#please ingore the foot
dusty-fat-boy · 1 year
My son is...
a menace...
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pinejayy · 5 years
Bad Guy ( Dr. Robotnik x Reader )
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Anonymous asked: Hello! I just saw your One Shot about Robotnik and it was SO GOOD! I wonder if you could write a scenario where Robotnik kidnap (reader) to draw Sonic and Tom in a trap? But as the time passed by, they somehow Start to like each other? Maybe they realize it when they do a stupid thing like the dance from Robotnik? XD Thank you for reading!
Author's note: I'm glad you liked it! I hope you like this sorry if it sucks sobs.
Life was crazy at the moment your Best friend Tom and this Blue Alien?? Hedgehog?? Got into some trouble. You see there was a huge power outage and everyone was freaking out. And the government decided to send in this Government Wackjob. How did you know all this well let's find out.
You were walking around the small place of Green Hills, it was currently night time and you just wanted some fresh air. Until you got a phone call. It was an unknown number, you sighed and picked up. "Hello?" You said.
You gasped, it was Tom. Looking around making sure no one was around you. You held your phone and walked somewhere more private.
"Why are you all over the news Tom!" You whispered yelled. "Where are you!"
"Look I don't have that much time to tell. But this Alien Hedgehog thing caused the power outage and the government is after it! But you have to promise not to say anything okay! Please don't say anything to anyone."
You sighed. "Okay Tom, but what are you saying this about this Blue Ali-" You were cut off since someone placed a gloved hand over your mouth. You tried to screaming but couldn't. The person held you close to their body. Snatching your phone away from you.
"Hello there Mr. Wachowski. I have your friend here. I suggest you turn yourself in and turn in that creature you have. Unless you don't want your little friend getting hurt. You have until tomorrow." Then with that the stranger hanged up the phone. Dropping the phone and stepping on it. "We don't want anyone tracking you down sweetheart."
You struggled but he had a strong firm grip on you. You then elbowed him on the stomach. He quickly let go of you. You turned around, fucking asshole ruined your phone.
Looking at him, he was dressed in Black with a strange looking mustache. He looked like that typical men in black. He just held onto his stomach. Trying to catch his breath. You just back away, about to run off until you bumped into someone else.
"Agent Stone grab her."
You began to freak out once again. And this Stone guy quickly grabbed you holding on to you. You struggle. As you you saw the other guy walk towards you. He has a Needle in his hand. He walked towards you.
The Agent who held you placed a hand over your mouth.
"Little brat, you dare hit me." The guy with the mustache said. He then grabbed your head and tilting it to the side. Expsoing your neck he quickly injected you with the Needle. You began getting tried all of the sudden.
"Agent Stone make sure to take her with us. She might be useful in something."
The last thing you herad before your body got limp.
You soon woke up after a few hours, you were on the cold floor. Groaning in pain, your head was dizzy. You looked around and you started to panic again. You didn't know this place! Where were you! You look around your surroundings. You seemed to be the this cage, it had no bars. It just looked like you were in a box, a glass box. It did have holes so you could get air. But you tried remembering what happened. Until you herad the door open of the room, seeing a guy dressed in black walk in. NOW YOU REMEMBER THIS WACKJOB WITH THE MUSTACHE TOOK YOU AWAY! He walked towards your cage.
"Who the hell do you think you are! Let me go!" You began yelling at him, getting up and you walked up to him, he just smirked. Knowing very well you couldn't hurt him or do anything since you were in a cage and he wasn't.
"How rude of me, let me introduce myself. I'm Dr. Ivo Robotnik but you can call me Dr. Robotnik. I work with the government." He said, taking a chair and placing it front of your cell. He took a seat and just smirked at you. "So.. Y/N L/N, did your friend tell you anything?"
You just looked at him, you just sat on the floor with your arms crossed over your chest. "I'm not saying anything to you, you wackjob."
Robotnik just looked you with a smirk, he started to tap his foot on the floor. "If you don't want your friend getting hurt I suggest you start talking missy!"
"Why should I! Tom is my friend! My Best friend, why would I throw a friend under the bus." You hiss at Robotnik. "A friend would never throw a other friend under the bus or leave them behind."
"Hm how interesting, are sure friends never leave one another behind?" He said, chuckling slightly. He stood up and walked closer to the cell, looking down at you. "I don't know I'm pretty sure your friend Tom isn't coming for you."
"You're lying! He's my best friend he would come and help me." You said, your voice cracking a bit.
Robotnik just pulled up a small screen device from his coat pocket, showing you that Tom was on his way to San Francisco and not here. You just looked at it, frowning. "You're still lying you asshole! He's coming! He's a friend! How would you even know you probably don't have anyone or A SINGLE FRIEND!" You yelled out, sobbing while at it.
Robotnik looked down at you, he didn't know why but he felt bad, almost awful seeing you cry. He shook his head. Raising an eyebrow, he just made a face. "You're right I have no friends or anyone since my mother and father decided to give me up when I was born. But who needs them anyways. They tend to let you down just like how Tom did to you."
Robotnik then clicked on a button from his glove and your cell door opened. He walked in the cell, you didn't seem to notice and he just grabbed you picking you up. You started to struggle.
"if you keep on struggling I won't hesitate to bring out that needle from last time, you wouldn't want that right?"
You just huffed, he forcefully sat you down on the chair. "Now be a good little girl and stay put there we are about to have fun." He said with a smirk.
You couldn't help but blush and make a face. He turned around and he was looking at a screen, you looked and saw Tom's car. You just gasped.
He turned around and smirked. You didn't want to anything what's going to happen. But the damn Doctor forced you to look, he would grab your face and make you look at the screen even though you were crying. You had to witness robots being sent to Tom, thankfully whatever was thrown at them was unsuccessfully. You smiled and he just let go of your face.
"Wow they are survivors." Agent Stone said.
Robotnik made a face and looked at you. "I will be back with you in a minute." He said. "And you, we could we have a moment." He said to Stone. And they walked off to the side.
You sighed and zoned out, you ran your hands over your face. You couldn't believe that Robotnik was right, that Tom wasn't coming for you. It really did hurt you, tearing up. You frown, feeling bad for what you said to the Doctor about not having anyone. And his response was really heartbreaking. Everyone deserves a friend right?
Just lay your head on the table, maybe this guy wasn't so bad. Maybe he just needed some kind of friendship. You thought to yourself. Then feeling a hand on your shoulder you jumped and turned around and to see Robotnik.
"Hm I can see you're not crying." He said.
"Why should I huh? You were right he isn't coming for me. I guess helping out an Alien or Hedgehog whatever he said it was is more important." You said. You know you sounded selfish, but come on.
Robotnik wanted to make a sassy and rude comment but he couldn't he didn't know why, was he being all soft? What no way! He just looked at you rolling his eyes. He then put a water bottle and a single apple on the table. "Here. You need some food and water in your system." And with that he was about to walk away.
You spoke up. "Thank you" you said. All you got was a small "Hmm." You look at the water bottle and apple. "And I'm sorry for saying those things about you..of having no friends. I'm sure you're an amazing guy it's just that most people suck." You said.
Robotnik just looked at you, he grinned and walked off.
After a few hours, you ate your Apple and drink your water. You laid your head on the table taking a small nap. You were shooting woken up to music. You tried to ingore it but you just couldn't. As you listened it was one of your favorite songs!! Where Evil Grows!
As you listened, you picked up your head and looked around. Until Robotnik caught your eye, he was dancing to this song. You giggle to yourself, it was cute actually. And you were pretty impressived that The Doctor had great moves. You just kept on staring at him. Until he noticed you looking at him he stopped the music and screamed.
You jumped and quickly looking away. Blushing. Crap crap. "I'm sorry!! I just love that song! And I just got distracted with your dancing." You said quickly.
He just walked up to you. "You actually like my dance moves."
You just nodded, and slowly looking up to him. You just stood up. "Yeah... I've never seen them before. They are unique." You say and look down.
Robotnik couldn't help but smile, he looked at you. Maybe she wasn't so bad he thought to himself. He couldn't help but admire you. "I never knew you were into great music and dance moves." He said, placing a hand on your chin and lifting your head up so you could look at him. "No one has ever complimented me and my dance moves. Everyone just calls me a wack job." He whispered.
"I'm so sorry for saying that, I really am." You whisper. You just placed a hand on his cheek and smile softly. Looking at him, yeah wasn't so bad he's just a lonely guy who needs someone.
You two just stood there, saying nothing. Until you guys looked at each other. You both in started to lean in, your lips got closer. Until you were interrupted.
"Sir! The quill is done!" Agent Stone said. Robotnik turned his head at him giving him 'Don't you see I'm busy here' look. Stone got the message and quickly got out of there. Leaving you two alone. He sighed.
You just smile, then crashing your lips against his. It caught him off surprise. He just stood there until he wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed back. You wrapped your arms around his neck bringing him closer to you. You soon after pulled away for air.
He buried his face into your neck. You giggle slightly. Because his mustache tickled against your skin.
"Something about you catches my interest. So I very appreciate that if we could give us a chance." He said.
You smile and nodded your head. "Yes!" You whisper at him.
He looked at you and gave you a kiss. You giggle between the kiss and he pulled away. "What's so funny?" He said rasing an eyebrow.
"Your mustache tickles." You say.
He smirked and grabbed your hand and placed a small kiss on your hand.
"Don't you have an alien to catch Doc?" You say
Robotnik looked at you giving you a smirk. "Yes I do."
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xiumin-on-this-shit · 7 years
Okay you guys I was really naughty…Instead of a chapter update here is my first ever oneshot! I was going to do a Xiumin one first but someone suggested a Kyungsoo wolf au and I couldn’t get the idea out of my head. I hope you enjoy it if not let me know if something didn’t make sense!
Summary: Eunbi is a shifter who catches a delicious scent that belongs to a sexy man who looks out of place at the club she works at. What is this serious looking man doing in a place like this? The killer look in his eyes tells her he is on a mission.
Word count: 4046
Kyungsoo x OC
I grip the bars of the cage, growling loudly at the man who has been trying to grope me through the bars for the last thirty minutes. He jumps away surprised by the sound, of course, most humans are. But he snaps back quickly mumbling under his breath.
“Kitty can growl,” He muses, not expecting me to hear over the booming music, but of course I did. “Bitch wouldn’t be so brave if she wasn’t in the fucking cage.”
An amuse smirk graces my face, showing him my fangs as I slowly crouch down, “They have me in here for your protection, not mine.” I hiss at him, showing loud and clear I want nothing to do with him and his rotten smell.
Once again he jumps back, “Crazy bitch!”
The smile never leaves my face as I slowly stand up straight, making sure to stick my ass out as I go. The music switches to something with a faster beat, my friend not to far away howls loudly from her own cage before she begins thrashing to the music. I see her yellow eyes glow in the darkness, I’m sure she can see mine glowing their usual blue. I chuckle at the sight of her chucking her massive heels into the crowd, not caring if they hit someone, they were in the way of her wolf working her cage. Mine had been lost long before these early morning hours amongst the disgusting men who took them for god knows what reason.
I don’t mind really, I would have kicked them out at some point, my tigress purred with satisfaction the moment I took them off and began working my cage how I should, like the animal I am. I move my body to the music, whipping my long black hair around happily, enjoying the chaos around me. My cage is placed on podium in the middle of the dance floor about five feet up, allowing me to see everyone on the dance floor and at the bar. The hoards of people around me, some human some shifters, some other things I’m not sure about but know for sure they aren’t either of the two listed above. They smother each other in pheromones making the whole warehouse reek of sex.
The people wear many different things, none of it covers much skin though, but who am I to talk. Tonight we are belly dancers, golden bras encrusted with red gems and matching bottoms with the long mesh skirt and jingling sequence. I twirl a few times, just enjoying how the outfit moves when I catch a scent. The familiar scent sneaks into my mind and consumes it, my body buzzes, my body keeps moving to the music but my mind is somewhere else. I slyly scan the crowd for a familiar pale man and his companions, regardless of the fact that the scent is not his own it’s the only place I can find the addicting aroma.
Like chocolate and sweets.
It’s driving me fucking insane. It’s stronger this time, telling me the actual owner of this delicious scent is here, he is fucking here. Why the hell did I agree to be in the cage today? I growl at myself, frightening a few patrons by my feet but I don’t care I need to find out who this is coming from. The music slows down once again, turning the crowd from a mob of chaos to just one of grinding and sex. My hips move slowly to the music, masters at their work they draw all sorts of attention to me. The scent slowly mixes with arousal, my eyes scan over the crowd once more as my tongue drags along my lips.
I spot him.
He’s completely out of place amongst the half naked crowd in a three piece suit. There is a drink in his hand and pretty little slut on his arm but his eyes are fixated on me. It takes all of myself control and the strength of the shifter proof bars to keep me from getting out of this fucking cage and tearing that girl to pieces. I catch myself for moment, where the hell did this come from? I’m not a territorial person, I share an apartment, a car, my clothes, my food, there is nothing I really keep to myself, until now I guess because I want him.
My mind screams.
My anger and desire to get out becomes more pathetic, a small whine escapes me when the slut giggles and strokes his cheek. To my surprise he is on his feet, pushing the girl away he finally makes his way through the crowd to me. Even though I’m completely over joyed that his delicious scent is coming over, fear settles in the pit of my stomach when I feel his dominance and  anger pouring out of him. The crowd parts for him like the red sea, the other shifters in the crowd pull the humans with them to keep them from the murderous look in the man’s eyes. Man, I want to scoff at myself, he is a beast, werewolf through and through, fucking great. My tigress is confused on how to feel, my initial instinct is to hiss at the wolf prowling towards me but at the same time I’m ready to jump him.
Eyes as black as coal stare me down, I drop to my knees so our faces are much closer allowing me to see more than I could when he was in the dark bar area. I lean down on my elbows allowing my hands to slip through the bars and rest his cheeks. My fingers feel a long his masculine jaw line, grinning when I think of how I’m going to mark up that neck of his. A pink tongue runs across those heart shaped, drawing my attention back to his features, round eyes and a small nose. Brown hair that is gelled back out his handsome face seems a bit more messed up than I imagine it should be, as if he has been running his hands through it all day. His cheeks get warmer under my hands, a pink hue cross them as I continue to study him. I find myself leaning in closer, pulling him closer as I move, just barely through the bars I manage to graze his lips with my own. It’s a small touch but it causes a snarl to start in his chest. His eyes glow a blood red.
Fucking great.
An alpha.
But at this point I’m too turned on to care about anything other than getting out of this cage and getting someplace where this wolf can show me how much of an alpha he really is.
“As much as I would love to play with you Mr. Wolf I’m a bit stuck,” I muse obviously breathless., taking ahand away to shake the bars, showing their lack of mobility.
He only hums in response, making me frown, I want to hear the voice behind those pink lips. His eyes scan over the cage, he grabs one of the bars and shakes it, it doesn’t give.
“Told you, unless you are like the strongest werewolf imaginable I’m not getting out of here,” This time I’m less amused and more frustrated. “Mr. Wolf please get me out, I’m dying in here.”
His growl echoes once more.
“Okay, I’m not actually dying but I’m dying to get out of this cage so I can fucking grab you by the neck and kiss you properly,” I confess, a bit embarrassed that some random stranger can get me hot an bothered like this without even touching me. “If you can get me out of here I’m all yours,” I promise, hating myself for basically begging. But that seems to be all he needs to grab on to two of the bars and pull them apart, giving me enough space to squeeze through. I stare dumb struck for a moment as he does it without a problem, from my personal experience it should have definitely been a problem so when he offers me his hand to get down suddenly I’m hesitant.
He lets out a hearty chuckle that warms my chest, “I was promised something and I’m not leaving without it.”
“Um, Mr. Wolf, you aren’t Mr. Big Bad Wolf, are you?” I half heartedly tease, praying I’m not handing myself over to some crazy wolf.
He cocks his head, “If I am?”
I gulp.
“Okay Kitten you have until the count of five to take my hand before I climb in there and let me tell you something,” He leans closer, “I’ve always wanted to claim someone in front of a crowd. Have them all listen as you scream my name,” That voice has me almost coming undone right then and there. “One… Two… Three… Four…”
I’m sliding through the bars and into his arms before he has the chance to follow through on his dream. He smiles triumphantly, keeping one arm wrapped around my shoulders possessively as he leads me towards the exit. Once again the crowd parts for us, for him, no one dares to even look in our direction until we reach the door where the bouncer steps in front of us. I know the large man well, he’s one of our few human bouncers so of course he doesn’t notice the threatening pheromones rolling off my partner in waves. He blocks the doorway with his large body, regardless of the fact that he is half a foot taller and at least fifty pounds heavier than my partner I have no doubt the alpha could tear him to pieces.
I give the bouncer a begging smile hopping he will get the hint and realize I’m not being kidnapped, at least not really. But he doesn’t and reaches for me, “Where the hell do you think you are going with one of our dancers?” The bouncer snaps.
The alpha quickly pushes me behind him, he grabs the bouncer’s hand in his own and stares the man down as his grip tightens, slowly crushing the bouncer’s fist. I quickly get back in between them, ingoring the alpha’s free hand that is trying to drag me behind him again and grab on to the tie around his neck. I wrap my hands around it a few times bringing him to my level, our foreheads pressed together.
His red eyes bore into mine, “Kitten,” He warns with a deep growl.
“Lets go,” I half beg, hopping not to cause a scene.
“He tried to take you,” The alpha snarls, his eyes flick to the bouncer who is on his knees behind me, whimpering in pain.
“Look at me,” I command, “Let him go.” A sigh of relief leaves me, allowing me to smile. I let his tie unwrap a few times but keep a solid grip on the end and tug him gently. “Come on,” I muse playfully, urging him on like puppy. As much as I can tell his wolf doesn’t like it he obeys and follows me out of the warehouse to where all the cars are parked. “I assume you drove?” I turn to face him, his eyes are fixed on my hand still holding the end of his tie. I let it go and awkwardly laugh, not sure if I crossed a line, though I have no idea where the lines are at all at the moment. He grabs my hand and leads me to the obviously most expensive thing in a mile radius of this side of town. He leads me to the passengers side door of the imported sports car, I expect him to open the door for me but instead he pins me against it. His hands on either side of me gripping the car until his knuckles are white. Those glowing red eyes are once again fixated on me.
“Don’t ever do that again,” He warns.
I puff out my cheeks, “Sorry, I just was trying to be playful.”
He snarls, “Not that. Don’t ever try to get in between me and someone who is trying to take you away. Most people who try to take what is mine are lucky to get away with their lives, but anyone who dares to try and take you are lucky to just get their throats ripped out, understand?”
“So you are saying that…”
“You are mine.”
My tigress purrs.
“Now get in the car before I take you right here and now.” He turns and rushes to get in his own door. Turning around I see that his grip has left dents on the top of the car, I snicker, though it would be a lie to say my body isn’t vibrating with excitement. The possessiveness in his words makes me have to press my thighs together, what the fuck is this man doing to me. His engine roars to life and he speeds out of the parking lot and down the road to the main part of Seoul. It’s awkwardly silent for most of the drive, my legs are trembling and his knuckles are white from gripping the stirring wheel.
“So, should we tell each other names or are you more of the one and done, don’t need to know names, kind of guy?” I muse awkwardly.
“One and done?” He gives me a side-glance with those fucking eyes.
“I know you said, ‘you are mine’, but I don’t know if that’s just a thing wolves did to get laid.” He pulls into an underground garage and parks his car. He doesn’t acknowledge me at all as he climbs out of the car. I groan and rest my head against the dash, “Maybe he wasn’t questioning what it meant and was just telling me what he wanted as if it was obvious. I hate wolves.”
He rips open my car door and pulls me out. Without a word and drags me to the elevator and refuses to let me go the whole ride up to the top floor, penthouse, of course. Fucking Alphas. The minute we reach his floor he drags me out into a hall way and up to a pair of double doors that I assume lead to his apartment, and like in the elevator he refuses to let me go until with are inside. Once the doors are closed I’m pressed against them, he pins my hands on either side of my head, his body presses against mine.
“You hate wolves?” He muses.
“You didn’t answer my question,” I pout, regardless of the position we are in at the moment.
“One and done?” He echoes once again.
It would be a lie to say it didn’t hurt me to hear him say that.
“What a stupid thing to even suggest,” He chuckles as his nose runs along my jaw. “Wolves mate for life,” He punctuates that sentence with his fangs pressed firmly against my neck.
My tigress roars.
Of fucking course he is my mate, that is why I’ve wanted nothing more than for him to fuck me since the moment I saw him. The realization has me growling, “Why he hell couldn’t you have said that sooner? I wouldn’t have put up such a fight if I had know you were my mate and not some stranger who just has me hot and bothered!”
He chuckles, “What kind of fight did you put up? It was so easy to just steel you away.” I gulp when I feel his fangs run along my neck, “It’s like you were just begging to be snatched up, Kitten.”
“Eunbi,” I blurt out.
He hums, “Kyungsoo.”
“Kyungsoo,” I test the name out on my tongue.
He groans from his place in the crook of my neck, “Say it again.”
“Kyungsoo,” I say a bit more breathless this time. Suddenly he has me over his shoulder caring me through his apartment that I would actually like to look around in but apparently at a different time. I’m laid down on a massive bed, he stares down at me, putting all his weight on his one arm so his free hand can stroke my cheek gently.
“I promise that I will take the time to make love to you gently and romantically, but not today. Tonight I have watched dozens of men eye fuck you, my wolf is going insane with jealousy, I need to be inside you.”
I chuckle as I slowly open my legs a bit more, “All you had to do was say so.” He leans down and kisses me like his life depends on it. It’s not soft or gentle, it’s pure animal, tongues battle for dominance, I try even though I have no chance at beating him. That doesn’t stop me from cheating and pushing his elbow so I can flip him over and have the upper hand for a moment. To my surprise he doesn’t throw a fit, too focused on the intense make out session we are in. I pull away, ignoring the whine that he makes, to pull off my annoying shirt, if you can call it that. I reach for his but he seems too much rather go back to kissing and pulls me back in. With one hand gripping the back of my neck, keeping our lips pressed together, the others finds its way to my hip.
“Off,” I demand between kissing, pulling at his suit jacket and button up. He ignores me and tries to work on getting my bottoms off. I growl and shamelessly tear away his expensive looking shirt and the t-shirt underneath, revealing his toned chest. I escape his lips once more to leave kisses cross his jaw and down his neck, basking in the groans and snarls leaving his perfect lips. His other hand meets it’s partner on my other hip, holding me still as his own hips rut up against mine. I have to pause, my face pressed into the crook of his neck, in an attempt to control myself.
“Give me one fucking second to have some kind of foreplay,” I snarl wanting to enjoy the moment a bit more before jumping into it. This is my first time with an alpha and my mate, I want to take my time.
But his hips rutting once again is his response to that, “Too long. I need you now.” He rolls us back over, managing to capture my hands and pin the above my head with one hand. His other hand reaches for my bottoms and tears them away with ease, tossing them somewhere on the floor. I can’t keep myself from watching as he slowly undoes his belt and his pants. I know he is watching me, waiting for a reaction when he pulls his manhood out; he is not disappointed. My jaw drops, I knew wolves were supposed to be big but I wasn’t expecting this. He pumps himself a few times chuckling, “What’s wrong Kitten, too much for you?”
I glare at his smug face, “We will have to find out won’t we, now stop staring.”
“Are you ready?”
I gulp as wiggle my hands free and pull his face closer, hiding my face in the crook of his neck, taking a moment to breath in his delicious scent that not just turns me on but relaxes my erratic heart. “I’m ready,” I mumble.
“Where did that confidence go?” He muses softly, loosing his own cockiness.
“It’s come back, I just preparing myself,” I peek down once again, he positions himself at my entrance. “Be gentle at first at least, okay?”
His domineering wolfishness seems to fade, he copies my actions, burring his face in the crook of my neck, “Of course.” I take a few deep breaths before he plunges all the way into me in one thrust. A whimper escapes my lips, he stretches me more than I have been before. My claws dig into his back as I try to deal with the pain of such a huge intruder. He wraps his arms around me, resting his weight on his elbows to keep from crushing me. He does his best to comfort me but I don’t miss the way his body trembles, how tense his body is or the growl vibrating in his chest.
He is struggling to control himself. It’s obvious as he holds me closer, almost crushing me in his iron clad embrace, “You can move.” I encourage, hoping it will just get better once things start going.
“Are you sure?” He groans through grit teeth.
“Take the offer before have the chance to take it back.”
That is all the encouragement he needs to slowly pull and push back in at the same pace. It doesn’t hurt as much as I thought it would, it’s more of a burning feeling now, it’s bearable. But for him, his wolf seems to be over the moon. The beast growls with satisfaction, making the pain worth it. After a few more stretching thrusts I feel something deep inside of me tingle.
I moan.
“There,” I mumble. “Again.” He obeys and thrusts a bit harder this time, hitting the same place again, this time head on. “Fuck! Right there!”
“As you wish,” He chuckles, his grip on me tightens as his picks up the pace. I wrap my legs around his waist, allowing him to reach deeper. Our moans fill the room, I encourage him to go faster and faster, demanding him to go harder until the only thing I can scream is his name. His wolf roars pounding into me like the animal he is. I’ve never felt something like this, the knot growing in the pit of my stomach is more intense than I’ve ever felt before. It doesn’t take very long for his thrusts to become sporadic.
The moment his teeth dig into my neck, marking me as his mate I come undone. After a few more thrust he fills me with his cum, staining my walls white. I feel utterly spent, relaxing back against the bed but the moment I shift I realize that his manhood is still hard inside of me. He notices my sudden shift and chuckles.
“You thought we would be done after one round?” He licks the bite mark on my neck. “We have a lot to catch up on, I have been looking for you for a long time, I have many things I would like to do to you before we rest.”
I gulp
Kyungsoo’s POV
I watch her from the edge of the bed, a small smile on my face. Her small frame is wrapped in the thick blanket, her pure white hair splayed out on the pillow her head rests on. I glance at the black wig on the floor then back to my sleeping mate, her cat ears sticking out on top of her head, white with black tips. I make to mental note to ask her about that, most shifters aren’t able to shift only parts of their bodies, I wonder briefly if that is why she wears the wig. I already have a long list of questions to asker her once she wakes up, starting with her surname. I was in such a jealous rage last night that I didn’t even ask her the basic questions, god I’m a shitty mate already.
The moment I picked up her scent yesterday morning on my younger brother, Sehun, my wolf was enraged to find her scent on another alpha. After almost tearing him apart he admitted he had went to that club for a good time and thankfully didn’t get it with my little kitten, though he did get a lap dance much to my displeasure. My wolf snarls just at the thought. It’s a small noise but it’s enough to make her pop up, confused and sleepy, it’s honestly adorable.
“Good morning,” I chuckle awkwardly, not sure if it’s okay that I was watching her while she slept.
She runs her hand threw her hair and yawns, “Good morning Mr. Wolf.”
I cock an eyebrow at her, “Mr. Wolf?”
“I’m assuming you’re older than me but I’m not going to call you Oppa without being sure.”
“Trust me Kitten, I’m your oppa.”
She nods, “I figured, so how old are you? Should I be calling you grandpa instead?”
“You are looking for trouble,” I warn.
“Too high, how about something in the middle, daddy?”
My cock twitches, “Kitten.”
She looks away innocently, “So something else than, should we talk about how we are going to get in trouble.”
“I know that wolves aren’t too fond of mixing with other shifters, your council of elders has something against the rest of us. I’m assuming they won’t want a handsome wolf like yourself mingling with a lowly tiger like me, mates or not.”
I hum, “They won’t be a problem.”
“They won’t be a problem,” I repeat.
“How do you know? Don’t tell me your daddy is on it,” She teases.
It takes all of myself control to not say, no, but your daddy is. Instead I say, “Nope, I am.”
Her jaw drops, “Wow,” I’m expecting her to be proud of how strong I am but I’m an idiot for hoping for that much. “You must be really old!”
I click my tongue at her, “You must really be a kitten.”
She nods, “I’m only 23.”
“23 what?”
“Just 23 years old.”
Oh god I feel like a pervert, “That explains why it took me so long to find you.”
“Also I assume you don’t spend your time in clubs like that.”
I nod, “You wound be right, I was there on a mission.”
“A mission,” She muses, “to woo me?”
I chuckle, “I guess yes. Though wooing you wasn’t really a necessity,” I admit.
“So you were just going to snatch me up whether I liked or not?”
I nod as I slowly make my way to her, “The minute I caught your scent I knew I was going to take you home and never let you go.”
“So what are the chances of me making it out of this apartment today?”
I cup her cheeks in my hands and bring her lips to mine, kissing them softly, “Absolutely none.”
 I don’t know if this is a good one shot or not. If you guys really like it I might make a part 2 if requested! Please let me know how you feel about it!
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Voltron Fluff Week Day 7: Day at the Beach
Prompt April 16th: Beach Day Read it on AO3 here: http: //archiveofourown.org/works/10670409 This is two days late again. Sorry. I tried. And these were meant to be fluffier but oops. Atleast they are happy. @voltronprompts Pidge smiled as she felt the warmth of the sun on her face. With every deep breath, she could smell the salt of the ocean. The waves moving to meet the sand was relaxing. Being at a beach felt so nice and stress-free and...normal. When she opened her eyes, she could see her friends exploring their new surroundings. Lance was standing in the middle of the beach, practically crying. This place could never be as comforting as Earth, but when you are terribly homesick, it sure does come close. Pidge remembered trips she took to the beach with her family back home. She could almost see her mother setting up her beach chair and umbrella. She imagined her father and Matt trying to put up a volleyball net and her dog being startled by the ocean with every wave. Although she always had fun at the beach, they weren't her favourite trips. She would always come home with sand in her long hair, a wet bathing suit and towel, and sunburns all along her face, arms and back. Once, she went home sporting a big bruise on her face from Matt hitting her with the volleyball at close range. Still, as she stood in front of the water, the feelings that were present were happy. She would feel happy if she were on Earth at the beach, even it it meant she crumpled the pages of her new book or if she lost one of her sandals. Being on this foreign planet that seemed similar to home, it...It would be enough. For now. For now, she could hope that one day she would see her family playing by the beach again. For now, she could forget about saving the entire universe and simply spend time with her teammates. Pidge ran into the water, passing Keith, who stood waist deep looking unsure. Lance was already far out from the shore and was swimming like he belonged in the water. Pidge remembered the stories Lance told her about when he was a swimmer as a child. When Lance had finally calmed down, he had swum back to Keith, to teach him how to swim. Lance was determined to teach his boyfriend, and ingored Keith's protests and the comments that came with the lesson. Soon, Pidge was farther out in the ocean than she had ever been on Earth. This planet had no markers to forbide swimmers from swimming to far. But she was fine and dived under the water often to see what was hidden from sight when at the surface. Holding her breath for so long reminded her of when she and Matt had been enrolled in swimming lessons. Matt had quit the lessons after a year and she soon followed her brother's lead. She and Matt always worried the lifeguards at the public pool by trying to compete which each other over who could stay underwater the longest. Those competitions didn't compare to Lance and Keith's challenges. Pidge swam back to a spot where she could almost touch the bottom to watch her friends. Allura and Coran were eating what might have been the equivalent to ice cream while Shiro sat on a dock, letting his feet hang over the edge. Hunk wadded through the shallow water looking calm. When Pidge went back underwater, she saw many shining rocks and shells resting on the bottom. The colours were vibrant and happy. She could remember being 7 years old, and collecting buckets of shells with her mother. Pidge broke the surface of the water to take another deep breath so she could reach for the glittering stones near her feet. After collecting about 6 stones, she was having trouble holding on to them. Despite this, she reached for one more, one that looked almost clear, when suddenly, something touched her foot. She dropped all the stones as she squeaked and shot up out of the water. In the back of her mind, she knew it was silly of her to react like that over her foot brushing the squishy and spongey blobs that this ocean had instead of seaweed. But, she was distracted by her task, and was extremely ticklish on her feet. She came up out of the water coughing, as she had accidently swallowed a mouthful of water when she had let out the breath she was holding. After a few seconds of coughing, she was laughing at her reaction.If Matt had been there, he would have teased her for being so shocked, even though they both knew Matt would have done the exact same thing. The laughter didn't last long though. She could see everyone looking at her a little confused, and slightly concerned. Everyone but Lance, who had begun to swim towards her looking rather serious. "Pidgey, are you ok?" He asked. "Yeah, Lance, I'm fine. Just touched seaweed...or whatever this stuff is." She answered, giving the spongey blob a kick, unbothered now that she knew it was there. "Pidgey, I thought you could swim!" "I can! I'm swimming as we speak! My feet don't quite touch the bottom here!" She exclaimed. Lance was being too protective, and she had to tell him so. "Still, as the team V lifeguard, I would like you to stay at the spot where you can stand." Lance put his hands on his hips, and spoke in a tone that meant he was being serious. "Are you insane? That's ridiculous Lance!" "You're right. It might be best if you stay on the beach." "What?" Pidge shrieked. She pouted at Lance, but she gave in. She wouldn't win this, not when Lance went into big brother mode. So much for telling him off. She briskly made her way back to the beach, but not before stopping by Keith. "Keith? Lance is being dumb so can you do me a favour please?" "What is it?" "Can you at some point 'accidently' hit him in the nuts? You are learning to swim, you have an excuse." Keith looked like he wanted to object at first. He cringed at anyone being hit there. But, he seemed to think it over. This was his boyfriend and it would definitely backfire on him, but... "Maybe. I don't know. Lance can be an idiot and a jerk sometimes but ouch." Pidge nodded and starting walking back to shore. She could hear Lance calling to her. "I love you Pidgey." "Uh huh." She yelled, sarcastically. When she reached the sand, she just turned just in time to see Lance critique Keith's attempts at swimming. The kick came right after. Shiro came to visit her while she sat on the warm sand. "You got kicked out of the water?" He asked as he sat down next to her. "Yupp." She said. "Lance is just being dumb." Shiro laughed softly. Together they watched their team. Hunk was hanging around Coran, asking questions about what Altea was like. Allura was smiling fondly, touched that someone wanted to hear about her home planet. Their attention was drawn back to the water when Keith was yelling at Lance. They had swum further out and Keith was struggling to keep his head above the water. "Trust me, I got you! You're fine!" "Woah, what the hell Lance! So Keith gets to stay in the water when he is practically drowning, but I get one mouthful of water and suddenly I'm forbidden from swimming?" Pidge stood up and shouted. "Yes! I mean, Keith isn't drowning! He's just not trusting himself and thrashing widly. He's getting there! See? He's calmer already!" Pidge groaned and sat back down. Shiro patted her gently on the back. Pidge sighed and decided to draw in the sand around her. She started drawing all the lions and voltron. To her left, she could see Shiro watching her and joining on her project. He drew the castle of lions and soon enough they were both drawing as many constellations as the could. It wasn't long before all the team members made their way to Shiro and Pidge to get in on the giant art project. Soon, a large portion of the almost empty beach was taken up by lines in the sand showing images of Zarkon and the Galra war ships being defeated by Voltron. The group had been noticed by the locals, and a few stood back to watch the paladins draw. Pidge was about to finish drawing the entire team and her father and brother when a young alien decided to ruin everyone's hard work. The kid laughed with his friends before running and sliding straight through everyone to destroy the image. The locals that surrounded them boo'ed the kid and sighed. Team Voltron was frozen in shock, and looked at Pidge who glared at the alien as he walked away, proud of the stunt he pulled. Pidge rolled her eyes. Of course every beach has that person. Even in space. When the alien returned to his spot down the beach and decided to lie on his stomach as if to get a tan, Pidge stood and happily asked Allura about that ice cream stuff she had earlier. Allura blinked, surprised by Pidge's reaction. The other paladins seemed more upset than she was. Hunk look bummed while Shiro looked at Pidge with a concerned expression. Keith and Lance looked like they kinda wanted to punch the asshole that did that. Still, Allura nodded and the team was walking to get some snacks. As everyone ate, the jerk who ruined the art they made was forgotten by everyone except Pidge. As the group laughed and talked on, Pidge kept her eye on the alien who was lying in the sun. "Pidge?" She looked up a Hunk, who held a hand out to help her up. "It's about time we go back to the ship. Come on." She smiled and grabbed his hand. "Guys, before we leave, can I just do something real quick?" She didn't really wait for their answers before running down the beach towards the asshole alien guy. The team followed but stopped when she looked at the stranger to make sure he was asleep. No one spoke as Pidge carefully covered the guy in sand, making sure that he was covered completely from the neck down. The job went a lot faster when Shiro, Hunk, Lance and Keith all joined in. On the way back to the castle, Allura spoke up. "Pidge, why did you cover him in sand?" "Well, I figured that punching the guy for ruining all our hard work and our day off might go against the paladin code, so I chose a harmless alternative. Harmless, but irritating. That guy will be finding sand everywhere for a while." Pidge smirked. Getting her petty revenge felt good.
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aiyunying499 · 5 years
in pursuit of well‐designed table lamps
Jane in Beijing Nissen\'s
1979 this is a digital version of an article from The Times Print Archive, before it starts online in 1996.
To keep these articles as they appear initially, the Times will not change, edit, or update them.
There are occasional copywriting errors or other problems during the digitization process.
Please send a report of such issues to archid_feedback @ nytimes. com.
Desk lamps are still needed in the soft and bright dining table, colorful parties and functional bright kitchen.
The city\'s retail stores offer a range of eye-catching designs that will increase the interest of the rooms and fit the lighting budget.
Perhaps on the table, next to the reading chair, or on the bedside table, what is needed is a lamp that will not only light up the room, but also serve as a well-designed addition to the dukol of the room.
Although the basic function of the desk lamp has not changed much, its form has changed a lot.
Of course, there are still some traditional bases, such as the classic Chinese ginger jar, with shadows on it.
However, the table lamp of today may also be an interesting or interesting object in itself, such as the \"Falca\" lamp of Vistosi, which is a folded circle placed on the edge (
$515. Ambienti design).
There are some reliable modern desk lamps that continue to work well in a variety of environments.
Clean Roso draftsman lights (
$40 to $150 depending on size and color);
Desktop version of the classic medicine lamp ($45 to $100)
The shape of the luminous parchment paper of Noguchi ($30 to $90)
Can be found in major department stores.
If your taste tends to the classic design, especially the traditional desk lamp, with silk or parchment, plain or pleated shades, the department store will offer a great choice.
In particular, Bloomingdale and Macy\'s, high-tech fixtures, clean lined student lights and gooseneck lamps are also in good stock, and the prices of these lamps are within a reasonable range.
Bloomingdale collected a set of baskets, including exotic ones from India, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Japan, Colombia, Italy, Spain and France, prices range from $35 to $275.
Macy\'s advertised for people looking around for accessories in Art Deco mode, offering a mirror light with a suede shadow for $205.
Sloane and Lord B. Taylor
Altman assembled outstanding antiques and new porcelain lamps at prices ranging from $55 for new imports from China to $1,500 for a fine piece of porcelain in the year 00 s.
Another good source for ginger cans lovers is Oriental lampshade company (
810 Lexington Avenue and 816.
For lamps that are not very predictable, there are lighting shops.
They have fewer collections than department stores, but offer alternatives to traditional methods.
These designs clearly show that we are the most exciting in lighting from the creative Italy.
Naked, provocative, and even absurd shapes;
Industrial materials;
New fluorescent products with high efficiency and energy saving have attracted much attention.
Art and Industry (
155 Thompson Street)
Contemporary design with high quality, mainly from Italy.
Paolo Fazzata\'s \"Fazzata\" is an elegant interaction between a green or red fiberglass handle and a white globe, each at the end of a slender wand ($195).
For high tech enthusiasts, there is a light bulb in the cage at a reasonable price of $48.
Also special is the multi-functional \"Stratos\", a glowing white convex pool with black rubber edges ($135)
The service on the ceiling, floor, wall or table is just as good.
Morsa Centro Di Disegno (
182 hayster Street)
The lamp is not only visually eye-catching, but also practical.
The reiterated theme is the use of lights with components that fit into the table, wall, floor or ceiling.
While most of Mosa\'s lights are in the cool \"hard edge\" tradition, one exception is the \"Giraffa\" light in hand-turned chestnuts, which looks like a toy giraffe, the price is $325. Light/Inc. (
1162 Second Avenue
There is a selection of groups that include modern lamps collected by the Museum of Modern Art, such as \"Tizio,\" an elegant enameled wire metal rod structure that maintains a tight balance and halogen lamp for $265.
It also offers solutions at a very reasonable price, including fluorescent uline in a range of bright colored bases priced at $100.
Environmental design (
792 Madison Avenue.
Here, those who are scared by too much steel and curly rubber threads can turn to hand blowing (and expensive)
Fine craft glass.
Bright glass shades patterned like candy blocks are mounted on a simple black painted metal base.
The desk lamp designed by Italian designer Luciano Vistosi ranges from $350 to $460. George Kovacs (
831 Madison Avenue
Provide lamps with reasonable price and consistent design.
Romantic fan lamps designed from $ Vico Magistretti Ernest Gisimodi 59 folding desk lamp by ingor Maurer ($70 to $525)
This historic light shop may be as close to other stores in terms of meeting a variety of tastes and needs.
New energy-saving fluorescent lamp in white lamp ($200)
It is suitable for many decorative styles.
Advertising is the lamp Hunter of budget consciousness, who tends to contemporary Conran (
160 East 54 Street)
Workbench (
1320 Third Avenue
It is a good place to visit.
Conran, which costs $20 and $28 for the workbench, is the draftsman\'s lamp.
Don\'t skip the Lower East Side.
You need a strong heart and also a strong pair of shoes, because in the Bowery under Delancey Street, a lot of the things that are shown in many lamp shops are very bad.
But there is a lot of savings for picky and energetic people.
Not cheap, but still cheap compared to the price of residential areas, a stunning blue and white Oriental altar lamp from New York gas lighting company 15 years ago (146 Bowery)for $324. 50.
Sometimes, Foot pain is worth it.
The New York Times/Bill outlet balance light.
Green fiberglass wand, 40 W bulb.
Art and Industry, $195.
Macy\'s large decorative art mirror headlights cost $205.
Hand-blown glass pieces are on the table.
$515. Ambienti.
The George Kovacs lamp uses a 13-watt fluorescent tube equivalent to 60 watts. $200.
Conran\'s goose neck desk lamp costs $205 and has a black metal cap as an adjustable lampshade.
The antique Chinese blue and white jar has a white shirt on it. $324.
50 employees of New York gas lighting
Country Basket light with paper bag shadow.
$55 in Bloomingdale restaurant.
Energy-saving 40-watt fluorescent uline costs $100.
In Light, Inc. , the metal base is available in a variety of colors
A version of this file was printed on page 6 of the New York edition on November 8, 1979 under the title: a well-designed desk lamp.
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