#platonic vore
suzyandthefox · 3 months
Something have been on my mind
I don't like how we have to separate the love/feelings between beings into "Romantic love" "sexual love" "friendship" etc etc...
I feel like Love is more than a spectrum, more than a binary, more than words
The feelings that beings share, especially human beings, is greater than that, it's a sacred bond between two beings who care about each other.
That's also something I like exploring in vore, I say that all the vore I write is platonic, but the truth is it's neither platonic nor romantic.
It's more, it's the primal need to hold a precious thing somewhere safe VS the instinct to be with the one you love and care about.
I dunno what I'm rambling about, but I just think that people should be allowed to share a bond without having to be labelled.
I want to call someone"My precious" and "My beloved" without actually having to be in a romantic relationship with them.
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prefacing this with, oh my god, this is going to be so self indulgent, but here i go anyway...
GOD. ive been in such a pred vood lately its driving me INSANE. (its not helping that ive only had a few small snacks today LMAOO) i just.. AUUGHGHGHGHH i wanna know the feeling of being full so BADLY. i wanna tease someone by cooing about how good they're gonna feel when i finally cave and eat them, or purr and nuzzle into them, blushing hard and just excited to get on with it myself. i wanna know how it would feel to have someone in my mouth, how they'd taste, how they'd feel pressed against my teeth. i wanna indulge with no regret, swallow someone that i care about so deeply just to show that ill keep them safe, reveal such a intimate part of me because i trust them, i know they won't hurt me and they know i won't hurt them. i want to be as close to someone as i ever could. i want to know how it would feel, to be so full from them and them alone- or hell, multiple people just for the heck of it. i wanna show how much someone means to me, in such an unorthodox way. i wanna let myself go, just give in, know the feeling of their weight inside of me and their soft, deep squirms and quiet laughter, knowing they're enjoying this as much as i am. i want to let their taste linger on my tongue, remember how they felt going down, already drooling at the idea of eating them again. i wanna feel their movement and rubs, whisper a thank you and just.. enjoy myself.
i want to be able to hold someone close, that's all.
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 2 years
Karlnap noms maybe 👉🥺👈
Here you go Squishy, it's more mouthplay tho... (not really he's going to be swallowed soon)
(Sapnap looks a bit bad though.. :'])
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wutwutno1 · 8 months
Can you maybe make a another Uzi x reader vore I love this so much
Read ask and tags before reading.
"Okay, now hold still." It has been a few weeks since Uzi first vored you. Since then, Uzi nomming you had become a semi-regular thing. As you sat on Uzi's desk, surrounded by trash and tools that had been shoved aside to make room for you, she stood above you.
"Uzi? Are you sure about this?"
You shuffled nervously on your feet. After getting swallowed the first time, Uzi has somewhat been treating you like a personal snack. Not that you minded, only getting annoyed when Uzi didn't warn you beforehand, or when she would have her little "dance parties." However, this new idea of hers was taking the cake.
"Of course I'm sure! Now stand up and hold still! I don't want to hurt you with the teeth!"
Uzi's tail slowly began growing out of her back. You do as she says and stand up as the tail turns to face you, its many sharp teeth sticking out of its mouth. You sigh, annoyed.
Getting vored by Uzi is one thing, but getting vored by her tail? The thing was already fleshy and gross on the outside, who knows how it felt on the inside!
Uzi slowly positions her tail so it sits on the edge of the desk before you. It's jaws part. The thing's tongue grows a bright purple. You have a clear view into its dark throat. You can tell that it's basically like Uzi's throat, the only difference being the tail's throat is lined with what looks to be two thin lines to the left and right that glow with a purple hue. If you didn't know what it was, you would probably find it inviting.
"Okay now, would you please climb in?"
Uzi gives a polite reassuring smile. You slowly step forward and place a hand on the tail's lower jaw.
"Okay, then," you mumble, "let's get this over with."
You climb inside, using a tooth as a grab bar. You slowly lie down on the tongue of the thing with your feet pointed towards the throat like you're about to go down a water slide. Uzi giggles softly, trying to hide it behind her hand. "Oh my Robo-God! I can taste you with my tail's tongue! It feels weird!"
Uzi lifts her tail to her face and looks at you with a smirk.
"Are you ready to go where no drone has gone before? Of course you are! Let's do this!"
Uzi tilts her tail back, and you begin to slide towards its throat. Your feet slide inside. It feels exactly like Uzi's normal throat and your legs slide inside. Within a second, you're sliding through the tail. Uzi can see a small bulge on her tail as you slowly slide through it. It suddenly stops as you slide into something.
"Huh, that was weird. I thought the tail was longer?"
You push a little and call out to Uzi.
"Hey, Uzi! I think I entered your stomach!"
You then hear Uzi squeal, although it was muffled. Usually, you can hear her clear as day.
"Oh my god, Y/N! I think my tail has its own little stomach!"
Uzi holds the bump in her tail. She pokes and pets it, all of which you can feel from inside.
"I think my tail has its own digestive system! I can feel you in there. Feels weird."
Uzi pokes and prods, getting a feel for the tiny trapped inside.
"Okay, that's all well and good, but can you let me out of here? I'd like to know if I'm trapped in here or not."
"Okay, okay. Hold your horses."
You feel Uzi let go of the tail. It twists a bit as it moves, but it stops after a few seconds. Uzi grabs the tail near your feet and begins to push you up, squeezing you out like a tube of toothpaste. You can feel yourself slide up the tail's throat. You slide into the thing's mouth. However, you notice that you're pointed upside down.
The tail's jaws part and you slide out. You find yourself in freefall for a fraction of a second. You fall into another much more familiar tight enclosed space. The opening to this space closes. You're left in slight darkness that's only broken up by a purple glowing liquid and another purple glow behind you. You realize where you are, and before you can call out, Uzi swallows you.
You slide down her throat upside down and get deposited into her stomach. You scramble to right yourself.
"Uzi! What the hell!" You shout. Uzi pats her belly and giggles.
"What? I thought you liked it in there! Besides! I was expecting my tail's throat to go to my stomach anyway."
You grumble a bit and get into your usual position.
"Now then. Dance party?"
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thechrispyboi · 8 months
Happy valentines day friends, instead of being matched with your valentine. Instead prey are gonna be matched with a stomach. And preds are gonna have their stomach match with a prey!
So who’s your valentine then this year?
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vorish-wonderland · 2 years
Your stories are great! How about borrower!reader in Diasomnia dorm, who gets caught by Malleus/Lilia/Sebek? Maybe with some fearplay, but ultimately safe?
Includes: soft/safe vore, fearplay, an itty-bitty bit of angst, Lilia with a prehensile tongue (idk man I just thought it'd be cool if he had one)
★✦Poor Little Child...✦★
You saw something on the kitchen counter one day.
It was... it was a bowl of dry cereal.
It obviously has to be a trap, right...?
But... you haven't eaten in days. You need something, anything.
At this point, you don't care if it's a trap... you just want to eat something.
You made your way out of your small home, the crack in the cold stone wall, and nervously looked around as you walked towards the bowl.
You grabbed the piece of cereal with your tiny hands and took a biiiiiiiig bite of it. It didn't really taste like anything, but it was still... amazing.
And then, glass walls slammed down all around you.
"It seems I was right! We did have a borrower in the dorm!"
You looked up, to see a someone with black and pink hair, and big red eyes with vertical pupils...
"Come on, little one, let's talk about your crime..." He said, using the glass cup he'd trapped you in to push you off the counter and into his hand.
He held you tightly in his hands, making sure you couldn't make any sudden movements and get away from him.
"It's been a while since I've seen one of you!" He said, smiling. "And it's been a while since I've been able to taste one of you..."
He stuck his very long tongue out of his mouth, he pressed you against it... you felt it slither around your body like some kind of tentacle, before he used it to pull you into his mouth.
After he'd tasted you, he grabbed your foot and pulled you out of his mouth. He exhaled contently, and you heard a loud, hungry growl from deep below you...
"Such a shame for your life to be cut short like this... you've hardly even lived much of a life." He sighed. "Apologies, little one... but we both know what must happen here."
You squeezed your eyes shut as he grabbed you with his tongue once more. You kept your eyes shut the whole time, throughout your whole journey; when he pulled you into his mouth, when he swallowed you down... and you made sure to keep your eyes tightly shut when you arrived at his stomach. You didn't want to open your eyes at all.
Lilia floated over to the couch, with you resting (presumably) comfortably inside of him.
"Are you ok in there?" He sweetly asked.
"Huh? W-what?" You asked as tears streamed down your face.
"I'm sorry for acting the way I did, little one, I just got a bit over-excited. I haven't seen a borrower like you in a long while!" Lilia said as he stroked his stomach... you could feel it. It felt nice. "Now, may I ask what you were doing all alone when I found you?"
"What do you m-mean...?"
"From what I've seen, your kind tend to stay in groups... and adolescents like you are always seen with your parents, but you were completely alone." Lilia explained to you. "So why were you alone? If you'd allow me to ask."
"I... I-I don't know..." You admitted. "I was separated from my family a long time ago, but... I r-remember running away from something with my friends... but I hit m-my head, a-and I woke up alone in a crack in the wall. I don't know where my friends are... I-I don't know if they're even a-alive anymore..."
It then clicked in Lilia's head, he's met you before. Not properly, like this, but... you had met before. He was the thing you'd been running from with your friends.
Oh, but he isn't about to tell you that...
After all, now that he knows you (and knows your taste), Lilia realized that you... he just needs to protect you. A tiny thing like you, all alone in a world not meant for you... you need someone to keep you safe.
And Lilia has decided that he will keep you safe.
"There's no need to be scared anymore, poor little child... you'll be safe with me, I assure you." He whispered.
You were still quite scared of Lilia, but now less so...
"Oh! We should watch this show together! Surely that will be a wonderful bonding experience for us!"
"O-ok, yeah... t-that sounds nice, um..."
"Lilia, Lilia Vanrouge." He introduced himself finally.
"That sounds nice... Lilia."
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sleepvines · 4 months
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last minute milo posting before I go out for my birthday -- I drew these last night for comfort reasons and I'm choosing to post them because it's my house and I can do whatever I want!
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suzyandthefox · 4 months
This user is an enjoyer of Platonic vore that has no romantic intentions behind it.
And this user is an enjoyer of all sorts of feelings between pred and prey that aren't romantic (Friendship, Parental, Mutual respect,etc.)
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liking vore/stuffing is really just my brain going
"what is the weirdest way i can express my affection/love for my friends..... hugging? no, too basic. cuddling? okay that's getting somewhere.. what if.... now hear me out here, what if i ATE THEM/THEY EAT ME. OR, EVEN BETTER, THEY FEED ME/I FEED THEM."
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whitchygaythem · 2 years
Heroes and Villains
A huge boom shook the city, causing civilians to cry out and fall to the ground. Talia snapped to attention, eyes shooting to her phone as it let out a positive little *ding!* noise.
Talia smiled as she ran to the bathroom to change into her "work clothes". A tight, white bodysuit made from a durable material from her home planet with flowing blue, gray and silver accents. She clipped on her sky blue cape, and she was ready. Talia stepped into the bathroom, but Sky Queen, protector of Earth and hero of planet Galiler, stepped out. She rushed to the roof of the cafe, jumping off and taking flight. There was only one type 4 villain who consistently attacked uptown. All the other type 4s were off trying to conquer North America or control the government from the shadows. Gargantuan was always a nice change of pace, being a problem Talia could just punch. She soared over the city, speeding up when she heard crashing footsteps and maniacal laughter.
Sky Queen was right. Gargantuan was trying to run away with a handful of gold artifacts from the history museum. She had taken every last bit in the place from where Sky queen could see. Gargantuan had even taken the gold crown, and threaded it through her huge nose ring. It hung there, as Gargantuan ran through Main street, black fluffy hair bouncing in a short ponytail, as she trampled streetlights and abandoned cars under foot.
"Gargantuan! Stop this!" Sky Queen flew right in front of Gargantuan's face and she skidded to a halt in front of her. 
"Sky Queen, my nemesis! You should know by now that I will never listen to you!" She used her free hand to swat at Sky Queen.
"But you did stop, for your heart is not truly evil!" Sky Queen flew around Gargantuan's body, snatching artifacts from her giant palm, one by one.
"My heart is like the night, Miss Sky, dark and everlasting!"
Sky Queen flew towards the gold once again, but Gargantuan yanked her hand away, using her free hand to slap Sky Queen into a building. 
"Even night has moon light!"
Gargantuan grabbed Sky Queen, tightening her fist.
"Well then maybe my heart is like a new moon!"
Sky Queen burst out of the giant villain's fist and shot towards her unguarded hand. She snatched the gold up in her arms, dropping it off on a roof with the rest of it. 
"Even the new moon lets stars shine!" 
Sky Queen flew down, grabbing the back of Gargantuan's ankle and pushing. Gargantuan yelped, flailing for balance. 
"Ack, hey no fair! Wait a sec I almost got somethin-" Sky Queen flew up to Gargantuan's face, grabbing the nose ring that held the crown, and punching Gargantuan. Hard. She fell, shrinking as she went down, until she wasn't, well, gargantuan anymore. Only then did Sky Queen look down and realize she still had the nose ring in her hand, one side holding the crown, the other dripping with blood.
"Shitt she's gonna hate mee" she groaned as she heard the *WHOOP WHOOP* of police officers. She gathered all the stolen gold and took the crown off the nose ring, and returned them to the officers, as they thanked her and promised 
"She'll be gone for a long long time, thanks to you Sky Queen!"
"All in a days work!" She told them cheerily as she jetted off, then doubling back because she left the nose ring on the roof.
Talia sighed as she dried her bushy blonde hair with a towel. She had gotten way more bruises than last time. She glanced at the nose ring the size of a hula hoop and groaned. 
"Wow Queenie, I didn't think you were the type to keep trophies." 
Gargantuan had broken in, and was standing behind Talia's kitchen counter, her nose still covered in crusted blood around a straight cut through her nostril. In her current form, she was a full head shorter than Talia. Talia rushed at her.
"Oh my gods, Bea I'm so sorry!" She wrapped the smaller woman in a tight hug. "I got too into it again…" Bea did her best to pat Talia on the back, even though her arms were pinned to her sides by Talia's super-powered hug. 
"Girl, it's fine, I know the feeling. Remember that time I broke your ankle?" 
Talia giggled, resting her face in Bea's soft hair. "The costume looked so weird with the wrappings under it."  Bea chuckled and managed to free one arm and returned the hug.
"It's easy to go overboard with this stuff when you're fighting someone you don't think you can hurt. The best we can do is stitch each other up afterwards." Bea pushed out of the hug and leapt onto Talia's gray couch, flipping around to face her with a goofy smirk on her face.
"Speaking of stitches, I think it's time you helped me out Queenie" Talia rolled her eyes, still smiling. She walked over to the small bathroom 
"I wish I never picked that name, it's so… dorky." She grabbed the first aid kit from the cabinet and sat next to Bea. 
"Aww, cut yourself some slack Tals, you picked it," she leaned back, thinking and counting, "like ten years ago. Thirteen year olds are dorky. It's just a fact of life." Bea flopped onto Talia's lap with a flourish.
"Except for me, of course. I was cool." 
"Girl, sit up, I gotta stitch you up remember?" Bea obliged, sitting up and facing Talia, her legs still splayed over the couch and Talia's lap. Talia placed one hand on Bea's cheek and readied the needle. 
"Squeeze my leg if it hurts too much, ok?"
Bea nodded. 
Stitch one. Bea hissed quickly but stayed still.
Stitch two. Talia tilted Bea's face back towards her after she had jerked away from Talia. 
"This is the last stitch ok? We can do whatever you want after we take them out, promise." 
Bea nodded. "Can we cuddle?"
"Of course. Get ready." 
Stitch 3. Bea grunted and tightened her grip on Talia's knee.
"Ok, done with the worst part." Talia reached back into the first aid kit and retrieved a dimly glowing neon green bottle. She soaked a cotton ball with it and rubbed it over Bea's stitches. Her nose began to mend itself, the two pieces of flesh held together by the stitches, melding and repairing until all that was left was the stitches and a brand new scar. After she removed the stitches, Bea's nose looked fine. You wouldn't even know that one side had been ripped apart. Bea sniffed, lightly touching the new scar. She smiled.
"Nice. Do I look scarier? Tougher? More rugged?" 
Talia shrugged. "I can't really see it," she gestured to the green liquid. "This stuff is pretty potent." 
Bea whined and flopped back down onto the couch.
"But I want to look scaryyyy! How can I do that without badass scars?"
"I think you look plenty scary." She ruffled Bea's hair. "Are you ready?" 
Bea perked up. She closed her eyes, and exhaled. As she did, her body shrunk, until she was sitting comfortably in Talia's palm. Bea moved quickly, scuttling up Talia's arm to stand on her shoulder. Talia turned her head to Bea, who was grinning and giggling softly as she pushed at Talia's lips.
"Lemme in lemme in lemme in!"
Talia huffed at her but opened her mouth anyway. Bea fell into her maw, fitting perfectly on Talia's tongue. Bursts of sweetness danced wherever Bea's skin met Talia's taste buds, and she couldn't resist shutting her mouth and licking Bea, pressing her into her cheek. Bea never stopped moving, always squirming and pushing back at Talia's tongue playfully. Soon, Talia felt Bea inching towards the back of her throat and took it as a sign to "finish up". She licked Bea one last time before thickly swallowing her wiggly friend. She flopped back on the couch and sighed. She felt a weight land in her gut and placed a hand over her belly and rubbed. She closed her eyes and smiled as she felt Bea rub back. She began to nod off, comforted by the near constant movement in her belly. 
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rhymey-workshop · 2 years
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part 5
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nompunhere · 1 year
do you have any bug game stories that are more romantic than platonic? (not sexual ofc) safe noms with lovey-dovey nonsense is peak fiction for me
hmmmmge, in terms of ones I've already written, I've got like 2 or 3:
Where Ash Drifts Like Snow - C/rimson N/ails (so M/arkoth/X/ero), pre-relationship, they're both crushing hard, definitely fluff
Tender Moments - Q/uirrell/emm (or L/emmq/uirrel, whichever we call it), the definition of lovey-dovey nonsense, there's hardly any plot to it it's just 2.6k words of fluff
Bug Bites 3 - Chipped, the first ficlet there, has some fluffy Q/uirrell/emm again, and the one after that, Stealth Nap, has that pairing + T/iso, but any romance is maybe just sorta implied? A little?
Oh and there's This 2-part Thing - Not bug game, but notable in that the couple there is technically a romantic pairing, lot of angst with a touch of hurt/comfort at the end. if it helps I was picturing it with X/ero as the pred and M/arkoth as the prey while writing it lmao
aaaaaand because of my usual bs, here's a couple tidbits of stuff I have in the idea doc and outlines of unwritten fics that happen to involve romance below the cut (so many pheckin images)
gonna start off with the complete outlines, for which I have three that basically set up Quirreloro and that's about it for romance:
Interlude. not vore, but vore gets referenced at the end.
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Storytime. Oro is enlisted to share an anecdote from his and Quirrel's shared history. Can't remember if it's pre-relationship or established.
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Research Project. Let's just say you're bound to figure out where you stand with someone when you're that close for that long ;)
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next up, future Bug Bites:
Tisoquirrel fluff (and Ghost is also there). Shenanigans ensue.
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Crimson Nails. Those two are still crushing super hard on each other but may or may not get slightly less useless about it.
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Tisoquirreloro. Or Tisoquirrel at least, Oro isn't too involved yet. More shenanigans ensue.
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...Ogrisma? I don't know how people tend to write out the ship name but yeh. Fluffy fluff. Finally, a semi-functional couple
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Crimson Nails again. They may or may not be aware of how useless they are and may or may not work towards fixing that.
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Clothmyla. Seriously I don't know what the ship names are for a lot of these. Anyway, uhhh. Attempt at lessbeans. Gotta start somewhere!
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Aaaaand finally, an Assortment of Other Ideas. hh.
Crimson Nails, Xero moves into with his boyfriend. Hurt/comfort.
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Cold Night 2, electric boogaloo, and this time it's Tisoquirreloro. Many much cuddols.
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Oh wait I guess that's about it for the romance fic ideas without going into things that are more plot than noms/fluff. and I've already gotten way ahead of myself anyway, so. e ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ enjoy the patches of content ! probably gonna ramble in the tags again
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wutwutno1 · 1 year
oh cool! can you do some V X Reader g/t comfort with cuddling, pretty please! (and thank you!)
You could feel V staring at the back of your head. It had been a week since you were taken from the bunker after Uzi led the murder drones inside and had a falling out with her dad. You decided to go with it, seeing as you had no one inside the bunker, but you didn't realize just what you had gotten yourself into.
V stared at you blankly, your already tiny form shrinking back more with every passing second. Uzi and N were out, looking for parts you assumed, leaving you and the tied-up V and you alone together.
"C-Can I help you, V?" you whisper nervously, not sure if she could hear you or not. "Why yes, little one," V spoke in an exaggerated tone, "you could stop being so weird and tiny!" She snickered at her insult. It stung, but you didn't show it. "Oh shut up."
You started to walk along the control table you were walking on, trying to think of something to do to pass the time while Uzi and N were off doing their thing while V taunted and insulted you. It all hurt, and you tried to hold off from showing it, but it eventually culminated in the one thing you thought couldn't be used against you.
"Man, no wonder no one liked you! Tiny and useless!" That was it. The straw that broke the camel's back. You started to cry. Your knees felt weak and full of jelly. V was taken aback.
"Sh-Shut up... Stop crying..." V didn't like it when people cried. Despite her cruel murderous exterior, she was still a kind drone at heart. V's face softened when you didn't calm down.
V stood up and walked over, snapping a chain link near the base of her restraints. You saw the developing situation and fell on your back. You try to crawl backward away but are stopped by the edge of the table. V saw this and lunged at you.
You braced for her crushing grip, but are surprised to feel her wrap her fingers softly and carefully around you, picking you up slowly. She brought you up to her chest and pressed you against it in a comforting hug. She continued to hug you as she went back to her seat.
"Shh Shh, It's okay. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have talked like that to you. I'm sorry," she whispered softly to you. You couldn't tell if she meant it or not, but it sounded sincere, and you felt yourself calm down, leaning into the fur on her collar."There there. Do you want me to stop? Or do you want to stay like this a little longer?" You sniffled slightly and answered, "I'd like to stay a little longer."
"Then we'll stay a little longer," V whispered. She used her peg foot to push the chain back so it looked like it was still connected. After a while, you and her both fell asleep cuddling. You on her chest, and her holding you up so you don't fall.
A few hours later, Uzi and N come back from their little adventure. Uzi was the first to notice you and V cuddling while sleeping. She elbowed N to get his attention, waiting for him to notice before speaking.
"Guess she had a heart after all."
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yumyumsweettum · 2 years
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Ok but fr i had so much fun, I'm sad i wasn't able to make it for day 2 but i was very busy. So. Next time lol. But this was the most fun I've had in a long time, and everyone is so funny and nice i wanna squeeze you all (affectionate). Tysm to @novorehere for setting this up, and ofc happy birthday!!!!!! I hope you had a wonderful time as well!! I can't wait until next time <3 <3
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maplesyrupandgt · 1 year
Happy Vore Day!
Amber noms Keqing for protection ^^
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whitchygaythem · 2 years
Character heights!
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And also
This would have taken me awhile but then @titan-god-420 reminded me that picrew existed so here they are
Rowan: they/them
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Celia: she/her
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Quinn: she/they
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Cade: he/him
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