#please don’t be weird about this
janeicethesiren · 10 months
Black People in Kuroshitsuji is a criminally unexplored concept in fan works so I’m doing it myself
Hey guys, it’s me again and I’ve just slept for about 24 hours. And I wanna talk about black people!
I’ll just lay it all on the table here, I’m black. I’m a young, neroufunky black woman in her twenties and I’ve been a part of many fandoms for most of these years. Regarding anime, black butler is the very first anime I’ve ever been introduced too. It has a special place in my heart for that reason.
I really do love this series! It’s dark, gritty, mysterious, and so complex! I love the characters, and the setting has so much to enjoy! And, in my opinion, this fandom has some of the best fanfic writers out there!
But I have to say, as much as I love all the content (the black butler x reader stuff too!) I just wish I could find some content that featured us, y’know?
Sooooo therefore, I’m doing it myself!
Y’know the saying, make the content you want to see in the world (that’s not the quote but you know what I’m tryna say.)? I’ve always admired fanfic writers and I always wanted to make my own fanfics but I was way too embarrassed and unconfident in my own writing skills. But recently I said, “fuck it!” and decided to do it anyway.
I was just thinking, y’know? What would it be like, as a black woman from the modern era, to come into contact with this world and these characters? What kind of challenges would she face? What would she go through? Could she get along with them? How would they treat her?
The Kuroshitsuji characters are very unique. They are simultaneously a product of their environment and time period but they all also seem to exist, to-an-extent, outside of it. A lot of them are quite unconventional individuals (not to mention, supernaturals that generally look down on humans), and they don’t all necessarily follow the traditional thinking and values of that era.
But, on the other hand, we have seen them all grapple with and perpetuate some…archaic societal views as well, for our current standards. I just think it could be so interesting for a black character to actually make continued contact with them! Especially a black female character. It could be so cool! There’s so much story potential there and it’s completely unexplored!
So, with all of that being said, I’m actually writing a story right now! It’s 11 chapters in and I’m currently almost done with chapter 12. If you’ve made it this far, I’m more than happy to post a link to it for your enjoyment! And please, please feel free to give feedback. This is my first time writing a story of this magnitude and I am NOT a professional writer. So any and all critiques/compliments are welcome! Just please don’t be mean, I’m really sensitive 😭.
Anywho, as always, this post is way longer than I thought. But would that be something you guys are interested in? I’m also toying with the idea of doing black butler x black!reader headcanons! So if you wanna send me some request based on that premise, please feel free to do so 👀.
TLDR: A black female POV character for a Kuroshitsuji fic has a lot of potential for great storytelling and is criminally under explored so I’m currently writing my own fic about the idea. Also I might do some Black Butler x Black!reader headcanons so feel free to send some ideas/request in my inbox!
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iinryer · 4 months
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hen covering ravi with blankets on the station sofa for @bipitybopitydoo !
this is a prompt fill with the @911actions gotcha for gaza! check out how you can donate to a good cause and request some cool creations <3
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robotsandjunk · 4 months
Cybertronian sex toys must go crazy
False spikes that expand every time a bot overloads making it impossible for them to clench around it properly and leaving them absolutely gaping by the end
Fake panels designed to vibrate and stop keeping the wearer constantly edged throughout the day
Magnets that connect to each node inside a valve, stimulating them individually and in different ways and rhythms
Ballbearings that have been magnetised in different ways so they’re constantly shifting inside a valve
A matching set of a false spike and valve that can be connected to specific bot spike or valve so partners can interface not matter the distance
Vibrators that are made specifically for a bots spike sheath that keep the spike from extending as well as keeping unbearably it stimulated
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Omega Eddie always hates having to take his bedding and nesting material to the laundromat after his heats. It’s not just embarrassing, the looks he gets from the Alphas that are in there sometimes puts him on edge.
When Steve and Eddie start hanging out and Steve finds out about this, he of course offers for Eddie to bring the stuff over to his place and do it there.
But it’s not just good intentions, Steve really wants to smell the slick-soaked sheets as Eddie drags them to the laundry room, and see the pretty pink flush on his cheeks. And from time to time if Eddie has to leave his stuff in the wash and leave, and Steve goes to retrieve an item so he can bury his nose into it and jerk off… well, who’s the wiser?
Eddie kind of has an inkling, think. Not to the extent of what Steve’s doing… but, well, he gets the same look and smell of those Alphas at the laundromat. It’s Steve, though, so Eddie’s more than okay with it. He’s had a thing for Steve for a while. But he assumes it’s just an Alpha reaction to omega slick, not that Steve has a thing for him specifically.
Still, the idea of Steve getting horny because of Eddie is hot as shit. So maybe Eddie “accidentally” drops a pair of slick-soaked briefs for Steve to find here and there, or gets himself just worked up enough before visiting Steve for Steve to smell it on him.
It drives Steve absolutely crazy. He’s jerked off more since he’s met Eddie than in the rest of his life, probably. Soon, Steve starts coating shit in his scent for Eddie to put in his nest, because the idea is Eddie being surrounded by his scent while working himself through his heat gets Steve all worked up too.
Until eventually Steve starts leaving his clothes and stuff coated in his scent with Eddie even when Eddie’s not in heat. (Eddie absolutely uses them to get himself off sometimes). And Eddie returns the favour, leaving stuff over at Steve’s place too. Way more than just normal pack scenting on both their parts.
At some point, the party just start assuming they’ve gotten into a relationship because they smell like each other literally all the time. They don’t even realize until Robin congratulates them on their one-year, and they’re like… “oh” . Because yeah, they’ve been leaving their scent all over each other for a while, to the point where anyone smelling them would think “taken”.
So they finally get on the same page and then go to Eddie’s trailer and have the sloppiest anniversary sex. And then do it again the next day in Steve’s bed while Eddie’s sheets are in the wash.
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ween-kitchens · 3 months
I believe you (i'm not wrong)
2042 words
gem winces as she nicks her finger with the hammer for what she's pretty sure is the fourth time tonight, but she's not really been keeping count. it might be the fifth. it- okay, gem knows she should sleep, but she just- it- she doesn’t like the idea of sleeping right now. you can’t keep your mind off stuff if you’re asleep—they just turn into nightmares, and gem really doesn’t want to have another nightmare again. it's- she doesn't want to bother scar again.
this will make no sense if you don't know this au, and it is so self indulgent, but it's easier to format fics on tumblr than on discord GKFHD
anyway this is an au that me and stiff came up with and then made increasingly more angsty. this is the happiest part of the whole plotline if you can believe it
cw: panic attack, hurt/comfort
gem winces as she nicks her finger with the hammer for what she's pretty sure is the fourth time tonight, but she's not really been keeping count. it might be the fifth. it- okay, gem knows she should sleep, but she just- it- she doesn’t like the idea of sleeping right now. you can’t keep your mind off stuff if you’re asleep—they just turn into nightmares, and gem really doesn’t want to have another nightmare again. it's- she doesn't want to bother scar again.
she could bother joel. hypothetically speaking, gem could go up the mountain and knock on his door and awkwardly explain at three in the morning why she can’t sleep and that she needs his help, but- void, there is nothing she wants to do less right now. she loves joel- really, and it's more than likely that he'd be pretty helpful actually. it's- it's just too much right now. gem would rather build her problems away.
it takes longer than it probably should have done for gem to realise that her hand is bleeding, but she can’t be bothered to do anything about it; it doesn’t hurt much. besides, it's just another scar to add to the list of silly accidents she's had while building—like that time she almost took her finger off because she wasn't paying attention when she was dismantling some iron bars with less care than she should have been.
wiping sweat off her forehead, gem steps back for a second, taking in her work. her very wonky work. void, gem really needs to sleep soon, but there's no way that's happening without at least four nightmares, regardless of how much she tries to keep her mind occupied by something else. it's all she can think about- she's barely even done anything, despite 'building' for at least six hours now. the wood is unevenly cut, the moss is slowly dropping chunks into the sand from the roof, and the whole house looks like it's about to collapse on itself. that's- okay, that's the look she was going for, but it was meant to be structurally sound in actuality.
this was a bad idea- building a town that reminds her so damn much of where she grew up. it wasn't- it's not like gem really thought it through until it was too late to change her theme, and now she's kind of stuck. how in- anyone's name did she not even realise what she was building until after the nightmares started again?
.. don't answer that, actually. she doesn’t want to know.
maybe if gem sits down here, she'll fall asleep before she can start thinking about.. anything she doesn’t want to be thinking about. it feels like her limbs are made of lead, and gem has begun to debate on which sleep deprivation is worse: the exhausted building or the nightmares. maybe she'll flip a coi- what the fuck was that.
a figure- there's something- it's coming-
she hasn't- why the fuck didn’t she sleep- she knows what happens if she doesn’t sleep. can it reach her? can it make it onto the sand- can it outrun her? what if- what if it can walk, and she just never- gem never knew because she only encountered it whilst sailing but- she's endangered the whole server because of her stupid mistake-
stealing a glance behind her, gem's heart drops into the abyss- it's gaining on her. she's dead, she's going to die, she's doomed everyone, there's no escape-
something grabs her arm.
a strangled scream forces itself out of her tattered lungs, and she swings- desperation flooding her mind. she's gone- she's going to die- she's going to die-
"gem! please- it's me! it's me."
she opens her eyes, breaths still tearing their way through her throat, and- when did she get on the floor? her vision swims, body shaking too violently to steady herself and she thinks she must be drowning. there's a figure above her- there's- there's something above her.
her hands are numb and she's shaking and she's on the floor and she's not drowning, but she may as well be because she can’t fucking breathe. she's going to die and she's going to deserve it- she's- it's all- there's nothing left-
someone is holding her hands. she is having a panic attack and someone is holding her hands. she's not dying- she wishes she was dead. why would- who is- where is she? who is talking?
there's- there's her name. she feels like she's falling, but someone is talking and holding her hands and she's not drowning. did she- did she break something? was it her fault? she didn’t mean to.
a hand- a thumb against her face. gem was- she is crying. her vision is clearing but nothing will process and she just- she just wants to go home. she doesn't have a home anymore. she broke her home.
she didn't mean to. she's sorry- she just wanted to fix it. she's sorry. she is breathing, and she's not drowning, and she's not dying. right? is- is she right?
"right." there's a voice, and it sounds like home. she is crying again. "you’re okay."
no that's- she's not- she can’t be okay, ever again- she ruined it. there's nothing- she can’t- there's nothing left. she broke it- she ruined it. she's sorry.
her hands are warm. someone is holding her hands, and she's breathing and she's not drowning. there's a figure in front of her- there's scar in front of her.
"i’m sorry." gem's voice is sore, and comes out quieter than she expected it to. she's not drowning. "I never- i’m so sorry."
scar is crying, and gem is holding his hands. "I know." he says, and he’s quiet too. "I didn’t- void. I don't think i’ve- ever been on the receiving end of that."
it takes gem a moment to understand what he means, and her chest fills with emotion. she tries to say something, but nothing comes out.
"what-" scar's voice breaks, and gem wants to hug him. she doesn’t know if she's allowed. "what did you think I was?"
gem takes a shaky breath, shaking her head. "I never- I never knew what they actually were." she whispers. "they'd- if you didn't sleep, they'd appear."
scar is silent, and gem almost apologises, but her voice seems to have abandoned her. maybe this is all she can ever have- was she asking too much of him just now? void- the whole plan was to avoid pestering scar, and now she's had a panic attack because she mistook him for- that- okay, it doesn’t matter what, but now he’s dealing with her and she doesn't know if he even wants to, or if he just feels obligated-
"can you stand?" scar asks suddenly, and gem takes a second to recalibrate. can- what? can she stand? of course but- why is she standing? gem doesn’t actually ask any of this, of course, but the questions arise nonetheless.
gem lets go of scar's hands and pushes herself upwards on weak legs, but she doesn’t let it show. she wipes her face and takes a breath, bolstering herself for whatever it is she has to do next.
but scar just holds his hand out. "can you come sleep?"
gem is so surprised, she takes half a step backwards before she realises how rude that looks, and steps forward again, hoping she can play it off as rocking. "I don't- what?"
scar looks almost embarrassed, and gem finds herself getting even more confused. "well- if you-" he clears his throat awkwardly. "if- I can’t, um. I can’t be mad if you're.. not sleeping."
is scar being deliberately vague, or is gem's brain just too tired to understand what is going on? she shakes her head, still trying to process what scar could possibly mean. "I don’t- I don’t know what you-"
"I don't want you to stay up so late." scar says, and his voice is soft like gem hasn't heard it in months, and she might cry. again. "I just- I know you can’t sleep unless you have a distraction. I was trying to ask- can I be the distraction?"
gem takes a shaky breath. "oh." it's all she can manage- it's all she can think right now. gem is tearing up again and she wipes her eyes hurriedly. "I- are you sure?"
scar nods, smiling tearfully. "I miss you. I never- I didn’t expect how much." he holds out his hand again. "will- will you come with me?"
there's a moment of hesitation, of is she allowed, before gem slips her hand into scar's and squeezes. "i'd be happy to."
the conversation between her and scar on the way to his base was awkward and best, and plain old silence at worst, so gem was a little nervous for what it'd be like when they tried to go to sleep. what if scar changed his mind- or if one of them had another nightmare and suddenly both of them couldn't sleep? what if scar was just- lying, or something, and he was just expecting gem to say she was fine on her own?
gem has never been happier to be so wrong about something in her life.
in all the time she's known scar, gem has never seen scar transfer into bed so fast—and he practically pulled her after him before she'd even got her shoes off. once gem crawled under the duvet, she and scar may as well have just become one body. it's so bizarre, how easily they can pick up where they left off, even after so much time, and when gem rests her head against scar's chest, it feels like home.
and- void, gem missed this so much. the way they fit against each other like they were made for each other, the feeling of scar's hand in her hair, the warmth in her stomach as she burrows under the duvet- it's the closest to perfect that gem thinks can exist. it feels as if she could close her eyes and drift off in an instant, she feels so safe.
scar buries his face in gem's hair. "I love you." he mumbles, and gem almost starts to cry again.
"I love you too." she holds scar tighter, voice wavering embarrassingly. "i’m sorry- i’m so sorry. it- for everything."
"i’m sorry too." scar whispers, sounding close to tears. "I shouldn't have- i’m so sorry gem." he presses a kiss to the top of gem's head.
gem's throat is tight, and she swallows a sob. "it- it's okay. I didn't- you didn’t mean it."
"neither did you." scar's voice is painfully soft, and gem blinks back tears. "it wasn't- I have to-" scar gives a little huff—the one he does when he's tripping over his words. "I- gem, I forgive you."
it hits her a moment later, like something melting in her chest, and the tears that had been threatening to spill over come clawing back up her throat. I forgive you.
gem is sobbing into scar's shoulder, and scar is holding her tight and he’s crying too, and she knows that if she asked why, he'd say that if she's crying then he's gonna cry too, and she's missed him so much. her chest aches with each breath, and she doesn’t care because he forgives her, and she doesn't deserve it, but scar thinks she does, and there's nothing in the world more important than that.
"you’re- you’re so important to me, gem." scar says, voice thick with tears, but gem can hear his smile—which only wants to make her cry more. "I couldn't- there was nothing that would have kept me from you. not even myself."
"I love you." gem is still crying, and she's smiling, and she's hugging scar, and there's nothing that could ruin this moment. "i’m- I could never-" she chokes on her words and dissolves into another sob, holding scar like a lifeline.
"if- if you keep crying, i’m not gonna be able to stop." scar says, hiccuping a weak laugh.
"that's- that's your fault." gem manages through sobs, half laughing. "I blame you."
scar pulls her closer, and gem melts into him, tension she didn't even know she was holding leaving her. "you're so wonderful." he says, and gem almost sobs.
"you’re not- i’m gonna keep crying if you say stuff like that." gem says, and scar is laughing, and she's a mess but she doesn’t care.
scar forgives her.
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valewritessss · 2 months
Can someone give me well written fluffy Percabeth fics I feel like I’ve read the majority of them already and I don’t want to open another tab to add on to the 107 tabs I have.
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habken · 1 year
Yo just so you guys know, cause some people are getting too familiar in my inbox, I don’t enjoy being called pet names or bestie or anything like that. It feels very patronizing and crosses a boundary. I don’t know you guys, especially if you’re anonymous, and honestly you don’t really know me either.
If you ask me a question and you call me something like that, I just won’t answer. I’m fine joking around but I’m not a fan of the weird overly familiar or intimate nicknames.
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Breakfast burgers!
(As always click for better quality)
I’d like to think that Damian is visiting after his Robin shift and they’re getting in some supersons hang out time before school
My emergency commissions are still open with everything 10% off the final price!
Version without lighting effects (+coloured lines) and zoomed in version under cut;
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only-lonely-www · 1 month
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Complementary Colors 🧡🩵
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claypigeonpottery · 5 months
I got a pretty new filing system for my many many many sketches!
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look how prettyyyy
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astralzeraphias · 1 year
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he has a minigun now
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Damn those pilots can sure twenty one!
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imobsessed123 · 2 months
Woah Keefe is so emotionally manipulative. Not like he got raised in a horrible household where being emotionally abused was the norm. Not like half of his ‘insulting’ things were just bad attempts to make people laugh because in his mind that’s one of the only things he’s good at. Not like he probably cries thinking about all the times he hurt people without even meaning to. Not like he says things that come across as manipulative without him meaning it to because again, saying things like that are normal to him. Not like he would do anything for his friends. Not like most of his decisions, in his mind at least, were to benefit everyone else. Not like he would probably rather die than be like his father. Of course not, that’s ridiculous!
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kiwisandpearls · 6 months
it’s kinda concerning that whenever someone has been outed as being a horrible person I have to play the game of “have they actually done horrible stuff or did they just make/like some weird fanfiction?”
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rivercule · 3 months
There’s really nothing in the world so romantic as divorce
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princessnoctis · 10 months
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hi guys long time no art post! ffxv 7th anniversary is today so i thought it would be fun to post a collection of my fave fanarts i’ve done for it :] very special game very dear to my heart!
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