#pizza place that i was so excited for. fucking birthday
riverofrainbows · 2 years
Something i realised is a hard boundary for me for any future partner is that they must never make me feel left out about food. I have a lot of food intolerances, however they are accommodateable, and i expect my partner to do that. Always, no exceptions. And I don't mean they can't try a new restaurant that only serves food i can't eat, as long as this isn't the only type of 'let's try a new food' they suggest. But if the theme is 'let's invite friends and have cake' and they don't get one i can eat too, or something as a replacement that has the same value (and not sad prepackaged cookies), then i will not play nice to that. I might even just fucking leave, because i will not put a brave face on and be all "No, its fine, how is the cake? I hope you enjoy it".
And i also won't bring my own food to an event someone else organises, especially not my partner's. I used to go to an event where they had, until then, always accommodated me (and others), and then suddenly they stopped and said that it was too much money and effort, and i could write an email before what food they will have and bring a replacement myself. Like no fuck that, i will not pretend they accommodated me through my own effort, if anything i will bring a wildly different food and tell anyone who asks what i have that they were unable to provide accomodation. And yes I do bring my own food to something like going on vacation because I'd rather not starve, but a hotel is neither my friend nor my partner nor an event that prides themselves on inclusivity.
For the longest time i accepted this stuff, but since then i made friends that saw it as a given to accomodate me, and i have raised my standards.
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helaintoloki · 2 months
Keep Your Enemies Closer
pairing: sparrow!ben x reader
warnings: language, angst, suggestive content, minor spoilers
notes: the new season has brought me back from the dead so pls send in any tua requests you have <3 also this technically could be read as a sequel to relenting
summary: attending Grace’s birthday party forces you to confront the man you’ve been trying your hardest to avoid
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The scent of pizza and spilled soda invades your senses as you help continue to set up birthday decorations in Lila’s absence. You have no idea where she’s run off to now, but you hope that taking over the rest of the work load will ease some of the stress from the tired mother’s shoulders.
The party center is loud, shrill shrieks of kids and music blasting from the arcade games splitting your ears and giving you a headache, and you’d be lying if you said you wouldn’t rather be anywhere else but in some children’s play place. But, you are Grace’s favorite aunt, and you firmly believed in always showing up for family, so here you are.
Just as you finish setting the last place mat on the kid’s table an overly excited voice calls your name from the back of the room. A smile creeps upon your lips at the familiarity, but it immediately drops when you see that it’s not just Luther heading your way but also the man you loathe with your entire being.
“Hey, you made it!” Luther cheers animatedly before pulling your tense body into a tight bear hug. “It’s so nice to see you, y/n.”
“It’s nice to see you too, big guy,” you agree with a dry laugh and awkward pat to his back. You can feel the daggers being burned into your skull, so you have no choice but to acknowledge Luther’s companion for the day. “But you do know you’re supposed to leave the trash outside, right?”
“Like I haven’t heard that one before,” Ben scoffs with an indignant roll of his eyes. “Shouldn’t you be at the hospital ‘saving lives?’”
“Shouldn’t you still be in jail?” You fire back with ire, and if not for Luther keeping you both apart you’d probably be fist fighting in the middle of the ball pit right now.
“Uh, Ben got out early on probation for good behavior,” Luther explains with a nervous chuckle while attempting to keep the peace as best as he can without losing an eye in the process. “And now he’s here to spend time with us as a family.”
“Yeah, let’s see how long that lasts.”
“Hey, I technically am family,” the Sparrow boasts with a taunting smirk, formulating just the right insults to get under your skin. “You were a late addition added to the Umbrellas to pick up the slack Viktor left behind after Dad suppressed their powers. You’re not even a Hargreeves. Isn’t that right, Luther.”
“W-Well, I wouldn’t say that,” the man is quick to defend only for you to speak over him.
“Fuck. You,” you snarl through gritted teeth, palms clenched tightly at your sides as you adamantly work to not let him get the best of you. “Ben was family, and you’re not him. You’re just the shitty replacement we’re stuck with.”
“And yet when you thought the world was ending you still slept with me.”
The smug smile on Ben’s face is immediately wiped off by the impact of your open palm colliding with his cheek, and the sheer force of your hit as him tumbling back into Luther. Your assault earns a few bewildered gasps from a nearby table of parents, but you couldn’t care less about what a group of wine moms thought of you in that moment. Your chest is tight with rage, but you will yourself to walk away before the situation can escalate further and ruin the party.
“What did I miss?” A curious Five notes after arriving to the scene, but he soon finds himself forced to match your brisk pace as you grab him by the arm and drag him with you to the bar.
“I need a drink.”
You do your best to avoid him for the rest of the night, but eventually Ben is able to corner you by the gift table where you sit nursing a spiked lemonade.
“Drinking at a kid’s party, huh?”
“Did you come here to get slapped again?” You retort with a wry chuckle before taking a quick swig of your drink.
“Actually,” he starts, hesitating as he struggles to get out the words, “I came to… apologize.”
“You? Apologize? What, is the world ending again?” You scoff in disbelief before finally settling your gaze on the shaggy haired man before you. Maybe it’s the alcohol, but you think prison might have made him hotter, and the fact irks you to no end.
Obviously annoyed by your defensiveness, Ben shakes his head and says, “I don’t even know why I bother. I only came here for Luther’s sake because he wouldn’t shut up about making ‘positive changes’ now that I’m out of jail.”
“‘Don’t even know why I bother?!’” You repeat in indignant disbelief. “I gave you so many chances to prove that you weren’t a complete asshole and every time you screwed me over! You are not the victim in the situation.”
“Oh, spare me the sob story,” Ben remarks dismissively with a roll of his eyes. “I lost someone too, you’re not the only one that has to deal with the fact that you’re stuck with a completely different version of your dead partner. At least I’m trying to make the most of what the universe has given me.”
“By getting yourself thrown in jail over some stupid crypto scheme?”
“Jesus, by trying to make something with you!” Ben cries out in frustration. “You won’t even try to just play along!”
“I already told you, I’m not your y/n. She’s dead,” you remind him harshly. “Sleeping with you was just a moment of weakness and a mistake that shouldn’t have happened.”
“Really? Because if I remember correctly you seemed to really be enjoying yourself,” he taunts with a suggestive smirk that has your face immediately growing hot.
“God, you’re so insufferable! I could just-“
“Kiss me?”
“-choke you!”
A heavy silence falls between you both as you stare at each other in bewildered shock. It takes you a moment to recover from Ben’s words as you swallow harshly and ask, “What did you say?”
“What did… you say?” He retorts in an attempt to remain as inconspicuous as possible. The tension between you now is so thick you could cut it with the knife sitting by the birthday cake, but instead you just sit and stare at each other.
“Does your car have tinted windows?” Ben asks suddenly, prompting you to raise a brow.
“Yeah, why?” You reply with an inquisitive raise of your brow, but when Ben gives you a pointed look you’re then quick to catch on. “If we go now we’ll be back in time for cake.”
“Let’s go,” he says, eagerly rising from his seat so fast it almost knocks over the presents. Anxiously taking your hand in his, you both scan the room to make sure no one’s eyes are on you before bolting towards the exit.
You know you’re going to regret this, but in the moment you couldn’t care less what consequences would come from your romp in the backseat of your car with Ben.
Because as much as you hate to admit it, you’ve really missed him.
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little-annie · 28 days
Happy Birthday @strangerthingswritersguild ❤️
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M (Mentions of sexual activity and Eddie's 🍆) | WC 836 | Stobin & Steddie
It was Steve's 29th birthday and although Eddie had plans -rockstar duties- that didn't stop Robin from swooping in and saving the day.
Work couldn't be escaped, which sure, that was shitty, but Steve owned the place and still had to see through certain duties on a daily basis. Plus it gave him and Robin the opportunity to hash out their plans for the evening. On their way out of the shop they ordered pizza to Steve's apartment and set out to the closest gas station to procure a hoard of candy and a couple bottles of wine.
It was their constant gabbing back and forth that distracted Steve from Eddie's car in the parkade. 
Both he and Robin, oblivious to the fact of what was waiting in the apartment for Steve, they carried on.
By the time the elevator reached the 34th floor, a bag of Skittles had been demolished and Steve was laughing so hard he was hiccuping. With tears in his eyes and gasping for breath Steve was bent over wheezing when Robin opened the door to his and Eddie's apartment, leaving him momentarily blind to the sight before him.
But that didn't mean he missed the blood curdling scream released by Robin in the same instant Eddie's voice yelled out a happy, “Surprise!”
Popping upright with the joy that his boyfriend was home for his birthday, Steve was met with a very nude Eddie. There in his porcelain skin and tattooed glory, Eddie was laid out on their black leather couch, surrounded by rose petals, candles and chocolates.
Steve's heart fluttered with excitement.
And Robin's shuddered with horror. “Eddie! What the fuck!? Put your junk away!”
While Eddie calmly cupped himself on the couch not moving another inch from his position, Steve struggled to pull his eyes away as Robin's ire was turned towards him.
“I thought you said he wasn't going to be home, Dingus. How am I ever going get the image of Eddie's saggy nuts -
“-hey my nuts aren't saggy!”
- out of my head. It'll be forever burned into my retinas. I'll have to bleach my eyeballs or carve them out with a fucking spoon.”
Eddie's now grumbling to himself on the couch looking down at his crotch, most likely trying to hype himself up from Robin's early insult. Steve's sure he hears the whispered words of, ‘You're not saggy, you're perfectly normal and I love you.’ And with Eddie Steve can never be sure, but it's not a far off guess.
God how he loves that dork.
Steve can't believe Eddie flew in from his tour for his birthday.
Still shielding himself from Robin's delicate eyes, Eddie catches Steve's lingering stare and puckers his lips into a kiss, blowing it in Steve's direction while he continues to stand in the doorway with Robin.
Eventually he decides to tune back into her rant.
“- penis, Steve. I'm a lesbian, I shouldn't have to see anyone's dick. And we both know I've seen yours enough as is. Lord knows I can't forget last Halloween and the horror that it truly was. But Eddie's?! I didn't need to know it was pierced, let alone tattooed! Sure you probably would have told me eventually, but come on man, I didn't need to see it.”
It's the mention of such a tattoo that has Steve whipping his head back in Eddie's direction.
Eddie didn't have a tattoo there when he left.
As Steve catches on and Eddie sends him a wink, mouthing a sly ‘Surprise,’ he has to restrain him from shoving Robin out the door.
“Get out.”
Robin's rambling stops and she looks at Steve deeply offended, “Excuse me.”
He'll make it up to her later, but currently his rockstar boyfriend is laid out naked on their expensive couch with a new tattoo that Steve really feels the deep seeded need to taste, lick from the man's body, or suck from his skin. 
Truly any of the above works.
Robin rolls her eyes and groans, “But Steve-uh, the pizza.”
“I'll order a pizza to your damn apartment, Robby. But I swear to god if you don't leave in the next five seconds you're going to see a whole lot more than just a single dick.”
She scrunches her nose in disgust, “Boo you whore.”
“You know it.” Steve states proudly, “Now out, please. I swear once Eddie's gone we can do a pizza and wine night.”
Robin groans once again, but she does eventually leave with a pinch to Steve's ass and a snarky, “Don't get him pregnant!” sent in Eddie's general direction.
With the click of the door behind him, Steve sheds his clothes clumsily and hops from one foot to the other as he steps out of his jeans, then underwear, on his way to the couch.
With little to no grace he falls into Eddie's arms with a giggle, feeling the press of lips to his forehead and the whispered words of, “Happy Birthday, Baby,” to his skin.
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hellfirenacht · 2 months
Splash Zone
Summary: You and Eddie go to Gareth's Pool Party
Fluff and bullshit, no y/n, reader not described, I don't think I used any pronouns for reader actually, not beta'd, implied Eddie x Reader
1k words
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Eddie knew that of all the members in Hellfire that Gareth was the most well off next to Jeff. Well, in theory he knew that since it was Gareth’s parents who allowed Corroded Coffin to play in the garage a few times a week for practice. Eddie had even been inside of the home once or twice to use the bathroom, and had only caught glimpses of the pool in the backyard. 
It was the hottest day of the year when Gareth invited everyone over to his place for his birthday. He grumbled that it was his parents that really wanted to throw him a huge bash for his 17th, but it’s not like the kid had any friends outside of Hellfire to come. So it was decided that after practice, Hellfire Club would spend the afternoon in the backyard eating cake and pizza and enjoying the freshly cleaned pool. 
You showed up an hour after practice ended, and made your way to the back yard where music was blasting out of a very nice looking boombox. You dropped your birthday present for Gereth off on the table and made your way over to where the boys were all lined up with their heels against the edge of the pool. Most of them were soaked, but Eddie was still bone dry, they all looked excited and nervous as Eddie paced the line, holding what looked like a small magazine in his hands.
“Gareth. You have entered the long corridor and there are two doors. One red, and one blue. Which door do you enter?” Eddie had a maniacal grin. 
You walked over beside Eddie, raising an eyebrow. “What’s going on here?”
“We’re just playing a game.” Eddie said waving the magazine. ADVENTURELAND was written on the front with a picture of a dragon. “I’m running the game and every time they die or make a stupid decision, I push them in the pool.”
“Are you a fucking nerd or something?” you asked, stripping down to your swimsuit, and making your way to the line up. 
You had always known Eddie as a passionate DM, but seeing him now was next level. Everyone was taking the game seriously, but you just couldn’t. Normally you gave Eddie the respect he deserved as a dungeon master and rarely derailed on purpose but this was a special occasion. 
After a few rounds of staying dry, Eddie approached you with the magazine and read from it dramatically. “Adventurer, you have made it to the cavern and inside you see a sword, a golden apple, and a letter. What do you do?”
“I attack the darkness.” You said, crossing your arms. 
Eddie raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure about that?”
“Did I stutter?”
Eddie turns and sets the magazine down and the others take a step to the side away from you. You stood there with a smirk and crossed your arms as Eddie approached you. 
“Using your fire ball, you attack a dark corner of the room.” He says. “The spell lights up the walls for a brief moment, and the air grows hotter. Then.... nothing happens.” 
“Damn, I was sure that would do someth-THING!” Your response quickly turned into a squeal as he shoved you into the pool. You flailed as your back hit the cool water with an impressive splash. You stayed below the water for a moment before resurfacing with a laugh, wiping the water off your eyes. 
You darted over to the stairs and hurried back into your place in the line up, feeling better about the heat now that you were soaked as your friends laughed and rolled their eyes. 
This continued for the rest of the afternoon, as Eddie gave you all guidance and you all decided on what your shared character should do. With each misstep, one of you would be hurled into the pool by Eddie. 
By the end of the adventure about an hour later, you all were soaked to the bone but emerged victorious with the treasure and the day saved. In victory, everyone except Eddie jumped in the pool and started splashing each other. 
You looked over at Eddie with a raised eyebrow. “Not going to join them?” you asked. 
“Yeah, I don’t exactly have swim trunks.” He said, glancing down at his shirt and cut off jeans. 
“So?” you raised an eyebrow. “Oh shit, is that why you were playing? You didn’t want to get in without a swimsuit?” 
“It’s fine. No use buying one when you’re not exactly in the vicinity of any pools.” He shrugged. 
“Can you even swim?” you asked. 
He glared at you. “I can swim. I grew up swimming in Lovers Lake.” 
“Cool. Get in the pool.” you said. 
“Are you serious?” 
“It’s a pool party. Get in the pool.”
“Listen I-” He started backing up towards the pool as he saw the feral look in your eyes. 
“Can swim. You’re getting in, Munson.” You adjusted your stance, getting ready to pounce. 
“Hold on- shit I have- shit- wait!” Eddie reached into his pockets and frantically pulled out his lighter and wallet and threw them onto the table. 
You weren’t a monster, so you waited politely as Eddie removed anything that he didn’t want to get wet, including his shirt. There was no stopping the way your eyes raked over his torso and the ink on his chest. The site only made your heart beat faster. 
Once you decided it was all clear, you ran at Eddie, ready to push him into the pool. His arms wrapped around your waist and with a jump and a twist, the two of you toppled into the pool together as the rest of your friends cheered. 
Eddie’s fringe fell into his eyes as he emerged from the water with you. He shook his head like a wet dog and splashed you immediately. 
“Do you always have to make things harder on me?” he asked. 
“Only when it’s fun for me- HEY!” You sputtered as Eddie splashed you with the might of poseidon. 
You countered by jumping on his back and clinging to him like a tree. “I’ll remember this next time we’re alone.” You said quietly to him.
“Yeah? I look forward to it.” Eddie smirked and jumped backwards onto his back, taking you down with him once again. 
A/N: I'm trying to write more drabbles because I'm always writing and have very little to show for it. So expect more one shots and short fics between chapters <3
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tarosunshine · 5 months
a surprise birthday party for they s/o but the s/o alredy knows about it (i hope you get the idea) riize ver
—⁠ ִ ۫ ⭒ birthday girl ، ، 라이즈
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๑ genre fluff 一 warning none ! pairing boyfriend OT7 x fem reader ⋮ bookshelf .
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shotaro  ۫ ੭
the last week your boyfriend has been acting suspicious, and you noticed. until yesterday, when you accidentally heard him at the phone saying something about a surprise.
so, here you were, with one of his ties over your eyes, and your super excited boyfriend. he brought you to his house, telling you something about dinner.
“and...” he finally undid the knot.
you blinked, getting used to the light, and just before that, your friends jump drom behind the furniture, screaming 'surprise'. your wide your eyes when you see all the people, the confetti, balloons, and food. this was bigger than you expected.
“why? you didn't like it?” shotaro looked at you with worry eyes. you immediately turned yourself as you wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your head on his chest.
“i love you, shotaro”.
“and i love you too. happy birthday”.
eunseok  ۫ ੭
you found out accidentally. actually was eunseok's fault, but you didn't blame him. i mean, you never saw your boyfriend so excited about anything; the way he was talking that morning at the phone with such a bright smile as he cooked breakfast. that day you heard something about a surprise party, and you loved it.
the rest of the week, you stayed anxious about that, so excited and happy. staring at your boyfriend, sometimes about to tell him that you already know about the surprise, tell him you loved him for doing such a thing, but obviously you wouldn't do that, not now.
the day came, and eunseok made you brakefast as always; this time making your favorite.
“c'mon, today is a big day” he said as he brought you a cute dress. “you have to wear it tonight, hm?”
saying something about dinner at a fancy restaurant, you went to the car to start the trip. and when you arrived, the familiar faces of your friends appeared, just with a big cake with your name on their hands as they shouted 'happy birthday'.
“i surprised you?” your boyfriend asked as he wrapped his hands around your waist. you nodded with a big smile.
“yes, you do it!” you giggled, looking around the place and then at him. “thank you, seok” when you kissed his cheek the smile on his face grew bigger.
“happy birthday, princess”.
sungchan  ۫ ੭
yesterday, when you were cleaning some stuff on your shared bedroom with your boyfriend, you accidentally found out a list, specifically a one with thing for a party surprise, and with your name on it.
that day, an extremely nervous sungchan appeared in front of you, asking about that list, and of course, you said you didn't see it.
your birthday was in two days, it was your first with sungchan as your boyfriend. and that idea of him doing that for you melt your heart. you didn't want him to know that you already knew, so you just acted normal for the next days.
“so, mm.. at night we can go to taro's house. we will make some pizzas. what do you think?” sungchan was looking at you with shiney eyes as you nodded. he smiled.
you two arrived at shotaro's house at 7 pm, holding hands. then all of you spent the rest of the night like you normally do. and when it was 12 a.m., your friends came out of the kitchen with a big cake and silly birthday hats and stuff, making you giggle. seconds later, sungchan also came from the kitchen with a lot of balloons and a present for you.
“happy birthday, love” he whispered on your ear as he was putting the cute necklace in you.
wonbin  ۫ ੭
“fuck, wonbin hyung is going to kill me. please don't tell him anything!” the panic on anton's face almost made you laugh. but poor boy, he was scared of your boyfriend.
so last month you've been pretending not to know anything for anton's good, and your boyfriend's too. you don't want all his efforts to be in vain.
“babe, you need to wear that dress the i gave you on christmas. it's for a special occasion”. as his head was resting on his palm, he looked at you, frowned.
“yes, sir..” you joked as you kept doing your makeup. it was six in the afternoon, and your boyfriend was ready in his white swit, the one that he bought just for your birthday. “you look so beautiful” he said all of a sudden.
“i didn't finish yet, bin” you laugh looking at him trough the mirror.
“uhu, but you're beautiful”.
an hour later, you were next to him on his car, with a tie over your eyes. wonbin said something about a special place, and for not ruining the surprise, you need to have your eyes covered. and with his help, you two walked a few minutes until you reached a silent place.
the 'happy birthday' of your friends made you jump in your place when you took off the tie. you knew it, but anyway, you were surprised. the place was decorated so beautiful, and the proud smile on your boyfriend's face was the best of all.
“you know you're the best, right?”
“well.. now i know” he pecked your lips, still smiling. “and know that you knew about this”. that makes you wide your eyes, making him laugh. “thanks for pretending you didn't know, babe. happy birthday”.
“thanks to you, bin” you hugged him tightly.
seunghan  ۫ ੭
the day you found out about the party was raining, and you heard seunghan talking on the phone when you brought him an umbrella. fortunately, he didn't see you. 'she's going to love it', he said with a big smile as the elevator door closed.
there were two weeks until your birthday, so the next two weeks you were thinking about that. besides you were only able to see your boyfriend three times in this pastime.
“happy birthday, pretty girl” your boyfriend's smile was the first thing you saw when you opened the door of your apartment. immediately, you hugged him. you had missed him.
you looked at the bracelet on your wrist, admiring it. your boyfriend was so nervous when he gave it to you. and he was waiting for you, so you two could go to eat. you almost forgot about the party when you arrived at that place you didn't know.
grabbing seunghan's hand with excitement and heart beating fast on your chest, you entered the room. before your boyfriend opened the door, a light was turned on; all your friends jumped immediately from their hiding places. the decorations of your favorite color caught your attention and how everything was so nice.
“what do you think, birthday girl?” seunghan kissed your cheek after looking around.
“hmm.. i think that i love you so much, hong” you wrapped your arms around him. he looked down at you, smiling.
“i love you more”.
sohee  ۫ ੭
this guy might be a little too clumsy. because boy, why would you talk about a surprise party for your girlfriend when she is 'sleeping' just right next to you? that's how you found out. that afternoon, you two were sleeping on the couch until his phone rang, waking you up, but he didn't notice.
“nuh-hu..” he said as you closed your eyes, trying to keep sleeping. “it's a party for my girlfriend, of course” that caught your attention immediately, but otherwise, you didn't want to keep hearing. fortunately, he hung up after saying that.
the next weeks you been thinking about the party, but at the same time you didn't want to think about it. so you just distracted yourself by doing your routine.
“and at 8 pm. we have to be in this place. it's just a little dinner” sohee tried to sound convincing as he smiled at you. today was finally your birthday, and you were excited, remembering about that call.
the warmth of your boyfriend's hands over your eyes makes you more nervous as you keep walking. when you heard a door open, immediately a sweet smell reached you. and the 'surprise' that everyone shouted made you smile as you recognized their faces, looking at them, and then to your nervous boyfriend.
“why you are the nervous one?” you playfully push his shoulder as you look at him. he frowned with a silly smile on his face.
“i don't know, maybe because i love you, and i wanted you to have a wonderful birthday. and it went well!” cupping your cheeks, he stares at your eyes.
“and it's wonderful, thanks to you. i love you”.
“i love you too. happy birthday”.
anton  ۫ ੭
you knew that your boyfriend was someone that likes, no, needs to have a schedule. he needs to have an itinerary, all organized. and it wasn't the opposite when it comes to praper your surpise birthday party.
as you do sometimes, you sit in front of his computer to play sims. he downloaded that game only for you. but when you opened the computer a file with a list and horaries apared. you just read the big 'y/n's b-day party' and you closed immediately, not reading the rest. you felt so guilty the rest of the week.
and one week later, you were in front of your room's mirror, looking at the dress you bought a couple of months ago, still thinking about your boyfriend and the party. you looked at the time, and a couple of minutes later, anton was in your door to pick you up.
“happy birthday!” his cute smile sends you butterflies to your stomach. smiling too, you hugged him, wrapping your arms around his waist. “now let's go” he graved your hand as you start walking through the car.
about thirty minutes later, the pink confetti and the smiles of all your loved ones were in font of you. your heart was racing at this point. you were so happy and excited. you looked at your boyfriend right next to you, admiring you with a bright smile.
“thank you, anton” you hugged him again, surprising him with your arms around his torso.
“actually thanks to you” he said, and you raised your head to look at him. he was still smiling. “you saw the schedule that day..” he scratched the back of his head.
“anton, i didn't mean to. i'm s一”
“no, it's okay. everything goes well, and you pretend not to know. you did it well” he jokes and patted your head, making you your eyes with a smirk. “happy birthday” leaning to you, he finally kissed you.
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
any other world - part 2
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader - soulmate au
series masterlist
A/N: there’s no cheating in this story i promise
this chapter is nsfw! minors pls dni
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The sound of another thunder startled you and almost caused you to spill red wine all over the place as you emptied the bottle inside your glass.
Aaron had big plans for that night, fancy restaurant and everything, but the heavy thunderstorm left you no choice but to stay in. You genuinely didn’t mind. You loved nights in with him, feeling like he was only for you.
Full from the pizza you had made earlier, he was laying on the floor with his head on your lap, staring up at you with a drunken smile. You took a big sip from your glass and ran your finger across his face, starting from his forehead, going down his nose and reaching his lips.
He grabbed your hand and brought your wrist to his lips, and as if he was some kind of vampire he bit your wrist. “I wish I could just chew these two letters up and spit them out,” he said, referring to the initials of your own soulmate.
“Can you chew up yours too while you’re at it?”
Aaron reached his hand up to your face and rubbed his thumb on your cheek. “Do you ever get jealous of her?”
“All the time.”
“I’m jealous of the bastard you haven’t even met yet too.”
You grinned at his words, and the gentle stroke on the side of your face turned into a grab of your chin. “You enjoy that, don’t you?” he asked.
“Mhm…” you said, nodding.
He sat up and brought his face close to yours, staring at your lips. “Torturing me…ever since I can remember us.”
“Aw, my poor boy…” you cooed, and gave him a sweet kiss. Already dizzy - a little from the wine and a little from Aaron’s mouth on you - you accidentally spilled what was left in your glass on his shirt.
“Shit, sorry!”
“The lengths you go to just to see me shirtless...” he said, shaking his head in disapproval before taking his shirt off.
You giggled and threw yourself into his arms, quietly begging for another kiss. He was more than happy to give it to you.
“Can I take you here, on the floor?” he whispered.
He gently laid you down and you observed him, letting him undress you and himself.
Growing a bit possessive of him after the events of that year wasn’t something you could really blame yourself for. Staring at him and seeing that deep desire in his eyes made you feel good about yourself. You were the one he wanted so desperately to see naked, you were the one making him hard, you were the one that would make him feel good.
But you weren’t the only one growing possessive. Ever since your own mark had appeared, Aaron was leaving marks all over your body as if it was a competition. Yes you had another man’s initials on your wrist, but it was Aaron’s mouth that had touched every part of your body, and those marks were the evidence.
You wrapped your legs around him and let him fuck you slowly, welcoming every word of praise he would give you.
“You take me so well.”
“Fuck you feel good.”
“Made for me, weren’t you?”
You could swear that sometimes his voice felt as good as his cock.
A familiar voice stopped him from walking into the bookshop he had his eye on. The girl had raised her hand to catch his attention, in case her calling out his name wasn’t enough. Her excited smile made him almost sad, so he put on a happy smile to match her energy.
“Haley…I haven’t seen you in a while. How you’ve been?”
“I’m good! Just got a new job, so I’m spending my first paycheck as a reward,” she laughed, and showed him the bags she was holding.
Aaron couldn’t help but laugh with her. “Well, no better feeling, is there?”
“Nope.” Her smile met her eyes. “How are you?” she asked.
“Good. Shopping as well,” he answered, hesitating to get into more details. Maybe it would be hurtful to tell her he was shopping for his girlfriend’s birthday.
Haley had been really understanding and respectful of his feelings, and he didn’t want to hurt hers any further than he already had.
“Books?” she asked, pointing at the bookshop they were standing outside of.
“Mind if I join you?”
[11.59 pm]
Your phone was in your hand, waiting for your boyfriend to call. He’d call you and sing happy birthday in a very dramatic and very off key tone exactly at midnight, and right after he’d show up with an equally dramatic bouquet of flowers.
It had been a tradition for eight years now and even though you teased him for being too much, you loved that kind of attention on your special day. He never failed to make you feel like a princess.
But then midnight hit, and your phone didn’t ring. Not five minutes later, not ten, not even fifteen.
At exactly 12.30 am, your doorbell rang instead.
Aaron was hiding behind a huge bouquet of roses.
It was just thirty minutes. It was just the half of an hour. It isn’t important. It doesn’t mean anything.
You kept repeating that to yourself when he apologized for being late, for breaking the tradition, for getting you worried. You repeated it when he gave you a first edition of your favorite book. You repeated it when he hugged you, and the scent of another woman’s perfume on his coat made your stomach drop.
“I didn’t know where else to go.”
Aaron hadn’t heard your voice in such a long time, that you talking to him would have melted him entirely if it wasn’t for the context of your words. Were you in danger?
He opened his mouth but his voice wouldn’t come out.
“Can we come in?” you asked, your own voice trembling.
His eyes travelled down your body and they caught something moving under your long coat. A tiny arm was wrapped around your leg and a pair of beautiful eyes that looked just like yours looked up at him.
“Of course,” he finally answered.
He stepped aside and made room so you could walk inside his house. You took the hand of the little girl that was attached to your body and entered his home.
A burning feeling of protectiveness took over his chest. If someone had hurt the two of you, he would make sure they’d never see the light of the day again.
He checked the hallway for any suspicious movement and after making sure it was safe, he followed you into the house and locked his door.
“Y/N,” he said, but you raised your hand to cut him off.
“I’ll explain everything. We’re fine. I just…I needed a safe place…and some legal advice.”
“Who are you hiding from?”
“My husband. Ex-husband.”
His blood boiled. If that man had laid a hand on you or your daughter he would burn him alive.
“Are you alone?” you asked.
“Yeah. It’s just me and my son. He’s sleeping.”
A sweet expression appeared on your face at the mention of his son. He could relate to the feeling of seeing the person you grew up with being a parent.
You were kids just yesterday. And now you had your own.
Your little girl was looking up at him, with an intimidated expression. He was aware that his large frame and angry eyebrows could maybe scare a kid. So he walked closer, squatted down and smiled at her.
“Hello, little one.”
She waved instead of replying, but that was enough for him. She seemed more shy that scared.
“I’m Hotch. What’s your name?” he asked, gently.
Aaron looked up at you, and found you already staring at him. He knew that the same memory of the two of you planning your future had flashed in front of your eyes.
“Nice to meet you Leila. You’re safe here with me, okay?”
She nodded her head a few times. “Okay. Mommy said you are best friends.”
“We are,” he answered, without a second thought.
tag list: @magical-spit @lilsunshine1092 @hiraethrhapsody @cult-of-enji-todoroki @emo-markie @jxvipike @ttokkisbee @geminitapestry @rae-pottah @the-night-viewer @i-am-funsize @louderfortheback @hasu-ko @rousethemouse @hotchs-bitch
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doc-pickles · 10 months
waking up in vegas | matthew tkachuk x hughes!sister (p. 1)
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series masterlist
summary: nothing can go wrong when you take a sibling trip to vegas with the tkachuks… right?
warnings: mentions of alcohol consumption, allusions to sex but no smut
a/n: this is a self indulgent fic that I might write a part two for 👀 enjoy!
The light shining through the windows is too bright, the hum of the AC is too loud. The blankets are too heavy, even the skin of your arms and legs feels too hot.
Yup. You’re hungover.
With a groan you push your face back into your pillow, trying to regulate your breathing as you fight back the urge to vomit. You don’t remember much from last night besides your brothers feeding you shots and dancing with Taryn. At some point, you’d lost Brady and Jack was heckling Luke for something you can’t recall. Quinn had been complaining about the music being too loud and Matthew… Well, you can’t quite place him in your memories of last night.
Your family had been close with the Tkachuks since you could remember. You’d spent summers, holidays, and everything in between with them. Quinn and Jack had always been attached at the hip with Brady and Matthew while you and your twin brother Luke had gravitated toward Taryn.
When your and Luke’s 21st birthday came around Matthew and Jack jumped at the opportunity to plan a trip to Vegas to celebrate the occasion, excited for the seven of you to run the town together.
Except now you feel like you’re dying. You roll over in bed, expecting to find Luke who you usually crawl into bed with when drunk. But the body next to yours is more muscular than Luke’s and the arm wrapped around you holds you tighter than your twin ever had.
“Moving too much,” the sleep heavy voice next to you sounds. “Come cuddle, you’re warm.”
You stomach drops as you realize you know exactly who’s in bed next to you.
“Oh fuck!”
Sitting up in a haze, you look down at none other than Matthew Tkachuk who’s curled tightly around your body.
Your naked body.
“Oh my god,” you shriek, which instantly wakes Matthew up as you begin to fully freak out. “Holy fucking shit!”
Matthew cracks his eyes open, looking over the situation before pressing his hands into his face, “I am so fucking dead.”
“You? What about me?!” you throw your hands out in exasperation and spy something glittering on your left hand. “Oh my god…”
You turn your hand over to reveal a large diamond ring shining in the morning sun. Without thinking you grab Matthew’s arm, a matching silver band adorning his left hand.
“Did we get married?!”
At your words Matthew sits up, eyes surveying the hotel room. Your own follow his path, taking in the white dress and suit on the floor along with a bouquet of flowers, pizza boxes, and empty champagne bottles.
“Oh my god! Matty what the fuck!”
There’s suddenly a pounding on your hotel door and you can hear voices on the other side.
“I swear I’ll break this door down,” Quinn threatens as he calls your name. “Open up or I’m calling mom!”
Matthews face pales and you quickly scramble to grab a hotel robe before sticking your head into the hallway.
“Hey Quinny,” you grin, ignoring the furious look on your oldest brother's face and trying to tamp down your own nerves. “What’s up?”
“Oh nothing, just a beautiful day where my sister decided to get married instead of doing something responsible like going to bed last night,” Quinn deadpans as he glares at you from the doorway, Jack at his side wearing a smirk. “I just came down here to warn you that Luke is probably going to murder whoever’s in your bed right now.”
“About that…” you groan as you press your forehead to the cold wood of the door. “Hubby, are you decent enough for me to let my brothers in?”
Instead of a response a pillow hits your back and you take that as a sign from Matthew to open the door. When your brothers walk in Quinn groans and Jack begins to laugh hysterically until you glare at him and he shuts up.
“I can’t believe you eloped with Matty,” Quinn runs his hand over his face and heaves a sigh. “Jack, I told you this trip was a bad idea.”
“And where were you when the eloping was happening,” you ask as you sit on the edge of the bed. Matthew’s hand rests gently on your back and for some reason the motion is comforting. “I distinctly remember Jack and Taryn encouraging us to go to the chapel.”
“And you listened?!” Quinn screeches.
“And Luke was making out with the cocktail waitress,” Matthew supplies. As soon as he says it you have a vivid image in your head of Luke and a bottle blonde waitress sucking each others faces off. “Brady went back early to call Emma. So that leaves you Quinn.”
Quinn rolls his eyes, “Oh my god. You’re not pinning this on me. It is not my fault you two decided to get hitched because you’d had five too many margaritas and decided to listen to Taryn and Jack for advice.”
You open your mouth to respond but the door bursts open and Luke is now standing in the middle of the room with an angry expression as he takes in the sight of you and Matthew sitting together on the hotel bed.
“I leave you unattended for half an hour last night and you wake up married?!”
“I wasn’t the one making out with the cocktail waitress all night,” you retort and Luke crosses his arms.
“You cannot seriously be comparing the two instances,” Luke huffs as he steps forward. “Move so I can punch Matthew.”
At your brothers words Matthew grips your shoulders and attempts to use you as a human shield. “You’ll have to get through my wife first.”
Luke, Jack, and Quinn all started yelling at that point, Matthew ducking behind you as they continued to argue.
“Enough!,” you shouted over your brothers. “This is a non issue, I’ll just get the marriage annulled and we can all pretend like it never happened.”
Jack scoffs, “Yeah tell that to Taryn’s camera roll. Pretty sure she’s planning on making you a wedding album for Christmas.”
Luke begins to protest again but you cut him off, “Non issue! Now get out so I can shower and contemplate my life choices in peace.”
Quinn and Jack make a show of grumbling and complaining on their way out the door while Luke stares you and Matthew down, “I swear to god Tkachuk if you find a way to fuck this up even more, so help me.”
“Goodbye Luke,” you wave at him and finally the room is clear. You heave a breath and turn to Matthew who’s grinning. “What?”
“If we’re still technically married does that mean we can have guilt free sex,” Matthew asks with a smirk, his fingers pushing down the top of your robe to show off the purple hickeys on your neck. “Because it looks like we already consummated the marriage.”
You groan, pushing off Matthew as you head to the bathroom, “In your dreams Tkachuk.”
“Trust me Mrs. Tkachuk I’m gonna have the sweetest dreams about you.”
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Drabble-A-Thon Prompt #8
Pairing: Shigadabi
Rating: Mature
Prompt: Freestyle!
Contents: Sex worker/professional sub!Dabi, Non-villains AU (yes quirks), Toga is 18, strippers, mentioned orgies, anal plug.
“Happy birthday!” Tomura nearly jumps out of his skin when he opens the door to his apartment a little after six, having fully planned to just crash and then see if anyone wanted to do something tomorrow. But of course one of them had snooped. He would put good money on it being Toga. 
“Get out of my house.” He says flatly as he enters, having to bat a balloon out of his face as he tries to hang up his coat. He has a lavish penthouse apartment, a good job at his adoptive father’s company, and good friends. But they are definitely pushing their luck coming into his space unannounced, and are lucky he’s wearing his gloves and none of them had been too close to the door when he opened it, because otherwise the chances of this having ended in bloodshed were nonzero. Toga and Magne are definitely responsible for having decorated the entire apartment in gray, black, and red balloons and streamers, a black table cloth thrown over his island with food and drink set out on red trays and cups. There is a small pile of presents wrapped on the coffee table in the living room, and his friends are dressed for a party. He finds Spinner, who is half hiding behind Magne. “This is not why I gave you a spare key.” 
“Which is why we didn’t use it to break in.” Atsuhiro tells him haughtily. 
“Your bedroom is fucking scary, Shig.” 
He lets out a long, low sigh. “Who else did you invite?” 
“Everyone in your black book that wasn’t crossed out.” Magne tells him. “Who’s ‘Firefly’? They didn’t answer the phone when we called and texted us instead with rates. Stripper?” 
“Sure.” He says, perking up a little. “Is he coming?” 
“Yeah, consider that your present from me,” Jin tells him, “Cause he was not cheap.” 
“Worth every penny.” Tomura tells them. He is used to throwing some pretty lavish, pretty risque parties at his place. But so far he’s kept those things separate from what he gets up to with his friends. It’s going to be a hell of a time making this shit work, but he’ll figure it out. He always does.
They have a couple of hours before other people arrive, and Tomura posts the rules for the engagement tonight. This is a mixing and mingling party, not an open floor. Papers won’t be checked at the door, nothing under the clothes, but there will be entertainers present. He hires a couple of actual strippers he knows he can get on short notice, and also sends Jin and Magne out to get a dozen more bottles of assorted alcohol. He has a reputation to uphold. Before they go, he puts their presents for him in his closet, thanking them for the thought, but telling them tomorrow he’d rather just have them over to unwrap them and then maybe order pizza and watch a movie or something. He makes sure that he’s got his bedroom in order, that there’s enough food ready and out, orders some last-minute catering to cover everything else, and then, when all of his friends are back, he sits them down and preps them. 
“My other associates are into the same styles of play that I am. There won’t be any play going on here tonight, but if at any point someone makes you uncomfortable or they cross a boundary, just tell them politely that you aren’t interested and they should back off. If they don’t, tell me and I’ll have them escorted out.” He turns his attention to Toga and Spinner, “Have either of you ever been to a strip club before?” 
“... No.” 
“General rule is no touching, but you can always ask. If you get over-excited, take a second to calm down. The dancers are here as entertainers, but they do work for tips, and different ones will have different rates, so just ask if you want to know, and as long as you're polite, you can turn down anything they offer. The two guest rooms are going to be for private dances, and if any of you spot anyone trying to get into my bedroom who’s not me or accompanied by me, stop them and get my attention.” 
“You seriously do throw orgies in here?” Magne asks. 
“Sometimes.” He prefers to just rent out the nearest club when he wants to host things like this, but he’s had people in his apartment for it before. 
“Ew. I’m never sitting on your couch again.” 
“I have a cleaning service I use to make sure everything is sterilized afterwards.” He says, taking his hair down, removing his tie, and unbuttoning the top few buttons on his shirt. “Besides, if you’re going to object to touching anything where someone has had sex in my apartment, you’re going to have to stand outside the door and shout into the room.” 
“You’re the ones who wanted my two worlds to collide.” They brought this on themselves. He gives a survey of the apartment, making sure that everything is good to go. “I have a list of cab companies that pick up after three for anyone too plastered to get home themselves, so when things start to wind down, let people know those are available.” 
He makes sure his friends are all good, and he readies himself for the party.
By ten o’clock, things are in full swing. Alcohol is flowing, music is pumping throughout his apartment, there are people mingling and dancing, the entertainers are doing their own thing, and everyone seems to be having a good time. Spinner is being a bit of a wallflower, but Magne bullies him into getting a lapdance and keeps guiding him around the room and pouring him drinks to keep him from clamming up entirely. But he hasn’t seen–
A too hot body presses along his back, the thickness of the straps of the leather harness crossing over his skin enough for Tomura to feel even through his clothes. He smells the distinct whiff of smoke, both from cigarettes and his quirk, and relaxes a bit as Dabi’s lips move against the shell of his ear. 
“I charge extra for parties.” 
“I know, firefly.” He says, turning to face the other man. The others must have told him that it was his birthday, because Dabi is looking mouthwateringly good in a strappy red leather harness with a tiny red thong, a bow sitting at the front of the waistband, and another pretty satin ribbon tied delicately around his neck. “They thought you were a stripper.” 
Dabi snorts, and loops his arms around his neck, pressing their bodies together from shoulders to hips. His mouth moves to Tomura’s jaw and he allows it, wrapping his hands around his slender waist and reveling in the heat against his skin. “Does that mean we can pretend to slip away for a private dance?” 
“Mm,” he definitely wants to treat himself to a full evening with Dabi, “I want you to wait, kitten.” Dabi immediately perks up when he hears what he wants from him. It’s no wonder he can charge what he does when he’s always the perfect sub no matter what the play is. “We’re going to have a private party once everyone else has left. How many drinks have you had, precious?” 
“None, Sir. You haven’t given me permission to drink yet.” He says immediately. 
“Good boy.” He loves how just that is enough to make Dabi’s eyes glaze a little, a shiver of his pleasure going through him. He used to think that Dabi was just a good actor, but it’s abundantly clear now that he just does like the things that they do together. “You can have two for the rest of the night, now go entertain, but no private dances, no lap dances for anyone else. I’ll pay the difference, but I need you to fill the role they hired you for.” 
“Yes, Sir.” But Dabi waits, and it really does feel like an indulgence when Tomura leans down to give him a kiss. He keeps it soft and chaste, a far cry from the low-level debauchery that is filling the space around them. But the restraint, knowing that they won’t be able to have anything else for hours yet, makes it have a current of heat in it that has nothing to do with Dabi’s quirk. 
“Go show off, kitten. I know how much you like the attention.” He gives him one last kiss against his temple, and then lets Dabi saunter off back into the crowd. 
Seeing that he’s wearing a g-string that does nothing to cover up the fact he’s wearing the glass rose plug he’d bought him a few months ago only makes Tomura want to kick everyone out immediately so he can enjoy him. But he holds off. The anticipation will make it even sweeter.
Dabi’s been staying the night more and more now. Maybe he’ll ask him if he wants to stay and meet his friends properly. Maybe he’ll say yes. Maybe when the cake comes out and Dabi uses his quirk to light the candles and he’s told to make a wish in front of everyone gathered, he wishes, looking over the blue flames into even bluer eyes, that this could be something real. Maybe the fact that Dabi brought him a present of custom red leather gloves that he gives to him after everyone else is gone means that it might come true. 
Thanks so much for participating! If you would like to join in, consider checking out my Ko-fi here!
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ohforficsake · 5 months
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Down, Boy
A Margay Universe Drabble
series masterlist / main masterlist
Summary: The boys end up at a dive bar on Frankie's birthday. Snipers are good at pool. Frankie's not gonna be able to wait until they make it home. Can be read as a standalone.
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Sniper!OFC Audrey 'Moose' Goddard
Word Count: ~ 1.6K words
Rating: Explicit 18+ / dirty talk, momentary dry humping, jerking off in a dive bar bathroom, mention of oral sex (f receiving), bit of a come fetish (it's these two, they're just like this) / language / drunk!Frankie is the sweetest, filthiest menace with a massive competency kink / Minors DNI
A/N: A little drabble that came up a few months ago but didn't quite fit with the main Margay storyline. Just something fun to tie you over after putting you all through it with Chapter 9.
Divider by @cafekitsune!
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Frankie is—
—a bit drunk tonight.
But it’s his birthday.
And he’s always been a happy drunk. 
There’s no falling on the floor. No getting up in other patrons’ faces. Just cheeks ruddy and round from freely-given mirth. 
He’s harmless as a puppy and just as excitable. 
Whooping with cheers whenever anyone sinks a pool ball into a pocket, whether they’re on his team or not.
He had made the trip out to northern California for the occasion, wanting only to spend his day with his daughter.  
But the boys catch wind of his plan and throw in for an Airbnb on the coast for the occasion.
And in the process of planning, Santi and Benny cook up a four-beer deep idea over an empty pizza box to arrange an extra gift.
Aud, what are your thoughts on Fort Bragg? Santi fires off on a text thread between the three of them.
I’m glad that they’re changing that name, guy was a cunt.
Sorry no, California. Benny clarifies. But also, agreed.
Is that not named after the same guy?
Santi sends the house’s address at the same time Benny sends, it is yeah.
Catfish wants to spend his birthday out there with his kid and we couldn’t let him celebrate alone. Pope attempts to steer.
Wondering if you might want to tag along? Last week of June. 
Send me a venmo request for my part of the booking.
Something warm blooms in Audrey’s chest at the sight of Frankie with his friends, quietly strategizing over forest green pool table felt.
He throws his arm around Benny’s neck and thumps Santiago on the back when they win this round, uncaring that he and Will have lost the last three.
“Can you please play this one, this score is embarrassing,” Will leans over on his bar stool with arms crossed against his chest, voice raised just enough so Audrey can hear him over Garth Brooks being played at a decibel below ungodly volume.
“Already told you, if I play, it’s over in one turn,” she takes a swig of beer, “that’s no fun for anyone.”
“Losing isn’t fun either though.”
She studies Will in the haze of neon-red tinged smoke. Audrey’s only known him for three hours, but she likes him already. Enough to grant him this favor.
She slips off her bar stool and shimmies her jeans higher up on her hips before shrugging the leather jacket off of her shoulders.
“You playin’, Moose?” Santiago calls with a grin.
“One round,” she holds up a finger, “save these boys some shame,” she finishes as Will hands her a cue. The minute she lifts it off the ground she murmurs “not that one,” and Will swaps her out. 
“There’s no way she’s that good,” Benny quips to Pope as he racks up the balls.
“I—do not have as much confidence as you on that,” Santiago carefully lifts the triangle and slots it back under the table. “You should probably know better, Benjamin.”
“You boys are fucked,” Frankie loops his arms around both of their shoulders as Audrey chalks her cue.
She places the cue ball towards one rail behind the second set of diamonds and glances behind her, gauging the space before leaning down to eye level, bouncing and spinning the cue in her hand to get a feel for its balance before she takes her first shot.
Audrey sinks two balls on the break. 
She quickly assesses the table when they come to a stop. “Stripes, do I need to call the pocket?”
“No need to be a show-off,” Pope quips. 
“Fair enough,” she slips around the far side of the table and sinks the 9-ball in a corner. It lines the cue ball up perfectly and she drops 14 in a center pocket. 
One lap around the table and a glance at the boys to be sure she has clearance before Audrey knocks the cue ball just off its center point, gliding it across felt where it transfers its spin to 15, sending it swirling down the rail into a corner pocket. She slips around to the opposite side of the table, banking the cue ball off the opposite rail and into 13, which slips neatly into the center pocket nearest her. 
“What went in on the break?” Benny calls.
“11 and 2,” Will answers where he’s calmly perched on a barstool against the wall.
She could miss now and he’d still be impressed.
She won’t.
The cue ball is dead center on the table and 10 is sitting a foot short of a corner. Audrey circles the table, chalking her cue as she analyzes angles. The best shot is from the end nearest the three boys but she’ll have to reach for it.
She stands in front of them and murmurs “sorry, boys,” before she hikes one knee up on the side rail and leans down, chest nearly grazing the table. 
Frankie covers Benny and Santi’s eyes from where his arms are still braced on their shoulders. 
His eyes, however, are locked on her ass.
They hear 10 drop in before brushing Frankie’s hands away.
Audrey bounces the cue ball off the edge of 12, popping it into the nearest pocket.
“Oh, that’s done, she’s got it,” Benny murmurs when the white ball comes to a stop directly in line with the corner pocket nearest Will, the 8 ball sitting perfectly in the middle of the shot.
Audrey sinks it and Frankie whoops, clapping both men on the back before rushing around the table to grab Audrey in a bear hug that lifts her up off her feet.
“FUCK yeah, baby!!!” He screams, taking her face in his hands and mashing his mouth against hers.
“Okay, down boy,” she quips with a smile.
“Well played, Moose,” Will holds out his hand for a shake.
“Alright, the rest is on y’all,” she hands the cue off to Will. “I gotta hit the restroom and then I’ll pick up another round.” She makes her way around the table, Benny and Santi congratulate her with claps on the back before she’s off down the hall.
“Hell of a woman you got there, Catfish,” Will chalks his cue.
Frankie answers with the quirk of a brow and a smirk that drips with filth.
One of the patrons recognizes Benny from fight night and it causes a stir. Turns out Will knows him from high school and everyone’s fascinated with what a small world it really is, attention distracted enough to allow Frankie to slip away.
Audrey wrenches the door to the bathroom open and collides with Frankie’s chest.
“Jesus, Francisco.”
He backs her up with his body, kicking the bathroom door closed and latching it as his mouth crashes against hers, twisting his cap around backwards.
“You’re fuckin’ amazing, baby.” He smashes her against the wall with his broad form, craning low to kiss at what skin he can get to under her turtleneck before giving up and sucking on her earlobe. 
“Yeah, well, I guess” she pants as Frankie drops to his knees and grabs at her hips, grinding the bulge in his jeans against her shin as he mouths at her stomach through the fabric of her shirt, “don’t play pool with a sniper.” 
Frankie is fully hard as he ruts against her, pulling clumsily at the button and zipper of her jeans. He inhales against her mound and moans before quickly getting to his feet. 
Harmless as a puppy and just as excitable.
He’ll sniff crotches and hump legs too, apparently.
Audrey grabs his face between her hands in an effort to center him, dipping her tongue into his mouth before Frankie pulls back.
“Fuuuck baby,” he reaches down to squeeze his cock through his jeans, “I’m not gonna make it, baby, I can’t–”
“Shhh, gatita, please,” he clamps a hand over her mouth as his forehead thumps hard against hers, “fuck,” he huffs, “I’m gonna. Pull those pretty panties down for me, beautiful. Just a little bit.”
Audrey is positively dying to see where this goes. 
She slips her jeans and thong down her thighs, eyes locked on Frankie’s locked on black lace.
“Right there. That’s my pretty girl. Yeahh,” he shifts around to free himself from his jeans and she moans into his palm where he slides the hot, hard length of him against her center.
Frankie indulges for a moment, slipping his cock against the smooth wet of her lips.
“Shit,” he hisses before gripping himself in his fist, brown eyes searching green for permission.
And having it, he starts to pump his cock.
It takes him less than a minute before thick ropes of semen spurt into the gusset of her panties as he groans against the back of his hand where it’s still clamped over her mouth.
“Gatita?” He lets go on a ragged gasp once his hips have stilled and he’s worked himself through.
She puffs an acknowledging breath against his palm. 
“I’m gonna make it up to you, I swear,” he lets his hand drop but keeps his forehead pressed against hers. 
Frankie’s fingers move down to hook in the waistband of her lace thong before he slips it, warm and sticky and reeking of his spend back up into place.
“Keep that for me?” He slips his tongue in her mouth, fastening the button on her jeans and dragging the zipper closed. “I’m gonna come back for it.”
He presses a final, wet kiss to her lips, warm palm resting briefly on her cheek before he slips out of the door.
He leaves her frayed with want. Panting through burning lips as her head thumps back against the wall.
Sometimes she wonders if Frankie Morales is the filthiest motherfucker alive.
Two hours later when he cleans her cunt with his tongue—cap twisted round backwards on his head, wet panties stuffed into the pocket of his jeans—she realizes he probably is.
He probably is.
And he's hers.
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Tagging a few lovely folks who are/might be interested: @tinytinymenace @theshensei @jeewrites @oliveksmoked @for-a-longlongtime
@toomanytookas @missladym1981 @harriedandharassed @76bookworm76 @spookyxsam
@soft-persephone @julesonrecord @legendary-pink-dot
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abiiors · 1 year
To Build A Home
Day 6 of Matty's Birthday Bash! I've never done a headcanon before so I'm really sorry if this is rambly and all over the place
Series Masterlist / the rest of them will be in the reblogged post
minors dni
Saturday: 34 headcanons for 34 years of Matty Healy
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In the beginning, there would be so much shameless flirting and rockstar charm he uses to whisk you off your feet. 
It starts off a bit clunky; he is away half the time and worried that you might find it to be a deal breaker. But he’s pleasantly surprised and eternally grateful when you turn up time and time again.
There’s always that nervous feeling in his gut that this is the date he ends up being ghosted, that this is the phone call where you dump him for not being enough. But each time it doesn’t happen and he lets himself hope more and more.
By the third, fourth, fifth time his friends tease him for being whipped, for always getting excited when a text comes through. But they could not be happier at the sight of his bright smile, at the way his eyes light up.
He has a small, tight circle of friends. He would really appreciate someone who seamlessly integrates themselves into it. Not just as his partner but also a friend to his friends.
He pretends to be offended when they take your side over his but secretly he beams with pride every time. His girl, his partner, is not just important to him but important to the people he holds dear.
Then there are moments that are permanently seared into his brain. He remembers coming home one evening and finding you there, waiting to surprise him with dinner and he thinks how he wants to come home to this every single day. To the smell of warm food and your perfume, to sweet music and soft laughter. 
This feels a bit like a beginning of a film to him; your warm body next to his in the white sheets. Sunlight streaming in as the room fills with your giggles because he cannot keep his hands off you. But he’s not worried about this being taken away from him. He believes wholeheartedly that you are his happy ending. 
The first time you say I love you to him, he spends the night on his knees worshipping. And then he spends the morning after counting his blessings. He doesn’t believe in the existence of God, that’s for sure but in his heart, he knows you were made for him.
‘Live here, share my house with me, make it a home,’ he speaks in a hushed voice when you wake up and melts completely at the excited look on your face. There are several whoops of joy once you finally say yes. 
And years later when he gets down on one knee, tears in his eyes, it’s your turn to whoop in joy and say yes. He thinks this is his favourite sound in the world.
Move-in day is chaos. He has to drag his friends over with a promise of free pizza and beer. Half the day flies away going down memory lane. The other half is filled with childish antics and silly fights. These are the golden years of his life, and no, it’s not too soon to say that. 
And there is a maple tree in the garden he cherishes with all his heart. Most days when he finds you reading under it, it makes his heart flutter because it’s sacred to him that his favourite place is also your favourite place. 
There are highs but there are also the lows. There are days when his fairytale dims a bit, when you get into silly fights and arguments. But he refuses to let you go to bed angry. He would rather say ‘I’m sorry’ till the words lose all their meaning to him than letting you sleep in one corner of the bed and away from his arms. 
His heart breaks at even the slightest hint of tears in your eyes. If the reason is someone else then he will find every possible way to make sure that person knows not to fuck with you. If the reason is him, he will grovel and apologise till you laugh and give him a kiss on the nose. That night he sleeps with an extra tight hold around you. Perhaps that night he realises how quickly this could all crumble. 
But his heart soars in his chest when you bring him breakfast in bed the next morning. A true sign that all is forgiven, that you still love him just the same and one silly fight doesn’t change it. 
Let’s not even talk about him being mad at you. He’s utterly incapable of it. He can be annoyed for a bit but then he sees your pout and hears you say sorry and suddenly he doesn’t remember why he was annoyed, to begin with. 
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starkstruck27 · 3 months
My second post for day 4 of @harringrove-flip-reverse-it !! I hope everyone enjoys!!
Prompt: Angst - Self-Sacrifice
Title: I Could Die For You
Word Count: 3764 words
TWs: None
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Dustin yelled as he threw his controller down, the voice on the TV yelling out “Game!”
“Hey, quit throwing the controllers! You don’t need to be a sore loser, Henderson!” Billy chastised, shoving the boy playfully as he pouted. 
“Says the guy who won every round he’s played! I can be as sore as I want!” Dustin said back, pouting even harder as he slumped back on the couch. He truly was a sore loser, but he was right, Billy was really good at this game, and he could’ve held back on the gloating a little bit when he won a few rounds ago, even after El used her powers to hold his hands still for at least a solid minute. 
“Okay, okay, that’s fair, but seriously, dude, it’s just Smash Bros., it’s not that serious,” Billy said, handing the kid back his controller and pressing the button to get to the next round of character selection.
“Yeah, I mean, Steve’s gotten out first in every round, you don’t hear him complaining,” Mike interjected as he swapped places with Lucas. They were taking turns, shifting down the couch after every round so that it was a constant rotation of new players and they could all get a chance to play. After all, they were all excited, the game had only just come out a few days ago, and since Erica’s birthday had just passed, Steve bought a copy for everyone to play on his Wii. 
He’d gotten the system for them two Christmases ago, after all, so whenever a game released that they all wanted, he’d get it for them for a birthday or special event and they’d all break it in by playing it together. It was like tradition at this point, and while everybody typically sucked at first while they first figured out the controls and whatnot, they would all get better as they went and would bond while they shared secrets and tricks to make gameplay easier.
Everyone enjoyed playing, too, though Dustin was a chronic pouter, and sometimes El would cheat, and Steve was so horribly bad at video games that he would lose pretty much everything except Wii Sports Bowling, but aside from that, everyone loved playing together. It was like having their own personal arcade in Steve’s living room, and a catered one at that, since Steve would get tired of losing a few rounds in and would instead make lunch for everyone to keep himself occupied while they continued to play. Sometimes he looked a little sad when he did it, and if so, Billy would quit too, and follow Steve to the kitchen to cheer him up about his lack of gaming skills by any means necessary. It typically wasn’t too hard, Steve didn’t really take the games too seriously anyway, but still, Billy knew it still had to hurt. Especially when the kids would make fun of him relentlessly if and when they kicked his ass. 
“Hey, quit pickin’ on your babysitter. We’re all still just learning the ropes, and not everything comes easily to people who have better things to do than spend half their life in a sticky, smelly arcade,” Billy scolded Mike, who just rolled his eyes and flopped down on one of the other chairs in the room. 
“No, he’s right, I suck. Here, Will, you come play, I’ll just go and order a pizza for us, m’kay?” Steve said, trying to pass his controller off to Will, but Billy shook his head.
“Fuck that, he’s not right, and you don’t suck. C’mon, just finish your rotation, and if you really wanna quit, you can. You only have two more games left. Please?” Billy asked, making those eyes that he knew would get Steve on board immediately. It worked like a charm, and Steve sighed before settling back in on the couch and picking a new character. 
Billy, Lucas and Dustin also selected their characters, and once that was done, it went on to stage selection. They’d already unlocked most of them, and so far, they’d just been hitting the random selection button so that they’d be surprised at the beginning of every round, but this time, Billy didn’t press that button, and instead he turned to Steve.
“You pick the level. Maybe that’ll help improve your luck,” he said, ignoring the kids as they said that that wasn’t fair. 
“Um, I guess do the one with the weird ladybug thing on it,” Steve said, pointing to the bottom of the screen. 
“Distant Planet it is,” Billy said, pressing the button to start the game and smiling as everyone got ready. The deep voice of the game’s narrator came through, counting down from three until it finally let them start fighting, and then, it was every man for themself. Well, almost.
See, Billy knew he had to get Steve to win one of these games to get his confidence up, that way he’d want to keep playing and actually start to enjoy it, so he had a plan. He’d take the kids out first, go easy on Steve, and when it was just them left, he’d pretend he lost by accident so that Steve would win. They only had three lives each, and they kept items on, so final smash combos were still possible, but it wouldn’t be too hard for Billy to kick the kids’ asses and then let Steve win. 
The level was kind of a tough one, honestly, based off of the Pikmin games from the Game Cube, and not only could you just fall off the edge if you weren’t careful, but there was a ledge that would flood and create a waterfall you could get swept up in if it started raining, and the weird ladybug things that Steve had mentioned were Bulborbs, creatures from the Pikmin universe that would pretty much instantly kill you if you got trapped in it’s mouth. Still, Steve was pretty good at staying on the maps by himself and not falling off, as long as no one pushed him, so all Billy had to do was keep the kids away from him and it’d be a cakewalk to let him win. 
It actually went pretty well, at first. Lucas was playing as Link from the Legend of Zelda games, Dustin was Bowser from the Mario games, Billy was Mr. Game & Watch from one of the first Nintendo systems, and Steve was Kirby, obviously from the Kirby games. All of them were good character choices, but Billy knew his was the best for this round, since he had a lot of really good, complex moves that he could use to easily confuse and K.O. the other players. 
He went for Dustin first, knowing that he would be the less likely of the two to show Steve some mercy, and easily blew him off the screen within the first minute of play. As soon as he respawned, Billy went after him again, ignoring the kid’s complaints that he was targeting him specifically and kicking his ass right into the falling water, washing him off the screen again and taking his second life. He only had one left, so Billy switched gears and started to target Lucas, easily knocking him off the edge and leaving room for Steve to try and take the final smash power up. 
This was when the plan started to fall apart, because just as Steve was about to get the final smash, Dustin came out of nowhere and stole it from him, using it to K.O. all three of them. Billy shook it off, both he and Steve still had two lives left, Dustin and Lucas only had one each, so he still figured he could do it. Only problem was, while he was taking Dustin’s last life by hitting him with a power up, Lucas somehow managed to blow Steve off the map, leaving both of them with only one life and Billy with two. Still, Billy felt like he could do this. 
He fell off the edge to level the playing field a little, and then decided it was time to go after Lucas with everything he had. He pelted him with items, tried to take both of them off the map just by simply falling, and was using every tactic and skill he had to figure out how to get Steve to win. And finally, he saw an opportunity, as a Bulborb came up on the side of the screen, just behind Lucas. Steve was floating in the air, so Billy figured it was safe to rush at Lucas, easily knocking him into the Bulborb’s mouth, but the only problem was, just as he did, Steve fell down from the air, Kirby had been floating for too long, and had gotten pushed into the creature, too. It carried them both off the map, much to Billy’s horror, and the narrator’s voice once again called out, “Game!” 
“The winner is…” the voice continued, “Mr. Game & Watch!” as the characters reappeared on the screen, the other three clapping as Billy’s character did a little victory pose. 
“That was so unfair! You so cheated!” Dustin accused, but Billy didn’t pay him any mind. All he could see was the sadness in Steve’s eyes as he watched the screen, obviously upset at having made it so far only to die right at the last second. He had actually started enjoying the game as he got closer and closer to victory, and Billy had accidentally snatched it all away right at the buzzer. That must’ve absolutely crushed him.
“Nobody cheated, Dustin, that was just a hard stage,” Steve said, sighing as he stood and placed his controller on the coffee table. “It’s the end of your rotation anyway, you’ll do better the next time you’re in, but for now, you swap with Will. Oh, and Max, why don’t you take my last game, I gotta go pick up the pizzas anyway. I don’t really feel like playing anymore.”
“What, no! You said you’d stick it out until your last game!” Billy said, giving Max a look that told her not to go for the controller left on the table. It wasn’t her turn yet.
“Really, Bill, I don’t want to play anymore. I just need a break, that’s all. Maybe I’ll jump back in later, but I’m okay with just watching for now.”
“But that’s not the way we do it here! Everyone has to play to the end of their rotation, that’s the rules,” Billy said, standing and crossing his arms. He knew he was probably making this a bigger deal than it needed to be, but he wanted Steve to enjoy playing with them, otherwise he might stop altogether, even when new games came out. He had to get Steve to play and win this last round, but Steve was giving him a look like he was getting really annoyed, so Billy had to think of something, and quick. “You know what, you’re right. A break does sound pretty good right about now. How about this, Byers, Sinclair and I will go pick up the pizzas, and you and the rest of the kids stay here and get drinks and other snacks ready. Then maybe once we all eat and take a breather, we can finish playing, alright? Is that a good plan?”
Steve sighed, “I guess so. C’mon guys, turn off the TV and help me set the table.”
“Good,” Billy smiled, grabbing his keys and heading for the door. “Byers, Sinclair, you’re with me. Let’s get a move on, huh?”
Will and Lucas gave each other a kind of funny look, but both of them shrugged and got up to follow Billy to his car. They got in the back and waited as Billy pulled out of Steve’s driveway, and once Billy turned the music down, they started asking questions.
“So, why did you want us specifically to come help you with the pizza?” Lucas asked, crossing his arms and staring at Billy through the rearview mirror.
“Because I have a proposition for you,” Billy said, glancing back at the two every so often. “After lunch, when we start playing that game again, it’ll be us three and Steve. I want you two to throw the game so that Steve can win for once.”
“Why do you want us to let him win?” Will asked, blinking those big brown eyes in confusion.
“Because he sucks at that game, and he’s getting really frustrated with it. But he sucks at every other game too, so if we start letting him quit now, he might start quitting other games, and then he’ll just stop playing with us at all because he’ll feel like he can never beat us. We gotta let him win every once in a while so that he genuinely likes the games we’re playing and then he’ll keep playing with us,” Billy explained, pulling into the parking lot of the pizza place and turning around to face the kids before getting out. “So, here’s the plan. After lunch, I’ll talk him into finishing his rotation, and then we’ll play. We’ll all choose characters we suck as, and we’ll pick a stage with minimal hazards so that he doesn’t die accidentally. Then, we die as subtly as we can, come after each other and avoid Steve as much as we can, fall off edges, and let him get as many K.O.s as we can without making it suspicious. Then, when it’s all said and done, he’ll win and we get to keep him playing with us. Can we do that?”
“But that takes all the fun out of playing!” Lucas complained.
“C’mon man, think of how much fun it’ll be if Steve stops buying new games because he knows he’ll suck and so he doesn’t see the point in buying new games for us anymore!”
“I mean, I want to make Steve happy, but won’t it be, like, super obvious if we all just start to suck out of nowhere?” Will asked, and Billy groaned.
“It doesn’t matter! He won’t even notice, I promise you, he’ll just be happy he won!”
“But what if your idea doesn’t work and he stops playing anyway?” Lucas asked, and finally Billy had it.
“Look, that won’t happen, but if you guys won’t do it out of love for Steve, how about I give you each five bucks to throw the game?” Billy asked, taking out his wallet to show he was serious.
“Make it ten,” Lucas said, giving him a smug smirk as he held out his hand.
“You’ve been hanging out with Max too long, you little pirate,” Billy muttered under his breath, but he took two tens out of his wallet and gave one to each of the boys. That seemed to seal the deal, and once they got the pizzas home and everyone had eaten, he and both boys went to Steve and practically begged him to finish out his turn. Now that he’d eaten and had some time to breathe, Steve joined back in, and Billy was so excited he practically skipped over to the TV to turn it back on. He also fiddled with the settings quickly before anyone could see and set it so that only easy levels would be selected when he chose the random button, and he quickly set the screen back to normal before anyone else got into the room.
“You guys ready?” He asked when everyone had chosen a character, and everyone had said yes, so he continued on to stage selection. He chose random, and the stage selector put them in the Green Hill Zone stage from the Sonic the Hedgehog games. Billy was perfectly happy with this, as there weren’t many ways to fall off of edges, and it didn’t move, so it was free of most distractions. This was gonna be easy.
The narration voice counted down from three again as their characters showed up on the screen, and then, it was on. Billy was playing as R.O.B., an old accessory turned character from the NES system, Lucas was Pikachu from the Pokemon series, Will was the Ice Climbers from the NES game of the same name, and Steve had chosen another Kirby character, this time going with Meta Knight. It was quite the accumulation of characters, but it was half the fun of this game to see these random characters thrown together into a whole new game. 
And just like that, they were under way. It was actually surprisingly easy for the three of them to avoid hitting Steve and still make it convincing that they were trying, maybe because they chose characters they hated, but mostly because they were trying. Lucas managed to K.O. Billy after a few minutes by hitting him with an item, and Will, who was not great at keeping away from edges, fell through the ground when part of it disappeared. Steve got a K.O. of Will too after one too many hits, which sent him flying off the screen. Now that they had each lost one of their lives, Lucas went after Steve to make it look convincing, and though he managed to get close, he stopped just before he took one of his lives, and instead turned on Billy, who’d been attacking him as he attacked Steve. 
The land regenerated as Will respawned, and he and Lucas went for Billy, managing to get another K.O. after on him after pushing him into a checkpoint, which then threw him off screen. Steve also managed to get a K.O. on Lucas after diving at him and both of them ending up going too far off screen, leaving everyone with only one life except Steve, who now had two. To make it look good, after Will was K.O.’d by Lucas again, Billy went after Steve, getting one more of his lives before managing to take Lucas’s last one, and then it was just them, left with one life each. 
The end was surprisingly easy to fake, as Steve was safe on one side of the stage and Billy on the other, the ground giving out between them as they charged at each other, and after jumping over the pit to Billy’s side, Steve managed to push him into the pit. Now, normally it’s not too hard to get out of a pit in Super Smash Bros., but anyone who’s ever played as R.O.B. will tell you, he is not the easiest character to control, and seeing as how that’s the case, Billy was able to make a big show of trying to get out of the hole, smashing buttons with all his might as he tried to jump out.
“Fuck fuck fuck, shit, no! Goddammit!” He pretended to get upset, groaning and tossing his arms up in frustration as he finally fell into the pit, losing his last life and ending the round as the narrator called out “Game!”
“The winner is…” it kept going, “Meta Knight!”
“Yes!!” Steve jumped up, throwing his arms up in victory and basking in the cheers and claps of the other kids. “Did you guys see that?! I got so many K.O.’s! I can’t believe it! I won!”
“Go Steve!”
“You finally won!”
The kids kept cheering as Steve did a little victory dance, and Lucas, Will and Billy had to turn away to hide their smiles and try to keep up the charade of being upset at losing. Still, they couldn’t help it, and finally, they stopped pouting and just celebrated with him. 
“Okay, okay, that’s enough, the neighbors will start complaining about all the noise if we don’t quiet down,” Steve said after a while, setting his controller down on the coffee table and letting Max take his spot on the couch. Billy followed suit, even though he technically still had one game left, but he wasn’t a chronic quitter, so he could break the rules this one time and hand his controller off to Erica after fixing the stage settings. After that, he followed Steve into the kitchen, not saying a word as he started helping him clean up from lunch, putting the leftovers into the fridge and piling dishes in the sink.
“Whatever happened to ‘you have to finish your rotation, no exceptions’, huh?” Steve asked as he took up the spot next to Billy at the sink, grabbing a towel to dry as Billy washed.
“Eh, my hands started cramping after trying to get out of that pit, plus I don’t quit often, it’s only this one time,” Billy said, nudging Steve with his shoulder.
“Yeah, yeah,” Steve rolled his eyes. They worked in relative silence for a while, the only sounds being the running water and the kids making noise in the other room, but for the most part they were quiet until Steve turned to look at Billy, a knowing look on his face.
“You threw the game, didn’t you?” He asked, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes with a playful smirk.
“I did not!” Billy denied, but Steve raised his eyebrow, and Billy just couldn’t lie to that face. “Okay, maybe I did, but I just wanted you to win for once so that you wouldn’t stop playing with us, is that so terrible?”
“I knew it!” Steve said, smacking Billy lightly with the dish towel. “But you know I’d still play with you guys even if I lost every time, right?” 
“Yeah, but you’d get tired of losing eventually and I just wanted to make sure you wouldn’t quit for good,” Billy said, flicking some bubbles at Steve in retaliation. 
“I wouldn’t do that. Losing is annoying, but as long as the kids are having fun-”
“But you need to have fun, too! That’s the point of multiplayer games, that everybody has fun, it’s not fair if only some people have fun and not everybody else,” Billy said, then sighed, “Look, just promise me that you won’t quit before you find another game that you’re really good at, okay?”
“Hey, I’ve got my Wii Sports, I’m good to go,” Steve smiled, brushing some of Billy’s hair out of his face before going in for a kiss. He readily accepted it, and smiled right along with him as they heard Erica starting to gloat about kicking everyone’s ass from out in the living room. 
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mysteriouswaffles · 10 days
It's my birthday this weekend. Sept. 10
Hi, I'm lillie I just turned 10 and for my birthday party I'm sleeping over at uncle's while my parents are going away for the weekend so I'm staying over at my uncles. My mom called my uncle Chris letting him know that we're about 30 min away from his place, and I listening to music on the way over to his, I get text a from him saying "hey my special girl happy birthday!" I text him back immediately thanking him and that I'm excited to spending the whole weekend with him and as long telling him that my parents told me that they'll be gone for two weeks and he replied "that's cool more for time for us" we get there I get things and unpack my stuff and say uncle Chris is we can order some pizza and wings and a movie night with him and I, and around 3:00 comes he gets out of shower and I hear someone making a noise and I go and see what or where it's coming from and I peaked through my uncle's door he's looking at videos of young girls doing something bit it looks like they're enjoying it. But my uncle Chris is doing something that makes my tiny cunt feel funny, after his don't I rush over the living room so he doesn't think I was watching him, an hour goes by and he gets the pizza and wings for us while a movie I'm laying on the floor and I look over I see him mmhhmm rubbing his legs looking I'm thinking to myself "why is he looking at me like that? " I go to the restroom get into some shorts come out to see the pizza is here and some drinks and the wings as well and I take a drink of my soda and it tastes funny but I finish it because I don't want him to get mad at me we watch the movie and uncle Chris is rubbing my butt but I'm confused because I'm feeling weird, funny but I really can't move and he's hugging me, squeezing me but I think I like it when he does this, I lay my head my his leg everything is a blur and my uncle tells me to unzip his pants so uncle can breathe better so wobble my way over to him and help him and the more soda I drink the more funny but I tell my uncle that I'm going to go lay down in his bed because I don't really feel like. As I'm laying down in his bed, he comes over and my clothes. And after he removed my clothes, he puts me on my back and opens my legs. And licks me but since I'm so drugged out I don't know what's going on, but I'm vaguely aware. I'm trying to move, but I can't. When I sort of come to. I don't know if the feeling is wrong or if it feels good, but. My wiggles said otherwise it feels good. I asked in a drugged state what are toy doing uncle Chris!? "But I like it don't stop" after we tryna me over fucks me from behind and I can't stop my uncle he over powered me but I like when he does, he grabs my hands and puts them over my head, opens my legs even wider and pushes his cock inside me it'll I bleed but just because I'm bleeding, isn't going to stop him from doing it. He takes pleasure. In watching me squirm and moan and screaming it hurts but just because I'm in pain, isn't gonna stop him, he counties for 50 min until he's about to bust when he does he pushes it in so hard and cums inside me...
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blametheeditor · 8 months
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Matter Of Opinion
Prompt Roulette By Title
Character A: On the count of three, what's your favorite cake? One, two, three-
Character A and Character B, in unison: Chocolate cake peanut butter frosting with chocolate chunks!
Character C: Our turn, Character D! One, two, three- vanilla!
Character D, deadpan: I've never had cake.
Content Warnings: Cursing. Mentions of treating others as lesser than. Mentions of calling others 'pests'. Mentions of not having access to food. Mentions of getting sick from food.
Eggs deserved some time in the spotlight
Eggs looks between Fritz and Caleb, a look of horror on his face. 
“I don’t know which one is worse. The favorite flavor being vanilla, or never having eaten cake before.” 
The redhead suddenly ducks his head as he shuffles in place, Fritz seeming more nervous rather than self-conscious, the excitement they rarely see vanishing within seconds. “Well, we don’t...cake isn’t exactly, accessible...” 
It takes a moment for the sentence to register. For Eggs to remember Caleb and Fritz are only a few inches tall in height. Not normal human children like the hordes of gremlins that come into the restaurants daily, but ‘borrowers’ that took a long time in order to trust those who can and have swept them into a hand. And only a select few at that.
He’ll admit, he forgets how different their lives are. Sure, they live at Freddy Fazbear’s, but they can’t exactly book a birthday party. Can’t sneak into the kitchen like Eggs does to steal a slice of pizza or cake. Sometimes he steals a whole pizza and cake. No one’s been able to stop him yet! 
The borrower’s life, though? They get caught by the wrong person, and cake will never be on the table. 
“I’m in the mood for cake,” James suddenly announces. “Want to help us make one?” 
The two react in almost polar opposites. Caleb immediately perks up at finally being allowed to try cake honestly they’re monsters never having offered it before. But Fritz shrinks into himself even more. 
“What kind of cake?” the younger borrower asks, strangling the absolutely miniscule plush bear they have never seen him without. Even though the toy should be washed considering the amount of dust Caleb and Fritz tend to accumulate from their travels. “Fredbear says we might not like peanut butter.” 
Oh fuck they really are monsters, Eggs is telling Scott the man is doing a shitty job as a father!
“Chocolate’s hard to go wrong with. And Jeremy will be happy to help us eat the rest.” 
Finally Fritz makes a long sigh. As if they’re boring the teenager. “You, you’re allowed to make a chocolate cake?” 
Eggs shares a look with James, the doctor raising his eyebrows to say he had been expecting that to be the reason the kid was hesitant. Which is unfair! One of them is a child psychiatrist and apparently that includes borrower children and the other isn't. The other is a geneous mechanic. 
Genious. Genus? Genius. 
Then again, that has been a running theme when it comes to Fritz and Caleb. Less so for the nine year old boy now that they’ve all known each other for about two months, but the older borrower didn’t warm up as quickly. Allows asks for permission before doing things other than borrowing, and that had been quite the discussion. Maybe they need to get Scott to hold another meeting. 
Eggs taps his chin before giving a wry smile, forcing his hands not to make large movements. “Let’s think about it this way. Jeremy wouldn’t tattle cause it’s chocolate cake. If Scott finds us, he won’t even be mad, just disappointed. Mike doesn’t give a shit. And Harrison can’t bitch cause it’s not his restaurant.” 
“I thought we agreed to leave the cursing to Mike,” James stage whispers. 
“Just don’t tell Scott,” the blond replies. 
That has Caleb giggling as Fritz visibly relaxes. “Okay. W-We'd like to help make a cake.” 
Eggs offers a hand palm up for the two. Can’t help a smile when neither hesitate to climb on, though he did forget they’re spider monkeys. Caleb’s darting up his arm almost immediately, almost missing grabbing the edge of the short sleeve to his uniform when Fritz swoops in for a rescue, scooping his brother up and finishing the climb. 
The blond has to stop a shiver from the odd feeling of his shoulder being walked on, looking at James to confirm both of them are safely there. He can’t exactly turn his head to check on them or else that might cause a big problem. 
The doctor gives a smirk. “Have you finally accepted you’re a glorified jungle gym?” 
“Hey I’m the greatest jungle gym you will ever meet, thank you!” 
He hears the worry in Fritz’s voice as he carefully follows James into the kitchen. “Do you mind we-?” 
“Shh, I’m proving I’m a badass tree. And another thing!” 
That earns him two quiet laughs from his shoulder while James shoos him away. “We’ll argue who’s the better tree later. Make yourself useful and find the cake mix.” 
Eggs makes his hand talk in time with the doctor’s words, but he also begins his search for the box required to make a certain cake that apparently neither of their resident borrowers have had the chance to eat. He’s actually a little curious how Fritz managed to get his hands on a piece of vanilla cake. 
With how careful the teenager is, he doesn’t think it was a proper crumb. It would’ve been from the floor. That hadn’t been cleaned in days. Hours after it was made and being exposed to the air that would’ve hardened it so it can’t even be considered cake anymore. 
Damn, he’s surprised the vanilla flavor could actually be tasted. 
“How do you make a cake?” Caleb pipes up. 
“See there’s something called chemical reactions.” 
“We are not teaching them chemistry,” James calls from the fridge. “You have to start with the scientific method.” 
Eggs sighs loudly as he snatches the cake mix out of the pantry, gently slamming the door closed. “Sorry Caleb, Dr. Stiller says we’re not allowed to have any fun.” 
“I think it’s safe to assume they don’t know what atoms are. Therefore are unfamiliar with molecules and bonding. I.e., educate them so they completely understand what a chemical reaction is.” 
Eggs will admit, he’s a bit jealous James can spout all that off at the same time he’s measuring out how much water they’ll need, the eggs and jar of icing waiting patiently next to a bowl. But ten bucks the doctor’s just showing off. “Nerd.” 
“To answer your question how you expected it,” James smirks, looking over Eggs’ shoulder which is rude, his eyes are- oh shit. Right. Caleb and Fritz are sitting there. “Eggs has cake mix that we add eggs and water with to make the batter. The icing is already made, so we just put it on the cake once it’s been baked.” 
“...you’re going into a cake?” Fritz asks, sounding so genuinely confused and worried Eggs can’t help but laugh. Not even James can help himself. “You just said Eggs!” 
The blond carefully grabs the two off his shoulder as he attempts to stifle his laughter, gently nudges Fritz’s shoulder at his embarrassed look, Caleb seeming just as confused. “Sorry, sorry. We’re not laughing at you, it was just funny. You two really do live in the walls, don’t you?” 
“We said we did,” the redhead defends, pulling his brother into a protective hug, and Eggs feels like an asshole. 
“We’re sorry for laughing,” James murmurs. 
“It was a dick move,” the blond agrees. He sets his hand down on the counter, Caleb leading Fritz off for the two to stand close together. It’s impossible to miss the blush on the older’s face despite his two inch stature. “Teasing went too far, we’ll be model gentlemen.” 
“That’ll last for ten minutes.” 
“Bet it’ll last twenty.” 
Fritz still doesn’t look up from his shoes, and Caleb refuses to give a smile, standing in solidarity with his brother. Now he really feels like an asshole. 
Eggs kneels down in order to be eye level with them. Snags an egg and sets it a respectful distance away so they don’t have to worry about it rolling them over. 
“This wonderful object is an egg. I’m named after a dish that requires multiple eggs called Eggs Benedict.” 
Finally green eyes look up to meet his gaze. “You’re, named after food?” 
“The greatest food of all time in my opinion,” he winks. 
Fritz shuffles in place. “So, that’s why they’re yelling your name all the time?” 
“Gets confusing, right?” Eggs shrugs. “The life of having the best name ever. But it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.” 
There’s the smile he was looking for. Still embarrassed from never connecting the dots, but they should’ve expected Fritz specifically to be unfamiliar with something like that. They haven’t exactly asked where the redhead’s lived before the restaurant. And they haven’t asked the two what they’ve eaten before, case in point the fact they’re currently making a cake. 
“And I know we’re assholes, but don’t hesitate to ask about anything else. James’ll know the answer.” 
“What am I, an encyclopedia?” 
“Ha! I don’t even know what that is!” 
“Eggs will have to ask me questions as well,” the doctor grumbles. He snatches the egg from Eggs ha and cracks it against the counter before putting the yolk in the bowl, tossing the shell into the trashcan before repeating the process with the second one. “Remember, when you’re dealing with eggs, always wash your hands when you’re finished.” 
Caleb looks up at Eggs happy to let James do all of the work. “Both kinds of eggs?” 
“Especially when dealing with that one.” 
“I’ll take it back if you add the water, mix, and stir.” 
That earns angry grumbles as Eggs opens the box, cutting the bag for the mix open in order to dump it into the bowl. Pours the water on top before mixing it all together. He glances down at the two borrowers to make sure he’s not spilling anything over them, grinning at the wide eyes watching the batter slowly come together. Reminds him of when each Eggling saw the magic of cooking and baking. 
He doesn’t notice James snagging the cake pan until he hears the sound of oil being sprayed, looking over to see the doctor standing at the opposite end of the kitchen. 
“What was that for?” Caleb asks. 
“That’s to keep the batter from sticking to the pan as it bakes.” Eggs shoos James away from the pan once it’s set down, pouring in the chocolate goodness in so the question can be focused on. “I sprayed it over there so you didn’t breathe it in.” 
“And how do you know to do that?” Fritz tags in. 
James brings the box of mix closer to them as he kneels down. Which excuse him Eggs needed to read the temperature for the oven. “We’re following this recipe. It told us how many eggs and how much water we needed. Tells us which pan to use, to spray it in baking oil, and this pan needs 425 degrees.” 
Eggs’ dramatic waving toward the oven pauses at the emphasized words, quick to put in the proper information so it starts preheating. Which they should’ve done first but hey! It’s an experience! And they are far from being master's at baking a cake. Or any baking in general. Might as well add cooking to that, too. 
With that done, he tiptoes over to the bowl. Grabs the spoon with the intent to eat the batter when he meets Caleb’s eyes watching with interest. 
He pivots so the spoon is offered to the little boy. “Want a taste?” 
Instead of trying it, Caleb looks up at James giving the batter a distrustful look. “Can we?” 
“...I’m trying to do mental calculations.” 
Eggs stares. “For...” 
“The effect salmonella could have on them,” the doctor says ominously. “Specially how likely it is based on their size to ours, and considering there’s two eggs-” 
“James, you’re scaring the kids,” Eggs whispers, sending a pointed look down at Fritz who seems three seconds away from snatching Caleb from the spoon. “It’s just a tiny sample! Literally!” 
“And I don’t have any good information on their health, how certain diseases can effect them, or-” 
“We d-don't get sick,” Fritz announces. “From food I mean.” 
Caleb nods his head in agreement. “We’ve eaten pizza humans got sick from, but we didn’t! Fredbear agrees, too!” 
Eggs watches as James has to fight with himself from either asking even more questions and possibly seeing if they can do a full exam, or to go against everything he’s learned from medical school and give the go ahead. Maybe it’s both. 
“One dip of your finger,” the doctor finally relents. 
Neither of them argue, following his request to the letter. Both of their eyes light up at the taste, meaning Eggs then takes the spoon back in order to lick the entire thing, earning a very disapproving look. 
“I hope you get salmonella.” 
“My name is Eggs. I’m part egg. It’d be impossible for me to get it.” 
“Oh really?” James begins. “Part egg, huh? Maybe we should put you into the next cake we make.” 
“You wish,” Eggs grins. “I would make the greatest cake ever.” 
A loud beeping announces the oven’s finally ready, the blond wiggling his fingers at James to put the cake in and set the timer. Leaving him with Fritz and Caleb watching him with worried looks. 
“Is there batter on my face?” 
“You’d, want to be part of a cake?” Fritz says almost too quietly to be heard. 
Well fuck. He keeps forgetting how terrifying that can sound due to them being able to end up in someone’s pizza or soda without any trouble. Which none of the guards would ever do if the two didn’t want that to happen. Excluding freak accidents, but they’ve all been working hard to be extra careful. 
“No one will ever go into a cake even if we could,” he smiles. Doesn’t admit that kind of sounds fun. And who else could say they’ve done something like that! Not to mention it’d be comedy gold! “James and I are just teasing.” 
Note to self, talk to Scott about what topics they should avoid. 
In their defense, this has been the first time Caleb and Fritz have been out for more than just a few minutes. They pop in every now and then, but only when the restaurant is closed with every other person on staff home. Get a little too antsy when they’re out in the open for two long. Have stuck to a fairly strict ‘curfew’ for Friday nights when everyone is here. 
They’ll figure it out! Slowly but surely. Seriously, Scott’s slacking on his dad duties, he’s supposed to make sure all of his children get along together! 
James appears after being gone way too long for just putting the cake in the oven. And to Eggs’ horror, he sees the bowl of left over batter missing. He wasn’t done eating from that! “The cake will be done in about 10 minutes. Do you three want to go find Jeremy and let him know?” 
“Were we not going to tell Scott?” 
Eggs almost jumps at Scott’s voice. One that sounds a little upset. Turning around, he confirm it’s a very disappointed look being aimed toward them. But, it’s not angry. Soooo, that’s a win! 
Now how to get out of this alive... 
“Surprise! Happy Birthday!” 
Scott’s frown turns into a glare shit. “Good guess. Now you’ve got 364 more to go.”
“We were making a cake for Fritz and Caleb,” James quickly explains, gesturing to said frozen borrowers. “It was our idea, not there's.” 
“I would assume so,” Scott continues to glare. “They can’t exactly grab the ingredients and put it into the oven without help.” 
“Th-They were being nice!” Fritz calls across the vast expanse that is the kitchen. “They said you, you w-wouldn't be upset.” 
“They wanted me to try cake for the first time!” Caleb adds. 
Just as Eggs thought would happen, Scott melts. Because he’s just like David, pretending to not care about anything or anyone, but is actually a complete and utter softy. 
“You’re welcome for doing your job as a father,” Eggs sneers. 
And just like that, he fucked himself royally. “Eggs, either start running, or I’m getting Vince.” 
Oh shit. “Bring it, Fossil!” 
Scott bristles before taking a deep breath. “After the cake is done. And please dear God tell me you made sure Caleb and Fritz were safe the entire time.” 
“Entire time,” James butts in, putting a hand over Eggs mouth so he can’t say anything else that will incriminate them. Which doesn’t look suspicious in the slightest. 
It only earns them an eye roll as Scott walks closer to investigate the crime scene, a smile appearing as the two borrowers give hellos. “Have you been keeping them in line?” 
Caleb rapidly nods his head. “We also learned Eggs is a food and they’re used in recipes!”
That’s when Scott seems to finally realize what ‘never having cake before’ actually means. That the two are missing out on more than just deserts. Fritz had been adamant on day one that they wanted to continue borrowing and getting their own food, but with this revelation gently coaxing out an agreement that sometimes they can help out might be needed. Cake is one thing, but they’re both just kids. They’d all like to make sure their resident borrowers are taken care of for as long as they live at Freddy Fazbear’s. 
He’s pretty sure James has a nerdy reason to add on the ‘why’s’. 
“I’ll grab Jeremy so you don’t skip out on any other lessons, deal?” 
“Deal!” they chirp. Caleb ecstatic the cake is almost finished. Fritz relieved they aren’t in trouble. 
Eggs offers his hands as he nods toward the oven. “Want to go see what it looks like?” 
Both of them immediately perk up and dart into his palms. Right as Caleb moves to pull the same stunt from before and climb up his arm, Fritz manages to catch his brother with a battle cry, laughing as a squeal emits. “Oh no you don’t!” 
No time is wasted walking to the baking cake at that, quick to hold up his hands as Caleb manages to worm out of Fritz’s grasp in order to keep the little boy from making a break for his shoulder. Not that he minds! He just can’t see the awed expressions from the favored perch! 
Honestly, it’s adorable how both of them are absolutely entranced by the rising cake. Not wanting to look away even with the sound of Jeremy running into the kitchen. 
“It’s ch-ch-chocolate, right?” 
Eggs raises his eyebrows when Fritz doesn’t jump at the stuttering guard’s voice, only turning to wave in greeting. “Of course, Jer. We’re not monsters.” 
Jeremy gives him a look he thinks is supposed to be a glare after returning Fritz’s wave. “Y-You’d make a vanilla one j-j-j-just to spite me.” 
“...alright that does sound like me.” 
“Where’s the b-batter?” 
“Eggs ate it all,” James says, the blond sputtering as Jeremy immediately turns on him. 
“You jerk!” 
“I did not it was James who put it in the sink!” 
“I can’t trust e-e-e-either of you!” 
“Enough!” Scott suddenly yells, sending all of them glares. “Caleb and Fritz don’t deserve all of you shouting around them. If you’re going to fight, do it in the dining room. And no instigating, James.” 
Right. He forgot about tiny ears. Ones currently having equally tiny hands covering them as they stare up at the giants surrounding them on all sides. But slightly good news? There’s no fear, just apprehension! 
That’s when the timer goes off, everyone but James backing away so the doctor can grab the cake out of the oven. “Uh, sorry about that.” 
“It’s okay,” Fritz offers as he drops his hands, Caleb following suit. “At least you’re not as loud as Mr. Harrison.” 
Wise words. Caleb agrees, nodding sagely. 
Before they can continue bashing on David, James opens the can of frosting, earning everyone’s attention. That’s when he shakes his head. “You can eat it when it’s on the cake. Everyone already had batter with a side of salmonella.” 
Jeremy squawks. “I d-didn't!” 
“You gave the kids uncooked batter?” Scott demands. 
“Oh well look at the time,” Eggs begins, setting his hands on the counter to let Fritz and Caleb off before backing away slowly from the ticking timebomb. “I should go...” 
“A great way to out yourself. Because a doctor would’ve advised against it.” 
“Fredbear said they’d be fine,” the blond counteracts. 
That shuts Scott up. Because the man wouldn’t be a heartless bastard and tell Caleb Fredbear isn’t real. Eggs is definitely getting his ass kicked later but for now he’s safe. Maybe. 50/50 chance Vincent’s going to be summoned. 
James clears his throat. “Who’s helping with the icing?” 
“M-Me,” Jeremy quickly volunteers. Before he grabs a knife, he sets his own hand in front of the borrowers, both of them immediately climbing all the way up to his shoulder. This time Caleb has no trouble with the long sleeve providing plenty of handholds to grab onto. Once they’re both tucked close to his neck, the stuttering guard starts on icing the cake. 
Eggs quickly darts to James’ side as Scott walks closer, hiding behind the doctor as a glare is shot toward him. But he’s not chased, so he’s been allowed to survive for another day. Or maybe just thirty more minutes. 
He will say, Jeremy’s pretty good on coating a still warm cake, none of it coming off onto the knife. He’s also talented in the ways of not throwing borrowers off of his shoulder as he works. 10 out of 10, would choose Jeremy’s shoulder if he was borrower size. 
“N-N-Now how many slices d-do we need?” 
“Think Mike wants some?” James asks. 
“Give him a small one,” Scott says as he grabs a few paper plates with the word 'Celebrate!’ decorating it. Quite fitting considering this is an occasion to celebrate. “And make David’s as big as yours, Jeremy.” 
They end up with seven slices all together. James covers what’s left of the cake as Eggs is laden with four plates, Jeremy oh so courteous to hold the door out of the kitchen open for him and Scott. Sadly he does not slam it on James’ face. 
David gives a questioning look as a large slice is slid in front of him where he sits at a table. “This is what you all disappeared for?” 
“You don’t want cake?” Eggs smirks, reaching out to take it away. The business man doesn’t hesitate to move it out of the blond’s grasp with a glare daring he tries to complete the threat. 
Scott sets the two plates he brought onto the table, nodding toward the hallway Jeremy’s leading Mike out of. “Fritz and Caleb never had chocolate cake before.” 
David goes still. If Eggs didn’t know any better, he’d say there’s concern in the hazel eyes that once looked at the borrowers with nothing but loathing. He doesn’t say anything as everyone finds a seat, but he doesn’t start eating his share until Fritz and Caleb are gifted with a full slice that’s taller and longer than they are. 
Eggs can’t help watching them each take a bite. Grinning as Caleb looks up with pure amazement on his face. “Humans get to eat this all the time?” 
Right. They live at a children’s party center. “Not all the time. Usually for birthdays and holidays.” 
Fritz looks like he wants to ask something but catches himself. “Thank you for sharing one with us.” 
David suddenly leans forward, his hands clasped together like he’s in the middle of making a business deal. “I heard you never had chocolate cake before.” 
Caleb nods, unaffected by the scrutiny, but his brother hunches down into himself. “It’s Cay’s first time eating cake at all.” 
Scott sends David a suspicious look, unsure where this will be taken. He’s only given a glance as the redhead’s focused on. “Are there other things you have yet to try?” 
Now Eggs is confused on where this is going. He thought David was going to try and be a dick, using this as a way to prove the two are ‘pests’ of some sort. His tone isn’t hostile, but it’s not gentle either. It kind of feels like an interrogation. 
“I, uh, c-can't really give a list,” Fritz replies. Having the all too familiar look of wanting to bolt. A hand on the bag he carries everywhere. “You’ve all shared pizza with us, and we’ve had that before. We’ve had fries and lettuce. But...I-I don’t really keep great track.” 
“Are there certain foods you don’t know about?” 
“Yes,” the teenager admits, his face growing red all over again. 
Eggs’ announcement of David being a grade-a douche bag is stopped when the business man turns to Scott. “Didn’t you say you’d be watching over them?” 
“Want to clarify, David?” is growled back. 
“I mean the kids aren’t exactly being cared for like you agreed to do for them,” the business man sighs. And holy shit he does care about Fritz and Caleb. “If I remember correctly, they entrusted you to keep them safe and healthy. I’m no doctor, but I think it’s safe to say they’re not getting the nutrients they need.” 
Scott stares at David for a moment. And while it’s definitely said with an air of arrogance, there’s actual concern lying underneath. Which is something he’d never thought he’d see from their resident douche bag of all people. What did he say! Secretly a giant softy!
“They also said they wanted to continue borrowing.” 
“I didn’t say they had to stop,” David counters with an eye roll. “I thought you are William's right-hand man. You’ve seen plenty of contracts. Get the pests warm food every now and then. You’re not giving handouts, you’re keeping them healthy and treating them with things they couldn’t have before. They have you as a benefactor, and yet I bet letting them eat cake for the first time wasn’t your idea.” 
Eggs makes a quite ‘oooooo’ sound as Scott doesn’t seem to have a comeback. The best part though is the fact David’s not even smug. This shit’s better than his soap operas! 
Even Fritz doesn’t have anything to say. He half expected the older borrower to protest and argue about needing to do things themselves, repeating the speech they’re all familiar with. But David’s a business man through and through, and damn did he find the loopholes. 
Then again, the agreement had been made by a desperate teenager, but credit’s due where credit’s due. 
The two borrowers look at each other. Then they look at David who only waits patiently for a reply, not a hint of a degrading smirk on his face. 
“I don’t...disagree.” 
“Wonderful. Which means you need to step it up, Scott. Try and aim for them giving James permission to take their vitals or whatever the hell doctor’s do.” 
AAAAAnd he ruined it, even Caleb looking a bit scared at what’s being implied. 
“That’s a discussion for another time,” Scott soothes. “We’ll never force either of you to do anything you don’t want. But I’ll get Eggs and James to help out with letting you try new things.” 
Fritz looks at the slice beside him that guaranteed will be given to Jeremy to finish before smiling. “Okay.” 
“Fredbear says David wants to ‘accidentally’ drop frosting on us,” Caleb prophesizes. 
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barbwritesstuff · 2 years
Hey Barb! It's my birthday today (although where you're at, it's probably not my birthday anymore) and I was wondering do any of the ROs have a cute little date idea for the MC's birthday planned out? Even if they're not in a romantic relationship with the MC? I'd totally be down to steal food from an Italian restaurant with my bff Marco on my birthday
Happy birthday, anon!
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I'm going to give you a choice.
Team Young and Fun! (Marco, Ed, and Shawnie) are going indoor mini golfing. They're going to wear the weird little hats, swing bats (they're called clubs, Marco), and not at all attack robotic clowns. The place also serves beer and pizza, so you know this is going to be a very normal time.
Team Repressed (and not so repressed) Issues (Sergi, Carrie, and Vicky) are going to the gun range. They're going to shoot stuff, blow stuff up, absolutely slaughter some paper cut outs (after drawing vampire fangs on them first). Afterwards, icecream.
Carrie is a little too excited about it.
Roe and Farro are bird watching... which, when you're a werewolf and all animals flee from you on sight, is a fairly tricky activity. Roe thinks it makes them better hunters (and they're not wrong, learning how to stay down wind, stay still, move silently, etc). Farro just really wants a picture of that one bird that's been stealing from his garden.
Quiet, nature, and swearing loudly at finches. What' more could you want?
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32 notes · View notes
misterjauthor · 2 years
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“HAPPY birthday, sweetie!” My phone screen showed a smiling middle-aged woman.
‘Thanks, mom. Hold on. I’ll just get inside the house.” I placed the phone on top of the two large pizzas in my hand and opened the door with the other.
Once inside, I placed the stack on the coffee table, picked up my phone, and headed toward the kitchen.
“Here, your dad wants to greet you, too.” The video turned to show my father driving.
“Happy birthday, son.” A loud car horn almost drowned out my father’s voice.
I brought a six-pack out from the fridge and thanked him. “Are you guys going somewhere?”
“Yeah, we’re going to dinner.” The screen showed my mom again. “Since we can’t come to San Diego this year, we’ll just celebrate here in Seattle.”
After sinking on the couch, I opened one of the beers and took a sip.
“Aren’t you going to celebrate?”
“Mom.” I rolled my eyes. “You know I don’t do birthdays. I only go out to dinner when you guys are here. It’s not a big deal.”
“But it’s your twenty-fifth. At least don’t spend it alone.”
“I’m not. The guys are coming over to watch the hockey game with me.”
“That’s it?” my mom asked with brows furrowed.
“There are six-packs chilling in the fridge.”
Her expression didn’t change.
“…and pizza.”
She glanced at my dad.
I sighed. “Look, mom. I only want a low-key celebration. I don’t want to throw a party and force myself to interact with people I barely know when I’d rather spend it with the people I care about. Since you two can’t make it this year, at least my best friends are here to spend it with me.”
“Hun, leave our son alone,” my dad said off-camera. “It’s his birthday. He can celebrate however he wants.”
“Thanks, dad.”
“Anyway.” Her pout disappeared. “Are you still seeing—what’s that guy’s name?”
“Chris,” my father said.
“Yes, that one. Is he still your boyfriend?”
“Hell, no.” I waved my hands. “We just went out on a few dates. That’s it. He’s not my boyfriend.”
My mother lit up. “Good. Because Martha—you remember her?—our next door neighbor mentioned she has a gay nephew who lives in your city. We were hoping you two could meet up and see—”
“Jeez, mom.” I snickered. “I can’t believe you’re trying to set me up. I’m a grown man. I can find my own dates, thank you very much.”
“It’s your dad’s idea.” Mom pointed to the man driving beside her with a guilty look.
“No, it’s not. I told you he won’t be interested. But you didn’t want to listen.”
The two talked over each other in the car like I wasn’t on a video call with them.
I shook my head in amusement.
The doorbell rang.
“That’s them. I gotta go.”
Mom shifted so both she and dad were on screen. “Okay, sweetie. Enjoy your birthday.”
“We love you, son.”
“I love you guys, too. Drive safe, and talk to you again soon.” I shut off the video call.
Another doorbell sounded.
“Darren, what’s taking so long? Are you sucking some guy in there?” the voice I recognized as Allen said.
“We can come back later,” Marco said.
My straight best friends giggled outside like little girls.
“Shut up. I’m not sucking anyone.” I opened the door.
“Ey! There’s the fucking birth-gay boy.” A chubby guy with a full beard that made him look like a young Santa Claus trapped me in a bear hug and lifted me.
“Very funny.” I strained to say while hugging him back. “Did you think of that all by yourself, or did Marco?”
“Nope. That was all me.”
“He’s been excited to say it to you the entire way here,” Marco said. The gorgeous fitness model’s tight white t-shirt stretched over his torso, defining every curve of his solid muscles. “Happy birthday, homo.”
“Wow. Very creative, man,” I chuckled.
He took over Allen’s hug. “I know. Not my best.”
We’ve been best friends since high school. I only came out to them last year, on my birthday, as a gift for myself.
I was afraid the friendship would change after my revelation. At first, there was awkwardness as they processed it. But after a couple of months, things returned to normal like they always knew about my sexuality.
“Come in.” I left the door, went back inside, and turned the hockey game on. “Pizza and beer are right there.”
They let themselves in and pounced on the food.
“Where’s Craig? I thought you were all going together.” I joined them on the couch and emptied my beer from earlier.
Allen took a bite from a slice of pizza and answered with his mouth full. “The fucker texted me ten minutes ago. He’s on his way but will be stopping by somewhere first.”
The front door opened.
“Where’s our birthday boy?” Craig’s voice boomed. At 5’11”, he might be the shortest among us six-footers, but his presence was always the biggest and the loudest.
“Speak of the devil.” I got off the couch to welcome him.
“Happy birthday, bro.” The latecomer gave me a lingering hug.
I got a whiff of his masculine musk coming out of his pores.
“You’re officially a year older than us now.” The bulge in his sweatpants pressed into my thigh.
Blood rushed to my dick as my heart raced at the unexpected contact.
“You’re next, dumbass.” Pretending I didn’t feel anything, I escaped from his muscular arms before he noticed my growing erection. “What took you so long?”
“I’m sorry.” Craig lifted a box the size of a bulky blender as we went to the living room. “I still had to pick up our gift for you.”
My eyes lit up.
“It’s a miracle. You guys have never given me a gift before.”
“Hey!” Marco said after swallowing. “We’ve given you plenty of gifts.”
“For my birthday?” I sat between the other two while Craig sat on one of the armchairs.
“Fuck, yeah,” the chubby architect said.
“Like what?” I stared at him while waiting for his answer.
“The…uh…” Allen looked down as he tried to remember. “A-ha! The gift of friendship.”
I snorted. “You guys gave me squat.”
“Allen, shut up.” Marco threw a crumpled napkin at him.
“What’s this?” I reached for the lid to look inside.
“Nope.” He slapped my hands away and took the box. “You can’t look.”
“Why the hell not? It’s my gift.”
“It’s a surprise. You’ll find out later. We’ll just leave it here for a while so you won’t be tempted to look.” Craig placed it on the kitchen table.
Are you kidding me? That made me more curious.
The mechanic returned to his seat. “You’ll love it, we promise.” He gave a sadistic grin and winked.
“HE scores!” the commentator said.
“Yeah!” We jumped off the couch in unison, celebrating with fist pumps and chest bumps.
“Motherfucker!” Allen punched the couch’s arm.
Craig struck his groin with two hands and thrust his hips. “Suck it, you fat bastard.”
I sat back beside him and squeezed his shoulder. “It’s not too late to switch teams, man.”
He gasped. “Blasphemy!”
Marco and Craig laughed.
Empty beers littered the coffee table, and the second pizza was already half-eaten.
“Here. Maybe this will help make you feel better with your sucky team.” I reached for one of the beers and twisted the cap.
The bottle erupted, spraying my face and spilling some on the floor.
“Oh, crap!” I held it at arm’s length.
“Whoa!” my straight best friends on the couch next to me said, arms raised, ready to defend against the beer and foam shower.
“Sorry, my bad.” I placed the bottle on the coffee table and ran to the kitchen.
The box Craig brought caught my eye, piquing my curiosity again.
What could be inside that box? It doesn’t look special. Maybe it’s just a cake. But why wouldn’t they let me see it?
“Nice one, Darren.” Allen laughed. “You must be so fucking good at giving handjobs. The bottle came immediately.”
Marco and Craig joined in.
“What can I say? I’m talented.” I returned with a roll of paper towels, tore several pieces, and got on my knees.
Allen lifted his feet and opened his tree-trunk legs wider. A massive bulge showed on his basketball shorts.
He had the biggest dick among the four of us. I’ve seen it in the locker room many times while we changed.
The front of my boxer briefs tightened.
While the paper soaked up the beer, I kept my head bowed, but my eyes focused on my straight best friend’s crotch.
Since we became wrestling teammates in high school, we considered ourselves brothers, a family. But it didn’t mean I never checked them out. I even jacked off to the thought of them. One of my fantasies was getting gangbanged by them while degrading me and using both my holes to get off.
“The beer shot a lot,” Allen chuckled. “Just like me.”
My dick twitched at his comment.
It would be nice if I could see it for real. I bet it would taste delicious when I eat it.
“Especially when I fuck my fiancée in her ass.”
My hole winked.
Damn, I wish he would fuck me in the ass, too.
I finished cleaning up the spill and went straight for the kitchen before they noticed my hard-on.
Marco left the couch and walked toward me. “Darren, I need to pee.”
“The bathroom’s right over there.” I dumped the used paper towels in the trash bin. “What are you telling me for?”
“Can you hold my dick and aim it for me so I won’t spill? My arms are kinda tired. ”
My heart threatened to burst out of my chest.
I froze and stared at him, wide-eyed. “What?”
The fitness model burst out laughing. “I was just kidding. You should’ve seen your face.” He went inside and left the door open.
From my position in front of the sink, I could see into the bathroom.
Marco stood next to the toilet as he unfastened his shorts and pushed the waistband of his underwear, revealing a cut dick.
My erection raged inside its cloth prison.
I pressed it on the counter as I stared at the soft, fat meat while I washed the beer from my hands.
He leaned his head back and moaned as his bladder drained its contents. “Yeah, that feels so good.”
Does he know I can see and hear him? Is he doing it on purpose?
To snap myself out, I bent over to wash my face.
When I stood back up and started drying my face with a dish towel, he wasn’t peeing anymore.
His hand slowly stroked his dick.
I wanted to go inside, drop to my knees, and wrap my lips around my straight best friend’s cock.
After a couple more strokes, Marco tucked his dick back inside his shorts and flushed.
In a panic, I started washing my hands again.
He came out of the bathroom. His bulge rubbed against my ass when he passed behind me to wash his hands.
My whole body tensed.
“Did you see?”
I snapped my head toward him. “I’m sorry, what?”
“The game.” He pointed toward the living room while drying his hands. “It’s back from commercials.”
“Uh…yeah. I’ll just finish up here, and I’ll join you guys.”
“Sure.” Marco flashed a toothpaste ad-worthy smile and winked.
“GUYS!” I shut the TV off. “The game’s finished. When do I get to see my first-ever birthday gift from you?”
They glanced at each other like they were having a silent conversation and smirked.
“How about we clear everything first.” Craig picked up some empty bottles on the coffee table and headed for the kitchen.
“Yeah. So we could have some room to give your…surprise.” Marco said
“O-kay.” I grabbed the pizza boxes and followed behind Allen, not fooled by their obvious delay tactic. After placing them on the kitchen table, I reached for the mysterious gift.
“Uh-uh.” Marco snatched the box off the table. “Patience, Darren.”
Craig led me into the living room by the shoulders and made me sit on the couch. “Bro, you’ll ruin the surprise.”
“I don’t know what’s with all the secrecy. I’m sure it’s just a cake.”
He pulled a long black fabric out of his sweatpants pocket and held it open toward my eyes.
“Seriously, man? Does your wife know about your kinky side?” “Darren,” he chuckled. “Shut up, and let us give you your gift.”
As he tied the blindfold behind my head, his dick brushed against my forehead.
That shut me up.
My penis got hard in an instant.
“Stay right there,” Marco said as he left the living room.
“Like I have somewhere else to go.” I wished he pressed his dick into me longer.
Cupboards banging and cutlery clinking mixed with their whispers as I waited.
A couple of minutes passed.
“You can take the fucking blindfold off,” Allen said.
I pulled the thing off my eyes.
“Surprise!” they said at the same time.
On the coffee table, a fat dick stood on top of a cylindrical cake. Thin strips of chocolate at the balls made it look like pubic hair. The icing at the tip looked like cum leaking out after orgasm. And two lit candles sat in front of it, number two and five.
My mouth dropped open.
Marco and Allen started singing the birthday song.
Craig held his phone, taking a video of the reveal. “How do you like your gift?”
“This is stupid.” I grinned like there was a hanger stuck in my mouth. “You guys are stupid. You know that?”
“I’m going to send this video to your parents later. Make a wish and blow out your candles.”
Closing my eyes, I wished to experience what it’s like to have sex with at least one of my best friends. Then, I blew the candles out.
They cheered and returned to their seats.
“Is the dick a cake, too?” I swiped the icing that’s supposed to look like cum with a finger and put it in my mouth.
“Yes, it is.”
“Nice.” I reached for the knife.
“Wait.” Craig aimed his phone at me. “Act like you’re going to put the dick in your mouth. I’m going to take a picture.”
“Are you crazy? Hell, no.”
“Don’t be a buzzkill, bro.”
“Come on. It’s just for fucking fun,” Allen said.
“Fine.” I leaned closer with my mouth open and looked at the camera.
A shutter sound came from the phone.
“Don’t you ever send that to my parents.”
“Now, lick the fake cum,” Marco held my nape before I could sit up.
I swiped some of the icing with my tongue.
“Shit, the phone took a video instead.”
“Nope. I’m not doing that again.”
Craig leaned back on the armchair. His hand went to his crotch to scratch.
I tore my gaze away before he noticed.
“So, what did you wish for?” Allen asked.
“Didn’t you know the rules on birthday wishes?” I started cutting the cake. “They don’t come true if you tell anyone. And I want it to come true.”
“Right,” he said.
“What did you think of the surprise?” Craig asked.
“Hey, don’t get me wrong. I’m grateful you gave me a gift.” I handed him a slice on a small plate. “Honestly, is that it? You built up the hype, and it got me excited. But it didn’t live up to it. I’m disappointed.”
“Remember, that’s just part one of your gift, a warm-up. The second part is still coming.” He glanced at the other two and smirked.
“There’s no time to give it to me like the present.” I forked some cake into my mouth. “Where is it?”
“But first, you have to guess what it is,” Marco said.
I tried to think what my straight best friends thought would make a good gift for a gay guy like me would be. “Oh, god. It’s not a male stripper, is it?”
Marco chuckled. “No. That’s for Allen’s birthday.”
“Fuck you!” the other guy next to me flipped him off.
“Uhm…don’t I get a hint?” I ate another fork of cake.
Craig put my plate on the coffee table and stood in front of me, the bulge on his gray sweatpants inches from my face. “It’s something you really wanted for a long time.”
My heart thumped faster, making the blood rush to my dick.
Is part two of my birthday gift what I think it is?
“Have you guessed it?”
I gulped and looked up at the straight mechanic’s face.
“Is it a new phone?”
He locked his eyes on mine and whispered, “We all know it’s not a phone.”
The pounding in my chest was like jackhammers threatening to burst out.
“Is it?” I subtly cocked my head toward his crotch.
“Mm-hmm,” Craig nodded.
To be continued...
The complete story is available on Amazon and Smashwords.
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purpleturtle9000 · 1 year
*rolls in on a segue with frog stickers and cookies*
The purple ones like to give gifts to show affection sometimes, right? How does that translate to each other? How do they bond are there hijinks are there Conversations™️? I assume they aren’t as affectionate as the blues but also I would love to be disproven via “unconventional affection” (gentle biting and the like) bc you showed that Tello at least does that to Leonardo (which was amazing and I keep going back to reread that specific post)
Farewell for now friend(?) enjoy the stickers and cookies ✨
you are not prepared for the amount of purple nonsense I have to talk about I promise
Purple ones do like to give gifts! They're like reverse raccoons, where they show up in the middle of the night to give you things instead of steal them. (Usually. There's been some theft when something looks particularly cool and science-able. There's also been a lot of apology pizzas.)
The complication to this is that Donnie likes giving sciencey gifts, and his brothers are not what you might call 'appreciative of the finer things in life'. Donnie's the only one excited about Splinter bringing home an anemometer, y'know? So it's not like he can gift weather instruments to the dum-dums he lives with. Sadly.
And then Tello shows up, after sixteen MORE years of being a huge damn nerd (affectionate). They remember their home laboratory very fondly, even if they also remember it as being pretty rudimentary. Donnie objects to this descriptor until he sees what Tello can do and then promptly shuts his mouth.
Despite being much more advanced in their scientific knowledge and mystic abilities, Tello wants to see everything in Donnie's lab. It's been a while since they've had a place so well-stocked, what with the end of the world and all. And it's not like the rest of the family is going to be nearly as interested in what's going on, so there's maaaybe a little bit of Tello that wants to give Donnie some more of that sweet, sweet validation from a parent-aged adult.
The rest of the turtles just find it weird that the purples are over here getting each other scientific instruments and printed-out doctorate theses for their birthdays, but whatever. The purples have always been weird to them and that's never gonna change.
There's also fun things like LEGO sets. They spend three days putting together the ISS set and watching various horror movies like Alien. Donnie is allowed to keep all the sets and has a display case in his lab that is better protected than most bank vaults. The purples are the only ones allowed in there even though Leo keeps trying to get in to see what they've been working on.
Also Tello takes Donnie to museums at night! It's not hard for them to fix things with the security systems so nobody sees the turtles running around. They have a great time and Tello will never tell anyone that Donnie gets emotional over that one display with the fossilised turtle eggs.
Donnie is also the only one allowed to handle Tello's prosthetics. I mean, the others can touch them, but nobody else is allowed to work on them. Tello teaches Donnie a lot and Donnie is very careful with everything he does. He's also the one who comes up with the pattern that Tello eventually has on their arm! And he builds a new pair of goggles for Tello cause theirs is kinda busted up.
And I'm in charge of canon now so SHELLDON LIVED DAMN IT. He was never rebuilt before the apocalypse started, in the bad timeline, but Donnie rebuilds him in the good timeline. This is the one thing that Tello doesn't help with because they're too nervous about messing up. But when Shelldon is put back together again, and he and Donnie have had their reunion, Donnie brings him to Tello immediately. There's a lot of crying.
There are SO many hijinks. They get up to so much trouble together, truly they make each other worse. Leo starts a prank war once and the purples fucking finish it. Nobody else gets involved, as Leo is left to his fate even by Leonardo. He remembers The Great War Of 2028. Nobody will say exactly what happened but accusations are made.
And if anyone bothers Donnie, Tello will be there with a ridiculously sized knife in .02 seconds. Don't mess with little purple cause the big one is unhinged. They've threatened everyone but Casey Jr at some point, Jr just gets removed, usually picked up by the ankle by one of Tello's metal battle shell arms, with him giggling all the way.
The purples being bonded does make missions much more dangerous for the bad guys. Or rather, it did. Tello is officially banned from going on any missions that aren't life-or-death, because the second the young twins or Jr are in danger, Tello will make it life-or-death. Donnie doesn't see this as a problem, but everyone else does.
Conversations, on the other hand, don't happen much. At least not ones about emotions or the future. Tello's had enough of that shit and there's a lot of memories that they'd rather not revisit. Even apart from all their own trauma, what with losing two legs and an arm and a chunk of their shell, Red's death in particular hit them very hard.
Fortunately they always have Science! And Donnie's got a little bit of hero worship with how advanced Tello's stuff is. Sometimes they ask each other for advice on things. They're both unusually polite about it, in that they don't just jump in to fix the thing, and instead work together. Sometimes for 37 hours straight at a time.
Neither of the blues are very pleased with them for that. Neither of the purples care very much. Unfortunately Leo is too small to pick up either of them, and they all know from experience that Donnie will bitch him out if he tries while on crutches with a cracked shell. Tello does not yell. Tello is very quiet, while staring very intently, with a disappointed expression. Somehow that's much worse to the blues.
Tello scares Leonardo sometimes but that's not going to stop him from dropping by to kidnap Donnie to get him to sleep. Usually Tello is pretty good at realising when the two of them have been awake too long, and will get Donnie to bed. Sometimes the nerd things are just too important and Leonardo's gotta step in. Tello is nice enough to check what time it is before reacting, but if it hasn't been at least twelve hours, Leonardo is in danger. Nobody's helping him escape, he knew the risks.
Unconventional affection is so much a thing. There's been literally countless times where someone walks in on Donnie biting at Tello's arm cause Tello puts a wrap over their metal arm and Donnie can just. Chomp to his heart's content. They both think it's hilarious and they're right tbh I support them.
Headbutts are affection I said what I said. Usually it's like when a cat gently headbonks you to show affection, but also sometimes there's a lil bit of Violence in there. The others don't get involved in that, they've got enough bite marks from previous interferences in purple bonding.
Also, Tello reties Donnie's mask tails for him when one starts slipping loose. They don't let Donnie do that for them, something something shell trauma, something something if you surprise them from behind you're gonna have to go to the hospital. Donnie doesn't have all the details on that but he doesn't push them about it. He gets touchy enough about his brothers touching his uninjured shell.
Donnie is allowed to touch Tello's hair, however! They'll sit side by side and Donnie will braid it for them sometimes. Tello usually doesn't braid it themself because strands have a habit of getting wrapped in the joints of their metal fingers and that's just a hassle. But it's also calming for them to have someone working on their hair, so even though they never say they're stressed, Donnie knows the signs and always makes time for them when they need it.
This is something that originated in the bayrise fic and got carried over to wify cause I love it. When one or the both of them are having a no-touching day, they'll bow to each other in greeting! Only time they reliably use their manners, and the reds are lowkey tired of them not having manners any other time, but also the reds think it's adorable. They don't say that cause they don't wanna get hurt.
Hugs and cuddles are not so much a thing for them. Donnie is particular about when he lets people touch him, and Tello's ten times worse. They get a little better about it eventually, but it's not like they can synchronise the days when cuddling is okay. There's one thing that Tello always try to make an exception for, though.
When Donnie's stressed to the breaking point, Tello will haul him off to a remote blanket nest and curl completely around him so he can't see the outside world. Dark, quiet, alone, protected - they're the perfect conditions for Donnie to start coming down from the panic spiral. And if it's needed, Tello will hum the lullaby that Splinter used to calm them down when they were little.
Not even Jr or Leonardo will come near them when there's an emergency nest. He'd be better off throwing himself into the raptor pen at Jurassic Park and they all know it. They also all know where the emergency nest is, so they can make sure they avoid it. They call it the alligator nest because there's no doubt in anyone's mind that Tello would protect it with as much ferocity and nearly as many teeth as an angry mama alligator. They are quite correct.
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