#pll predictions
thundergrace · 4 months
"That was unhinged! She's a nightmare"
Can't rock with you, Jen. That lady is absolutely right.
'I'm the reason Shawn gave you $2000...I need to pay it back to make this right'
Okay, better.
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phantomoftheorpheum · 3 months
PLL: OS (Summer School) Finale Predictions
*Spoilers for 2x01-2x07, the final 3 episodes trailer, AND SOME ONLINE BTS AND CONCEPT ART
Okay, I wanted to post my 2x08 predictions early enough in the week that I could hear your thoughts as well. So here they are-
I believe Bloody Rose is a team of minimum 3 people. My best guess is 1 mother who has lost a child (Mrs. Lansgberry, Mrs. Beasley, Dr. Sullivan), 1 film obsessed character (Wes, Christian, not actually dead Chip [though I have some reservations about that last one which I'll talk about in a minute]), 1 additional love interest (Jen, Johnny, Christian, etc.)
I've been saying most of the season that I think the BR team members may have different end goals. I believe someone is attempting to make a movie, but I also believe someone else (in this case, one of the mothers who has lost a child) fully believes their own lore and has a motivation related to their child. As for the love interests, depending on which one is on the team, I believe it would be for different reasons. If it's Christian, I think it's movie related. If it's Jen, I believe it's financially motivated. And if it's Johnny, then I think he must be related to or former friends with Chip (or possibly someone else, but Chip makes the most sense) because I don't believe we've been given any other possible motivation for him.
I think the "mother" of the BR team is attempting to resurrect her dead child. I have to shout out mr.-walkingrainbow for this one, I highly recommend going back and read this ask, because this has completely informed this part of my theory (I would tag you, but I'm about to talk about some concept art that was released in a minute, and since this is extra spoilery, I didn't want to spoil you if you don't want to know), which is based in the use of Christian imagery and the focus on resurrection. To me, this makes the most sense for it to be Mrs. Langsberry attempting to resurrect Chip, because of Tabby being the final, final girl. She has more connection to this storyline if it is Chip-centric. However, some of my lingering questions point more to Dr. Sullivan attempting to resurrect Sebastian.
I believe the BR team is setting up a fall guy for their plot. Or, more accurately, I believe whichever member of the team is making a movie is setting up a fall guy (they may intend for the other members of the team to die). At this point, it feels the most likely that if there is a fall guy, that person is Wes, but it could also be Christian or even Mrs. Beasley.
Characters most likely to die, even if they aren't villains, imo - Johnny, Greg, Shawn, and Henry. Johnny because of the shots from the trailer (though I think this is less likely since I believe an officially affiliated account posted this screen-cap, drawing attention to it, and that feels like a huge spoiler. This has me leaning towards "this is either an Imogen hallucination/nightmare, or he is wounded but not killed"). Greg because it feels like they could be setting him up to die for Faran (however, the fact that we know he's had scenes cut earlier in the season makes me feel less confident about this, since you would think if they were going to kill him off, they'd do their best to make us really care about that first), Shawn because at this point I find myself asking why they even bothered to bring him back for this season, and this could be used as a consequence for Noa's actions, particularly if Jen is a bad guy, and finally Henry because, again, why is he even here? He's had a fall from grace this season so I could see him being killed off to add to the finale body count.
Imogen will stab someone. This may happen in a nightmare or hallucination, or it may be real, but I think this is a "rule of threes" thing and she is stabbing someone in 2x08.
If a dead character is going to be revealed as alive, I think it will be Chip. I'm not convinced that we are getting a "surprise, they're alive!" reveal at all, but if there is one, it makes the most sense for this to be Chip, imo. Chip is connected to Tabby, who is the final, final girl. He is obsessed with horror movies. His mother is a member of the cult. He is the father (biologically only, it feels gross to call this man a father) of Imogen's baby. He died off screen. The actor was brought back for flashbacks and that nightmare scene with Wes, but despite 2x01 opening with all of Archie's kills, we still don't see Chip's death. And he had a great motivation to fake his death, as he was going to be forced to either stand trial or take a plea deal in his r*pe case, which the girls specifically mention not getting the closure of that in 2x01.
OKAY SERIOUSLY SOME SPOILERS FROM ONLINE, NOT THE SHOW OR THE TRAILER, PLEASE STOP READING IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE ANYTHING. ---- However, I think it's more likely Chip is the dead child whose mother is attempting to resurrect him. This feeling comes from some a combo of the concept art (which I think is real because it matches the BTS footage that has been released, though I don't know where the concept art was originally posted or by whom) of the season and the promotional poster. It's been pointed out to me that there appears to be some sort of body underneath the roses that Tabby is kneeling in front of in the promotional poster. In the concept art for 2x08 that is floating around, we see what is presumably Tabby's test location, which is the altar of Kelly's church. On one side, there is a body lying on a bed of roses. There's been some speculation that this is one of Rose's other victims, but... why only one? She's killed at least 4 people that we know of, so why place only one of these on the altar alongside the throne? (The only one I could make an argument for is Pastor Malachi, since he was the pastor of this church). The bed of roses feels like a veneration of this character, which I can't imagine BR doing with any of her victims. I believe this is a loved one, probably her child.
I believe the purpose of the online BR cult and "The Reckoning" is to create big finale action sequences for the film. If someone is making a real life horror movie, you can't exactly advertise that you're looking for extras.
Some Unresolved Stuff That Really Bothers Me
There are a few things that bother me with my own predictions, elements of the story that I don't have a strong explanation for, unless Dr. Sullivan turns out to be the "mother" in my theory. I do want to mention them here, in case any of you have any ideas.
Who/What does the snake in Imogen's poster represent? All of the posters have reflected quite literally the "tests" the girls are going through, except for the snake in Imogen's. The rest of her poster accurately represents her test, so why is there a snake? It seems that this would either be representative of "The Serpent" from the Garden of Eden, possibly whispering to/influencing Imogen. If so, the character that fits this the best would be Dr. Sullivan. Or possibly the snake represents temptation, which could be Johnny. I also noticed that Imogen wears a snake ring in the scene where she threatens to cut off Rebecca's fingers.
What is the connection to Rose Waters, Angela, and Archie? While Chip and his mother would have the most relevance to Tabby specifically, I struggle to see how any of this would connect to the Waters plot. It that seems out of the remaining characters, Dr. Sullivan in the mother with the most connection here.
Who pushed Dr. Sullivan down the stairs? Another unresolved Dr. Sullivan plot point. It feels weird that they've completely dropped this.
The Bloody Rose poster - In the concept art, we see a poster with Bloody Rose and a golden figure (a mother?) above her. I'm far too tired to try to understand what this is referencing.
So, that's it for now. I think I got most of my big predictions out of the way. As always, shoot me an ask if you have any thoughts/theories that you'd like to share!
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lvciddreamt · 4 months
“why didn’t you tell me you were getting the texts too?”
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sergeantpixie · 10 months
top 5 Grimm’s fairytales, top 5 mean girl characters <3
you really get me tbh <3
Grimm's Fairytales:
Little Red Cap
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The Robber Bridegroom
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The Juniper Tree
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The Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces
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Mean Girl Characters:
Alison DiLaurentis from Pretty Little Liars
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Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl
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Jennifer Check from Jennifer's Body
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Chanel Oberlin from Scream Queens
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Addy Hanlon & Beth Cassidy from Dare Me by Megan Abbott
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lonepantheress · 1 year
♡ txt binge-watching shows w/ their s/o
pairing: ot5!txt x reader
genre: LOL CRACK? fluff i guess
warnings: unserious-ness
a/n: my first try at headcanons......
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like Gossip Girl or PLL or something.
he seems like the kind of person to be really pissed at moments with shitty writing and you’d have to remind him that he eats it up every time.
omg, and he’d start arguments with you about hypotheticals HE MADE based on the show.
like, “y/n, what if me and you met again after 15 years and had kids but we were both single and eligible and hot. what would you do?” “yeonjun, i have no idea. it depends.” “oh, okay. you hate me then?”
he’d be so flip-floppy too. just agreeing with you to agree with you.
“omg.. she’s such a bitch. I hate her.” “I actually really like her character.” “no, yeah, me too. she’s so cool, i love her.”
then when you guys are having real-life drama, he’d get all frustrated about whatever's going on and be like, “this is just like when serena and blair had to fight with georgina.” and you’re like “yes, exactly!”
he’s sweet though, he’d side with whoever YOU’RE siding with just so you guys could have a bonding moment LOL. your faves are his faves (as far as you know..)
ok so it is established that he is a weeb
I feel like he would turn on those animes that are like 700 eps and mostly filler and be like, “this is one of my faves!”
and then you can’t complain because he just said it’s one of his faves…
he would try to meet in the middle though and find some that you might also be into
keyword: try
he’d pull out the most obscure show on the most sketchy website with the most incorrect subtitles and be like, “no, y/n, i swear it’s super good.”
and then you give it a chance, and you ask him to explain it.
and he explains it pretty well, but when you ask again he’s getting all emotional about SOMETHING that’s going on and you’re like “???? why…”
you guys will find your fave though and it’s so sweet bc it’s something you guys really look forward to.
you won’t look at spoilers or watch ahead or anything like that. HE TAKES IT LIKE SUPER SERIOUSLY.
and then you guys will get all emotion together and it’s super cute. 
RuPaul's Drag Race
or like Love Island or the Bachelor or something.
would get super invested in the drama and take sides and everything.
I feel like if you liked someone he didn’t, he would take it personally and be like “BUT WHY???”
he’d fancy himself a prediction god and try to make bets on who will win and who will end up with who.
his real talent is consistently being wrong.
like “WATCH - this time i’m right!”
and then they’re out by, like, the third episode.
or when someone has a really funny or flirty conversation, he’d point to the screen and be like, “Us,” “Omg, that’s so us…” “Why is this lowkey us?”
he’d be DEVASTATED when his faves do not succeed. 
it was clear they’d lose their challenge or whatever but he’s like “WTF????”
but would laugh in your FACE if your faves got eliminated
a show that really takes dedication to watch.
like Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead or Breaking Bad, or something
he would lowkey be pissed off if you watched an episode or two without him, or read spoilers online. 
but then he would accidentally spoil stuff for you and watch episodes without you so…
I could sort of see this going two different ways
he’s like super invested in it and is dead silent throughout the episode, barely looking away from the screen
or he’s watching and he’s like, “oh, she’s for sure gonna die.” and you’re like, “what? no!” and then she dies five mins later.
then he treats the end of the episode like a podcast and talks to you for like an hour about why the characters did what they did, and what you guys think is gonna happen next. 
kind of sweet cuz he would act uninterested at first and then become the most invested.
those cooking shows, but the ones where they’re really nice to each other.
like the Great British Baking Show, that show is so low pressure….
the contestants would be casually describing some incredibly complex dessert they’re making and he would go, “babe, we could definitely do that.”
no, you definitely could not!
you guys would confidently suck at making predictions, but you suck together! how cute!
“omg those are the cutest cakes ever! She has to come on top this episode!” “no, for sure. she’s been so consistently good!”
and then judging time comes and the cakes are bland, falling apart, undercooked, and burned at the same time. 
and you two are like, “oh…”
he would also suddenly turn into a baking expert, like when someone is doing their thing he would yell at the screen.
“oh my god. too much salt! NOOOO, TOO MUCH SALT!” and you need to tell him to calm tf down.
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lover-of-mine · 1 month
Hello, babes <3
#them: Ryan is leaving the show because he's filming a movie!
Me, who keeps up with actors who are in Big Hollywood Franchises™ and Big Streaming Shows™ who film a season for their show, two movies for their franchises, and like three other projects in a year: Yeah, that tracks. *nods vigorously*
Do they even know how the industry works?! 😫 Buy hey, maybe this is his chance to be in The Rookie, The Bear, or Abbott Elementary. I know he likes those shows. Hit him up, guys! We would really appreciate it. <3
Anyways, on a much brighter note, more funny/silly little things I have found in Ryan's filmography:
- What is it with him and LA? The majority of his projects are set in LA lol.
- There's almost always a 911 call involved in his projects. He predicted his future for real.
- He acted with both Derek Hale's lol
Sidenote: Can't believe he was never on Teen Wolf, TVD, SPN, the Arrowverse, etc. Like, hello. Those were the It shows of that time, everyone was on them. At least he was on PLL and Heroes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
🔎 Nancy Drew
Hi baby!
Honestly, they have no idea how the industry works, I just gave up on that one, there's no saving them with this lol
I never noticed the la thing, but you are right, that's funny, Eddie was just waiting for him for real lol
Honestly, considering everything I am surprised the only main teen drama he was in was pll, I feel like he should've ended up as a guest star in at least one cw show back in 2012.
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helleanorlance · 11 months
I finished my Criminal minds re-watch, so what should I have as my next background show?
Things to consider: I have tv on while I work because I can’t deal with silence so I’m looking for something I can sort of tune in and out of. It also helps if it’s got a lot of seasons so I don’t have to think of something else soon. And I tend towards procedurals bc they’ve got a predictable plotline, but it doesn’t need to be a procedural.
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cabeswaterdrowned · 7 months
Naming 3 fandoms and 3 numbers but feel free to pick and choose :)
1, 2 and 8 for btvs/ tvdu/ pll
Your favorite non canon ship?
Btvs — I’m predictable and it’s Fuffy with Coffy a close second. If I was answering with like, a rarepair though would go with Willow x Faith because it’s one I love a lot… 
TVDu — Hizzie and Bamon, I generally enjoy a lot of noncanon TVDu ships over the canon ones though. 
Pll - I ship a lot of noncanon femslash for Pll but Vandermarin is my favorite. Spemily is also like, probably my softest spot in terms of liar dynamics. 
Is there a ship you didn’t like at first but ultimately started shipping?
Btvs — hmmm. Idk I don’t really think so? I do think that when I first watched I would have said I disliked Buffy/Angel because of instalove, but nowadays my view on it is more while I gravitate towards other ships for both chars a lot more it’s an interesting good story that’s a big part of my favorite character’s journey even if it’s not the most to my taste as a romance. But nothing I fully 180ed on that’s coming to mind. 
TVDu — the opposite is more common w TVDu ships… when I was rewatching I was enjoying Stelena more than I remembered although my issues with it still stand, and I never disliked Forwood but they also got to my emotions a bit more on rewatch. But again no full 180s come to mind. 
Pll — I sort of ship all combinations of the core six women in Pll but would say Hanna/Alison and Hanna/Aria took the longest for me to warm too as concepts, Halison because of Alison’s treatment of Hanna’s eating disorder (although considering the state of what is canon in Pll I judge myself a little for being skeeved) although it is a fascinating dynamic that plays off some themes I really love… Haria not really for any big reason they were just the dynamic it took me longest to get interested in although I got there rewatching eps. I ship both now although I prefer a lot of other pll pairings still.
Also I did enjoy Spencer/Caleb more than I was expecting too based on what I knew of fan responses to it if that counts. 
Your oldest ship; the one you’ve had for the longest time?
Btvs — I think Buffy/Cordelia was the first thing I ever shipped in the show, since Out of Sight Out of Mind. 
TVDu — hmm this one is harder to pin down. I feel like when I first watched s1 Bonnie/Elena leapt out to me most at first and I do enjoy them but my feelings on the dynamic are complicated because of Bonnie’s treatment … I also remember being interested in late s1 Delena on first watch but losing that interest pretty quickly in s2 so. Let’s say Jeremy/Anna because I’ve always thought they were very cute and underrated. 
Pll — I’ll just say Emaya because I liked their scenes in the pilot. 
thank you for asking 💕
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nereidprinc3ss · 5 months
i have such a very unpopular opinion. but have you seen pretty little liars? if not, the show is about four girls who try to figure out the source of anonymous threats messages that attempts against their lives. it even has a criminal storyline going one. one of them, spencer hastings, SHE EVEN SHARES HIS NAME is the smartest one and has a similar storyline to reid. i even believe that her character was inspired by reid.
she dresses like this preppy academy girl, has high iq and she even struggles with her own addiction (sleeping pills) that leads her to having anxiety and other psychological things. she makes more sense than maeve trying to be spencer. if a crossover ever happened to exist in some random universe, i’m constantly asking myself how would spencer deal with someone like hastings, or even fall in love with them because it’s so easy and relatable.
reid was the first male character i could relate to because you know, male gaze. and men in comparison to women don’t face the same amount of pressure when it comes about intelligence quotient which is why i’m always seeking comfort in female characters. specially, smart ones because i feel the same. personally speaking, in dating, i also rely on smart men rather than ‘average’ men which is also what i seek when it comes about intimacy/sexual intimacy. for me it’s not about the looks anymore.
i first learned about hastings before reid and fell in love with her because i relate to her so much, for me it’s about our psychological struggles and our tendency to use our iq to hide our vulnerability which makes it so real because we are so fucked up that we will always choose to hide that side of us to normal people. sorry for my rambling, but i needed to get that out.
# i’m claiming this emoji. ❤️
i love rambling!!! thank you for sharing i have not seen pll but i will go on a related rant about iq and self worth and stuff
first of all this is exactly what my and my friend were talking about the other day but with the show suits!! the character mike ross also is a genius w and eidetic memory and a drug problem who goes to jail!! spencer reid truly is the blueprint i think but you can NEVER outdo the doer!!
as for the iq stuff you are so so right. for a long time i based my self worth on my iq and being “gifted” until i realized it was actually completely meaningless and other people thinking i was smart would do nothing for me in the end. but it was the only thing i had to feel good about myself bc i was NOT attractive in middle school/early high school and i was pretty socially awkward so i made myself feel better by thinking about how much smarter than everyone else i was all the time but as you can probably imagine that actually did NOTHING for me except make me feel further isolated and also rlly amped up my narcissistic defensive tendencies!! which was not good!!! (to clarify i am not a narcissist😭 but in my early teenage years i was definitely developing narcissistic QUALITIES)
and then i realized i was failing all my classes anyway and i couldn’t retain any information and i was a fast reader but had absolutely NO reading comprehension. like couldn’t remember the sentence i had LITERALLY just read. and then i got evaluated and diagnosed w adhd which like thank god for medication because im FINALLY capable of learning again but my point is that intelligence is sooo complex and abstract and essentially a empty signifier that means different things to different people. it’s a terrible thing to base your self worth on because it can fluctuate too, and also speaking directly about iq—there is a threshold with iq where if you get above a certain number of standard deviations of average you are actually predicted to be less successful than people with lower iq’s. iq is much less important than we think it is. it’s about what you DO with your potential, not the amount of sheer potential you have
i was actually thinking about that recently cause like?? spencer reid is obviously a rare case and exceptional in every measure BUT a big part of his genius is just his personality. like there are people with eidetic memories and staggeringly high iq’s who do absolutely nothing with their lives and work in offices or construction or something. and obviously he’s fictional but i think that aspect of his character is so interesting because it speaks so much to who he is a person like he never was inherently going to be so intelligent, he had a lot of potential, but it was more due to his desire to learn and his childhood and probably approval seeking but i digress
and also yeah me too babe i am ridiculously sapiosexual but i also have never been attracted to a man who isn’t pretty objectively physically attractive so i need a male model bf who is ALSO a genius and ALSO hilarious and not vain about his looks. like do you hear how ridiculous that is??? im a 7 on my most attractive day and i can’t do mental math like at all…….. so ig this man also must have low standards LOL
so there was my ramble😁 if you read the whole thing im so sorry
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mytvd · 8 months
can they fly?? is there any other way she could have been yanked vertically like that??
the zooming of the credits sent me
"i predicted obama" "can we still say 'tr*nny mess'?"
the crow on the street signs. watching. observing. the video mentioned that the crow and fog get dropped right away which is already making me so sad.
kai confuses me -- is he really making fun of jeremy for wearing nail polish?? "pete wentz (derogatory)"?? offended at the mention of carson daly?? he and jeremy look equally threatening, is kai supposed to be scarier??
the dramatic sunglasses removal made me wonder if vampires can accidentally compel people by making eye contact. or was it just to look cool
the "chill yourself" clip has been stuck in my mind since i first watched that video and seeing it in context was just ...!
why is bonnie so menacing in that shot????
i'm uneasy seeing pretty much all of these people inside a high school. i have consumed ridiculous amounts of high school media but this is really pushing it
"HAWT-E" lmao
i haven't looked into anything about the production at all but this looks like a really high-budget episode for the first season of any show, especially a teen paranormal romance
that crow noise as she enters the cemetery LMAOOOOO
literally lol'd at [i assume damon] standing by that statue. whoever came up with that shot really ate that day
does elena think "hitchcock" is the movie title
the crow sounds keep startling my cat
there's no way she wouldn't have felt that injury lol
is this the same background music from pll??
matt looks old enough to be kai's dad at this restaurant. no offense to this actor irl -- he just looks tired and his skin looks very dehydrated (vs kai's v moisturized face). why didn't they oil up this man and try another take
"when's the last time you had sex with a puppy?"
i thought it was gonna turn out that elena was lying to jenna, she is dressed for a much different occasion than her friends are
"her mom and dad died" i wonder how many more times this will get stated in this episode (edit: even more than i thought)
it looks like stefan is on a date with all three of them
i had to rewatch this scene because of the background kate bush. i didn't want it to be a cover but wow. the hits!!!
i stan this wardrobe full of diaries!!!
why is this teacher such an asshole
i don't think i ever learned about this kind of hyperlocal town history in school at any point (i also went to a small town southern public high school). i realize it's there for our benefit but lol it seems weird. what actual class is this where on day 2 of school they are learning this information??
mr. tanner quickly became even more of an asshole jfc
why is the closeup of stefan's nose pores comforting to me? (it's bc everyone is airbrushed now)
i love how supportive elena is of bonnie's psychic abilities
elena is v committed to cradling that empty solo cup
where is this?? i know they said "the falls" and i assumed this pavilion in the woods was maybe someone's private property but the bridge with the lights?? where are they lol
holy shit vicki
this is a much fancier woods party spot than the woods party spot i went to in high school. or the cow pasture spot. there are so many coolers, cans, bottles, etc, but no visible litter. wild
how is nobody calling 911 lol like why are all these kids just standing around staring as if nothing has happened?? they would be, at the very least, milling about
the zooms are non-stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have never seen so many zooms. slow zooms. fast zooms. credit zooms.
i know there are things like civil war flashbacks but i would love a 90s one of stefan in his "grunge look"
jenny called damon "an eyebrow heavy performance" and yeah
i can't believe jeremy is drinking a beer while there are cops in the frame???
i hope we find out more about the competition caroline believes she is in with elena
the fray. i'm time traveling
stefan wanted to "be someone new" so he returned to his small hometown, under his real name, to live in his family home??
i know that almost everyone in a movie/tv show playing a teen or young adult is older than their character but again this show is really pushing my suspension of disbelief re: damon making eye contact with caroline. in this shot just having him facing the camera instead of showing his profile and using less harsh lighting would have done wonders to not make me viscerally react to him flirting with a teenager.
elena in front of this giant un-curtained window in the dark on the cw is so pll
from the video i know the stefan is "seventeen" but i wonder if katherine was also seventeen?? or maybe katherine is older than the brothers, in apparrant age & actual age? i just had the thought, "if stefan is only here to check out elena, why couldn't he have waited until she graduated high school to meet her?" which made me think, "at what point in her physical development would it become clear that she is a doppleganger of katherine? like how young?" there is no enjoyment for me in trying to pick apart the age disparity ethics of vampire teens dating human teens so i am disregarding that for this entire show but the doppleganger thing is weird to me
just remembered from the vpd video that queen bianca lawson is on this show, just like she was on contemporary PLL and predecessor BTVS. the eternal teenager
i was committed to only watching one episode tonight but the next episode is called "the night of the comet." fuck
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phantomoftheorpheum · 4 months
The PLL writers are probably not thinking that hard about it, meanwhile I'm over here like-
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Johnny says exactly one fairly generic thing about his dad, and I'm it's got me spiraling into- could Jen and Johnny be twins??
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unwillingpuckbunny · 1 year
9 people you'd like to know better
tagged by: @zeegshughes thanks laney!
last song: save your tears - the weeknd ft. ariana grande
currently watching: the vampire diaries (i can't defend this one buttt idc it's atm it's kinda good i'm only on season 2 is it like pll where it gets worse as it goes on) and doctor who (currently on peter capaldi's doctor but david tennent's is my favourite)
currently reading: 2 books! the great godden by meg rosoff (5 stars would recommend this is my second time reading it and the cemetery boys by aiden thomas (another fantasy thing - what can i say i'm predictable)
current obsession: hockey (duh) and getting my pirouettes en pointe consistent (they're being a lil bitch atm)
tagging @luvhughes43 @dinonuggetsthings @dmercer91 @hvghes @jackhues @yuukiyu @rowdyhughesy @letsgetrowdy43 @ghostfacd
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mejomonster · 1 year
The Blossom Twins sounds like Powerpuff girls villains
If Archie fucks a teacher he IS the dead girl Laura palmer from Twin peaks
So Cheryl blossoms bro Jason maybe died.
"May Jason blossom burn in hell" lmao what did he do is he Jamie Lannister???
My immediate impression is like. If Pretty Little Liars is a murderer mystery for teen girls and lesbians (which in my experience it was, the way How to Get Away With Murder was for college kids adjacent grads and bisexuals), then Riverdale is a murder mystery for people who enjoyed Glee (hears shots in the distance)
I mean like. The "realistic" ish setting (a small town v a suburban high school), the way its turned up to 1000 in a way that sort of feels camp but camp is the wrong word (so far, maybe it'll change my mind happily?) And like it's gonna go some predictable places and some places no one's really expecting
(Oh also. So far it doesn't seem written much different than PLL or Teen Wolf... and I liked both but... you know what I mean... you know)
(Twin Peaks is, of course. A murder mystery for bisexuals and trans babes who love mind fuckery and lovely shots and are a little unhinged a la Laura or that agent Cooper guy or truly anyone in that town)
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antlerqueer · 2 years
I could talk Yellowjackets FOREVER (but if it's too much you can ask me to stop and I will) There are so many theories (like who is Pit Girl? What is the fate of Shauna's baby? What happened to Javi? Who is the Antler Queen? So many questions and theories) And yes I too suffered through PLL so I know your pain. Also I hope that it stays in the "human" world and it doesn't go "supernatural" (the seance scene for example the character is a schizophrenic or so I read and that could explain a lot)
We waited seven years for an absolute sham. Marlene King owes us dues.
Yellowjackets longposting under the cut!
cw for discussions of mental health re: Lottie, just the first paragraph
One thing I'll disagree on is Lottie, I think she's psychic or at least has some sort of premonition and that's been demonized by her father. In many cultures, there are people like her that aren't considered supernatural. I mentioned this in a server I'm in but it's really possible that Lottie's (white, rich) father simply wouldn't believe in anything he couldn't personally explain, where her mother was saying that Lottie could be having psychic visions. Obviously her father is rich and powerful so anything he wants she gets, which very well could include a high dosage anti-psychotic for a daughter who doesn't meet the criteria for schizophrenia. According to my (admittedly bare) research, most women are diagnosed as adults in their later twenties, cases are very rare for 12-18, and in general it's incredibly rare for kids under 12 to be diagnosed - and Lottie looked like 9 or 10 in the car scene imo.
I think, by now, I'm sold on Lottie being the antler queen, I don't think it'll be a rotating title like -A was.
I really fell for the Adam is Javi hints hook line and sinker. Once I read that the writers weren't sure if Adam was gonna be Javi I felt better about seeing it, but whew I was kinda like... WOW he's just some guy, isn't he? But I can't wait for his torso to be discovered and then confirmed to be Adam's torso because of the tattoo. That'll be fun, and I can see it happening specifically because Misty said the torso is not identifiable but he has a back tattoo.
As for Pit Girl, I truly don't have any solid theories! My only vague thought is it could be Mari, but honestly that's just because she's the only one we've seen with straight, dark hair that hasn't been confirmed alive. There are people who think it's Callie and it was a modern day hunt, which is wild to me just because like... c'mon Callie deserves life, or they think it's Shauna's baby grown up.
Speaking of Shauna's baby, she's going to have the baby, but... yeah. I don't know what's going to happen, but I do think the cult is gonna love that baby. The way I've described Lottie's power ascent was Laura Lee dying was the catalyst and Doomcoming was her coronation; her visions were confirmed before but not everyone knew about them (the red water, the sick deer, Laura Lee's death), but at Doomcoming she said "we will eat soon" and then the bear came the next morning, and someone even pointed that out. Van also said she's predicted multiple things at school, like prom queen. So then will the baby become a fixation as the rebirth of Jackie and Laura Lee? I don't know much about Jesus, tbh, but I know rebirth is a thing Christians talk about. The second-coming. Will the baby be considered the second-coming? Will Shauna only be protected because of her pregnancy, and will her giving birth put her in danger with the cult? I have more questions than answers, truly, because there are no hints (that I've uncovered!) about the baby's fate.
Unfortunately I think Javi dies. I think one of the reasons Travis was so anti-cult is because they want to eat Javi's corpse and he won't let them, maybe? Or maybe the cult hunts Javi and killing Travis completes their ritual! Most of my theories are basically out of thin air when it comes to Javi, but there is one thing I think I know for sure: if Javi were alive, he'd have been Adam. (I don't know that for sure.) His death, if it occurs this season, will definitely be a huge thing that divides Travis and Natalie further apart from the cult.
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rainrain-dontgoaway · 2 years
My two cents in 9-1-1 Lone Star 4x01
This is mainly about the secret.
although I wish it was a different secret, we can’t change it now, so we must process and move on. I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about how upset they were about the character assassination of Carlos having him marry Iris, but I think there is another way of looking at it.
Like Carlos explained, when he came out, he thought his parents didn’t approve, so he thought the best way to get his parents acceptance was to be that guy who marries his best friend, and lives the perfect life. Although Carlos isn’t in love with Iris, he did love her, and he tried to make his life work the way he knew how to keep his parents in it.
I’m not saying it was right, but technically they didn’t get married to commit insurance fraud. They were best friends.
Also correct me if I’m wrong, schizophrenia develops later in life, so maybe when they got married it wasn’t apparent, and when it devolved Carlos thought it was his job as her best friend to take care of her?
When she went missing I get the feeling they weren’t super close anymore, and maybe him being a bit distant was a way for him to protect himself? Carlos has a giant heart, maybe it was his coping mechanism.
He still should have told TK, but I think maybe people getting pissed at Carlos and jumping ship on this whole season need to take a few deep breathes and see where the rest of the season goes? We got clips of them planning the wedding, I don’t think the Iris plot is going to be spread out throughout the whole season.
But that’s just my thoughts.
Edit: cause I just remembered something. Did everyone just assume they were bringing back Iris for fun? Like, if I truly thought about it hard enough before this season aired, I could have predicted that Iris was going to be part of the secret. Maybe not full on marriage but nobody brings a character back from being a missing person to just have one dinner with Carlos and TK and than peace out again, right? Or am I the only one who thinks that?
Double edit: cause I can’t stop thinking, and people keep posting things that are annoying me. I can’t hate an entire season based on the first episode. I just can’t, and maybe that’s just because I know it’s a tv show and these characters are fiction so I’m not overly emotional about their storylines, but I also lived through PLL for 7 years so I am now immune to plot twists. I’m not going to make any insane predictions because who knows what is going to happen, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Iris is only in the first half of the season, and than again at the wedding. Feels like her presence is only going to be for a short while, and I’m okay with that.
Triple edit: cause I woke up still thinking about it. All the posts I keep seeing about how Iris is going to prolong signing the divorce papers because she wants to make sure TK is right for Carlos, are WILD. Carlos is finally in a relationship with a man who he LOVES. Entirely. He has everything he’s ever wanted. A real relationship with his parents without any boundaries. A career that he loves, and he’s good at. Good friends who he loves. And again, a man who he is so whole heartedly in love with, and happy with. You think Iris is going to stand in his way? All the information we got, we know they were best friends in the past. A true friend would never stand in Carlos’ way, and I don’t think Iris would do that to him.
Quadruple edit: cause I’m honestly a bit lost in thought on this secret. I’m kind of done thinking about him marrying a woman, and not telling TK. What I’m so stuck on is that Carlos came out to his parents, and than married his best friend, WHO IS A WOMAN. Did his parents truly not stop and think, ‘Carlos just opened up to us, and now he’s marrying this woman, maybe we should say something?’ Or maybe he got married and told them after, but I have a hard time imaging Andrea just being okay with her son getting married, to a woman, so young, and than never getting a divorce, WITHOUT talking to him about it. And I wonder how long they knew. That’s also tripping me up. That could also be why she’s so invested in his current wedding, but dang, if his parents knew he was marrying a woman, and they didn’t try to stop him, I don’t know what to do with that info.
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cntrpt · 2 years
I'm back with some really random questions for when you need a distraction (a distraction that isn't me blowing up your dms about rwby 😂)!
1. What planet in our solar system do you like best and why? (And yes, I consider Pluto a planet lol)
2. If you could teleport to any location in the world, where would you want to visit?
3. If you could have a fictional character come to life and be friends with them, who would you pick?
As always, no obligations to do these!
The distraction is very welcomed, thank you, you're saving me from insanity <3 even if I just spent an embarrassing amount of time that I shouldn't have had researching planets traits, but let's move on
Neptune, since exactly *checks time* 30 minutes before writing this. I looked especially into it and Uranus because at first impact I liked them the most, and they actually turned out being pretty similar! I'm not about to make an astronomy lecture because I could never, but some facts I found that impacted the choice are: the names of its satellites which are sea and mythology related, the fact that they predicted its position before knowing it was actually there (which is really cool if you ask me), that it has rings like Saturn, just less visible, and of course its colours>>>
Australia (not a specific reason, it just always inspired me. besides the giant spiders matter, that is) or somewhere where I could see Auroras
This one's tricky, because my favs are usually those I identify myself in, so not necessarily someone I would want to meet irl, but more like someone I aspire to be, don't know if that makes any sense😂 So, excluding them, some I would like to be friends with are probably Yelena, Weiss, John Murphy from the 100 and Hanna Marin from PLL. Which I'm noticing just now are all besties with my favs, I think I'm starting to see a pattern here too... this will require further inspection
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