#please your honor they're so dumb and i love them
solesoldier · 1 year
they're idiots and they're married
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abnormallyo-a-k · 1 month
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I'm back pushing my terricky agenda onto you all- what do you know about them? what do you knOW about thEM?? anyway i love them with all my heart and here's my design notes on this -
so this is pre-betrayal. don't ask me the timeline, I may have the timeline but I'm not placing this anywhere First and foremost, on the left- it's not coloured and wont be because I'm lazy but Nicky is wearing Terry's purple sweater, and Terry is wearing a Glenn Close Trio shirt that Nicky has had for years at this point On one of Nicky's many necklaces is a guitar pick, one of the first ones Glenn gave him after he remembered both timelines. He turned it into a necklace to always keep on him, even when they fight and argue. Terry is wearing one of those tight-knit fishnet undershirts with an open chest (saw an image on Pinterest of it and went with it) with one of those sheer mesh cropped shirts over top. His big ass goth ass coat is lacking details again bc lazy but it definitely has a lot more pockets and buckles on it. And yes, Goth Terry is Canon to Me and he absolutely would do some really cool ass punk inspired makeup on Nicky or try out different trad goth makeup ideas on him for fun. Nicky, in turn, paints his nails. Typically they were always black, but occasionally they'd be red or purple or what have you if they felt a lil spicy. Terry also only wears upside down cross jewelry so that normal cross necklaces don't bother Nicky, because you know,,, demon
Also Nicky's tail is wrapped around Terry's leg because he's fruity I stand on the fact that Nicky crushed and fell first and Terry did not realize for a Very Long time because he's a fucking Dumbass and I love him for it
thank you for coming to my Ted (Terricky) Talk, I'll see you again another time when I crawl from the void
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yamujiburo · 1 year
God I've been so on board with the hanamusa train despite coming in late that I just never questioned how Delia decided "this person tried stealing my son's pokemon but its OK bc really all she wanted at the end of the day was someone to validate her existence and I love her and will always let her know her existence is valid" so i went to go read the origin story and... omg its exactly that pretty much. She's sus at the beginning and like, who can blame her!! But the Rocket Trio are genuinely Good People who do Bad Things but ultimately just want to Love and Be Loved and will do anything for that, even if it means sacrificing themselves (thinks back to the episode where they gave up Weezing and Arbok even though it meant losing their long term friends AND getting so beat up in the process... that episode makes me cry)
Your honor, i love them (adds hanamusa to the "ships ill gladly write fic for no questions asked" pile)
YES YOU GET IT!!! Her backstory is sooooo sad but soooo good! And not only are Team Rocket good people but later on in the series, they definitely show that they really care for Ash a bit more
BUT ALSO it cannot be understated that Delia is a liiiiittle dumb. If not dumb then naive and trusting (she's still very young herself). I think about this clip A LOT
Could also speak to how she knows Team Rocket aren't really an actual threat or that she knows they're not BAD bad people.
And if you write that fic PLEASE let me know!!! <3
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reyreadersblog · 5 months
My unpopular TIG opinions.
Since y'all are expressing opinions out here..who am i to leave out? Now have in mind that these are MY opinions, some of these are unpopular some of these are NOT, some of these are even underrated facts but let's just ignore that..
(Please don't hate me)
1. I DON'T CARE ABOUT EVE, and i don't want her to be with Grayson..bcs APPERANTLY and very unfortunatly there are people out there who ship Gray and Eve..crazy..i know, i really don't care about her, i already made a whole post about why i don't like her at all, she's a manipulator, she's a liar, she's a backstabber. She traumatised poor Gray and threatened Ave. I respect your opinion if you like her and i truly understand where some of you are coming from, but i just can't manage to like her, don't hate her i just dislike her. Even if she gets a redemption arc..i can't seem to understand how i'll like her character after what she has done, but if i will..."forgotten but never forgiven"
2.underrated characters, there are so many of them in this books, for example Zara Hawthorne. I love her honestly, i could never hate, i understand she may have done some wrong things...but i love her nontherless♡♡ and same goes for Alisa Ortega.
(Honorable mention) also come on, give my man Oren some appreciation he deserves, you think following teenager around is easy? Even if it's his job and he gets paid, it's still tiring..😔
3. Uhh..i am scared to say this...i prefer Nash and Alisa to Nash and Libby...WAIT, WAIT, WAIT...DON'T KILL ME YET..LET ME EXPLAIN FIRST🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻, i saw @hawthornesbiggestfan 's post, and that encouriged me to say this, read that post bcs that explains exacly how i feel. I love Nash and Libby, they're super cute, i can't wait for their wedding and think they are going to have a very happy family...but..i'm still at the restaurant😔, EVEN THO we never got to know Nash and Alisa's story, smtg about those two had me invested in them from the beggining, like imagne Alisa growing up and Nash slowly developing a tiny crush on them..young love..passion..childhood lovers...love confession..ughh, also the fact that Gray, Xan and Jamie already saw her as their family, like an older sister. Such a shame we never got to see their story. Again, i'm not saying i dislike Nash and Libby tho if it had been love triangle between Nash, Libby and Aliso...i would choose Nash and Alisa...
3.Avery is freaking underrated, yk what's sad? SHE IS THE MAIN CHARACTER, and she doesn't get enough hype (i've made a post about this too) meanwhile people are swooning over Hawthorne brothers, and yes i am one of them but i love Avery to death, i even saw someone comparing Avery and the brothers saying "oh she's so boring..Hawthorns are way better than her..blah..blah..blah" technically they were saying fuck poor people, i know for a fact NONE of the brother would last an hour from where she came from (iykyk), she's a girlboss, and a main character for a reason.
4. As much as i love Averyjameson, i have to say their story is pretty much over, We'll probably get some cute moments from them in tgg or in games untold, but they ARE NOT a main couple anymore.
5.TGG IS A NEW SERIES, please understand that it's new book series with new characters (at least most of them) stop attacking JLB, it's her books, it's her choice.
6.Lyra Kane's haters don't make sense to me, especially those one who mock, and laugh at her lovers saying "you don't even know her, i'm gonna laugh at y'all when she turns out to be Eve 2.0" uhm...sir..miss..shut it. I respect your opinion if you're a Lyra netural bcs it's true we don't know many things about her and i totally understand if you can't love her yet, but don't hate, we know we're delusional most of the times, but that's what headcanons is for, for fun, alight, let people have fun.
7. Will all due respect i have...Averygrayson shippers are...dumb..yikes..sorry, but it's the truth, i'm tired of talking about this, it's been 4 books, Avery is happy with Jamie, they're perfect for each other, their relationship status is great and Gray is most definetly getting a new love interest..but of you still ship and have faith in them..do so..who am i to stop you? Just don't be disappointed when it won't be ture.
8.i may be judging too early but Savannah and Gigi being in the game..doesn't sit right, tbh honest it'a NEPOTISM at it's finest, i love both of them so much..but..nah. again, idk for sure..it may be some trick, it's JLB after all.
9.there are too many repetitive charcter traits..Jameson and Rohan, Grayson and Savannah, Gigi and Xander, Eve and Emily, every single dad, exept for Isaiah.
10.Speaking of Isaiah, he is extremly underrated, i mean he is the best dad in the series and somehow people talk about Sheffield Grayson more than him.
Sheesh...don't kill me in the comments please, i'm too young to die🙏🏻😔
(I'll probably do a part 2...
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chemicallywrit · 5 months
Happy Audio Drama Sunday!! When I was a non-teacher adult I thought to myself, surely as a child I exaggerated the desperate need for summer break. Now that I am a teacher adult, I can admit that I was. Wrong. I need a break, but luckily I have time for this.
Here's what I listened to this week!
@ourstoriedinsight's season finale was this week and wow. Wow. The way this show so effortlessly dances on ideas of trust, truth, and ethics while telling a story of four (five? Sir George count?) ridiculous and reluctant heroes who have only a dead friend in common is staggering. This episode especially, as you can see how they really drew together against (and then with) Sage. I love them, your honor. And I would also let Rain be my lawyer. Everyone listen to Our Storied Insight.
Jeez louise @camlannpod, can you give a girl a break? I am so glad Gwaine’s okay, and I’m fascinated by the mistrust Peredur has for him, even after they tried to track him over hill and dale. And I am SO worried about what's about to happen next. I wonder what Dai's going to do about it. I wonder if he'll do anything (please, Dai, do something).
This week's episode of Josie’s Lonely Hearts Club had me rolling. Look, I knew the title going in ("It's French for A Horny Party") and I still cackled when the line appeared in the episode. Josie, I hope you continue changing for the better. Also it inspired me to make beans and rice for dinner and that was a wild success.
When Karim Kronfli showed up at the beginning of the season of Among the Stars and Bones, I was excited, but holy heck. The performances in this show. Oh, right, and the twist at the end--you know, I really should have expected things to get a million times worse, based on how last season went, but this is a MILLION times worse. How are they gonna get out of this one folks???
@keepitsteadypod KEEP IT STEADY IS BACK KEEP IT STEADY MY BELOVED. Things are REALLY going places between Zach and Gabe now and neither of them know it. I love high schoolers, they're so dumb. Admit you like each other, dummies. Shoutout to our great good school nurse trying to fight for kids, and I thought the reveal about Zach's past was remarkably done. I love this show.
In relistening news, Life with Althaar again (what's up, @geminicollisionworks!). I rarely relisten to shows, but this one is worth my while every time. Listen to Life with Althaar, a silly space sitcom that gets Not So Silly when the story decides to commit to the bit. Althaar, I would die for you.
Inn Between is truckin right along with 5.9 this week, which I found absolutely delicious to watch the actors bring to life. It’ll be outdone only by the episode next week. In zombie news, boy oh boy, this week we're doing some recording for The Dead that I'm very worried about but ready for the challenge of. It involves directing singers in a language I do not speak! Lol pray for me. If I can make it til school ends, maybe I'll have some other news as well! Keep a weather eye out.
Hey, want to help me satiate my sudden summer cravings for fun drinks? Buy me a ko-fi!
See y'all next week!
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fushiguroshotwife · 11 months
i just finished unravel me and O M G
Aaron warner is the male yandere we all needed in our life's frfrfr
Aaron warner>>>>Adam Kent
#juliette please do it with Warner rn
I am in deep need of warnette smut (sos please send me it if you find it like??)
I never thought I needed Aaron warner being a male yandere so much but your honor I do
i. Need. Warnete. Smut.
I'm a fangirl in two books
Can't wait to read ignite me
Adam Kent is bitching between my lovely warnette like Adam no one needs u Hun so get out and leave my babies alone.
Aaron warner is innocent your honor !! He's just a nervous baby for his crush <3
Aaron is so precious and we love him <3
They're so cute together
I love them so much
Okay okay but Kenji's jokes? He's a cutie and a dumb one infact <3 I'll never get sick of this man <33
I need more.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannddd post !
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cook1emadness · 4 months
I've been starving to see more side/background characters in madness combat 😔
Please! Could you do anything for Jorge and church?
Or the Fanatics Or the Bandits?
Anything you're comfortable with!!
Not sure if it should be romantic or platonic though
This one is going to be romantic ;]
Your honor, are you prepared. . .
Jorge And Church, The G03LM Duo!!!!
Oh boy, these guys, were confident as fuck when they confessed to you, because they believe you 100% say yes.... and you did(if you said no, church would be hurt as fuck and in denial)
Anyway, basically, church and jorge are your bodyguards, but chaotic, making you the most sane person in the world... sort of.
Now, I think jorge and church would always show of their skills. Yes, even their muscles. If you compliment them or praise them a little, they're confidence boost up ALOT.
Being in a relationship with them, you gotta be affectionate. These guys not only love the compliments, but they LOVE hugs you give them even if church denies it. Jorge won't. He knows he's deserves it.
Everyone can tell they're in a relationship with you. Why? Because they always keep showing off their lover, aka you.(sanford and deimos were unamused).
For church, his nicknames for you are mostly pip squeak or mouse, sometimes shortie. Meanwhile, for jorge, it's similar but may call you by your nickname that your parents or family member came up( sorry if your nickname is to embarrassing for you).
Despite being stubborn, they would sometimes listen to you, but the moment your not around, CHAOS!! which is why everyone in the MERC always call you. Your basically like an owner.
Forgot to mention that they get jealous, especially if you happen to know sanford or deimos.
You have to reassure them that you love them and no one else. Why? Because Church and Jorge may or may not try to kill that poor grunt.
The dates are mostly the cafeteria, them taking you to fast food places, even if alotvfucked up shit is going on and most importantly playfights, don't worry they go easy on you and maybe bully you a little.
Oh boy, if a random idiot hurts you, they better start running and trying to hide because good lord, they don't let shit slide. I kid you not, if they can track sanford and deimos. They can find that poor fool instant.
Now jorge and church have the same love language. For both physical touch, both would love to feel your arms trying to wrap around them, they find it funny and they like to have you close to them, it makes them feel better than your safe with them.
If they had a second love language, I think it would be quality time, I can imagine them trying to get your attention while you watch to listen to them either rant or show off, maybe even playfights.
Despite being rude and cocky, they both love you even if you are small or big. They love you... plus, they give a shirt that says, "Size matters." :D
I hope you like this one, I might do bandits or fanatics, but I have other requests to finish, so I hope you have a good day and night
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 1 year
Jumping up n down. No srsly. Kazuichi x Ryouta gives me the "Couples with creative minds yet one of them did not almost eat 3 meals a day and 2 of them don't have sleep"
I'd imagine they're interaction goes
Kaz: Ryouta! You need to eat food, you need energy! You also need slee-
Kaz: Wh- babe please you look like you're about to break plEASE- (says the guy who had been working ALL night to make shit)
(I'm so giddy rn heheheheh)
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Fuyu speaking only facts lol
My first thought when you said they’d both refuse the bed was that these two dumb butts would resolve the issue by both sleeping on the floor like:
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But I love your idea of Kaz waking up (probs to pee) and then seeing Ryouta on the floor and putting him on the bed instead (then going back to the floor lol). They’re adorable your honor.
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good-beanswrites · 8 months
hii!! can we get some platonic fuuta amane interactions please? thabks !!!
Ahh yes, thank you so much for the request! I love them so much ;--; They've been making my brain go brrrr lately with T3 possibilities, though I decided to stay away from the drama for now. Here something sweet after T1 verdicts but before the attacks -- they're just hanging out :3
Yuno smiled down at Amane, finding her hunched over a table of craft supplies with Fuuta. The guilty verdict had hit them hard, so it was good to see them in better spirits. She tried to peer over her shoulder to see what they were working on. “Aw, what are you two up to?”
Amane returned her smile. “Fuuta is teaching me to misbehave.”
His face twitched in horror. “Oi, you can’t just go around saying that!” He looked frantically at Yuno. “We’re just folding paper planes.”
Amane lifted her chin. “You said in middle school, you made them to throw in class.”
“I said my friends made them to throw in class. And it’s not like I’m telling you to throw them. I was just making them because there’s nothing better to do in this damned place. You were the one that said it looked fun and sat down to annoy me!”
Fuuta huffed at the accusation as Yuno walked away, laughing. He returned to the design he was folding. He hadn’t been giving an explicit step-by-step for each, but Amane was keeping up just fine. They each had a small pile of various plane designs they were adding to. 
Running a finger along a new crease, he gave Amane a sideways look. “Though, you could stand to misbehave a little bit.”
“I did.” She reached forward to mimic the fold on her own plane. “That is why I’m here.”
“Eh? I don’t mean you should commit crimes!” He scowled. “I’m talking about normal kid stuff, nothing against the law. Like staying out too late, driving your teacher crazy, funny vandalism–”
“--Vandalism is against the law.”
“Oh come on, it’s harmless! Don’t even try to argue that a little graffiti is comparable to what got you here.” He rolled his eyes. “So? What about that other stuff?”
She shook her head. With neither disappointment nor pride, she said, “I never left my home at night. And my teachers were far too strict.” 
“Aw, it’s the strict ones that are the most fun to prank!” He pointed to Amane, adopting the most persuasive voice he could manage. “You gotta do some of these things, or you’ll turn out with a stick up your ass. Like Kotoko, or Mikoto. Or a weirdo like Kazui and Mahiru. Shidou’s more or less normal, and he’s the type of guy to break some rules now and then.”
“And you?” She raised her eyebrows at him, feigning innocence. “I take it you turned out perfectly because you misbehaved as a child?”
“Hey, I never said I was a shining role model or anything. But I mean it. If you stay like this, you’ll grow up to be a boring loser, another cog in the wheel.”
“It is an honor to be a part of something bigger than yourself, to find belonging, and purpose.”
“Tch, don’t be such a pain!”
“I wasn’t.”
“You know that’s not what I was talking about!”
“What were you talking about, then?” She gave him the same expression as before, and wondered if could hide her genuine confusion. 
“Don’t play dumb. I know working in a group is a good thing, but you don’t want to kill yourself for leaders that don’t give a shit about you. That’s a major issue in this country, you know? In government, and corporations, and all that. That’s not belonging, that’s just exploitation.”
Amane stayed silent.
Oblivious to the emotions flashing across her lowered eyes, he nudged her in annoyance. “And the best way to break from that is to loosen up a bit. So have a little fun now and then, jeez!”
She picked her creation off the table. She turned it over in her hands. It had come out perfectly sharp and clean. “I’m having fun now.”
Fuuta, preparing to argue with whatever she said, blinked. “O-oh.” 
“At school, my favorite activities included choir practice and the arts. It has been difficult to sing here without accompaniment, so I am grateful to have the opportunity for crafts.” She looked at him earnestly. “Despite your past of disobedience,” she smirked, “I always enjoy your company.”
His expression twisted up, but he couldn’t hide the reddening of his ears. “What do I care if a brat like you likes my company?”
She smiled. “I’m not a brat. As established, I am very well-behaved.”
“That’s even worse!”
“Tell me about this plane, Fuuta.”
After sufficiently rolling his eyes and sighing, he agreed. He started explaining what made these planes different from the last: how they compared on speed, accuracy, and length of flight. It didn’t really matter if they were just going to toss them around here or the panopticon later, he thought it would be helpful to teach her anyway. Maybe if she ever was inclined, she’d remember which ones were best for pinpointing a teacher’s back, or a warden’s…
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multi-fandom-agereg · 26 days
thank you for 300+ followers! (Long post)
thank you for 300+ followers?? Holy crap that's a lot of people!
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(smiling friends oc: Noah he/it.) he can't spell. But he tried! 🖍️
Seriously though, thank you guys so much for the support on the blog. 300+ is insane and I never thought I'd get that far.
This blog is almost 2 years old, and I've been active on it for a year creating content for the agere community. In the beginning I didn't have a plan for what I wanted this blog to be. This blog was first created because when I first stumbled onto Tumblr, Tumblr made me create an account to view more content I wanted to see. I remember the first thing I've ever searched on here was Sally face agere content.
I left tumblr alone after this, but something told me to get back onto Tumblr and I did. And now I'm here. I do not really check my followers to see how long they've been following me, but to everyone who followed me from the very beginning, thank you.
Id also like to specially shout out to @dragon-queen21 , @xdeadxxeyes , @beaistiny and @red-panda-agere
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To Mayliz/dragon-queen21 : to the most amazing person I've ever met, thank you for sticking around for as long as you did. You've always engaged with my content and I can't think of a post you haven't liked. You like my posts all the time, and when I was at my lowest at times you were there to comfort me (even if I didn't know what to say, but i still read them) I'm happy we've met and became mutuals. To someone who shared interests with me at the time (one piece) to someone who I've came around to call a friend, thank you. I can't express it through actions, but I hope words mean something
To xdeadxxeyes: to my pretty cool mutual, thank you for sticking around as well. I don't exactly remember how we met, but I'm pretty sure we met around the time we were posting total drama island stuff. You are a pretty cool person and you're very nice to me and I'm so happy we've got the chance to meet. :] also another plus, we both like Jjk and resident evil 🙌 so that's awesome !! My DMS are always open if you'd like to ramble about those topics with me (also by that way I'm able to get to your requests faster) since i know you requested some stuff 🏌️
To Beatrix!: we met when we were both posting Scott Pilgrim content! We aren't mutuals but I adore your content and was honored when you requested me awhile back. You seem like a very sweet person and I'd like to thank you for requesting me a few times. Your blog is very comforting and I love looking through it sometimes. Your posts are always a delight to see when you post/reblog/etc:}
to Nebby: I'm not sure when we met exactly, but I do know that we both have an interest in Honkai star rail 🦸 you guys were just amazing to talk to. When we commissioned you guys , y'all were very patient with us. And honestly? We were grateful you were 🤍 your art is so yummy and your commissioned art piece for us is one of our favorite pieces we have. Your art that you made for us is in a personal folder of ours and we can't wait to commission you again in the future. (To everyone who reads this, please go show your support! Their art is so good and they're a delight to talk to imo)
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and most importantly, I'd like to thank the rest of my mutuals and my followers. Thank you for staying around to see all the dumb posts I post. I don't know how to thank you for all your constant support on this blog. This blog feels very personal to me, and I can't believe it's almost 2 years old now. Happy (early?) birthday to this blog) 🎉
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tippedarrows · 26 days
Oh, dunno if that's what people call a crack ship, but.. one dude is dead, other has like -20 popularity, so it makes sense why I've never seen this ship anywhere before.. I'm talking about Gabriel X Fred! Your honor, just look at them! Two "dad-friends", both have other chaotic freinds who almost destroyed the world, both are very caring and gentle and I'm pretty sure it'll be the most sweet relationship ever. Fred helping Gabriel during his "I lied about EnderDragon, I'm literally nothing now, I don't deserve any love yall give to me" and Fred then "No, you're still a good warrior, you help people, you're doing such a greate job, darling" while hugging him tightly. Or other way around when Fred worries that his "I know he can do better" led to Romeo almost destroing everything they ever created together, and Gabriel telling him it's not his fault and he shouldn't take resposibility for Romeo actoins. Can't stop thinking about all the times they'll help and take care of each other. I can speak about them all day, but I think you're already tired from reading it, srry! Just happy to tell someone about my lil ship<3
Wait... actually?
Wait wait hold on guys let them cook. You're telling me not only are they both cute, but they're also WHOLESOME????
Okay okay. I love hearing this so much please talk more!!! Omfg. Thinking about Gabriel and Fred travelling together or something and Gabriel keeps showing off and throwing himself in front of Fred to defend him and Fred stands there with his arms crossed like " does he have any idea I could level this town... but it's okay I'm a pacifist so I'll let him do it for me. " The Knight in shining dumbness, and his Admin boyfriend that is essentially the reason he's such a good warrior.
I'm sorry they're adorable.
Gabriel, over the top," You're not responsible for Romeo's actions, and you never were. It's called being a good friend, My Dear! Fear not, for each of your worries I'll pepper you in each of my divine kisses. "
Fred, smiling at Gabriel all soft with his eyebrows pinched together and sighing, " Oh, Gabe. Don't worry about yourself, either. I'm here if you need anything. "
Gabriel, who has never been the one to be GIVEN comfort, " Ha okay yyes. ges okayii loove yiew... ghhhg"
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bubblyqueer000 · 2 years
Nagito Komaeda NSFW Alphabet
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I've had this fic on the back burner for a long time. Here she is! Enjoy!!
Please support me on Ko-Fi! Link in pinned post
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A = Aftercare (How do they act after smexy time??? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
Makes sure that his hope is always comfortable and holds them close.  I mention this later (Oh no spoiwers D:) but when he's dom he's usually pretty rough with you, but when he's taking care of you afterward, he completely changes pace. He runs his fingers across your skin and apologizes for being so rough, which you guessed it! He uses this as an opportunity to bully himself. Sweet bb be nice to yourself >:C
B = Body Part (Their favorite part of you and themselves)
He loves every part of you but he loves your pretty face and your hands the most, although his favorite body part in some cases might be the one that allows you to best do your ultimate talent. 
C = Cum (Somethin to do with baby batter. Do they squirt or are they in the cream team??? hehehehehe gross)
His cum is clear and pretty thin. Nagito can cum a lot (You just have to make him ;D wink wonk) He loves when you cum on his face!! 
D = Dirty Secret (a dirty secret duh)
Steals things that you wouldn't miss and keeps them with him. What he does with the item depends on what it is. He steals a lot of panties and socks and when he does he usually uses them to jack off.
E = Experience (do they know what they're doing?)
I'd imagine that he's a virgin but he's lucky enough to know how to find everything and make you feel good.
F = Favorite Position (Bruh)
He loves when you ride him but only when he doesn't mind asking so not very often. Otherwise, he really likes doggy style.
G = Goofy (Are they serious during da wink wonk adult fun time?)
He doesn't exactly make jokes, just those dumb fucking comments that he makes all while there's a shit-eating grin on his face, and that doesn't even include how much he degrades himself like bruh stop you segsy!! Let us give you love!!!
H = Hair (are they well-groomed?? I'm not I'm musty as fuck)
He never really shaves unless it bothers you. His hair is white and thin though, it honestly would look so cute omfg I know that sounds weird but please he's precious.
I = Intimacy (Are they sweet and romance-y (ɔ˘ ³(ˆ‿ˆc))
He praises you a lot which you think would be nice but as I'm going to say over and over again, he loves to degrade himself and call himself trash. Still, he likes to cuddle with you and when he does, he always whispers sweet nothings into your ear about how perfect you are for him.
J = Jack Off (Do they massage their meat? Do they caress their coochie? I'm hilarious pls laugh)
Before he got with you he touched himself much more. He usually would when he thought about you, so when you and Nagito finally got together it was a dream come true. Due to you though, he often wouldn't need to jack off anymore. Now he only masturbates when you're not around or if you don't feel like having sex.
K = Kink (What are they into?)
Praise, degradation, and overstimulation. 
L = Location (Where do they wanna do it?)
Anywhere at any time. He loves the thrill of being in public. In dressing rooms at stores, in closets, anywhere is just fine
M = Motivation (What turns them on?)
Literally, anything you do!! Everything about you is sexy to him. He gets especially excited when you sit on his lap. 
N = NO (NUH NUH ICKY YUCKY NO THEY WON'T DO IT soz these are just getting annoying)
Into everything except for bodily functions, although that's just wishful thinking because if you're into it he'd probably be cool with that. No that doesn't mean I'll ever write anything like that don't ask lmao.
O = Oral (Do they like giving it or getting it? Also are they good at it?)
Feels bad making you suck him off so he probably prefers giving it. It's an honor for him either way though. When he's giving he teases a lot, but he loves having you cum on his tongue. When he's receiving he whimpers a lot. I would do anything to hear Nagito whimper ahhhhh
P = Pace (Are they fast or slow?)
Nagito's pace would change throughout the session. He would start off slow, probably to tease you, and then gradually pick up the pace as you both get closer.
Q = Quickie (Their thoughts on quickies and if they like them)
He loves them!! I mean he loves sex with you in general so quickies are nice when you don't have time for a regular session. 
R = Risk (Are they willing to experiment?)
Probably more willing to experiment than most other characters. He'd be up for almost anything no matter how dangerous. As long as it pleases you, he's happy.
S = Stamina (How long can they do it for? Can they do multiple rounds?)
At least five if necessary but he can probably go on for as long as you need. 
T = Toys (Do they like/have/use toys on you or themselves?)
He has a collection of toys that he uses on you and that he uses on himself. He's a freak ngl.
U = Unfair (Do they tease?)
HOMIE WILL TEASE YOU UNTIL YOU ARE SOBBING. He's such a tease and will not stop until you beg him to let you cum.
V = Volume (Are they loud or quiet?)
Quiet for the most part. He usually just grunts a lot through clenched teeth. He talks though, and when he does... HE NEVER SHUTS THE FUCK UP. He's either praising you, degrading himself or just doing his weird-ass anime dialogue like: "i'M nAgItO kOmAeDa AnD i'M fUcKiNg YoU iN tHe AsS *Disney channel music*" i fookin hate him 
W = Wild Card (Random nsfw head-canon)
He's a boobs man _('ཀ'」 ∠)_ gross let's cancel him mans got no taste
X = X-Ray (Big dick??? Big Tiddies??? I'm so sorry omfg)
Huge tits. TITTY TITTY BOING BOING. BOOBA LARGE. HUMONGOUS HONGALONGANO-NOLOGONGUS. Kidding. His dick is about 6.5 inches. It has an upward bend and he's uncircumcised. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He's always ready to please you when you want him to. He's happy and honored that someone like you would want to have sex with 'trash' like him. Like I said he's honored to do it with you but sometimes you have to wonder if he truly wants it or if he's just doing it to make you happy. 
Z = Zzzzz (How fast do they sleep after? I wish I was asleep rn (╥﹏╥))
If you read my Taka NSFW alphabet I said for this part that Taka doesn't sleep. Wait hold up I have the exact quote "Bruv doesn't sleep. I picture him just lying awake in bed every night mumbling math equations to himself. Nah kidding" But this time I'm not kidding. I for real think that Nagito would just stare at you sleeping admiring you. He'll just sleep later you're too pretty🙄🙄🙄
One Reblog = One minute of sleep for Nagito
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thegeminisage · 10 months
readers i am so thrilled to report that tng this evening absolutely ATE. i thought tng was bad but as it turns out tng is good sometimes??? we did "a matter of honor" and "the measure of a man" which are proof of fucking concept: tng CAN BE GOOD!!!
a matter of honor: this is the first time i've been really, really fond of riker. his go-with-the-flow attitude is fantastic. yeah i'll wear the slut costume on the woman planet. sure i'll eat these worms to please the klingons. absolutely i will fuck two of their women at once. good for him. i get it now. I GET IT NOW. he is not only down to fuck is is down to do any and everything. when it rome. so true, buddy. he would've eaten those worms in the conspiracy episode fr
i was just noting how pleased i was that wesley only basically had secondary lines this season ("aye sir" and the like) when they called him to the transport room, but luckily it was just to be racist to that one guy...like, it was stupid, but obviously they were just explaining why they were re-using the prosthetic which turned it around into being funny
picard turning his nose up at the klingon food. WHAT A LIMP NOODLE OF A MAN. IF RIKER CAN EAT IT YOU CAN EAT IT. kirk would've eaten it. don't worry i'm only ragging on picard for this episode he's gonna get his time
whatever worf and riker had going on in this episode was gay. ok gayboys!
riker on the klingon ship...chefs kiss...he was so good. effortlessly parrying the challenge to his authority. conniving to become captain. the word phrase "who's your daddy now" may have been uttered by one or both parties during these scenes, among incredulous laughter. i can't believe he had it in him.
oh and HOW can we forget the klingon women. i actually forgive them for not only the threesome joke but also the breastfeeding joke because they were: fucking hilarious, actually, and felt more like they were punching down at riker instead of women. also i now 100% believe he is prepared to fuck his way through any given spaceship at any time and GOOD for him.
the measure of a man: FINALLY SOME GOOD FUCKING FOOD
still flying high on the endorphins of riker doing All Of That we got to view the poker game, which is apparently the first of many. it was wonderful. i loved data's little visor
episode started to drag when picard's lawyer ex turned up (toscore) bc i dont (didnt?) care about him or his love life, but when maddox showed up i was on high fucking alert bc i knew the name but couldnt remember why
LISTENNN every time he called data an it i gasped. i did call him a bitch several times in a row sorry to catherine. i knew obviously that data was going to be fine but i went on this ENTIRE journey
where do i even start. data resigning rather than submitting to the procedure, his goodbye party, his goodbye to geordi specifically AND THEY SHOULD HAVE HUGGED, augh augh augh
i think it was dumb to make will be the prosecuter if he wasn't going to more actively convey his regret to the audience. all of his goodwill from the klingon ship episode was used up sooo quickly especially when he used data's off button. data doesn't like that!!!!!
i did LOVE however the conversation picard had with guinan...which is bonkers bc apparently it was a last minute addition. but her like oh yeah they're gonna make more datas. entire generations of disposable people and his lightbulb going on OH YOU MEAN SLAVERY and she's like no thats a little harsh and hes like ACTUALLY NO IT ISN'T. it was so good. for the first time tng excelled at something that tos doesn't - like it wasn't too on the nose or pointed the way grand speeches in tos were. it was JUST subtle enough and coming from a black woman who is on tng because of the black woman in tos legitimized it in a way that it couldn't have been as much if, say, picard had come to it on his own. david cage WISHES
PICARD'S EXAMINATION OF MADDOX AND SPEECH IN THE COURTROOM. DID YOU GUYS KNOW HE COULD ACT? hey. did anyone know patrick stewart can act??? he was so fucking pissed off this whole episode and it was kind of nice but like did you guys KNOW he could ACT. when he got in maddox's fucking face about it. GO the fuck OFF i have been waiting and WAITING for him to do this
i loved data's packing things coming back, esp his hologram of tasha yar...she literally took his virginity lol i miss you queen
"does data have a soul? i don't know. i don't know that i have" I LOVE WHEN STAR TREK IS ATHEIST
data forgiving maddox in a sense at the end and maddox switching to calling him he...EYE certainly don't forgive maddox but his shock was so good. realizing something you thought was an inanimate object was like, alive.
also i really like that he forgave riker...i was so relieved they had a scene at the end together and so moved that data could find compassion for him after everything he did that EYE forgave riker...data is genuinely the most loving soul wtf i'd fucking die for him. anyway that made me well up a little bit. what a great episode 10/10 this is gonna be my first "must see" i think
ok! next i do "the dauphin" on my own and then tomorrow we do "the contagion" together
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candyskiez · 8 months
Hello tell me about your OCs and how they work pretty please :)))))))
I'm taking this as an excuse to talk about my newest story because I can. This is very WIP. It will get more developed eventually.
This takes place in a universe with gods that are shit at their jobs.
The Gods took too many magical resources  from one of their planets to create new ones. They have some schemes and plans but in a lot of ways they're just spoiled brats who take too much and go “oh no, I'll just make a new one!” They're assholes. They take too much of…idk smth that stabilizes magic I'm working on it. 
1. Something bad is happening and has been for a long time now. People asked the gods for help. The gods promised them help in the form of a chosen one. So people waited, and ... The chosen one doesn't come. One lady gets sick and tired of it because everyone's fucking dying and noboies doing anything about it, so she decides FUCK this, I'm gonna fix it myself. I think she gets a group of people with her at some point but haven't decided. One of those people is her friend Lola.
2. The thing is this chosen one is a literal child. Like. A literal child. This child has been being yelled at to grow up faster so they can save the world for years now and no progress they make is enough, because they have to be as good as an adult but they *aren't an adult yet.* They're a kid. All this massive pressure on them is taking a severe toll on them. If they fail something, it's "they don't deserve this honor" "people are COUNTING on you" "this is what you give us? After years of nothing?" , and if they get it right, it's "Took you long enough!" "Where were you when we needed you?" Nevermind that they're a *child.* Their name is Laika.
3. I think there's. Idk some powerful magical or spiritual people in charge of preparing them for it, but they're not. Good at their job. Like they're excellent with their magic but none of them were prepared to help a child. Some of them fail Laika out of genuine mistakes and want to help but just...don't know how, others are unfairly bitter at this child who has powers they don't know how to control and is in an environment that's constantly triggering them to spiral.
4. The lady for a long time resented the chosen one and upon finding out Laika is a literal child flips her SHIT. I have no idea how it gets t this point but I do know there's a scene where she's talking to the gods in a fucking rage
Magic goes absolutely haywire and causes like plagues instead of healing magic, warps crops, spells going screwy. Etc. The gods want to focus on more profitable worlds so they focus on more interesting worlds. But Gods are fueled by belief, so they needed to keep the world from losing faith. They half ass making a chosen one and cut so many corners. Because of this they're just a lil kid. And also like. No experience. Some vague ideas but they're just some kid.
Lady named after an astronaut: Teacher, snarky but loving. Extremely loving. Saw so many kids screwed over by the system. Treated like dog shit by the parents and the system. Has this insatiable need to fix things. Became a teacher to fix things after learning how shitty Lola's childhood was but couldn't do shit. When the worlds going to hell she gets sick and tired of sitting on her ass and gets up to do something or at least figure it out.
Lola: Astronaut names best friend. Disabled somehow. Was treated like the dumb kid all her life. Either gets pity, condescension, “you can actually do it, you're just too lazy”, accused of stealing resources, or shit like that. Shes expected to be soft and gentle and kind all the time, but eventually gets fed up and drops the persona and just. Shatters. Shes pissed. She's been pissed her whole life. Her arcs gonna be about disabled anger.
Laika: Chosen one. They got issues.
The gods are a metaphor for capitalism. This is a story about the inherent trauma of living under capitalism. I will develop it more...eventually
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teaandinanity · 5 months
Fic recs! 14, 16, and/ or 20. :3
14. Recommend something hurt/comfort!
raised by winter winds by nyoomer is specifically coming to mind because I came out of it feeling very breakable. Shen Yuan is head disciple of Qing Jing in this, and - you know what I'm just gonna copy/paste my bookmark note:
Do you want to be completely verklempt over SY and SQQ having a bond that cannot survive or recover from LBH's existence on Qing Jing peak? Would you like to feel All The Feelings in rapid succession? Read this fic. So good. Everyone lives and it's still devastating.
16. Recommend a shipfic where the platonic relationships shine as much as the romantic one(s)!
Everything I read is shipfic p much oops. The first thing that came to mind was Lost and Found in Limitless Clarity by TGP because I ADORE the relationship between Shang Qinghua and Shen Qingqiu here, like. It's definitely platonic but it's made SO clear how much SQH loves his friend? And it's SO good. Fair warning though this is angsty as hell and SQQ is in a really bad place for most of it. Happy ending though!
20. Recommend a fic where the characterization is just so good, perfectly to your taste.
I mean, I feel like I am one of those picky bitches who will put something down immediately if it feels incorrect.
I think on this one I'm gonna go with Good Vibrations by Feynite which is not complete but does utterly DELIGHT me. I keep rereading it and cackling because everyone is dumb and bad at communicating in different ways and I love them all SO much. (Please note that this is a compliment; literally I mean 'they're so dumb (affectionate)' and in the case of our transmigrators especially it's very much in keeping with their canonical ability to roll 1s on perception.)
There's another one that came to mind but I'm having one of those days when I have a fic on the tip of my brain and can't seem to find it for love or money so I may come back and edit this to add it later but I do stand by all of these.
(Would also like to give Tarnished Gold honorable mention for these three also because like. There is so much ouch. The Little Palace Mistress winds up being a solid supporting character and her relationship with SY!Gongyi Xiao is EXCELLENT. The characterization is fantastic, which is especially impressive to me given we're not in SY's head and he still feels PERFECT.)
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derangedhyena-zoids · 1 month
Oh I definitely agree re: anime dumbing them down. I think the closest we got with how Backdraft truly operated was the episode where they stole Liger and had Bit do a death match in the fiery arena, but even that was toned down. I’d love to see the exploration of corruption betwixt ZBC and BD, and within BD itself!
I bet they keep those records closely guarded, too?
Agreed, yhea. The show made what nods it could to the appropriate level of severity. But people should be somewhere between concerned by and terrified of Backdraft. These are literally folks whose hobbies include trying to steal all of your shit while murdering you for entertainment. ffs. (which should honestly be kept in mind as I pull out all the tiny violins for the various characters and their problems. they are all some stripe of responsible for peoples' deaths and suffering and have decided that's acceptable.) I would hand-wring and be all "imagine raising a child in such an environment and how they'd turn out" but, well Backdraft actually has remarkably little patience for internal matters becoming corrupt. The org is massively profitable, and huge amounts of money changes hands constantly. It goes back to 'please see: people getting treated decently within the org' - not being put at a disadvantage to begin with, and being given some baseline level of trust reduces the impetus to steal. Honor among thieves and all that. This doesn't mean there's 0% internal corruption - just anyone engaged in such matters knows they'd DAMN well keep it hidden or they're dead. Because crossing the org is generally dealt with both quickly and lethally. a meandering aside: part of the problem BD has developed is like... an ouroboros syndrome. Yes BD deals with a variety of external forces, both ally and enemy, but their most profitable clientele by far are the insanely rich fucks who not only pay to see, but bet on 0999 battles, with carnage and casualty being heavily incentivized. but... y'see, most of those clientele are the descendants of the families who started Backdraft... and some of the old guard is quite aware of this and sees the creeping drain of wealth from older families who've lost touch with the past. So the main schism lies between those two groups. as for broader corruption... There are "some" high-ranking ZBC/ZBGF people in the Committee of Seven - and likewise some high-ranking Backdraft people on the ZB* governmental Council (which I don't actually have an interesting name for, I've always just called it 'the Council' in my head.) Only a handful of folks are aware of this: what they do is balance a perpetual game of cat&mouse to sustain a healthy level of perceived tension between BD and ZB*/law enforcement This isn't to say there aren't people genuinely against either side, on both sides - there are. they have no idea that a lot of what goes on is illusory. the majority of everything is run by a handful of people. What this fundamentally means: 1) The ZBGF/ZBC is corrupt at its highest levels and has been for a while. So is Backdraft. Part of the degradation of Backdraft into bloodsport mafia happened because a number of old-money families moved into these highest positions of power... and there doesn't need to be a resistance when they've already "won." But weakening Backdraft at all could put its consistent, obscene income at risk. Nobody wants to do that. (This is why Sara is in so much trouble with basically everyone. She became aware of this, declared it bullshit, and basically tried to buck off the ZBGF/ZBC for good... while setting the stage for 'improvements' of her own. She didn't succeed, but rocked the boat nuked the boat, and people are pissed.) 2) The above set of people absolutely do things like tighten rules in sanctioned battles.... to make them more boring so the unsanctioned battles become even more appealing. 3) Both sides actually have the equivalent of secret arms races and are actually trying to gain some kind of advantage over the other, while acting like they're sticking to their side of the "deal." And yes, they absolutely keep those records guarded. The problem is they've lost their shine over the time they've been kept and people have lost knowledge of what could be/is recorded there. Only history nerds - like Alteil - would bother looking into them
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