hyggehooligan · 2 years
Don't talk to me about safety. I've been cxtting, bxrning, and pixrcing myself for 20+ years and I've never had an infection. Not even the time I pixrced my navel with a safety pin, left the safety pin in as jewelry, and went to Scout camp in the woods for two weeks. I eventually had to take it out because it wasn't healing, and due to the scxrring I had to get it pixrced on the inverse later by a professional. But I'm fine with that because the experience makes a great story. Maybe I'm lucky, maybe I'm just realistic, maybe I'm really good at First Aid (I am).
Be smart, be safe, don't be like me; but also don't tell me how to be.
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stonecoast · 6 years
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For over three days the town's human population has been on high alert. With one human already murdered and another taken the question on everyone's lips was: "Who's next?" 
At this time the name of the kidnapped human has yet to be released. That didn't stop the town from narrowing down as to whom the human was. By the third night, Ember Kincaid's name emerged clear. 
To add to the tension, the humans weren’t mistaken in feeling a cold shoulder from the town witches. All covens set in respective ‘emergency mode’, now aware that one of their own was attacked. 
Left in such a state Selina Pane may or may not have caused a small fire outside the hospital when word got out that a young woman matching the description of the missing human was brought in. It wasn't her! 
Amidst the rumors, gossip, and no sign of a body, the Council has decided the the next step is to send out search parties. Some might wonder if this was thing they should have done days ago, but it was only a human, after all.
While the Council has not formally identified the missing human it's common to everyone who they are looking for.
At this time the Council is calling this a search and rescue because they fear doing any different might lead to a panic among the humans.
Characters will be divided up into groups of two. We encourage each member to reach out to their pair’s partner for plotting. We'd love to see a lot of new threads created for this plot drop.
While the main focus of this plot drop is to get characters to interact with characters they haven't had the chance to yet, we still encourage everyone to plot outside their pair in order to create action on the dash.
And once again, have fun!!
Candy Fairfax (@sweetlike-cxndy) & Ethan Evans(@ethxnevans)
Claudia Pierce (@clxudia-pixrce) & Silas Daevion (@silasdaevion)
Wesley James (@witchylilwesley) & Alexia Mattox (@msmattox)
Quint Doe (@one-eyed-alpha) & Maddison Wilde (@wildemadds) 
Londen Forsythe (@londencalling) & Arthur Wright (@bloodand-decadence)
Leviticus Bishop (@levibishop) & Selina Pane (@selinaxpane)
Richmond Parks (@richmondparks ) &   Catrina MacClellan (@cxtrina-mxcclellxn )
Cyn Cardenas (@cyniiismsx) & Ramsey King (@king-ramsey)
Holden Maynor (@holden-maynor) & Audrey Pane (@audreyxpineaultt)
Nikolai Vega (@xxxnikolai) & Bianca di Bardi (@dibardi)
Carlisle Luescu (@musicofthemoon) & Sugar Rose (@sugariiismsx)
Logan Answerson (@therapylogan) & Annie Kane (@anniesclass)
Diego Diaz (@softiedominant) & Yaretzi Carras (@vevedollx)
Magenta Cast (@magenta-the-witch) & Colette Sosa (@lettiesosa)
Sloan Anderson (@lynxsloan) & Winter Lavender (@priiismsx)
Callum Roberts (@lxcnewolfcal)  & Lucy Cole (@lucyxcole)
Bennett Dubois (@bennettdubouis) & Olivia Sawyer (@ sawyerolivia)
Ferazia Ghaziri (@ziaziri) & Jeremy Hale (@deliriouslyjeremy)
Jensen Rogues (@rouges-j)  &  Billy Behr ( @billy-behr )
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spxechless · 10 years
hahaha i got ask limited :((((
0 notes
glcmour-blog · 10 years
pixrces replied to your post:it’s 4:13 rn i’ve come to the conclusion that i’m...
i feel this post
you seem like my type of person i appreciate u
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teenidlc · 10 years
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          As her mother had reminded her while walking out the door this morning, today was the first day of the rest of her life. Finally, after three years of being stepped on and ignored, the female would be ruling the school -- at least, that was the plan she and all of her girlfriends had gossiped about since the start of freshman year. To be fair, Isla didn't really have those friends anymore. She wasn't a loner, but she wasn't a social butterfly either. A few good friends seemed better than a ton of acquaintances anyway. Over the course of her high school career, Isla had quickly found out that girls were selfish and insecure. They would knock you down to climb higher. She wasn't exactly willing to do some of the things her 'friends' had done, which earned her a swift kick to a lower part of the social food pyramid. Now, however, did any of that matter? No matter who you were, when you were a senior, no one really bothered you. It was a year filled with accomplishments and changes. The summer was also pretty life-changing. Being seventeen years old, the female was pretty much smitten when an older boy approached her at the fair. After a few kisses, the two had taken it back to his place, and as much as she wasn't willing to admit it to him, it was Isla's first time. She'd been awkward, but she'd tried to keep her cool. They didn't really exchange numbers or anything though, so her English love affair had come and gone in a matter of hours. Scott filled her thoughts a good bit throughout the rest of the summer, but she shook it off and decided that if things were meant to be, they would be. Wasn't that how fate worked anyway? It had been weeks since the night had crossed her mind, but as she walked into her first period AP English class, her chocolate hues doubled in size. There he was. She wasn't the first student in there. After a few waves from a couple of students, the brunette approached the front desk. "Mr. Pierce?" One eyebrow raised with her inquiry. What was she supposed to do? Freak out and switch classes? Play coy and wear tighter clothing to class? Ignore him completely for the rest of the year? The last option seemed like the best idea, but as memories from the night flooded her mind, Isla was well aware that she'd be unable to do that. "Could we talk out in the hallway? I have a question about my schedule." 
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