drewvanackergermany · 6 years
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New photo of Drew✨• • @drewvanacker #spyintervention #drewvanacker #jasondilaurentis #LifeLike #pll #prettylittleliars #pllcast #pllarmy #pllboys #remidelatour #deviousmaids #deviousarmy #pllvideo #instagram #tommycampbell #trainingday #trainingday2017 #towerprep https://www.instagram.com/p/BvRD-YHAFNM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lwdb8e0q20xl
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teamendgame-blog · 5 years
A New Villain?
Happy Monday, fellow Perfectionists! 
So though I *try* and stay away from watching too many cast interviews (HOW MANY TIMES were we mislead by things the OG PLL cast said in interviews...), I caught some clips on Insta of the Perfectionists cast from the Freeform Summit. Did anyone else catch this?! 
The number one thing that has stuck with me is, funnily, the one thing I didn’t expect from this show.... A VILLAIN! The clips I watched showed each person’s answer to the question of what is your favorite episode in season 1 and each of them emphatically said the Finale and how amazing and surprising it is... And then, THEN... Janel said (I think it was Janel - either her or Sasha) said the Finale introduces us to a villain who is much worse than A...
GUYS I AM INTRIGUED! I honestly thought this show was going to be a classic murder mystery... I didn’t expect a super-villain but am SO. DAMN. EXCITED!! But now, of course, my brain is trying to figure out what this villain’s goal will be and what they are going to do that’s worse than A... 
What do you think, PLL Army? Any early predictions!? Is it going to be coincidence that Ali and Mona are wrapped up in another situation like this... or were they brought on board at BHU *because* of their past? Tell me all your thoughts! 
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ravingandranting · 2 years
Ya’ll only realizing now that Ezra and Aria’s relationship is a bit creepy…. Where were you all the whole series
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prettylittleliars · 7 years
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If looks could kill. 💋
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aliskahn · 7 years
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angiewanted · 4 years
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Happy Birthday Lucy! Hope you’re doing well. Have an Awesome Day! Wishing you all the Best and Much Success! Love You and God Bless! #PLLArmy 🙏🏽🥰❤️🌹🎂🎁🎉🍾🥂✝️ (at Meredith Manor Hiram Clarke Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBa-exahWcq/?igshid=yb1mn83tazos
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prttylicrs-blog · 7 years
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Alex & Spencer scene in 7x20
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plliars92 · 7 years
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• On the night of September 1, 2009 (night of Ali's ”death”), Melissa enters furiously in Alison's room and screams "Where is she?" But we have not found out who she was looking for, and she never revealed it. We see that scene in # 2x21.
• In # 3x04, Melissa reveals that MonA threatened her by telling her that if she didn’t go to masquerade ball to distract Jenna with some excuses, she would tell everyone that she pretend to be pregnant, so Melissa went to the masquerade ball under blackmail. When Melissa comes to the ball, however, she comes quietly and glances at Jenna, who looks at her. Jenna was pretending to be blind at that time, but Melissa glances at her.
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• In # 4x04, Melissa reveals to Spencer that she climbed to the Halloween train because Wilden threatened her, and she didn’t’ know that he wanted to hurt Spencer and Aria, and she did not agree. But, in # 4x01, Mona show up with a video of Wilden and Melissa on the train, and Wilden begs Melissa to let Aria go, as if Melissa was in charge that night.
• In # 4x01 we understand that Wilden killed Garrett as he was about to reveal to Spencer ALL of his corrupt actions. The Marion's murder to protect Charles, and the aggression against Ali to protect Charlotte, all under Jessica DiLaurentis’s money. Wilden says to Melissa "The plan has changed! Garrett is about to tell them everything! We can not let this happen!", This means that Melissa also knew ALL about Wilden, and the existence of Charles = Charlotte.
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• In # 3x16 we see a flashback of the night when Ali disappeared, and Melissa coming out of DiLaurentis home (while Ian, Garrett and Jenna were looking for NAT Club videos inside the house), and she told to the phone: "I have to call 911 To have your attention?" And the 911 was also the police, who was looking for Bethany and CHARLOTTE that night because they’re both escape from Radley.
• In # 3x19 we see a flashback of the night when Ali disappeared, and we see Jason saw Melissa and a blonde girl talking in DiLaurentis’s blackyard. Jason confuse the blonde for Ali, but when she look at him, we see Charlotte. From Charlotte's # 6x10 stories, we know that she did not meet Melissa that night, and no one knew she was in Rosewood. But, when Emily in # 3x20 tells her "Jason says she saw you in is blackyard that night." she does NOT mention Melissa, and despise this, Charlotte tells she met Melissa that night, but they talked about NAT Club movies.
• Charlotte in # 3x20 reveals that the photo of her, Wilden and Alison in Cape May was taking by Melissa Hastings. This means that Melissa and Charlotte knew each other (since Charlotte had already confirmed the meeting on September 1, 2009).
• In #3x23, Wren reveals that Cece was expelled from the university because of Alison’s lies, and decided to go find Mona at Radley for help her to recover from the bullying caused by Alison. It was all a lie. However, Wren reveals that was Melissa to tell Charlotte about Mona’s check in Radley.
• In # 3x24, Charlotte plans the meeting to the Lodge of Thornhill, to see if Ali could get out of, because she suspected that she was still alive. In # 4x04, Melissa too reveals that she had the suspect that Ali was stills alive, and sent Jenna and Shana to control the situation at Thornhill When Spencer asks Melissa "Why do you think Ali can be still alive?" Melissa doesn’t say a word. Also, Melissa tell to Jenna and Shana "Those bitches will be at the lodge at 9!". This means that Melissa knew Charlotte's plan, designed with Mona.
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• In # 4x01 we find that Jenna and Shana were both afraid of Melissa Hastings and because of that they decided to work for her. In # 4x09, Shana reveals that Jenna was also afraid of another person: Cece Drake.
• In # 4x24, Charlotte reveals to the police station to know who killed Bethany.Melissa however confessed that she had killed Bethany ONLY in # 5x11 when she decided to making a video confession for Spencer. Also, when Melissa buried Bethany alive, Charlotte had already been brought back to Radley by detective Wilden. Charlotte knew that Melissa had killed Bethany, probably because Melissa tell her all.
• In # 4x24, Melissa comes home, to the Hastings, saying she has just come back from London right in that moment and in the police station shew says that she’s back because Toby came to her door telling her that Spencer needed her family. In # 5x02, Toby reveals that he never found Melissa, but Wren, who revealed that Melissa had already been away for several days. Also she pretend to be back from London in # 4x24, and it was the night when Jessica DiLaurentis was killed.
• In # 5x01 we find that there was an army created to destroy Alison. We see Melissa Hastings at the meeting and seems to be in charge of this 'army' because she says: "We do not have much time."
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• In # 5x08, Spencer and Emily find the Melissa’s hat for riding horse in the same horse riding where Jessica brought Bethany Young in the past. At the end of the episode, we see Charlotte break into Spencer's room, and caresses Melissa's hat.
• In # 5x10, Spencer finds out that 'A', Charlotte, had stolen the recorder where Ali told the story of his fake  kidnapping in case the police asked questions. Spencer had hidden him in a safe place in his house, who did not want to reveal evewn to the liars. But Charlotte knew the hiding place. And at that time, Melissa lived at Hastings’s house. Also, in the same episode, Charlotte calls Spencer and takes her off to listen Ali's recording of the fake kidnapping to make it known that she has stolen the recording. It was Melissa to switch ON the phone at Spencer to answer.
• In # 5x10, Spencer and Aria discover in a Hastings’backyard a  security footage where Melissa meets a man VERY much a like to Cyrus Petrillo, the fake Ali kidnapping, and tells him, "Do it, trust me, do it!" All a few nights before the Mona’s fake murder. And on that occasion, Cyrus allied with the 'A' team to wrap Ali and take her out of town so she does not have an alibi for the moment when Mona would have been "killed." And we find this in # 5x20.
• In # 5x21, Spencer arrives in London as she  has a university interview, but does not find his sister in the house, but only her roommate who tells her that she and Wren were invited in the countryside, but Melissa did not warn Spencer. Then, Spencer finds Mona's blood in a test tube, in her bag, and the university interview is ruined, and after that, she gets a message from Charlotte: "Calm down, but beware of what you do. There's still so much blood. "... Charlotte was in Rosewood, so there was someone in London to chasing e spying on  Spencer.
• After Charlotte's capture in the next five years, we see A Melissa and Hanna's flashback in London, in #6x17, and Melissa reveals to Hanna that Charlotte will reveal to Wren that she killed Bethany Young. This confirms that Charlotte knew that thanks to Melissa because she already knew in # 4x24, Melissa recorded the confession in # 5x11, and that night Charlotte had already been brought back to Radley at the time of the fateful act.
• Melissa pretend to returns from London, in the episodes of 5 years later, TWO EPISODES AFTER Charlotte's death, precisely in # 6x13 to help her mother with Senate elections. But Melissa returned to Rosewood a few weeks BEFORE Charlotte's death, and remained in the shadows. Claeb find out that in #6x17. And don’t forget, in #7x01 , we find out that ALSO Mary Drake returned to Rosewood a few weeks BEFORE Charlotte's death, and she stills in the shadows too, like Melissa.
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• In # 6x13, Melissa breaks into the Hastings’burn and whe sees Caleb in there, she stops in a blink and says, "Oh, I forgot you were here" and she goes looking for clothes and exclaims: "I thought I had more clothes here. At the end of that episode, A.D. throw away the old black 'A'’s sweatshirts and search online "NEW UNIFORMS."
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uberwrenad · 7 years
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I had planned on uploading every single theory I’ve had over the past few years today, for the finale tonight because I had never had the guts to post on here until recently but my laptop has stopped working, so I can’t get to them.
Instead, I’ve decided to upload the notes from my phone. They’re not in any kind of order and there might be a lot of repetitiveness and contradictions or some that make no sense at all.
None of these are copied from other people, they are just random thoughts that I’ve had while out and about or written whilst watching. A lot of us have the same thoughts about certain things, so I wanted you to know they are my own original thoughts, so I don’t get told off.
Anyway, these are from over the past 18 months ish. I’m uploading the newist ones first. Hopefully they make some sort of sense. I’m looking forward to seeing how many of us got it right.
I can’t believe it’s going to be over soon. It’s been fun.
1 of 5.
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drewvanackergermany · 6 years
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New photo of Drew ✨ • @luxuryexperiencecollc :“ We loved having Pretty Little Liars Star Drew Van Acker enjoying all the gifts from our amazing brands at out Pre Oscars Gifting Lounge this weekend. #oscars #vip #luxuryexperienceco #redcarpet #award #celebrity #giftinglounge Photo Credit @alimirphoto “ • @drewvanacker #drewvanacker #jasondilaurentis #LoveThyKeepers #pll #prettylittleliars #pllcast #pllarmy #pllboys #remidelatour #deviousmaids #deviousarmy #pllvideo #instagram #tommycampbell #trainingday #trainingday2017 #towerprep https://www.instagram.com/p/BuUktInApN_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14hmd63cyzijx
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teamendgame-blog · 7 years
Did anyone find it interesting timing that..
...Paige found the info pamphlet and appointment slip for Ali's abortion, and then suddenly Ali gets clued in about the eggs being Emily's before she can go through with it? A lot of "Paige is involved" theories have been floating around, and I haven't been quite sure as to how much she might be, but I'm thinking it's possible that Paige at least "tipped off" someone on the Uber A team (not to mention Paige decides to stay local shortly after). I can't imagine why that scene would have even existed if not significant.
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ravingandranting · 7 years
They Broke Mona.... AGAIN
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prettylittleliars · 7 years
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Today, we're thankful for the #PLLSquad. ❤️ 
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orcuhid · 7 years
I think I feel every emotion known to man right now after that finale. I'm kind of dissapointed and mad about the way they went but I feel bad also bc this show has been my life and my all time favorite show, and I'm sad bc even though it hasn't been the best lately, it's over. It's really really over and I can't fathom not having this show in my life no matter how much I liked or didn't like the ending
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mrsmommy62113 · 7 years
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Has anyone tried to read this? My brain is turning into mush just trying to figure it out. I looked up a lot of cool hints and clues on reading and writing braille but some of the bumps make no sense to me. I got a few of them. Any input much needed.
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Marlene and her babies ❤ - {#ashleybenson #imarleneking #sleepinthegardn #shaymitchell #sashapieterse #lucyhale #prettylittleliars #pll #pllarmy #throwback #lovemybabies} https://www.instagram.com/p/BsmOegiBLxC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1usxq51zgzpua
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