#please note: the options are merely suggestions. the goal is to get y'all the game. so. yup.
hummingbird-games · 1 year
Dev Diaries
July 5, 2023
Again. Very upset I can’t just be a game consumer and consumer only BECAUSE I’m making my way through Itch.io, playing jam games, talent surpassed, I’m homebound 🎶🎷
Guys 😭 the entries for Otome and Josei jam this year?? I’m finally in a place where I can play more entries and it’s just banger after banger. If you worked in any capacity on one of those entries, I love you. I am in awe of you. I hope you only get the best things in life. I want to do highlights, but that’ll be a future post, and I haven’t decided if it’ll be on the main HBG blog or my review side blog. 
As for the real purpose of this Dev Diaries? I’m at an impasse. Firstly, I want to toot my own horn and celebrate that after a small break from direct work on Crushed, I just finished a full, thorough playthrough for note taking purposes (and to get my mind right, as my mom would say). Y’all, it’s still a banger. I’m still very much in love with what’s been created, and even more excited impatient for y’all to play the game! Which brings me to the impasse.
CGs, more voice acting, and [redacted] are things I’ve kept in my back pocket for Crushed but held off on because 1) it was a jam entry 2) supposed to be a learning experience and cathartic writing exercise 3) a pallet cleanser before I begin another period of long game development, possibly longer than HSD:JY and 4) self-funding. I like money. It does not like me apparently. 
I keep saying that the character sprites--and onnnnnne minor coding issue I recently discovered, Jesus be a FENCE, EYE 😑-- are what’s keeping us from a clear release date, and honestly they’re the only things needed if I wanted to publish the game and never look at it ever again. So, I propose an idea that’s been kicking around in my head. It has pros and cons but the ultimate goal is what players want because on my end, I’ve made peace with whatever happens. 
Option 1 - We push back Crushed to Fall/Winter 2023. You get a finished base game PLUS I hoard some funds now so we get some of the cool things in my back pocket! Maybe I even request some assistance LOL!
Option 2 - Crushed is released the moment it can be out (still aiming for this summertime). In the meantime, I upload the complete but unfinished build to the Ko-Fi page under a monthly subscription or one time ko-fi fee (whichever is best). Those who can’t wait any longer can play sooner, and those who can wait...can wait. Lol. 
Personally, I lean towards the second option only because this was a jam entry and it while I like dreaming big, this wasn’t supposed to be the fruits of that labor. I don’t want to set a precedent where I throw my all into jam entries that are supposed to be something small, low stress, fun, and a chance to grow as a creator. But option one has me giddy because wouldn’t it be CUTE to release a winter game during winter??? Ehh?? Ehh??
I’m going to abuse the polls feature again because honestly, I never know how many of y’all read these devlogs 😂 I’d like the majority to win, and I can reblog a poll a bunch of times to annoy y’all into a response LOL!!
Of course, if you have thoughts, please feel free to comment! I’m headed back to play some more jam entries and maybe start tackling my reading goal for the month.
- Gemini 💛
Psssttt: If you’re reading this YOU SHOULD PLAY BAND CAMP BOYFRIEND AND TROUBLE COMES TWICE and then go rate and review the games. cool. bai!
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