#please give me villain jimmy
novatwilightanddusk · 2 years
Ooooo so many thoughts about Jimmy's newest empire episode.
Spoiler warning!!!
The old sheriff was hilarious first off. Martyn as always is king. Made me think about the fact he went through the rift after the hermitcraft charity event and if he's playing a character that got trapped or if maybe he was trapped for 30 years. (or more likely nothing to do with that but would be amusing).
Also I am praying that this is finally the start of Jimmy's villain arc. Like even Gem didn't support him. Is he actually gunna snap and start messing with people? What if him and empire false team up and start taking people out? Really want Jimmy to just go on a rampage. I feel like it likely won't happen since that's not how Jimmy tends to play his characters but could be really cool. Especially if the resolution to it all is returning Jimmy to his normal height.
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slashingdisneypasta · 6 months
Horror House Reacts... to Zoo Animals!
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.I've been watching Robert Irwin and Dave Salmoni take wild animals onto the Jimmy Shows and scare the Jimmy's and various other guest stars sOooooo... I had to make this XD
Plot: We are gonna hand each horror Villains a dangerous animal and see how they handle it. Warnings: Swearing. No actual mention of meerkats despite the gif.
Audrey II: A European Brown Hare.
Audrey II, staring at this hare stood up on its hind legs giving them the Eye: ... that is one ugly bunny rabbit. Y/N: AUDREY TWO!!- Audrey II: wh- AM I WRONG?-
Audrey II has no fear, they're a plant from outer space. He also doesn't particularly care for animals though, since its pretty globally accepted that animals are allowed to eat plants when they're peckish... and understandably, they are not having that. Not in this green house XD Nu uh, no siree, nope nope nope, the hare is gonna get eaten first if he even looks at Audrey II wrong.
Billy Loomis: An Emperor Scorpion.
Y/N: Close your eyes and put out your hands. Billy: ... *sigh* *does as he's told as to not be called a coward* Y/N: *Places the scorpion in Billy's cupped hands* Open them! ^^ This is Phil, he's very chill. Please don't drop him. Billy: ... heheh, can I keep this?? Y/N: ?? What??? No, you cant keep Phil- Billy: I wanna leave him in Stu's bed. Y/N: DEFINITELY not-
Billy, is... *sigh*, a teenage boy.
Bubba Sawyer: A Red Kangaroo.
Bubba: *Very cautious, looking at this jacked foreign creature. He's never seen anything like this, he lives in buttfuck nowhere Texas with no tv.* Y/N: Here, Bubba. *hands Bubba a bouquet of gum leaves* Offer her these. Bubba: *Unsure, but approaches the weird pocketed creature and offers out the branches... Quickly calms down when the kangaroo starts simply munching on the leaves* Y/N: See? ^^ Bubba: *Already petting the kangaroo. Wants to take her home and keep her safe and pet her and give her leaves forever.*
Bubba does not love casually 😅😅😅 Once he's warmed up to someone, that person is his family and he wants to keep them safe. My suggestion?? Sneak the kangaroo back to the zoo in the dead of night while Bubba's asleep. (or call Drayton. He certainly don't want no goddamn kangaroo in his house)
Carrie White: A Boa Constrictor.
Carrie: Um, is this safe?? *Eyeing the snake's head closely as you place her gently over her shoulders* ... Y/N: Oh yeah, don't worry, this one's a sweetheart ^^ Carrie: Okay... *snake raises her head and looks around very peacefully, just surveying the room* Oh, she's sweet!... Y/N: She seems very comfortable with you! Carrie: ! Really??
Carrie was apprehensive at first, but when she realises that the boa is not feeling threatened (or hungry), she relaxes and spends quite a while with the snake in her arms! ^^ She's disappointed when she has to say goodbye ):
Chucky Lee Ray: An Eastern Canadian Moose.
Chucky: *staring up at this giant fucking creature, clearly ready to run at any second if the thing makes an unpleasant move* ... You have gotta be fucken kidding me. Y/N: Nope. This is Jessica-Mae! She's from Canada, and she's really nice. I think she'll let you sit on her back, if you wan- Chucky: No I don't wanna sit on Jessica-Mae's back actually Y/N, Jessica-Mae is a fucken monster- Y/N: c h u c k y
Chucky has a... healthy cautiousness when it comes to wild animals XD He does like tarantulas, though.
Freddy Krueger: A West African Lion.
Y/N: Okay so for this one, um, I'm uh... yeah I'm gonna step out. Freddy: ... wait. Wait wait wait. Why are you- *You close the door one side of the room and as soon as the lock clicks into place, the lion prowls in on the other side* Freddy: Oh. Freddy, hands out like 'i mean no harm': ... nice kitty Freddy: ... um. I saw the lion king. It was... a great piece of cinema; your people should be proud. Freddy: ... please don't eat me, you giant son of a bitch.
Freddy was SO EXCITED to meet an animal, but now he's got some concerns about those teeth and his privates.
Jason Voorhees: A Ussuri Grizzly Bear.
Bear: ... *Staring down Jason* Jason: ... *Staring down Bear* Bear and Jason: *Staring each other down* Y/N: ... *Wondering if you should do something* Jason: *Suddenly walks over and gives the bear neck scritches*
... this is a giant toothy puppy to Jason XD Jason loves wildlife, they were his friends growing up in the woods! ^^ And he knows how to keep them calm, so he's very good with them. He hangs out with the bear until its time to go outside, then Jason follows him outside and hangs with him out there ^^
Jennifer Check: A White Rhinoceros.
Jennifer, as soon as Grizelda the rhino steps in: -oh jesus fucking christ. Jennifer: You're fat. Y/N: Oy! Jennifer: What??? She's meant to be, right?? 🙄 G o d... look who's animal-cist. Jennifer: ... can I feed the fat bitch?
The fact that this is an animal does not change a thing about the way Jennifer talks to her XD She is so fascinated, though, and wants to feed Grizelda, pet Grizelda, ask many many questions about Grizelda... she loves her.
Jerry Dandridge: A Perentie Monitor Lizard (Goanna).
Y/N, helping goanna onto Jerry's lap: Now, be careful with Sandy, he can be kinda easily startled and then his claws will cut into your skin, and- Jerry: *Getting along great with the Sandy, Sandy is in the best mood you have ever seen him in; purring.* Y/N: ... Y/N: ... wtf, how?! Sandy's usually so grumpy!- Jerry: Oh I guess we just have a connection~
Jerry and reptiles get along great, they're cold blooded and he... is always cold. He has no blood. He's a vampire XD Try giving him a puppy, though, and watch that puppy leap away from him and growl like a possessed thing (Jerry gets so frowny about it XD).
Michael Myers: A Bengal Tiger.
Michael: *Stock still, actually considering running for the first time in 50 decades* Tiger: ... *yawns* *prowls over to Michael and lays on top of his feet, promptly falling asleep* Y/N: ... um. Well, I think she likes you?? Michael: *Does not move an inch for 3 hours while the tiger naps, staring at it*
Michael, just like cats... is a bitch. They basically adopt him into their family as their big dumb weirdo child (Yes, even the big terrifying ones) and there is not a thing grumpy old Myers can do about it XD
Pamela Voorhees: A Silver Fox.
Pam: *Loves the fox. Sitting in her chair and leaning down to give it treats. Cooing at her.* Y/N: You're so good with her! ^^ Pam: ~Stay away from my son, dear, and I wont have to sick her on you~ Y/N: ... D: What?
Pamela and a sharp toothed creature is a dangerous combination. Stay away from her son.
Patrick Bateman: An African Savanna Elephant.
Patrick: *A too-big smile glued to his face as he strokes the dirty wrinkly elephant* This is... this is fun... Y/N: I knew you'd like her! ^^ Anna is so sweet, and gentle, and quiet, so- Patrick: -You cant tell when I'm fucken lying through my t e e t h!?
Patrick doesn't like any animals, they're wild and filthy and break irreplaceable things he spent hard-earned money on to be unique, but he will force a pleasant face because that is what he does
Pennywise: A Mountain Zebra.
*i was tempted to do a turtle but... seemed too obvious XD Still unsure i made the right call*
Penny: Heheheheh, whats black, white and- Y/N: Don't do it. I swear. Dont do it. Penny: Okay okay okay, I'll be serious. Hey, why do zebras have stripes? Y/N: Oh, well they developed stripes because- Penny: Because they didn't want to be Spotted!
Penny c a n n o t s t o p m a k i n g z e b r a j o k e s. Otherwise, he's pretty good with the zebra. No problems ^^
Stu Macher: A Somali Ostrich.
Stu: Heheh... Y/N, these things don't bite, do they?? Y/N: Oh they totally do. *Hands Stu the leash* Anything with a mouth bites. Stu, levelling his gaze with the giant flightless bird: ... I will bite you back.
Stu is a little chicken, but he's also really curious!! XDD So sure, he'll hang onto the leash and feed the monster bird!! But he will absolutely crouch down and cover his head if the ostrich starts fluttering his wings. And don't you dare leave him XD
Tiffany Valentine: Baby Nile Crocodiles.
Tiff: Chucky!! We have new children now!! Chucky: THE FUCK WE DO- Y/N: N- no... you cant keep them actually... Tiff, ignoring you and Chucky: The kids are gonna love these ^^ Come on, sweethearts, into the sack, single file now- hey, Trudy, no biting your brother-
Tiffany is in love XD And you know how one-track-minded she can be when she's in love XD
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foxalotlposts · 3 months
i have Gem and Pearl's designs finished!!!
(This is an uncoloured preview)
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Just need ideas for other characters! So if you have any ideas for the following characters, PLEASE tell me!!
(It's formatted as: 'character name' ('role') : 'what I still need decided' )
Impulse (hero): hero name, power
Martyn (villain): villain name, design ideas
Scott (hero): hero name, design ideas, power (i already have small ESMP1/2 design ideas, but if you have any other ideas (from other SMPs, or traffic series), please tell me!)
Grian (villain): villain name, design ideas
Jimmy (villain): villain ideas (like sheriff is okay, but I need another idea...)
Other characters are in the story, just less important (still give me ideas!!), or are already decided on!
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miimo96 · 3 months
Thoughts on My Adventures with Superman S2 episode 6
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God where Do I even begin, Ok 1st off Kara is Really talking like a whole Damn Supervillain here, the way the camera just Zooms in on her as She says that her and Clark are going to bring back the kryptonian Empire is really sending me Chills down my spine, like they really Want you to establish that Kara is a Villain in this series, even tho I Still think she's being controlled by Brainiac/Primus somehow, Secondly correct if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that Superman is supposed to be able to breathe in Space, like I Never understood that concept of Why he would Need a Space suit like even in the animated series they did that, I mean sure it looks cool but the Dude's an Alien for a reason He should be able to breathe in space No problem, unless has it something to do with him being So used to our Earth's atmosphere than that's a Different story, but in my opinion, it just feels unnecessary
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Judging from this Scene You can Really tell how much Kara really is just stuck in the past, the way She refers to the citizens here as "Citizen 1 and 2" and "Food citizen" Really shows how little she remembers or even Knows about krypton, almost like if She's just been replaying this simulation for so long and has this little memory to go off of what Krypton SHOULD be, Like This Really is all she has about her people and The Planet, and the fact she even acknowledges these people are Gone still Refuses to accept that She's lonely, Really shows how in denial she truly is
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I Really love the take on the Kent's of this Series, they Really feel like good parents, and I love how they teach Clark to use his powers while also making it feel like he is Experiencing a Normal life, you can really tell how much love and effort the writers put into this series, especially with their side characters, like this Scene really just shows how much the Kent's clearly loved and accepted Clark as their Son, despite him having these powers, rather than just treating him differently they Instead Whole heartily Accepte him for who he was, Instead of for What is, rather than teaching him how to hide complety, they instead made him feel love and reassured that No matter where he comes from, He will always be their Son ^^
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Man I love Seeing the Sibling dynamic relationship between these 2 , they really do Act more like siblings rather than cousins, and I really love how he just teases her once he realizes She did have a crush on Jimmy, it really shows how much she cared about him in the end, also the way she just blushes in this Scene is so cute, I really want to see these 2 get together so bad >_<
Shout out to the Man Jimmy for really succeeding in pulling a Super alien Baddie, Also this scene really shines light on how oblivious Kara Really is to what she's doing, like she clearly believes that she is helping other Planets by bringing them apart of the kryptonian Empire, unaware that she is most like just a Conquer Who is committing mass Genocide to tons of people in the end
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Ok 1st Kara is full on straight Evil for doing this to her cousin, making him think that she wasn't able to breathe in Space as a way of just punking him was seriously messed up, like she was seriously fine with giving him mental trauma as long as She gets to see his reaction, I Bet you that was a way of revenge for him teasing her about Jimmy earlier, also Thank god they know that Superman can actually breathe in space instead of just leaving him in that stupid helmet, Also I'm really Glad to see they actually went with the whole sibling route for these characters, Seeing them just get to act like kids and just having their equivalent of a Snow ball fight is really sweet, especially with the way Kara feels about being lonely, I hope that she really isn't Evil and thats all because of freaking Brainiac, please don't let anything bad happens between these 2 🥺
Also it's really awesome to see we actually get some insight regarding kryptonians and their powers, it seems that other than clark, kryptonians don't really seem to be able to have access the abilities that he has, aside for having the usual Heat vision and super strength, maybe it must have something to do with Clark being on Earth for too long, like in the Man of Steel
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Well well well, looks like I was on to something about Kara being mind controlled, that fact that she wasn't even able to remember when she was last on this planet really just Shows how much Brainiac is controlling her and has been using her as a weapon, like it really feels like she Really didn't know what she was doing to millions of people, and was just thinking she was Aiding them for the New the kryptonian Empire
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We finally get introduced to Brainiac and Omg he really feels like the Brainiac I grew up with, like they really understood what they were doing when it came down to handling this character, I mean aside from the really weird space Robot design they really knew how to capture the essence of Brainiac, especially with the way he's portrayed, like it really feels like he's a Corrupt machine who is Focused on bringing krypton back in a way that would involve War and destruction, kinda reminds me of how ZOD was in Man of Steel, in the same way he wanted to achieve that, Almost like they mixed both characters together to create this New version of "Brainiac"
Man Michael Emerson Did a really good job at bringing him to life, and im really glad they kept/brought back the 1st thing I love about this character, his iconic voice, like I really missed when used to sound like this and I'm really glad I get to hear it again thank you MAWS ^^
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Parademons, Hawk people and Green lanterns Omg This was episode was fantastic, They're really Adding in more DC characters for this series and I'm all for it, like in my opinion THIS is what DC should've did when it came to the DCEU, instead of just bringing in multiple characters immediately they should've just teased them Slowly in the beginning and then Introduce them Over time, kinda like how in Zach snyder's justice league with them teasing green lanterns in the opening scene, Also the design for the Thanagrs in the series is Hands down 1 of the Best designs I've Seen so far like Omg, Definitely Top 3
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God I Love the blue lighting in the series, it's such an interesting take on his character and the way his insignia Glows when activated is just Complete PERFECTION, also I'm really glad they incorporated the blue lighting in the 1st place, correct me if I'm wrong but I could've Sworn he actually had a Power like this in the comics, I can't remember which comic it was, but I know it was during the New 52 run, I could be wrong but either way I'm So excited they brought it back, and I'm glad they're treating it more like a Super boost rather than just keeping him in it entirely; Also damn he got Smacked so hard they kicked him out of that State entirely lol
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Bruh Brainiac is Such a manipulating bastard I Hate him so much, like between this and the fact he preserved the consciousness of all those pepoele who rebelled against the empire in order to Use them as training dummies to perfect his Ultimate weapon AKA Kara Really shows how completely evil he is, like there's No redeeming this character whatsoever
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Ok wow a few thing's, 1 ah So This was the planet she was blowing up when we were 1st introduced to her last Season, 2 Jimmy being the reason she was able to immediately break free of the mind control is so freaking cute, Damn it Now I really want to see these 2 end together so badly now, 3 Kara calling out to her cousin as Clark rather than Kal really hurts my heart, like it really feels like she doesn't know what to do anymore 😢, 4 MALLAH AND BRAIN HAVE RETURNED OMG, 5 Jimmy is Real one Because you KNOW funding for a whole wormhole space mission in just a short of amount of time, Really cost him a fortune and probably his Whole bank account, and finally why do I have the Feeling that next few episodes are gonna include maybe an Evil Superman and an argument between lois and kara for how Lois has been skeptical about kryptonians this Season, and by kryptonians I mainly mean Zero day and Now Kara, either way I'm all here for it and this episode was incredibly PEAK bruh can't wait for the Next one (God this took so long for me to write 😅)
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watcheraurora · 3 months
Could you pretty please make a list of the people in your au and their superhero/ villain name(s) + their powers/hybrid features if they have any? Sorry if this has been asked already. I had read the fics in your au a while back. And my stupid brain won't let me read it again.
Sure! This hasn't been asked already, actually
There are no hybrid features on any of them. This is, technically, a 100% human AU (except some humans have powers)
I'll put some basics here, and after Even Strong Walls Fall Down is fully posted and there are no spoilers, I can make a more comprehensive list (because some information is revealed in Strong Walls and I want to make sure that's a little bit of a surprise)
Other information that I'm sourcing were things I answered here and here, some of which hasn't actually made it into the stories yet but since I've already posted it to Tumblr, I consider it "known to the audience"
From this fic universe if you're new and unsure what this ask is referring to
Under the cut 'cause this got long!
Tango Tek
Alias: Deepfrost
Powers: cryokinesis (control of ice/cold), umbrakinesis (control of darkness/shadows, which he generates and can see through) "fueled" by his heartbeat, Sonic Shriek (actually a twist on the umbrakinesis, as it's the heartbeat's volume multiplied exponentially)
Side effects: blue-grey eyes + ice-blue hair while using powers (frost in hair maintains the blue longer) that fades after a minute or two. Sclera of eyes turn black when he's using his darkness, eyes glow slightly to allow him to see through his darkness. Prominent cold aura when powers are in use, barely-noticeable cold aura normally. Skin always cold. Struggles to maintain control over powers when emotions run high
Bonus information: has ADHD, played hockey in school, has a 160 IQ (above genius-level), is considered one of the most powerful superpowered people in the city, is very creative at using his powers, could be considered paranoid but he prefers the term "cautious", manifested his powers at 17
Jimmy Solidarity
Alias: Sheriff
Powers: Super strength, increased speed, enhanced endurance, fast healing
Side effects: Increased metabolism to fuel powers, increased muscle density (no appearance changes to speak of, apart from noticeable musculature)
Bonus information: has a cat named Norman, needs glasses but wears contacts with his superhero mask, manifested his powers at 22, the latest anyone on record has ever manifested powers (usual range is 16-20)
Scar Goode
Alias: HoTGuY
Powers: Acute senses (sight, smell, hearing, etc.), enhanced strength (nowhere near Sheriff's maximum), tactile telekinesis (can control the things he touches with his mind. Mainly used to improve his aim). Is best known as an archer
Side effects: Power manifestation overcame a neuromuscular disease that left him unable to walk, but not permanently. He still occasionally has fits where his legs won't work. Powers slightly saturated the shade of green of his eyes.
Bonus information: uses a mechanical glider to fly, can adjust the draw weight on his bow to 600 pounds, manifested his powers when he was 18
Joel Beans
Alias: Lore
Powers: Electrokinesis (lightning control, lightning is green), flight (Superman-style), invulnerability
Side effects: lightning flickers in the sclera of his eyes when he uses lightning. Permanent green streak in his hair that cannot take dye. Power manifestation and invulnerability removed his allergies. Giving him more endurance, speed, and strength because he can't injure himself by overdoing things
Bonus information: is married to the mayor of the city, Lizzie. Manifested his powers when he was 19. Is retired from field work and instead runs the superhero division and acts as the heroes' handler
Impulse [Civilian Name Redacted bc Spoilers]
Alias: Impulse
Powers: [Spoilers!], but he is a brilliant inventor of technology and experimenting with biology. Allegedly created creatures called Phantoms. Presumably created GeminiSlay and Blood Moon's weapons
Side effects: Active use of powers make eyes turn yellow and glow. Also has a [Redacted because Spoilers]
Bonus information: is the biological father of the Soup Group's other two members (which is known to the other two main villains in the city, but not spoken about), manifested his powers when he was 20, built and rides the Pulse Bike: a highly advanced motorcycle, is almost a genius
Gem [Last Name Redacted bc Spoilers]
Alias: GeminiSlay (most often referred to as just Slay)
Powers: Unknown by most people. Primarily a melee fighter with an energy sword not unlike a lightsaber
Side effects: when powers are in use, one eye turns red, the other gold
Bonus information: her powers manifested when she was [Spoilers], uses a motorcycle
Pearl [Last Name Redacted bc Spoilers]
Alias: Blood Moon (often referred to as just Moon)
Powers: Unknown to most people. Known for being extremely acrobatic and mobile. Primarily a ranged fighter with a bow that shoots arrows of light/energy
Side effects: Eyes tend to turn red when using powers
Bonus Information: her powers manifested when she was [Spoilers]
Etho [Last Name Unknown]
Alias: Arctic Fox
Powers: Unknown. (Information that I've revealed to the audience but the characters don't know is that he's Immortal as a main power) Incredibly skilled at hand-to-hand combat and stealth.
Side effects: Left eye turns and glows red when his powers are in use
Bonus information: is one of the longest-serving field heroes in the city, maintains friendly respect with Deepfrost after the latter was kicked out of the division, never removes the mask that covers the lower half of his face at the division, is an extremely private person, is almost a genius
Grian [Last Name Unknown]
Aliases: CuTeGuY, Poultry Man
Powers: clairvoyance (CG), enhanced dexterity (CG), flight with wings (CG&PM. CG's wings are parrot-like, PM's are chicken-like), telepathy (unknown to people), teleportation (unknown to people), memory manipulation (unknown to all but Deepfrost, who is vaguely aware). Primarily fights with a bow and arrow (CG). Can use illusions and/or change appearances between CuTeGuY and Poultry Man on the fly, as necessary (unknown to people). Immortal (unknown)
Side effects: Eyes glow violet when using clairvoyance
Bonus information: Is an actual god. Like, a minor deity, but still a deity. Has been around for thousands of years and pretends to be mortal because he finds it fun and it staves off the boredom of living forever. He uses whichever alias and costume will suit his needs for what he wants at any given moment. Thrives off chaos. Martyn is the only mortal who knows he's a god.
Doc [Civilian Name Unknown]
Alias: Doc
Powers: can create things out of raw materials using just his hands, can spawn minions (zombies and skeletons), has a cybernetic eye and arm with extra features including but not limited to thermal/night vision and extra strength
Side effects: Unknown
Bonus information: First known person to manifest powers over 30 years ago, created such dangerous weapons trying to overcome Joel's invulnerability that Joel chose to retire to protect the city, manifested powers when he was 19, considers Deepfrost something of a surrogate son and the best protégé he ever took under his wing
Rapid-Fire Round! XD
Cub [Last Name Unknown]
Alias: None
Powers: Technopathic (can control technology with his mind)
Side effects: Permanent eye-color change from blue to vibrant teal
Bonus information: is an intelligent inventor, creates the suits for the field heroes, doesn't want to be known for the powers he had no choice in: rather his creations, doesn't do field work and never wants to, manifested his powers at 16, is good friends with Scar
Cleo [Last Name Unknown]
Alias: formerly Zombie Queen
Powers: extremely fast healing factor/regeneration (like Wolverine or Deadpool)
Side effects: permanent vibrant lime green eyes and a somewhat palid skin tone
Bonus information: was the third person in the city to manifest powers (not including the immortals) around 25 years ago, has never done field work, assists Cub in creating the heroes' armor/suits, also is the primary medic in the superhero division's infirmary, manifested powers at 20
Bdubs [Last Name Unknown]
Alias: formerly Sleep King
Powers: Dream and sleep manipulation and creation
Side effects: Sleeps a lot
Bonus information: also has never done field work, is good friends with Etho, manifested powers at 18
False Symmetry [Civilian Name Unknown]
Aliases: False Symmetry, Queen of Hearts(, Heads, and Body Parts)
Powers: Unknown. (Combat prowess nearly unmatched. Has been witnessed making her sword appear in her hand)
Side effects: Unknown
Bonus information: an information broker, has her fingers in every pie in the city and always tries to know everything important going on, manifested her powers when she was 16
TFC [Civilian Name Unknown]
Alias: TFC
Powers: Geokinetic (control of Earth)
Side effects: Unknown
Bonus information: manifested powers not long after Cleo, was kind of tied with Etho for longest-serving field hero. Founded the division with Etho and Joel. Lost his life in the line of duty, saving civilians (accident not killed). Powers manifested when he was 17
Ren Dogg
Alias: none
Powers: Shapeshifter
Side effects: unknown
Bonus information: Is one of the only superpowered people in the city who actively hides his powers from both the superhero division and the villains. Manifested at 19. Martyn is the only person who knows he has powers
Mumbo Jumbo [Civilian Name Unknown]
Alias: Mumbo Jumbo
Powers: Unknown
Side effects: Unknown
Bonus information: Unknown
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silvertws · 6 months
"Hermit craft" and other ccs because they are cool. STAR WARS AU (I think imma do different ones depending on like Prequels, Sequels, and Present or whatever it's called yk, droids, Vader and Kylo)...? Unsure I'm just doing Vader now.
*Cries in the amount of research I'm going to have to do*
Xiuma and Mumbo -> def mechanics, ships repairing, Mumbo never drove any of his fucking ships, he would suck as a pilot, Xiuma is good at it tho!
Grian -> one of the best, if not the best pilot in the galaxy -> does bro have the force? Yuh, does he know or use it? Nuh uh also Pearl's sibling, they got separated when little.
Scar -> co-pilot of Grian, has a motored wheelchair, he's the most curious one out of the two. He is the one that tells Grian to do something and join the rebellion.
Doc ->maybe some imperial scientist of some kind???? He scares me.
Scott... You scare me but! Leader potential? Scavenging with Cleo, Scott -> the brain, Cleo -> them muscles, she's a skilled blaster fighter, possibly Mandalorian..? We're there mandalorians of that species....?????Cleo is a Togruta def.
Pearl -> definitely started off as a Padawan, sister of Grian -> = older (aka, yes the gist of "mf is too old to be trained, but his sister ain't, YOINK"), yeah he was not pleased. Pearl basic doesn't remember him, like, she knows she has a brother somewhere, but yk. Yeah so, Master dies, obviously 🙄, cause you know order 66, still debating who that should be... Uhhhhh Maybe Impulse? Yes you're dying boi. Be sad. Someone has to. So yeah, she escapes, and then I'm going to presume she's going in hiding... With another surviving Padawan... Maybe Gem, yeah. Yeah shiny duo why not. So they go into hiding, they survive by themselves, somehow, a bit of thievery never hurt anyone... Oh wait.
Anyway happiness doesn't last.
Bye bye Pearl, to get captured and become a sith you gooo.
Sorry Gem <\3 you'll see each other again.
While Pearl is "busy" turning to the Darkside and Just not having s good time, Gem joins the rebels, not revealing her past, he's lightsaber was broken during her qnd Pearl's escape after all. She does still have her Kyber cristal (green..? They focus more on defending to my knowledge, plus healing? Something like that) Pearl's used to be blue.
So yeah, Gem joins the rebels, where she does missions here and there and meets people like Tango.
Tango -> Pilot, and one of the leaders of a small squad that usually does ambushes to the Empire. (This is due to how fucking mental this guy was with EVERYTHING last season, he deserves to have a leading and planning spot)
Etho is a spy for the rebels. No questions asked. He is. Why? Don't exactly know...? He gives me spy vibes. Mf works for the Empire but is a double agent.
Joel and Lizzie have a bar where they try to keep it neutral, they don't enjoy the empire but don't want to risk loosing what they have to actively fight. They do hide rebels from time to time and share some rations. They know Tango, since he's the one who usually contacts them and also hid there a couple of times. They also know Etho since he goes there whenever he's dispatched to the planet.
Yes. The "Etho stop being obsessed with me" joke lives on.
Now... Owen. You sir. Terrify me. You're very scary as a villain but very adorable as a hero which you know what that means.
oh this mf is playing the rebels like fools!
Nobody suspects the nice mechanic and co-pilot to be an imperial spy... Definitely didn't install a tracker on the ship AND the droid.
Grian and scar + Cleo and Scott + Etho, Gem, Owen all know each other.
Cleo and Scott do not care to join the rebellion and probably never will.
Scar convinces Grian to help.
Etho squad and Scott team have often had fights because of one stealing stuff before the other.
Joey is a pirate with Sausage, Skizz and Martyn. The often had fights with literally all of the other teams.
Ren -> imperial general.
Jimmy -> you know what..? Bounty hunter. And you may think. Jimmy..? A bounty hunter? Bro u cray cray, Nuh uh. Listen. Listen. He's not HORRIBLE at his job, he's not super great either. But he does get enough cash to survive.
Now. Who has a bounty on them..?
Literally everyone I mentioned tbh-
But for plot, and because you guys love flower husbands, I'm gonna go with Scott.
So yeah goofy bounty hunter×the one mf who keeps on slipping away.
And yes, he does go to Joel bar to complain and Joel keeps on taunting him about it.
Ok now.
We did flower husbands.
So I think it's time for the Nature wives.
Shelby is indeed a force user... Or maybe a Witch from Dathomir??? Or maybe.. ok.
Let's say.
She goes to Dathomir.
And like, I remember basically nothing about that so please don't come for me for inaccuracies.
If I remember, from Star wars fallen order (I have not played survivor yet.), the witches are dead. Except one yk, our beloved girlypop, so idk if I should do Shubble being the last one, and meeting Katherine as she crashed down on her planet. Or idk.
Also Katherine is a princess 100%
Think about her like Leia, cool, badass, and fights, I'm thinking for her to be a Mandalorian, because fighting you know. Wither that or she's just the princess of idek. My memory of the planets and systems is very limited ok? I'm very bad with names...
So yeah, maybe a bit of a black lightsaber situation could happen? Idek.
BigB and B-Dubs... I again have no idea.
I don't watch these two- they could be bounty hunters...? Merchants...???? Mercenaries....???? No clue- I mean, I have basically 0 villains planned but I don't think either of them could be an inquisitor or a general/commander of some kind- and I don't know how I wanna do the stormtroopers so... They could be Jedi masters? Maybe one died and the other didn't? Maybe they both died to protect the Padawans? Maybe they're both alive..???? Ughhhhhh ToT
I definitely need to put more villains-
But I don't wannaaaa ToT like sure, the pirate gang, sure, bounty hunter Jimmy.
But the inquisitors brooo.
Like other than Pearl idkkk
She slays so hard she doesn't need other inquisitors-
Like idek know who to make the BBEG
cause like... Scott could definitely be Vader ok. I know. I Know........ And Cleo be an inquisitor??? But I like Jimmy and Scott possible dynamic as bounty hunter×that one mf-
Likeeee arghhhhh
Ren is just too Goofy to be plays as a BBEG
Owen just has to betray someone ok? He needs the switch up.
Literally idek-
Do I randomly put Kier and Dev into this???
Philza and Tommy could definitely be Jedi Master and young Padawan...
Like Ranboo is not giving villain.
Technoblade definitely would but, I don't want to put him in... In case I get yelled at TwT
Niki could be an inquisitor- definitely giving "the Jedi are corrupted at and so I decided to kill them all as revenge for taking away my childhood and my right of choice". So yeah.. definitely a "Padawan indoctrinated by the Darkside becomes inquisitor". Kinda like Pearl? But she didn't get tortured- it was kinda her choice sooooo. I guess I'm putting Niki in
FableSMP members???? Do I just put Fable as the BBEG????He could be more like Palpatine than Vader tho, since the manipulation and being well, powerful as fu- like, he works...Ok now I have ideas for FableSMP characters... Enderian would def be a witch of Datomir, my only issu with that is that I don't exactly know how that would work with Centross.
But. For what does work.
Wolf/Fenris??? Idk how it's written.
Used to be an imperial general, betrayed Fable. When he realized his kingdom was not safe even if he stayed with him.
Rae -> in this universe Enderian is out of the picture, like not even mentioned, sorry girly.
Rae is the child of Isla, who was the queen of whatever because again, this is just me writing down dumb ideas. So, Rae and Icarus were sent away when he was little by Isla, who wanted to keep him away from the empire's arms due to his connection to the force.
Icarus -> older sibling to Rae, has no connection to the force, (no Quixis, you're not doing shit this time >:(), when them and Rae were sent away, they didn't understand why fully. As he got older they resented Rae because they felt like if Rae didn't have a connection to the force then they'd be able to be a family. But that resentment soon moved to the force itself, the stores about the Jedis, the sith, all that chaos. They don't know exactly how to help Rae, all they can do is try to protect him from the empire. (I'm giving Rae and Icarus a good-ish relationship ok? We all need that)
Momboo and Ocie -> are sisters, both use the force and both were trained by the Jedis, needless to say they are not like 20 yo, I think imma make them around 35/40..? (Safe to say Icarus and Momboo won't have a relationship.No.)
They both survived order 66 but got separated.
Now for the angsty part.
Momboo during her travels tried to find and protect kids gifted with the force. She would then proceed to die, leaving Jamie and Uhh fuck I don't remember their name, well, her other kid ok? With one message, to find Ocie, she could help them.
Ocie did not have as much maternal instincts as her sister, but, she picked along a small child, Oscar, a child made orphan by the empire. I'm figuring out the species still. She would settle down, she thought she was away from everything, that she could heal. Then Momboos kids came, and boom, training arc for those little shits. (/Sarcastic /not mean /please I'm not serious)
Centross -> now, I know in FableSMP he's not on Fable's side but Enderian's, the problem with that is that I think that the only thing that fits Enderian is a Dathomir's witch. And I don't exactly know how that could work. Like sure, let's make her a sith, but she's supposed to be like on Fable's power level, and she's definitely not a Jedi. So. For Centross, he could 100% be an inquisitor. 100% not even questioning it. This is based upon when he was violet reaper, yes yes, I am aware he was not on Fable's side, but I believe Fable is more fit as Palpatine than Enderian, sorry girlboss. Also sorry Centross, you're not getting a redemption arc.
Origin members..?????? (Except you know who ofc)
Do I just mix up some Steve Saga like- I CAN'T DO THAT YK.
Like so many but yet arghhhhh
So many possible heroessss.
Like the only ones I KNOW could be great villains for sure are Pearl, Scott, and Owen. And Scott and Owen are the only ones who I could see as the BBEG.
But again, you know... TwT
Can't use Scott, Owen is already a traitor, unsure if he should be using the force.
And Pearl is just- s c a r y but she will have a redemption arc so yk.
Like Gem could also have villain potential but likeeeeee
I will maybe get more ideas in the future once I've done more research.
Please this is just a draft so don't come for me and the inaccuracies. I'm not even sure I'll actually bother to write an actual storyline, this is for funzies. Also the ages of characters might vary from the originals because again, this is an AU.
Also if anyone sees this and knows how to write and for some reason does anything with this, cool! :DDD it's not gonna happen, but cool!
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dib-thing-wannabe · 1 year
Okay, since you guys want it, I'm giving it! I may not be making a separate blog for it, but I am taking asks for it! Oh, and the name of the au is:
Chemical Overdose! Captain Underpants Au
Things to know before sending asks:
✨The only ones who will be answering asks are: George, Harold, Mr. Krupp, Captain Underpants, and Melvin! Don't forget Captain Underpants sidekicks, Flaming Ink and Polar Painter! (Yes they are color coded to make things simpler, and Captain Underpants's text will always be bold) (Also Flaming Ink is the same as George, and Polar Painter is the same as Harold. Those are just their superhero personas.) ✨
❌No Nsfw asks! These are children for crying out loud!❌
💕If you want to make fanart of my au, please do so! Just give credit to the au and tag me in it so I can see it!💕
⏲️This takes place around a year after the movie, and in that time frame Mr. Krupp knows and now accepts the fact that he is Captain Underpants, they have all fought multiple monsters, and the relationships between them are closer! I will incorporate some things from the show into the au as well, but not everything, as not only are they not the same timeline, I also haven't watched the show yet.⏲️
🔊I will occasionally posts things that doesn't have any asks, which just simply means that when the event happened, you guys were just not able to reach them during that time! (During the night, talking with another character, ect.) It means that it was meant to happen and that it couldn't have been prevented by any of you!🔊
📴If I randomly turn off asks, that's because I have reached the post limit and didn't want to be bombarded with asks while not being able to answer them!📴
⭐Do not think that I would find it annoying if you are sending me constant asks, whether I'm online or offline, I actually enjoy knowing that you enjoy my au that much! So send as many as you'd like!⭐
🧪Main premise of the au currently: George and Harold have accidentally fallen into unknown chemicals, and it's seems to be taking some strange effects on their body's, including giving them new powers that they could only ever dream of. Though we still don't know why all of their comics come to life...🧪
Links to check out for some more deep-seated lore and some things you need to know about the characters! (They are all in top to bottom chronological order except for the first two links shown)
Characteristics of the mains for the CO! Au!
The looks of the main CO! Characters!
Only a wish, not yet reality...
Just a simple thing to ask...
A mishap in the night.
It's been told, or rather, shown.
New looks for new heros.
The realization.
The First Fight.
Another Gift.
A poem.
The Neverending Nightmare.
An official thank you.
A memory in their sleep 1/2.
A memory in their sleep 2/2.
This will have unexpected consequences...
The fine line has been burned.
Just so everyone knows, by the time this blog thingy first takes place, it's around two to three days before the event that really cements the fact that it's an au, so there will be mentions of events that happened during that time.
So, with that being said, start sending asks and have fun!
The asks are currently open for: George, Harold, and Melvin!!
(Incase someone wants to read my other little fanfics, here)
The Villain's Untold Moldings (Fandom: Pj Masks):
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
The Evil and The Genius (Fandom: Jimmy Neutron):
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
The thing about that Winter thing, just to remind, from her POV she killed James. The last she saw of him was was her making him explode. From her perspective she is the one who killed that guy. And she is not very Brocken up about it.
Its amusing because they give Adam more sympathy then this. Blake literally broke down sobbing after killing him and even the triumphant song they released had a note about how sad Adam's story was and how this boy lost his way being consumed by hate and spite.
It was not alot, but like...its more then they give Jimmy LOL.
Pretty sure I got this ask when we all thought Winter was writing on Ironwood's grave, but regardless...
Something I've been thinking about lately is how Ironwood is the one villain who is still irrevocably against Salem and how that should have made such a difference, but didn't. Even Adam, whose story-line became 99% about his abusive relationship with Blake, was working with Cinder earlier on who, in turn, was working for Salem. Every major villain in the show (that I can think of off the top of my head, anyway) did something to forward Salem's agenda: Cinder, Watts, Tyrian, Hazel, Emerald, Raven, Adam, Roman. That consistency means that although I might often side-eye the heroes' inability to forgive (or hypocritically forgive on a dime) it at least makes sense that they would look at someone like Lionheart, someone who was helping Salem end the world, and dismiss any goodness within them.
Ironwood, in contrast, was working against Salem up until the moment he died.
Did the writers give him a senseless, fucked-up means of moving against Salem via a 'just bomb civilians' plan? Yes and I'll forever side-eye that too. However, I think if the heroes should have forgiveness/sympathy/mixed feelings/an emotional reaction to any villain, it should be the one whose villains acts were all in the name of stopping their shared enemy. In debating the ethical and practical merits of Ironwood's plans, I think many fans have lost sight of the larger picture. He's trying to get the Relics away from Salem, keep their last army of huntsmen in reserve to fight Salem later, get at least one city of people safely away from Salem. No matter how messed up, no matter how misguided and OOC there wasn't a single thing Ironwood did that wasn't guided by his attempts to keep Salem from ending the world. In a better written show, that would have meant something. Even if we still had to get cartoon villain Ironwood, the characters would at least acknowledge that he (from the show's POV) did all the wrong things for the right reasons. Winter in particular was set up to be that nuanced insight, given his mentor-esque status and her unfailing faith in 99% of the choices Ironwood made. That the show would have her (from her POV) kill him and then just sneer at how she waited too long to do it is insane. Please write these characters humanely! Even if you come to hate someone for what they've done, years worth of love for them doesn't just up and disappear!! That's the one (1) snow scene moment RWBY got completely right: of course Ozpin is still going to care for Lionheart despite his betrayal.
For me, intent will always matter. It might not excuse everything (or anything at all), but it opens the door for forgiveness in a way that few other things will. Which is why the intent of other characters, in contrast, makes Ironwood's writing so much worse. You have Qrow teaming up with Tyrian because he refuses to go see Ironwood in handcuffs and Emerald who is "redeemed" because she was literally just standing beside Oscar post-realization that Cinder doesn't love her. The show says, "You're forgiven for being so stubborn you'll deliberately help kill your friend" and the characters say "You're forgiven for trying to end the world/destroying a school and then stopping out of selfish self-interest." But there's no "You're forgiven for taking extreme measures in a no-win scenario in an effort to salvage some hope against an immortal enemy." That's messed up to me! Especially given that Ironwood is (presumably) dead. If there's ever a time to let characters extend compassion in a way they may not be able to with the person still there and potentially still enacting wrong, it's when they've died for those heroic beliefs. Ironwood is the one villain who, methods aside, was 100% fighting the right battle and he's simultaneously the one villain that characters and story alike refuse to give even a smidge of sympathy for. Wild.
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spectator-moon · 9 months
My thoughts on Martyn Secret life lore stream (Eyes and Ears AU)
first, Martyn why would you hurt me with that imagery? Poor scar ;-;
-I really like the idea of the logo being the pincer on the Watchers. Grian is a force of nature and should be represented as such
-I am of the personal belief that Jimmy did not break free from the canary curse, since he died right before Wither/Warden boss fight and the entire point of Canarys is to warn of danger
-slightly irralevently but I need to draw the Scar
-BOY do I love the idea of Gem being used as the Watchers new tool because of the Zombie outbreak (send Gem all the love for that skill!!!)
-love Gem being taken by Watchers in general, especially adding in her lore that in Empires she thought everybody was just roleplaying, so she came in thinking it was roleplay and got stuck.
-i also like the idea of Jimmy getting struck down because of the Watchers being confused by his "funeral" and once Lizzy dies, then going "wait no he's supposed to be dead hold on-" and striking him down immediately
-i need more ideas for art. Also references. Please more references proportions are awful
-"if given the right tools, how many seeds of chaos can {Gem} sow, and it turns out, she's a bloody good farmer." Good quote. Make art for quote
-negative emotions being ~spicy~
-martyn being the seperate party in the gang of winners
-the watchers pushed Jimmy off a ledge
-players still having that sense of connections and support (i.e. swapping out) despite being in murder games (also I love the idea that when the Listeners swap out players, the players get a choice, so it's all the much more heartbreaking)
-(personal headcanon that Ren was desperately hoping Martyn would recognize him in Tango's body)
-(personal headcanon that all players start new life series incredibly sore from being tensed as they fall, even though they're unconscious)
-(other personal headcanon that fragmented players i.e. life series players are the only ones who can see the fragments on other servers)
-Speakers maybe being part of a group which works as mercenarys (being paid in whatever currency they use to give players the task of helping each other) (speakers being true neutral)
-y'all imagine the cinematic beauty of the climax I want full animaticssss
-Grian couldn't cash in on success because he either isn't fully in, or because the Watchers are being petty
-the two watchers being the actually evil equivalent of Jesse and James from pokemon
-Grian has emotions about previous series absolutely stunning idea
-like the idea that Winners get to keep their emotions (hence Pearl and Tilly, Grian w/ Scar, etc)
-Fragement lore fragment lore fragment lore
-Martyn is furry (fragment dog collar) (very not serious)
-fragments appear as important moments from lore? (Can Scar just have a big ol' one where he got punched in the face by Grian from third life?) (I know they don't appear because final death but it was a generator of so much angst)
-autocorrect my beloathed. (Grian ≠ Groan)
-sometimes fragments become scars, and everybody gets confused because "this moment wasn't important I have no emotional attachment to this moment why is there a scar?"
-headcanon that the Watchers do a real shoddy job at emotion gobbling and often leave the memory, which can prompt an emotional reaction. Also, Watchers actively ignore certain negative moments in favour of those spawning more negative emotions (like a cobblestone generator but for negative emotions)
-datastream Martyn??? Please explain I have not the time to watch all the vods
-eeeee winner theory!!!!!
-we love Villain scar
-so wait if they get to watch how it ends does that mean they had to sit and watch Scar go insane???? That makes that sadder
-so without any knowledge of Datastream Martyn, can I suggest that mayhaps datastream means that literally Martyn leaps between worlds by moving through the literal data stream? I have seen references to a Doc, so maybe he and Martyn were experimenting and Martyn got stuck? I know something happened to Doc, probably bad given that the reference was 'yes the red stuff was definitely ketchup', so was it because of the knowledge he has gained? Again, never seen any data stream so take all of this with a grain of salt. I just like analysing stories and have read enough to be able to pick out plotlines fairly well.
-oooh lore comic i want to read that
-Secret Keeper is Watchers putting on a trench coat and going "yes yes no watchers here yes yes"
-imagine how invasive it would be to spawn in and just KNOW the rules, with no background for why or how you have that information. Boy that could be a cesspit for angst. Imagine the panic of that inserted information. (Grian has to calm somebody down fic???)
-new lore enjoyer, but I love this already.
-making a proper movie with this concept would be AMAZING
-players were kidnapped lmao
-Scott having that forewarning for Jimmy and Scar is a funny thought
-Listeners are oldest children fighting their middle siblings (Watchers) because Mom and Dad will blame them for the poor player hurt
Making a part two because this is so long already
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vesperaink · 1 year
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FINALLY @onawhimsicot 's awesome Life Series Team Rancher Superhero AU fic, Tangotek Evil Incorporated is posted and I get to share my initial concept art for Dr. Blaze and Canary respectively!
if anyone makes fanart of TTEI, you're welcome to use my designs with credit or make your own!! There's nothing more superhero comic than every artist doing their own take <3
I've loved seeing Cadence's event artists takes on their outfits they're SO GOOD. I love seeing all the different designs!!! PLEASE @ me and Cadence I promise you, we'd love to see it <333 Also my ask box is always open if you want to chat!
I'm definitely going to be making more polished designs and drawing for this universe in the future (superhero aus my beloved I had SO much fun designing them)!
but for now, if you also love character design, have way too many thoughts about Ranchers and hero/villain costumes like me, and 3 pages wasn't enough, buckle up and enjoy my extra ramble under the cut:
When Cadence asked me to help design their outfits, the request boiled down to "i just need ideas, you don't have to like draw a whole Thing" but I'm so Normal about my blorbos so uh naturally it became A Whole Thing and when I got to Canary I had to frantically hit the brakes on my character design brain from making him too cool
Tango's design came easy, Canary's outfit less so. Surprisingly it's kinda hard to make a somewhat on theme but also basic hero outfit jsakfhajskfh
criteria for Canary at the time was a mix of on bird theme but also NOT on theme since he needed to be a bit basic for context of the fic so he WILL be getting a glow up later
We debated giving Canary a gas mask vs a beak-like mask for a long time, the bandana is my compromise while also hitting that Basic vibe. Its also a nod towards my Sheriff!Jimmy design & Ranchers
We have a long history of working on a OC superhero universe (lovingly dubbed soupverse) together, and while I also just think plague doctor vibes are Neat the concept of the beak being a hero/villain mask is partially pulled from my main villain, Crow who is also bird themed (shocking i know)
Canary having a silly jumpsuit was also loosely inspired by Zedaph's high dive Zedvancement skin from his S9 Ep 1!
Tinted lenses to hide your identity my beloved, what if we both had colored tinted lenses and were red and blue coded and were nemeses...haha jk...unless?
Just the other day, Cadence said to me what if Canary wore Uggs and lowkey he might asjkfhaksjf
Parrot, while not depicted eventually got summed up to Aviator vibes and obviously Canary had to match
A lot of this reference sheet was originally scrawled in my notes app and generally in my head. I cleaned it up for the event so while I'm sorry it's so messy, it was worse originally LOL
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candycandy00 · 1 year
The Dark Carnival Chapter 3: Twice x Reader Part 3 (Final)
AU fic about the League of Villains as members of a 1920’s traveling circus/carnival, and everywhere they go, people tend to disappear. Each chapter will feature a new Reader getting mixed up with one of the members. This is a dark fanfic so please don’t expect happy endings!
This was getting too long so I’m dividing it into three parts! 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Smut. 18+. Violence/blood/horror. An ableist term is used to describe Jin’s mental illness (this is set during the 20’s after all). Gender neutral reader (they/them pronouns used to describe them). Twice’s split personality manifests itself as his ventriloquist dummy as this AU has no quirks.
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Once you were out of sight of the two men guarding the gate of the carnival, the hands that had been dragging you suddenly relaxed, giving you the opportunity to pull free and whirl around to look at your attacker. 
You’d half expected to find Jin, perhaps attempting to apologize. But the person standing in front of you was Touya, a cigarette between his lips and a dangerous look in his eyes. “So you figured it out,” he said. 
“Figured out what?”
Touya narrowed his eyes, as if annoyed. “That Jin is batshit crazy.”
You opened your mouth to say something, to defend Jin, but you couldn’t. The last few minutes in his tent were too fresh in your mind. Instead, you asked a question. “What do you mean, he’s crazy?”
Touya sighed, pulling the cigarette from his mouth and exhaling smoke. “The way you ran out of there, I thought you’d experienced it firsthand. Jin has two personalities. One is the friendly guy you know. The other is…”
“Jimmy,” you said. 
“Yeah. That fucking dummy.”
“Can’t someone just… take the dummy away from him?” you asked. 
Touya shook his head, then took another drag of his cigarette. “You’re not understanding me. The dummy isn’t the cause of the second personality. It’s the container. Do you wanna know where Jin came from?”
You hesitated for a moment, then nodded. 
“The boss, our ringleader, found him in an asylum. He was locked up in a tiny dark room. A guard overheard him talking to himself in different voices and got the big idea to sell him to the carnival that happened to be in town.”
“That’s awful,” you said, imagining Jin sitting all alone in the dark, with only himself to talk to. 
Touya went on. “We noticed right away that he had a split personality. Jin was agreeable and easy to deal with. Jimmy was an asshole who constantly picked fights and even tried to stab some of us. So the boss got an idea. He hired someone to make a dummy that looked like Jin, then we convinced Jin that Jimmy had moved to the doll. Let me tell you, Jimmy stirs up a lot less trouble when he’s an inanimate fucking object.”
You stood there for a moment, letting the story sink in. “So if you took the dummy away, Jin would think Jimmy was back in his body with him. He’d be dangerous.”
“That’s right. So if you care about Jin, you have to accept the dummy as part of the deal.”
You looked Touya in the eyes. “Why are you telling me all this?”
Touya shrugged and flicked his cigarette onto the ground. “Jin is one of us. I don’t want him to be hurt. I figured if you understood the situation, it might clear up any misunderstandings.”
“And why should I trust you? You’re the one person I’m most suspicious of.”
Touya sighed as he pulled a fresh cigarette from his pocket and lit it up. “Look, I really don’t remember your friend.”
“Marie,” you said. “Her name is Marie.”
“I really don’t remember Marie,” he told you, emphasizing her name. “A lot of people come to my tent after the shows. There’s no way I could remember all of them. If Marie really did come to my tent, she had a good time and then she left. Just like everyone else. Whatever happened to her after she left isn’t my concern.”
It was a cold statement about a woman he’d probably had sex with, but he had a point. If Marie was attacked or abducted after she left the carnival, Touya couldn’t be blamed for that. Maybe you’d been wrong about him. He was rude and couldn’t even remember the faces of his lovers, but he also clearly cared about Jin. Plus he’d been alone with you, the person who’d been dogging him for months, twice now and easily could have killed you, but he hadn’t. 
Regardless, he’d given you a lot to think about, and you needed to go back to your motel room. 
“Thanks for telling me about Jin,” you said to him. “I’ll be back tomorrow.”
Touya gave you a casual wave as he turned and walked toward his tent. You left through the gate, your heart and mind heavy. 
You cared about Jin a lot, and hearing the explanation for his behavior had softened the anger and pain you’d felt earlier when Jimmy had said such cruel things. If Touya was telling the truth, Jin was mentally ill, and he couldn’t help what Jimmy said. 
Could you deal with that? Could you handle Jimmy as “part of the deal”? You really weren’t sure, but you did know one thing: you had to see Jin again. You had to talk to him. 
And so, you returned to the carnival the next evening. You didn’t attend Jin’s show. You thought it might make him nervous to see you in the crowd, so you waited until he finished the first performance and the audience cleared out. When you walked into the tent, Jin spotted you immediately, and his whole face lit up. 
He practically ran over to you, grasping both your hands in his. “You came back! I was so scared Jimmy had ruined everything!”
“So… you know what Jimmy said to me?”
“Of course I do,” he said, “I was there! But I couldn’t stop him. I tried to make him shut up, but he wouldn’t. I’m so sorry! You know I disagree with everything he says, right?”
You gave him an uneasy smile. “It’s okay, Jin. I understand. I don’t blame you for what he said.”
Jin looked at you with such relief in his eyes, it nearly broke your heart. He wrapped his arms around you in a gentle but tight embrace. And again you felt like being in his arms was right. 
“I’m so glad you’re not mad at me,” he said, his voice vibrating pleasantly beside your ear. “People hate me for what Jimmy says and does. I hate myself sometimes for not being able to stop him.”
You pulled away. “Don’t! Don’t ever hate yourself, Jin! You’re a wonderful person.”
He beamed at you, then suddenly his eyes shifted to the ground and he looked a little shy as he asked, “Do you want to come see me tonight? I’d understand if you don’t…”
“I do,” you told him, deciding on the spot. Before speaking to him, you really had no idea whether or not you’d go back to his tent. But your heart was pulling you toward him. You’d built a friendship with him over the past few months, and it had finally turned romantic. This was the last night the carnival would be in town, and after talking with Touya, you didn’t know if you’d keep following the carnival anymore. This might be the last night you saw Jin for a long time.
After agreeing to meet him later, you left his tent. For perhaps the first time since you’d began following the carnival, you didn’t watch Touya’s show. You just didn’t feel that spark of interest and suspicion anymore. Instead, you walked around enjoying the carnival as a guest. You watched other shows, you rode a few rides, and you even played a couple of games. It reminded you of the night you came with Marie, of her laughter, her delighted squeals on the rides, her bright smiles. Marie had been like a sister to you, and the thought that you’d wasted months chasing a false lead hit you hard. 
When the time came, you returned to Jin’s tent the same way you always had. He was waiting for you, sitting on the edge of his bed. You couldn’t help glancing at the dresser, but Jimmy wasn’t there. Jin must have noticed, because he answered the question you were thinking before you could ask it. 
“I put Jimmy in the trunk,” he said, pointing to a large wooden trunk that had been scooted to the far end of the tent. You’d seen it open before, with Jin’s clothes spilling out, but now it was tightly shut. “I thought that might make you more comfortable.”
“I appreciate that,” you replied, wrapping your arms around his neck. You stood on your tip toes to kiss his mouth as his hands moved over your body. He was particularly gentle with you tonight, softly caressing you and placing sweet kisses along your neck as he opened your shirt. 
Jin was the best lover you’d ever had, and it wasn’t only because of his impressive physique. It was the care he took with you, the way he prioritized your comfort and pleasure. If the concept of “love” had a physical sensation, this was it. 
Once you were both undressed, you playfully pushed Jin onto his back on the bed, then straddled him. He seemed surprised, but he was grinning, clearly enjoying this reversal of positions. You rubbed your body against him, feeling his erection grow beneath you. Once you could feel the wetness of his precum smearing over your entrance, you slowly sank down onto his cock, filling yourself with him. 
Jin gasped, reflexively thrusting his hips up. He raised up on his elbows and looked at your face as you rode him and moaned his name. Looking him in the eyes, you almost blurted out the words you’d been thinking for the past few minutes. You almost told him you love him. 
But you didn’t. At this moment, grinding against him, feeling his hot, firm skin against yours, you just didn’t want to complicate the situation. 
You pressed your hands onto his chest, your favorite part of his body, feeling the muscles becoming tense as both of you got closer and closer to release. When you came, he did as well, at nearly the same instant. Sweaty and out of breath, you collapsed onto him, and he wrapped his strong arms around you again. 
Then, like both nights before, you fell into a blissful sleep. 
When you woke up, you noticed immediately that Jin wasn’t there. The bed was so small that his absence was very noticeable. You felt a sudden spike of alarm as you remembered the night before. You quickly looked to the end of the bed, then exhaled the breath you’d been holding when you saw that Jimmy wasn’t there. Your eyes swept over the dimly lit tent, falling on the trunk in the corner. It was still closed. 
“Jin?” you called as you stood up and began dressing. 
There was no reply, so you sat down on the bed to put your shoes on. Maybe he had to pee, or he stepped outside to smoke. 
Just as you finished tying your shoes, you heard a voice you’d come to hate say, “I can’t believe you were stupid enough to come back.”
You froze for a moment, looking around the tent again. Where was he hiding? 
“I don’t care if you hate me, Jimmy,” you said, “Jin likes me, and that’s all that matters.”
“Jin doesn’t know what’s good for him. He’s a simpleton who can’t survive without me.”
You stood up from the bed and walked around, glancing behind things to see if you could spot him. “I think you’re wrong about Jin. He’s a strong person. He can get by just fine on his own.”
There was silence for a few moments, then the voice said, “I warned you. I told you what I would do if you didn’t stay away from us.”
You remembered Jimmy’s threat to stab you, but you chuckled and said, “I’m not afraid of a dummy who can’t even move on his own.”
“Oh, you don’t know?” the voice asked, and you realized for the first time that the voice didn’t seem to be coming from the trunk. Instead, it was coming from…
The bed. 
You turned quickly to look back at the bed, only to see Jin crawling out from under it. He was holding a large knife, and his eyes looked cold and empty. He grinned, a soulless grin, and said in Jimmy’s voice, “Sometimes we switch.”
Your heart stopped, or at least it felt like it did before it began hammering rapidly. Every cell in your body seemed to be telling you to flee. But Jin wouldn’t hurt you, would he? Even Jimmy wouldn’t actually stab you, right? He was just trying to scare you away… right?
Jin, or rather Jimmy, took a step toward you. In turn, you took one back. “Jimmy, I want to talk to Jin. Give him back control,” you said firmly, trying not to let the fear slip into your voice. 
Jimmy was still grinning. “No thanks. See, I haven’t had control of this body in a long time. Now that I do, I’m not giving it up that easily. And you’re conveniently right here.”
You frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
Jimmy looked at the knife in his hand, then back at you. “It means I don’t have to go looking for you.”
From the direction of the trunk, you heard Jin’s voice yell, “Run! He’ll kill you!”
Even in that moment, as fear exploded in your heart, you were still amazed that Jin’s lips didn’t seem to move at all as he threw his voice. 
Jimmy lunged at you with the knife as you ran toward the tent’s opening, and you felt the cold, sharp pain of the blade slicing your arm. You didn’t stop to check the wound, you just kept running until you were out of the tent, then darted into the shadows as quickly as possible as your sleeve became wet with blood. 
You ducked behind some wooden crates until you heard Jimmy run past, then began quickly weighing your options. It said a lot about your panic-addled state of mind that your first instinct was to go and “free” Jin from the trunk. But then you remembered the dummy was actually just a dummy. Jin was still in his own body, he just didn’t realize it. 
The thought crossed your mind to run into one of the other tents and ask for help, but you decided against that idea. You were an outsider. When you’d talked to them about Marie, the carnival folk had regarded you with suspicion and even outright hostility. There was no way any of them would side with you over Jin. 
You took a deep breath and ripped some fabric from your shirt, then used it to tie around your arm. You didn’t think the wound was very deep, but you didn’t think continuing to bleed freely was a good idea. 
There was only one option left that you could think of. You had to make it to the gate, get to your automobile, and drive to safety. Once you were behind your locked motel room door, you could decide what to do from there. You regretted telling Jin where you were staying, but you doubted Jimmy would follow you all the way there. More than that, you doubted the other carnival folk would let him, as it would risk him being caught. 
Jimmy had to know you’d head for the gate, so you had to be careful. Running straight there would be too risky. You had to keep to the shadows, hiding periodically to stay out of sight. With this plan in mind, you crept out of your hiding spot and ran along the side of a tall food booth, then ducked into the seat of one of the rides. You waited and listened. After a few minutes of hearing no sign of Jimmy, you dashed out and past two more rides before hiding behind the counter at the balloon darts game. 
Here, you heard heavy footsteps running by, and Jimmy’s voice call your name. He wasn’t too loud, no doubt trying to keep from alerting everyone else. There was a good chance the others would restrain him until they could “return” Jimmy to the dummy’s body. But if they found you, there was an equally good chance they would get rid of you to keep you from going to the police. You still didn’t trust Touya, who was the last person Marie was with before disappearing, and you’d heard a few rumors while following them about people vanishing after the carnival had been in town. 
Jimmy’s voice receded into the distance, unfortunately in the direction of the gate. He was obviously patrolling the path to the exit. Would the guards stop you? You had to take the chance that you could rush through without being caught. 
You quietly got to your feet, and as you turned around to look for your next hiding spot, you found yourself face to face with Jimmy. You screamed and jerked yourself backwards at the same time that Jimmy jumped over the low counter. He shoved you, and your back crashed into the dirt floor of the booth, knocking the wind out of you. 
Jimmy loomed over you, grinning. “Thought you could get away, huh? Just like you thought you could lure Jin away from the carnival.”
What? Lure Jin away? You didn’t have time to give his words more thought, as Jimmy suddenly straddled you, just like you’d straddled Jin in his bed earlier. He pulled the knife from behind him and held it up for you to see. 
“Jin will never forgive you,” you told Jimmy. “He’ll never forgive himself.”
Jimmy paused, and a look resembling regret flashed across his features. But it was gone as fast as it appeared. “He’ll forget about you eventually,” Jimmy said with an eerily blank expression. 
You tried to raise up, but Jimmy used his free hand to press you back down, his fingers digging into your shoulder. You turned your head to the side, desperately looking for anything that could help you. That’s when you noticed rows and rows of small, colorful items lined up on a shelf under the counter. It took you a moment to realize they were the darts guests could throw at balloons. 
You reached out with one hand and frantically grabbed a handful of darts, then jabbed them into Jimmy’s thigh that was right beside your torso. 
Jimmy howled in pain and drew back, falling onto his side and off of you. Grabbing another handful of darts, you got to your feet and backed away. Jimmy got up quickly too, and leapt toward you, but you dodged and shoved three more darts into his arm. They were small, clearly unable to stab too deeply. They wouldn’t do much damage, but they would hurt. Jimmy screamed again and began trying to pull the darts out of his arm and thigh. 
“Jin! Listen to me,” you cried, even as you grabbed several more darts. “You’re aware of what’s happening, right? That means you can’t be trapped in the trunk! You’re still in your body! You have to take back control!”
Jimmy pulled the last dart free and charged at you, screaming, “Shut up!”
You turned to run, but you didn’t get far before you felt Jimmy’s hand grab your arm and pull you back. You tried to stab his arm with the darts again, but he grabbed your wrist and held it down. You struggled, trying to squirm free of his grasp. Finally, in desperation, you yelled, “Jin, help me!”
Suddenly the arms restraining you dropped. You ran several steps forward, out of his reach, then turned to look at him. Jimmy was crouched down, holding his head in his hands. 
“Stop! Just stop,” Jin’s voice said. 
You took a step closer to him. “Jin? Is that you?”
He looked up at you, and his eyes were full of tears. “Go! Get away while you can!”
You hesitated. Seeing Jin in such mental anguish hurt a thousand times worse than the cut on your arm. But if you stayed, if Jimmy killed you, Jin would hate himself forever. 
“None of this is your fault, Jin. Don’t blame yourself!” And with that said, you ran off toward the gate. 
When you were so close you could see the guards, you stopped and looked back. Jin was still crouching there, his shoulders shaking with sobs. You watched as a young woman approached him. It was the knife thrower. Jin had once said she was like a little sister to him. She knelt down and wrapped her arms around him. 
Feeling certain that Jin would be taken care of, you ran out the gate so fast that the guards barely seemed to notice you. 
During the drive back to the motel, you couldn’t stop crying. Even after showering and using more torn cloth from your clothes to bandage your arm again, you felt a deep sorrow that wouldn’t go away. In the end, you fell asleep with a wet face. 
The next morning you were awakened by a knock at your door. Startled, you climbed out of bed and peeked through the tiny hole in the door. Had Jimmy actually chased you here? 
To your surprise, it was Touya who stood on the other side. Your mind raced with questions. How did he find you? What did he want? Was he here to kill you? But you took a deep breath and tried to think things through. The only way he could know where you were was if he checked the dozen or so other motels in the area, which seemed unlikely, or if Jin told him. And if Jin told him, he must trust him. 
Deciding to trust Jin’s judgment, you opened the door. Touya put out his cigarette on the ground and stepped into your room without being invited. 
You crossed your arms over your chest and asked, “What do you want?”
He sat down casually on the bed. “I just want to know what your intentions are.”
“You want to know if I plan to go to the police,” you said. 
Touya smiled. “We didn’t get raided by the cops last night, so I took that as a good sign. But I wanted to be sure.”
“And what if I say I do plan to report what happened? Will I disappear?”
Touya looked at you sharply, the smile vanishing from his face. “If you go to the cops, they’ll come and get Jin. They’ll toss him back into that tiny dark room and leave him there to rot. He’ll never see the light of day again.”
You held his gaze for a moment, then sighed. “I’m not going to tell anyone what happened. Of course I’m not! I wouldn’t do that to Jin. I… care for him, a great deal.”
“I figured as much,” Touya said, standing up from the edge of the bed. 
“Hold on a minute,” you told him, then went over to the nightstand and wrote something on a piece of paper. You handed it to Touya and said, “Give this to Jin. It’s my home address. Tell him to write to me when he gets to the next town.”
Touya took the paper, but looked at you curiously. “Are you sure you want him to have this? Anything Jin knows, Jimmy knows.”
“I’m aware of that. But I’m a long way from home. I trust you guys to not let Jin travel several states away from the carnival.”
Touya gave you a somewhat wicked grin. “Maybe so, but we’ll end up back in your town eventually.”
“That’s fine. I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.”
Touya stared at you for a moment, then laughed as he headed toward the door. “I really should have invited you to my tent from the start.”
“I would have declined,” you said. 
“Yeah, I’m sure you would have,” he replied, opening the door and stepping through. 
You walked over and stood in the doorway. “Oh yeah, give Jimmy a message for me. Tell him I never had any intention of taking Jin away from the carnival. He needs a support system, and for better or worse, you guys are it.”
Touya nodded, then walked away. You closed the door and began stuffing your clothes into your suitcases. The drive home would be long, and you hadn’t found any answers about what had happened to Marie, but you were beginning to make peace with that. You lost a precious friend, but now you had gained another. Funny how life seemed to circle around. 
When Touya returned to the carnival, he found Jin sitting on the tailgate of one of their trucks, apparently resting after having loaded up several crates. Carnival workers were running back and forth, shouting out commands as everyone worked on packing up to head to the next town. 
Touya sat beside him and handed him a sheet of paper. “Here, it’s their address,” he said. “They want you to write as soon as we reach Grover’s Bend.”
Jin looked flabbergasted. “Really? I thought they’d never want to hear from me again!”
“Give them a little credit. They’re not the type of person to hate you after a little thing like you trying to murder them.”
Jim’s face fell. “But, I didn’t-“
Mid sentence, his voice changed, and he said, “I almost got them! I won’t mess up next time!”
Touya looked over and noticed the dummy sitting on one of the crates behind Jin. “Oh yeah, they had a message for you too, Jimmy.”
Jimmy said nothing, so Touya went on. “They had no intention of taking Jin away from the carnival.”
“That’s it?”
Jimmy’s voice made a scoffing sound. “Who cares? I just didn’t like them!”
Touya waved his hand dismissively, sensing the lie in Jimmy’s tone. “Yeah, yeah, whatever you say.”
Jin sat there in silence for a little while, then he tilted his head and looked Touya in the eyes. “Did you kill Marie?”
Touya looked away from him, then took out two cigarettes. He lit them both and handed one to Jin before answering. “Probably. I really don’t remember though. Too many people pass through my tent for me to remember every face. You know that.”
Jin took a drag on the cigarette. “Since you can’t be certain, I’ll just assume you didn’t. For all our sakes.”
Touya scooted down off the tailgate to go help with the packing. “I appreciate it,” he said. Then he headed into the crowd of carnival folk, imaging what sorts of people he would meet at their next stop.  
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woozapooza · 2 years
Obviously I already loved the scene where Skyler interrupts Ted’s audit and saves him by pretending to be a total airhead, but I just hit that episode (4x09, “Bug”) in my rewatch today and now I love that scene even more because of how it further establishes one of the biggest differences between Walt and Skyler. Skyler is capable of being just as devious as Walt, and she isn’t immune to letting her ego control her (as we see with the whole carwash thing), but she doesn’t have Walt’s obsessive need to admired. On the contrary, Skyler is willing to have people unfairly look down on her if she thinks it’s for a good cause. She doesn’t turn Walt in to the authorities because she can’t bear for her son to know the truth about his father, even though she knows that she’s making herself the villain in Walter Jr.’s eyes as a result; Walt, in contrast, complains about Skyler’s gambling cover story because “I don’t want Junior thinking less of me.” Then in 4x09, she makes herself look incompetent—in her actual area of expertise, no less!—because it will throw the IRS off Ted’s trail, and therefore off her trail. This comes just four episodes after “Shotgun,” in which Walt completely sabotaged himself because he just couldn’t bear to hear Hank give Gale credit for his (Walt’s) work. The only instance I can think of where Walt voluntarily made himself look bad (though to be fair, I could absolutely be forgetting something, in which case please let me know) is the phone call in “Ozymandias” where he makes Skyler out to be more of a passive victim than she really was, but in my opinion that’s barely comparable to the Skyler examples I gave, as it’s just an exaggeration rather than a complete falsity.
My point here isn’t that Walt was ever obligated to do something quite like what Skyler does in “Bug” (although now that I think about it, I would love to see him bimbofy himself). Nor is it that either of the examples I gave of Skyler willingly making herself look bad was definitively the right thing to do (they’re both complicated situations and evaluating the ethics of each isn’t the point of this post). Nor is it to say there’s something wrong with wanting to be appreciated. It’s just to say that I find it genuinely admirable how Skyler is often willing to see beyond her ego in a way Walt usually isn’t.
Also, I want to add that this realization reminded me that I thought about something very similar while watching BCS! I made a post a while back saying “BCS 3x09 is the most Jimmy has ever reminded me of Walt and BCS 3x10 is the least Jimmy has ever reminded me of Walt.” What I meant by that was that while Jimmy’s Sandpiper scheme in 3x09 was devious and cruel, the way he set things right in 3x10 made him appear both heartless and stupid, and even though he behaved awfully in the previous episode, I genuinely admire the sacrifice he made to make up for it. This is obviously very different from the Skyler examples I discussed above, but I think the contrast it creates with Walt is comparable. Walt sometimes feels regret, but I can’t see him ever deliberately disgracing himself to rectify things like Jimmy did.
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unpopularvivian · 4 months
Diesel: Alright before we start today update on Percy's situation, apparently he decided that infusing caffeine in sour patch kids was a good idea and couldn't sleep for a week so he has no one but himself to blame. Spencer moves on.
Boco: Walk in feeling like a villain! Green jacjet so thrillin! Paint job screaming in your face nicest diesel on the island rocking on the Brendan branch spitting facts I help keep Bill and Ben in place Helped poor Derek on his day and you know I'm here to stay!
Edward: Me and my buddies! Woo! We making all this money, I know its rude to be braging,they never catching us lacking! Y'all better stop! You know I'm gonna climb to the to top! Me and Thomas like Calvin and Hobbes, batman and rob, robbing you blind I pull trains on time!
Boco: My greatest idols are all time rivals I'm talking Salty at the docs.
Edward: every room I walk into it's like I hear is applause!
Boco: Y'all know I'm on a mission I'll rock your cab!
Edward: Boom! Lights camera action know I spit real fast pulling trains talking on time like that!
Boco: Goods engine I pull trains rock on that!
Edward: Feeling like Jimmy neutron with the raps!
Boco: Why you always living in the past?
Edward: Let me give ya something that'll last!
Boco: Keep up with my rap! Woo! I working hard on this island! I know you ain't gonna clap back, fire raps like that that!
Edward: Walk into a room everyone know I'm the goat, been this way since the beginning. Edward's branch line is it's name and it's Edward's exploit! We all know I sell the merch and toys!
Boco: Me and my buddies on this online know I flow faster than Gordon pulling the express keep up with Bill and ben strongest engine on this whole Island finish this verse I keep winning!
Edward: I know it's rude to be bragging, you know you can't do that about your class! I know it be rude to clap back, but old iron don't care I'm the one who wrote the rulebook! Watch your mouth I'm the goat! Old Iron here Got a nice blue coat!
Diesel: Woo! Talk about a format switch up!
Who won? Who's next? YOU DECIDE WOO!
Okay. First off. Percy:
Please don't do that again.
Back on track here: And the winner of this rap battle is....
I think this Wheel of Names thing has a bias lol. 😂😂😂
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mdhwrites · 1 year
My Adventures With Jimmy's Two Gay Dads (MAWS) Episode 6 Review
Spoiler Free Thoughts: A good course correction from the episode before with good fun, a good bit of escalation as far as the scope for what they can do for villains even if they're still tech related, FINALLY some concrete answers on plot things and just a wonderful pair of villains that I'm sad we likely won't see again, at least not anytime soon. The only thing I was just okay with really was the Lois, Clark and Jimmy stuff. None of it was bad but it was a little rushed and a little awkward at times and I don't think Lois got a moment to shine like I had been expecting/hoping. It all worked well enough though to has me excited for the next episode once again.
So this is going to be shorter than usual because my brain is hissing at me at wasting typing energy on something other than the Lindworm retelling I'm working on (if you're interested, go check out my Discord) so I can't focus as well as I normally can. Luckily, I don't actually have as much to say about this episode as usual, especially beyond what I said in my spoiler free thoughts.
This episode is just good. For resolving the previous episode it does the job fine but it is probably the clunkiest part, as if they don't want to fully resolve it or didn't want to linger on the drama for too long. It still works well though with Clark stating why Lois impresses him, Clark showing why Lois loves him (and I wish Lois got a moment like that that just let her shine as a reminder of why these two want to be together) and Jimmy shows the right reaction to the secret by giving Clark space since it's obviously sensitive to him. He also then has the right reaction of indignation when he finds out Lois was 'told' first.
Which... I would like Jimmy to stop being objectively right and that not going very far. This episode isn't too bad about it but for the past two episodes, Jimmy feels like he's doing the correct thing that the other two might learn from but that doesn't really go anywhere. The lack of them talking as much as maybe they could have would have helped it feel stronger in this episode too and I just feel like it was kind of lacking. If you're going to keep make Jimmy shine or feel just as important as the other two, can you please actually resolve that in someway during an episode?
But I do want to touch on Clark's reason for keeping the secret because I like that they DIDN'T use Spiderman's reason. A lot of people responded that part of why Supes has been hiding his secret is the threat it poses to his loved ones and friends but like... Until the last month, why would Superman, one who always sees the best in poeple, think that? No one wanted him dead, no threat could challenge him and he believes people are inherently good.
As such, the reason IS selfish. It's so he could be seen and treated as normal, even to the point of ignoring those around him. When he asked Lois "Do you really think that little of me?" I'd hoped that would get turned around on him at the end when he talked about these fears. They say they never would which works but I think it would have been more powerful to more specifically target that Clark needs to have faith in those around him.
It also made him saying the effective mission statement of Superman, that he will help humanity until the day people are accepting of all and help each other, a little rough for me. Not that it is bad for him to say but I wish his response to being told that no one would accept him for being different had been "You know, I had thought that but today I got shown that I might just be wrong about that and so long as I can believe everyone can be like the ones I love, I'm not going anywhere, especially not so long as they need my help."
Speaking of outcasts though: I LOVE Mallah and Brain. They truly do sell old married couple energy, the bit about the dishes is AMAZING, while also being mad scientists. And yet, you never fully disbelieve that they aren't honest. They genuinely want to help people and live a life of peace but, you know, mad scientists be mad scientists. They actually reminded me a lot of Lumiere and Cogsworth, especially with Mallah talking about having been alone for decades contrasting with "Ten years we've been rusting, needing so much more than dusting."
Also, good on Ivo that he seems to be recovering OKAY after the Parasite suit but man, revenge isn't what you need boy. You need therapy. Speaking of villains, my limited knowledge of Omecs (again, hope I'm getting the name right) make me look at this version and go "Some people are going to be MAD" because it does genuinely feel like just using a comic name for something that is absolutely not what it is in the comics. Maybe some version of them but definitely not the version I'm most familiar with, at least to my knowledge.
Do I mind? Not really. It gives them a neat name and they can get renamed later once their origins are fully revealed or the like but even that would reasonably feel cheap to comic fans. Again, doesn't matter that much to me but for once I would understand others being annoyed.
But in general, it's just a good episode that I think handles the aftermath of episode 5 well, continues showing how much charisma and charm the show has in its character writing but I am REALLY ready for a Jimmy focused episode already. One that is genuinely about him and not about the trio like this one was.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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k-white · 5 months
Personal Opinions of GMMTV PART2 SERIES
To nobodys request I am gonna do a opinions on the gmmtv trailers, let it be stated that I barely watch anything lately so we'll see how many I will actually watch🤣
so lets start, I will go in order of how they came out on the lineup:
Ossans Love Thailand: I do not like slapstick it isn't my thing but strangely enough I liked this trailer it made me laugh a lot and seeing EM in a show where they can be silly and ceazy is so fun plus the chemistry with the Boss was working, I haven't watched the japanese but I might go back and watch that cuz I wanna ne up on top of knowing the plot
Leap Year: It looks cool and has Gun, feels a little more survival show wich isn't really my thing but the concept is cool, I am always ready to try out more put there plots with supernatural elements and the acting seemed solid for both Dew and Pond
The Heart Killers: hem do I even need to say anything? BE GAY DO CRIME SHAKESPERE WITH FK AND JOJO DIRECTING I think this suffices moving on! jokes aside I am so exited for an action romcom with betrayal and tattoos and my babies looked AMAZING
Friendshit Forever: it's Mook and Pat acting their asses off and almost killing eachother while looking sapphic doing that, so yes please, New and Boom are ok man ruinibg things as always lol/j but honestly I would watch this for the girls and the drama plus Pat is literally a goddes I love that woman
Perfect 10 Liners: sigh another gay engeneers cute boy ensble with 2 couples I am not particualry a fan of om screen(FB PC) and one I have no feelings for(JM) plus the plot looks so uninspired and boring and if it is true it's gonna be 10 eps per couple you bet your ass you wont see me sit thtough this thing! We Are is enough and at least there I like the pairs
Us: FUCK YES BABY GIMME THE GL, this looked so artsy and indie it didn't even give off thai show vibes with the minimalist approach and cinematography, the story is gonna be angsty as fuck but I live for it and Girl falling for the guys sister? Man good drama, and it has Sing and Emi looking mighty fine plus Bonnie wich is so pretty, you will be seeing me seated for this one
Hide & Sis: Again it has women, and WHAT WOMEN GEEZ! Jan, Lookjun and Piploy???? god I am melting they are everything, it is very PS I Hate You and thank god Snap went back to that after Jungle, stick to the messy murder plots, it honestly might not be everybody shit but it's mine and I will take it, tho the revenge porn is trash and fuck you Chimons character, and Lookjun and Pepper actually playing a sort of couole on screen! and oh Gawin as a cop(probably corrupted) brings back memories
Thame-Po: another one that doesn't have gmmtv vibes and I like it when they try to branch out, the idol subplot isn't my thing tho even if I know LYKN are good, EstWilliam mmmm they look pretty but didn't really vibe with the acting, they do have good chemistry tho, for this one I might have to wait for the actual trailer
Break Up Service: NO moving on... ok fine this is ridiculous and does not give me anything even if there is Off in a suit, the comedy wasn't even good next
Revamp: I know this is Boons crown jewel and it looks good but vampire shows are hit or miss and I am not that into them but I think I will watch for the cast and cuz I am attached to BP, and Kay in a villain role is cheffs kiss
Sweet Tooth, Good Doctor: SIGHHHH Oh Mark what have they done to you? they were able to make Mark Pakin look plain MARK! UNACCEPTABLE! plus dentists? I have visceral reactions to just thw sounds of the trailer, Ohms acting still isn't to my liking and it is a Jittirain novel so skeptical isn't even cutting it, the trailer even if less slapstick as OL it cringed me, the balance of humour and romance is off, I think I will watch but just for Mark, Jimmy and View
The Dark Dice: meh felt like a bootleg gifted in a bad way idk I like Gem and Prim enough but this didn't give me anything much, might have to wait for final trailer here too
The Ex Morning: I like the concept don't care at all about anchor man plot, still not a big fan of Krists acting, but I like Singto and the ex part was interesting enough, we will see, might be a little too meta and not in a good way
Scarlet Heart: My Tu come back and ot is a Harem Reverse? WHY??? I hate harem shows always had, I don't even know the og show, I do like most of the cast but still this was just a teaser so I might need to check the og show and then the full trailer to judge, for now I am not into it and I am sorry cuz MY TU!
Ok thats it, overall I liked this lineup better than part 1(even if it's just cuz of FK be in an actual show and not just to announce School Rangers) for now I am in for most of the shows we shall see once they start airing but I stay optimistic that I will watch most
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Let me put out this shameless self-promo for other blogs that I actually have running and I hope you guys will all have fun adding them if you please!
Janis - From the Inuyasha video game Secret of the Divine Jewel!
Link - This Link is an amalgamation of a bunch of the different video games, so very heavily Canon Divergent.
Crysta - From Ferngully. Please, please, please give her some attention. I have never actually gotten to utilize this muse and interactions would be so fun! I play her anywhere in the timeline, from before she met Zack in the movie, to after when she's learned how to control her powers.
Fawn - From the newer Tinkerbell movies. Another muse very rarely utilized, if ever. I will love you guys forever if she got some attention!
Kurama - From YuYu Hakusho! One of my strongest muses, and also one of my best. I resonate really well with my foxy ragechild, and he is almost always active. It would be really fun to get some stuff going with him.
Terra - From Kingdom Hearts. Also really resonate with this boyo. He is one of my other favorite and fun characters to play as, but I have also rarely utilized him so some interactions would be fun to say the least!
Lelouch - From Code Geass. LET. HIM. HAVE. THE. WORLD. Not literally, but figuratively. I love Lelouch with every fiber of my being and he is another muse that I absolutely adore and will love you forever for interacting with.
Derek - From the Swan Princess series of movies. This little dummy is a sweetheart, please feel free to go and bug him. I will forever give you cookies. This dumb Himbo lives in my brain rent free.
Mushrambo - From Shinzo! And the list of REALLY OBSCURE MUSES CONTINUES. LIsten, I haven't seen the Shinzo anime/tv series/cartoon whatever it was actually in FOREVER but Mushrambo also lives in my head rent free and I have clips on standby from the show to watch just for characterization purposes because this man is absolutely WORTH IT.
Katerina - AND FINALLY, my OC Katerina!! She has a bio if you follow the link to her page, and I love her to pieces. This is my comfort muse. I will never NOT have muse for this beautiful sweet precious girl. My foxy little fox. Please and thank you forever if you give me interactions with her. I could say twenty-bajillion things about her and it will never be enough so just... y'know. Go check her out!!
Jimmy - Quick edit to add Jimmy Kudo from Case Closed. I love this little gremlin with every fiber of my being and he deserves love and attention. The boy will have fun and love all the attention. Bring it on!!
Kagome - Another quick edit to add the queen. The sweetest girl. My best, brightest, perfect little girl. Kagome Higurashi from Inuyasha. Feel free to follow her for the fun times. We love interactions, and you should all go and give her love. Please?
Diablo - From the anime/manga/novel series How Not To Summon A Demon Lord. He's a lovely little muse, but also, he's a lonely little sonuvabitch who needs friends. So please come and interact with him?
Terry - Terry McGinnis from Batman Beyond. Very smug and smarmy little bat child; he will have fun talking to all of you and enjoying life. Please enjoy him to your heart's content. Villains, please flock to him because we will enjoy having witty banter and kicking your butts~!
Jack - Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians. He's only got your best interests at heart. Come and have some fun! No, really. You need to come and have some fun with him, or else he'll bean you with a snowball to make you have fun with him. So, like, just avoid the snowball to the face. Come play~!
Owen Grady - From Jurassic World, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, and Jurassic World: Dominion. Open to play in any of the movie timelines, also featuring Canon Divergence for the timelines of the first two movies. Come and enjoy a little bit of fun with the Raptor Dad. Let's have some fun roleplaying in Jurassic Park and Jurassic World stuff!!
Ashitaka Akira Muso - Prince Ashitaka from the Studio Ghibli movie, Princess Mononoke. Open to play in a verse set after Princess Mononoke, wherein he lives in Iron Town with the rest of the inhabitants and has taken over as the ruler of Iron Town from Lady Eboshi. Everyone looks to Ashitaka for answers and guidance as the man who saved all of their lives. Please have fun interacting with him!!
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