#please stop whitewashing characters
bluberrywhiskey · 2 years
Some artist see clearly tan/darker skinned characters and be like “It’s the lighting”. No cocksmutherer it’s your inability to face your own anti blackness and inbred “white is right” colonial mindset. There is nothing wrong with wanting to draw an Asian character with Asian features but bro ASAIN PEOPLE COME IN MORE THAN ONE SHADE. THEY ARE ONE OF THE MOST DIVERSE GROUPS OF PEOPLE WOTH COLORS RANGING FROM SNOW WHITE TO ALMOST RED CLAY.
Stop pushing your classist, ancient mindset into your followers. It’s Artist who refuse to recognize that the unnerving compliments about people having “pretty white skin” has changed the way they see darker skinned people. You’re telling young impressionable Artist that all characters need to be lighter to be received well. Art is a reflection of life, and you need to learn that life doesn’t start and stop with your narrow ass perspective.
Learn to shade darker skin tones. Learn to draw different body types. Learn to be okay with OTHER ETHNICITIES’ FEATURES. Learn that it’s okay to admit you were a product of the system and you’re trying to unlearn it.
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Could the Ace Attorney fandom stop pretending that Phoenix Wright or Miles Edgeworth or any of the main cast is white? Idgaf if the localized version is set in America. Asian Americans exist. You are consuming a piece of Asian-made media, not everything is about white people
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themadorchid · 20 days
Is anyone else uncomfortable that Steve is being played by a White guy in the Minecraft movie?
I honestly think that Jack Black would do wonderfully in the Minecraft movie considering how well he did as Bowser. But man… he needs to play someone else.
Who do you think should replace Jack?
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aphel1on · 2 months
i get soo mad every time a new hydro character gets announced or leaked and it's not a hydro claymore lmao. idk what part of my neurotype i can blame this on but it drives me up the fucking walls that it's been this long and it's now the ONLY weapon/element combo unaccounted for
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hauntedtotem · 1 year
I am begging the zelda fandom to pls stop whitewashing Ganon 😔
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disturbiamoon · 1 year
Everytime I see moon knight fanart where the characters are whitewashed I make a scream that sounds like this
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moki-dokie · 11 months
been seeing some stuff on blue eye samurai and big yikes to nearly everyone pushing extremely western ideals onto these characters.
this is early edo period. 1600s. the japan you know now did not exist yet.
yall. please. there was NO concept of sexuality in pre-modern japan. that came with both the influx of christianity and western influence very very late in history. like, mid-1800s. (yes, there was christianity pre-1800s but it was not a widespread idea yet and wouldn't be until about the 1800s since, y'know, missionaries were routinely murdered before then)
"so and so is either bi and hasn't figured it out yet or..." no. that isn't how it worked then. nobody gave a shit what was between your legs. anyone could be attracted to anyone else. it was a little more common for male homosexual relationships to be between an adult and younger male - like many other places around the world - but two adult men could bang and love each other just as easily. relationships between women were quite common - especially since so many men were often away at war. there's tons of pornographic prints from the time depicting all manner of fun queer relationships. sex itself had absolutely no moral assignment to it. good sex was good health. it didn't matter who with. (well, social class/caste mattered more than anything else tbh but that didn't stop upper and lower class from fucking.) that isn't to say people didn't have preferences. of course they did. that is human nature. preferences arose more from physical appearance, caste, and circumstances with gender being about the last thing one would look for in a partner - romantic, casual, or otherwise. the only role in sex where gender actually mattered was for procreation.
there would be no queer awakening moment, no sudden switch flipped, no stigma to have internal conflicts about because it simply did not exist as a concept whatsoever. you were either attracted to a person or you weren't, it was that simple. gender played no role when it came to sex and sexual attraction. the japanese were lightyears ahead of western cultures in this particular area - like most cultures were before christianity came in and ruined everything with its backwards morals and strict good/evil dichotomy.
yall have got to realize queer rep will not and should not always adhere by modern western standards. there was no straight, gay, bi, or anything else of the sort. the closest they ever got was referring to roles during sex - as in who is giving and who is receiving.
i know this is mostly a made up story but it is still set within a very specific time period and culture, which should be honored and respected by not making it fit into our box. tons of research went into making this show historically accurate (albeit with some discrepancies but tbh they aren't really that huge) right down to the calligraphy writing. please please please don't whitewash the culture from these characters.
i say this mainly because without this knowledge, so many of you are going to build these characters up on a foundation they aren't meant to be on and then you'll rage about queerbaiting and bad queer rep if it isn't somehow super explicitly stated, if it doesn't match your very modern, very western ideal of what queer looks like. don't try to force this plot and narrative and characters into something they canonically and historically aren't. headcanons are a thing, AUs are a thing, fanfiction is a thing - leave your western thinking for those and let these characters simply exist as they should otherwise. this is one of those times where the queerness really does not need to be examined at all beyond what we get.
i know it can be hard to wrap your head around - sexuality is such a huge part of our identity in the western world and has slowly started to spread amongst other parts of the world in importance. but just keep in mind with these particular characters, that concept would be so very alien to them.
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antiendovents · 6 months
actually, since i already commented on your post about tulpas and how they pissed me off; im gonna do it again. in detail.
note: i am a former buddhist, i live in a buddhist country. (95% of thais are buddhists) and pretty much been surrounded by it. im asian. saying it before people jump at me because im terrified as shit
as i mentioned, tulpas are stolen and bastardized completely from a tribe of tibetan buddhists, and the practice itself isn't even a system thing. while thai buddhism and tibetan buddhism are different in their own way, i am very fucking pissed off that they just saw the concept of a thoughtform spirit that helps you meditate, overcome your fear and guide you to nirvana (because that's the main purpose of buddhism) and turn them into "oh! we make alters because we can due to our meditation and we're spiritual so that totally excuses using a generally closed practice! we're not harming anyone!" total bullshit.
i don't want (and sorry if i'm a bit mean) those bigoted fucks stealing basically my culture since im attached to buddhism in general, i grew up with it. and "tulpa systems" slapping it on themselves for the sake of being "unique". i have seen countless comments and posts about how its always the white/non asian people that say "no its not a closed practice, its not cultural appropriation :) actually you should be glad we're appreciating your culture in the first place" fuck off! appreciating culture is fine, but you bastardize it so much and dumb it down to just "making alters/imaginary friends" are you just hearing yourself? are you stupid? are you braindead? god, im getting so angry again.
i have also seen "tulpamancers" insulting actual asians like me who speak against tulpas, saying that we're just "asian token of a character" or that we're "closed minded" and should accept these assholes who dont know what theyre doing into my culture and blatantly disrespecting it, spitting on it and just taking one practice that fits their narrative. wow, talk about being appreciative while half of your community does shit like this to actual buddhists, huh? real nice of you. way to go, you cultural appropriating fucks. /vneg
i cannot count how many times asian culture is so whitewashed on the internet, people that just take our tradition and do whatever the hell they want with it, including making a system out of thoughtforms, which is not possible whatsoever. and for what? FOR WHAT? for your own sick entertainment and enjoyment of having a imaginary friend in your head? try dissociating so hard you cry yourself to sleep you absolute pillock. this is a very angry submission, but it just frustrates me so much. all of the insulting "yous" are directed towards "tulpamancers" that they proudly call themselves. by the way. sorry if it sounded like it was directed at you, im just so angry at the moment.
one last thing. Stop. Using. The Term. Tulpa. For your system. Please!!!!. tulpa systems are not a thing and will never be. End of story. Nothing will change that. Endos fuck off. im sick of your shit. thanks for reading my angry rant.
-azriel for the majority of this, rox/virus proofreading some of the parts, thanks for letting us vent ^^
i dont have much to add, please read this ^^
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coffeeandbatboys · 1 month
has anyone noticed that the tcw/tbb fandom keeps getting more toxic?
I’m really tired of seeing things about how things “should be”
“I’m so mad Tech should have lived they did him dirty”
“Echo shouldn’t have a real prosthetic”
“Stop whitewashing the clones” (even if they’re a perfectly fine shade)
“Don’t tweak so and so’s design it’s not right”
like can’t we just create things and be nice and go on with our days? Why do the fandom police step in all the time and whack everyone over the head with their idea of how things “should be”?
I hope this post finds the blogs that it needs to because I’m quickly realizing that people are getting a little too uptight about a kids show. And don’t get me wrong, I love it, and all of the same characters that y’all do, but things are getting a little too tense here. Canon happened. Sorry, we can’t change the fact that it did. AU’s where everything is fine? I am all for that. Just please stop complaining about every little thing that doesn’t fit your narrative.
y’all have a great day and be nice ✌🏼
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agent371 · 7 months
This post is talking about the designs (and the designs only, I haven't read anything from the authors and dont even know who they are so this is design based only) released for the new Damian Wayne comic - The Boy Wonder. I will be heavily critical and btching about these, but please tell me your thoughts as well. After Damian, the others are under the cut. Please read because it's important.
Damian's design is actually really good and the best one, which is probably good since this is a comic about him. And I love how he's not whitewashed, which is something that happens way too much in comics.
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Now, to Nightwing, his design is okay for a Nightwing design, but he just looks off in this style. I think if they tried to stylise him more, it could look a lot cooler. So I think he's just got wasted potential. Also, he's probably whitewashed as well to make damian more special as the "only" POC in the family (probly why Cass, Duke, Luke, and Luicus aren't here as well).
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Babs is next, and this is the main reason I made this post. They abled her. DC authors stop abling disabled characters, please, for the love of me, I can't stand it. She can be disabled and still be relevant in the plot. I swear the only reason authors do this is because they don't know how to write disabled characters. If they need a Batgirl, use Steph or Cass because they are more than capable of doing it. I know they aren't as iconic as Babs, but move on DC. She's so much more interesting as Oracle.
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Batman, I'm not a fan of his big blocky design. I just don't like it. He also looks really irrelevant and giving this is a comic about Robin (his son!) I think he should be relevant or look like he isn't a background character who just grunts, like for the design it looks like he doesn't talk. Don't like it.
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Jason now, I actually love his Red Hood costume it looks sick, and the R on the chest *chefs kiss*. But his robin outfit is too gritty, and from that, I can tell he's going to be mischaracterised as the "angry Robin," so Hood looks cool, but that's all it is, his looks.
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Tim. There is so much to say, omg. Where is his hero outfit! Everyone else got them. Why didn't he? You can actually see RR in the preview, so why wasn't that design put here? Why is it just Tim? And why does kid Tim look homless you know he grew up rich, before and after his adoption sure he has a style but his cloths wouldn't be friad he'd still look sleek and scruff not on the verge of his cloths falling off his back. For this, I can tell he'll also be mischaracterised as just like Jason since this is a Damian comic they are doing to do him so dirty. :( Sad day for a 90's Tim Drake fan (like every day, tbh save my guy). His RR design also has a shitty mask, but other than that, it seems fine, I like the wings/cape for it that looks pretty cool.
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Alfred is a stereotypical old man. He's got no individuality what so ever and will proble be in one panel, say something sarcastic, and never show up again.
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Ra's is okay. That's all.
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Talia doesn't even look like herself . If you showed me her design with no context, I would not know who she is.
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Carrie. Why is she here? Like honestly, why? There are better characters to include in a comic like this, like Steph or Cass or Duke or Helana. They would all be better chooses than Carrie. I'm not the biggest Damian fan, but ofter, Damian fans have been wanting him and Huntress as in a comic for a bit. I do like her design, but I just don't get why she's here. (I'm not including her image because of the limit bit is on my previous repost)
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Stuff I dislike in the Be More Chill fandom
(This is gonna be a long rant so yeah lmao)
1: Squipemy / Technical Difficulties is a horrible ship, you shouldn't ship it, and it is a PROSHIP.
The amount of people I see excusing it by saying that "the SQUIP is a computer he doesn't have an age!!" "The SQUIP isn't actually Keanu Reeves / Keanu Reeves' age he just looks like him!!" Is just gross
The SQUIP looks like an adult, speaks like an adult, and acts like an ADULT. Shipping him with a teenager is just so disgusting and seeing people ship them and giving lousy excuses makes me want to vomit
Squipemy shippers DNI block me you shouldn’t be allowed in the fandom
2: For the love of god can people PLEASE stop whitewashing Michael in fanart there so much art of him pale white and nobody talks about it!! The day that people stop whitewashing Michael is the day I can rest peacefully
3: Can the BMC fandom stop villainizing Jeremy please please please oh my god. Especially when it comes to that scene right before Michael in the Bathroom and the optic nerve blocking stuff
At the end of Upgrade / Loser Geek Whatever (depending on which production), Jeremy had already gone through tons of manipulation from the SQUIP, which heavily impacted his decisions, which weren’t really of his own volition anymore
Right before the dialogue before Michael in the Bathroom, Jeremy was assaulted (at least almost) by Chloe, causing him to run to the bathroom to avoid confrontation with Jake. During the dialogue with Michael, you can see that Jeremy’s honestly happy to see him, showing once again that he really didn’t want to leave Michael, but the SQUIP made him. However, Michael immediately goes into his dialogue talking about how bad the SQUIP is, and just generally bringing down the tone, making Jeremy increasingly upset, due to this plus what had happened right before this, eventually leading him to ditch Michael again and call him a loser.
TLDR; Can the fandom (especially the Michael defenders) PLEASE try to understand what Jeremy goes through during the musical and understand his actions are not from a place of malice
4: (this is the last take) Can people please stop infantilizing BMC characters
(specifically Jeremy, Michael, Rich, and Christine (Christine and Michael the most))
I know they are still minors, but they are 16-17 years old, there’s no need to act like they would have the maturity level of middle schoolers
Especially when people are like “[Insert character name here] shouldn’t curse!! They’re too innocent!!” And then it’s a character who’s either a late adolescent or a full grown adult
(I’ve seen that said about Christine mostly, which I get she never curses in the musical, but come on she still is 16 she can curse it’s not the end of the world)
Anyways thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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lacedinweb22 · 1 year
I’ve been recently seeing an overwhelming amount of fanart representing this white-washed version of Miguel and it feels colorist and racist; can we talk about this? I’ll start -_-
I’ve seen him with light ass skin, a chiseled button nose, like HE IS MEXICAN y’all and throughout the film we see how wide his nose is or how thick his brows are. I know he’s half Irish but LET US HAVE THE FEATURES we’ve been given by the ATSV artists! Look at his nose 🤬🙏
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He doesn’t have this thin ass button nose, please. You don’t get to pick and choose which features you want to keep on POC characters! Stop pushing your Eurocentric beauty standards onto the representation we have been given. It’s not even about your own art style, it’s you erasing the beauty and reality of our ethnicity, and showing us that you prefer some false whitified version of us. Of course there are lighter skinned Mexicans and POC but Miguel has been shown to have these specific features that go against Eurocentric beauty standards! I’m so sick of POC in the media being strictly portrayed by lighter skinned, straight thin-nosed, straight hair, etc.!!! There’s room for all of us, and we ALL need/deserve to see ourselves on screen.
Miguel’s character design is so special!!1!1! It reflects this acceptance and progress in media representation of Mexican people! I see him, and I don’t hate my nose as much, and this goes for other POC who see themselves on screen! This representation is so impactful and powerful and by depicting this whitewashed version of him, you’re just erasing the little accurate representation we have. >:(
We can be hot/beautiful/desirable with wide noses, dark skin, thick brows, and all of the other features we’ve been taught to hate about ourselves. Please keep this in mind when drawing/painting/writing about POC characters!!!
Absolutely no hate to any artists. We can all grow and learn from each other!
I wanted to voice this as a Mexican creator because I’m realizing now that some artists truly don’t recognize what they’re doing or the harm they’re causing. It really stings and reinforces insecurities we’ve grown up with and have been trying to heal from when we see people simping-over/preferring this white version of a character who was created and meant to look brown and you know, a person of color, like us.
Let’s appreciate, represent, and support minorities that haven’t nearly been celebrated, seen as the beauty standard, or seen as desirable as white, Eurocentric groups.
I have to fight for my people and I have to fight for my man. Thank you for your time 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩❤️‍🔥🇲🇽
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charlioak · 10 months
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full reference for my fallout new vegas companion oc, oviedo! realized I never made him a ref, so I wanted to make his extra special <3
extra info below! (it's a lot)
Introductory Stuff! oviedo vasquez is an NCR ranger. he is stationed at the colorado cliffside at the order of the NCR, observing the legion through his rifle's scope. it is intended that the courier can meet oviedo while working the NCR questline, and can even elect him as a companion after completing his companion quest, MOON RIVER. oviedo can be swayed from the clutches of the NCR and into the courier's debt after the completion of his quest. he is a very faithful man, and very dangerous, too. he will stay by the courier's side unless they side with the legion, to which he will not tolerate them any longer. oviedo also has a long-lost daughter named cassandra; the last remnant of his past he desperately struggles to find. he doesn't talk much about her, nor his past... Personality Notes! oviedo is very blunt. he is standoffish at first and can be read as rude, but beneath that rough exterior is a very loyal, and very hurt, man.  the NCR has molded oviedo into a lethal sniper, thus he is potent with his weapon of choice and very resourceful out in the mojave. he's been with the NCR long enough to become a ranger. if you can stand his distance and periodic blunt insults, you'd find oviedo to be a very useful companion.  he cares about you. a lot. even if it seems like he doesn't. Character Design Notes! some notes on the Cool Dad Companion...... this info has been borrowed from his artfight profile, so some of the language is based around helping others draw him!
oviedo has four jagged scars on the right side of his face. they trail down his neck and stop before his collarbone
he has a golden upper-right canine
hairstyle can be played with! he often sports the mullet. the graying hair is integral
facial hair pretty much stays the same :]c
outfit generally stays the same. for a simpler approach, i'll just take off his hat, duster, and glasses.
lastly, but most importantly, oviedo is latino. please don't whitewash him!
BONUS: Companion Quest and Perk? Huh? MOON RIVER is oviedo's companion quest! working the NCR's questline, the courier can meet oviedo at his post by the colorado river. he'll ignore you until you mention you've been ordered to work with him, and he really cannot ignore his orders. the legion is planning an attack on the NCR encampment across the river - or so is the NCR's hunch. they need someone inconspicuous to retrieve proof of this hunch, and that someone is you, of course! totally not because oviedo wants to be left alone and so he sends you into the legion incognito, risking your life - nope, not at all! under oviedo's guidance and sniper protection, the quest is easily completed. the pair of you present your findings together afterwards. oviedo will then pull you aside and be honest with you, informing you of how you'd overcome his expectations and that he is in your favor. now you can travel together! the courier can also complete MOON RIVER without working the NCR questline. to do this, you can find oviedo at his post by the colorado river and pass a few incremental speech checks. if speech checks fail, the courier can persuade him with charms using the black widow or confirmed bachelor perks. oviedo is... kind of a hopeless romantic and likes praise. so yeah. HAHAH if the courier has a negative reputation with the NCR (i.e. legion build) then oviedo will shoot at you before you can get too close. just... instantly aggro'ed by scent I suppose? EYES OF THE HAWK is oviedo's companion perk. it is a VATS enhancement. while traveling with oviedo, you have increased VATS chances of 50% using a scoped weapon, or increased VATS chances of 30% using a non-scoped weapon. Trivia!
you made it this far. here, take this. (gives you oviedo... no quest needed!)
oviedo is bilingual! spanish is his first language :-)
he has a daughter named cassandra. she's 23.
you can take his hat!
you can take his sunglasses!
you can even take his gun!
if you place cigarettes in oviedo's inventory, he will scold you and not smoke them.
oviedo is terrified of fire geckos. he will run from them.
oviedo's dialogue gradually gets nicer the longer you two travel together! <3 awwwww!
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amalthiaph · 5 months
✨ EDMON RAMPART (Amalthia's Version) ✨ You know I once swore to never draw him, well that was of course before he got the James Norrington treatment so it's the Alexsandr Kallus Effect for me again. Talk about from fuck this man to I wanna fuck this man.
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Teeny weeny fandom salt and salt in general coming up so if you don't like that, you can go scroll down. There used to be a cut here but I removed it. I will always be polite, but I know WHEN to talk.
From now on, I will be calling my fanart "Amalthia's version". I hope I don't come across as tone deaf or insensitive about this, but I wish I was good at art.
I've seen posts that say "I wish artists would stop drawing [character name] with [this] or [that]" or "stop drawing [character] with [this]". While it's great to hear about your preferences, please bear in mind that at the end of the day, fanart CAN BE an artist's take on a character. For me, THIS is how I draw Edmon Rampart. This is with regard to the art style I developed and the color palette that I constantly use to keep up with my blog's theme.
Another ick is an ongoing issue in the TBB fandom. In my Hunter and Omega art, I did something I don't usually do, which is add a secondary light source. A few minutes after posting, I got an anon telling me to unwhitewash the characters. I immediately messaged one of my friends for their honest opinion and they said I don't whitewash the characters. I went on to the drawing file and tried to study my own drawing and see if I really did whitewashed the characters. Edit: There really are some artists who whitewash the characters and I was trying to do a SELF-CHECK bec maybe I'm one of them.
I found out that the thing that made the difference is the secondary light source that I added. This secondary light source is lighter in color than their skin, and it created the Contrast Effect. Due to the nature of the human eye and visual processing by the brain, there's an optical illusion that the same color will look different depending on the color beside it and/or the background. It's in psychology class, paying attention would help.
In addition to the secondary light, it could also be the brown background color that caused this effect. And before anyone goes, "are you sure?" Yes, I am. I sat with a Psychology major to discuss about this whole Contract Effect thing.
This does not only apply in colors, it could also be to objects, that why they say all things are relative. One thing could appear bigger or smaller depending upon the object beside it. One of the things they 'check' to see if a certain artist whitewashed a character is the size of the nose. Once again, please do apply Contrast Effect. Some artist really draw their characters stick-like so try to compare all the noses they had drawn in their entire lifetimes and maybe, just maybe they did draw the noses wide in comparison to their other artworks, it just looks like that because it's part of their art style.
Edit: Please do try to analyze things first before casting down your judgement.
It's so difficult to be an artist AND IN THIS FANDOM. We never seem to be enough. If we do the character with artistic freedom, you'll say "stop drawing them like that bec they don't have that in the show" and when we try to draw them as close to the show, you'll say "unwhitewash the characters". We are never good enough for you.
So yeah, I wish I was good at this.
Link to the rest of this series:
1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10 || 11 || 12 || 13 || 14 || 15
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toplines · 2 years
“bu…bubu- but they’re just wittle pixels and digital images rwight 🥺” no. we spend hours on gifs or even one singular gif to make edits for FREE on tumblr dot com. name a person who asked us to do this. no one!! exactly!! we make gifs bc its enjoyable and fun but people like reposters suck the fun out of it!!! and do NOT go and tell us that “gifs aren’t that hard to make” baby girl what do u think we do? go online and search for a video downloader and download it at like a crappy 720p and go to like literal ezgif dot com and all the gifs just MAGICALLY have their effects, typography, colouring, blending, animation, quality all up and ready? why dont u try and make a gif. hm.
and also, @ all of you “gif collectors” or some fanfic writers. lemme tell u a secret. an itty bitty secret. did u know… theres this really cool thing called PROPERLY CREDITING? im not talking about a stupid “credits to the owners” no. it isn’t that hard to properly source the creators or accounts.
that wasn’t so hard, hm?
also oh my god, do NOT go around saying you made these gifs when it is so obvious you didn’t. no bff, it isn’t a coincidence we have the same sharpening AND colouring settings.
and hey, i’ll stop my angry typing for a minute and just say that if you wanna learn how to make gifs there are plenty of amazing accounts and tutorials that are incredibly detailed. here are a few i recommend:
how to: make high quality gifs by sith-maul
giffing 101 by cillianmurphy
giffing and colouring tutorial by sashafierce
how to fix and avoid orangewashing characters by maxchapman
how to fix and avoid white/pink/yellowwashing by jeonwonwoo
how to: colouring east & southeast asians by blueshelp
pastel gifs: a tutorial by completeresources
how to fix and avoid whitewashing in pastel gifs by fadenet
and for those who don’t want to pay/ t*rr*nt photoshop:
free giffing tutorial by ashleysolsen
photopea gif tutorial by lacebird
and @usergif has a bunch of directories and navigation for tutorials and inspiration!
again, there are so many useful tutorials if you’d just look.
i know this probably won’t stop all reposters (unfortunately) but i hope those reposters that are reading this realise how messed up stealing gifs are. it isn’t funny or cool to see gifs that you’ve spent so much time on only to be reposted here or on other sites without credit or being claimed as someone elses.
we’re just asking for a proper credit on your post or maybe even stop reposting in whole. im sure you had good intentions in making those posts, but you have to understand how much it hurts. at this point, we have to put our watermarks in the middle of our gifs to avoid people cropping them out.
and please, PLEASE reblog edits. you have no idea how diminishing it is to see such a crappy like to reblog ratio. remember this hellsite has such a crappy algorithm so reblogging is essentially one of the only ways to give posts more traction
AGAIN. dont repost gifs. dont steal gifs without credit. dont belittle gifmakers. just stop being so disrespectful and rude and have a brain for once. thank you for reading.
edit: ive noticed ppl asking why i kinda like insulted those who use 720p and ezgif, im really sorry if i made it sound like a bad thing !! i was just very angry writing this aaaadjskdks gifmaking, HQ or not is valid and nobody deserves to get their creations stolen !
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preludicrous · 5 months
uhh. hate to be that person but people need to stop whitewashing gojo and nanami... gojo is japanese and has blue eyes and white hair due to his cursed technique, he's not white at all, nanami is only 1/4 danish, he is mixed white + asian, he's not just white. i understand both these characters have features that are commonly present on white people and strongly associated with whiteness (which is a whole thing in and of itself) but PLEASE please please dont whitewash them. please. especially nanami. i feel like people saw he was 1/4 danish and immediately forgot that means he's also 3/4 japanese and so many people treat him as if he's only white when he's actually mixed + mostly japanese
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