#platon antoniu
My thoughts on the Wisdom Saga
Honestly most of the stuff I have to say about him deals with the next two songs instead of this one…
Okay, but the more I listen to Antonius the more his voice is just ✨✨✨? Like Calypso’s voice being gorgeous was on SIGHT (on… hear? Heard? Audio?), but Antonius keeps getting better the more I listen to him. Don’t get me wrong he’s a bad dude, but his voice acting? Beautiful
I love the setup in this song, you don’t even notice because it’s so catchy
ARGUS CRUSHED MY HEART IN THE ANIMATIC (like I knew he would) poor dog boi… if Jorge doesn’t have Odysseus say hello to him in a song I will be heartbroken.
Little Wolf
This song… the appearance of Athena in this song brought my prospective ranking of it from likely low to battling it out with Love in Paradise for top spot (I’m STILL not sure which one I like more).
When Athena first appeared in the livestream I (mentally) SCREAMED- MY FAV IS BACK SHE’S BACK AND I LOVE HER (very platonically)
I love the little interlude with her and Telemachus- speaking of which-
I’ve seen some people mention how Telemachus seems much younger than 20/21. Something about the portrayal of Telemachus as this naïve inexperienced child? I’m not sure. But I have my own thoughts to share on this, because as someone who’s close to that young adult age, I think it’s actually pretty accurate for Telemachus’s character. He’s lived in the palace all his life, he’s longing to adventure in the world beyond, but he doesn’t know how to fight… I mean, I don’t specifically relate to Telemachus but I can see aspects of this in my own life. I’ve taken my first baby steps into the big adult world, and it’s intimidating and scary, and I don’t know how anything works, but I’m trying anyways. Point being, I don’t understand how people think that Telemachus has to be younger just because he doesn’t have certain life experiences or knowledge yet. I think it’s a very good portrayal of a young adult being unsure of his coming into the world but excited for it anyways.
Anyways back to ATHENA MY GIRL
I love that we get an in-musical explanation of Quick Thought!! I think it’s really important for a musical to be self-contained with its important lore/information and Jorge does such a great job with that.
Athena’s entire speech about the suitors and bullies and inspiring Telemachus and reframing his “Little Wolf” title CHUCKED THIS SONG SO HIGH IN MY BOOK I need to find a character of mine to associate this part to
The little “ooohhhh, maybe I pushed him a bit to hard” is hilarious
Interesting thing we’re doing with transitions into the next songs with this saga. I do agree with some of the people who said it sounds kind of off in this song; I think it might’ve flowed better if it introduced the next one, but honestly, I’m entirely willing to ignore that because this song is *so* good
We’ll be Fine
I have one glaring complaint about this song…. WHY ISNT IT LONGER?!?! I NEED MORE OF THIS
I can honestly see this becoming a comfort song for me, it holds such great messages to remember
“Cause I got in a fight, and I didn’t die!” The bar is on the FLOOR with Telemachus
The voice actors are rocking their respective high notes! Jorge pushed them and they owned it!!
Speaking of those good encouraging messages- I absolutely adore Telemachus’s chorus. Every time I listen to it, my brain auto-fills the lyrics ahead, and I hear, “maybe it’s all gonna be okay,” but then Telemachus actually sings the verse and it’s “maybe it’s all gonna turn out great!” And that’s just… such a good thing to think about. Yeah, it’s gonna be okay in the end, but what if it was better than okay? What if it turned out to be absolutely amazing?? That’s… such a positive way to view things and I need it more in my life. Of course it could get toxic but for me, it’s a great reminder of how good things can become
Love in Paradise
I read a post that mentioned how the happiest song in the Thunder Saga is called Suffering, and the saddest song in the Wisdom Saga is called Love in Paradise, and I hate how accurate that is T^T
THE TIME DIVE MONTAGE WAS SO GOOOD- such a fun mini mash-up of the rest of the songs! I wish I had more to say about it because I want to keep gushing over it but I’m just gonna end up repeating myself saying it’s so good
The little replay of the “Captain?” “I have to see her” ;-;
WANGUI’S VOCALS— I CAN’T— THEY’RE SO GORGEOUS *unintelligible squealing*
“She’s my wife”
Her voice is so pretty help I don’t approve of her actions but her VOICE HER VOICE
Can I also just say the animatic/visuals for this section were also gorgeous, such a great compliment to the audio
The way it goes from all sweet and bouncy to “oh ****” and right back to sweet was so good
“Last I checked goddesses can’t die!!” *cue the Wisdom Saga stream crash of 2024*
The cliff scene… oh my goodness it’s so *good* it’s all so *good* Jorge how are you so good at writing
He pays such close attention to characters and motifs and lines too- you can hear how Calypso triggers Odysseus’s flashback.
NOT TO MENTION- when Odysseus yells his line “All I hear are SCREAMS”, it’s in response to Calypso’s line “I’ll stay inside your heart”- which is Odysseus’s mom’s lyric from the underworld!! I literally just noticed the connection between the line and his reaction and I haven’t seen anyone else mention it before so-
And Athena’s little “he needs my help”- aaaaaa we all feel the pain
God Games
Oh *boy howdy* this one is a doozy
The intro is great, I adore Zeus’s voice- this cast is just FULL of talented voice actors man
“… Hera!…. Or me” …. A-wha-huh? I’m sorry didn’t you used to be “and”???
I was intrigued what Apollo’s grievance would be based on the whole “who’s cows” debacle- the sirens kinda threw me off guard xD
His voice is ✨✨✨ though, I love listening to him
JORGE’S DAD HEPHAESTUS!!!!! Aghhh his voice was so good for the part! And I loved the commentary on trust too
Aphrodite’s and Ares’s parts are still amazing even after all this time- I LOVE the details of Ares’s musical motif! He has the same melody as Athena, but played on this raw-sounding violin/cello? And he *also* has quick thought- but it still all feels different from Athena’s too! Because they’re both gods of war but with different domains and attributes AAAA so good!
And Athena’s lyrics in response- I love the re-do and the little extra quirks in it, like the extra growl on “ARES!!!” And the little riff(?) on “his son’s my FRIIIIEND”
Hera’s part was amazing. 100/10. Her voice was a lot… smoother than I was expecting honestly. It took a bit of getting used to but now I love it. And I am HERE for the dance battle
“Never once has he cheated on his wife”
“Release him.”
10/10 ✨✨✨
I was… really excited for an Athena/Zeus debate in this song when listening to all the snippets. I couldn’t wait to see how Athena would try and persuade Zeus, what arguments he would use specifically, how it would all go down… instead I got uh-
“I played your game and won! Release him.”
Oh so, no Zeus round? Ohh this is why it got changed to “or” isn’t it-
“You DARE to defy me?”
“To make me feel shame?”
What’s happeni-
“No one beats me, NO ONE WINS MY GAME!!”
Oh boy howdy-
Athena in the flashback scene- holding baby Telemachus- the music- my HEART
And the end instrumental is so triumphant aaaaaa
“Let him gooooo! Please-“ JORGE WHEN I GET YOU JORGE—
Uh, so
My thoughts on God Games right after it came out were
At first I was so absolutely frazzled from the livestream I could barely put thoughts together outside of incoherent screaming
But then I read a few tumblr posts about how some others were disappointed in how God Games ended and Zeus’s character- and I found myself agreeing :/
I do have a propensity for latching onto different opinions because I think they’re the “expected” one for me to have- and I totally think a bit of that was going on here- so I took some time off of tumblr/limiting my scrolling (which needed to be stopped anyways-) to really sort out how I felt on this
And I think I feel a bit stilted by God Games from its ending. The ending was… underwhelming? Which sounds INSANE considering the end of the stream but it’s underwhelming less because of actual shock factor and more because of what specifically happens versus my expectations.
Zeus just kind of… blasts Athena in the face??? Without provocation?? Athena DID win his game, she passed the terms he set out, she did all of that… and he shocks her anyways. It just. Doesn’t really sit right with me.
But I love Epic, and want to enjoy every song I come across, and I REALLY didn’t want this view of the ending of God Games to taint the rest of the song or the rest of the musical. So in my next big post, I’m going to do a mini “rewrite”/reworking of God Games that I’ve been toying around with in my mind for a little while now!!
I’ll explain more about why and what and the details in that post but for now, just know that it’s been a helpful exercise in enjoying God Games as it is too, and I’ll get to posting that the next time school isn’t absolutely crushing me with long homework assignments
Anyways, those are my kinda-in-depth thoughts about the Wisdom Saga!! I’ve been so excited to write this out and I’m happy to be posting it finally
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littlemisscreator · 27 days
Epic: The Swap Saga - The Wisdom Trickster Saga
More Swap Saga!!! Now that I've listened to the Wisdom Saga I can finally work out the details for how it goes in the swap au!!
Legendary is just Chabaris swirling around singing how she wants to be like her sister Scylla. (I. Don't know if she's a whirlpool or a different beast - BA dum tis - in epic but either way it would visually be funny). The Siren's are in the kingdom, mostly disguised as beautiful human woman, with the intent of drowning Perimidies and taking over (he avoids them by constantly surrounding himself with noise or blocking his ears). They run into Chabaris, and Sirenelope (let's make that her name here maybe?) goes 'okay where's your big sister HUH. Girl just let us drown your babysitter already'. Chabaris is like 'NO'.
'Little Wolf' is sea based here! The Siren's are in their true form, throwing stuff from ships into Chabaris to wear her out. Hermes shows up and is like 'hey let's mess with these fish women' and gets Chabaris to move around to throw the Siren's off course. Sirenelope ends up throwing something really heavy, and says 'Lol go cry about it and make sure Peri hears. You're all screwed :)'
We'll be fine is mostly the same just with the characters changed around. The main difference is I think Hermes is more excited to have Chabaris as a bestie
'Love In Paradise' is more 'Open Arms' Esque! It starts the same, Hermes looking through Scylla's memories and then cutting to her on Polities island. Polities isn't a God, so Scylla could kill him, but he goes 'well you're gonna be stuck her forever anyways so. I don't think the bloodshed is really gonna be worth it girlipop.' I. Also think Polities just wants a platonic relationship with Scylla (romantic could work too tho since Epic! Calypso is a lot better than Odyssey! Calypso) but Scylla's is. Very traumatized and not in a good head space. The Edge scene happens, Syclla freaks out and calls for Hermes.
God Games features the same Gods (with Hermes in place of Athena), but the lengths are slightly changed. Aphrodite's and Ares is slightly shorter (he brings up that Scylla was willing to fight something as tiny as the Lotus Eaters and that her platonic/familial love is what drives her to get home + she recognised Antonius' love in 's) and Apollo's is slightly longer (considering the first thing Hermes did when he was born was steal Apollo's cows. Sort of a 'I already gave you my lute why should I give you any more favours' thing?). Hera is the same.
The final confrontation has Hermes more smug about winning. Oh and also he knew the game was rigged ('Oh Daddy dearest! I won you're very rigged game :)') Zeus gets mad and lighting strikes Hermes. Everyone freaks out. I think it would be really funny if at the very end Hermes sits up (either completely fine or frazzled by lighting either way would be funny) and goes 'you never said you wouldn't release her :)'
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akilfikirgezegeni · 3 months
"Atina Okulu", antik Yunan filozoflarını ve bilim insanlarını bir araya getiren idealize edilmiş bir okul sahnesini betimler. Resimde, merkezi figürler olan Platon ve Aristoteles tartışma halindedir. Sokrates: Platon'un sol tarafında, öğrencileriyle tartışma halinde. Pisagor: Freskin sol alt köşesinde, bir kitabı incelerken. Diogenes: Merdivenlerin ortasında uzanmış bir şekilde. Heraklit: Merdivenlerde oturan düşünceli figürdür. Epiküros ise sol tarafta, taç yapraklarıyla süslenmiş bir taç giyen ve bir kitap üzerinde çalışıyormuş gibi görünen figür olarak tasvir edilmiştir. Yasam Koçum Aristo kitabında da ayrıca Shakespeare'in tragedyalarını yazmak için (Jule Sezar, Antonius ve Kleopatra..) gibi oyunları için yararlandığı Plutarkhos da yer almaktadır. Yine türü bir nevi kişisel gelişim olan bu kitapta; Sokrates, Epiküros, Pisagor, Diogenes, Herakleitos gibi Atina ekolünün yanında Seneca, Plutarkhos gibi Roma ekolünü temsil eden filozofları da okuyabilirsiniz. Bu arada, "Atina Okulu" resmi İtalyan Rönesans'ın da insan merkezli ve akılcı düşünce yapısını ifade etmesi açısından oldukça önemli bir eserdir. Her ne kadar dönem itibariyle pek akılcı olduğunu göremesek (Avrupa'da Ortacağda baskın din anlayışının zalimliği düşünülürse... En azından birileri aklı kutsamış gibi gözüküyor.) içaforiz
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dahldahlbills · 3 months
Hello my loooove, FOR THE ASK 🍃🌼🍓 muah
bat!!! Thank you so much for the ask 🫶
🍃: what is your genre?
I’m pretty split between fantasy and supernatural/horror! Both my current projects are the latter, with a blend of contemporary/slice of life :D
🌼: least favorite writing genre
Probably romance and historical fiction. Which also happen to be my least favorite genres to read, so it makes sense. Ive never been super excited about history to want to write something set in a certain time period 😬 and I also really value strong platonic or familial bonds, so it’s important to me that those are the focus in my own stories 🫶 tho fic writing has helped me get better with romance lol
🍓: worst thing you’ve done to your characters
I think the most drastic case is Antonius. He was banished from his home at the age of 9 and forced to live in the jungle alone for ten years 😔
summer writing asks
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nicolae · 8 months
Cunoașterea Științifică, Volumul 1, 2022
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EDITORIALE Cunoașterea, de Nicolae Sfetcu Cuvânt introductiv pentru (și despre) „Cunoașterea Științifică”, de Adrian Klein Viitorul științei – Știința științelor, de Nicolae Sfetcu ȘTIINȚE NATURALE Teste gravitaționale, de Nicolae Sfetcu Inside, and Beyond „Nothingness”, de Adrian Klein și Robert Neil Boyd Anomalii ale relativității generale, de Nicolae Sfetcu ȘTIINȚE SOCIALE Fondarea Uniunii Europene și evoluția tratatelor comunității europene, de Alexandru Cristian Istoria eugeniei, de Nicolae Sfetcu Contextul intrării României în al Doilea Război Mondial, de Nicolae Sfetcu Dezvoltarea capabilităților europene în domeniul managementului crizelor, de Alexandru Cristian The Security Management System from the Perspective of the Global Energy Crisis and the Extended Black Sea Region Escalating Conflict, de Daniela Georgiana Golea, Andreea Florina Radu, și Tiberiu Tănase Closed Economies, Autarchy – Failure and Economic Disaster, de Darius-Antoniu Ferenț ȘTIINȚE FORMALE Ontologii de intreprindere în tehnologia blockchain, de Nicolae Sfetcu Învățarea automată a regulilor de asociere în mineritul datelor (data mining), de Drew Bentley FILOSOFIE Platon: Biografia, de Nicolae Sfetcu Karl Popper și problema demarcației între știință și ne-știință, de Nicolae Sfetcu A Scientifically Acceptable Mechanism for the Reincarnation Process of the Self, de Adrian Klein RECENZII CĂRȚI Lebăda Neagră, un risc asumat – Merită?, de Nicolae Sfetcu Republica lui Platon, de Nicolae Sfetcu Read the full article
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Part 6C - Vikings: Kissed by Fire
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Summary: (Y/N) discovers more of what could have been and fights for her happiness.
Pairings: Ragnarssons x stepmom reader (platonic), Ragnar x reader (romantic), Tristan (OC) x reader (platonic?)
A/N: Please let me know your thoughts about this chapter,  I seriously hope it turned out okay.
The following morning, (Y/N) awoke with a tired sigh as she stretched out on her bed feeling refreshed after a night of celebration. Unlike most in attendance, she had paced the number of drinks that she had and would pass off some to other people to avoid waking up with a hangover. Considering that Ragnar had stormed off from the room the previous night, she wasn’t necessarily worried as they rarely ever managed to stay angry at one another for very long. Both felt it a waste of time to hold onto their anger from arguments and would likely have another conversation later in the day.
She readied herself for the day and stepped out to see her brothers off for their hunt on behalf of Bjarke’s name day. All nine of her brothers, Ragnar, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Bjorn and many of the men were making last minute preparations for their hunt. Antonius the eldest spotted her and called her forward.
           “Come to see us off, dear sister?” Antonius asked.
           “Something like that” she said as she looked amongst the group. “Are Tristan and Matteo not joining the rest of you?”
           “Tristan has fallen ill and Matteo had too much to drink apparently wishing to sleep it off” he said.
Before she could ask him more, her other brothers rowdily tussled and caught her attention.
           “(Y/N)!” Bjarke called out. “Are you prepared for the dishes that you will be making for my name day?”
           “No need to worry, I will have it done by the time you all return and bring the meat from the hunt.”
At this her brothers cheered along with Ubbe and Hvitserk. While Ragnar kept quiet, his back turned to her. It was obvious that some of his anger still lingered, but she ignored it and stepped forward to kiss his cheek fondly.
           “Watch out for our boys Ragnar, make sure they come back without a scratch” she warned.
           “You know I will” he responded gruffly. “I shall see you later this evening.”
With that, the men headed out and the boys cheerfully following as it would be their first major hunt with the older men until they received their arm ring. She waved them off and went back inside to wake up Sigurd, Agnar, and Kari to eat their breakfast.
She casually went about her day; taking care of the children, leaving various dishes to simmer and cook slowly over the fire as she waited for the day’s hunt, and going into town for some of the ingredients that she was running low on. It was some time after mid-day that things began to shift. Her lithe hands making quick work of hanging laundry to dry out in the sun, and out of the corner of her eye could spot a hunched figure near the bushes.
Rather than make it obvious that she had spotted the man, she leaned down to reach into her basket and inconspicuously reach for the dagger that she had hidden beneath the sheets. She picked up another sheet with the dagger underneath it as the man snuck up behind her. As he reached to grab her arm, she threw the sheet over him to block his sight and quickly stabbed the dagger between his ribs as she twisted it in deeper.
With a gurgle, the man’s lungs slowly filled with blood and he fell to his knees as he struggled for breath. A scream from Kari grabbed her attention that were followed by the cries of Sigurd and Agnar calling for their mother. (Y/N) quickly removed the dagger and pushed him aside as she rushed inside her home to look for her children.
           “Enar!” she growled for one of her men. “Check everywhere and apprehend everyone that does not live here!”
The man was swift to carry out her orders as she rushed toward her children’s room. The sounds of battle could be heard outside and this only urged her even more to reach her children, only slowing down when she stood in front of the door to the room. Inside she could hear Agnar growling in frustration as Sigurd was shouting angrily to the trespasser to let their sister go.
She pushed open the door slowly as the man had his back turned to her and stealthily pulled out the sword that she had placed beneath their box of toys. Upon spotting his mother, Agnar went silent and it alerted the man of her presence as he turned with his sword at Kari’s throat.
           “Release my daughter this instant Matteo!” (Y/N) scowled.
           “You are in no place to make demands (Y/N),” Matteo sneered. “I could easily slit her throat if you make me so inclined by making demands.”
Both Sigurd and Agnar scurried to (Y/N)’s side, holding onto her skirts as she kept some distance away from the man all the while making sure that no harm fell on Kari. Her daughter whimpered in fear, tears streaming down her face and gripping tightly onto the hand that held her back from rushing toward her mother.
           “You will move out of my way (Y/N) and no harm comes to the girl” Matteo said.
           “You must swear on your mother’s grave that no harm comes to her” she said.
           “On my mother’s grave, your daughter will not come to any harm” he swore.
Hesitantly, she moved aside as she kept her sword in front of her defensively as Matteo kept his eyes on her while he moved out of the room and into the throne room. (Y/N) along with Sigurd and Agnar followed after him, where Aslaug was seated on her throne with Ivar held protectively in her arms.
           “Siggy, Agnar! Go stand by Aslaug!” (Y/N) ordered as she rushed forward.
Matteo was swift to move Kari away from him and his sword clashed against his own, strong and quick blows between the two.
           “Give up (Y/N), you have no hope of beating me. Soon enough my men will have overpowered the men that stayed!” he taunted.
           “This is my home and children that you threatened! Do not think that I will let you get away from me that easily without paying the price for your actions!” she growled.
In the midst of their battle, Matteo impatiently rushed forward as she continued to keep him at bay. His swing was too wide and she ducked beneath the blade, turning on her heel and kicking him behind the knees making him buckle briefly.
(Y/N) wasted no time in striking him from the side, but Matteo blocked her as he attempted to regain his footing under her relentless attacks. He grunted in pain as a particular blow from above twisted his wrist awkwardly. It was in the next strike that his sword flew from his hand with a harsh clang and had her sword an inch from his neck.
He swallowed harshly nearly nicking his throat with the blade and the doors of the grand hall burst open to (Y/N)’s men flinging in a small number of Matteo’s own onto the floor with their arms behind their backs. As the burly men were swift to apprehend Matteo similarly to the few that they had spared.
Matteo scowled even as he was forced onto his knees by the men that served (Y/N), lazily she swung the sword in her hand as she walked up the steps to her throne beside Aslaug. She tilted her head as an amused smirk graced her lips, she bent down to look at him in the eye.
“You’re a rather stupid man, Teo. I had hoped that during these years, you would have become a smarter man but you proved me wrong” she snickered. “Did you sincerely believe that I wouldn’t remember how you treated me and take precautions? How ambitious of a man is your father that he would risk his bastard son to have all blame placed on him and have you try to take over in the absence of some of our men?”
“You had always been a frail and ignorant woman, unable to hurt a thing. Your father had spent the majority of your life keeping you naïve and away from men” Matteo scowled.
“Although it is true that my father kept me away from certain things, my Nana most certainly did not. She taught me a valuable lesson early in life; never trust men. She said, a father will protect his daughter and instill it into his sons to protect their sister but to never trust any man that the only thing they will ever be loyal to is their coin.”
“I do not trust the men under my employment, but they are loyal to the coin that I provide for them. I supply them with coin and they in turn make sure that my children and I are safe, should anything happen to us. Those men know that they will lose the one that feeds them if any harm came to us” she said.
Motioning for her men to open the doors, they were quick to bring in a confused Tristan who was also brought to his knees before his former lover.
“What is the meaning of this (Y/N)? I was harshly woken up by these brutes without explanation” said Tristan.
“Perhaps you can ask your brother, the one that placed my children’s lives in danger” she hissed.
Matteo turned away from his younger brother’s expression of bewilderment, preferring to remain silent.
“You were going to have Tristan take the blame, weren’t you? I knew things were off when my brother said you had too much to drink and Tristan was ill” she said. “Even in illness, Tristan would have pushed to join the hunt and you drank the same that I did last night. I kept track of the drinks.”
“You were supposed to be m-“ Matteo muttered.
“Speak up!” she hissed.
“You were supposed to be mine!” Matteo growled. “All those years ago, you were supposed to marry me and this bastard went behind our backs to court you. He completely wrecked our father’s plans by being with you and Tristan was almost disowned if he had asked to marry you.”
“Is this true?” (Y/N) as a look of sadness washed over her features.
“Yes,” Tristan admitted. “The day that you told me to ask your father for permission, my own father threatened to disown me as it interfered with his plans to have an arranged marriage between you and Matteo. He knew that your father would give you the final say on your marriage and our relationship ruined that.”
“I loved you Tristan and my father didn’t care that you were the bastard son, yet you couldn’t fight for us. You broke my heart and only cared about yourself.”
“I loved you and I still love you (Y/N)” Tristan cried.
“But I don’t” (Y/N) said roughly. “I married a great man, and will be with him until one of us dies. What once was, can no longer be. All because you were too weak willed.”
Tristan at least had the decency to look ashamed, while Matteo merely glared at her bitterly.
“When my brothers, sons, and husband return I will have them decide whether to give you mercy because I won’t have your blood on my hands.”
It was later that evening, that her family returned with the meat from their hunt and were surprised to find Matteo tied up alongside his men with Tristan seated beside them in shame. (Y/N) was quick to inform them of the events that occurred while they were away, and Ragnar would have chopped off Matteo’s head clean off his shoulders when he heard about how he threatened the life of his children, Kari in particular.
"Despite the previous years of friendship between our families, this betrayal cannot go unpunished" said Gunnar. "Perhaps you can chop off the harm that held the blade instead, long will be his suffering." 
Heeding his brother in laws words, Matteo had his right arm chopped off and thr same punishment was dealt to the men that were spared in battle. It would be the following morning after the bountiful feast that (Y/N) had made for Bjarke's name day. That Matteo and his men were forced onto a boat that would take them back to Iberia. 
Tristan lingered on the dock and stood before Ragnar and (Y/N) as well as the children with hesitancy. 
"Perhaps I have no right Ragnar, but take good care of (Y/N). I was not man enough to fight for the woman I loved, and you have the great privilege of calling her your wife. Cherish as I should have done" said Tristan with a watery smile as he turned to (Y/N). "I am sorry that it took me this long to ask forgiveness for my mistake, but know that I shall always care for you even if you do not." 
(Y/N) took Tristan's hands in her own and squeezed them tenderly, "I will always look back on our time together fondly. But it is in the past and it must now be put behind us, because I have found my happiness here."
She proceeded to let his hands go and gently lean into Ragnar as all the children huddled closer to her. 
"This is where my happiness is Tristan. I crossed an ocean of misery to find it" she said. 
"That is all I could hope for (Y/N)" Tristan said. "Farewell what could have been."
"Farewell" she whispered, holding her family tighter.
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[Doomstrange] 32 B.C. Roman AU
Imagine there is a 32 B.C. Roman AU in the Battleworld, similar to “1872” and “1602” from the comics.
 The following info is taken from the www.doomipedia.gov.bw/battleworld/realms/32-BC/ page and various other sources.
 TL;DR: Doom is the ruler of Roman Empire and Stephen is his chief priest “Vishantian Maximus”. They were known lovers and received many praises in the society in forms of literature, visual arts, performances. Even the imperial historians characterized Stephen as "the love of Victor's life", "his only true love", "his first love", "his last love", "moral compass in the iron fist". The term "Victor Stephanus" became the synonymous for "Undying love between soul mates". Instead of calling lovers "my dear", Romans call lovers "my Stephanus", in which case, it's not just a sign of affection, but also a praise for beauty and virtues in a lover. Stephanus was often depicted as an idealized symbol for supreme beauty and divine purity. Roman people at the time firmly believed the love between Victor and Stephanus was Platonic, but various folk tales many centuries after often suggest otherwise.  
Different classes of Roman society
Imperial (Victor became)
Patrian = ruling class (Stephen born into)
Plebeian = common people (Stephen became)
Slaves (Victor born into)
  Main Characters
 Victor Cynthius Augustus, a war slave decadent turned gladiator. He later won his glory, influence, and popularity in the war with Barbarians. Victor started his political career as the Roman Military Tribune. He is then elected as consul of the Roman Republic. After many years of struggle with the Senates, lead by Reedius and Antonius, Victor was voted the dictator perpetuus (Dictator for a life time). After joining forces with King Namor, they eliminated Reedius and turned Antonius into a mere figurehead. Victor became Imperator Doom. Senate honour him with the agnomen “Augustus". Finally he reformed Roman society from a republic into an empire. During his reign, Victor and his second in command Stephanus were loved by the Roman citizens like never before. Passing lex Stephania (Law of Stephanus), Victor and Stephanus' abolition of slavery made these people the royal subjects to Emperor Doom like the Roman citizens.
 Stephanus Eugenius Propheta Cordatus, aka St. Stephanus was one of the few Romans with four names, son of a patrician family and the adopted heir of former Vishantian Maximus (Chief priest) Iao. Stephanus was a chief preist in training who always show empathy and compassion to even social classes way below his own. He was famous at a very young age for his intelligence, and talent in both medicine and magi (magic). He later gave up his title, inheritance, and religious power merely to save innocent slaves. Stephanus lost everything, and since he is no longer the patrician class, he defaulted his birthright to pursuit the religious path. He was then elected as the Tribuni Plebis (Tribune of the people) for a record of ten consecutive years. Stephanus became the lover of Victor and his second-in-command. He was appointed Vishantian Maximus after Victor's coronation as Emperor Doom.
 Antonius Amandius Houarnus, adopted heir of former Tribuni Aerarii (Treasury of the State, $$$$) Houardius. Antonius is a famous supergenius inventor. Since his childhood, Antonius developed a close friendship with Stephanus and Reedius. Later the three were alternatively known as "Triumvirate Illuminati". Despite the fact Antonius hated and never trusted Victor, and was once the first senate to challenge Victor's consulship and Victor's intentions as consul, Victor respected Antonius, calling him "almost my only intellectual equal", "intellectually inferior only to Imperator Doom himself". Antonius was elected Magister equitum of the republic, for his genius weapon inventions and influential family background. He was the only high official maintained his office after Victor violently and miraculously eliminated Reedius and restructured the Senate. Antonius openly resented consul Victor and offended Victor with endless hostile actions, trying to bring Victor down as consul. Victor finally lost his patience and planned moves to stripe Magister equitum's power from its title. After wounded in the war, Antonius lost his interest in politics and started several genius infrastructural projects that were far beyond people's imagination at the time.  
 Reedius Richius is often referred to as "the smartest Roman once lived" by himself and his supportors. Obviously, such statements are discredited by Doomipedia.gov.bw as a false, criminal statement. Anyone who dares to make such statements within various Battleworld realms, should be prepared to face the wrath of God Emperor and will likely by prosecuted by Thor Corps. The information on this person from various source (including illegal ones) is limited, controversial and conflicting. He was born into a rich patrician family and was loved as a do-gooder among all social classes. A genius inventor, arguably even smarter than Victor. He became a successful politician at a very young age, and was a head of a secret senate inner circle rumored to be "Illuminati". Reedius was originally attracted to Victor's intelligence and heroic victories in the war, so he helped Victor's campaign to be elected as consul, despite Reedius' best friend Antonius' prejudicial accusations against the slave born hero. Victor helped give birth to Reedius' daughter Valeria, and became her godfather. Later on, however, the ongoing disagreements and struggles between Reedius and Victor intensified the conflict between the consul and the senate. Victor hated Reedius so much that it became openly known personal. Reedius went missing on a tour. Rumors have it that Victor murdered or sent someone to assassinate his political enemy. Victor orders to find Reedius dead or live, but Reedius just seemed to miraculously disappear. His wife Susanna Richius later married Victor and became the second Roman Empress.
 Oanda Eryca Augusta is the daughter of the uprising leader Erycules. In Vishantian Maximus Iao's prophecy, Oanda is a queen of chaos. She will either bring prosperity or doom to a dynasty. After her father's defeat to Victor, her mother Magda, a former Vestal Virgins, begged Iao to take care of Oanda. Iao took Oanda under his wings and engaged her to his adopted son Stephanus. Oanda's beauty most caused wars between neighbouring nations, and she was called the "modern day Helen of Troy". Other than her beauty, we don't know much about her youth, other than the fact that Stephanus was rumored to be madly in love with his bride-to-be. However, before the wedding ceremony, Victor forced Stephanus to give up his bride. Later the same year, Victor himself took Oanda as his wife. She received the name "Augusta" after Victor became Imperator Doom. Despite Oanda's striking beauty, Victor quickly grew weary of his wife. After decades of marriage, Oanda produced no heir. Victor's political enemies accuse Victor of being asexual, for Oanda was the most beautiful woman ever known to men. Like many politicians at the time, Victor was exerting a sexual magnetism that was attractive to both man and woman, which added tremendous political charisma. This accusation of asexuality hurted Victor's popularity as a charismatic leader, as it was seen as lack of manhood. Victor vehemently denied and forbid this accusation, but Oanda's silence did not help the situation. Victor later annulled his marriage with Oanda to marry Susanna. Oanda married Visus and mothered twin sons.  
   Before I get into the actual love story of Doomstrange in 32 BC, I'd like to mention that the plot of this story came from Sheriff Stephen's dream. He once revealed part of the plot to God Emperor Doom. However he carefully did not mention the name of the Roman emperor in his dream. Though he tried to skip the plots of Stephanus' romantic intimacy with his emperor, it's quite apparent to Doom (or any listener) that Stephanus was madly in love with the emperor and longed his love in return. Doom was omnipotent, not omniscient. He doesn't know who the emperor is in Stephen's dream.
 The next day, as Stephen reports to God Emperor Doom, Doom asks Stephen if he noticed any change in the many realms of the Battleworld. Stephen summons the all seeing eye and glance over the world realm by realm. He reports what he sees in each realm, until he suddenly falls dead silent, for he now sees a realm in 32 B.C. Rome, where his counterpart Stephanus is kissing the Roman Emperor. Sheriff Stephen sees the gorgeous face of the emperor, from his charismatic aura, he immediately learn the Emperor is Doom.
Basically Doom created this AU in the reflections of Stephen's dream.
 Stephen drowned in happiness, which is quickly replaced by bitterness. He grew very sad that Stephanus and Victor can live happily together as lovers, while he is but Doom's right hand.
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howmanyartists · 5 years
Platon Antoniou
Platon Antoniou, conocido artísticamente simplemente como «Platon», es un fotógrafo greco-británico que ha retratado a diversos líderes mundiales y figuras públicas, muchos de ellos para la revista The New Yorker. Fecha de nacimiento: 20 de abril de 1968 (edad 51 años), Grecia Libros: Power - Ein Portrait der Macht: 130 Präsidenten, Premierminister, Revolutionäre und Diktatoren Películas: My Body Is Not A Weapon Premios: Premio World Press Photo a Retratos Educación: Saint Martin's School of Art, Royal College of Art
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benfrel · 4 years
En voyage avec Marcus Aurelius
 Marcus Aurelius
Marcus était un empereur romain passionné de philosophie, cependant, pas un philosophe-dirigeant dans la perception de Platon. Entre autres choses, il n'a pas réussi à entreprendre le programme ardu de révision nécessaire à Platon, et de toute façon, la philosophie que Marcus adopte, bien que platonicienne dans certains endroits, est clairement généralement stoïcienne par nature. Néanmoins, cela pourrait aussi être une erreur de négliger Marcus, de l'emmener chercher un penseur au second prix qui devenait empereur. Nous avons maintenant, dans ses écrits, pratiquement rien de moins qu'un type de distillation de l'approche stoïcienne qui est filtrée à travers les besoins pratiques d'un individu en possession d'une énergie politique monumentale. Son chemin vers le pouvoir était rare. Marcus a été utilisé et présenté correctement par son grand-père, l'empereur Antonius Pius (lui-même utilisé par l'empereur Hadrien). En vivant tous les équilibres, Marcus était un excellent étudiant de la rhétorique, de la poésie et de la législation, mais il semble avoir pris une fascination jeune et incroyablement ardente pour le point de vue, en particulier les articles de l'Épictète stoïcien. Avec un groupe d'âge précoce, peut-être aussi jeune que 11 ans, il a commencé à s'habiller clairement et à adhérer à ce qu'il avait considéré comme un régime sévère de recherche, voyage entreprise Le Caire de frugalité et de déni personnel d'un stoïcien. Peut-être est-il allé trop loin, car il y a des records que sa santé globale a endurée. À la mort d'Antonius, Marcus et son inutile frère Lucius, également utilisé par Antonius, montèrent sur le trône. Il est clair que Marcus aurait pu gouverner seul, mais étonnamment, il a décidé d'offrir la règle des articulations de Lucius. Ils ont partagé le pouvoir jusqu'à la mort de Lucius en 169 après JC. Marcus a alors gouverné par vous-même, et par tous les équilibres en général bien, jusqu'à sa mort, peut-être de troubles, tout en menant une campagne de marketing près du haut Danube. Si sa mort semble angoissante, ce n'est vraiment rien comparé aux difficultés de Rome pendant son règne. Il était presque continuellement en guerre avec les Parthes; les barbares en danger dans les hautes frontières de la France; il a investi des années à combattre les tribus allemandes sur le Danube; il réprima deux révoltes de lieutenants récalcitrants; sa moitié probablement, beaucoup moins meilleure, Faustine, est décédée brusquement; Rome a enduré un minimum d'un problème principal pendant sa ligne directrice, avec la famine, les inondations, les incendies et les tremblements de terre; et un seul de ses enfants est décédé plus jeune. Son enfant survivant, Commodus, était vil et n'aurait pas été beaucoup plus confortable et facile. Les stoïciens considèrent la nature comme seule divine et cyclique - la considération est clairement panthéiste - consistant en des périodes de vie et de conflagration cataclysmique, éternellement répétées. Les stoïciens ultérieurs impliqués seuls plus avec les valeurs que la métaphysique, et certainement le cerveau romain utile de Marcus est presque entièrement préoccupé par la façon dont on devrait vivre. Néanmoins, l'opinion selon laquelle le caractère est, pour une raison quelconque, à la fois divin et se déplaçant sur un certain chemin, en dépit de nos alternatives, explique en partie le regard du stoïcien selon lequel l'existence dirigée en équilibre avec la nature est l'existence idéale, l'existence vertueuse. De plus, cela clarifie la fameuse indifférence inébranlable des stoïciens à l'égard de l'argent et du malheur. Tout ce qui nous arrive fait partie du déroulement de tout programme divin qui est à la fois au-delà de notre pouvoir d'affecter et, lui-même, finalement excellent. Une image stoïcienne qui fait l'idée est celle de l'animal lié à l'arrière d'un wagon. Si le chariot bouge, votre chien peut soit être traîné en jappant, aboyer et étrangler seul en tirant dans le sens inverse, ou il peut calmement aller avec lui. Votre chien part exactement dans le même chemin quoi qu'il décide de faire; sa seule vraie sélection est de savoir comment elle fait face à son destin payé. Comme Marcus se le rappelle constamment, un stoïcien doit faire une variation entre ce qui dépend de nous et ce qui n'est pas autant que nous. En cela, il fait écho à Epictète: «A nous sont l'opinion, l'impulsion, le désir, l'aversion. … Pas autant que nous sommes le corps, la maison, les antécédents, le bureau. »Si l'on commet l'erreur de supposer, par exemple, que votre position sociale dépend de vous, dans votre sphère de contrôle, vous serez insatisfait ; vous allez vous considérer comme lésé par ceux qui vous négligent pour votre promotion et déplorent vos échecs. Les déceptions, cependant, ne sont généralement pas celles que vous avez. Vous avez simplement le pouvoir sur vos opinions et vos attitudes, et ici, seul, la vertu est facile pour le stoïcien.
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cuiplagalis · 7 years
Tarihte Akıl ve Diyalektik Mantık
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 27 Ağustos 1770 – 14 Kasım 1831 yılları arasında yaşamış olan Alman idealist filozoftur. Düşünceleri Karl Marx’tan Soren Kierkegaard’a Jean-Paul Sartre’dan Martin Heidegger’e kadar pek çok farklı düşünürü etkilemiştir. Felsefede tarih ve yapının önemli olduğunu ileri süren Hegel diyalektik mantık sistemini oluşturdu.
Hegel Tarih Felsefesi’nde sistemini analiz ederken tezini şu şekilde öne sürer: Hegel’e göre tarih yapısı itibariyle pek çok olaydan oluştuğu için ve bu olaylar birebir aynı olamayacağı ancak ve ancak birbirine benzer olaylar olacağı için tarih felsefesinde olaylar parça parça ele alınmamalı; tarihin geneline bakılmalıdır. Bu durumda biri doğa, diğeri ise tarih/kültür felsefesi olmak üzere kendi içinde bütünlüklü iki parça oluşur. Öte yandan Hegel bu iki parçanın farkının yalnızca epistemolojik olduğunu, ontolojik açıdan bir farkı olmadığını ileri sürer.
Hegel’e göre üç çeşit tarih yazımı vardı ve bunlar sırasıyla:
Kökensel Tarih Düşünsel Tarih Felsefi Tarih
Kökensel Tarih: Herodotus gibi yazarların yaşadıkları dönemde yazmış oldukları eserlerdir. Tarih yazarları olaylar ile aynı tini paylaştıklarından mütevellit dışsal olanı içsel tasarım hâline getirirler.
Düşünsel Tarih: Tarihin yazıldığı zaman ile olayların yaşandığı zamanlar aynı değildir. Bu sebepten ötürü kendi içinde farklı kollara ayrılır.
Herhangi bir zamanda herhangi bir ulus, ülke, dünya veya başka bir şey hakkındaki görüştür. Bu yazım çeşidinde önemli olan yazarın tini ile yazdığı zamanın tinidir. Bu durumda da yazar ele aldığı konuyu kendi mantığı çerçevesinde neden sonuç ilişkisi kurarak yazacaktır.
Pragmatik Tarih olarak adlandırılır. Buna göre geçmişi ele alırken benzer olaylar çekip çıkartılır ve bu duruma göre ele alınan zaman aynı zamanda ‘şimdi’dir.
Eleştirel Tarih’tir. Bu konuda herhangi bir tarihin bir tarihi verilir ve karşı taraftan bu konu yargılanır; gerçekliği ve inandırıcılığı sorgulanır.
Din Tarihi, Sanat Tarihi, Hukuk Tarihi gibi çeşitli kavramların tarihidir. Bu yapı parçacıkları bir araya gelerek bir ulusun tarihinin tamamını oluşturur.
Düşünsel Tarih, tarih bilimine evrensel bakış açısı ile yaklaştığı için üçüncü bir çeşit olan Felsefi Dünya Tarihi’ni işaret eder. Çünkü tin dünyada gerçekleşen olaylara neden olduğu için ve bu olaylar Düşünsel Tarih’in incelediği olaylar olduğu için bahsi geçen olaylar sadece dışsal izlenimler değil; aynı zamanda bireyi tini kavramaya götüren idelerdir.
İlk iki tarih yazım çeşidi kavramsal olarak Hegel’e göre belirlenmiş yazım çeşitleriydi. Felsefi Dünya Tarihi’nde ise tarih sadece felsefi düşüncelere göre bölünmüyor; tam aksine tarih düşünceye, dolayısıyla tine, dayalı bir şekilde irdeleniyordu.
Hegel Tarih Felsefesi’ni şu şekilde tanımlamıştır:”Tarihe düşünerek bakmaktan başka bir şey değil.” Hegel tarihin insan kaynaklı olduğunu; insanın düşünen bir varlık olduğunu ve tarih insan kaynaklı olduğu için, dolayısıyla düşünce kaynaklı olduğu için tarihin düşünceye dayalı olduğunu savunmuştur. Aslında demek istediğini kendisi şu şekilde açıklıyor: “Ne akılsa ise o gerçektir./Ve ne gerçek ise o akılsaldır.”
Hegel Tarihte Akıl(die Vernunft in der Geschichte) isimli eserinde akılsal olanı nous olarak tanımlıyor. Bu akılsal madde yeri geldiğinde tin, yeri geldiğinde töz, yeri geldiğinde ide olan madde; Hegel’e göre ilk olarak Anaxagoras isimli Yunan filozofun biraz da yüzeysel olarak bahsettiği ve adına nous dediği düşüncedir. Hegel’e göre nous her şeydi ve her şey noustu. Misalen Tanrı’da noustu, bu durumu da Hegel şöyle açıklıyor:” … Çünkü inandığım şeyi biliyorumdur, kuşkum yoktur ondan. Bilmek, bir şeyi bilincinin karşısına nesne olarak koymak, bundan da kuşku duymamak demektir, fakat inanmanın bundan ayrı bir yanı yok.” Bu durumda da akıl dünyayı yönetir. Yine de Hegel bu aklı Skolastik Dönem düşünürleri gibi İncil’e dayanarak kanıtlama yoluna girmez. Çünkü Hegel’e göre dogma olarak kabul edilen bir şeyin kanıtlanma şartı yoktur.
Burada aklın önemi ise onu kavramaktır. Akılın ölçütü dönemin tinine göre değişeceği için aklı kendi belirlenimine uygun olarak kavramak gerekir. Bu durumu Hegel ‘Tin’in Tarihte Gerçekleşmesi’ olarak belirtir.
Hegel’e göre dünya fiziksel ve ruhsal olmak üzere iki parçadan oluşmaktaydı. Fiziksel dünya, tarihi de içine alan dünyaydı. Hegel’e göre bu bağlamda Dünya Tarihi tinsel zeminde ilerler. Tin ve tinin özü ise tözseldir. Ruhun karşıtı ise madde idi. Madde çekimsel iken, ruh karşıt olduğu için özgür idi. Madde kendi dışında kabuğundan dolayı farklı bir öze sahiptir. Özgür olan ruh ise özgürlüğü doğasında barındırır ve bu özgürlük onun varoluş sebebidir. Bu sebepten dolayı ruhun özü özgürlüktür.
Tinin kendini gerçekleştirirken kullandığı araçlar arasında özgürlük, tutkular ve yasalar vardır. Böylelikle tarih insanların tutkularından, davranışlarından, gereksinimlerinden, ulaşmak için çabaladıkları hedeflerden, yetenekleri ve seçimlerinden doğan davranışları gösteren bir bilim hüviyetindedir. İnsanlar ise genel olarak daha iyi diye tanımlanan ereklere yönelirler; dürüstlük, dostluk, yurtseverlik vs gibi. Bu özneler akılsal olan tin ile gerçekleşir, yani tin her zaman daha iyiye, daha güzele ve daha gelişmişe yönelir. Daha güzel ve gelişmiş daha özgür olduğu için Hegel’e göre Dünya Tarihi özgürlük bilinçliliğinden başka bir şey değildir.
Öte yandan, Hegel tinin özünü tözsel olarak belirttiği ve bu tözsel gelişim sürekli olarak ilerleme ve gelişme ile ilgili olacağı için kendi içinde çelişkileri vardır. Misal olarak Roma Felsefesi Yunan Felsefesi kaynaklıdır ve Roma İmparatorluğu Yunanistan topraklarını ele geçirdiği zaman Yunan Felsefesi’nden aşırı derecede etkilenmiştir. İşte bu sebepten ötürü Hegel tinin özünü özgürlüğe bağlamıştır. Bu durumu ise şu şekilde açıklamıştır:” İlkin Yunan’da özgürlüğün bilinci doğmuştur ve bu yüzden de Yunanlar özgür olmuşlardır; ama onlar da Romalılar gibi, kendisiyle tanımlanan insanın değil, yalnızca bazı kişilerin özgür olduğunu kabul ediyorlardı. İnsanın insan olarak özgür olduğunu Platon da, Aristoteles de bilmediler; bu yüzden de Yunanlar salt kölelere sahip olma yüzünden, yaşamaları ve güzelim özgürlükleri de bu noktada sınırlanmış olmakla kalmadı, ama aynı zamanda özgürlükleri, kısmen rastlantısal, bakımsız, solmaya mahkum, yetersiz bir çiçek, kısmen de insanın insana zorlu bir köleliği oldu.”
Tarihte aklın gerçekleşmesi için ise tarih sahnesi fiziki dünyada yer aldığı için tinin parçası hâline gelir ve tini oluşturur. Tinin oluşması kendinin karşıtını veya karşıt olabilecek varlık ile özdeşleşmesinden gelir. Böylece tin dışa dönüşür. Ardından tarihte gerçekleşecek olan önemli olayların içinde bulunacak olan kişiler ile özdeşleşir ve böylece dünya ruhunun –Hegel buna ‘Weltgeist’ demiştir- gerçekleşmesi sağlanır.
Hegel’e göre her şey nous idi ve nous her şey idi. Bu durumda her varlık tanrısaldır. Devlet ise yine Hegel’e göre insan özgürlüğünün gerçekleşmesidir. Devleti oluşturan yapı ise ahlâktır. Devletin yapısı etik olduğu için devlet anayasasız olmalıdır; fakat tanrısal ahlâkın gerçekleşmesi için belirli kurallar olmalıdır ve bu kurallar kanundur(tüzedir). Kanunların oluşması ile birlikte tek oluş ortaya çıkar. Bu duruma da Hegel Atina isminin iki anlamı olduğu şeklinde örneklendiriyor. İlk anlamı siyasi yapılar bütünü; ikincisi ise Halkın Ruhu. Halkın Ruhu’nun oluşması ise Dünya Tarihi’nde tanrısalın sergilenmesi şekline gelecektir. Halkın Ruhu ise halkın içinde yer alan Tek Birey aracılığı ile tarih sahnesinde ortaya çıkar. Bu duruma şöyle bir örnek verilebilir: Caesar gibi Napoleon Bonaparte gibi karakterler de tinin amacını gerçekleştirmek üzere kullandıkları araçlardır. Bu kişilerin karakteristik özellikleri o anda dünya tininin istencini oluşturacak özelliklerdir ve tin bu kişilerin araç olarak kullanarak onların bayrakları altında sıradan insanların toplanmasını sağlar. Burada Hegel’in demeye çalıştığı aslında şudur: Marcus Junius Brutus, Roma’nın imparatorluk sürecine girmesini önlemek için Gaius Iulius Caesar’a suikast girişiminde bulundu ve bunda başarı sağladı. Öte yandan, Brutus ve yandaşları, biri Caesar’ın öz yeğeni ve manevi oğlu olan Octavianus ve yine Caesar’ın has adamı olan Marcus Antonius önderliğindeki üçlü yönetime(triumvirate) yenildiler. Bu sürecin ardından Octavianus Augustus, yani imparator, oldu; Brutus ismi ise bir hain olarak kaldı. Brutus gibi karakterler her ne kadar tutkulu da olsalar, bu tutkuların tözün gelişimini engelleyecek kapasitede değildir. Caesar’ın öldürülmesi Brutus ve grubunun tutkusu dahilinde gerçekleşmiştir şüphesiz, ama ardından gelen süreç Roma Senatosu’nun yetkilerini arttırmadı; tam aksine imparatorluğa giden süreci başlattı. İşte bu durumu Hegel “Tarihin Aklı” olarak adlandırır.
Kaynakça: -Tarihte Akıl, G.W.F Hegel, Kabalcı Yayınları, Üçüncü Basım, Mayıs 2011. -Hegel Felsefesine Giriş, Alexandre Kojeve, Yapı Kredi Yayınları. – Hegel Sisteminde Tarih Felsefesi, Betimleyici-Eleştirel Bir Giriş, Prof.Dr. Ömer Naci Soykan. -http://dusuncetarihi.com/makale/tarih-felsefesi-uezerine-dersler -http://www.seneraksu.com/sener/default.asp?part=tfelsefe&islem=oku&id=97 -http://www.toplumdusmani.net/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=972
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antyllxs · 6 years
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NAME :  Marcus Antonius Antyllus. AGE :  23 ZODIAC SIGN :  Taurus. ONE GOOD TRAIT :  Passionate. ONE BAD TRAIT :  Argumentative.
ONE BAD HABIT : Smoking. ONE GOOD HABIT : Persistence. ONE HABIT THEY CAN’T BREAK :  Chasing after Demetria. ONE THEY’VE BROKEN :  Getting into brawls after clubbing. WHAT THEY’RE AFRAID OF :  Nothing.
THEIR PARENTS NAMES :  Marc and Fulvia. THEIR SIBLINGS NAMES :  The three Antonias, Iullus, Selene, Helios and Philadelphus. FAVOURITE CHILDHOOD MEMORY :  Christmas mornings. FAVOURITE CHILDHOOD TOY :  An electric Aston Martin. EMBARRASSING STORY :   Nothing embarrasses him. FAVOURITE FAMILY MEMBER :   Father. A STORY ABOUT THAT FAMILY MEMBER :  All the stories involving the capacity his father has for alcohol are his favourite.
SONG :  Everybody loves me. One Republic. BAND :   One Republic OUTFIT :  Tailored suit. PLACE :   Home- Rome. MEMORY :  Meeting Demetria for the first time. PERSON :  Demetria. MOVIE : Fight Club. SHOW :   Breaking Bad.
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nicolae · 8 months
Cunoașterea Științifică, Volumul 1, Numărul 2, Decembrie 2022
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Revista Cunoașterea Științifică este o publicație trimestrială din domeniile științei și filosofiei, și domenii conexe de studiu și practică. Cuprins: EDITORIAL Viitorul științei – Știința științelor, de Nicolae Sfetcu ȘTIINȚE NATURALE Anomalii ale relativității generale, de Nicolae Sfetcu ȘTIINȚE SOCIALE Dezvoltarea capabilităților europene în domeniul managementului crizelor, de Alexandru Cristian The Security Management System from the Perspective of the Global Energy Crisis and the Extended Black Sea Region Escalating Conflict, de Daniela Georgiana Golea, Andreea Florina Radu, și Tiberiu Tănase Closed Economies, Autarchy – Failure and Economic Disaster, de Darius-Antoniu Ferenț ȘTIINȚE FORMALE Învățarea automată a regulilor de asociere în mineritul datelor (data mining), de Drew Bentley FILOSOFIE Karl Popper și problema demarcației între știință și ne-știință, de Nicolae Sfetcu A Scientifically Acceptable Mechanism for the Reincarnation Process of the Self, de Adrian Klein RECENZII CĂRȚI Republica lui Platon, de Nicolae Sfetcu Read the full article
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Part 12: Vikings - Kissed by Fire
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Series Masterlist
Summary: A promise is not meant to be broken and neither is a heart
Pairings: Ragnarssons x Stepmom reader (platonic)
A/N: I have a couple of ideas for the teens years, but not totally sure. We have only a few parts until Ragnar’s return if I can’t think of anything. 
Sigurd was a sensitive boy; with a caring heart that was sometimes hurt by the things said to him. Despite his sensitivity, he was still a brave boy and even more so as he allowed for (Y/N) to hold onto his hand as she gave birth. Just as he had promised his father several months back, as the “man” of the house Sigurd was with his stepmother through it all. Even with the insistence of (Y/N) that he didn’t need to take on so much responsibility, Sigurd did all that he could to help.  
The roar of the bitter winds was deafening outside and masked (Y/N)’s groans of pain but luckily unlike her previous labors, it did not take long for (Y/N) and Sigurd to hear the soft cry of a baby. The small babe was swiftly cleaned and swaddled, gently placed in (Y/N)’s arms as she gazed lovingly at the little boy. His cries softening upon hearing the soft coos of affection from his mother and nuzzling further in her warm embrace.
“He looks so much like your father,” (Y/N) murmured as she caressed the boy’s soft cheeks.
“Do you know what you want to name him, Mama?” Sigurd asked.
He leaned into her side and looked in awe of his younger brother.
“I had hoped that your brothers and father would be back by now, I didn’t think of naming this little one on my own” she said.
Before Sigurd could speak, rapid knocks pounded against the door and the midwife opened the door to scold whoever was disturbing the peace. A man clearly winded pushed his way in and kneeled in respect.
“I apologize for the interruption of this tender moment Princess, but returning ships from the raids have been spotted” the man said.
Sigurd and (Y/N) looked to one another in surprise.
“Thank you for alerting me of this news, you may return to your post” said (Y/N).
Once the man bowed in understanding, and left, (Y/N) turned to her young stepson.
“Sigurd, could you please go and greet the ships? I am sure that it is merely your father and brothers that have returned from the raids in Paris. But may sure to take some guards with you, it’s not good to leave on your own especially considering that man Harbard is still around. I don’t trust that man and his intentions.”
“Will you tell me, my younger brothers name when I come back?” he asked.
“Do not worry, I will let you know as soon as I think of a name.”
With a swift kiss to her and his younger brother’s cheeks, Sigurd was out the door and heading toward the docks to greet the ships. (Y/N) chuckled and softly shushed her son when he whined hungrily.
“Everything will be alright, my love. Your brother will return swiftly and soon you shall meet all of your family, then I can give you a worthy name” she soothed.
It was after she had both fed her newborn son and seen to the fact that he had fallen asleep, that there was a gentle knock at her door and Sigurd stepped into the room followed by Ubbe, Hvitserk, Agnar, and Kari.
“The stars of my life, the gods have returned you to me.”
“We’re home Mama” Hvitserk mumbled as he sat beside her bed.
All of her children shuffled closer together to stand beside her and look at their newborn brother. Her eyes roamed around the room and a soft frown marred her features as she looked to Ubbe.
“Has your Father and Bjorn stayed back at the docks to oversee things?” she asked with a tilt of her head.
Ubbe was quiet, anxiously playing with the medallion she gifted him several months ago and let his gaze flicker briefly to Hvitserk. Both boys nervously shook their heads.
“Father chose to stay after the defeat to try again, he sent us back to Kattegat” Ubbe murmured. “Bjorn, Lagertha, and Father are still in Francia to take over Paris.”
“But he promised that he would come back. Why didn’t he?” (Y/N) asked, her mind racing and heart pounding as a wave of anxiousness washed over her.
“We really don’t know Mama” said Hvitserk.
She held a look of confusion and disbelief, her son sensing her unease began to squirm and whimper drawing her attention. Before she could calm down the boy, Ubbe placed his hand on her shoulder.
“There is something else you should know Mama” said Ubbe. “You know how our six older uncles; Antonius, Erik, Alexios, Cole, Gunnar, and Bjarke also joined Father as they are amazing warriors and could speak the language of the Franks?”
“Yes, I remember. All of your uncles told me to take care and that they would return after the raids were over and they had seen to their families” said (Y/N). “Did something happen?”
Hesitantly Ubbe pulled off a leather medallion that he had around his neck, faded and worn with age, placing it gently into his stepmother’s palm. When she saw it, she stifled a sob in disbelief and looked back to her stepson.
“Our uncle Bjarke died in battle Mama, he’s joined the gods in Valhalla” Ubbe muttered as he held back his own tears.
Never had she said it aloud, but her older brother Bjarke held a special place in her heart when he stood by her side after their mother had died. As the closest in age, they had rarely left each other’s side and tore her even further apart to think that Bjarke’s dream of marrying his betrothed after the raid would never come true.
Silent tears rolled down (Y/N)’s cheeks as the pain of her loss gripped her heart and shattered it in the same breath, as she remembered that her husband would likely not return as well. She clutched the medallion tightly and held her son further as the five children attempted to comfort their mother. With a shuddering breath, she gingerly placed the medallion on her son’s chest.
A gasp escaped her lips when she felt soft steady hands tenderly wipe away her tears and smiled gratefully to Sigurd. She looked to the little boy clasped in her arms and pensively tapped her hand on her hand, ultimately pressing a tender kiss on his forehead.
“Stars of my life,” all five children looked on at their mother. “Meet your younger brother Bjarke.”
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@heavenly1927​ @princesscornbread​
@ivarthebloodyking​ @fairyofvoid​
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Part 3: Vikings - Kissed by Fire
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Summary: After several months and with her husband now at her side, (Y/N) anxiously awaits the arrival of her family but is soon visited by unexpected visitors. 
Pairings: Ragnarssons x Stepmom reader (platonic), Ragnar x reader (romantic)
A/N: Seriously, thank you all for the lovely feedback and support to this little series. It really means a lot to know y’all like it. :D 
Several months had passed and the bond (Y/N) had with her stepsons was stronger than ever, over time the boys began to prefer her company and did everything they could to help her in her pregnancy. Her husband, Ragnar had already returned from his raid and just like her was filled with a nervous excitement at the birth of their first child. But of course, there was a slight sense of dread as some time prior, (Y/N)’s family had sent a message that they would come visit to see her. Had it been any other time, she would have welcomed the visit but having their company so close to the birth of her child felt far too soon.
As the only daughter, she had been fiercely protected from men and the world by not just her father but by her nine brothers as well. Considering she was married to Ragnar, a fierce warrior that was always risking his life with danger, the overprotectiveness did not make sense to her at times. Although, it may have been because she was once told that she would only marry someone filled with greatness and Ragnar had that in spades.
Which explained why (Y/N) now sat with her sister wife Aslaug and little Sigurd in the main hall. The ships of her family had been spotted; Ragnar accompanied by Ubbe, Hvitserk, and Bjorn had gone to greet them at the docks as (Y/N) could give birth any day soon.
“You look unwell, sister” Aslaug laughed. “Perhaps I can have a thrall fetch you a tonic to settle your stomach.”
“I am fine, sister. What I am feeling is nervousness as I have not seen my family since my wedding in our lands” (Y/N) said. “Perhaps I should have them fetch one for you, as you had much to drink prior.”
Aslaug scowled at this and snatched Sigurd from her lap. Instantly, the little boy squirmed in discomfort and wiggled in his mother’s arms to reach for (Y/N).
“Mama! Mama!” Sigurd cried with his arms stretched out for (Y/N).
“I am here Sigurd, no need to fuss” Aslaug said through gritted teeth.
With a bit of difficulty, (Y/N) sat up from her seat and gently pried the fussing boy from the arms of Aslaug. Bouncing him on her hip, Sigurd quickly calmed down and nuzzled into his stepmother all the while babbling in content.
“My Sigurd does not like to be held that way” (Y/N) stated.
“He is not your Sigurd” Aslaug sneered.
“At this point, sister. He is not yours either” (Y/N) shot back.
Rather than reply, Aslaug huffed in anger and poured herself more wine as she turned her gaze toward the door that was opened abruptly. Ragnar with help from the boys announced his arrival, but before he could get another word all nine of his brother-in-law’s cheered with glee as they spotted their sister.
“(Y/N)!” they shouted, stampeding toward the young woman.
Almost instantly, the young woman was engulfed by a massive hug from all of her brothers and she giggled with absolute delight at their affection. If there was one thing that she had missed from home, it was being in the center of the embrace of all nine of them. After a few moments, they released her and quickly spoke to her.
“You look like you’re ready to pop, (Y/N)!”
“When will our nephew be born?”
“Can you already feel the little one kick?”
Many other questions were thrown at her, but having been used to it, she waited until they had all gotten the questions out of their system and they eventually fell silent. Feeling a tug at her skirts, she looked down to see Hvitserk looking in fascination at all of them.
“Mama, who are they?” he asked.
Tenderly placing a hand on his head she answered, “These are your uncles. My annoying brothers.”
At this the group protested good naturedly and she pointed to each of them. “That is Antonius the eldest followed by Erik, Alexios, Cole, Athel, Bjarke, Endre, Gunnar, and little Halvor.” To her brothers, she happily introduced her family. “Brothers, you have already met my husband Ragnar and his eldest son Bjorn. But may I introduce my sons Ubbe, Hvitserk, and Sigurd as well as my sister wife Aslaug.”
Gunnar the tallest of the bunch placed a hand on Ubbe’s shoulder, “This one looks like he will be a strong leader.”
Ubbe practically beamed when his newly introduced uncle complimented him. While Antonius placed Hvitserk on his shoulders.
“While this one with his looks will surely have all the women chasing after him.”
Hvitserk merely laughed at his uncle’s compliment as he tugged on the man’s braids to steer him.
“Now with that out of the way, let us feast! To celebrate your arrival and the upcoming birth of (Y/N) and I’s child!” Ragnar said, clapping a hand onto one of his brother-in-law’s shoulders.
Oddly enough, the feast did not get too far along as (Y/N) went into labor quickly and was ushered into a room to give birth. Leaving her brothers and stepsons outside to wait as Ragnar accompanied her into the room for support.
“Uncle Bjarke?” Ubbe hesitantly asked. “Will our Mama be okay? I can’t hear anything and when Sigurd was born there was a lot of screaming.”
“Well little one, it is different for every woman. (Y/N) and I were the last children born to our mother, and it is said that she never knew she was going into labor until I was nearly out of the womb” Bjarke answered, garnering a chuckle from his brothers. “But Endre, Cole, and Halvor were born to our father’s second wife. Her pain was so intense, she near fainted after each birth although I think it’s because of how fat they were as babies.”
His answer soothed the young boy that despite his age, did his best to remain strong for his younger brother. So it went, that after moments of silence either Ubbe or Hvitserk would ask their uncles a question until they heard the cry of a baby through the door. All exhaled in relief but gasped when another cry followed not long after. Excitement thrummed through their veins until a thrall stepped out and said that they could come greet the newborn children. It was an amusing sight to see such brawny men and the boys waddle as quietly as they could into the room.
It was certainly a sight, with tired breaths and a smile of contentment on her face, (Y/N) held a small bundle in her arms. Looking up from the swaddled baby, she whispered for Ubbe and Hvitserk to draw a little closer. Hesitantly, they got on top of the bed to be closer.
“My sweet boys, this is your brother Agnar” she whispered.
“We’ll teach him to be brave, Mama” Hvitserk mumbled bringing tears to her eyes at the sweetness of her boys.
“Your father” she pointed out. “Is holding your little sister, Kari.”
It was in this moment that Ragnar Lothbrok had never seemed more content, sitting next to his second wife (Y/N) as she held his son Agnar in her arms. While his sons were seated so comfortably with their stepmother as he held his only daughter Kari lovingly in his own embrace. 
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@heavenly1927​ @princesscornbread​ 
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Part 6A: Vikings - Kissed by Fire
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Summary: On the celebration of (Y/N)’s name day, her brothers come with an old flame from her past. But is he truly an old flame?
Pairings: Ragnarssons x Stepmom reader (platonic), Ragnar x reader (romantic), OC x reader (romantic?)
A/N: I really hope y’all like this part, it is merely the beginning of the drama that is to come. 
As her father’s only daughter, the celebrations done in honor of her name day were usually grand events that lasted several days and went well into the night even if she had already gone to sleep for the night. It was not strange for her then, when her dear husband Ragnar decided to hold grand festivities for her name day as well.
For many, it was simply an excuse to drink and feast to their hearts content but for Ragnar it was a display of the love and affection that he held for his second wife. There was no question that the man favored his second wife, (Y/N). When he returned from his raids; it was her that he gave the finest of dresses, it was her that he gave rare jewels, and it was her that he greeted first. So for the man to throw a feast of this magnitude, it was no surprise that he would do so for his favored wife and told her to dress elegantly for the celebration.
Without question; she dressed in a finely made gown of blue, the golden necklace she wore her first day in Kattegat, and had lined her eyes with kohl to make the (e/c) hues stand out. It was when she looked down to sift through her box of accessories that she jumped in surprise to feel the prickle of Ragnar’s beard when he kissed her neck.    
“How is it that you only become more beautiful?” he said lovingly.
“Flatterer” she giggled. “I won’t lay with you tonight that easily.”
“Can a husband not worship the ground his wife walks on merely because he remains as infatuated with her as the day he met her?” he asked as he continued to pepper her with kisses.
She turned around and wrapped her arms around him, bringing him into a soft and tender kiss. A short lived moment, when giggles caught their attention to spot the majority of the children at the door.
“Perhaps I should be selfish and keep you solely to myself” Ragnar teased.
“There is enough of me to be shared, now move” she said with a playful shove as she reached into her box and pulled out a delicate anklet.
Gently, Ragnar took the anklet from her hand and kneeled in front of her as the children impatiently jumped on their bed. He clasped the anklet onto her ankle with care, holding onto her foot in thought as he let go and turned his bright blue eyes to her.
“When we first met, you wore this every day and never took it off. On our journey, you wore it frequently but not as often as you did before. The last time that I ever saw you wear this was the day before our wedding and that night saw you put it away” he said. “Does this hold any meaning to you?”
(Y/N) nodded, “It was given to me by someone I held dear. It was a gift that I may always remember them and the time we spent together fondly.”
“After the celebration, would you mind telling me the story behind it?”
“I would love nothing more.”
The men and women cheered in excitement upon the arrival of their king and his favored wife, closely followed by the older children as they carried the younger ones in their arms.
When he was handed a horn of ale, Ragnar lifted it up for a toast.
“Let us feast and be merry, to celebrate the name day of my beloved wife (Y/N). A woman kissed by fire, who caught my eye so many years ago in the land of Iberia. The woman that is now mother of my children and companion in life. For (Y/N)! Skol!”
“Skol!” everyone cheered.
“Salud!” cried out several others voices.
To the utter surprise and glee of (Y/N), her nine brothers along with their entourage had entered into the hall with casks of wine under their arms. Setting the casks down, all of the men did not hesitate to smother their sister with affection.
“It is so good to see all of you, especially you Bjarke. Your name day is tomorrow” she said. “Perhaps you can all go on a hunt with the other men and I can cook your favorites.”
“Can you?!” all her brothers gasped.
“No one else’s cooking can compare to Nana’s and yours” said Antonius.
“Our wives can cook well enough and the servants are alright, it is your cooking that has always been the best” said Cole.
“That’s right!” said Hvisterk. “Mama makes everything tasty.”
“Even the things that are yucky taste good when Mama cooks” said Sigurd with a lisp.
“I already said that I would, there is no need for sweet words when I have offered” (Y/N) giggled.
“Surely we can give you a gift in return” said Athel.
“Your presence is enough, I can ask for no greater gift than to be with my loved ones on my name day” she said.
“What if we were to tell you that our gift is exactly that?” said Endre.
“Did father come along as well?” (Y/N) asked, looking around the room in hopes of spotting the man.
“Not father, but someone that you certainly remember fondly” said Gunnar.
The tallest of her brother’s smirked as he stepped aside; revealing a man around the same age as (Y/N). He was of lithe build, messy brown hair fell onto his forehead, his blue green eyes gleamed, and scruff lined his jaw.
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“Tristan?” she gasped.
He smiled in a manner that made the green of his eyes seem brighter.
“Is it really you? My goodness, I haven’t seen you in years Tris” (Y/N) said as she pulled him into a tight hug.  
“(Y/N)! It seems that the years have been good to you, more beautiful than the last day that I saw you” he chuckled, taking her hand to bring her into a spin. “You have blossomed into the woman that I knew you would.”
She laughed, “I was a girl of seventeen last you saw me. In that time I have married and become a mother, Tris. I would imagine that I am not the girl that you knew.”
“That is true. Your brother’s didn’t tell me on the journey, but tell me do you have a son or daughter?”
“Both. I have a daughter and five sons.”
His eyes widened, “Did you truly have that many?”
“I birthed one son and a daughter, but in marrying now have an additional four sons.”
His features softened as he held onto her hands, “I had known you to be a kind and loving person but to take on the care of children not of your womb. I can tell those boys will be well loved.”
“Oh,” she gasped in realization. “I was so caught up that I didn’t introduce you to the rest of my family.” 
Leading him by the hand, she stepped to stand by a disgruntled looking Ragnar and pouty children beside them.
“My love and stars of my life, this is my good friend Tristan. His father was a merchant very close to my father and we grew up together” (Y/N) said. “Tris, this is my husband Ragnar the man that took me away and stole my heart in the process. These are my children; Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd, Agnar, Ivar, and Kari.”
Ragnar scoffed when Tristan went to shake his hand, ignoring the man in favor of drinking his ale. The boys pouted but conceded in giving the man a swift handshake, as they knew that (Y/N) would scold them later if they did not greet her friend.
A slight glimmer caught his eye and Tristan spotted the anklet on (Y/N). 
“You still kept it after all these years?” he asked softly. 
(Y/N) smiled sadly, “It was the last gift that you gave me. I hold it quite dear.” 
At her words, Ragnar’s jaw clenched but stayed quiet as Tristan practically leaped to embrace her tightly.
“Oh!” Tristan gasped, knocking his hand against his head. “I almost forgot, my brother Matteo also came along and should be here.”
Looking around the room, he brought his fingers to his lips and let out a sharp whistle. “Matteo! Get over here!”
Almost like a shadow, Tristan turned to spot his older brother Matteo beside him.
“Teo, introduce yourself. We haven’t seen (Y/N) in a number of years and it would be impolite.”
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(Y/N) held back a grimace when Matteo’s blue eyes raked down her figure. He bowed at the waist and smirked, “I am Matteo Federico De Valle Aldrete an old friend of (Y/N) and older brother to Tristan but you may all call me Teo.”
“I thought your father left you in charge of trading with the Franks” (Y/N) stated plainly.
“He did, but called me back as he felt my talents were needed elsewhere” Matteo chuckled.
(Y/N) took two horns of ale from a passing thrall and handed them to the two men.
“Have a drink, I am sure that you have yet to partake in the festivities” she said. 
“Thank you, that is very kind of you Conejito” Matteo chuckled.
“I will do my best to drink with all of you, but I cannot hold my drink very well” said Tristan nervously.
“That is alright” (Y/N) said as she sipped from her own drink. “It is a time to make merry. To old times!”
“To old times!” the two men cheered.
Drinking heavily from their horns, unaware of the (e/c) eyes that peered at them as they drank.
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