo continues to grow. Depending on who’s counting, there appears to be eight members in the organization: Hollywood Hogan, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Ted DiBiase, the Giant, “Six” (formerly known as the 1-2-3 Kid), the “fake” Sting and the new CEO of security, Vince.
If Vince looks familiar it’s because in his former life he was Ted DiBiase’s bodyguard, Virgil. More members are expected to be added to the nWo in the very near future. The Nasty Boys will be nWo members shortly and both Bam Bam Bigelow and Bret Hart have been mentioned as possible nWo members as well. 
[ECW head honcho Paul E. Dangerous, along with wrestlers Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Taz, Bubba Ray Dudley and Pitbull #2 were at ringside for the start of the WWF “In Your House” pay-per-view, but they didn’t last long. By the end of the first match, WWF security had asked them to leave. Is this the opening salvo in another inter-promotional war?]
Hart incidentally is a free agent and has yet to resign with the WWF. Meanwhile, the Hitman is being wooed heavily by the nWo. They have reportedly offered him a three year contract at a million dollars a year as well as a guaranteed three-movie deal with one of Ted Turner’s movie companies. 
Right now Bret is living in an apartment in Los Angeles and he is taking acting lessons. In addition he had been going on auditions and making the rounds of the TV and movie studios. Although Bret would like to make it in Hollywood on his own, Ted Turner’s deal sounds awfully enticing. 
[Will Bret Hart resign with the WWF or join the nWo?]
Just when the nWo and WCW have begun to fight it out, the WWF and ECQ have also begun an interpromotional war. At the recent “In Your House” pay-per-view from Philadelphia the ECW contingent was in full force. Sitting in the first row were Tommy Dreamer, the Sandman and Paul E. Dangerously while in the lodger were Saturn from the Pit Bulls, Bubba Ray Dudley and Taz. As soon as the ECW guys entered the Core States Arena, the ECW chants begun. Then the moment the pay-per-view went on the air the Sandman, Tommy Dreamer and Paul E. began to taunt Savio Vega.
[“Zillionaire” Ted, who seems to be providing the New World Order with much of their financial backing, shares a moment with RINGSIDE editor George Napolitano.]
At one point the Sandman even threw beer in Savio Vega’s face. Finally when the ECW crew refused to stop they were escorted from the arena. Obviously their outburst gave ECW the international exposure that they have been craving. If nothing else ECW received more exposure out of this than they ever imagined. Paul E. owes “super fans” Charlie Vladimir and Chris big time for giving up their usual first row WWF seats so that the ECW guys could sit there. 
[The Nasty Boys are rumored to be nWo-bound]
First there was a fake Stinge. Now there are a fake Diesel and Razor Ramon too! While the “orginal” Diesel and Razor Ramon, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall respectively, are now doing their thing in WCW as part of the NWO as “the Outsiders,” the WWF has replacements to reprise the roles of Diesel and Razor in the WWF. Playing “Diesel” is Glenn Jacobs better know to WWF followers as the awful Issac Yankem. The Razor Ramon character is being played by Rick Bogner: AKA Big Titan in Japan.
During an ECW appearance since Titan came out as “Slice and Dice” Ramirez and in all honesty he was a better “Razor” than Razor! With Brian Lee still around, chances are good than he may reprieve his role as the Underfaker, I mean the Undertaker, should the real Undertaker leave for WCW when his WWF contract expires in a few months. One really knows what the WWF hopes to prove by having two other wrestlers portray characters that have since left the company. On the face of it, this does appear to be a very stupid move, but it may actually work out to the WWF’s advantage as the fans will surely boo the two new guys unmercifully. If they get the reaction that they are hoping to, the WWF will have created two new characters that should get a lot of negative reaction.
[Playing “Diesel” these days is Glenn Jacob’s better know to WWF followers as the awful Issac Yankem]
The September 23 editions of Monday Nitro and Monday Night Raw were sensational.  The highlight on the first hour of Nitro was the WCW tag team title match between Public Enemy and Harlem Heat. When the final verdict was rendered, Public Enemy was declared the new WCW tag team champions by controversial referee Nick Patrick.
During the second hour the nWo took WCW hostage. The nWo took control of the set and ran the entire show. The Giant was the ring announcer; “Billionaire” Ted DiBiase, Hall, Nash, and Hollywood Hogan served as the color commentators; while new CEO of Security, Vince, held Eric Bischoff in check the entire hour. 
On Raw, meanwhile, Marc Mero defeated Faarooq to win the vacant Intercontinental title and the WWF introduced their new “Razor.”
Besides having WWF Intercontinental champion their are new WWF tag team champions, too. On September 22, at the Philadelphia “In Your House,” Owen Hart and the British Bulldog defeated Billy and Bart of the Smoking Gunns to win the tag team title. Now the Gunns are at odds with Billy feuding with Bart. Meanwhile, the devious Sunny is the real reason that the Gunns are at odds. 
[The lovely Kimona Wanalaya is among the talent being used by the new AWF!]
Brian Armstrong, better known to WWF fans as the Roadie, has returned to the Federation. On his return, Armstrong revealed that it was he and not Double J who actually was the voice behind Jeff Jarrett’s song “With My Baby Tonight.” This time around however, Armstrong will be wrestling and not working as someone’s gofer. 
Doug Furnas and Dan Kroffat made their ECW debut and wrestled Sabu and Rob Van Dam in an incredible tag team match. After the 30-minute time limit had expired neither team had captured a fall. Look for Furnas and Krofatt to wind up in the WWF.
Look for the American Wrestling Federation to make its 1996 debut on your local television station within the next few weeks, On September 15, AWF Champion Tito Santana, Sgt. Slaughter, Road Warrior Hawk, Missy Hyatt, Kimona Wanalaya, Ken Resnick, Rico Suave and CEO Paul Alperstein were in New York at the All Star Cade to announce that the AWF were coming back on the scene. With the way WCW and the WWF have been drawing in the past several months it looks like there is room for another organization. That’s all for this issue. Look for us again on your favorite newsstand next month!
Until then, see you at RINGSIDE!
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yayathegremlin · 2 months
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Featuring ECW legend “SABU” in action 💪 aswell as the original Pitbull “Gary Wolf” for a night that’s sure to become Legend!
#ya #yayathegremlin #newjersey #gremlinhousewrestling #wrestlinggremlins #faygoboys #skimaskromance #worldstar #worldstarhiphop #djakademiks #nojumper #vice #wwe #prowrestling #whoopwhoop #gucci #horror #wrestling #wrestler #gremlinhousepodcast #rawface #gremlin #gremlins #ecw #nj #sabu #podcast #rapper
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poorlymadesockpuppet · 7 months
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So how about that friendship bracelet match <3
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jasvvy · 1 year
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90s00wcwwwf · 2 years
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13th April 1997: “ECW Barely Legal 1997”: Philadelphia, PA (ECW Arena) – 1,170
($66,000 live gate)
Dark matches: Louie Spicolli beat Balls Mahoney; JT Smith and Chris Chetti defeated Little Guido and Tommy Rich.
PPV Broadcast: The Eliminators downed ECW World Tag Champions The Dudley Boys to win the titles; Rob Van Dam toppled Lance Storm; The Great Sasuke, Gran Hamada and Masato Yakushiji overturned Taka Michinoku, Terry Boy and Dick Togo; ECW TV Champion Shane Douglas bested Pitbull #2; Taz overturned Sabu; Terry Funk bested The Sandman and Stevie Richards in a three-way elimination match; Terry Funk rolled over ECW World Champion Raven to win the title.
News & Notes: ECW finally made it to PPV. They had some help along the way. The WWF invited ECW stars to appear on RAW is WAR. They invaded the program multiple times. This included a debate between Jerry Lawler and Paul E. Dangerously. Lawler had no love for the company. But he was willing to do business. This rivalry continues into future ECW PPVs. However, ECW was lucky to make it this far. The event almost didn’t happen because of an incident in late 1996.
Axl Rotten missed a house show in November. Heyman needed someone to fill his spot for a tag team match against the Gangstas. A young man named Erich Kulas approached him backstage. He claimed Killer Kowalski trained him. Erich also said he was in his 20s. Both statements were lies. Kulas had a bus driver gimmick. He called himself Mass Transit because of his size. The ECW wrestlers didn’t like his attitude. Erich dictated what would happen in his match, despite being a rookie substitute in the bout. Since it was a Gangstas match, it would involve blood. Kulas never bladed. He asked New Jack to do it for him. That was a mistake. Jack used a scalpel and Mass Transit bled like a stuck pig. His father was in the crowd. He screamed for someone to stop the match. His son was only 17. Kulas and his father sued ECW. But they acquitted ECW and New Jack because Erich asked New Jack to blade him. His lies also didn’t help his case.
Wrestling reporter Wade Keller brought the incident to the PPV carriers’ attention. They hesitated to carry the show. Some companies acquiesced after fans emailed their complaints. But they had caveats. ECW must tone down the violence, start at a later time, and there would be no New Jack! (The Gangstas were in the tag team title match. ECW removed them to appease PPV providers.)
Before I begin, I’ll introduce a new group in ECW. Stevie Richards and The Blue Meanie broke away from Raven. They created their own stable. It’s a parody of the nWo named The Blue World Order. Stevie became Big Stevie Cool (Nash). The Meanie called himself Da Blue Guy (Hall). And Super Nova joined as Hollywood Nova (Hogan). Then they added an entourage. This included a man named Thomas Harris playing Thomas the Inch Worm Rodman. It also featured a character named 7-11 (Syxx). RF Video founder Rob Feinstein played him. The bWo even recruited a Japanese contingent. You’ll see them on this show.
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