#please excuse the colouring idk i tried
0strawberrysorbet0 · 6 months
𝐴 ℎ𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟
𝐻𝑎𝑧𝑏𝑖𝑛 ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑙 𝑥 𝑀𝑎𝑙𝑒!𝐴𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑙!𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
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This is a series so if you'd like to be tagged simply just comment!
Not too happy with this chapter but hope it's good enough 😕
Please do not use/steal my work on this site or any other! Reblogs and likes are appreciated greatly!!
Part one ← Part two → Part three
Summary: When Charlie is called to heaven for a meeting instead of her father she is ecstatic but she meets a boy with some very familiar features..
Warnings: cursing, Adam mentioned, rlly weird layout, idk what else, probs spelling mistakes and weird grammer
Where am I??" Was the only thought coursing through the boy's mind?
He couldn't hear anything but his thoughts, everything else was muffled as if he was underwater, he strolled mindlessly throughout the forest, there were lush plants and exotic flowers of every tone and shape.
He could see birds and insects, things they did not have in his new home...
As he walked forward, it was like he was being pulled, like he didn't control it...
He heard a voice call for him...
"ƙׁׅյׁׅ݊ꪀյׁׅժׁׅ݊ᝯׁׅ֒꯱ dear?? Where-" was all he heard, voice silencing before he heard a yell...
He couldn't make out words but he heard a male's voice shout, who were they shouting for??
As he stumbled through the thicker, darker patch of forest he reached a tree, an apple, sparkling and juicy, shaped like a heart hung from a branch. Just as he went to grab it,
someone clung to the skin on his leg.. Or something.. Biting down on his flesh.. His pale skin turned pink and oozing a cherry-coloured syrup.
As he turned to see the blood dripping he shot up, dripping in a cold sweat as his face whitened.
That dream. Again.
It had been haunting him, it happened every so often but now more than ever. It was always the same.
He wanders, a woman calling for someone and a man screaming then sees the Apple and tries to grab it before being bitten. Then waking up before being able to see the creature.
But what was it?.. He sat up on his bed, grabbed a yellow shoebox from under his bed, he placed it onto his milky white duvet.
He peeled the lid off the box, revealing a little rubber duck... He didn't know where it was from but he had had it for as long as he could remember, there were a few photos of him and his friends... Mainly Emily.
There were a few random things, buttons and feathers, but he finally found what he was looking for, a folded sheet of parchment. He opened it revealing a drawing of the forest, mainly the path he walked and the paths he could see.
He took out the red pen and drew the figure of a woman, shouting... He couldn't see the figure's face or features but he could tell it was a woman.
His father could never see this, nor Sera. They'd think he was plotting against something.. Which he'd never do. He wasn't a monster.
At the bottom of the box was a small gift from Emily, a little box that had been wrapped with gold ribbon. Inside was an apple... An actual real apple.
He hadn't a clue where she got it but it was gorgeous. So shiny and juicy, plump and red, a delicious bloody red...
He had never understood why they were forbidden anyways, yes because of The Fall but surely the fruit wasn't the problem..
He couldn't blame Eve.
He wouldn't have resisted either.
His silence was broken by knocking on his door. "(M/N)? Son? I'm heading off to my meeting, there's some food on the table, take care!"
It was his dad, it was thoughtful of the man to let him know he was leaving but it scared the boy shitless.
He got himself dressed and got to work on his heavenly duties, he strolled through a building, looking for Emily, he had to tell her about his dream.
As he walked past a meeting room he could hear a familiar screeching voice, Adam.
And a voice he hadn't heard before?.. A young girl? Whatever. It wasn't Emily so it didn't matter, he continued to walk until the voice got louder, almost like it was behind him
"Miss?? Excuse me!? You dropped some feathers!!"
Miss? He turned to see the person who had been shouting, it was a girl.
She had red glowing eyes with the sclera being a strong yellow color.
Her hair was the same straw blonde colour as his hair, it was tied up into a strange ponytail, in circular shapes almost, she was wearing a blood-red suit and her cheeks were rosy and pink.
What a strange angel... She didn't even look like an angel...
He just turned and continued to walk, going to find Emily.
"Once upon a time, there was a glowing city protected by golden gates known as Heaven and ruled by beings of Pure light, Angels that worshipped good and shielded all from evil..." A blonde girl read aloud,
As she flicked through the pages she looked at the part in between the section where Lucifer and Lilith tempted Eve and the banishment.
It was burnt, the small gap, unnoticeable at first glance, but with the number of times she had read it, she could tell someone had burnt out a few pages, burning part of the story...
"Charlie?" Her girlfriend said at the doorframe, an extermination had just happened, she looked out the window at the burning city.
She needed to put a stop to this, these sinners surely didn't deserve it. Well at least some of them.
The day seemed to melt away quickly, they had talked about commercials and... Well they all had some unique ideas...
Her phone started to ring, and she jumped up and went to answer it.
It was her father? Strange... He never called.
But he wanted her to go to heaven instead of him? Holy shit... Maybe she could change heaven's mind after all...
Before she knew it she was there, heaven..
When Charlie arrived she noticed how pristine everything was, light, bright, the place was practically blinded by white light.
She now stood before The Adam, or as he called himself (much to her dismay) The original dick. She had put all the ideas she could (before he'd interrupt) onto the table but they smushed it all.
To sum it up... The meeting went horribly. She had not only been turned down but completely ignored. Her whole life she had believed angels to be kind, caring creatures... There was a reason they made it up there after all.
But she wasn't so sure now. She wasn't so sure about anything anymore.
As she was leaving she saw a pair of wings stroll past the door, they were full and stuck out proudly, glowing a bright white. The feathers looked almost like cotton candy as they surfed the breeze, one or two floating off.
One had dropped at her feet. She picked it up before trying to get a look at the angel, they had long blonde hair, and she presumed it was a woman.
"Miss?? Excuse me!? You dropped some feathers!!" She shouted about the feathers, maybe the angel would need them? Or maybe she just wanted to see the angel's face. She couldn't tell but she felt somewhat connected to the being.
The angel turned gracefully, piercing eyes staring through her, beautiful, beautiful eyes, they were the colour of a rich berry, a beautiful purple, like a flower, soft and delicate. Yet the angel's stare could have ripped her in half by that alone.
Charlie stood there, not making a sound so the angel turned around. Bored with her it walked off through the corridor.
She needed to know who this was and why they looked like her mother.
"I still dunno what ya mean by 'she looked like my mother' toots, who are ya even talkin' about again?" Angel replied, pouring himself another drink as Charlie told the spider demon bout the meeting and her encounter with the angel.
"I'm telling you!! She looked just like my mom!" She said, waving a picture of her mother in front of Angel's face.
"Jeez, okay calm! I get it!" He slapped the picture away "Why are ya so bothered though?"
"I don't know. I just felt connected to her.. " she said, petting Keekee, who curled into her lap and purred at the affectionate touch.
"For all you know it might've not even been a girl, just let it go toots" he took a big swing of his drink before pouring another drink.
"I'm telling you I feel connected to them, I... I know they looked like my mother." She sighed.
Hopefully, she'd be able to go up to heaven soon, to win them over and to see that angel again.
Tag list - @demstarno @kenny-619 @bunbunboysworld @lovedesperatevampire
@honey-valentin3 @type-ink
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kozachenko · 7 months
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Ok so, what I did is go into the clip studio paint file, make a new file, copy and paste the group in the original file, merge everything, get rid of the extra stuff outside of the canvas, and then make the flattened image smaller and crop the canvas. Once you have that, export it and you're done. This helps maintain the actual quality of the image and also helps shrink the file size down to something actually postable (if anyone has a better way of doing this please tell me)
[Edit]: Ok I guess posting something to Tumblr just naturally compresses the image a bit more somehow because I'm looking at it now and zooming in too much makes it a bit blurry so I'm still gonna have to futz around with image quality for future pieces oof
Artist's Note:
I'm so glad I figured out a way to do this because I like working on a big canvas so I can get as much detail in as I possibly can. Only problems are how laggy it gets while drawing lol.
I had an idea for a drawing with Reimu and Zanmu because I really like thinking about their potential dynamic a lot. I also wanted an excuse to draw Zanmu again but in my normal rendering style because last time I drew her she was in my more sketchy style with generally flat colours so I wanted to draw her again. Speaking of, looking at the sketch for this is a jumpscare that I never enjoy seeing, like, man am I glad I didn't use those for my final piece.
Also about her spear. I was originally gonna make it like the ones she had in game, but it kinda threw off the whole piece. It was too big, too blue, and too flat, so I just went "fuck it" and gave her a different one instead. My headcanon justifying this is that the ones she uses in game are for danmaku battles whereas in any other fight she just uses a proper yari, or she still uses the yari and just makes it all glowy to power it up, maybe both lol. I pulled as much inspiration as I could from Sengoku era spears, and even put in some blue into the decorative part of the spear and also added a little skull to pay tribute to the original spear. Also, in my research I saw some art of izanami and izanagi making japan and saw that the yari izanagi has had a little decorative tassley thingy on it so I took some inspo from that and just made it one of Zanmu's tassles (Idk when that art was from or if the spear was still accurate to Sengoku period Japan but hey, probably the same reasons Eirin puts little bow ties on her arrows, it's just for personalization purposes).
I love rendering hair and clothes so much omg, while I like the super curly hair Zanmu, the longer, wavier hair suits her better for this drawing (I imagine it only does that like how Ghibli characters hair moves when they feel angry lol). I love making Zanmu's hair all messy and crazy, as well as giving her grey hairs, this woman has aged like a fine wine. Also, if the hem on the ends of her sleeves, top of her shirt, and her pants look like gold to you, that's because it is! It's fairly light so she's not collapsing under the weight, but it's gold! (I don't care how impractical it is, it's just cool). Not the undershirt though, it's made of a gold fabric. I had a cute idea with Reimu's hair to make it have a red shine to it. I also changed up Reimu's outfit so it isn't just a blob of red. I like it a lot when Reimu's skirt and outfit is segmented into different layers, so I wanted to incorporate that.
I tried to draw their hands differently as well, but IDK how noticeable that is. Also, I am super happy with how the side profiles for the two of them turned out, I used to struggle a lot with how to make the side profile of a character actually look like the character, so I'm really happy that they actually look like themselves.
Also added in the tree and rocks in the background as an homage to Zanmu's character art in Touhou 19, just because I was getting kinda stumped on what to do with the background lol.
In terms of a story idea with Reimu and Zanmu, idk why but the potential plotline of Zanmu wanting to ascend to godhood is so fascinating to me. Like, it is very possible that if she just convinced everyone she was a god (which would be very easy for her to do), she would become one in a heartbeat. Also, if she were to become a god, with her ability to return stuff to nothing, could she hypothetically get similar abilities to (Jojo Part 5 spoiler btw) GER? Like, idk about the death timeloop stuff, but the concept has been haunting me every night as I have been trying to find loopholes in GER's ability for a while now ( for no reason in particular). Back to the main topic, I imagine that she would probably tell Reimu that if she were to become a god she would take over the Hakurei shrine since the god there might as well be dead, and Reimu just says to her, "Over my dead body bitch." Like, I have no idea how to summarize their dynamic but like, it's the type of hero-villain dynamic where the phrase "We're not so different, you and I" would definitely be a phrase said during a fight. I think that if another IN style game were to release, Reimu and Zanmu would be in a team together. They could also have an interesting mentor and pupil kind of dynamic. Can you tell that Zanmu has been charging my mind rent these part few months? Like, instead of living in my head rent free, she kinda just uno reversed the whole situation and now she's the one charging me rent. What happens if I get evicted from my own brain? Actually, scratch that, I don't think I wanna know.
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axoluxy · 6 months
Hmmm.... How would Alastor realize he has begun to feel a sort of... affection for a reader? (Basically he's developing feelings and he realizes it).
hii this is my first work for alastor so forgive me if it's a little ooc and if you guys have any tips or requests, please let me know :))
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Alastor Falling For the Reader
pairing; alastor x (gender not specified) reader warning; ooc alastor (probably), a little bit of angst if you squint, cannabalism (its alastor what do you expect), blood, no dialogue (is that a warning?) perspective; 2nd person, in the eyes of alastor though if that makes sense?
so you first joined the hotel because of charlie
you weren't a parent per se to charlie, but you stepped up after lilith left to god knows where
(literally, god knows.)
and when lucifer was quite neglectful
so after getting you settled into your own room charlie wanted to introduce you to everyone
she had called a meeting to everyone in the main parlour
the reason alastor was so interested at you at first wasn't your kindness, or charisma, or even your charming smile
as much as he thought it was nice
it was your colour pallet
yes, as weird as it was, you were the only one in the hotel with blues and purples in your hair, outfit and makeup.
since the vision spectrum of a deer was limited to cooler colours and hell was filled with reds, blacks, and pinks it was refreshing for him to see something other than black and white
after a deft introduction from himself and quite a sloppy one from the others should he add, you all were spread around the bar drinking your respected drinks
and after a solid and quite warm welcome, you headed to your room and off to bed
the reason you and alastor grew close was because of your shared love of jazz music
there was no one else in the hotel who enjoyed the genre so it made you a bit more tolerable to him
as the weeks turned into months, you had grown close with most of the original people in the hotel
though, you couldn't find yourself getting close with angel
nothing against him of course, it was just hard to find common interest with him
personally, i don't see alastor falling easily, so it would take a lot, and i mean A LOT so idk what you did but congratulations
as yours and alastors platonic relationship grew, so did the want to be even closer with you
he was very up in your personal space and you couldn't say that you didn't like it
when he realised he wanted a romantic relationship with you he short circuited
let me expand, you two were enjoying dinner in one of the dinning rooms that had come with building up the new hotel
alastor was enjoying his weekly venison heart and you were indulging in some red wine and VERY MUCH COOKED deer
you had told him something about texture issues but he wasn't really paying attention to the words that came out of your mouth
he was more so just watching the way you slightly smiled while talking to him
anyways, as you had finished your meals, you had realised alastor had some blood dribbling from his mouth
you had tried to get him to wipe it off but he couldn't quite get it
so you had walked up in front of him and wiped it off with your thumb
not just that you had licked your thumb clean
in a twisted way, that was just really attractive to him
as soon as he realised his attraction to you he had to quickly excuse himself
after these newfound emotions that he had registered as love he ignored you
yeah, probably not the best move on his end but to be fair, he had never fallen in love before so that was his immediate reaction
he saw his affection for you as a weakness
you tried to talk to him?
oh apologies he has that thing he has to do since he's an overlord
and it was frustrating you, a lot
after a full week of him ignoring you, he decided to get advice from the best person he knew
when rosie had told him off for ignoring you, he knew he fucked up
not sure why that's would it took
she had told him that love shouldn't be seen as a weakness but a tool that he could utilise to make himself stronger too
basically out for love but in rosie's style lol
so when he came back to the hotel, he went to your room and knocked on the door
you had reluctantly let him in to explain himself
and while he didn't outrightly admit his feelings for you, it was pretty obvious
after a kiss on your hand, and a very long spiel of how sorry he was, (bro is down BAD i swear) you had forgiven him
now the next hurdle was trying to bring himself to ask if he could court you.
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jchorsky · 2 months
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ISABEAU!! this will maybe be the last one I do. Idk. Also please excuse the shit photos 😭
In terms of features, I decided to give isabeau a nose bump and a very square nose. His whole shape language is a bunch of squares, so that one was obvious, but I gave him the nose bump because. It's cute and I think it fits him. No deeper reason there!!
In terms of how he acts / expresses, isabeau keeps a fairly neutral expression most of the time, actually. It's a happy expression, and he's almost always smiling, but yeah, he doesn't have the huge range of shouting to smiling to crying that the rest of the cast does. He's pretty consistently just happy! So, when that breaks, and he's not, it hits even harder. One interesting thing is that his pupil changes... Colour? I tried to depict it here, but??? Hwhah???
He doesn't squint his eyes the way siffrin does, but he does occasionally raise his eyebrows - he gestures a lot with his hands, but he doesn't know how to cross his arms properly???? That's not how you cross your arms????
Also, WOW there's a lot of expressions where isa has pallor / is blushing. With everyone else? It's like. Maybe 1 or 2. With isa this guy is just fucking red all the time!!! Y'all think he gay
Well that's it!! I'm not planning to do a loop one, but I could be convinced? I would probably have to do it in colour,,,, hmmmm. But this was really good practice! I feel so much more confident at drawing expressions, and even more confident at differentiating how different characters will express.
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billiedeansbitch · 2 years
How have you been!? Idk if you have TikTok or seen this trend, but it’s basically where someone is putting on lipstick and it ends up smudging the wrong way and the camera shows another person wiping it away and the other person had a bunch of kiss marks on their face.
I think it would be cute if that could be a one shot with Larissa Weems? It could be that Larissa is putting on the lipstick or the other way around with y/n?
𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐞
(𝐋𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
a/n: thank you for requesting this anon i really liked the idea and immediately worked on it (like i'm not working on a couple of fics already) this was too cute.
warning/s: nothing.
Larissa took the compact mirror from her desk drawer and uncapped her lipstick, mindful of your lingering eyes that glimmer with excitement, lips slightly ajar in anticipation.
She started to apply her lipstick wantonly slow. You watched it glide on her lips like butter, painting her lips red. The colour was sensual contrasting the cool, breath-taking big blue eyes. It was so tempting and inviting you couldn’t help yourself but ask for a kiss. Just a kiss. One quick peck on the lips. 
“Please?” Her lipstick wasn’t smudged proof, it would transfer to your lips but that didn’t seem to bother you at all and she had seen you proudly walk in the halls of Nevermore wearing the sheer colour on your own lips, unapologetically flaunting it to everyone. 
She chuckled and beckoned you to come closer. You complied with unbridled enthusiasm and stood from the armchair in front of her desk. Larissa stood, leaning halfway over her desk and grabbed the collar of your button-down to pull you closer and peck your lips. And as always, you giggled as you attempted to kiss her deeper, ruining the freshly applied coat of lipstick.
And it happened, again and again. In the morning before she exited your shared bedroom, you asked for a kiss just after her lipstick was done, she shook her head, and kissed you.
After lunch with the faculty, which included you, she excused herself, grabbed her little purse and disappeared in the restroom to retouch her make-up and lipstick–for the third time and it was only midday. The culprit? You.
Eventually during one afternoon, you waltzed in with your hands behind your back, Larissa didn’t think much of it. You were holding back a cheeky smile when you noticed the tube of her favourite lipstick in her hand and her lips were popping red. “No” she said immediately while shaking her head knowing how this would go.
“You will not ruin my lipstick.” she added glaring playfully,, her tone final and dismissive.
You merely laughed, stalking toward her desk, “I’m afraid you’re overreacting, Love.”
She huffed, rolling her eyes and ignoring your antics. “Why are you here?”
“Am I not allowed to visit my favourite Principal now?”
“It’s usually more than that.” she said knowingly while feigning disinterest.
“I’m actually here because I’ve got you a gift.” But it wasn’t her birthday or your anniversary. Her eyes shot up. 
You pushed the little box you had been hiding behind you. You saw her eyes lit up. “Go on, open it.” She tried to hide her excitement by rolling her eyes but her lips betrayed her by curling into a dainty appreciative smile. She took it in her hands and unwrapped the gift.
“Now you don’t have to worry about running out of lipstick.” 
In the box was three full sized lipstick in similar shade–her favourite.
“Come here, darling.” her voice was much softer now  like she was melting inside. 
Sat on her lap, her arm smoothly pulled you in, keeping you close by the waist, eyes were levelled with yours and as if that little-to-non-existent gap wasn’t enough, Rissa leaned forward, her lips ghosting on the shell of your ear, “I think you deserve a kiss.”
The kiss was fond, very sweet and gentle, short but satisfying. You thought it was over, that it was done because you confusingly watched her retouch her lipstick. You thought she would usher you off her lap but then Larissa ’s lips were hot, a little damp as they made contact with the outer corner of your eye, then to your nose and automatically, with the attention she was giving you using her lips, you puckered your own, directly asking for a kiss on your lips. She chuckled and gave in.  She nipped on your lip affectionately, moved on to kiss you down to your jaw again. 
It was so wholesome and light, then it turned to sloppy, playful bites and before you knew it her lips were smothering your whole face with kisses, faint marks filling your face like an art on a sheet of canvas. Larissa’s very own art.
The adorable sound from your lips falling in between a snort and laughter filled the room. Larissa kept kissing you, filling the areas where she hadn't kissed yet. You let her fill your face with the imprint of her perfect lips.
And then the doors flung open without any sort of warning catching you off guard in Larissa’s lap.
Wednesday’s eyes widened in disgust. Enid, who was trailing behind her bumped to her roommate when the goth girl suddenly stopped in her tracks.
“Oh, hi Mrs Weems!” The werewolf greeted with a wave—you waved back. Larissa pinched your side. 
Enid had a megawatt smile on her face like finding you in their Principal’s lap, your face filled with kisses was the most normal thing on earth.
Wednesday turned without breathing a word and pulled the other girl outside. The door slammed leaving you two alone. 
“I think I just saved you from Wednesday.” you quipped and bursted into laughter. Larissa laughed along, too carefree to care–for now–about what Wednesday and Enid just witnessed before resuming to kiss you all over again.
Now this, this is heaven, you thought.
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༺I Tags: one-shot, fem! reader x William James Moriarty, fluff, beach day idk, modern AU
༺I Warnings: barely any, just slightly suggestive at the end?? pretty short too
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You noticed William had been overworking himself again. He wasn't sleeping nor eating well and you were getting worried because of it. So you had you negotiate with him, and it was no easy work. You wanted him to take at least a small break from everything else.
He complained and tried to make up an excuse for every idea you had to spend your vacations with him, but when he actually gazed at your endearing eyes he just had to submit to your enchantments and say yes.
"Only because you look at me like that."
"I'll go put my swimsuit on," you said once the two of you had finally arrived at your beach house.
He nodded and put his own swimsuit on. He was planning on wearing a modest one, yet he didn't want to get his skin damaged by the Sun in case he had totake his shirt off and that's why he needed your help to put sunscreen on his back.
You came out of the changing room with your new swimsuit and he tried not to pay attention to it.
"Could you please help me, darling?" he asked as he grinned.
"Of course, handsome."
The sunscreen made it quise easy for your fingers to softly slid against his back, nape and shoulders first. Then you continued with his chest and his slightly toned abs. Nonetheless, when your hands went up to his face you noticed how flustered he had grown.
"What's wrong?"
"Oh, no, it's nothing, I can..." he muttered nervously, "I can do that by myself."
"You'll do your arms and legs. Let me finish with your face, alright?"
The blond tried to look away from your eyes. Letting you see him acting that shy would be a bit... embarrassing. And to make it worse, you kissed his jaw.
"Thank you, my love."
"It's your time to help me out though." You turned your back to him.
"Sure," he said. And he did what you asked him to with a bit of hesitation. Letting his fingertips caress your bare back and shoulders felt too good to be true.
Once he was done putting the sunscreen on you, you ran to the pool and when you came out of it your whole body was soaking wet. The Sun made your skin colour look more stunning if that's even possible in his eyes.
"What are you looking at?" you frowned rather playfully.
William walked towards you and placed his hands against your waist before pulling you into a deep, desired kiss.
"Gorgeous. You look gorgeous. Don't look this gorgeous if you don't want me to die from a heart attack or to kiss you until we never go back home," he spoke.
You threw your arms around his neck and immediately kissed him again. Yet you didn't realize how hard you pulled him, and both of you ended up falling into the pool.
Liam looked at you and started laughing when he saw how suprised you were. Soon you were both a laughing mess.
"Do I even have to tell you you look gorgeous as well?" You ran your fingers through his now wet hair, earning a smile from your dearest.
"Do I really, pretty woman?" He smirked.
"Yes, you do, precious man." Soon he was sitting on the stairs of the pool as you were almost pinning him against the wall of it. "Why are you blushing so hard though? Just calm down."
He could only manage to chuckle and bury his face into the crook of your neck, placing a few kisses here and there.
"You know why, (Name)," he whispered.
You teased him with more and more kisses all over his face.
"(Name)..." he softly moaned. "It tickles."
You didn't mind overwhelming him. In fact, that was pretty much your intention.
You two went to the sea many hours later and held each other's hands. It was already late at night, so you could see the moonlight stroking your boyfriend's soft skin, which was truly a sight to behold. This time he was the one who caught you staring at him, but instead of teasing you like you would've done, he just blushed and smiled innocently at you.
You gave him a little peck on the lips and noticed the subtle yet obvious salty taste on them. Were his cheeks pink because he had been sunkissed or because he was simply infatuated with you?
"It's too dark here, Liam. We should go back to our house and-"
He didn't even let you finish. He had felt the need to pull you closer to him.
"Can't you just... eat my heart, crawl into my skin and become one with me for once and for all? I need you."
Your eyes widened at his odd request and tried to utter at least one word despite having gone absolutely weak now.
"I need to feel your warmth to another level, (Name). Please, I don't know what to do." He was basically whimpering and you found that this was making you dizzy (in a strangely nice way).
"That's why we should go back home, my angel. I'll help you there. You'll find out how soon," you said as you grabbed his hand and took him to your house, to the heaven of your bed.
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The slashers
(And Carrie please 😭)
With a albino child reader🤭‼️
Omg I don't know much about albinism sorry if I got something wrong or missed anything.
I shortened it because I'm not consistent.
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Michael was stalking and then he saw you and thought you were a baby angel at first. Like seriously, you look so angelic!
Wanted to observe you more but then he realised that he's out for killing and then ran walked away.
A bit later when he's killed 3 people that he wonders why he didn't kill you. But whatever it was he wanted to see you again.
For a possibly-not-an-angel-and-just-an-odd-kid you sure as hell did act like an angel.
And then he started to feel protective over you. He distanced himself but that didn't work so he just dealt with this annoying feeling for now.
He saw a kid call you a mf chalk and then later he was also found cut out and dead like a chalk.
It was a sunny day where you tried to cover your eyes from the bright sun away from your sensitive eyes and your not so good wasn't helping at all.
You kept bumping into things when you bumped into a hard clothed big statue like legs which made a shade for your smaller body and you got a good look at your savior.
You were kinda creeped out since his gaze on you felt the exact watching ones you felt when you were outside or near a window but those eyes never meant harm or anything malicious towards you.
The figure then fastly walked away which was unknowingly the start of your new little friendship.
Sinclair brothers
They couldn't believe their eyes when they first saw you. You were just so... Different! In a good way! Wondered if you were just a pale kid who just bleached every hair on their body. Please forgive them they're new to this.
Bo again shows you off for tourist attraction but just in the shade, if you think he only likes you is because you can get the attention of people effectively he'll be very quick to dismiss those thoughts, of course he sees you more than that! That part is just for business. Don't think such silly thoughts again. Probably says shit like "don't run off and trip on the ground, it'll be a pain if your hair gets dirtied." but really it's just a dumb excuse to keep his paranoia away. He'll buy glasses for you if your eyesight is crazy poor.
Vincent also loves how you look. He's just in the corner like "wow I can't believe that beautiful child likes me." his cute little ass is in the basement and scribbling. Plays with your hair if you have any. He'd pick you up if you're having a hard time seeing, or covers you up on a bright day. He loves how you look but also hates the consequences you have to suffer with. He thinks you're very delicate because of these reasons and so comes mama Vincent, bo is around the corner no one can handle his mom energy yet.
Lester is sad that most of the time you can't go outside mostly because of your light sensitivity. But although the stars and the moon do look nice. Still tries to give you a good life though, he understands that you probably got looked at weirdly and doesn't want to make you feel that same way. Lester and Jonesy always have your back on this one. Random person bothering you? No problem Jonesy will get the pleasure of scaring the shit out of them maybe bite them idk depends. Maybe they're both mauling that person
Was awestruck when she first saw you. Thought you kinda looked like her! And that you were an angel since you fit the description of one.
Would get confused if you said you get bullied. God people find reasons to bully someone for no reason.
She would definitely do something about it though, it would be very rude of her if she just let it continue.
Wouldn't go as far as killing but would scare them into never talking to you again. She might feel kinda bad but they deserved it.
Gives you old light coloured clothing as it goes well with you. Maybe you two can match!
Doesn't know what her mother will think of you so she keeps you hidden. She means no harm! She just wants to make sure she can be there for you.
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coralhoneyrose · 7 months
Oh man, I wish I could ask you follow-up questions in order to curate these recommendations more to your taste LOL. Idk if you are interested in reading chrobin for all Robin genders, if you're only looking for complete fics, if you're comfortable with smut, etc., but in light of my inability to know your preferences, I'm just gonna cast a wide net with my recommendations and let you sort through what appeals most to you from the list. I am also going to resist talking about *what* I love about each of these fics for now or else we will be here all day, but if there are any you would like to hear more about in a follow-up, feel free to lmk. Clearly I am just excited to have any excuse to talk about chrobin and some of the very wonderful fan work that exists for the pairing <3
Also big disclaimer that this is not a comprehensive list. This fandom is 2000+ fics strong and I am absolutely going to forget some gems and personal favorites. Additional note that many of the authors on here are prolific contributors with many excellent chrobin fics and that I definitely recommend browsing their profiles for more if you enjoy anything on here. In fact, please do, because I tried to limit myself to just one selection per author here and some of these writers have so sooooo many chrobin fics that make me crazy in the best way. Okay, without further ado:
A Book of Most Curious Letters (Perhaps silly to include this one in that it's very fandom famous but it's also my all time favorite so I'm including it anyway LOL)
The Heart of the Moon
All's Fair In War and Fake Engagement
An Inevitable Encounter
The Blank Man
Take On Me, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Chrom
Carrion Comfort
there's a record on and the song remains
worthiness is no more than a brazen gambit
Convince Me
The Colours of Me, the Colours of You, the Colours of Us
Oceanic Eyes, a Radiant Smile, and a Solar Halo
I Like What We Have
A Gentle Whisper
For Lucina
like a thief into the night
The Rook's Endgame
Someone reaching back for me
Okay, I'm gonna cut myself off there for now--hopefully this helps! That being said, I definitely think that in addition to reading these fics you should still consider writing some yourself if you want to~ Often times creating scratches a different type of itch, and from a purely selfish standpoint, I like having more chrobin to read too LOL. Thanks for the ask, anon!
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cosmic-ships · 7 months
Lesson One - Learn Nothing.
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Ship: Mills x Kaden
Words: 930
cw: Mills being a playful ass lol idk kissing? LOL
Summary: Kaden want's to whistle.
If you don't self-ship please dni, I have anxiety lol
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"No, No like this…" Mills gently grasped his hands together, hollowing them as he gently blew air in between his thumbs to create a low whistle sound.
"I'm literally doing that! It's not working!" Kaden grumbled as they stared at his hands, their eyes racking over every inch to try and study how exactly he is doing it.
"You got to position your hands just right.." Mills let his hands drop, they almost fell to his sides but Kaden grabbed his wrists, pulling them up
"No no, more. I need to study!" Kaden chuckled to which Mills gave a small smirk.
"Alright.." he sighed, lifting his hands back into position.
Kaden dropped their head a little, moving back and forth from each side of Mills to try to get the best angle of how his hands were position.
Kaden mimicked his hands with their own, bringing them up to their mouth and blowing but nothing came out and Kaden growled lowly. "Dammit!"
Mills couldn't help but let out a small laugh, he was highly amused that Kaden was so determined to learn how to do this. His laugh soon got louder when Kaden wiped their hands on their pants.
"Problem?" He grinned.
"… I spit in my hands.." Kaden mumbled and Mills erupted into laughter until Kaden gave him a playful shove. "Oh shut up! This is hard. One more time!"
"You know… I think you wanting to learn how to do this is just an excuse." Mills flashed a toothy grin to which Kaden rose their eyebrow.
"An excuse? For what? You think I'm spitting into my hands for fun!?" Kaden laughed softly.
Their happy expression soon faltered and a light pink hue rose to their cheeks when Mills lifted his hands up.
"I think it's an excuse to look at my hands.." Mills hummed knowingly.
"Nu uh! I wanna learn how to do it, honest!" Kaden stuttered, their voice giving them away a little. So it was partially true, Mills was also right. Kaden loved his hands, they were big and they were warm whenever he touched them.
"Then let me show you, with your own hands.." Mills smiled, he gently grasped Kaden's hands with his own, positioning them in the same position that he had his.
Kaden's heart rapped in their chest, they always felt their pulse quicken whenever Mills made any kind of physical contact with them, they were blushing and they knew damn well Mills noticed their demeanor change. There were those stupid butterflies in their stomach again.
Mills held their hands in position except when he raised them he brought them closer to himself and kissed their knuckles gently, his eyes flicking up to Kaden's and Kaden felt their heart momentarily stop while simultaneously jump into their throat as their breath hitched.
"For luck~" He gave them a playful wink and Kaden felt like they were going to burst into a million pieces from how flustered they felt.
Kaden tried to shake the flustered feeling and focus, they brought their hands up to their mouth and blew and to nobodies surprise nothing happened. Just the sound of them blowing into their hands and Kaden flailed their arms momentarily in frustration.
"What the hell! My lips are broken! Or my hands! Or Both!! Grah!"
Mills had to admit that their frustration and antics to show their frustration was amusing to him. He reached out and grabbed their hand in his, he interlocked their fingers and gently pulled them over close to him, a playful smile on his face. His whiskey coloured eyes holding a hint of mischievousness in them as he played with Kaden's fingers. "Hm.. no…I don't think they're broken, you're not hollering out in pain-"
Kaden's face felt like it was going to burst. It wasn't a secret that they liked each other much more than travelling companions but they never really put a label on it.
Mills watched Kaden's reaction a tingle of satisfaction ran though him as he seen that he was quickly turning them into a flustered mess. He reached out with his free hand, gently wrapping his arm around their waist. He pulled them almost flush against him and had to resist the urge to grin when they heard a small surprised gasp leave Kaden's lips.
Mills closed the distance, dipping his head down to gently capture Kaden's lips with his own. Kaden's arms wrapping around his neck loosely. The kiss only lasted a second but it was warm and filled with affection, perhaps even a hint of playfulness. Kaden nearly whining when he pulled away. "…..nope" Mills breathed softly.
Kaden blinked up at him in surprise, they were dazed, their head felt like it was spinning, they felt lightheaded in the best of ways.
"I don't think your lips are broken either…but I can't be sure…Here lemme check again-" Mills suggested with a teasing smirk and Kaden laughed softly as he pressed his lips against theirs once more this time allowing the kiss to be a little longer and a little more deeper, both of them smiling through their kisses.
"Definitely not broken.." Mills chuckled as he pulled away enough to speak.
"You ass.." Kaden laughed softly.
"you like me" Mills teased his tone laced with playfulness.
Kaden grinned, rolling their eyes. "You like me too."
"Yes I do~" Mills sighed softly in content, lifting his hand to brush a few purple strands of hair out of their eyes.
If learning how to whistle ended like this every time Kaden never wanted to learn how to do it right.
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Tags: @heatobrienswife || @ama-ships || @kylars-princess || @roboraindrop || @dragonsmooch || @lysandreslittlechatot
Banner: @/cafekitsune || gifs: @/zacksnydered
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eggtartz · 2 years
I have no idea if requests are open but if they are, can I pretty please request a Ryusei Satou x Reader where the reader like hates Ryusei’s guts meanwhile he’s like completely in love with the reader and then after a while the reader falls in love with Ryusei? Idk I just thought this be a cute idea. Anyways thank you for hearing me out and have an amazing day/night 🙏❤️❤️
a/n : my requests are always open anon so don't worry ❤️ also i see a fellow simp of ryusei 🫶🏻 thankyou for the cute request anon and enjoy!
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you hated his guts since childhood because he always teased you. even in highschool, ryusei never moved on from teasing you, in fact the teasing got much worse. sometimes, his teasing would conclude small praises too that got you blushing for no reason.
ryusei would sneak up in your class and sit beside you to steal one of your pens. he would do this one thing where he exchanged the pen's cap so it'll be in different colours that he knew would piss you off.
sometimes when bored, he would doodle in your notes drawing a mini you (he drew it ugly for some reason alright) and on purpose doesn't erase it back.
while you're copying the words at the board, he would copy the words from your notes instead of looking up (his eyesight is fine, he just likes you looked annoyed at him)
if you're not present at school, he would rush to go to your house and bring some gifts too (your mom always called ryusei your boyfriend which made you more annoyed)
one day at the school rooftop you were jamming to some music until the door was kicked and the school bully appeared. out of nowhere she grabbed you and pushed you down the stairs and you couldn't do anything about it as it happened too fast. you checked that your elbow was bruised but either than that you were fine.
coming back from the nurse's room, you bumped into ryusei and groaned. he's gonna tease you so much for the bruise you can imagine so you tried to avoid him (he caught you anyways, he was searching for you after all)
"eh what's with the bandages y/n? poor girl fell down the stairs?" he teased. inhaling a breath you exclaimed "yeah ryusei, someone pushed me down the stairs you happy now?". his smile dropped, mouth opened ajar. "who?"
"not that it matters, im going home anyways. nurse's orders" you walked past him without waiting for a response. you woke up the next morning, your bruise already getting better.
at school, you saw a bunch of students in front of your locker and tried to reach your locker but to see yesterday's school bully was kneeling. in front of ryusei. ryusei was smiling (a bit sadistic you thought) and grabbed her hair "did you pushed y/n yesterday?" she nodded and ryusei let go of her hair. "you know, i don't beat girls but girls like you?you deserved it" ryusei said again.
glaring around, happy to humiliate the bully ryusei's glanced at you and beamed a smile while waving. he called some of his members to take the bully and her friends and walked right at you. "it's done pretty girl, no need to worry anymore"
your perspective on the boy changed that day. you noticed he teased you a lot but gave you compliments with them. he bought you a lot of pens and highlighters as an excuse he likes to mess with the caps but he knows you like your notes all colorful. he would drag you to the rooftop to sleep if he saw you were about to doze off. you noticed how ryusei did none to harm you, in cases he actually cared about you. like a lot.
"ryusei, do you like me?"
"tch, stupid girl. took you forever to notice it" he said while twirling your hair and you slightly giggled.
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bastardtrait · 1 year
huge get to know me post
hi friendsies. I feel like sharing today. some of these are from a really long time ago because I've been hoarding them like the sewer-dwelling critter I am. thank you to everyone who tagged! if you also feel like sharing today then please by all means, use this post as an excuse.
last and current things tag! for this one I was tagged by @moonfromearth @newvegastrait and @airbussy-a330.
last song: water colour by Wheein
last show: I watched an episode of From with my brother & SIL which was pretty intriguing
currently watching: I do not...watch shows...I can't stick to shows if it'd save my life tbh
currently reading: Love Hate & Clickbait by Liz Bowery. it's fine so far. a solid 3/5 read. could I recommend it? if you're bored maybe.
current obsession: God of War Ragnarök. in fact I'm so obsessed I'm hellbent on 100%ing this game and I might even go back for NG+. please send help.
15 questions for 15 mutuals! for this one I was tagged by @autonomousllama and @thelastairsimblr.
Are you named after anyone? Yes, I've got my parents' names in my full legal name.
When was the last time you cried? you're gonna make me say it huh. fine. I cried during the middle part of God of War Ragnarök omg bye
Do you have kids? No...but it'd be nice someday...
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I don't know if I'm sarcastic. not really my form of humour. but I could be wrong.
What sorts of sports do you/have you played? I like swimming and diving, and football/soccer.
What's the first thing you notice about other people? okay this is gonna sound completely fucking unhinged so bear with me but...smell. like yeah that's a really normal answer right. but it's true. don't sue me.
Eye colour: brown
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings because I watched the ever-loving shit out of horror movies between 11-21 and now I don't care about them anymore.
Any special talents? I hate this question goodbye
Where were you born? the Philippines
What are your hobbies? cooking, video games, making and playing music, tabletop rpg's, painting. normal tweecore shit I guess.
Do you have any pets? yes, one overgrown rat the shelter tried to pass off as a dog but I know better. and I love him dearly.
How tall are you? driver's license says 173 cm which is around 5'8".
Favourite subject in school? god idk I haven't been in school in years. I guess history? maybe?
Dream job? I do not dream of having a job.
shuffle your playlist tag! I was tagged by @beebeesiims a while ago. in which I must shuffle my on repeat playlist and share the first 10 tracks GOD HERE WE GO...
Set Me Free - Twice
夜に駆ける Racing into the night - YOASOBI
きらり Flash - Fujii Kaze
真夜中のドア/Stay With Me - Matsubara Miki
Umaasa - Skusta Klee
Burning Friday Night - Lucky Kilimanjaro
Supernova - Ellegarden
Gunshot - KARD
Perfect World - Twice
Wonderland - iri
get to know the blogger tag! I was tagged by @lynxsimago aaages ago. some of these questions are the same as the ones above so those, I will skip.
show your wallpaper:
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yes I use windoze 7. sorry my slay is so gigantic.
last movie: Mambo Italiano from 2003. one of those so bad it's good movies.
craving: some ice cold aiyu jelly on bright, blistering summer day!
what are you wearing right now? shorts...and a bandage on my torso bc I burned myself last night lol
piercings? earlobes and left nostril. I want an eyebrow one too though.
tattoos? a bow and arrow design on my right forearm and the word "ا��تظار" on my left wrist.
glasses/contacts? I wear glasses
last thing I ate: a panino I made. it slapped.
favourite colour? yellow!
favourite fictional character? Samwise Gamgee probably.
last place I travelled: if driving an hour+ away from home counts, then it was to Brockville. if it should be longer than that, then it'd be Vancouver.
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mulletmitsuya · 3 years
Toman groupchat
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, mentions of being high, pure crack, also it's kinda long
Draken: yo I need to tell y'all something
Mikey: did you finally ask Emma out
Baji: did you finally ask Emma out
Mitsuya: let him talk
Draken: thanks Mitsuya
Draken: and no I didnt
Draken: I've been fighting demons
Mikey: idc stop being a coward
Smiley: pussy
Draken: can y'all stfu for a few seconds
Chifuyu: all ears Draken-kun
Kazutora: stfu Chifuyu, no one asked you
Chifuyu: ?????
Chifuyu: I don't remember talking to your ugly ass tf 🤨
Baji: calm tf down why are you guys always at each others throats
Kazutora: no lol he's pissing me off
Chifuyu: I didn't even do anything
Chifuyu: did you take your meds? is that why you're acting out?
Draken: please just let me talk
Smiley: you're such an attention whore
Mitsuya: Draken is it something important?
Draken: to me, yes
Mikey: idc I'm going to sleep
Mitsuya: guys c'mon just shut up for a few seconds
Hakkai: Draken-kun maybe you should dm people individualy? it doesn't look like people are gonna settle down soon
Smiley: love how he didn't care until Mitsuya thought it was important
Smiley: fucking simp
Hakkai: I didn't even do anything🙁
Angry: Smiley stop being mean
Chifuyu: Angry why do you only talk when it involves Smiley
Angry: I'm shy and most of you guys are intimidating
Mikey: love the honesty
Baji: Angry are your pubes blue
Mikey: 👁️👁️
Angry: ....
Angry: yeah
Smiley: you weren't supposed to answer the question he was making fun of you
Smiley: this is why you don't talk
Angry: but I want more friends
Mikey: free Souya‼️
Draken: oh my god
Draken: just a few seconds of attention that's all I want
Kazutora: what do you want whore
Mitsuya: guys fr just let him talk
Draken: ykw idc anymore I'm over it
Draken: I'll just dm Mitsuya
Mikey: ok fine you have the attention you wanted whore
Draken: well its smth I've been dealing with for a while now
Draken: and part of the reason I haven't asked Emma out yet
Smiley: you should have just started with that tbh we would have been more interested
Smiley: but you chose to be boring
Mikey: steal the moment Ken-chin
Kazutora: make some noise
Draken: FUCK
Mikey: ....
Mitsuya: ....
Hakkai: .....
Kazutora: ....
Angry: .....❤️🏳️‍🌈
Smiley: PLEASE
Mitsuya: thanks for telling us Draken, we support you all the way
Chifuyu: how did you figure it out Draken-kun??
Chifuyu: was there an awakening
Draken: I hate all of you
Draken: except Mitsuya
Draken: thanks for sticking up for me bestie
Mitsuya: did you eat the edibles
Draken: yeah
Mitsuya: I told you not to
Draken: it's just
Draken: there were pink sprinkles
Draken: and yk that's my favourite colour
Draken: I had to
Draken: shit I'm never getting high again I can't feel my fucking tongue
Draken: also yes Chifuyu there was an awakening srry I forgot to answer
Draken: I mean we have a circle of attractive friends idk what you want me to say
Mitsuya: both of y'all have boyfriends chill out
Mitsuya: and he still likes Emma
Mikey: Mitsuya aren't you tired of being responsible
Mikey: just freak out with us
Mikey: Ken-chin likes dick
Mikey: I'll act a fool if I need to
Smiley: another one down. guess me and angry are the only heterosexuals left
Smiley: I actually respect Draken so I'll let this one slide
Angry: I have a crush on Rindou Haitani so no
Smiley: 😁
Smiley: excuse me??😁
Hakkai: Angry please tell me your joking he literally tried to kill us😟
Chifuyu: so many things are happening
Angry: I went to visit him and his brother in jail cause I wanted to apologize for almost killing them
Angry: and we've been hanging out
Angry: we usually go out for ice-cream😊
Kazutora: cap
Kazutora: Angry this is the first time I've seen you speak to anyone but Smiley and Hakkai
Kazutora: and youre telling us that you hang out with Rindou Haitani
Angry: I do tho🙁
Smiley: Angry let's have a talk
Angry: Smiley calm down he's really cool
Angry: when he's not killing people i suppose
Angry: and he hasn't killed that many people
Angry: mostly Ran does the murders, Rin just makes sure they can't move
Baji: RIN?????
Mitsuya: why are you talking about this so casually
Mitsuya: I don't judge
Mitsuya: but the Haitani's are.....bad news
Mitsuya: just stay safe
Draken: yeah, i have a pack of condoms in my drawer if you need em Angry
Mitsuya: .......that's not what I meant
Angry: thanks Draken-kun
Smiley: ?????????????
Mikey: Ken-chin why do you have condoms in your drawer I know you're not getting any😕
Draken: stfu
Draken: anyway I've said my truth
Draken: so I'm gonna leave now
Draken: bye👍
*Draken has gone offline*
Mikey: I'm going over to his house
Mikey: maybe I'll ride smth other than this bike
Baji: STOP
Kazutora: can't wait till he sobers up and reads this
Angry: I'm gonna go too. nice talk guys ☺️
*Angry has gone offline*
Smiley: ...
Smiley: I'ma have a few words with this bitch
*Smiley has gone offline*
Baji: so Mitsuya
Mitsuya: say something else I dare you
Baji: ayt 🤕
Baji: it's just since he's bi you have a chance now
Mitsuya: what the fuck did I just say
*Mitsuya has gone offline*
Kazutora: I think he's gonna hurt you
Baji: no he won't
Baji: shit nvm I think he's pulling up
*Baji has gone offline*
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rafescoke · 3 years
Never sent a request idk if I do this right. Been to lazy and not good lately and honestly I just need a good fluff. The basic plot where he is in a bad mood like angry and then he turns to his lover etc etc. Do your thing I just need some comfort and love!
Cupcake ; Rafe Cameron
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
Summary: Maybe making cupcakes with a girl he likes won’t be a bad thing
Warnings: Slight angst on the earlier part, cursing, substance, extreme fluff, adorable Rafe Cameron
A/N: I hope you're doing good, sending all my love and hugs @ you <33 remember to rest!!! @asimpwriter
p.s; you know the drill - send any requests!
"Fuck off," Rafe sighed, shutting his eyes against the bright chandelier above the dinner table. Since when did it got so bright? The last time he checked, it was dimmed. "I swear Sarah, say one more word and I'll fucking kill you."
"Rafe," Ward sighed, placing his cutleries down onto the expensive wooden table. "It's family time. Excuse your sister."
"She's hanging around with those stupid pogues, dad!" he groaned, not wanting to believe that his dad was on her side. Not that he was ever on his, but he thought his father would have the same mindset as him towards this topic.
"Let. It. Go."
"They're my friends," she breathed, and Ward closed his eyes again, knowing the screaming that was about to occur. "I'm sorry you're stuck with Topper-"
"Didn't you cheat on him?" he laughed, and turned to look at his dad. He mouthed at him with an amused expression, "She cheated on him."
"I didn't, and we broke up 2 weeks ago. I'm sorry he couldn't move on from me," Sarah shrugged, and Rafe watched as she put aside her green beans and offered some of the mashed potatoes to Wheezie.
How could she act so normal about this?
"Oh, and-" Sarah turned to Ward, and Rafe waited impatiently for the lies that was about to slip from her mouth. "Do you know that he does drugs?"
"Sarah!" Rose yelled, furrowing her eyebrows as Rafe laughed out loud, clapping his hands loudly that the sound echoed throughout the huge house. "It's a family dinner!"
"I don't give a fuck about this family," Sarah said, removing the napkin from her lap and quickly standing up to get out of the house. Ward didn't say anything, neither did Rose, and after a few seconds, he let out a sigh.
"This is getting out of hand," he started, clasping his hands. "Rafe, I'm no longer letting you take over my business."
Rafe stopped his movements, looking at his father with widened eyes. After all those time he spent at college, trying to make his father proud and to take over the business, only for this?
"Dad, you can't. She's lying, dad, I haven't been using drugs."
"I saw the stash, Rafe," he sighed, and Rafe thought about the space under his bed. He closed his eyes, muttering a ‘fuck’ when he finally remembered the empty space. He didn't think much about it earlier, thinking about how he must have used up all of the powder.
"Until you get your life back on track, or nothing at all."
"Go find your sister, and bring her home."
"Dad, please-"
"Go find Sarah."
"Okay," he sighed, standing up immediately and letting the chair scraped the polished floor. Wheezie shifted uncomfortably at the sound, and Rafe had an urge to do it again, just for the sake of riling his father's anger.
He cursed silently, walking away towards the table and to the porch, all while thinking about the joy if he could destroy the Pogues' life for making his hard.
The drive from Figure 8 to The Cut took him 30 minutes at high speed and being fully caffeinated, and when he arrived at the Chateau, all riled up from the quarrel with his father that he had before, he didn't try to see if his sister was even in there before barging into the small home.
"Yo, what the fuck?"
"Where's Sarah?" he muttered, giving Kie his side glance and continued searching for her. "Where the fuck is she?"
"Yo, bro, this land is off to the kooks," JJ stepped in, eye to eye as he leveled up to Rafe's height. He was only an inch shorter, but the difference was apparent. He continued to place his hands against his chest, whispering slowly. "Especially to crackheads like you."
Rafe laughed, tilting his head to the back to release the tension building up in his body. He was so, so close to give the blonde boy the consequences of his words, but was halted when Sarah entered the room, hand in hand with John B.
"What are you doing here?" she groaned, walking forward and standing in front of him. "God, can't you leave me alone?"
"Oh, trust me, I rather do that more than anything especially-" his eyes trailed to John B, "When you're fucking with a trash."
"JJ-" Kie stepped up, pulling JJ's shirt to stop him from doing anything. She sighed, knowing that this was bound to happen anytime soon, and she had told John B about this before, but he didn't listen. Now it was like her job to protect her friends from Rafe.
"Leave," Sarah stated, her lips pulled into a tight grimace. "Leave before I'll tell dad about this."
"I'm just trying to protect you," he ran his fingers through his hair, making it more messier than ever. Why couldn't she get that? All he was doing - it was all to protect her, so that his father could see him for what he's worth.
"You know what?" he sighed, wrapping his face with his large hands and turning towards the exit. "You wanna be one of them? Go. Don't ever come back home. You're just another trash, anyways."
He wasn't sure if he meant them, or if it came from the heat of the moment. All he could think about was to run away, to hide and to never come out and face his father or the judgement put by everyone else. He felt an uneasy feeling rising in the pit of her stomach, but he was too proud to say sorry.
“That was useless," he thought, leaning over his motorcycle and blinking his eyes against the lights by the side of the road. He couldn't go back now, not when his father had just ordered him to bring Sarah home and he had failed to do so, and he couldn't go to Barry's; his dad could find him there if he search for him the next day.
He groaned, feeling the cold air nipping at his skin until the final thought occurred to him. He laughed then, not sure as to why he hadn't been thinking of that sooner, and soon he was in front of the mini apartment.
He rapped on the door and waited patiently, his heartbeat quickening. He looked at his watch, checking if his arrival was too late. He groaned, noticing the time, but it would be embarrassing for him to turn now.
(Y/N) was trying to figure out what colour should she put into the frosting mixture, her hands on her waist when she heard the knock.
Her head instinctively looked at the clock, frowning when she read the time. It was not that late, only around 10 p.m., but she was not ready for any guests or her friends to come over.
Had she been too loud that the cranky neighbor next door who sleeps early everyday had come to tell her off?
She sighed, lowering the music coming from the radio before making her way to the door. She was in nothing but her ribbed top and a pair of sweatpants, and her hair was messier than ever.
"I'm sorry, Jerry," she sighed, opening the door to greet the old man. But standing in front of her was not the grey-haired man with furrowed eyebrows, ready to scold her, but it was the boy she had been crushing on since forever instead.
"Rafe?" she exclaimed, and she couldn't deny the shock spreading through her veins at the sight of him. He was sweaty, like he had just been in a fight, and his shirt was sticking to his body. "What are you doing here?"
"Hey, I'm sorry, can I come in?"
The smell of freshly baked cupcakes wafted into his nostrils, and he noticed the drool in his mouth. He didn't eat dinner that much, being forced to chase after his sister, and all he wanted was to enjoy some good food and get a good sleep for the night.
"I'm not. . . we can't. . . I'm not prepared for anything-"
"It's okay, I didn't come for sex," he bit his lips, trying to contain her amused laughter at her statement. "We're friends, (Y/N), aren't we?"
"Yeah," she raised a brow, not grasping at the way he was playing his words. She allowed him in, asking him to sit by the kitchen counter and checking her porch outside to see if there was any cameras in case he was trying to prank her.
Rafe Cameron never contacted her for anything if it wasn't for sex.
"What are you making?" he pointed at the mess on the kitchen, and (Y/N) tried to hide her red face as she quickly tried to put the stained bowls and cutleries into the sink.
"Uh, cupcakes."
"Yum," he chuckled, liking the way she was so nervous around him. The truth with (Y/N), she was extremely wild in bed but also very shy outside. It was like a complete two different person, but he was always intrigued by this.
The first time they had done the deed, he was shocked when she got into control, and he would lie if he said he didn't enjoy it. That night was one of Rafe’s best nights, the starting point to the many after.
"Relax, (Y/N)," he laughed, watching as she tilted a cup and placing his hand under the table to catch it before it could break. (Y/N) yelped, struck to her position, and let out the biggest relief when Rafe put it back to its previous place, safe as ever.
"Why are you so jumpy?" he whispered, sneaking beside her to help with whatever she was doing. He hadn't got a clue about this whole baking thing, only watching Cake Wars for the drama, but he wanted to help the girl beside him if it means he got to spend time with her.
"What are you doing?" she muttered, glancing at Rafe's hands as he whisked the fluffy frosting. "Rafe, you're going to get it more clumpy."
"No, I won't."
"Rafe, I swear," she groaned, reaching over to grab the whisk only for him to turn around, laughing while she struggled to get him.
"I'm just making it more fluffier," he smiled, continuing to whisk the mixture without even looking at the white colloid. He was too busy looking at her, and he wondered if she knew about the small amount of flour powder that had gotten on the top of her nose.
"Was the coke good?"
"Huh?" she tilted her head, confused, and still angry at the way he was not listening to her.
"The nose. Was the coke good?"
(Y/N) gave him a look before going to the corner to stare at herself in the mirror, letting out a yelp when she saw the powdery stain on her nose. She quickly dusted them off, stalking back to the still-whisking boy, and she wondered about the amount of energy he had in him and how he was still not tired.
"Rafe! It's all clumped!" she sighed, finally having a hold on the large bowl. She took her a finger and tipped it into the mixture, pulling out before slipping the finger into her mouth. Her face scrunched up, and she reached for the glass of water by her side.
"What? It's more prettier. More texture-ish. If we're in Cake Wars, we'll be the winner."
"That's not how it works," she groaned, pouring the failed mixture into the sink and letting the water cleansed them off. "Now my cupcake's going to be naked."
"You know what can be naked too?"
She held up her middle finger, placing the wet bowl onto the counter and using the clean cloth to wipe it dry. "And I'm not giving these to the children's home naked. You have to help me, Rafe."
Rafe felt a smile tugging on his lips at the mention of 'children’s home', and he thought about how perfect could she be. She’s the epitome of the girl everyone wants to be - she's good in school, never using anyone's money for her, good at baking, and has a big heart?
He thought about how she's good in bed too, but he tired to shake the childish thought away.
"What can I do? Should I go to the store and get any Betty Crocker's frosting?" he offered, his hands in his pocket to reach for his keys. He watched as her shoulder slumped, and he felt bad for ruining her cake. He touched her shoulder, "Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't know it would actually be clumped. I thought it would get even more fluffier."
"You don't think, Rafe, that's why," she sighed, "But that's alright. Do you think you can help me make another one?"
"Are you sure? I don't want to ruin anything," he backed away, glancing at the sink and thinking about the clumped mixture making their way to the sewer.
"Yes. Can you reach for that sugar? That's flour, Rafe, god, yes, yes, okay, c'mere," she rolled her eyes, taking the container from him and dumping the content into the dried bowl. "Now, what do we do?"
"Put water?"
(Y/N) laughed, tilting her head to one side, trying to clutch her stomach from hurting. "Yeah, if you want the kids to get sick."
"Okay, Gordon, what should we do next?" he grunted, but he liked the lightness in the air. How the conversation flowed easily, and how quick he regained her trust to help her make whatever this is.
It was like she didn't care about the Rafe Cameron that gets into fights with the pogues or snorts coke when he's stressed. He felt like staying in this moment forever, wanting to help her bake whatever and watching her smile.
(Y/N) handed him the butter, muttering something along the words of 'dump them in', 'use the mixture', 'you're going to break your arms' and 'watch while it's whisking'.
He didn't care about the many orders she was giving him - he enjoyed it. He truly liked how his night was ending after a long day of bullshit, starting with his college sending him a letter for the vandalism he had caused outside of the Dean's office, Kelce and Topper going on a road trip without him and giving him the explanation of 'we asked you, and you said no'.
In truth, he didn't even remember anything about meeting them. His memory was starting to fade, and he shuddered at the thought of not knowing anyone when he reaches Ward's age.
"Okay, that's enough," she groaned, switching the button off. Rafe apologized quickly, being so caught up with his own thoughts, and waited for her next order.
"Choose the colour," she exclaimed happily, pointing out two different food dyes. "I can't choose!"
Rafe skimmed over the label that said 'blue' and 'pink', and made a face. "Are you going to give the blue ones to the boys and the pinks to the girls or something?"
"What? No?"
"Okay. . . why can't we just use both?"
"And make purple?"
"Yeah? Hey, look, I'm wearing blue and you're wearing pink!"
(Y/N) looked down to the ribbed top, noticing the colour, and her face turned into a red shade. Now everything's going to be awkward.
"Okay, purple it is," she rolled her eyes, giving him the blue bottle and taking the pink one for herself. "Three drops together. Are you ready?"
Rafe licked his lips, so eager to watch the colour forming.
"2," she looked at him, and back to the frosting. "Rafe!"
"What?" he raised a brow, following her gaze and watching the blue dots on the frosting. He put his hand over his mouth, too stunned to say anything. "Oh my god, I'm so-"
(Y/N) laughed out loud, this time with her hands gripping onto the kitchen counter to stabilize herself, her mind rewinding back to his expression when he found out what he just did.
"Ha-ha, now you're just being an asshole," he rolled his eyes, but he was glad he had made her laugh. Instinctively, her laugh had made him feel better, and all of his worries dissipated into the air.
After a while, she tried to get ahold of herself to put the pink drops in, but failing to do so as his face kept appearing in her mind. Rafe groaned, having to wait for a few minutes now, and pulled her to feet. He pushed her against the counter, her back against his front as he trapped her.
"Don't laugh."
(Y/N) bit her lips, being in this position but not for what they usually do, and concentrated on dropping 3 drops of pink into the bowl. She cheered when she was done, pulling his hand away to move to the other side. The back of her neck was still hot, and she could still feel his arms around her.
"Mix it," Rafe smiled, leaning against the counter to watch as the mixer whisked the frosting, turning the pearly white colloid to a beautiful dark purple.
"It's dark!" she groaned, but she thought about how it still looked good, though it wasn't her expectation. Her job was almost finished now, and she could hear her bed calling.
"Now, the fun part," she smiled, taking her icing materials and placing them before his eyes. She watched as he laughed, being so excited as if he was a toddler seeing a playground for the first time.
"They used these in Cake Wars," he said proudly, showing her a nozzle.
"Stop with your Cake Wars," she mumbled, preparing the icing bag and giving Rafe one. "Put some frosting- not yet, Rafe, God, do you ever wait? Don't fill the bags too much, just in the middle, yes, just like that, and, wait, let me do mine."
She showed him how to do the perfect icing, practicing on a clean plate and asking him to do the same. He scoffed at her, saying how he got this, but what appeared was nothing more than a crooked line.
"That's nice," she muttered, sighing. "For a coming-out party."
Rafe groaned, trying to copy her artwork, and by the time it was 12.03 a.m., he had managed a copy of hers. Not literal, but there was a hint of hers in his.
"Okay. Now, Rafe, we'll make this quick. I do 80 cupcakes, and you do 20. Is that okay?"
"Yes, ma'am," he said, concentrating on his piping bag. He watched as she did the first cupcake, ending her icing perfectly and exclaiming happily as she put it aside. She looked at him, waiting.
"Don't look at me, you're making me nervous," he mumbled, and leaned to decorate the cupcake. It took him a total of 2 minutes, stopping at times and getting a yell from (Y/N), saying how he should not stop, and the result was impressive. At least to him.
"This will probably be in the rejected part of a bakery, you know, that they'll sell with a discount."
"Not everyone can do arts, (Y/N)," he rolled his eyes, but he truly enjoyed the joke.
It was nearing one in the morning when Rafe saw her sighing in relief, placing the last cupcake into the pastry box and safely storing them in the refrigerator. Her hair was in a bun, he had helped her put them up, and when she refused to let him help her, he gave her a poke.
"What? It's not like it's my first time putting your hair up."
"God, Rafe, you're impossible."
His eyes were almost shut, being so tired after being a cake decorator, and all he wished for was to pull her into her bed and sleep until the morning greets them. He waited until she was done cleaning all of the utensils, walking tiredly towards to him to wake him up.
"Get change, Rafe, I'm not letting you sleep in my bed with that shirt and that sweatpants."
"It's not a problem before," he mumbled, allowing himself to be pulled by her to the bedroom. He removed his shirt weakly, pulling off his sweatpants and jumping into the bed as soon as she closed the light. (Y/N) giggled lightly, noticing how adorable he was being, and she pinched his cheeks before she could stop herself.
"Take off your clothes."
"I'm not going to take off my clothes," she laughed, pulling down her shorts and getting into the bed beside him. She finally laid her back against the mattress, letting out the biggest relief ever as she tried to get comfortable.
He pulled her close towards him, breathing into her scent. She smelled like cupcakes, and he loved it.
"I'm going to the children's home with you."
"What?" she pulled a face, because she wasn't sure if she had heard him right. There was no way Rafe Cameron would ever step his foot into a children's home, what more to give out dark purple cupcakes.
"I'm going to the children's home with you. To give them cupcakes."
(Y/N) smiled and kissed his cheeks. "Okay."
"And we should do this again."
"Goodnight, Rafe," she laughed lightly, placing another peck before closing her eyes.
He placed a long kiss fully on her lips, feeling the butterflies soaring in his stomach. "Goodnight, (Y/N)."
taglist is close atm until i figure out wtf is up with tumblr :(
@okayshoto @joselyn001 @onceuponateenagetrash @dyingsleep @im19yearsold @iwannabeapogue @meaganjm @rafesobxs @flossy2929 @drewstarkeyluver @unfortunatekiwitrash @Mellifluouszayn @hhishho @hvrcruxes @scottybitch @asimpwriter @starxqt @amaya124 @Made212 @adriee16 @eggirl @tommy-tommo @thatshithurted8 @beyatch012 @fallincindy @marvelwhor3 @rafeswh0ree @kookap @supernaturallydc-blog @blank-velvet @alaniskauany @lumzs @kiiim8 @witchywrter @kaitlyn2907 @heyimflo @overcookedpastasause @tsukkiswifeey @spidey-d00d @anonymousobxfan @gotmeinloveagain @chicagoblackhawkslover96 @lexi-writes @Emmalvei_03 @classydragonthingknight @belongtoyou-u
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kawaiitoga · 2 years
Hi Sophie!!Tysm for following me and liking my Todomomo posts💜💙💖Could you please write Fuyumi x fem!(with they/them pronouns)pro-hero!Reader headcanons?
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𝕗𝕦𝕪𝕦𝕞𝕚 𝕩 𝕗𝕖𝕞 (𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕪/𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞 𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕤) 𝕡𝕣𝕠-𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕠 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
╰┈➤ cw: includes endeavour (idk if that’s a warning but imma include it as one sjdhdb)
╰┈➤ A/n: i’m so sorry that i took so long to write this!! i really hope you like this!! imma be more active from now on as i’m nearly on summer term!! i hope you enjoy this though!!
╰┈➤ summary: fuyumi x fem pro-hero reader headcanons (reader goes by they/them pronouns)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
you and fuyumi both met when you were doing hero work and she was dropping off lunch for her younger brother, shouto todoroki.
you and shouto both worked at the same hero agency, sometimes working together on missions and making small talk by discussing your lives outside of being a pro-hero.
as soon as you saw fuyumi for the first time, you could almost have called it ‘love at first sight’
fuyumi has a completely different personality to shouto, which shocked you a bit, but as soon as she introduced herself to you, you could see the resemblance between them, mostly their hair colour.
you and fuyumi exchanged numbers as her excuse was that she wanted to meet more of shouto’s coworkers but she really just wanted your number in her phone.
you both texted each other at least everyday whenever you were on break of your hero work duty.
you were surprised to say the least when she asked you on a date with her a few months later, but you couldn’t deny that you liked her also.
your first date included a picnic date, where she had cooked everything herself, all inclusive to your food choices and hers combined.
you both continued to go on dates for a while, you both trying your hardest to work around your busy schedule, until she asked you out.
you said yes (i mean why would you say no) and you both ended up dating.
the first few stages of your dating life included her visiting you at work to give you lunch (bc her excuse was that you and shouto were both working at the same place so she might aswell give you lunch aswell when she really just wanted to see you)
and also late night video calls for the times when you had to go to another country for work, she missed you a lot when you were away but loved the fact that she was able to fall asleep to your voice
around a year after you both dating, she wanted you to meet endeavour, honestly you had heard so many negative things from shouto about endeavour that you didn’t know how to feel about the guy
you had also seen endeavour a few times as he stormed into the agency to ‘check up on’ shouto (this included him being kicked out at least every time)
but you tried to contain a positive mindset as you were happy in your relationship with fuyumi so you agreed to the dinner she set in place with her family and now you.
you met natsuo first who you would say was the one who helped to calm your nerves the most, but it still didn’t help when you had come face-to-face with him
fuyumi introduced you to endeavour and after the series of questions that he asks about your ‘plans’ with fuyumi for the future, he approved of you
you were pretty happy to have had endeavour’s approval and most of the negative things you have heard from shouto disappeared, but shouto’s glare on endeavour stayed for the rest of the evening
you both moved in with each other a few months later to make everything easier (where fuyumi really just wanted to see you more)
and you both ended up buying a kitten and you continued to live your life in peace, despite you having to fight evil like 24/7, with your new kitten and fuyumi, who seemed to make fighting evil not seem so bad when you came back to her at the end of the day
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Summary: Y/n and George had been crushing on each other for too long, but neither of them said anything. They both were waiting for the right moment to do it, but with a war upon them, was there really such thing as 'the right moment'?
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Genre: angst-fluff
George Weasley: ———
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: injuries, blood, implicit beating
A/N: (dis bish long lmao) Idk what is this, I just wanted to do something for George. Bill and Fleur's wedding came to my mind and I was like, ok but what happened after the death eaters arrived? And this came out, so enjoy <3
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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I wasn't expecting to see her.
I had heard my mother mention her name whilst talking about the Order, and I knew she had befriended Fleur at the Triwizard Tournament, but seeing her apparate in our yard was... Well, surprising.
"Son, snap out of it!" My father called me out and I corrected my wand movement; I had almost messed up the canopy, and I blamed the way her dress and hair flew with the wind as she approached our home's entrance.
Fred walked to me the moment we had secured everything, glancing at the house before questioning, "am I delirious or that was Y/n?" with a knowing grin and an intent eyebrow wiggle.
As if taking a cue, we saw the girl coming out, now with a borrowed jacket on, making a beeline to us. "I'm... Pretty sure it's her." I replied, giving the girl a smile when she waved. "Morning, lady."
"Morning, gentlemen." Fred then turned around and stepped to her in order to give her a hug. "Long time no see, huh?"
"Indeed." I agreed, following my brother's lead and hugging Y/n; her arms were quick to wrap around my neck and shoulders and squeeze me tight; I would have sworn she let out a relieved sigh. "Fleur invited you?"
"Your mom, actually." Her reply left me puzzled. "I heard your night was... Eventful." She pointed at the bandages covering my ear with a worried look. "How are you feeling?"
"Better than last night." I replied, scratching the back of my neck.
"You sure, Georgie?" It was then that I remembered we weren't alone. "Last night he was feeling Saint-like." Y/n frowned in confusion. "Because he's holey." Fred pointed at his ear just like I had done the night before and I could feel my cheeks burning. "Get it?"
"Oh, no! it's sooo bad!" She laughed at the joke and a smile tugged the corners of my lips. "I think that's the lamest joke you've cracked." She pointed out.
"I know! I told him."
"Okay, I was bleeding out." I defended myself. "I think I'm allowed to crack a lame joke."
"Dunno, George, it was really bad." I threw my head back with a groan at Y/n's teasing. She waved at Fred, who said something about having things to do inside, and when my eyes landed on him over Y/n's shoulder, he mouthed a clear 'go for it'. "Tonks told me about Mad-Eye." She spoke again in a more serious note.
"You said it," the smile vanishing from my face. "Last night was eventful."
"When your mother told me you got hurt, I just... I got really scared." Her anxious words took me aback. "I went straight into the house to see you." The wind made her hair flow again, and I had to put my hands in my pockets to stop myself from tucking that bloody strand that kept getting in her face back behind her ear. "I was so happy you were out preparing stuff and not in there, unconscious in a bed."
"Well, I'm very happy to see you." I replied, my eyes digging into hers to make sure she knew how much I meant that. "Missed tons that smile of yours."
"I missed your lame jokes." I rolled my eyes at her response. Right after, she stepped forward and gently pulled me down; one of her hands holding onto my forearm, steadying her, while the other one cupped one of my cheeks so she could press a kiss to the other. "See you." And with that, she was off to greet the rest.
"Do it."
"She's talking with Luna."
"Excuses." I puffed tired at Fred's reproach before taking a sip of my drink. "C'mon, you got absolutely nothing to lose."
"My dignity?"
"She fancies you!" I shook my head no. "How many times are you gonna have the opportunity to dance with her, Georgie? Stop being a twit."
"Not yet."
"Oi, have you seen Y/n?" Ron approached us, taking a seat by my side.
"It's the only thing he's seen." I pinched the bridge of my nose, unable to deny what my twin had just said. "Just do it." I groaned. "Okay, I'll do it."
"No!" I jumped up and tugged Fred down in the process. "Alright, I'll go."
"Yeah, I was about to—"
I involuntarily let out a squeal when a hand tickled my side. "Hello, ladies." I spun my head to see George behind me. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but may I have this dance?"
Luna replied before I could. "You see, I was wondering how much time it'd take you to ask her." I turned as red as a beetroot; my only comfort was that the towering ginger's face was the colour of his hair. "I think I'm odd man out." She waved us goodbye and headed to see Harry.
"I reckon Luna is way too observant." He spoke, tugging my hand.
"Were you ogling me, Weasley?"
"Maybe." He came to a stop in the middle of the dancefloor and pulled me close. "Couldn't take my eyes off you." He confessed quietly.
As we swayed, I let my forehead land on his chest, savouring what I dreaded would be one of the last precious moments before everything went down.
"George?" He hummed, raising his brows as a prompt for me to talk. I took a deep breath and told myself that what I was going to say mattered little compared to whatever was looming over us. "I've been wanting to tell you this, but I just... Didn't find the right time." Our faces were mere inches away. "But I don't think I'll ever find the right time at this point so—"
I jolted, holding onto George, when a blue volute plunged into the tent; a Patronus.
It was not until Shacklebolt message was ending that I realized George's arms were around me, pulling me flush against his chest.
Both our hearts were hammering violently, and I was sure he could feel mine as clearly as I felt his.
When the Patronus vanished, panic began to spread. I noticed how my own breathing picked up. "Y/n." This time it was George the one calling my name; his whisper sounded so clear compared to everyone else's screams and cries. "If I don't say this out loud, I'll combust—"
"Y/N! GET DOWN!" Tonks's shouts snapped us out of it. We obeyed just in time to see a red hex flying over us, being stopped by Tonks herself.
George and I grabbed our wands and pulled each other back to our feet before joining the Order.
We parted ways, George making his way to reach his twin while I ran to a moderately tipsy Luna, who seemed to be struggling to find her father.
As soon as I made sure she was out of the picture, I jogged to help the twins, casting protection spells against two death eaters.
"STUPEFY!" I managed to take out the one attacking George, and he was quick to stun the one duelling his brother.
"Leave!" George tugged my hand, attempting to get me out of the canopy, his brother quickly rushing to their little sister.
"I'm not leaving!"
"Y/n—" I moved him out of the way to shield us from another hex. "Please— Flipendo!!" I saw another death eater flying away from us. "Shit!" George's hand gripped mine for dear life, making me back off with him to get back in when he realized it was too late for me to leave.
Soon enough it was just the Weasleys, Fleur and her family, Tonks, Lupin and me inside the tent, all back-to-back, surrounded by death eaters.
Corban Yaxley stepped out. "My apologies to disrupt the celebrations." he offered a fake apology to the newlyweds which was equally disgusting and scary. "Let's try by fair means." I knew my knuckles had gone white, given the strength with which I was gripping George's hand. "Where is Harry Potter?" He knew no one would speak. "Aight, by foul it'll be."
I looked around and I saw Molly and Arthur shielding Ginny; Bill and Fleur held onto each other; Lupin and Tonks pulled Fleur's sister and parents behind them; Fred gave a quick look at his twin before moving closer to us.
"Take them inside and register the house."
Soon we were being pushed into the Burrow, a bunch of death eaters before us ready to put all upside down.
We stayed quiet meanwhile, leaving out an occasional 'don't touch that' or a 'there's no need to break that' from Molly and Arthur.
"I reckon you won't find Harry in my grandma's glass cabinet, smart arse." We all turned to Fred, his mother giving him a pleading look.
"Maybe he's between the plates, Freddie," George jumped in, attempting to draw the attention off his brother. "You'll want to check the cutlery too, in case he's now a teaspoon." He suggested to Yaxley with a challenging look.
The death eater tilted his head to the side, as if he had noticed something worth of interest in George. "What happened to you?"
Everyone went livid.
"I fell downstairs." George replied through gritted teeth. His tone was full of what could be easily passed as anger, but by the way his hand was shaking, I reckoned it was fear.
Yaxley seemed to think for a second before turning to two of his mates. "Start with him, then the twin and we'll move on to—"
Before I knew what I was doing, my wand was out and hexing one of the guys that had tried to remove George from us.
"Take their BLOODY WANDS!" Yaxley stalked to me and grabbed my arm, pulling me away. "We'll start with you, miss."
"No! Wait, she doesn't know anything!" George tried in vain to persuade them, pushing through the death eaters in an attempt to get to me. I looked at him and shook my head no, already psyching myself up.
They were rather quick, and not half as bad as I thought they would be. I was thrown back into the living room with only a shiner and the promise of bruised wrists.
It was enough for George to jump up; not to check on me, though, but to do something as stupid as my impulsive hexing.
"Okay, crippled," three death eaters grabbed him before he could do anything and dragged to the bathroom they had gotten me in. "your turn."
He looked bad.
Molly was about to throw hands when we saw George leaving the bathroom; a cut on the cheek, a bloody nose, a black eye and by the way he flinched while walking, probably an injured rib.
But the worst was the red pooling the bandage around his head, and the way he was struggling to keep his hand off it.
"C'mon, blabber." It wasn't surprising when Fred willingly approached Yaxley and punched him strong enough to throw him down. "You know-” He got up, motioning at his minions so they would get Fred in. “that just made it worse."
I spared Molly an enquiring look, to which she replied with a nod; in an instant, I was gently pulling George to the settee. "Let me see..." I pursed my lips, tilting his head to the side so I could check his wound. A sigh left my lips, suddenly realizing I couldn't really take off the bandage in front of them. "Can you sit it up?" I whispered only for him to hear.
He nodded, his hand travelling up to mine, which rested on his cheek, to give it a reassuring squeeze. I didn't think twice about how wrong the timing was before leaning in and placing a kiss on his lips.
My body moved forward by itself when she pulled back, attempting to chase her lips. I managed to stop myself when I remembered we were surrounded by death eaters and my family was right behind Y/n.
She then gave me a small smile and moved to grab a fresh towel from the kitchen. I caught a glimpse of my family's looks before she came back, ready to clean the blood on my face.
She aided Fred along with my mom; he bore the burnt along with me.
The sun was rising when Yaxley decided to leave. My father rushed to send a Patronus to the trio, and everyone felt a bit of relief and finally scattered through the Burrow. Ginny claimed she would take care of Fred, and she took my twin to our room.
"Now, let's check that." Y/n spoke, standing up so she could remove the damp bandage. "What happened?"
"He threw a punch and—" I hissed when the bandage left my ear, earning a concerned ‘sorry’ from Y/n. "The wound opened. It began to bleed, and they decided to stop." She only nodded, grabbing again the towel, now mildly red due to the blood it had cleaned. "That kiss was too short." I didn't even know how I managed to let that out.
She stopped, her eyes going up and down my body before inquiring, "want another one?"
"Please." She didn't need anything else for her soft lips to return to mines. This time it was one hell of a kiss, but my mouth chased them again when Y/n pulled away, only that this time her lips did return to mines for another short kiss. "Should I ask you on a date?"
"I doubt we'll be able to go on a proper date." We both chuckled; as sad as it sounded, it was true. "You can make me a coffee after I fix this, though."
"Gladly." I replied, my thumb caressing her cheek before bringing her to my lips one more time.
"FINALLY!" We both jumped at Fred's yelling. "It was about fucking time, really."
"Do you wanna get beaten up again?" Y/n harmlessly shoved my shoulder, hiding a laugh. "I just realized," I signalled my black eye and then hers. "We're matching."
"What a lovely way to match, is it not?" She replied, shaking her head with a smile on her face. “Come,” she caressed my cheek before carefully pulling me up. “I saw clean bandages over the sink.”
“Yes ma’am.” 
“Y/l/n,” her eyes travelled to my brother. “don’t you snog my brother in the lavatory where we just got beaten up.”
“Piss off, Fred.” She responded indifferent, pulling me with her into the bathroom, leaving the door completely open; she probably feared my mother would burst it open at the possibility of us doing inappropriate things in there.
“Yeah, piss off.” I agreed, siting down on the toilet so she could clean the wound. “She can snog me wherever she wants.” I added, muffling a laugh when Y/n cursed us both under her breath. “I’m sorry, love.”
“No, you’re not.” 
“No, I’m not.” I confessed with an amused grin.
“Why do I even fancy you?” She questioned, faking disappointment in herself.
“I’m very handsome?” I casually suggested, tilting my head for her to wrap the bandage without much difficulty. 
“Must be.” She agreed, leaning on to peck my lips. “Now where’s that coffee, sir?”
I got up, leading Y/n to the kitchen and instantly preparing the coffee pot. “It’s gonna be the best coffee you’ll ever taste.” I stated, as if it was a scientifical fact.
“Confident, are we?” she laughed, sitting on the counter besides me.
“Well, my four-year-long crush just kissed me.” I confessed. “So yeah, very.”
“Fred’s right.” I hummed, looking at her with an eyebrow raised as I handed her the coffee. “It was about fucking time.” We smiled at each other, way too widely for two people who had just gotten roughed up. We stayed next to one another in silence, looking through the window; I found the customary landscape particularly beautiful. 
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rumblelibrary · 3 years
I'm not sure if you have already done something like this before, and if you did, please let me know, I'd love to read it, BUT I was wondering if you could do a little thing, maybe with Sebastian Zöllner, where he is like totally behind on every fucking deadline, work is just piling up, he got into stress with his ex, the dishes are not done, he should go take out the trash, you know, everything is just piling up and he just cracks under the pressure, severely doubting his worth as a person. And his friend, the reader, gotta try their best to build him up again, telling him all the things they love about him, and it slowly turns into a love confession without them noticing.
Is this too elaborate, does that make sense for Seb? Idk. To me it does? Like he's always very...Seb around other people, but deep down I feel like he's always under this pressure to live up to his own and others expectations, wanting to be big and famous and perfect in a way.
I'm so sorry, brain go brrr.
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Never Enough [Sebastian Zöllner x Reader]
Word Count: 4k Warnings: bad habits (heavy smoking and drinking), self deprecation, depression and some fluff in the end. A/N: I loved this prompt, I love to write Sebastian so thanks to you once more for giving me this opportunity
He should have probably realised something was wrong when the ashtray was vomiting cigarettes out from its dooming position beside the laptop.
He nervously used the left part of the one he just ended to scavenge some space and just pressed it along the others.
Or maybe when after another sip of the same cold coffee mixed with cheap gin he felt the walls of his stomach revolting and stirring against him, threatening a much bigger damage.
Or, again, when he felt like calling back Elke because he was so alone and he was hungry and tired, and she might hate him but he could pull some puppy eyes and maybe it would work. It usually did.
The truth was that he shouldn’t have taken up so many jobs, but the bank account was crying and he needed them, he needed the money.
But again: writing about the umpteenth girl- artist performing naked on a famous historic location?
Or do we have to talk about the way somebody splashed some colour here and there  on a canvas saying it is the catharsis of his young mind against the social construct?
Please, may God spare him from the man calling himself landscape artist because he takes pictures of naked girls on a field.
Charged up with this amount of nothingness, he could just write and delete, write and delete, words count going quickly up to 400 only to go back at 0 in a snap of his fingers over the buttons, because he couldn’t just tear them down. He had to give them some hope, a glimpse of potential he couldn’t see and he wasn’t even aware it existed. Each of them disgusted him, but he was specifically asked to be entertaining and not a killer with his words.
So he kept swiping up videos and photos of these artists, trying to find one thing, one holy grail to get attached to and finally write one good optimistic line in the middle of the words he had to pull up to keep a moderate tone.
He rubbed his temple running over his hairline, which by the way was perfectly fine, before his hand reached down and he touched his t-shirt pulling on the neckline to gather some air, he was wearing his pyjama still, white stained shirt on blue tartan pants. He raised up the shirt and bowed his head down giving in a long inhale from the inside and just cringed to himself.
He looked around as he couldn’t stand up, if he did then he will get only more distracted and these articles needed to be ready for tomorrow.
He noticed the spray against the mosquitos on the floor, those little bastards always hiding under his desk to bite his ankles, he picked it up and sprayed it over himself like it was perfume hoping to ignore the need of a shower for few more hours.
His eyes scanned the small studio flat he was living now: the dishes sticking out of the sink, the noisy fridge buzzing. The one table that was also his work desk filled with used mugs, stained plates covered in cigarettes and leftovers, empty packages of his favourite brand discarded everywhere: from the bathroom up to the couch and to the small bed he owned. Damn, if he run out of cigarette it will be hard to ignore how he also run out of food.
The space was dark and gloomy, some of his stuff still packed up, the fake pop art panting of him and Elke staring at him reminding him of his other loss.
He didn’t touch the bed in days, he just slept on the seat or on the couch.
His attention was attracted by his phone buzzing.
He sat up straight as it was her, it was Elke.
Did she sense his discomfort? 
“Elke” he picked up the call in a second.
“Wow, a quick answer, did you have your phone already in your hand or it happens just so late at night?”
Her sarcasm did’t go past him, but he just thought how long it was since he heard a human voice and not the recording of some idiot calling himself artist.
“No, I was thinking of you”
“Yes, sure, look I have sent you an email with the bills of the time you were here, the ones you have left to pay and it is only fair that you pay at least half of them”
“Sure” he just said it because he wanted to go past the point of money, he wanted her back. Maybe he could crush at her place, feel her hands through his hair, shower, sleep some good sleep and the articles will come around in few types “Elke, I was thinking we might…”
“I just called you for the bills”
“I know, but maybe we could have” his eyes darted at the top right of his laptop screen to see the time “a drink together?”
She huffed a laughter as he frowned lightly “I know you Seb, if it is money or sex what you’re looking for that door is closed and it has been for a long time”
“I know” he murmured as he let out a breathy sigh, a dooming sense of loneliness creeping over him like a giant spider ready to wrap him up and eat him “I just hoped…”
“Don’t hope Sebastian, you’re already an hopeless cause”
She hung up on him and he was left there, he kept that same pose with his phone against his ear. His eyes trailing once again over the empty page of his document on the screen, on the chaos surrounding him.
He nibbled on his bottom lip before running his tongue over the pained area.
He pushed the phone back down on the table with a tremble of his jaw and a shaky hand.
She was right.
What he did of his life anyway? He lost most of his occasions in life, he was now in his thirties and he concluded nothing of what he hoped to be, he failed in all the departments both as an artist and as a critic.
A jack of all trades is a master of none, and maybe only the first type of the famous quote could be applied to him.
He couldn’t even take the trash out or he couldn’t remember the last time he ate something that was vaguely resembling of fruits or vegetables. It is all good when you imagine yourself as a bohemian rooting against the world, when you convince yourself that’s only the proof you needed to know you are fighting well against a system of art that privileges banality and marketing over real artistic value and that, one day, all your struggles will be worth it.
Even Picasso was poor for a long time in Paris.
Damn, maybe to be in a situation like this in Paris would sound more romantic.
But the truth was: he never imagined to have to do it alone, that life would feel so overwhelming, that there wouldn’t be anything but extreme struggle, anger, loneliness and a terrible diet.
For a moment he wished to be a baby again, to be the bright boy he was and let mommy take care of his needs and his dirty shirt and empty stomach. He wished that maybe somebody noticed him before, that somebody saw his talent and helped him to pull it out instead of leaving him to do it on his own only to come late to every step.
And now it is too late, he is lost in the sea of terrible paid jobs and anguishing relationships, let’s not forget maybe he indeed had a receding hairline and he was doomed to get bold .
He squeezed his eyes as a soft sob took over his lip, hand running over his forehead as he pulled on his hair justifying his tears with some physical pain. He shook his head as he tried to gain back some composure, hand flung over to pick up his coffee mug and giving in a long gulp of the coffee, the same one he swore before to not touch again, only to almost choke on it, couching it out only to pick up the bottom hem of his shirt to clean his laptop screen.
He fucking hated to write on a computer, the old typewriters inspired him but that damn ink was too expensive now for his sore pockets.
He smirked to himself as he kept doing it, finding good excuses to call himself off any responsibility. But maybe Elke was right, well she surely was, she had two degrees, maybe he was really a lot cause. He frowned as he wiped slowly the screen with his already stained shirt, the wetness sticking then against his skin as soon as he let it go giving him another shiver.
He didn’t have even the strength to cry, he could only accept it was over.
The curse that he shouted out loud when he heard knocking at the door, smashing him out of his thought spiral, generated an immediate anger reaction from him.
“Fuck, shit, if it is the fucking neighbour, I swear I will kill her cat or that rat she has as cat, fucking hell”
He grumbled as he stood up moving across the table not caring about his state, he only wanted to crawl back into a ball and maybe nuzzle a bit somewhere.
When his death glare appeared after the door opened in a powerful swing his eyebrows lifted immediately finding you on the other side.
He blinked, one of those sleepy blinks where somebody closes his eyes and then opens them really wide to make sure it is not made up in their brain, that one.
His eyebrows furrowed as he stared at you 
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
“You should wash your mouth with holy water Sebastian” you said shaking your head raising your arms to show him some paper bags “I am bringing food and body shower”
He shook his head “Are you calling me stinky?”
“I am” You quickly replied moving past him into his place ignoring his groan.
He stood by the door slowly closing it, he was sure that old bitch was looking through her peephole, only then he stared at you try to make your way into the filthy kitchen. He was really embarrassed about his antics, but surely this time he exceeded some record.
“I am speechless Seb, I helped you with the moving and this place seems to have taken over you” you said as you knew he was in some rut when he kept such a long phone silence.
He was usually always texting, sending memes or one sentence texts.
You cared about him, deeply, you knew he was full of flaws and little quirks, but that’s what made him special. Nevertheless, you were worried about the state of the place, how it showed the way he let himself get dragged through the days. So he observed you, better to say, your back, the way you moved around opening the window to let fresh air inside, turning on a lamp to make some light that wasn’t just the blue one of the screen. Pulling out commodities and food from your magic bags like some sort of Mary Poppins of struggling writers. How you poured soap in the dirty load of dishes and pans, the way you marched securely to his desk to pick up that filthy mug and you frowned just sniffing at it.
“Is that poison?”
“Rat poison” he corrected you.
You shook your head as you cleaned a glass and filled it with water and among the groceries you pulled out a banana.
“Have this now, it will help” you said and he took the glass with one hand and the banana with the other like his brain was shut down.
He stared at you as you leaned your head slightly on side, he went through bad times after the break up but you had never seen him in such a helpless state.
He was chaotic but he always loved to keep up his appearance, to give that handsome and damned kind of vibe.
“Sebastian” you called him as his eyes spaced out and now where back on you “Are you alright?”
He observed you, he stared at your face like he was trying to recognise you, truth it was he kept pushing himself to say yes, say yes, say it is all good, make a joke, a remark, keep it up. You don’t need his burden, you don’t need to hate him like Elke and others do.
Just say yes.
“No” he said as his lips trembled and you watched his ironic mask fall right in front of you as he looked away hiding his tears, real tears, not the ones he can play out whenever he needs.
Just as quickly as you gave him the banana and the water you took them off his hands afraid he might hurt himself by dropping the glass in particular.
"Seb" you called his attention as he sobbed moving like a bird trying to hide his face against his own shoulder.
You took his now empty hands dragging him toward the couch and kicking off the pile of dirty clothes and discarded books on top of it to make him sit down with you.
"Talk to me"
He didn't, the man that was never out of words, even in the times he should have been, was now silent as a tombstone staring away from you as you gave a gentle squeeze to his hands. It pained you to see him in such a state.
So weak, so helpless like a lost child.
"I can't help you if you don't talk"
Sebastian shook his head still staring at the wall.
"You can't help me"
"Is it about writing? I can proof read you, it will be a moment"
He shook his head again making, hair bouncing from side to side.
"No, it is not important if I write or not"
You frowned at that comment.
"What the hell?" you just blurted out "Seb you're a talented writer, you're passionate, funny, witty, why shouldn't it be important?"
He looked up at you shaking his head "I can't write, I can't put together two sentences"
Your eyes travelled onto his side profile, truth to be told he looked worn out but he was still handsome like only Sebastian Zöllner could be. He had that chaotic charm, even with a wrinkled suit he was fearless, strong, poignant. You couldn't avoid him, he owned every place he stepped in and you could feel his gaze run through your bloodstream.
When he asks a question, he meant it, it was a test run into your bones and you loved every second of it.
His lips tightened as he diverted his gaze finally to you. You knew his relationship with Elke was important, he cared about others even if he didn't show it daily like most people do.
"Is it Elke?"
"No, she was just right"
"About what?"
He gulped, his throat dry as he pulled his bottom lip in his mouth grinding his teeth over it like playing something through that gesture.
"About me"
"Breakups are always shit, don't you even.."
"No Y/N" he interrupted you, he was serious, maybe his voice trembled but he wasn't lying or playing some role "I am really a lost cause, I mean look at his place"
His hand waved around the small flat like a drunk orchestra director.
"It is pure trash, I haven't finished unpacking, I didn't have food until you came, I am unable to look after myself, to look after the people that I care about. I worked so hard to be an artist and then I became a critic and now I am so knee deep into my own shit that I have more debts than entries, more failures than successes, more haters than friends"
He gulped down, the waterline of his eyes dangerously red and he sniffled up as he let out a little weak whisper "I just wish I could disappear"
It came out of you like a lighting bolt, it surged out of you before you could even elaborate. Like an order. A command.
"Seb, you're now in a rough patch of life, but you have always worked hard and well as a writer"
"I am a writer because I failed as an artist"
"You're a writer because you know of what you're talking about, because you're able to see the difference between marketing and passion, between hard work and laziness, because you respect that profession and it makes you the best critic"
"I just want to destroy them all because I am envious, Elke always said I am fuelled by my own envy”
"I have read pieces of yours only encouraging the rightful and bringing down the real frauds"
He shook his head as he was just fixating on the wrong, on the flaws, on the problems.
You huffed cupping his cheeks to force him to look at your eyes.
"Look at me" you said not admitting replies "you are talented in what you do, you are one of the best in your field and you're not on some big magazine only because they know they will have to put up with your shit: with the fact you always meet the people, you look at art pieces in presence, you touch them, you research the colours, you scrutinise everything to the bone"
He took your hands hating to be held like that but he squeezed them in his owns.
"And yes, you're allergic to ironing clothes and washing dishes is your personal nightmare, and yes, you give out many temper tantrums and have a terribly dark sense of humour, you are a failure at time and money management, you love filthy rich stuff and smoke like your life depends on it"
He stared at you, he listened quietly as you knew him from so long and many people, Elke included, wondered what you gained from helping him or just being around him that much. He often teased his ex about being jealous of you and she always said that it was like being jealous of a mortgage.
"So you agree?"
 "I agree to say you are flawed like all of us, that you are just the perfect balance to your writing, you're what you write. You're passionate, you give out the two hundred percent of what you can give, you are like this, you go all-in in everything you do, there's no compromise, no mid way, no foreseeable change of direction, you speed up into the darkness and don't look back. You are bold, you take risks, you let people hate you because you do not compromise with who is son of who or who is the director of what gallery, you judge people over their real qualities. Because you talk to them in their face, because you don't hide that yes, you want to be great, because you're handsome and charming and smart, nobody can outsmart you in your field, not even that idiot you hate that much"
"Golo Fucking Moser" he murmured
"Golo Fucking Moser" you repeated with a chuckle "you don't have anything to envy to him beside the bruises he probably has on his knees for bending down to anyone"
He chuckled at that comment.
"And also, you're more attractive, that pisses off Seb, it is unfair to the poor man”
He leaned his head on side as you wouldn't normally shower him in compliments, he had enough ego for that, but you had never seen him like this and you wished to never see him again in such a state.
"You find me attractive?"
"Well for sure you're an eye candy" you joked
"I mean it"
You rolled your eyes blushing a bit and huffing a chuckle "I do, alight? It is universal knowledge"
He looked at you as he still held your hands in his, his thumbs making soft shapes over the back of your hand.
"That I am attractive or that you find me attractive?"
You groaned looking away with an embarrassed giggle “okay, okay, I see you're back in yourself, let's eat now"
You moved to stand up but he didn't do the same remaining sat in his spot.
"Tell me"
"I pumped your self esteem enough, now let me go"
He chuckled softly, he never really thought you'd be interested. He usually shows off so many bad traits that he has to tone himself down and really try hard to attract someone. It is all an effort on his part to appear better or at least less quirky.
And then now look at you, appreciating even his shit show.
"Y/N" he murmured giving you a soft squeeze. You kept silent not daring now to meet his gaze. He bowed his head trying to reach for your eyes with his gaze and he looked up at you, a smile that wasn't provocative over his lips.
You pulled back yanking your wrists off his grip to move straight into the kitchen corner.
You begun pulling ut some fresh vegetables and bread, you also got some cheese knowing he loves it, wanting him to have a good dinner.
He followed you almost immediately and soon you found his arms grasping you once more in a hug, his chest pressed against your back, his forehead on your shoulder.
"Seb, you..."
"I know, I stink, just give me a moment" he said and you obliged him gently caressing his arms around you.
You hated to be in the friend zone, but you wouldn't be able to survive to lose him forever or to have him joke about it.
Now he was quiet, tender like a hurt pup.
"Thank you, you know you can count on me too, right? For anything” he said and you chuckled softly “I know, you’re my favourite avenger”
He nodded brushing his crisp beard against your cheek and after few minutes stuck in that hug he dropped a kiss on your neck "love you”
He pulled back giving you a smile as he picked the shower gel you left on the counter bringing it with himself to the bathroom with a soft hum.
You smiled a bit bitterly to yourself as you guessed it was meant in a friendly way, but today it was alright. You could endure it. Also that kiss, he always did it when he was drunk, at parties or in the taxi back home after a viewing. It was his cuddly way to say things without saying them, without rambling, and you appreciated that silent language. 
Maybe now he was drunk over his own feelings.
Just like you.
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