#platonic simmorse
agentoffangirling · 12 days
Ranking AoS ships (canon & non-canon) bc I can:
FitzSimmons. If you don't have this as your top, I DON'T TRUST YOU. They are the blueprint, the very epitome of romance. If someone doesn't dive through a space rock to reach me on another planet, I don't want them
Dousy. Ik some people much prefer Sousa and Peggy, and they have a great relationship, but I don't know, I just like Dousy more. Maybe bc I want Daisy to be in a healthy relationship for once? But for only appearing in around half the episodes of s7, they don't feel rushed, and Chloe and Enver have great chemistry. They're so sweet together, I can't say much else other than I love them
Skimmons. Okay okay ik what a lot of people are gonna say, but I just think they're wonderful together. I've drifted a bit from shipping this, I do see the sisters aspect of them (I don't see them as sisters and romantically at the same time, that is WEIRD), but I still have a small soft spot for it. I think it's mostly Chloe and Elizabeth's love for the ship that sells it
Philinda. Tbh this and Skimmons could be switched, they're very close in my brain. While I don't necessarily feel too bad about them splitting up in s7, I like both the platonic and romantic versions of them, I think they were really great. They so obviously love each other, and what more can I say to that?
Huntingbird. 100% compatible 50% of the time, as Hunter puts it. I don't believe this to be the healthiest of AoS relationships, but not everything has to be perfect all the time. One moment they could be making jabs at one another, the next they're making out. Who knows? Their moments are a fun time either way
MackElena. I think what this ship needs is more time. Compared to the other relationships, MackElena doesn't get to share the screen all that much. I do love how they learn from one another, and they've always given me a kind of comforting type of vibe. They're just cute together
Simmorse. This feels like a relatively newer ship in the fandom, and I am all for it. I don't ship it massively, but I 100% see the potential, I think it's very easy to see that Jemma was crushing on Bobbi a couple times
QuakeRider. Just like Simmorse, I do see it, but I've never really been a big fan of it. Not that there's anything wrong with it, it has great vibes, I love the rogue x rogue type ship, I just don't ship it that much. I personally see them closer to older brother, younger sister type of dynamic. But I do see the potential
Staticquake. HEAR ME OUT OKAY? I used to like Staticquake a lot, but on my rewatches I see myself getting farther and farther away from it. It's not that they don't have good chemistry or that I don't think they're really in love, oh no, they have all of it, it's just not the best relationship for Daisy. There are more than a few moments where they're arguing, majority of the time Lincoln being in the wrong, and later Daisy apologizing for it? It always struck me as odd. I also feel like resolved too many issues behind the scenes, relying on exposition to make the audience believe they had gone further in their relationship
DekeDaisy. Idk if they have an actual ship name, so I'm going with this one for now. It's just wayyy too one-sided and doesn't seem like it would work anyway. Daisy was not in the right frame of mind for a relationship, and she seemed relatively blind to Deke's advances. Also considering that Deke sold her to the Kree earlier... yeah, it was never gonna work
Skyeward. It might get up one spot for the Framework version of them, but as it stands, the real life version of them is AWFUL. Ward lied to Skye on almost everything, hurt her, hurt her loved ones, kidnapped her, became obsessed with her, and countless other things I can't remember rn. They're so toxic and if you ship them (not Framework or pre-betrayal), I have genuine concern in your love life
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82, maybe for Jemma and Bobbi (can be platonic or Simmorse whichever you’re most comfortable with)
Prompt 82: ‘Just breathe, okay?’
Hello! Here it is! Thank you every so much for your prompt and I hope you enjoy! 
sticking together and seeing it through
{Read on Ao3}
It begins with a crash.
There’s a bottle – brown and cool- in her hands andthen quite suddenly there isn’t. Jemma looks down at her hands, unsure of howshe could have lost control of them without even knowing.
Lab technicians begin to swarm, checking and cleaning.It was nothing dangerous, she knows. She goes to say to them, tell them there’sno need to panic, but no words come out. It’s how she imagines being paused ina video is like, except she appears to be the only one affected.
“Dr Simmons?”
A girl, a young PhD student looking to SHIELD to offerguidance stands before her. Jemma knows her, selected her for the new programmeto try and entice people into their world. Her name is Mari. She’s young andbright and has a twinkle in her eye every time she gets to run a scientificanalysis. Jemma looks at her and sees what she used to be like, and, what shemaybe could be again.
It’s too hard to answer. Her tongue is stuck, glued toher mouth in the most uncomfortable way. Why can’t she speak? Why can’t shemove? Why is there solvent splattering her shoes and there doesn’t seem to beenough energy within her to care?
“Should I get someone? Dr Simmons? Are you alright?”
Mari hovers anxiously, brown eyes big and round. Jemmawants to comfort her, let her know she’s alright, that oh this is nothingcompared to everything else, but her brain has suddenly stopped and she can donothing.
“Hey, guys. How we all doing in here?”
That voice… Jemma knows that voice. It’s familiar butnew. Unexpected. It comes from behind her and she can’t see who it is.
“Simmons, hey. How’s it going?”
“She’s, I mean, I don’t know what’s wrong. She droppedthe bottle and I, I don’t know. Should I get someone?”
Mari’s voice is high. Jemma feels guilty. The girl isbarely twenty. She should be setting an example. Being strong. Instead she ishere, stuck.
“Simmons?” There’s a face in front of her now. Blondehair, twinkling eyes that have stories to last for years. It’s Bobbi. But whatis Bobbi doing here? Bobbi shouldn’t be here. She’s in exile, sent far away.Never to return. A consequence of SHIELD.
“Jemma?” Her own name now, softly whispered. “Come on,let’s go somewhere.”
As she takes her by the elbow, Jemma remembers.They’re back, her and Hunter. Here to help rebuild SHIELD, help as it comesback into the foreground. Strings have been pulled – yanked – and conditionsrevoked and now their friends are back. She’s ever so glad.
Bobbi leads her down hallways that suddenly seem sofrightening and unfamiliar. Has that light always flickered? Have those stepsalways clanged quite so loudly? Has the air always felt so thick andsuffocating? She doesn’t know and doesn’t say and allows herself to be draggedto Bobbi and Hunter’s room.
“Here,” Bobbi says, once they’re inside. She flicks onthe light switch and quickly snatches some clothes up from the floor to tossinto the laundry basket. “You sit here, on the bed. Don’t worry,” she smiles,making light, “it’s my side.”
Jemma wants to laugh at that, she does. It’s funny.Bobbi and Hunter’s relationship is genuine and warm and something she loves.Except the freeze has worn off and now there’s a panic, rising higher andhigher in her chest and making it hard to breath. Her breath comes harder,faster, and soon there’s just shallow breaths with tears escaping.
Bobbi sits down beside her, rubbing her back incomforting circles. “Just breathe, okay? Just slow breath in, slow breath out.Do it in time with me.”
Inhale. Wait. Exhale. Wait. They do it together.Bobbi’s hand rises and falls to help her keep time. Soon the panic recedes,oxygen washes its way back into her lungs and the darkness creeps away from hervision. Shame begins to settle in her chest.
“I’m so sorry,” she says immediately, bricking backup. “I don’t know what came over me.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Bobbi shrugs but watches hercarefully. “It’s been a stressful time for you guys. I’ve heard all about it.”
Jemma wonders how and then remembers Hunter. Hunter,who helped Fitz when she couldn’t. She knows it wasn’t quite like that –nothing is so black and white – but self-loathing leaves a vile taste in hermouth.
“Hunter told you,” she says quietly. “Of course, hedid.”
“Of course, he only told me about it after he’d already sent Fitz into space.He came back with such a story, I didn’t believe him. Still didn’t, until wegot invited back here.”
Mack’s leadership went where even Phil Coulsoncouldn’t. Anything for his friends.
“Yes, SHIELD is expanding rather quickly. Of course,it’s all part of the plan.”
Bobbi touches nudges her gently. “But not your plan.”
“No,” Jemma sighs, wistful and still a little bittearful. This isn’t part of her plan. She would rather be somewhere elseentirely right now. “But it’s alright. We’re needed here. We couldn’t leave notafter… well, we owe a lot.”
“Mack isn’t really the type to make sure you pay back.That guy,” Bobbi laughs, shaking her head. “He’s got the biggest heart ofanyone I know.”
“Of course,” Jemma hurries to assure, hating to bemisunderstood. “But we couldn’t leave. We owed it to him to get it off theground. Properly.”
“Fair enough.” Bobbie’s smile is so easy, so genuine,that Jemma wonders how she does it. Life’s not been easy for them, they’d beenrunning for a few years before they were invited back, and yet Bobbi stilllooks so in control of it all. How is she not falling apart? Jemma feels like apile of bones, stacked precariously on top of each other. One false move, one suddenjerk, and she’ll topple and all that will be left of her is rubble.
Suddenly she’s very self-conscious of her behaviour.“I’m so sorry for being silly,” she says, wiping her eyes with the corner ofher lab-coat. An improper habit, complete defiance of lab protocol. Somethingto add to the list these days. “I don’t even know what happened.”
“I get it, you know. You were away for so long and youhad to be fine. Then you come back and you don’t have to be anymore.” A gentlenudge and a gentle smile.  “You’ll getthere, eventually.”
In her whole life, there have been few people Jemmahas trusted as quickly and as easily as Bobbi Morse. So desperately does shewant to believe her.
“As long as another disaster doesn’t come along.” Shefiddles with the hem of her lab coat, feeling a little more herself.
Bobbi chuckles and nods. “God forbid that shouldhappen.”
There’s always another disaster, another situationthat it seems only they can solve. It’s a big responsibility, one far greaterthan they originally signed on for.
“Do you regret it?” Jemma asks, needing to know ifperhaps they are more alike than she thought. “Joining SHIELD, what it did toyou and Hunter?”
“Well there’s a question,” Bobbi laughs but withoutease. It takes her a few moments to gather an answer.
“Hunter and I, we’re always gonna be volatile, youknow? It was never gonna be as smooth as you and Fitz. I think ourpersonalities drove us away from each other as much as this organization everwould.” She takes a deep breath, looks around her shared bedroom. “But I lovehim, you know? He makes me happy. Regretting stuff is just going to make meunhappy. May as well just enjoy where I am now.”
CouldI do that? Jemma wonders. Can I just enjoy where I am now?
“I think,” Jemma begins, voice quiet but resolute,slowly sure of herself, “I’d like to try doing that.”
Bobbi slings an arm around Jemma’s shoulders, pullingher in. It’s been so long since she’s had a hug that was just a hug, just sosimple, just because it can be. “You know we’re all here for you, Jemma.”
She hadn’t known, not really. After all, what did shehave to complain about? Now she knows. She has a family here as much aseveryone else. They are hers, also.
“I know,” she nods, leaning into Bobbi quickly beforestanding up. The longer she’s away from the lab the worse it’ll seem. She mustgo apologise to Mari, make sure the mess has been wiped up properly. But maybeshe’ll come back later, catch up with Bobbi – she never did get to see thosepictures of the time her and Hunter were in the Bahamas. Maybe she’ll have hotchocolate with Daisy. Maybe she’ll have a beer with Elena.
Maybe, eventually, she might be alright.
“Thank you,” she says sincerely at the door, chin highand smile soft. “For everything.”
“Anytime, Simmons.” Bobbi sits on the bed, eyes twinkling.“Anytime.”
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agentofserenity · 7 years
platonic simmorse + “Just take my hand. It’ll be better, I promise.”
Whoops, I wrote this a while back and somehow forgot to post it, sorry! Hope you enjoy it though. Also in a slightly AU where the end of S2 didn’t happen lol
Things had been…overwhelming, to say the least. Recovery was hard and taxing on her both physically and emotionally. Bobbi felt like it was using all of her energy right now, trying to ignore the pain, trying to push her legs into things they really didn’t want to do or maybe yet have the strength for, and the frustration of not knowing how long it would take before things started improving. The panicked questions had begun to set in her mind: what if this was going to be it and she would never get back to how she was before?
She flopped down onto the couch in frustration, her crutches pushed harder than necessary against the nearby wall and they clattered to the ground. Bobbi’s sudden realisation that she couldn’t even move to pick them up since she needed them to walk hit her with enough force to knock the air from her lungs a moment. They protested heavily, or at least the half of her remaining lung did causing a panic attack to spiral. She barely even registered the person beside her, picking up her crutches to lean against the wall properly before crouching down in front of her.
“Just take my hand. It’ll be better, I promise.” Jemma’s voice was soft, calming, yet reassuring, like she knew this would really help. After all, she was a doctor Bobbi reasoned or at least knew enough to provide their onsite medical treatment. The girl focused on her friends voice and the feeling of her hands in hers, slowly calming her breathing and letting it pull her back to reality.
“Thanks” Bobbi managed to say and Jemma gave her a gentle smile, squeezing her hands before replying “I’m here to help, but I care about you too. You’ll get through this, I know it. I’ve never known anyone as strong as you”
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bobbiamorse · 4 years
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for @would-die-for-fitzsimmons, who requested bobbi + simmons in nature!
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the-dc-killjoy · 5 years
EvS Fic Reading Bingo - Part 1
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B2: Missing Moment
Patch Me Up (When I’m Broken) - XOLove47 (@accio-the-force) [platonic Bioquake, T, 1.5k] READ: Feb. 7, 2020
Jemma and Daisy, battered and bruised, barely made it to Zephyr One. Safely aboard, they access the damage and make a plan.
[Prompt fill for the TFSN's weekly Coda Challenge]
Jemma patches up Daisy while she tries to help Jemma with the emotional fallout of LMD!Fitz, and they find their way into the Framework. It’s angsty with an undercurrent of hope, and showcases their unbreakable friendship.
I3: <10 Kudos*
i’ll see you soon - independentalto [Scis&Spies, T, 2.2k] READ: Feb. 5, 2020
Before they run, Bobbi and Hunter leave Jemma and Fitz one promise: they'll see them soon.
Fitzsimmons are starting to lose hope that their partners will ever return, and spend their time reminiscing about the shenanigans that they got into together. Unbeknownst to them, Bobbi and Hunter are working hard to get right back to their loves. 
N2: Drabble (100 words)
tug-of-war - independentalto [Simmorse, G, 100] READ: Jan. 24, 2020
It's cold.
For Bobbi and Jemma, that means sacrifices.
Bobbi and Jemma are clashed in a battle of epic proportions: to the victor, goes the blanket! This is one of many (36) drabbles of many different ships (both platonic and romantic) ranging from 100 to 565 words of delicious angst or adorable fluff! 
N5: 0 Comments*
kneel - 101places @lnhumanity​ [Fitzsimmons, G, 800] READ: Feb. 4, 2020
Simmons has a bad reaction to an episode of Doctor Who.
A scene in 12x02 of Doctor Who causes Jemma to relive a violent encounter from the Framework. She and Fitz grapple with the realization that trauma doesn’t just go away, but that at least they have each other to help deal with their monsters.
O2: Philinda
Being Human - @b00k-freak​ [Philinda, G, 3.5k] READ: Jan. 28, 2020
May has finally been rescued from Aida, but is malnourished and weak. Daisy looks after her. Coulson avoids her and refuses to tell her why.
Phil avoids Melinda because he fears his feelings for her are different than he wants them to be, and the only reason why she hasn’t found him and shook the ‘I love you’s right out of him was the fact that she was confined to a bed after being rescued from Aida. Meanwhile, Daisy’s running double time, spending time with May and trying to get Coulson to stop fluffing around and ask her out.
* - Proof
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daisybeewrites · 2 years
character masterlist (part II because i lost the first one)
Agents of SHIELD
Dousy (Daisy Johnson/Daniel Sousa)
Skimmons // Bioquake (Jemma Simmons/Daisy Johnson)
Simmorse // Biobird (Bobbi Morse/Jemma Simmons)
Skimmorse (Daisy/Jemma/Bobbi)
Huntingbird (Lance Hunter/Bobbi Morse)
Philinda (Phil Coulson/Melinda May)
Philindaisy (platonic Philinda & Daisy)
Blackbird (Natasha Romanoff/Bobbi Morse)
Romanogers (Natasha Romanoff/Steve Rogers)
Widow Sisters (Nat & Yelena)
Narlie (Nick Nelson/Charlie Spring)
Sprolden (Tori Spring/Micheal Holden)
Telle (Tao Xu/Elle Argent)
Dara (Tara Jones/Darcy Olsson)
The Dragon Prince
Rayllum (Rayla/Callum)
Zutara (Zuko/Katara)
Zukka (Zuko/Sokka)
The Owl House
Lumity (Luz Noceda/Amity Blight)
Raeda (Eda/Raine)
Noceda/Clawthorne siblings (Luz, Hunter, King, Vee)
platonic found family for any character <3
note!! I mainly write either tooth-rotting fluff or heart-shattering angst or a mix of the two. I’m open to smut, but it will most likely still be super fluffy
REQUEST A FIC HERE! -- please specify character or ship and prompt/genre of fic! i’m so excited to write for y’all!
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sunalsolove · 6 years
Tea Time
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Pairing: Simmorse (Jemma Simmons/Bobbi Morse) Agents of SHIELD
Warnings: none, rated T
Word Count: 1.5 K
Square Filled: historical au
Summary:  AU. VE Day in London is a time of hope and joy as the war at long last ends. Jemma is adding love to that list, along with uninterrupted afternoon teas.
A/N: Written for @marvelfluffbingo and the @quakeriderwritersguild Valentine’s Day Challenge for the prompt “War’s End Kiss”, also in celebration of Femslash February. 
Romantic Simmorse and platonic FitzSimmons
Read on AO3 
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aosficnet2 · 6 years
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Writer to Writer #20 [November/December]
Thanks again to @mylifemyheartmyhome for the banner, and of course to you all for participating in another round of the Writer to Writer!
Below is a sample of our members’ work, chosen and summarised/reviewed by their fellow members. For more fantastic works, sorted by your favourite relationships, see our tag database (x), and if you want to join in, all you have to do is sign up! Meanwhile, I hope everyone can find something they enjoy!
Please be advised that some of the below works may contain potential triggers or upsetting material. As we are not able to personally vet every fic that comes through the Net the admins are unable to consistently provide trigger warnings and therefore we remind you to please use the author’s tags and/or warnings on the fics themselves to read at your discretion. Thank you.
Any questions? Ask or message the Net.
…and now I’m going home by @the-nerdy-stjarna) (ship: fitzsimmons) stjarna continued her wonderfully evocative and delightfully soft rural Scotland au in this beautiful story where Fitz and Jemma figure out kissing and that they’re not very subtle. There’s a delicious hint of pipsy and some brow raising moments when Jemma’s parents come for an impromptu visit. The entire series is charming and will be one you’ll want to read over and over again. 
feels like I'm falling (and I am lost in your eyes) by @huntxngbxrd (ship: huntingbird) In this fluffy Huntingbird AU, Bobbi is sick of fifth-wheeling her couple friends at the amusement park when she bumps into a witty (and attractive) stranger—quite literally. Little does she know of the bright new path this chance encounter is about to put her on.
Stray by @sunalsolove (ship: simmorse) This brief flash of the possibilities of Bobbi and Jemma undercover in Hydra captures their dynamics perfectly—two resilient, conflicted women holding onto each other in the wolfhouse.
Fitzskimmons drabbles and ficlets - ch.19 by @theclaravoyant (ship: fitzskimmons)  In an AU setting in which 5x14 never happened and Fitz didn’t die, Daisy mourns by Coulson’s grave. This sad, yet soft and tender fic, offers a heartbreaking take on a spy’s goodbye that may bring tears to your eyes. But rest assured that Fitz and Jemma are there for Daisy. 
Platonic-centric / Both / Other
I never want to leave you (but I can't make you bleed if I'm alone) by @loved-the-stars-too-fondly (brotp: mayskye) This S2 AU fic is an eye-opening look at what might have happened if May had been allowed to go with Skye to the cabin in the woods. The relationship between them is amazingly written and satisfies a craving for happy!Skye stories.
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theclaravoyant · 6 years
Hi everyone, I’m looking for more blogs to follow!
Please like or reblog this post if you post about one or more of the following:
- Agents of SHIELD, especially the Bus Kids and just about any of their ships, favourites include FS, Skimmons, Simmorse, FitzSkimmons, FitzHunter - Brooklyn 99, especially platonic, ships may include Holt x Kevin, Peraltiago. - The Good Place, especially platonic, ships may include Cheleanor and/or Elhani and/or Chidi x Eleanor x Tahani - other sitcoms including but not limited to Parks & Rec, Friends, - Doctor Who, New Who, platonics, and/or most ships 
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justanalto · 6 years
bobbi for character asks? :)
send me a character and i’ll respond with
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them* (am i lance hunter? mayhaps)
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav
otp(s): huntingbird, huntingbird and huntingbird. i could be convinced to do some bird squared tho
other ship(s): *gathers all the things* hi yes excuse me i’ll just be taking all of this platonic simmorse to go thanks and if you could give me that bobbi daisy brotp i’m all set bye now! OH AND TRULY I AM HERE FOR BOBBI/NATASHA BROTP I WROTE A WHOLE FIC ABOUT IT
#noromo ship(s): someone out there has had the audacity to pair bobbi morse with grant ward and it’s the worst thing i’ve ever heard of
crack ship(s): the idea of bobbi and phil cracks me up 
fav headcanon(s): bobbi knows how to outdrink everyone she knows except for elena and daisy, and it irks her beacuse she used to drink daisy under the table
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florchis · 6 years
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I ate you up the day we first spoke
[AO3] {FitzHunter; past-romantic/present-platonic Huntingbird, platonic Fitzsimmons, romantic Simmorse. RatedG, ~3K}
Summary:  Hunter pays back one of the many favours he owes to Bobbi by picking up her girlfriend from the airport, and gets much more than he bargained for in the form of her science-babble producer, skittish mannered, bad tempered lab partner.
He is on his best behaviour, what with not making a pip when the glasses arrive and the boy cleans the edge very meticulously before taking it to his mouth. After that, he surely can be allowed one (1) non malicious biting comment.
“I didn't even notice you were Scottish in the car, what with all the indistinguishable science gobbledygook.”
The boy- Fitz, Hunter remembers suddenly, the odd name cracking on his tongue, the soft vowel part and the hard consonant sound, both of them barely filling his mouth, leaving him with a strange sensation of thirst on his throat and tingling on his lips- scowls at him, and a laugh bubbles inside Hunter’s chest. The kid has teeth, good to know. He doesn't do well when he can't treat someone like an equal.
Hunter makes a conciliatory toast after that; he likes this boy, science babble and skittish manners and bad temper included.
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A, B, X for the alphabet asks? for AOS, B99, or another fandom of your choosing :)
Thanks for the ask!
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Philinda (platonic, queerplatonic, and romantic)
Papa Coulson and Bus Kids
Mama May and Bus Kids
Mama May and Robin
FitzHunter (platonic, queerplatonic, and romantic)
Bus Kids
Queerplatonic FitzSimmons
Simmorse (platonic, queerplatonic, and romantic)
FitzMack (platonic, queerplatonic, and romantic)
Quakerider (platonic, queerplatonic, and romantic)
Every single platonic relationship on the show
Jake and Holt’s father-son relationship
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Romantic FitzHunter and FitzSkimmons (I blame you and @florchis)
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Team as Family. Family/platonic/queerplatonic relationships in general
Ask me stuff
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appleciders · 7 years
do aos go OFF girl
okay let’s fucking go.
my all-time ultimate fave character: JEMMA SIMMONS. look. god knows i love skyedaisy. i love melinda may. i love bobbi morse. but jemma simmons is a few things i’ve wanted to be and so many things i wish i wasn’t, too many sharp angles and a mean streak and too overemotional and absolute shit at expressing it and she’s wonderful for it and. i just. love her a lot. a hell of a fucking lot more than the showrunners, at any rate.
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: okay for the sake of honesty i haven’t watched since...ages, but i didn’t like mack initially? just because of the shit way he treated jemma. but then that seemed to heal itself—though, cough, closure would have been nice, cough—and he became pretty rad
a character I used to like but now don’t: i liked coulson before the show and early s1 and now i...really don’t, tbh
a character I’m indifferent about: lincoln, ngl. 
a character who deserved better: all the people of color on this show, honestly. trip shouldn’t have died, raina shouldn’t have died, andrew shouldn’t have died, jiaying shouldn’t have died, anne weaver shouldn’t have been villified, kara shouldn’t have died, mike should’ve had a bigger role. and then there’s our main cast, like daisy—she deserves more narrative opinion imo, and more time to develop away from men, but then i guess i haven’t watched so idk what’s going on right now. she’s just the main and she’s not rly treated like it, yk? on a different note, jemma simmons deserved an honest-to-god trauma arc and fitz deserved more than the magic ableist cure he got.
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: ...f*tzsimmons, tbh? like it was cute for a hot second but so much shit just tumbled around it and the way it was written didn’t do either of them justice, least of all jemma, who was always propping up fitz’s arc. poor homegirl just kept getting fucking demonized left and right by the fandom. and then there’s all the ‘neither of them are whole without the other’ rhetoric and the ‘fixing’ each other shit and. that is. not fun.
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: simmorse and skimmons and platonic maysimmons. i love my wonderful bi daughters and their mama okay. 
a cute, low-key ship: yo-yo and mack, just bc i love elena, and mack’s pretty chill. is that still a thing? i hope that’s still a thing
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: literally like, every (age-appropriate, for fuck’s sake) rarepair involving jemma im ok with. fitzskimmons. skimmorse. fitzsimmorse. was this supposed to be something that happened in the show? in that case... tripsimmons was cute
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: um. ***********. i mean it isn’t totally wrong, i just wish it hadn’t happened. imo it messed up a lot of team dynamics.
my favourite storyline/moment: look, if they were still writing shit the quality of some s1 stuff—F.Z.Z.T. and T.R.A.C.K.S. and the hydra reveal—then i would still be watching the show. i loved my goofy offbeat kids, goddammit.
a storyline that never should have been written: all of jemma’s trauma recovery arc in s2, in which her healing would parallel daisyskye’s later turbulent beginnings with her inhuman powers. we’d see both of them having separate breakdowns, though jemma would be at hydra for longer and would have a genuine arc concerning her ptsd and likely eating disorder that came out of it. (also she’d bang bobbi.) when jemma came back, we’d see her talk to more people about what happened with fitz and get to see more of the toll it’s taken on her, and both she and fitz would end up having multiple genuine conversations about it. when jemma has an adverse reaction to daisy’s powers, we see her side of the story as well, though ultimately she changes her mind and the bus kids come back together as they see that their true goal has only ever been to help each other. the season ends with them back on the bus, coulson helping bobbi, trip, hunter, and mack to move into newly built rooms. may and her three kids are in the cockpit, taking turns learning how to fly. jemma eventually asks, biting her lip, “where will we go?” may turns a steady gaze to skye, whose eyes are stubbornly set on the horizon. the clouds are orange and red. “we’re gonna help people,” skye decides, “that’s how we started out. we wanted to help people—we weren’t supposed to become the government machine. rising tide, right? it swallowed us for a bit.” she looks nervously at jemma and fitz, but swallows and continues. “we’re just people. sure, i’m super-powered and awesome now—but i’m still just a person, at the end of the day. that’s what we all are.” she looks around at her family. “yeah.” there’s a long pause. jemma’s eyes are glassy. then, may’s lips quirk into a smile. “those aren’t coordinates,” she says. everyone pauses, then they begin to giggle—that was a joke. may made a joke. the screen fades dark.
my first thoughts on the show: i remember when this show got put on netflix and i was!! so excited!! i kept running back and forth to tell my dad all the funny bits in it and how fun and lighthearted it was and how much i loved skye.
my thoughts now: they literally have managed to make nazism seem like a feasible path for everyone to have been driven down and i’m. out.
send me a tv series and I’ll tell you:
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daisybeewrites · 3 years
hey! i haven’t updated this in a while so here are the characters/ships i write for! no smut please (keep any steamier asks PG13)
Agents of SHIELD
Dousy (Daisy Johnson/Daniel Sousa)
Fitzsimmons (Jemma Simmons/Leo Fitz)
Phillinda (Phil Coulson/Melinda May)
Phillindaisy (platonic Phillinda&Daisy)
Skimmons/Bioquake (Daisy Johnson/Jemma Simmons)
Mackelena (Mack/Elena Yo-yo Rodriguez)
Huntingbird (Lance Hunter/Bobbi Morse)
Simmorse (Jemma Simmons/Bobbi Morse)
Fitzhunter (Leo Fitz/Lance Hunter)
platonic!Fitzdaisy (Daisy Johnson&Leo Fitz)
platonic!Daisymack (Daisy Johnson&Mack)
other platonic/group fics
any above characters x reader
Harry Potter Universe
Mauraders Era
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Lily Evans
Fantastic Beasts Era
Newtina (Newt Scamander/Tina Goldstein)
Tina Goldstein
Newt Scamander
Theseus Scamander
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daisylincs · 4 years
WIP Folder Game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!  ← part of my trick or treat now :D
Thank you so much for the tag, @eowima​​! You know, I think we should officially update you to the role of clairvoyant or something, lmao, because you won’t believe how well this fits into my ~master plan.~ (I’ll explain in a second, lol.) 
But before I start, um... letmeapologiseinadvancefortheshitshowthatisabouttofollow. My WIPs folder is, er, simply put, a mess. Chaos. A nightmare. 
I have an explanation!! I’ve always loved fanfiction and fandoms, and I’ve spent many happy years reading other people’s things - but I’ve never actually been inspired to create something myself. I don’t know, I always had tremendous respect for the creators who were already out there, but I never felt the inclination to join them, you know? 
Then I started watching AoS this lockdown, and... well, let’s just say that everything changed. For the first time ever, I woke up in the middle of the night and I had a fic idea, one that was demanding to be written down if I ever wanted to sleep a wink again.
And the more I got into the fandom, the more the fic ideas kept coming, until there was a point where I couldn’t read or watch anything without thinking, “ooh, AoS AU!!” So... into the WIPs folder it went. And as you can well imagine, there’s a lot there now. Like, a lot. 
Fitzsimmons was the ship that gave me my first fic idea, so of course there’s stuff for them. Then Huntingbird is the ship that actually pulled me completely and wholeheartedly into the fic verse. And then, of course, Staticquake, the ship that actually got me past my but I’m not good enough fears and, er, got me completely obsessed. I am still not over that.
And last but definitely not least - and, actually, you’re to thank for this, Océane, because it’s your fic that got me hooked on these two awkwardorable idiots - my brain decided that, you know what, if I’m going to write now anyway, I want to do Spideychelle.
So that’s the (long) story of me and my chaotic WIPs folder, and now with no further ado, I’m going to jump right in and give you a list of titles. *coughs* I am, however, going to put a cut here, because... well, you’ll see why. *cringes*
💜 - Staticquake
💖 - Huntingbird
💚 - Fitzsimmons
🍋 - Dekesy
💗 - Pipsy
🤍 - Dousy
💕 - Skimmons
🧡 - Quakerider
💞 - Simmorse
🤎 - Mackelena
💙 - Platonic/Family Centric
❤️ - Spideychelle 
💘 - Clintasha
* - a series
(Ones with two or more hearts mean that all these ships feature prominently.) 
The List:
💜.  A Hero’s Reward
💜.  and i risk it all for this life we share
💜.  Angsty Post-Hive Recovery Fic
💜. barefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite song
💜. Best Friends But She’s In A Bad Relationship AU
💜. Bittersweet What-If Fic
💜. Blow Us All Away*
💜. Childhood Friends Fic
💜. darling just dive right in
💜. darling just kiss me slow
💜. don’t ask me where i’ve been, or what i’m gonna do (just know that i’m here with you) 
💜. every day in between
💜. Fairytale (Sleeping Beauty) AU
💜. Fake Dating Partyfic
💜. Flower Shop AU
💜. good old shake ‘n bake
💜. Grieving Fic
💜. High School AU Idea
💜. Hive Toilet Fic
💜. Hospital Fluff & Flirting AU
💜. Hotel Room AU
💜. i live for you (soulmates AU)
💜. i never knew you were the someone waiting for me
💜.  i’ll find my way through night and day
💜. just let your heart be free (you’ve got a friend in me)
💜. lights will guide you home
💜. Mission/Partners Fic
💜. Modern Royalty Fic
💜. Musical (West Side Story) AU
💜. Not That Girl Anymore
💜. PDA
💜. Pitch Perfect AU
💜. Post-Hive Pregnancy Fic
💜. put that body on me
💜. Rain Fic
💜. Red Thread
💜. Regency AU: Marriage of Convenience
💜. Regency AU: Arranged Marriage
💜. remember that with every piece of you
💜. Rom-Com AU
💜. Royalty Shenanigans Fic
💜. S3 AU - Daisy, Inhuman Leader
💜. S3 AU - Lincoln With SHIELD All Along
💜. Shake ‘n Bake: A YouTube Romance
💜. Skaters AU
💜. Sky’s the Limit*
💜. Snowed In Fic
💜. so baby i’m alright, with just a kiss goodnight
💜. some dreams do come true
💜. Soul Realm
💜. Soulmark AU
💜. Stardust AU
💜. Stranded-Somewhere-Cold Ficlet
💜. The Daughter of Thunder and Lightning
💜. the earth shook and the sky flashed
💜. took my heart upon a one-way trip
💜. TV Show AU
💜. Ward-Confrontation AU
💜. Watching Hamilton AU
💜. What-Ifs*
💜. you’d be the one i was meant to find
💜💙. Lincoln & The Team Bonding Fic
💜💙. MayLincoln Friendship Fic
💜💙. The Secret Warriors
💚. Academy Era Rom-Com
💚. Ah Crap My Ex Just Walked In AU
💚. Alya Fluff and First Words Fic
💚. Angsty Hair ficlet 
💚. Cute Family Zoo Prompt
💚. lunch break
💚. Second Child Fluff and First Words Fic
💚. Soulmate AU
💚. The Perfect Fairytale*
💚. The Team Ships It
💚💜. Fluffy Best Friends Idea
💚💜. ooh, la la la*
💚💙.  AoS Frozen AU
💚💙. FitzsimmonsSparks Fic 
💚💙. Us Against The World
💚💜💙. AoS Harry Potter AU
💖. Al Birthday Fic 
💖. always the same pattern, love
💖. blonde
💖. meet me half-way
💖. rollercoaster
💖. Soulmate AU
💖. The Blue Door (Notting Hill AU)
💖. the ride
💖. when did it all fall to pieces (can’t we build it back)
💚💖. Best Friends’ Wedding AU
💚💖. The Holiday AU 
💚💜💖💙. No Hive AU
💚💜💖💙. Post-3x10 Who Owes Who Fic
🍋. Angst/Introspection Fic
🍋. Beach Fic
🍋. Coffee Shop AU
🍋. Concert Canon Divergence Fic
🍋. Drunk Kiss Fic
🍋. Mission Kiss Canon Divergence Fic
🍋. Singers AU
💚🍋. Fluff and Teasing Fic
💚🍋. (Not A) Double Date
💗. ’cause you’re out of this world
💗. Coffee Shop/Baristas AU
💗. High School AU/Sleepover Fic
💗. Walls Come Down Fic
🤍. Affectionate Arguments/Take Care Of Yourself Fic
🤍. Danny Boy & Quake*
🤍. getting to know you, getting to know all about you
🤍. T Birthday Fic
🤍💚. Teasing/Introspection Fic    
💞. Birdie Birthday Fic
💞. Bodyguard AU
💞. Roommates/Best Friends AU
💞. you’re just my cup of tea
🧡. Abby Birthday Fic
🧡. it’s a better place since you came along
🧡. Reluctantly Perfect
🧡. Scarlet Birthday Fic
🧡💚. well that works    
💕. Coming Out Fic
💕. S1 Crush Fic
💕. you’ll be my lady
🤎. Childhood Best Friends AU
🤎. Church Camp AU
🤎. Giorgia Birthday Fic
🤎. Soulmates AU
🤎. then through the shadows, your light appears
💚💜💖🤎. Shippy Team Mistletoe Fic
💚💜💖🤎. Shippy Team Snowfic
💚💜💖🤎💙. Soft Family Fic from Chloe Interview
❤️. Ah Crap My Ex Just Walked In AU
❤️. Arranged Marriage AU
❤️. cute clueless moron
❤️. Cute, Dorky Friendship Idea
❤️. Fake Dating Friends to Lovers
❤️. Media Nonsense Fic
❤️. Michelle Jones, Agent of SHIELD
❤️. Michelle Jones, Inhuman
❤️. Océane Birthday Fic
❤️. oh, when you kiss me
❤️. Secret Santa Fic
❤️. Secret Santa Thank-You Ficlet
❤️. Spideychelle Week Day 5 - Roommates AU
❤️. Spideychelle Week Day 6 - Enemies to Lovers
❤️. Spideychelle Week Day 7 - Only One Bed
❤️. Teach Me To Fight, Parker
❤️💚. heads on a science apart
💘. Bobbi Birthday Fic
💘. 5 Times The Avengers Played Matchmaker, and 1 Time It Worked (Sort Of)
💘. Jade Arrow
💘. Natalia
💘. Roommates AU
💙. all the stars in the skye
💙. blue-eyed
💙. FitzDaisy Recovery Fic
💙. Happy Family Holiday Fic
💙. JemmaDaisy Friendship Fic
💙. see the line where the skye meets the sea
💙. Soft-Fluffy Philindaisy Tickle Fic
💙.untitled angst war fic
💜🤍💗🍋🧡💕💙. day’s eye      
(and that’s not even it. I haven’t even made documents for all the birthday fics. *crawls into a hole to die*)
So yeah, I’m completely insane and I’m probably going to be here for the next ten years trying to write all this lot and also I tag @ohwriteiforgot​​, @aleksandrachaev​​, @everythingirl44​​, @que-mint-tea, @anxiouslynumbme, @springmagpies​, @besidemethewholedamntime​, @infinitestarsintheskye​, @libbyweasley​, @a-biochemist-not-a-bird​, @nazezdha321​, @sadtunes​ and @here-for-huntingbird​, if any of you guys want to do this!
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daisylincs · 4 years
Welcome to utter insanity, a.k.a. 
My WIPs List!
And before you ask, yes, I am aware that I’m going to be here for the next ten years trying to write all of these - but that’s a good thing, right? 😍
💜 - Staticquake
💖 - Huntingbird
💚 - Fitzsimmons
🍋 - Dekesy
💗 - Pipsy
🤍 - Dousy
💕 - Skimmons
🖤 - Philinda
🧡 - Quakerider
💞 - Simmorse
🤎 - Mackelena
💟 - Polyship Ideas
💙 - Platonic/Family Centric
❤️ - Spideychelle
💘 - Clintasha
* - a series
(Ones with two or more hearts mean that all these ships feature prominently.)
The List:
💜.  A Hero’s Reward
💜.  and i risk it all for this life we share
💜.  Angsty Post-Hive Recovery Fic
💜. barefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite song
💜. Best Friends But She’s In A Bad Relationship AU
💜. Bittersweet What-If Fic
💜. Blow Us All Away*
💜. Childhood Friends Fic
💜. darling just dive right in
💜. darling just kiss me slow
💜. don’t ask me where i’ve been, or what i’m gonna do (just know that i’m here with you)
💜. every day in between
💜. Fairytale (Sleeping Beauty) AU
💜. Fake Dating Partyfic
💜. Flower Shop AU
💜. good old shake ‘n bake
💜. Grieving Fic
💜. High School AU Idea
💜. Hive Toilet Fic
💜. Hospital Fluff & Flirting AU
💜. Hotel Room AU
💜. i live for you (soulmates AU)
💜. i never knew you were the someone waiting for me
💜.  i’ll find my way through night and day
💜. just let your heart be free (you’ve got a friend in me)
💜. lights will guide you home
💜. Mission/Partners Fic
💜. Modern Royalty Fic
💜. Musical (West Side Story) AU
💜. my heart will go on
💜. Not That Girl Anymore
💜. PDA
💜. Pitch Perfect AU
💜. Post-Hive Pregnancy Fic
💜. put that body on me
💜. Rain Fic
💜. Red Thread
💜. Regency AU: Marriage of Convenience
💜. Regency AU: Arranged Marriage
💜. remember that with every piece of you
💜. Rom-Com AU
💜. Royalty Shenanigans Fic
💜. S3 AU - Daisy, Inhuman Leader
💜. S3 AU - Lincoln With SHIELD All Along
💜. Shake ‘n Bake: A YouTube Romance
💜. Skaters AU
💜. Sky’s the Limit*
💜. Snowed In Fic
💜. so baby i’m alright, with just a kiss goodnight
💜. some dreams do come true
💜. Soul Realm
💜. Soulmark AU
💜. Stardust AU
💜. Stranded-Somewhere-Cold Ficlet
💜. The Daughter of Thunder and Lightning
💜. the earth shook and the sky flashed
💜. took my heart upon a one-way trip
💜. TV Show AU
💜. Ward-Confrontation AU
💜. Watching Hamilton AU
💜. What-Ifs*
💜. you’d be the one i was meant to find
💜💙. Lincoln & The Team Bonding Fic
💜💙. MayLincoln Friendship Fic
💜💙. The Secret Warriors
💚. Academy Era Rom-Com
💚. Ah Crap My Ex Just Walked In AU
💚. Alya Fluff and First Words Fic
💚. Angsty Hair ficlet
💚. Cute Family Zoo Prompt
💚. lunch break
💚. Second Child Fluff and First Words Fic
💚. Soulmate AU
💚. The Perfect Fairytale*
💚. The Team Ships It
💚💜. Fluffy Best Friends Idea
💚💜. ooh, la la la*
💚💙.  AoS Frozen AU
💚💙. auld lang syne
💚💙. FitzsimmonsSparks Fic
💚💙. Us Against The World
💚💜💙. AoS Harry Potter AU
💖. Al Birthday Fic
💖. always the same pattern, love
💖. blonde
💖. meet me half-way
💖. rollercoaster
💖. Soulmate AU
💖. The Blue Door (Notting Hill AU)
💖. the ride
💖. when did it all fall to pieces (can’t we build it back)
💚💖. Best Friends’ Wedding AU
💚💖. The Holiday AU
💚💜💖💙. No Hive AU
💚💜💖💙. Post-3x10 Who Owes Who Fic
🍋. Angst/Introspection Fic
🍋. Beach Fic
🍋. Coffee Shop AU
🍋. Concert Canon Divergence Fic
🍋. Drunk Kiss Fic
🍋. Mission Kiss Canon Divergence Fic
🍋. Singers AU
💚🍋. Fluff and Teasing Fic
💚🍋. (Not A) Double Date
💗. ’cause you’re out of this world
💗. Coffee Shop/Baristas AU
💗. High School AU/Sleepover Fic
💗. Walls Come Down Fic
🤍. Affectionate Arguments/Take Care Of Yourself Fic
🤍. Danny Boy & Quake*
🤍. getting to know you, getting to know all about you
🤍. T Birthday Fic
🤍💚. Teasing/Introspection Fic    
💞. Birdie Birthday Fic
💞. Bodyguard AU
💞. Roommates/Best Friends AU
💞. you’re just my cup of tea
🖤. like an old married couple
🖤💙. the stunning adventures of shake, bake and quake
🧡. it’s a better place since you came along
🧡. Reluctantly Perfect
🧡. Scarlet Birthday Fic
🧡💚. well that works    
💕. Coming Out Fic
💕. S1 Crush Fic
💕. you’ll be my lady
🤎. Childhood Best Friends AU
🤎. Church Camp AU
🤎. Giorgia Birthday Fic
🤎. Soulmates AU
🤎. then through the shadows, your light appears
💚💜💖🖤🤎. Shippy Team Mistletoe Fic
💚💜💖🖤🤎. Shippy Team Snowfic
💚💜💖 🖤🤎💙. Soft Family Fic from Chloe Interview
❤️. Ah Crap My Ex Just Walked In AU
❤️. Arranged Marriage AU
❤️. cute clueless moron
❤️. Cute, Dorky Friendship Idea
❤️. Fake Dating Friends to Lovers
❤️. Media Nonsense Fic
❤️. Michelle Jones, Agent of SHIELD
❤️. Michelle Jones, Inhuman
❤️. Océane Birthday Fic
❤️. oh, when you kiss me
❤️. Secret Santa Fic
❤️. Secret Santa Thank-You Ficlet
❤️. Spideychelle Week Day 5 - Roommates AU
❤️. Spideychelle Week Day 6 - Enemies to Lovers
❤️. Spideychelle Week Day 7 - Only One Bed
❤️. Teach Me To Fight, Parker
❤️💚. heads on a science apart
💘. Bobbi Birthday Fic
💘. 5 Times The Avengers Played Matchmaker, and 1 Time It Worked (Sort Of)
💘. Jade Arrow
💘. Natalia
💘. Roommates AU
💙. all the stars in the skye
💙. blue-eyed
💙. FitzDaisy Recovery Fic
💙. Happy Family Holiday Fic
💙. JemmaDaisy Friendship Fic
💙. see the line where the skye meets the sea
💙. Soft-Fluffy Philindaisy Tickle Fic
💙. untitled angst war fic
💜🤍💗🍋🧡💕💙. day’s eye
💟 - StaticQuakerSquares
💟 - LemonStaticQuake
💟 - BioStaticQuake
💟 - FitzStaticQuake
💟 - MorseStaticQuake
💟 - FitzSimmonsStaticQuake (yeah this one needs a good name)
💟 - Scis & Spies & Shake ‘n Bake
💟 - why the fuck not
A warning: don’t ever assume you know everything that’s on this list, because my goblin brain is constantly - and I do mean constantly - adding more. 
(We have a love-hate relationship, my brain and I.)
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