#please dont take this overly seriously
lunarsanctuary · 1 year
please stop woobifying metadede please peetty please oh please
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kings-highway · 4 months
pre-relationship bullshit haikyuu teams probably had to put up with before various ships managed to get their shit together
daisuga probably was really annoying with like small/petty jealousy, like a girl would hit on one of them and the other would be standing behind their back making faces about it and mocking it and everyone else on the team just has to put up with it. and then theyre all overly sweet to each other to make up for the petty jealousy or some odd version of "winning them back" after the flirting event and the team is rolling their eyes *so hard*
i think asanoya is so annoying bc nobody can convince Asahi that Noya likes him. Like full stop. Eventually someone pulls him aside and is point blank like "Noya said he has a crush on you ask him out" and Asahi is just like: "Haha he was probably joking" and just leaves the scene. Like the absolute refusal to believe it from Asahi combined with Noya's classic teen boy inability to be sincere means that even after theyve both been told they somehow still havent gotten together??? how long is this going to take???
tsukkiyama probably ruins everyone's week the week before they get together bc one of them *saw* a confession letter stuck into the other's bag and absolutely went (emotionally) off the rails for the days leading up to them discovering it was for them.
I am fully of the camp that iwaoi start dating before they label it/make it official so the whole team is screaming like "PLEASE HAVE A CONVERSATION ABOUT IT" meanwhile Oikawa is saying "we just went on a few dates and kissed a few times it doesnt mean anything" and Iwa is in the background shouting "yeah I dont wanna be anyone's boyfriend that's lame" and then they wander off to go eat dinner together holding hands and the team is left in frustration because ALL they talk about is how theyre *not* in a relationship.
for bokuaka its mostly just Bokuto pestering every goddamn person he knows for like 4 months asking "do you think Akaashi likes me?" or "do you think he'd say yes if I asked him out?" and then one day making Konoha *snap* when he says "I need to tell you a secret" and the secret is that he has a crush on Akaashi as if nobody had known that
with ushiten I imagine Tendou was probably really obvious with his crush/interest but in like a very casual "not taking myself too seriously" kind of way so he's comfortable openly flirting, and Ushijima, against everyone's expectations, doesnt seem to mind the attention but is still who he is, so the whole team just has to put up with the most INSANE interactions. Like Tendou walks into the locker room and cat calls him and Ushijima just replies with a formal "thank you" and Semi is contemplating slamming his head in a locker. There's like 12 months of this.
okay okay but I think arankita is *very classic* in that Aran compensates for his crush by over-supporting Kita. so like the whole team gets super annoyed bc Aran wont risk disagreeing with him, is always offering to do extra work, is generally just sucking-up really badly and the twins suffer the most for this bc Aran used to just ignore their antics but now he's super annoyingly on them all the time to try and impress Kita
kuroken is a little different. Yaku asks Kuroo every single day if he's asked Kenma out yet. Lev asks Kenma if he has a crush on Kuroo every chance he gets. Fukunaga gives them a wink when they leave practice to walk home together. This is the only pairing in which the team is the irritant pre-relationship and then post-relationship everyone loses interest and moves on.
I'd include kagehina but once again the entire goddamn show is everyone putting up with them flirting so whats the point.
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rubytuby · 2 months
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patrick zweig x fem!reader 
word count: 3.3k (LOL)
warnings: established relationship with patrick because i'm lazy, art is your best friend, mentions of getting drunk but it's college so like to be expected… also allusions to sex haha but um i just love to write a cutesy plot.
note: i am normal about patrick zweig, i feel so normal about him #needthat. jokes, but i am in love with him its so bad, i wish he was real. also please don't be offended by my tashi erasure, still love her, but she didn't exactly fit in here. obv this is not canon bc you're dating patrick in stanford era instead of tashi, anyways, hope you enjoy <3.
The sun hung low, casting long shadows over the tennis courts as you and Art wrapped up your practice session. Both of you were drenched in sweat, Art slung his tennis bag over his shoulder and jogged over, his face lighting up with a mischievous grin.
“So uh, want to walk back to the dorms together?” he asked, sounding overly eager.
You squinted at him, wiping your forehead with the back of your hand. “Sure, but I need to shower first. You know, make it seem like I haven’t been pushed to my physical limits,” you said, gesturing to your sweaty attire.
Art laughed. “You have a single, why don't you just wait until you get back to your dorm?”
You groaned, shoving your racket into your bag. “That's the problem. The maintenance guy showed up at 7:30 this morning to tell us they’re shutting off the water from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. only on my floor for some urgent plumbing issue.”
“Damn, that sucks. Are they even allowed to do that without giving anyone notice?”
“That's what I asked, but apparently, giving us 30 minutes notice is considered adequate. So, technically, they can,” you replied, rolling your eyes in exasperation. “I’ll be quick, though. Just need to rinse off. If you don’t wanna wait for me to chill, you can walk back to the dorms. I won’t be offended.”
Art shook his head. “I’ve got time, I’ll wait. I’ve gotta call someone anyways,” he said plopping down the bench and pulling out his phone.
“Alright weirdo, if you’re sure,” you said, dropping your tote bag next to him. “I’ll be super quick.” With that, you darted off to the girls' locker room.
As soon as you disappeared, Art pulled out his phone and dialed Patrick’s number. The phone barely rang before Patrick answered, his voice tense with impatience.
“Are you guys on the fucking way yet or am I going to have to wait longer?”
“Hello, sunshine!” Art greeted cheerily. “Your beloved is taking a quick shower. We’ll be there in about 25 to 30 minutes.”
Patrick groaned loudly. “Why didn’t you just tell her to shower in her dorm? I’ll lick the sweat off her if it means not waiting any longer.”
Art grimaced at his best friend’s comment. “The water’s out on her floor. She said she’s literally only rinsing off and changing. Just be patient. I’ll text you when to leave so we can time it perfectly.” A sigh rang out on the other line.
“If this plan doesn’t work and I’ve been hiding from my girlfriend for a couple hours for no reason, I’m going to seriously hurt you,” Patrick grumbled, staring out Art’s dorm window.
“Well she definitely thinks you're in New York visiting your parents,” Art paused, “I just had to talk her down from buying a plane ticket, so I think we’re good.”
“I told her I just got into the city a couple hours ago when I actually got to SFO. She was so upset yesterday when I said it’d be five days until we saw each other. She called me a fucking asshole, so I dont know what to do anymore.” Patrick said as he flopped onto Arts bed.
Art scribbled on his worksheet, humming in response. “Well, at least you know that she definitely misses you.”
“Yeah, but I’m not sure if she misses me or just wants to slap me in the face,” Patrick replied, exasperated.
Just then, Art saw you coming out of the locker room, chatting with one of your friends on the team. “Hopefully not the latter. Anyway she’s out. See you at 15. Don’t be late,” Art said flatly before hanging up, knowing Patrick and his unfortunate untimeliness. 
Art smiled up at you as you approached. “Who was that?” you asked, eyebrows raised.
“Our shared lover,” Art replied with a laugh, haphazardly shoving his worksheet and phone into his bag as he stood up.
“Aww, any exciting updates from Pat? He still stuck with his parents for another five days?” you teased, sticking your tongue out playfully.
“He just got to the city. He mentioned playing on the East River courts and paying someone to hold a spot for him,” Art lied smoothly.
“Sounds about right,” you said, sighing. “Anyway, I was talking to Nathalie over there…” you squinted, linking arms with Art as the two of you started the walk back to your dorm. “She mentioned a frat party happening tonight. Since Patrick’s trapped in New York, I figured why not go?”
“There’s going to be a keg stand, a ton of alcohol, and some shitty DJ or something,” you added, glancing at a group of students touring the campus before turning back to Art.
Art nodded, slightly wincing at the mention of the keg stand. “Wow, sounds like a lot of fun,” he replied sarcastically, earning a nod of agreement from you.
“I was planning on skipping it, but Nathalie really wants me to go. I thought if you came with me, it might actually be fun. Better than wallowing in my room wishing Patrick was here,” you admitted, biting your lip.
"Well, we had fun at that party last Friday, you remember right?" Art asked, smirking.
"Remember is a strong word," you replied, shaking your head with a laugh. "I think I have bits and pieces from that night. I do remember waking up still drunk at noon with my t-shirt on backwards and you snoring next to me in bed. Also like 5 missed calls from Patrick."
Art flashed you a lopsided grin. "Well, your bed's comfy, but I thought I was going to roll off in the middle of the night."
"Well, I stayed in my corner, I was flush against the wall as you were all sprawled out making yourself at home on my bed," you teased, nudging him playfully.
As you approached your dorm building, you noticed Art’s phone buzz. He glanced at it quickly, fumbling to put it away as a smile grew on his face. “What’s with the grin, weirdo?” you asked, narrowing your eyes suspiciously.
“Oh, nothing. Just a funny text,” Art replied too quickly, stuffing his phone back into his pocket.
You rolled your eyes. “You’re terrible at lying, you know that?”
“Who, me? Who said I’m lying, I’m the picture of innocence,” Art said defensively.
You shook your head. “Sure you are. Anyway, I think I’m gonna drop my stuff on the floor, crawl into bed, and maybe take a nap. Maybe we can think about that party, I can call you at 11 so we can pregame.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Art said with a nod. “I’ll walk you to your door.”
You smiled gratefully as the two of you ascended the stairs to your floor. Art talked animatedly about his plans for the weekend while you half-listened, preoccupied with thoughts of collapsing onto your bed and taking a deserved long nap.
"Yeah anyways, I'm thinking of catching up on some studying, this english class is kicking my ass," Art continued, unaware of your drifting attention. "Maybe I’ll go on a run later though. You could join me if you wanted, if you’re up."
"Maybe," you replied absentmindedly, reaching a hand into your tote bag sifting for your keys.
As you reached your door, frustrated with your bag, you dropped your tennis bag and lifted your whole tote up, practically sticking your face in it to find your keys. "I hate these fucking tote bags, I can’t find shit," you grumbled to Art, feeling a tap on your shoulder.
Startled, you turned around with a scowl— until you saw Patrick standing there, a mischievous grin on his face. "Patrick! What the fuck? What are you doing here-” you exclaimed, letting your tote bag fall to the floor and throwing your arms around him in a tight hug.
Patrick laughed, hugging you back just as tightly. "Surprise" he exclaimed, holding you close, smiling at Art over your shoulder.
You pulled back slightly, giving him an incredulous look. "You asshole! Trapped in New York with my parents, my ass!" you shook your head, playfully hitting him on the chest.
Patrick held his chest dramatically and leaned in, kissing your cheek lightly. "All part of the plan," he murmured. “Plus, I had a little help," he added, nodding towards Art, who was standing nearby with a smug expression.
You turned in Patrick's arms to face Art, scoffing in shock. "Art, you were in on this? You’re such a liar," you exclaimed.
Art shrugged. "Hey, I was just hosting him at my dorm while we were at practice. Technically, I didn’t lie—I just omitted a few details," he explained, grinning.
"How could you do this to me? Traitor!" you said dramatically, though a smile tugged at the corner of your lips.
Patrick wrapped his arms tighter around your waist, pulling you closer against him and resting his head on your shoulder. "Come on. You know it was worth it," he said, his tone teasing.
You sighed playfully, shaking your head at the pair of them. "I guess I can forgive you both this time," you conceded.
Patrick’s hand gently brushed through your hair as he settled his head into the curve of your neck. “You know I can’t stand it when you’re mad at me,” he said softly.
As you lingered in Patrick's embrace, you paused. "Wait, where's all your stuff?" you asked, pulling back slightly and turning to look up at him.
Patrick grinned, nodding towards your door. "In your dorm," he replied casually.
“Wow, Breaking and entering," you quipped, crossing your arms squinting at Art.
Art interjected with a laugh, "Actually, perfectly legal entering. You're the one who gave me a spare key."
You shook your head, "That's for emergencies, Art," you retorted, shooting him a mock glare.
Patrick turned you around to face him, his hands resting gently on your shoulders. "Come on, admit it, you're impressed," he teased.
You sighed, "I'm shocked you guys were able to pull this off, honestly," you admitted, shaking your head with amusement. Patrick laughed softly, rubbing your back soothingly.
Reluctantly pulling away from Patrick's arms, you grabbed your tote bag from the floor, turning to face Art and Patrick. "As much as this hallway talk is very exciting, I seriously need to find my keys. I'm exhausted," you declared half-joking.
After a brief search through your bag, you finally located your keys nestled among your belongings. Patrick picked up your tennis bag with a playful grin, indicating his readiness to follow you inside.
"Alright, Art, thank you," Patrick called out over his shoulder as you unlocked the door.
Art waved casually. "Have fun, be safe you two. I'll see you later," he replied as he walked down the hallway.
As the two of you entered your dorm room, you barely had enough time to place your bags on the floor before Patrick closed the gap between you and him and crashed his lips onto yours. His hands pulled you against him as he pressed your back against the door, placing his hands on either side of you almost boxing you in. His kisses were sloppy, teeth colliding as his lips moved against yours, hands desperately roaming your body, as if he couldn't get close enough to you.
You responded eagerly, melting into his embrace, your own hands finding their way into his hair, tugging him closer. His lips moved hungrily against yours, his tongue tracing your lower lip, hands roaming over your back, then up to cradle your face, pushing strands of hair away as he deepened the kiss.
"Patrick," you managed to gasp between kisses, your chest rising and falling with each breath. "I... I need to put my stuff away," you painted, reluctantly pulling back
Patrick leaned back, a mischievous smirk on his face, moving over to lean against your desk. "Sure," he murmured, his gaze lingering on you as you took out some things from your bag. "So, how was practice?" he asked, his voice low, as he looked you up and down.
You scoffed, a hint of satisfaction playing on your lips as you organized. "Heinous. I keep getting paired with this girl on the team who can't return any of my serves," you replied exasperatedly, glancing over at him.
Patrick raised an eyebrow, "maybe you should just go easy on her."
You shook your head, clicking your tongue in frustration. "I've tried to go easy on her, but she can't even play me when I do that. She acts like it's my fault she can't play for shit," you paused to sigh.
Patrick grinned, tracing a hand up and down your arm. "We both know you're too good for stanford women's tennis," he murmured, moving from the desk to stand behind you, his hands coming to rest on your hips and giving them a quick squeeze.
You whipped your head around, rolling your eyes and scoffing at his comment. "Careful," you say firmly.
Patrick put his hands up in mock surrender, his cocky grin never faltering. "Alright, alright. Sorry, my bad," he said. "You're right."
As an unspoken apology, Patrick moved closer, his hands gently moving up to your waist as he leaned in to kiss your neck softly. His lips left a warm trail on your skin, "I missed you," he murmured between kisses, his breath hot against your ear. “So much.”
You tilted your head slightly, allowing him better access, closing your eyes briefly to savor the sensation. "I missed you too," you hummed, your voice softening as you turned to face him fully. Your hands came to rest on his chest. "You know, I wish you would’ve just told me you were coming," you teased, carding your fingers through his hair.
Patrick's playful demeanor softened as he gazed into your eyes, his fingers brushing against your cheek as he pushed a stray lock of hair behind your ear. "Sorry again," he murmured sincerely, his breath mingling with yours. "Do you still love me?" he asked, clearly teasing and testing you.
You couldn't help but smile, your fingers threading through the strands of his hair at the nape of his neck. "I still love you, even with your elaborate lies," you replied, planting a sweet kiss on his lips. "But I have to say I knew something was up. Art was being weirder than normal."
Patrick hummed, his hands gently caressing your sides as he leaned in for another kiss.
"Hey? Are you even listening to me?" you asked, blinking up at him, a playful smirk tugging at your lips.
Patrick paused, his forehead resting against yours as he looked into your eyes. "Sorry, what did you say? I was a little distracted," he said, smiling.
You laughed softly, giving him a light shove. “I said Art was acting weirder than normal. I could tell he was hiding something.”
He shook his head and grinned, suddenly, he scooped you up over his shoulder, eliciting a surprised laugh from you as he carried you to the bed. Playfully flopping you down, his hands on either side of your head as he leaned in to kiss you again, his lips warm and insistent.
"So, what's our plan for tonight?" he asked between kisses, his fingers tracing light patterns on your sides.
You sighed softly, your words catching in your throat as his kisses became more fervent. "Well, there's this party my friend invited me to," you managed to say, struggling to speak coherently. "But last time I went out with Art, it was a shit show," you paused, trying to focus as his lips trailed down your collarbone, "but you're here, so we can do… whatever you want," you finally managed to say, your voice breathless with desire.
"Can we?" Patrick teased, his tone dripping with innuendo, his kisses becoming more urgent and needy.
You sighed deeply, rolling your eyes. "You know, you're impossible," you muttered, shaking your head. "But yes, we can."
Patrick grinned triumphantly, his hands roaming over your body as he leaned in to kiss you again, his hunger for you evident in every touch and movement. "Good," he murmured against your lips. "I think I just want you to be myself tonight."
"Freaky," you quipped, biting your tongue to hide a laugh.
With a self-assured grin, Patrick swiftly removed his T-shirt, revealing his lean and tan body. His gaze never left yours as he leaned back in, his lips finding yours with intensity. Your fingers traced lightly over his chest as you meshed together, and through kisses, you opened your eyes for a moment, gaze fixed on the freckles dotting his nose and cheeks.
"You've got more freckles," you observed with a playful smile, pulling back slightly, teasingly tracing each tiny mark with your fingertip.
Patrick grinned warmly, his eyes crinkling as he removed his lips from yours pulling you into a tight hug. "You're so cute," he murmured, squeezing you against him. His hands gently moved up to cup your face, his thumbs brushing against your cheeks as he pulled you closer, lips looking for another kiss with a soft sigh of contentment slipping out. His gaze, filled with adoration and longing, locked onto yours, silently expressing his deep affection.
"Fuck, you're so pretty," he whispered, his voice low and filled with awe. You locked eyes with him, your own expression softening as you smiled, your fingers tracing the curve of his jaw.
Without breaking eye contact, Patrick's hands moved to the hem of your T-shirt, his touch almost insistent. He lifted the fabric, exposing your skin to the cool air and his heated gaze, with the T-shirt slipped over your head and thrown to the floor, forgotten. His gaze traveled downward, taking in the sight of you, bare-chested in front of him, a cheeky grin began to spread across his face. 
You rolled your eyes, whacking his arm. "Are you 13?" you teased.
Patrick laughed, unfazed as his hands and mouth roamed your newly exposed skin, his lips moving back to your collarbone, placing soft kisses along its length. Your remaining clothes were shed in a flurry, falling to the floor as you both moved with urgency desperately reconnecting.
Finally, as your kisses slowed and the two of you were breathing somewhat heavily, you rolled onto him, resting your head on his chest. His arms wrapped around you instinctively, pulling you close, with the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath your ear.
"I love you," Patrick murmured softly, placing a lovingly sweet kiss onto your forehead.
You met his gaze with a soft smile. "Is that just because we had incredible reunion sex?" you teased lightly, a playful challenge in your voice. "Or do you love me all the time?"
Patrick laughed, his fingers moving up and down on your back. "Only for the sex, it's usually worth the plane ticket," he teased back, with a smile. "Just kidding. I love you all the time," he replied earnestly, as a grin started forming on his face.
Leaning up from his chest, you pressed a sloppy kiss against his mouth, your hands tangling into his hair as you felt the corners of his lips curve into a smile against yours. "I knew it," you murmured against his lips, a hint of amusement in your voice.
"Say it back," Patrick urged with a playful grin, attempting to deepen the kiss, but you playfully pulled away before he could capture your lips again.
Rolling your eyes theatrically, you feigned annoyance, though your smile betrayed your true feelings. "Fine," you replied, leaning in to kiss him once more. "I love you too, freak."
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i cant focus because i cant keep you out of my head.
5 times james potter got distracted because of you.
warnings: overly dramatic james || 3.3k words || james potter x you || fluff fluff fluff, getting together, friends to lovers
a/n: this is the first work i’ve posted on this fandom, i have alot planned!! so please dont be shy and drop some messages! i also feel like i have to clarify, any dialogues that’s italicized means james isn’t listening
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i. missing his games
“and another bludger hits potter on the shoulder! it is not his night folks! will this be an opportunity for hufflepuffs to get ahead?” the speaker hisses, loudly echoing throughout the field. along with the empathetic oohs of the crowd.
james groans rubbing his shoulder quickly, for what seemed like the nth time tonight, before going into the scoring formation as practiced.
usually, he wouldn’t even hear the commentator during the game, he would be too into the game to notice any other noise other than his own breathing . but tonight’s game is different.
tonight, you weren’t there watching him.
he knows this for a fact, as he had been continuously looking in the stands. his focus foregoing the incoming buldgers, instead hoping to catch a glimpse of your messy hair and the abundant layer of clothes, you always wear to combat the cold in the stands. his eyes would quickly scan through the students, in hopes to spot you cheering and grinning as you have always had.
he had circled the area you usual vacant four times now, and still no sign of you anywhere.
he could hear geoffrey shouting at him to focus, zooming past him with the quaffle at hand. he could practically hear the hissing complaints and grumbles of minnie in the stands but when he fails to see you, he’s not inclined to care at all.
“james! what in the bloody hell are you doing?!” he could hear marlene shriek in frustration as he skidded to a stop, and pondered your whereabouts.
where were you?
you had always watched his games. always. even when you two were fighting or not talking to each other, you would always be there cheering him on.
he was sure you weren’t in detention, professors were usually more lenient during quidditch season. not to mention you don’t really get into much mischief as he, himself does.
“mckinnon scores even with a distracted captain!”
merlin, were you sick? is that why you were a no-show? he had heard you sniffling the other day, but you said you were fine. james knew that you rarely ever get sick, but when you do—it was the worst it could ever be.
knowing you, you had probably reassured your friends that you were fine and to leave you be. you never did know how to take care of yourself. so, james being the self-appointed best friend takes this responsibility of nursing you back to health very seriously.
he was about to go fly over your dormitory window and help you but then a heavy speeding bludger came speeding into his way. he had barely dodged the thing and suddenly all the noises of the game came rushing back into his ears.
right, he thinks. he should probably finish this first and then go see you straight after.
ii. passing notes with a person that isn’t him
james was having a particularly pissy day.
when he had the epiphany on why you had missed his game. james had rushed points after points, in hopes to end the game as quickly as possible. the game ending with gryffindor as the winner, by 120 points.
never mind celebrating, he hadn’t even thought of the fact he had broken an all-time scoring record in a single game and came rushing to your dorms. thoughts of you lying sick in bed, swimming in his mind.
but you weren’t lying sick in bed.
in fact, you weren’t in the dorms at all. or the common room. or the library. or the hospital wing. or even in the entire bloody castle (he checked). not only were you not in breakfast, the morning after the game you didn’t watch. now, he has the pleasure of seeing you blush and fuss, passing notes with a bloke from ravenclaw during potions.
“now this is detrimental to the potion, some have lost fingers when they neglected this step so pay attention—“
when did you even meet this guy? you were always hanging out with james. so it’s rare for him to see you with somebody he hasn’t met before.
especially, someone this ugly.
“who’s the arse talking to y/n.” james whispered harshly to sirius.
sirius, who for once, was listening in class had to stop and look at james with a confused look, from the sudden conversation.
james gave no clarification, his eyes still glaring heavily at the offending sight.
ah, sirius thought. an almost laugh leaving his mouth. “that’s charlie wilson, i reckon.” sirius whispered back. fighting the strong urge to grin as he added, “birds quite fancy him, i heard. something about how dreamy the lad is or something.” twirling his quill. already satisfied with the impending chaos he had stirred.
meanwhile james could hardly sit still, seconds away from erupting. he scoffs when he sees you blush.
pale hair, pale eyes and an even paler skin. he looked like a white bedsheet, is what he is! nothing dreamy about a bedsheet! james certainly hadn’t thought his bedsheets dreamy. surely you hadn’t either!
“failure to follow these steps strictly can be harmful.” slughorn droned on.
but it was nothing but a buzzing noise to james, as he feels the sudden urge to grab the silly paper full of your beautiful handwriting and his chicken scrawls and rip it to shreds.
iii. going to hogsmeade without him
james was forced into the trip to hogsmeade by remus. claiming some rubbish about how james has become a shell of a man, or how he dampens the mood. and some borderline blasphemous statement about how snivellus seems to be better company than him lately.
so to prove all the nay-sayers wrong, here he was trudging along the stoned pathway. looking gloomy as ever, as his friends drag him from store to store.
nothing seemed to be cheering him up, remus had thought. but james have always had the flare for the dramatics, so remus wasn’t too worried. instead continued on like his friend isn’t unraveling like the threads in an old sweatshirt.
“why am i even here?” james had groaned, eliciting an amused smirk from sirius and a wry smile from remus.
he was on the verge of insanity, really he was. when he sees it in his peripheral. the unquestionably familiar layers of clothing and your giddy smile as you went into a bookstore with the same gremlin from class.
stopping abruptly, garnering the attention of his friends and walked briskly to the store. offering no sort of explanation, but his mates followed anyway. having seen you enter too. busybodies as they are, they’re curious how this will play out.
“it’s the same lad,” hummed sirius, peeking through the door.
remus raised a brow, interest piqued. “same lad? what’d you mean?”
“wilson was having a quick bants with our dear y/n the other day.”
“really now,”
sirius wolfishly grinned, “you reckon y/n fancies him?”
james scoffed, sounding very closely to a growl. “as if.”
“now, james, no need to be narky.” remus teased.
all three hiding two shelves away from you. james couldn’t hear you but he could see you through the crack of the books, if he crouched down. he saw your mouth moving and smiling. a view, he realized he hadn’t seen in a while.
“now that i think about, y/n hasn’t been around lately, has she?” remus had voiced, his tone feigning an air of innocence and ignorance.
sirius, then followed suit, rubbing his chin looking forlorn. “now that you mention it moony, that sounds about right.”
“prongs,” they called out, hoping to see james puff out, red in the face and stomp away like a petulant child. but instead their teasing was met with silence.
he couldn’t believe this! you haven’t spoken a word to him all week and here you were cozying up to a practical stranger! yous had the audacity to even laugh at whatever pathetic excuse of a joke he just said to you. albeit, he hadn’t heard the joke but he sure it was trash either way.
“think we lost him padfoot.” remus snickered at the glowering and helpless look james had etched on his face.
the two of you walking to the counter, holding piles of parchments and paints and laughing and blushing and standing way too close to each other.
really, have you no shame?
iv. biting your lips
james had a mission. to finally talk to you after two weeks of radio silence. to corner you, no matter what, and demand explanation for your recent rendezvous and the lack of his presence with said rendezvous.
but you were making it hard for him to find you, let alone talk to you. he can’t seem to find you in the map anywhere either. lately not finding you and not talking has becoming an unwelcome norm for him.
classes you two shared was almost non-existent since all of the classes you attended were all advanced classes.
he had hoped that during potions would be the time to talk to you but before he could even say hello to you, chalk had taken your attention and quickly pulled him down to sit with you during class.
you always seemed to be whispering about something whenever he sees you two. heads close to one another and soft laughter always leaving your lips. it’s like you didn’t even notice you haven’t talked to him for weeks now.
“oh there you are james! i wanted to discuss some strategy for the finals against slytherins.” john bell going into spiel of his tactics for the game.
did he do something that put you off? i mean, yeah, you two were only friends but he was hoping that he was starting to be more than that to you. at least, the same way that you became more for him too.
or was it just him?
“i heard evermonde complaining during breakfast that regulus black had to sit out of the game because he’s sick. so they replaced their seeker with a total novice!” bell excitedly recounted the information, unaware that their captain couldn’t be bother to listen at all.
if you didn’t want anything to do with him anymore, then you should’ve said so in the first place. instead of making him look like a fool!
and like some sort of miracle there you were at the end of the hall, alone.
breathing in deep and gathering all the courage of gryffindors and marched over to you with purpose and bouts of confidence blazing in his eyes.
“james, mate!” bell called over to james, his voice like water off of a dolphin’s back.
he was a bout to tell you off, maybe along the lines of how could you? or why did you miss my games? you always watch my games. or am i even your friend anymore? do like hanging with that cauliflower more than me? does he even play quidditch? can he even turn into a stag? is he even that funny. i bet i’m funnier.
“y/n!” he beckoned, jogging over to you in a hurry. you turned, books held tightly to your chest.
once he was in front of you, breathing in deep. staring into your eyes and seeing your soft pillowy cheeks and soft smiles.
“how are you?” you breathed, shifting from one foot to the other.
he inhaled, how are you? after weeks of nothing—! he was about to tell you off real good but he forgot a crucial thing.
the slight tension and silence makes you nervous, so rather blabbing about nonsense to fill the silence, you opt to bite your lips and cheeks instead.
suddenly all thoughts seem to fly away from james. your nervous habit becoming more important to him rather than letting you how he feels. it seemed more interesting to him than anything he had ever seen before.
which was crazy, because this wasn’t the first time you did this! or is it because you haven’t been around lately that made his immunity to your distracting quirk lessened?
eventually the silence became way too unbearable, not to mention the staring from james getting too intense. you just had to get out of this really weird and quiet interaction.
“well, james, i have to go now.” you gave a polite and shaky smile, “see you ‘round.”
v. when you watch his games.
today was the last game of the season. everyone on the team was buzzing with nerves and excitement. john bell had made it his mission to let everyone know of what he learned about slytherin yesterday.
“ambrose greengrass is going to play seeker for the time being.”
sirius snorted out a laugh, “greengrass can barely get on his broom!”
“well talkalot was desperate for replacement so soon before the game.”
dawson rolled her eyes and smirked, “well, whoever they send out we’re still going to beat the crap of them!”
the team cheered in agreement.
sirius noticed the lack of quips from james, like he usually does before each games. he sighed, already knowing the root of it. if his mate’s wanly expression had anything to say about it.
going up to his broom at hand and grabbing james’ shoulder, shaking him rather roughly. as if to physically wake him up out of stupor.
“mate, this is your first finals as captain, what the hell are you doing moping like some grandma?”
james looked up and saw the entire team looking at him. breathing in deep. “you’re right, pads.” grabbing his broom and bellowing in his loudest voice, “let’s win this!”
as much as it pains james, he had to forgot about you for a moment and focus on the game. his teammates are counting on him. chanting in his mind that it wouldn’t matter if you were out there or not.
although a very tiny voice, had called out this lie.
it had already been 30 minutes in the game when you had finally arrived. a fragile thing held gently in your hands.
“john bell knocked out euane evermonde with a bludger!” you can hear the announcer scream, a disbelieving laughter echoing. “30 minutes into the game, it’s a blood bath out here folks!”
the crowds surrounding you in the stand were going wild with screams. the players zooming back and forth as they exchanged the quaffle. you looked up and saw james in the air, the wind tousling his already messy hair into knots. he was shouting orders to his team. eyes busy chasing players, all the while dodging bludgers too.
when he flew close enough to your area in the stands, you can see him subtly check out the crowd. your face warming against the cold at the thought of what you are about to do. his eyes quickly meeting yours and then physically stopping his slow glide in the air. as if he couldn’t believe you were there.
biting your cheek and slowly raising the large parchment, the written words charmed to glow and change every few seconds the words: i like you james potter! and go and win this!!! showing up interchangeably.
you watch him look at you dumbfounded until a dazzling grin erupted on his face once he read the words.
you see him spread his arms, and point at himself abashed, as if saying, me? you like me?
and you nodding exaggeratedly.
feeling the flurry of butterflies in your stomach watching him whoop and laugh twisting and looping on his broom. as if re-energized. you laugh too, his mirth too infectious. the others in the stand with you looks at the parchment in wonder and cheer along with you.
you can hear geoffrey shout profanities at james seeing him steady in the air not moving away form your sight, “not this again potter!”
it had taken you two weeks to finish this little project, the idea coming from a muggleborn friend that said they used to do posters when they watch games like these. that’s when you decided to do the same for james.
at first it was only supposed to be a simple parchment with words to cheer james on, for his first game as captain, against the hufflepuffs. but you decided to make it even more special and unforgettable.
granted, you weren’t all that creative in terms of crafts, so you enlisted a ravenclaw to help you put it all together. as much as you didn’t want to, you had to forgo watching the game so you can have some moment alone to get the poster started.
you were confident enough to know that the gryffindors will win and go straight to the finals. with hundreds of students coming to watch the game, you knew james wouldn’t notice your absence.
so the entire week you had committed your time into creating your first poster. trying desperately to hide your activities from james to surprise him. and when you had ran out of materials, you had gone to hogsmeade with charlie to guide you on what you should buy.
you knew james had caught on your weird behaviours. you were sure simple words from him and little pleas would get you to spill the beans but thankfully he had been distracted enough by something else that opened a way for you to leave.
now, here you were clutching the paper like a lifeline, the words you had written with so much care glowing through the fog. you had even drawn james on his broomstick along with his wild hair and glasses askew on his face. although charlie had helped draw it much nicer and life-like. each line moving and dancing across the paper to capture his attention.
with a new sense of motivation, james started to play the game the best he had ever played. zooming right above your area in the stand with a quaffle in his hand and a wink your way, he easily maneuvers over the other players and score.
with the slytherin keeper gone he had easily gathered up score after score.
and each time he did, he would stop a couple of feet in front of you and do a victory dance of some sort, eliciting a giggle and wide giddy smiles from you.
the crowd going crazier and crazier as james seemed like an unstoppable force in the field. eventually the brutal game ended with gryffindor as the winner by 530 points. breaking an all-time record.
gryffindors with some ravenclaws and hufflepuffs scatter to the field to celebrate the win. grabbing unto james, patting him on the shoulder, messing up his hair even more and cheering his name.
even with everyone around him, he managed to lock eyes with you again. quickly pushing other off him and running to you, a smile etched on his face.
you barely had anytime to prepare yourself as a sweaty, large, giddy man hurdled towards you. but james ever so gentle with you, grabbed your waist and lifted you up from the ground, twirling you around, looking at you with absolute glee. you can hear wolf whistles from the others but james barely acknowledges them.
he sets you down, hands still firmly on your side. the parchment now folded haphazardly, clutching it to your chest. wrinkling his nose in a low chuckle before looking down at the paper. “is this why you’ve yet to speak a word with me?”
you breathed, suddenly embarrassed. “i’ve been perfecting this for two weeks.” looking down on the paper leaning into him just a tad bit more, “i ran into some trouble with making the text stay on the parchment rather than fly away.” you muttered, cheeks aflame.
looking up at him through your lashes, having half a nerve to look bashful. “did you like it?”
“like it?” he scoffed, “i bloody loved it,” he grinned, forehead now leaning into yours.
you grin up at him, unaware of the still swirling questions he had for you. but for now holding each other like this, is enough answer for him.
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getlucifertherapy · 2 months
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Hello sinner, welcome to the greatest Tumblr blog in history.
If you’re wondering how this happened, I lost a bet to Lumen, now I have to put up with everyone’s “lovely” comments…
Yeah… let’s get down to the basics. Lucifer’s taking questions now. I’m Lumen, I just keep Lucifer from crashing and burning the blog.
Don’t be seriously rude or hurtful.
Dont be overly thirsty for him, please. It’ll make me uncomfortable, which leads to Lucifer being uncomfortable.
Be you.
@theelectrichighlighter (The mothership, aka my main acc)
@thanksalotangel (Ask Angel Dust blog)
You will see updates to all this as we move forward, but we look forward to seeing your asks!
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moodr1ng · 3 months
please dont take this one overly seriously pleaseee its a hypothetical question originally abt a fictional character, not an absolutely serious thought experiment on morality ok
thanks @nympthanthe for accidentally raising this question lol
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lxmitlxss · 2 months
as of 08/11/24
i. Please DO
crossovers, aus
most anything goes ( within reason )
ask to ship! ( see III. )
send asks! ( BE SPECIFIC, non-claimed/non-directed anons will be answered OOC or by Gojo or Break )
One-liners, Para, Multi-para and Novella
Please DONT
Godmod - ie. control my characters
Powerplay - ie. make a character all-knowing/powerful who isnt already
Metagaming - ie. put your ooc knowledge in your character ic if they genuinely dont know
Please be aware that I am dyslexic and a slow reader…
You should not be trying to control my characters, insta-kill them, or otherwise direct how I write my character. Constructive criticism is very much appreciated, but PLEASE, if you only have negative things to say to me, don’t say them at all. Any anonymous hate to me will be ignored and deleted.
I am willing to roleplay violent and other similar themes because of the genre of the original content. However, I’d like to officially say that I will NOT roleplay any NSFW themes such as smut or overly sexual roleplays with anyone under 18 years of age. Both my muse and I are 21+. I am also selective as to whom I rp sexual themes with – though chances are, if we have a ship, you’re automatically on my OK-list.
iii. Please DO ( ship edition )
het, slash, femslash, polyship, crackship, rarepair, BrOTP, Queerplatonic, etc
OC x Canon, Self Insert x Canon ( but no godmodding my portrayals! )
communicate first about a potential ship
bring your headcanons to the table and communicate them
communicate ( /silly )
jokingly ask to ship ( i will take it seriously /silly )
ship with chemistry
Please DONT
no weird age gaps ( adult mortal x immortal is fine )
canon abuser x victim
no sexual ships for kid/teen muses
follow-up: no preteen ships… crushes are fine!
no age-ups JUST to hard-ship
craddle robber ships ( older muse watched younger grow up, etc )
if you want to use darker material in a roleplay, please communicate with me - though if I say no, please respect that! 
I really don’t bite, and if I do, its on accident. Do you need me to reply to a thread? Ask me to! Do you want to start a ship with me? Go ahead and ask! Do you want to do some crazy plot with all sorts of ins and outs and too many sub-plots to count? Fire away! I am a very amicable person, so please don’t be afraid to call me a friend! I am however, more often than not too afraid to talk to you first, so don’t be afraid to approach me! Seriously!
v. Please, if you have anything you want to talk to me about, I am here to listen. Criticism and plotting or whatever have you, I am fine with talking! I’m only semi-selective because my muses can be really finicky, so I’m sorry in advance! ADDENDUM - Please do not vague me if I have upset you. If I have blocked you or moved away from you in some way, and you would like to reach out, you can! I won't deny you an explanation if you ask. But please be mindful that I can and will block/soft block if I feel like I need to.
vi. CREDITS. mun's Gilbert icons and PSD SakuraCommissions Boothill and Levi Baskerville Icons by SakuraCommissions Loki Icons by tonyshoodie and helpingheroes vash icons by crimsonicons/popsicons
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malachiexists13 · 2 years
Gay Or Nay?: Ikemen Series Edition
86% voted yes, 14% voted no, so here’s the post. Reminder that these are MY impressions of the characters, and this is entirely a joke. No need to take me too seriously. If you disagree with me, that’s fine. No need to argue, just make your own post. 
Also small spoilers for my ikemen ocs series.
Ikemen Sengoku
Nobunaga Oda 
Have you SEEN his right and left hand men? He’s either an ally or bi-curious. Can’t decide. 
Masamune Date 
He flirts with Mai to hide his homosexuality /j 
Nah, I’ve seen how he admitted that he’d kiss Nobunaga. He’s gay. Bisexual if you please, but gay. 
Mitsuhide Akechi 
Is that even a question? Have you somehow not seen the way he flirts with Hideyoshi? Let’s be honest, he’s bisexual. 
Keiji Maeda 
Idk him well enough to judge that. 
Hideyoshi Toyotomi 
I know a lot of people are going to want me to say Hideyoshi is gay because of Mitsuhide... But honestly, Hideyoshi gives me the vibes of someone who says gay shit without realizing its gay. He seems more like a very supportive ally to me. 
Ieyasu Tokugawa 
Idk but I can see him as like, panromantic or something. He also screams femboy to me but we dont talk about that 
Mitsunari Ishida 
Confused ally <3 
Ranmaru Mori 
Confused ally pt.2 + closeted ace 
Yoshimoto Imagawa 
Gay (they try to push so hard that he’s pretty, and no straight man is supposed to be that pretty /j) 
Sasuke Sarutobi 
Nerdy gay 
Kanetsugu Naoe 
Either indifferent so like, some kind of mspec or somewhere on the ace spectrum, maybe both, not too sure 
Yukimura Sanada 
Awkward gay (secretly dating nerdy gay) 
Kenshin Uesugi 
That one token straight guy who no one is completely sure that he’s straight or not. 
Shingen Takeda 
In my brain, major flirt = major bisexual so- 
I’ve seen other people write him as like, indifferent or pansexual so I’m leaning towards that 
Wdym? He’s homophobic- (THIS IS A JOKE. NO HATE TOWARDS KENNYO) 
Motonari Mouri 
Kinda gives me either disaster bisexual or ace/aro vibes. 
Ikemen Revolution
Lancelot Kingsley 
Gay but in the closet about it 
Jonah Clemence 
Confession time: I thought he was a woman at first LMAO- 
Edgar Bright 
He’s straight and an ally, but enjoys teasing the others 
I dont think he’d care tbh 
Kyle Ash
Didnt realize he was gay until after he started dating his boyfriend 
Ray Blackwell 
His whole thing about freedom and living how you want to or whatever makes me think he’s bi 
Sirius Oswald 
He’s an ally <3 
Luka Clemence 
Shy gay 
Fenrir Godspeed 
Overly supportive ally (especially since his gf is MTF) 
Seth Hyde 
Everyone thinks he’s gay, but correction he’s pan 
Harr Silver 
He’s pansexual 
Loki Genetta 
I dont know him well enough?? 
Blanc Lapin 
He’s straight, maybe a little curious tho 
Oliver Knight 
He’s another ally, gives me the vibes of someone who would punch a homophobe in the face for insulting his friend 
Mousse Atlas 
I chronically forget he exists, so idk 
Dean Tweedle 
The gay twin 
Dalim Tweedle 
The straight twin that gets confused for the gay one 
Ikemen Vampire
Napoleon Bonaparte 
As far as I’m aware, in history he had two different wives and he kissed the tsar (even apparently said if the tsar was a woman, he’d make him his mistress soo--) Napoleon definitely isn’t straight 
He’s straight and hates everyone equally (/j) 
Leonardo da Vinci 
Arthur Conan Doyle 
WHORE- this is a disaster bisexual 
Vincent van Gogh 
the supportive straight brother 
Theodorus van Gogh 
the angry gay brother 
Isaac Newton 
Too anxious to question his sexuality 
Jean d’Arc 
I like to joke that he’s bi but denies it because he hates men 
William Shakespeare 
not too sure tbh 
Osamu Dazai 
another disaster bisexual 
Comte de Saint-Germain 
I feel like he’d be omni. Like he doesn’t care, but still has a slight preference. Also supportive father figure <3 
Serious gay 
I pondered on this one for a long time.. and I still have no answer 
Johann Georg Faust 
Closeted gay who suffers with internal homophobia (i literally wrote a oneshot for him where this was the main premise-) 
Charles-Henri Sanson 
another bi guy 
Ikemen Prince 
Leon Dompteur 
straight but supportive 
Chevalier Michel 
Bro, it’s CANON that he’s pansexual (I think- idk. I played his route when it first came out in english so its been awhile) 
Yves Kloss 
I feel like he’s bi but doesnt really talk about it 
Nokto Klein 
He’s too slutty to be ONLY into women 
Licht Klein 
Straight but an ally 
Clavis Lelouch 
gay ass clown 
Jin Grandet 
Luke Randolph 
Sariel Noir 
I feel like he’s straight but also an ally, like he doesn’t care but absolutely will NOT tolerate homophobia 
Rio Ortiz 
Gilbert von Obsidian 
Silly little gay man <3 I can see him as like, pan or something. 
Keith Howell 
Excluding his “other” side.. I can see Keith as straight, but a supportive ally 
Silvio Ricci 
He’s homophobic (secretly not straight but in denial) 
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
Give tkks a brake and work on yourselves instead, jikookers. Bold of you to call tkks toxic and delulu when y'all are the same and need to just vanish from this earth so the boys would be free from hate and obsessed shippers fr
1. You clearly are just sending this to people who you saw in the jikook tag because otherwise you would know I'd normally be happy to call jkkrs out on being absolute fucking weirdos too and have, multiple times and that I'm not a huge fan of how toxic jkkrs have gotten lately.
2. Your assumption that the interview is a jkkr is WILD considering if you read the whole interview, it's quite obvious they aren't a jkkr and they were throwing shade at JK left and right, right from the get go about him not speaking english. And that even in the question they asked that included Jimin. They were lowkey shady about it. A jkkr would never because IF they were going to be gross and try to sneak gay romantic confessions outta JK. The question wouldn't have shaded either of them. And that would be weird and a problem too, but a different one.
3. I agree with the whole free the boys from weird overly obsessed shippers who create a toxic culture around just enjoying BTS and their bonds and what they stand for and their music. They dont need extra help getting hate, how lovely and beautiful all their friendships are should never contribute or be a reason for any hate they get.
4. Grow up. Be mad at the interviewer for being shitty, don't be mad at shippers for something they had nothing to do with. That's weird and nothing but preformative anger.
5. Tkkrs are delulu and toxic on a level that shouldn't be ignored snd in a way that makes me severely concerned for their mental health and is dipping into cult brainwashing behaviors. Into they need professional help behaviors. Are jkkrs there? Not yet, but it is heading there if things don't change and change soon. Which are all things I've been saying for the past few months. Nothing new.
6. I was way nicer in my reply to you than you honestly deserved with how you came swinging out of the gate at me with zero reason or provocation. Work on how you approach people if you want them to take your points more seriously please. Most people don't respond well to insults.
7. Its break* not brake. One is about stopping doing something or giving it a rest. The other is what you push in a car to make it stop moving. "Hit the brakes" "give me a break" no hate, just honestly letting you know! English is fucking hard and dumb at times.
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jar-of-maise · 1 year
what's up my dears or dearly detested, it's hc time
we're going to focus on love languages with my fav sibling trio today bc i said so
words of affirmation, physical touch
he has to be a words of affirmation guy fs
but tbh i feel like he'd also try to shy away from it? esp if he's serious (is that possible? well we'll never know) since he has lied...before...and we all know how well detail omission went
so probably acts of service, making you smile, uhhhhhh yeahhhh
probably fond of pet names
will be touchy
i can see him doing pda, not excessively but hes not against it
probably likes hugs? but like the more i think about it the more im not sure about him with physical touch (see Lynette's for more detail) but i think he'd be a cuddle bug
why's this the shortest
oh lyney my poor sweet dear
he gets tired of life, so you're a welcome escape
would lie on your lap
will hold hands with you
would dream of a happy future with you
dude roasts his little brother about still liking fairy tales and pulls this bs smh
honestly as insecure as freminet - just shows it differently
i think all three siblings are traumatised (who could've guessed?)
i feel like he'd pull some very obnoxious french jokes
he likes making you laugh, smile, happy
he's not sunshine he's a solar eclipse
and you my dear, are the stars that surround his entirety
like a planet orbiting him ceaselessly
i dont actually know what that means but apparently it's an actual thing
oh the inherent romanticism of celestial imagery
yeah that's also my tag what about it
i think, though, that lyney can use his charms to very aptly flirt with you
exhibit A: the rainbow rose (real simps know what i'm talking about)
gets lynette to vibe check you, and then her cats, and then freminet (pers honorary judge)
performs exclusive magic shows for you
uh you can let immagination decide what kind of exclusive and magic you want in those
acts of service, quality time
acts of service girlie fs
she's creepily observant in a good way but like, she also probably accidentally nearly oversteps some boundaries
"Hello Lynette!"
"Hi here's some things for you"
and she hands you a crap ton of stuff that you probably didn't even know you wanted yet
girl just wants the best for you
oh yeah if you're a physical touch person, you might not be overly pleased bc i headcanon her as physically repulsed by romantic gestures and gooey affection (fanfic writers, that's fuel for how she'd react to lyney being in a relationship)
and the reason i hc this is bc of her past, like you can't convince me lynette wasn't traumatised by that noble person
but while she isn't expressive with touch or words, she is a very good listener!
gl if you're allergic to cats too bc she'd def introduce you to them
(if you pass their vibe check you're all good, if not...uh...)
family is very important too so if you pass their vibe check well put that on a resume bc you are impressive
yes she's a gift giver
but i also think that she'd give you some...strange gifts
like you know those cats that bring like dead fish and mice back to their owners? yeah she'd probably do the same honestly...
hopefully not with mice corpses and whatnot
dont worry, she can magic them out of existence if you wish
just like she can to anyone who wrongs you-
shes the best though honestly, very supportive
bonus points if you join in and riff off her robot lingo though that'd honestly be green flag, marriage behaviour (maybe not that last bit but yk)
you probably encourage lyney to deep dive into his antics, much to lynette's fustration
she now babysits not one, two but three toddlers full time
but you probably also bring freminet out of his shell
she loves you for that so you're forgiven
the type to relentlessly tickle you
doesnt take anything serious but takes pillow fights seriously when it counts
she loves dessert and tea a bit more than you
but she's happy to share <3
quality time, gift giving
oh my god words cannot describe how excited i am for this particular hc
so yeah, he has a voiceline about making penguins for kids
totally gonna make your penguin twin with Pers tho
god thats so cute whys the standard so high
also he's another not-expressive-with-words person so uh, yeah expect muchas time spent together (or not...bc he's always deep sea diving) either way! it's always quality
he is (very obviously) insecure so give him plently of love and affection (or ELSE-)
im still crying over matching penguins, is that juts me
he'd fix your broken machines for you as a love language
bonus points if you like, can, or want to learn how diving tho it's probably a double edged sword right, bc like, on one hand yall can hang out underwater and who needs aquarium dates when you can BE in the sea
but on the other hand, you now have access to his vulnerable and safe space
yeah you better treat him right or else
he'd probably get carried away with his mechanical stuff and make you a crap ton of toys
maybe not the cuddly kind either so js be prepared for that
god hes such a bean tho
an anxiety bean
btw, he very much believes in fairy tales and what not, so do us all a favour and believe in the magic with him
ik i say that a lot
i feel like-
i dont actually know i forgot, someone messaged me and i lost my train of thought
just freminet being the softest, cutest boy
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stinkrascal · 7 months
hi jaiden. i read your ask and im very sorry about your loss, i've decided to spread some positivity. you are an incredible writer and as much as you cringe at your older posts i find myself rereading it every now and then. its kind of crazy how i'm quite young, and i've been growing up with reading breanna's story - yet i haven't lost interest. there is something so aesthetic about your standstill posts, i dont know if its the colors or the dust, but its so pleasing to the eye. literally everyday after my work i go and i check if standstill has gotten an update. the way your dialogue is written is so natural. like it doesn't feel like this fake poetic or overly descriptive, it sounds like natural realistic dialogue. and ive also been reading your character bios and in my language there's a word called härlig, thats the only way i can describe the little bios. for it being a sim story, its so incredibly clever and i can tell you put effort into it. the poses are always fitting. and your game doesnt even look like sims. i hope you realize that we will always enjoy your story even if it would be with low graphics or vlad would be a 8x8 pixel. so dont ever shy away from taking a break, because u really deserve to take a break. there is so much i could say about standstill,, but i wont for the sake of it already being quite lengthy! i hope your healing, and i hope that you can accept some positivity into your life. <3
wow okay hello anon... i won't lie, this made me cry a lot ;-;. i've been really struggling lately with intense anxiety and honestly just feeling really shitty ha. reading this means so much to me, more than you will ever know. it's silly ik but i put my heart and my soul into my sims, it can be a little embarrassing bc they're literally just sims and here i am pouring every piece of me into them like they're my diary, taking it so seriously. but like........ i do take it seriously.......embarrassed as i am to admit it..... i love them so much. so reading something as kind and reassuring as this makes me feel really appreciated. thank you for your kindness, it's more appreciated than you will ever realize
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multimerc · 1 month
Mobile Friendly Rules
Updated 08/24/24
i. Please DO
crossovers, aus
most anything goes ( within reason )
ask to ship! ( see III. )
send asks!
One-liners, Para, Multi-para and Novella
Please DONT
Godmod - ie. control my character
Powerplay - ie. make a character all-knowing/powerful who isnt already
Metagaming - ie. put your ooc knowledge in your character ic if they genuinely dont know
Please be aware that I am dyslexic and a slow reader…
You should not be trying to control my characters, insta-kill them, or otherwise direct how I write my character. Constructive criticism is very much appreciated, but PLEASE, if you only have negative things to say to me, don’t say them at all. Any anonymous hate to me will be ignored and deleted.
I am willing to roleplay violent and other similar themes because of the genre of the original content. However, I’d like to officially say that I will NOT roleplay any NSFW themes such as smut or overly sexual roleplays with anyone under 18 years of age. Both my muse and I are 21+. I am also selective as to whom I rp sexual themes with – though chances are, if we have a ship, you’re automatically on my OK-list.
iii. Please DO ( ship edition )
het, slash, femslash, polyship, crackship, rarepair, BrOTP, Queerplatonic, etc
OC x Canon, Self Insert x Canon ( but no godmodding my portrayals! )
communicate first about a potential ship
bring your headcanons to the table and communicate them
communicate ( /silly )
jokingly ask to ship ( i will take it seriously /silly )
ship with chemistry
Please DONT
no weird age gaps ( adult mortal x immortal is fine )
canon abuser x victim
no sexual ships for kid/teen muses
follow-up: no preteen ships… crushes are fine!
no age-ups JUST to hard-ship
cradle robber ships ( older muse watched younger grow up, etc )
if you want to use darker material in a roleplay, please communicate with me - though if I say no, please respect that! 
I really don’t bite, and if I do, its on accident. Do you need me to reply to a thread? Ask me to! Do you want to start a ship with me? Go ahead and ask! Do you want to do some crazy plot with all sorts of ins and outs and too many sub-plots to count? Fire away! I am a very amicable person, so please don’t be afraid to call me a friend! I am however, more often than not too afraid to talk to you first, so don’t be afraid to approach me! Seriously!
v. Please, if you have anything you want to talk to me about, I am here to listen. Criticism and plotting or whatever have you, I am fine with talking! I’m only semi-selective because my muse can be really finicky, so I’m sorry in advance! ADDENDUM - Please do not vague me if I have upset you. If I have blocked you or moved away from you in some way, and you would like to reach out, you can! I won’t deny you an explanation if you ask. But please be mindful that I can and will block/soft block if I feel like I need to.
vi. CREDITS. Levi Baskerville Icons by SakuraCommissions divider by saradika-graphics
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pk-endgame · 2 years
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first creature getting thrown on here is Hyperlink since its the easiest to explain ^_^
Hyperlink is in a universe separate from Endgame and is also in a world that ive been building with my friends :^) we dont have an official name for it and its just called virus for now xP
kaz/hyperlink is a computer virus (more like a computer annoyance) that lives in my computer. it lives in its own folder and has a room made from pngs it grabbed from the internet. hyperlink will roam around the screen looking for any files or images to eat or any games to play to pass the time . it also eats the pixels in the screen as if they were snacks which leaves a lot of dead pixels . it likes to play games without telling the user, so often times they will open a game and either it will have progressed, finished, or deleted entirely . kaz will then write the user a detailed review on the game (not spoiler free!) and go back to whatever it was doing. kaz is active whenever, but it typically does its things when the pc is off or asleep . if hyperlink cries, the users files become corrupted and unable to open/inaccessible. it cannot be deleted from the computer due to a restriction it placed on itself so if you get it, you might as well throw the whole pc out. kaz has its own thoughts and behaviors but the way the user interacts with it can also shape its personality and it can be “wiped” if the pc is factory reset. it has a colorful outline and this changes based on its mood and feeling and can desaturate or disappear completely if it gets overly emotional (which is very rare, hyperlink isnt really an emotional thing). hyperlink also likes to draw in ms paint and sometimes the user can open up their pc to see the background changed to a really shitty drawing. theyd be similar to little drawings youd see in student notebooks. it likes to edit photos too and will draw over them or crop and resize them and delete the original image forever so the user is left with only the edited version(s). hyperlink communicates using the Sticky Notes application. when it talks a lot, numerous notes will pop up and flood the screen
hyperlink lives in felix's (my) pc and for a while, it was living there alone. then somehow a bunch of other viruses showed up one day and now it has to share the living space. because kaz was the first one on the pc, it takes this very seriously and tries to be the one in charge of the other viruses. unfortunately for kaz, no one takes it seriously and actually treats this as a joke most of the time hyperlink is not exactly evil but it is not the nicest thing in the world . it can get pretty cocky at times
only appears pixelated (so please keep this in mind if you want to draw it!) more design notes are in its ref sheet
toyhouse profile
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yukina-otome · 2 years
I rarely if ever talk about MCL on my tumblr, simply because i have stopped playing it long time ago.
But hearing that my first ever otome crush, armin, was coming back, i have decided to play his alternate life route. And i liked everything about it.
The angsty tension of episode 1, the sweet fluff of episode 2. And i had expected i would like episode 3 just as much.
Oh, how wrong i was.
Seriously, the episode started well. Armin and Candy were having a conversation in her room. Alexy comes and Armin hides because.....euh.......just because. Thankfully, the hidden relationship doesnt last long as Alexy bust them pretty quickly.
And you know how much beemov love their hidden relationships.
MC tells Armin she is scared and wants to have more time together before they officially get back together. And Armin tells her he never stopped loving her all these years. And that's super sweet.
Anyways, 300 AP wasted on how to eat cupcakes and both of them decide to go to cosy bear café to the cupcake workshop.
For now everything is well. Then comes Clemance and the jealousy bullshit. And I'm like, why?!
If we chose to not make him jealous and focus on our cupcakes: Which is the best of the two endings in my opinion.
why doesnt he say anything to clemance? Do we really have to intervene to make her stop ? Can't he say something to her?
Something like "Excuse me, maam. But you are being overly touchy feely and that makes me uncomfortable." But no candy needs to be the one to intervene to stop her.
Cause of course, if a man does not have a girlfriend you are free to touch him as much as you want. 😒
Anyways, all ends well, Candy and Armin goes to the park to decide who has the best looking cupcakes. Armin loses and MC asks him to kiss her. He happily accept, he tells her how much he loves her and that he does not wanna live without her ever. How much her not being in his life for 3 years made him feel like he was carrying a heavy weight etc.
They kiss and finally officially get back together yay!
Now to the worst ending.
If you decides to make him jealous by flirting with poor hyun.
I mean why would she do that? That's so toxic.
Yes,armin has never gotten jealous.
Yes,i did wanna see armin jealous since episode 33 of HSL.
But not like that. It was so childish and cringe. And poor Hyun who really thought MC was into him.
Anyways MC ends up not focusing enough on her cupcakes and they look horrible. After the end of the workshop, Armin is angry and he takes MC to his appartement, locks the door while looking at her with an animalistic gaze (her words not mine), and tells her that seeing her seducing another man has made him angry and horny and she needed to take responsability for that.
Um...Mister...slow down. Because:
1-You two are not dating yet. She told you she was feeling scared and not ready yet.
2-You did not even have your first kiss yet. (The mall one doesnt count).
Anyways here, you get to choose if you have sex with him or not. I dont know what happens if you refuse and If someone knows please tell me.
But when you accept, the two have beastly, angry jealous sex on his desk.
And it was super hot, don't get me wrong. But this is not what i expected of their first time after a 3 year long breakup.
This is not sex between two people who had a terrible break up and spent 3 years missing each other only to finally find each other again.
I had expected something more.....vanilla.
I mean at least do it on the bed. At least tell her that you love her and officially get back together then do the crack crack boom boom.
But no, they do the deed, then Candy says "Wow, ok. My legs are still shaky. Best sex ever, lets get back together."
Anyways I hope you all get my point. I'm dissapointed.
It would have been better with some slight changes:
-MC and armin go to the cupcakes workshop.
-Clemance flirts with Armin but MC helps him before he has the time to say anything.
-They have fun baking together and laugh at how bad they both are.
-After the workshop they go to the park and the confession from the first route happens wirh the illustration.
-Then now that they are officially together, they go to his appartement to eat the cupcakes and watch a movie.
-They start making out and here you can have a choice of having sex with him or not.
-If you do, they have sex. It doesnt matter if its not that vanilla because here they had there confession, expressed their feeling and are officially back together. You get the nsfw illustration.
-If you dont want to do it yet, the two watch the movie and cuddle, have long converstations about super hero and video games and fall asleep cuddling on his bed.
End of the episode.
What do you guys think?
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yuripoll · 1 year
can you dock otherside picnic 10% someone is being IMO, overly vitriolic, in the comments
so i know exactly which comment you're talking about, and it is definitely straddling the line
tbh "overly vitriolic" was initially coined to be a nicer way of saying "please dont tell people to kill themselves over my silly poll" but after the pirate poll incident i mentally added "getting into serious discourse in my notes" so i do think i should clarify it a bit?
in future im gonna change it from 'dont be overly vitriolic' to 'don't take this too seriously', or alternatively 'don't harsh my vibe', which sums to:
do not tell people to kill themselves in my notes
do not get into arguments in my notes
if your scathing review hits paragraph length consider making your own post. instead of putting it in my notes.
being dramatic is encouraged but it should never be serious. when engaging with a silly little poll you should keep it silly.
please be as civil as possible. in my notes.
since it's the first time ive needed to tap the sign, there won't be a penalty, but if anyone continues to drop paragraphs in my mentions about how bad they hated one of the contestants (any of them to be clear. i know ive been propagandising kakeochi girl but i also wouldn't be happy if someone said that stuff about urapi or yagakimi, two series i also really love) then i'll issue the -10% penalty.
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gladiator-gladiolus · 2 years
My prejudgement of the engage cast: Solm edition
Like I said before, this is as of before I venture into chapter 4 this time, so obviously I don’t actually know ANYTHING about anyone except what I’ve accidentally absorbed through fanart. This is all purely based on their appearance and the vibe. I’ll reblog with what I actually think of them after I’ve finished the game, or have sufficient enough exposure to them
(These are probably really harsh, I have unleashed my full prejudice)
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Sylvain and Yuri’s personality love child
manwhore (but respectfully)
Looks like he has committed numerous war crimes and does so with an irresistible smile, 10/10 would do again, 5 star review on yelp
Knows how to emotionally manipulate you
Can dance really well but won’t tell anyone
a very good leader
Charismatic as FUCK
knows his people well and they love him
has a fanclub
Is known to prank people
sexy and he knows it
I’ll either be in love with him and won’t admit it or I’ll be completely immune
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What is going on with his hair???????
ngl im kinda into it though
Has “goes to the same hairdresser as Lorenz” syndrome
Really mean but everyone is into it
Gay but is almost homophobic about it
would kick a child and call it character building
Has another male character he is shipped with religiously
the red flag everyone ignores
obnoxious pretentious little meow meow
I’m going to absolutely adore him
pretends he knows everything but actually dropped out of school at the age of 9 months
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Chivalry isn’t dead personified
excuse me hi, yes, my name is micromanagement supreme
Probably a Nationalist
Comes across as a jock at first but is actually extremely skrunkly dunkly
His work is his life
would rather the world be shaped into a cone and everyone slide off the face then see his friends hurt
Would rather be dead than not feel useful
In a modern Au would be obsessed with guns and holding dead animals
his parents are silly :(
is trying to further his reputation for 60% of the game
accidentally adopts one of the younger characters
is actually a bit of a nobody
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If you sucked every inch of optimism out of the world and concentrated it in one place, this is what would grow legs and emerge
Social butterfly
Comes across very confident but is actually really insecure
Is an only child
Tends to avoid reality
Shockingly the most religious out of all Solm characters
either extremely childish or overly mature with responsibility issues and there’s no in between
Kins Pinkie pie
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Wears winter clothes in the height of summer and visa versa
Tell him to bring a coat and he won’t then will blame you when he gets cold
is probably a girl that I mistook for a boy
Wants you to think he shops at hot topic but can actually be seen buying neon vests in the rave shop
Goth but the heart’s not in it
“I dOnT nEEd fRieNds, tHeY diSaPoiNT mE”
Quiet and reserved
Takes a long time to think about things but when he gets back to you on that, it’s going to be the best idea you’ve had the pleasure of hearing
Has a strong sense of self worth
was abused by his dad
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no, Navarre isn’t my twin brother why would you say that?
while you were busy buying body pillows, he studied the blade
Is a martial arts genius
If you’re not talking about combat, get lost
One of the most morally grey people you’ll meet
Is a sword for higher but would probably do it for free if you said please
noble gone bankrupt
Has a cruel master he has weird sexual tension with
the one Merrin looks up to
Man of no words
a woman I’m mistaking for a man
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I saved the worst for last
not the clown but the whole circus
the quiet kid (trademark)
who am I kidding, I’m just jealous because she’s way cooler than me, I’m going to end up loving her to bits
Super slay makeup so is super slay in all aspects of life
doesn't take life too seriously
just go with the flow
Likes causing people pain
favourite film is probably final destination
likes the smell of dead bodies
in reality cares about the well-being of others too much
doesn’t care what anyone thinks of her
the most mentally stable in the entire game
has a weird obsession with marionettes
Solm will most likely be my favourite but right now I’m in denial
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