#pith and vinegar
plungermusic · 29 days
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Clowns to the left of me, jesters to the right here I am …
… stuck in the Middle Ages with you. Well not exactly, but after listening to Mark Harrison’s new release Plunger think the image of the licensed fool or court clown is an apposite one for Mark, no more so than in this album.
As with the jesters of old, Mark casts a perceptive and often acerbic eye over the foibles and failings of his age, his sharp points disguised with a mischievous grin and merrie caper (musically speaking that is, Plunger can’t picture him ever indulging in anything so infra dig. physically!)
From the local to the global, the micro to the macro, various issues go under the Harrison knife on Fools & Clowns: whether the eternal perils of poor judgement, the failure to recognise the value of little victories, and the strangely targeted curse of late night roadworks, or the more modern day blights of grifters and conmen,  incompetent but arrogant management and the pointless, valueless, endless onslaught of ‘soshul meeja’, all neatly skewered with the pith and wit for which Mark is renowned, in vignettes drawn both from personal experience and history (and I mean, come on, how many other songs that reference cholera, typhus, and dysentery in the lyrics?)
So far, so (possibly) serious… the grin-and-caper comes in the sprightly, upbeat accompaniment: based almost always around Mark’s trademark dextrous musical box (largely 12-string) picking, backed with the light touch but deft bass and drums of Charles Benfield and Ben Welburn. In what must be his most lush album to date, a great deal of attention has been paid to the arrangements and orchestration, including lead guitar and keyboard contributions from guest Guy Bennett: neat touches like the work-song hammer-effect drum-and-cymbal on Road Ahead Closed; the zithery harmonics on Fancy Hotel; some rather Ode To Billie Joe low (synth?) string underpinning on The Great Stink; and the hand-clap percussion and whole band unison sing-a-long on the anthem to Z-list pub rock hero Ricky. Hypnotic bass and picking, shimmering slide textures reverbed up for a Big Sky atmosphere, a descending ‘peal’ hook, and second and third electric guitar lines in the left and right tracks harmonising/counterpointing off each other make Small Deals a particular aural favourite.
Although Plunger may have initially raised an eyebrow at the press release citing The Band and Little Feat, the ride-cymbal-rich lope of House Rent Party does evoke a Bandish vibe, similarly the organ-and-slide-led Road Ahead Closed. Extensive use is made too of harmony backing vocals, conveying hints of Beach Boyesque California sunshine to the unsunny subjects of Them And Us and The Wild West; and, combined with unexpected rhythm and chordal progressions on More Fool Me, lend an almost backwoods Doobie Brothers feel!
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Fools & Clowns is a worthy addition the oeuvre of an artist who often seems to fly under the radar of the great and good of the blues, and indeed folk, scenes (certainly when it comes to handing out plaudits) but who is as echt a chronicler of contemporary mores as any of the rightly-lauded greats:were of theirs. Share-cropping and the Great Migration may have gone but Mark nails the poverty (economic, moral or spiritual) of our own times with a zeitgeisty zing, all while still putting a smile on your face and a spring in your step!
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Fools & Clowns is out on Friday 30th August: Presave on Spotify, order physical copies or watch the exclusive video for the new single Them And Us here: https://www.markharrisonrootsmusic.com/index.php
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fieriframes · 6 months
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[Seeds, pith, everything. The whole nine. Haven't seen this one yet. Customer repeated pensively, soybean oil, white vinegar, lemon juice, black pepper.]
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elminx · 3 months
Elminx's Long-Form Lemonade for Sweet Cleansing
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If you've been hanging out for more than a hot minute, you have probably caught on to a secret about my kitchen witching: it's not the NUMBER of ingredients you enchant; it's how you enchant them. For the purposes of witching, I prefer simple recipes (ingredient-wise) that have a bit of oomph to them. Do you need to stir a pot for 45 minutes straight? (see also my french onion soup recipe) What about starting a vinegar infusion that needs to be shaken every day?
This, as the saying goes, is where the magic is made. At least, for me.
So, imagine my surprise when my friends introduced me to a long-form way of making lemonade. Rather than simply juicing the lemons and adding some sugar and water - you combine the sugar and lemon peels and let them sit for some time to release the lemon's essential oils.
Not only does it make a superior lemonade (can confirm!), but it immediately had my magic wheels turning.
The goal is to make lemonade that will sweetly cleanse you of what ails you. This spell can easily be adapted to add specifiers—see the end of this post for more details.
As always, I will not tell you how to do YOUR magic. This is a technique, not a magic tutorial.
The Basics: When Life Gives You Lemons
Lemons have a long history of use as a cleansing agent. Cunningham's infamous green book lists them as a feminine plant, under the purview of water and the moon and used for the powers of "longevity, purification, love, friendship." (for what that's worth) From an herbal energetic perspective - lemons are considered to be cooling - they are used in the summer to cool hot termperatures and applied to the sick to help bring down fevers. Citric acid is also a bladder stimulant, which we will be making use of for the purposes of our potion-making.
What we associate with lemon as the "cleaning agent" is believed to come from limonene, a terpene found in the peels of most citrus fruits that is both antiviral and antibacterial. Lemonene is used in many cleaners that you can buy on the market but can also be extracted directly from the fruit, as we will do in this recipe.
The Technique
This standard high-end bartender technique makes wonderful, complex sour mixes that can absolutely make the perfect cocktail. Rather than extracting the limonene from the citrus using alcohol or vinegar, we use sugar.
This technique is called oleo-saccharum, which means "oil-sugar" - you are using sugar to draw the essential oils out of the lemon peels, making a natural (no heat) syrup. Note here: this syrup can be used on its own for all sorts of syrupy needs - you could stop the preparation here if you don't love lemonade.
This can be done on the fly (an hour or so), but I highly suggest letting this sit for 12-24 hours for the full effect.
The Recipe
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You will need:
5-6 lemons, the best-looking ones you can find
1 1/4 cups sugar
Filter Water (to taste)
Peeler, citrus juicer, optional
Additional magical flavoring, optional
Become better acquainted with your lemons. For the purposes of this recipe, I do this by holding them, talking to them about what I want from them (general or specific cleansing), and rolling them across a hard surface. This last part helps to separate the peel from the pith, which will help you cut away the peel in the next step. Because we intentionally try to release the limonene compounds in this recipe, you may wish to begin by carving your lemon at this step (BEFORE you peel). You could carve your intentions, your name, the names of the people you are looking to cleanse, or any cleansing runes or sigils that you use in your craft.
Carefully peel your lemon. You want to get as little pith (white parts) as possible, as they don't taste good. Take your time here. Really breathe in the scents of the lemon during this. This is the first part of the cleansing process - you are incidentally cleaning yourself and your kitchen as you do this part of the spell. Lean into this. It smells amazing. Revel in it. Think about how it reminds you of everything being shiny and clean as a child. Lemons ARE cleansing - really feel into this here. We won't use the rest of the lemon until tomorrow; you can juice it here or store it overnight in an air-tight container)
Add your lemon peels and the sugar to a mixing bowl and thoroughly massage the sugar into the lemon peels. This should take some time - think fives of minutes at least. You want to do this until you can feel the change in consistency in the sugar - try to incorporate all of the sugar with all of the lemons. Remember, sugar is inherently sweetening, and lemons are inherently cleansing - you combine these two elements here to make a sweet, cleansing spell. Let the smell of it clean out your nose and your sinuses. This is the meat of your spellcasting - you are working your spell into your ingredients. Talk to it. Use your energy. Pray over it. You will know when this step is complete.
Cover your bowl and let it sit at room temperature overnight or for up to 24 hours. The longer this extracts, the more intense the flavor in the finished product. In a pinch, give it an hour, but I suggest waiting at least 8-10 for the best effect.
The next morning, add 2 cups boiling water to your lemon paste and stir until it has thoroughly combined - this is a great place to reinforce your magic from the day beforehand. (This version had the addition of some freshly picked sour cherries which gives its red color)
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6. When this has cooled, add the lemon juice and additional water to taste. I personally put this in a half-gallon ball jar and filled it with water, and then my partner and I further diluted it from there.
7. Drink and enjoy. For an extra cleansing effect, consider that part of the act of citrus is that of a urinary stimulant - it will make you pee. Think about how peeing removes things from your life. Remove what needs cleansing. Your spell is complete.
This spell is as simple as that but it can be dressed up in some many different outfits with very little effort. Do you know a flavor (remember, all edibles here) with the right magic associations to add to this spell?
Add some blackberries at the infusion stage for good old-fashioned hedge witch protection. If you really need something out, you could experiment with infusing some jalapeno after you've made the lemonade (tread with a lot of care here...). I've worked with lavender and hibiscus here for calming, cool energies. I recently added a cup of sour cherries to Step 3 for a love-cleansing effect.
There are two ways you can add flavors to this spell: you can mix your flavor in during the sugaring phase, or you can do a secondary infusion after your lemonade has been made. Use your best judgment here - fruits can go in with the citrus peels for sure, but herbs and other more "tea like" ingredients might be better steeped afterward.
I haven't tried it yet, but I'm eager to use some of my savory kitchen herbs the next time I near to clear out my money flows.
Or alternatively, use it as the first step in a witchy cocktail (my go-to, as you know). This lemonade makes an exquisite base for a margarita—for a bougie twist, use white Patron and some Chambord; you will not be disappointed.
This is almost a blank slate - sweet cleansing could be used for anything you put your mind to.
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apolloendymion · 1 year
ok! i think tumblr ate my fucking apple cider recipe post. still, my autumn equinox tradition must carry on!
Apollo's Foolproof From-Scratch Apple Cider That Was So Good It Allegedly Landed Me A Boyfriend
you will need:
12 apples (the variety is up to you, i usually do half granny smith and half whatever's on sale plus a red delicious for garnishing)
10oz raisins
cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, star anise, nutmeg, allspice, cardamom pods, any other warming spices u like (whole > ground) (follow ur heart on the amounts, it's like garlic just throw so much in there. just go wild)
1 orange
brown sugar (i don't have measurements but be prepared to use a LOT lmao, i always buy at least one 32oz bag. you'll be sweetening to taste.)
large pot with lid
potato masher (optional)
two large bowls/pots/receptacles to strain the cider into
fine mesh strainer
cheesecloth or coffee filters (optional)
apple corer or knife
citrus zester
slotted spoon or ladle
the steps:
1. scrub apples gently under hot water to remove grocery store wax coating. core apples making sure all seeds & stems are removed. add apples, raisins, and mulling spices to pot with enough water to fully cover ingredients, and bring to boil. reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 1 hour.
2. scrub orange to remove wax. zest and juice, avoiding the pith & seeds. use a potato masher or other utensil to lightly mash boiled apple mixture so every apple slice is at least partially broken up, then add the zest & juice to the pot. bring back to boil, reduce heat, cover, and simmer for another hour. then turn off the heat and allow mixture to cool.
3. place two mesh strainers over two bowls or pots (and cover each with a cheesecloth or coffee filters, if you have them). with a slotted spoon or ladle, remove as much of the solids from the pot as you can and place them in one strainer (the larger one, if they are different sizes) to drain, then press out as much liquid into the cheesecloth as possible.
4. pour the cider from the simmer pot into the second cheesecloth and press. combine the liquid from both bowls.
5. add brown sugar to taste
cooking tips:
the times listed above are bare minimums. once all the ingredients are in the pot (minus sugar!) you can simmer as long as you want, so long as someone's nearby to supervise.
always add any sweeteners after the cooking process. otherwise, they'll burn and make the whole thing bitter.
if it's too acidic, add baking soda or more spices. if it's not acidic enough, add lemon juice, additional orange juice, or apple cider vinegar.
add 12oz fresh cranberries to the first step
sub oranges for lemons or apple cider vinegar
sub brown sugar for straight molasses, maple syrup, or alternative sweetener of your choice (I'd imagine fig or other fruit-based sweeteners would work best)
report back to me if you try something new!! i want to hear how it turned out!
serving suggestions:
add three or four cinnamon imperials (red hots) to your mug, along with a dash of fireball whiskey if you're so inclined. i cannot stress enough how fucking amazing this tastes.
garnish with apple slices, orange slices, cinnamon sticks, and/or star anise
if you have dairy-free ice cream on hand, pour some cider over a scoop. you can use dairy ice cream, but it's more likely to curdle.
freeze some in an ice cube tray, then blend with some non-frozen cider for a slushie
ok I've never tried this, but i bet blending with pumpkin puree would slap. PLEASE tell me if you try it
this makes a metric fuckload of cider, which is very rich and can be watered down considerably (seriously). share with your friends and/or freeze some to last the season (or halve it, i guess, but that's no fun :P)
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ronniefein · 7 months
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Ed recently had a hankering for beets so I made this salad. It’s very refreshing and hit the spot!
I’ve made this salad using different kinds of cheese (blue, goat) and also without the cheese (I’ve added pepitas and chick peas on occasion).
Follow me on Instagram @Ronnievfein
4 medium beets
1 navel orange
3-4 medium scallions, chopped
1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese
2 teaspoons grated fresh orange zest
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Scrub the beets, then wrap them tightly in aluminum foil. Place the package on a baking sheet and roast the beets for 40-70 minutes, depending on size, or until they are tender when pierced with the tip of a sharp knife. Let cool, then unwrap and peel the beets. Cut the beets into bite size pieces and place them in a bowl. Peel the orange, remove the pith and cut the flesh into bite size pieces and add them to the beets. Add the scallions, feta cheese and orange zest and toss the ingredients to distribute them evenly. Pour in the olive oil and toss the ingredients to coat them with the oil. Add the vinegar and toss again.
Makes 4 servings
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thechestnutworkshop · 24 days
lemony fish tacos with salsa verde & cilantro-limon crema 🅟
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I love pier food. The food you get at a shack that you stopped along the waterfront, with fresh fish caught that day, cooked minimally so as to let you taste all of the delicate sweetness of that morning catch, while the briney, minerally breeze shoots into your nose and the sunset colors all the dishes at the table with violent primrose—that kind of food. And having grown up in Los Angeles, it's hard not to be obsessed with Mexican food, specifically of the western coast and southern states. And I just love Ensenada-style fish tacos from Baja California. Here, I'm making them with a slightly fresher take, what some might call in the manner of 'Californian cuisine'. It's one of my favorite uses of salsa verde as well as of the non-traditional lemon vinaigrette from Mustards grill that pairs incredibly well with fish. There are a few sauces to prepare, but everything can (and should) be prepared ahead of time, even frozen (except the crema), so come lunch, you'll be ready to taste summer by the sea.
lemony fish tacos with salsa verde & cilantro-limón crema white fish, but not too firm cabbage, sliced thinly on a mandolin tomato cilantro onion lime fresh corn tortillas, homemade or from a local tortilleria cilantro-limón crema lemon-garlic vinaigrette salsa verde sear fish until a good crust forms, then brush with the vinaigrette. drizzle neutral oil in a pan, and heat tortillas until the underside bubbles up. flip to heat the other side. construct taco (be generous with the cabbage, as it gives well-needed crunch) and devour. -
cilantro-limón crema 2 tbsp mayonnaise 1 tbsp mexican crema (or creme fraiche / sour cream) milk, enough to thin to desired consistency 1 lime, or to taste cilantro to taste salt mix mayonnaise, sour cream, milk, the zest and juice of 1 lime, finely minced cilantro, and salt together. -
salsa verde de tomatillo
2 lb tomatillos 3/4 medium onion, quartered 6 garlic cloves 3 bunches of cilantro (as in, 3 fistfuls torn from a bouquet) jalapeño &/ serrano to taste salt boil everything but the cilantro for about 10 min in lightly salted water, until tomatillos are about to burst. blend everything with cilantro. preheat neutral oil in a pot, then fry the salsa for around 10 more minutes until the flavor deepens. finish with more fresh cilantro if desired. -
lemon-garlic vinaigrette adapted from mustards grill 2 lemons 1.5 - 2 heads of garlic (18 large cloves - 24, depending on how lemon-forward you want the vinaigrette to be) 10 tbsp californian extra-virgin olive oil 4 tbsp champagne vinegar 5 - 6 tbsp fresh herbs* salt 1 scant tbsp dijon mustard boil lemons and garlic for 20 min in lightly salted water, with just enough plain water to cover, until at least 90% of the pith has turned translucent. drain, then blend until smooth. add vinegar, salt, pepper, herbs, mustard, and emulsify with oil. * I like: 3 tbsp chives 1 tbsp parsley 1 tbsp thyme 1 tbsp rosemary 2/3 tbsp marjoram 1/3 tbsp sage 1/3 tbsp savory can also add other herbs such as basil
🅟 indicates a high-protein meal (that is, at least 10g of protein for every 100cal)
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cagemasterfantasy · 8 months
Wood Elf Forest Salad
Serves 4 to 6
Ingredients: 1 Orange, 1 Lemon, 1 Tablespoon cider vinegar, Kosher Salt and Freshly Ground Black Pepper, 1 Small shallot, finely chopped, 1/4 Cup extra-virgin olive oil, 1 Pound brussels sprouts, trimmed, halved, and very thinly sliced, 1/2 Small head radicchio, thinly sliced; long strands cut in half, if necessary, 1 Bundle fresh chives, chopped (about 3/4 cup), or fresh dill, Edible flowers, such as nasturtiums or pansies, for sprinkling (optional).
Finely grate 1 teaspoon of zest from both the orange and the lemon. Transfer the zest to a large salad bowl. Squeeze 2 teaspoons of juice from the lemon and add it to the bowl along with the vinegar, honey, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and pepper to taste and whisk to combine. Add the shallot and set aside for the flavors to blend, 10 minutes.
While whisking vigorously, add the olive oil to the bowl in a slow, steady stream to combine and emulsify the dressing. Taste and adjust the seasoning with additional salt and pepper, if necessary. Add the brussels sprouts, toss to coat with the dressing, and set aside for them to begin to soften, 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, peel the orange, trim away any residual bits of pith, thinly slice the fruit, and cut the slices into quarters.
Add the radicchio and the chives to the sprouts, toss to combine. Add the orange pieces and toss lightly to distribute. Taste and adjust the seasoning with additional salt and pepper, if necessary. Sprinkle the edible flowers (if using) over the salad and serve.
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Source: Heroes Feast
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belafeldberg · 1 year
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Big Game Hot Wings Sweet and spicy baked chicken wings are coated with a zesty sauce flavored with an orange. 3.75 tablespoons ketchup, 2/3 cup prepared yellow mustard, 1 cup white sugar or to taste, 2 pounds chicken wings and drummettes, 1.5 teaspoons crushed red pepper flakes, 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar, 2 cups water, 7 tablespoons hot pepper sauce or to taste, 1 orange peel and pith removed chopped
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what-marsha-eats · 1 year
Spicy Sweet-Potato Bisque
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From Chef Jodie Ferguson, Owner of Clara B's Kitchen Table in Belleville, IL
If you prepare the apples and sweet potatoes in advance, store them in water until they’re ready to use. I would go with a sweeter, less-tart apple. 
Yields: 4 servings
2 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
1 medium yellow onion, diced
1 habanero pepper, stem and seeds removed (wear gloves if you have them)
3 medium sweet potatoes (1 ½ pounds), peeled and cubed
1 apple, peeled and diced (Pink Lady or Gala are good)
3 garlic cloves, grated
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp ground coriander
½ tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
½ cup maple syrup
3 to 4 cups vegetable broth
12 oz heavy cream (substitute coconut milk for dairy-free)
salt and pepper to taste
First, we’ll place a large pot over medium-high heat on the stove.
Next add the olive oil, sweet potatoes, apple, and onion into the pot, stirring to coat everything in oil, until onions are translucent, about 5 minutes.
Next, add the garlic, habanero, and stock. Habaneros are spicy, so wear gloves if you have them and be sure to remove the seeds and pith of the pepper, which hold the most heat. If you want to use a less-spicy pepper, I recommend a Serrano.
Next, we’ll add our spices: coriander, ginger, and smoked paprika. Follow with maple syrup and heavy cream, and give the soup a good stir. For vegans and those with dairy intolerances, coconut milk works well here.
Let the soup simmer over medium heat for 25 minutes or until sweet potatoes are tender.
Remove the soup from the heat and add a touch of apple cider vinegar for brightness. Let cool slightly. Fill a blender a little over halfway. Try not to fill it all the way to the top or hot soup will be forced out of the blender. Blend until smooth.
Follow with fresh ground black pepper and salt to taste.
The soup should be buttery, savory, and sweet, with just the right amount of heat.
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fieriframes · 10 months
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[Seeds, pith, everything. The whole nine. Haven't seen this one yet. Customer repeated pensively, soybean oil, white vinegar, lemon juice, black pepper.]
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Cashew-Chestnut Pancakes
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Basic Pocketcake Recipe:
120g boiled chestnuts - Roughly blended
60g roasted cashews (used ones have cane sugar) - Roughly blended
40g wholemeal flour
1tsp salt; 1/2 tsp baking soda; 1/2 tsp baking powder (did not measure, do not know proper proportions)
Mixed spices (Cinnamon, Allspice, Nutmeg) 1.5 tbsp
(next time could try adding chopped golden raisins for sweetness if no cane sugared cashews)
Keep aside - Two 99% dark chocolate squares rough chopped
1 egg - beaten
1/2 cup unsweetened oat milk; 1/3 cup full cream milk. Warmed, add just under a tablespoon of red wine vinegar. Allow five minutes for a small buttermilk conversion. 
Combine all the dry
Combine all the wet - do not accidentally cook the egg in hot milk. 
Poured the wet into the dry. Whatevs. Mix with whisk or fork or anything until reasonably well incorporated. This is a chunky batter. 
(Taste test here would be a good idea)
Add the chocolate chips, final light stir. 
Fry either on non-stick pan or with some butter of choice. 
Butter gives the nice edge rings, no butter produces smooth surface. Did both. 
Finished with a covered gentle heating in the toaster, around 4 minutes. Stacked 3, wrapped in foil. Didn’t want the inside to be raw and didn’t want to squish them too much in the pan. 
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Makes 9. 
Minor disaster with the second round pan temperature but overall very edible. 
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First eating: Lazy version.
Too hungry and tired to do a proper sauce, had with a juicy orange and some bourbon infused cheddar. Extra choco sprinkles and golden raisins. 
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Second Eating: Premium ZOMG
I made the sauce. Woah. We are truly blessed with what supermarkets offer. 
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Mandarin Date Sauce (Alcoholic)
4 Jeju Mandarins - These were a bit fridge-spoiled so a good use of them. Leave some of the pith so there’s a slightly bitter marmalade-y flavour. 
Squish and heat for ~30 minutes
Add 1.5 tablespoons 100% date sauce
Reduce further, another 20 minutes or until you’re satisfied with the thickness.
Transfer into container, add a full tablespoon of Cointreau liqueur. Stir. 
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Topping Combination
- 1 chopped dark chocolate square
- Handful of delicious (sugar free) jumbo red raisins
So utterly delicious. Much wow. Had with the last two pancakes. 
Literally cannot even.
*Celestial choir* 
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These were requested again. This time used some chopped pecans and 20 or 30g extra of cashews with pretty much the same proportions for everything else. Result is much sweeter and oddly fluffier? Perhaps I added more baking powder this time as well. 
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apolloendymion · 2 years
Apollo's Amazing Autumn Apple Cider Recipe 🍂🍏🎃🍄🕯️
This recipe got me a boyfriend, use its power wisely.
Makes about 3.5 L, concentrated. Depending on how strong you like it, this could be around 14-28 servings.
stockpot, 6-quart size
potato masher
fine mesh strainer
Optional: citrus juicer, zester, apple corer/peeler/slicer, cheesecloth
6 apples (variety is up to you! I use half of a sweet variety like gala, and half sour like granny smith)
1 orange (navel is most common where I live, but any good juicing variety is fine)
6 oz fresh cranberries
6 slices fresh ginger
8 cinnamon sticks
1 Tbsp whole cloves
1 Tbsp allspice
1/2 Tbsp anise or fennel
1/2 Tbsp nutmeg
1/2 Tbsp cardamom
32 oz brown sugar
Optional: 1 box cinnamon imperial candies (aka Red Hots), baking soda and lemon juice/apple cider vinegar to correct acidity
1. Core and slice apples and add to the pot. It's best if you peel them (and I like eating the peels lol), but not strictly necessary.
2. Zest the orange, if desired, and discard the pith. You can add zest to the cider for a more orangey "zing," but I prefer to use it in sorbet with raspberries and basil :) Juice the orange and add the juice to the pot.
3. Add the cranberries, ginger, and enough water to fully cover the ingredients. Bring to a boil.
4. Once the mixture is boiling, stir, reduce heat to low, and cover. Simmer 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
5. Turn off the heat and mash the mixture with your potato masher. It doesn't need to be applesauce, but make sure all berries and apple chunks have been smushed at least once by your mighty hand. Revel in your power as the vindictive God of the Apples.
6. Add the spices and enough water to fill the pot with an inch of room. Bring to a boil, cover, and simmer for another 2 hours, stirring occasionally.
7. Turn off the heat. Add the sugar in 8 ounce increments, tasting as you go. I always use the full bag, but I like it sweet.
8. If you want more spice, I can't recommend cinnamon imperials enough. Cinnamaldehyde is the chemical in cinnamon that gives it that "kick," and cinnamon imperials are a cheap way to get your hands on lots of it. Add 5, let them fully dissolve, and taste before adding more. I usually add 10 total, but my spice tolerance is low.
9. If the mixture is too sour, you can add baking soda 1 tsp at a time. Make sure it stops bubbling completely, then stir, taste again, and add more if needed. Do the same with a 1/2 Tbsp of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to make it more sour.
10. Strain the cider into a container. I strain once with just the mesh, then a second time with the cheesecloth over the mesh. That second step is optional; most mesh strainers will do a perfectly good job on their own.
11. Serve hot or cold, straight or diluted 1:1 with water (like I said, it's pretty concentrated). Store in the fridge.
Fun twists to add: ginger beer, caramel sauce, maple syrup, lemon juice, thyme/rosemary syrup, extra cinnamon imperials
Garnish suggestions: whole cloves, cinnamon sticks, star anise, allspice berries, apple slices, lemon/orange slices, zest, thyme/rosemary sprig, lemon balm/mint/basil leaves
Alcohol ideas: rum, bourbon, whiskey, applejack, triple sec, mojito fixings, moscow mule fixings, anything cinnamon or apple flavored, and my favorite: fireball 😁
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Carrie Underwood Keto Gummies Awards: 10 Reasons Why They Don't Work & What You Can Do About It
Visit Here Know More: Snap Here To Go to True Site Now Carrie Underwood Keto Gummies
Working Strategy for Carrie Underwood Keto Gummies:
At the point when our body runs out of carbs, it will search for elective fuel sources. Subsequently, ketones enter the image. To get our bodies' digestion rolling, we want almost 20 grams of carbs each day. At the point when it becomes excess, it implies that when we eat more carbs, they are put away as fat underneath the skin. After a specific timeframe, the body starts ketosis as a wellspring of energy, slowly diminishing sugar utilization while expanding the utilization of put away fat for energy age. This cycle fluctuates from one individual to another as far as how much starch and ketones ought to be available in our eating regimen.
💥👉👉!𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝗢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐍𝐨𝐰 !👈👈💥
Carrie Underwood Keto Gummies help with accomplishing the condition of cycle a lot quicker than some other weight reduction technique recently known. It expands the body's digestion rate and makes it consume more calories in any event, when you are resting or dozing. This Carrie Underwood Keto Gummies additionally helps you in keeping up with your wellbeing by giving different kinds of sustenance. In no less than four days of consuming it, you will see tremendous changes in yourself as your body enters ketosis. Muscle to fat ratio cells that have been lost won't ever be supplanted.
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Top Natural Contributions of Carrie Underwood Keto Gummies:
Ketone Bodies: This is the primary part of Carrie Underwood Keto Gummies. This compound is expected for the fat-misfortune component of ketosis to work.
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Apple Juice Vinegar: This fixing is essential for digestion. It likewise has a large number of different benefits.
Caffeine: It supports your general digestion and holds your circulatory strain and cholesterol levels in line.
Green Tea Concentrate: This one detoxifies your body, works with your metabolic rate, and lifts your energy level.
Lemon Pith: This fixing has filtering properties.
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Diet Guide While Consuming Carrie Underwood Keto Gummies:
High-fat food varieties: These incorporate food varieties like avocado, olive oil, nuts, and seeds, which give sound wellsprings of fat to assist you with meeting your day to day fat admission objectives.
Low-carb vegetables: These incorporate vegetables like salad greens, broccoli, and cauliflower, which are high in supplements and low in carbs.
Protein-rich food sources: These incorporate food varieties like meat, fish, and poultry, which furnish the body with the amino acids it requirements to fix and assemble tissues.
Dairy items: These incorporate food varieties like cheddar, margarine, and weighty cream, which are high in fat and can assist you with meeting your everyday fat admission objectives.
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This keto supplement is made totally of regular fixings
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Can be utilized by anybody beyond 18 years old.
This weight reduction supplement helps regular weight reduction without requiring outrageous activity or dietary changes.
It is an option in contrast to the Severe Keto diet.
It lessens weight reduction significantly.
Gives extra advantages like weight reduction, expanded metabolic movement, body organization, and fat stockpiling anticipation.
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plungermusic · 2 years
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It’s been ages coming, as Pan said to the actress ...
Rob Millis, session/sideman stalwart of the London scene and soi-disant “appalling liberal old hippie twat”, wears his heart (and several other body parts) on his sleeve in his long-planned, long-awaited debut release… and you can see from the cover how excited everyone is that he’s finally got it out!
Musically it’s heavily influenced by 60s American soul and R&B, and leavened with a large dollop of English irreverence (like many of the Brit bands of the late 60s / early 70s whose music was in deadly earnest but who didn’t take themselves too seriously). Politics and passion are the main themes as exemplified by opener For Want Of Love, a New Orleans-via-New Malden 60s soul lament for our times with fine Wurlitzer electric piano and smooth girly bvs, and the blues-tinged swinging political-philippic-cum-paean to his wife of That Thing Called You, which features nicely judged interjections from Mal Barclay’s guitar.
There are flashes of the Bonzos here and there, not least in Caution: Stoned Idiot At Work’s Stanshall-like take on a Band slow waltz, (whose jokey tale of cannabis-scuppered amour belies the complex chordal arrangements) and the very Neil Innes anti-Brexiteer broadside of The Swivel-Eyed, which again for all its acidic humour features a fine call-and-response with the backing singers, Jeff Savage’s measured harp solo, and an appropriately trenchant organ break. [Check out the video on YouTube for this, it’s a hoot...]
More humour appears in the Alan Price-meets-The Kinks (or X-rated Obla-di?) domestic ballad Dented Tins: a half time groove, with great fat brassy slide from James Beck, that encompasses “tinned food, cunnilingus-denial and vintage guitars…” A (slightly) more serious look at love comes in My Unrequited Flame, a Carole King-ish piano-led ballad to misplaced love-that-never-was: its conversational confessional is accompanied with lush girly bvs and tight, easy listening rhythm guitar and rich production to underline its earnest.
There’s further polish in Somebody Needs The Sack, another lament, this time for lost billions in the 2008 crisis with hints of Beatlesque psychedelia from reverbed guitars, mellotron and tricksy timings, and also featuring some excellent early-Preston organ from Rob.
Jokes and jibes take a back seat in two heartfelt numbers: Dear Friends is an organ-backed blues-doo-wop tribute to friends old and new who have buoyed him through these dark times, while Smile On is an unashamedly emotional tribute to his old West London musical sparring partner and chum Jules Fothergill. A slow Memphis soul-waltz sprinkled with tasteful ornamentation and double-guitar interplay from Mike Ross, great gospelly bvs, and a stonking Gregg-ish organ burst.
While Rob might not be a Brooker or an Allman in the vocal department, his heart (and spleen and everything else) pour out through his delivery - and he is no slouch on organ, piano (electric and non-), mellotron, clavinet, and on occasion even rhythm and bass guitars… and he has a crack bunch of musicians behind him (as well as those already named: John Gordon bass; Graham Walker drums; and combinations of Toni Fortune, Clarence Hunte, An'drusilla Mosley and Lauren Dove providing backing vocals.)
A record that’s as fun and provoking as the cover art (Parental Guidance - may offend the easily offended…) 
Available to download/stream now from here: https://robmillisuk.bandcamp.com/releases
Rob will be performing songs from the album at its launch at The Cavern Freehouse on Wednesday 10th August - free entry!
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grindhousecellar · 7 years
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How funny would it be for XL not to have guessed FY and NF are just poor disguises but instead takes one look at how well they work together and just goes, “so u two are dual cultivating behind your generals’ backs huh,” w slight sadness bc his bois worked so well together once upon a time
Xie Lian looked affectionately at the deputy generals that voluntarily came to assist him. They were full of pith and vinegar and already fighting. They reminded him so much of his first friends… his ex-friends.
“Ah, let’s not fight, alright? Or I’ll have you train idioms.” He waves a hand.
Then, in the Ju Yang temple, he couldn’t help but look at the pair, bickering about bedding but being relatively quiet about it in the late night.
“Ah, apologies for my frankness, but is there a reason you two don’t just share?”
Silence reined immediately. They both balked at him. His heart twisted in fondness. They looked so much like their generals it hurt.
Nan Feng sputtered whilst Fu Yao ranted about decency and etiquette.
Xie Lian scratched his cheek, “uh, well, but it’s only me? I promise I won’t tell your generals about any dual cultiv—I mean! Ehm, I don’t mind—why would I mind! I don’t mind! That’s your private business!”
“What the fuck?” Nan Feng whispered under his breath. He and Fu Yao shared a look.
“Your Highness,” Fu Yao’s voice cut through the garbling panic, “what are you trying to say?”
“Oh, uh, just that, it’s not weird to share a bed when you have to!”
They glanced at each other again, “o…kay…?”
Xie Lian coughed nervously and promptly turned around.
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