#please Urara come home
helloiamadrawer · 15 days
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A/N: Hi everyone! I have a surprise for the IzuOcha fans so here ya go, my alternate ending of chapter 429!! (w/o class 1a interrupting them)
Warnings: None! Yes, Ochaco may be sad but not for long..
Dividers by the awesome and talented @adornedwithlight (sorry if i never mentioned you in these i sincerely apologize 🙇‍♂️ *bows 1000 times*)
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Ochaco turns to see Izuku shouting her name thus running to her, his body emitting that same emerald glow of his quirk in the evening. She always found it so intriguing but her somberness was getting in the way of how she really felt. A dear friend just died in her near presence! What can Izuku help with that?? Ochaco wipes away her tears before Izuku came any closer to her. She shields her face, preventing him from seeing her round features.
Izuku knew deep in his being that something was wrong with the girl ever since the biggest conflict in Japan happened. He could ask a thousand questions but instead he stays silent, a look of confusion appearing on his face.
"I told you I was going home, Deku. Why did you come here?" Ochaco faintly speaks.
"I had a gut feeling that you were going to be at this place, after all this is where we last talked before we fought in the war. Also you had some advert look on your face ever since you returned from the hospital, is anything wrong?" Deku responds.
Oh, The War. That same war where a certain female psychopath sacrificed her life for Ochaco's alone. They were about to become friends..until she got stabbed. It wasn't supposed to end that way and it sent a wrenching feeling in Ochaco's heart.
"But why?"
Izuku takes two more steps closer to her, the confusion slowly turning into concern in his eyes. His tone takes a softer approach as he says, "Sorry, I just wanted to show you something.."
Show me what?
"You have always prioritized others before yourself, ever since the Entrance exam, you gave points to me, remember? And then all those other times?.."
How could she not remember that? All the various memories came flooding back to her, The Sports Festival, the Hero License Exam and the Joint Training with Class B. All of those events was a point where she put her crush before her. For Izuku.
It was always for Izuku.
But that only leads to one question; How does that make her a hero and what does that have to do with what's she's dealing with right now??
Tears started to prick at her eyes once more, she starts to lower her guard, trying to contain the lump of sadness in her throat.
"What I'm trying to say is that...
"You're my hero Ochaco Uraraka!!" Izuku admits loudly, "And being that way doesn't make you a bad person, you reached out to Toga like I did with Tenko, we all tried our very best but I think you did it the hardest out of anyone in our class."
Ochaco's brown eyes started to flood with tears.
I am his hero??
Izuku continues, "I can't keep taking your great strength for granted..please take my hand and tell me what's going on.". He reaches his hand out to Ochaco, knowing it has saved a few lives before, now with Ochaco being the next...
Within seconds she couldn't take it anymore, she clung to Izuku and took both of his hands and sobbed heavily into his chest as hard as she could until she couldn't no more. Well, she knew that bottling up her feelings wasn't good for her health, she had to vent someday. But now that Izuku was here with her, embracing her, she could finally put her mind at ease as she needed to pour her feelings out to someone she could really trust.
"I-It's not fair, Deku! Wh-why did she have to get stabbed instead of me? If only-if only I could have done something to save her.." Ochaco cries, her voice trembling.
The image of Ochaco flushed red face, crying her eyes out not only shocked Izuku, it kind of hurt, especially in his heart, hes just never seen her like this. He could feel his own waterworks starting from his eye ducts.
He would do anything to make her smile again.
"I understand your pain Uraraka, when i was fighting Shigaraki, I was trying to save the inner child named Tenko that was within him, he was sad and just needed to be reached out to, but by the time it was too late since he was combined with All For One. I had no choice but to defeat him..." Izuku's voice wobbles, "Sure, it hurts sometimes,but that's why we have plenty of help and even friends to get us through it, but we have to move through the pain someday. Besides we have quite a future ahead of us..you still want to be a hero, right?"
The green haired boy wanly smiles, quietly signaling the girl to do the same.
"Of course..I'll just have to get used to the fact that people are willing to put their lives in danger for heroes they honor..like Toga did for me."
A weak smile starts to appear on Ochaco's round face. She sniffles a bit while her eyes eventually dry up.
She looks so beautiful when she smiles
"You have such a smart way with words Deku..I'm glad that you're still alive and stuff." Ochaco says, with a light chuckle.
"I'm very glad that you're still here, all of Class A survived, but who I was mostly concerned about was you..and Kacchan sorry-" Izuku apologizes instantly until Ochcao gives him a reassuring hum.
"It's okay. How is he doing also?"
"He's going to physical therapy, even though he doesn't want to because he thinks it makes him weak. Y'know, typical Kacchan." Deku answers.
"Yep, that pretty much sounds like him." Ochaco chuckles.
And once silence finally falls between them, he looked down at his feet and they were off the ground! All that comforting talk must have blinded him when she activated her quirk on accident when her hands came in contact with his.
"Oh! Im floating!" he exclaims, kicking his feet like it was going to work to get him down as Ochaco laughs at his goofiness, "You just noticed?"
The green haired boy usually would have died of embarrassment, but instead he laughed along with her, filling the atmosphere with a much more lighter mood for a change. Ocahco laugh fades to giggles as she takes in Izuku still laughing. This is what she wanted to do with him. Every. Single. Day. Seeing him beam like the sun was her magnum opus. And nothing could change that in her mind.
After the laughter fades, Ochaco blushes as she asked, "Hey, can i um..do something?"
"Hm? What is it?"
"Ever since we met, I have always wanted to...you know..do something more than just a handhold.
Izuku lightly gasps, whipping his head from left to right, making sure he sees no one sneaking up on them. All of his classmates decided to go home so its only them.
And them alone
"Y-you mean?" Izuku stutters.
"I mean, it's okay if you don't want to!" Ocahco blurts out nervously, squeezing her eyes shut whilst shaking her head as her blush becomes more noticeable. She never could know if the floaty feeling in her cnest was fear or love. But she would be oblivious to know that it is in fact love.
"No! I was just taken aback is all..," he says as he leans in until both of their foreheads touch,them now gazing at each other closer than ever. Ochaco could almost see the moon in Izuku's eyes, its like a sparkly little galaxy in there that she could gladly get lost in. As for Izuku, sure Ochaco's orbs of vision look dark as midnight now since it was dark outside, but now he could see light within her features, like the sadness completely wared off since he showed up. He's never been so happy to be so near her right now and he knows his girl thinks the same.
A feeling of boldness strikes through Ochaco's being as she happily offers with a smile, "Just shut up and kiss me, hero."
She pulls him closer and their lips finally mend for the first time in forever.
The kiss was gentle,full of emotion, sparking a whole new sense of accomplishment through the two teenagers. Ochaco felt like she could float herself the second her lips touched Izuku's. They were soft just as she imagined, a little rugged but she wasn't going to complain one bit. She wanted this as much as Izuku did, it was almost like fireworks going off in her brain.
Izuku takes the chance to quickly grab her by the shoulders and instantly deepen the kiss more. If he was going to make this free, blooming feeling in his whole body last a bit longer, he was going to waste every last breath in this kiss for her.
Shortly, Izuku pulls back, bretahing and his feet are back on solid ground. The first thing he sees is his dear Ochaco blushing once again, maybe more brighter than ever before.
"..that was..um..wow.." Ochaco admits in between breaths, smiling as her blush makes a great hue on her skin from the moonlight.
"Very wow." Izuku repeats with a light chuckle,letting his hands slide off her shoulders. He felt like he was growing a new aura from what they finally did for the first time, he wanted to run a whole mile with her after that, as far as the night could take them. But for now he just wated to spend just a little bit more time before they actually have to go back to their homes.
Ochaco finally then turns to the beautiful view of the new, renovated city. The lights illuminating from far beyond the cliff. She sits down and pats a space of grass beside her as Izuku quickly joins in, wrapping an arm around her. Immediately, Ochaco sinks into his comforting embrace under the stars.
"The city looks amazing from up here..hey, thank you Deku for-"
"You don't need to thank me Uraraka. I will always be there for you, no matter what. Also one bright city wouldn't be enough to be more amazing than you."
The brown eyed girl giggles at Izuku's compliment as the pair snuggles close, enjoying each others company, talking about what the next year of school would be like and what not and then sharing silence once in a while.
"So, do you think we should go back home now?" Ochaco asks, not really wanting to leave but she knows how worried her parents get if she doesn't come home in time.
"I'll walk you home, its already dark out anyway." Izuku gladly offers, grunting as he stands up to stretch his legs and arms. How did she get a loyal boy like him on her side?
Ochaco gets up on her feet as she grins at Izuku, "Sure thing, my hero."
Joining hands again, they walk away from the clifftop, a lone flower blows in the wind as if marking where the first most happiest memory sprouted after the most life changing conflict.
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akehoshimystar · 2 months
Chapter 10
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Customer 6: Thanks for the meal. Both food and tea were really delicious, I had a great time!
Kyoya: I'm honored to hear that.
I shall see you off to the exit. Tea party doesn't end until you get home after all.
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Roka: And that’s a wrap! Good work, everyone~
Ito: Thank you for your hard work.
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Haruhi: Yeah.
Kyoya: It was a huge success since the moment we started the event. 
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Soyogu: The goods were sold like hot cakes too. Right, Manami?
Urara: Who cares.
Soyogu: Do not lie now.
A moment of silence fell on the cafe that used to be filled with laughter and chatter a moment ago, then, I heard a sigh of relief that didn’t sound aligned with others’.
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Taiga: …….
Ito: (Tsukimoto-san?)
Taiga: Everyone...
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Soyogu: Woah….
Urara: Don't just suddenly raise your voice like that.
Roka: So, what is it?
With everyone's eyes on him, Tsukimoto-san made a very deep bow.
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Taiga: Allow me to express my gratitude again.
The reason we managed to end this event nicely is entirely thanks to everyone's support.
Also, I regret that I caused so much trouble in the preparation stage.
I'll bring something and apologize to each and every one of you in a proper way again.
Kyoya: There's no need for that. In the first place, this wasn't caused by Taiga's mistake.
Taiga: No, it’s still my-
Kyoya: Haha. It's just as those owner spouses said.
Taiga: Eh?
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Kyoya: Despite the mistake coming from the store side, they mentioned something after seeing how Aporia staff handled the situation.
They praised us for having an abundance of responsibility and kindness.
Right, Yashiro-san?
Ito: Yes. Also...
If possible, they would like to apologize directly to the regulars like you. They said they were sorry for the mistake in spite of how thoroughly the notes were written. 
Taiga: There's absolutely no need to do that…
Kyoya: Of course, we declined. We’re grateful for the thought, though.
With that said, Taiga-kun, stop blaming yourself.
Taiga: But even so…
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Haruhi: ………..
Shoulder everything on your own like that is just so like you, Taiga.
Taiga: Haruhi……
Soyogu: That's what's cool about Taiga-san, but… that won’t fly this time.
Roka: That's right!
Above all, the reason we were able to overcome the mishap was because we saw Taiga’s sincerity and working hard at everything
Thus, everyone here wanted to respond to that effort ☆
Kyoya: With that in mind, it's no exaggeration to say that Taiga-kun is the MVP for this occasion.
Taiga: That’s definitely an exaggeration!
Roka: And as the MVP, Taiga will be rewarded with some relaxation time~♪
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Taiga: …..Eh?
Roka: Come on, sit down.
Roka-san put his hands on Tsukimoto-san’s stiff shoulders and helped him sit down. His face was full of excitement and pride.
Soyogu: Taiga-san, please give in already.
Kyoya: To perform at your best, you need to relax your shoulders.
Haruhi: Here's my treat for you.
Ito: (When did Ichikawa-kun get tea and cake...?)
Taiga: T-Thank you... I can say that, right?
Haruhi: Well, you’re the one who made the cake. As for the tea, I'm not as good at brewing it as you are.
Taiga: I appreciate your sentiment.
Ito: (Tsukimoto-san seems to start easing up a little bit.)
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Taiga: But it's a little embarrassing to be the only one getting serviced, so everyone, please sit down and have some tea together.
Also... I really want to express my gratitude for this time. Can I bake everyone a cake later?
Kyoya: Haha, as long as it's not an apology, I don't see any reason to refuse.
Soyogu: I'm looking forward to it.
Roka: I'd fly back from the other side of the world if it means I could taste Taiga’s cake.
Ito: I'll prepare tea sets for everyone.
The tea party with Alice and friends surrounding the Hatter continued.
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The night after the tea party…
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Haruhi: Ah….
Taiga: Zzzzz…..
Haruhi: (Taiga is dozing off... It’s not everyday I get to see this.)
(How serious is he, not even lying down at a time like this?)
Taiga: Hnnggg……
Haruhi: …….
(It’s the reverse this time.)
While thinking that, I covered Taiga with a blanket. With his eyes closed, the corner of his mouth gently curled up. I felt strangely relieved to find out that Taiga wasn't having a bad dream.
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tsuritama10th · 3 years
Tsuritama 2020 Blu-Ray Short Story
Since this story is fairly short, I wanted to give it a real line-by-line translation. Please be aware though that this is a cleaned up machine translation. I did try to double-check all of the lines, but my Japanese is beginner level and there is a big margin for error!
Thank you so much to my friend Felix for the scans!
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He hadn't seen Haru since yesterday.
Yuki deftly put a small colorful fish on the hook and immediately stopped thinking about it again. There were many other things to think of. Much had happened in the last year and a half.
The Enoshima Boom that was caused by the turmoil a while back had come and gone. Though a few tourists still came by to see the Enoshima Dance, Heihach's shout that "The Era of Enoshima has come!" did not actually come true. The island returned to its original tranquil state.
It was Yuki's second year working at HEMINGWAY now. The store manager (the cat) had gotten fat again. The Tapioca drink that's served on a duck shaped coaster was as popular as ever. Ayumi, who had successfully become Misaki's husband, was currently repairing the roof of the store. The typhoon last week had blown off a part of the roof.
When the typhoon came, Yuki had remembered the turmoil of back then for a little, but he didn't say that out loud.
Ayumi still had a habit of dashing to the shore and shouting, but now he only did it when Misaki gets mad. He releases the screams of his heart to the ocean that way.
Misaki was pregnant but her belly had not grown yet.
"What do you think would be a good name for the baby?" Ayumi asked Yuki every time they met, but Yuki didn't feel like that's his place to decide so he never answered seriously.
The other day Erika, who had started fishing under the influence of her boyfriend, dropped by with him to buy matching lures. Yuki still felt a little swell of pride that he was able to speak to them very naturally.
He had changed from back in the day. By now, it was alright for him to man the store on his own. His customer service was decent. The days of the Hannya-face were a nostalgic memory now.
After that fiasco, Yuki was able to talk to his classmates at school a lot. They asked him many things about fishing. Yuki, Haru and Urara also went fishing every week.
These days, it was only once in a while...
Well, it's probably one of those things...
'It's been a year and a half', Yuki thought to himself. It's been a really long time since Natsuki and Akira left Enoshima... It'd been a lot of fun since, but there was also an indescribable feeling in Yuki's heart.
Boredom? Emptyness? A sense of loss?
Those words came to mind, but none of them seemed to fit.
Every day was fun, but what lies ahead?
Yuki had applied to some universities, but he aimed to high and failed. No, no. Really it was because he'd been fishing when he really would have needed to work harder.
Anyway, Yuki decided to stay in Enoshima.
A year passed quickly as he was studying, working part time and helping out at home. Yuki was getting kind of fidgety. "What are you going to do in the future?" was the question he was most scared of.
Would they ask it, too...?
Tomorrow, on March 31st, Natsuki would temporarily return from studying in the US and Akira will rush in from Finland, where he was currently posted.
Yuki hadn't seen them in a year and a half. That's why he had been reminiscing about what happened in that time.
Why tomorrow? Naturally...
March 31st - Yuki's Birthday April 1st - Haru's Birthday
Around this time, Yuki can't help pulling away from Haru, who was always next to him. That's annoying. He disliked himself for thinking this way sometimes.
While Yuki always got a bit moody around now, Haru was forever like a child. It was impossible to explain that frustration to him. They didn't go fishing these days because they got into fights over the smallest things. Urara had been pretty troubled because of that. He's a really nice guy.
Yuki had been trying hard to think about a birthday present for Haru. He thought of a surprise and then went 'oh, well' and contradicted himself again. It had been like this since yesterday.
But... oh well.
Yuki wasn't sure why, but he had a feeling that all his moodiness will be gone when he sees Natsuki and Akira again tomorrow.
There was something he wants to tell Natsuki.
Yuki recently met up with his real father. He didn't remember how long it had been, but it made him happy. But even though they went fishing together, it wasn't really exciting. They didn't know what to talk about and parted without making any plans for a next time.
Yuki wanted to talk to Natsuki about that.
After finishing up with work, Yuki went back to the empty house and got into the futon alone to remember the last year and a half from the beginning again.
Where should I start...?
Thinking about that, his thoughts got all messy and he fell asleep before he knew it.
And so came March 31st. The day of the memorable four person reunion.
But Haru didn't come back.
Even though he was looking forward to it so much...
Yuki was pissed off, sad, and for some reason lonely, and for the first time in a long time, and only on a day like this, his Hannya face returned!
After Natsuki and Akira laughed at his face and took a lot of pictures with their phones, the group went to the East Promenade of Katase Fishing Port near HEMINGWAY, where he'd fished for the first time, and fished together.
Natsuki was working towards becoming a professional bass fisherman in California under the guidance of an American bass pro. His hair was as shaggy as when Yuki first met him, and Yuki was glad to see that he was concentrating on fishing. For a birthday present Natsuki gave him a dark blue cap "for everyday use or for fishing".
It seemed that Natsuki had learned about more than just bass fishing in California.
"I am in nature every day. Everyone calls it "nature," but it doesn't really have a name. When you are in it every day, it sometimes seems like you don't have a name either." he said and Yuki didn't quite get it, but it was good.
Akira, now twenty-seven years old, currently lives in Finland and seems to be fishing as usual. For a moment Yuki thought he had brought two Tapiocas, but it seems like it was Tapioca with her lover. Yuki was surprised that it was a different one from the one he'd heard about before.
Yuki and Natsuki laughed when they saw Tapioca sharing the ham that Akira had given her with her lover, but Akira didn't laugh, instead he let out a long breath through his nose and looked at the ocean.
Yuki was given a brightly designed apron by Akira. "You've been cooking lately, haven't you?" Akira had a good memory, probably because of his job.
Yuki said, "Thanks," and then added, without looking at the two of them, "Grandma's fine, by the way." He somehow had gotten the feeling they were worried about that.
Ironically, it was Akira who was most worried about Haru's disappearance.
"Sometimes there are aliens. Sometimes there are aliens who suddenly disappear..."
But Haru didn't disappear.
Whenever he got into one of those "annoying" situations that are so common these days, he turned into a yellow fish and retreated into his goldfish bowl. His temporary home was in a place Yuki doesn't frequent these days, so he couldn't find him. It's the hospital room where Kate iwas staying.
Kate had been here more often than not lately.
Today, Haru swam in the goldfish bowl on Kate's bedside table and talked.
"Yuki says 'Things are changing, aren't they?'"
Haru felt that Yuki has been cold these days. He was in a bad mood and doesn't hang out with Haru as much as before. But Yuki says "no matter who, no matter what, nobody can avoid changing".
"Yuki has changed! He doesn't come to see you, Kate, and our house is a mess."
"There are also times like this," Kate said, "That isn't all there is to Yuki."
"I know. Yuki makes good food. Urara has also gotten better."
"Haven't you changed as well, Haru?"
"Not at all. I hate change!"
"Oh, but haven't you been saying 'it's such a pain' a lot lately?"
"I... might have been saying something like that..."
A year ago, Haru came back to Enoshima because he didn't want to be without Yuki. He thought they'd be together until they died.
"... but it doesn't look like that's going to be true..."
Coco, who had returned to their home planet, had told Haru to come back soon. And definitely, their home planet was pleasant and enjoyable. Haru always told Coco that it also feels really good here, but recently he'd been wondering if that's actually true. He's felt a lot of loneliness and sadness.
That's what he thought when the typhoon shook the house.
"But 'sadness' isn't just sad."
Haru's reply was a tantrum-like whine. "I don't get it!!"
"After all... Even when you feel sad, you eat when you're hungry. You laugh when you hear something funny, right? "
"Nothing is ever just the one thing. So don't decide it is, Haru. Look, even though I'm alive, I might also have died already."
"Kate is alive!"
"That's right. Surprisingly, I haven't died yet. That's what I mean. Sometimes it feels like it's over, but then surprisingly it's not. I'm always excited to find out what happens."
"Que sera, sera!"
That was something the two of them said in a chorus.
And as Kate said, Haru was sad and still, he laughed.
In the end, only Natsuki caught three fish. Yuki and Akira got nothing. Afterwards, they lazed around on the grass in front of HEMMINGWAY and, as if they had agreed on it, fell silent.
As Yuki listened to the soothing sound of the waves, he thought that he had expected everyone to talk much more, about many things.. It was so quiet that he sneaked a glance at the others' profiles.
Natsuki seemed to be looking beyond the sky, while Akira seemed to be looking even beyond that.
After a long silence, the topic of 'what if the world ended tomorrow' came up.
"First I'll ascertain that that's actually the truth," Akira replied.
"Sorry for being boring, but I'l probably be fishing," Natsuki said. "And you, Yuki?"
As he was asked by Natsuki, Yuki pushed a thought of Haru's smiling face out of his mind and replied: "I'd probably be with grandma." He felt like he could hear Haru saying "You haven't visited her at all lately" in the back of his mind, but he pushed that out too.
Haru didn't show up after all.
Giving Haru his presents was postponed until tomorrow and the party broke up much earlier than Yuki had expected.
Natsuki had wanted to go home since they were wishing. Yuki first thought he wanted to see Sakura, but then he remembered little Satsuki was also there and that was probably it. When talking about his youngest sister who couldn't even talk yet, Natsuki smiled so much that he didn't even seem like Natsuki.
"If she cries, what do I do? I see her over smartphone sometimes, but she still doesn't recognize me as her older brother."
Akira seemed to still be in Enoshima tomorrow, but he hadn't said where he was staying.
As they parted, Yuki slipped in the story about going fishing with his father. Natsuki and Akira looked a little surprised, but quickly recovered.
"There's still a lot of stuff," Natsuki said, "It may not work out at first, but I think it will in the future."
"I wonder..."
"I'm sure of it. I feel like you once told me you were jealous of me, but now I'm jealous of you."
"I think so as well," said Akira. He looked straight at Yuki and continued as if he had been prepared for this all along. "Yuki, don't worry too much. You saved the world here, but from now on you'll save yourself. If you start worrying about important things before they've even started, you won't be in charge of your own body and mind."
After all, Akira was an adult.
Yuki wasn't sure what to say or do, but Natsuki gently poked him.
"Get along with Haru." When Yuki didn't know what to say yet again, the other two looked at each other and laughed.
What's with those two...
The three of them parted ways there. They did not make any concrete plans for tomorrow.
After all, the thing Yuki had been afraid of, the question "What are you going to do in the future?" had not come up. Nobody asked it, though they may have wondered in their hearts.
The sun was setting before Yuki knew it.
"No way," Yuki muttered as he looked out to the sea. If he met up with Natsuki and Akira, all this moodiness would surely disappear. That couldn't be true.
When he came to, he was running. It had been a while so he was immediately out of breath.
Pathetic. I'm still only 19.
There was someone waving in the distance and it was Haru, after all.
"Happy Birthday, Yuki!"
"You too..."
"I'm only tomorrow!"
"I know."
"Here, your present!"
They had both gotten each other lures. They're similar at first glance, but if you looked at them closely, they were completely different lures.
Yuki should have been pissed off, but he had to laugh.
"That's a cute lure! Thank you, Yuki!"
"... yeah. Thank you as well."
"Hey Yuki, become my friend again!"
"What's with that..."
"Please! Say it's okay, please, pleeeaaaase!"
Haru was clinging to Yuki's arm in a tantrum. Yuki still didn't like it, but there was nothing he could do about it.
"We'll be friends again." He decided to accept the strange proposal. "I don't really get it, but let's get along."
Haru jumped in joy, just when Urara stepped out to call them for dinner.
"The Miso is read Miso with whitebait today."
Even though Yuki was simply told what's for dinner, his feelings seemed to reset.
Is that what a mother looks like?
Mother? No, that's an alien.
Yuki felt kind of embarrassed and laughed, blaming it on the bright glare of the setting sun.
As he sighed at being dragged inside by the arm by Haru, Yuki thought that tomorrow he should go fishing with Haru, Urara, Natsuki and Akira, and after that he should visit his grandma.
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demonslayedher · 4 years
Your content on Kny is interesting, being a Kny fan I would like to share a cusiority. During the final battle did you notice that the Hashira were passive about the death of some? When Shinobu died only Tanjiro had a reaction because of how busy he was; Mitsuri didn't seem sad and when Iguro remembered who died in the middle of the final battle he didn't even mention her. What did you think? It would have been nice if Gotouge had shown us what the Hashira's thought when the others died
[cont.] I'm the anonymous person who asked you the question about the Hashira who fell in the fight, Tumblr makes people write very little. Apart from Tanjiro they seemed cold to me, even for Tokito; the only one affected was Himejima; when always Iguro mentioned him during the clash with Muzan it was like he was thinking normally. There wasn't time to mourn for the dead but I was expecting a slightly deeper reaction. Anyway for Shinobu yes there was Inosuke and Kanao but the pillars are important too
  Thank you for the Ask, time to get into it! This served as a good excuse to flip back through of a lot of the later volumes... or rather, a huge chunk of the series. Short Answer: I don’t think Mitsuri knew about Shinobu’s death.  Longer Answer: A walk-through of the Pillars’ situations in the final showdown and a partial analysis of Kimetsu-style story pacing. 
Disclaimer: I finished this around 2am. I chose to leave it rambling and unedited and typo-ridden. HAVE MY FEELS, I’M DISHING THEM.
(Disclaimer: This isn’t meant to be a plug for my own fics, but since they are born out of my emotional experience of canon, mentions will make their way in. U fu fu.) First, absolutely yes on there being no time to mourn. From the moment the Ubuyashiki Mansion blows up in volume 16 to the actual end of the fighting in volume 23, that is one hell of a night; this final arc(s) had NO CHILL. Like, wow. It’s been a long time since I followed another battle-driven manga, but that seems like a lot, especially for a relatively short series.  And I was initially happy to dismiss all the lack of satisfying sadness as being due to the fact that they are in *PANIC MODE* and entirely focused on fighting, but that is also not necessarily the case; they do come off slightly cold.  I want to touch a bit on what we want to see the characters mourn each other, but also why I think it works out a bit better that we didn’t; from a purely narrative standpoint.  LET THEM BE SAD: Parasocial Needs Science says we form bonds with fictional characters that affect our brains in very similar and impactful ways, so our feelings are legit when they get killed off. It affects us like a breakup or other goodbye and makes us crave closure.  As for my own assumptions, we look for proxy characters in-universe to give those characters we love the attention we wish to; their sadness validates our sadness, watching them get emotional can be super cathartic, and a good mourning arc can provide satisfying closure.  This is something we got with Rengoku, canonically loved by like, everyone. Hell, even the guy who killed him was sad. Just to rub salt into it, the most recent fanbook that includes a section about how the Pillars see each other, and it drives home that even if we never saw much or any canon interaction between him and any other given character, they’re all like, “Oh yeah, Rengoku, he’s a great guy.”  And, he’s the only character we really get space to mourn, pacing-wise. First, because of when it happens in the plot, this gives the story time to show us each and everyone one of the Pillars hearing the news; it gives them times to process it (which Tokitou clearly needed), and most of us, it takes us in depth through how it affects Tanjirou, our main character whose emotions that we, the readers, are most in touch with. Rengoku got star treatment in the way he was mourned, and we readers get to lap that up.  So then when we don’t get that in-universe star mourning treatment, it does feel a bit jarring by comparison. Gotouge did say she was sorry to hurt everyone, but these are the conditions the little humans were up against all along and a point driven home again and again; even with power on par with demons through the attainment of a mark; even Pillars are just breakable humans who will never be able to regenerate like demons can, hence why their stakes are so much higher in every battle they go into. Furthermore, the Pillars are more ready for this than anyone else, they of all the characters would be the best at keeping their emotions in check in the heat of a battle.  Which means they had to keep them in check for seven volumes of near constant battle, love it or hate it.  KIMETSU LOGIC: The Writing Sins That Make This Manga What It Is I could go on and on and on and on about the writing sins this manga commits and how it shows that it’s Gotouge’s first time writing something of this length. In manga not all of it can be blamed on the author alone because the editors have a very significant influence, but yeah, this is not the most amazingly crafted story out there, by a long shot.  Would I change any of it, though? Well, a few things, yes, of course, out of personal preference. But on the whole, no. It’s the collective errors that stamp KnY with its style and make it what it is, and I find it as endearing as all the randomly super goofy art.  Now, when it comes to the lack of Pillars reacting to new of each others’ deaths, I wouldn’t necessarily classify that itself as a fault, and if I were Gotouge’s editor, I probably would have encouraged her to keep it to a minimum too. After all, I would be considered with selling a new shot of tension with every week’s installment to keep any readers from getting bored with the constant battle. And dang it, THAT TENSION WAS HIGH, those battles were remarkably emotional and tense through and through.  The breaks in tension that we got were necessarily and not distracting, with the notable exception of Iguro’s past. That was clumsy placement. I’ll be honest, I didn’t bond with Iguro as much as a character because he lost his earlier chances to be appealing to me, and by the time the chapter with his flashback came out, I DIDN’T CARE, I waited anxiously all week to see what was happening to Tanjiro and was invested enough to have an appetite for the additional Sumiyoshi and Yoriichi bits, but dang it, Snake Pillar was getting in the way of what my emotions were primed for at that point.  But, such is the way of fickle weekly readers; with THAT MUCH tension going on, readers crave a little breather here and there with a look at who else might taking in a breather in a flashback. We got bits and pieces of that mostly through flashback, like Tamayo’s memories of conversation with Shinobu experienced in real time through Muzan, as well as in-real-time moments with the characters having very slight chances to catch their breath (no pun intended).  But, how well those breaths worked depending on each character, and how the readers’ emotions were getting slammed week to week. Just like how I as a weekly reader (by that point) had no appetite for an Iguro flashback while eager to move forward, there likewise would have been limited appetite for mourning, and we’re stuck with who we got as proxy characters to react through.  ACTION, REACTION: The Rhythm of Basic Writing Advice It has often been said that in writing, something should happen in a scene, and the next scene should be a reaction to it. In the next scene something new happens, and likewise, there is a reaction. We could also thing of this as stages within the same scene, like the part when the music changes or the moment the battle has ended but we’re still on the battlefield.  In Rengoku’s case, we got one big happening, and then a whole lot of reaction drizzled through the story after that.  In the Infinity Fortress case, we get a big happening with the Ubuyashiki Mansion blowing up and then--a big happening!--a big happening!--a big happening--! A--uh oh, there’s a reactio---NEVERMIND, THINGS ARE STILL HAPPENING, GOTOUGE, PLEASE, THIS HURTS, OW, OW, HOW ARE YOU SO CRUEL, WE GET IT, THIS SITUATION IS AWFUL, PLEASE STOP HURTING THEM---
The reactions are there, scattered throughout. They’re short, but they sure make themselves count.  While Tanjirou is our Empathy Personified hero, it’s natural that we get more of his reactions, but the lack of them in other characters is, I would say, a natural fault of having a huge cast to work with it. Once you start dragging too many other characters into the reactions, the actions have trouble moving forward, and with the level of seven volumes worth of tension it’s the actions that keep readers hooked and buying magazines.  THEY’RE ONLY CORVIDS, OK: Now We’re Actually Looking At Canon Details Now that all being said, although it’s easy to dismiss a lot of Kimetsu Logic as amateurish at first, on further reflection, the little worldbuilding logic does excuse itself for not plunging each of the characters into a period of reaction to actions happening elsewhere.  Not all the birds had Yushiro’s papers. Not all birds were created equal. It’s really hard to navigate that place. Ergo, communication was probably highly imperfect; not all the crows knew everything going on. We don’t feel that as readers because we’re seeing Kiriya and his sisters get all the available communications.  In Iguro and Mitsuri’s case in particular, I suspect that might not even had been Mitsuri’s crow (as that one has a distinct personality and accessory) giving her orders to gather where Muzan is. It was probably any old down-to-business crow working with the information it had as clearly as it could in the battle that was most difficult to physically navigate. If Mitsuri’s crow (named Urara in the most recent fanbook) had been there, I imagine she’d have been having difficulty that whole time to even stay within a close range of that battle. Furthermore, a crow like that with a strong bond with Mitsuri might had also judged that telling her about Shinobu’s death was a dangerous distraction, and chosen to withhold information.  The fanbook specifies that Iguro’s crow Yuuan was the one who told him about how Tokitou got a red blade (in fact, this is basically the only thing said of this crow besides its name and gender). To able to report in such detail that Iguro could analyze that Tokitou attained the red blade by the strength of his grip, that probably quite an accomplishment to have either witnessed that much, or to pass on crucial information that detailed and quickly. At that time, Iguro and Mitsuri were physically separated and she was distracted by the crow giving her orders to gather where Muzan was, so she might not even have overheard that Tokitou had died. As for Iguro, the second fanbook tells us that because Tokitou was young he had hoped he wouldn’t die. There was no opportunity to mourn him, and they weren’t close enough for that to throw him off much from battle, but on a Pillar to Pillar level, I think the amount of thought Iguro did dedicated to Tokitou showed a certain level of esteem for him and regret at this passing.  What would have been nice? Maybe a little look over his shoulder to Mitsuri like “I hope she didn’t hear that.” That would have revealed a tender side of Iguro in a very short use of panels.  I want to come back to analyzing Mitsuri’s reaction later, so let’s keep focusing on the loss of Tokitou. Once he attained more of his sense of self back, it seems he preferred the company of Corp Members closed to him in age (if we go by his little flashbacks, which in true Kimetsu Logic, are things we didn’t know about until they come up in flashbacks). Most of the Pillars weren’t especially close with him, even if they did care about his wellbeing, as they seemed particular aware of how young he was. Sanemi probably had never interacted much with Tokitou until that battle, and *OKAY, HERE IT IS, THE UPCOMING FANFIC SELF-PLUG* one of the things I really liked working with in my post-canon fic is that there’s a point at which thinking about Tokitou forces Sanemi to deal with all the trauma he’s buried from that battle. I figure it would hit him later; he had a good excuse of a distraction. Ugh. Man. My heart hurts again thinking of that chapter.  Let’s also not forget, after Himejima showed his respects for Tokitou both quickly and sincerely, he couldn’t allow Sanemi to deal with Genya’s death until after everything was over. All the Pillars had to think like this.  What would had been nice? I liked this reaction scene to two simultaneous and horrific deaths exactly as it was. Ow. Ahhhh. Owwwwww, it’s hurting again. This is catharsis exactly the way I like it.  Let’s keep going with Himejima, the only one to have known to expect all this, and who stayed ready and likely hoped to bring down Muzan all by himself without any other sacrifices (welp, so much for that). There’s a scene in the novels that implies he had some idea that Shinobu wasn’t intending to make it out of the upcoming battle(s) alive, and I imagine he felt the same regret and bitter acceptance in advance that he also felt with Ubuyashiki. If we heard the news about Shinobu like Tanjirou and Giyuu did, I imagine he was hurt but it wouldn’t have been noticeable, and he probably would not be surprised even at how quickly it happened.  What would had been nice? Anything. Just a “How pitiful” and some tears as he runs through the halls woulda’ been great.  So since Giyuu did hear it loud and clear with Tanjirou, I first want to point out that whether that was Tanjirou’s crow or not (might not had been, because his crow was busy with a letter delivery from Senjurou at the time too), that crow must had loved to shared details; maybe even details that were not necessary. Like, would telling the lower level Corp members everything really help? Wouldn’t the loss of each Pillar make them lose their nerve? Was it because that crow was wearing one of Yushiro’s papers that it had to report extra detail for Ubuyashiki HQ? Whatever the case, Giyuu is initially shocked about Shinobu and then is like, “what is that paper the crow has? It sure is reporting things fast.”  What would have been nice? ANYTHING MORE THAN ONE PANEL OF SHOCK. Come on, Giyuu, give the GiyuuShino shippers S O M E T H I N G. Granted, if Tanjirou had been killed in battle with Akaza, I believe Giyuu would have had an initial outburst of emotion, but then gotten himself under control real quick and stayed that way until it was safe to break down (which he did immediately later on, since the threat was gone--but he was just as soon picking up a sword and stabbing him, so again, Pillar-mode must come before experiencing emotions). I interpret canon as that even though Giyuu might had found it easily to address Shinobu in conversation due to frequency in how much they had conversed and the fact that she would usually talk to him first, he would never had considered himself especially close with her (since he never saw himself close with any of the Pillars). I feel their relationship had potential to grow closer if Giyuu had actually gone out of his way to communicate more with her, and he probably would had if they both survived, but at the time she died he probably still felt a distance, which is why it did him harder when Tanjirou--someone who Giyuu did actually get to a point of enjoying conversation with--was dead right in front of him.  (Side not, oh man, OH MAN, being a weekly reader was so tough then. I still have so many emotions from that week. Oh man. Oof. Ouch.)
Of note, Giyuu had the best opportunity for reflection on a comrade’s death since he had enough recovery time once he woke up to build a fire and treat wounds, and Tanjirou took that chance to read a letter. 
What would have been nice? AGAIN, GIYUU, ANYTHING, but after that battle I think he deserved to disassociate a bit.  Also of note, I don’t know that they had complete information either, because NO ONE (by “no one” I mean Tanjirou and Inosuke) seemed to hear anything about Zenitsu single-handedly killing Upper Moon Six and surviving it. What would had been nice: “Good for you, Zenitsu, I hope you’re okay” or “Six? Again? Didn’t we already do that? There was a third??” or “well I got Upper Moon Two SO THERE” or “..........are you sure?” or even way, way after all is said and done, off in epilogue times, “you fought WHO by YOURSELF???” but I digress. Now back to Shinobu, losing her so early on in this marathon of high-stakes battles made her death seem forever ago by the time we got to another Pillar death. It would had been nice for more of them to react both with “no, not Shinobu!” and “we are in deep trouble” sort of ways. That made the glimpses we got of her in flashback feel way, way more nostalgic, since for our experiences as readers, she had already been gone a very long time. I like that the battle with Douma got stretched over so long a span of the manga, they really showed the stakes in how difficult of a foe he was, even if that battle was itself was relatively shorter than others. And as stand-ins for the readers to mourn Shinobu, I love how we got that both through Kanao and through Inosuke.  But yes, it sure would had been nice to get something from... Mitsuri.  Now, if I had only read the events of canon, manga chapter to manga chapter, and even the Taisho Secrets, I still never would have guessed that Shinobu and Mitsuri had such a warm friendship. I know this purely from the fanbooks and novels, and that is something I find a writing error that detracts a lot from the work. Some of the most apt criticism I’ve heard of the Kimetsu pacing is that it could have stood to give us one of more arc to bond with the characters at least a little more, so we could really, really be emotional over loosing them. We get all our spare Pillar interactions in works outside of canon and after Tanjirou initially gets to know Shinobu, he has no more on-screen interactions with her; she mostly appears in Taisho Secrets.  Pillar Training was fun and all, but maybe another arc with stakes in it that occurs closer to home and brings out some different sides of the Pillars in Tanjirou’s presence, instead of each of them getting one dance each with our protagonist. That would had been a chance to show Shinobu and Mitsuri’s friendship, in which case, we would had really, really wanted to see Mitsuri’s reaction.  But, Mitsuri had a job to do in the very, very, very heavy tension and battles that ran in weekly magazines for months on end. She carried the very heavy weight of needing to provide brevity. Her silliness contrasted against all that tension was fresh air for readers who had been holding their breath (no pun intended! kinda) through so much. And man, our reliance on her for that made it hurt all the more when things suddenly got very serious for her.  But, that means she was also unable to play a heavy emotional role too early on. There wasn’t room to give her a satisfyingly emotional reaction to Shinobu or Tokitou; when after all, this is the girl who was fretting about dearly beloved Oyakata-sama, was horrified to see the explosion, angirly attacked Muzan, but was saved from certain doom almost immediately after she was taken by surprise in the Infinity Fortress, and then she’s BACK TO 100% FANGIRL MODE. Like, giiiiiiiiiirl, Oyakata-sama just diiiiiiied, tone it down a notch.  I feel like I had more to say.  OH YEAH.  WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?: To fanfic, duh.  Going back to reaction and action and producing something with sellable pacing, again, I wouldn’t risk bogging down the tension-heavy final arc with too much open sadness (less is more definitely applies when the reaction scenes were often SO GOOD), but it clearly set up the desire for it. And, the length and intensity with which a work of fiction can live rent-free in audiences’ minds is a measure of its success.  If we MUST turn to fanfiction to get that emotional closure (or force the Pillars to get theirs), then this is proof of a job well done in making us care.   Herein lies the freedom with fanfiction: It doesn’t have to be good. It doesn’t have to sell. It doesn’t have to fit a regular serialized format. Fanfic is whatever it wants, all it has to do is indulgently scratch an itch.  I have way more stomach for sappiness in fanfic than in original canon, because I have higher expectations of canon to honor writing conventions, and to make decisions that will serve the overall story, not necessarily cater to my tastes.  But fanfic? Fanfic, you are here to serve me. Dive into those characters’ dry eyes with a jackhammer and gives me their tears. I don’t care how much you have to fry their brains to do it, give it to me.  I mean, I don’t write fanfic like that, noooo. At least, not that I post publicly. Ssh. No one needs to know aaaaaall my particular canon itches I wish to have picked raw. But all the more power to people who DO post that publicly and provide a great service to all the other people with that same need.  But, in the spirit of writing fic that tries to honor the spirit of canon, I try to sprinkle the juicy emotional potential canon could have had around as needed, to draw out what I feel canon just didn’t have the opportunity to give us. It’s ultimately self-servicing for what I wish canon would had done, but my style of published fic does try to stay widely appealing as a gen fic. Everybody’s got their own balances and tastes, and that’s cool.  And that is freedom canon authors don��t have.  I’ll conclude by saying that, although we as readers collectively earned it, the ending of Kimetsu no Yaiba was too bright and happy and specifically chose bittersweet moments that would be easy to swallow (pretty smart for a quick ending), but entirely skipped all the really heavy stuff in the immediate aftermath.
And yes, as difficult (and even dull) as it would be to slog through, there’s a part of me that wants to see all that, for the sake of closure. 
And now I sleep byyyyezzzzzzzzz
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merryfortune · 4 years
Butterfly Kisses
Fandom: Yes! PreCure 5
Ship: Karen/Rin
Word Count: 2.1k
Tags: Not Canon Compliant, Love Confessions, Fluff
Synopsis:  Rin attempts to design more of her future but she needs Karen's help for a little bit of artistic inspiration.
  Rin had been nervous to call Karen so late at night, but she leapt so quickly to answer the phone, seemingly thrilled that someone had rung, that enthusiasm heartened Rin only to dishearten herself within the seconds of Karen exuberantly greeting her. Rin scolded herself, calling herself an idiot for likely getting Karen’s hopes up. Karen was probably expecting her parents to be on the other end of the line but no. It was just her. Nonetheless, Karen spoke with her placidly and they arranged a means to Rin’s ends.
  See, Rin had a little project in mind, but she wanted something very specific for it and thinking of Karen’s greenhouse, she thought she might find that very specific something there. Karen assured her that she would, and Rin was happy enough with that. After all, if worse came to worst, they lived in the information age and she could just go on the family computer or even to the library to find the resources that she needed. Its just. She wanted to see them in the flesh.
  “Thank you for having me.” Rin awkwardly said when she arrived at the opulent golden gates of the Minazuki estate.
  “Thank you for coming over, I’m glad to be of help.” Karen replied with the utter blitheness befitting of a rich girl.
  Still, Rin could feel the weirdness of it. It was strange for them to be one on one at Karen’s place. Normally the rest of their crew were hanging around as well, but the stars aligned for some privacy, she guessed. Nozomi had to get ready for a publication party that her father was taking her on; Urara was on a job for some sort of iced tea commercial; Komachi was at the public library doing research for her next novel; and of course Coco and Nuts had Nuts House to look after with Milk. So, it was just Rin and Karen at Karen’s place. Even though it was maybe a bit strained and lonely without the rest of their friends around, Rin felt that she could work on her project better if it was just her and Karen. There would be more peace and quiet for knuckling down. So, she was looking forward to it as looked through the bars of the gate with her usual kind of daggy smile.
  Slowly but surely, the gates began to open up via some unseen mechanisation and Rin slipped through before they could fully open. She flashed a smile at Karen who was already willing to lead the way from here to the greenhouse that she had on the estate grounds. No matter how many times Rin visited, the Minazuki gardens never failed to impress her. The immaculate, green, trimmed lawns; the various water features; the sprawling roads with nary a piece of white gravel out of place. Rich folk were truly rich folk.
  It was about ten to fifteen-minute walk to get to the front gates, past front gardens, past the main body of the mansion, and past the back gardens to get to the greenhouse. That big, sprawling jungle of a greenhouse that never failed to transport Rin to another country. It was a lot different to the greenhouse at home which incubated out of season plants for customers who had no idea about the seasonality of plants.
  Entering the greenhouse, Rin felt regardless of its enormity or how exotic it was. Inside, she felt as though she could breathe clearly and deeply. The oxygen that these plants produced was thick and sweet; Rin found it incredibly refreshing to step into the greenhouse and Karen followed along behind her.
  “This will be perfect.” Rin said, looking around, her blood orange eyes were bright.
   “That’s great to hear.” Karen replied. She bounced expectantly on the heel of her foot, hands behind her back, a little bit fidgety.
  Rin beamed and she pulled one strap of her backpack off her shoulder so that she could ruffle through it. She got out an artbook and a pencil case that was orange. She then attempted to hike back her backpack onto her shoulders; Karen giggled demurely as she came over.
  “Here, let me help.” Karen said.
  “A’ight.” Rin murmured.
  She blushed slightly as Karen adjusted the straps for her. She even went the extra mile of making sure the bag was zipped up properly, too. She patted down the squares of the backpack and smiled, satisfied, to herself.
  “There we go.” she said, rather cheerful. “All done.”
  “Thank you muchly.” Rin replied.
  With her backpack back in place and with her supplies in tow, it was time for her to get to work, scrounging up her inspiration and she vowed to not let a single tile of this greenhouse go unturned as she was on the pursuit for every species of butterfly that Karen was fairly certain that they housed. But before she could get into the thick of her work, Rin glanced back at Karen.
  “Are you, um, content to hover?” Rin asked, hugging herself a little tighter as she cradled her supplies.
  “Oh, yes, definitely. I love observing artists – and writers – in their natural habitat. I consider myself quite the naturalist on the topic, if you will have me, that is.” Karen explained.
  “Then I’d love to have you on board, fellow naturalist. Although, I suppose,” Rin touched her face in thought, “we’re etymologists – not just any old type of naturalist – this afternoon.”
  Karen blinked as she followed the train of thought. “We are, too.” she said. “I promise to keep a look out.”
  “Much obliged.” Rin replied.
  Feeling confident in her craft and her companion, they started wandering the winding paths of the greenhouse’s insides. Now, officially, they were on the hunt for butterflies so that Rin could have the perfect and liveliest inspiration for the project that she had her mind on as of late. Now that she had an inkling of what she wanted to do in the future, she wanted to solidify it further, to make sure she was certain so her little pet project was to make various bits and pieces of jewellery for her friends and she already had a specific piece in mind for Karen before anyone else.
  It was a shame it was a little embarrassing. Or maybe premature. But Rin wanted to make a ring for Karen. Not a matching ring or a promise ring, that was way too much but a ring was still the perfect piece that Rin could come up with for Karen. Even though rings could convey such heavy and intense emotions, it simply had to be a ring that Rin would give Karen.
  As they walked around, trying to find butterflies to look at, Rin kept stealing glances at Karen’s hands and seeing them just affirmed the idea that her long, slender fingers would look truly splendid with a ring. Rin became all the more certain in her conviction. She would make a special ring for Karen with a butterfly motif.
  First, she just had to find some butterflies to study up. Shouldn’t be that hard. Where there were plants, typically there were insects. And between the two of them, they had seen a nice array of insects inside the greenhouse – dragonflies, damselflies, fruit flies, all sorts – but no butterflies. But that wasn’t to say that Rin was uninspired by what she saw.
  Snooping along the various leaves and petals of all the plants, Rin had managed to scratch down many ideas onto her page, just none like the one that she hungered for. It also wasn’t for lack of trying either. Karen was doing her best to help and being Karen, her best was haughty and to the bitterest end that Karen could find. Rin appreciated the efforts, above and beyond as they were, though.
  Still, plopping down in front of the main water feature inside of the greenhouse, Rin had filled up plenty of her sketchpad. She was sitting, cross-legged, watching the water whilst she kept her head propped up by her knuckles, her elbows digging into her knees. Her sketch book splayed over the criss-cross of her legs. Trying to be polite and hospitable, Karen inched closer, trying to both avoid any glimpse of Rin’s prototype drawings and trying to do anything but that.
  “Should I be going soon?” Rin asked and then she checked her watch. “I’ve been an hour and a half, you know.”
  “If you feel the need to,” Karen replied diplomatically, “please don’t feel like you could ever overstay your welcome.”
  “Ah, thank you, Karen.” Rin said with a smile, but she sounded a little flat.
  Karen noticed and she grimaced, casting a glance downwards at Rin and sure enough. She looked pretty glum.
  “I’m sorry that we didn’t see any-” Karen cut herself off as her eyes went wide.
  Rin blinked and she tried to speak but Karen cut her off with sudden hand movements. Rin’s shoulders crackled as she was assailed by this sudden lack of Karen-ness from Karen.
  “Stay. Still.” Karen breathed.
  “Okaaaay.” Rin murmured under her breath.
  Karen crouched down and she slowed down. Rin felt her temperature rising as Karen came in so close to her, reaching out to her. Her fingers brushed past Rin’s cheek, curling back a strand of her fluffy reddish hair and then holding still. Karen’s eyes were huge with blue wonder and Rin was entranced by them as Karen stared so intently at something just past her face.
  “Can you feel it?” Karen whispered.
  Rin blushed. All she could feel was how her heart thumped in her chest. “No.” she replied on the cusp of an exhale.
  “There we go…” Karen murmured.
  Her hand receded back, and Rin’s breath was taken away. She hadn’t even noticed but it appeared that a butterfly had landed on her head whilst she was sitting down and now, it had scuttled onto the elegant bow of Karen’s finger which made for an excellent perch for it. The butterfly glittered beyond Rin’s eyes.
  Its wings shuttered at a calm pace. The scales embedded in them were blue and a magenta-like pink but so, so beautiful. Its antennae twitched and Rin could have sat there for hours whilst Karen held up this butterfly to her. It was perfect. She could already feel the cogs of creation start to turn.
  Despite not wanting to spook the butterfly, Rin picked up her book and pen. She quickly started to scrawl down the basics of its anatomy and notes on its colouration. Rin was completely absorbed into the channelling of her inspiration; her determination and tenacity enchanted Karen. From the way she stuck out her tongue to the sweat dripping down her brow, Karen was in awe of the sheer energy that Rin was radiating.
  “Okay. Done.” Rin said with a satisfied sigh.
  Karen smiled and she had to admit, her index finger did ache with being held up. And it seemed that the butterfly was done, too. It shook out its wings before taking flight once more. When it entered the air, the beating of its wings were unsteady but it even out just fine, flitting up high, as the girls watched.
  “Thank you so much, Karen.” Rin beamed.
  “No worries.” Karen replied as she got up. Her thighs ached but not as badly as they could have as she did take various etiquette classes, after all.
  Rin got up now as well, tucking her sketchbook under her arm, the gleam of all her big ideas still in her eyes.
  “Thank you for coming around.” Karen added but she noticed Rin staring. “Is something the matter?”
  “You remember our promise, right?” asked Rin.
  “Yes, of course, I would never forget something as important as that.” Karen replied, she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.
  “Good because, um, I’m pleased to announce I’m making good progress.” Rin said excitedly.
  “I’m pleased to hear it.” Karen smiled.
  “Not just career wise.” Rin piped up, adding on awkwardly.
  “Oh?” Karen blinked owlishly.
  “Yeah.” Rin said. “I want you to be apart of my future, too. Part of my dreams.”
  Karen was taken aback – even flustered – by the admission from Rin but she smiled. She settled into it, all cosy like, and she leaned in.
  “I’d like that very much.” Karen replied quietly.
  She kissed a butterfly kiss unto Rin’s face. She was elegant as she did so. Her lips were soft to grace Rin’s gawky, angular cheeks but her eyelashes were even softer. Rin held her breath, blushing, and she gripped her sketchbook tighter. Drawings of prototype rings to promise to Karen hidden against her stomach. In the full gauntlet of admiring Karen, Rin winced, she had to force herself to close her eyes to Karen’s grace and beauty, as Karen, giggling and flirtatious, made sure to nuzzle Rin with all the edges of her eyelashes.
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medea10 · 5 years
My Review of The Rising of the Shield Hero
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Yeah, this warning because apparently I curse more than normal here. That should give you a fun indicator of what you’re in for.
Is this a joke? Is Medea really going to watch a recent Isekai anime?
No joke. I am. Yeah, since just about every Isekai I’ve ever watched was made before the year 2012, I thought it was time. And in case you’re not hip to the lingo, Isekai is where a random person is transported to a strange world (different from their’s) and go on an adventure. Things like Escaflowne, InuYasha, Fushigi Yugi, Kyou Kara Maou, and to a far-lesser extent, Sword Art Online! But because I haven’t watched anything made past 2012, and haven’t watched things like Konosuba, ReZero, or Overlord, my knowledge is shit and I should be ashamed.
So I’m going to start with one of 2019’s best animes, The Rising of the Shield Hero.
Naofumi Iwatani was checking out light novels when he was transported into another world. But unlike many other Isekais with this similar setup, Naofumi isn’t alone.
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He and three other boys (from alternate timelines of Japan) are transported as well to the kingdom of Melromarc. These four boys are going to be the saviors of the kingdom as the “Four Cardinal Heroes” where they must combat against these entities known as “waves”. However, Naofumi is seen as the weakling from the very beginning due to being the holder of the shield (and is now known as the “Shield Hero”). But it goes even further than that! The king of Melromarc immediately shows his disdain for the shield hero due to the previous shield hero doing something to him. I don’t know what, just fuck the king. The kingdom, the other heroes, and the people of the kingdom did just about everything to Naofumi to make him feel like trash. If he was on fire, they wouldn’t even spit on him to put him out!
Being the lowest-level weapon user, no one will join his team and even if they did…they would swindle him, set him up for failure, and spread the worst lie you could ever lie about. But Naofumi can’t return home due to all four weapon users must be there until they defeat the waves. So Naofumi is stuck in a new world where literally everyone hates him or fears him.
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That is until he buys a slave (named Raphtalia) and their EXP points can grow. Along the way, he obtains an egg that hatches into a filolial (later named Filo) who has the ability of turning into a human female. And every now and then, the second princess of Melromarc (named Melty) will come along with Naofumi. Trust me, she’s the nice one in that family.
Let’s watch the struggles and rising of the Shield Hero!
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: So this is licensed by Crunchyroll (but I think FUNimation dipped it’s cookie in this milk). I know these two companies divorced some time ago, but FUNimation sees no problem piggy-backing off of Crunchyroll when they get a hit. And yes, this got an English dub and because of that, YES I watched the whole thing dubbed! Done by the good folks in L.A.! I gotta say this was a well-done dub. Well, they did one thing right by hiring Erica Mendez to play Raphtalia. Just about everything Mendez plays is friggin’ gold! Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Naofumi is played by Kaito Ishikawa (known for Kiawe on Pokemon SM, Genos on One Punch Man, Mitsuo on Golden Time, Urui on Tokyo Ghoul :re, Sakakibara on Assassination Classroom, and Rinne on Kyokai no Rinne)
*Raphtalia is played by Asami Seto (known for Officer Jenny on Pokemon SM, Mado on Tokyo Ghoul, Young Yukiatsu on Anohana, and Shizu Delta on Overlord)
*Filo is played by Rina Hidaka (known for Last Order on Index/Railgun, Ririchiyo on Inu x Boku SS, Kohane on xxxHOLiC, Silica on SAO, Nemesis on To Love Ru: Darkness, and Urara on Food Wars)
*Melty is played by Maaya Uchida (known for Norman on The Promised Neverland, Rikka on Chunibyo, Rui on Domestic Girlfriend, Frenda on Railgun, Yoshino on Food Wars, Irina on High School DxD, and Yusa on Charlotte)
ENGLISH CAST: *Naofumi is played by Billy Kametz (known for Jousuke/JoJo on Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Part IV, Osomatsu on Mr. Osomatsu, Metal Lee on Boruto, and Galo on Promare)
*Raphtalia is played by Erica Mendez (known for Ryuko on Kill la Kill, Haruka/Uranus on Sailor Moon redub, Emma on The Promised Neverland, Nico on Love Live, Yuuki on SAO II, and Tsubaki on Your Lie in April)
*Filo is played by Brianna Knickerbocker (known for Rem on Re:Zero, Akane on Durarara x2, Arisa on Love Live, Anna on The Promised Neverland, Iori on Charlotte, and Erica on Berserk 2016)
*Melty is played by Jackie Lastra (known for Conny on The Promised Neverland and Selka on SAO: Alicization)
FAVORITE CHARACTER: I know I’m gonna have fun with the next category, but I think I spent most of this series hating on several people where I forgot to pick a character I liked.
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Well folks, I gotta say that I loved Raphtalia. And after her, Filo! Then Elhart, Queen Melromarc, Melty, and Fitoria! With the exception of Elhart, it’s all women! That’s rare! Don’t worry, there’s one woman that has received a restraining order from this category. On with the worst!
Y’all know what’s coming!
DISLIKED CHARACTER: Prior to watching this series, I have gotten several warnings about one particular character! Princess Malty or Myne, whatever people call her. This woman is despised throughout the anime community and even going so far as to say she’s on “horrible character” status left only to infamous characters like Griffith, Makoto Itou, and Shou Tucker. And I’m like, “WOW, what did she do, kill a pope?” I mean seriously, how bad could she possibly…?!
*one episode later*
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FUCK THIS BITCH: Oh this bitch can burn at the stake for all I care! Yes, everyone else who treated Naofumi like shit can go jump off a bridge. Because I hold no sympathy for towns-idiots that treat a hero with no respect (as I’ve said before with One Punch Man and Dragon Ball Z)! But Myne just took that zero respect and pushed it to a crispy 425 degrees of fuck-roast! In the first episode, she seemed genuine with pitying Naofumi because no one would join his team. That didn’t even last a whole day. Myne ends up faking a rape by lying to the kingdom that Naofumi sexually assaulted her.
Faking a RAPE!
Bitch, this is 2019 (I KNOW IT AIN’T THAT IN THIS KINGDOM, I’M JUST FUCKING PISSED). Faking a rape is a big, fat, NO-NO!
After he spends the little money he had on her to buy equipment, she double-crosses him by setting him up for immediate trouble and switches to the Spear-Hero side. Well fuck you too, you skank! Have fun with your dickhead Spear Hero. And may that be the last time I ever see you!
*several episodes later*
WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! You cheating, lying, slut! Just when you think she can’t possibly get any worse, this bitch takes worse and shoves it off a fucking cliff. As if faking an assault wasn’t bad enough, screwing townspeople for your own gain is another story. She would take over a whole town and give no fucks if it’s destroyed by her or her fuck-face spear-hero. Add to that fuck-cake, every time you run into Naofumi, you find some way to screw him over time and time again. This bitch tampered with a fight between the shield and spear hero so that Naofumi could fail and they could steal his only team member away from him! You have your father, the church, your dickhead boy-toy of yours, and the royals wrapped around your little finger. Myne just continues to be worse than tainted peanut butter. I wish she would catch the worst STD imaginable and die a painful death!
*several more episodes later*
AAAAAAAH gabba da da ffuuuu worble BITCH FACE gararba fruznuss SET FIRE plskay adkkin aidnnlwjsnda UP DONALD TRUMP’S ASS galidamdh amoiejwm wwwaasosoh A POPCICLE! FUCK! AAkajrriaja DIDIA LEJHE KLHAEHAE FYUEEajejioqih3hv SSLLSHE3V ADKDKDDHEI333!!!!
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Oh, you do not want a translation from my…whatever the fuck I just wrote. Just know that Princess Malty or Myne is worse than hemroids up the ass. I can’t believe this woman is still around, breathing and shit. Also, I’m tempted in re-writing my Top 10 Least Favorite Anime Character list because Myne would definitely be at #4 after Griffith from Berserk.
Okay…Okay…I think I’m calm now.
Now I’m calm! Now then…
ANYONE ELSE WHO NEEDS TO DIE IN THIS SERIES?: So obviously I hate Bitch and Trash (Myne and the King). And I have the same kind of respect for the townspeople who treat Naofumi like shit. I ain’t got time to be dealing with townsidiots again. But if there was anyone else that should get a mention of how much I want for them to be set on fire and I’ll just sit there drinking my ginger ale, it would be Motoyasu.
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Now by no means do I hate him more than Miss Bitch over here. But I hate him on the same level as Shinji from the Fate series (which is now teetering on my top 10). I question why he’s still alive and why no one has introduced his face to a jagged boulder. Unlike the other heroes Ren and Itsuki, this guy has got a vendetta against Naofumi from the get-go. And this was like before the sexual alligations came about. After that incident, this fuckturd tries at every turn to make Naofumi’s life worse than it already is by stealing away his crew and challenging him every chance he gets. And when he’s not doing that, he’s screwing over the townspeople and doing very little to be a “hero” (which is his freakin’ title). Then again, Ren and Itsuki aren’t great heroes either, it’s just I really need to lay into Spear-Dick for the shit he’s done.
SHIPPING: Hmm…aaaaahhhh….eeeeee…urrrrggggh…
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Naofumi x Raphtalia: I know Naofumi doesn’t see Raphtalia as a romantic partner and more as a partner on his team, but Raphtalia doesn’t see it that way. She is 100% loyal to Master Naofumi. Who could blame her? Naofumi saved her from a lifetime of enslavement and cured her from an illness she’s had for years. She’s grateful and every other hero is crap in her eyes! She’s worshipped the shield hero since she was younger when she would hear stories about the shield hero. So imagine her worry every time Naofumi talks about going back to his home world, she gets horribly upset. Me being very skeptical here, I can’t really imagine this going any further than team partners. I can’t see at the end of the day Naofumi staying in Melromarc forever or Raphtalia somehow returning to Naofumi’s world when all of this ends. So for now, I’m just going to see where this takes us.
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FUNNIEST MOMENT: Whenever Motoyasu gets conked in his frank-and-two-beans by Filo! If anyone deserves to be whammed in the nuts, it’s Motoyasu.
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SADDEST MOMENT: I don’t usually mention sad moments in anime anymore, but one moment touched me and that was episode 15 where we learned a little more about Raphtalia’s past. Raphtalia, even after losing her parents in a wave attack, she tries her best to keep a smile on her face. But shortly after that, she and many other demi-humans were taken away from their homes and sold off to a nobleman. This is when we see some pretty inhumane moments where Raphtalia and many of her friends are whipped for the fun of it, starved to death, and sold off to traders.
In this episode, we learn about a few of Raphtalia’s friends (Keel and Rifana) from her younger days. The day Raphtalia got sold off, it looked like Rifana was teetering towards death. When the Shield Hero’s party came to rescue the surviving demi-humans (like Keel), Raphtalia went to see if Rifana could possibly be alive. And if the disturbing picture of Rifana’s skeleton doesn’t churn your stomach, I really don’t know what will. God damn, that was just messed up!
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I CANNOT TELL A LIE, THIS ANIME HURT: I know I have sadistic tendencies and take joy in the misery of others. But I seriously cannot enjoy any second of the humiliation and degredation given to Naofumi. And it was because of the abuse put on the Shield Hero that made me feel sick to my stomach just watching all this happen to this guy. I thought it would last for a few episodes at the most, but it carried on a lot further than I imagined. Almost to the very end! And every episode you put on, you just wish for some kind of karma to kick in or for one more person to be nice to Naofumi or something, anything to happen!
But because the king has a vendetta against the previous Shield Hero, Naofumi has had to pay a heavy toll by having every horrible crime or offense thrown at him including rape, murder, attempted murder, cheating, witchcraft, and treason. AND HE COMMITTED NONE OF THESE OFFENSES! So you spend just about 20 episodes watching this poor boy having to go through this hell. I can’t even imagine having to go through this kind of torment and some of these moments make me ill in my stomach and quite pissed off. So like I said, this anime hurts to watch.
ENDING: As it turns out, the kingdom is corrupt under the rule of the king and his daughter, Princess Cunt (yeah, BIG shocker there). How corrupt? Well, they were in cahoots with the church that had their own religion praising only 3 of the Heroes (guess which one they don’t praise)! That was until the pope decided that everything must be wiped away because they are “unclean”. That includes the monarchy, the heroes, and their crew! Thankfully, they were able to put an end to this cult, with a little help from the true leader of Melromarc, Queen Mirelia of Melromarc. She finally shows herself and her powers on the battlefield. And now ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the moment everyone and their mama have been waiting for.
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JUSTICE IS SERVED: With the queen’s return, come some harsh sentences to her own family. Her husband, the king and her daughter, Princess Malty! I gotta tell you, seeing these two in chains makes my heart so happy. The king was guilty of summoning the four heroes prematurely and causing a lot of harm to the kingdom of Melromarc with the church. Then the queen puts a seal on Myne’s chest, giving her unimaginable pain whenever she lied. That still didn’t stop the bitch from lying! In one swoop, it’s proven that Naofumi was innocent the whole time and that the king and princess were worse than period cramps. And for their crimes, THEY ARE SENTENCED TO DEATH BY GUILLOTINE!
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Yeah…unfortunately for my blood-lust self, that didn’t happen. Instead, Naofumi stopped the queen seconds before blood was to splatter. Claiming that the princess and king should be stripped from their titles and must go through life with new names! The king will be named “Trash” and Malty/Myne will be named “Bitch” (or “Whore” when she’s traveling). Okay, I guess it’s all good. With that, the church of the three heroes is abolished and handled a lot better than I thought.
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But seriously Queenie, was it really, REALLY a good idea to keep your daughter alive? I know she’s your own daughter and you felt severe hesitation (in the anime) before calling for her execution. But for fuck’s sake, literally a day after she’s spared from the guillotine, she’s poisoning food meant for her sister Melty, Naofumi, and his friends!
IN THIS AFTERMATH: Now has Naofumi finally obtained acceptance throughout the kingdom? Yes and no! Yes, it’s true that the people of the land respected Naofumi after all he’s done. It’s just that some of the other heroes and castle men who still treat Naofumi with such disrespect. The queen wishes for all four heroes to be treated equally and to get along so that maybe they can defeat the waves without too much trouble. Hell, the queen of the filolials also said the same thing! I think Ren and Itsuki have kinda been on board with this for a while (even if they are kinda dickish about it). It’s just that Motoyasu’s still a condescending dick to Naofumi! Sigh!
FINAL WAVE ATTACK: Final one for now! On their way to another land, Naofumi ends up getting chummy with two travelers (L’Arc and Therese).
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We meet these fuckers three episodes before the finale.
They’re bad guys, aren’t they?!
Something like that! Yeah, the next wave attack was coming up real quick. And the heroes have to go up against Glass again (the woman who caused a lot of trouble in the midway point of the series). But it turns out L’Arc and Therese are in cahoots with Glass. But it gets really…complicated here!
Glass and L’Arc are both fan and scythe heroes from another world. And they’re destroying the waves on this side along with destroying the people of this world to prevent catastrophy in their world. Yeah, finale time guys! How many parallel worlds and heroes are there?
Fuck me! Well, Naofumi and the other hammy heroes were able to stop the wave attack once more. And we even get to watch Queen Melromarc in action again! In this aftermath, Naofumi gets a new member on his team. Yes, it’s another female, but at least this one is older than all the other girls that hang with him (making this a little less ewwwie). Rishia was abandoned by Itsuki’s team for…reasons. So she’s going to join Naofumi after she helped in the last wave attack. And we get some last-moment hopeful scenes as we see things that give me hope for people in this series. Raphtalia’s old friends and homeland is getting back into the swing of things and Naofumi will take control over the land. And we wait for this promoted second and third season Crunchyroll swears by. Seriously guys, when are we getting more Shield Hero?
If you can’t already tell, I liked this series! Yes it was unbelievably painful to watch certain things where all of these people gang up on Naofumi and screw him eight ways from Sunday, but I guess good stories have a little struggle. Except here, it’s a lot of struggling! It was an interesting tale and is giving me a little hope for the Isekai genre as a whole. Will I get into all the other recent ones so I can one day watch Isekai Quartet? Don’t get too cocky! I’ll stick to this and maybe head on over to Konosuba later on.
Rising of the Shield Hero was definitely a tale and I highly recommend it. It’s just that if you’re prone to anger when it comes to absolute injustice, half of this series might be a little unbearable to handle. But there were several great moments (particularly from Raphtalia) that kept me going with this series.
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Especially episode 4! Best episode of the series! Her undying devotion for Naofumi was definitely one to behold! I can’t wait to learn more about these different kinds of worlds, kingdoms, and heroes in the upcoming stories. In the meantime I will await for these seasons two and three Crunchyroll assures us are coming…They are coming right? You guys weren’t just blowing smoke up our asses in the last CRX convention, right?
I can’t do it! There are too many chapters!
Currently, both FUNimation and Crunchyroll have the entire series subbed and dubbed.
Okay, great stuff! What’s next on my Amazon/Netflix…or Crunchyroll licensed anime!
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Magical Girl Site?
Oh fuck. I heard about that first episode. This is gonna hurt.
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precuredaily · 5 years
Precure Day 161
Episode: Yes! Precure 5 13 - “Rin-chan Decides on a Club!” Date watched: 30 November 2019 Original air date: 29 April 2007 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Skj7Avo Project info and master list of posts: http://tinyurl.com/PCDabout
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Judo, track, volleyball, tennis, kendo, and basketball are all vying for Rin’s skills...but her heart lies elsewhere
There are three very important things in life to Rin: her family, her friends, and sports. In this episode, we get to see 1 and 3 come into conflict within her, and she struggles between her passion and her responsibilities. It’s a great episode.
The Plot
Rin is playing futsal, a small-team, small field variant of soccer, with four other students from the school. They don’t have enough players to make a proper club, and Rin can only play sometimes because she frequently has to babysit her twin siblings, Yuu and Ai.
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Yuu on the left, Ai on the right
In fact, Rin helps out at a lot of sports clubs, but can’t join any of them because of her time constraints. The school’s sports festival is coming up and naturally, everyone wants her on their team. Last year she actually was able to compete in all the events, because they were spread out across a few days, but this year they’re going to be all at once to save time, so Rin has to choose a team to play for, and of course all of them are trying to get her. Complicating the matter, the sports festival is the day that the futsal team has scheduled their first proper match, which they can only do with five people, so they really need Rin’s participation. Even Mika won’t leave her alone, trying to find out what team she’s going to join so she can report it to the paper. However, Rin can’t answer, and instead runs off campus after school to practice with the futsal players, which Mika finds suspicious. As she gets to the field, she overhears the team members talking about how they’re out of luck without her, and she feels bad.
The next day, she talks about her conundrum with her friends. Nozomi says she can take care of the kids so Rin can join a proper team, but she already tries to do that and fails, so Rin isn’t confident in her. All four of the other girls try taking care of Yuu and Ai together, but the twins still manage to capture Coco and Nuts, which the two fairies are none too pleased about. While Nozomi and Urara plead with them to give the mascots back, Rin has a heart-to-heart with Karen and Komachi about what to do. They suggest that now might be the best time to pick one team and stick with it, especially since she seems to really enjoy the futsal team. She’s still worried that nobody but her can handle Yuu and Ai when her mother isn’t around, however.
Before she can make a decision, the soccer ball the kids are playing with gets kicked out of the field, and it bumps into Gamao, who has taken up a job as a janitor at the park instead of working for Nightmare. Public service has done nothing for his attitude, and when the kids ask him to return the ball, he hurls it at them at high speed, nearly knocking them out if Rin hadn’t caught it in the nick of time. Now the girls are all upset and they tell the kids to go play on the other side of the park for a while, while they contend with Gamao. Rin is naturally angry that he tried to hurt her siblings, and she tries to attack him, but he turns a Pinky into a Kowaina. The other four transform and deal with it while Rouge fights Gamao. She is absolutely furious at him for threatening her family and she unloads on him. If he weren’t such an awful person I’d almost feel sorry for him. As before, the girls manage to break the mask off the Kowaina without hurting the Pinky, while Rouge threatens Gamao until he retreats.
As night falls, the girls all sit down and Rin admits that she doesn’t think she’ll be able to help the futsal team. At that moment, Yuu and Ai walk up and promise to behave and be good so she can join the team, because they love her and want her to be able to have fun sometimes. At that exact moment, Mika appears and forcefully asks Rin if that’s her final decision. The twins answer that their sister will DEFINITELY win, and Mika takes that for confirmation, snaps a quick picture of a startled Rin, and runs off to write about how the school’s star sports player has decided to join the futsal team. Rin playfully chides the children but it’s clear that, despite her exasperation, she’s happy with this outcome.
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The Analysis
Rin’s struggle between doing what she wants (playing sports) and having to watch over her little siblings probably hits close to home for a lot of people. When you’re the older sibling, oftentimes your job is to watch after the younger members of the family when your parents can’t, and that can interfere with your own personal life. Rin was ready to sacrifice doing what she loved in order to take care of her siblings, and that is beautifully tragic. The show gives this struggle its proper diligence, fully showing both the desperate need for someone to look after Yuu and Ai as well as Rin’s love for soccer, and how much the other sports teams are coming after her. It’s a difficult balance, and the writers deftly showed this with a mix of humor and age-appropriate gravity.
Also, purely from the standpoint of trying to choose a sports team to join, the small futsal team is the obvious choice for Rin. We’re told she helps with all the others, but none of them need her the same way the futsal team does. If she joins them, they have just enough members to play against other teams and form a proper club. If she picks one of the established clubs, they get an ace in the hole, but they aren’t lost without her. This is driven home by the added detail that her flashbacks are the only time we see her actually participating in these sports, while she actively plays futsal at the beginning. It was never really a matter of which sport she’d choose, only if she would commit. The illusion of choice that the writers presented her with is transparent, but intentionally so. They’re only trying to make you feel invested in the underdog.
Now, let’s discuss Rin’s family, and the lengths she goes for them. This is the first time we’ve actually seen her home, her mom, or her siblings (It might even be the first time we learn that she has siblings, I honestly don’t recall). Yuu and Ai are introduced as rambunctious twins whose favorite activity is stirring up trouble. Nozomi can’t control them, Rin has to shout to get them to settle down, they are a handful.
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However, they love Rin a lot and they understand, to a degree, that certain things are precious to her. They’re upset when Gamao is being mean to them and to Rin, and they want Rin to be able to play sports without worrying about them. Similarly, Rin loves her little siblings and wants to protect them from danger. When Gamao acts like he’s going to hurl the soccer ball at them, she jumps in and takes an astonishingly hard throw, before getting righteously upset at his threats against her family. Rule 1 of Precure: never piss off the big sister, it will not end well for you.
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The flurry of punches she unleashes on Gamao rivals Cure Black’s ruthless attack on Gekidrago way back in FWPC 11, for similar reasons. I love it, we know Rin represents passion, and this is the culmination of a threat against two of her passions combined: her family and her hobbies. You don’t mess with that.
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as Gamao learned the hard way
If there’s a downside to this episode, it’s entirely conditional, and that’s that I don’t believe we ever see Rin with the futsal club again, or see how her siblings are taken care of. I am happy to be proven wrong, since I’m sure there’s a lot about these shows I have forgotten over time. We’ll see.
Other high points: Mika is a good source of comic relief, as always, and this time she’s at least reporting on something actually sort of newsworthy, and not Nuts. I hadn’t realized that she recurred quite so frequently, she’s been in every episode bar one since her debut. She’s a good investigator and if she wasn’t so easily distracted, she could probably be a valuable asset.... or a major obstacle to the girls, either way. As it is, she’s a tabloid reporter, and she gets laughs for that.
I appreciate the gradual shifting from day to night on the day of the fight. It’s a minor bit of continuity that really shows that they cared, and demonstrates how long Rin was anguishing over the decision.
Next time, Karen struggles with club budgets, and learns a surprising secret about Otaka-san. Look forward to it!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 1 Kettei!
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muthaz-rapapa · 6 years
Idol Precure Series: A Gratuitous Costume Parade
Because that is literally what this is. An excuse to dress everyone up in cute clothes. 
Not complaining, though. The girls look fabulous~
Anyways, y’all aware they were grouped together because of what their civilian identities have in common, right?
Well, that’s how I see it so I typed this up so I can use it for reference later.
Initially, it was just a companion (?) piece to this StarPre prediction post (therefore, the StarPre girls haven’t been included yet so go check out that post until they are) but now I’ll come back to edit/update it again when more new stuff is released or I find better quality pictures.
I also have some ideas for possible new groups if they ever add or mix-and-switch the current ones but that’ll be on another post altogether to avoid confusing myself, ahaha~
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Anata no kokoro o mitoshi-tai (Team “I see through your heart”)
Members: Yukishiro Honoka, Hanasaki Tsubomi, Tsukikage Yuri, Shirabe Ako, Yakushiji Saaya
At a glance, it seems like they put all the smart ones together but it’s really because these girls all wear glasses.
Yep, the meganekko group.
I mean, they are smart but the key point here is clearly the glasses. Which is a tad bit of a shame because I feel like that (moe aspect) takes away from recognizing them for their intelligence first.
On another note, interestingly enough, I believe there’s a play on words with their unit name. If you say it out loud without knowing the context, it really sounds like “I want to look into your heart”. Can someone confirm this? My amateur Japanese isn’t enough to explain it eloquently.
Others who can fit into this group: Hishikawa Rikka
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Bunbu Ranbu (”Martial Dance”)
Members: Myoudouin Itsuki, Aoki Reika, Yotsuba Alice, Hikawa Iona
Martial arts practitioners.
Also, I’m pretty sure Reika knows some kendo along with kyūdō since we’ve seen her wielding a giant ice sword as Cure Beauty multiple times throughout the franchise. We just didn’t see her do it in civilian form. Hmm. :/
Others who can fit into this group: ...
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Eternal Moment
Members: Higashi Setsuna (Eas), Akagi Towa (Twilight)
Former villainesses who turned good and became a main heroine.
I’m so glad they didn’t forget about their evil alter-egos cuz Eas and Twilight (or perhaps just Twilight) can be considered separate characters in their own rights so it’s nice to see them show up in advertisement again every once in a while.
Hmmm, their name though... it looks like this unit might only be intended for two people (”Eternal” for Towa and “Moment” for “Setsuna”).
That is, unless they add onto it like HNMH (see below) if they plan to include more girls into this category. If so, then...
Others who can fit into this group: Kurokawa Ellen, Lulu Amour
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Mystic Diva
Members: Kurokawa Ellen, Kenzaki Makoto
Haresora Concerto (”Clear Sky Concerto”)
Members: Minazuki Karen, Hojo Hibiki
Haresora Concerto with Mystic Diva (collab?)
Additional members: Tategami Aoi
Girls with strong affiliation to music...I think?
We saw Karen playing the violin in Yes!5 Precure’s OP and her parents are famous musicians themselves (just like Hibiki’s) but I can’t recall if she ever played any instrument during any particular episode in Yes! 5 or Gogo(?). Anyways...
Mystic Diva contains those who are renowned singers from another world (I don’t think Ellen sang much after she sorta permanently remained in human form but as Siren, she was one of the top contenders next to Hummy to sing the Melody of Happiness so there’s that).
Haresora Concerto obviously are for those who practice classical instruments.
Finally, the collaboration...is it a collaboration or did they really merge the two units together? If not, then Aoi will still need to be assigned to a group and if we’re going by the above criteria, she doesn’t fit into either one (Mystic Diva isn’t really her style anyway and she’s long given up the violin to play the guitar).
Maybe they’ll come up with another unit specifically focused on the rock genre in the future cuz we have Emiru and Lulu now so that’ll be enough to start one.
Others who can fit into Mystic Diva: Lulu Amour (+ guitar) [??]
Granted, Lulu didn’t sing before she arrived in present day Hugtto but she did say she’s going to bring music back to the future so...why not count that and the future as “another world”, hmm?
Others who can fit into Haresora Concerto: Yotsuba Alice (piano), Haruno Haruka (violin), Akagi Towa (violin), Kaidou Minami (violin) [??]
I don’t really associate Minami with music even though she is skilled at playing the violin. It’s just that compared to Towa and Haruka where the violin played a significant part in their story arcs, Minami and the violin is more secondary (pfft, not even) to her connection with the sea. But then again...Karen is in this group so I dunno :S
Did I forget anyone else who plays a classical instrument? I feel like I’m missing someone...
Others who can join the collab: Everyone listed above + Kasugano Urara (singing), Aisaki Emiru (singing, piano, violin and guitar)
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Haruka Nozomu Mirai no Hana (”Wishing for the Flower of the Far Off Future”)
Members: Yumehara Nozomi, Haruno Haruka, Asahina Mirai, Nono Hana
The dream chasers.
And by far, the unit I find the most aesthetically pleasing. ^^
Also, I feel like some people would try to argue that Mirai “didn’t have a goal and therefore, she doesn’t belong in this group” so as she is my beloved daughter, I need to make them eat the dirt of their WRONGNESS.
Because MahoPre’s epilogue obviously showed her trying to find a way to reunite with Riko and Ha-chan, aka bring their two worlds together again, so that definitely counts as her dream (not to mention, the most ambitious one out of everybody else’s in this group). Furthermore, if you actually watched MahoPre more closely, you would know her dream of the two worlds coming together came to her gradually rather than happening at a particular moment and was solidified after she had to separate from her team after the Big Boss fight in the finale.
And you know what? Her wish was fulfilled in the end so y’all can suck it. :P
Others who can fit into this group: ...
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Home Maid
Members: Kujo Hikari, Minamino Kanade, Madoka Aguri, Omori Yuko, Usami Ichika, Arisugawa Himari
Cooking or maybe, more accurately, sweets enthusiasts? *makes side eye at Aguri*
Well, besides that, they also either helped out at a restaurant or provided a service that had something to do with food (tea ceremony in Aguri’s case).
Hence, the “maid” part, I guess...
...but if so, then this is a poster for a maid cafe, not an idol unit! :P
Others who can fit into this group: Hyuuga Saki (family runs a bakery) [?], Akimoto Komachi (family runs a Japanese confectionery shop) [?], Hino Akane (family runs an okonomiyaki restaurant) [?], Haruno Haruka (family runs a Japanese confectionery restaurant) [?], Kotozume Yukari (learned from her grandmother how to perform tea ceremonies) [?], Kirahoshi Ciel (owns her own sweets restaurant), Nono Hana (grandparents ran a Japanese confectionery shop)
With the exception of Ciel, a lot of “?” cases here because similar to the Karen/Minami in Haresora Concerto, their main interests don’t particularly lie in cuisine and most of them never stated any intention of carrying on their family business. So it’s really up to whether you want them in this unit or not. Personally, I think Home Maid has enough members already so...
Oh and Hana was crossed off the list since she became the president of her own company at the end of Hugtto.
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Members: Misumi Nagisa, Hyuuga Saki, Natsuki Rin, Hino Akane, Midorikawa Nao
This one’s self-explanatory. Athletes. Sporty types.
Not much else to say.
Others who can fit into this group: Hojo Hibiki, Kagayaki Homare (?)
Yes, while Homare does participate in a sport, singles figure skating is mostly an individual event so the MVP title can’t really be applied to her. I guess that was the reasoning behind why she wasn’t placed in this group even though that’s what she’s most known for.
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Members: Kurumi Erika, Shirayuki Hime, Kagayaki Homare
The fashionistas!
This is my most favorite idol unit name out of all the others not only because it sounds like the most cleverly thought out but also because just hearing the word “revolution” gets the legendary Utena Revolution OP playing in my head again. *jams to the beat*
Thankfully, it’s got no connection to this idol series cuz *GAAASP*......*whispers* no.
Anyways, I’m glad it’s universally agreed upon that Erika and Hime would get along like five runways crisscrossing simultaneously at Fashion Week. Adding Homare to this lineup is appropriate because she’s always being complimented for dressing so stylishly.
Also, having someone as tall as her stand in between Erika and Hime like a giraffe hanging between two Hyacinth Macaws, lol is really...picture perfect.
Others who can fit into this group: ...
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Secret Lives
Members: Mimino Kurumi, Hanami Kotoha, Kirahoshi Ciel
Mascots who can transform and became one of the main heroines in their respective seasons.
I like their aesthetic, too. Even though they give off cute vibes as much as any of the other idol groups, there’s still a “mystery” air about them.
Others who can fit into this group: Kurokawa Ellen (?)
Ermmm...Ellen was a mascot but she wasn’t aligned with the good side in the beginning. And after she became a Cure, she didn’t revert back to cat form again... *shrug*
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Soushi⇄Souai (”Mutual Love with Creativity”)
Members: Mishou Mai, Akimoto Komachi, Hoshizora Miyuki, Kise Yayoi
Those whose strongest weapon is the pen (or brush) in their hand. Or something like that? I was trying to go for something more artful but I guess not. :P
This group’s name gave me a little trouble in translating but I think what I settled for in the end gets the idea across well enough. They love creating so much that they’ll be rewarded in kind with lots of inspiration.
...which sounds a bit unfair for everyone else suffering creative blocks but okay.
Others who can fit into this group: Nono Hana
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Triple Heart
Members: Momozono Love, Aida Mana, Aino Megumi
The love-obsessed.
Not much else to say here either.
Others who can fit into this group: ...
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Up to Me
Members: Aono Miki, Izayoi Riko, Kotozume Yukari
The Ladies.
At least that’s what I like to think them as. “Up to Me” gives off the impression of a very decisive person. Along with how mature they act, these girls fit that description to their own special degrees.
Like, Miki is very focused on her modeling career and confident she’ll go far, Riko has good work ethic and always aims for her goals and Yukari is, well, good at almost everything and is also a very “my pace” kind of woman.
...they all have purple hair, too, so I’m wondering if that’s another prerequisite for being added to this unit.
Others who can fit into this group: Tsukikage Yuri, Kenzaki Makoto (?)
Yuri would fit in no problem but Makoto I’m still teetering back and forth on...
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Members: Kasugano Urara, Amanogawa Kirara
Ra♪Raa♪Raaa♪Raaaa♪Raaaaa♪ Suīto Suīto Puri-Kyu=AH♪
Girls who aspire for the stage (acting and signing for Urara and modeling for Kirara) and have “-rara” in their names.
If that’s the case here, guess this is another unit meant for anyone who fits those limited criteria. Otherwise...
Others who can fit into this group: Aono Miki (modeling), Kenzaki Makoto (singing)
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White Coat Angels
Members: Yamabuki Inori, Hishikawa Rikka, Kaidou Minami, Kenjou Akira
Those with a future in medicine.
But Minami...hmm, well, though it was never clearly stated what her profession was (I don’t think?) when she grew up, she could’ve gone on to become a wildlife veterinarian after she achieved her degree in marine biology so yea, she counts.
Others who can fit into this group: Minazuki Karen, Yakushiji Saaya
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Kiratto! Open to All
Members: Kira Kira Precure a la Mode
Twin Love
Members: Aisaki Emiru, Lulu Amour
Pretty damn sure the first one was made specially just for KiraPre. No other girls sport blatant animal imagery on them. Plus, there’s no point in including anymore members than how many this group already has.
As for Twin Love, it’s a canon idol pair unit in Hugtto. Adding anyone else in it would not make it “Twin” Love anymore.
So that leaves the question of where Emiru and Lulu will go in the next series, I guess. Though I’m sure they’ll stick together wherever they’re assigned.
Side B
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Royal Road
Members: Kokoda Koji (Coco), Natts, Ouji Masamune, Prince Kanata
Fairy Five
Members: Amai Shiro (Syrup), Pop, Raquel, Lance, Aroma
Did anyone else think that “Side B” also stood for “Side Boys” before Dark Party was released? (And yes, I know what a B-side track is so you don’t have to tell me)
Anyways, Royal Road is obviously for the prince characters (though I don’t think they really needed to add Ouji-senpai since he’s just a minor recurring character, not supporting but whatever) and Fairy Five is for the younger male mascots who can transform.
Others who can fit into Royal Road: Prince Zeke, Wakamiya Henri, Aisaki Masato (?)
If Dark Dream can join an idol unit despite being a movie-only character, then I don’t see why they can’t integrate Prince Zeke into this unit as well. All that matters is how popular or memorable he was in HaCha’s movie because everyone who was picked out for Side B had to have had an impact on the audience one way or another. But at least Zeke makes more sense than Ouji-senpai.
Henri needs no explanation as he is the “Prince of the Ice” but if you want a prince to accompany his occasional “princess” role, including Masato wouldn’t be a bad idea. Though I still think Masato’s more of a knight than a prince.
Others who can fit into Fairy Five: Kuroro (?)
Granted, Kuroro only got a human form by combining powers with Lock in the final battle of Go!Pri and hasn’t technically earned it yet since he only begun fairy training when the season ended...but if he can, why not?
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The Enemy Boys
Members: Irisawa Kiriya, Luntarou (Wolfrun), Kurosu (Close), Rio (Julio/Pikario)
Members: Soular, Westar, Phantom, Shut
“The Enemy Boys” ...more like “School Infiltrators” since they were the few among villains to pose as students in order to get closer to the Cures.
Off-White consists of bishounen villains who eventually came around to understanding and siding with the good side. Which explains the “off white” part, I guess, since it wasn’t an immediate reform for them but a more gradual one that needed a lot of persuasion and thinking.
Others who can fit into The Enemy Boys: ...
Others who can fit into Off-White: Charaleet
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Precure Legendary Heroes
Members: Cure Fire (Ban Kenji), Cure Sebastian (Sebastian)
Dark Party
Members: Dark Dream, Dark Precure, Regina, Bibury Vibry
Legendary Heroes is clearly a parody of the Precure franchise itself but since we already grew out of those jokes thanks to Hugtto, I’m hoping I won’t see any updates for this group ever again. And I will be absolutely livid if they dare to put Cure Infini in this unit because that is not funny.
Dark Party needs no extensive explanation as they were former nemesis/rivals to the Cures who never really got a “good” form even after their Heel-Face Turn (Dark Precure didn’t even get one of these). Which is fine because that’s essentially their charm. What makes dark magical girls so appealing is how awesome they are even when they’re “evil”.
Also gotta love the gothic lolita clothes that a number of them usually wear. If they didn’t keep Side B separate from Side A, I totally would’ve liked to put Eas and Twilight in this group as well.
Others who can fit into Dark Party: ...
List of updates under the cut...
[1/29/19] - Post published.
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hoshimoridefense · 6 years
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EVENT STORY: Hoshimori Dream Circus
“Let’s go to the circus!”
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On the way home one day…
Sadone: I’m with Hinata~ We’re on the way home together~♪ Hinata: Together with my best friend~♪ Hinata: Ah- that’s right! Sadone-chan, do you have some free time right now?! Sadone: Some time…? Hinata: If you do, we should go back and play at the park! Sadone: Yup, I’ve got time! Let’s go to the park! Hinata: WAAA~I, HOORAAAY! Hinata: Hey hey, lately I’ve actually been wanting to introduce you to some kids I became friends with. Hinata: If we go to the park, I think they’ll be there. Sadone: Introduce?
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Narration: …… Hinata: Oh, they’re here! Yume-chan and Shun-kun! Yume: Nn- ah! Big Sis Hinata, hiiiiii there! Shun: Hi… Hinata: Hi you guys! Umm, this is Sadone-chan! Yume: Big Sis Sadone, it’s nice to meet you. Yume: I’m Yume, and this is my little brother Shun. Sadone: N-Nice to meet you… Sadone: Sadone is a big sister…! Shun: ……
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Hinata: Hey, Shun-kun. Are you not feeling well or something? Yume: Shun, our big sisters are here, so please forget about it and cheer up. Shun: But… Hinata: Wait what, what thing? What’s wrong? Yume: Hmm, well. We’re waiting for our dad to get a day off. Yume: He’s supposed to bring us to the circus. Hinata: WAAAAA!! A CIRCUS, THAT’S SO COOL! Sadone: Cir..cus…? Yume: Yeah, well. Our dad is at work, so we can’t right now. Shun: We’re definitely gonna go, he promised us… Hinata: Is the circus you’re going to nearby? Yume: Yup. That’s why we really wanted to go see it. Hinata: I see… that’s a bummer, huh. Yume: It is. But, he’s gotta work. Not much we can do about that… Hinata: Ah. Hey hey, we should go to the circus too! Shun: Eh- you guys are gonna go? Hinata: Hang on a second. I’ll look tickets up right now! Narration: Beep beep beep… Narration: S O L D  O U T
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Hinata: Oh… it’s sold out. Sadone: We can’t go to the circus? Hinata: Yeah… what a bummer~ Yume: Not much you can do about that, then. Our dad said it’s very popular. Shun: Uuu… Hinata: Right… Yume: Okay, Shun. It’s going to get dark soon, so we should head home now. Shun: O-Okay… Yume: Big Sis Hinata, Big Sis Sadone, we’ll see you later. Shun: Byebye. Sadone: …Byebye. Hinata: C-Cheer up, okay?! Seeya later! Yume: Yup, thank you.
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Narration: …… Sadone: …Hinata. What exactly is a circus? Hinata: Ummmm, well, it’s like… Hinata: It’s a ton of fun! Sadone: Aaaaand? Hinata: There’s like swings in the sky, and clowns, and lions and elephants! Sadone: Like a zoo? Hinata: Yeah, something like that! Sadone: Wow!! That seems so fun! Sadone: But, those kids couldn’t go, so is that why they were so sad? Hinata: Seems like it… Sadone: I see. I wonder if there’s anything we could do to cheer them up about it? Hinata: Tomorrow, maybe. Let’s ask everyone about it! Sadone: Okaaay!
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Narration: …… Hinata: Heyheyhey, Sensei! What do you think we should do?! You: U-Umm… let’s see…
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Sadone: Onii-chan, we should buy out the circus through corporate takeover! You: Eeeeh?! That’s completely out of the question! You: And where on earth did you learn a term like that? Sadone: Dad said it. You: She must mean Kaede’s father… You: Well, let’s call that our final resort if we can’t come up with anything else. Sadone: Is it a bad idea? You: N-No, I just think we need something a bit more peaceful…
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Urara: Why don’t we try storming the circus?! Urara: We push and push, we push until they have no choice but to let us in! You: Urara?
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Renge: Maybe. I wonder if we could pay them a visit and make some direct negotiations? Haruka: Yes. If we explain the situation to them, I’m sure they’ll understand. Haruka: Hinata-chan, if there’s anything we can do for you, just say the word. Kurumi: I’ll help too. Hinata: You guys… thank you all so much!!! Sadone: Alright, let’s go to the circus!
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Narration: …… Hinata: Ehehe, we made it~! Sadone: The circus, the circus! Urara: Hey, it’s just as I said, isn’t it ♪ Renge: Ufufu, we pushed, and we won ♡
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Haruka: And now all of us are going to catch a cold in these outfits… Urara: But we all had some pretty nice timing, don’tcha think ♪ Haruka: Y-Yes. I just hope we get well soon. Kurumi: So… are we really going to be able to pull off a circus show? Renge: Oh, my ♡ If we can be Hoshimori, we can certainly put on a circus too! ♡ Urara: That’s right ♪ And if we can do this well, the Ringleader said he’ll give us tickets!
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Sadone: Hey, Hinata. Do you think we’ll be able to make those kids smile? Hinata: Yeah, we can totally do it! Hinata: Everyone, let’s do our very best with all our might~! Everyone: YEAH!
~ Continued in Event Story 2 ~
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kokiafans · 3 years
KOKIA blog: March 10, 2022
Source: KOKIA.com/blog, March 10, 2022
Back to Japan soon
Hello, this is KOKIA.
The weather is nice in London today; it feels like spring.
Since I’ll be returning to Japan next week, I’ve started fluttering about to pack my things.
I will write down my missions to fulfill during my stay in Japan below.
I’ll be happy if I get to meet as many people as possible.
April 3: Makuhari hall event attendance April 16: Billboard Live Yokohama performance KOKIA, title: ‘sounds are dancing on a fine spring day’ (haru urara oto ga mau)
≪Venue≫ Billboard Live Yokohama
≪Date≫ April 16, 2022 (Saturday)
≪Performance times≫
1st stage open 15:30 / start 16:30 2nd state open 18:30 / start 19:30
※ full substitution system
(Yokohama shop)
And a talk about the KOKIA flowers that are blooming in spring:
🌱 I will be renewing my website! I’m excited.
Thanks to you, I reached the goal amount through the crowd funding campaign I’d started for the website remodeling in the blink of an eye! I bowed my head in front of the computer and told you all ‘thank you’.
I’m currently in the middle of preparing the data to prepare for the reopening of the website after the remodeling.
Please look forward to it, because I think it’ll be a wonderful website tying us all together now that I’m making almost unbelievable progress with it!
🌱 My new album Gin no kitsune to kin no koucha o (’with a silver fox and golden tea’) will go on sale.
I’m planning on the actual shipping to start in May, but preorders will be available very soon this month on the official web shop KOKIA Jirushi.
New songs are born from time to time, and they just become works with the ‘KOKIA seal’ (Jirushi).
I have the feeling one of these songs will be one that I’ll sing a lot on stage from now on. Please look forward to it, since I’m also planning on singing it in Yokohama.
I digress, but... the other day, on my way home after watching a musical, I came across a wild fox in the middle of the city.
Even more, one of the songs that was sung in that musical had the same lyrics as a part of the chorus of the main song I’m singing on the album.
It’s just making me excited, wondering if it’s a sign it might be a smash hit like the owl song from my other album.
🌱 I think I’ll be able to tell you about it at the end of April, along with the launch of my renewed website, but...
I’ll be recording an unprecedented performance during my stay in Japan this spring. (Please root for me in your hearts!) 
If I talk a little bit about it in outlines...
In 2021, around summer that year, I held my first paid livestream concert ‘THE MISISNG PIECE’; that allowed me my first attempt at a recording without an audience, but I feel the end result was a lovely concert.
After streaming finished, I received happy encouragement from my audience;  planning it was very tough, but I wanted to try yet another similar large-scale livestream concert.
However, as a result of my pondering if I couldn’t come up with a plan in which a new approach of recording comes to life, I thought of something!
As fans who have supported me throughout the years may know, when you ut it simply, there are two kinds of tracks in my singing and song writing.
The first is freely creating something I like, and freely singing it. That’s what I call my own album and product, so ‘my works’, so to speak.
And there’s the second kind which is the collaboration or tie-up; I sing a song that I got commissioned to write for a project. As I thought about a way to easily understand it on top of explaining it in words, I called those ‘outworks’ as contrast to ‘my works’. 
For music, I use my right brain for imagining a lot, and it gets developed. If the ‘my work’ songs are created by my right brain, then it’s easy for me to see how I create the ‘outwork’ songs with my left brain and produce them like that.
In short, in contrast to my works for which I turn my mental image into sounds as I wish without having to think about it, my outwork is for a product that already exists, like a movie or a game, so I can’t go against the existing concept, and I work the demands of the client into the sounds... because in that way, it’s like I’m making a construction.
That introduction got long, but despite being involved in many of my left brain projects (outworks), I haven’t really had the chance to introduce those left brain songs on stage before, but finally, this time I decided to record a concert composed only of tie-up songs that are left brain works.
Of course, it will be distributed after.
Now, once I’d decided on it, I made a listing of songs I’ve done as a tie-up in the past, and I surprised myself going ‘I wrote that song too?’. At the same time, most of those songs were included in the works they were intended for, but I haven’t sung them on stage before.
So even though they’re songs I’ve written myself, creating songs and performing them on a stage are two very different stories...
After deciding on this, I now realize myself just how tough these preparations are, though it’s a little late for that. ^^;
Anyway, aren’t you curious about what songs I’ll be singing?
This time, just like the previous time, I’m arranging preparations for digital tickets that get sent out with an URL to watch the performance, both with a ticket and pamphlet included and without a pamphlet.
It might be a spoiler, but I was planning on writing down the musical program in the pamphlet this time around, so I’d certainly recommend a digital ticket that includes a pamphlet.
Feeling like this, as much as it was a momentary sigh of relief that my stage performances, my main axis of motion, had decreased due to corona, I am of course also looking forward to it and zealous in my preparations while I imagine my audience looking forward to doing as much as possible, so please wait just a little longer.
First, I’ll return to Japan via the opposite side of the planet adding four extra hours to my usual travel, so please pray for my safe arrival in Japan.
I’m looking forward to be able to see you all at Billboard Yokohama.
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makalations-blog · 8 years
Translation: Ouhi no Yakata/Château de la Reine
Hello. Thank you for reading my translation for Ouhi no Yakata/ Château de la Reine.
As this is (somehow miraculously?) before Tokyo run, hopefully this can help people who want to see it in Tokyo understand a bit more. Or help those waiting for the DVD to prepare to watch it when it releases.
This work comes with a few necessary notes beforehand. Please read them.
1. This is a fan-created translation. Please be aware that my understanding of Japanese is not extremely high-level, and there may be some errors. I did my best. If you find something you believe is incorrect, please feel free to message me and I will make an effort to correct it. (The only reason it even got this far was thanks to my savior and editor Carol.)
2. That being said, as this is a play with conversation, etc. I attempted to make this translation flow with natural and colloquial English/conversation tendencies rather than a word-by-word exact representation- while still keeping as much of the intended meaning(s) as possible.
3. If you wish to use this translation to make subtitles for your private/personal use, please let me know via a message/ask. I ask that you do not share subtitle files created from my translations without my consent at all.
4. Please do not take, repost, or recreate this translation on Tumblr or other websites without contacting me first.
5. This is a really specific translation note. There is a character in this play (Crayon) whos self-identification is not made clear. (To my knowledge, it is not made clear in the original novels either.) The only thing really clear is that… Crayon is somewhere on the queer scale.
Crayon is referred to many times in Japanese with the word “okama”. Strictly speaking, “okama” is a slur for gay people (generally targeting gay men or crossdressers, but has [incorrectly] been used recently for trans-people as well). It is often used in Japanese humor because ?? (enter reasons I neither know nor truly understand). (However, it is also sometimes used as a “reclaimed” term. It all depends on situation and intention and interpretation.)
There are jokes in particular in this show that revolve around referring to this character as an ‘okama’. As a translator, it really isn’t my job to write a whole thing about what I think about this or why. I’m really only responsible for providing the material in a language that people can understand.
Therefore, because I didn’t want to end up editing the material to my personal ideas/tastes, and because I didn’t feel comfortable directly translating the word ‘okama’ into any English slang, I left those lines translated into English but still using the Japanese word ‘okama’ in them.
6. There is a lot of French in this show. I do not speak French. But a coworker who does speak French decided to inform me that the French they were seeing was incorrect. I have no comment on this, as I (again) do not speak French.
7. A specific note on the theme of ‘smile’ and ‘laugh’ in this show. The script simply uses the word “warau” which can be a bit interchangeable for those words. There were times where “smile” made more sense, and times where “laugh” made more sense. In the end, I decided to use both words, and at some points even used them together to get the meaning/point across.
Without further ado. Here is the actual translation:
Château de la Reine
Main Cast:
Asaka Manato                   Kitashirakawa Ukyo              A romance novelist writing a new novel starring Louis XIV
Misaki Rion                        Sakurai Reiko                     Female president of a small-time travel agency. Tour conductor responsible for the “Light” tour.
Makaze Suzuho                Louis XIV                              King of France during the 17th Century. Former owner of the Château de la Reine.
Aizuki Hikaru                     Kanezawa Shichi               Real estate king.
Itsuki Chihiro                     Iwanami                               Former teacher at an ‘evening’ high school. (TN: There are some special schools with classes in the evening for people who work during the day.)
Kotobuki Tsukasa            Shimoda Koji                      Manager of an electrical parts factory.
Mikaze Maira                    Shimoda Fusako               Shimoda’s wife.
Sumiki Sayato                    Kondo Makoto                  Policeman.
Sorahane Riku                   Crayon                                  [Kuroiwa Gentaro] Scorned by a previous lover, on a ‘heartbreak trip’
Sakuragi Minato               Togawa Mitsuo                 A tour conductor at a small time travel agency, subordinate of Sakurai. Responsible for the “Shadow” tour.
Reimi Urara                        Diana                                     She once lived in the Château de la Reine. The woman Louis XIV loved.
Hoshikaze Madoka         Michiru                                 Former hostess, and Kanezawa’s lover.
ETC Cast:
Iwanami Masae                                Kanon Mai
Mr. Tanno                                           Rinjou Kira
Mrs. Tanno                                         Ayaka Mari
Munon                                                 Matsukaze
Hayami Ritsuko (Editor)                Junya Chitose
Pierre                                                   Kazuki Sora
Monsieur Duran                               Mitsuki Haruka
Can-Can Singer                                 Fuuma Kakeru
Accordion Singer                             Hoshibuki
Anne d’Autriche                               Seoto Risa
Marie Thérèse                                  Aishiro Moa
 Preface: Charles de Gaulle Airport (Arrival Lobby)
[Airport Background]
As announcements flow through the arrival lobby of the Charles de Gaulle Airport, the tour conductor Mr. Togawa, working for a down-on-its-luck travel agency known as “Pan World Tour Enterprise”, is eating at a bar with the irritated tour customers. Togawa is on the phone with his boss, Sakurai Reiko.
Togawa: (On the phone) Ms. Reiko, is this really going to work?? This plan…
Sakurai: (A voice over the speakers) Are you asking if it’s a ‘good’ thing? In this world, there is both ‘light’ and ‘shadow’…  so isn’t it fair to say there’s a ‘front’ and ‘back’ side to business, too?
Togawa: You just keep saying that over and over!
Sakurai: (voice) Anyway, you have to keep the customers at the airport for another 30 minutes. You got it?
Mr. Tanno: Mr. Togawa, exactly when are we going to be able to leave the airport?
Togawa hides his cellphone.
Togawa: M… Mr. Tanno… I am terribly sorry, our car… seems to be stuck in a terrible traffic jam…
Mr. Iwanami: Even so, we’ve already been waiting here an hour.
Togawa: I am truly sorry Mr. Iwanami!!
Ms. Iwanami: Dear, can’t you see Mr. Togawa is very troubled by the situation?
As the Iwanamis talk, Togawa returns to his phone.
Togawa: (on the phone) Ms. Reiko, did you hear that? How am I supposed to make more excuses to the customers!?
Sakurai: (voice) Why don’t you think about that on your own? Well then, I’ll contact you again when I arrive at the hotel.
Ms. Sakurai hangs up the phone.
Togawa: Wait-! Ms. Reiko? Ms. Reiko?!
The tour customer Kondo Makoto approaches Togawa.
Kondo: Hey, you! What’s the meaning of this? Is this some sort of scam?!
Togawa: (shocked and panicking) Mr. Kondo! What ‘scam’ could you possibly be talking about?!
Kondo: I was told I was going to be in a men’s shared room. (Points at the flashily dressed Crayon.) So what the hell is this?
Togawa: Ah, that should be Mr. Kuroiwa Gentaro…
Crayon: Don’t use that name! I go by Crayon, like at my shop~!
Kondo: What’s a ‘crayon’? Whatever shop you work at, once I get home I’ll find it and shut it down!
Crayon: My shop isn’t some shabby establishment like what you’re thinking. What a hard-headed policeman~
Mr. Tanno: A police officer?
Togawa: Mr. Tanno, is something the matter?
Mr. Tanno: No, of course not…
The Tanno couple exchange a meaningful gaze. Meanwhile, Crayon is bothering Kondo.
Kondo: Stop it! Don’t blow in my ear!
Crayon: Omg~ so shy~! How cute! Tonight is going to be so~ much~ fun~! Teehee~
Crayon exits while giggling.
Kondo: Hey!... What do you mean ‘fun’?!
Kondo chases after Crayon.
Togawa: Wait… Where are you two going?!
Togawa chases the two offstage.
Mrs. Iwanami: Well well, we seem to be grouped with some interesting folk!
Mr. Iwanami: My goodness…
The Iwanamis also exit the stage, and the bridge leads to the next scene.
 Scene 1A: The City of Paris
Visiting Paris on a research trip, the Japanese author Kitashirakawa appears, singing.
[C’est Paris! C’est la vie!]
Kitashirakawa: Oh Paris!
What illuminates this city?
I saw it in the night-  the color of dreams.
Oh, Paris!
Only Paris can capture the hearts of writers
Like no other city!
I want you to show me
Like Ernest Hemmingway
Like Scott Fitzgerald
What they sought- the color of dreams!
C’est Paris!
Selfishly, in this city,
C’est Paris!
People can see unbelievable dreams.
I want you to show me
Like the philosophers of Montmartre
Like the lovers who speak of romance
Something I have never seen-  the color of dreams!
C’est la vie!
In the city of nostalgic meetings
C’est la vie!
People can find the dreams they’ve lost!
The editor Hayami accompanying Kitashirakawa on his trip appears.
Hayami: Mr. Kitashirakawa! There you are. I thought you’d suddenly disappeared…
Kitashirakawa: Hayami! I told you I hate group activities, not to mention when I’m forced to be around such vulgar people my creative motivation is exponentially reduced!
Hayami: You’re the one who selfishly broke away from the tour. Ms. Reiko’s been looking for you, too!
Kitashirakawa: That nasty tour guide… it’s fine to leave her behind.
Hayami: Really? I found her quite likeable. She’s the president of the tour agency but still leads tours with such vitality… It’s like watching a younger version of myself.
Kitashirakawa: If that’s true, then she’s bound to become a spinster too.
Hayami: Oh ho ho, what a jokester! I’ve definitely not given up yet.
Following Kitashirakawa, the guide Sakurai and the members of the Light Tour appear breathing heavily.
Sakurai: Mr. Kitashirakawa!
Kitashirakawa: Here comes the shabby tour guide.
Sakurai: How many times do I have to explain to you that your selfish behavior is a problem for the other tour members?
Kanezawa: Bro, I was looking for you.
Kitashirakawa: Hayami, do something! If I’m around this loud, annoying riffraff much longer, my creative research will be ruined!
Hayami: I’m sorry, Ms. Reiko. He’s that kind of artist…
Sakurai: Listen, this is a tour trip, you know? Even if Mr. Kitashirakawa is a famous novelist, in order to properly take part in the tour, he needs to listen to my instructions.
Kitashirakawa: Hayami…
Mrs. Shimoda: Kitashirakawa? Do you mean the Kitashirakawa Ukyo?
Kanezawa: Huh? This guy really a famous novelist?
Hayami: Yes! Mr. Kitashirakawa’s “Beauty and Sadness of the Blue Danube” (Utsukushisa to Kanashimi no Aoki Donau) was his brilliant debut novel! It was followed by his work “The Country of Light Snow” (Sasameyuki Kuni) that won the Tanibata Award. He’s truly a rare genius!
(TN: These are jokes regarding real life famous novels “Utsukushisa to Kanashimi to” by Yasunari Kawabata and “Sasameyuki” by Jun'ichirō Tanizaki. Therefore, the (not real) Tanibata Award would be a reference to Tani(zaki) (Kawa)bata. Hahaha, good job zuka.)
Kanezawa: Sounds like a bunch of rip-off titles.
Michiru: Papa!
(TN: Michiru is referring to Kanezawa as ‘Papa’ as a lover’s pet name, rather than a father-figure. Probably due to the fact that it’s implied he is older than her. It doesn’t really hold the same connotation in English, but it’s a bit too obvious of a word to try to change to something else.)
Mr. Shimoda: Well then, have you come to Paris to write a new novel?
Kitashirakawa: I suppose.
Hayami: Mr. Kitashirakawa is working on a romance set in the court of King Louis XIV!
Michiru: Wow! What’s the title?
Kitashirakawa: Are you ready to hear its brilliance? The title is… (emphatically) “The Lily of Versailles!” (Versailles no Yuri)
Kanezawa: As I thought, just another rip-off.
Kitashirakawa: What did you say!?
Kanezawa: Geez, so grumpy! But you know, I feel like we’d get along bro. We’ve both got good taste in clothes and nice hairstyles…
Kitashirakawa: Don’t lump me in with the likes of you! (Messes up Kanezawa’s hair) My hair’s the real deal!
Kanezawa: Aaah!
Michiru: Papa!
Holding onto his wig, Kanezawa looks around in panic at everyone staring at him.
Sakurai: (amazed) Let’s end our friendly chats there. If we don’t hurry, we’ll be late to arrive at the hotel.
 Scene 1B: Places des Vosges
The stage changes to the Places des Vosges.
Kitashirakawa: Hayami! This is exactly why I said I hate group tours!
Hayami: Well, sensei, I don’t think you ever actually said that…
Sakurai: Now everyone, once we go through the corridor from the Places des Vosges, the Château de la Reine is waiting for us.
All members go onto the ginkyo.
[Château de la Reine]
Hayami: This is it, sensei! The place that Balzac (Honoré de Balzac) and Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle) loved! We’re almost at the Château de la Reine!
Kitashirakawa: Aah, the legendary hotel that turned away even the great Ernest Hemingway!
Michiru: (To Kanezawa) We get to stay at such a fancy hotel…. It’s like a dream!
Sakurai: But it’s not a dream! At first glance, you can see it looks like the kind of hotel normal customers wouldn’t be able to stay at… For us to stay here on a tour like this, rather than calling it a dream… it’s more like a miracle!
Château de la Reine
And the Plaza Athénée
And the Crillon and the Ritz, It’s not your imagination
A place that tourists from all over the world desire to stay!
Kanezawa: What’s that mumbo jumbo even mean? Chartoo …. (he can’t pronounce it)
Kitashirakawa interrupts Sakurai before she can explain.
Kitashirakawa: The “Château de la Reine”! In Japanese it means “The Queen’s Château”. It was owned by the ruler of 17th century France, Louis XIV, but the true meaning behind the Château’s name is still a mystery…
Château de la Reine!                                                     Others: Château
King Louis XIV himself                                                                   de
Designed the interior decoration                                              la
And still untouched-                                                                      Reine
The Royal Suite!                                                                               Château
That made VIPs worldwide                                                         de
Revere the Sun King’s                                                                    la
Legendary Hotel!                                                                            Reine!
All: The Queen’s Château… Château de la Reine!
 Scene 1C: Château de la Reine (Courtyard Entrance)
The set changes during the interlude, the corridor hangings rise to reveal the courtyard entrance of the Château de la Reine. The hotel employees appear one after another.
Employees: Bienvenue!
Welcome to the Château de la Reine!
Employees: Château de la Reine!
Mrs. Shimoda: A once in a lifetime luxury
Mr. Shimoda: One last souvenir from the world
Employees: Château de la Reine
Michiru: How gorgeous!
Kanezawa: It’s perfect for us!
Employees: Château de la Reine
Hayami: Being able to stay here…
Kitashirakawa: … is the miracle of a lifetime!
Employees: Château de la Reine
All: Château de la Reine
The tour members all move to enter the Hotel. In the courtyard, the ghosts of Louis XIV and his servant Munon appear.
Louis: Munon, what is this? Who are those noisy people?!
Munon: I believe some Japanese tourists who have come to experience Paris?
Louis: And so, they also come to my Château de la Reine?
Munon: I fear that the hotel management has worsened, and they do not bother to take such care in screening visitors as they used to…
Louis: They just run in and out of the building like monkeys!
The place where my soul resides-
The Château de la Reine
For over three hundred years
Continuing to search      for my lost love       Munon: Continuing to search
Those that dare to interrupt                                                                                                                                                                for the king’s lost love…
My quest to find my beloved
Will not be forgiven!
The stage turns to reveal the hotel lobby.
Employees: Upon our list of past accommodations
Are the names of many great people!
Employees (women): Mozart!
Employees (men): Einstein!
Employees: Grace Kelly and Chaplain
Like everyone throughout the world
Who desires to see the color of dreams
The legendary hotel
The Queen’s Château- Château de la Reine
Mr. Shimoda: Our lives can finally end here
Mrs. Shimoda: It suits our final days
Employees: Château de la Reine
Kanezawa: I’ll tell her my secret and then propose?
Michiru: I want to know everything about Papa!
Employees: Château de la Reine
Château de la Reine
Hayami: To create a new masterpiece!
Sakurai: To get our company out of this pinch!
Kitashirakawa: I can already feel something great will happen!
Employees: Bienvenue! Welcome to
Château de la Reine!
Moving along with the number, the stage has changed to the lobby of the hotel.
 Scene 2: Château de la Reine (Lobby)
Continuing from the front of the Château de la Reine lobby…
Kitashirakawa: Très bien!! Its sense of style is even better than what I’d heard!
The hotel manager, Monsieur Duran, appears.
Duran: Bonsoir mesdames et messieurs! (To Kanezawa) Ça va?
(*TN: The script has the French as ‘madames’ and ‘monsieurs’ which I have been told are not the plural spelling. Take it as you prefer.)
Kanezawa: Who you callin’ a saba, huh?! (TN: Saba = mackerel fish)
Michiru: Papa! How embarrassing…
Sakurai: Everyone, this is the general manager of the hotel, Monsieur Duran.
Duran: We welcome you to the Château de la Reine! For those of you just arriving from the airport, we will have your baggage delivered to your rooms right away!
Kitashirakawa: It’s here!
Hayami: Sensei?
Kitashirakawa: It’s here, it’s here, it’s here---- IT’S HERE!
Hayami: Aaah- the angels of inspiration have already appeared!?
Sakurai: What on earth…
Hayami: This happens whenever he gets an idea! It’s as if something possesses him! He’s known as the exorcist of literature!
Kitashirakawa: Hayami! Quickly- I need a pen and paper!!
Hayami: Yes, here! (To Duran) Uhm… Je voudrais la clé… We are Kitashirakawa and Hayami. Quick, our room key!
Duran: Oui! (Offers the keys.) Here you are.
Hayami: (Takes the keys) Merci! (To the boy) Now, guide us to our room!
Boy: Oh! Par ici, s’il vous plaît …
Following the boy, Kitashirakawa and Hayami exit through the hotel corridor.
Sakurai: Wait, both of you- I haven’t explained yet-
Kanezawa: Hey missy, hurry up and give us our room too.
Sakurai: I understand… (To Duran) Well then, please assign Mr. Kanezawa and Mr. Shimoda their room keys as well.
Duran: Oui, madame.
Sakurai: Everyone, we will be departing for our dinner cruise in exactly thirty minutes. I respectfully request your punctuality in meeting here in the lobby.
The steward boys lead the visitors to their rooms through the corridor.
Sakurai: Well then, please enjoy your stay.
The guests pass Sakurai and Duran on their way out, and once they are out of sight Sakurai and the manager begin speaking.
Sakurai: Monsieur Duran, being able to complete this special tour is all thanks to you…
Duran: Pas de problème. I should be the one saying that. In this recession, we in management can only do so much in the face of such abrupt cancellations. I wonder what will happen now…
Sakurai: We’ll have to keep working earnestly, but before that there’s another matter to discuss…
Duran: Oui, Madame. If it’s about the double-booking…
Sakurai: Shhhhhh!!! (looking around) Anyway, about the baggage replacements… you’ll have to pay meticulous attention.
Duran: Leave it to us, Madame Reiko.
Duran exits the stage. Now alone, Sakurai takes out her cellphone. In a different area of the stage is Togawa, still waiting at the airport.
Sakurai: Hello?
Togawa: Ms. Reiko! Aren’t you running a little late!? I don’t know how much longer I can fend off the customers’ complaints!
Sakurai: Well, that just can’t be helped. My “Light Tour” is a 7-night-8-day package at 1,500,000 yen… while your “Shadow Tour” can visit the Château de la Reine for only 198,000 yen. On a cheap course, you just have to endure some inconveniences along the way.
Togawa: Even if you say it like that…
Sakurai: Anyway, the “Light Tour” members have just checked into the hotel. We’ll be leaving the hotel soon, so go ahead and please leave the airport now.
Togawa: I’m saved!
Sakurai: Are you going to be ok? You have to do the room assignments exactly as I told you. First is room 201, where the Shimoda couple is staying. (In the corridor of the hotel, the figures of the Shimoda couple can be seen.) They seem to be in charge of management for a large electrical company, but the economy hasn’t been very good to that kind of business lately.
Then, room 202 has the real estate kingpin, Mr. Kanezawa. (Similarly, Kanezawa and Michiru can be seen in the background.) He says the reason he joined this tour is to make plans for a Paris-themed casino in Las Vegas- which is more the type of business the economy has been kind to lately. The girl with him, Miss Michiru, is a former hostess… I thought she was his fiancée, but I’m not actually sure…
Togawa: And for the “Shadow Tour”, room 201 is the Iwanamis. And room 202 is the Tannos, right?
Sakurai: Right. But then the trouble comes in room 203, with the writer Kitashirakawa and his editor Ms. Hayami.
As the stage turns, the set of room 203 appears and Kitashirakawa working at the desk comes into view, working on his novel.
Togawa: Trouble?
Sakurai: Mr. Kitashirakawa! If I take my eyes off of him for even a second I don’t know what he’ll do. He walks around with the air of a celebrity- he thinks he’s so special…
Kitashirakawa: ACHOO
Kitashirakawa sneezes.
(TN: In Japan, it’s a common superstition that when you sneeze, it means someone is talking behind your back.)
Togawa: So, after we arrive at the hotel, what should we do?...
Sakurai: After about two hours, take everyone sightseeing.
Togawa: Got it. But… after that…?
Sakurai: You’ve already got a plan, don’t you?
Togawa: The only thing the plan says is ‘don’t come back to the hotel until morning’?!
Sakurai: Oui, monsieur. Bon voyage. Have a good trip.
Sakurai hangs up the phone.
Togawa: Wait… Ms. Reiko? Ms. Reiko!?
On opposite sides of the bridge, Sakurai and Togawa exit the stage.
 Scene 3: Château de la Reine (Room 203)
As the setting of Room 203 turns to the front, Kitashirakawa is sitting as his desk with his manuscript in front of him. His writing progress is not going as well as he thought…
Kitashirakawa: Aaah, it’s no good! I can’t write anything!... I was sure the Angel of Inspiration had visited me before… As I thought from the beginning, this is impossible… writing a romance novel about Louis XIV…
Kitashirakawa sighs, walking up to look at the portrait of Louis XIV in the room.
Kitashirakawa: (impatiently) Look at this ‘perfect’ guy. Politics… Love… Everything the perfect Sun King wanted, he got! When it comes to writing novels, that kind of life is just boring.
Suddenly the light disappears, and a man’s voice echoes through the room.
Louis: (Voice) Boring?! What would someone like you know about my life?!...
Kitashirakawa: What was that voice?...
Behind Kitashirakawa, the ghostly figure of King Louis XIV appears from the painting.
Louis: Barre-toi! Remove yourself from my presence immediately!
Kitashirakawa: (happily) It’s here! It’s here, it’s here, it’s here, it’s here!
Louis: This home is not a place for lowly monkeys like you to visit!
Kitashirakawa: And look! It’s even appeared in the form of Louis XIV himself… Amazing! It’s as if the archangel Michael himself has come before me!
Louis: What nonsense are you spouting? Were you not listening to what I said?
Kitashirakawa: With such kingly flourish! As if 300 years had not past, Louis XIV has been revived before me! Now, Angel of Stories, bestow upon me thine inspiration!
Louis: I am not an angel! I am the owner of the Château de la Reine, Louis XIV.
Kitashirakawa: Louis XIV? … You mean, the actual ghost of the Sun King?
Louis: Do you finally understand? So… are you properly terrified?
Kitashirakawa: Terrified? My pure talent is what’s terrifying! That my overflowing imagination could summon forth even this level of paranormal experience!...
Louis: What is wrong with this guy?
Kitashirakawa: Hey, tell me… If you really are Louis XIV like you say, then you’ve got to know something- right? Something you’ve never told anyone… For example, a tragic love story…
Louis: Why would I speak to you about such things?
Kitashirakawa: So that I can finish my romance novel- with you as the main character!
Louis: How rude! As if I would let you write my secrets into a novel!
Kitashirakawa: Meaning… there is something!
Louis: It has absolutely nothing to do with you.
Kitashirakawa: What kind of secret could it be! Some sort of affair with a noble woman? Or perhaps- a man….?
Louis: I do not have that kind of interest.
Kitashirakawa: Then perhaps you fell prey to the machinations of a woman who only wanted you for your status and power…?
Louis: How dare you! Diana is not that kind of woman!
Kitashirakawa: ~Diana~?
Louis: Ack!
Kitashirakawa: So, that is the name of the woman you loved?
Louis: Silence!
Kitashirakawa: Diana… Diana… The name Diana wasn’t listed in anything to do with Louis that I can remember. But Diana is the name of the Moon Goddess… A forbidden love story between the Sun King and the Moon Goddess… This could work! This could definitely work!
Shocked and appalled at the monkey Kitashirakawa, Louis returns to his place in the painting. The light returns to the room, and the sound of knocking can be heard at the door.
Sakurai: (voice) Mr. Kitashirakawa? Ms. Hayami?
Kitashirakawa: What? I’m finally at a good place…
Sakurai: (voice) Mr. Kitashirakawa? You’re there, aren’t you?
Kitashirakawa: It’s that woman again? Hayami! Hayami!
Hayami comes out of a nearby door to the next room.
Hayami: Yes, yes, Hayami is here!
Kitashirakawa: (Pointing at the door) Do something about her! A wonderful Angel of Inspiration has finally appeared to me! (Realizes that Louis has disappeared) Huh? Where’d he go?
Kitashirakawa goes to inspect the portrait, but the knocking sound returns.
Sakurai: Mr. Kitashirakawa! Ms. Hayami!
When Hayami opens the door, Sakurai jumps into the room.
Sakurai: What on earth are you doing? It’s time for us to depart for the dinner cruise!
Hayami: Oh, is that so?
Sakurai: All of the other customers are already gathered and waiting!
Kitashirakawa: Really? Well, on the contrary, I will not be attending.
Sakurai: That… I cannot allow that! Such selfish behavior will cause trouble for the other customers!
Kitashirakawa: What kind of trouble could it cause? This is my room, after all.
The local guide Pierre enters the room.
Pierre: Madame Reiko, if we do not hurry, we will be late for the dinner cruise!
Hayami: What… an attractive man…
Pierre: Enchanté! I am your local guide- Pierre!
Sakurai: Monsieur Pierre, please gather the other customers and leave the hotel first. I will bring Mr. Kitashirakawa to the cruise myself.
Pierre: J’ai compris.
Sakurai: Sensei… would you mind…?
Kitashirakawa: Yeah, go and enjoy it for me, too.
Pierre escorts Hayami from the room.
Sakurai: Mr. Kitashirakawa, please come with me!
Kitashirakawa: I’d rather write my novel!
Sakurai: You can write it later, can’t you? For example, after the dinner cruise…
Kitashirakawa: You are so persistent!
Sakurai’s mobile phone begins to ring.
Sakurai: (answering the phone) Hello?
Kitashirakawa: If you’re going to chat on the phone, leave the room!
Togawa: (voice) Ms. Reiko! We finally arrived at the Château de la Reine! I just delivered everyone their room keys.
Sakurai: No! No! You have to take the customers out sightseeing immediately!
Togawa: (voice) Ms. Reiko!?
Sakurai hurriedly hangs up the phone.
Sakurai: What should I do…
Sakurai begins to clean up Kitashirakawa’s things.
Kitashirakawa: HEY! What are you doing?!
Sakurai: What does it look like- cleaning!
Kitashirakawa: But WHY?
Sakurai: Because if I don’t clean, we’ll be in a lot of trouble!
Kitashirakawa: Hey!
Crayon: (voice) Here it is! Room 203! Mako-chan, hurry and open it~
Kitashirakawa: Whose voice is that?
Kondo: (voice) Who are you callin’ Mako-chan!!
Crayon: (voice) Since your name’s Kondo Makoto, you’re now Mako-chan!
As Crayon and Kondo approach from the hall, the sound of keys opening the door can be heard. Sakurai drags Kitashirakawa behind the sofa and pushes him down.
Kitashirakawa: GYA!
Sakurai: This is bad! This is bad!
Crayon and Kondo enter the room.
Crayon: Wow! What a wonderful room! It’s kind of like being on a honeymoon~ (Crayons skips over to Kondo)
Kondo: How is it a honeymoon with two men!?
Togawa appears in the doorway.
Togawa: Mr. Kondo, Ms. (?) Crayon. It’s a bit earlier than planned, but I’d like to take you on your first sightseeing tour now…
Kondo: You saved me! Well then, quickly- to sightseeing! Sightseeing, sightseeing…
Kondo quickly runs from the room as if to escape.
Crayon: Hey, Mako-chan! Wait for me!
Crayon leaves the room, following Kondo. Kitashirakawa and Sakurai appear from behind the sofa.
Kitashirakawa: I can’t!... I can’t breathe!
Togawa: Ms. Reiko!?
Sakurai: Togawa! What are you doing? Hurry up and follow the customers!
Togawa: What are YOU doing, Ms. Reiko!? Behind a sofa… alone with a man!
Sakurai: This isn’t the time for weird misunderstandings!
Togawa: But…
Sakurai: Just hurry up and go after the customers!!
Togawa: Y-Yes!
Togawa runs out of the room in a hurry.
Kitashirakawa: HEY! What the hell just happened!? And what was with that okama couple!?
Sakurai: Ah, it must be, a slight error with the hotel…
Kitashirakawa: SLIGHT error?!
Sakurai: Anyway, it seems like there isn’t anything to worry about with the room, so please continue writing your novel at your leisure. Well then, I’ll take my leave…
Sakurai rushes from the room.
Kitashirakawa: HEY! Wait a minute!
Kitashirakawa runs from the room chasing after Sakurai. Once they’re both gone, the ghost of Louis XIV returns, accompanied by strange music.
Louis: Munon. Do something about these monkeys!
Munon: Even if you ask milord, what could I do…
Louis: With people like that around, I’ll never be able to communicate with Diana’s soul.
Munon: I’ve been searching with your majesty for Diana for over 300 years now… Could Madame Diana possibly still be in this Château?
Louis: Are you doubting me?!
Munon: I held no such intent, sire…
Louis: I am certain that I heard Diana’s voice in this Château. She must still be wandering through that deep darkness…
 Scene 4: Château de la Reine (Courtyard Entrance)
Lonely music plays. The stage changes to the Château in the 17th century, covered in moonlight. (This is a mental image by Louis.) While Louis sings on the ginkyo, Diana can be seen standing in the gardens, covered in moonlight.
[The Sun and the Moon]
Louis: Diana… even if you never forgive me, my soul will eternally search for you, my love…
No one knows
How the Sun King of France
Hid darkness within his heart
And how that darkness
Was illuminated by the light of the gentle moon.
In the interlude of the song, Petit Louis appears from inside the house.
Petit Louis: Maman!
Diana: Petit Louis…
As Petit Louis approaches Diana, one leg drags behind him as if hurt.
Petit Louis: Maman! Tell me about father! He was a soldier, right? A soldier who courageously fought against Spain and was a hero of France?
Diana: No. Your father was but a weakling. He gave into the Spanish blood running in his veins and abandoned us.
Petit Louis: Papa… abandoned…?
Diana: Forgive me, Petit Louis. If mama hadn’t believed in your father so much, then your leg wouldn’t…
Petit Louis: Don’t cry, Maman! I’m fine as long as I have Maman! I won’t ever ask about Papa again. So please… don’t cry, Maman.
Diana: Petit Louis…
Diana and Petit Louis share a strong embrace.
Louis: Forgive me! … Diana! Petit Louis!...
Goddess of the moon, who illuminated my heart
I search only for you
The only proof I ever lived                                                                                                                                              Diana: The only proof I ever lived
I will keep searching for you                                                                                                                                                           I wish to forget it…
If only to be able to express to you                                                                                                                                              The cruel Sun King’s
My sincere love…                                                                                                                                                                                ‘Sincere’ love…
As the light fades around them, the stage turns to the next scene.
 Scene 5: The City of Paris
Sakurai appears on a dark street outside of the hotel, quickly followed by Kitashirakawa chasing after her.
Kitashirakawa: HEY! Wait a minute! Stop trying to escape!?
Sakurai: Escape?... No, I’m only trying to join everyone on the dinner cruise…
Kitashirakawa: You can’t hide this sham from me anymore! I figured it out the moment I saw those other guys that came in earlier. This double-booking situation was planned from the beginning!
Sakurai: … I’m truly truly sorry!
Having been found out, Sakurai begins apologizing and bowing vigorously in defeat.
Kitashirakawa: You can’t fool the keen eyes of a novelist!
Sakurai: I truly had no choice! Although we planned this expensive tour with the Château de la Reine, we couldn’t attract as many customers as we thought! So… we had to plan a second, cheaper tour attraction…
Kitashirakawa: As I thought! … Well, in planning this second fraudulent trip, were you able to satisfy your greed for money?
Sakurai: If we didn’t manage to collect enough for our settlement by this month’s deadline, my company would go bankrupt!...
Kitashirakawa: Your circumstances really don’t mean anything to me…
Sakurai: Yes, you are right… No matter what the circumstances are, I did something terrible to everyone here… At the very least, I plan to take full responsibility for my actions. I apologize, it is all my fault that this tour will end prematurely…
Kitashirakawa: End?...
Sakurai: Of course, we will offer full reimbursement of your money…
Kitashirakawa: Wait a minute, who said anything about stopping the tour?
Sakurai: I’m truly sorry, but there’s no way for me to reserve the necessary amount of rooms… So, there’s no other way.
Kitashirakawa: Then, you should just continue as is, right?
Sakurai: …What?
Kitashirakawa: The double-booking tour.
Sakurai: What are you saying?
Kitashirakawa: As of now, the only one who’s noticed your little plan is this brilliant author here. None of the other customers have noticed anything at all.
Sakurai: To continue the tour… Are you saying you’ll help me?
Kitashirakawa: Well, I guess something like that…
Sakurai: You would do that for me…
Kitashirakawa: Don’t misunderstand! It’s really not for you.
Sakurai: Then, instead… you don’t mean, for me to spend the night with you…!?
Kitashirakawa: It’s nothing like that!? If the tour were to stop now, it would be a huge problem for me!
Sakurai: What do you mean?
Kitashirakawa: While on this tour, I HAVE to write a new novel by any means necessary! A brilliant masterpiece to resurrect the name of Kitashirakawa Ukyo! Recently I’ve been squeaking by with small serializations here and there- my career as a novelist hangs on the success of this tour!
Sakurai: But, to continue tricking the other customers with the double booking for such a reason…
Kitashirakawa: Anyway, in order to keep up with your sham, I’ll go along with your plan starting tomorrow morning and follow your boring sightseeing or whatever…
Sakurai: Thank you so much! … Well, I don’t know if I should really be thanking you or…
Kitashirakawa: Well, then! I’m going back to my room to write my novel, so don’t interrupt me again! (He goes to leave, then stops.) And make sure none of the others catch on to your plan- do your job properly! Huh!
Turning his back on Sakurai, Kitashirakawa exits the stage. The music slowly changes to Sakurai’s song.
[Another étranger] (TN: étranger means ‘stranger’? This could potentially be very wrong.)
Sakurai: To suddenly chase after someone
I feel something pass through my heart
With kindness                   And with coldness-                         The feelings I avoided
Seem to be reaching out.
The bustle and laughter of the city
All belong to someone other than me.
Just another étranger
Like I see reflected in the shop windows
I desired a time long past.
A temperamental traveler
Just another étranger.
But I can see it reflected              In someone’s eyes…
The destination I’ve been searching for
Another me
Like a lost child.
And staring at myself when I cannot move…
Is just another étranger.
Finishing the song, Sakurai exits the stage.
 Scene 6: Parfum de la Lune
A cabaret in Montmartre, a can-can singer appears during a drum roll. He begins to introduce the start of the show.
[Parfum de la Lune]
Cancan singer: Bonsoir mesdames et messieurs. C’est parti CAN CAN! (TN: Again, was told the French was incorrect idk)
At the singer’s signal, the music picks up pace, and the back of the stage starts a brilliant and shocking Cancan dance. In the audience sit the members of Togawa’s tourist group. Half way through the show, the dancers move to dance among the audience, urging them to dance along. Crayon happily dances along, while Kondo seems embarrassed. The Tannos watch everyone suspiciously.
Cancan singer: Parfum de la Lune
The sweet scent invites you
Parfum de la Lune
Gaze up at the moon in the night sky
Like a fragrant aphrodisiac
Parfum de la Lune
Cancan girls: Even if you’re bored
Or been sightseeing all day
Anyone is welcome here!
Garçon: Do you want to forget that lonely feeling?
Well, let’s get started!
It’s time for our dazzling show!
Cancan singer: Parfum de la Lune
Those are magical words
Parfum de la Lune
The song here is always one of love
Until the moon finally sets!
With the customers: Parfum de la Lune
Parfum de la Lune
Parfum de la Lune Ah!
All: Let’s play through the night!
Ah          Ah          Ah          Ah!
Once the song is over, everyone makes their way back to their seats.
Crayon: To be able to dance the cancan at a real cabaret! It’s like a dream! Right, Mako-chan~?
Kondo: I keep telling you, don’t involve me!
Mr. Tanno: Mr. Togawa, shouldn’t we be getting back to the hotel?
Togawa: That… Mr. Tanno, our sightseeing has only just begun?
Mr. Tanno: We didn’t come here just to play around!
Kondo: Oh, so did you come here for work?
Mrs. Tanno: (Scrutinizing) We… work in import sales. So, we’re looking to buy rare brand items.
Crayon: Amazing! When we get back, can I visit your shop sometime?
Mrs. Tanno: Yes, of course! (Trying to change the course of the conversation) So, Crayon, why did you come to Paris?
Crayon: I guess you could call it a ‘heartbreak trip’. I’m trying to heal my broken heart…
Kondo: I guess okama are miserable on their own.
Crayon: How rude! Aren’t you on your own, too, Mako-chan?
Kondo: I… The person I invited… rejected me…
Crayon: Your lover?
Kondo: No, just someone I liked…
Crayon: So, you invited someone you weren’t even dating to travel to Paris with you?
Kondo: So what if I did?!
Crayon: That… for a first date, that’s a bit too much~
Mr. Tanno: Mr. Togawa, can’t we just do as we like from here? We really want to go back to the hotel.
Togawa: Mr. Tanno!
Mrs. Iwanami: Well then, we will also go back with you…
Togawa: The Iwanamis too?... Please, I can’t allow you to go off on your own!
Mr. Tanno: Why?
Togawa: The streets of Paris at night can be dangerous! If anything happened to you…
Crayon: (Grabs onto Kondo’s arm) Well then, why don’t we all go back together?
Togawa: Ms. Crayon!?
Crayon: I sure would like to be alone with Mako-chan here~ (Shimmies up to Kondo)
Kondo: STOP IT!
Togawa: That, I can’t allow it! No matter what, I will make sure that you all enjoy sightseeing in Paris ALL NIGHT!
Everyone is amazed at Togawa’s raised voice.
Crayon: Well that was sudden… I’m kind of surprised.
Togawa: (returning to his senses) I… I am so terribly sorry!
Kondo: But what do you mean by “all night”?
Togawa: That is… to say… returning to the hotel right now… would be bad…
Mr. Tanno: “Bad”?
Togawa: Actually, about our situation at the Château de la Reine… there is something that I haven’t told you all…
Mr. Iwanami: Well, how ominous! Come now, tell us…
Togawa: Then, I will tell you truthfully… The truth is, all of your guestrooms… are limited to use only during the daytime…
Mrs. Tanno: What!?
Mr. Tanno: Then what are we supposed to do during the night?
Togawa: That is why… I want you to enjoy sightseeing through the evening…
Kondo: Are you saying we’re just supposed to stroll around the city all night?
Togawa: Please don’t worry about that, there are many shops open until the early morning hours!
Kondo: That’s not actually the problem here, is it!?
Mrs. Iwanami: Mr. Togawa, what is the reason behind all this?
Togawa: That is…
Kondo: You… if you don’t tell us the full truth right now, I’m gonna arrest you!
Togawa: A-arrest!? Please, have mercy…
Mrs. Iwanami: Now, now, Mr. Kondo… Stop acting all tough, won’t you? Let’s first listen to what Mr. Togawa has to say. After all, there has to be some sort of extenuating circumstance for all this?
Prepared to divulge all, Togawa vigorously bows to them.  (dogeza)
Togawa: I am so truly sorry! I… have betrayed everyone’s trust with my outrageous actions!... (crying)
Kondo: Now what’s wrong?
Crayon: Seems like he’s just crying…
Mr. Iwanami: Mr. Togawa, raise your head now. At the least, we’ve all agreed to listen to what you have to say, ok?
The stage fades into darkness.
 Scene 7: The City of Paris
On the ginkyo, the members of the “Light Tour” return from their dinner cruise with Pierre. Hayami and Pierre are especially drunk…
Pierre: Everybody~! Did you enjoy the dinner cruise~?
Hayami: Yes, amazing!
Pierre: Non, the amazing one… is you~!
Hayami: Oh, Pierre… In truth, I… am a ~terrible~ woman…
Michiru: Gross! Lady, you’ve really got it bad…
Hayami: What? Are you jealous?
Michiru: That’s impossible…
Kanezawa: Is that true?! Michiru…
Michiru: Papa?
Kanezawa: Really, compared to an old man like me… (he suddenly grabs Pierre’s shoulder) you prefer young guys like this!
Michiru: What are you saying!? The only one Michiru loves is Papa!
Kanezawa: Ya swear it?
Pierre: Well, anyway… there are many places that I wish to take you as your guide!
Mrs. Shimoda: Well then, Mr. Pierre, would it be alright if I asked you something then?
Pierre: Oui, madame.
Mrs. Shimoda: I’d like for you to tell me… What is the quietest and most beautiful place in all of Paris?
Pierre: The Basilique du Sacré-Cœur!
Mr. Shimoda: Where was that?
Pierre: The Sacred Heart temple in Montmartre! It was painted by Utrillo (Maurice Utrillo) as the white temple~!
Mrs. Shimoda: Really… The Sacred Heart temple? Thank you very much.
The Shimoda couple share a meaningful gaze.
Pierre: Well then, let us return! I shall guide you all back to the hotel~!
Hayami: Eh!? We’re going home already?
Michiru: You’ve already had enough to drink, haven’t you?
Kanezawa: (Seeing Hayami tripping over her own feet) Hey, hey, lady, are you ok?
Everyone begins to exit the stage. Mr. Shimoda does not move, and Mrs. Shimoda calls back to him.
Mrs. Shimoda: Dear?
Mr. Shimoda: We… are going to end up causing some trouble for those people, aren’t we?
Mrs. Shimoda: Isn’t ok to do as we like, at least at the end? Just at the end…
Mr. Shimoda smiles at his wife, who looks at him with a sweet smile.
Mr. Shimoda: You always show me such a loving smile, even at times like this. It makes me wish I could have spared you all this…
Mrs. Shimoda tries to keep smiling.
Mr. Shimoda: Fusako… you don’t have to keep smiling. Don’t force yourself to smile.
Mrs. Shimoda tries to hide her tears. As the ending falls, the two exit the stage.
 Scene 8: Château de la Reine (Room 203, Mr. Kitashirakawa’s room)
Room 203 in the Château de la Reine. After returning to the room, Kitashirakawa approaches the portrait of Louis XIV.
Kitashirakawa: Now then! No more interruptions! Come, let me once again gaze upon your true form!
After Kitashirakawa’s voice fades, there is nothing but silence.
Kitashirakawa: Please, I need to know! The truth between you and Diana- Who exactly was Diana? What is the true identity of the Moon Goddess…!?
As the lights disappear, Louis’s voice echoes through the room.
Louis: I will not forgive you…. You dare to speak Diana’s name so lightly!?
Kitashirakawa: It’s here! It’s here, it’s here, it’s here, it’s here!
Louis appears from the portrait.
Louis: Remove yourself from my presence immediately! My soul will never speak to the likes of you…
Kitashirakawa: Even with that kind of threat, do you think I would miss an opportunity like this? Now, come… tell me the story of you and Diana…!
Louis: Silence! You dare to speak her name a second time?!
Kitashirakawa: Why are you trying to hide it? What on earth happened between the two of you?
Louis: There’s no reason I should speak to the likes of you.
Kitashirakawa: Please listen. All I want is to write about your one and only true love.
Louis: True love?
Kitashirakawa: Yes! In the memoirs written about you, you’re almost like a myth- a man with only brilliant achievements and no human faults to be found. But what I want to write is about you as a man and your one true love!
Louis: How foolish… You think the King of France could ever live as a simple person?
Kitashirakawa: Well then, what was Diana to you?
Louis: …
Kitashirakawa: I’ll bet that love was your only proof you ever lived! That is the story of the Sun King that should be passed down through history!
Louis: To live as a king… there is no such thing as true love!... In order to become the Sun King of France, I expelled Dianna from Versailles and sent her here to live in this Château. No matter how much you ask, there is no ‘love story’ for you to find. I still only ask for her forgiveness, and for that reason continue to search for her soul…
Kitashirakawa: Très bien! Beautiful! The anguish of the King who had to throw his own love away… And now continues his eternal search for Diana, as just a simple man. This is the theme I’ve been looking for in my next work!
Louis: After all this, you’re still talking about such things…
Kitashirakawa: Kitashirakawa Ukyo’s second name is the Genius Romance Novelist! Within my creation, the love between two people not bound by time… Well, in my story, you would definitely be able to meet Diana again!
Louis: Foolish! For your scenario to work, Diana would have to appear before us.
Kitashirakawa: You’ll see… What’s needed to bring your reunion about… is Versailles!
Louis: Versailles!? But, she’s still here, in this Château…
Kitashirakawa: Rather, we should summon her in the place of your beautiful, shared memories! To Versailles!
The rhythm begins to change with the Background music.
[To Versailles]
Kitashirakawa: Beyond the boundaries of time
Your two souls are tied together
Louis: A man like you appeared unexpectedly
Bringing hope with you
Kitashirakawa: A fantastic story!
Louis: An absurd idea…
Kitashirakawa: Let’s draw her out!
Louis: Let’s give it a chance.
Kitashirakawa: Like                                                                                                                                                                                       Louis: Like
A feeling of a déjà vu-                                                                                                                                                             The feeling of falling in love
A chance to meet again!                                                                                                                                                              A chance to create anew,
The story of the Sun King and Moon Goddess!                                                                                                                       My story with Diana.
Kitashirakawa: Well then, to Versailles!
Louis: To Versailles!
Kitashirakawa and Louis: Let’s go find the next part of the story!
During the interlude, Munon suddenly appears without warning and interrupts the two.
Munon: But the problem is, exactly how is his Majesty to get to Versailles?
Kitashirakawa: (Shocked) Who are you?!
Louis: Munon. What’s the problem?
Munon: In that kind of dress, you would stand out to people in this modern era…
Kitashirakawa: Aah, If that’s the case, you don’t need to worry. You can just accompany me as a local guide who dresses the part for the tour.
Reassuring Louis with his bright idea, Kitashirakawa begins to lead them in song again. The three of them begin to sing together.
Kitashirakawa: When past and present intersect
An unpredictable story!
Come, to Versailles!
Louis and Munon: Quickly, to Versailles!
All three: Let’s go find the next part of the story!
Kitashirakawa: To Versailles!
Louis and Munon: Quickly, to Versailles!
Kitashirakawa: Now-
All three: Let’s begin… the next part of the story!
As the music ends, the curtain falls.
 Scene 9: The City of Paris
Togawa appears on the ginkyo, followed by the members of the “Shadow Tour”. Mr. Iwanami is singing the military song “Song of the Young Eagle” while supporting the crying Togawa by the shoulder.
Mr. Iwanami: (Singing) The seven buttons of the young-blooded trainee pilots are…
(TN: This was a song used when drafting potential aviators?)
Crayon: (To Togawa) How long are you going to keep crying? Didn’t we already agree to cooperate with you so the people in the “Light Tour” don’t figure out your plan?
Togawa: But, why are you all being so nice!? After I betrayed your trust like that… you should never forgive me! (cries again)
Kondo: Stop blaming yourself so much. It was something you had to do to save your company, right?
Crayon: Mako-chan, you’re so nice!~ And after you kept going on about arresting him earlier…
Kondo: I’m making an exception. If we don’t return to the hotel, then I don’t have to worry about being attacked by an okama in the middle of the night…
Crayon: What did you just say!??
Kondo: No-Nothing in particular…
Mr. Iwanami: Mr. Togawa.
Everyone freezes at the severe tone of Mr. Iwanami’s voice.
Togawa: Y-Yes!?
Mr. Iwanami: Just smile.
Togawa: What?
Mr. Iwanami: When I was young, I left junior high school and applied to military training, where I became a zero-fighter pilot (TN: Mitsubishi A6M planes in the war). The cockpits in those planes were very small, and whenever we intercepted a B29 (TN: American Boeing B29 super fortress) … there was no guarantee whether we would live to the next day or not.
Kondo: Are we about to have to listen to this old man’s war stories?
Crayon: Mako-chan!
Mr. Iwanami: However, even when we were prepared for death, we continued to smile and laugh.
Togawa: Mr. Iwanami!
Mr. Iwanami: After my time there, I became a teacher at a special night high school because I wanted to pass that message along to the children. Do you understand? Especially when things are difficult, you just smile and laugh. Smile for someone that you care about.
Togawa: Mr. Iwanami…! (crying again)
Crayon: Aaah… He’s crying again.
Mr. Tanno: Mr. Togawa… How about this? If you just leave the “Light Tour” customers’ baggage in the rooms, we’ll make sure not to touch or disturb them. Then you can save the time needed for having to move things around, right?
Mrs. Iwanami: Oh, I think that’s a very nice idea! With that plan, we can all work together to help Mr. Togawa!
Togawa: Everyone! I, Togawa Mitsuo, will never ever forget this blessing!
Crayon: Well then, why don’t we head to the next shop? (Takes Kondo’s arm) Somewhere we can have some fun~
Mr. Iwanami: Well then, Mr. Togawa. You must continue to guide us!
Togawa: Yes!!... Well then, please follow me!
With Togawa in the lead, everyone follows along. Only the Tanno couple remain on stage.
Mrs. Tanno: How stone cold. Pretending to be honorable- like you won’t touch a thing.
Mr. Tanno: Sharing a room with a bunch of rich people from the “Light Tour” when only we’ll be there during the day. We won’t get another chance like this.
Mrs. Tanno: You… really are a bad person.
Mr. Tanno: Do you dislike it?
Mrs. Tanno: It makes me love you even more.
The couple also leaves, the stage turning to the next scene.
 Scene 10: The Palace of Versailles (The Hall of Mirrors)
The Palace of Versailles is bustling with plenty of sightseeing tourists. The guide Pierre appears, leading the members of the “Light Tour”.
Pierre: Here we are! Everyone, this is the famous Palace of Versailles’ Hall of Mirrors!
Michiru: How flashy!? This is so my style.
Kanezawa: Wow! This is something! I’ve gotta have a hall like this in my hotel in Vegas, bro.
Hayami: Excuse me, everyone… would you terribly mind not speaking in such loud voices? My head feels like it’s going to break…
Mr. Shimoda: Fusako. What in the world is this place? I can’t believe that one person could have such a place built in only one generation.
Mrs. Shimoda: Well, Louis the XIV was known for his excessive spending. It was the reason the country went into bankruptcy before the French Revolution, I think…
Kitashirakawa, Louis, and Munon appear.
Louis: The one who caused bankruptcy was not I, but Louis XVI! I’m utterly embarrassed to call that man my descendant.
Mr. Shimoda: Fusako, look. There are paintings that reach up to the ceiling.
Louis: Ah, so you noticed! After I was crowned, I had these impressive paintings completed in a mere eighteen years- each one painted by Le Blanc himself. This one here is the War of Flanders, while this one is the War with the Netherlands…
Michiru: (To Kanezawa) Don’t you think that guide is amazing?!
Sakurai: (To Kitashirakawa) So you’re saying he’s… really the ghost of Louis XIV?
Kitashirakawa: Yes! The savior of my novel!
Sakurai: But, to go so far as to make him a tour guide…
Kitashirakawa: It’s a great idea, right!? The idea to make him a tour guide of Versailles suddenly struck me!
Everyone begins praising Louis’ explanations.
Kitashirakawa: Thankfully, everyone really believes he’s just a really devoted guide impersonating Louis XIV.
Mrs. Shimoda: Even so, I wonder why… For such a beautiful palace, this place seems to have a feeling of sadness to it.
Mr. Shimoda: Yes, I thought so too.
Sakurai: Mr. Shimoda, are you feeling alright?
Mr. Shimoda: Oh, yes of course! I was just… thinking about something a former teacher used to tell me all the time.
Sakurai: What was it?
Mrs. Shimoda: When times are difficult or painful… or even sad. You must laugh and survive for someone you care about.
Sakurai: Even in difficult times, for someone you care about…
Mrs. Shimoda: For us, those words are irreplaceable.
Mr. Shimoda: I think our teacher definitely wanted to pass on that hope to live to those of us with no money and no hope.
Sakurai: It’s a lovely story.
Kanezawa: Could you not tell depressing stories when we managed to come all the way to Versailles?
Mr. Shimoda: I’m sorry!... What was I thinking, ruining the mood like that…
Kitashirakawa: I disagree! It is a very interesting life view. Even if you think like that in regards to the Sun King… A king carrying darkness deep within his heart. As he thirsts for the light that can eradicate the darkness, it leads him to build this masterpiece…
Hayami: That’s Kitashirakawa-sensei for you!... What a beautiful interpretation… (suddenly feels sick)
Kitashirakawa: Hayami?
Hayami: I… need to go… to the restroom…
Pierre: Oh, Madame! I will show you the way!
Pierre accompanies Hayami off stage.
Mr. Shimoda: Well then, please excuse us as well. Come, Fusako…
Mrs. Shimoda: Ms. Reiko, are you coming?
Sakurai: Yes!
The Shimodas also exit the stage. Suddenly looking at Kanezawa, Kitashirakawa notices an incident.
Kitashirakawa: Shouldn’t you go as well?
Kanezawa: Me? … Why?
Kitashirakawa: (in a whisper) You’re crooked… (indicating Kanezawa’s wig)
Kanezawa: Crooked!?... CROOKED!?
Michiru: Papa! Where are you going!?
Kanezawa runs off stage while holding down his wig with his hands. Michiru follows him off stage.
Sakurai: That isn’t the restroom, Mr. Kanezawa! Miss Michiru!
Ms. Sakurai chases after them.
Louis: And why did I have to pretend to be your silly guide?
Kitashirakawa: Contrary to your words, you seem to be enjoying yourself quite a bit.
Munon: Yes, it did seem as if you were coming to enjoy it.
Louis: Do not make fun! Forget all that, what about Diana? When will she reveal herself to me?
Kitashirakawa: Don’t panic. We’ve set up the perfect situation for a reunion scenario!
The background music begins.
Kitashirakawa: Our story begins with the Sun King giving a monologue. While alone in this corridor, gather all your nostalgia for Diana, and speak of the beautiful memories you shared here together! Led by your voice, other ghosts may appear and disappear… And among them, you alone can locate her true form! Now, call out to the Moon Goddess, to Diana’s soul…!
As the lights change with the music, aristocratic looking men and women begin to fill the corridor with dancing. Among a group of a dancers, the nervous Diana appears. Kitashirakawa and Munon move to the front of the stage to ‘watch’.
Louis: The first time I met Diana… was at the ball to celebrate the victory of my first battle as king. Although she was only brought into the palace to serve as a maid to the queen, she was luminous… as bright and beautiful as the moon goddess herself…
Aristocrats: Dance!          Dance!
Together with the unsetting sun
Dance!  Dance!
Even as the night begins to fall
Louis dances his way through the people, arriving in front of Diana and offering her his hand.
Diana: Forgive me, I cannot dance.
Louis: Do I displease you?
Diana: No, but I must present myself to the king…
Louis: In that case, you need not worry. I can assure you the king will not be at his station this evening.
Offering his hand again, Diana slowly accepts. The two begin to dance.
Munon: When His Majesty was young, he narrowly escaped death due to the actions of some unreasonable nobility- causing His Majesty a lifetime of pain and mistrust in people. No one could truly understand the depths of suspicion and loneliness in his heart.
(TN: Possible reference to the Fronde Rebellion?)
Kitashirakawa: So, the one who lifted that loneliness was the Moon Goddess Diana…
Aristocrats: Dance!          Dance!
Together with the unsetting sun
Dance!                  Dance!
Diana disappears in the crowd of noblemen, and Queen Maria Theresa and Louis’s mother Anne appear.
Maria Theresa: Your Majesty, answer me. Is it true that vile woman you’ve taken in is now with child?
Louis: Watch your tongue, Queen. If the child is born a boy, then Diana will be the mother to my heir.
Maria Theresa: So… you even intend to hand over the throne to that child!?
Anne: My Queen, His Majesty has been fooled by that woman. His sanity may be lost for now, but soon he will come to realize his own mistake!
Louis: No, mother. My only mistake was ever accepting a princess of the enemy Spain as my Queen! My child with Diana will be my true legacy!
Maria Theresa: What are you saying!?
Anne: Apparently, his Majesty seems to have forgotten. That the child born to him of that woman will also have the blood of Spain running in their veins.
Anne makes a face to indicate that she has a plan and urges Maria Theresa to follow her, and they disappear into the dancing. Louis, angry and with no place to go, dances among the middle.
Aristocrats: Praise! Praise!
The birth of a long desired son
Cutting through the darkness of night    the child of the Sun of France!
A baby’s first cries echo through the halls, and Louis breaks away from the dancers.
Louis: Petit Louis!... The child of the Sun of France!
As Louis moves to try to go to Diana, Anne stands in his way.
Anne: Your Majesty, where do you think you are going?
Louis: To see Diana!
Anne: You cannot. Your Majesty must, for the sake of France, always continue to dance!
In an eerie formation, the noblemen gather around Louis and dance, tossing him about.
Aristocrats: Dance!          Dance!
Even if the sun sets
Dance   Dance
Within the great darkness,          The King continues to dance.
In a cross formation, the nobles move around Louis and swallow him. The back of the hall of mirrors changes to a balcony in the palace. On the balcony, Diana is holding her newborn baby close. Maria Theresa approaches her.
Maria Theresa: Madame Diana… Allow me to hold the child.
Diana: My Queen, it would be too high of an honor…
Maria Theresa: Well, show him to me quickly!
Maria Theresa takes Petit Louis from Diana by force.
Diana: My Queen!
Maria Theresa: Well, how adorable… he looks just like His Majesty…
Diana: My Queen?
Standing over the handrail, Maria Theresa lifts Petit Louis high. A disturbing twilight begins to spread in the background.
Maria Theresa: Louis de Soleil de France… The child of the Sun of France!!
Louis: Stop!!...
As the music hits a shocking accent, Maria Theresa drops Petit Louis off the edge of the balcony. At the same time, Louis manages to shake off the smothering nobles. Along with the accented music, the scene changes. While the nobles continue their disturbing song, they slowly move off stage.
Aristocrats: Dance           Dance
Together with the unsetting sun
Dance   Dance
The glory of the King shines…
Kitashirakawa: But… Petit Louis… What happened to Petit Louis…!?
Munon: Fortunately, his life was spared. But one leg was severely injured, and never properly healed… And so that no more danger would ever befall those two, his Majesty sent Diana away to that Château under the pretext of exiling her…
Kitashirakawa: So, the reason Louis continued to live as the Sun King of France was to protect the ones he loved… but, that love became nothing but despair for Diana…
Finally released from the memories, Louis approaches Kitashirakawa.
Louis: Diana… Where is Diana? (To Kitashirakawa) Why hasn’t she revealed herself?
Kitashirakawa: …
Louis: Answer me! When will Diana be revealed to me?
Kitashirakawa: … I don’t know.
Louis: You don’t know? Didn’t you say if we followed your scenario, then I could find her?!
Kitashirakawa: I don’t know! If you say that the thing that drove Diana’s heart deeper into the darkness was your love, then what would be the light that summons her back to you… How would I write that?
Louis: You have deceived me! Because you just wanted to write your little novel, you tricked me into telling you about Diana!
Kitashirakawa: No, that’s not it!
Louis: You said you wanted to write about true love? For someone that plays with others’ hearts and only thinks about himself… you’ll never be able to write about something like love! No, not of love, and not of anything that could ever touch a person’s heart! Leave my Château immediately… That is my final warning to you.
Louis spares Kitashirakawa one last glare as he leaves.
Munon: Your Highness! Please wait… Your Highness!
Munon chases after Louis. As Kitashirakawa is left on stage by himself, the setting falls into darkness.
[The Story I Wanted to Write]
Kitashirakawa: An empty heart-
And writing to fill it
With the memories of someone other than myself.
And never allowing anyone to read…
The tightly closed            and blank pages               deep in my heart
What I wanted to write
Were the words of the magic I believed in as a child
Adults always spun                         Such kind stories of lies.
What I wanted to write                was the continuation of an unseen dream
But I don’t even know                   the truth of a ‘story’.
And the resulting scratches of pain hidden in my heart…
I never noticed them.
 Scene 11: Château de la Reine (Room 201 and Room 202)
In room 202 of the Château de la Reine, The Tanno couple is going through Kanezawa and Michiru’s baggage.
Mrs. Tanno: Darling, look!
Mr. Tanno: This is amazing! These are all top brand goods!
Mrs. Tanno: What’s this? (She pulls a hair bundle out of the suitcase.)
Mr. Tanno: Isn’t that a wig?
Mrs. Tanno: Gross!! (She tosses it away.)
On the other side of the stage, the Iwanamis are relaxing with some tea from room service.
Mr. Iwanami: No matter how you think about it, this is quite a strange tour. Even if it’s only during the day, being able to stay in such a nice hotel sure is fun. We should really be thankful, don’t you think?
Mrs.  Iwanami: Yes, even though we’re sharing with the Light Tour.
Back to room 202.
Mr. Tanno: Even so, this is exactly the kind of thing that will build up our reputation! *
Mrs. Tanno: Right! With high-end goods to resell, it’s much more efficient than something like card fraud.
Mr. Tanno: Let’s go and sell some of these things in the Jewish shops, then we’ll quickly slip away with no one the wiser.
Mrs. Tanno: Right!
The Tannos begin packing up all the brand goods they’ve found in the room into one suitcase. Meanwhile, in room 201, Mr. Iwanami walks over to the side table and picks some stationary he finds.
Mr. Iwanami: Oh, what’s this? A letter?
Mrs. Iwanami: You know reading other people’s letters without their permission is bad taste.
Mr. Iwanami: You read it too!
Mrs. Iwanami runs her eyes over the stationary her husband hands to her.
Mrs. Iwanami: (as she’s reading) On our journey to Paris… we will also depart on another journey… Dear, is this… is this a suicide note?!
Mr. Iwanami: Yes, it looks like their factory went bankrupt, and they’ve written that they’re hundreds of millions of yen in debt.
Mrs. Iwanami: This is terrible… We have to tell Mr. Togawa right away!
As the stage turns, we see the corridor of the hotel. The Iwanamis exit the door of their room in a hurry.
Mr. Iwanami: Mr. Togawa! Mr. Togawa! It’s terrible!
At the same time, the Tannos are trying to leave their room, causing the two men to run into each other.
Mr. Tanno and Mr. Iwanami: Wah! Gya!
In the collision, the bag that Mr. Tanno was carrying suddenly opens and the goods fall onto the floor. Having heard Mr. Iwanami’s yells, Mr. Togawa approaches.
Togawa: Mr. Iwanami, Mr. Tanno, are you alright?
Mr. Iwanami: Don’t worry about us! Quickly, come here!
The Tannos quickly begin picking up their stolen goods.
Togawa: These brand goods… aren’t these Mr. Kanezawa’s things he left in the room!?
Mr. Iwanami: What!? Then that means?
Togawa: You don’t mean, you two are stealing!?
Mr. Tanno: Damn it!
Mr. Iwanami: (To Togawa) The police! Call the police now!
Togawa: If you need the police, then Mr. Kondo is in room 203…
Mr. Iwanami: Right! (He puts Mr. Tanno into an iron grip)
Mr. Tanno: Ouch! For an old man, how are you this stupidly strong!?
Mr. Iwanami: Whaddya think? Don’t mistake this former navy seal as a sweet old man!
Mrs. Iwanami: Dear! Worry about that later! Hurry, look at this…
Mrs. Iwanami hands the stationary to Togawa.
Togawa: (reading quickly) Is this… a suicide note!? Who wrote this!?
Mrs. Iwanami: It was left in our room. So it definitely belongs to whoever else is staying there!
Togawa: The guest staying in room 203 from the ‘Light Tour’… That’s the Shimodas! What should we do?! Right now, they might be…
Mrs. Iwanami: We have to tell the police now!
Togawa: Then we should go to room 203!
Everyone leaves the stage in a hurry as the ending music plays.
 Scene 12: Palace of Versailles (Gardens)
At a garden in the palace, Kitashirakawa stands alone. Sakurai appears on stage, finding him.
Sakurai: Mr. Kitashirakawa! Just when I thought everyone else had come back, I realized you were gone again. Didn’t you say you were going to cooperate with me?
Kitashirakawa: Is it ok for you to not be watching over the others?
Sakurai: The others are all following Pierre and looking for you. Alright, let’s get back to the group and continue our sightseeing for the day.
Kitashirakawa: Sorry, but… I’m going to go home. Alone.
Sakurai: Are we back at this again? Right now, the ‘Shadow Tour’ members are at the hotel…
Kitashirakawa: I don’t mean go back to my room. If I could just have my baggage collected, I’d like to leave the hotel as soon as possible.
Sakurai: What do you mean?
Kitashirakawa: It’s earlier than planned, but I’m leaving Paris. I know it’s last minute, but could I ask you to help me book a flight?
Sakurai: What…?
Kitashirakawa: You don’t have to worry. I won’t tell anyone about the double booking arrangement. Ah, you can tell the other tour members that I had to leave for some sudden work or something…
Sakurai: But, what about your novel?
Kitashirakawa: My novels… they’re really not important, are they?
Sakurai: Not important!? You said that your career as a writer was hanging in the balance, didn’t you? You said you had to write a masterpiece, right?
Kitashirakawa: Yes, you’re right… But as I am now, I cannot hope to write the masterpiece I wished for…
Sakurai: But… I mean, if you work with that ghost of Louis XIV from earlier…
Kitashirakawa: No, Louis won’t appear to me again. And even if he were here, it doesn’t change the fact that my talent is what’s truly missing.
Sakurai: Saying such self-deprecating things is really not like you. You’re usually walking around with that celeb-aura and brimming with overconfidence?!
Kitashirakawa: Are you… trying to make me feel better?
Sakurai: I’m sorry, I just…
Kitashirakawa: No, it is as you say. I always had confidence in my own talent and believed that I could create any kind of story. But as I have always lived thinking only about myself, how can I even begin to write a story about someone else?
Sakurai: Then, what is your story? Shouldn’t you just write a story about yourself? Actually, I thought about it earlier while listening to the Shimodas’ story. Every person holds within them the words to give another person hope. So, you just have to find them! Those irreplaceable words… your story definitely has them, too.
Kitashirakawa: My story… Could it be that I, as the protagonist, lost sight of my own story?
[A Novel Without a Protagonist]
Kitashirakawa: I wonder when it began?
That I was writing
Such selfish scenarios.
Decorating my words
With only self-recognition-
Of a Celebrity Novelist!                                To distract from
And erase my anxiety…
Sakurai: At some point, I chose without realizing
A journey full of trouble.
On a road without a map
I continued with strength!
When all I really wanted
Was for someone to walk with me.
Kitashirakawa and Sakurai: What vanity-
To walk alone on this road
Like a novel without a protagonist.
Seeking for…     And performing as…
An idealized version of myself.
And even, perhaps,        without realizing            
Hurting                                 someone else
And continuing to search
Kitashirakawa: What I lost sight of…
Sakurai: What I forgot…
Together: The true protagonist
Of my life.
Kitashirakawa: Can I write it someday? My own story that gives someone else hope?
Sakurai: Yes! For someone like me, who’s lost their own way in life…
Suddenly, Sakurai’s phone begins to ring.
Sakurai: (Checking the phone) It’s Togawa. (answers) Hello?
Togawa: (voice) This is terrible! P-Please, calm down and listen!...
Sakurai: I think you should probably calm down first…
Following Pierre, the other members of the ‘Light Tour’ notice Kitashirakawa and Sakurai. Sakurai moves to a separate area to talk.
Kanezawa: Hey! We found ‘em!
Pierre: Oh! We finally found you! We searched everywhere!
Hayami: Sensei! (notices Sakurai) and… Ms. Reiko!? What are the two of you doing!?
Kitashirakawa: What? Nothing in particular?
Michiru: All alone, just the two of you? Suspicious~
Kitashirakawa: There’s nothing suspicious about it!
Sakurai: What did you say!? That can’t be true. They’re right here with everyone else in the ‘Light Tour’ now… (Notices that the Shimodas are missing) Where are the Shimodas?
Pierre: Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen them for a while…
Kitashirakawa: Is something wrong?
Sakurai: (in shock) It seems… a suicide note was found in their room…
All: A suicide note?!
Sakurai: What should I do?... (She begins to put together the signs so far.) Those two, from the beginning… they must have been planning this all along…
Michiru: They’ve gotta be somewhere in the palace?
Kitashirakawa: Why would anyone plan something like that here?
Kanezawa: If it were me, I’d wanna go in the most magnificent place possible!
Kitashirakawa: (amazed) The only one who thinks that way is you. Anyway, we have to find them as quickly as possible! (To Sakurai) The other group of tourists, can we ask them for their help too?
Sakurai: (preparing herself) Yes! Of course we can! I’ll relay the plan to Togawa by phone…
Hayami: What do you mean by the other group of tourists?
Kitashirakawa: Right now, finding the Shimodas comes first! We have to find them before it’s too late!
The intro to the next number begins.
 Scene 13A: The City of Paris
The ‘Light Tour’ members line up in front of the curtain.
[An Extraordinary Search!]
Kitashirakawa: There is no time
For us to waste!
                               All: It’s an emergency!
Kitashirakawa: We’ll succeed with our
                               All: Where could they be?
Kitashirakawa: Like opening a guide map
Believe in your intuition!
Kanezawa: The Arc du Triomphe or the Eiffel Tower?
Michiru: How about a gorgeous and luxurious opera house?
Kitashirakawa: Those weren’t on the sightseeing course!
Sakurai: If it’s a forest then the Boulogne             or Vincennes
Hayami: How about the Montparnasse Cemetery?
Pierre: Notre Dame could be suspect, too!
Kitashirakawa: We’ll have to find them ourselves!
All: Let’s go through the city of Paris
On an Extraordinary search!
Let’s go through the city of Paris
On an Extraordinary search!
Kitashirakawa: Hurry!
The Light Tour members break off into pairs to search and exit the stage in different directions: Kitashirakawa and Sakurai, Kanezawa and Michiru, and Hayami and Pierre.
 Scene 13B: Château de la Reine (Room 203)
The curtain rises to reveal room 203 of the Château de la Reine. The Tannos have been handcuffed. The music fades into BGM.
Kondo: It was lucky we were on the same tour. I’ll be taking these two back to Japan to face responsibility for their actions.
Mr. Tanno: Are you stupid?
Kondo: What’d you say!?
Mr. Tanno: Don’t you know that a Japanese policeman has no right to arrest people in another country?
Kondo: I dunno anything like that! All I know is when I see a criminal in front of me, I arrest ‘em!
Crayon: Kya~! Mako-chan, you’re so cool! … Even if what you’re saying is a bit unreasonable…
Togawa: Forget all that, we should hurry to help in the search for the Shimodas!
Mr. Iwanami: That’s right! What about the ‘Light Tour’?
Togawa: They’ve split up and are visiting famous places!
Mr. Iwanami: Then, we should also split up and search…
Mrs. Iwanami: But, I have no idea where in Paris someone might want to commit a lovers’ suicide!
Suddenly, the light in the room disappears as Louis’s voice sounds.
Louis: Lovers’ suicide?!
Crayon: (clinging to Kondo) What… what was that voice? Scary!!!
Kondo: Quite clinging to me so suddenly!
Stepping out from the painting, Louis and Munon appear.
Louis: First daring to deceive me, and then finding thieves amongst your allies… Does your shame know no end?! And now you dare to bring about death upon my territory!? I will not allow it!
Togawa: Um, excuse me but, what… are you?
Kondo: (To Crayon) Friend of yours?
Crayon: I dunno this guy!
Louis: Silence, now! Before it is too late, hurry and find those poor souls!
Togawa: But… where should we start looking?
Louis: Must I do everything!? Munon! You will be the leader.
Munon: Yes!
Louis: Come people, follow!
Everyone hurriedly follows Louis from the room. The hotel employees enter the stage from all sides.
Duran: The customer is in trouble!
Workers: The Hotel is in trouble, too!
Duran: What an unprecedented incident!
Workers: Brought to light by the double booking…
All: We need to find a solution!
To protect the Château de la Reine’s
Louis and the Shadow Tour members appear on the bridge.
Louis: Now, continue to follow                                                                                                                      Shadow Tour: Being led by the Sun King
You selfish monkeys!                                                                                                                                              On a search!
These Japanese tourists-                                                                                                                         Let’s go through the city of Paris
In my country!                                                                                                                                            On an extraordinary search!
These kinds of actions                                                                                                                             An interesting collaboration
I will never                                                                                                                                                   Let’s go through the city of Paris
Allow them!                                                                                                                                                 On an Extraordinary search!
 Scene 13C: The City of Paris (2)
As people come and go in the city, the Light Tour members run into them, causing a racket.
Kitashirakawa: Well, how’d it go?!
Hayami: We didn’t find them!
Kanezawa: We got nothin’ too. I give up.
Kitashirakawa: Aren’t there any clues? You were all with them all last night, weren’t you?
Michiru: Now that you mention it…
Sakurai: Do you have an idea?
Michiru: Hey, Pierre… Didn’t the wife ask you something? Like ‘what’s the most beautiful and quiet place’ or something?
Kitashirakawa: Why didn’t anyone say that earlier!? Hayami, you were there too, weren’t you!?
Hayami: I’m afraid I drank too must last night, my memory is…
Kitashirakawa: Miserable! Well then, what did you tell her?
Pierre: Oh! I remember! The Basilique du Sacré-Cœur!
Sakurai: The Sacred Heart Temple in Montmartre!
Kitashirakawa: Alright, let’s hurry!
All the members run off stage, forcing their way through the people, ending the scene.
 Scene 14: Montmartre- The Sacred Heart Temple
Montmartre at nighttime. The stage changes to the gardens in front of the Sacred Heart Temple. A chanson singer carrying an accordion appears on stage, singing.
Accordion player: As your silhouette continues to dance
My memories disappear into a dream
Those happy days are naught but nostalgia
In a phantom-like dream.
The Shimodas appear amongst other random couples, seeming confused.
Mrs. Shimoda: Darling, aren’t you cold?
Mr. Shimoda: I’m not cold, but… I’m scared. You?
Mrs. Shimoda: No, not at all.
Mr. Shimoda: But… we’re going to die?
Mrs. Shimoda: But I’m together with you.
Mr. Shimoda: Did you bring it? The hydrocyanic acid?
Mrs. Shimoda pulls a small bottle from her bag.
Mrs. Shimoda: Even the specialists don’t have this, do this?
Mr. Shimoda: It’s an old product from our factory… but it finally has some use.
Mrs. Shimoda: Look, darling, how beautiful this place is…
Mr. Shimoda: Being able to spend the last moments of our life in a place like this… is a blessing.
Mrs. Shimoda: Yes, dear.
The couple moves to sit down on the bench. Trying to hide her tears, Mrs. Shimoda turns away to hide her face.
Mr. Shimoda: Fusako?
Mrs. Shimoda forces herself to smile before turning back to him.
Mr. Shimoda: I told you, didn’t I? You don’t have to force yourself to smile. Whether you laugh or cry… these are our last moments together…
Suddenly, following Kitashirakawa, the members of the Light Tour appear.
Sakurai: You’re here! Mr. Shimoda!
Mr. Shimoda: You all…!
Kitashirakawa: Thank goodness, we made it! Now, let’s go back to the hotel…
Kitashirakawa begins to approach the couple.
Mr. Shimoda: Please don’t come any closer!
Kitashirakawa: Mr. Shimoda. I heard about the note you two left. That managing your factory took a turn for the worse, and you’ve been left in a great amount of debt…
Mr. Shimoda: Then, you understand! So please, allow us to die in peace, together…
Louis and the Shadow Tour members arrive on stage.
Louis: I will not allow any death here! Do you have no pride in your own lives? In this peaceful world, while being allowed to live freely- you would dare to not only throw away your own life, but the life of your beloved as well?
Mr. Iwanami looks at the Shimodas in surprise.
Mr. Iwanami: Y-You two…!
Mr. Shimoda: Mr. Iwanami!
Mrs. Shimoda: Sensei…
Sakurai: Do you know each other?
Mr. Iwanami: In a way… They were my students. You mean to say… you were the ones who left that note?
Mr. Iwanami begins to approach the Shimodas.
Mrs. Shimoda: Please stop! Please just… look away for a bit. Please…
Sakurai: Ms. Fusako… What was it you said before? In painful times, or in sad times, you have to smile and live for someone? Isn’t that what you told us? You said that those words gave you hope. Even so… are you saying you would choose to die like this?
Hearing Sakurai’s words, Mr. Iwanami’s facial expression looks shocked and pained.
Mr. Iwanami: Koji… Fusako… Forgive me!
Mr. Iwanami bows deeply to the couple.
Mrs. Shimoda: Sensei!
Mr. Shimoda: Please stop! Why are you apologizing…
Mr. Iwanami: I… just wanted to offer poor children a chance at equal education! I wanted you to survive- to live despite the circumstances of the environment you were born in… But in the end, it seems like I was unable to teach you anything at all…
Mrs. Shimoda: Sensei, please… raise your head. It was because your words encouraged us that we were even able to get this far!
Mr. Shimoda: Fusako…
Kitashirakawa: Mr. Shimoda. You are not the only ones dealing with misfortune. Surely everyone is doing their best to live while holding their difficulties in their heart…
Sakurai: I was also unable to properly manage my company. But… in order to protect myself, I did something much more terrible than you!
Kanezawa: For me, well money ain’t really a problem, but… I’ve got worries I can’t tell people about… (He touches a hand to his wig)
Kondo: For me, I haven’t had a girlfriend in thirty years!
Hayami: Forty-two years single!
Crayon: And I’m an okama!
Kitashirakawa: And I… hurt someone. I realized that I had lost something important as a person. But it’s something that the two of you have never forgotten! And that is how to care for someone. Even if you think that your lives have no value… to me, it’s something I can never capture in words alone… an irreplaceable story!
Mr. Iwanami: Koji Shimoda! Fusako!
The Shimodas: Yes!
Mr. Iwanami: Smile. No matter what, smile! This is the only life you get, so if you smile and laugh together… you can go on living!
The Shimodas: Ha… hahaha… (they begin to cry while laughing)
The other members of the group all begin laughing as well. As dusk falls in the sky, the Japanese tourists’ strange crying-laughter fills the air. Louis’s expression changes, as if he’s realized something, and he and Munon exit the stage. As the scene ends, the light fades.
 Scene 15: The City of Paris  - Places des Vosges
On the way back to the hotel, Kitashirakawa begins to sing.
[Kitashirakawa’s Song ~ Sakurai’s Song]
Kitashirakawa: I couldn’t even manage the easy things,
And every time I lost my way-
I hid my face and watched you from far away.
If I could laugh for someone
If I could laugh for myself
Then surely, I can follow my heart forward
To the person who’s smiling face I most wish to see.
During the musical interlude, the background setting changes.
1. Crayon and Kondo
Crayon runs on stage crying, followed by a confused/angry looking Kondo.
Crayon: U-Uwaaaa!!!...
Kondo: You were laughing a moment ago- why are you suddenly crying so much!?
Crayon: I just remembered when I was dumped… It feels like… I’ll never meet anyone who could possibly love me!... Uuuhuu…
Kondo: Don’t cry! Kuroiwa Gentarou.
Crayon: But… the more I try to laugh… the more miserable I feel…
Kondo: If that’s the case, then smile for me instead.
Crayon: …What?
Kondo: When you’re sad like this, I start feeling sad too…
Crayon: Mako-chan!!
Crayon runs over and tries to give Kondo an intense kiss. Kondo struggles and tries to push Crayon away, but then they face each other and Kondo kisses Crayon instead.
2. Kanezawa, Michiru, and the Tannos
Kanezawa: So ya’ll are the thieves who’ve run card scams around the world, huh?
The Tannos: …
Kanezawa: How ‘bout it? Ya’ll leave that rotten lifestyle behind and come work for me?
Mr. Tanno: What do you mean?
Kanezawa: Ya’ll’s language proficiencies and fearlessness are just a bonus! I’m saying come to Vegas and be the general managers of my casino!
Michiru: Papa!
Mrs. Tanno: In Las Vegas??
Mr. Tanno: General managers?
Kanezawa: A’ight, let’s go talk it over.
Kanezawa and Michiru get the Tannos to follow them offstage. The background music changes for Sakurai’s song.
Sakurai: The important things I forgot
When I became an adult…
Every time I lost sight of myself                I kept running
With no place to go.
If I could laugh for someone
If I could laugh for myself
Then I should be able to live
Following the truth of my heart
To the person who I most want to show a smile to…
As the music fades to background, Sakurai exit the stage.
 Scene 16: Château de la Reine (Courtyard Entrance)
Under the moonlight in the courtyard of the hotel, Kitashirakawa happens upon the still, thinking form of Louis.
Kitashirakawa: Louis…
Louis: It seems like you dared to return to this Château anyway.
Kitashirakawa: Once I gather my things, I’ll leave immediately. But- there’s something I want you to hear. I had no intention of deceiving you! I truly, honestly thought that I could bring you and Diana together again. But now I understand, because I didn’t take your sadness and pain seriously, there’s no way I could ever write about something like ‘true love’. But now… I feel like I understand the pain you’ve felt…
Kitashirakawa turns to enter the hotel.
Louis: Wait. Well, I can be patient for a few more days. Patience is a virtue after all… Really, when it comes to you… You really pile up trivial matters and create quite a big fuss of it all. There are many things you do that are foolish. But… what was even more foolish was that I did not truly understand what I had learned from you.
Kitashirakawa: Louis?
Louis: I realized I had forgotten how to laugh. For Diana and our son…
Petit Louis: (voice) Maman! Tell me about Papa!
Diana: (voice) Your father… is a true hero.
Petit Louis: (voice) But… why isn’t he here with us?
Diana: (voice) Your father is the Sun King who illuminates all of France. Even when he cannot be by our side, he still loves us very much.
Louis: I finally realized… that their voices were always full of laughter…
Diana and Petit Louis: (laughing)
Looking up at the moon, Louis smiles softly as the sound of Diana and Petit Louis’s laughter lift his spirits.
Louis: I finally feel as though I can truly meet Diana again. And… I’m looking forward to reading it- the novel about me.
Kitashirakawa: Is… it ok for me to write about you?
Louis: As long as you portray me as an exceptionally ‘good handsome man’, of course.
Kitashirakawa: Ha, I wonder how it’ll turn out?
Kitashirakawa, Sakurai, and Louis come together.
All three: If I could laugh for someone
If I could laugh for myself
Then surely I can meet the one I love from the bottom of my heart.
The person who’s smiling face I most wish to see…
The person who I most want to show a smile to…
 Scene 17: Château de la Reine (Courtyard Entrance)
The next morning, in the opening of the hotel people begin to appear: Kanezawa and Michiru, Kondo and Crayon, and Duran. Some hotel staff follow, carrying everyone’s bags.
Duran: Oh! Monsieur Kanezawa! Is there nothing we can do to thank you for investing in the future management of the Château de la Reine?
Kanezawa: I don’t need no thank yous. Vegas may be my base, but it’s always been my dream to have hotels all over the world.
Crayon: A hotel in Vegas sounds amazing! (To Kondo) It’d be perfect for our wedding~
Kondo: W-Wedding!?
The Tanno and Shimoda couples appear.
Mr. Shimoda: Mr. Kanezawa, what is the meaning of this? I was just told that you’ve taken over our entire debt?!
Mr. Tanno: Seems like everyone here’s been hired by Kanezawa.
Mrs. Tanno: Mrs. Shimoda! Let’s go to Las Vegas together!
Kanezawa: If ya’ll were managin’ a factory all on your own, then you’re like- really good with mechanics, right? To build up my casino in Vegas, I need an advisor who understands all that state-of-the-art stuff.
Mrs. Shimoda: But…
Togawa and the Iwanamis appear.
Mr. Iwanami: Shouldn’t you just gratefully accept?
Mrs. Shimoda: Iwanami-sensei!
Mr. Iwanami: Mr. Kanezawa, I can personally vouch for these two’s personalities. (To the Shimodas) Now then, give him a proper reply.
Upon Iwanami’s words, the Shimodas gather their determination.
Mr. Shimoda: Although we are not worthy of your kindness, we humbly accept!
Kanezawa: Hey hey hey…
Mrs. Iwanami: Doesn’t it sound like you’re replying to a marriage proposal?
Togawa: Everyone! It’s about time to go! The car has arrived in the plaza!
While everyone exits the stage, Kanezawa is left with a relaxed looking Michiru.
Kanezawa: Hey, what’s wrong Michiru?
Michiru: Do you have no intention of saying anything to me?
Kanezawa: Say… something to you?
Michiru: Maybe a ‘proposal’ like what you said to those people just now…
Kanezawa: Michiru… I… I ain’t good enough to marry you. There’s something I been hiding from you…
Michiru: It really doesn’t matter to me. If you’re talking about the lie you’ve told about your looks…
Kanezawa: Michiru!? You… knew?
Michiru: For a while now.
Kanezawa: But is it really alright? Marryin’ someone like me?
Michiru: Did you really think I’d hate you for something like that?
Kanezawa: Michiru!!
Michiru: Papa!
Kanezawa holds Michiru close, kissing her passionately. As the door opens behind them, Kitashirakawa appears.
Kitashirakawa: Ugh! Why did have to see that first thing in the morning??
Kanezawa: Hey bro! Listen! Michiru and I are gonna get married!
Kanezawa: Well, congratulations on that. But, shouldn’t you look in the mirror before you do such a thing?
Kanezawa: Why?
Kitashirakawa: You’re crooked. (Indicating his wig)
Kanezawa: C-Crooked!?.... Crooked!?!
Kanezawa, looking horrified, runs off stage.
Michiru: Papa! Wait!
Michiru runs after Kanezawa off stage. Hayami appears.
Hayami: (Finishing reading the novel) Amazing… To write an entire novel of this caliber in less than a week… Sensei truly is a genius… No, a master…
Kitashirakawa: I changed the title as well. The new title is “The Queen’s Château”.
Hayami: Amazing! To create such a hypothesis that King Louis XIV’s true love lived here- and that she was the true Queen of his heart!
Kitashirakawa: Well, even so…
Hayami: Weaving the intricacies of the non-fiction tale of our real-life double booking and a fiction retelling of the ghost of Louis XIV… A story of love that transcends the boundaries of time! Make no mistake, this will become an instant best seller!
Kitashirakawa: Even though everything was actually non-fiction…
Hayami: Did you say something?
Kitashirakawa: No, just thinking out loud…
Hayami: You don’t need to worry. I’ll be editing this on the plane ride home!
As Hayami goes to leave, Pierre appears in front of her.
Hayami: Pierre!...
Pierre: Madame! Are you really… returning to Japon?
Hayami: Pierre, forgive me… I am truly… a terrible woman who can only live for her work!
Hayami runs away from Pierre.
Pierre: Ma chérie! At least let me embrace you one last time!...
Pierre chases after Hayami.
Kitashirakawa: (Speaking to himself) So even Hayami experienced such a miracle…?
Gradually, Sakurai also appears in front of Kitashirakawa, gazing up at the sky.
Sakurai: Ah, Mr. Kitashirakawa, you were still here?
Kitashirakawa: Yes, I just wanted to enjoy the scenery here one last time.
Kitashirakawa looks up to the sky, and Sakurai follows his line of sight.
Sakurai: You can see the sun and the moon together in the dawn sky…
Kitashirakawa: They were finally able to meet, the sun and the moon…  I heard from Togawa. You’re closing your travel agency?
Sakurai: Yes. I need to start over from the beginning. The double booking was just too much.
Kitashirakawa: So you’re graduating from being a shabby tour guide, too?
Sakurai: Rude.
Kitashirakawa: I’m joking. So, what are you planning to do?
Sakurai: I haven’t decided yet. I think I need to take some time to really figure myself out first. You?
Kitashirakawa: Same as usual- I’ll be writing novels and chased by the pressure of deadlines.
Sakurai: I’ll be looking forward to it. The novel about your own story, like you said.
Kitashirakawa: Right.
Sakurai: Well then, I should be getting to the customers…
Sakurai begins to leave in the direction of the others.
Kitashirakawa: Actually! I have… a favor to ask of you…
Sakurai: (Stops, turning back)…
Kitashirakawa: When we get back to Japan… I’d like to interview you.
Sakurai: Me? … But, why?
Kitashirakawa: I can’t write a story with just the protagonist alone, right? So, I want to interview you… the one who reminded me of what’s important.
Kitashirakawa: Filled with undecorated words
Like monthly novels
Full of overflowing feelings
And interspersed with silence
Everything felt like an incomplete story.
Naturally, I was overwhelmed by this miracle.
Although I’m clumsy,
I want to move forward as myself
And grow with the passing of the seasons.
Sakurai: Even if I unexpectedly remember sadness
I don’t want to forget how to smile.
Towards an unknown world,
I will not hesitate            when it’s time for that new journey.
Together: The story you write
I want to watch over it with kindness.
Using the words we believed in
Together, we can pass on
Our new story that starts now.
 Scene 18: Versailles (Gardens)
After the song, the hotel area of the stage rises to reveal the fantasy-like gardens of Versailles. Meeting again at long last, Louis and Diana embrace each other. Nearby, Petit Louis and Munon watch them happily.
Kitashirakawa, embarrassed, offers his hand to Sakurai. The two leave hand in hand, with Louis, Diana, Petit Louis, and Munon watching after them. The curtain falls.
The end.
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ashitomarisu · 8 years
Project LONEWOLF: Epilogue
Somewhere, in the middle of a vast ocean, Hainoki lies motionless and afloat. As her eyes open, she sees pure cerulean painted above; thinking, What is this place?
A gentle, warm breeze trickles through her
Soft whispers fade in and out
as if someone is nearby
A glimmer of azure light hovers above the wounded survivor.
“Hainoki”, a familiar voice quietly murmurs. The brunette reaches for the fluttering spark but it vanishes.
Karen...did I...
“You are fine, but my time in purgatory has finally ended”, the blue-haired spirit reveals herself once more, barely visible to her ally.
Why did you--
“Honestly, I didn't want to see their faces, knowing it would only cause a relapse. After watching from afar, they resumed with life better than I expected. That being said, there is something else I wish to say to you”, Karen replies. This startles the foreigner, whom says, “Please tell me...”
...your soul's promise.
“Swear our paths will never cross, even if, somehow, we are reincarnated”, the ghost insists. Hainoki's heart sinks, trying to understand Karen's true feelings. She recalls an earlier conversation when Aqua reminisces the day Nozomi insisted her to join the team. Without warning, her body drowns into the void below.
Terrified, the meganekko struggles to return to the surface, but to no avail. The more she tries, the further down she goes. Exhausted, Hainoki gives in and prepares for her own demise. Memories flash as the last words to come to mind are:
May you rest at last
in your eternal paradise...of heavenly blue.
Hainoki continues to descend into a realm of nothingness and loses consciousness. Deep within the thick, black emptiness, a speck of light glistens alone. A voice cries out, “Hainoki-chan!”
With each call, more glimmers of light appear, rising above her. It becomes clear; the foreigner finds herself in an undisclosed region of space, but the desperate outcries grow louder. In her heart, someone's prayers are pulling her closer and closer to Earth, but who?
Hainoki!! Wake up!!
Haino-kun!! Please, open your eyes!!
She dives through the atmosphere, falling at an alarming rate. Miraculously, the remaining power from her “Aquarii” forme prevents any deterioration or damage. Curious, she opens her eyes, only to be greeted by the ocean. Petrified, Hainoki screams, trying to call for help. Unable to transform to her cure form, she faces her true demise.
She wakes up near the Natts House, in a panic. Gasping for air, the meganekko recollects her thoughts. A dream? No, it felt like a near-death experience.
Upset, Hainoki bursts into tears and covers her face. She does not notice Shining Dream holding her until the leader says, “Thank goodness you are okay. We were worried you would have not made it through”. Nozomi wraps her arms around the survivor in a heartwarming embrace. The foreigner holds tight in response. Thank God I made it back.
Komachi wipes a tear from her eye, pleased to see her friend is in stable condition. Urara leans on Rin; both alleviated. Kurumi joins Nozomi, bawling happily. While the young ladies rejoice, Hainoki still does not remember how she ended up back on Earth.
Something makes no sense
One moment, I was fighting against Sagittarii alongside Aqua
Then, it went white and my body soared upwards
Now, I wake up by Natts House without an explanation
What the hell happened?!
Shaken by the recent occurrences, the meganekko wipes her eyes, looks up and notices a faint image of a figure levitating in the middle of the lake. She could not clearly make out what it was but knew it could not be Karen. At second glance, the mysterious being is nowhere to be found. Thinking it was just a hallucination, Hainoki disregards.
The ladies ask her where Karen had gone. Before the brunette could speak, snowflakes start to fall upon the region. Among the clouds, where the moon barely peeks out, a butterfly spirit flutters in the distance. The foreigner smiles, and says, “She is finally home, somewhere in her paradise”.
They look at each other but instead of wells in their eyes, sighs come out of the girls' mouths. Nozomi reverts back to civilian form and replies, “Of course...” Thus, the ladies reside inside the former shop until morning.
[Montage: Two weeks pass by since the battle. The Minazukis return for the holidays to prepare for the upcoming Christmas party. Hainoki and Madoka, returning from Switzerland, are busy at the Akimoto residence, working on a secret project. Komachi and Yuko are busy at the mansion, prepping the meals. Nozomi helps Kurumi and Iona with cleaning and decorations. Rin returns home to tend with the family business. Urara resumes her idol career, part-time. Coco, Natts, and Syrup return to Palmier Kingdom; taking care of the citizens for the time being.]
Two days later, the five meet with Hainoki and Madoka near the gazebo outside. Standing before them seems to be a statue, but covered with tarp. Urara asks, “This is the secret project you and Hainoki were working on?”
“Yes”, the foreigner replies, “This was my idea. I drew the design while Madoka sculpted it from marble”.
“You mean granite”, Komachi's sister corrects her.
“No, I'm sure we went with marble”, Hainoki retorts.
Madoka explains, “Marble doesn't go well with nature, numbskull. We changed to granite because it withstands the weather better”.
“Anyways, we kept it special for this occasion. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it has been a year since Karen passed away, right?”, the meganekko inquires.
Komachi answers, “She passed in late November, the same time Phantom was reverted back to his fairy form”.
“So, it has been over a year. No matter. It will be the first Christmas without her. The Minazukis already got a peek at it and were appreciated with the results. Without further ado, Madoka, help me take this cover off”, Hainoki replies.
The two remove the tape prior to taking down the tarp, revealing a granite monument of the blue-haired late daughter with her eyes closed, wearing an elegant dress and playing her violin. The others gaze at the stunning detail to her outfit and instrument. Memories flood their minds, from when Karen finally joined the team, to their last battle against the Boss, to the time they lost their mascots due to the absence of the Prism Flower, to graduation, and so on.
Nozomi, fighting off waterworks, mutters, “This is not the end...” The women stare at her in confusion. She continues, “If Karen could say anything right now, she would tell us to move on and make our dreams become reality. In her honor, we will fight, as Precure and women”.
She places her hand on the platform and whispers, “For hope...”, then looks back her friends to join in. Rin gives in, places her hand on top of the ditz's and says, “For passion...”
The idol, author and caretaker follow suit.
“For courage...”
“... miracles...”
They turn to Hainoki with warm smiles and welcoming eyes. The foreigner, without hesitation, puts her hand on the pile and adds, “Honestly, I have no idea what I represent”. Urara busts out laughing.
“Heart is what you have; as a friend, an ally, and as a Precure”, Nozomi replies.
“More like an oddball with such high spirits”, Kurumi adds.
“”Spirit” sounds more like me, since I am hypersensitive and able to detect paranormal activity”, the foreigner declares.
“Yep, definite oddball”, the caretaker confirms.
Rin imagines a future where sleepless nights are a thing of the past thanks to Hainoki's ghost repelling techniques. She thinks, Finally...my prayers have been answered, and hugs the meganekko without much thought.
The others look at her, assuming she has a crush on Hainoki. Blushing, the redhead retorts, “I-It's not what you think!! Seriously!!” They laugh, and take one last glance at the memorial, before heading back in.
“At least, the battle is over, for now”, the foreigner says.
“For now?”, Urara replies.
“Sadly. We will have to be ready for when they decide to rise again”, Hainoki mentions. Nozomi smiles, raises her hand up, points to the sky, and  shouts, “It's decided!”
Urara, Rin, Komachi, and Kurumi do the same, replying with “Yes!”
The meganekko smirks at first, thinking her action was funny, but joins regardless. Thus, the ladies vow to enjoy everyday life with their new friend, Hainoki.
So much has happened since I moved to this part of town
Having to tend a mansion for a couple of traveling musicians, meeting new people, becoming a precure, getting an apprenticeship with Madoka
Although it seemed rough for the first month
I do not regret a single moment being with Nozomi and the others
Despite never meeting you in person, I wish to have known you more, because honestly, you seem to have really cared for your friends
About the promise...time may not allow it
but I swear to protect your friends
It is the least I can do...
Nevertheless, you will be remembered.
Sayonara, Karen Minazuki.
Author’s note: Karen’s birthday is not mentioned on the memorial’s plaque. The only text written on it is:
In Loving Memory of Karen Minazuki
1992?- November 23, 2014
Other than that, this concludes the first story of Project LONEWOLF. For now, I am gonna take about a month’s break to prepare notes and start writing the second story, which its alternate title will be “The Eye”. The two side stories will be worked on too, but not right away.
With that being said, major thanks to my followers and my mother, even though she didn’t do much, for giving me motivation and confidence to commit and write my first complete fanfic. It may have been almost two years since starting the concept, but what a rough yet satisfying time. 
I am planning to post this to a fanfiction site soon, but until then, please check it out on my blog. There is a masterpost link you can go to and read each part if you like. Please let me know what you think, because I have never written much before and criticism is bound to hit me. This will give me a chance to go and tweak some knots and improve in the second story.
Okay, I’m done. :3
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precuredaily · 5 years
Precure Day 154
Episode: Yes! Precure 5 06 - “Precure 5! All Together!” Date watched: 6 October 2019 Original air date: 11 March 2007 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/1w3riAm Project info and master list of posts: http://tinyurl.com/PCDabout
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Karen is a character who grows a lot over the course of the show, and since she’s been around for six episodes before getting to transform, she has already had a small journey just to get to this point. That’s something you can’t say about all series that followed the model of introducing their heroes one episode at a time. This episode is the climax of her arc so far, and it’s really making me reconsider who my favorite Character in this series is. Why? I’ll get to that after we recap.
The Plot
We see a flashback to Karen as a child trying to pretend to Jiiya that she doesn’t miss her parents and isn’t lonely, as it transitions to present day Karen staring wistfully out a window before hugging herself, lamenting that she couldn’t save the girls the other day.
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At school, the other girls try to convince Nozomi to find someone else to become the last Precure but she won’t hear it. Jiiya happens to be there to pick Karen up, so the girls stop to talk with him, and he asks them to please continue being friends with her, because the other day she seemed to be truly enjoying herself. He explains how she hides her loneliness so as to not burden her parents. Meanwhile, we see Karen in a student council meeting, but she's lost in thought about her failure. When she comes out, she sees Jiiya sitting with the other girls and tells them pointedly that she can’t help them. Nozomi asks Coco why she might have failed the transformation and he explains that if you don’t truly wish to become a Precure, you can’t. Karen insists that she truly did, but then she remembers what she actually said: “If I want something done, I have to do it myself.” She excuses herself and starts to walk home.
Nozomi, not fond of taking “no” for an answer, chases after her. When her attempts to persuade Karen only agitate her, she remembers what Jiiya said and reminds her how much fun they had the other day. Then she hits Karen with the big one: despite their differences, they both really love their parents. Karen pauses and Nozomi explains what Jiiya told her. She says that someone as caring as her couldn’t possibly fail to become a cure. Karen is moved by her words and softens up, but then Bunbee appears, seeking the Dream Collet. He turns the captured Pinky into a Kowaina, so Nozomi transforms but she can’t bring herself to fight it. The other girls arrive and transform but Bunbee and the Kowaina have them on the ropes. Karen, who has been watching from safety, realizes she doesn’t want her new friends to be hurt, no matter how powerless she may be, so she blocks them from Bunbee’s finishing blow.
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Her courage and desire to help them, rather than take on all the burden, is enough to summon the blue butterfly again, and this time when it lands on her wrist, it transforms into a Pinky Catch and stays. Karen transforms and designates herself as “The Blue Spring of Intelligence, Cure Aqua!” With all five Cures now assembled, they perform their group roll call: “With the power of hope and the light of the future, our five beautiful hearts will soar! Yes! Precure 5!”
Immediately she gives instructions to the others on how to defeat the Kowaina without harming the Pinky: detach the mask, and keep Bunbee occupied. They use their special attacks (and credit where credit is due, Mint Protection was cleverly used to stun the Kowaina) and manage to separate the mask from the monster without actually harming it, and it shatters. Bunbee tries one last attack but Dream wards him off, and he disappears with a signature complaint.
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Mint quickly captures the Pinky, and the five girls celebrate their victory and their future together. That night, at home, Karen calls her mother and admits that she misses her and is curious when she will return home.
The next day at school, we see how their new friendship will play out when Nozomi arrives late to school. Karen scolds her for being late, and Nozomi begs her to let it slide since they’re friends now. However, Karen states that they’re different matters, as their friendship does not preclude her responsibilities. Nozomi slumps and that’s the note we end on.
The Analysis
When we first met Karen, she seemed stern and up-tight. She is looking into the mysterious events at the school to determine whether people are safe, if a student is involved, if school officials need to be alerted. She’s trying to keep the peace and maintain order. But she’s not a bad person. She takes her responsibilities seriously but she also maintains a good friendship with Komachi and presumably knows about her writing. She does the right things but sometimes for the wrong reasons. She has internalized her loneliness due to her parents always traveling and doesn’t want to burden them with her feelings, so she doesn’t acknowledge any situations where she might need help or be able to help, she just takes on other people’s burdens. Nozomi may be the first person to finally crack her shell, to be able to see how she really feels and talk to her about it. Jiiya knew, of course, but he wasn’t able to do anything himself. The power of having a group of friends to help and support her gave Karen the room to be vulnerable and honest with herself, and understand where she failed before. She overcomes her self-isolation and wants to help save her friends, to protect them from certain danger regardless of her own powerlessness. In this moment of self-sacrifice, wanting the power to help others, she becomes worthy of the mantle of a Pretty Cure and is able to transform. Beyond transforming into a Precure however, she has transformed emotionally, as we see after the battle. She’s generally more friendly (though living up to her responsibilities) and more open with her feelings, reaching out to her mother to talk and say she misses her. Her journey is far from over, but it’s already in a great position. I said at the beginning that I was reconsidering who my favorite is (currently it’s Rin) and..... I really do think I might just have to say I love Rin and Karen equally as characters. They do play off each other a lot, we’ll see that soon.
Of course, Karen wouldn’t be here without Nozomi. Here, more than anywhere else so far, she is showcasing that Pink Cure Power that the becomes a staple of the larger casts. She may not be the smartest, the most pure of heart, the most athletic, or the most at peace, but she finds what she wants, works towards it, and doesn’t take “no” for an answer. If not for her, none of the other girls would be here. Her bravery inspired Rin, her strong will inspired Urara, her sincerity inspired Komachi, and now her earnestness has inspired Karen. Nozomi can see things in people that nobody else can, if they need a friend she’s there to be a friend, if they need someone to root for them she’s there to do that. She saw that Karen was being dishonest with herself and found the right words to encourage her, she found the common ground between them and used it to break through Karen’s cold exterior and her feelings of depression and inadequacy about being unable to transform in order to cheer her up and make friends.
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Nozomi believe in Karen long after everybody else gave up and I adore it.
Aside from Nozomi, though, Karen has one more player on her side: Jiiya the butler. He serves as the bridge between Karen and the rest of the world a lot, which is fun, but since he has known her since she was a child, he knows how to read her. Unfortunately, just watching her isn’t enough for me so he encourages her friendship with the group and flat out tells them how Karen really feels about bothering other people and why, which softens her to the girls and the audience. Also, showing her burgeoning insecurity at the very start made my heart break. That is a powerful scene, especially the transition between the younger Karen and present-day. I might have to gif that, watch this spot.
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P.S.young Karen is the cutest thing.
Let’s talk villains for a minute! This is Bunbee’s second outing and his second failure. Despite how big he talks in the office, when he’s on the field he can’t live up to his own hype. Sure, he makes the girls struggle some, but they’re still coming together as a team, they’re not at full strength yet, and they still manage to defeat him both times, even beating his idea of using a Pinky as a Kowaina so they can’t attack it. He always complains that he isn’t making enough money for field work, or how is he going to explain his failures to his superiors, and generally making other silly comments that tie into the whole “evil business” theme. We’re starting to see that Bunbee is more bark than bite, and next episode we’ll see where he really sits on the totem pole.
Character analyses out of the way, here’s a fun little continuity joke. During the Student Council meeting that Karen isn’t paying attention to, they’re discussing a plan to penalize students who are repeatedly tardy by tracking their attendance at the gate. At the end of the episode when Nozomi is running late, and encounters Karen and the student council performing this task. She gets marked tardy because she slips and doesn’t make it through the gate by the end of the bell. It’s the little things.
We’ve wrapped up the Cure Aqua arc and we’re almost done with the character introductions. This episode was excellently paced and a satisfying payoff to the letdown at the end of the previous one. We got to see Karen come to terms with her own desires and become a better version of herself, and the Pretty Cure team is complete, with each girl bringing a different strength to the group. Next time, Nuts arrives on the scene and he’s carrying a lot of baggage. Look forward to it!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 2 Kettei!
P.S. check PCD Status for a special personal post about Karen’s voice actress.
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precuredaily · 5 years
Precure Day 153
Episode: Yes! Precure 5 05 - “The Qualifications of Precure” Date watched: 5 October 2019 Original air date: 4 March 2007 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/irm8JKB Project info and master list of posts: http://tinyurl.com/PCDabout
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There are some episodes of Precure that really stick with you, for one reason or another. This episode is well-remembered for what doesn’t happen, and what it means. Most of you probably already know what I mean, but I’ll save it for the discussion section. First, let’s recap.
The Plot
The episode shows us a day in the life of Karen, school council president. Everyone admires her intelligence and leadership, but she can’t be honest with herself. Whenever someone requests her help with something, she sighs and says that she should have known that if she wanted something done right, she should have done it herself. This is a terrible attitude for a leader, as she’s simply assuming the burdens of other people rather than helping them to resolve their problems. She can’t even be honest with herself and admit that she’s overburdened, or that she misses her parents. We get to see her home, it’s a giant mansion, the other girls claim it’s even bigger than the school grounds, but the only people that live there are Karen and her butler, because her parents are professional musicians and they’re always traveling. They call her once in a while, and this is one such day, but despite her initial enthusiasm to receive the call, she quickly puts on her working face and tells her mother she’s not lonely, there’s no need to worry about her, so please do their best at their job, and then she hangs up without having had any meaningful or enjoyable conversation, because she doesn’t want to burden her parents. Basically, she’s a mess.
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who are you trying to convince?
Over in Labyrinth HQ, Bunbee scolds Arachnea for her failure and sends her down the time-out chute before deciding he’ll go get the Dream Collet himself.
Meanwhile, Coco reminds the four girls that they need to seek out their final member, and Nozomi insists that Karen is the one. Komachi takes them to visit Karen’s house, but she got roped into more student council work so she isn’t home yet. They take a walking tour of the property while they wait for her, and when she finally arrives, Komachi reveals she has brought some bean jelly from her family’s pastry shop for them to eat, so they proceed to a gazebo on the property to eat and talk. Nozomi and Rin get up to some shenanigans, which causes Karen to laugh a little and enjoy herself, but then she gets down to business and asks why they’ve come. Nozomi hesitates but asks her to join Precure again. Karen is understandably skeptical, and Rin admits that this is the normal response. Nozomi pulls out Coco to help prove their honesty, but a Pinky appears so he instructs Komachi to catch it. Her Pinky Catch instrument is a flute (incidentally, since I think I forgot to mention this in episode 4, Urara’s is a harp), and she almost gets the Pinky when suddenly Bunbee snatches it out of the air and makes his debut in front of the girls. He asks them for the Dream Collet which of course they refuse to hand over, so out comes a mask and he turns the gazebo into a Kowaina. Nozomi leads the girls in transforming, and poor Karen is in over her head.
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At that moment, Karen realized she was gay
The four girls fight the Kowaina and have the upper hand, so Bunbee transforms into his monster form. Despite being bee-themed, his armor is mostly red and he has gatling guns on his wrists that he can use to fire a bunch of stingers or one giant stinger. When Cure Mint uses her shield to protect from his barrage of stingers, he fires the giant stinger at them, breaking the shield and leaving the team vulnerable. Karen is watching this from afar and wishes she could help, but she is crippled with fear. Suddenly, a blue butterfly appears and starts flying towards her! Coco tells her to transform, and she doesn’t want to, but she flashes back to all the times she’s carried teams before and sighs, saying she always has to do it herself. The butterfly lands, wraps around her wrist and..... disappears! Everybody is shocked and Karen laments her inability to do anything. Nozomi manages to fire a Dream Attack at the Kowaina, destroying it, and Bunbee retreats with the Pinky.
As the sun sets, Karen tells the four girls that although she believes their story now, clearly she cannot help them, and to please not ask her to join them a third time. Nozomi, not one to take “no” for an answer, declares that she’ll keep fighting to make Karen a part of the team, and the girls walk off. Karen stares longingly at their backs and wonders why she couldn’t transform.
The Analysis
I can only think of two instances in all of Precure where a girl is on the cusp of being able to transform but cannot do it, with the other example being Homare in HUGtto! Precure. It’s a very rare storytelling tool, which makes it all the more poignant. What the audience sees, which Karen needs to learn, is that she wanted to become a Pretty Cure for selfish reasons. She always takes on other people’s burdens, weighing her down, instead of working together to find a solution. We see this during the battle: she is afraid she will get hurt, but when she sees the girls struggling, she thinks she has to take on their burden, to fight instead of them, not with them, which goes against the point of the team: together they can do what any of them individually cannot. It’s okay to want to protect them from danger, but to diminish their abilities and try to take it all on yourself is counter-intuitive. I love the idea of someone failing to become a Precure because their heart is in the wrong place, because it seems like all you see are girls who are put in dangerous situations and rise to the challenge, but not everybody is like that, not everybody can be like that. It’s pretty fascinating.
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The looks into Karen’s lifestyle are eye-opening. She has a very strong resemblance to Honoka from FW and MH: she’s from an upper-class background, her parents are always traveling, so she lives at home with only one other person and tries to pretend she’s not lonely. She has one close friend at the start of the show, and is in a position of leadership in the school. on the other hand, Komachi got a lot of Honoka’s more intellectual traits, so you could argue that they split her character into two for this show. Anyway, learning about Karen’s family background helps us to understand why she is how she is, and the journey she has to take both in the next few episodes and over the course of the series. She doesn’t want to make her parents worry, so she has convinced herself that she has to be self-reliant and able to handle any problem on her own instead of asking for help. Also, younger Karen is really cute.
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On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Nozomi, the eternal optimist. Nozomi will not see anybody but Karen as the fifth Precure, and she is determined to get her on their team. She knows that if she can get Karen to understand, she’ll do great. But she’s not trying to overrule Karen’s views, she’s trying to make her understand what they’re doing, how, and why. She also wants to understand Karen better, which is why they visit Karen’s house and end up learning more about her lifestyle and background. Of course Nozomi is sad when Karen fails her transformation, but she pushes on to win the fight, and at the end, she says she’s going to try again because she knows Karen can do it. She’s a bit stubborn, and the two girls have that in common, but she’s also deeply compassionate. She sees something that Karen can’t see in herself, and that’s her strength.
This wasn’t her first introduction, but I neglected to talk about her before, so let’s discuss the lunch lady, Otaka-san. She’s a witty middle-aged lady who gives good advice to the students but acts a little frazzled. There’s a running gag where she will add a few zeroes onto the amounts of things, so 200 yen in change becomes 2 million. Her main role in this episode is as a possible candidate for the Precure of Intelligence. Komachi seems to be seriously considering her, but none of the others think it’s a good idea. Later, she sees Karen leaving school very late and comments that she should stop trying to do everything alone, or she’ll never have time to do the things she wants to do. She’ll be a recurring character in this show and she’s fun. Her most distinctive attribute is her raspy voice.
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Bunbee is an interesting guy. We’re still very early into his character arc, but already his facade is starting to crack. He wasn’t much more effective in combat than any of his underlings, so it seems like he might be more talk with little to back it up. He still acts very cocky but he might just be the type that enjoys bossing people around. Also, minor note, he shares a voice actor with Uraganos from Max Heart.
Next time on Precure Daily, it’s finally time for the debut of the Precure of Intelligence! Look forward to ti!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 2 kettei!
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hoshimoridefense · 6 years
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CARD STORY: Birthday ‘18 Sadone
“After the birthday party...”
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Sadone: HAAAAA!! Misaki: Taaaake THAT!!
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Fuuran: Alright, hold it there! Fuuran: We’ll end here for today.
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Nozomi: Haa, haa, haa… Kaede: Today’s special training was particularly difficult, wasn’t it…?
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Sadone: Whew, whew… Misaki: Are you okay? Sadone: …Yup. Sadone: Hey, Misaki. Misaki: What’s up? Sadone: How was Sadone just now? Did she do it right? Misaki: …Yeah. I can really see how hard Sadone has been working. Sadone: Waa… Sadone: Ehehe.
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You: Great work, everyone! You: Since we’re done here for today, shall we head to Kaede’s house? Sakura: We shall. Yuri: All preparations are ready to go!
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Miki: Okay then, let’s leave for Kaede’s~♪ All: Yeaah! Sadone: Fufuu…
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Narration: ......... Haruka: Sadone-chan. Hinata: It’s your birthday! All: HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAY!! Sadone: Ehehe. Thank you.
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Kokomi: Sadone-chan, we all made you a cake! Urara: It’s Sadocchi’s favorite: chocolate cake ♪
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Sadone: Chocolate…! Kaede: We also have artisan Taiyaki for you made by a famous confectionery! Kaede: You can eat all you want today, okay? Sadone: Taiyaki…! Mimi: Sadone-chaaan, Mimi has a handmade plushie to give you too~ Renge: Look at Renge’s present for you too~♡ Narration: She tears the wrapping paper off! Everyone is talking excitedly! Sadone: Sadone is so happy… Sadone: It’d be nice if every day could be my birthday…
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Narration: ......... Subaru: Haaa, that was fun! Shiho: It feels like it was over in the blink of an eye, doesn’t it?
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Kaede: Please take care of yourselves on the way home! Sadone: Everone… thank you for celebrating Sadone’s birthday with her.
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Miki: Fufuu, don’t mention it! Misaki: See you at school tomorrow. Sadone: Ah…
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Asuha: Alright everyone, shall we go? Narration: Tug tug!
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Misaki: Sadone? Is something wrong? Sadone: Unyuu… Sadone: Sadone wants to go to Misaki’s house. Misaki: Huh? Right now? Sadone: Yeah… is that bad? Misaki: …No, it’s fine, but… Sadone: Yaaay. Sadone: I’ll go tell Kaede and her papa I’m going to Misaki’s, okay? Misaki: O-Okay… Misaki: Where did this come from all of a sudden…? Narration: Continued in Secret Lesson!
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