#please tho babe id also never turn away an ask or dm about a pup ESP IF WERE MOOTS???
(We're moots but going anon because you're too cool for me and I'm shy sksksksss) Chu help me, I want to adopt a second dog but I'm still in uni and realistically I know it's a bad idea, but he's been at the shelter for so long and he's become so skinny and sad 😭😭 I'm lucky that I live in a house with a large backyard and roommates atm and I have a steady source of income and some money aside but idk what the future holds... But winter is here and I'm scared that he won't make it...
I already bought him a coat to protect him from the cold bc he kept shivering and I feed him extra food each time I go to the shelter since I'm a volunteer but he's not getting better, and now he's bonded to me on top of everything else. He's a high-energy breed too and I know I could provide him with the exercise and stimulation he needs (my first dog is actually too lazy for me and happy with one walk a day if even that despite being young and a "working breed" lmao rip). I dunno, I'm just scrambling my brain trying to think of a solution, I'd suggest fostering but the shelter really only does it for elderly or very young animals... I'd probably end up foster failing anyway lmao.
I guess I'm looking for a neutral outside pov from someone who has several dogs??
I'm so far from cool what is this perception of me
Id say your practical concerns are valid: if your roommates will accept him, if you can comfortably afford him, if you have help taking care of him if necessary etc. It sounds like most of those are answered. Have you asked your roommates about it?
The other concern is -- is his health so poor that you may lose him young? And can you afford that unfortunate possibility?
But I'd say If you're bonded and can handle it and have the means and safety net to care for him as well as (or better) than the shelter...I mean...I'd take him.
I think you've been extremely thoughtful and rational about the process and know the situation best. Talk to your roommates and don't doubt yourself. You know if you can handle him. And you'll certainly make it work if you have to, being a good match just helps lessen the stress.
Read more for a "how I met my puppers" story and why I'm not the best person to ask T.T
But my mother and I want around the whole family to shelters before surprising them with meeting the dog we wanted. Aka kinda rudely but not irresponsibly bc we had a yard and supplies fr the previous dog we had 🥺.
And I got bread while living alone in an apartment with no yard at all to speak of bc my friend heard our other coworker freaking out that her roomate let a street dog in her apartment and my friend was like (without talking to me, just knowing I needed/wanted a dog) "oh vi will take that dog"
She came up to me later like "oh hey I got you a dog." I met her after work (LITERALLY ON MY WAY TO ANOTHER STATE FOR A THREE DAY VACATION) And fell in love with my idiot 🥺 said I'd take her with ZERO SUPPLIES or preparation and a messy ass apartment and left her with that friend who watched her those first two days and I came back early) whipped my shit into shape real good real fast.
It was rash and irresponsible as FUCK but we're doing just fine now bc we needed each other (she's laying next to me in bed with her snoot on my shoulder rn 🥺✨)
All of that to say I may not be the best person to ask lololol
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