#place in 1980 and in a totes unrelated way the first cases of what would later be known at aids were reported in the summer of '81
bejeweledmp3 · 7 months
hi! thank you so much for another completely BRILLIANT chapter of TOTP, it was more than worth the wait! your writing style is beyond stunning, and I'm in awe of how well you understand these characters and how real and true to her portrayal Kimberly feels in your fic, even though we only had a few scenes with her from the show. I love everything about Kim and Tim's relationship too, and the moment with Lucy and Kim about the Cole Porter record was so touching.
I want to ask (and feel free not to answer if you want to keep things to yourself) - will we get to see Hawk and Tim reunite (and fix things) onscreen in your fic? because I keep imagining it and going !!! because I am clinging to that fix-it tag for dear life 💕
FIRST OF ALL THANK YOU 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I'm not sure if i've said this before, but chracterization staying true to the ones presented in the show is like, my number one priority, so to hear that you like it means the world to me, it does!!!
And mmm I really don't want to give too much away, but rest assured that the fix it tag is there for a reason. I was talking about this a few days ago I think, but the ending is the one thing I've had set in stone about this fic from the start. I think that what I can say is that we're never ever gonna leave Kim's pov (at least not in this particular fic), and we'll see as much as it makes sense for her to see. Hawk and Tim's relationship is a very important part of why she's even in the situation she's in, and that does deserve some resolution (that it will have!!!). But like, yes there is more to this that will keep being explored and I have to stop now or else I'm gonna spoil the entire thing for you and we don't want that!!!!
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