#please i need an excuse to get out of the mothers day thing my aunts hosting
the-kneesbees · 1 year
any band I like be in boston on my birthday challenge
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lady-pug · 2 months
Written Between the Lines
Chapter I - In Between These Lines
Summary: Aemond had been avoiding you all day, and you were determined to get some answers, and maybe comfort him when he needed you to.
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Word count: 2,4k
Warnings: canon-typical incest (uncle-niece)
Notes: Hello hello! It's the day of the (official) release of the season 2 finale of HotD and I thought it was the perfect time to publish this. I have been meaning to write for this fandom for quite some time now, and this one had been on my mind for quite some time now and I decided to write it down and see where it went, and I’m quite proud of how it turned out.
Just to clear some things up: reader is Rhaenyra’s eldest child (yes, I went for that trope), being one or two years younger than Aemond and one or two years older than Jace (so she and Aemond are more or less the same age). This first chapter is set on the same day of the Pink Dread incident (season 1, episode 6), which means they are children. (Also, I don't understand anything of palm reading, but that's kinda the whole point)
I really hope you, dear reader, enjoy this and have fun while reading it. If you spot any mistakes, please feel free to warn me and I'll correct it right away, and feedback is always welcome and appreciated. I hope you truly enjoy this story.
Reader is female, but no physical descriptions provided
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He had been ignoring you all day. The only time you even managed to catch a glimpse of him was on the courtyard during his training lessons with Ser Criston, accompanied by both your brothers and his own. It was pretty boring, really, watching from afar as it would be considered ‘improper’ for you to join them, even though both your father and Ser Harwin had taken upon themselves to teach you the ways of the steel in secret (even though you had a strong suspicion your mother was well aware of it). At least you got some free entertainment for the day, watching Ser Harwin beat the absolute shit out of Cole.
Serves him right for being cunt to my brothers, you had thought.
You’d normally prefer to spend your afternoons with Helaena, truly enjoying the girl’s company, her fascination with bugs and beetles and her clever mind never failing to make you smile. However, you’d later have to apologize to your aunt for skipping on your daily meeting as you ventured around the keep in search of her brother. You were supposed to meet at the weirwood tree after he got back from going to the pit with the boys so you could work on your high valyrian lessons together, but as the minutes passed you began to worry and set out to find him. 
You thoroughly believed he wasn’t even going to show up at supper, his mother smiling softly albeit crookedly upon your questioning, claiming he was feeling indisposed, but to your surprise he did come in if only a little late. He wasn’t acting like himself, however, choosing to sit in the seat furthest away from you, where he would normally sit right by your side, leaving the seat vacant for Aegon to sit next to you, his abhorrent manners at the table almost making you physically recoil. He didn’t look at anyone, nor did he speak to anyone unless spoken to and he seemed way more interested in poking around his food than actually eating it. And once the meal was over and everyone was excused he practically vanished, rushing out of the hall before you could even rise to your feet.
Now, as night had fallen, you were determined to find him and get some answers. Goosebumps formed on your skin as you ventured deeper in the hidden passages of the Keep where your sword lessons were held, the chilly air of King’s Landing biting at your exposed arms. You walked with confidence, knowing for a fact both your chambers were connected through these halls. You just hoped to the Old Gods and the New that you did in fact know where you were going and that you didn’t accidentally walk in on Aegon doing something very morally questionable with one of the servants.
Please let it be this one, you prayed as your fingers pressed against a loose panel on the wall.
And it seemed you had to look no further. Aemond was half submerged in a bath arranged in the middle of the room (confirming these were, indeed, his chambers), the ends of his hair sticking to his skin as water clung to the strands. Upon hearing the wall moving he startled, his eyes widening as he desperately scrambled to try and cover some of his modesty, even though you could barely see anything below the waterline.
“B-by the Gods!” he squirmed, clearly not expecting visitors at this hour, and you felt an amused smirk building on your lips at his attempts at covering up.
“Worry not, uncle.” you jested walking closer to the tub after closing the secret door behind you “You seem to forget I have three younger brothers. It’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”
His cheeks tinged with a bright shade of pink.
“What in the Seven Hells are you doing here?!” he tried once again to cover up, trying to look anywhere but at you standing in the middle of his chambers in only your nightclothes.
“Why have you been avoiding me?” you asked, the smirk promptly slipping from your face.
He seemed momentarily taken aback by such a question, looking away almost… ashamed?
“I have done no such thing, I have just been busy?” he tried, though his words lacked any conviction and ended up sounding more like a question.
“You promised to meet me after going to the Dragonpit.” you spoke softly “But you never came.”
At this he didn’t have a rebuttal, not one that wouldn’t give too much away, so he simply shrugged, his gaze cast down into the water. But you could tell from the way he shrunk under your gaze that there was something more to it.
“Did something happen in the Dragonpit?” you asked, taking a couple of slow and careful steps closer to him. When he stayed silent, only scrunching his eyes as if it physically pained him to think about it, you tried again “Aemond… what happened at the Dragonpit?”
“Nothing happened!” he snapped, his eyes brimming with unshed tears, before his voice acquired a venomous tone “Now if you could excuse me, little niece, I find myself quite occupied at the moment and don’t have the time to entertain you right now. Go meddle on somebody else’s business.”
Had you been anybody else you’d have left by now, with your tail between your legs and tears dripping down your face over the lashing of his tongue. And although his words did sting and left you feeling slightly humiliated, you stood your ground. You’d like to think that after all these years, having grown up together in the Red Keep, you’d come to know your uncle, your friend, better than anyone by now. You knew he, very much like yourself, was more reserved in his feelings, keeping them to himself, but once they finally bubbled over they tended to burn everything in their path. Aemond, like you, was the blood of the dragon after all. And you had come to learn that when he was hurting he tended to lash out at anyone and everyone around him, intending to inflict the same hurt onto others so he wasn’t left alone in his misery.
So, taking a steadying breath, you closed the distance between the two of you, carefully climbing inside the tub with him. The water was lukewarm, and given the propensities of the members of the Targaryen family to enjoy their baths scalding hot, it told you that he’d probably been here for quite a while now, sulking alone.
As you lowered yourself into the water, he pressed himself further into the side of the wooden tub, trying to stay as further away from you as possible. 
“T-this is hardly appropriate, niece.” he stammered, trying not to let his eyes curiously wander down to your now soaked nightgown.
You stayed silent for a moment, contemplating the situation you found yourself in, but you’d gone too far now to back down without the answers you seek.
“So, are you going to tell me what the matter is?”
He didn’t answer, but even though he refused to look directly at you, you spotted a lone tear escaping down his cheek.
“They gave me a pig.” he whispered, his gaze once again cast down.
He swallowed thickly, his eyes finally meeting yours, and you could see the weight of the anger and the shame he’d been caring throughout the entire day.
“After Jacaerys finished his training with Vermax, he, Aegon and Lucerys mentioned they had found a dragon for me.” his voice wavered slightly as he recounted the event “I should not have believed them, I was such a fool… they brought a pig, decorated with wings and all.” more tears escaped his eyes, your heart clenching in your chest at the sight “‘The Pink Dread’ they called it.”
“Oh, Aemond-”
“I don’t want your pity, niece!” he lashed out once again, and you had to remind yourself it wasn’t personal “If that is all you came here for you can see yourself out.”
You pursed your lips, a frown etched on your face. You knew how much it pained him to remain dragonless. He had shared his thoughts with you once in the library after your lessons in high valyrian, way past the time you should have retired to your respective chambers. How he thought himself a disgrace to the Targaryen name, ashamed at not having a dragon for himself when even your younger brother Luke already had Arrax. You tried to console him but he was having none of it, too caught up in his self-loathing to listen. So you knew nothing you said could comfort him how he deserved.
An idea struck you. It was a stupid one, and you didn’t even know if it would work, but you had to try even if it backfired spectacularly. So you scooted closer to him in the tub, fitting between his spread legs without touching him, and extended your palm out.
“What are you doing?” he asked, eyes wide and confused.
“Give me your hand.”
“Just give me your hand.” you coaxed, making come-hither with your extended fingers.
Once he realized you weren’t going to give him any further explanation, he did as he was told, laying his hand over your own, his palm facing down, which you quickly turned around. You started tracing the lines on his palm gently with your other hand, so concentrated you barely noticed the goosebumps forming on his skin from your ministrations.
“What-?” he started but you were quick to cut him off with a gentle ‘shhh’, which promptly shut him up, only slightly offended.
“See here?” you pointed at one of the lines in his palm, tracing it with your finger “It is your line of life. See how long it is? It means you shall live a long and fulfilling life.”
He glanced at you, still not understanding a word you were saying, and you gave him a soft, encouraging smile. 
“And see this one?” you pointed to another line “This is your line of heart. It turns upwards, which means you will be wed to a nice lady one day, and that you will love eachother very deeply and rejoice in your happiness together.”
You don’t know why saying that made your heart ache only slightly, but the sight of a smile slowly but surely curling on his lips made it all worth it, as it meant your plan was working. 
“And here,” you curled your fingers, closing his hand inside your own, and pointing to the lines that formed on the outer side “two deep lines and one shallow, meaning you’ll have three children when you grow older, two daughters and a son. And from how deep these two lines are, the girls will be very beautiful, they will probably give you a headache from how many suitors they will have.”
To this he chuckled, his tears long forgotten, and you giggled along with him.
“And here…” you opened his hand once again, and pointed to a long vertical line that crossed almost the entirety of his palm “is your line of the dragon. Only those of Targaryen descent have this one on their palms, see?” you pointed to your own hand which showed a similar line, different only in length “It means you will have a dragon one day.”
At this his face fell and he tried to rip his hand from you, but you held onto it firmly.
“The lines don’t lie.” you rushed to explain, now focused on his eyes as they softened at your words “You can check for yourself. Your brother and sister both have it on their hands, my own brothers have it. Seven Hells, you can even check Princess Rhaenys hands, she has one as well.”
You searched his eyes for any trace of doubt and found none.
“You will have a dragon one day, Aemond.” you squeezed his hand to emphasize our point “I’m sure of it.”
His smile grew on his face, sheepish but sincere, only a flick of his lips away from becoming a smirk.
“You just came up with all that, didn’t you?” he asked, and you gasped in mock offense, pushing against his shoulder.
“You wound me, uncle!” you pressed your hand against your heart “Why would I do such a thing?”
A beat passed before both of you burst out laughing, not one bit concerned the guards stationed just outside his door could probably hear you. You were glad you could make him smile again and give him some comfort, knowing you had succeeded on your mission.
As you both calmed down you looked at him once again, truly looked at him. He was quite beautiful when he smiled, and oh, how you wished he would do it more often around you. In that moment only the two of you existed, together. When asked later you wouldn’t be able to tell what came over you in that very moment, but once you realized what you were doing you had surged forward, pressing your lips against his in the gentlest, softest of kisses.
No sooner had your lips come in contact with his own, you were pulling back, eyes widening in panic. His own were blown wide as well, surprised by your actions. You didn’t waste a second climbing out of the tub, almost toppling over the side in your rush, your drenched nightclothes making your task all the more difficult.
“Wait!” he tried to hold onto you but you were quicker “Please, don’t go, I-!”
But you were already making your way to the hidden passage on the wall and disappearing from his chambers. He would have thought he had fallen asleep in the bath and dreamed the whole thing had it not been for the dark trail left behind going from the tub all the way to the wall from where water had dripped from your body in your haste to get away. 
And if, come the next morrow, he forcefully grabbed his mother’s hand and flip it to look at her palms, much to her protests, and notice a line present on the exact place where you had pointed the so called ‘line of the dragon’ the night before, his smile gave away the gratitude he felt for you at that moment.
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heavyhitterheaux · 9 months
Ghost Part 3
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AN: ☺️☺️☺️
Synopsis: You are more than willing to talk to Jack to come to an agreement concerning Ace, but he refuses. The two of you end up in a custody battle, and Jack is confident that the decision will be in his favor
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Read Part 1 and Part 2 first
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Your hands were shaking as Jack immediately hung up the phone on you and you quickly went to call him back, but of course he didn’t answer. You attempted to call him at least three more times before giving up and you decided to quickly call Nadia because you had no idea what to do at this point. You felt yourself being on the verge of a panic attack and that was the last thing you needed or wanted to deal with. There was enough going on already and there was no need to add anything that would make it more complicated. 
As Ace was still playing and in his own little world, you went inside the bathroom and closed the door before you began to dial her number. She picked up on the second ring which you were extremely grateful for. Because your next option was to call Clay and make him tell Maggie what her oldest child just did. 
“Hey Y/N! Is everything okay? Are you back home yet?” She asked and you took a deep breath before attempting to respond to her.
“No. Jack just called me and told me that he’s going to take Ace away from me.”
“Got damn. This man takes two steps forward and then a million steps backward, but EXCUSE ME? WHO GAVE HIM THE FUCKING BALLS TO SAY SOME SHIT LIKE THAT TO YOU?”
“I cannot let him take my baby away from me. He is literally all that I have.” You sobbed, but tried to be quiet because the last thing you wanted was for Ace to hear you.
“What even brought all of this on? I thought you two had been doing good for a while?” Nadia asked as she was trying to understand what would make him act like this.
“I got a call from my Aunt the other day and long story short, my grandmother passed away, but I was able to see her before she did. I took Ace with me in a panic because it was such short notice and I didn’t even get a chance to tell him what was happening. I’m in Philly and when Jack found that out, he assumed that was me trying to move and take Ace with me because I had told him when he got older that was what my plan had originally been. However, I was about to decide not to because Ace had been spending so much time with him, but now I’m not so sure. What if they give Ace to him?”
“Be fucking for real right now. Do you honestly think that they are going to give a deadbeat father full custody of a child that he acted as if didn’t exist for the first three years of his life? He has literally only been in his life consistently for four months.”
“But…. I’m thinking about how much money he makes and that is way more than I make in a good five years. He’s the more stable parent?” You responded as if you were asking a question but Nadia wasn’t having any of it.
“No, because you are his primary caregiver and you know how to take care of him and do a damn good job while doing it. Anything that Ace asks you for, you never tell him no, and you do your best to get it for him whether he needs it or wants it. Don’t ever speak down on yourself when it comes to being a mother because you are doing the damn thing. You put him first. Jack does that when it’s convenient for him. And it took him almost four damn years to tell his parents that they have a grandchild? Any judge with common sense is not going to give him to Jack and truth be told, this will probably come back to bite him in the ass with how he’s treated him.”
After hearing Nadia say that, you had a realization that she was absolutely right and if wanted to do this to spite you, then he had a hell of a fight in front of him.
“I… just hope you’re right because I refuse to let this happen. If this is how he wants this to play out, then so be it. But he better not be crying when it doesn’t go how he wants it to.”
“Now, that’s my girl. Do what you need to do to protect not only Ace, but yourself. And to think that I was rooting for you two to actually be in a relationship. But, he keeps disappointing me so it’s fair to say that ship has sailed.”
“There was no ship to begin with Nadia. I never want to deal with someone like that.”
“Can I be honest?”
“It doesn’t matter if I say yes or no, you’re going to tell me anyway.”
“This is going to be the wake up call that makes him get his shit together and I guarantee you that he’s never going to act like that towards you ever again.”
A few days had passed and Jack was at home in Louisville working on some new music, or trying to at least. His mind was steadily on you and how you were trying to take his son away from him and move several states away. He hadn’t told anyone about what he had planned to do but figured that he should at least tell his parents along with Neelam so she could do her best to navigate how to try and help him get custody since he had no idea where to even start.
Once he had reached his parents house and parked in the driveway, he walked in to see his mother in the kitchen focusing on reading a recipe that he assumed she was going to make for dinner as Clay was also there. He wanted to talk to his mom alone, but figured by now that you had probably already told Clay about what he had said to you since he knew that the two of you would talk often.
He hadn’t spoken to you since that day, despite you calling him multiple times after he had disconnected the call. At this point, he figured that he didn’t have anything to say to you anymore.  
“Mom, I need to tell you something.” Jack said and Clay’s ears immediately perked up and looked in his direction.
“Hi to you too, Jackman and do you have any other secret children I need to worry about?” She said without even looking at him and he immediately sighed as Clay stifled a laugh. Jack quickly shot him a look before responding back to his mother.
“I’m filing for full custody of Ace.”
This made both Maggie and Clay stop what they were doing and look at Jack in disbelief. All Maggie did was sigh before answering him.
“And what makes you think that you’re going to get it?” She asked, being completely honest. 
“Because she took him across state lines without my permission and without even saying anything to me.”
“And did she tell you why she did this? And I don’t think she needs your permission since she’s his primary caregiver.”
“Well, no. I didn’t ask but…”
“So, you mean to tell me that you are going to take your child away from the only parent he’s really ever known and you’ve only been in his life consistently for a matter of months?” 
“Mom, I thought that you would support me with this.”
“Why? Ace is taken care of, Y/N seems like an amazing girl and Clay speaks highly of her. She doesn’t seem like she wants anything from you, but to raise Ace in a healthy manner.  You probably only want to do this because your pride and your ego are hurt. I guarantee if you go through with this, you’re going to be the one who gets hurt in the end and I will damn sure say I told you so because I am still so disappointed in you in all of this. You know I love and support you through anything, but not this time.”
“Confidence has gotten you a long way, big brother, but it’s not going to work this time. If this ends up going to court, this will be messy. Spare yourself, Ace, and Y/N from this. All she ever wanted was for you to help her take care of him, not take him away from her. I’m sure if you talk to her that the two of you will be able to come to some sort of agreement.”
“Why do you even care so damn much?” Jack asked as he looked over at Clay. 
“The question is why are you mad at me for caring about my nephew and wanting the absolute best for him?” 
Ever since you had gotten back to Louisville, you were somewhat in a daze because of what had happened. The first thing you did when you reached Kentucky was try and call Jack again, but your attempt was still unsuccessful. The weekend was coming up and on Wednesday, Clay had sent you a text to ask if he could get Ace this weekend and take him to a soccer game which you quickly agreed to, under one condition of course.
Clay could not under any circumstances bring Ace close to Jack until he came to his senses which he had quickly agreed with.
But the first thing that he asked you is how you were doing and what was going through your mind.
“Y/N, he told us what he wanted to do and me and my mom immediately shut it down, but I don't think he took what we said seriously.” Clay breathed out and all you did was sigh.
“Clay, I am so sorry about what I'm about to say, but how do people even remotely like your brother? Because he has been nothing but a rude asshole to me since the time I told him I was pregnant. It didn't start out that way of course, but this person that everyone loves and adores? I've never met him.” You said while being completely honest. 
“I… Y/N, you have to believe me when I say he didn't used to be like this. We were close and told each other everything, but now ever since I found the DNA test, getting him to talk to me is like pulling teeth. I want to help as much as I can and what you're asking him to do is reasonable. I suggested that he talk to you so that the two of you could come up with an agreement regarding Ace, but he wasn't trying to hear it. Why did you go to Philadelphia anyway?”
“Because one of the people who actually loved me was still alive in this world and I had no idea. My grandmother. And I got to see her before she died. The rest of my family is dead and I was in foster care since I was nine even though she tried to find me. She never did and my Aunt called me out of the blue and was the person who gave me up and put me in the system when her sister died because she didn't like her who was my mother and I don't even know how she found me but I was robbed. I felt that I was alone in this world because the people that I loved and loved me back were dead. My grandfather died still looking for me and he never got the chance to know that I was okay. Jack didn't even ask me or give me a chance to tell him that before he immediately went and jumped down my throat. He thought because I had mentioned moving back home and buying the house that I grew up in for Ace that I was going to take him away from him because that's where I was. I see how happy Ace is when he's around him so why would I do that? To have my baby suffer? I want them to have a relationship, but if he is going to act like this towards me, he cannot be around Ace until he gets his shit all the way together and I will move away to protect myself and my child. I have a feeling that when he sees him that he'll just take him just to spite me. I honestly think your brother hates me.”
“I…. I'm not defending him or making excuses and my brother is a lot of things but I don't think he hates you. I think he's scared because he messed up and in this weird twisted way he thinks that he's fixing it by doing this. I honestly think that he believes that Ace is going to grow up to despise him when he finds out what he did and especially what he did to you and is trying for that not to happen.”
“Clay, all I wanted was for him to help me take care of Ace. That's it. I didn't ask for any of this.” You said as you tried not to cry.
“I know and all of this is only hurting him in the end.”
Saturday finally rolled around and you were now dropping Ace off to be with Clay for the weekend around nine in the morning when the last person that you ever wanted to see decided to make his presence known.
You felt as soon as you had gotten pregnant that the entire world was against you and that no matter if you did everything right, you still wouldn't be able to win. But let’s be real, the world had forever changed through your eyes since you were nine years old.
“Clay, why is his jeep pulling into your driveway?” You said through gritted teeth and Clay looked over with wide eyes as Ace was excitedly jumping up and down.
“I didn't tell him, I swear I didn't.” Was all he whispered to you as you had a pissed off look on your face.
“That’s daddy's car! Is he coming with us too?” He asked as he looked up at Clay, but he didn't get a chance to answer before Jack was making his way towards all three of you.
“Daddy!” Ace exclaimed while reaching for him, but you quickly hid him behind you, leaving him confused.
“Y/N, let me see my son. You wanted me to have a relationship with him, right? So let me do that without you interfering.”
“Jack…” Clay started to say and Jack immediately cut him off.
“You ignored my calls and didn't even let me explain what happened and all of a sudden you show up out of the blue and demand to see someone that you barely take care of? Explain that and explain why you are such a fucking asshole to me when I have literally hardly asked you for ANYTHING? Because let's be real for a second. If I wanted to tell the world what kind of person you are, I would have done it four years ago.”
“Uh oh, mommy said a bad word.” Was all you heard Ace say from behind you and Jack got a pissed off look on his face.
“Ace, don't repeat it either.” You quickly said and he simply nodded.
“What is there to explain when your actions definitely spoke louder than your words did? My plans haven't changed. And you can break the NDA if you want, but think of all the money you would have to pay me. Did you bother to read the fine print before you signed it? He's going to be with me whether you like it or not. Ace, don't you want to live with daddy all the time?”
Ace peeked out from behind you to answer.
“With you and mommy?! All the time!?”
“Nope, just us. You and me.”
“Wait, then where will mommy be?”
“At her apartment. You'll be able to still see her…. Sometimes.”
Ace immediately shook his head no when Jack told him that and hugged your legs tighter.
“No. I'm not leaving my mommy. I don't like that idea.”
All Jack did was sigh as you simply looked at him.
“You know what? On second thought, Ace I think it's better if you just spend the day with me instead.” You said not wanting to deal with anything or anyone anymore.
“Can we get ice cream for breakfast?”
“At this point, you can get anything you want and I'm going to make sure of it.” You responded to him all while holding eye contact with Jack.
“You know what, Jackman? I have never and will never speak bad about you in front of him, but my patience is absolutely gone. I have given you chance after chance and all you do is disappoint me. Do your parents have any idea of the kind of person that they raised because I highly doubt they are proud of how you have acted towards me and him for the last almost four years. So with all that being said, I am giving you one last chance for us to talk about this like adults. I'm sure we can come to an agreement regarding him because taking him from you was never my intention despite what you may think. I'm willing to give you a clean slate.”
Jack rolled his eyes before he looked as if he was thinking it over for a minute as Ace once again peeked out from behind your leg to look at him. You thought for sure that he was going to say yes, but he quickly shook his head no.
“We'll let the court deal with it.”
Your jaw was on the floor, but you quickly recovered and simply shrugged.
“Hmm. Just remember when this doesn't end well for you, how many chances I tried to give you in order to do right by him and to do right by me. You asked for this.” Was all you said before leading Ace back to your car and strapping him in the back in his car seat before driving off. 
When your car disappeared down the street,  Clay simply turned to look at Jack and was in a state of disbelief.
“Why do you have to make things so fucking difficult? Now because of your dumbass, she probably isn't going to let me see him either!”
“I… Clay, he deserves to be with someone who can give him everything he wants. Y/N is just a teacher and a preschool teacher at that. In Kentucky. She doesn't make enough money to take care of him and barely makes enough to take care of herself.”
“That's why she asks you for help! She didn't make Ace by herself! You are just as responsible for him as she is! But I will say, even if she doesn't make enough money, there was never a time when I got Ace that he wasn't taken care of like he should be. And she gave you the opportunity to talk to her and you STILL didn't take it. I honestly think when she had Ace that you lost brain cells.”
“It's going to work out in the end how it should. You'll see.”
“The only thing that I see is your ass crying in a corner somewhere. And you better be prepared to hear me say “I told you so.’” 
The day had finally arrived and Blaire decided to take Ace out for the day while you dealt with the person who was considered his sperm donor. But all in all you were nervous. Deep down you knew that Jack probably didn't stand a chance, but you still couldn't help but to worry. Ace was literally all you had left in this world and you would be damned if someone tried to take the little piece of happiness that you did have away from you.
Once you had gotten to the courthouse and was quickly ushered into the courtroom, you also saw Clay as well as Jack's parents sitting behind him along with his manager who you now knew as Neelam.
Jack made eye contact with you and you quickly looked away, focusing on what was to come. You were just ready for this entire thing to be over with.
“All rise.” You heard as the judge made her presence known and prayed that the decision that she made was in your favor.
“You may be seated. We are here today in a custody case concerning the child by the name of Ace Y/L/N and the father Jackman Harlow seeking full custody from the child's mother Y/N Y/L/N. Mr. Harlow, state as to why you feel that you should have full custody of Ace.”
“Your honor, I should have full custody because I am the more stable parent. I make the most money in order to supply any need that he might have and I would be able to provide a good life for him.”
“So you believe that Ms. Y/L/N isn't able to do that?”
“She doesn't make enough money to take care of Ace and barely makes enough money to take care of herself. There is no reason why my child should struggle if he doesn't have to.”
“Hmm, okay. Now Ms. Y/L/N explain to me why Ace should be with you.”
“Because I am his primary caregiver and have been since the day he was born. Jack wasn't even at the hospital because he believed that I was lying about Ace being his and tried to trap him. Even when he got the DNA test to prove this, he has not been a consistent figure in his life. I would have to beg him for simple things such as diapers and he would still refuse to help me. However, his brother Clay has been in his life since he was a month old and has been there for me whenever I needed him. Jack has only been in Ace’s life consistently for the past 5 months and that only happened after he got mad when Ace accidentally called Clay his father. He would sometimes give me money for daycare and it's a discounted price since it's in the same school I work in. At first I thought he was changing for the better, but instead he accused me of trying to take Ace away from him when I went to Philadelphia because of a family emergency. My grandmother, who I thought was dead, was actually alive and I was able to see her before she did pass away the day after I got there. I didn't get a chance to tell him what happened since I was so focused on trying to make sure that I got there in time and from that point on refused to even hear what I had to say. I gave him the opportunity for us to discuss Ace without the court being involved but he refused.”
Jack's mouth was now hanging wide open as he finally heard the full story, but quickly composed himself. Clay hadn’t bothered to tell him since he knew that this would probably become a topic of discussion in court anyway. Since Jack refused to hear you out, he had to learn the hard way.
“Fuck.” Was all he said under his breath and knew that this wasn't about to go over well no matter how hard he tried now.
“Your honor, my immediate family is dead and has been since I was nine years old. They died in a car accident and I was the lone survivor. I was put into the foster care system and remained there until I was eighteen. My son is literally all I have and I can't fathom not having him with me all the time.”
You didn't look in Jack’s direction, but could hear Maggie audibly gasp from behind him since everything was now on the table. You figured that at this point, you had nothing to lose. He brought this on himself, and instead of talking to you like an able adult that he is, he wanted to do it the hard way.
“So, Mr. Harlow, you've only been in your son's life consistently for the past five months? And yet you request full custody?”
“Yes, your honor.”
“Now let me ask you this. You honestly believe that you’re the more stable parent even though Ace has a roof over his head, clothes on his back, and gets properly taken care of by evidence given to me by Ms. Y/L/N?”
“What is your actual argument here? Because as far as I'm concerned you are wasting everyone's time. You haven't even been giving her money to cover everyday expenses for him and you haven't been consistent and she gave you the opportunity to do that outside of a courtroom. But she still makes sure that he is taken care of. So this is what I'm going to do. You are going to pay her 40,000 dollars a month in child support and that is including the back child support starting from when he was born. You are also going to continue to pay for daycare. Ms. Y/L/N is going to have full custody, but you can have him every other weekend with supervised visits to start. You will be able to have him every other holiday and because she is the primary parent, she does not have to ask your permission to take him across state lines.” 
By now, Jack's mouth was hanging wide open as Clay was behind him and simply hung his head. Your heart had been racing the entire time that she was reading what her decision was going to be and was happy that it worked out in your favor. But at the same time despite what he had done to you, your heart was breaking for Jack. 
“Both of you have a good day and Mr. Harlow, next weekend will be your first one with Ace.” Once you heard the sound of her gavel, you started to make your way outside to your car, but was immediately stopped by Jack who had lightly touched your wrist. All you did was turn to look at him.
“Y/N….” He started to say, but you immediately shook your head.
“I never wanted this, but you made me do it. Remember that” Was all you said as you continued to walk away while Jack stood there in silence. Maggie came to stand next to him on his right side while taking his hand in hers.
“I hate this for you, but you can never say that I didn't warn you.” She quietly said as Clay was quickly typing away on his phone.
“She kept trying to avoid this, but you just had to try and prove her wrong and now look at what happened.”
“I need a drink.” Was the only thing Jack said before exiting the courtroom.
He went to the bathroom in order to splash some cold water on his face in an attempt to get himself to calm down as his breathing had now become erratic when a text came through on his phone from Clay.
Clay- I told you so smh 
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mizuki80 · 2 months
Chapter 5: United as one
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Warning: Blood
Word count: 2.6k
Note: Chapter 5 is here! Hope you all like it! Sorry for the grammar errors, will most likely go back and fix them. Also, let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
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Chapter 5:
After the eventful family dinner, everyone had gone to her chambers. Visenys finds herself walking alone in the dark halls of the Red Keep and she makes way for her apartments. As she entered and was about to close the door, Aemond slipped past the small crack.
“I do not wish to see, or talk to you,” Visenya said as she tried to close the door on him but failed as he pushed back, now entering her room.
Aemond felt heartbroken hearing her say those words to him, “I’m sorry,” he said watching as she turned away from him
“I do not think I am the one you should be apologizing to,” Visenya said, turning to glance at him with a disappointed expression.
“I lost my temper.” Aemond said
“Lost your temper….” Visenya scuffed “Did you have to insult my Aunt…” looking him in the eye “Your Sister, the heir…. Just for a jest someone did to you when you years ago.” Visenya said angrily “You may hate them if you wish but they are my family… You insult them, you insult me.” Visenya said, stepping closer “What happened to you?...” she said as Aemond remained quiet “Did your father or mother’s negligence growing up really affected you so badly?”
“You happened!” Aemond said, spitting back “The day you left was the day I lost everything.” he said clearly upset
“Oh please… spare me the excuses.” Visenya said
“Visenya… You were the only good thing in my life when I was younger…” Aemond said cupping her face made Visenya look at him “Father was too sick or was too busy running the kingdom, Mother was too busy tending to Helaena or keeping Aegon in line…” he said “But you…you were there through everything.”
“Aemond… you shoul-” Visenya started
“No, please let me finish…” He said cutting her off “I promise… I will try to get along with my nephews… Let me prove to you that I am still that same person you knew back then.”
“Do not make promises you cannot fulfill.” Visenya said
“I promise you, let me earn your trust, and…” He paused “Love once again”
“You must go…” She said pulling was from him
As Aemond sighed and started to walk toward the door he was able to hear her last words.
“Do not make me regret this.” Visenya said as she watched him walked out
Those words were the one thing he needed.
~Time skipped ~ 
Visenya was awakened by the sun’s rays entering her room. Servants walked in with her breakfast and helped her get ready. Putting her hair back in a half up bun with braids intricately placed framing her face and got her in her riding garments, making her look regal, fitting for a princess.
As she makes her way out of the keep, she is able to see servants running around preparing for the grand feast. As she approaches the dragonpit, she is able to see Aemma standing in front of Vermothor as Silverwing waits patiently for her, letting out a pur like sound as she sees her rider.
“Hello, sister…” Aemma said turning to her twin “You sleep in this morning, very unusual of you.”
“I must be tired from our voyage and the events that followed the day before.” Visenya said as she pets Silverwing. Aemma looks at her sister as if she knows something.
Visenya noticed this and looked at her “What?” she said clearly knowing something is up
“Nothing… I didn't say anything.” Aemma said avoiding Visenya’s gaze as she licks her lips, doing so when ever she lies
“You’re lying…” Visenya said, stepping closer to her sister “You lick your lips whenever you do… Now tell me.”
Smirking at her sister “Are you sure you weren’t up talking to a certain one-eyes-prince.” Aemma said, teasing her sister.
“How did yo-” Visenya said “It wasn’t what you think.”
“I know all the things that are happening around you..” Aemma said “And I saw him walking out of your room with a stupid grin on his face.” Aemma said
Visenya rolled her eyes as she got on Silverwing and left Aemma on the ground screaming for her to wait.
After their flight Aemma and Visenya went to the training yard to find their cousins and Aemond training. They were in separate corners but it appears they are able to co-exist together, which surprised the two girls. 
Aemond was able to see them enter “Are you here to train nieces?” 
This got the twins attention “Yes, would that be a problem uncle?” Aemma ask
“Sorry princesses but…” Ser Criston paused looking at the two princesses “Swords are not proper for delicate flowers as yourselves.”
“Even roses shed blood with their thornes.” Visenya said looking at the member of the Kingsguard 
“I mean not to offend y-” Ser Criston was cut off
“Let them join if they wish Cole, this should be indeed interesting….” Aemond says  directly at Visenya “Dual them…”
“My Prince, I do not think it Wise.” Criston Cole said
This whole interaction was watched by many but especially their father.
“Let my girls have at it Ser Criston….” Their father yelled out from the balcony “I have full confidence in my daughter’s skills in combat.” smirking as he says this.
“As you wish my Lord….” Ser Criston says “Princesses” Nodding at the princess as he raises his sword to them. Everyone in the training yard watches, some disagreeing with the situation, others ammoused. 
As ser Criston gave his final blow, “ I will say princess… you are a strong opponent…” he said looking at the Aemma “But not strong enough.”
“Are you sure about that Ser Criston…” looking at her sword pointing at his stomach then signaling behind him, where Visenya holds her sword on the back of his neck. “You forget… you're fighting the two of us.” Aemma said smirking as they all lowered their swords.
Everyone was silent, until their father yelled out “Well done my darlings, your mother is looking for you…” he said proudly “Must get ready for the feast.”
The twins glance at each other before making their way into the Keep. Everyone in the yard was too shocked at what happened, two princesses defeating a knight of the Kingsgaurd with combat experiences. Aemond was one of those people completely shocked by the turns of events, knew Visenya trained as a child in combat, but he thought that interest would go aways through time.
~Time Skip~ 
Visenya was on her way to the grand hall where the feast was to take place. She wore a beautiful pale blue and cream short sleeve modest dress, complimenting her eyes, with her hair up in a half-up bun with braids framing her face beautifully.
During the feast her family gathered at the front of the room on a pedestal, Houses came to them greeting and showing respect to the King and his family.
As the king stood up with all the strength he had, every house looked “Your presence is greatly appreciated….” he says as he looks around “Be welcome, as we join together in celebration. For the Houses of Old Valyria grow stronger and united as one, a grand celebration will be held. As we all know there will be a tourney and hunt to be held for the uniting of my Family ....” The King paused “A Special treat is to be presented ... .The winner of the Hunt shall be welcome to spend a day with my Granddaughter… The Princess Aemma….” He paused as he motioned to the younger twin “And as for the Tourney…. Whichever Lord or even knight of the great houses before me shall be welcome to spend the day with my eldest granddaughter… Princess Visenya, heir to the Spine Islands.” 
As the King said this everyone in the room started to whisper amongst themselves. The last particular announcement got a certain one-eyed prince’s attention, one who does not “Give a shit for tourneys”.
“Now this is not a marriage proposal, only an acquaintance with the princesses. Now let us dine together.” With that the King sat back down, that took a large toll on his body, but wanting to be with his family he carried on.
As they dined, they were approached by none other than House Stark of Winter fell.
“My King, this is Cragen Stark the New Lord of Winterfell.” the Hand Otto Hightower introduced before taking his seat.
“My King…” Cregan Stark bowed, greeting the King “It brings me and my house honor to be invited to such a joyous night.”
This interaction certainly got Aemma’s attention “Sister…you are drooling.” Visenya whispered to Aemma’s ear
“Shut up!” whispering back causing Visenya ya to giggle
“Your presence ... .is certainly appreciated…. Lord Stark.” the King said
As the feast commenced, everyone danced, Lords fought to dance with the twin Princesses.
“My family holds many riches,” Jason Lanister said with a smug grin a man that is 3x her age “One that will give my Lady Wife comfort for all her days, never will she ever need to lift a finger.”
“I see… well whoever that Lady will be most honored … Oh and I am very sorry about you Late Lady wife.” Visenya gave a forced smile “I believed my sister was calling for me…” Visenya smiled and walked away out of view, and standing on the balcony looking at the stars is solitude.
Minutes later Aemma appeared “I see you are hiding from Jason Lannister… when he could not find you he came after me….” Looking at her twin sister “How could you!” Aemma said jokingly to her sister.
“That man is undoubtedly clueless…. After all the attempts I hinted at him not wanting to converse… he still made an offer to dance.” Visenya said sighing in annoyance
“You still said yes….” Aemma looking at  her sister with a confused brow
“I did not want to seem rude.” Visenya defended “And you simply declined every offer
“Sister, you are simply too kind…” Aemma said as she pulled her sister back inside.
As they made their way back into the celebration, they were stopped by none other than Lord Cragen Stark.
“Princesses..” he greeted the two princesses with a bow“I have not seen both of you on the floor for quite some time..”
Visenya looked at her sister, Aemma was frozen. As if she was dropped off in the North during the dead of winter. “Lord Stark… Yes, we just thought to rest our feet from all the dancing.” 
“I see… if it is alright with…” Cregan paused looking at Aemma then back at Visenya “It would give me a great honor to dance with Princess Aemma…. If it pleases her.” 
Visenya looked between the two waiting for her sister to give an answer, but there was only silence.” She would be delighted too.” pushing her sister forward “Right… Aemma.”
With this Aemma’s trance was finally lifted “Y-yes… I would be delighted too.” She said, taking Cregon Stark’s hand.
Visenya watched as they walked away, Aemma looked back at her one last time before conversing with the Stark.
Visenya stood there watching, not before seeing Jason Lanister make his way to her. This causes the girl to walk the opposite direction away from the man as she looks back to see if she lost him, she then hears a voice..
“A dance… dear niece”
As she turned to the voice she was met with sapphire blue eyes as she looked up, “I- '' she started looking back seeing Jason Lanister bumping into people ``I would.. Be delighted too…. Uncle”  She said as she took his hand… seeing the interaction Jason Lanister simply just stood there.
“You are simply getting all the Lords attention, dear niece.” Aemond said as he danced with Visenya
“I can’t say I enjoy the attention…” she said looking at him “I have yet seen you dance with the young ladies in attendance.” 
“I do not think they would enjoy a dance…” He paused, “they seem to fear me.”
This softens Visenya’s gaze “I do not see why….” She said looking into his eyes “You… are easy on the eyes… even with one eye.” she said
This caused Aemond to let out a laugh “Well that gives me relief…that you do not fear me” 
They smiled at each other, a genuine smile, catching the attention of their mothers. Knowing that there is some affection still remaining.
As the feast concluded everyone made their own chambers. Aemma and Viseya stayed up talking to each other, laying in Visenya’s bed as she read
“I cannot believe I just stood there.” Aemma said as she buried her head out of embarrassment. Earning a laugh from her sister “Do not laugh!” She said, throwing a pillow at her.
“ It was quite entertaining…I have never once in my life seen you so speechless, and with not snarky remarks to say.”
“You are insufferable.” She said getting up from where she layed “I’m going to bed” Aemma said storming out.
“I didn't mean to laugh!” She said laughing seeing her sister close her door
~ Time skip ~
It was the day of the tourney Visenya sat with her family watching every Lords or knight come from far and wide to compete with each other to simply spend a day with her…. People could have thought it would be for her hand.
Visenya watched as the houses lined up on their horses and loud cheers could be heard from the crowd. The Herald started to speak, naming all the rules of the tourney. And with that he started to introduce every house that is in participation. However Visenya simply was in her own world, she never really cared for tourney, though it can be exciting. 
“The winner of this tourney will have the honor of spending a day with the Pearl of the realm, Princess Visenya of House Bealtheos….” The Herald was interrupted by someone whispering in his ear, expressing a confused look on his face “I have just been informed of a late entry.” This announcement got Visenya to break from her mind.
“Prince Aemond of House Targarian!” The Herald yelled out causing cheers from the crowd
Visenya looked at her sister in confusion as she sat up straight looking back seeing Aemond riding on his horse dressed in armor looking back at her.
The Queen Alicent was shocked on seeing her son enter, His brother Aegon though drunk gave out a yell of cheer for his brother, Ser Criston smirked at the memory of when they dueled together and Aemond saying “I don’t give a shit about tourneys.”
“Well sister, isn’t this a surprise.” Aemma said as she looked out watching the tourney, Visenya simple glance at her
“With this Prince Aemond will now choose his first opponent.” The Herald announce
As Aemond’s horse walked back and forth, he finally stopped, picking out a random Lord from the line. As the tournament went on all of Aemonds’s opponents simply fell off too injured to stand back up or simply died either from impacted or getting pieces of the Lance gorged in them and bleeding out.. The next opponent was Jason Lannister, but as they were about to begin Jason Lannister was making his way to where Visenya and Aemma sat. 
“I would like to ask the favors of both Princesses Visenya and Aemma the Precious Jewels of the realm.” Jason Lannister said grinning at both of the princesses.
Visenya and Aemma simply look at each other before standing up and grabbing their flower crowns and putting it on Jason Lannister’s lance
“We wish you good luck..” Visenya said 
“And hope that you fall off..” Aemma said 
This caused Jason Lannister to be embarrassed and simply back off. 
In the end Jason was knocked unconscious after falling off his horse hard, leaving Aemond the winner of the tourney. 
“I present to you the winner of this tourney…”The Herald said “Prince Aemond of House Targaryen” He yelled out hearing the crowds go wild “And his price for such a battle…. A day with the realm’s Pearl, Princess Visenya of House Bealtheos.” Everyone cheered
Visenya made her was to the balcony looking back at Aemond “You did well my prince” She said
“Thank you Princess” Smiling at her
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ghostofhyuck · 4 months
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Dark Fantasy Series 2
Merman! Huang Renjun x Human! Reader
Summary: The ocean is a dangerous place. Your grandmother said. You were obedient enough to follow her and at the same time, you were curious. You found yourself lured by the deep bodies of water, as if it’s been calling for you. 
Word count: 4.2k
TW: Contains violence, and death. Read at your own risk. 
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“The ocean is a dangerous place my dear,” your grandma said. Her soft arms wrapping around you who innocently stared at the blue waves crashing against the bay. 
You looked up at her. She stood there firm as if her eyes weren’t red and swollen due to crying — you don't know why she was crying. 
“That’s why you mustn't venture out there! It may look so majestic but I must warn you, danger is what awaits you there,” 
It’s been decades since you last saw your grandma. As far as you know, she remained in her hometown. A small provincial island that could only be traveled by a boat — a reason why she couldn’t leave it. You barely recall why your grandma loathes the ocean, it was a long mystery to you that even your mother avoided as a topic. 
You grew up in the city, away from the calm sea and the bodies of water. You weren’t allowed to swim at any beach of bodies of water unless it's a pool. You never got your answer about it, but perhaps it somehow connected to that faded memory of you and your grandma. 
But things have changed, soon you learned that your grandma was ill. Forcing your mother to visit her mother again after years of living in the city. To ease her worries, you volunteered to accompany her.
“Just remember, don’t ever go near the ocean. I know that mama’s house is on the beach front, but please yn, I don’t want to worry about you too,” your mother pleaded. 
“Of course ma, I won’t, I promise,” you said, smiling at her. 
The trip was a 2 hour boat ride from a larger town. You were amazed by the clear and blue water of the ocean. You wondered how deep the ocean was, you were filled with curiosity, wanting to know more about the mystery of it. But you don’t want to worry your mother, that’s why you looked away and stared at the small island that is your destination. As soon as you reached the dock, you were welcomed by a woman who’s the same age as your mother. 
“Oh look at you,” she said, hugging your mother the moment she stepped on the fine white sand. “I miss you! and — oh my! Is this your daughter?”
“This is yn, she’ll be staying here to help me with mama,” your mom smiles. 
You got acquainted with Auntie Cora, she was your mother’s childhood best friend. She lives with her family on a small island and looks after your grandma. She shared that weeks earlier, your grandmother had a fever due to the change of the weather. It wasn’t that bad, it’s just, she needs to rest so that it won’t get worse. 
You found yourself staring at your grandmother’s house. It was the same house where some of your childhood days happened, but as you stare at it, you find nothing, not even a hint of nostalgia at the place. 
“I told Cora that I’m fine,” your grandmother said with an angry tone. Just like what aunt Cora said, her sickness wasn’t that bad. 
“Ma, you’re already eighty-five, a fever may bring something worse,” your mother justified. 
“I’m fine! I took some medicine earlier and drank herbal tea,” your grandma answered. “You shouldn’t have returned here! You’re safer in the city!”
“Ma stop with that,” you heard your mother’s tone becoming serious, you watched as your grandmother turned around and at that moment, they had a staring contest. 
Your mother was first to let go, she pulled you away from the scene. You followed her quietly until you two reached a room. 
“Ma, what was that all about?” you asked.
“Nothing, nothing,” your mother quickly gave you a smile. “The trip was kinda tiring right? Let’s just rest for a while.”
But you didn’t want to rest. You excuse yourself if you can go out and look around, your mother only gave you a nod after you told her that you won’t go near the ocean. With that, you skipped your way out of the house. 
You glance at the ocean. It was calm. It was three in the afternoon and you watched as the sun gleamed against the blue ocean. You were amazed, it was the first time you saw an ocean. You could only see them through films or images, but witnessing it in real life felt surreal to you. 
You watched as the wave crashed against the white sand, it was calm, like a whisper. You found yourself locked in the ocean. Wondering. What danger is out there? You wanted to know, to feel the water crash against your feet. You wanted to know how deep it is, and think of the mystery you can unfold by just sinking in the ocean. 
But as you were about to take a step back, you were stopped by a hand. You turned around and saw Aunt Cora smiling at you. 
“You should thank me that it was me who caught you,” she teased. You only nod, looking away embarrassed. 
“Can I ask you a question?” you blurted out before she could leave. Aunt Cora turns around and gives you a smile. 
“Do you think that the ocean is dangerous?” 
“I think the ocean is beautiful,” she answered. “It uses its beauty to trap us into danger, that’s why you should never fall for it.” 
Her words remained in your mind until dinner time. Your mother cooked food and while the three of you sat there in silence. You couldn’t help but to hear the waves crashing. Just like earlier, it was still calm, but you couldn’t help but to hear it like a lullaby. It’s so tranquil that you couldn’t even imagine why they would think of it like that. 
Even in the deep of the night, you couldn’t sleep. All you can hear is nothing but the waves. It’s calling you. You know it, your heart is skipping with nervousness. Agitated at your bed while your mother is resting next to you. You glanced at her and saw that she was already in her deep sleep. 
“Fuck it, just tonight,” you convinced yourself. You just wanted to see it for yourself. Just tonight you wanted to dip your feet into the water. That’s all and nothing else. 
You slowly crept out of your bed, careful not to wake up your mother. Your light steps carried you like a feather as you exited the house and went to the bay barefoot. 
Just like the waves, the wind was calm too. There’s nothing but eerie silence and the once clear, blue ocean became a deep void of water. There’s nothing but silence and as much as it intimidates you, your curiosity is much stronger. 
Slowly, you took small steps against the water. You felt chills the moment the small stream touched your feet, feeling the cold water. You only smile as slowly, you take another step, and another, until the water is ankle deep. It felt amazing, you glanced at the ocean and thought that the ocean may not be so bad after all. 
“You’re new here aren’t you,” you were startled when you heard a voice. You glanced at your right and your knees weakened at the sight. 
“Oh? Seems like you are new here, are you surprised?” he asked, smiling. 
“You guys exist!?” you shouted. 
“I mean, you’re seeing me, so basically we exist.”
You didn’t say a word. Your eyes glued at the creature in front of you. 
He was breathtaking. Against the light around the area, you can see how ethereal his face is. He’s staring at you, smiling as if you’re a friend to him. His black hair falls beautifully long. His eyes were silver blue, contrasting the golden scales that seemed through his arms and oh. His tail looks magnificent as it reflects against the light. Blue hues adorned in golden scales. 
“You’re real,” was the first thing you said after it sank into you. 
“We are.”
“And you can understand me.”
“I can.”
You choked a breath. “I can believe it.” 
“I guess it’s your first time encountering a merman huh?” he laughs. “I’m Renjun by the way.”
“Yn,” you introduced shortly. “Is it okay if I can go near you?”
Renjun only reached for your hands. Slowly, you walked your way towards him, and as soon as you reached him, you held his hand. It was cold, but soft, they weren’t wrinkled at all. You lightly squeezed it as you positioned yourself to sit beside Renjun who’s smile never left.
“What brings you here?” he asked. 
“My grandmother’s sick, I accompanied my mom —”
“ — no, I mean here outside by the ocean,” Renjun clarified. “No one goes to the ocean unless they’ll ride a boat out of this place.”
That’s when you feel your ears deafened. “What do you mean?” 
Renjun only hums, “no one goes to the ocean around here, only fishermen.” 
“So you knew about it. Why?” 
But he merely shrugged, “I don’t know why. The ocean’s too beautiful to be avoided, people are just scared to discover it.” 
“That’s what they told me,” you only let out a sigh. “That the ocean’s so beautiful that we can’t see its danger.” 
You heard Renjun laugh. “The ocean’s not dangerous! Look at it! It’s so peaceful, I live in the ocean and trust me, the ocean is far dangerous from it.” 
“Do you want to see it for yourself?” 
An invitation. You can feel your heart beating fast. You glance at the body of water and you can feel yourself gulping. 
“But it’s too dark,” you pointed out. 
“Oh, don’t worry about it,” Renjun casually said. “I got you, I can tour you there! You can even meet my family.” 
You only stare at him. 
“Okay maybe we cannot meet my family but! Let me show you what lies beneath the ocean,” he reaches for his hand once again. “Do you trust me?”
You stared at him for a second. Renjun gives you an assuring smile as he reaches out his hand once again. You couldn’t help but to glance at it. Heart skipping a beat. 
“Only for tonight,” you said to him. 
“Then that’s a yes,” he smiles at you. 
Carefully he trails you towards the ocean. The water slowly rises up. You breathe in as you can feel the water up to your chest, you hold onto Renjun tightly as you can feel it around your shoulders.
“Wait,” Renjun stops. “Before we take another step, there’s something I should do so that you can breathe underwater.”
“Okay,” you only said. 
But what you didn’t expect next was that he cups your cheeks, and the next thing you know, Renjun’s lips are planted on yours. Your eyes went wide as you could feel his lips blew air in between. From there, he separates from you. 
“Are you ready to dive?” he asked. 
Still in daze, you could only nod. He tugs you and as you dipped into the water, you open your eyes as Renjun pulls you closer. 
You gasped as you could feel yourself breathing normally under the water. You could only glance at Renjun who’s smiling widely. He pulls you to a deeper part of the ocean, and you could only look around. Amazed at how you can see the surface and the blurry image of the moon above. 
Renjun stops and points at something, your eyes grow bigger at the sight. 
The view was surreal. It was far from the things you saw on the internet or in films. The ocean was majestic. Its color was bright despite the dark night and you can see the sea creatures swimming around. It was alive, as if you’re in another world. 
Renjun brought you to places that made you mesmerized about the ocean. Coral reefs displayed were like flowers in a garden. He even grabbed a starfish for you to touch. You only let out a small giggle as Renjun toured you more, and further, until you lost track of time. 
As you rose from the surface, you could see that the island is far from where you are. You only glance at Renjun who looks at you with awe. 
“Thank you Renjun,” you said. “You were right, there’s nothing to be scared of in the ocean.” 
“I’m glad you had fun,” he smiles. “But the sun might rise in a few hours. We should bring you home.” 
“Of course,” you only nod.
But none of you moved, both of you are smiling ear to ear as you remain from where you two are. 
You don’t know why but you felt brave that night, so you approached Renjun once again, slowly you leaned against him for another kiss. He reciprocates it softly. Wrapping his arms around your waist as he pulls you closer, even carrying you as you lean more to his body. 
Morning arrived without any suspicion from your mother.
“At the rocks? Are you sure, dear?” your mother asked, creasing her forehead. 
“Yes I’m sure ma and no swimming, I know,” you said to her. 
“No!” your grandmother refuses. “Even by the rocks you’re not allowed!”
“Ma,” your mother hushes and then glances at you. “You’re good to go, you should return here dry okay?” 
You only gave your mom a smile before stepping out of the house. That’s when she glances at her mother who has her forearms crossed. 
“You’re going to regret letting her venture out of the sea,” your grandmother said. 
“Mom please,” your mother begged. “She’s not her, okay?”
Meanwhile you found your way to the huge rocks scattered on the left side of the island. It’s a secluded part of the island, and you are convinced why; the trail path is just full of sharp rocks. Carefully, you walked your way there and as you noticed a familiar figure waiting, you were able to ignore the pain on your feet. 
“I’m here!” you shouted, as soon as you left the path and felt your feet against the fine white sand, you ran your way to Renjun who’s waiting for you there. 
You spent your days with Renjun. Like a secret summer affair that no one knows. It was a thrill. Every day you’ll go to the rocks where he’ll be waiting. It’s either you two stay there and just talk but sometimes it involves you getting dragged back to the ocean. You fell in love with the ocean. It's peaceful and quiet. Far from the city or the island where you truly belong. It wasn’t hard to fall for it especially when Renjun’s there to show you more about the ocean. You met some of his friends, fellow mer-people who accepted you immediately. 
Soon, your mother’s warnings about the ocean became nothing to you. You probably thought that it’s just them being overprotective of you. You were still careful when you venture out, never attempt to stray further from the island. 
“Before you go, there’s something I want to give you,” Renjun said. The sun was slowly setting and you two just finished another adventure. You were just waiting for your clothes to dry. 
“What is it?” you asked. 
You watch as Renjun removes one of his bracelets. He hands it over to you and you only stare at it. It was an intricate bracelet with pearls and shells. You traced it gently and found it beautiful. 
“It’s beautiful,” you said. “Thank you.”
“It’s to show them that you’re mine,” Renjun stated, making you laugh. 
“Then I’ll wear it for you.” 
It fits your wrist perfectly. You were so happy that you gave Renjun another kiss. He happily obliges and once you two separated, he cups your cheeks and strokes it gently with his thumb. 
“I’ll be always waiting here for you okay?” he said. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow then,” you promised. 
As soon as you reached your grandmother’s house, your smile faded. You saw your grandmother and mother waiting for you there with their disappointed expressions. Beside them was Aunt Cora. 
“Ma, is there something wrong?” you asked. 
Your mother let out a sigh, “I can’t believe you disobeyed me.” 
That’s when you started to feel nervous. “Ma —”
“I told you to never go to the ocean!”
“But I’m safe! Look at me, I’m alive! The ocean is not dangerous ma!” you shouted in defense.
“That’s not the case yn, I told you one thing and you didn’t follow my order,” she pointed out.
“Why? Is it that bad? The ocean is beautiful! I can’t believe you didn’t let me near it for years —” 
“Beautiful!? If it’s beautiful then why did it take my daughter away!?” your grandmother interrupted. 
Your eyes grew large at the revelation. You stared at your mother who looked at your grandma with an angry expression. 
“Ma! Stop it!” she said. 
“She has to know! She has the right to know,” your grandma defended. “Those merpeople are murderers! They murdered her!” 
“You knew about them?” you could only ask. 
“They rule the ocean yn,” Aunt Cora explained. “They didn’t like how we people are invading their ecosystem and stealing fish from them. They also are deeply obsessed with people, women to be exact.” 
That’s when Renjun came into your mind. No, it’s impossible. He can’t be a murderer. They’re wrong. Renjun’s kind and sweet. He showed you the ocean and there’s nothing for you to be afraid about. You met the merpeople, they were kind and friendly. Maybe they’ve misunderstood the merpeople. If that was the case, then there shouldn’t be anyone living on this island. 
“No, that’s not true,” you said softly. “They’re kind! They’re friendly and —”
“They took away your aunt,” your grandma pointed out. 
Your aunt? What aunt? You never heard of her before. You only glanced at your mother who couldn’t even lift her head. Is this what they’ve been hiding from you?
“You were young when it happened,” your grandma explained. “But she was a victim of them too, they took her away from us —”
“Ma that’s not true!” your mother shouted. “She died because she drowned, merpeople don’t exist and stop with all of these delusions!”
Then she turned to you. “Tomorrow, we’re leaving this island, I want you to pack your things tonight. No more going to the ocean, okay? You understand?” 
You saw how your mother is full of worry. You felt a hint of guilt as you stared at your mother’s eyes. You could only nod. “Yes ma.”
You watched as your mother walked away from the scene. Your grandmother only shakes her head as she exits towards the kitchen. You only stood there dumbfounded until Aunt Cora tapped your shoulder, lightly patting it to comfort you. 
It was Aunt Cora who told you about your aunt, your mother’s younger sister. She loves the ocean, goes to it daily and would return safely. 
The merpeople were nothing but a myth but because of her, the people in the island started to believe in them — but in a dark light. 
One day, they found her body on the shore. Lifeless, pale, and wrinkled. As if her soul got sucked out and was left nothing but a hollow body. Your grandmother wailed at the loss of her daughter, cursing the ocean and the merpeople because of the accident. She believes that they took her away, but your mother was a skeptic, she thinks that her sister died because she drowned. 
But that also became the reason why she became overprotective of you, she doesn’t want you to die in the same way your aunt did. That’s why she left the island. 
“What about you Aunt,” you asked. “Do you think they exist?” 
Aunt Cora became quiet for a while, “I saw you talked to a merman one time. And just like you, I did fall for a merman back in my youth.” 
Your jaw dropped because of her story. She only laughed it off as she glanced at the window. The ocean tonight is still peaceful. “But I stopped, knowing that we’re too different worlds and he started showing hints that he wants to take me,” she explained. “I told you, they’re so beautiful that you wouldn’t see that they’re dangerous.” 
You found yourself sleepless again that night. 
A part of you wanted to believe what they said, but a part of you, a larger one, is still holding onto the moments you had with Renjun. 
You traced the bracelet Renjun gave you. Is this truly a genuine affection of his? Or was he just luring you to your death? You can feel your heart beating abnormally. Tomorrow, you’ll leave this place and the memories you had here will be blurry just like it was back in your childhood. 
But you wanted to tell Renjun goodbye. He’ll be waiting for you tomorrow by the rocks. It’ll hurt you to imagine him waiting there for you all day long. No. You couldn’t imagine it at all. It’ll hurt you too. You don’t want to leave this island with guilt and a heavy heart. 
That’s why you found yourself outside. By the bay. It was much windier than the first time you went to the ocean. The waves were a bit loud, crashing against the sand. But you didn’t mind it. You only stared at it, hoping that Renjun would appear any moment. 
And it was as if your wishes were answered, your eyes caught the attention of the figure that’s slowly swimming towards you. 
“Renjun!” you shouted, walking further into the ocean. 
“What are you doing here?” he asked, tone full of worry. 
“I just…” you couldn’t help but feel tears falling. You felt yourself holding back. Renjun looks at you with worry. You can’t believe it. How can your grandmother paint them as murderers?
“I’m sorry Renjun,” you only said to him. “But, I am leaving tomorrow.” 
“What?” he asked, disbelieved. 
“I told you right that I’m not from here, I have to return to the city,” you explained. “But when time comes, I’ll come back here I promise you that. I want to return here.” 
“Yn,” Renjun only said. 
“I like you Renjun, you’re one of the best things that happened to me, and I am so happy that I met you,” you confessed, tears streaming down nonstop. You hate this, you hate how you have to be separated not only from Renjun but also from the ocean. You know that there’s so much for you to explore out there, but it has to be cut short by your mother. 
“Yn,” Renjun wipes off the tears from your eyes. “It’s okay, I’m okay with it, I just — can we go out for a swim? One last time? Just like the first time we met.” 
You could only nod. Thinking that this would probably be the last time you’ll go into the ocean, you could only agree to his wishes. 
Just like the first time you ventured out into the ocean. You did nothing but to try to paint the view into your memory, you wanted to make sure to memorize everything. Your hands never left Renjun’s even holding it tighter than before. You wanted to be with him but just like what Aunt Cora said, you two are from two different worlds. 
As soon as you two rose from the surface, you could only stare at Renjun who’s gleaming under the moonlight. Oh. He’s as ethereal just like when you first met him. He looks at you lovingly, hands brushing the stray hair off from your hair. 
“I guess…this is goodbye,” you mumbled. 
But Renjun didn’t say a word, he approached you until you’re an inch closer to each other. 
He pulled you for a kiss, it was full of passion that you could only kiss him back. You felt his hands around your waist, pulling you further. It was intense but you wanted to savor every second of it.
You can feel yourself breathless, but you don’t want to break away from him. You wanted to feel Renjun’s lips as if tomorrow doesn’t exist. You found yourself drowning into Renjun. It drove you crazy that you felt yourself numbed from everything — not noticing the way your body hit back into the ocean.
Morning came in but it was far from the mornings of the people on the island. 
It was dark, raindrops falling like fainted drizzle. The sun was hiding behind the gray clouds.
But that wasn’t the reason why that morning was different, it was because they were disturbed a loud wail of a woman. 
“Yn, yn! Please! Not you, dear!” your mother screamed, tears running as she clung onto your pale, lifeless, and wrinkled body. 
Aunt Cora ran in hurry to comfort her best friend, passing by your grandmother who stood there frozen, seeing himself in your mother’s position. She watched as Aunt Cora went to hug your mother who could only cry on your body. It’s so familiar that your grandma couldn’t do anything about it. 
She only stared at the ocean. How it's painted grayish blue today and the currents are faster than usual. It’s large waves crashing angrily against the shore. She could only shake her head as she stepped away from the scene with pain on her heart.
45 notes · View notes
writingsfromhome · 1 year
School Photos
A/N: just a quick fluff one-shot to get me back online. happy August and fellow Leo season.
“Please!” He begs for the umpteenth time. “Just one picture! I just wanna see one!”
“No! Mum look at me, all albums will be burned if you show anything.”
My family chuckles at my persistence but I was serious. Bringing home my uni boyfriend was going good so far. The only thing I had to avoid was him seeing pictures of me as a child.
“She had braces, even had to wear the headgear sometimes.” My brother teases.
“Shut up!” I glare.
“Yeah and she was obsessed with dolphins so anything she wore had them. And if they didn’t—mom didn’t she have these pictures you ironed on for her.”
“Oh!” Mom gasps. “I remember! The patches, the dolphin patches she bought from that one store um-“
“Remember when she wanted a mole so bad like Aunt Jess that she drew one on.”
“No way, I need to see the proof.” Harry grins, taking in my humiliation like a chilled glass of wine.
“She did it the whole summer until I told her it looked like shit on her face.” My brother says. “It was a kindness now that she looks back right yn?”
“Oh aren’t you Mother Teressa.” I mock. I didn’t want Harry to see me like this either—bothered and acting childish with my brothers but I had to pick and choose my battles here.
“Ok lay off her now boys, let us enjoy the pie your mum made.” My dad swoops to my rescue and I give him an appreciative smile.
“Daddy’s girl.” My brother mutters. Mom scolds him but she’s biting back a laugh. Ugh my family was infuriating.
Since we’d arrived late, right before dinner, Harry hadn’t seen my childhood bedroom so once we’re done around the table we head upstairs.
In between dinner and dessert I’d rushed up with an excuse for the loo and made sure to hide any evidence of my face between the ages of 5-16 in my room.
Now, I give Harry a tour of my childhood bedroom.
“I can imagine you sitting here sketching,” Harry brushes his hand along the oak desk dad had built for me in year 4 and has sat against the window since.
So much of my history lived in all these objects. I was happy that Harry could see it all laid out here, know the past parts of me he couldn’t exactly meet.
Not that he needed to see physical copies of all my past parts.
“And this is my shrine to Jesse McCartney.” I open the top drawer meant for pencils and small items but instead a poster of his face was glued down and tiny trinkets laid around including the ticket from the I went to one of his performances.
“So this is your man on the side. Keeping him tucked away at home hm?” Harry tugs the drawer more to reveal all of my teenage crazy.
“I was obsessed. He’s still a very attractive man.”
“That’s weird.”
“What? That he’s attractive?”
“No, he looks nothing like me.”
“Why would he-“ I roll my eyes when I realize what he’s getting at. “Well you should be flattered you don’t look like my childhood celeb crush. That’d be creepy.”
“I think this is a little creepy.” Harry crosses his arms and leans against the table. I take him in where he stands; he felt so much bigger than my childhood bedroom.
“It’s what teenage girls do. Ask your sister I’m sure she had one of these too.”
“So you’re okay showing me this,” Harry tugs my hand. “But not any pictures of you-“
“No. That’s not happening.”
“I promise I’ll still love you.”
“They’re just embarrassing!” I whine. “I always had a phase I was going through. I don’t want you to see any of them.”
“Why?” He cups my face. “It makes you interesting! I showed you the phase where I spiked my hair every day and thought I was in a boy band.”
“Your hair didn’t even spike,” I laugh into his chest, remembering the photo I had taken a copy of with my phone. His hair had looked like he woken up and taken a chainsaw to it.
“See you’re allowed to laugh at me!”
“Nooo,” I wrap my arms around his waist. “No photos. Now subject change: we’re meeting all my friends tomorrow so what do you want to do today?”
“I can crash.” Harry says. He brushes my hair back and gives my head a kiss. “Driving for 4 hours was more tiring than I thought.”
“Okay,” I was fine with cuddling and going to bed even though it was only 9. As long as I was with Harry, everything felt fun. We’d been dating for over a year now and I loved him in a way I never loved boyfriends from the past. I think he was the real deal.
We lie on my small bed and talk until we doze off. The next morning we wake to the smell of breakfast and my parents spoil us with food and laughter.
I give Harry a tour of my hometown before we meet with my friends from school. Everyone and their partners love Harry and I can’t help but beam as he fits seamlessly into the other half of my life.
He catches my eye every now and then and the smile he gives me makes me fall in love with him all over again.
After an evening spent with family at home and another early night, Harry and I head out to go back to uni the following morning.
Goodbyes are long and multiple hugs are involved all around.
As we settle in and head back onto the motorway, Harry points to the sun visor.
“Sun in your eye?”
“Why don’t you flip it down?”
“It’s not?” I look him over. Was he okay?
“Just flip it down yeah? In case.”
“Okay?” I slowly flip the visor down and I gasp. “How could you?”
His laughter fills the car as I stare in horror. Tucked into the mirror is a school picture of me, probably Year 6. My braces are full on while I grimace-not even smile-into the camera. I’m wearing a tie-dye dolphin shirt with dolphin clips in my hair. My hair is in plaits except one of them is already fallen out; I’d probably been rough on the playground. It’s all topped off by a silver chunky chain I’d stolen from my brother—thinking it was real silver and would make me look cool.
“It’s my favourite picture of you,” Harry plucks it off and I realize I should have nabbed it while he was laughing. “I don’t think anything can top it really.”
“Harry I beg you to give that back.”
“Nope.” Harry pops the p with joy. He tucks it into his shirt pocket.
“I love you. Looking at the picture just makes me love you more.” He glances over at me and pats my thigh. “Can you smile like that for me?”
“This is so unfair!” I cross my arms and face the front. “Who betrayed me?!”
“My lips are sealed.” He was having too much fun. I would get my family to crack—dad would probably tell me. Unless it was him.
“I’m gonna go for her for Halloween.” Harry says, trying to get through my wall of silence.
“Fine.” I sit up with an idea and flick through my phone for the picture I’d been keeping. “I’ll go as him.”
I wait for Harry to look over at me and gloat when his face falls.
“You’re not supposed to have a copy of that!”
“Well. We’re even now.”
I plant a sweet kiss on his cheek, feeling better already.
“You’re so lucky I’m driving.”
“You’re lucky or I would have wrestled that photo away from you ages ago.” I say and Harry looks at me skeptically. “I grew up with brothers don’t underestimate me.”
“Fine. Fine. We’re even.” Harry agrees. “And for the record. I love you. And I love her too.”
It’s true that what he says thaws me a little, the little girl in me, but I don’t let it show right now. I just look out the window and mumble a love you too. His hand comes down on my thigh and, still looking out the window, I intertwine our fingers. He could drive me crazy but it was true for me too. As much as I laughed at his photo, I loved him and that little boy too.
“You’re never visiting my parents ever again.” I tell him.
His only response is bringing our hands to his mouth.
I melt in my seat a little.
165 notes · View notes
since0202 · 5 months
Taking Time—Fifty Five
The only answer was yes.
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Word count: 8,660
I’ve never really believed in bad omens or bad luck. A black cat, a broken mirror, a broom falling before a storm. None of it was particularly foreboding to me. But what happens instead might be worse. Whenever things are going too well, I have this thread of underlying dread running like a hidden current beneath a calm sea. It’s that old saying: What can go wrong, will go wrong. You know that one? Maybe that’s still a manifestation of bad luck—always expecting the worst. It always makes itself known, though. At least to me.  
It was as if the world pressed fast forward over the next ten days for Maya. But she tried to soak it all in as much as possible. News spread of her and Paul’s engagement quickly and her mother demanded upon threat of disownment to throw her an engagement party at her childhood home. 
Maya had given in quickly, to her mother’s surprise, knowing that it was inevitable to avoid a celebration. That’s how Maya found herself on a balmy November afternoon, fielding question after question from elders, distant cousins, and people in her community she’d only seen in passing about her impending nuptials. 
“So, how did he do it?” Her aunt Isla asked conspiratorially, sandwiched between about twelve other people making a semicircle around Maya. 
“Oh, uh, on the cliffs,” she smiled genially, but her palms were sweating as she tried to rub them dry on the front of her bright red mini dress. The sweetheart neckline dipped just low enough to show the tasteful curve of the top of her breasts. Maya shivered slightly, her bare shoulders and legs seemingly more on display here than in a bikini on a California beach. 
“I want to see!” an overexcited teenage daughter of one of her mom’s friends squealed. Maya shoved her hand forward to display the glittering rock nestled on her finger. It really was beautiful and Maya was nearly breathless every time she saw it herself. The crowd around her ooh’ed and aah’ed, grabbing her hand unceremoniously and bending it this way and that to make it shimmer in the light. 
Maya grimaced, this was the same routine on repeat she had done for the past hour and a half as people circulated around her. Paul had been swallowed up by other crowds, no doubt being subjected to the same onslaught of questions. 
“Are you moving back then?” a question carried from a part of the crowd, but Maya wasn’t sure who it came from. 
“What? Oh, no, I still have another year left—,” she tried to respond but was quickly cut off by other overlapping questions:
“Can’t you transfer?” 
“Poor Paul, I’m sure he misses you terribly.”
“Newlyweds really shouldn’t be apart in their first year, it’s so important to be together.”
“You should really think about transferring.”
“When are you guys planning on trying for a baby?”
“Oh! A baby! So sweet.”
“You guys would make the cutest kids.”
It was…exhausting. 
Maya tried to smile as she curled an arm around her middle uncomfortably as the questions continued. She couldn’t even get a word in, they were just relentless. 
“Excuse me, folks,” Paul’s warm, deep voice ran a shiver down her spine. Suddenly, he was there, his arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her into his side and instantly banishing the chill that had settled over her. 
He handed her a glass of champagne that Maya desperately sipped and smiled at the crowd around them. “I need to steal my fiance away. Rish also wanted me to let you know that the food is being set up, so please go help yourselves.” Paul made it look so easy. They simply melted in front of him and dispersed immediately, providing more well wishes to them as they went. 
Paul leaned down and placed a kiss to the top of her head as Maya let out a deep sigh. 
“How are you holding up, baby?” he asked her softly, his comforting firm grip on her hip soothed her anxiety. Maya took another swig from her glass, nearly draining it before answering. 
“Just…tired,” she finally said. “Why did I agree to this again?” Maya glanced around the room before looking up and up at Paul. He smiled warmly down at her. 
“Because your mother would have hunted you down anyway and this at least gets us off the hook for attending the harvest bonfire,” he reminded her. Maya nodded and rested her forehead against his chest as she groaned softly. Only a couple more hours and they could go home. “Come on, let’s get you something to eat,” he rubbed her back gently and started to steer her toward the dining room where a massive spread of food had been deposited. 
But before they could reach it, the door opened to cheers and exclamations. Maya looked over her shoulder and her eyes widened as she watched Becks waddle through the front door, followed closely by Jacob, holding their son in one arm. 
“Becks!” Maya called out incredulously as she pulled out of Paul’s arms and hurried over to her heavily, painfully pregnant best friend. Becks turned and smiled, one hand on her lower back and one on her extended belly that sat low in front of her. “What are you doing here? I thought you were on bed rest.” 
“Yeah, me too,” Jacob said with an exasperated sigh. Becks rolled her eyes at him and shook her head. 
“This baby will not come out, so I needed to get out. Plus, you’re here. My good luck baby labor charm,” she leaned in and Maya tried to hug her around her giant belly. 
“Jeez, are you sure you’re okay? This…does not look comfortable,” Maya said as she looked over her best friend. 
“Oh, it's not. I’m…miserable,” and she looked it. Dark bags hung under her eyes from restless sleep and every part of her looked swollen. “I just couldn’t stay in bed another minute and the midwife said walking might help spur on labor.” 
“Walking in small doses,” Jacob reminded her as he bounced Ephi gently. It was always such a funny sight to Maya to see these giant, towering, strong men handle a baby with such gentleness and care. 
“Are you hungry?” Maya asked, already knowing the answer. Becks shook her head quickly and blew a breath out as if she was already going into labor. 
“No, we’ll just hang around for a bit, I think my parents are here anyway,” Becks motioned toward the double doors that led onto the back deck. 
“Okay, well let me know if you need anything,” Maya rubbed one of Becks’ arms and gave her a sympathetic smile. As they wandered off, Maya turned and saw Paul approaching with a plate in his hand. He handed her a fork and she started to take quick bites as they huddled together. 
“No baby yet?” Paul asked. 
“Mmm mm,” Maya mumbled around a mouthful of sweet potato. She loaded her fork with more food and held it up to Paul as he gratefully took a bite. People were whispering off to the side about how cute they were. It took everything in Maya not to roll her eyes at them. 
She didn’t mind these types of things, it was just being on display that irked her. Maya had never felt more like a trophy than at this very moment. Her mother was drinking all of the attention in and talking about wedding colors and themes that Maya hadn’t even started to consider. 
“How much longer do we have to stay again?” Maya asked, swallowing another sigh. 
“We’ll sneak out in about an hour. I think you’ve done enough parading and after dinner, people will start drinking and not even notice we’re gone,” he reassured her. That was a saving grace at least. She could last another hour. 
“Maya!” another gaggle of aunts called out across the room as they strode toward the happy couple. 
“Just smile, I’ll handle the questions,” he leaned down and kissed the side of her neck before neatly tucking Maya into his side again and taking on the approaching vultures. 
The never ending list of things to do before Maya was due back in New York was making her head spin. With only three days left of her break, Paul had to unexpectedly take a trip to Seattle to consult with some huge new clients from overseas. However, he was going to fly out to the New York next week and stay with her for a bit so they could detox from the wedding frenzy that had taken over La Push and nearly ruined her fall break. 
Maya checked her messages as she left the Quileute clinic after getting her IUD removed. She already had another appointment scheduled for when she got back to New York for a new one before Paul arrived. Keye had texted her about meeting up for lunch with her and Sadie. 
Maya smiled down at her phone. Things hadn’t gone over too well after Keye had talked to Colin, but things were mostly smoothed over at this point. She hadn’t told him about the abortion, but she apologized for leaving him in the lurch and not talking to him sooner about ghosting him. 
Just as she was typing a reply to confirm their plans to meet for lunch, her mother’s face popped up on an incoming call. Maya threw her head back and groaned. She hadn’t gotten a moment of reprieve since the engagement party from neverending wedding planning from her mother. 
She considered ignoring the call for a moment before begrudgingly answering. 
“Yes, mom?” 
“Oh honey! I’m so glad I caught you. I was wondering which you liked better: Azaleas or hydrangeas?” Rish was talking a mile a minute and Maya could here the honking of cars in the background.
“Why?” Maya tried to hide her annoyance, but failed spectacularly. 
“For flowers, for your bridesmaid’s bouquets!” Rish exclaimed impatiently as if they had  had this conversation a million times already. They hadn’t. 
“Mom, I don’t even know what colors I’m doing for the wedding yet, we can’t pick flowers until I decide on colors,” she crossed the parking lot to her car. 
“I thought we said we were doing shades of pinks and greens?” 
“Nope,” Maya said in a clipped tone. 
“Well, these are perfect for spring and I think that would complement those colors so nicely anyway. I’ll bring back sample bouquets and we can look at them together,” Rish carried on. 
“Mom, I’m leaving in like 48 hours, I don’t have time to look at bouquets. I’ve got like three interviews to prep for and I’m organizing the food train for Becks before I leave. Where are you, anyway?” Maya started the car. 
“Pikes Place Market. Your father and I popped over for a couple of days to do some scouting for wedding ideas. Oh! Isn’t Paul in Seattle? Maybe I can meet up with him and go over—” 
“No! Mom, please don’t bother him. He’s in really important client meeting with some international bigwigs. Do not bother him with this.” Maya’s tone was firm. 
She really needed to set some boundaries with her mom regarding the whole wedding planning thing. She hadn’t even been engaged a week and already her mother had booked four different appointments to shop for wedding dresses in New York next month. 
“Mom, I gotta go,” if she didn’t get off the phone now, she may never escape. 
“Fine, fine, but call me later!” 
“Will do!” Maya lied. She quickly ended the call and tossed her phone into the center console with a little too much force. 
It was early the next morning around 3 a.m. when Maya’s phone rang suddenly on the nightstand. She had made it a habit while she was home to sleep with the ringer on loud in case anyone called about Becks. 
When she answered groggily, Jacob’s voice snapped her awake. 
“She’s in labor. She’s asking for you,” Jacob said quickly. 
“I’m on my way,” Maya was already throwing off the covers and slipping into some sweatpants as she hung up. She shot a quick text to Paul to let him know when he woke up that morning and ran down to the Jeep. 
The rez was peaceful at night. As Maya coasted down the rain slicked roads toward Becks and Jacob’s she couldn’t help but relish in the cool and quiet that settled over her home. She did miss it. And she knew she always would. 
In no time, Maya had pulled and parked into the already crowded driveway at Jacob’s. As she jogged toward the front door, she could already see people milling about inside, prepping food, cleaning, and taking care of things in anticipation for the new baby. When she pushed in, everyone was keeping their voices low and Quil looked over at her, his eyes lighting up with delight: 
“She’s upstairs, Jacob said to send you up when you got here.”
Maya nodded and smiled with excitement as she took the stairs two at a time. The scene within Jacob and Becks’ bedroom was as calm as a quieted chaos could be. The lights were dimmed and gave off a warm amber glow. 
Becks was propped up in a custom canvas pool that sat in the cleared space in front of their bed. She was naked, with a small towel draped across her breasts with Jacob wedged in behind her, stroking her arms. Maya couldn’t hear what he said, but he was calmly talking in a low, honeyed voice into Becks’ ear. Her eyes were tightly closed as she breathed her way through another contraction. Maya could see the vice grip she held on Jacob’s biceps and low groans and whimpers escaped her. 
The warm water sloshed gently around her as she wiggled to try and find a comfortable seat through her contraction and the midwife and her assistants gathered around her, warming the water with fresh pours and prepping towels and tools nearby to assist with delivery. 
It was beautiful and terrifying. Maya’s eyes widened in wonder as she crossed the room quietly and sank next to the pool up by Becks’ shoulders. 
“Maya’s here,” she heard Jacob rumble softly in Becks’ ear. The contraction had passed and Becks was slumped tiredly against Jacob, sweat beading on her forehead. She turned her head across Jacob’s chest and opened her eyes blearily as a smile cracked across her face. 
“Maya,” she breathed. Maya returned that radiant smile as tears brimmed her eyes. Becks looked so beautiful and so incredibly strong. Her towel covered chest rose and fell as she took deep, calming breaths. She reached out for Maya’s hand and grasped it immediately. 
“Hey babe, how are you doing?” Maya said just as softly as Jacob had, trying to mirror the calming atmosphere everyone was working so hard to keep for her. 
“He’s…he’s coming,” Becks said. Her eyes were glassy, but filled with sheer happiness even though Maya knew she was in excruciating pain. Quileute women traditionally delivered naturally, unless there was some exceeding circumstance or planned c-section. This time, Becks had wanted to do it all exactly right as everyone of her mother, grandmothers, and great grandmothers before her. 
Jacob helped prop Becks up a little higher on his chest as he rubbed along the sides of her belly. The midwife smiled warmly at Maya and checked Becks’ progress. 
“You’re almost there, honey,” the midwife confirmed, “Time to push very soon, okay? Just keep listening to your body and let him come on his own. You’re doing great.” Maya had to hand it to her, she was very convincing. 
Maya knew that in time when she and Paul had kids, if she decided to do it the Quileute way, at home, with her husband behind her, in a water bath, she’d be absolutely terrified. But Becks just looked ready—elated even—to be bringing her second child into the world. It was something she couldn’t even fathom as being a part of her life at this moment, but she was just so happy to be there for Becks again. 
Becks’ breathing picked up again as another contraction rolled through her. She squeezed Maya’s hand and held onto Jacob as a deep sob erupted from her throat. 
“That’s it, there you go, mama,” the midwife coached, “Just like that.” She must have been getting close because Maya watched as a flurry of activity suddenly happened around her. Assistants were preparing, noting times and dates, keeping time, and prepping the towels. The midwife leaned over the side of the water bath and helped the assistants position and hold one of each of Becks’ legs firmly in their arms, anchoring her into a birthing position. 
Again, a fresh wave of terror washed over Maya as she held tightly to Becks who just seemed to know exactly what to do. Jacob was methodically counting out breaths for Becks as she arched and groaned through the last intense contraction. 
“Alright, Becks, ready?” the midwife confirmed from her place below. Becks nodded quickly, “Dad, ready?” Jacob braced Becks and nodded swiftly, his eyes never leaving the side of his wife’s face. “Next contraction, I want you to start pushing,” the midwife stated. 
Maya hadn’t realized her own breathing had picked up as her eyes darted from Becks’ face to the midwife between her thighs watching carefully for signs. The next contraction began quickly. 
“There you go! Push mama! Bear down against them,” she instructed. Becks pushed and nearly screamed as she held on tightly to Jacob and Maya both. 
“Push, baby, push!” Jacob chanted still calm but firm in her ear. Becks’ cheeks were reddening and Jacob urged her to take a breath as the contraction wound down. 
“Good! Good, deep breaths, 1, 2, 3, 4,” the midwife’s hand was nowhere Maya could see. Suddenly the calm and quiet room was just pure energy and it all centered around Becks. The assistants were counting out breaths, their rhythmic voices offering clarity and guidance through the controlled chaos, “Again!” the midwife said louder. “Push, Becks!” 
“Push, push,” Jacob began again. Maya mirrored him, chanting softly as Becks’ wailed through another contraction, her face contorting in pain, mouth wide open as stuttering groans broke free of her throat. 
“Fuck,” Maya said under her breath. This was unlike anything she had ever witnessed. Even before, when she had been there for the birth of Ephriam, Carlisle had made it seem like no time had passed at all before he was placing the newborn on Becks. But this…this was something else. It was a moment in time, meant to be experienced and meant to be something bigger and more symbolic than just the birth of a child, but rather the persistence of their tribe to simply exist in the face of seemingly unending pain. 
Maya watched as Becks pushed through contraction after contraction, slowly delivering her second son into the world. And all she saw was strength. 
On the final push, Becks let out an otherworldly scream as he slid the rest of the way out and into the waiting water below. A new burst of activity began around them. The assistant’s lowered her legs and removed the warm wet towel covering her heaving breasts. Maya’s eyes were clouded with tears, as were Jacob’s as the midwife quickly pulled their baby from the water. He let out a guttering, wet cry and Becks, exhausted and sweating, broke into a smile and laughed so bright Maya thought her heart would split in two with joy. 
The midwife quickly placed the wailing baby on Becks’ waiting chest, nestling him between her breasts. Jacob’s large hand came up to cover their baby’s back as he kissed the side of Becks’ face over and over, whispering in her ear things Maya couldn’t and didn’t need to hear. It was pure love, this picture before her. 
Becks was crying softly as she held her newborn son, her head pressed into the crook of Jacob’s neck. Maya stood slowly and took a step back from the pool, her heart beating wildly in her chest as she took in the scene before her. Her best friend was overwhelmingly happy and Maya understood this was where Becks was meant to be. 
As she slowly slipped out of the bedroom to leave them to their intimate first moments with their son, she watched as Becks turned her head up toward Jacob’s, her free hand cupping his cheek as he looked down adoringly at her. He kissed her slowly and Maya shut the door behind her, the tears still falling freshly down her cheeks as she disappeared into the dark hallway. 
Maya covered her mouth and cried softly. She felt a buzzing throughout her whole body that she could only imagine was happiness. 
“My?” A soft voice floated from the top of the stairs. Maya whirled around, her hand dropping to her chest as she gasped. Paul’s darkened figure stood just a step below the landing and he watched her carefully, his eyes shifting to something darker as they laid upon her. 
“Jesus, Paul, you scared me! What are you doing here?!” Maya didn’t even try to hide her tears as she crossed the landing to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and sniffling into his neck. 
He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him before bringing his other hand up to gently wipe the tears off her face and push her loose hair back. 
“I got your message that Becks was in labor and caught a red eye,” he said in a low whisper. The sound struck a warm thrum deep in her belly and she swallowed thickly. His eyes looked over her face slowly, taking in every piece of her, memorizing her emotions. “What’s wrong?” 
Maya shook her head slowly and closed her eyes for a moment. “Nothing, really. It was just intense and she’s just so happy…It makes me happy that she’s happy,” she felt like she wasn’t making much sense but Paul nodded as a crooked smile broke across his face as if he understood. 
“I know, baby,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss her slowly. Maya sucked in a deep breath of him as their lips connected, relishing in that soft earth and spice scent. She leaned her body into his and felt that warmth spread throughout her belly. Paul’s hands gripped her hips tightly and she felt a rush of euphoria sweep through. She was so very warm that Paul’s hands felt almost cold. When they broke their kiss after a few moments, Maya was nearly panting. She stepped back to get a grip and wipe her eyes again. Paul kept his grip on her waist and when she finally let her eyes adjust and settle on him, he looked intense. 
The sharp, strong curve of his jaw was softened by his trimmed beard, and Maya reached up absently to stroke her hand across it. Lightning prickled on her fingertips as she did and she watched Paul wet his lips in response. 
“We should go home,” his voice was a deep rumble in her chest. When her eyes darted away from his mouth to connect with his, she saw fire. She tried to stifle a small gasp, but it slipped from her throat. Paul’s grip tightened further and pulled her closer as if on instinct. 
Maya shook her head to try and clear it. Her heart beat wildly in her chest and she closed her eyes for a moment before she stuttered out, “N-no, I need to start breakfast and m-make sure everyone is on assignment.” 
When she opened her eyes to carefully look at him again, she knew she was done for. “Kim’s got it under control. Let’s go home,” the command was subtle and he tugged her near him as they descended the stairs together. Maya made quick and quiet goodbyes, waving to the sleepy group of people milling about doing chores and small tasks in the early hours as dawn broke. Paul guided her out into the cool air, never letting them stop as they walked swiftly toward her Jeep. 
The cool air felt like a wash of sleet melting on her skin. Maya let Paul deposit her into the passenger side of the Jeep and only when he snapped the door shut behind her did she notice that she was breathing too quickly as if she had just run a marathon. She focused on breathing through her nose and out through her mouth, trying to quietly calm herself as Paul steered them expertly through the dark toward home. But her heartbeat barely slowed. When she stole a glance toward Paul, she saw the muscle in his jaw tick and the whites of his knuckles as he gripped the steering wheel. But he didn’t seem mad…just anxious to get home.
Finally, once they pulled into the driveway, Maya started to feel a little more settled. The warmth of the house inside was a blur as Paul pulled Maya upstairs toward the bathroom and quickly turned on the shower. Everything felt hazy, as if the adrenaline was coating her brain in a strange fog. 
“P-Paul?” she barely whispered as she turned to face him. He was gently pulling off her shirt and sweats. Maya could feel his hands shaking as he undressed her. “Are you okay?” 
“I’m trying very hard to be gentle, but I just feel like ripping your clothes off,” he said through  gritted teeth. Maya shook her head sleepily, standing in just panties as she said, 
“Just rip them, who cares.” Paul didn’t hesitate upon her permission to rip the cotton easily from her body. She sighed in exaltation and stood naked before him as he quickly shed his clothes and backed her into the shower. 
The water felt barely warm against her hot skin, but she stayed put beneath it as Paul brought his mouth down to hers, stroking her body lovingly beneath the water. Everything was quiet, except for their panting breaths as he quickly scrubbed her down with soap and reverently rinsed her. She felt the thick heated length of him resting against her stomach and swallowed as her mouth watered. 
Just as quickly as he had placed them in the shower, she felt him guiding her out, toweling her down softly and moving her to the bed, his hands roaming around her body, touching every part of her, his lips moving across her shoulders and neck. 
Maya collapsed on the bed, writhing gently against the sheets. Every stretch of her body felt delicious and the soft sheets felt like a warm caress against her skin. Paul’s hands settled on her thighs and the heat of his touch felt normal. For once, they felt like they were the same temperature. 
His lips started to kiss the inside of her thigh, quickly gliding up to her center before he took a deep breath of her and dove in. The groan that emanated from him made her shudder. Maya’s cheeks reddened. She was already soaked, but every swipe of his tongue between her legs was like a bolt of lightning up her spine. 
Maya could vaguely hear herself beg—his name, pleadings, promises, needs. But she was still lost in that heady haze. She felt him rise up above her and then the taste of her bloomed on her lips as he kissed her. There was urgency in his touch, but when she gripped his biceps, he slowed as if remembering himself. 
Nothing had ever felt like this. Maya felt as Paul gently pressed against her opening, but he waited, pulling back from their kiss to look down at her. 
“Ready?” his voice came out husky and deep. Maya exhaled, her eyes hooded as she breathed a quick: “Yes, yes please.” 
He slid all the way home and Maya’s back arched off the bed as she let out a startled yelp. He felt…much, much bigger. Was he always this big? The stretch was overwhelming and even with how wet she was, she felt every inch of him within her. Paul let out a low moan into her ear and paused, trying to catch his breath. 
“Paul, ah, fuck!” Maya gasped between small whines. Each time she moved, seemingly involuntarily against him, she felt a snap of pain and then aching relief within her. 
“My, fuck, I know baby, just—you feel so,” he let out a laugh against her throat. He was shaking all over. Maya whined and rotated her hips ever so slightly and felt him cinch tighter inside her. 
“How are you—,” another gasp of air, “This big? It feels—” 
“Amazing,” he leaned up to look down at her, trying a tentative push against her, “You feel amazing, baby.” 
She had to admit, besides the slightly uncomfortable stretch at her opening where he seemed to bulge larger than before, he did feel incredible inside of her. Sweat beaded on her forehead, her nipples tight peaks that rose and fell, grazing against his chest with every breath. 
“Let me just..” he groaned again as he shifted inside of her and Maya swallowed hard. He brought one of her knees up and stretched her open more. Her back automatically bowed off of the bed and Paul’s eyes coasted down the length of her in awe. 
His hands gripped around her ribcage as he leaned back and started to press slowly in and out of her. Maya was lost, her head was swimming, and she felt like she was on fire. Every stroke felt like she would split in two but each time he withdrew it was like a new ache bloomed in her, waiting to be filled. 
She watched him above her, his eyes transfixed on her naked body, heated and hungry, and something within her just snapped. Her whole body shook and his mouth fell open as he watched her come undone quickly. There was nothing like this. She didn’t know how it felt this way, but she never wanted it to end. 
As soon as her orgasm rinsed through her, Paul still pushing slowly into her, she gasped, her eyes widening as realization rocketed through her. “Fuck! Stop, stop!” 
“Wh-what?! What’s wrong?” He was over her in a second, his hand coming to cup her cheeks as she pushed against his chest roughly, “My, what is it?” 
“Condom! We need a fucking condom, fuck!” He was still inside of her and Maya couldn’t help but arch her hips into him with a whimper. 
“Why? My, we talked about this, it’s just superstition,” he pleaded in between heavy pants. She could tell it was killing him not to move. His eyes were wild as he clenched his jaw. 
“No, I don’t have any…Fuck! I got my IUD taken out,” she was frantic now. Paul stilled, his eyes wide. 
“What?” his voice was low, that same gravelly, heated tone coating his words. “You’re not—” 
“I didn’t know you were going to be back and I had an appointment to get a new one put in in New York before you were supposed to meet me out there,” she was still pushing slightly against his chest, but his eyes had a far away look to them, his mouth hung open, and he was still inside her. “PAUL!” 
“Fuck! Okay, hold on,” he looked down between them and gently tried to pull out of her. He was wedged so tightly inside of her, Maya threw her head back and screamed at the sensation. It was neither painful, nor pleasurable, but just left a harsh aching behind that had her pulse ratcheting up. When he finally pulled all the way out, Maya sucked in a breath and looked between them. 
“Did you come?” she was shaking from the adrenaline, from the ache, she didn’t know. He shook his head still looking down at her before replying. 
“No, not yet.” 
“Okay, okay. Good,” Maya breathed, falling back onto the pillows. She was thoroughly wound up now and tried to wipe the sweat off of her forehead. “Just, grab a condom and we can keep going,” she nearly begged. He moved soundlessly to the nightstand, methodical and quick. 
By the time Maya had leaned up on her elbows to look at him, she saw both her body and his were covered in a thin sheen of sweat. He rolled the condom tightly onto his shaft, wincing as he did. 
“Ready?” she said in a whisper. He looked up at her, but his face was unreadable. He was still panting, but he nodded. 
“Turn over,” he didn’t give her a moment to comprehend his request before grabbing one of her knees and flipping her onto her belly, “Ass up,” he directed, pulling her hips up. Maya’s heart thumped wildly as she felt him rub his now covered tip against her opening and slid back in. It was just as tight as the first time but Maya rocked through the discomfort. Paul was a man possessed behind her, pulling her hips tightly back onto his as he thrust into her. 
She was quickly coming apart again beneath him and this time, she closed her eyes, biting down against the pillow as he hammered home inside of her. Stars popped behind her eyelids and she heard a deafening moan around her. She wasn’t sure if it was her or Paul. Maybe it was both of them, but whatever it was, she could feel him tightening again inside of her. As her body contracted and flooded with warmth, his thrusts began to stutter and suddenly he was unable to move at all inside of her. 
He leaned over her back, panting and dripping sweat, “Don’t..Don’t move,” he pleaded. She could feel him twitch inside of her. The feeling of it was euphoric. Every breath she pulled in tightened her belly and made her acutely aware of every inch of him, making her shudder and ripple with pleasure. 
Maya thought she might actually pass out with how much she was feeling all at once. She was both too hot and pleasantly burning. A matchstick, set alight. Maya moved ever so slightly, curving her hips away from him and froze when he let out a pained moan. She looked over her shoulder at him and he placed his hand on her lower back. 
“Stay still, baby. Just for a minute…let me just…” he was absently kissing and nibbling on her shoulder to placate her. 
“Are you okay?” Maya said, breathlessly. Paul let out a soft huff of air that almost sounded like a laugh. 
“Yeah, honey, I just… need to calm down a bit,” his other hand found her hip and he squeezed tightly. “You were so good for me, My.” He chuckled a bit as if just as taken aback as she was by their shared euphoria. 
Maya glowed at the praise but couldn’t help from wiggling at the sensation of him between her thighs. After a few moments, Paul eased out of her slowly as Maya collapsed completely on the bed. She turned over to stare up at him as he sat back on his knees, head lifted to the ceiling, as sweat poured off of him. She’d never seen him so…undone. 
Her eyes sparkled with delight and she couldn’t help but smile mischievously up at him. He took a few more breaths before lowering his head to gaze down at her and laughed again. 
“What?” he smiled that warm, signature smile of his and it made butterflies burst in her belly. 
“Nothing, you’re just…sort of beautiful, is all,” she replied softly. He nodded as if he hadn’t expected her to say anything else and got up with a groan, padding over to the bathroom. 
Maya propped herself up on the covers and waited until he came back with a warm washcloth. He gently cleaned between her legs and wiped himself off before collapsing on the bed next to her. Maya snuggled into the crook of his arm and in no time, they had both drifted off to sleep, their equal warmth radiating off one another. 
“I don’t think I’m going to make it this weekend either. The shipment just came in and it’s looking rough,” Maya could hear the crackle of disappointment in Paul’s voice as she hurried across campus. The biting cold made her nose run and hard pellets of snow pelted her forehead. Maya heard a distinct crashing sound on the line and couldn’t help but wince as an onslaught of expletives spilled from Paul’s mouth. 
“It’s okay. I’m just getting over this stupid cold anyway and I really need to meet with my thesis advisor this week to start getting plugged into my lab options,” Maya blew out a huff of air, walking through the quickly dispersing fog of it. She fished a tissue out of her pocket that Rosalie had kept stashed there for her and wiped her constant running nose. 
At least she was starting to feel better. Her labs had a wicked cold run through all the students and Maya was seemingly the last to recover. Everyone had been coughing and hacking for what felt like weeks. She felt like she was through the worst of it though and with her newfound surge of energy, she really wanted to dig into prep for her thesis. The spring semester always flew by and before she knew it, she would be in her final year as an undergrad at Columbia. The thought made her head spin. 
“My, it’s New Years. Shouldn’t you be enjoying yourself?” Paul reasserted. Maya pulled open the heavy door to the main library and relished at the warmth washing over her. 
She’d barely taken a break even over Christmas. Paul had planned to come see her for her Christmas break, but Jacob had held him back, citing some weird disappearance up North that he had to check in with the Cullens about in Alaska. So, Paul had stayed behind for the pack. 
Despite Paul’s effusive apologizing, it hadn’t bothered Maya at all. She and Rosalie and Emmett had spent a great weekend together. Truth be told, it was the most sleep Maya had gotten since she’d flown back after fall break. But still Paul had felt guilty for not coming sooner like he’d promised, despite Maya’s placating. 
“I enjoyed myself last week,” Maya breathed a sigh of relief as she unwound her scarf. Her lab was quiet during the weekends. “It’s fine, babe. Just come whenever the work stuff blows over, I’ll be here.” Maya reassured him. He sounded stressed and she just wanted to see him, but piling on him more wasn’t what he needed right now. “Did Jake make it back okay?”
“Yeah,” there was a long pause as Paul blew out breath and Maya unpacked her bag slowly. 
“And?” she prompted. 
“And,” Paul sounded distracted, “And I might have to go with him next time.” 
“Next time?” That piqued Maya’s curiosity. 
“Yeah, there’s apparently more going on up there than we thought. I’m not really sure on all the details but—Fuck! My, baby, I gotta go,” a flurry of voices sounded in the background, along with some very angry beeping. 
“Okay! Good luck,” she called out. 
“You too,” he managed before the line disconnected. Maya let out a sigh and stared down at her lab notebook. She wasn’t disappointed that he wasn’t going to make it out here for new years, but she had hoped they’d see each other sooner rather than later. 
At least there was still the work ahead of her. 
Maya sat on the lab stool, blew her nose for the millionth time, and dug into her work. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” Rosalie asked from behind Maya as she fluffed her perfectly curled blonde hair. Maya sighed and shook her head, adjusting her corset top with  Renaissance themed artwork painted across it. She had found it in the Village earlier that week on a rare shopping outing that Rosalie had insisted on. 
“I’m sure. I’m meeting everyone at Giordi’s in like half an hour,” Maya insisted. Her nose was only slightly red from the last little bit of her cold, but honestly it weirdly brightened her face. 
“Okay, well call me or Emmett if you’re over it and want a rescue,” Rosalie insisted. Maya nodded as she dusted her makeup brush across her bronzer and blended along the contours of her face. 
“I will, now go have fun!” Rosalie burst with a smile at that, so incredibly lovely and eerily glowing. Maya was never put off by their strange beauty, but more so fascinated by it. Like a scientist wanting to observe and study a new culture. Rosalie floated out of the room gracefully, her golden shift dress sparkling as she went. 
 Maya took a last sip of water, donned her heavy Gucci black puffer coat and zipped up the sides of her leather heeled boots. She promised herself she’d stay for at least a few hours, just until midnight, and then she could come home and crawl into bed. While her cold had dissipated, the stress of her thesis and subtly avoiding Arden had tanked her energy. 
She was exhausted, and the stress of it all wasn’t lending herself to sleeping well. She tossed and turned most nights and when she woke up, Maya would often text or even call Paul. It was like an impulse and just hearing his voice or seeing him type out a reply was like a salve to her anxiety. 
The walk to Giordi’s was only about six blocks, but Maya caught a cab anyway, using the excuse of her heeled leather boots to sink warmly into the backseat and nearly float away from the already persistent tiredness. 
The ride was short and as Maya spilled out of the cab, she watched as eager partygoers poured into the restaurant. There was a hidden club downstairs that flaunted an impressive amount of a space for how unassuming the little restaurant was. Maya made her way in with the crowd, scanning for her friends and cohort. 
It didn’t take long once she got downstairs to find them huddled around one side of the elongated bar. She bounced over and smiled, ready to put as much energy forward as she could muster and determined to have a good time. 
They all cheered in unison when they saw her and Jamie, her energetic lab partner pulled her into a side hug before handing her a shot of something. Maya took a whiff and nearly gagged. 
“This smells like lighter fluid, what is it?” she grimaced. Jamie and a few of the others laughed before knocking back their own shots. 
“It’s just vodka,” Jamie reassured her as she threw back her own shot, sans chaser. Maya felt like gagging but choked back the shot, feeling her stomach roil painfully. Not a good idea. 
“UGH!” she groaned, shaking her head. 
“Come on!” Toby, a boy in her cohort beckoned, “You gotta catch up, we’ve been here for at least an hour.” Maya shook her head aggressively and leaned on the bar to order a water. 
“No chance,” she called over her shoulder to them. They already looked pretty drunk, or on their way to being so, but Maya didn’t have any interest in getting hammered tonight. She was hoping to get up a little early tomorrow to get her outline finished and over to her thesis advisor. 
Have fun. Relax. That little voice inside of her head begged at her. Funny how it almost sounded like Pauls’ voice. She would have fun, just maybe not the drunken, disorderly fun they were all expecting on new years eve. 
Maya stayed close to her friends, sipping a diet coke she had lied and told them was spiked. They were all having a great time, and even she had to admit, she was having fun, even if she wasn’t dancing wildly in the pounding club like her friends. Instead, she stayed tucked into the bar, swaying her hips to the music and watching out as people cheered and bobbed to the crescendoing music. 
Maya glanced up at the giant digital clock suspended over the dance floor to denote the countdown to midnight. Only an hour left and she could sneak away. Her bed sounded amazing right now. As she turned to order a refill, she felt a warm presence sidle up behind her and before she could turn, a warm voice said in her ear: “Hey you.” 
Maya whipped around and looked up to see: “Noah!” she cried out. He laughed, his sweet, familiar face beaming down at her. She crashed into him in a tight hug that he joyfully returned. 
“What’s up, My-pie?!” he crooned. 
“When did you get back?!” He had been gone for the entire semester, studying at a sister college in the UK for his thesis and working closely with a think tank to develop some really exciting research about clean energy. 
“About an hour ago,” he looked down at his watch and laughed, “What are you drinking?” he nodded to the diet coke that the bartender slid back toward Maya. 
“Oh, uh, rum and coke?” she offered the lie easily and he nodded. The bartender asked what he wanted and he ordered a whiskey, neat. Maya arched an eyebrow. 
“Yeah, I’m not really looking to get hammered either,” he said genially as he leaned against the bar. Maya sagged with relief and smiled. “Jet lag,” he offered as an excuse. Maya nodded seriously and then broke out into a smile. Noah was here. 
They had barely seen each other since the summer and she really had missed him. They fell into easy conversation as well as they could around the pulsating music for a bit. Her crowd of friends barrelled back over once they saw Noah and demanded another round of shots. Maya insisted she had to use the bathroom and snuck off in search of it. 
“Hurry back!” Noah pleaded as he nodded toward the impending clock. Only fifteen minutes until midnight. The bar was being overrun with people trying to order a fresh drink before the new year. 
Maya weaved through the crowd and thankfully found the nearly empty bathroom. She quickly peed and took some deep breaths to try and quell her stomach that still hadn’t stopped panging angrily since that initial shot. In the stall next to her, someone heaved and threw up into the toilet. Maya tried to breathe through her mouth so as to avoid the smell of vomit sneaking under the stall, but it was no use. It hit her like a bus and before she knew it, she was arched over the toilet, spilling the contents of her stomach into the dirty toilet below. 
What the fuck was she doing here? Maya wiped the beading sweat away from her forehead and tried to gulp down some air before she threw up once more. With shaking hands she lifted herself up and staggered out to the sink. Now that the rogue shot was cleared from her stomach, she felt better, but was still shaking slightly with adrenaline. Her phone buzzed in her bag and Maya ignored it. 
Instead, she thoroughly rinsed her mouth out and popped a breath mint before braving the crowded club again. She was just going to tell Noah she was going to catch a cab home. It wasn’t worth it and she desperately wanted to be in her bed at this moment. 
If she was being honest with herself though, she desperately wished Paul was here. It wasn’t like the aching absence that the imprint had thrust upon her before—no that hadn’t happened since before fall break. Instead, it was just a present longing that threatened to make Maya tear up. The door to the bathroom swung open and a girl stumbled in, bracing herself on the sink next to Maya. 
Maya took another moment to wipe the sweat from her forehead and dampen the back of her neck with some cold water before she turned to leave, but the girl stopped her. 
“Hey! Oh, fuck,” the girl winced slightly and looked at Maya, her eyes not quite focusing on her. “Do you have a tampon?” 
“Oh!” Maya exclaimed as she started to dig in her purse, “Yeah, one sec,” as she rummaged in her purse, a pit fell to the bottom of her stomach. She grabbed the tampon from her full supply in her bag and handed it to the girl who slurred her thanks and trudged off toward an open stall. 
Maya stared vacantly at the door to the bathroom, trying to slow her breathing. The muffled sounds of the club beat just beyond the door and she wanted to go home. Now. 
As she made her way across the crowded dance floor to cheers and cries as the final few minutes to midnight began, she spotted Noah among a clump of her friends just off to the side of the dance floor. He caught her eye and waved frantically at her. Maya tried to keep her shoulders back and her mind clear so as not to give away any unnecessary worry on her face. 
“My! You almost missed it!” Noah cried out as he pointed to the clock overhead. The final minute until midnight began and people began cheering as the DJ lowered the music so people could countdown at the ten second mark. 
“Sorry, I just…I think I’m actually going to head home,” Maya yelled over the loud crowd chattering and hollering around her. 
“What?!” Noah shouted back as he leaned down to hear her better. 
“I think I’m gonna head home!” she repeated in his ear. Noah leaned up and looked at her face, opening his mouth as if to protest and then he looked behind her, his face cracking into a friendly smile. 
“TEN, NINE, EIGHT, SEVEN, SIX!” Maya’s eyes widened as she looked at Noah in confusion and then she heard a warm, deep voice in her ear. 
“There you are.” 
Maya whirled around and her heart nearly stuttered to a full stop as her mouth hung open in genuine surprise. 
“FOUR, THREE, TWO,” the crowd continued. 
“Paul!” Maya gasped as she automatically fell into his arms. 
“HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!” the crowd shouted in unison. 
Paul leaned down slowly, his arms wrapped warmly around her as his hands snaked her waists. He kissed her gently and Maya stood on her tiptoes, wrapping her arms up around his neck as she pressed more firmly into the kiss. All around them, people were kissing and cheering as sparkling confetti fluttered down from the ceiling and was caught glimmering in the lights of the club. When they finally pulled apart, Paul’s eyes were hooded with deep adoration. Maya couldn’t stop the tears from welling in her eyes now as the longing she felt just moments ago rapidly dissolved, replacing it with an overwhelming joy. 
“Happy new year, Maya,” he said warmly. 
“Happy new year,” she smiled, “You’re here.” 
“I am,” he said, swaying her gently from side to side as Auld Lang Syne played softly from the speakers and people sang along. “I figured, since I’d already missed a couple of our dates, I wasn’t going to be late to this one.” 
Late. Late. Late. Late. 
Maya’s heartbeat sped up and she smiled shakily. “I’m just glad you’re here now,” she shook her head and pressed her body more firmly against his. 
“Wouldn’t miss it,” he leaned down to kiss her forehead, turning her gently to the music, “I love you.” 
Maya closed her eyes and leaned her head against his chest, “I love you too.” 
Next > >
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pinkcupofcherrytea · 2 months
RoyEd Week 2024: Day One
Prompt: "Need a hand?"
Regency/Pride and Prejudice!AU, Friends (?) with Benefits, They Haven’t Confessed Yet But It’s A Thing For Sure, Involuntary Dancing.
Warnings: Some mentioned NSFW. Comment: This was supposed to be way longer and more strictly follow the Pride and Prejudice-formula (with added nsfw-scenes, lol). But I was lazy, and ran out of time, so this is what came of it in the end. Thanks to @royedweek2023 for hosting this week!❤️
[You are the bane of my existence. And the object of all my desires. - Bridgerton]
The opulence and brilliance of Lord Armstrong's ballroom had managed to give Roy a headache, or maybe it was just the continuous tittering of Mrs. Weignar that furthered it. Roy tries to be discreet, glancing around the hall until he catches Riza's dark blue dress in the corner.
Please, save me, he gestures.
No, she blinks back.
They have no sign for "you're evil" so Roy sighs and resigns himself to another evening of polite small talk and some equally polite fendering off the hands of sons and daughters of ambitious mothers wishing for a profitable union. Just as Roy considers using Aunt Chris's tried and true method of faking a fainting spell to get out of the conversation, a small buzz is heard close to the entrance, and he turns his head to catch the big smile of Maes and his wife, the latter clad elegantly in pale lavender and matching gloves.
Behind them stride two golden figures.
Roy grins inwardly, and politely bids Mrs. Weignar and her daughter goodbye. "I must greet my old friend Mr. Hughes, you see, hope you will excuse me."
"Mustang!" Maes greets jovially when Roy gets close. "Thought I'd see your face here. Now where is lady Hawkeye? Surprised to see her letting you lose on the innocent crowd."
"I thought it prudent to let him socialize, lest he closes himself of in his estate and decides to communicate with the world entirely through letters," Riza smoothly joins in.
"The both of you have such a low opinion on my character," Roy says, and the buzz of the hall isn't loud enough for the following mutter of "The correct opinion" to go unheard.
Roy smiles, turns toward the sound and makes sure his voice is annoyingly polite when he says, "Mr Elric, how nice of you to join us this evening."
Edward's eyes flashes when he tips his head back slightly to meet Roy's eyes. "Didn't have much of a choice."
"What my brother meant to say-" Alphonse smoothly cuts in, "is that it's always a pleasure to see you, Mr Mustang, Lady Hawkeye."
Riza greets both brothers and Roy nods warmly at Alphonse, but can't help but quickly look down (ha!) to meet Edward's eyes again. "It has been a while since our last acquaintance," Roy says. "The gathering at McDougal Hall, I believe?" Edward snorts. "I haven't exactly counted the days." Roy had. Considering it was the last time he'd had the chance to fuck Edward into a wall and bury his tongue in his mouth while doing it, Roy had in fact counted the days until he got to do it again. And from the brief flash in Edward's eyes when he mentioned the event, Roy would bet the young man has a similar idea. McDougal Hall was crowded and noisy. It was all too easy to slip away from the festivities and then find an empty room in what Roy was pretty sure was close to the servants' wing. Edward's eyes following him, ablaze, from the other side of the room, making sure his brother was busy dancing with a pretty brunette before sneaking after Roy. He pulls Edward into the room, and soon their usual dance of push and pull, warmth and wetness starts as they kiss deeply. The heat in Edward's eyes was finally put to rest when he closed his eyes and moaned into the kiss as Roy pulled his shirt out of his pants.
The Edward of now looked away, and accepted the glass Hughes gave him with a murmur of thanks.
The night continued, and despite some attempts to catch Edward alone, Roy gets pulled into conversation, and by the time he looks out over the hall again, the sky outside the windows is fully dark, and Edward is gone. Roy straightens and looks for the familiar shine of gold among those present, but only catches Alphonse talking happily to the Hugheses .
At least that meant Edward was still here.
As he starts to walk over to where his dearest friend is, Roy catches a flash outside one of the larger windows close to the door leading to the estate's rose-cladden balcony. Walking closer, he catches a glimpse of someone that was surely Edward walking down the steps into the sparsely lit up garden.
After making sure no one is looking his way, Roy slips out the door. He walks closer to the large balcony's edge and finally sees Ed's smaller figure sprawling on one of the stone benches down in the garden, surrounded by some smaller trees that probably gave the illusion of privacy. Leaning down on the cool stone, Roy allows himself a moment to just....watch.
Edward in silence and solitude was a rare occurrence, often only seen when catching him in the library with his nose stuck in a book, so Roy spends a few seconds looking as Edward tips his head back and visibly takes a couple of deeper breaths.
Roy pushes himself up from where he'd leaned on his elbow and leaves the glass on the balcony as he strides down into the garden.
A familiar, small wrinkle appears between Edward's eyebrows as he hears Roy get closer, but when he sees who it is it smooths out and he says, "Oh, it's only you."
"Do not sound so disappointed," Roy says, "It hurts my feelings."
"You have feelings?"
"Very funny."
"I always am." Edward makes a gesture with his gloved hand and Roy cannot hold back an undignified snort. He catches Edward grinning before he looks down. "What are you doing out here, anyway? Did you get tired of stomping at innocent debutantes' feet?"
Roy sits down on the bench next to Edward. "I don't know if you are insinuating that I am a bad dancer, or if you are sneakily trying to get me to abuse your poor feet, but I am willing to take you up on the challenge, Edward."
Edward glares at him. "Do I look like a high-strung debutanté to you? No- don't you dare, don't answer that question," Edward quickly adds as he sees Roy open his mouth to answer.
Roy grins at Edward, then cocks his head. "I do not think I've ever seen you abuse someone's feet, though, Edward, nor do I recall you successfully partaking in social dancing either. Maybe you should prove yourself capable before questioning my dancing skills."
“I don’t need to prove anything to you,” Edward says. “It’s not like I ever learnt how to dance, anyhow.”
He raises an eyebrow at Roy’s surprised blink, then throws his head back and groans, “For heaven’s sake, do you really believe that all people spend a significant amount of their childhood learning how to dance at these pompous events? I don’t know what silver spoon you were born with in your mouth, Mustang, but I had better things to do than learn the quadrille.”
Roy, in lack of anything else to say, says, “Yes, I’m sure your education was too preoccupied with other things rather than the fine arts, but you’ve spent more than eight months at the ton now, shouldn’t Hughes have made sure to have you taught by now?”
Edward just snorts, then closes his eyes again.
“Have better things to do, thanks.”
Roy remains silent at that and rises from the bench, stretching furtively before looking down at the golden crown of Edward's head.
Edward Elric inspired whispers wherever he went. Not so much for any specific action taken or honour besmirched, but rather for his entire being, his bearance and air, being eye-catching. It brought the air of scandalousness–his long hair tied behind him, his red coat and loud speech, short stature but carrying heavy steps–without there ever being any evidence of unconducted behaviour. It probably would be the cause of real concern for his guardians hadn't Edward shown a complete disregard for the attention and uproar his being naturally caused.
Always noticeable, that Mr. Elric, even when always preferring a book before hunting or riding. It wasn’t his lack of fortune that made mothers pull away their bright-eyed, eager daughters who fluttered around hoping to catch Edward’s fetching golden eye, rather it was the weary thought that surely that boy was too much, not proper, set to ruin their children’s honour…? Obsession was an unpredictable feeling, yet it was that very thing that Edward Elric, not yet twenty, inspired whenever he broke his solitude by accompanying his younger brother to social events.
Not marriageable for someone like Roy, certainly, with Edward’s dubious background. Hughes might have taken the two Elric brothers in and they might excel in their studies at university while being able to charm half the ton with their looks, but their lineage can barely be traced; orphaned and brought up in a small village by mere merchants, and while the Curtises, as it were, seems perfectly courteous in the letters they send, Edward is hardly born a gentleman.
And yet, here I am.
Roy puts his open palm in front of Edward's face, who flinches back in surprise.
Roy smiles, "Need a hand?"
Edward looks at his hand, looks up, then down again before he scoffs and accepts the assistance, only for Roy to pull him upward and forwards into his arms.
"What the-!"
"Be careful," Roy says, "I wouldn't want to accidentally step on a foot."
"Fuck you," Edward says as he tries to pull away, "I just told you, I don't know how to dance!"
"And how will you ever learn, dear Edward, if you never practice? Have in mind those who wish to dance with you, or you’ll break their hearts." Because Edward was caught by surprise, Roy manages to lead the two of them further in so they're more hidden by the thick branches above, while he simultaneously starts the steps of a Polish Waltz.
Edward stumbles on the steps. Tries to pull himself free while swearing at Roy rather excessively, in Roy's opinion.
"If you aren't quiet," Roy says, "we won't be able to match the music."
That brings Edward to a stop, and Roy can practically hear what music? before Edward catches the same thing Roy did. Either Roy left the balcony door open earlier, or someone's been out since, but the music from the ballroom can be vaguely heard from their place of hiding. The smooth sound of a violin; the whistling of a clarinet.Their [something] waltz is surely not matched by the current dancing inside, but Roy made the very rational decision the lead Edward into a dance where he has a smaller opportunity for escape.
Edward is quieter now as Roy pulls him back and forward. Roy catches himself smiling softly when Edward looks down and makes an actual attempt to match his steps to Roy's.
"Eyes up," he reminds and Edward snatches his head up to scowl at Roy.
"I'm trying, am I not?"
"That you are," Roy says, and then briefly lets go of Edward's waist to tap him on his sinking chin again and Edward quickly raises his head, "But still, don't look down."
Edward grumbles something--probably untoward--but surprisingly obeys and attempts to follow the steps while stubbornly glaring at Roy with a truly spectacular scowl.
There is something warm in the pit of Roy’s stomach, aching gently as they both move in what must be the most rudimentary dance of waltz Roy’s ever performed. 
He finds that he doesn’t mind that. Not at all.
"See?" Roy points out after they did a successful turn, and managed to not step into a well-maintained flowerbed. "You're a natural."
Edward huffs out a laugh, more of a grunt than anything, but when he tips his head back to meet Roy’s eyes the light from the estate behind them makes the gold in Edward’s eyes glow even brighter, and Roy is, for a moment, breathless.
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the-boney-rolls · 6 months
The Great Covid Beatles Binge, Day 1: Nowhere Boy
I am stuck in bed with Covid and have decided to spend my time binging all the Beatles movies, docs and biopics I've never gotten around to. Up first, Nowhere Boy (2009)
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OK this opening shot is actually stunning? The first chord of A Hard Day's Night and John running through Liverpool and stumbling just like in that movie. STRONG opener!
“Do I ignore you? No. So please don’t ignore me.” makes me think of "Don’t 'nore me Mimi!"
Oh Uncle George! I don’t know if their relationship was really this lighthearted and warm but it breaks my heart to think that sweet John couldn’t have a positive father figure in his life for long, he clearly needed that. 
John making weird little sounds while he doodles and then doesn’t even know that he’s being asked about his favorite guy. “Churchill sir!”
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This poor actress has really been type cast as Messy Mom. I feel like she usually plays meaner/more fucked up characters though so I was skeptical, but I like her in this after all.
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"I Put a Spell on You" really is a sexy song, damn.
So in the context of this movie, these scene doesn't even feel all that scandalous. This entire movie to this point (and going forward) has been framed a romance between John and Julia, so by the time you get here it's like yeah, I guess that's what we're doing. The writer of this movie read that one quote of John's talking about having feelings of attraction to Julia and really went WILD with it.
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I'm shocked that they didn't try to find some way to get the song "Yes It Is" into this movie. Clearly someone has a theory:
If you wear red tonight Remember what I said tonight For red is the color that my baby wore
Anyway, this forest scene was hot.
I love Aunt Mimi and John teaming up to haggle with the man for a better price on the guitar. “That’s not very good is it John?” “Borderline mediocre if you ask me”
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What is going on with this lodger and Aunt Mimi! I feel like I'm getting a vibe.
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OK unsurprisingly, I need there to be like %1000 more significance placed on this scene.
I'm gonna pause here to talk about casting. I don't believe that actors need to look just like the subjects they're portraying, it's more important that they can carry out the essence of the character, but I do feel like sometimes, with certain characters, there are some aspects of appearance that are important. Like I think it is important that Paul is very pretty, both for his own character and for John's perception of him. And in this instance, the John actor is just objectively much prettier than the Paul actor and that's simply wrong. John would never in a million years say this little boy looks like Elvis!
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This scene is such a mess, this movie is just making shit up now. Julia at literally every one of their gigs. John being weirdly jealous of Paul's relationship (??) with Julia. Paul being a great and confident lead guitarist! This last point in particular gets me because if that were the case, what's the point in bringing in George? Which happens in the next scene! There's absolutely no build up, it's just like here's George.
Justice for George, once again a nonentity in a Beatles movie. At least in Backbeat he had a couple funny lines.
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Mimi made him birthday dinner and bought him a new guitar!! But he didn't show! Excuse me while I sob. This trope always gets me. I think the relationship between John and Mimi is my favorite part of this movie.
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Ah the infamous punching scene. It really must have especially irked Paul that it was in the context of John grieving for his mother. Like, how dare they take this thing that was such a tender, emotional bonding experience for the two of them and make it into a display of John's macho anger.
Make me think -- WHAT would John have thought of this movie??
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"In Spite of All the Danger," my beloved! This song is so good. Peter Jackson, please work your AI magic on the record to give us a cleaned-up version! I'm so McLennon-pilled though that it's very weird to see it in this context. Also, it's mostly a Paul song!
“Hamburg? Humbug!” Mimi, I love you!
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OK sobbing. And as "Mother" plays the movie out? It's on the nose but it's working for me.
Overall, a fine movie. The whole concept of the movie as essentially a romance between John as his mother is questionable at best! But there were a lot of lovely shots of Liverpool and I did like Aaron Taylor-Johnson as John. He captured John's silly, playful side that you don't often see. Definitely the Mimi/John relationship was the best and most authentic feeling part of this movie, so I am glad that it ended on that note.
Next up, Give My Regards to Broad Street!
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gray-lord-cat · 27 days
ACTIVE SOARING - Reiner x OC fem reader// CHAP 1 "White dreams"
“White dreams”
YEAR 845
No, wait
Just a little more, it’s that dream again
I need to know how it ends
“Victoria Orpheus”
Shit, it’s gone. What was… that dream? I can’t remember it anymore. I hate this feeling.
White dream id the feeling of having had a dream experience without being able to remember it entirely. I hate it.
“What is it, Manon?” I ask my sister while rubbing my eyes, still distressed about having my dream interrupted. I haven’t slept well in a while, I hope I don’t end up with Dad’s eyebags.
“They’re back! They’re finally back!”
“Who’s back?”
“The Survey Corps”
I let a big yawn and roll under the bed sheets again. “okay”
“’Well’?” God, please, let me rest
“Aren’t you going to come with me to see them? Come on, we don’t usually travel to this part of the Walls! It’s an opportunity that we can’t always have!”
“Yet, you always sneak out to see them. Every. Single. Time. Sometimes you even run away for days just to see them. And mom always gets mad at me for getting you out of sight.”
“And I always beg for forgiveness and get the beating.”
“You’re not sorry though, if you still do it.”
“No, in fact, I’m not” she winks at me
I sigh and close my eyes again, ignoring my insisting twin sister.
There’s no doubt she’s my twin, we’re the same, physically speaking. Sometimes not even our parents can guess who’s who. Our art name, the one that the circus fans gave us, “The Twin Redbirds”, speaks for itself as both my sister and I have curly red hair. We are amateur trapezes, under the guidance of our mother, Miranda Orpheus (before Jaques) alias “Moira”, the main trapeze dancer of the circus.
However, Manon and I know very well how different we are.
Manon is impulsive, stubborn, and direct yet very empathetic and childish. Even though we travel a lot due to the traveling circus, she always managed to make friends thanks to her friendly and extroverted personality. However, partially being my fault, she suddenly grew this habit of seeing the world in black and white.
Thanks to our aunt Lara, we secretly grew to share her curiosity about the world beyond the Walls and decided to see it for ourselves. This led Moira to develop a scornful attitude towards anyone content to live and die within the Walls' confines without ever setting foot outside. As a result of this, he greatly admired the soldiers of the Survey Corps, regarding them as "heroes" and wishing to join their ranks as soon as he became eligible for enrollment. She also developed a marked lack of self-restraint that often led her into trouble, causing me, Mom, dad, and the entire circus to worry. 
I know, she knows. We obviously don’t care, but our differences are causes of many fights.
“So you’re fine like this? Like an animal in a cage? Trapped in here?”
“Please not this again, I just woke up”
“You agree with me, I know you do. I know you want to seek the truth but as much as me. Don’t you want to see the ocean, people who don’t look like us, to be able to speak new languages, to try new food, to pet mysterious animals? You said you always wanted to see a zebra”
“We don’t even know if those books tell the truth and if any of those things exist”
“… why are you like this now? You were so eager to investigate and now you’re like these”
“what to do mean?”
“Since Aunt Lara died, you lost hope to look further the walls. You are like a slave to this hypocritic lie the monarchy foisted on us”
“you know why. If we continue we are going to end up like her. Dead in a tremendous way. I don’t want you to get hurt, or worse die. I love you, you’re my sister, you can’t leave me. Also, lower your voice when you give voice to your thoughts.”
“excuse you”
“you heard me. You’re a pussy” I can see her sly smile, I know she’s teasing me, even though I suspect she mean it this time.
“you little-” I throw my pillow to her face as she dramatically falls on the bed and tries to tickle me
“c’mon Vi, don’t you wanna see Commander Erwin Smith all bloody and swe-”
This time I’ll go with her.
I’ll follow her every chance I get. Just to know she’s safe and happy.
“They're gonna open the front gate!” she’s too excited to see the suicidal corps. And Commander Erwin Smith.
“Yes, Manny, I can see it”
“c’mon, let's go see the heroes return, Vicky!” She takes my hand and drags me closer to the anxious crowd. With the corner of my eye, I see a little boy, possibly my age, doing the same exact thing to another little girl on the other side of the road. Ah, the dreadful fate of older sisters (me being older by almost an hour is a privilege I always rub in Manon’s face).
“Damn! I can't see… ah here! … they're the only ones who made it back?”
“Everyone else must've gotten eaten”
There’s an uncomfortable silence between the people watching. The young ones are watching the soldiers in a stupor, some whisper prayers of comfort, others are looking at them with pity, others with disgust, I can see mothers looking for their children
“Moses! Moses!”
Oh no
An elderly woman with gray long hair and poorly dressed stand out of the crowd and stops a soldier, grabbing him by the collar.
“Excuse me, I don't see my son Moses anywhere. Do you know where he is?”
This is Moses' mother.
“So you’re Moses' mother. Go get it.”
I swear I saw her eyes light up for a moment just for the realization to hit.
“It's all we could retrieve.”
The soldier hands her the remaining of her son and she slowly unwraps them, frenetically. It’s his arm, Moses is just an arm now.
“But... my son...he was helpful, yes?” the woman falls to her knees and tries to blather, her eyes staring at… nothing really, even if her head is turned to the soldier in front of her.
“Even if he didn't achieve direct greatness...surely my son's death helped humanity fight back, yes?!” she screams scratching her throat up as she cries hysterically.
Silence. A blow of wind seems to rouse the brown-haired soldier.
“Of course...!” he shouts, trying to comfort the grieving mother
Silence again
“No... On this latest scouting mission, we...No...Just like all the other missions...we achieved nothing at all! My incompetence has done nothing but needlessly send soldiers to their deaths! We haven't found out anything about them!”
Well, shit
“let’s go” Manon whispers to me. I see tears forming in her big eyes. As I said she believes in the cause, but she’s just an empathetic kid. Still, I silently nod a take her hand in mine, walking away.
“the show is in a few hours, maybe it will cheer up the village” And you, Moira. You always loved to fly
“Don't try to cheer me up, I’m not sad,” said the tearful girl
“I just stated a fact” I shrug and then kiss her cheek, like she always does me
“Thanks, Vi”
this is my first fic ever and English isn't my first language so I apologize if I get something wrong. I do accept criticism so please help me improve my writing skills. As for "Active Soaring", I want it to be almost like a side story where the OC (who will be in close contact with the other major characters, of course) has her own character development and dream to achieve. The story still is a Reiner x reader, but it will be a slow burn (not too slow, but a little angst considering Reiner's development in the manga).
thank you if you've come this far reading!
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simshousewindsor · 1 year
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[Atlantica Park, Brindleton Bay]
Shelby: Your Royal Highness, welcome back home! 
Prince Rainier: Thank you, Shelby.
Shelby: Please, come in.
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Shelby: Lady Danberry is in the sitting room.
Prince Rainier: I haven't been here since...
Shelby: (shocked) Oh! Again, I’m so sorry for your loss, your grace.
Prince Rainier: I appreciate that, Shelby.
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Lady Danberry: How is the tea, dear?
Prince Rainier: Good!
Lady Danberry: Shelby makes amazing tea. She went from being my assistant to also a housekeeper and cook!
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Prince Rainier: Shelby is your goddaughter! She’s here so you can introduce her to Society not be your assistant! I’ll hire you a chef and proper assistant.
Lady Danberry: That would be lovely! So, how are things with you? How is Kate and the children? How is life in “the firm” going?
Prince Rainier: Things could be better.
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Lady Danberry: Royal life can be difficult, dear. I’m sure the last few months have been even harder also grieving the loss of your family. For me, now living in their house has been hard, and also healing! I see my dear brother in every room.
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Prince Rainier: Kate’s pregnant again. I wanted to tell you in person. The palace is rushing to announce it but we want to wait until her second trimester. We are so busy with engagements to effectively parent Phillip and Grace, and our schedules are only getting busier, and now another baby!?
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Lady Danberry: Rainier, she didn't get pregnant alone! You have to take responsibility for your part and grief is not an excuse. Remember, children are a blessing! This should be a happy time for you.
Prince Rainier: My life feels out of control right now. Dad always knew just what to say.
Lady Danberry: “Control” is something you relinquished when you married the heir to the throne. How much control do you expect to have as consort when Kate becomes Queen?
Prince Rainier: A lot!
Lady Danberry: Dear, boy. Let’s take a walk.
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Lady Danberry: The gardens here are so beautiful in the Spring. Your mother kept them so well maintained! Thank you again for letting me move here, dear. It’s still hard to believe they’re gone. My dear brother, he was the kindest one of us all!
Prince Rainier: Of course, Aunt Agatha. Mom and Dad wouldn't want anyone else living here but you! I’m happier knowing you’re closer. You know, Atlantica was purchased by my mothers ancestor, Lord Zuri Walker, The Earl of Emirates in 1800. It’s remained in our family since!
Lady Danberry: I know! Your mother loved telling the history of the estate. (laughs)
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Prince Rainier: (sighs) I think about them every day. I reach for my phone to call or text them countless times a day before I remember they’re gone.
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Lady Danberry: We still have each other!
Prince Rainier: Do you think he was proud of me?
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Lady Danberry: Your father was so proud of you, Rainier! He loved you dearly. My brother would want nothing more than for you to be happy, whatever that may be. It’s okay to mourn but you can't let this grief overtake your happiness! You have a beautiful wife and two gorgeous children. Focus on the joy! 
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Prince Rainier: I’m trying.
Lady Danberry: Keep trying. This baby will be such a good thing for you. You can't control everything. Who cares if the palace wants to announce Kate’s pregnancy? Let them. Focus on the joy!
Prince Rainier: Thank you, Aunt Agatha. I really needed this visit today.
Previous | Beginning | Next
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phoenixthemenace · 1 year
Till Death
Day 8. Loss of Control
Roy stormed through his destroyed bedroom and out into the house. Sir was gone and the wreckage he left in his wake was devastating. He found the phone, one of the few things not destroyed and dialed a number he knew by heart.
"Hello, may I speak to Joanne please? Hey Jo, you got any plans tonight? Great. I'll pick you up at six."
He hung up but didn't replace the receiver. He dialed a number from the list of emergency contacts on the wall beside the phone. He had had enough, his promise to his mother be damned.
"Hello? Yes, I'd like to report an assault."
It was a long, hard day. While he waited for the police to arrive he leafed through the phone book and scheduled an appointment that afternoon for his mother to meet with an attorney.
It was a fight to get her to go, or to even file a police report. They fortunately had an officer respond that was sympathetic to abuse victims. Between him and Roy, they managed to convince her that she didn't need to live this way any longer.
Johnny’s aunt came over after the officer left to help clean. Her eyes were suspiciously red and she gave Roy a long hard look, but didn't say anything.
Johnny never appeared, and when Roy left for his date, his bedroom window was dark. Which darkened Roy's already abysmal mood.
Joanne sensed it the moment she got into the car and asked several times if he was okay. He brushed it off and by the time they reached the burger joint he was managing a fair impersonation of his normal self.
They had an enjoyable evening and after they'd finished, Roy drove them into the hills.
"Roy?" She asked, puzzled, when he pulled off onto a darkened overlook. It was a bit cliché he thought, darkly amused.
"I thought maybe we could have some quiet time together." He said with what he hoped was an encouraging smile. She saw it as strange and forced.
"Okay. Do you want to talk about what's been bothering you?"
"Nothing has been bothering me."
She just looked at him. He sighed and held out an arm.
"Come here?" He asked softly. She smiled and slid across the seat, tucking herself beneath his arm, snug against his side. It was comfortable and familiar.
But it didn't stir him.
He gently kissed her, and she returned in kind. They'd done this before, too. He still felt cold so he picked up the pace and deepened their kisses. She wrapped her arms around him, sliding one into his hair. He allowed his hands to wander as he slowly laid her down on the seat.
She broke the kiss.
"Roy." She gasped.
"Hmm?" He mumbled trailing kisses down her throat.
"Roy, I don't think…" He captured her mouth again. He still felt nothing.
His mind wandered and suddenly he was picturing another set of lips, another body, and his arousal surged.
He broke the kiss with a growl, and glared down at the woman beneath him.
"Roy." She said, angry now as his hand slipped beneath her shirt. "Stop."
She slapped him, but he grabbed the swinging arm and held it. His large hand wrapped around her breast. She cried out, struggling to get away as he tightened his grip.
She slapped him again, fear coursing through her at the strange look in his eyes.
The third time she struck him with a closed fist. He jerked backwards in surprise and she was able to get her knee between them and shove them further apart. He still had hold of her, but a fourth ringing slap finally brought him to his senses. Horrified by his own actions he backed away, pressing tight against the driver's door.
"Oh my God." He whispered. "Jo I-"
Terror gave way to fury. She sat up and slapped him again. Then again.
"Don't you dare!" She wept, sliding against the opposite door. "Don't you dare make excuses. Take me home. Now."
Still stunned and remorseful he drove to her house in silence.
"Jo, please-" He started when pulled into her driveway. She just looked at him sadly. She knew him well enough that she could see his shame in every line of his body.
"Why Roy? We agreed not to until we were married."
"I…I don't know." He said softly. "Maybe…maybe I'm Sir's son after all."
The silence was suffocating.
"Goodbye, Roy."
He didn't go home that night. He had too much thinking to do. Tomorrow was graduation. His plan was to go to the fire academy the following fall, now he wasn't certain that was the right path for him.
His loss of control revolted him. His body's reactions revolted him. He had to get out of his car and be sick. He'd driven to another overlook, and once he'd emptied his stomach, he sat on the hood and stared, sightless at the city.
He was so confused. How could he have these feelings for another man? Boy, actually, Johnny was only sixteen. He felt dirty. Embarrased. Ashamed.
He needed to go someplace where no one knew him. Or Joanne. Or Johnny. Someplace where he could get his thoughts and body under control.
Someplace to learn discipline.
By dawn he had his plan.
That afternoon he broke his mother's heart by announcing he had enlisted in the army and was leaving the following day. He wouldn't explain the bruise on his cheek.
That evening he graduated from high school. Joanne looked at him with fear and heartbreak in her eyes.
That night, as he was preparing to leave, the window opposite his remained dark. He tried not to notice and failed miserably.
The sooner he left, the better.
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tkc-info · 2 years
Just a Kiss
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Day 11 - tale
@wagner-fell @chibi-tsukiko @littleturtle95
“‘No one shall be my wife but she whose foot this golden slipper fits,’” a faint pause “Then were the two sisters glad, for they had pretty feet. The eldest went with the shoe into her room and wanted to try it on, and her mother stood by. But she could not get her big toe into it, and the shoe was too small for her.”
Alice stopped behind the door —left ajar most likely by one of the younger kids— and peeked inside the drawing room. Aunt Agnes, the owner of the storyteller’s voice, was sitting on a Victorian rocking chair, her unending sea of mourning-black skirts the perfect mattress for Alice’s two-year old brother Augustus and Ziba, also two, to nap on.
Nada and Kay, four, and Kannan and Ira, seven, sat on the floor facing Aunt Agnes in a semi-circle. Each of their childish eyes reflected eagerness to hear the unraveling of a story they were well-acquainted to, as well as that lingering terror you ought to feel when Aunt Agnes related one of her twisted tales. A few steps away from them, Esfandiyar sat on a high-backed settee. And beside him, his boyfriend. Yitian.
Unlike Esfandiyar, Yitian was laying on the couch. His head was on Esfandiyar’s lap, at one extreme of the settee, while his legs hung off the other extreme. Yitian was tall; it was the second thing Alice had noticed about him, having been his unparalleled kindness the second.
“Then her mother gave her a knife and said, ‘Cut the toe off; when thou art Queen thou wilt have no more need to go on foot,’” Aunt Agnes continued. Alice was accustomed to the duality of her, but she supposed people who weren’t would be unnerved by her gentle voice paired up with her full-mourning Victorian attired and choice of child entertainment. Yitian certainly looked unnerved by her “The maiden cut the toe off, forced the foot into the shoe, swallowed the pain, and went out to the King’s son. Then he took her on his horse as his bride and rode away with her. They were, however, obliged to pass the grave, and there, on the hazel tree, sat the two pigeons and cried— oh, Alice, dear, you’re here!”
Alice’s back straightened. She’d been staring at the line of poorly-concealed disgust Yitian’s mouth drew along his face, and had thus been unable to notice Aunt Agnes gaining notice of her presence. Now everyone but Augustus, who slept still, had their eyes turned on her.
Yitian smiled brightly. Esfandiyar arched an eyebrow at her; ‘I’m here on babysitting duty, what’s your excuse?’ his expression let on. Alice paid him no heed.
“Do you need someone to play the pigeons?” she asked, unfazed, with a wide grin “I make wonderful pigeons.”
Amid high-pitched ‘yes!’ from the kids, Aunt Agnes clapped her hands together in delight. “Please, do. Your characterisations are brilliant.”
From the corner of her eye, Alice caught Esfandiyar huffing. He bent down to whisper something into his boyfriend’s ear which made Yitian focus on Alice. She could practically feel his curiosity piercing her back as she entered the drawing room. Alice morphed into a bat —the abrupt shift in her anatomy so easy it struck her as sinful— and swerved to the chandelier, where she hung down from, and then, finally, re-morphed into her humanoid form. The whole room turned upside down, Alice felt she possessed enough confidence to look Yitian in the eye.
Yitian smiled, and she smiled back.
Aunt Agnes cleared her throat. “As I was saying: ‘the maiden and the King’s son were, however, obliged to pass the grave, and there, on the hazel tree, sat the two pigeons and cried,” she flicked her blue eyes to Alice.
“Turn and peep, turn and peep; There’s blood within the shoe; The shoe it is too small for her; The true bride waits for you,” Alice recited.
She made her voice part in two: high-pitched and shrieking, and low and wise at the same time. All while rocking forward and backward, and letting her row of teeth and mouth and jaw elongate to give her face a touch of monstrosity. Just to add a little bit of drama to her intervention.
Yitian looked appalled.
Aunt Agnes continued telling her story, and Alice offered her voice wherever was due, and Yitian continued looking perturbed.
“Afterwards, as they came back, the elder was at the left, and the youngest at the right, and then the pigeons pecked out the other eye of each. And thus, for their wickedness and falsehood, they were punished with blindness as long as they lived,” Aunt Agnes finished “The end.”
The kids rose one by one. Ira begged his mother for another story, while Kay shouted at Alice to repeat the pigeons’s chant. Aunt Agnes intercepted the later boy and shushed him down. “You can’t expect dearest Alice to be with you all the time.”
It took Alice a moment to realise her aunt had said that because Yitian was making his way toward her. Of course, Alice would rather spend time with a boy his age than with little siblings. Of course.
Yitian had closed the distance between them in two gigantic steps, and she —still hanging upside down— felt something within her stir. An echo of Someone whispering that she already knew Yitian, that she’d known countless Yitians all throughout her life.
Alice pushed those thoughts aside.
She arched a brow at him. “You left your boyfriend on the settee,” indeed, Esfandiyar hadn’t moved from his seat. Although he was staring at them with a hint of curiosity in his brown eyes.
Yitian shrugged. “I never thought I’d be afraid of an imlium, but you’re positively terrifying.”
“Am not. I was simply raised by Aunt Agnes.”
He looked at the woman in question for a brief moment. She was kneeling on the ground, offering a now-awake Augustus a taxidermic rat. “Sometimes I wonder how she and Madeleine can be twins and yet so different.”
“You haven’t met twins that are truly different,” Alice argued. Neither had her, but the echo at the back of her mind said she had. Her throat constricted around an invisible object, a feeling of fear she knew all too well. She grinned in an attempt to hide it “Really, they’re strikingly similar at core.”
She moved to nudge his chest with a knuckle, and when she did, it was like a trigger being pulled. A thought crossed her mind: what if I give him just a kiss?
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fantastic-rambles · 2 years
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Fandom: Sk8 the Infinity
Characters: Tadashi Kikuchi, Ainosuke Shindo (ADAM), Ainosuke Shindo's aunts (mentioned)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.5k
Summary: When Ainosuke and Tadashi find a stray kitten, it of course falls upon Tadashi to take care of it. [Written for Tadashi Kikuchi Week 2022 | Day 6: Pet]
"And let my aunties know that I won't be home for dinner tonight," Ainosuke finished. Tadashi nodded, adding a final note to his substantial to-do list before they stopped at the car. As he opened the door for his master, a small noise caught his attention, and he glanced down, looking for the source of the sound.
"Please excuse me."
Carefully, Tadashi lowered himself to his knees to peer under the chassis, acutely aware of the bemused scarlet eyes watching him. He heard the noise again, and his eyes shifted to behind the rear wheel, spotting a small, shivering lump huddled beside the tire. As he slowly extended a hand toward it, it hissed, and he felt small pinpricks of pain on his palm as he froze.
"It's alright," he tried to reassure the animal, waiting for a moment before continuing to reach out to it. This time, it let him wrap his hand around it, gently extracting it from its hiding place and getting to his feet again. Ainosuke was craning his neck, trying to see what he was holding, so after Tadashi had it cradled safely in his palms, he opened up his hands to reveal a dirty, bedraggled kitten. It looked around itself with wide eyes before mewing again in a weak voice.
"It may have gotten separated from its mother," Tadashi speculated while Ainosuke stared at it, fascinated. "After I drop you off at your event, I'll bring it to a shelter."
"Why don't we keep it?"
Tadashi frowned, and Ainosuke reached out to rub its head gently, looking slightly awed. Neither of them had ever had a pet before, and a young animal would be even more difficult to take care of than an older one. And more than likely, the majority of that burden would fall upon Tadashi: as much as he respected the other man, when it came to day-to-day management, Ainosuke could be somewhat hopeless. He was an exceptional politician, of course, but his staff were diligent in ensuring that he didn't need to concern himself with trivialities. But then Ainosuke looked up at him, his eyes shining.
"Alright," Tadashi agreed with a sigh, and he was rewarded with a dazzling smile.
"Thank you, Tadashi!"
Carefully, Ainosuke slipped his hands under the kitten, taking it from Tadashi and rubbing its nose with his own. It probably wasn't worth pointing out that it was unhygienic—they had no idea where it had been—so Tadashi let it go, stepping into the driver's seat and pulling out of the parking lot. If they delayed for any longer, Ainosuke might end up late, which was unacceptable.
He kept an eye on his master in the rearview mirror as they headed to the lecture hall, but Ainosuke simply seemed fascinated by the kitten, continuing to pet it gently while he cradled it against his chest. The kitten itself seemed to have calmed down, at least enough that it wasn't trying to get away from Ainosuke. Its claws weren't strong enough to do any serious damage, but it still wouldn't be good for him to show up with scratched-up hands. But they managed to arrive without incident, and Ainosuke reluctantly left the kitten, wrapped up in his handkerchief, in the passenger seat.
"Change of plans. I assume you'll be keeping it with you?" Ainosuke asked, still leaning forward in the backseat, and Tadashi nodded.
"That seems to be the reasonable course of action," he agreed. They could hardly give the kitten the whole run of the mansion, and even the maids didn't come into his room: he took care of the cleaning himself to avoid their moving things around and misplacing important files. So if they were going to raise a cat, it would be the best place to avoid prying eyes and questions. Even though Ainosuke owned the family home, his aunts could be immensely troublesome to deal with.
"In that case, I'll join my aunties for dinner after all. And then I'll come to your room afterwards," Ainosuke decided, leaning back and straightening his suit.
"Understood, sir." Tadashi stepped out of the car to open the door for Ainosuke. After watching to make sure that the man had made it safely inside the building, Tadashi looked up information on veterinary clinics, heading to the closest one that accepted walk-in visits to have the kitten checked for diseases or any other issues. While it was being examined, he continued to review information on raising a cat on his phone, taking note of the various supplies that would be needed to keep it healthy and limit its range of destruction. As he'd suspected, it seemed like it would be quite a handful to take care of, though perhaps he ought to simply be grateful that it wasn't a puppy.
The checkup came back with a clean bill of health, other than some malnutrition, and Tadashi listened carefully to the vet's instructions while double-checking some of the information he had found online with the woman. And then he headed to the store to buy everything they'd need to take care of it before returning to the manor.
It wasn't difficult to bring it back to his room—Ainosuke's aunts, who would have objected, generally ignored his existence unless they needed him to run an errand. By the time he finished giving it a bath with a damp towel and setting it up in a corner of his bedroom, it was nearly time to pick up Ainosuke, so he headed back out.
Ainosuke was clearly in a good mood as he reunited with Tadashi. He couldn't tell whether his master had received a better reception than he'd expected, or if he was looking forward to seeing the kitten again, but he quickly received an answer when he returned to the driver's seat.
"So, how is the little darling doing?"
"It seems to be fine," Tadashi reassured the man. "When I left, it was eating the food I set out for it."
"The poor dear. It must have been famished. Of course, you made sure to pick out the best food for it, right? Do you know if it's male or female?"
"Of course," Tadashi agreed. He'd been fairly certain that Ainosuke would insist on it, so he'd decided to not add to his own work. "And the veterinarian says that it's female."
"Female! Lovely! And what about a name?"
"I thought I'd leave that up to you." Truthfully, though, Tadashi hadn't even considered the issue of a name. But it also made sense for Ainosuke to name it, since he was the one who'd wanted to keep it in the first place. So he simply listened to Ainosuke hum as he seemed to think it over on their ride home. When they turned into the driveway, the man finally spoke up.
"So what do you think about Salome, seeing as the princess has captured our hearts already? She has quite an alluring figure as well, don't you think?"
"It seems as good a name as any."
"Oh, Tadashi, don't give me that. I'm asking you for your opinion."
There was a hint of reproof in Ainosuke's words, but Tadashi just shrugged.
"Whatever name you give it is fine with me. Really."
"Her," Ainosuke corrected him with a sigh as Tadashi turned off the engine. "Salome it is, then. Well, wish me luck with my dear aunts."
"Good luck," Tadashi replied obediently as they headed up to the mansion together. They split up by the formal dining room: Ainosuke to join his aunts, while Tadashi continued on to the kitchen to eat with the rest of the servants. After he finished, he returned to his room to work on the plans for Ainosuke's next appearance at Crazy Rock until a knock came on his door.
The moment he opened his door, Ainosuke swept inside, looking around the room expectantly.
"So? Where is she?"
"Please wait a moment." Tadashi retreated to his bedroom to take Salome out of her enclosure. When he returned to his office, he offered her to Ainosuke, who accepted the kitten with the same expression of slight awe as he'd had earlier.
"Oh, my poor Salome. How could Tadashi be so cruel as to lock you away, all on your own? But not to worry! I'm here for you now!" he cooed at the kitten as he sat down on the couch. While he played with her, Tadashi returned to his desk to continue working. He'd just finished the draft of the plans for Ainosuke's review when he sensed the other man approaching him. Turning around, he saw that Ainosuke was still holding Salome, who seemed to be dozing, but now he had a soft smile on his face.
"Thank you, Tadashi."
And Tadashi smiled back. Taking care of Salome would be yet another chore on his seemingly endless list, but it was worth it if it made his master happy.
"You're welcome."
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solis-angelus · 5 months
A Plea for Some Helpful Advice
(short vent? Underneath)
I'm being very mature about my gradually spiraling mental health which shows it's face in forms of sudden bouts of anger, hatred and mostly crying. I feel hatred and envy and jealousy and vengeance and whatever whatever towards almost all of my family members, each at different random moments of time. I never felt this way even a year ago. (Because i used to? idk? Really love and appreciate my family. My family has no reason to deserve hatred and anger and jealousy from me..well other than some reasons but none thats of imminent concern or a direct and expected case of family conflict.)
I don't know what's happening with me but what I do know is that it's getting incredibly difficult to not draw attention to myself, in the form of desperate on-the-verge-of-crying nagging to my mother to talk to me, praise me, pay attention to me etc, sudden shouting, or bad behavior in general. And this scenario becomes ten times worse when I count in that I am involved in a joint family structure. We are visiting my aunt's house tomorrow and I'm hoping to just wing the interactions instead of excessively worry and counterproductively predict my bad behavior with family.
So, the aforementioned (in the first line) step of solving this thing is— obviously running away from home. And that is what I'm going to do. Not in the bad connotations no, I'll be civil and behave like a normal human being and rely on my "increased college exposure" excuse to get myself a college in a faaaaaaar away state, that the family won't be able to visit often. It's gonna hurt like HELL to not be able to hug my mother in person, and I know it's gonna be sad for her as well.
She doesn't want me to go. Since my father passed in 2021, we've taken in my cousin brother (whose parents are incapable of parenting). Taking care of a child at her age is no cakewalk (i help obviously). Our presence presence helps each other a lot, just seeing the other's face after a long day is the anchor to this tiring life we've found ourselves in. And I really have no reason to actually go out of city this early. Other than the aforementioned spiral into insanity. and also because if I stay in this city, I'll have to devote a lot of time to my cousin brother (aged 7, so u can understand what i mean). Both taking care of him and his academics as well as existing for his secure attachment relationship etc whatever etc. Plus there's always something or the other up with my aunts and uncle, and being the eldest's (my mother's) daughter, and being their reliable long term unofficial therapist, the duties fall on my back like they belong there. And juggling all this family, plus travel time to and fro my college and home, I won't get much extra time to STUDY (which yk, a normal 19 Yr old is supposed to do instead of taking mental responsibilities of their entire clan). Also minor sidenote: I'm tired of it. I'm tired of doing this. I don't want to do it anymore. I want out.
My family is GREAT btw, I have a great family, they've done many many uncountable good things for me since my birth to till date, so yk I have no room to complian. I shouldn't complain. But since this is a deserted alleyway in the middle of a fuck-knows-where universe— a.k.a. the internet and in a website where nothing is there and everything is there, I can say it, let my illogical words out, sometimes. screaming into the void and all that.
So, if you've reached this far, can u PLEASE GIVE ME SOME ADVICE???
Some disappointment? (god knows I deserve it), some hope? (..I kind of want..?), BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, SOME ADVICE (I NEED IT.) Reviews, criticism, I'll take anything. Please. Please please please
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casspurrjoybell-30 · 8 months
Howling Love - Chapter 17
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*Warning Adult Content*
Camryn Summer
"Where are they?" I called out desperately.
"Where is he dad?" I demanded, the party had been off to an extremely rocky start.
I had found my mother telling Amille, in fact accusing him of something he never did.
Which made me angry, luckily his heart was kind, he didn't let it get to him and everything was normal, we were okay, bantering like always.
I had enjoyed being around the people I was close to, my family, my siblings and my friends, until the time came and I couldn't find him.
I hadn't even noticed that he was gone until I couldn't see him nestled next to his dad during the time I was cutting the cake.
His father was gone, his uncle was gone and in my panicked frenzy everyone stopped, my father tried to reassure me that they were fine, probably trying to avoid a situation.
I knew what he meant, he didn't want a scene where Amille turned out not being my mate, so they had excused themselves but I knew that wasn't it, I knew it wasn't.
So I sent my Beta and friend to look for them but they couldn't find them.
"Something is wrong, this is unlike Calvin or my mate," Amille's aunt stated as she too was panicking.
My phone vibrated in my pocket, it was an alarm, it was midnight and I was eighteen, I wondered how I would feel, how it would feel when I turned eighteen and found my mate.
It felt like a tug, a pull toward his scent, I could see it all pass through my eyes, as he moved away from the group with his dad, his panic, his fear.
I could see him as he ran to his uncle and brought him back to where his dad was, I crouched down to where the chair was, alcohol, food but what stuck out was blood and wolfsbane but not just the bane, something else.
"Camryn, what did you find?" my father asked as I stood up ignoring him and ran.
There wasn't a bone in my body that denied it, as my wolf sang in joy, howled to the Moon Goddess in praise, there was no doubt in my mind as I ran up the stairs, grabbed my keys and made no move to stop for anything.
Amille Laurent was my mate and he needed me.
"Camryn what's going on?" my mother yelled but I pushed past her and ran to the garage, I didn't stop.
I had to get to him, I had to find him.
I would never love another, want another, since the day I met him.
I was content with him and now even the Goddess stood to the affirmation of what I felt, he was mine and I was his.
I drove my car right through the garage door and didn't look back.
"Camryn," I could hear my parents scream but I didn't care.
If his father was sick then there was only one place they would go, the pack infirmary, it was closest.
So I sped toward it, not caring if I was on the wrong lane, by-passing traffic or caused an accident behind me, he was it for me and this was nothing to what I would go through to be with him.
A howl broke through the air, so strong, so wild and primal, it was my father, I could feel it.
Keep going Camryn, we'll follow you, I heard my Beta, my friend Orlando speak through the link, despite my thoughts focused on only one thing, at least he broke through and I hit the gas.
I was on the edge, with a quarter tank full, driving like a maniac through the pack.
I swerved and screeched to stop right by the infirmary doors, climbed out of my car and ran, past the doors, past the nurse's station.
"Alpha. Alpha please stop," one of the doctors tried to get in my way but my wolf wouldn't have it.
I pushed him away making him fly backward toward the nurse's station.
I could only hope he was fine, I would apologize later, I didn't need directions to get to him, I could feel him, his sadness, his pain, his scent, all of him, I could feel.
Running up the stairs wasn't in the least bit exhausting because the closer I got, the more I felt the need to forge on until I got to the fourth floor, where I knew he was.
"Amille," I knew I sounded more wolf than human, as he snapped his head toward me.
I could see tears well up in his eyes as his uncle let him go and he turned to me with a smile.
Time didn't slow down enough, as I crashed into him and I engulfed him in my arms, he was my all, he was my everything and I would never want another, I would kill for him, I would defend him, I would lay down my life to make sure he lived, that he was happy, that he was safe.
"Mate, I give you my life, my love, I give you my heart, I will stand by you and never let you go until the day we die and we are reborn in the next life, I will be yours and you'll be mine," I mumbled as we both broke down and cried, he was my mate, Amille Laurent was my mate and I would always be grateful to the Goddess for him.
"Goddess, Amille, Camryn," I could faintly hear them, our friends, our family but I'm sure his uncle stopped them, this was our moment, and I appreciated it however long it lasted.
My wolf finally calmed down and I could properly think, after a while, I had always seen Amille but after knowing he was my mate, solidifying that by holding him, as our hearts seemed to beat as one, I finally truly saw him, he was beautiful.
"Are you okay?" I asked him after our long silence.
[I feel better... now that you are here] he replied in sign as I took his hand in mine.
"How is he?" I questioned and his face fell.
"The doctors said he was lucky we got him here early or he would've died. There's poison in his system, a variation created with wolfsbane, they're attempting to pump it out of him now, so we're waiting but they did assure us that he wouldn't die," he explained as I hugged him again.
"He's going to be okay, he's your dad, I haven't met Superman but he comes pretty close," I comforted as a smile came onto his lips and he nodded, I was relieved to know my now father in law wouldn't die but the question was how did he get poisoned and by who.
"Hey guys," I finally turned to our family who all had sad smiles on their faces.
"Oh... I'm so happy for you too," Maxine was the first as she moved to hug us both.
"Luna Amille," Teja let out a war cry before crashing into us as did Orlando making all of us fall to the floor laughing.
"You idiots, get off," Maxine accosted as she too laughed.
"Now I can finally tease you without a care," she announced making Amille blush even more hiding in the crook of my neck.
"Aww so precious," she cooed as we finally stood up.
"He's gonna be okay, we just need to be patient," we all heard Beta Kyra tell his mate and it finally caught up to us again, despite being happy, the one person we needed to truly be happy, wasn't here and we needed him here.
"He's my brother, he wouldn't go without a fight but I just hope this procedure goes well," she responded as Amille and I walked toward her.
"Oh my baby, it's gonna be okay, we're here with you alright," she reassured Amille in a hug, somehow I was grateful they were here, that Amille had these people around him to support him.
"She's right short-stack, he's gonna be alright," I supported as my father barely held together marched from the stairs and Beta Kyra made him divert to the side so they could talk.
"Boys, go home get some things for Amille, and I and I'm sure Camryn too," my mate's aunt instructed as Amille laid his head on my shoulder.
I held him even closer as we sat by the comfortable chairs in the hallway, it was going to be a long excruciating wait but I would be here for him.
Calvin wasn't just his dad anymore, he was mine too.
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