#plaid cynru
welshsidekick · 5 years
Reasons Why Wales Should Get More Recognition and The Reasons it Doesn’t
We provide most of the UK (or, at least most of England)‘s water
Water they got by demanding the right to drown 3 different towns and forcing residents to move out despite protests, at least one of which wasn’t even used until relatively recently (see: Tryweryn)
We provide most of the UK (or, at least most of England)‘s electricity
We don’t get any money for either of these things because England underfunds us and so we have to sell our resources to big companies so what little money our government is given can go to other things, like trying to stop what little language and culture we have left from going extinct
YesWales is a movement for Welsh independence that has been gaining a lot of traction very quickly since it started, but is hardly taken seriously
Part of this is because most of Wales did, in fact, vote Leave and Tory
However, statistics apparently show (I haven’t double checked this though so correct me if I’m wrong) that the majority of voters in Wales who voted these were actually English people who had moved to Wales
I’m inclined to believe this because, from statistical maps, the areas that did vote these are, to my awareness, heavily anglicised, and the more heavily, traditionally Welsh areas (seen mostly around the coast and the very top and bottom of the country) voted Leave and Plaid Cymru (our equivalent of the SNP)
All of our mines (which was our and, for a long time, the UK’s primary source of income) were shut down long before they needed to be to save money, costing thousands of jobs and causing large protests
(There’s an interesting, rather heartwarming story about a crossover between this and LGBT activism if you ignore how horrible it was overall)
Our language is constantly disrespected in a way that no other language is, with it regularly being called pointless and stupid. An opinion which is completely flipped when it comes to poetry, funnily enough
Very similar history to the Native Americans (this applies to all Celts, and we get by a lot better now, obviously, since we’re white and all, but the history is quite similar otherwise)
People regularly forget that we exist and we’re constantly grouped together with England (e.g. statistics always show ‘England and Wales’ and hardly ever the two desperately) despite the fact that we’re not the same country and not the same people, with different laws and everything
Wales and the Welsh Government has been trying to get more freedom from England for years but they just keep turning us down for, as far as I’m aware, no good reason
We’re horrendously underfunded by Westminster (alongside Northern Ireland and Scotland)
You remember the original Brexit argument about all that money we were giving them that we didn’t get back? Yeah, most of that money came back to Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
Further proof that England gives little to zero shits about us - getting across Wales, a very small country, takes 3-4 hours. Yet I can get a train from North Wales to London in about 1-2 hours
(Extended point being: our roads and railways are messy and shit because Westminster don’t care about us being able to get around our own country easily, they on care about people being able to get to and from London as easily as possible. I have to take a 4-6 hour trip to get between home and uni because I have to go all the way up and around rather than there being an easy, probably 2 hour straight route)
Our royal line was taken away from us in an extremely brutal and unethical way (involving the murder, kidnapping and brainwashing of children), and the only reason the first born son of the king and queen is the ‘prince of Wales’ is because we protested and said we’d never accept a Prince who’s first language wasn’t Welsh, so the current king cheated and said his son fit that description because he was a baby and couldn’t speak any language yet
Wales is the only place you can find a certain species of fish (I forget the name) that have existed, mostly unevolved since the ice age. They’re found in 2 different lakes where fishing is now illegal, but will likely go extinct thanks to global warming heating up the water faster than they can adapt.
Probably way more than this that I can’t remember off the top of my head, but my point stands: stop treating Wales like shit. We already get enough of that from the people that are in charge of us.
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