#please keep your personal opinions to yourself when working in a professional capacity
beastbelow · 7 months
What the fuck is wrong with people.
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what is your opinion on infjs being told they're "fake" or not a "real infj"? some of them say you're a high Fi if you feel bad about being invalidated about something you identify with. is that so? i've found the infj subreddit to be especially toxic. i've been trying to find out my real mbti since two years. my first test (16p) said infj but i didn't really care about mbti much back then (4 years ago). after some serious and heartbreaking events i decided to search for who i am. i took tests like keys2cognition, sarkinorva, mistypeinvestigator etc. recently and they type me as intj, istj, infp and infj. i did a bit of reasearch and infj seems the closest to who i am (although i do wish i was an istj or intj instead but i'm pretty sure i'm not). someone else also said to me "why do you want to be an infj? they're so over romanticised! you're an Si dom because of the way you lay down all the details and tell how you reached the conclusion." the answer is, i don't want to be an infj. for the longest time i thought i would be an intj but i'm not as efficiency driven as any intj i've ever encountered (one of my closest friends is an intj too). what drives me is just having a strong purpose to do things. when i have a vision to hold on to i can go all in and even though i have trouble following my plans, i love planning and try to follow them as best as i can but they're still always much less realistic compared to my intj friend's plans. my relationship with Fe has been complicated. i remember kindness being a strong theme in my life since i turned 13 and it went on till i turned 16. at 16 some tough things happened and i think i turned sort of rebellious and disrespectful (i think the tests i took around that time told me i'm an infp). i was also high on sensory indulgence to escape my responsibilities because i felt overwhelmed and hyperactive without it which indicates an inferior Se? this one especially makes me feel like i'm an INXJ but idk i'm relatively new to cognitive functions. all of this went on for 2-3 years. i'm still healing and i still don't feel like myself which is also the very reason i'm so into mbti rn.
also, are Ni doms incapable of laying down the important details (considering that that person said it's an Si dom thing)? i feel like if i don't lay them down, the next person wouldn't understand what i'm trying to say and the conversation would turn unfruitful and frustrating.
anyways, i was kind of sure that i was an infj at first but all this invalidation and toxicity really forced me to question myself and keep researching. i hope i'm not biased like everyone accuses all the people who claim to be an isfj to be. i'm considering learning about the cognitive functions after i'm done with my finals. also, if you can provide me some tips for typing myself in a way that i can avoid getting mistyped, it'll be really helpful. thank you!! <3
It is very difficult to follow this, to be honest, but I'll do my best. With all that said: I try not to type based solely on writing style, and I am not a mental health professional in any capacity, but let's just say I strongly recommend looking into high Ne, and also possibly ADHD.
First: It sounds from what you've said as though you may have experienced some trauma. Again, I am not a mental health professional, and I don't know your life, but I would advise working with someone who is trained in that kind of thing. If you're already doing that and you're doing MBTI in your free time, then continue; if you're not, please stop and seek that out. MBTI is explicitly not designed to cover mental illness or trauma behaviors in any meaningful way nor do I believe it will help anyone heal from trauma or treat mental illness and it would be irresponsible for me to say otherwise. MBTI will not help you find yourself. It is a way of better understanding yourself after you've already developed a decent sense of self.
If you're continuing on, and I acknowledge we're dealing with the honor system here:
Second: tests suck. They rely you to take what is already a highly subjective self-assessment and then further warp it to fit discrete parameters in order to spit out an easy answer. keys2cognition is among the better ones in that it attempts to provide you with your functional stack, but even then, for example, it's not unheard of for an INTJ in their late teens to score high on Ni, Si, Ne, Te, and Ti and and get some kind of incoherent "maybe IxTJ, maybe ENTP" answer. You should indeed learn about the cognitive functions when you are done with your finals.
Third: If you have not studied the cognitive functions, let go of the idea that your friend is an INTJ. Maybe they are. Maybe they're not. If they're mistyped, and you try to base your typing off them, you're going to mistype.
Fourth: There is no way to avoid getting mistyped altogether. If you will be uncomfortable with the idea of possibly getting the wrong answer and having to revise it in the future, MBTI is probably not a good system for you to focus on. It is not the only path to self-discovery and you are under no obligation to use it. Given that you mention finals and the last age you state here is 16, I in fact want to stress that I would be surprised if you don't mistype.
To answer the one specific MBTI function question here, Ni doms can provide details to other people because this is a learned skill and if you're aware of needing to do this, you can. I would not use this as a typing tool in isolation.
So in summary: if you're not working with a mental health professional and that is at all possible for you...do that. Stop trying to type yourself based on your friends. I don't know if you're an INFJ but people on Reddit are assholes regardless of type and that site should be nuked from fucking orbit. Tests are mostly bad. Study the functions when you have the opportunity and keep in mind MBTI will not fix the vast majority of your problems, and that mistyping is fine as long as you keep an open mind and acknowledge that you might be mistyped.
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informationsorter · 4 years
How to keep yourself safe from fear mongering and misinformation.
I know there's a lot of fear mongering out there, which feeds on misinformation and the common anxieties of those who have (or suspect they have) a disorder such as DID/OSDD.
The first rule is of course, do not trust anyone on the internet.
This includes me.
Fear mongering is when someone spreads fear and/or terror. Usually with a hidden agenda, but it can also be spread by those who don't know any better and who have been caught up in the fear. If someone is describing a terrifying situation (especially one that starts out seeming fine, but gradually becomes scarier and scarier until it reaches dystopian proportions), it is likely that it is just a fear mongering tactic. An example of fear mongering is "Gay marriage will lead to adults marrying children!". It usually involves multiple steps, which start out with a grain of truth, but twist the facts or use false equivalencies to make it seem as though their worst-case scenario is a real danger. The aim of fear mongering in this example is to convince people to vote against marriage equality. Inspiring fear in a person can also be used to scam that person. How many times have you heard of someone getting an official-sounding phone call which tells them they will be arrested if they don’t send such-and-such amount of money to them, or if they don’t purchase giftcards and give the codes to the scammer on the phone? It is the initial shock and fear which cause a person to fall for these. Fact checking is vital.
Fear mongering.
- Take a moment to overcome your initial emotional response. You need to be able to think clearly and logically when you are confronted with something that shocks and scares you.  - Try to think about their argument/statement rationally and objectively. Is it likely that in this day and age a therapist would illegally force a treatment on you without informing you of all of the facts about that treatment? Would a mental health professional risk a lawsuit and the loss of their licence by refusing to answer your questions about a treatment that they are insisting on? - Check for sources, and it is very important that you not only READ their sources, but also look for other sources by yourself. The source/s supplied by a fear mongerer will often support their statements and seem fairly convincing, but actually contain very little fact. You need to do an independent search for information which supports their claims, and information which contradicts their claims. If there is no truth to their claims, you will struggle to find reputable sources which support it, and are likely to find many that have evidence showing that the claim is false. (There is of course the chance that something is true but does not have sources for it - eg 50 years ago, there may not have been many official sources supporting the idea that being gay is fine, and there would have been many official sources claiming that being gay was a disease.)
Do not take any one person's word as fact.
- Check for reliable sources that back their statements.
- Look for multiple opinions/input, from a variety of sources. It's no good asking 10 people in the same group for their opinions and then taking it as fact if they all agree. If you are searching for information, you need to take everyone's advice/input/opinion with a grain of salt, and seek a wide variety of people to ask.
- If someone claims that such-and-such is the ONLY possible way to experience something, you should look into why they are claiming that, and what reliable sources they have to back it up.
- If something is really a fact, there will be SEVERAL reliable sources discussing it. Not just one source being reblogged or referenced by multiple other sources.
Check sources.
- Look at whether the person is actually linking the direct source of their "facts" or not. If they are simply claiming that such-and-such says this, or vaguely indicating that a certain government or organisation supports their view... That's not good enough. You will have to actually research it yourself and see whether that is the case or not.
- Be cautious if someone has quoted something but does not tell you where the quote comes from.
- Look at the full quote, not just the part that the person has quoted in their post/statement. It can be easy to take things out of context, and make it seem like the source supports a certain view, when in reality it does not.
- Actually open the links if someone is citing them as a source that supports their statement. It's very easy to assume that because someone has cited multiple sources, that those sources are accurate and relevant. But in reality, it would be quite easy to simply link a bunch of random official-sounding URLs, that actually have nothing to do with it.
Check credentials.
- If someone is claiming to be a therapist, scientist, or anyone working in a medical field, you should not believe them unless you are seeing them in a professional capacity IRL.
- You are
entitled to see the qualifications of someone who is treating you, whether it is your GP or a mental health professional.
- If someone online is claiming to be a trained mental health professional, but is not treating you in an official arrangement, they should not be giving you in-depth advice or diagnosis.
A mental health professional should always get to know you and your background before giving you advice. THEY WILL NEVER ATTEMPT TO TREAT YOU OR DIAGNOSE YOU WITHOUT ENTERING INTO A FORMAL PATIENT-THERAPIST ARRANGEMENT.
Seek a trusted person to help you fact check if you are having difficulties.
A lot of sources may contain heavily jargoned text, especially when discussing medical conditions/disorders.
Find someone who you know you can trust, and who is willing to admit when they are mistaken. Ask that person to help you.
- Watch out for people using gaslighting tactics, or deleting conflicting opinions from their posts. There are some people out there who insist that they are correct, and will refuse to acknowledge any information which contradicts their statements. These people may use gaslighting techniques to supress anyone who tries to question what they've said.
- Any one who is working from a place of good intent, will be open to looking at reliable sources which contradict their statements.
- Similarly, if anyone tries to convince you that you DON’T need to check their sources, or that you can trust them without them providing sources, THIS IS A RED FLAG.
Is it ok to test someone?
In my opinion, when you are searching for accurate information, it is perfectly acceptable to test someone by asking them something you already know the answer to.
For example, when I went to the endocrinologist to talk about HRT, I asked her my most important question and she responded in a way that didn't match what my doctor had said.
So I tested her by asking a question I KNEW the answer to.
She answered incorrectly, and I knew that I would have to work hard to get accurate information out of her.
Here are some sites to help you fact check.
has an article aimed at children and teens, which is easy to understand and read. (It was also written by adults trying to use “hip” slang.)
has a list of fact-checking websites, which may or may not be useful.
Middlebury Libraries
has a short list of non-partisan fact checking sites.
And finally, I am aware this is a clumsy post, fuelled by an emotional response.
PLEASE reply or reblog with any information, links, tips, guides, etc regarding fact checking or protecting yourself from fear mongering.
This post was inspired by
which builds on a common fear amoung those with DID/OSDD, and drives people away from seeking help, for fear of losing themselves.
Here is what you should do
if your therapist is trying to force you into fusion.
If your therapist is trying to trick you into undergoing a treatment without giving you information, or refusing to give you all relevant information - YOU SHOULD LEAVE IMMEDIATELY AND SEEK LEGAL ADVICE.
Here is a bit more information about
possible end goals you may choose
during therapy.
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positivelypositive · 3 years
Hello! I hope you are okay and everything is well:) I just have two things. One, I have to say that your blog is really great and you literally make my day better by posting the reminders and everything. Two, I need some advice for myself because I'm not feeling well in the past months. I'm getting really disturbing thoughts and I feel nervous/anxious most of the day but some months ago, my mother found out about it and the only thing she keeps saying is "it's all in your head" , "just get out of it, it's easy." and stuff like that. But it doesn't make me feel any better, I just find myself feeling worse because now, I'm thinking I'm just overreacting and being dramatic. I don't know if she is right or not and I'm generally very confused about everything and I don't have a clear mind at this point. Everyday I wake up with a bad mood and I hear the same lines every single day, it gets even more exhausting. I don't know what to do about it, so I was just wondering if you have any advice for me? Am I really overreacting? I just need a third person's point of view. I apologise if this made you uncomfortable, that wasn't my intention. Thank you again, I hope you have a great day/night. ❤️
hey anon,
thank you for your kind words about my blog. i appreciate your support and am glad it's helpful to you.
secondly, i have noticed that this seems to be the a generally popular opinion among parents that "it's in our head" and we just need to "stop being sad". i am not saying every parent says this, i'm just saying i have heard a lot of them think this way.
i truly believe that they do not mean to belittle our issues. this is the way they've been raised. this is what they've heard from their guardians and that's what they know. on the contrary, people who have grown up in the digital era have been exposed to a wide range of beliefs, views, customs, cultures, and thoughts that they are more open to considering a contradictory thought.
i understand you must be feeling the pressure of not having your loved ones understand what you are going through. i'd suggest to forst work on your healing and slowly with time, when you have the capacity for patience, make them understand as well that mental health issues exist and can affect anyone and in any way.
now for your problem, please do not think that you're being dramatic. you'll be unfair to yourself if you don't pay attention to yourself. first, work on calming yourself down. pick a good calming technique that works for you - walking, reading, meditation, cycling, going out, gaming, or anything that helps you feel calm. practice it regularly.
next, when you feel calm try to rationally think about what's bothering you. sometimes, pur issues are obvious but we just lack the clarity in our minds to decipher them. think well but don't be unkind to yourself. take your time too. try to get to the bottom of your issues by simplifying them as much as possible and then work on them. if you feel like you need additional help in this process, do consider getting professional help from a therapist.
i hope you can find peace. sending you love and positive vibes ✨
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amandaoftherosemire · 5 years
A Lost Hour
Fandom: Marvel Avengers AU
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff X Reader
Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers
Author: @amandaoftherosemire​
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 2,807
Format: One-shot
Warning: Language, fluff, implied smut
Summary: On a mission alone with Natasha Romanoff, you try to keep from annoying her as you hide how much you adore her.
A/N: Written for @buckysforeverprincess’ Hop Into Spring 3K Challenge. Congratulations on 3000, darling!! You’re amazing and you deserve all the love and adoration! My prompt was “Don’t forget daylight savings.” Writing reader inserts is like exercising my brain (second person is not second nature, that’s for damn sure) because I like to make them as neutral as I can. Except, since I’m female, I tend to write from that perspective, which means that all of my reader inserts have been fem!reader. This time, I wanted to stretch my brain in a new direction, so I wrote as neutral as possible, including gender. Please feel free to let me know what you think, including ways I failed. I’m always trying to do better and learn more, so I’m absolutely open to criticism.
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A Lost Hour
Natasha watched you out of her peripheral vision from across the motel room. You were standing at the other queen bed unpacking, laying out everything you’d need for the mission the next day, your movements brisk, economical, and lethally efficient for all you were humming what sounded like ‘Hollaback Girl’. Nat appreciated that when it came to the work, you were a silent, stone-cold professional. She would put you at her back any day of the week, her highest compliment.
That said, when you weren’t actively on a mission, you never seemed to stop making noise. If you weren’t talking, and somehow you never ran out of things to talk about, you were humming, singing, muttering, laughing, or just making weird noises with your mouth. If she was the sort who gave in to such things, you could have her literally climbing the walls like the spider for which she was named.
To be fair, it wasn’t that the noises were in reality all that irritating. No one else seemed to notice, for instance. If she was being honest, she wouldn't classify the sounds you made as irritating at all, really. What drove her crazy was that they made it impossible for Natasha to ignore you, though she'd never had that problem before.
She couldn’t quite put her finger on what made you so compelling to her. It wasn’t your looks, though she thought you incredibly attractive. That would never have been enough to capture her attention on its own, however. She’d used her own for both good and evil often enough to know how little beauty truly counted. The fair of face couldn’t catch her eye.
Though she most often pretended to ignore you, sometimes she put on that she found you annoying in order to insist that you be quiet. As a matter of fact, she found your voice, the sounds you made, too appealing. She had to concentrate to tune you out, her ear seeming to naturally tune itself to the timbre of your voice.
She also found your little rants funny, though she groaned as loudly as anyone when you started in on one. You had any number of random little pet peeves and there was no way to know when someone might inadvertently step into one in the course of normal conversation. When you got going, however, was when she found it most difficult to resist the urge to kiss that chattering mouth. Lately, it had only gotten worse.
Because though she could see that you found her physically attractive, she was almost certain you didn't really like her. She was painfully attuned to the tone of your voice and could hear it was often a touch colder when you spoke to her than when you spoke to any other member of the team. You were warm and pleasant with everyone, so it wasn't as though you were mean or rude even then; only Natasha would ever notice the difference.
She refused to let it bother her, but it made it easy to pretend she didn't like you right back.
Once she'd finished the double-check that she had what she needed for the mission in the morning, she repacked everything as it had gone in except for her night clothes and her toiletries bag. You had long since moved on to flipping through the channels, your preparations for the mission less meticulous than hers, though you were hardly sloppy or haphazard. You were still humming under your breath, but you were unusually quiet and she was having a hard time placing the melody.
You were watching Natasha out of the corner of your eye, trying to keep the humming to a minimum. You knew it drove her crazy and you were trying not to irritate her on this mission. You'd been half in love with her almost since you met her. You hated that you annoyed her, but you also couldn't change who you were, so you tried to stay as quiet as possible when she was around.
You'd hotly anticipated and deeply dreaded this mission. Any time you spent with Natasha was nerve-wracking, but an overnight mission, just the two of you sharing a motel room seemed like a recipe for disaster. Disaster for you, at least. You doubted Natasha would even notice you unless you irritated her by talking or humming too much, or if you fucked up your part of the plan.
You, on the other hand, were going to spend the next 24 hours on pins and needles, trying not to give away how absolutely magnificent you thought she was. Sometimes you went too far in the opposite direction, but it was better than her knowing you spent most of your time in her presence internally sighing dreamily
Obviously, she was beautiful. You had eyes; you could see she was gorgeous. You were no more immune to her appeal than the next person. That said, it was her strength that you found most captivating. In addition, you respected her competence and efficiency and you had a nice healthy fear of her lethality. You weren't frightened of her, but like a razor-sharp blade, you didn't take her bite lightly. Her capacity for loyalty had surprised you, but only until you got to know her. Her humor charmed you, made you wish you didn't annoy her because you found her hilarious.
Of all the things about her that made you wish you could at least be friends, however, it was the sweetness laying close to her bones. She hid it well but, where she cared, she was kind and deeply loving in her own quiet way. On more than one occasion, you'd had to start ranting about something stupid to cover for the puppy-dog-eyes you'd been giving her.
When she settled onto her bed with her tablet and a bottle of water, you spoke softly. "Do you want to pick?" you asked as you offered her the remote. "If you leave it up to me, I'll end up watching the crokinole championships on ESPN Twelve like a lunatic."
Natasha frowned a little and lifted puzzled eyes to yours. "What in the world is crokinole?"
You laughed and flipped back to the channel airing the niche game's championship. "Fuck if I know," you replied and settled back against the pillows with a grin, "but in about twenty minutes I bet I'm going to have a whole lot of opinions on technique and strategy."
A half an hour later, both you and Natasha were watching the classic dexterity game with rapt attention, discussing the ongoing bracket as though you'd been following the game for years. You'd looked up the rules on your phone, not that you really needed to. The point of the game was absolutely clear once you'd watched for even just a few minutes, but the Wikipedia page clarified some scoring questions the two of you had.
"Oops, he left a hanger," you were saying as Natasha's phone rang, Steve's number lighting up the screen. You snickered when you saw the picture she'd used for him; it was some promotional shot from the 40s when he was being used to sell war bonds and he had the dumbest cheesy grin on his face.
You loved that she teased Steve in this way, taking potshots at the public persona, the piece of propaganda rather than the private man or the real symbolism of the shield. Steve was one of those she cared about; you always enjoyed watching their dynamic at play.
“If he can pick up the twenty and knock the other guy’s puck into the gutter, I think he’s won it,” she replied as she swiped the screen. She’d gotten as into the game as you had, the two of you finally bonding a little. She didn't notice because she was answering the phone, but you were caught in full-blown puppy-dog-eyes mode.
You sat in silence, watching her smirk at Steve and assure him that she had things well in hand while you grinned at her like exactly what you were, a moron with a desperate crush.
“You’re on speaker if you’ve got anything to tell us both,” Natasha turned to focus on you as she hit the button on the screen. Her eyes met yours, warm and full of fun, then rounded ever so slightly in surprise at the lovesick smile on your face. For the first time, she wasn’t seeing any coolness or reserve in your eyes and she wanted it to never stop. She smiled timidly back at you.
“Just stay safe, watch each other’s backs, and don’t forget about daylight savings.” Steve’s voice snapped you out of it, made you aware you were being stupidly obvious in the way you were staring at Natasha. The smile on her face was almost shy and sweet and was making your heart gallop like a thoroughbred. You latched on to the last thing Steve said like a lifeline.
“Ugh! I hate daylight savings!” You fell backward onto the bed with a groan of annoyance, partly to be dramatic, but mostly to stop looking at Natasha. “Especially Spring forward. You know the whole thing’s pointless, right? It doesn’t even do what it’s supposed to, and some think it’s actively detrimental. But no, we keep doing it because we’re stup—"
“I’m on it, Cap,” Natasha cut you off with a good-natured chuckle as she got up to sit next to you on your bed. She patted your knee affectionately as she finished the phone call and hung up. You propped yourself up on your elbows and watched her, nervous but oddly excited.
Natasha had never been this friendly before.
“I thought you didn’t like me,” she said quietly. This evening with you, learning the intricacies of a game neither of you had heard of before, had seduced her in ways she’d never thought to expect, let alone guard against. The uncomplicated adoration she’d seen on your face as you looked at her gave her the confidence to speak bluntly.
“No!" you cried, distressed that you'd made her think so when you thought so highly of her. You gave her a sheepish smile and ducked your head. "I know I can be annoying,” you said, wrinkling your nose. “I don’t want to irritate you by scampering after you.”
Her mouth curved and her eyelids lowered in an expression both earthy and ethereal. Your heart skipped and you knew you were in way over your head. “You’re not irritating or annoying,” she said. When doubt flickered across your face, she felt a pang of remorse. “You’re distracting,” she murmured.
“Distracting?" You frowned a little, not sure if that was a compliment or not. "Is that good or bad?” you asked, a little breathless. The look on her face was making your heart race.
“Well," she said softly, and leaned in ever so slightly. You were painfully aware of every movement she made, and your breath caught in response. "That depends." You had seen her flirt for work; this was nothing like that. Her eyes were direct, her body language straightforward, and you would swear that she was trying to be as honest as she could.
"On?" you prompted and sat up. You and she were face to face now, but neither of you moved, though you were both practically holding your breath in anticipation.
The corner of her mouth lifted in the slightest of smiles, your eyes following the movement with meticulous care as you waited for her next words with a heart pounding in desperate hope. "On if I'm trying to ignore you," she replied, her smile spreading and her eyes turning surprisingly shy. "I tend to ignore that which I don't think I can have. Or whom."
Her eyes seemed to sear into yours, the dreamy green going sharp as jade. You shifted forward a fraction of an inch, your hand twitching towards hers before you stopped it, terrified to overstep and fuck up this exhilarating conversation. "And I don't know how to shut up, especially when I'm nervous."
Natasha wasn't smiling now, but you had absolutely no idea what she was thinking, her expression inscrutable. "I make you nervous?"
You gave a quick, disbelieving laugh. "Have you met you?" You didn't know why, because she hadn't moved, but you started to feel like she was leaning away from you. You kept talking, because you were terrified you were fucking this up, and you always talked too much when freaked out. "Between your strength and skill, oof, and your mind, you'd be the most intimidating woman on the planet. Add in the humor on top of everything else and you're spectacular. I'm astonished whenever I manage not to babble."
By the time you managed to shut yourself up, she was smiling again. You didn't know it, but she had thought you were going to start yammering on about her physical appearance and nothing was more likely to make her dismiss someone as not worth her time. Marks underestimated her because of her looks; she didn't waste her real self on marks. Instead, you were charming her with your chattering about how intimidating you found her, not her face. "So, you're telling me I don't need to ignore you."
"Not if you don't want to," you said, making her smile wider with your earnestness. You went on, shy yourself this time. "And if you don't mind if I babble."
Wasn't this a pleasant surprise? she thought. The discovery that you found her as appealing as she found you was the best thing she'd learned in a while. She decided to live a little and tell you the whole truth. "When you babble, it makes me want to kiss you."
Your eyes popped open and your mouth spread in a wide smile. You didn't know what had led to your good fortune, but you weren't going to question it. You licked your lips and your heart kicked when her eyes followed the movement. "Even when I babble about something stupid, like daylight savings?" you asked, audibly breathless.
She smirked a little. This time it was she who eased forward a little, causing you to sway toward her without thinking. She was close enough now that you could see the flecks of gold in her eyes and her mouth was close enough that you imagined you could feel her breath on your skin. That tempting mouth curved in amusement. "Especially when you babble about something stupid like daylight savings.”
"People think it's for farmers," you immediately launched into anything you could remember about why daylight savings sucks and is stupid, but you were barely thinking about the words coming out of your mouth, "but that doesn't make sense in a modern era with electric ligh--"
Natasha laughed, which had you slowing down, delighted to make her laugh out loud for the first time. She'd tell you later that she laughed internally at the things you said all the time. For now, you were simply enthralled at the sound of her laugh when you inspired it.
You didn't stop talking, however, until she took your face in her hands and stopped your words with a soft, almost tentative kiss. Slowly, gently, you slid your arms around her, pulling her close as she melted against you. She slid her arms around you in turn, enchanted by the soft generosity she found in your mouth, in your arms.
A long time later, she pulled away reluctantly, only to sink back in with a chuckle at the misty-eyed look of awed adoration you gave her. Silent and smiling, you'd been struck speechless and so opted to let her have her way, happy to follow where she led.
The next morning at 5:00 AM, according to the phone buzzing next to the bed, and 4:00 AM according to your body, Natasha leaned across you to turn off the alarm. When it was quiet in the impersonal dark of the motel room once more, she snuggled back down under the covers, her arm sliding around your waist as she rested her head on your shoulder. You smiled at the ceiling, delighted by the sunset cloud currently tickling your nose.
"You're right. I hate daylight savings," she murmured.
"See!" you whispered hotly as you cuddled close, delirious at the feel of her satin skin sliding against yours and incensed that you were going to have to give it up soon. "If not for daylight savings I’d get to spend another hour in bed with you. It's fucking stupid." That was as far as you got before Nat was rising over you in the dark to press her mouth against yours again.
For the first time in either of your careers, you nearly missed a mission because of daylight savings.
The End
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girlsbtrs · 5 years
Celebrating International Women’s Day 2020
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Today is International Women’s Day and I’ve honestly spent 4 days thinking about what I wanted to say. But nothing felt right to say that didn’t seem more self-serving than glorifying of a community of people who have truly made GBTRS what it is.
So instead of me writing something to inspire, I’m highlighting the 14 young women who have inspired me over the past four years. The beginning of GBTRS was tough, and it was a lone goal for a while, but I was blessed with a lot of these women in 2016 and even more in the years following.
To each of you, thank you and please know, none of this would be possible without you.
Elise -- I have never been more inspired by a young human being more than I am by you. At 16 you decided to change an industry you barely had even dipped your toe in because you felt it was right. You constantly teach all of us in the group that age makes no difference when you want to use your voice, and I’m changed by it constantly.
Emi -- Seeing you have the ability to constantly pick yourself up and create art and write so honestly has made me enjoy reading each piece you write that much more. You’re constant energy and the way you see good even in the dark things is awe-inspiring and I cannot wait to watch you grow.
Nida -- Willingness to always help is one of humanity’s most underrated traits and one you have happened to perfect. There aren’t many people in the world who are able to see no task as less than them because they are dedicated to the end project, and we are lucky to have found someone like that in you.
Moira -- From the moment you came up to me at NAMM I knew you were a brave human being. You wanted to be a part of something bigger than yourself and I’m blessed you chose GBTRS to explore that beautiful giving gift you have and to help you explore that creative passion that you have so well developed.
Angelica -- Ahhh, Jed Jr.!! Your desire to help as many people as possible in the most creative ways possible is unmatched. I envy how your brain works because it is constantly producing art beyond my imagination both in traditional art forms and expressions of your personality. You are breathing art, and your desire to share it is incredible to me.
Stephanie -- My playlist queen. I cannot tell you how much I admire the work you do daily, how no matter the circumstance, you have a quick wit to combat anything negative in your purview. Your friendship and constant support have been a blessing over the past few years.
Tess -- Watching you fight every day and still want to give back to people is the most inspiring thing in my life. You constantly tell chronic illness to beat it while still making room to work on things for others. It’s amazing to me that you have that capacity but even more so that you chose to share it with the GBTRS team.
Sydney -- Resident TikTok influencer, you have created a new way of thinking for our team. Whether it’s the value of something we may not understand right away or the need to constantly challenge your processes and how we approach things, your mind works in a strategic way that I’ve only seen in well-seasoned professionals. I value your ability to be who you are unapologetically and to stay honest, even in the tough moments.
Sam -- I am blessed just to have you in my life at all, but your entire commitment and amazingly flawless passion to make our community better every day is unmatched. I thank the universe for you a lot because your only higher commitments than the things you love are the people you love, and I count myself lucky to be one of them.
Aliyah -- Ahh!!! Aliyah since the moment your mom called me to make sure you would be safe during our Roadie For A Day program I knew we happened on someone special. Life can be really screwed up sometimes but you have never let that get the best of you and have continued to work your butt off to achieve your dreams. I am grateful to have been there for so many of your early career steps and cannot wait to see what your future holds.
Allison -- Going to preface this by saying I truly don’t know where we would be as a team without you. Memes would not be as funny, we wouldn’t have our resident Weezer fan and our entire landscape of design and inclusion wouldn’t be the same. You think about others as if they were an extension of your person. It’s an incredibly rare trait but it’s one that is necessary to have on a team like ours. No person’s problem goes without consideration and without you, we’d miss a lot of the things we need to see.
Paula -- CEO of breakfast, our mood maker, and the eldest and wisest member of the GBTRS team. You have become family, a person who I don’t know who GBTRS or myself would be without. Your leadership and calm nature have changed the trajectory of this community and of who we are as a team. Being able to bounce ideas, share life stories, woe over getting old (we’re almost 27!), and growing together as friends, colleagues and leaders have all been a gift.
Madeline -- “Maserati Mami” -- I am just the proudest of you. I will continue to (jokingly) fire you forever but I don’t know what the structure of GBTRS would look like without you in it. Seeing you come out of your shell and work for the things you want and impart everything you learn into helping others is something I never knew would change my life so much. Your opinion is one I hold in the highest of value because it’s always honest and you’re able to resonate as a person with many people who maybe aren’t the most outgoing at first but have so much passion for music. You’ve taught a lot of us that a bold personality can attract attention, but a steady, reliable, and trustworthy human being keeps it.
Jess -- I could quite literally write a novel on how intensely important you are to GBTRS and to me. I don’t think I speak to anyone more than I do to you on a daily basis. I’ve watched you grow so much as a human being and I feel so much pride in everything you do because you want to give it back to others. You took the load of the things I couldn’t handle on. You made GBTRS what it is today. You’ve helped each of us get over creative roadblocks, imposter syndrome, the thought that maybe we were doing it wrong. You encouraged our team — and me so much — to be endlessly brave, to stick to our guns, and speak our minds. Because of that, we have this community, our programs, and every sign of growth is directly connected to your ability as a leader.
I value and love each of you for your endless dedication to other women and non-binary people. I live for the moments we get to see each other in real life and for every conference call we have. I value the memes, the inside jokes, the community we’ve created, and the friendships that have come from this.
You’re all women worth celebrating and I am blessed to know and work alongside each of you.
- article by Shelby Chargin
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blade720dron-blog · 4 years
blade 720 pro
Blade Drone 720 Benefits and features
Blade 720 Drone delivers rookie consumers for professionals. In this article are one of the desired highlights of this technology
•This really is foldable
This superior drone 720 comes with remarkable collapsible propellers. As a result, you can actually take it anywhere you want without having to worry about the risk of transportation.
•This can be controlled via Google android, iOS, or Smartphone
You may possibly manage this drone regardless if you are using an android os powered mobile device or an iOS. You need to simply download the mobile app, set it up up, and so the last thing which you will do is usually to hook it up towards the Wi-Fi then close to your blade.
•Altitude Carry Setting
It becomes an significant feature of the drone since it is able to sealing the size and also the drone’s spot so the consumer can steadily hover it on a single location and get awesome video clips and pictures.
•Improved Airline flight Time
This amazing blade drone 720 provide an remarkable battery at the same time. This drone is also considered to be among the swiftest drone today, with twelve meters per next as well as its top rated collection transmission of 2 kilometers.
•Contra--Selection Technology
Featuring its built-in detectors, you may possibly prevent smashing and collisions on the floor and in addition some challenges.
•Sensible along with Minimal Style
Its clever light feature development keeps with each other, supplying additional mobility.
•Panorama Method
By utilizing this drone 720, you are able to get images 360 qualifications above within a individual drive on its key if you use your smartphone.
•Incredible Video
The videos, together with the pictures which can be captured applying this drone, are found to get incredibly crystal clear and sharp.
•three dimensional VR Mode
In order that will help you the drone, you can use its joystick as well as its VR kit.
Let’s have more of the blade 720 benefits:
•Less headache placing-up
•Smooth and intuitive regulates for quick soaring
•Single-switch for attaining, taking off and coming back
•Battery permits the person to fly for a greatest of 10 mins
•Lithium battery power carries a large capacity which offers a longer period for flying
•Includes Wi-Fi interconnection which assists in easy and actual-time information transferring
•360 levels easy going
•Reduced and-velocity method
•Light characteristic can make it stronger in comparison with other individuals
Advantages of using Blade Drone 720
The major benefits associated with this specific drone are its price, portability, video camera, as well as simple to operate. This drone appears to be a huge android cell phone in proportion. It includes flip-style rotors as a result, you are able to surely get the most-loved easily transportable drone blade 720 pro. It would easily fit into your case or wallet. You can now use and fly this phenomenal drone. The user doesn’t have to pay attention to its elevation, just browse through and love your flight! It is actually unquestionable which every drone wants a fantastic camera. Hence, this blade drone 720 offers an awesome image as well as video lessons.
As however, we have not helped bring up this particular blade is designed with ABS plastic material. And that the thing that makes it stronger and less heavy. Finally, its cost is remarkable. It is actually offered for only 1000 US money without being concerned about its reliability along with its high quality. Featuring its inexpensive selling price, you could have your own super light-weight and foldable drone, which may endure each misuse. This is definitely worthy of getting.
Blade Drone 720 Benefits & Disadvantages
Same with another products available, this drone also has its experts and its particular cons. Therefore, it is very important to ascertain its pros as well as its disadvantages to suit your needs so that you can have a crystal clear picture if the certain item is best for you. Let’s have a look at the pros and cons of blade drone 720.
•Cheap, effective, and Dealing with is not hard
If you use this drone, you can expect to surely save your valuable funds by lowering the manpower along with its gasoline cost. This drone offers a accurate take a look at these regions which are thought to be hard to achieve furthermore, it extraordinary in surveillance, rescue missions without consuming a better amount of cash. This drone 720 is considered to be an affordable and practical alternative for choppers due to the fact that it drone can swiftly be flown.
•Remarkable Taking photos
This blade drone 720 may help you in consuming spectacular, awesome, and instagrammable photos. Competent photography lovers do uplift their profession along with their company by using this specific drone. Individuals motion picture-make that are just commencing on their own field also increase the value of their generation together with the amazing aerial photos made available from this blade drone 720.
•Thrilling to Use
When you find yourself already familiarized with how you can work it, you will get fun as well as an satisfying experience.
•Personal privacy Attack
This is regarded as the primary problem according to the drone use considering that the user can check around and use this drone for trespassing homes. Hence, this can be distressing concurrently, upsetting.
•Damages or Accidents
This drone is prone to damages. When you don’t get the appropriate coaching together with the necessary capabilities for making this drone fly, you could possibly cause drone collision or collide, which may result in hitting somebody or doing damage to items. You will even find studies about drones traveling near some strength cables or airport terminals that posed harm or damages that may lead to significant accidents for human beings.
•Feasible Mishandling
Its pleasure and its ease of access draw in enthusiasts, technology geeks, along with those with illegal motives. Terrorists and thieves have realized way to use this particular gadget for his or her harmful likes and dislikes.
•Cause harm to
Regardless of whether the point is useful or terrible, this drone can cause problems for individuals. You will find cases wherein drones can be used as hauling radioactive substance for people transporting unlawful pursuits. Should it be not licensed, this technologies may play since the principal for wrongdoers to commit criminal activity confident.
•Airport Dangers
Because the blade drone is very well-known amongst adults in addition to children, it then makes a significant threat to airport terminals. This is not from the defeated track incidents, nevertheless outstanding level disruption which continuously has an effect on a number of journeys monthly. From the moment this blade crashes in the airplane, this might result in a disastrous case.
Buyer Viewpoints and also Activities
This brand-new drone compatibly characteristics using a mobile device that is used when planning on taking beautiful photographs along with video lessons. In addition to simply being employed like a selfie drone, additionally it is popularly called a great stuffed toy. It is actually easily run and maneuver, as stated on some blade drone 720 evaluations accessible around.
Abilities and knowledge about drones are certainly not required. Even individuals who are not tech-experienced people can possibly run this product. However, it is actually greatly advisable to be attentive to the present climate before running this drone in the area. Due to its light-weight feature, it is far from advisable to have this drone to take flight once the rainwater is heavy, and there exists a strong wind.
•This drone is suitable for novices. This doesn’t need abilities in drones. In comparison to other individuals, this is a bit sturdier- which is, in accordance with Andrea Harnum, who acquired this product like a Christmas present for males within his early on fifties as well as two teenagers. They have got explained some positive opinion of this drone. In the event you will get, be sure you permit enough delivery service time, specifically if you could have this as being a gift idea.
•According to Bod, this drone is very good. Your friends will certainly be amazed by its camera resolution. It is capable of doing offering beautiful video tutorials and photographs.
•As outlined by David Frocione, he will surely buy more of this system. What he loves most is the sincerity and trustworthiness with regards to this drone.
A number of folks who possessed employed this drone are pleased, delighted, along with satisfied with their encounter. Almost every other way, some users find it difficult to position excellently up over, especially there exists a powerful wind. This only implies that in the event you desired to get around it properly, you have to have some required exercise in coping with this drone. Some users are inspired to make themselves familiar with the restrictions and regulations in drones flying inside the area, or else the arm from the rules can possibly confiscate this drone. Be mindful that flying drones near the airport or helipad and energy cable tv should be eliminated for you to prevent mishaps.
What Is the Value of Blade Drone 720?
It is possible to personal this drone for only 199.99 bucks. Nonetheless, when you will attempt to acquire it from its established website, you can find for a selection of cost. Huge discounts are made available from the drone business like acquiring two devices will entitle anyone to have one drone totally free, getting three units will entitle you for 2 totally free drones. Hence, this gets very helpful for a few family members who look at flying drones as being a past time as well as for loved ones bonding. Another good thing about purchasing the product is the free delivery campaign. Therefore, you will need to get the opportunity to jump at blade drone 720 benefits.
At times, this blade 720 is offered with running a campaign. In some countries, you can absolutely have yourself this Blade 720 given that some companies give a one half discount. And in relation to internet marketers, they also supply shipping and delivery, meaning it would actually help all those people who have a tight budget. This device if available on the internet, and in case you lookup its principal web site, you will possess the opportunity to have a drone with the very best quality and value.
This device is created in order to meet users’ demands and also calls for. Having its functions, such as remarkable steadiness as it flies, 720HD camera and vast lenses, controllable controls for convenient traveling, you may be impressed by its low cost. In purchasing any item, it is envisioned that purchasers will have a second seriously considered receiving the item. Purchasers will certainly question and ponder if the product is worthy of buying or perhaps not.
With regards to blade drone 720, the answer is definitely yes! You might just think of the stunning and awesome video clips and images that you’ll be able to have with the use of this blade drone 720. It is not only about taking photographs and getting videos but much more on the enjoyment and entertaining it gives you for users.
Haven’t you tried out traveling a drone? This is the right time for you to use a try! Rush up and experience and like the good quality photographs for your cherished images, for your personal video clips, and even for your personal live stream adventures.
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bestblade720 · 4 years
Blade Drone 720 Benefits and features
Blade 720 Drone delivers rookie consumers for professionals. In this article are one of the desired highlights of this technology
•This really is foldable
This superior blade 720 drone review comes with remarkable collapsible propellers. As a result, you can actually take it anywhere you want without having to worry about the risk of transportation.
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•This can be controlled via Google android, iOS, or Smartphone
You may possibly manage this drone regardless if you are using an android os powered mobile device or an iOS. You need to simply download the mobile app, set it up up, and so the last thing which you will do is usually to hook it up towards the Wi-Fi then close to your blade.
•Altitude Carry Setting
It becomes an significant feature of the drone since it is able to sealing the size and also the drone’s spot so the consumer can steadily hover it on a single location and get awesome video clips and pictures.
•Improved Airline flight Time
This amazing blade drone 720 provide an remarkable battery at the same time. This drone is also considered to be among the swiftest drone today, with twelve meters per next as well as its top rated collection transmission of 2 kilometers.
•Contra--Selection Technology
Featuring its built-in detectors, you may possibly prevent smashing and collisions on the floor and in addition some challenges.
•Sensible along with Minimal Style
Its clever light feature development keeps with each other, supplying additional mobility.
•Panorama Method
By utilizing this drone 720, you are able to get images 360 qualifications above within a individual drive on its key if you use your smartphone.
•Incredible Video
The videos, together with the pictures which can be captured applying this drone, are found to get incredibly crystal clear and sharp.
•three dimensional VR Mode
In order that will help you the drone, you can use its joystick as well as its VR kit.
Let’s have more of the blade 720 benefits:
•Less headache placing-up
•Smooth and intuitive regulates for quick soaring
•Single-switch for attaining, taking off and coming back
•Battery permits the person to fly for a greatest of 10 mins
•Lithium battery power carries a large capacity which offers a longer period for flying
•Includes Wi-Fi interconnection which assists in easy and actual-time information transferring
•360 levels easy going
•Reduced and-velocity method
•Light characteristic can make it stronger in comparison with other individuals
Advantages of using Blade Drone 720
The major benefits associated with this specific drone are its price, portability, video camera, as well as simple to operate. This drone appears to be a huge android cell phone in proportion. It includes flip-style rotors as a result, you are able to surely get the most-loved easily transportable drone. It would easily fit into your case or wallet. You can now use and fly this phenomenal drone. The user doesn’t have to pay attention to its elevation, just browse through and love your flight! It is actually unquestionable which every drone wants a fantastic camera. Hence, this blade drone 720 offers an awesome image as well as video lessons.
As however, we have not helped bring up this particular blade is designed with ABS plastic material. And that the thing that makes it stronger and less heavy. Finally, its cost is remarkable. It is actually offered for only 1000 US money without being concerned about its reliability along with its high quality. Featuring its inexpensive selling price, you could have your own super light-weight and foldable drone, which may endure each misuse. This is definitely worthy of getting.
Blade Drone 720 Benefits & Disadvantages
Same with another products available, this drone also has its experts and its particular cons. Therefore, it is very important to ascertain its pros as well as its disadvantages to suit your needs so that you can have a crystal clear picture if the certain item is best for you. Let’s have a look at the pros and cons of blade drone 720.
•Cheap, effective, and Dealing with is not hard
If you use this drone, you can expect to surely save your valuable funds by lowering the manpower along with its gasoline cost. This drone offers a accurate take a look at these regions which are thought to be hard to achieve furthermore, it extraordinary in surveillance, rescue missions without consuming a better amount of cash. This drone 720 is considered to be an affordable and practical alternative for choppers due to the fact that it drone can swiftly be flown.
•Remarkable Taking photos
This blade drone 720 may help you in consuming spectacular, awesome, and instagrammable photos. Competent photography lovers do uplift their profession along with their company by using this specific drone. Individuals motion picture-make that are just commencing on their own field also increase the value of their generation together with the amazing aerial photos made available from this blade drone 720.
•Thrilling to Use
When you find yourself already familiarized with how you can work it, you will get fun as well as an satisfying experience.
•Personal privacy Attack
This is regarded as the primary problem according to the drone use considering that the user can check around and use this drone for trespassing homes. Hence, this can be distressing concurrently, upsetting.
•Damages or Accidents
This drone is prone to damages. When you don’t get the appropriate coaching together with the necessary capabilities for making this drone fly, you could possibly cause drone collision or collide, which may result in hitting somebody or doing damage to items. You will even find studies about drones traveling near some strength cables or airport terminals that posed harm or damages that may lead to significant accidents for human beings.
•Feasible Mishandling
Its pleasure and its ease of access draw in enthusiasts, technology geeks, along with those with illegal motives. Terrorists and thieves have realized way to use this particular gadget for his or her harmful likes and dislikes.
•Cause harm to
Regardless of whether the point is useful or terrible, this drone can cause problems for individuals. You will find cases wherein drones can be used as hauling radioactive substance for people transporting unlawful pursuits. Should it be not licensed, this technologies may play since the principal for wrongdoers to commit criminal activity confident.
•Airport Dangers
Because the blade drone is very well-known amongst adults in addition to children, it then makes a significant threat to airport terminals. This is not from the defeated track incidents, nevertheless outstanding level disruption which continuously has an effect on a number of journeys monthly. From the moment this blade crashes in the airplane, this might result in a disastrous case.
Buyer Viewpoints and also Activities
This brand-new drone compatibly characteristics using a mobile device that is used when planning on taking beautiful photographs along with video lessons. In addition to simply being employed like a selfie drone, additionally it is popularly called a great stuffed toy. It is actually easily run and maneuver, as stated on some blade drone 720 evaluations accessible around.
Abilities and knowledge about drones are certainly not required. Even individuals who are not tech-experienced people can possibly run this product. However, it is actually greatly advisable to be attentive to the present climate before running this drone in the area. Due to its light-weight feature, it is far from advisable to have this drone to take flight once the rainwater is heavy, and there exists a strong wind.
•This drone is suitable for novices. This doesn’t need abilities in drones. In comparison to other individuals, this is a bit sturdier- which is, in accordance with Andrea Harnum, who acquired this product like a Christmas present for males within his early on fifties as well as two teenagers. They have got explained some positive opinion of this drone. In the event you will get, be sure you permit enough delivery service time, specifically if you could have this as being a gift idea.
•According to Bod, this drone is very good. Your friends will certainly be amazed by its camera resolution. It is capable of doing offering beautiful video tutorials and photographs.
•As outlined by David Frocione, he will surely buy more of this system. What he loves most is the sincerity and trustworthiness with regards to this drone.
A number of folks who possessed employed this drone are pleased, delighted, along with satisfied with their encounter. Almost every other way, some users find it difficult to position excellently up over, especially there exists a powerful wind. This only implies that in the event you desired to get around it properly, you have to have some required exercise in coping with this drone. Some users are inspired to make themselves familiar with the restrictions and regulations in drones flying inside the area, or else the arm from the rules can possibly confiscate this drone. Be mindful that flying drones near the airport or helipad and energy cable tv should be eliminated for you to prevent mishaps.
What Is the Value of Blade Drone 720?
It is possible to personal this drone for only 199.99 bucks. Nonetheless, when you will attempt to acquire it from its established website, you can find for a selection of cost. Huge discounts are made available from the drone business like acquiring two devices will entitle anyone to have one drone totally free, getting three units will entitle you for 2 totally free drones. Hence, this gets very helpful for a few family members who look at flying drones as being a past time as well as for loved ones bonding. Another good thing about purchasing the product is the free delivery campaign. Therefore, you will need to get the opportunity to jump at blade drone 720 benefits.
At times, this blade 720 is offered with running a campaign. In some countries, you can absolutely have yourself this Blade 720 given that some companies give a one half discount. And in relation to internet marketers, they also supply shipping and delivery, meaning it would actually help all those people who have a tight budget. This device if available on the internet, and in case you lookup its principal web site, you will possess the opportunity to have a drone with the very best quality and value.
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This device is created in order to meet users’ demands and also calls for. Having its functions, such as remarkable steadiness as it flies, 720HD camera and vast lenses, controllable controls for convenient traveling, you may be impressed by its low cost. In purchasing any item, it is envisioned that purchasers will have a second seriously considered receiving the item. Purchasers will certainly question and ponder if the product is worthy of buying or perhaps not.
With regards to blade drone 720, the answer is definitely yes! You might just think of the stunning and awesome video clips and images that you’ll be able to have with the use of this blade drone 720. It is not only about taking photographs and getting videos but much more on the enjoyment and entertaining it gives you for users.
Haven’t you tried out traveling a drone? This is the right time for you to use a try! Rush up and experience and like the good quality photographs for your cherished images, for your personal video clips, and even for your personal live stream adventures.
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come2life · 4 years
3 Feet Apart - Distancing in the age of Social Media
2020 has not been kind by any means. We have lost great personalities, going through a global pandemic and fighting racial abuse. Who would’ve thought that six months into the new decade would be like this? The earth is hurting, the world is suffering, people are facing unprecedented problems.
We, as individuals, have many issues going on. Some are those which you face in your daily life, while some are those which always plays on the back of your head. To maintain a balance during chaos so that you can function physically and emotionally is very tough. At times it seems all the weight of the world is on your shoulder and you’re going into a rut with every passing day. Usually, in our daily lives we have many distractions going on which doesn’t allow us to address these problems internally. Sadly, the distractions have made us ignore our deepest and darkest fears/confrontations. Every 1 in 3 females faces mental disorders - depression, anxiety and somatic complaints. While the same for every 1 in 5 males; this is a serious issue which the younger generation is facing. During such times, where life is a see-saw of emotions and reality, we have confined and found solace in social media. Hey, I love social media! It's fun, it's informative, it's a great way to keep in touch with your loved ones and allows you to give back to the community as well. But sadly, that’s not the case for everyone else. We have replaced our actual feelings with social media acceptance and survival. With so much content available to grasp, our daily livelihoods depends on it
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The ongoing pandemic you and I are facing, has sort of forced an individual to address the problems which have been ignored since such a long time. Our lives at the moment have come to a standstill and are advised to stay at home because that is the only way we fight the pandemic. Most of us right now reading this, are facing so many questions than answers internally. Yes, it's tough. Yes, it feels like nothings going right..
Listen, I want to let you know that you have a great job of surviving till date, it takes courage to go through your daily chores with so much going on.
The secret to a peaceful day is consistency and willingness. It's about working yourself daily with a set of habits and behavior. Here are a few things you could do to sustain yourself holistically through this pandemic :
Keep your loved ones close
Don’t lose touch with the people you are comfortable with. It could be your family, your friends and/or partner. A simple "good morning" everyday and wishing them the best is the least we could do. It's good to acknowledge the people who are close to you because these are those who have been with you during your best and worst. It has been a great effort from them to be with you, withstanding the traits. On the flip side, you have shared your personal and valuable space with them, you have opened up to them and trusted them by letting your wall down. This two-way relationship has helped you keep your sanity amidst the chaos you face daily.
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More time to yourself
Do your own work. Work on your hobby. Yes, it's really that simple. You can start by simply making your bed every morning. Completing a simple task like this gives you a good start to the day, a sense of accomplishment is achieved and you look forward to completing the next task (as mentioned above; consistency and willingness). Doing the same thing over and over again then develops like a habit where you just do it without even actually noticing it. You know you have done a good job when you reach that stage of consistency. Working on your hobby gives you the space you need from everything. This could be reading, writing, drawing, music, sports, movies etc. Anything which gives you utmost joy and satisfaction. The necessary “me-time“ is very important, don’t ignore it.
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Work on yourself
Address the issues you are facing internally. Ignoring it will only lead to more heartache at the end of the day. Issues could be anything; Toxic relationships and family problems are the most common reasons in this day and age. Getting closure will put your mind and heart at ease. It helps you to consciously move on to bigger and better things in life. Adapting to these changes may be hurtful but its necessary
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Create a career path
This pandemic is a blessing in a way for those who are struggling to get a hold of their professional lives. Use this time to use the technology available. We have so much spare time which can be useful to learn something new or create a structural path to your goals. Map it out, make your path and begin your work towards it. Trust me, once you have a clear path on what you have to do, your innate desire to succeed will help you through and reach your desired goals.
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Grow compassion
A direct link to inner happiness. It has the power to fight injustice, indifference and intolerance. Compassion doesn’t play a special role in individuals, it doesn’t discriminate between age, gender, rich and poor. The force it carries can change the world. Growing compassion helps us understand better what the opposite person is going through, makes us understand that the earth doesn’t revolve around ourself and it eliminates the notion of selfishness. It is the single-most powerful relationship in the world because it benefits both the person sharing it and the person receiving it.
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Learn to say No
The world is not sunshine and rainbows, it's filled with people who are out to hurt us in whatever capacity possible. We all wish for the world to be a “better place” but sometimes, we ask a bit too much. Every individual is different, complex and puts itself forward in diverse manners. Expecting everyone to be “good” is unrealistic. Preparing ourselves for the reality we live in is the way forward. Saying “No” doesn’t make you a bad person, understand that. You don’t wake up everyday to please others. You are breathing right now for yourself and no-one else. Disagreeing with another individual is okay because different opinions are bound to co-exist in the world. Don’t let it define who you are. Trust your space, trust your conscience.
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Health and Lifestyle
I cannot stress enough on the importance of our health which is directly related to the lifestyle we live. The only thing which is with you and have control upon throughout your lifetime is your body. Nurturing it with right foods and exercises not only allows us to live an optimal lifestyle but it also helps in strengthening our mental soundness. Taking care of yourself allows you to go through your daily life. It heightens your awareness, strength and concentration. The inverse relationship between health and soul binds every individual throughout their lifetime. Make sure you protect that relationship no matter what because it's all you.
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Before I leave, I just wanted to let you know that you and I are on the same boat and we will see through this, together.
If this has helped you in any way possible, please share this with your friends. Subscribe for more wellness content coming soon.
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letsdiscoverkitty · 6 years
Dear Kitty, I also have an eating disorder and have been given the option of taking the rest of this year off university to seek treatment. I’m in my third year at the moment. I was wondering about your opinion on/ experience of taking time out was?
Hey lovely, I am really sorry to hear of your current situation, I know how hard it is to hear that it might be best for you to take a step back from your studies *hugs*  I obviously don’t know you/your circumstances but I will try to give you a bit of advice/share some of my experience if that helps. I was going to try to write a long reply to this but I think it might be best to keep it short and if I am completely honest, I am utterly exhausted and don’t quite have the right capacity to be offering much in terms of “advice” but here goes....
The truth is that the end of the day your education/degree/work/whatever it may be, WILL ALWAYS be there in the future for you to go back to. Your health, on the other hand, does not have the same leniency; it is not something that you can just put on hold and say “you know what, I’ll just wait a few months until I finish my degree then I will seek treatment” because in that time your health both physical and mental can decline further and a lot of the worry around taking time out will be the ED trying to make excuses and put off change in an attempt to keep you trapped as doing so will make it incredibly vulnerable.
From my experience having to take a step back is, well, it’s shit. That is the only way I can put it and I would hate to sugarcoat the situation because it is so far ‘fine’. It is hard for so many reasons however, in the grand scheme of things, it is vv often necessary.  Of course personal circumstances vary and you have to ask yourself what YOU think is possible and what your choices/options currently are...some people find that they can, when faced with such scenarios, be almost kicked into recovery and find their drive and motivation to get well/comply with treatment - however I think, in general, trying to juggle both university AND recovery is unrealistic as there is a lot of pressure and stress when at university, which can be a huge driver/trigger for the ED. I suppose it does also depend on what your options are right now: what treatment you can access at uni, what support the uni can give, whether you can return home/your home environment etc as well as what treatment options may be accessible. When I have been faced with similar dilemmas, I have always found writing down my options, as well as doing pros and cons lists, incredibly helpful as it allows you to get down everything and give you a chance to take a slightly different perspective. 
One thing I will say is please please listen to the health professionals, as well as your tutors and those around you; they are not trying to “do” anything to you or stop you from finishing your degree, they have your health and wellbeing in mind and want only what is best for you. I would really recommend trying to talk to the people around you, like your friends and family, about your current option - I know it is really hard to reach out and talk about such difficult things but they will only want to help and you do not have to go through this alone. Taking a break and having to focus all your energy on recovery will be incredibly hard however if that means that you will have more support and most importantly A FUTURE/LIFE, then I really do not think that there is a question about it. YOUR needs have to come first. The degree will wait. Uni will wait. Work will wait. Your life, your health, your wellbeing - they have to come first. Always. I know it is such a horrible dilemma to be in but try to think about what your future self will be grateful for.  What would you say to your best friend if they came to you with the same/similar scenario? What would you tell them to do? You are no different. I know it is scary and horrible and I wish there was more that I could say/do (damn I said I would keep this short) but I promise you that there can be a way through this. It might feel like it gets worse before it gets better but so often in life the decisions/choices that are most worth taking are. Keep holding on. Talk to the people around you, write down your options, and try to take a step back. You are going to come through this, you are, and it is OKAY to have to take a step back for a little bit, I promise. Please feel free to message me if you want to ask anything else, again I am sorry that this reply isn’t the best but I hope it at least helps to get you thinking a little more about your options. All my love xxx
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askpetethelibrarian · 4 years
Libraries as Vaccine Centers
This is an opinion piece, mostly meant to outline the reasons why a library is not a good place to act as a vaccination center. So if you’re a Board person, a manager, or someone who thinks this is a great idea, please read on. If you’re someone who is trying to make the case against, hope this helps.
Just because I feel like our world requires this: I would love to have a vaccine and will get one as soon as the opportunity presents itself, and it’s my deep hope and expectation that everyone who can get one will, and that all of us will work together to make this vaccine accessible. 
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The Case For It
Let’s get this out of the way: I can definitely see some scenarios where the library as vaccination center makes sense. Mostly, in a small, rural community where there perhaps isn’t a good community gathering place, it might make sense to use the library this way, just from a logistics standpoint. I think you’d still be likely to find other options, such as rec centers, but maybe you have a REALLY small community that doesn’t have such things. In that case, I think the library fills in where the church maybe used to, being a place the community knows, is comfortable with, and can get to. 
But honestly, that’s about it. 
The Bad Case for It
I think the worst case I’ve seen in favor of this is the idea that people who are unwilling or unable to be in a doctor’s office might come to the library. The consideration we need to keep in mind, we’re talking about someone who is A) Willing to get a vaccine and B) Unwilling to go to a medical facility. I think this Venn diagram has a pretty small slice of people in the crossover. 
Realistically, I think we have a lot more people who are willing to get a vaccine regardless of location, and a lot of people who are, unfortunately, unwilling to get a vaccine, and the location in which that vaccine is administered is not the deciding factor. 
It’s not that I think this segment of the population, being small, doesn’t matter. But I think at this juncture, the first step is vaccinating as many willing people as possible. We’re looking at perhaps summer before we’ll even be able to vaccinate everyone who is willing. I think convincing the unconvinced comes after that. 
I would argue, when we come to that stage, that rather than using the library as neutral ground, vaccinations be made available in places where these folks feel comfortable. So maybe we’re talking about shelters, food distribution locations, and things like that. If we’re trying to convince them that this is okay and safe, and that they won’t get a bill, I think going to them is more effective than a mutual meetup spot. 
Anyway, the reason this is a bad case is because the library as vaccination spot will primarily be serving people who are willing to be vaccinated wherever, certainly for the next several months, so I don’t see a reason to augment the library to be a vaccination facility, provided there are other facilities that are better equipped and staffed to handle such things. Certainly for the period of mass vaccination, the library is unlikely to be a great location. 
If You Do It
If you’re going for it, I think you need to consider a few things.
First, your entire staff needs to be vaccinated before the public can begin vaccination. Your staff now works in a vaccination center, and if there’s ANYONE who should be vaccinated, it’s people in a vaccination center. Even though they’re not directly handling patients, they’re breathing the same air, touching the same surfaces, and generally increasing their exposure. It’s unreasonable to have a vaccination center where the staff isn’t vaccinated.
Second, you need to evaluate whether you can safely and reasonably operate as a library and a vaccination center at the same time. Maybe you can open the doors, but it’s doubtful that you can do so reasonably and safely. Being a vaccination center might mean you need to no longer be a library for a bit. 
Third, you need to consider some changes. What time do you open now, and what time do you close? Can you stop providing library services at times when vaccinations are still happening, and if that’s part of the plan, how will you enforce this? Remember, a vaccination center should have as close to 24/7 availability as possible, and you need to consider whether you’re able to stretch your hours. You do not want your hours to hold back the vaccination hours, and it’s critical that people be able to come in after work, on the weekend, and in the early morning. 
Are You A Good Fit?
I don’t want to speak for the medical community, but I think you need a few things to be a good fit for a vaccination center.
A loading dock would be extremely helpful. 
A place where people can wait and be 6 feet apart.
A spot where the medical team can take breaks and use restrooms. 
Increased janitorial/sanitizing capacity with better knowledge of hazmat procedures and sharps disposal (I know most libraries have some sharps disposal, but this is going to be a very big increase). 
My understanding is that these vaccines need to be kept very cold, and it’s a problem even in some pharmacies to have enough cold storage for them (or cold enough storage). So you need to check what the requirements are for this, electrically, and whether you can A) Manage that power demand, and B) Pay for the bill. 
Is your staff prepared to work as crowd control, and if not, what’s the crowd control plan? 
This is NOT the Time to Promote The Library
I get it, everyone’s got this big idea about making the library more than just books. A community gathering place. A third space. I get it, it makes sense.
It’s very appealing to think of the headlines.
But thinking in terms of what would best serve the library isn’t right. We need to think of what best serves our patients (ahem, excuse me) PATRONS.
I know libraries are in a bit of an identity crisis right now. I don’t think this is the way out. 
We Can Be Good, But Are We The Best?
I love that libraries want to help, and sometimes I think we forget that it’s not our duty or calling to DO everything. Sometimes we serve best by referring patrons to the right person for the job.
To make an analogy, sometimes I think we get involved in business development in ways that we shouldn’t. We should be referring people to our local Small Business Development Center because they have the expertise, and they can better guide someone. Sometimes I think we feel we can handle Resume Workshops, but now that I’ve learned more about those, they really should be handled by experts who are up to date and know more about different industries.
When someone comes in and needs a resume today, right now, our help is certainly better than nothing. But when someone needs more in-depth resume advice that borders on career counseling? We’re not the best at it. We might be good, but we’re not the best.
It takes a little something to admit when you’re not the best at something, a humility that’s not always easy. But it’s a big part of being a librarian. You have to recognize that you’re not the expert in most things. We live in the gap between disservice and expert service on a lot of things. We probably won’t hurt someone’s chances of getting a job with our resume advice, but we won’t help them as much as a pro. 
I’m arguing that in this case, the best service is important. It matters. I think our patrons are better served in a vaccination center that is sterile, typically used for medical procedures, well-ventilated, has highly-specialized waste management, provides some privacy to recipients of treatment, and has staff familiar with the legal, financial, and psychological side of things. What’s best for people is a dangerous thing to talk about. Nobody likes to hear it. But this is the sort of decision we make all the time.
I worked in a library that was a polling place, usually just for the elections every 4 years when we picked a president.
My experience with this is that it was a nice thing in some ways, but it was also messy. There are lots of requirements for polling places that libraries aren’t suited for because they weren’t designed with polling in mind. It’s not that libraries are badly designed or that polling has unreasonable demands. It’s just that libraries were desiged with different goals than are required by polling. 
The Biggest Requirement
What’s required here is honesty. Be honest with yourself. Are we the only option? If not, are we the best option, and why? If we make this change, what other changes should we prepare to make? Can we accept that, at least temporarily, some of our offerings and options may change drastically? What are the likely risks, and what will we plan to mitigate them? What is the timeline we’d like, the timeline we can manage, and the timeline we can enforce? 
Just as a final plea: Don’t say yes to being a vaccine outlet. Say “Tell me more about what’s required, and let’s discuss what this might look like.” Ask lots of good questions. Consult with other libraries serving populations similar to yours. Consult with medical professionals. I know this might sound like a wild idea, but do your research. With vaccines not yet plentiful, the right answer is more important than the “right now” answer.
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dogfinder2 · 4 years
Becoming the Best Society Entertainer Magician You Can Be
"First think as an entertainer, then as a magician"
Any person may learn and also do a magical"trick", but to choose a hint and transform it in an remarkable performance is just one of those secrets to doing good magic. May I suggest many people DO NOT prefer to feel like they will have now already been"tricked" or even"fooled", alternatively they prefer to understand they've participate in good entertainment.
Maybe you have been curious about why you would like to complete"magic Tricks"? Is it to your own fame and luck because you might possess a fire to amuse?
"First think as an entertainer, then as a magician"
As New York Based Master Society Entertainer Magician Simon Lovell says"Magicians worry about'How can I take action ' Instead of 'Why' do I do it? There in lies one of the biggest problems -- there has to be a reason. Magic intrinsically is an illogical thing, but you can do it at least in a logical way. You ask, what is more important to me -- an audience remembering me or the tricks I perform? I would rather them remember me than the tricks I perform. It is essential to create uniqueness about yourself - separate yourself from the masses"
Personal Case Study:
While at a cook out last summer I had been talking with the server and he desired for me to amuse my guests, even excluding himselfas he explained"I am not fond of'magical', I do not enjoy it". Such as this particular gentleman, you will find people who frankly do not delight in watching magical, however, maybe perhaps not enjoying magic isn't just a terrible thing.
At an incident similar to this DO NOT SAY"BUT, YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN ME PERFORM" (Unless of class in the exact identical sentence you've got the capability to generate a two ton wolf look within his swimmingpool and also result in a parade of camels to parade throughout the picnic space. Should you possess this capacity, I will caution, then he can call upon a native ministry to carry out an exorcism).
Inside this scenario as an example I inquired VERY un-aggressively"Have you ever seen a live licensed society entertainer close-up magician?" For the he explained,"Yes" (In a humorous, ''..."magic is only a good idea for children's birthday parties"... type of tone). His opinion didn't offend me since I have heard this earlier; I reacted to him having"So you have not seen an"impressive" sleight of hand artist?" For the he said"No, the magicians I have seen seemed OK for kid's but too cheesy and dated for me."
"First think as an entertainer, then as a magician"
After a time travelling acting because of his picnic guests, then I approached him and inquired if he'd think about giving his frank opinion of some thing I have now already been focusing and when he'd believe it's all up to level to do because of his pals? He stated,"Sure, go ahead." Fastforward several hoursby the day's end he had been asking I work for"this individual and that one over there, oh and they would love the one you just did with me." Such as this particular individual, the majority of people have observed the"pick any card TRICK" and also"make six piles TRICK", etc.. Bear in mind, eventually become an entertainer, not simply a magician (trickster).
Inside my kids' birthday party shows I amuse the young adults just as far as the kiddies, section of my assurance! is ALL THEIR GUESTS WILL BE TRULY ENTERTAINED OR THEY PAY ME NOTHING! I've NEVER had some one take me up with this deal. . .EVER (Humbly Stated).
Ordinarily whilst the guests are coming (at a young child's birthday party) I shall do some walk round magical (A FREE BONUS), your customer adores this because there was certainly NO dead distance and you also have more chance to contact the adults and kiddies earlier"show" period. The parents in presence love to understand who's amusing their own children. While I do what I call"Maryland Style Close-Up Magic" to your young ones they be given a better peek into who I am and also they aren't"just" at a"child's birthday party" anymore.
"First think as an entertainer, then as a magician"
Some times while achieving such a walk round I may have two or one of those laidback, trendy, brew drinking guys and their friends saying (because I attitude )"No, go show the tricks to the kids, I do not want to see any of that stuff it is for children." I can return with"Oh, you know I have been working on a few things for this show, for the kid's," (I shall often browse around as though I am sharing a romantic relationship using them) and indicate,"would you mind/ be so kind to allow me to show you something I may want to perform for the children, you be the judge. Let me know if you think the children will enjoy this or not."
Now I current Master Magic Creator John Kennedy's"Mystery Box", Blizzard Deck out of Master Magician Dean Dill of all Los Angeles California or perhaps some mentalism (Mind-Reading) / card sleights of Dai Vernon (AKA The Professor). The answer to those would be ALWAYS phenomenal!!! Why? I think being a entertainer, then being a magician". These guys always ask to see more and then to show more of this amazing magic to their friends. I also find they get better involved when it comes to the "kid's" part of the show! They are now the ones taking a front row seat.
You may go into a Baltimore, Maryland magic shop and purchase the newest, neatest, trick on the market. After you get it home, the package ripped open, you can hardly contain the excitement, you read the directions, go through the routine a couple times and then run out of your room showing your parents, husband, wife and/ or children. Showing off your "skills" you now possess with your T.T., Professors Nightmare, and a stripper deck.
Your friends encourage you and say..."wow"... that is neat, your parents tell you"You would be the most useful magician they've ever seen" and because you have a few weeks of"clinic" and have bought 15 of the"trendiest" tricks sold in a local magic studio today you believe you are"ready" to perform as a professional. You make business cards with your name stating you do kids birthday parties, etc.. Now you are going to be making money.
First, have you taken time to consider why you want to do "magic Tricks"? Is it for the fame and fortune? If I asked if you know who David Blaine and David Copperfield are, you would not hesitate to say"they have been wealthy and famous magicians." Right you would be. But if I were to ask you if you knew the name of Puck, Scott Alexander or Dennis Haney to name a few?
Your reply may be"whois Puck, Scott Alexander or even Dennis Haney? Why have not I heard about these " I say to you"They can be excellent magicians." You reply,"when they're so beautiful, I might have seen on TV." The answer to your last statement is simple -- they have been working, and practicing, taking advice, practicing, learning, creating, performing and practicing.
Scott Alexander has been a top pro for many years and one of the busiest professionals in the world. His credits include Denny & Lee, Malone's Bar in Boca, cruise ships all over the world, Caesar Magical Empire, and now he is starring in his own show at Fitzgerald's in Las Vegas. His style is simple -- comedy that goes right to the center of the audience's brain.
Master entertainer magician Puck headlines around the globe traveling from Orlando, FL one of the most sought after entertainers in the nation.
Dennis Haney is one of the most "famous" of all three named here. He owns two magic shops/ studios one is local in Baltimore, Maryland and the other in Las Vegas, Nevada - his tag line is:"Where the experts shop"; Mr. Haney is among the who's who in the world of magic / NaijaVibe (worldwide).
If you try and follow fame and fortune more than likely you will be as Client Eastwood so calmly said in one of his movies"You certainly really are a legend in your mind" Do not pursue fame and fortune, let it find you. Keep on practicing, rehearsing, reading and listening to those in the trenches, learn from their mistakes and their victories. Did David Copperfield"only appear" on the scene? (bad play on words, I know but hey. . .it is a free article what do you expect), no, he was practicing over and over again. Practice does not make perfect, as one individual told me some time ago,"perfect practice makes perfect"
"First think as an entertainer, then as a magician"
Practice, practice and practice some more. Once you've practiced a few instances, multiplied by 10 then move in your closest magic store, or into some community regular magician and suggest to them exactly what you have now already been doing work on, then you've got two ears and one mouth, then use the first two and never the previous one, tune in to exactly what they must say. Return straight back and clinic, oh, by how have I said that must clinic? (I state this having a curious smile ).
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teachingtales · 4 years
How To...Be an Empath Without Being Overwhelmed
I saw this post and responded to it. I thought it may help others here. I asked the person if they wanted advice, they did, and so my reply is after the bold/italicized text. If you don’t know what an “empath” is, it’s someone who feels the emotions of others very strongly, and can find it overwhelming. The bold/italicized commentary directly below is a pretty standard example of what an empath experiences: 
Sometimes I feel like my heart is like 4 sizes too large because I care WAY too much about random things happening/people that I have literally no connection with. Part of it today is that I'm probably really close to my period, but I get like this a lot even when I'm not hormonal. Today, I saw a TikTok where a girl was taking a college class and everything is still online because of Covid. She said less than half of the class was showing up and no one turned on cameras and the prof seemed really sad. It was an environmental class, something this guy obviously cares about a lot and I just started sobbing. It's just so sad to think about these professors who just really love teaching people, and are used to seeing students faces every day, and now he's just talking into a void. like just a black screen. I cried for like 5 minutes about this 30 second tiktok. Little stuff like that just really gets to me. I played a dumb video game the other day (Journey to the Savage Planet) and you scan these little animals on this planet and the first one you come across the description of this animal literally says "loves you" and then you're supposed to kill a bunch of them. Do I just need to avoid media at this point?? The more visual it is (like a show, or a game or something) the worse I feel. Sometimes I even have a hard time reading books because I get so sad. This can't be normal. Does anyone else get like this? How do you separate your human emotions from things that really don't affect you at all?
It takes a lot of work to manage being an empath without shutting down or becoming overwhelmed, but I find it worth it.
A. When I’m overwhelmed with emotion.
In these cases, I analyze what’s getting to me and I find a place online where I can donate money. I donate what I can, it’s monthly but a small amount. I personally donate to a reusable pad charity that gets reusable pads to girls in regions where safe pads are hard to find (so they either use unsanitary things and get infections, or they miss school during their period and fall behind) and another charity that provides sun protective clothing and high SPF sunscreen to Africans (in Africa) with albinism.
I don’t know why these two in particular spoke to me...likely because oppressive religious concepts put them in danger and I grew up in a cult myself. Any amount you donate is helpful.
Sometimes I do a thing where if I’m buying too much c/s food, I donate an equal amount of money to different charities.
If you can’t donate money for some reason, then play the “grammar game” at https://freerice.com and each correct answer donates rice to hungry people. You can’t use an ad blocker since that’s where the money for the rice comes from.
I cannot fix all the problems in the world, but I can at least provide some help.
B. If I’m overwhelmed wanting to help someone I’m talking with who doesn’t seem to understand why they need my help.
This can be difficult but the best way to think about it is that I cannot help someone as an isolated concept; help can only happen if both of these things happen:
I am willing and able to help
The other person is willing and able to receive and enact my help
The problem of the empath is we desperately want to help others and, unlike most people, we are willing to put I’m the effort. The problems arise when the person is unwilling or unable to utilize that help. Help is like any other human interaction: IT REQUIRES CONSENT! This is something we don’t talk about in society, but it is simply inappropriate to force our help onto others. It causes them feelings of stress, inadequacy, frustration, self-hatred, and other negative, harmful emotions. As empaths, we don’t want anyone feeling that way, ESPECIALLY because of something we did or said! So I remind myself that if I force my help without their consent, then I’m contributing to worsening that person’s day.
C. The person wants my help...for everything. They are draining me.
This is likely the hardest one for us to manage, because we begin to feel responsible for that person’s wellbeing.
This type of person desperately needs a good friend, but because you’re offering help in one capacity they have decided that you are the person who will meet all their needs. This is an inappropriate relationship. If someone offers help with X, they are not also offering help with Y, Z, A, B, etc.. It’s like how I would be wrong to see a dermatologist for an eczema outbreak, but to call the dermatologist for help with my relationships, choosing healthy food at the store, asking for help picking a flattering outfit, and asking for advice on writing a resume or talking to a problematic coworker. The dermatologist is helping with ONE thing. Can the dermatologist offer advice on all those other things? Sure. But it’s inappropriate to think, “The dermatologist is helping me with eczema; THEREFORE, I will ask their help for all these other things.”
This means we as empaths need to set those boundaries. It’s okay for us to point them in the direction of someone who has more time and expertise to help them for another problem.
And, just like that dermatology visit, we must set a time limit. If you feel selfish at first, remind yourself that being “drained” means you can’t help as many people during the day AND that those extra hours spent aren’t actually getting that much extra improvement in their lives. It’s a better outcome to divide our time to help 3 people than to let 1 person swallow up all our time.
D. The person wants my ATTENTION, but not my HELP.
This one is tricky and can leave us feeling used and our time wasted. This person appears like Situation C, but each time they “totally promise” to use our advice, you find out in the next conversation that they didn’t use the advice or even claim to forget, or claim that we never said that advice. This person needs professional therapy. We cannot help them. If they cannot see a therapist in person for whatever reason, I have free and/or online alternatives for them.
I find that this person is ready to dump ALL their problems, even if they’re wholly unrelated to a problem you’re talking with them about currently. You find that when you try to excuse yourself from the conversation, they immediately try to start a new conversation. The more you try to excuse yourself, the more extreme the new conversation starters become, including talks of self-harm, suicidal ideation, inappropriate touching, and so on. These aren’t necessarily lies, but are ONLY brought up to keep your attention/concern/care. I call them “Pity Vampires”.
For Pity Vampires, I give them one helpful task to complete for the next time we speak, and I give a time constraint like, “Message me next week about your success.” If they message me next week with cheap excuses, then I refer them to a therapist (and the alternatives) and tell them I am unable to help them.
Typically, they will attempt to self-pity to manipulate me into helping them, such as, “That’s how everyone treats me, I thought you were different but you proved me wrong” or “I really am beyond helping, no one wants to be around me.” I reply to this saying something like, “Your response is deliberately manipulative to trick me into talking to you further. This is disrespectful and you’re asking me for inappropriate help. I am not a mental health professional, so it is rude and inconsiderate to use me as such. I am a person with my own issues. I’m happy to be a friend, but I am not here to be used by a person who is avoiding therapy.”
This sounds harsh but it is direct and truthful, which is what they need to hear because they’re either given pity or frustration. By expressing exactly why people keep leaving them, you are helping them see that it’s not who they are that is off-putting, but it’s how they treat others that is off-putting.
Similar to this person is the "Drama Vampire", who is combative for attention. It's similar to a troll in that they post to get a strong reaction, only they're being serious in their commentary and not trolling (trolls just post to anger people for fun, even if it's not their real belief/opinion). Drama Vampires are easier to spot and you can try talking to them politely to educate them on a topic. If they respond in an over-the-top way with insults and strawman arguments, you can say something like, "You are using straw man arguments and insults, and I'm not sure why. If you want to have a conversation about this, I'm happy to participate in civil, calm discussion. But if you're upset and looking to talk at me with common arguments that aren't anything I've ever said, then you don't need me for this since you're putting words in my mouth anyway. If you respond in the same way, I just won't reply. Either way, I hope you have a good day." 
You have to be careful to not be condescending, as it can sometimes come off that way. You can't include things like, "I just wanted to educate you but it seems you're in love with ignorance" or whatever. Just "Hey, I'm here to talk but not here to be yelled at, so if you respond with more of the same then I won't reply." 90% of the time, Drama Vampires respond with more anger and so I wash my hands of it. It is tempting to try to "reach" them with kind, rational words, but they aren't receptive to those at that time. If they are receptive, then after that "please don't be rude to me, I just want to have a discussion" comment they will soften up and you can have a discussion.
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Three Easy Dishwasher Repair Tips You Can Do Yourself
Not quite the old shakespearian question, however close enough in today's modern time of expensive appliances. What do you do when your fridge is running, yet not as awesome as a cucumber? or your oven's heating capability is pretty comparable to the baking power in your daughter's easy-bake-oven. Ever before come across wet ice it's fashionable name for water, indicating your icemaker is broken. If the dishes look worse than when they went in the dishwasher, you've obtained a problem and it doesn't take an expert to figure it out. Undoubtedly there's a lot of stress and anxiety involved with online research for you details appliance, advice from loved ones, manufactures providing you the runaround, as well as clashing product reviews. Whether you like it or not, it's a major household decision when it comes to repairing or replacing your kitchen or laundry appliance. Right here are a couple of guidelines to take into consideration when it comes to be to make your last, digestive tract wrenching decision.
In addition to this site, there are additionally a large number of them online, and all you require to do to access them is to carry out a simple search on any online search engine. In addition to the parts that they offer, most of the internet site that sell appliance parts likewise provide tips on how you can replace the part yourself and also on exactly how you can repair your broken appliances on your own. Whether you have an old dishwasher, refrigerator, or oven, which, offered https://www.washingtonpost.com/newssearch/?query=repair appliances the high turn over of appliance models can be considered outdated, you need not buy a brand-new one because the parts that you require to replace are not readily available in many shops. The net serves as an abundant source of online shops that offer "outdated" appliance parts in addition to various other beneficial information.
When to Try To Find Appliance Repairs
Contact the organization that you acquired the appliance from. For individuals that have actually maintained their invoices handy, this may aid considerably. Contact the organization that gives the warranty or inquire with the place where you initially bought the appliance from to fetch the warranty information from. Make certain to thoroughly read over the warranty to be absolutely certain you have all the information you will require to file the claim. Request extra information regarding the kinds of repairs needed for the appliance. Are you currently responsible for getting in contact with an specialist or do they have suggested service center that they require the appliance to be taken to? ensure that you maintain any invoices to ensure that you will be properly returned for the costs that you just sustained pertaining to the appliance repair.
If your appliance is an item which makes use of gas, electrical, radiation and/or refrigeration, please keep in mind that qualified repair experts should have previous experience with gas, electrical, and also refrigeration issues. Just in case you're going to obtain any type of type of appliance repair issues fixed, it is of the utmost significance to be sure that a qualified home appliance individual repairs the appliance.
Occasionally, the indicators that you require repairs for your home appliances are not so evident. Several appliances will still turn on yet will not operate in the ideal way, and also this might trigger you major hassle as well as boost your household bills. Thus, you need to look for indicators that your appliances are not working to the very best of their capacity. As an example, if it's taking twice as long to cook your preferred dishes, then you may need oven repair. If you let these problems go unattended for even a couple of months, you could cost yourself thousands of dollars when you end up having to buy a new appliance. Rather, you need to find an oven repair expert as well as take care of them today.
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Different Problems For Which You Need Professional Appliance Repair Services
If the financial costs of the appliance are greater than what you can manage, be sure to ask inquiries relating to a layaway or monthly layaway plan. In addition, you may pick to ask about a regular monthly service repair strategy with the appliance repair company. By acquiring a month-to-month service repair plan, you can be certain that a qualified appliance specialist will certainly be offered to help prevent unfavorable failures as well as breakdowns. Constructing a partnership with a reliable appliance repair company offers you with a sense of satisfaction for your major home appliances and also all your home appliances secured under one practical repair plan. You may even seek their professional recommendations when purchasing brand-new products knowing that you have an honest opinion from someone you trust as well as might rely on in the past, during as well as after the home appliance purchase. Hopefully, these referrals will help to ease any kind of anxieties one may have regarding appliance repair problems or failures.
It is very important to remember that often the problem with the appliance is a major one and also can not be repaired at home. If you find that the issue with your appliance is also complicated for you to take care of or if something fails while doing the repair work on the appliance then seek professional aid promptly. Call a technician and make certain that he recognizes what you have been doing so that he is able to correct any kind of blunders that you could have done while repairing the appliance yourself.
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A variety of appliances are available for domestic that https://ejappliance.com/gilbert-appliance-repair/ have actually streamlined the lives of people. Over time, with normal usage, any home appliances can wear out bring about breakdown or complete malfunction. In such situations, customers try to find ways of repairing the appliances and also ensure that their investment is not wasted. A great deal of information can be acquired from the net concerning repair of home appliances. There are numerous tutorials and also guidelines available that assistance users determine the nature of breakdown and contact the right person for repairing home appliances. Home appliances such as refrigerators, dishwashers, laundry machines, air conditioners, microwaves and humidifiers can all be repaired by referring the issue to authorized dealers or technicians. It is constantly a good idea to take the help of a technician or specialist to repair a home appliance. Some appliances will require replacement of parts and also it is essential to find the appropriate ones relying on the appliances? brand, model and year of purchase. These spare parts can be ordered online, at a store or with a professional.
Having a look at consumer reports for repair rates and also effectiveness ratings doesn't provide a complete image. If you have an appliance repair company you deal with talk with their technicians as well as possession team about brands they service, ones that last the longest, brands that have lower costs of repair. Finding a good service company that you can depend can handle your appliance repairs is as important as having a quality appliance. Even the best rated machines can break down and you'll remain in a pickle if you don't have a good service company.
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franklyshipping · 7 years
A much needed check-up ~ Markiplier and Jacksepticeye Ego Fanfic
I’m in a strangely productive frame of mind and I’m in LOVE with the idea of Dr. Iplier and Dr. HENRIK VON SCHNEEPLESTEIN working together and having a bit of a dynamic of care and stuff (can be perceived at platonic or romantic and it’s SFW for the CUTENESS) hope yalls enjoy x 😄
A sigh escaped the lips of the exhausted and over caffeinated doctor as he decided to lie on his own medical lounger, relishing in the peace and quiet of the empty consulting room. Dr. Iplier had been working non-stop since 5 am, tending to patient care, putting forward diagnoses and off loading results; not all of them good. He was about to let his eyelids fall when a high-pitched and familiar accented voice accosted his eardrums.
The previously relaxed doctor sighed and smiled with a light grimace at the sound of his colleague and friend Dr. Schneeplestein, his constant energy both astounded and annoyed him at times.
‘I’m in here Schneeple!’
He called out and soon a flash of a white coat swept through his doorway, the neon-green haired man stood fidgeting with a wide grin.
‘Zhere you are my friend! I take it you are finished for ze day?’
Iplier rolled his eyes with a light smile.
'No I’m just lying on my own examination bench for the hell of it.’
He chuckled when Schneeple narrowed his eyes in a light glare.
'Ha ha ha, alvays so funny!’
Iplier felt his grin widening as Schneeple stepped foward, the latter sighed and folded his arms.
'Anyvay, I vos vundering if you vould like to accompany me to haf some vell deserved alchohol, I haf caused many an aneurism today and I need a pick-me up!’
Dr Iplier furrowed his eyebrows, his own arms folding as he spoke confusedly.
'Caused? Don’t you mean cured?’
Schneeplestein waved his hands as he stepped closer.
'Ah zay are ze same thing! So are you in doctor?’
Iplier sighed, he could feel his exhaustion spreading through him and he was well accustomed to how much alcohol Schneeple could intake, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to keep up in his current state. He looked up with a light smile, but it was a smile of sadness and dejectedness.
'Nah, I’m not really in the mood Schneeple…’
Dr. Schneeplestein, for all his questionable medical abilities, could tell that his friend was off and he immediatly went to analyse. It didn’t take him long to see his friend’s exhaustion, and his sadness at his exhaustion. He stepped closer, his concern evident.
'Iplier, vhen vos ze last time you had a proper check-up yourself?’
Iplier sighed, he could see Schneeple’s concern and that only made him feel guilt; he was a doctor, it was his job to worry about others not vice versa. As a result he only shrugged in response.
'Zat decides it, lie back so zat I can check you over-’
'Schneeple there’s really no need…’
Schneeple cut him off by wiggling a disapproving finger and pushing him lightly so he was laying down, Iplier sighed and let him do so since it would probably be over quicker if he co-operated.
'Ah ah ah! Hush now, after all I AM a doctor…so zherefore I know vhat’s best!’
Schneeple chuckled as Iplier groaned at the copying of his words, something that the former did frequently to tease him.
'I said that like one time!’
'Shush now! Schneeple is vorking!’
Iplier pursed his lips as Schneeple grinned lightly, rolling on the appropriate gloves before performing all the standard tests; breathing capabilities, mobility and the like. Now it came to organs and the torso skeletal check, the final thing.
'Raise your arms please.’
Iplier did so as Schneeple rolled his shirt up, he smirked.
'Been vorking out have ve doctor?’
Iplier felt his cheeks heat up lightly as the other chuckled lightly, he turned his head away so he didn’t have to deal with his stupidly teasy face.
'Just get on with it.’
Schneeple chuckled again before moving to feel around Iplier’s ribcage, the owner of which had now bitten his bottom lip since the feeling of Schneeple’s fingers in that spot…well, let’s just say his nerves were heightened. Dr. Schneeplestein noticed this, mainly because he’d been hoping this would be the case; Iplier needed to relax, and now he had the appropriate means.
'You seem qvite tense, is zis spot painful?’
Iplier could only shake his head, for fear of his voice betraying him. Schneeple didn’t bother hiding his smirk as he leant over his friend, poised threateningly.
'No? Vell I guess I shall haf to dig in furzur for a diagnosis…’
True to his word Schneeple dug his fingers into Iplier’s ribs, thus causing Iplier to break out into a stream of cackling as he slammed his arms down over Schneeple’s hands; that didn’t stop his fingers wiggling in torturous earnest though.
'Yohohohohohohohou ahahahahahashohole!’
Scheeple tried to look offended but his gleeful grin took precedence as Iplier writhed beneath him.
'How DARE you insult a medical professional! Zis is a serious examination!’
Iplier giggled loudly at Schneeple’s reprimanding, and those got even louder when Schneeple wormed his way into Iplier’s sensitive underarms. The man’s kill spot.
Schneeple used his dexterity malevolently to scratch and scribble in his victim’s hollows, his relentlessness brought tears to Iplier’s eyes.
'I’m sorry not vhere? Perhaps a prescription of anti-pschosis medication is in order-’
Iplier blushed furthur at Scheeple’s amused cackle, even with his arms clamped down the torture was inescapable. He was squirming and struggling, but Dr. Schneeplestein was stronger that he looked. He withdrew one hand, the other still scratching ruthlessly in one hollow, and now used his free hand to experimentally flutter at the doctor’s ears. The reaction was priceless. A high pitched squeak preceeded a plethora of snorts and giggles from the heavily blushing man, already embarrassed from his vulnerability.
'Awwww, vhat cute noises you make! Does somevone haf sensitive little ears?’
Schneeple grinned as he flicked and fluttered his fingertips gently and couldn’t help but look fondly upon Iplier’s wide smile and scrunched eyes; the sight spurring him to continue.
'From a medical pespective I’d have to say zat you do…’
Iplier yelped and scrunched his neck as Schneeple continued to take advantage of his sensitivity. It went on for several minutes, but all of that combined with the torment under his arm was almost becoming too much, well no it DEFINATELY was.
Schneeple snickered fondly at the fact that he’d managed to reduce Iplier to a virtually incoherent mess, he wasn’t going to let him forget this for a LONG while. However due to the streaming tears and reducing lung capacity of his friend, he decided to let up as he removed his hands gently. Iplier curled into a ball and rapidly rubbed behind his ears to shun away the redidual tingles that festered there.
'I think I must diagnose you vith sensitive nerves, I regret to say zat I haf never seen a case as severe as yours befo-’
'Fuhuhuhuck yohohohou dihickwad.’
Schneeple cackled loudly as he disposed of the medical gloves and perched on the examination bench, he looked down at the recovering man with glittering eyes and a playful smirk in place. Iplier glared lightly as he sat up and ran a hand through his hair.
'Perhaps later.’
Scheeple smirked as Iplier sighed and shook his head with an exasperated smile, but it was happy exasperation rather than that of sadness or tiredness. His flush died down and he grinned lightly.
'You wish.’
Schneeple nudged his shoulder with a light glare before jumping to his feet again, always full of energy.
'How vould you feel about decaf and a lazy evening at my place? In my personal AND medical opinion I think zat you need it.’
Iplier looked up and down at the energetic man, this crazy, haphazard, dangerous…and kind man. Schneeplestein held out his hand and Iplier took it with a small smile.
'When you put it like that how can I refuse?’
He nearly yelped when Schneeple yanked him into a standing position and dragged him through the empty corridors rambling away about some such random topic. It was then that Iplier thought, perhaps he did have some medical skill after all.
okay but like i TOTALLY ship them, hope you enjoy and if you do i urge you to tell me and even send in requests cuz i’m happy to do 'em! luv yous x 😊
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madcapmoon · 7 years
Ten questions for Guy Picciotto
This is an interview I conducted with Guy Picciotto of Fugazi, Rites of Spring and One Last Wish fame back in 2006. I was working in the Italian town of Pescasseroli in Abruzzo at the time and Italy had just won the World Cup. Fugazi had been on hiatus for four years at that point and unfortunately over five years after this interview took place it looks as if they may never reform. My friends Anthony and Eugene kindly published this interview in the 10th anniversary issue of their legendary fanzine Loserdom so many thanks to them as always for allowing me to publish various interviews and musings over the years. 
1. It’s been four years since the last Fugazi concert and  each member of the band seems to have worked or be  working on other musical projects: Ian Mackaye is playing in the  Evens, Brendan Canty has been touring with Bob Mould and Joe Lally is playing solo concerts. You played a concert with the group International Silence in 2003 and I read somewhere a few years back that you had been working on music with Eddie Janney. What musical projects are you working on at the moment? Even though Fugazi itself hasn’t played a show or recorded anything new in a dog’s age, the business of keeping Fugazi’s affairs together remains. It’s kind of like tending to a monument – the landscaping needs to be kept up and the plaques shiny – so, since we are self-managed, that work continues for all of us. Lately, we’ve worked on remastering most of our old records and we’ve also added 10 more shows to our live archive project (at www.fugaziliveseries.com).
Beyond that, I have been doing alot of production work for various bands. The latest project was a record for the Blood Brothers which I co-produced with John Goodmanson out in Seattle over the last 2 months. It comes out in October I think, and it’s a fucking killer bunch of songs.
I have also been doing some music writing on my own. I did perform a few new songs in Belgium at a film/music festival curated by my friend Jem Cohen late last year – that was the first time I’d sung into a microphone live since Fugazi last played in 2002. It felt good so I want to try and get my shit together and do it some more.
Like you mentioned, I have also played some improvisational shows as a member of International Silence over the last couple of years, ( International Silence is a rotating cooperative of improvisational musicians put together by Mats Gustaffson). For the last 3 years I have also been writing with Eddie Janney, my old bandmate from Rites of Spring, and we’ve amassed tons of material but I’m not sure what will happen with it. It’s not a conventionally ambitious situation but it’s really interesting music and maybe it will coalesce into something more public at some point. But for now, I’m from the Orson Welles school of “no wine before its time”.
2. You have directed two short Super 8 films and I read you had plans to make a third short film on 16mm. Did you ever get around to making it?
Nope. I did work a bit in some capacity on the last Jem Cohen movie “Chain” – I’m listed as one of the producers but really I was more like a sounding board for Jem during the conception, filming and editing. I love film and I hope to do more of it but the Super 8’s I made were strictly goofs – an opportunity to fuck around with friends and try to learn about the process.
3. Are these films available anywhere on the internet?
Not that I know of. Honestly, they aren’t any great shakes. I do however encourage people to see “Chain”. It should be out on DVD soon and it’s really worth checking out. It’s kind of a portrait of the global landscape as it reaches a crisis level of homogeneity as filtered through the experience of 2 women, a homeless American and a Japanese businesswoman working for a theme park corporation.
4. Parts of Fugazi’s recording session with Steve Albini have recently surfaced unmixed on the internet, will those recordings ever be remixed and officially released by the band?
I don’t know. It’s possible that someday they will though it’s been a long time since I heard them and I’m not sure what context we could put them out under. Its kind of a drag that they got leaked onto the internet – if only because I think of them as being incomplete and not a fair representation of what they could be. I mean I’m not huffing and puffing with rage over the leak – but still, I don’t like sneakiness. For the record: We had a blast working with Steve and he remains one of the smartest and funniest people I’ve ever met in my life as well as a masterful recording technician. That session was the beginning point of a longer acquaintance and its been great getting to know the guy, play dice with him and play shows with his band.
The session we did was an experiment for us to try recording outside of our Inner Ear Studio homebase in DC and the original intention was just to go up and fuck around with the latest bunch of songs we were working on. We weren’t in the mind-set of “we’re making an album” it was more like ” let’s go see what happens”- we ended up having a great time but we didn’t really play all that well (or rather sing that well to be specific) so we decided to re-track it once we had the songs down better – and that became IN ON THE KILLTAKER.
5. With Fugazi you played concerts all over the world and got to see many cities and countries, have you ever thought about moving away from Washington DC to  one of the countries or cities you have visited? If so which ones and why?
I’ve definitely thought of living in other places besides DC and being someplace outside the USA, particularly of late when the political environment is so soul-crushingly depressing. I do love DC and having been born and raised here I can see never leaving but I definitely wouldn’t be weeping hot tears if I was told I had to move to either Brazil or Italy. Both countries have amazing spirit, amazing food, amazing people, amazing culture and I’ve felt really at home in both.
I also love Paris and I speak decent French so that would be another one I could definitely handle. Can’t say much bad about Melbourne, Australia either. Or Sydney for that matter. Gotta love Edinburgh, Scotland too. Basically, I think I would be easy to please in the geography department.
6. You have worked with various bands as a producer, what are your criteria for working with a band?
I don’t really consider myself a professional producer, but I also never have considered myself a professional musician. It’s just something I fell into out of my love of music and through relationships made through music. I first started recording other bands out of my old group house which was called Pirate House. Fugazi had set up a small 8 track analog studio in the basement so I just started recording my friends there and taught myself the ultra-low level basics of engineering. I did records for the Make Up, Metamatics, Crainium, Blonde Redhead, Slant 6 and others there. It was really low key and the focus was on doing things cheap and fast, before the neighbors could get too irritated. I was also learning some of the ropes just by working on the Fugazi records with the rest of the band.
Over time other bands asked me to do things in other studios in other parts of the country and when I had some time apart from Fugazi stuff I tried to do it. Mostly, I worked with friends like Blonde Redhead or Casual Dots -people I’ve known for a long time but I’ve also more recently done stuff with bands where I didn’t initially know them that well personally but was more just a fan of what they were doing like the Gossip or the Blood Brothers. At minimum, though, I like to have seen a band live and met them – just so I can get the sense of whether or not it will work. I don’t have that much time to devote to production stuff so when I do it, I really try to make sure its a good fit and that both the band and I will have a good experience working together.
7. In an interview a member of Blonde Redhead said that when you are producing their records you become in their opinion a non-playing member of the band. Is that a fair assessment of how you work with all bands that you produce or just specifically Blonde Redhead?
Production for me is really kind of a promiscuous activity – its total bed hopping –  getting to intensely collaborate with all these different groups for short periods of time – insinuating yourself deeply into the decision making process then moving on once the record is done. You get alot of creative bang without all the dirty hard practical work that goes into keeping a band functioning over the long haul.
And for me, being in the studio with another group is alot like being a non-playing member of the band – I do get very invested in what goes on. Alot of that comes from the fact that I like the music I work on. I come in as a fan of the bands I work with so it’s not just a technical task for me – I really want the record to be as good as it fucking should be cos the band is already fucking great in my mind. It can be a bruising experience because, as anyone in a band will tell you, its not easy to make good records, to take what’s in your head and translate it whole to tape (or hard drive or whatever).
When a band is actually satisfied with the finished product, it’s a great feeling because with every record you are trying to marshal a ton of crazy ass variables and have them line up into something killer which is really nuts. A good session usually happens if the band feels comfortable enough to let cool stuff happen, to get over the self-consciousness and the anxiety that can come with the process and just let spontaneous cool shit go down. I’ve been really lucky to work with some great engineers and co-producers because, straight up, my technical knowledge lags light years behind theirs = people like Don Zientara, John Goodmanson, and Ryan Hadlock.
8. While Fugazi have released many records and toured extensively Rites of Spring was a short lived band that released just one LP and an EP but is regularly listed or referenced as one of the most influential alternative groups of the last twenty years. Are you ever surprised by the enduring influence of the bands work?
I am pretty stunned considering I think we only played 14 shows and only 2 of those were outside DC. I often wish that Rites of Spring had gotten our shit together and actually toured a bit but it’s kind of a pipe dream considering how volatile the band was. It made for a great energy within the band and on stage but we didn’t have anything close to resembling the kind of discipline it would have taken for us to actually play a series of shows back to back. For one thing, every single show resulted in destroyed equipment so we were always scrambling to get some gear together for our next show.
Also, we were very young and at that age (17-19) your mental landscape is changing every minute – it’s hard to stick to one vision and be satisfied. Just a couple of years later the exact same line-up was re-united as Happy Go Licky and the sound was totally different. We were just pushing all the time so it was hard for us to stay situated in one spot. I do like the first album alot just because we did it in 2 days and it sounds feral, like a time capsule of being young and jacked up out of our minds. And I loved being in a band with all four of those guys. At the time I was pretty wrecked when we couldn’t keep it together. That people still listen to those songs honestly suprises me in a good way and makes me very happy.
9. Musically the Rites of Spring LP is different from any other record made in 1984. It seems deeply personal, innovative and completely uncontrived, for me it’s the musical equivalent of Vigo’s l’Atalante! What music, films and bands influenced that record?
L’Atalante !!! You are completely insane. Let me think – we were really into all kinds of shit. At the time it was like The Saints, The Adverts, Rudimentary Peni, Venom, Blitz, the Zombies, Discharge, the Buzzcocks, Wire, the Wipers ( who Brendan met on the West Coast visiting his sister), the Birthday Party, Black Flag, Bad Brains, Void, the Faith… alot of stuff. The Stravinsky connection was intentional too – we wanted to bust up the genres like that.
But the main thing about the band was our hang – we hung out all the time driving around town in my Chevette Scooter, practicing in our parent’s houses, working the same jobs. We were really close friends so it was almost like we could give a shit if anyone else thought what we were doing was cool or not. We just wanted it to be fresh to us.
10. Finally, I think everyone has a guilty pleasure, e.g. a television show or a band which they know they shouldn’t like, mine is watching football (the English kind), what is yours if any?
I save my guilt for the truly terrible things I’ve done in my life so I take my pleasures freely where I can. I feel no shame for watching the Wizards (DC’s basketball team) religiously. The World Cup was pretty good too this year. I never liked sports when I was younger but now I love them – I hate contingency and time so sports is a deeply masochistic pleasure.
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